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Crawford Educational Services Course Catalog Programs and Services A FULL SPECTRUM OF LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS Crawford Educational Services delivers self-paced and live educational environments through both traditional classroom and virtual educational platforms. Courses are designed exclusively for the insurance industry. Through the Knowledge Management Center (KMC On Demand®), curricula range from traditional CE certification courses to customized, client-driven content. KMC On Demand delivers top of the line educational resources that help drive success in the competitive industry of claims and risk management. • Client-driven curricula • Subject matter networks • On-demand, personalized learning for skill and competency gaps • Managed service for licensing compliance and CE certification • Downloadable checklists, forms and documents • Long-term competency strategies, including role-based certifications Table of Contents Page 1 Class Descriptions Standard Classroom & Virtual — Ongoing Page 2 Class Descriptions Standard Classroom & Virtual — As Needed Page 3 Online Classes Self-Paced Curriculum at a glance Page 4 Learning Tools & Customized Options Class Descriptions | Standard Classroom & Virtual* Crawford Educational Services offers a variety of industry-specific courses in both a traditional classroom setting and virtually through a computer or teleconference webcam. In both applications, live instruction facilitates a collaborative environment, synchronous instruction and instant feedback. Ongoing Courses Basic Casualty Class — 10-Day Virtual Class* This two-week class combines KMC courses and live, instructor-led webinars to provide entry level casualty adjusters with the knowledge and technical skills necessary to handle casualty claims while under supervision. Training areas include: Fair Claims Handling Practices; Adjuster Law, Auto Coverage; HO Liability Coverage; CGL; Business Auto Coverage; Subrogation and Field Investigation (including practical application exercising for investigation and negotiation training); and Investigation Training (involving practical application exercises, including auto, truck accidents, slip and fall and products). Basic Workers Compensation Class — 5-Day Virtual Class* This one-week class combines KMC courses and live, instructor-led webinars to provide entry level workers compensation adjusters with the knowledge and skills to handle workers compensation claims in an automated claims handling environment. This supervised course addresses: Fair Claims Handling Practices; Adjuster Law; Confirmation of Coverage and Client Instructions; Employment; Compensability; Workers Compensation Benefits; Medical Terminology; Evaluating Medical Reports; Reserving; Reporting; Subrogation; Fraud Awareness; Litigation Management; and Negotiating. Basic Property Loss Adjustment Class — 10-Day Virtual Class** This two-week class uses PTC 1 certification courses and live, instructor-led webinars to provide the knowledge and technical skills necessary to handle homeowners property claims while under supervision. Combining online pre-study with an instructor led, web-based class and a skill application lab, training is provided in the following content areas: evaluate; estimate and handle property losses; analyze and apply coverage; prepare estimates in the automated; and electronic environment. Advanced Estimating & Property Forum — 10 Days at Atlanta Support Center*** The first five days of this program involve Xactimate techniques for property losses. In this section, the adjuster will be completing multiple practical application exercises including: sketch with various types of damages; accurate measurements and dimensions; base service charges; minimum charges and lump sums; definition of unit cost; estimate documentation; proper application of overhead and profit; repair vs. replacement; matching and line of sight rule; roofing and accessories; palettes in sketch for floor coverings; and real-time training in Xact. Week two will challenge the adjuster to recognize and correct specific errors and properly handle losses in claims cases including: repair or replace; existing estimate much larger than the estimate in the file and how to proceed; coverage issues; Insurable interest (including condos); meeting specific client requirements; matching; estimate accuracy issues; subrogation; stock inventory; and tenant improvement and betterment. Intermediate Property Class — 10 Days at Atlanta Support Center This two-week class enables the graduate to handle commercial property losses by determining coverage and procedures under commercial line policies. Inland and Ocean Marine, Fidelity and Crime, Boiler and Machinery and Commercial Condominium policies are discussed. Students learn to handle stock inventory, small business interruption and mercantile business interruption losses as well as to properly apportion losses when more than one policy is involved. Recommended pre-requisite: Basic Property Class Advanced Property Class — 5 Days at Atlanta Support Center This one-week class provides experienced property adjusters with business income claims training. The course enables the graduate to handle Mercantile Business Interruption losses under various commercial line business income and extra expense forms. Recommended pre-requisite: Intermediate Property Class Care Management Services Class — 4-Day Virtual Class† This class combines KMC courses and live, instructor-led webinars to give medical case managers and care managers a process-based, service delivery learning experience. Topics include: Demographics; Financial Markets; Caregiver; Care Management Process; Care Management Assessment; and Calculating Cost Estimates. Supervisors and Branch Managers responsible for the delivery and supervision of these services are welcome to participate. Case Management Class — 3.5-Day Virtual Class† This class combines KMC courses and live, instructor-led webinars to provide entry level case managers with the knowledge and skills to manage workers compensation cases. Subjects addressed include: Workers Compensation; Roles and Relationships; Case Management Process; Interviewing Contacts; Evidence Based Medicine Guidelines; Documentation; Quality Indicators; Return to Work; Savings; and Outcomes. The Webinar sessions are 1/2 day in length. Page1 As-Needed Courses Disability and Leave Training Class — 8 Days at Sunrise, FL Office† This class provides the skills to handle the various types of disability cases as well as absence and leave management. You will learn to identify the characteristics of disability cases and to distinguish between the short- and long-term disability factors that impact eligibility for benefits. You will be able to apply the provisions of the employer’s benefit plan and consider available medical and vocational information in order to develop a realistic case management plan. Conducting an Office Ergonomic Evaluation Class — 1-Day Virtual Class† This class uses a live, instructor-led webinar to provide case managers with the knowledge and skills to conduct a thorough and complete office ergonomic evaluation. Subjects include: definition of ergonomics; physical, cognitive and organizational ergonomics; etiology of discomfort; and correct positioning of office equipment and furniture. Catastrophic Case Management — 1-Day Virtual Class† This class provides the experienced case manager with the knowledge and skills to deliver catastrophic case management services to severely injured workers. Subjects addressed: objectives of the referral; the CAT case manager’s role; initial and ongoing assessments; discharge planning; and rehab. Conducting a Job Analysis — 2-Hour Virtual Class† This class provides the experienced case manager or vocational consultant with the knowledge and skills to perform a job analysis. Subjects addressed: purpose of a job analysis; steps to conducting a job analysis; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and completing the job analysis worksheet and report. Introduction to Liability Insurance — 1-Day Virtual Class† This class provides the experienced case manager with the knowledge and skills to deliver liability case management services. Subjects addressed: introduction to liability insurance; difference between liability cases and WC cases; case review and completion; analyzing medical records; conducting research; using physician consultants; and report writing. Vocational Case Management — 4-Day Virtual Class† This class provides the experienced vocational consultant with the knowledge and skills to deliver vocational case management services. The focus of the class is to provide the vocational consultant with basic workers compensation skills to assist the injured worker in achieving a return to work that is consistent with maximum medical and vocational potential. Practical application exercises allow the student to apply knowledge in an experiential environment. Vocational Training for RNs — 1-Day Virtual Class† This class provides the experienced case manager with the knowledge and skill set to deliver basic vocational services such as developing a job description or completing a job analysis. Occasionally, geographic areas may not have a Vocational Case Manager available to conduct these vital functions. This class trains medical case managers how to complete job description and job analysis with the employer of injury to facilitate information needed by the treating provider to release the injured worker to return to the specific job with or without modifications. Developing Individualized Educational Plans — 2-Hour Virtual Class† This class provides the experienced care manager with the knowledge and skills to create an individualized educational plan when needed. Topics include: introduction to individualized educational planning; defining a “child with a disability” as defined by the Disabilities Education Act; listing and describing the required components of an individual education plan; and case studies. † Enrollments should be sent directly to Sili Raab sili_raab@us.crawco.com Class size limited to 6 participants. * Online pre-study course modules must be complete prior to attendance at class. ** Online automated Xactimate training must be completed prior to the start of the virtual classroom. Online pre-study course modules are vital to classroom comprehension and must be complete prior to class attendance. Trainees cannot start the virtual class unless pre-study is complete. New Trainees must take the Advanced Estimating & Property Forum following this Basic Property Class. *** There is a pre-study for this class. Xactimate systems training must be completed prior to attending this class. The class does NOT teach the system. Xactimate system training is available as a KMC course. Page2 Online Classes | Self-Paced Curriculum at a glance* Offering similar educational content found through live instruction, the online class environment differs in its flexibility and pace. Rather than weekly participation and deadlines, work is completed at your own pace, anytime during the course. The online self-paced environment provides the ability to choose a start date for the course and delivers the flexibility many working learners need when choosing a class schedule. Attention adjusters! Stay compliant with the latest course offerings to maintain state-specific license requirements. Auto Courses Property Policy Courses Auto Liability (12 modules) Auto Physical Damage (7 modules) Auto Subrogation (2 modules) Rental Reimbursement (3 modules) Earthquake (6 modules) Inland Marine (3 modules) Coverage & Liability in Cat Claims (1 module) Residential Property Policy (11 modules) Countertops Claims Basics (2 modules) Cabinet Claim Basics (3 modules) Handling Cyber Attack Claims (2 modules) Tree and Landscape Losses (2 modules) Residential & Commercial Low Slope Roofing Systems (3 modules) Residential Roof Systems & Repair - Composition Shingles (3 modules) Residential Roof Systems & Repair - Wood Roofs (3 modules) Casualty Courses Advanced General Casualty I (7 modules) Advanced General Casualty II (6 modules) Casualty Core Skills I (5 modules) Casualty Core Skills II (7 modules) Casualty Core Skills III (11 modules) Commercial General Liability (9 modules) Crime Insurance (3 modules) Personal Liability (6 modules) Ethics Insurance Ethics (3 modules) Ethics and Integrity (6 modules) Ethics in the Workplace (1 module) Soft Skills Negotiations (3 modules) Communicating with Customers on Their Terms (3 modules) Transportation Commercial Trucking (5 modules) Truck Accident Investigation for Non-Casualty Adjusters Fraud Courses Workers Compensation California Insurance Fraud Awareness (1 module) Insurance Fraud Awareness (1 module) Workers Compensation Core Skills I (8 modules) Workers Compensation Core Skills II (7 modules) Workers Compensation (Advanced) Core Skills III (5 modules) Workers Compensation (Advanced) Core Skills IV (5 modules) Tests, Injuries and Conditions (3 modules) Employees Injured Away from Employer Premises (1 module) More Courses Available! Custom courses for specialty services State-specific regulation education And much more! ALL COURSES PROVIDE CE CREDIT *Additional classes and more information on state-specific regulations are available at KMConDemand.com Page 3 Learning Tools & Customized Programs Crawford Educational Services offers cutting-edge software and technology designed exclusively for the insurance industry. KMC Online Learning Suite – provides CE credits via individual models that allow self-paced learning while offering: • • • • Online learning system Classroom and virtual course library Learning and development tools such as glossaries, podcasts and resource areas Records management More information available at KMCOnDemand.com Compliance Genie – Our CE tracking system includes a database that monitors state licensing requirements providing timely alerts as license expiration nears. CEs awarded outside of the KMC platform are tracked, enabling onestop maintenance for adjuster compliance. This self-managed resource eliminates the need to use your own company’s IT resources and offers: • • • • • Full integration into KMC Adjuster access to the best e-learning platform in the claims industry Views to see who is and isn’t in compliance Reports by user, state, office, region and company Online affidavit and proctor forms Virtual Labs – a self-paced, informal learning environment of games, video and trial and error interfaces. These interactive tools supplement structured training and engage the learner with dynamic images and responsive tools that further activate the learning experience. Customized Learning and Certification Programs – Driven by a dynamic process that evaluates the strengths and needs of your organization, we develop customized learning solutions for adjuster teams, risk and claims departments and organizations. By leveraging our hundreds of existing courses, programs, software and interactive learning platforms, we can customize programs and courses to meet specific organizational goals. Our learning and certification programs focus on a commitment to academic excellence, customized content and truly flexible formats to best fit within the context of your organization. Page4 BROADSPIRE® CONTRACTOR CONNECTION® E D U C AT I O N A L SERVICES GLOBAL TECHNICAL S E R V I C E S TM P R O P ERT Y & CA S UA LT Y CRAWFORD EDUCATIONAL SERVICES has provided employees, clients, and the broader insurance industry with training solutions for more than 60 years. It includes three unique service offerings: traditional and virtual classroom programs; KMC On Demand, a highly configurable knowledge management technology delivering customized learning programs, simulations and performance support tools; and continuing education/license compliance solutions. CRAWFORD EDUCATIONAL SERVICES sales@KMConDemand.com 404.300.1521 Crawford & Company World Headquarters 1001 Summit Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30319 800.241.2541 info@us.crawco.com www.crawfordandcompany.com RISK SCIENCES GROUP ® The Crawford SolutionTM The most comprehensive global solution for claims administration Powered by Crawford iQTM NYSE: CRD-A, CRD-B | Crawford & Company 1001 Summit Blvd | Atlanta GA 30319 | 800-241-2541 EDS-COURSECATALOG-1115 CRAWFORD,® the CRAWFORD Globe logo,® CRAWFORD & COMPANY,® THE CRAWFORD SOLUTION,TM THE CRAWFORD SOLUTION logo,TM BROADSPIRE,® the BROADSPIRE Globe logo,TM CONTRACTOR CONNECTION,® CRAWFORD CONTRACTOR CONNECTION,® CRAWFORD GLOBAL TECHNICAL SERVICES,® CRAWFORD GTS,® GLOBAL TECHNICAL SERVICES,TM GTS,TM the GTS CRAWFORD GLOBAL TECHNICAL SERVICES logo,® RISK SCIENCES GROUP® and RSG® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Crawford & Company or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Foreign trademark registrations may also protect these trademarks. The foregoing is a non-exhaustive list of Crawford’s trademarks and service marks.
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