Table of Contents - Facet Jewelry Making
Table of Contents - Facet Jewelry Making
WELCOME! April 2016 • Issue 132 PROJECTS IN THIS ISSUE COVER STORY fabric 22 Beaded buttons by Lori Phillips burst 24Cosmic pendant by Hannah Rosner 42 Trail of roses bracelet by Julie Moore Tanksley path garden 34Checkered bracelet 38Springtime necklace by Cary Bruner by Julia Hecht of life 48 Seed earrings treasure 51Triangle bracelet by Svetlana Chernitsky by Marie New Vernal inspiration Find the bead strand! for your chance to in! FAST PEYO TE STITC H JEWELRY Spring has sprung and if this seasonal reawakening isn’t enough to get your creative Handcrafted juices flowing, I think we can help. Several projects in this issue of Bead&Button put gorgeou,s – and much less me in a vernal mindset, including Julia Hecht’s fresh and colorful kumihimo necklace time than you ’d guess! (p. 38), Julie Moore Tanksley and Stephanie Goff’s floral bracelets (p. 42 and 62, respectively), Sveltana Chernitsky’s “Seed of life earrings” (p. 48), and Fatima MensenPotter’s really fun beaded bead (p. 59), which we’ve noted — in the right colors — could be mistaken for a sparkly but diminutive Easter egg. And we have lots more in store for you as well, including a new column on gemstone beads, a quiz to help you pinpoint your jewelry style, several additional projects, and more! As always, I hope you’ll play along with our Find the Bead Strand challenge. Email me by May 9 with the page the strand is on (put “Find the bead strand” in the subject line). We’ll pick a winner the following week. Congratulations to Denise Johnson of Burbank, California, who won our December issue contest! Using an easy, multi-drop stitched jewelr technique and y in much you throug less time than cleverly designed patter h the techni ns, Josie Fabre que—step-b with the traditional diagrams, create approach. this book y-step. With In Fast Peyote s peyoteis for clear instruc beautiful , she walks peyote jewelr any beader— from tions and beginner y. to experienced easy-to-follow bead —who wants to make “Peyote stitch is so beau tiful and vers I kept thinki ng there had atile, but I am to be a bette impatient and r way, and easily distra found that cted. there was. Fast peyote!!!” Peyastote Stitc h Jewelry E AS Y-TOFO LL OW PATT ER NS 25 + OR IG IN AL PR OJ EC TS – Josie Inside you’l l find: • 25+ beautiful Bracelets, earrinprojects! gs, necklaces and more • Original patte rns PLUS easyto-follow word charts • Add edging, beaded toggl e clasps, and other special • Simplified touches designs mean fewer materials 67871 $21.99 ISBN 978-1- 62700- CAN $22.99 239-4 52199 78162 7 002 394 0 64465 17871 1 www.Jewelryan FABRE 9 dBeadingStore.c om BKS-67871 -CV1,4.ind Editor, Bead&Button d 1 Josie Fabre 9/23/15 12:59 PM Editor Julia Gerlach Senior Art Director Lisa A. Bergman Associate Editors Cassie Donlen, Connie Whittaker Contributing Editor Stacy Werkheiser Editorial Assistant Lora Groszkiewicz Graphic Designer Lisa M. Schroeder Photographer Bill Zuback Illustrator Kellie Jaeger Production Coordinator Jodi Jeranek Editorial Director Diane M. Bacha EDITORIAL Call (262) 796-8776 or write to: Editor, Bead&Button P.O. Box 1612 Waukesha, WI 53187-1612 59 CUSTOMER SALES & SERVICE Ring around the barrel (800) 533-6644 to subscribe Outside the U.S. and Canada: (813) 910-3616 by Fatima Mensen-Potter Customer Service: Digital: Back Issues: ADVERTISE (888) 558-1544 x 648 Corporate Advertising Director Ann E. Smith Advertising Sales Lori Schneider Ad Services Representatives Nanette Hackbarth, Melissa Valuch in of a spiral 62Flowers bloom bracelet 54Gem necklace donuts 65Doing pendant by Stephanie Goff by Marcia Balonis by Justyna Szlezak IN EVERY ISSUE yG uide to 2-H KALMBACH PUBLISHING CO. President Charles R. Croft Vice President, Editorial Kevin P. Keefe e ad s Senior V.P. Sales & Marketing Daniel R. Lance Vice President, Consumer Marketing Nicole McGuire Corporate Art Director Maureen M. Schimmel Art and Production Manager Mike Soliday Circulation Manager Kathy Steele 16 Your Work 46 Profile Artistic synergies: Writers who bead by Lori Ann White 70 Basics Single Copy Specialist Kim Redmond NEW COLUMN 28 Gemstone Savvy Stone beads 101 by Kia Resnik 82 Spotlight A Gallery apart: Juanita Finger & the Tokay Beaded Art Gallery Phone: (800) 558-1544, press 3 Outside the U.S. and Canada: (262) 796-8776 x 818 Fax: (262) 798-6592 Email: Website: Please include name, address, and phone number with any correspondence. b ole Jewelry trends and tips, books, shows, events, giveaways, and promotions from the world of beading H a n dy D an d 11 Bead Soup SELL BEAD&BUTTON magazine or products in your store SPECIAL FEATURE 18 What’s your style? by Margie Deeb Bead&Button (ISSN1072-4931, USPS 012-039) is published bimonthly by Kalmbach Publishing Co., 21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187-1612. Periodicals postage paid at Waukesha, Wisconsin, and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Bead&Button, P.O. Box 62320, Tampa, FL 33662-2320. Canada Publication Mail Agreement #40010760. ©2016, Kalmbach Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Title is registered as trademark. This publication may not be reproduced in part or in whole without written permission from the publisher. Please send editorial contributions to: Editor, Bead&Button, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187-1612. We cannot assume responsibility for manuscripts or materials submitted to us. Single copy $5.99 U.S. Subscription rates: 1 year (6 issues) $28.95, 2 years (12 issues) $55.95, 3 years (18 issues) $79.95. Canadian: 1 year $36.95, 2 years $71.95, 3 years $103.95. Canadian: Add $8.00 postage per year. Canadian price includes GST, payable in U.S. funds. International: Add $14.00 postage per year, payable in U.S. funds, drawn on a U.S. bank. This logo is for use on masthead only. Do not use less than 100% of full size. Printed in U.S.A. The designs in Bead&Button are for your personal enjoyment. The designs may not be taught or sold without permission.