The Victoria Flying Club ~ Aviation Excellence Since 1946


The Victoria Flying Club ~ Aviation Excellence Since 1946
The Victoria Flying Club ~ Aviation Excellence Since 1946
Merry Christmas
Strut Logo Photo Contest - Page 15
Cover Photo by Rob Shemilt
Monthly Newsletter of The Victoria Flying Club - Aviation Excellence Since 1946
In This Issue
“To promote flying and aviation in general, and to
teach and train persons in the art and science of
flying and navigating and operating all
manner of heavier-than-air aircraft.”
5Updates for VFC Members
CFI’s Corner
9Women in Aviation Opportunties
(Victoria Flying Club Incorporation Bylaws, 1946)
Board of Directors
President...................................Ramona Reynolds
Vice President....................................Firat Ataman
Secretary......................................Colin Williamson
Treasurer.............................................Rob Shemilt
Directors............................................. Steve Demy
Howard Peng
Vernon Fischer
Rolf Hopkinson
General Manager.................................Gerry Mants
Chief Flying Instructor....................Graham Palmer
1852 Canso Road
Sidney, BC V8L 5V5
BC Airport Challenge Updates
NEW! Photo Contest
COPA Quadrant
Phone: 250-656-2833
Fax: 250-655-0910
The Patrician accepts unsolicited submissions.
Editor: Christie Hall
Midnight Design & Communication
December 2014
This publication may be reproduced in whole or
in part, with prior permission of the publisher
or author.
The opinions expressed are strictly those of the
News from VFC
VFC News
Great news! Effective November 1, 2014, the time for the daily quiet hour pricing will be extended!
Quiet hour pricing used to end at 8:00 a.m. and that has now been extended to 9:30 a.m.
Monday to Friday
$10/hr rental discount
(or) 0.2 simulator time credit per hour of flight (approx value $20)
Saturday and Sunday
$15/hr rental discount
(or) 0.3 simulator time credit per hour of flight (approx value $30)
Make your next move!
Commercial Groundschool starting soon.
We’ll save you a seat!
Call 250-656-2833
Aviation Excellence Since 1946
December 2014
VFC News
Merry Christmas
from the Victoria Flying Club
As we reflect on the past year, and look forward to the year ahead, we
want to extend our thanks and appreciation to each of our members and
staff who have given so much to the Victoria Flying Club. We wish you
a holiday season filled with family and friends, peace and joy. And remember that every smile, every visit and every expression of thoughtfulness will make a difference to someone’s life. All of us here at the Club
wish you and your families a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy
New Year.
~ Gerry Mants -
Manager, Victoria Flying Club
Victoria Flying Club
December Office Hours
8:00am to 8:00pm
Festive Flight Following
Santa has embraced the internet and all
its social media outlets. You can send
your wish list to Santa on Facebook well
ahead of time to give the elves plenty of
notice. Then on Christmas Eve, check
the North Pole weather. If it’s especially
cold, be sure to have an extra hot beverage on hand for the jolly guy. You’ll know
exactly when to have it ready after checking the sleigh’s progress with Norad and
Google Earth. And while visions of Garmin 5000s dance through * No flight instruction available.
your head, you can tweet Please contact the office ahead
Santa a last minute reof time to arrange aircraft rental.
minder of how very, very
good you’ve been this
for the holidays
Dec 25/26
Jan 1
Happy Holidays!
December 2014
VFC News
This year give yourself or that special pilot in your life
the Christmas gift of all gifts. Discover the exhilaration
of flying a seaplane, and explore our local aquatic flying
environment with a Gift Certificate for an
Introductory Seaplane Flight for only $149.00
This flight is guaranteed to be one of the
best flights a pilot can have!
Offer valid December 1st – 31st, redeemable at any time.
* Only twenty flights available at this special rate - don’t miss out!
Aviation Excellence Since 1946
December 2014
VFC News
Important News for VFC Members
In light of recent security issues
experienced by a number of
well-known companies (Home
Depot, Staples, etc), alongside
recent changes to regulations
concerning credit card use, the
Victoria Flying Club is in a position where it has become necessary to change the way we
deal with payments and credit
card information. As of December 1 , we will no longer be able
to keep your credit card number
on file for payments concerning
flight training or aircraft rental.
We want to ensure the absolute
security of your personal information, and we also want to
maintain our operational efficiency by avoiding costly noncompliance fees attached to the
new regulations.
For regularly recurring payments on parking and membership fees we will, in the coming
weeks, have a secure system
set up to handle these types of
recurring charges. More information will be available soon.
For all other flight training and
rental charges, you have the opportunity to keep your account
up to date in a number of convenient and secure ways:
1. Stop by the customer service
desk after your flight to clear up
your bill, just as you would at a
restaurant or any other servicerelated industry.
2. Place a bulk amount on your
account ahead of time that can
be debited after each flight. All
you need to do is check-in to
ensure that your account contains enough funds to cover
your current flight and then top
up as needed.
3. Some of you use a parent’s
credit card to finance flight training. They will be able to call in
anytime during office hours to
make a secure payment over
the phone, with the only additional requirement being the
three digit number from the
back of the card.
4. Pre-pay for your flight or
lesson. If you are able to estimate how much aircraft and/or
instructor time you will require,
we will calculate your bill ahead
of time and you can pay before
you fly, allowing you to head out
immediately after your flight if
you are short on time. Any unused funds can be held on your
account until your next flight.
We are confident that these
changes will keep the Victoria
Flying Club operating efficiently,
and will augment our ability to
provide members with the best
possible service.
If you have any questions about
these changes, please contact
Gerry Mants, VFC General
Manager, at 250-656-2833.
Further Updates
On November 17th we made an
announcement that Victoria Flying Club will no longer be able
to store credit cards on file as
of December 1st. Thanks to all
of you who have already made
alternate arrangements for flight
training and aircraft rental payments. For membership and
parking payments that are made
December 2014
on a regular schedule, we now
have secure web processing
through our merchant provider
and will be able to process
these recurring transactions.
On January 1st it will be time
to renew your membership and
parking agreements with us. If
you prefer to pay your member5
ship via credit card and have
in the past had your credit card
on file, please give us a call to
update your information. Your
credit card number, expiry date
and billing address will be entered into our secure web processing site. We will then set
up a monthly recurring charge
for parking and yearly recurring
VFC News
charge for membership. You
can at any time, change or cancel
these recurring charges.
For members who prefer to pay by
cash, cheque, debit card or credit
card in person the procedure has
not changed.
The new parking rates for paved
parking will be $107.00 and grass
parking $88.00 plus taxes per
month. If you pay in advance
for the full year, the rates will be
$1155.60 for paved and $950.40
for grass plus taxes. To take advantage of this 10% discount on
your parking fees for 2015, please
drop by the club to renew your
contract and arrange payment
with our customer service staff
before January 1.
Looking for Parking?
If you’re interested in prime paved
parking spaces for your aircraft, we
want to hear from you!
Secure, pull-in/pull-out, easy access.
Please call Marcel at
VFC Alumni
711 A Broughton Street
(street level, by Victoria Public Library)
Victoria BC V8W 1E2
We are still looking for photos of our
successful (and good looking!) alumni
to share with prospective student pilots.
So don’t be shy! Take a smiley photo
of you living the dream, and email it to:
Aviation Excellence Since 1946
December 2014
Feature Article
By: Graham Palmer, CFI
As technology continues to
advance, aviation is never left
behind. Before the advent of
GPS, I remember the exhilaration pilots expressed when using
Area Navigation (RNAV) VOR/
DME, specifically with the Bendix King KNS-80 Integrated NAV
At the time RNAV VOR/DME
was one of the only methods of
point-to-point navigation along a
desired course within the service
area provided by a VOR/DME
or VORTAC Station. This technology gave GA pilots their first
true taste of navigating a course
predicated by waypoints. Today,
we give little thought to RNAV
VOR/DME due to the widespread proliferation of RNAV
An emerging technology that
has been creating a buzz in airport coffee shops, and occupying bandwidth in aviation blogs
and magazine articles is “ADSB” (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast). “ADSB-Out” is a system in which
equipped aircraft can broadcast
their GPS position, identification,
altitude, and projected path once
December 2014
per second to dedicated groundbased receivers. These receivers in turn decode and transmit
the information directly to ATC
in order to be displayed on the
surveillance monitoring screens
of air traffic controllers. “ADS-BOut” provides air traffic controllers with real-time position information which is more accurate
than the information provided by
current Secondary Surveillance
Radar Systems (SS-R). With
more accurate information, ATC
can more efficiently position and
separate aircraft with improved
precision and timing.
Additionally, “ADS-B-In” allows
the ground based transmitters
to uplink specific information
for the reception of “ADS-B-In”
equipped aircraft. Information,
such as FIS-B (Flight Information System - Broadcast), which
includes weather (METAR / TAF,
NEXRAD, FD’s) and airspace restrictions; as well as TIS-B (Traffic Information Service - Broadcast), real time traffic information
displayed on an Aircraft’s MFD
(Multi-Function Display). Effectively “ADS-B-In” allow pilots
to view information in a manner
similar to that of what an air traffic controller sees.
Within the U.S., the FAA has
mandated that aircraft operating in airspace that now requires a Mode C transponder be
equipped with “ADS-B-Out” by
January 1st, 2020; “ADS-B-In” is
not part of this mandate. As the
industry continues to transition
to ADS-B, MLAT (Multilateration)
otherwise known as Hyperbolic
Positioning, which in the past
has been proven with navigation systems such as Decca
and Loran-C, will be utilized by
Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) in areas currently
covered by SS-R. Co-located
with ADS-B ground receivers,
MLAT receivers will continue to
receive the signals of the Legacy
based SS-R Mode A and C Transponders. Utilizing the principal
of the Time Difference of Arrival
(TDOA), MLAT will be capable
as a precise positioning service
for Aircraft at a fraction of the
cost of SS-R.
So where am I going with all of
this you may ask, besides how
many aviation acronyms I could
have used in this article? Coincidentally our accomplished
Chief Engineer Gary Van Der
Leer, has recently completed
installing a Garmin 430 GPS
coupled to a KT-74 Mode-S
Transponder into C-GJZB, making this Victoria Flying Club’s
first “ADS-B-Out” enabled Aircraft. How do you use this you
may ask? Simply turn it on as
you would any Transponder, and
the magic takes place behind
the scenes.
VFC News
Christmas in the pilot shop!
If Santa’s looking for a little help
in the gift-giving department,
he need look no further than
the VFC Pilot Shop. We have
brought in a great selection of
special items just in time for
Christmas. So if you have pilots
on your list this year, or if you’re
a pilot looking to leave some
subtle hints, we’re here to help!
Available NOW in the VFC Pilot Shop!
Gel Ear Seals deluxe
Deluxe Cloth ear covers
Spot Gen 3
Icom Ic-A6
Hs1xla deluxe headset
Pilot licence holder
Ipad kneeboard 2
Ipad kneeboard mini
Ipad kneeboard portfolio
Black epaulet 3 bar Gold
Black epaulet 4 bar Gold
Black epaulet 3 bar Silver
Black epaulet 4 bar Silver
Holding Pattern Visualizer
David Clark headset bag
Garmin Aera 500 Touch Screen
Garmin D2 Pilot Watch
But if shopping isn’t your thing,
you can get a Victoria Flying Club gift certficate in any
amount. Gift certficates can be
used in the Pilot Shop, or put
on your account for future flight
training or aircraft rentals.
And for the soon to be pilot who
doesn’t know it yet, we have two
words for you. Discovery Flight.
If there was an “Easy” button,
this would be it!
Aviation Excellence Since 1946
David Clark H10-13.4 Stereo
December 2014
Women in Aviation
Service, Flight Information and Air Traffic Control
Services. In 2011 she was honoured with the
Surrey Business Woman of the year award and
is passionate about leadership and the development of others.
This past weekend we had a panel of pilots
from different areas of the industry who came to
speak with us with respect to career planning.
The panel included Major Jenn Weissenborn
from the Joint Rescue Co-Ordination Centre;
Adele Dobler who is a pilot with Helijet and
BC Air Ambulance; and Zoe Lambert a former
pilot with Ken Borek Air’s Antarctic team whose
career took her to both Arctic Regions. Aside
from the amazing networking opportunities, the
personal experiences of the women on the panel
were valuable examples of clear decision making and tenacity. The goal of this session was to
leave participants feeling proactive and empowered in choosing the direction of their careers;
and better able to making decisions with confidence to increase personal career satisfaction
regardless of their field of endeavour.
Updates From Women in Aviation
Thank you again to all who attended our two
awesome Leadership Series Sessions this past
month. On November 8, Heather Bell from the
Aviation Leadership Foundation spoke to us
about the Hallmarks of Leadership of the 21st
Century – mentorship and developing leadership
skills. Heather recently retired after 30 years
as the General Manager for NAV CANADA
responsible for the 500+ employees working at
22 units across British Columbia delivering Flight
December 2014
We are going to take a break over December
and will return in January with Session IV of
the series on Goal Setting and we’ll follow up in
February with a session on accountability. That
should be fun!
Women in Aviation
The Long Family Women in Aviation Bursary
The Long Family’s Women in Aviation Bursary is awarded annually to an individual who is undertaking her advanced pilot training at the Victoria Flying Club. The successful applicant will have
already obtained her Comercial Pilot Licence and will be initating plans to obtain her Multi-Engine
IFR Rating.
This Bursary consists of $1,500.00 offered by Stephen and Olga Long. It is designed to alleviate
some of the cost of dual instruction in the light twin aircraft at the Victoria Flying Club. In addition to the monetary award, the Bursary also includes approximately six (6) hours of flight time in
a glass cockpit Cessna 182 equipped with the most up-to-date technology available in a general
aviation aircraft. This aspect of the Bursary is intended to give the successful applicant hands-on
experience in a complex, GPS-equipped aircraft with an aim to putting the GPS-related questions
on the INRAT examination well within the experiential reach of the examinee.
To apply for The Long Family Women In Aviation Bursary the applicant will, in a handwritten letter,
introduce herself and explain why she has chosen the field of aviation as a career path, outline
her aspirations within the aviation industry, and describe how this bursary might contribute to fulfilling her aspirations.
Please include the name of a past or present VFC instructor as a reference.
No personal photo may be attached to the application.
The Long Family Women in Aviation Bursary is only valid within the Multi-Engine IFR training program offered at the Victoria Flying Club.
Deadline: Applications must be submitted to Ramona Reynolds, President of the Victoria Flying
Club on or before Noon, January 5, 2015.
The Long Family Women in Aviation Bursary will be awarded at the Wings Banquet in January 2015.
Aviation Excellence Since 1946
December 2014
Feature Article
BC CHALLENGE - The Final Month!
Club Aircraft
1 Bart-Jan C (31)
2 Morgan S (20)
3 Robin H (17)
4 Doug N (14)
5 Lynn F (13)
6 Walker R (13)
7 Brad T (12)
8 Keegan A (12)
9 Alethia F (11)
10 Jessica R (10)
11 Aaron N (9)
12 Andrew H (9)
13 Colin W (9)
14 Kyle H (9)
15 Silvia Z (9)
16 Adan T (8)
17 Andrew K (8)
18 Brett W (7)
19 Don D (7)
20 Joey M (6)
December 2014
21 Yaaseen M (6)
22 Schuyler C (5)
23 Bruce R (4)
24 Kevin S (4)
25 Matt M (4)
26 Morgan B (4)
27 Nathan G (4)
28 Ron J (4)
29 Crystal S (3)
30 Stephanie B (3)
31 Aaron C (2)
32 Ben H (2)
33 Bonnie T (2)
34 Courtlandt R (2)
35 David V (2)
36 Howard P (2)
37 Jessica J (2)
38 Lanaya D (2)
39 Ramona R (2)
40 Tim H (2)
41 Tom V (2)
Owner Aircraft
1 John L (70)
2 Norman Y (61)
3 Dave G (46)
4 Norm D (36)
5 Ken C (29)
6 Ken T (16)
7 Glenn L (15)
8 Firat A (4)
9 Jeremy P (3)
Just weeks left, but it’s not too
late to participate! Visit any of
the approved airports and report
to dispatch to be entered for
amazing monthly prizes!
You can find the updated map
and current standings at:
Feature Article
November Prizes:
December Prizes:
Kamloops Blazers winter wear donated by
Kamloops Airport Authority together with
a $25 Tim Horton’s Gift Card donated by
Danielle Topliss, Barrister and Solicitor
“Pleased” pendant made by Sweet Memories Art together with a $25 Gift Certificate
to Safra Day Spa donated by Sweet Memory Art
Flying the Frontiers Volume III - Aviation
Adventures Around the World - signed by
author Shirlee Smith Matheson
AdrenaLINE Zipline Adventure Tours - Two
gift certificates - each for an adult/youth
zipline tour (value $160) donated by AdrenaLINE Zipline Adventure Tours
This is the final month of VFC’s 2014 Airport Challenge! It’s not
too late to schedule some x-country flights, and log your destinations with dispatch to be entered to win. Let’s have a strong
finish this month! Happy Flying!
Aviation Excellence Since 1946
December 2014
First Solos
Photo Missing:
Michael De Santi
Congratulations Michael!
Andy Burchett
Instructor: Brady Tucker
Duncan Cochrane
Instructor: Iain Wallis
“Without disruption of air traffic, these fearless, forthright,
indomitable and courageous individuals did venture into the wild blue yonder
in flying machines. Furthermore, these skillful individuals did safely land said
flying machines at Victoria International Airport, incurring no significant
damage to self or machine, thus completing first solo flights.”
December 2014
Monday and Wednesday 1900-2200
Victoria Flying Club Classroom
01MeteorologySean T.
Sean T.
08MeteorologySean T.
Flight Operations
Flight Operations
Jan 05
ATC/Fly Out Bug
Jason G.
NOTE: No Groundschool December 17 to December 31
To register for Groundschool, or to purchase a
Groundschool Kit, please contact the Victoria Flying Club
at or 250-656-2833.
Pick up your smile card today at the VFC office, and 5% of your grocery purchase
will go towards creating scholarships and awards for VFC members. Thank-you
Thrifty Foods! To date, the Victoria Flying Club has received over $14,000 from
the Thrifty Foods Smile Card program. These funds have been appreciated by
all members of the club. Thank-you Thrifty Foods!
Aviation Excellence Since 1946
December 2014
Feature Article
Flying and photography go
hand in hand. Pilots and
their passengers are among
the fortunate few who get
to experience a unique and
amazing view of the world
at altitude. And we all like
nothing better than to share
those amazing photos!
The amazing aircraft maintenance crew at VFC have
done a wonderful job of
including identifying information on the struts of all
December 2014
our aircraft - the same struts
that feature in many photos
taken from inside a Cessna
172. So we want to be sure
to share those photos far
and wide!
If you have a strut photo
to share, please email it to and
we will include it in the Strut
Photo Contest on our Facebook page (
VictoriaFlyingClub). Prizes
will be awarded for the
photo with the most votes
by December 31.
To vote for your favourite
photo, visit our Facebook
page, and Like or Comment
on the most spectacular of
the bunch. And don’t forget
to share your photo with
your friends to help collect
votes! Happy Flying!
Feature Article
Email your strut logo photo to!
Aviation Excellence Since 1946
December 2014
COPA Quadrant
Submitted by: Eleanor Eastick
The November 4th meeting of
COPA once again saw a big
turnout at the Catalina. What
a great venue - lovely conference room, excellent food and
a sweeping view across CYYJ
from the north side!
The first order of business was
the election of the COPA Flight
6 Executive for 2014-2015:
Rob Shemilt – Captain
Allan Rempel – Co-Captain
Art Reitsma – Treasurer
Jonathan Wallace stepped
down as Captain after a dynamic and enthusiastic term in office
and my humble self relinquished
the purse strings as Treasurer
and purveyor of fifty-fifty tickets.
The new execs are dedicated
to keeping Flight 6 growing with
interesting new activities and
exciting guest speakers for the
coming year. Jonathan Wallace
rounded out his Captaincy leading a discussion on pilot medical
The speaker for December
2nd will be David Carlos from
(VAP) Victoria Aerial Photo and
Survey. He will give a presentation of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles) and their impact on
aviation. David is very involved
with the use of this technology
and he will share his knowledge
on the correct legal use of the
UAV from Transport Canada.
With this technology becoming
increasingly popular with hobby
flyers and professional users, it
is important to know about the
impact these are having on the
present and future of general
The December 2nd meeting will
be held, as usual at the Catalina
- come at 1800 for dinner, meeting starts at 1900. As always,
everyone is welcome. Contact for
more information.
2014 Flyout Schedule
Dec 20th - Abbotsford
A $20/hr rental discount on
VFC aircraft will remain in effect during these days, and a
new fuel discount (for owners)
is being implemented for any
VFC member participating in
these flyouts.
A big thank you from all of
us at VFC to the VFC and
COPA members who spend
considerable time organizing
COPA meetings and Fly-Out
Bug events. This is what
makes general aviation great.
Please know that your efforts
are appreciated!
Submission Request
Photos, stories, letters, adventures, articles, ads all accepted.
December 2014
VFC Achievments
New Members
Dave England
Jungyong Jung
Cameron Neal
Gavin Rose
Nick Ogilvie
Brendan James
PPL Written Exam
Kevin McManus
CPL Licence
Robin Huenicke
PPL Licence
Tyler Robinson
AME Licence
Daniel Turner
CPL Flight Test
Alethia Forsberg
Keegan Allen
First Solos
Michael De Santi
Duncan Cochrane
Andy Burchett
CPL Written Exam
Thomas Claes
Fly between Victoria and destinations on
Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland.
Charter an aircraft and take up to 3 people.
(restrictions apply)
For more information or to book a flight
Call: 1-250-474-0213
Aviation Excellence Since 1946
December 2014
VFC News
Take the first step at VFC!
Get started for under $100
Book your Discovery Flight now! 250-656-2833
December 2014