Thirty - The Summit Country Day School


Thirty - The Summit Country Day School
2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5
A n n u a l
R e p o r t
Country Day School
Table of
report from the head of school
chairman’s report
thirty under thirty
class of 2005
mr. escudero: schilderink chair
dreambuilding – campaign for the summit
honor roll of donors
2004-2005 annual fund
summary of gifts
operating statement
the summit commmunity partnership
2004-2005 annual fund donors
Club Level Donors
Grandparent Donors
Corporations and Foundations
Designated Gifts
Gifts for Current Scholarships
Honor and Memorial Gifts
Alumni Scholarship Fund Donors
Alumni Donors by Class
Gifts in Kind
Edward C. Tyrrell Endowment Fund
Family Funds
Gifts to the Endowment
the heritage society
2004-2005 volunteer acknowledgements
Come for the Academics, Stay for the Community, Experience the Values
graduate to the world
From the
head of school
Joseph T. Devlin
The Summit has long enjoyed a reputation for producing high caliber
graduates who do well in the world. This year I had the good fortune to
meet a wide variety of them as I hosted receptions for alumni in eight
cities across the country.
The people I met remind me that leadership is not about climbing the
corporate ladder or closing the next deal, but living an authentic life,
following your principles and passions, and leaving the world better than
you found it.
On the pages that follow you will see a snapshot of some recent graduates
who remind us that The Summit mission extends far beyond our walls.
As we celebrate them, let me personally invite the alumni to stay actively
involved in the school.
77% of the class of 2005 received
college scholarships.
• One student received an award in
science and technology from MIT.
• 45 students in grades 2-4 were nationally
recognized for their achievements in math
and science.
We all know that The Summit faculty and staff work hard to make this a
nurturing, supportive environment. I want to make sure we deliver this
personal touch to our alumni too. Alumni should know us, as the school
evolves, and be able to identify individuals who are here for them on
campus. Jennifer McDaniel is our new alumni coordinator and she brings
a wealth of ideas and enthusiasm. We also invested in a new alumni
website, which provides the foundation for a virtual Summit community
worldwide. We hope alumni will sign up at,
and use it often to share ideas, talents and resources.
Upper School students traveled to
Nicaragua to build a playground for
handicapped children.
• Three graduates were recipients of
the St. Julie Billiart Award.
Varsity Baseball captured a
State Championship.
• Boys’ Varsity Lacrosse competed
at State level.
In closing, I would like to also acknowledge the many talented young
people at The Summit today and in the graduating class of 2005. The
box on the left highlights a few recent accomplishments in key areas of
our mission. Of course, I also want to join George Thurner in thanking
the many contributors and partners who continue to make The Summit
a world class institution.
Lower School students swept two levels
of The Art Criticism Open.
• One student’s work was on display in the
Cincinnati Art Museum.
A sixth grade student received the USA
Freedom Corps Award from President Bush.
• Two sophmores received National
Leadership Awards.
Joseph T. Devlin
Head of School
From the
chairman of the board of trustees
George E. Thurner SBS ’77
No one understands the magic of The Summit better than the many alumni,
parents, corporate partners and friends of the school who consistently provide
the energy and support the institution needs. Through their generosity and
vision we had a remarkable and transformative year.
In September we opened a magnificent new Lower School that is spacious,
safe and state-of-the-art in every way. Add to that a new athletic field with
24/7 all- weather turf, providing a superb playing surface for football, soccer,
lacrosse and field hockey. We had plenty of parking for the first time in a long
time and the Lower School children got a wonderful new playground this
spring. For those of us who have been part of The Summit for many years,
the campus renovations are nothing short of dreams come true.
Beyond the bricks and mortar, I am happy to report that enrollment grew 5%
last year and retention is at 95%, significantly higher than the national average
for independent schools. The incoming freshman class is the largest in the
school’s history and Montessori classes are virtually full.
Next year we will improve the campus even further. By the first home game in
October, Williams Field will have seats for 600 fans, locker rooms, restrooms,
press box and coach’s office. The dedication of the new athletic stadium will be
during Homecoming Weekend, October 21st at 2 pm. Shortly thereafter we
will open a brand new Thurner Field on the land in front of the building that
holds Kyte Theatre and the school gymnasium. Near and dear to my heart,
Thurner Field will provide a baseball diamond and playing surface for many
Summit sports. Sometime before Christmas break we will also complete the
new parking lot that will be located on Breen Street, encompassing the land on
the east side of Breen that was acquired by the school earlier this year.
All this is made possible through the generous support of the people listed in
the pages that follow. This year they contributed $593,363 in Annual Fund
gifts and helped us reach $17 million, which is 85% of our $20 million
Dreambuilding goal. It is my pleasure to honor them in our Annual Report,
along with our thirty Summit alumni.
George E. Thurner SBS ’77
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Engaged. Energetic. Committed.
These are among the defining characteristics of the thirty
Summit alumni profiled here.
“30 Under Thirty” is a look at young people from many backgrounds and professions.
From entrepreneurs to aviators, ministers and athletes to scientists, the list displays an
eclectic array of achievements that makes us proud.
In planning this story we didn’t set out to find people who were unusually involved in
service work outside of their chosen careers, believing that it was probably hard enough
just getting through medical school or law school, opening a new business or raising a
young family.
We started out by asking people connected with The Summit to recommend alumni
who were making a difference in a variety of fields. Then we asked the alumni candidates
to answer a few simple questions about what they do, how they got into it, and where
they see themselves going. We also wanted to know about their most profound life
experience so far and hear one piece of advice they learned along the way.
As we got back responses, the picture of community involvement simply popped off
the pages. Most everyone we heard from spent significant time in service to their
communities. Not only that, they told us over and over how much the service work added
to the quality of their lives. Many of the most profound experiences were grounded in
service to others.
In the profiles that follow, you’ll gain insight into how these impressive young people
are building lives filled with accomplishment and meaning.
Their energy and ideas will inspire you.
Chef David Falk 29
Chef/Owner of BOCA,
Associates Degree/Culinary
Institute of America
“I am kind of like a cocktail
that you might order at BOCA,
a mixture of ingredients that
hopefully makes the guest say
“wow!” I am one part Chef,
one part leader, one part
showman (the skills I learned
on stage at Summit), and a
big splash of passion.
It all began at age 15 as a
busser at El Coyote. My first
love wasn’t food, wasn’t restaurants, but hospitality and
entertaining at its purest form.
Everything else followed.
My inspiration is to take the
gifts God gave me and to use
them to the fullest, first by
changing the landscape of
dining in Cincinnati and
possibly beyond.
In business it’s all about BPA
(blowing people away). In life
it’s all about, “To whom much
is given, much is expected.”
Theresa Uckotter 22
Teacher, B.S. Xavier University
Theresa Uckotter has just begun her first
year of teaching. She got into teaching
because of the model set by her parents and
the other teachers at Summit. Currently, she
is also attending Xavier University to complete her Masters in Montessori Education.
“One of my favorite quotes that I try to live by
and would give as advice to other people was
said by Mother Teresa; ‘Do small things with
great love.’”
Margaret Uckotter Lebahn 23
Teacher, B.S. Ohio University.
Margaret Uckotter Lebahn, following the example
of her parents, is a history and psychology teacher at
Fairfax High School in Fairfax, Va. Teaching was an
obvious career choice for her. She loves history and truly
enjoys sharing her passion for it with her students.
Living in Northern Virginia is great too because of the
proximity to Washington, D.C. and all the historical
landmarks in the area. She loves it except for the traffic
and the price of housing.
“My advice comes in the form of a prayer by Thomas
Merton. It reminds me often to let the little things go
and let God take over. “My Lord God, I have no idea
where I am going. I cannot see the road ahead of me.”
How true! But I have to trust that He has a plan for
me and that He will take care of the rest.”
Karen Uckotter 19
Student, Working towards a degree
in Middle Childhood Education from
Xavier University
Karen Uckotter chose to pursue a career in
Middle Childhood Education because of the
wonderful experiences she had during those
years at Summit. She enjoys the children at
this age because they have an enthusiasm
for learning.
“I recently had a conversation with my
grandmother about her life as a young woman.
At one point during our talk, she turned to
me and said, “I don’t like to dwell too much
on the past because I like to think that our
best days are still ahead of us.”
Tracy Tyrone Moore II 20
Student, A.B. in Classics expected in 2006
A senior at Harvard College, Ty Moore believes the most important thing he does
is talk and listen to people, and serve as an informal mentor to them. Currently, the
two obligations he has for this year include serving as an advisor to about 30 freshmen,
and president of the Harvard Black Men’s Forum. In the past, he served as a student
recruiter for Harvard, participated in community service organizations, participated in
a number of shows, including the Indian Dance show entitled Ghungroo (He did the
high-energy Bhangra dance). He also performed research for a professor at the Harvard
Business School, and attended performances and activities of a multitude of different
cultural groups.
“I love having the ability to interact with people of multifarious backgrounds in social
and academic settings; participate in intellectual discussions with some of the best minds
of today; attend different performances; and not know what the day will hold for me.
I really do not know where I will go from here. I suppose I will continue being openminded and actively engage in self-reflection to determine the best course(s) of action
for me in the future.”
Whitney Botsford 23
Graduate Student George Mason University (Research
Assistant and Contractor); BA Rice University
A student in the PhD program in Industrial and
Organizational (I/O) Psychology at George Mason
University, Whitney Botsford is focusing on the development and application of scientific principles to the
workplace. In addition to coursework and research, she
works as a contractor for a small consulting group, Fors
Marsh Group, LLC in Arlington, Va. working for a
project that researches military recruiters’ quality of life.
“I started working in an IO Psychology Lab in undergraduate at Rice University. After two years, I decided that
was the career path for me. Research always sounds like
a solitary process, but really it involves working and
coordinating with multiple people and ideas. I enjoy the
group nature of my work and the real-world application.
It is very rewarding to see the work you do actually
implemented in a workplace.”
Teabra Dixon 28
Resident doctor in Chattanooga, Tn., BS Duke University
Teabra Dixon works at a hospital in Chattanooga, Tn., specializing
in Internal Medicine. She also assists in operating a clinic, where
she has her own patients to follow. Periodically, she has the
opportunity to travel to national medical conferences participating
in presentations of interesting patient cases. After completing these
initial three years of training, she hopes to pursue a fellowship in a
subspecialty of internal medicine.
“One of the most amazing patients whom I encountered was a lady
who was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. She had such an
amazing spirit and she was determined to make the most of her life.
Her family was very supportive. Although a potentially very grave
prognosis, I truly believe that she lived her last days to the fullest.”
Andee Carroll 22
Student, expected degree from Wittenburg
University in May 2006
Andee Carroll spent a year studying abroad in
Copenhagen, Denmark. She just returned in May.
Andee chose Denmark because she spent the first
two years of her life in Saudi Arabia and her parents
traveled all around the world with her. She then
bounced from Cincinnati to Brussels, then back
to Cincinnati.
Alicia Bond 26
J.D. Candidate;
BA Washington University
Alicia Bond has one year left of law
school, and upon graduating in May
2006, she plans to pursue a career in
government relations and international
law. Her interest in government relations
increased during the two years she took off between undergrad and
law school, when she worked as a writer and editor for Women’s
Policy, Inc. As an advisor to the women members of Congress, she
became increasingly aware of, and involved in, domestic and international policy issues. This summer, she worked for the United
Nations Secretariat in New York City. She met not only diplomats
from around the world, but also former President Bill Clinton and
the Secretary-General, Kofi Annan.
“In 2000, I spent a year abroad in Santiago, Chile. When I arrived,
I doubted I could survive so long away from the secure familiarity
of home. By the end of my year there, I met every challenge and
exceeded my own aspirations by exploring and adapting to the
Chilean way of life—the most valuable part of my stay. I became
fluent in Spanish, made friends with my Chilean classmates and
traveled throughout the country.”
Andee knew going into college that she would love
the opportunity to go back overseas. In 2004-2005
Andee visited, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands,
Russia, Italy, Norway, Ireland, France, Spain,
Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Great Britain
and Greece.
“One of the funniest stories was when we took this
small train all the way up the Swiss alps and we were
planning on taking a sledding trail all the way down.
We asked several people where to buy the sleds and they
all told us that you could rent them at the trail. We
got to the top of the mountain and realized that you
couldn’t get the sled up there and there was nothing
around for miles. So we spent the whole day trying to
slide down on our butts. It took us almost five hours
to get to the bottom!”
Lauren Brinkmeyer 26
Graduate Student University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and School of Public Health;
A.B. Princeton University
After spending three years consulting for Accenture in New York City in the wholesale electricity
market, Lauren Brinkmeyer is back in school with a passion for improving the healthcare system.
In April 2006 she will graduate with MBA and MHSA degrees.
“Being back at school has offered me many opportunities that I otherwise would have missed. I have been
able to direct a 200 person healthcare forum, direct a 150 person two-hour comedy and musical Follies
production, join the student government as its social committee chair, and be a co-captain of the women’s
ice hockey team. These leadership experiences have been extremely fulfilling personally and have taught
me real life skills that I can take to my future career in health care administration.
One of the best moments of my life has been on stage at this year’s UM Follies, which I directed. The
opening scene has the large red curtains rise behind me, and all I hear are 100+ cast members singing.”
Christopher Janneck 25
Research Assistant and Graduate Student, B.S. in
Computer Engineering, B.A. in Theatre, M.S. in
Computer Engineering, pursuing Ph.D. in Computer
Science, deacon (since early 2005)
For the last three years, Christopher Janneck has served as
a Teaching Assistant for a course in the Engineering program
at Lehigh. His current goal is to complete his Ph.D. and
become a teaching-oriented professor at the collegiate or
university level. At the end of this last semester, he was
offered a one-year grant under an NSF GK-12 program
called STEM (for Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics) that focuses on promoting these disciplines to
underprivileged and minority students. He will be working
at an inner-city public school in Allentown, PA helping to
develop a program on space exploration, robotics, and
simulation. He also has been doing research that may lead
to the creation of a tool that could be used to recognize
criminal patterns, detecting trends, and possibly even finding
connections between people, gangs, and other groups that
were previously unrecognized.
“I’ve had this bug to be a teacher for a while now (which
probably has something to do with good, strong models in my
youth). So, as any teacher will tell you, even though teaching
may not be the most financially profitable profession, there are
many aspects about it that you can’t put a price on. It’s stressful,
it’s time consuming, and many other jobs pay more for doing
less. But it’s a necessary profession in society, and especially needs
to be done well, and at the end of the day, it’s all worth it.”
Lindsay Botsford 24
Medical Student, Baylor College of Medicine;
BA Rice University
Currently in her third year of medical school
at Baylor College of Medicine, Lindsay
Botsford is a Delegate in the American Medical
Association House of Delegates. Her interests
lie in public health and health policy. While she
believes medicine is very rewarding in and of
itself, it focuses on the individual patient. By
working in public policy, she hopes to take part
in healing the larger health care system in the
United States.
“I think that being open to trying new things,
seeking out new experiences, and not being afraid
to do things you are passionate about by yourself
even when no one else is interested are key to
blazing your unique path in life.”
Jennifer Hackett 29
Postdoctoral Fellow, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and
Harvard Medical School; BA DePauw University and Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
Jennifer Hackett spends her days in a laboratory analyzing
30,000 human genes in the hopes of identifying which ones
can be targeted with drugs to treat a variety of diseases,
including cancer. Her spare time is spent working with at-risk
children, serving meals to the homeless and participating in
environmental cleanups.
“I am very proud to have volunteered a great deal of time last
year to John Kerry’s campaign. This was the first time I had
ever worked on a campaign. I was so impressed by the number
of average people, including high school students not even old
enough to vote, who gave up their weekends to go door-to-door,
believing that their small efforts could help make the world a
better place. I was able to attend the convention itself. The
campaign asked me back to help with the plans for election
night, and while I wish that the outcome had been much
different, I will never forget the experience.”
Patricia Feghali 23
Law Student at the University of Minnesota, Undergrad
from Columbia University
Patricia Feghali is currently a law student at the University
of Minnesota. She was an American Studies/Sociology
major, so she enjoys the parts of law school that talk about
policies. She believes that too much of what we do is
follow rules without ever evaluating why we have them.
Eventually, Patricia would like to be a practicing lawyer,
but would also like to be involved with her community
and with generally making the world a better place.
“Moving to New York City for college was an amazing
adventure. Going to Columbia opened up the city to me, and
that made me realize that the world is so much bigger than I
had thought before. There were so many things I could do,
and the possibilities were really endless. It also made me realize that there are all kinds of people out there, but also that
we’re all basically the same, that we’re all still people no matter how we look or speak or dress or where we come from. It
was very liberating.”
Kirstin Fullen Klein 28
Assistant Prosecutor, Hamilton County Prosecutor’s
Office, BA from College of the Holy Cross, Worcester,
Ma., J.D. from University of Cincinnati College of Law
After internships at Hill & Barlow in Boston, clerking
for Judge Susan Dlott of the U.S. District Court for
the Southern District of Ohio (Federal Court), the
Montgomery County Prosecutor’s Office (Dayton),
and the United States Attorney’s Office in Cincinnati,
Kirstin Fullen Klein decided that Prosecution was the
only direction for her. After passing the Ohio and
Illinois Bars, she decided to stay in Cincinnati and work
for Hamilton County. She has worked in the Child
Support Division and the Juvenile Division and she is
currently in Municipal.
“I wanted a job where I could be proud of what I do at the
end of the day. You cannot always make victims of crime
whole, but I can do my part to get them some justice and
get the ‘bad guys’ off the street.”
Andrew Lee Kiley 28
Senior Account Manager at Northlich in Cincinnati; BS Syracuse University’s
S.I. Newhouse School for Public Communications
All his life, Andrew Kiley has been interested in advertising. While most people change the channel or walk out of
the room during commercial breaks, he would pay attention to the latest ad campaigns to gauge which resonates the
most with him and the public at large. Currently he is a Senior Account Manager with Northlich, which specializes
in a wide breadth of integrated communications, including advertising, public relations, interactive, new product
marketing, and grass roots initiatives. He is most proud of his ongoing work on Ohio’s statewide tobacco countermarketing stand.
“My greatest adventure was giving my mom an all-expense-paid trip to Paris, France on Christmas day in 2002. Over the
years, my mother had told us that it’s her dream to make it to France, but given that she spent every minute of everyday for
the past 40 plus years raising 16 children, she figured she’d never make it. She even self-taught herself intermediate French,
studying French books whenever she had a free minute. My brother and I, also a past Summit student, saved our money over
a six-month period and surprised my mom on Christmas day with a ticket to Paris.”
Kiley was a victim of assault within the last year. He suffered brain trauma and experienced a long and
difficult recovery. He said:
“Believe it or not, it has turned out to be one of my most profound experiences, as I have greater respect for life and value
my time here on earth more now than ever before. I am much more grateful for the gift of life and, now more than ever,
I want to make a difference in others’ lives.”
Jim Price 28
Empower Media Marketing’s Director of Interactive
Marketing; BS Presbyterian College
As Empower Media Marketing’s Director of Interactive
Marketing, Jim Price ensures that on-line ad campaigns
are integrated into media plans for the company’s
advertising clients.
In 2001, Jim and several young professionals established
Cincinnat-Us ( Cincinnat-Us raises
money through events and membership dues, then invests
directly in activities that allow members to give back to a
cause they’re passionate about.
For the 14 months preceding the inauguration of
George W. Bush, Jim was national Co-Director of the
Maverick program in Washington, D.C., whose goal was to
raise money from 18 to 40 year-olds for the ‘04 reelection
campaign of President Bush. Over $11 million was raised,
far exceeding expectations.
“Live your life with integrity, generosity and a passion
for excellence.”
Jamal Shteiwi 23
Trader at Geneva Trading LLC Bachelor of Business
Administration Cum Laude, University of Kentucky
Alexis Palascak 27
Attorney at the United States Securities & Exchange
Commission, B.A. Washington University in St. Louis,
J.D. Villanova University School of Law, LL.M.
Georgetown University Law Center
Alexis Palascak is an attorney in the Office of
Compliance Inspections and Examinations at the U.S.
Securities & Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Her job is
to inspect and examine exchanges, broker dealers, and
investment companies to ensure they comply with the
federal securities laws and to keep the Commission
informed of industry trends and developments.
“I love my job because I protect investors. Because the
health of the financial world impacts all of us, I feel a
great responsibility to do my part to ensure it operates
efficiently and with integrity.”
Jamal Shteiwi is currently a trainee trader at an electronic
trading firm in Chicago. He will be trading oil futures contracts,
the e-Brent, on London’s International Petroleum Exchange.
He enjoys pretty much every aspect of trading, it is high-paced,
exciting, and he actually wants to go to work and trade
everyday. The aspect that he most enjoys about it is that
trading is as close as possible to playing a video game
for a career.
“My most profound life experience so far was being named a
division one All-American (in soccer) my senior year of college.
Obviously, the great adventure wasn’t in receiving the award;
it was in what was done day in and day out to get to that level.
Going from a red shirt freshman at Indiana University to an
All American, two time conference player of the year at The
University of Kentucky was quite an experience. It was the first
time in my life where I really applied myself and achieved my
maximum potential.”
Stephen Weyer 24
Director of Outreach Ministry, Church of St. Xavier
Mission in New York City; BA Emory University
His mission is to serve the poor. Stephen Weyer, oversees his parish’s outreach ministries to the poor of New
York. His church’s Welcome Table soup kitchen serves
over 700 meals every Sunday, the Men’s Shelter provides
a safe space for 15 men every night, the Food Pantry
offers 200 families a month non-perishable food items
and the list of other services provided to New York’s
poor continues at length.
“At Emory I took the time to study abroad. I did a
semester in the desert of Rajasthan, India, and I made
shorter trips to Northern Ireland and to the Andes
Mountains deep in Bolivia. These adventures opened my
eyes to the plight of the poor as well as the opportunities
for service in my own life. Certainly, without these trips I
would not have developed the courage to make some of
the choices I have made since.”
Molly Price 26
Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps attending Flight School in Pensacola, Fl.;
BS in Industrial Engineering Lehigh University (Bethlehem, Pa.)
Molly Price was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps on December 12, 2003
after spending approximately two years in the business world doing logistics work for UPS. She is currently
living in Pensacola, Fl., the home of Navy and Marine Corps Aviation training. After commissioning, Molly
spent six months in Quantico, Va. at “The Basic School,” where she was trained to be a Rifle Platoon
Commander and lead Marines in combat. Since last September, she has completed several aviation and survival
courses, as well as completed flight training in the T-34 turboprop fixed-wing aircraft. She is currently training
in the TH-57 learning to fly helicopters, working towards earning her “wings” and becoming a Marine Corps
helicopter pilot.
“I had always wanted to serve our country in some capacity and have always had the dream of flying. When I found
out that I could do both through the Marine Corps, I couldn’t hold back. I consider myself a very active person who
enjoys working with people. I thrive on physical challenges and leadership opportunities; joining the Marine Corps has
and will continue to give me these opportunities. My greatest adventure so far – flying of course! Initially it involved
mastering the landing pattern and approaches and “flying solo.” It then quickly evolved into trying to perfect loops
and rolls in the sky as well as flying formation only 10 feet away from another aircraft – definitely an adventure.”
Ward Stern 23
Program Aide at Perkins School for the Blind and Assistant
Director at Camp Holiday Trails; BA Boston University
Ward Stern is inspired by watching people with challenges in
their lives, master those challenges and become leaders. For a little
over a year, he worked at Perkins School for the Blind. Over the
summer he worked at Camp Holiday Trails in Charlottesville, Va.
as assistant director, responsible for assisting with counselor training
and program activities for 80 campers with special needs.
“When I dwell on my life the great adventures don’t seem to be skiing
off course in Utah or dating someone crazy, rather its the wonderful
variations and endangering disruptions within the routine I built for
myself. I have a good college friend who attended camp with me and
whom I visited in Spain when she studied abroad. For whatever reason I never met her family, didn’t have a clue where she came from.
A month ago instead of going to work, I took a personal day, hopped
on a train, and visited her hometown. I got to see her sea-side town,
meet the folks she came from, and trace my finger along her bookshelf,
wondering how old she was when she read Hemingway and if I
would know her then.”
Tim Welch 29
Pediatric Resident, St. Louis Children’s Hospital; BA Cornell University, MPH
Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and MD University
of Cincinnati
With a career goal of eradicating diseases that plague the developing world, Tim Welch,
is currently a pediatric resident physician at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Regardless
of his subspecialty, once he completes his studies, he intends to do some humanitarian
medical work.
“In between my sophomore and junior years of college I took time off to ski, climb, and teach
in the Western US with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS). It was a somewhat atypical trajectory for a premed student. The experience was intense beyond comparison;
and did more to develop my leadership, resourcefulness, and experiential learning style than
any classroom education I had ever had.”
Osagie Obasogie 27
Project Director on Race, Disability, & Eugenics –
Center for Genetics and Society; Aspiring Documentary
Filmmaker and Graduate Student; BA Yale, JD
Columbia Law School, MA University of California,
Berkeley, PhD Candidate University of California
Though involved in many projects, Osagie Obasogie
has one theme that permeates everything he does: racial
justice. Much of his work involves grappling with and
understanding how and why unjust outcomes continue
to befall racial minorities in a society that is so deeply
committed to fairness, meritocracy and an equal playing
field. He expects to receive his PhD from the University
of California, Berkeley in 2007. In the meantime he is
Project Director on Race, Disability, & Eugenics for the
Center for Genetics and Society. He also has a desire to
make documentary films.
“A friend of mine from college once told me: “Never get
involved in a rat race. Because in the end, even if you
win, you’re still a rat.” This has always resonated with me.
I’ve been blessed to have as many opportunities as I’ve
had, and it’s important to me to not simply use them for
my own private wealth-maximizing benefit, but to also
engage in work that is meaningful to the public.”
(Jack) John Kennedy Cummings III 23
Professional Soccer Player, Degree from the University
of South Carolina
Jack Cummings is a member of the Cincinnati Kings
soccer team. He trains weekday mornings and has
games on the weekends. He has played soccer since the
age of five and fell in love with it. He played for The
Summit, for the University of South Carolina and now
professionally. He hopes this will give him the opportunity to play in the MLS or overseas. Time will tell.
“Never give up on your dreams and if you’re not doing
something you love, it’s not worth doing it at all.”
Sarah Petrie 24
Associate Director, CitySquash, Inc. in New York; Degree from Brown University
Drawn to the start-up nature of the program, and how it combined both academics and athletics, Sarah Petrie recently
assisted in running an after-school enrichment program called CitySquash based at Fordham University in the Bronx.
The program provides young people from low-income families with a team environment to help them fulfill their academic,
athletic and personal potential. It combines academic tutoring, the sport of squash, travel and community service. She has
since moved on from CitySquash to go to law school. Sarah would like to practice public interest law, and continue in the
field of education, possibly in educational policy or leadership in a school.
“This past spring, three eighth grade CitySquashers, Tanesha Jackson, Jose Alvarez, and Edgardo Gonzalez,
were awarded scholarships to boarding schools — amounting to more than $375,000 in aid over four years.
I was with Tanesha when she found out she was accepted to the Hill School in Pottstown, Pa. Tanesha grew up near
161st Street and Yankee Stadium, one of the roughest neighborhoods in the Bronx. She and her twin brother Tyrell
are the youngest of six. I’d gone to Tanesha’s school to tell her the news.
She had just checked her application online. She ran up and hugged me, tears streaming down her face. I hugged
her back, and she said ‘I did it. I got out.’ We called her mother, a remarkable woman named Maria and Maria
kept saying ‘thank you, God.’ For Tanesha, I felt this wide possibility. My excitement nearly crackled. I saw the
change, the very singular difference, an organization, a community, a family could make. What was happening
had little to do with me or the particulars of my own life; it was about Tanesha and the trajectory of hers.”
Victoria (Tori) Beimesche 21
Currently a Firstie (senior) at the United States Coast Guard Academy,
BS Marine and Environmental Science
Tori Beimesche is currently attending the Coast Guard Academy. During the summer she
gets three weeks of leave to go home or do something fun. The rest of the summer is
spent either on a Coast Guard Cutter, USCGC Barque Eagle, or training the incoming
freshmen. So far, she’s traveled to Bermuda, Antigua, Puerto Rico, Midway, Japan,
Hawaii, and some other islands on her summer cruises. When she graduates, she will be
an Ensign in the Coast Guard and be stationed aboard a cutter or at an ashore unit.
Officers in the Coast Guard choose between the Operations side and the Engineering side.
She will be in Operations, and will learn about driving and safely navigating the ship.
“I became interested in the Academy because of its Marine and Environmental Science major,
but after going to visit and participating in a few programs held for high schoolers, I decided
that this was where I wanted to attend college. I really enjoy the summer experiences, and the
people at the Coast Guard Academy are wonderful. The friends I’ve made here will be my lifelong friends, and they make life at the Academy much easier. I also really love the missions of
the Coast Guard, and to have a job as an officer in the CG waiting for me after graduation is
another thing that keeps me motivated and happy.
I am not quite sure which path I will take initially after graduation (ship or ashore billet),
but I would love to head up to a Polar Icebreaker in Seattle or a Buoy Tender out of Alaska.
It is required that we stay in the Coast Guard for five years to pay back the government for
our education, and depending on the success of those five years, I may make it my career.”
Rae Kahle Buse 19
Personal Assistant pursuing a degree in film
production at New York University
Meagan Hawkins 23
Graduate Student in International Service at the University of
Roehampton in London, BA Auburn University
In the last 9 months, Meagan Hawkins has traveled to Africa
and South America to assess the needs of various humanitarian
agencies and help in the implementation of aid. Her interests in
humanitarian aid heightened last summer when she interned at
the United Nations. Meagan also spent three months in Tanzania
living in a rural village where she worked at an orphanage and
helped in the daily care of the children. After her trip to Africa she
went to Brazil where she worked at a community daycare and a
home for children and adults with HIV and AIDS.
She is currently working on her masters in International Service
at the University of Roehampton in London.
“What I enjoy most about this work is that each time I extend
myself to another community or child in need, I leave that experience
with more love in my heart then when I began and greater respect
for people who are able to overcome challenges in their life. By far
the most profound life experience, that was also an adventure was
living in a rural village in Tanzania. I fell in love with the children
at the orphanage. Holding them in my arms is a memory I will
always have with me. While living in the village I was also invited
into the homes of many people and told countless stories about love
and loss. In these interactions with the local people I was able to
experience the very core of humanity in Africa. I am forever blessed
to have had this experience.”
Rae Kahle Buse has two New York City
jobsites. The first is the Madison Avenue
jewelry company L’artigiano. They have
products made in Europe for companies
such as Bulgari and Verurda. The second is
a house off Park Avenue where she tutors a
young woman in Trigonometry and SAT
work and manages many of the household
affairs. Her responsibilities at these two jobsites are just a fraction of her activities, as she
is an undergraduate student at NYU, with
an interest in film production. Both being
an active part of the process of ‘constructing
reality,’ and playing a very large role is something she believes she can one day accomplish in film.
“It might seem that my work on Madison and
Park have no correlation. I see it otherwise.
I do not merely tutor her daughter and do
her scary paperwork. I keep her entire life
running smoothly. I’ve already had ample
experience fixing whatever problems come to
her mind from filing insurance claims to what
colors look best together to editing history
papers over the phone. I think these problemsolving techniques will help me effectively
control film production.”
29 30
Kathleen Hock 18
Freshman at Tulane University
Kathleen Hock just returned from doing
community service in Fiji. She enjoys it
because it is fun as well as rewarding, and
she always leaves feeling like she has truly
impacted their community.
“Life doesn’t give you second chances, so learn
who you are and go with it.”
class of 2005
The 78 young women and men of The Summit Country Day School
Class of 2005 celebrated their graduation on June 5.
Graduates and their guests participated in an afternoon mass and then
enjoyed an inspiring speech from Sister Rose Ann Fleming, Ph.D., J.D.,
M.B.A., Coordinator of Academic/Athletic Advising at Xavier University in
Cincinnati, where she is also a part-time faculty member in the Department
of Psychology.
Class valedictorian Stefan Kathman and salutatorian Andrew Reynolds
also spoke to the crowd of graduates, family and friends.
Following speeches by Stefan and Andrew, Joseph T. Devlin, Head of
School conferred awards upon the graduates, including the prestigious
Archbishop McNicholas and St. Julie Billiart awards.
Andrew Reynolds was the recipient of the 2005 McNicholas Award,
which is presented each year to The Summit’s most outstanding student
or students. Michael Dyer, Patrick Dyer and Hope Schmidt were the
recipients of the Billiart Award, which is presented to the senior or seniors
who best exemplify the qualities of St. Julie Billiart, founder of the Sisters
of Notre Dame De Namur.
Johnny Warrington ’05
The Summit community was deeply saddened by the death of Johnny Warrington ’05 on
May 24, 2005. We will all miss Johnny’s engaging smile, his playfulness, laughter, warmth
and kind-hearted nature that made him a good friend to all. In his memory, the class of
2005 has established the Johnny Warrington ’05 Memorial Scholarship Fund.
(left to right)
Front row: Catlin Myers, Katherine Dato,
Caroline Twombly, Jessica Long,
Katherine Schneider, Valerie Resnik;
Row 2: Gabrielle Thompson, Cristyn
Collier, Michaela Frisbie, Meghan Kane,
Lourdes Perrino, Jeannette Holm,
Caylen Hanover;
Row 3: Hope Schmidt, Lauren
Shumrick, Claire Sweeney, Lisa Mays,
Suzanne Steinert, Ericha Franke;
Row 4: Sarah Haas, Carrie Jantsch,
Hillary Tobler, Julia Imhoff, Amanda
Regensburger, Katharine Klosterman;
Row 5: India Chambers, Kimberly
Ericson, Erinn Mullee, Kathleen Hock,
Lana May Hicks, Jennifer Jack,
Mary Donnelly;
Row 6: Christopher Powers, Zachary
Wilson, R. Douglas Partin, James
Champlin, William Brooks, David
Robertson, Ryan Hach;
Row 7: Kevin Gabelman, Andrew
Reynolds, Michael Casey,
John Patrick Peterson, Max Crandall,
Parker Smith, Gordon Myers, Ryan
Maloney, Eric Stetzer, Brett Schnirring,
Robert Partin, Juston Hussong;
Row 8: Ryan Brennan, Andrew
Westendorf, Andrew Hudson, Ryan
Molitor, Stefan Kathman, Louis Terhar,
Evan Meyer, Andrew Donovan, Daniel
Reddy, Stephen Campbell, Michael
Kazior, Spencer VanDerzee, Christopher
Baker, Patrick Sebring;
Back row: Luke Albi, Benjamin Miller,
David Robert Waiss, Clayton Miller, Ryan
Dunphy, Niles Sneed, Chadwick Bailey,
Ben Brinker, John Seta, Michael Dyer,
Zach Herche, Michael Amann and
Patrick Dyer
Arizona State University
Harvard University
Princeton University
University of Colorado
Assumption College
Haverford College
Purdue University
University of Dayton
Boston College
Hiram College
Saint Edwards University
University of Kentucky
Boston University
Kettering University
Saint Louis University
University of Michigan
Clemson University
Lehigh University
Loyola University - Chicago
Savannah College
of Art & Design
University of Notre Dame
Colgate University
Miami University
Spring Hill College
University of Tennessee
Colorado College
New York University
Tulane University
University of Virginia
Denison University
Northeastern University
Vanderbilt University
DePaul University
Northern Kentucky University
United States
Military Academy
DePauw University
Ohio State University
Hanover College
Ohio University
College of Charleston
United States Naval Academy
University of Cincinnati
University of Richmond
Washington & Lee University
Xavier University
Archbishop McNicholas Award
Andrew Reynolds
United States West Point
Robert Partin
St. Julie Billiart Award
Michael Dyer
Patrick Dyer
Hope Schmidt
United States Naval Academy
Luke Albi
Clement L. Buenger Award
Aisha Nuhu
Maurice “Bud” O’Connor
Memorial Award
Andrew Donovan
Carrie Jantsch
Mark Todd Berger Scholarship
Arielle Cook
Excellence in Foreign
Language Award
Ericha Franke
The Insight Award
Drew Reynolds
Roger Weber
Outstanding Witness awards in
Ohio State Mock Trial
Peti Barresi
Ryan Maloney
Alex Thurner
Bea Wissel (second time)
Outstanding Attorney award in
Ohio State Mock Trial
Ryan DeFranco
Ohio Barr Association
“There Ought to be a Law”
Chris Lapp
Ohio Math League
Highest Total Score
Casey Jeffries
American High School
Mathematics Exam
Jared Dunnmon
Jimmy Champlin
Musical Contributions
Aubrey Stevens
Yoon Ji Seon
Outstanding Senior
Female Camerata Member
Lisa Mays
Amanda Regensburger
Outstanding Male
Camerata Member
Terry Terhar
2005 Scholastic Art Awards
Michael Casey
Cincinnati Nature Center’s
Student Design Competition
First Place –
Lauren Miller
Honorable Mention –
Liesl Benecchi
Neal Moser
The Award for Excellence in Art
Niles Sneed
Ohio High School Art Exhibition
Matt Dwyer
Perry Gates
Eagle Scout Award
Michael Amann
American Youth Foundation
Leadership Compact Awards
Amanda Regensburger
Caroline Twombly
Carrie Jantsch
Catlin Myers
Cristyn Collier
Claire Sweeney
Erinn Mullee
Gabie Thompson
Hillary Tobler
Jessica Long
Jimmy Champlin
Katie Dato
Katie Hock
Katie Schnieder
Lauren Shumrick
Michaela Frisbie
Ohio High School Athletic
Association Scholar Athlete
Meghan Kane
Andrew Donovan
Director’s Servant
Leadership Awards
Luke Albi
Lourdes Perrino
Michael Kazior
Archie Griffin Award
Hugh McManus
Jessica Park
I Dare You Leadership Award
Austin Berry
Laura Mullen
Wendy’s High School
Heisman Award
Carrie Jantsch
Simon Lazarus Award Finalists
Spencer Vanderzee
Mark Dato
Mayerson Community
Service Award
Jimmy Champlin
Computer Science Award
Justin Hussong
Intel Science Talent Search
Stefan Kathman
Chemistry All Stars Award
Ritchell Martoidjojo
Chemistry Olympiad
Stefan Kathman
Avogadro Award
Jared Dunnmon
Ritchell Martoidjojo
Camille Maynard
Emily Skiba
Special Service Award
Mallory Eichner
Kiwanis Award
Stefan Kathman
The Rostrum Award
Michael Casey
Notable Service in Theatrical
Ben Brinker
Drew Hudson
Niles Sneed
Mark Dato
Andy Ward
Jireh Loreaux
Outstanding Dramatic Female
Peti Barresi
Emily Skiba
Outstanding Dramatic Male
Michael Casey
Bausch and Lomb
Jireh Loreaux
Outstanding Comic Performance
Michael Dumbauld
Michelson-Morley Science
Ayrenne Adams
Outstanding Performance
in a Supporting Role
Drew Reynolds
AP Physics B Award
Jared Dunnmon
Underclassman Award for
Theatrical Achievement
Blake Zimmers
AP Physics C Award
Stefan Kathman
Network of Educators in
Science Technology in
Association with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology Award
Stefan Kathman
The Diversity and
Inclusion Team Award
Aisha Nuhu
Hugh O’Brien Youth
Leadership Award
Michael Peterson
Ohio University American
History Contest
Fourth Place –
Stefan Kathman
11th Place – Michael Kazior
12th place – Andrew Reynolds
Silver Medal –
Wilkie Cooper
Lauren Dean
Patrick Madden
Lisa Mays
Teddy Moser
David Ottlinger
Virginia Schmidt
Suzanne Steinert
Kimberly Wagner
Latin Exam Perfect Score
Jared Dunnmon,
4th consecutive year
Daniel Rachovitsky,
3rd consecutive year
National Latin Exam Special
Book Awards
Jared Dunnmon
William Eschenbacher
Edison Franklin
Stefan Kathman
Joey Oakwood
National Greek Exam
Stefan Kathman,
Highest Honors
Katie Klosterman,
Highest Honors
Ericha Franke,
Merit Honors
Jeannett Holm
Lourdes Perrino
Student-Director Award
Caroline David
Director’s Award
Michael Casey
National Latin Exam
Gold Medal –
Laura Bradley
Jared Dunnmon
William Eschenbacher
Edison Franklin
Ali Kathman
Stefan Kathman
Chris Lapp
Austin Lipari
Samantha Mechler
Lauren Miller
Joey Oakwood
Daniel Rachovitsky
Hope Schmidt
Gretchen Schrader
Catharine Schuler
Medusa Mythology Exam Awards
Jared Dunnmon, Bronze Medal
Brian Kelso
Lisa Mays
Daniel Rachovitsky
Tim Shumrick
Ohio Junior Classical League
State Championship Level 2:
Chris Lapp
Daniel Rachovitsky
Second Place Overall Academics:
Daniel Rachovitsky
Sixth Place Overall Academics:
Jared Dunnmon
First Place Graphic Arts:
Kimberly Wagner
State Secretary:
Jared Dunnmon
State Parliamentarian:
Joey Oakwood
Book Awards
Chiara Passerini, Harvard
Ayrenne Adams, Yale
Mark Dato, Cornell University
Sarah Bromley, Wellesley
Stephanie Long, Mt. Holyoke College
Melinda Curran, Smith College
Jireh Loreaux, Holy Cross College
Austin Lipari, Williams College
Kenneth Jeffries, University of Virginia
Bea Wissel, Ohio University
Patrick Madden, Connecticut College
Thomas Stikleather, Xavier University
Class of 2005 awards
and scholarships:
Luke Albi
Michael Amann III
Chadwick Bailey
William Brooks
Stephen Campbell
Michael Casey
India Chambers
James Champlin
Cristyn Collier
Max Crandall
Katherine Dato
Bridgette Donnelly
Andrew Donovan
Ryan Dunphy
Ericha Franke
Michaela Frisbie
Sarah Haas
Ryan Hach
Lana Hicks
Kathleen Hock
Jeannette Holm
Andrew Hudson
Juston Hussong
Jennifer Jack
Carrie Jantsch
Meghan Kane
Stefan Kathman
Michael Kazior
Katharine Klosterman
Jessica Long
Ryan Maloney
Lisa Mays
Evan Meyer
Benjamin Miller
Ryan Molitor
Erinn Mullee
Douglas Partin
Robert Partin
Lourdes Perrino
John Peterson
Daniel Reddy.
Amanda Regensburger
Valerie Resnick
Andrew Reynolds
David Robertson
Hope Schmidt
Brett Schnirring
John Seta
Lauren Shumrick
Parker Smith
Suzanne Steinert
Eric Stetzer
Claire Sweeney
Louis Terhar III
Gabrielle Thompson
Hillary Tobler
Caroline Twombly
David Waiss
Andrew Westendorf
Zachary Wilson
Stefan Kathman, Valedictorian (right)
Andrew Reynolds, Salutatorian (left)
class of 2005
Luke Joseph Albi
Jeannette Elizabeth Holm
David Andrew Robertson
Michael Charles Amann III
Andrew McCullough Hudson
Hope Elizabeth Schmidt
Chadwick Michael Bailey
Juston Lee Hussong
Katherine Tully Schneider
Christopher Doyle Baker
Julia Rose Imhoff
Brett Joseph Schnirring
Ryan Jeffrey Brennan
Jennifer Elizabeth Jack
Patrick Joseph Sebring
Benjamin Michael Brinker
Carrie Elizabeth Jantsch
John Paul Seta
William Randolph Brooks
Meghan Elizabeth Kane
Lauren Elizabeth Shumrick
Stephen Saunders Campbell
Stefan Grubow Kathman
Parker Chase Smith
Michael James Casey
Michael Raymond Kazior
Niles Jeremy Sneed
India LaSháe Chambers
Katharine Paris Klosterman
Suzanne Delaney Steinert
James Charles Champlin IV
Jessica Clare Long
Eric Howard Stetzer
Cristyn Danielle Collier
Ryan Pugh Maloney
Claire Schmidt Sweeney
Max Alexander Crandall
Lisa Marie Mays
Louis Frederick Terhar III
Katherine Laurette Dato
Evan Conner Meyer
Gabrielle Elizabeth Thompson
Mary Kathleen Bridgette Donnelly
Benjamin Alexander Miller
Hillary Anne Tobler
Andrew Patrick Donovan
Clayton James Miller
Caroline Elizabeth Twombly
Ryan Patrick Dunphy
Ryan Andrew Molitor
Spencer Lunt VanDerzee
Michael Alden Dyer
Erinn Jayne Mullee
David Robert Waiss
Patrick James Dyer
Catlin Emily Myers
John Wesley Warrington
Kimberly Nicole Ericson
Gordon Edward Myers
Andrew Joseph Westendorf
Ericha Rachel Franke
Raymond Douglas Partin
Zachary Benjamin Wilson
Michaela DeCourcy Frisbie
William Robert Wagner Partin
Kevin Thomas Gabelman
Lourdes Elena Perrino
Sarah Elizabeth Haas
John Patrick Peterson
Ryan Wayne Hach
Christopher James Powers
Caylen Sarah Hanover
Daniel Anthony Reddy
Zachary Scott Herche
Amanda Louise Regensburger
Lana May Hicks
Valerie Anne Resnick
Kathleen Marie Hock
Andrew Donovan Reynolds
Mr. Escudero:
schilderink chair
By Kelly Wilson, freshman
“Chemistry is everywhere!” This is the philosophy Summit Upper School Chemistry
teacher Ed Escudero follows to make his subject relevant to his students’ lives and excite
them about studying it. Success in the classroom year after year has resulted in Mr.
Escudero being awarded the 2005 Raymond E. Schilderink Family Faculty Chair for
Distinguished Teaching.
“I try to get the students involved in their learning. I exude a persona of one who is
excited by his field and who wishes to pass that excitement to his students,” he said.
“In teaching chemistry, I am blessed with an abundance of demonstrations and lab
activities that I and the students can perform.”
Mr. Escudero, who teaches Advanced Chemistry and Advanced Placement Chemistry,
encourages his students to use skills beyond analyzing data and memorizing material.
“I think chemistry is probably the most important course students are going to take
because it involves math, reading, and writing. So in a certain sense, my chemistry
course will get students to think, do science, learn to read and write, and do math.”
He discussed three important qualities one must have to be a successful teacher.
“First, you really have to know your subject and be well versed in your field. It is
difficult to teach what one doesn’t know. Second, you’ve really got to love it and be excited about it. Lastly, focus on the students. Do whatever it takes to bring them into the
process of learning.”
Indeed, Mr. Escudero truly does love chemistry. He spends anywhere from ten to
thirteen hours a day teaching and keeping up in his field during the school year.
His long hours and teaching excellence have earned him a number of national
teaching awards:
State Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching from
Texas in 1985 and from Ohio in 1989;
Tandy Technology Scholar Outstanding Teacher Award, 1991;
College Board – Southwestern Region Advanced Placement Chemistry Special
Recognition Award, 1986;
James Bryant Conant Award for High School Chemistry Teaching presented by
the American Chemical Society in 1988 (which is given to the teacher the American
Chemical Society deemed the outstanding high school chemistry teacher in the
United States).
Biographical Information
mr. escudero
Mr. Escudero is proudest of this last award.
“I liken it to the Nobel Prize available to a high
school chemistry teacher.”
Mr. Escudero uses his summers to “recharge his
batteries” by attending chemistry meetings all over
the world. “These programs are usually so exciting,
brimming with new ideas, labs, and demos.”
Mr. Escudero has tried many teaching styles, but
he’s found one he feels works best. “A number of
students simply want to be told what they have
to learn and memorize it. I believe the hands on
approach with the student as the learner is the way
to go.” He prefers to provide his students with
materials which they use in a guided study group
to dig out the useful information.
“I am surprised, elated and humbled to receive the
Schilderink Award. It helps me to strive to improve
what I am doing in the classroom,” he said.
Mr. Escudero earned his Bachelor of Science degree
in Chemistry from the University of Dayton in
1964. In 1972 he earned his Master of Science
degree in Chemistry from St. Louis University.
Then, in 1978, he earned his Master of Divinity
Degree from the University of St. Michael’s College
in Toronto. He has also taken graduate courses at
Princeton University as a Woodrow Wilson Fellow;
at Hope College in Holland, Michigan; at Rice
University; at the University of Houston; and most
recently at Miami University of Ohio.
He began his teaching career at Nolan High School
in Fort Worth, Texas, where he worked from 1964
to 1971. After completing his Masters degree in
Chemistry, he taught at Chaminade College
Preparatory in St. Louis from 1972 to 1975.
Subsequent to earning his Masters of Divinity, he
taught at St. John’s School in Houston, Texas from
1978 to 1987.
Mr. Escudero came to The Summit in the fall of
1987. His wife, Mary Ann and her grandmother,
Grace Dolle, both graduated from The Summit. Mr.
Escudero and his wife were married at The Summit
in 1984. One of his children has already graduated
from Summit, and two others currently attend the
Upper School. He has taught at The Summit for
eighteen years and has been actively teaching for a
total of thirty-seven years.
Heart of The Summit
a spirit of generosity
A spirit of generosity is at the heart of our school’s mission
to “improve the world we inherit.” The Summit spirit reflects
our culture of giving to others and stewarding our resources.
This spirit of generosity permeates daily life at The Summit
from our students who volunteer in over fifty non-profit
organizations to our dedicated teachers who give countless
hours to tutor, coach and nurture our students. We are blessed
by parents, alumni and friends who give of their time, talent
and treasure so generously to the school.
“The purpose of The Summit is to prepare our students to value community and improve the world.
Funding The Summit is funding the future. I’ve spent my career here because I’ve been treated with
kindness and courtesy, and because the heart of The Summit is a generous spirit. The generosity of
others will enable us to continue to fulfill our noble mission, and guide our students toward fulfilling
their dreams”
Carole Fultz, Upper School English Teacher
1993 Schilderink Faculty Chair Recipient
capital improvements
$ 11 million
$ 9 million
total goal
$20 million
lower school
Athletic stadium and playing fields
Lower and Middle School playgrounds
We would like to give
special thanks to the
class of 1965 for their
contributions of $30,500
and the class of 1970 for
contributing $34,500
to the Dreambuilding
Faculty and staff development
Financial aid and scholarships
Credo, Educating for Character Program
n Campus beautification
$16,959,047 million in pledges from 554 parents, alumni and friends.
100% participation by all trustees, faculty and staff!
Seven gifts of $1 million or more.
Alumni gifts of over $6 million.
Record-breaking reunion gifts from the classes of 1965 ($30,500)
and 1970 ($34,500)!
85% of our $20 million goal!
Look what we’ve accomplished!
The Summit Campus Transformed!
The Lower School opened
September 7, 2004.
Lower School students
enjoy the new playground
and equipment.
Many more teams play and practice on Williams’ Field’s new synthetic turf.
The Athletic Stadium
will be dedicated on October 21,
2005 at 2 p.m.
Artist-in-residence Jan Brown Checco
and over 200 Summit students created the Spirit
of Generosity and Dreambuilding Cathedral
mosaic panels as an expression of gratitude to our
many benefactors who perceive the need and
respond with a generous heart.
Campaign Gifts
an expression of gratitude
The $9 million goal to triple
our endowment will:
Provide up to 36 new scholarships
in grades 1 -12
Double professional development
funds for faculty and staff
Preserve Credo, our Educating for
Character Program
Ensure the future of The Summit
We would be pleased to recognize your generosity on one of our
two commemorative art works hanging in the main hall: Spirit of
Generosity (gifts of $25,000 or more) and Dreambuilding Cathedral
(gifts of $1,000 and above). All campaign gifts will be recognized in
the final honor roll of donors.
Help bring us over the top! Each and every gift is appreciated
and needed.
We still need $1.5 million to fund construction of the new Lower
School and $1.5 million to triple our endowment. Thank you for
helping to make dreams come true!
For more information or to contribute to
the Dreambuilding Campaign, contact:
Four new Named Founder
Funds have been established
within the endowment:
Schilderink Alumni Scholarship for
alumni children in grades 1-12
Harold C. Schott Middle School
Endowment Fund for maintenance
of the Middle School
Arthur and Irma Theobald
Scholarship (second full scholarship)
Richard F. Williams
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Anne Ward Stern, Director of Development at (513) 871-4700,
ext 242 or make checks payable to The Summit Dreambuilding
Campaign and send to the Development Office (The Summit Country
Day School, 2161 Grandin Road, Cincinnati, OH 45208)
The names listed represent written
pledges or pledge payments in
2004-2005 to the campaign as of
June 30, 2005.
Nina and Jumur Akgunduz
Joy and Frank Albi
Debra and Edward Alf
Bert Amann, Jr. SBS ’45
Maureen and Kenneth Amend
Mary Jean and Billy Anderson
Patricia and David Argus
Lesley and Kenneth Arnold
Patricia and Robert Baechtold
Tansy (Wills) ’85 and Zaki Barakat
Carol (Clark) Baron ’70
May Belle F. Barrett
John Baumann SBS ’71
Michael and Laura Bell
Gaie and Roy Benecchi
Carol Ann and Theodore Biggs
Elaine and David Billmire
Roberta Ann and Robert Blum III ’85
Julie and Mark Bodnar
Eva and Mark Booher
Linda and John Botsford
Lindsay Botsford ’98
Robin Bratt and Bruce Bowdon
Carol Boyd
Mary and Reid Bradford
Mary (Foss) ’67 and
Joseph Brinkmeyer
Julie and Scott Bristow
Constance and Randolph Brooks
Christine and John Browner
Jane (Buse) ’70 and Mark Burke
Scott Cagle
Cheryl and David Campbell
Rosemary Caraway
Karen and Jeffrey Carle
Lea and Jimmy Casanas
Christine and Thomas Cassedy
Susan and Robert Castellini
Britt and Phillip Castellini BMS ’88
Deanna and Robert Castellini BMS ’82
Anne and Ralph Chambers
Sarah and Michael Chasnoff
Vivi and Hector Chow
Patricia & Joseph Clasgens II SBS ’37
Mary Jo (Randolph)’69 and
Richard Cleveland
Mariza Caraveo de Cohen and
Jonathan Cohen
Jacqueline and Vic Colin
Teri and Neil Comber
Nancy and Michael Conaton
Tracie and Sean Conway
Crystal Faulkner and
Thomas Cooney
Ethna and Todd Cooper
Cammie Corder-Nelson
Cynthia Fitton and Robin Cotton
Marianne and Jerome Cramer
Beth and David Crowl
Karrie and Chip Crowther
Karen Cruse
Jeanne (Elfers) ’75 and
James Cullen
Mary Brown and Mark Dato
Kerry (Schilderink) ’92 and
Jayson Daus
Kim and Scott David
Jennifer and Neville de Gouvea-Pinto
Andrea Weis and Larry Dean
Cheryl and Roger Dean
Lois Deaton
Victoria and Amador Delamerced
Brenda and John DelFavero
Jamie & Gregory DeLorenzo BMS ’75
Monica (Haas) ’90 and
Russell Desch
Barbara and Joseph Devlin
Marian and Grant Dibert, Jr. SBS ’48
Linda Didday
Janet (Hesselbrock) ’65 and
Renzo Dionigi
Michael DiPaola
Jennifer and Jason Distasio
Mary Jill and Sean Donovan
Lynn and Stuart Donovan
Jane and Richard Dorr
Diane and Steven Dumbauld
Kathleen and Robert Dwyer
Kelly and Robert Dziech II ’88
Allison (Weber) ’88 and
Richard Erickson
Mary Ann (O’Donnell) ’71 and
Edmund Escudero
Michele and Joseph Evelo
Cecily and Doug Fassler
Honora and Paul Favorito
Diane and Mike Fee
Karen and David Feld
Beth (Castellini) Fesperman’81
Christina and Joseph Finke ’76
Greg and Anne Finn BMS ’72
Margaret (Hollmeyer) Fisk ’42
Brenda and James Flannery
Ximena Flores and Victor Valentino
Betty and Ronald Fragge
Kim and Bill France
Winnie and Richard Fraser SBS ’57
Phyllis and Jack Freker
Sharon (Williams) Frisbie ’69
Robert Gans
Joan and James Gardner
Patricia Seta and John Giddings
Madeline and Patrick Gilligan
Susan and Robert Gorey
Katie and John Gregg
Conky Greiwe ’61
Juanita and John Griffin
Nancy and Thomas Grote, Jr. SBS ’69
Paige and Timothy Grote BMS ’74
Paula Grulee
Patricia (Barton) ’65 and
Michael Grunkemeyer
Barbara and Joseph Haas
Tanya (Braukman) ’89 and
David Haas
Karla and Adam Hall
Deborah and Michael Halvonik
Tamara and Robert Harrison
Kathryn (Stahl) ’84 and
Keith Harsh ’84
Theresa and Greg Hartmann
Margie and Mark Hauser
Barbara and Channing Headley
Patricia (Castellini) GMS ’88 and
William Headley
Christine and Albert Heekin SBS ’54
Helen and Brian Heekin SBS ’57
Deborah and Rodney Hildebrandt
Karen and Jeffrey Hock SBS ’71
Catherine and Mark Hogan SBS ’67
Margo and Frank Homan
Laura and Walter Homan SBS ’66
Jocelyn Wang and Peter Hsi
Mary McCullough Hudson and
Gregory Hudson
Karen and David Huelsman
Mary and Larry Humpert
Deborah and Robert Hutchins
Angelina Irizarry
Peggy (Feltrup) ’49 and
William Jackson III
Elizabeth and Paul Jantsch
Fern Johns
Peggy and Gary Johns
Cecelia and Michael Johnson
Lois and Robert Johnson
Emily Jolly
Delle (Christensen) ’67 and
Edmund Jones
Craig Jones ’98
Amy and George Joseph BMS ’78
Wendy and Gregory Joseph BMS ’76
Margaret and
Richard Joseph BMS ’79
Ronald Joseph BMS ’81
Kathleen and James Kahmann
Kathleen and Francis Kane
Elizabeth Grubow and
Jerome Kathman
Julie and Christopher Keairns
Susan and Pat Kelly
Christina and Harold Kelso
Grace (Baluyot) ’82 and
Timothy Kerr
Steven Kim
Clare and William King
Judy and Ken Klosterman
Julie and Kenneth Klosterman, Jr. ’80
Jeanne and Chris Koepfer
Margaret (Tapke) ’69 and
David Konerman
Frank Kortyka ’04
Tracy and Lawrence Kozlowski
Marjorie (Meyer) ’58 and
Larry Kyte, Jr. SBS ’52
Carolyn and Rees LaBar
Catherine and Donald Laden
Tracy Law-Lee ’85
Rebecca Lawrence
Marian and Jack Leibold
Julie and David Lewis
Sandra and David Lipari
Lynn and Wayne Lippert
Elizabeth and
Brian MacConnell SBS ’71
Cindy and
Christopher MacConnell SBS ’65
James Mahon
Erin and John Maisel
Katrina and Todd Majeski
Sophia (Homan) ’77 and
Charles Male
Diane and Perrin March
Lynn Marmer and Gene Beaupre
Wilbur Marshall
Susan and Roger Martin
Thomas Martin
Margaret (Homan) ’71 and
John Masters
MaryAnn and Clay Mathile
Peggy and Tim Mathile
Michelle McBride
Jennifer McDaniel
Lisa and David McSwain
Richard Meehan SBS ’65
Amy and Chris Meininger
Grace and Richard Merrill
Ranee and Vincent Messina
Lisa Wintersheimer Michel and
Timothy Michel
Jolene Struebbe and James Miller
Judith Mitchell ’62
Deborah and Arslan Mizener
Linda and James Moeggenberg
Marie and Tom Monaco
Ioana and Mugurel Moneta
Laura and Bradley Mullen
Gary Myers
Jennifer Niccol
Nancy (Van Lahr) ’57 and
Paul Niklas
Pam and Tom Noe
Kathryn and Robert Nourse
Sarah Nowlin
Laura Nusekabel ’90
Mary Lee (Blum) ’66 and
Donald Olinger
Jill and Xavier Ortiz
Teresa and Brian Palmer
Rosemary Paris
Joy Parker
Kathy and Dennis Pascarella
Stacey and Brian Pavlin
Elaine and Richard Pearl
Jennifer Beste and
Steven Penticuff
Kellie and Daniel Peters
Ellen and Mark Peterson
Mary and Bruce Petrie, Jr.
Phyllis and William Pittman
Dotti Posillico
Thomas Powers, Jr.’77
Mary Beth and Bill Price
Margaret and Thomas Prinner
Kristin and Erik Privett ’92
Gayle (Wessel) ’62 and
Michael Purpura
Marty and
Nick Ragland III SBS ’58
Fran and Mike Ranieri
Elizabeth (Zins) Reiber ’54
Linda Reilman
Theresa and
David Reininger BMS ’75
Ellen (Grogan) ’69 and
Dewey Renneker, Jr.
Gabrielle (Bouscaren) ’66 and
Mercer Reynolds
Sheila† and John Reynolds
Melody Sawyer Richardson
Deborah and Joseph Richey
Rebecca and Robert Riggsbee
Kathleen Rigney
Mollie and Thomas Ritter
Joan (Schulte) ’47 and
William Rohde
Jeanne Rolfes ’57
Jacquelyn and Kevin Ross
Donna and James Ross
Jenni and Derek Roudebush
Gerald Rush
Amy and Benjamin Russert
Sally and Kent Ryan
Regina (Baluyot) ’84 and
Peter Saba ’83
Sharon and Max Sales
Susan DiOrio and Stephen Sallada
Barbara and Mark Sander
Jeanne Sanders
Amy Sauer
Kathy and Howard Schertzinger
Lenore Schilderink
Lynda and
Raymond Schilderink SBS ’64
Jane and Paul Schmerge BMS ’78
Elizabeth (Grogan) ’75 and
C. J. Schmidt III
Kathy and Phil Schneider
Kelly Schneider
Natalie (Verkamp) ’65 and
Michael Schoeny
Allyson and Michael Schumacher
Kathleen and Kevin Scott
Reverend Philip Seher
Patricia Seta
Gloria Uziel and Patrick Shea
Emily Jo Sheckels ’98
Jennifer and Joseph Shockey
Kathryn and Gary Shomo
Emina and Thomas Short
Beth Simmons
Rebecca and Jeffrey Slater
Susanne (McPhillips) ’82 and
Steven Slaughter
Nancy and Phillip Smith
Gail and David Smith
Ellen (Pease) Sole ’70
Liz (Glassmeyer) ’70 and
Greg Spahr
Paula Stapleton
Julia Stautberg ’85
Jeanine and John Steele Jr.
Alyssa Dunn ’09 and her family accepts the Merit Scholarship from Head of
School Joseph Devlin.
† Deceased
Patty and Eric Steinman
Jan and John Steinman III
Anne and Edward Stern
Therese and Lyle Stetzer
Bonnie Ann and Stanley Stevens
Stephanie Stickley
Lori (Schiman) ’88 and
Patrick Stillwagon
Summit Parents Association
Nancy Swanson
Maureen and Gregory Sweeney Sr.
Molly and Gregory Tassone
Ellen and Doug Taylor
Ann and Kenneth Thelen
Gigi and Thomas Theobald SBS ’50
Valerie and Billy Thomason
Mary (Kiley) and
Jonathan Thompson ’98
Stephanie (Schrimpf) GMS ’76 and
Douglas Thomson
Lisa Thrush
Candace and
George Thurner III BMS ’77
Yngrid and Hale Thurston
Laura and Thomas Tippl
Judy and Bill Toebben
Melanie and Bill Toler
Patricia and Eric Towers
Bridgette and Jack Tucker
Martha and William Twombly
Diane and Kenneth Uckotter
Gloria and Louis Valencia BMS ’78
Joan Stalzer-Van Pelt and
Richard Van Pelt
Carolyn and Douglas Varick
Julia and Joseph Ventura SBS ’65
Mary Vetter
Ann (Ryan) Vollman ’62
Barbara (Buse) ’67 and
Philip Vollmer SBS ’59
Kathryn (Pohl) ’66 and
David Wagner
Nancy Waiss
Michele Walters-Wilkins and
Buck Wilkins
Lynne Wagoner and
Victor Walton ’83
Jennifer and John Ward
Tonya and Olden Warren
John Warrington SBS ’71
Suzanne Warrington
Mary Helen and Roger Weber
Lisa and Glenn Wells
Ginny (Reid) ’74 and
Jim Wersching SBS ’69
Karen (Carter) ’61 and
Thomas Wertheimer
Lynn and Jeffrey Whitehead
Nadine (Makstell) ’74 and
Marc Whitsett
Jan and Mark Wiesner
Karen and Bernard Wilger
Pat and Robert Wilhelmy
Emily (Brose) ’73 and
Shaun Wilkins
Catherine Williams
Jenny and
Thomas Williams SBS ’71
Linda and James Wilson
Carol and Rich Wilson
Elizabeth (Lippert) ’92 and
Paul Wilson
Dorothy and Frank Winstel
Janet and Robert Winters, Jr.
Patty and Gary Winzenread
Maryann (Homan) ’81 and
Jonathan Witte
Corrina and Wally Wong
Dorothy and Richard Wurzelbacher
Linda and Jeff Wyler
Christine (Homan) Ziegler ’84
The Castellini Foundation
The Thomas J. Emery Memorial
The Farmer Family Foundation
Fifth Third Bank Foundation
Givaudan, Incorporated
The HCS Foundation
The Homan Foundation
William A. & Martha H.
Hillenbrand Foundation
Hyde Park Neighborhood Council
The Andrew Jergens Foundation
The Kroger Company
The MLFB Foundation
The William J. and
Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation
The Robert H. Reakirt Foundation
The Theobald Foundation
The Warrington Foundation
The Williams Foundation
We hope to personally contact
every member of The Summit
family to enlist your support. To
learn more about Dreambuilding –
Campaign for The Summit,
contact Anne Ward Stern at
(513) 871-4700, ext. 242
A Final Honor Roll of Donors
Report will be publilshed in
the future.
2004-2005 annual fund
July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2005
donor group
Current Parents *
Alumni-Current Parents *
Parents of Graduates
Faculty and Staff
Other Friends
Foundations and Corporations **
* 65 percent parent participation
summary of gifts
July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2005
gifts for current operations – annual giving
85% of Goal reached!
We are pleased to report that
we have $17 million in pledges
toward our $20 million goal.
We celebrate that 100 percent
of our trustees, faculty and
staff have participated!
Annual Fund
Scholarships from Foundations **
Volunteer Organizations
Auction Gifts
$ 148,505
Summit Boosters Association
Summit Alumni Scholarship Fund
total annual giving
Endowment Distribution from Interest
$ 1,094,049
The Dreambuilding Campaign (Donations) **
$ 3,480,564
Volunteer Organizations (Donations)
Honor and Memorial Gifts for Endowment (Donations)**
Technology Campaign (Donations)
grand total
$ 4,633,605
** Total Foundation Support
$ 2,301,592
July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2005
An un-audited statement of revenues and expenditures
Tuition and Fees
Annual Fund
Last year the Annual Fund purchased three new technology servers.
The Summit
annual fund
The Annual Fund is the most important source of revenue beyond tuition and fees. This year
$593,363 was raised with 65 % of our Summit Parents participating. These dollars provide
additional resources and enrichment for The Summit Country Day School and our students.
This past year, the following are among a few items and programs your
Annual Fund dollars supported:
· Three new servers for the Technology Department
· The Counseling Program, which assists our students to enroll in fine colleges and universities
from around the country such as Harvard, Yale, Dennison, and West Point, to name a few.
· Upgraded softball and baseball facilities including four dugouts and a shelter.
The success of the Annual Fund is a result of the loyalty and generosity of our Summit
families. Summit parents, alumni, past parents, grandparents and staff and faculty all came
together to contribute their time, talents, and dollars for this critical annual campaign.
We are grateful for this partnership.
Gifts of $1,750 to $3,499
Gifts of $10,000 and above
Anonymous (1)
Brynne and Robert Coletti
Mary and Scott Farmer
Kim and Bill France
Pam and Frank Gardner
Joni Herschede
Peggy and Gary Johns
Amy and George Joseph BMS ’78
Catherine and Donald Laden
Adele and Robert Schiff
The Schilderink Family
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
** Diane and J. B. Buse BMS ’75
Janet and Bruce Corser
Kim and Scott David
** Maureen and Tom DesMarais
* Judith Mickelson and
William Eschenbacher
** Juanita and John Griffin
** Susan McElroy and Paul Keck
Janet Kelso-Sickle
* Peggy and Tim Mathile
** Lisa Wintersheimer Michel and
Timothy Michel
Pam and Tom Noe
** Kathy and Phil Schneider
* Patty and Eric Steinman
** Jenny and
Thomas Williams SBS ’71
Gifts of $3,500 to $4,999
Charles Abbottsmith
Julie and Mark Bodnar
Anna and Marc Bohlke
Mary and
William Earls, Jr. SBS ’59
* Cynthia Fitton and
Robin Cotton
Catherine and Paul Hogya
** Elizabeth Grubow and
Jerome Kathman
* Julie and
Kenneth Klosterman, Jr. ’80
* Mary Mahoney
** Sophia (Homan) ’77 and
Charles Male
Diane and Perrin March
**Mary Beth and Bill Price
Amy and Benjamin Russert
** Valerie Newell and Tim Smith
Michele Macedonio and
Matt Sokany
** Jan and John Steinman
** Mary Helen and Roger Weber
** Christine (Homan) Ziegler ’84
Anonymous (1)
Nina and Jumur Akgunduz
Maureen and Kenneth Amend
Lesley and Kenneth Arnold
Frances and Daniel Bailey
Kristina and Gregory Ballish
Lynn Marmer and
Gene Beaupre
Gaie and Roy Benecchi
Elaine and David Billmire
Roberta Ann and
Robert Blum III ’85
Linda and John Botsford
Mary (Foss) ’67 and
Joseph Brinkmeyer
Julie and Scott Bristow
Christine and John Browner
Jane (Buse) ’70 and
Mark Burke
Rosine (Daoud) ’74 and
James Cassidy
Sarah and Michael Chasnoff
Vivi and Hector Chow
Crystal Faulkner and
Thomas Cooney
Ethna and Todd Cooper
Beth and David Crowl
Karrie and Chip Crowther
Mary Jane and Ronald Dolan
Kathleen and Daniel Dunn
Reneé and Martiné Dunn
Kara Haas and
Preston Dunnmon
Becky and Greg Edwards
Michele and Joseph Evelo
Brenda and James Flannery
Sharon (Williams) Frisbie ’69
Nancy and
Thomas Grote, Jr. SBS ’69
Theresa and Greg Hartmann
Margie and Mark Hauser
Julia and Rob Heidt, Jr.
Vicki and Dave Herche
Karen and Jeffrey Hock SBS ’71
Kimberly and Stephen Hunt
Judith and Earl Imhoff
Elizabeth and Paul Jantsch
Julia and John Kling
Judy and Ken Klosterman
Marian and Jack Leibold
Jo and Brent Leiter
Leslie and John Leverone
Lynn and Wayne Lippert
Lori and Augustine Long
Cindy and Christopher
MacConnell SBS ’65
Cynthia Gapen and
Thomas Maynard
Kerry Grote Mock and
Russell Mock
* Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for at least five consecutive years
* Mary and Roger Nunlist BMS ’72
** Kellie and Daniel Peters
Ellen and Mark Peterson
Fran and Mike Ranieri
* Anne and Gordon Rich
* Deborah and Joseph Richey
** Catherine and Jeffrey Ropar
** Theresa and Frank Ruggerie
Julie and George Schaefer III
Lynn and Joseph Schnirring
Maria and Mitchell Schrudder
* Emina and Thomas Short
Kathleen and Jim Stengel
* Leslie and Robert Sydow
Sherrie and Randall Terry
** Ann and Kenneth Thelen
* Gigi and Thomas
Theobald SBS ’50
** Valerie and Billy Thomason
* Stephanie (Schrimpf) GMS ’76
and Douglas Thomson
* Candace and George
Thurner III BMS ’77
* Therese (Rohde)’70 and
William Tobler
** Susan (Thurner) ’74 and
Chris Vollmer SBS ’66
* Kathryn (Pohl) ’66 and
David Wagner
Tonya and Olden Warren
** W. Joseph Williams, Jr. SBS ’57
* Carol and Rich Wilson
Gifts of $1,000 to $1,749
Anonymous (1)
Mary and Frank Albers
Tansy (Wills) ’85 and
Zaki Barakat
Odessa and Salvatore Barresi
Mary and Reid Bradford
DeAnne and Joseph Bradley
** Roberta and Joel Bromley
Constance and
Randolph Brooks
Alice and James Champlin
Teri and Neil Comber
Cornelius DeCourcy SBS ’33
Victoria and Amador
Katherine and Phil Dober
Lynn and Stuart Donovan
Sally and Jack Farley, Jr.
Karen and David Feld
Anne Vertuca and Louis George
Coleen and Harold Glorius
Jean and Daniel Goodhart
Blake and Craig Gustafson
Kathryn (Stahl) ’84 and
Keith Harsh ’84
Lucinda and Thomas
Heekin SBS ’51
Laura and Walter
Homan SBS ’66
Margaret and Richard
Joseph, Sr. BMS ’79
Kathleen and Francis Kane
Carol and George Kerlakian
Grace (Baluyot) ’82 and
Timothy Kerr
Kwang Kim and Won Kim
Rebecca Lawrence
Peggy (Lottman) ’75 and
Michael Lee
Valerie and Edward Makstell
Rae Ann and John Mang
Thomas Martin
Margaret (Homan) ’71 and
John Masters
Ranee and Vincent Messina
Kathleen and Brian Murrie
Michele and James Oltman
Mary and Larry Patterson
Mara and Barney Pogue
Mary (Kotte) ’64 and
Barry Smyth
Lines on Williams Field are painted for each sport with Annual Fund dollars.
**Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for ten consecutive years.
Beth and Michael Swank
* Nancy Swanson
Margery and John Wallace
* John Warrington SBS ’71
* Marcie (Gosiger) Warrington ’79
Tina and Scott Whalen
** Nadine (Makstell) ’74 and
Marc Whitsett
Deborah and William Wiebe
Linda and James Wilson
Christie and Greg Wolf
Gifts of $500 to $999
* Bert Amann, Jr. SBS ’45
* Dorothy O’Brien and
Richard Antoine
** Pat and Larry Bayer
Tina and Steven Bedacht
Linda and Gregg Berry
Mary and Matt Birk
* Ann and James Blum SBS ’59
Eva and Mark Booher
Anne Castleberry ’75
* Susan and Edward
Castleberry SBS ’46
Judy and Lou Cavallaro
Mariza Caraveo de Cohen and
Jonathan Cohen
Tracie and Sean Conway
Pamela and Michael Crandall
* Jeanne (Elfers) ’75 and
James Cullen
Elisabeth Dahl
Amy and Jeffrey Dardinger
Cheryl and Roger Dean
* Jamie and Gregory
DeLorenzo BMS ’75
Amie and Mark Delworth
Barbara and Joseph Devlin
* Renie (Leonard) ’64 and
Edward Dohrmann
* Olga Garcia-Duarte ’75 and
Harel Rachovitsky
Madonna and Roland Eid
* Betty Elma
* Kathleen and Ronald Emery
* Carol and Kevin Eustace
Judith Cornwell and
John Fahrmeier
Honora and Paul Favorito
Shagufta Kahn and
Naveed Fazlani
* Mary Liz and Tom Finn SBS ’69
Caryn and Eric Franke
Therese Fullen
** Carole and Albert Fultz
* Madeline and Patrick Gilligan
Coleen and Harold Glorius
Joan Harris-Graves ’87 and
Kyria Graves
Mary Kaye and Bill Gulasey
* Karen (Horan) ’75 and
Peter H’Doubler
Tamara and Robert Harrison
Jenny (Dorger) ’89 and
Christopher Heekin BMS ’84
Kathie and Brian Hickey
Deborah and Robert Hutchins
Delle (Christensen) ’67 and
Edmund Jones
Jackie and Robert Juenke
Christina and Harold Kelso
Jennifer and Jason Kiss
Stan Koller
Sandra and David Lipari
Linda and John Lloyd
Joan and Robert Lohrey
Susan and Roger Martin
Kathy Dieckman-Meyer and
James Meyer
Thresiamma and
Antony Mukkada
Kyung Noh
Kathryn and Robert Nourse
Silvia Pastor-Iturricha
Ana and Joel Raymer
Mary and Donald Regensburger
Theresa and David
Reininger BMS ’75
Susan and Raymond Rost, Jr.
Jenni and Derek Roudebush
Joan and Ely Ryder
Allyson and
Michael Schumacher
Kathryn and Kevin
Shumrick SBS ’67
Frances Roberts and
Bruce Smith
Letitia (O’Neil) ’75 and
Sean Smith
Nancy and Phillip Smith
Jeanine and John Steele, Jr.
Lynn and Todd Sumerel
Dennis Swaney SBS ’63
Lori and Paul Taylor
Karen and John Trautmann
Bridgette and Jack Tucker
Carrie and Douglas VanDerzee
Mary Anne and Bill Weber
Melanie and Michael Weiner
Kathleen and Peter Wenzel
Karen and Bernard Wilger
Gerald Wissel
Maryann (Homan) ’81 and
Jonathan Witte
Mirja and Raimond Zeilstra
Gifts of $300 to $499
Joy and Frank Albi
Raquel and Miguel Alemany
Debra and Edward Alf
Peggy and Edwin Barker
Carol Ann and Theodore Biggs
Erin Houlihan and John Bostick
Kelly O’Donnell Cates ’87
Mary Jo (Randolph) ’69 and
Richard Cleveland
Linda and Robert Collier
Barbara and John Collins
† Deceased
Deanna and Asad Dalia
Patricia and Albert Dean
Jane and John Domaschko
Deborah Hauger and
Gerald Dorn
Colleen and George Dwight II
Patti and William Dyer
Allison (Weber) ’88 and
Richard Erickson
Mary Ann (O’Donnell) ’71 and
Edmund Escudero
Carole and Michael Evans
Bonnie and Gregory Fallath
Debra and James Fearing
Mrs. Melvin Feldkamp
Karen and Thomas Foos
Jacqueline and Michael Godbey
Patricia (Barton) ’65 and
Michael Grunkemeyer
Karla and Adam Hall
Deborah and Michael Halvonik
Sylvia and Kenneth Hanover
Patricia Herb
Evelyn and Bradley Hill
Catherine and Mark
Hogan SBS ’67
Jocelyn Wang and Peter Hsi
Mary McCullough Hudson and
Greg Hudson
Karen and David Huelsman
Cynthia and Gary Hussong
Jean and David Janneck
Jennifer and Timothy Jeffries
Kelly Kusch and
Larry Kavanagh
Kathleen and Richard Kazior
Magdalena and
William Kerschner
Margaret and Charles Kubicki
Marjorie (Meyer) ’58 and
Larry Kyte, Jr. SBS ’52
Gina and Ryan Kyte ’90
Peggy and Delbert Lins
Stevie and Thomas
Luebbers SBS ’55
Betty and Doug McSwain
Jolene Struebbe and
James Miller
Barbara and Larry Mock
Adelaida Fernandez ’78 and
David Montag
Jack Mortenson
Janice Mortenson
Pamela and Patrick Navin
Ida and Noel Nieto
Nancy (Van Lahr) ’57 and
Paul Niklas
Ingrid (Eckmayer) Parry ’75
Mimi and Bruce Petrie, Jr.
Yvonne and Timothy Reddy
Sheila and John Reynolds
Sally and Kent Ryan
Zeina and Saad Samaan
Marielle and Antoine Samaha
Kathy and Howard Schertzinger
Sara Schoettmer
BMS Boys Middle School
** Gloria Uziel and Patrick Shea
Jane and Carl Stalzer
** Anne and Edward Stern
* Shirley and Philip Stikeleather
* Lisa and Robert Summe
Molly and Gregory Tassone
Sally and Alexander
Thomson III
Rupashree and
Robert Townsend
* Cynthia and Richard Tripp
Josephine (Kling) Trippe ’63
Beth Ann and Gianfranco Valle
Ann Volz
Lisa and Glenn Wells
Mary Jane and
Joseph Westendorf
Mary Kay (Bradley) ’65 and
Richard Wick
Janet and Robert Winters, Jr.
Joan Wood
Kym and Steven Zimmers
Gifts of $1 to $299
Anonymous (1)
Joanne and William Abraham
Ginnye and William Abraham
Thomas Ackermann SBS ’49
Angela Adams
Julie (Owens) ’62 and
David Albanese
Frank Albi ’01
Rosie and John Alway
Julie and Mike Amann
Carlos Amesquita
Lucy Amesquita
Patricia and David Argus
Victoria and Daniel Arvin
Kimberli and Daniel Ashcraft
Shirley and Frank Auciello
Julie (Kelley) ’87 and
Gregory Back
Patricia and Robert Baechtold
Kristin (Hausladen) ’96 and
James Baker
Aine Baldwin ’94
Joan and James Barker
Mary Ann and Michael Barnard
Mary Barnes
Mary Ann Barnes
Francis Barrett SBS ’60
Joyce and David Bates
Lorrie Bowen and
Michael Bates
Petra Hackenberg-Bauer and
Jeffrey Bauer
Lisa and Brian Becker
Sean Becker ’92
Carol and Joseph
Beech III SBS ’59
Angela Berrigan
Brenda and Robert Bertsch
Mary and Mark Bishop
Whitney and James Bissantz
GMS Girls Middle School
SBS Summit Boys School
2nd 3rd
9th 10th 11th 12th
Amy and George Joseph SBS ‘78.
* Tracy (Scharon) ’77 and
Charles Blum SBS ’63
Christine Blum ’69
* Mary (Heekin) ’77 and
John Bolan
Molly Booher ’97
Lindsay Botsford ’98
* Robin Bratt and Bruce Bowdon
Marge and Michael Bowen
Carol Boyd
Tamara and Richard Bravo
Rebecca Brewer
* Lauren Brinkmeyer ’96
Kendra and William Broderick
Maria and Michael Brooks
Kiesha Brown
Sandra Lee Browning
** Diane and Michael Brunner
Alvin Bryant
Elizabeth and
Charles Buckingham
Julie Burke ’02
Mark Burke, Jr.’03
* Mary Alice (Heekin) Burke ’41
Michael Burke ’04
Kimberly and Kevin Bush
Karen (Deiterman) ’63 and
Robert Calico
Cheryl and David Campbell
Beth and Christopher Canarie
Rosemary Caraway
Karen and Jeffrey Carle
Marypat Carletti ’78 and
Dan Beerck
Denise Carpenter
* Lea and Jimmy Casanas
Christine and Thomas Cassedy
Brentley Chambers
Patricia Fulkerson and
Vibodh Chandhok
Sagoree Chatterjee
Krista (Kieg) ’97 and
Thad Clark
Victoria Clarke-Farjadian ’85
and Mehrdad Farjadian
Gretchen (Clark) ’95 and
Michael Cogan
Babette and Carmel Cohen
Phil C. Collins
Lela and Phil Collins BMS ’81
Karen and Michael Columbus
Jacqueline Conner
Jane Connerton
Robert Conwell ’31
Catherine (Knue) ’73 and
Gene Cooper
Todd Cooper ’04
Cammie Corder-Nelson
Gabriela and Sergio Coronado
Anne and James Cox
Marianne and Jerome Cramer
Jill (Verdin) ’85 and
Samson Crew IV BMS ’82
Karen Cruse
Paula Dubeck and
Francis Cullen
Chris and James Cullen
Jeanne (Elfers) ’75
and James Cullen
Patricia and William Culp
John Cummings ’00
Christine and Andrew Curran
Myron Dale
Kathleen Dale-Foreman
Elizabeth and Fred Daniell
Brenda and John DelFavero
Ann (Wiley) ’53 and
Donald Denison
Monica (Haas) ’90 and
Russell Desch
Deborah (Kuethe) ’69 and
Christopher Detwiler
Marian and Grant
Dibert, Jr. SBS ’48
Linda Didday
Michael DiPaola
Marina and Michael Dolgin
* Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for at least five consecutive years
Melanie (Nordloh) ’59 and
Stanley Dollenmayer
Pamela and Werner Domittner
Sharlotte and Thomas Donnelly
Joseph Donovan
Patricia Donovan ’78
Mary Jill and Sean Donovan
Sandra (Schlenck)
Dubberley ’61
Diane and Steven Dumbauld
Margie and Steve Dunphy
Jayne Treharne and
Cameron Durrant
Kathleen and Robert Dwyer
Nicholas Dyer ’02
Billie and Robert Dziech
Julie Engebrecht
Kathryn (Deye) ’65 and
James Enright
Virginia and Eugene
Cecily and Doug Fassler
Diane and Mike Fee
Christina and Mark Feldhaus
Otilia and Emilio Fernandez
Susan and Emilio
Fernandez BMS ’76
Alice and Daniel Ferone
Christina and Joseph Finke ’76
Alice and Norman Finkelstein
Carol and Bill Fisher
Margaret (Hollmeyer) Fisk ’42
Patricia (Clasgens) ’68 and
James Fisk
James Fisk ’03
Theresa and Thomas
Fleming SBS ’46
Judith and Thomas Forristal
Jane and James
Fraser SBS ’58
Del Fruehling
Katherine and Eric
Gall SBS ’54
Carol and Thomas Geracioti
Lisa and Thomas Geracioti
Ann Ghory ’68 and
George Tapke
Patricia Ghory and Keith Myers
Nadine and Marcus Gibson
Harry Gilligan, Jr. ’38
Jennifer and James Ginocchio
Rosalie and Joseph
Glassmeyer SBS ’56
Deneen and Jeffrey
Glenn BMS ’79
Opal and Kennith Goff
Susan and Robert Gorey
Elizabeth (Huck) ’37 and
Robert Goudreau
Jill (Meurer) ’93 and
Christopher Grech
Terri and Gary Grefer
Katherine Grefer ’93
Anne Greiner
Conky Greiwe ’61
Kay (Hadley) ‘54 and Bob
Greiwe SBS ’46
Cathy Grimes
Elizabeth Grimme ’00
Susan and Mark Grimme
Michael Grimme ’97
Reverend Todd Grogan ’79
Kathryn Grote ’02
Lauren Grote ’00
Debbie and Douglas Gundrum
Karen Haas
Laura Claire Haas
Tanya (Braukman) ’89 and
David Haas
Maureen Habig
Laura (Hefele) Hackett ’70
Luke Harig, Jr. SBS ’47
Brigid Harmon ’72
Jenifer and William Harris
Karen and Jeffrey Haungs
Karen and Patrick Hayes
Rhonda and Steve Headley ’84
**Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for ten consecutive years.
This year, thanks to the Annual
Fund, “A Mind At A Time” book
series will be available in the library.
Authored by one of the best-known
education experts, Dr. Mel Levine,
writes this series for faculty, parents
and others who care for children
on how to identify and understand
individual learning patterns, identify
strengths and bypass weaknesses.
* Caroline and Patrick Heekin ’82
Austin Heidt ’03
Robert Heidt ’02
** Sandra and John Held
Barbara and
Raymond Hellmann
** Gwendolyn and
Timothy Henehan
Kate (Schilderink) ’94 and
Michael Herbert
Therese and David Hertlein
Ruth and Kent Heyward
Deborah and Rodney
* Joan Hilton
Carol (Rohde) ’72 and
Timothy Hinckley
Robert Hogan
* Patricia and Timothy Hogan
** Martha and John Holland
Kathryn and Warren Holm
Cheryl and Wesley Holm
Richard Hook
* Gilda Horn
Shelly and Richard Horn
Barbara (Slageter) ’72 and
John Horner
Shannon Howell
Amanda and Sigmund Huber
Julie and Joseph Hughes
* Mary and Larry Humpert
Lucinda and Darren Hurst
Pateeser Jackson
Laura Janneck ’01
Valentina and Jay Jindal ’82
Neerja and Steve Jindal ’86
** Cecelia and Michael Johnson
Denise and Michael Johnson
Janet and Richard Johnson
Emily Jolly
Elizabeth (Tondow) ’93 and
Casey Jones
Jane and Nelson Jones
* Ann and David Jorling SBS ’60
Brenda and William Judd
Darlene and William Judd
Mary Lois Jung ’45
* Martha and George Junker II ’76
Michele and Mark Kaegi
Julie and Christopher Keairns
Jan-Michele and Eric
Kearney BMS ’77
John Keck SBS ’56
** Elaine (Springmeier) ’55 and
Mel Kelley
Erin Kelly ’00
Patti and Bill Kenney
Sharon Kessel
Clare and William King
* Kathleen (Rabe) ’57 and
Edward Kirchmier, Jr.
Jane (Dumler) ’83 and
Robert Klare
** Dorothy (Quinlan) ’78 and
Peter Klei ’78
Lucy and Adam Klette
* Jonathan Kling ’97
Karen Koch
** Susan and William Koch
Jeanne and Chris Koepfer
Frank Kortyka ’04
* Therese and Robert Kranz
Margaret (Powers) ’53 and
Paul Kronauge
Karen and Robert Krone
Anne and
John Kunkel† SBS ’59
Lauren LaCerda
* Sally and George Langenderfer
Victoria Lantz
Judi Anton Lapp
Jean Laskey
* Tracy Law-Lee ’85
Carol and Romelio Leigh
Lisa and Jeffrey Leonard
Catherine Cappel and Dale Lipa
Nancy Loreaux
* Debra and Richard Loreaux
Noreen and Thomas Lundberg
Kevin Luttenegger ’95
Juanita and Alan Lynam
* Elizabeth and
Brian MacConnell SBS ’71
Jacqueline and Martin Madden
† Deceased
* Doris Mahon
* James Mahon
* Denise Maier
Erin and John Maisel
Patricia and Robert Manier
Phyllis and Saul Marmer
Marianne and Richard Martin
Lissette and Oliver Mason
Patrick Massa ’03
Geraldine Hennies and
Mark Mays
* Michelle McBride
Debra and James McCarthy III
Ethlyn and Earl McCleave
Bridget McConnell ’98
Sandra and Stephen McCreary
Jennifer McDaniel
Judith and Daniel McKinney
Tamara and Douglas McKinney
* Kathrine (Reynolds) ’92 and
Andrew McMillan
Kyndle McMurry ’82
Mary McMurry
Susanne (Van Lahr) ’54 and
John McPhillips
Donna (Hocks) Meakin ’49
Sherry Mechler
Tina and Richard Meder
Elsira Pina and
Charles Mehlman
Irina and Simon Melnik
* James Merling, Jr. SBS ’63
Theresa and Thomas Merrill
* Susan Merwin
Elena Messina ’75 and
Richard Beagle
Anna and Joseph Milburn
Elaine and Robert Miller
Virginia and James Misheff
Deborah and Arslan Mizener
Pauline and Harry Moeller
* Ruth Moeller ’47
Leslie and William Molitor
* Marie and Tom Monaco
Ioana and Mugurel Moneta
Kimberly and Neal Moser
Jennifer Mullen
BMS Boys Middle School
Elizabeth and Michael Murray
Nandawula and George Mutema
Kary and Gary Myers
* Christine and John Nagel
Mary Navin
Sarah (Moore) ’73 and
Victor Nease
* Bonnie and David Newman
** Carol Niehaus
Margaret Niehaus-Sauter ’03
Jeanne Noe
Holly and Jason Northern
Laura Nusekabel ’90
** Patricia and Charles Nutting
** Patricia and Dennis O’Brien
Penny and Kevin O’Brien
Barbara and
James O’Connell
Kristina O’Connor
Patricia O’Connor ’94
Alice O’Dell ’85
Carol Pho and
Edward R. O’Donnell, Jr.
* Mary Jo and Richard Oakwood
Mary Lee (Blum) ’66 and
Donald Olinger
Diane and Edward Oravec
Mary Risinger and
Michael Ottlinger
Stephanie and Robert
Owens SBS ’61
Alexis Palascak ’96
** Mary and Joseph Palascak
Teresa and Brian Palmer
Rebecca and Thomas Papa
Phyllis and Kenneth Park
Joy and Steven Parker
Anna Lucia and
Filippo Passerini
* Juliana (Fern) ’69 and
George Patten
Stacey and Brian Pavlin
Elaine and Richard Pearl
* Denise and Douglas Peaslee
Dawn and Berthold Pembaur
Otilia Fernandez ’77 and
Thomas Perrino
GMS Girls Middle School
SBS Summit Boys School
Noreen and Michael Petry
Mathilde and David Pfeiffer
Martha and Glenn Pfister
Sharon and Glenn Pfister ’79
Jennifer and Chris Pierson
Vivian and Louis Pohl
Victoria Pohl ’73
James Porter
Rose Ann and Jack Post
Cecelia and Noris Power
Barbara and Jim Powers
Kristin and Erik Privett ’92
Sue (Baron) ’82 and
Bryan Pugh
Megan and Eric Rademacher
Nancy and Ronald Rademacher
Joelle and Nicholas
Ragland BMS ’83
James Raphael
Sheila Raphael
Mary Clark (Schulte) ’58 and
Richard Rechtiene
Elizabeth (Zins) Reiber ’54
Shirley Reilman
Suzanne and Charles
Rentschler SBS ’53
Elisabeth and Kenneth Resnick
Kathleen Rigney
Mollie and Thomas Ritter
Myrtle and Arnold Roane
Elizabeth and S. J. Roberts
Margaret (Baumann) ’66 and
Harry Robinson III
Joan (Schulte) ’47 and
William Rohde
Amy Tolnitch and Jeff Rohr
Erin (Arata) ’93 and Brad Rolf
Jeanne Rolfes ’57
Jacquelyn and Kevin Ross
Patricia (Long) Rotsinger ’45
Carrie Runck
Leslie and Gregg Runge ’82
Kathleen Ryan ’73
Joan and Al Sagel
Helen (Clauder) ’90 and
Scott Saia
Sharon and Max Sales
Susan DiOrio and
Stephen Sallada
Daniel Salter
Lisa Salter
Jeanne Sanders
Cynthia Rusnak and
Kent Sanders
Monica Sansalone ’88 and
David Breen
Joe Sanzere ’02
Joanne and Michael Sanzere
Maya Tedjarahadi and
Kumala Saputra
Amy Sauer
Tara and Kenneth Scarborough
Linda and James Schad
Shirley (Ackermann) ’50 and
John Schaefer
Barbara and Joseph Schaffer
Emily and Charles Schaser
Barbara and Joseph Scheidl
Andrea and David Schepmann
Vicki and John Schickner
Bernhard Schiefer
Kelley and Adrian Schiess
Michael Schlomer
Diana Schmidt
Elizabeth (Grogan) ’75 and
C. J. Schmidt III
Marybeth (Braeuning) ’73 and
William Schmidt
Kelly Schneider
Sherry (Schloemer) ’81 and
Glenn Schneider
Margaret (Henkel) ’42 and
Walter Schott SBS ’37
Mamie (Walter) ’78 and
John Schroder ’79
Phyllis and Richard Schueler
Catherine and Jeffrey Schuler
Cathleen (Canfield) ’62 and
Henry Schulhoff
Alice and Walt Schulz
Kathleen and Kevin Scott
Reverend Philip Seher
Rosemary and Herbert Seidner
Kim Sharp
Patricia Sharp
Nancy and Michael Shayeson
Bette and Charles Shellogg
Deborah and Glenn Shillinger
Jennifer and Joseph Shockey
Kathryn and Gary Shomo
Andrea and Jonathan
Sickinger ’95
Inyeai Ororokuma and
Adam Sithe
Debra and Anthony Skiba
Rebecca and Jeffrey Slater
Gail and David Smith
Gay and Jim Smith
Alice and Robert Smith
Suzanne (Bartlett) ’79 and
Jerry Solimine
Liz (Glassmeyer) ’70 and
Greg Spahr
Mercedes and William Spiegel
Monica (Moran) ’63 and
Daniel Spinnenweber
Alok Srivastava ’87
Kay and Joseph Stagaman
Elizabeth Shaughnessy and
James Stapleton
Susan (Roeding) Stapleton ’74
Nicole Staun ’97
Julia Stautberg ’85
Laura and Gregory
Stefani BMS ’74
Joyce and Jack Steinman
John Steinman IV ’03
Cynthia (Singer) ’71 and
Robert Stenger
Ward Stern ’00
Therese and Lyle Stetzer
Lindsey Tyberg Steuer
* Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for at least five consecutive years
Bonnie Ann and
Stanley Stevens
Dorothy and Jerry Stoeckle
Madeline and Sylvio Stortini
Denise and Brian Stretcher
Jeanne (Henkel) Strout ’41
Judith Stubenrauch ’55
Renate Schiefer-Sturdevant
Mary Marcia (Trautmann) ’56
and John Sullivan
Rosemarie (Staun) ’96 and
Holland Sutton
Antoinette and Mike Swank
Nancy and Otis Taylor
Gabriel Thompson ’97
Diane Washek and
Lloyd Thompson
Lisa Thrush
Yngrid and Hale Thurston
Laura and Thomas Tippl
Jodi and Thomas Tobin
Blair Tobler ’02
Hillary Tobler ’05
Judy and Bill Toebben
Melanie and Bill Toler
Mary (Moran) ’84 and
David Towell
Patricia and Eric Towers
Nydia and Richard Tranter
Amanda (Boren) ’91 and
Jeffrey Tucker
Roberta and Terrance Tucker
Deborah and
Douglas Tuke SBS ’65
Martha and William Twombly
Kathleen and Edward Tyrrell
Diane and Kenneth Uckotter
Kara (Luttenegger) ’88 and
David Valz
Jettie and Roberto van Dams
Debora and Jos van Gils
Joan Stalzer-Van Pelt and
Richard Van Pelt
Carolyn and Douglas Varick
Julia and Joseph
Ventura SBS ’65
Deborah and
Randolph Verderber
** Kathleen and
Rudolph Verderber
Mary Vetter
Teri and Jack VonHandorf
Karen and James Wagner
Kathy (Collins) Wagner ’79
Elizabeth Walter ’89
Lynne Wagoner and
Victor Walton ’83
Jennifer and John Ward
Anne and Glenn Waters
Ann (Diersing) ’66 and
Robert Weber
Marsha and Joe Wermes
Ginny (Reid) ’74 and
Jim Wersching SBS ’69
Jane and Jeffrey Weyer
Karen and David Wheeler
Susan and Steve Whitaker
Patricia White
Barbara and Carl
Wiedemann SBS ’55
Jan and Mark Wiesner
Pat and Robert Wilhelmy
Emily (Brose) ’73 and
Shaun Wilkins
Elizabeth (Lippert) ’92 and
Paul Wilson
Annasue and John Wilson III
Dorothy and Frank Winstel
Gayle Witye ’82
Nancy and William Wojcik
Tara Wolfson ’91
Corrina and Wally Wong
Lisa and Jim Woodall
Cynthia Schwieterman and
Vincent Wu
Sangsun Yoon
Sheila (Woliver) ’63 and
Sam Young
Anna and George Zabrecky
Patricia (Sweeny) ’57 and
Rudolph Zadnik
Daniel Zalla
Martha (Schmerge) ’60 and
Guy Zerega
Cherie and Joseph Zieleniewski
Patsy and Jay Clasgens SBS ’37 at the Donor Diner.
**Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for ten consecutive years.
Anonymous (1)
AXA Foundation Matching Gifts
The Chiquita Brands International
Raymond L. Buse
Memorial Foundation
Cinergy Foundation, Incorporated
The Farmer Family Foundation
Federated Department
Stores Foundation
Fidelity Foundation
Matching Gifts to Education
Fifth Third Foundation
Graeter’s International
Brand Stores
The Homan Foundation
Hyde Park Art Show
Key Foundation
MLFB Foundation
M.S. Crandall Group, Incorporated
MMC Matching Gifts Program
National City Bank
Northwestern Mutual
Life Foundation
The William J. and
Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation
The Robert C. and Adele
Schiff Foundation
Scripps Howard Foundation
Target Stores
US Bancorp Foundation
The Warrington Foundation
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
Zip’s Café
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Charles and Mary
Abbottsmith Fund
Richard Antoine and
Dorothy O’Brien Fund
Harry S. and Margaret Baumann
Robinson Fund
Richard V. and Carol A.
Wilson Fund
Bernard J. and Karen D.
Wilger Fund
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
Reid and Mary Bradford Gift Fund
(left to right) Carol Ann and Rich Wilson with Mike and Fran Ranieri at the
Donor Dinner at the Queen City Club on September 15, 2004.
Ginnye and William Abraham
Joseph Abraham ‘12
Shirley and Frank Auciello
Luke Birk ’08
Kirby Birk ’09
Riley Birk ’09
Joyce and David Bates
Timothy Bates ’16
Marge and Michael Bowen
Timothy Bates ’16
Babette and Carmel Cohen
Ariel Cohen ’13
Marcello Cohen ’16
Phil Collins
Philip Wagner ’10
Courtney Collins ’11
Philip Collins ’15
Chris and James Cullen
Anka Canarie ’14
Kathleen Dale-Foreman
Allison Dale ’06
Hillary Dale ’08
Margot Dale ’10
Patricia and Albert Dean
Tullus Dean ’16
Julia Dean ’19
Bonnie and Ronald Dean
Lauren Dean ’08
Brian Dean ’13
Joseph Donovan
Andrew Donovan ’05
Kathleen and Daniel Dunn
Mary France ’10
Mark France ’11
Claire France ’12
Grace France ’12
William France ’14
Virginia and
Eugene Eschbacher
Cole Bush ’15
Logan Bush ’16
Mrs. Melvin Feldkamp
Hanah Krone ’11
Otilia and Emilio Fernandez
Lourdes Perrino ’05
Carolina Perrino’09
Roberto Fernandez ’12
Nicholas Montag ’15
Isabela Fernandez ’14
Elena Montag ’16
Mateo Fernandez ’18
Carol and Bill Fisher
Margaret Mathile ’13
Mary Clare Mathile ’16
Makayla Fisher ’20
Del Fruehling
Bayley Gambill ’12
Kylie Gambill ’15
Carol and Thomas Geracioti
Adrienne Geracioti ’07
Eden Geracioti ’11
Laura Geracioti ’13
Opal and Kennith Goff
Olivia Thomason ’09
Chandler Thomason ’12
Lucinda and Thomas
Heekin SBS ’51
William Heekin ’14
Henry Heekin ’16
Joni Herschede
Emily Huffman ’06
Ellen Huffman ’07
Abby Huffman ’09
Robert Hogan
Jennifer Hogan ’08
Sean Hogan ’12
Richard Hook
David Hook ’08
Darlene and William Judd
William Judd ’10
Janet Kelso-Sickle
Brian Kelso ’06
Judy and Ken Klosterman
Katharine Klosterman ’05
Eleanor Klosterman ’12
Olivia Klosterman ’14
Stan Koller
Chloe Goodhart ’08
Nathan Goodhart ’12
Victoria Lantz
Sophie Tippl ’18
Peggy and Delbert Lins
Daniel Slater ’09
Paul Slater ’11
Linda and John Lloyd
Alexandria Thurner ’08
Katherine Thurner ’11
Christine Thurner ’13
George Thurner IV ’16
Nancy Loreaux
Jireh Loreaux ’06
Andrew Loreaux ’06
Hosanna Loreaux ’13
Doris Mahon
Katherine Mahon ’10
Valerie and Edward Makstell
Natalie Whitsett ’12
Nathan Whitsell ’15
Phyllis and Saul Marmer
Emily Beaupre ’12
Ethlyn and Earl McCleave
Anna Sophie Wilson ’08
Betty and Doug McSwain
Elizabeth McSwain ’09
Kara McSwain ’15
Michael McSwain ’18
Virginia and James Misheff
Charles Buckingham ’08
Marie and Tom Monaco
Alexis Fee ’19
Carter Fee ’16
Mary Navin
Patrick Navin ’11
Eleanor Jeanne Noe
Thomas Noe II ’13
Jacqueline Noe ’15
Diane and Edward Oravec
Juliette Wheeler ’11
Rose Ann and Jack Post
Nicholas Ventura ’11
Nancy and
Ronald Rademacher
Joshua Rademacher ’16
Emma Rademacher ’18
Shirley Reilman
Rachel Fladung ’12
Cheryl Fladung ’14
Myrtle and Arnold Roane
Amina Taylor ’09
Elizabeth and S. J. Roberts
Elizabeth Biggs ’12
Brenna Biggs ’15
Colton Biggs ’19
Barbara and Joseph Schaffer
Theodore Baker ’15
Beatrice Baker ’17
Lenore Schilderink
Thomas Schilderink ’10
Diana Schmidt
Hope Schmidt ’05
Virginia Schmidt ’07
Alice and Walt Schulz
Bradley Bedacht ’10
Bryan Bedacht ’10
Bette and Charles Shellogg
Grant Joseph ’08
Jacqueline Joseph ’11
Amanda Joseph ’14
Gay and Jim Smith
Audrey Dahl ’13
Alice and Robert Smith
James Champlin ’05
Christopher Champlin ’09
Mercedes and
William Spiegel
William Haehnle ’16
Harrison Haehnle ’17
Jane and Carl Stalzer
Daniel Stalzer ’14
Joyce and Jack Steinman
Jared Steinman ’06
Quinn Steinman ’11
Sean Steinman ’13
Dorothy and Jerry Stoeckle
Laura Schoettmer ’12
Madeline and Sylvio Stortini
Lauren Wells ’16
Antoinette and Mike Swank
Margot Swank ’09
Robert Leonard ’10
Eric Swank ’11
Anna Leonard ’18
Sally and
Alexander Thomson III
Peter Thomson ’14
Hope Thomson ’17
Kathleen and
Rudolph Verderber
Anna Rachel Verderber ’19
Ann Volz
Thomas Noe ’13
Jacqueline Noe ’15
Mary Anne and Bill Weber
Adam Erickson ’11
Timothy Erickson ’12
Anna Erickson ’15
Mary Jane and
Joseph Westendorf
Andrew Westendorf ’05
Nancy and William Wojcik
Keegan Howard ’13
Cassidy Howard ’15
Joan Wood
Alexandra Bissantz ’14
Sara Bissantz ’16
Kathy and Philip Dober
Becky and Greg Edwards
Pam and Frank Gardner
Vicki and David Herche
Susan McElroy and
Paul Keck
Julia and John Kling
Lynn and Wayne Lippert
Jan and John Steinman
In memory of
Mara Beaver
Given by
Carol and Romelio Leigh
In memory of
William Fullen
Given by
Therese D. Fullen
In memory of
Ashley Hach ’03
Given by
Summit Students
and families
In memory of
Irene Willman
Given by
Cathy Grimes
Nan and Nelson Jones
Janet and Robert Winters
Fifth Third Bank The Harry and Edna
Husman Foundation
The Fund for Independent
Schools (FISC)
Susan McElroy and
Paul Keck
Mary and Leland Pillsbury
Lois (Crowe) ’50 and
Norman Jones
Karen (Carter)’61 and
Thomas Wertheimer
Atlanta Bread Company
Cactus Pear Restaurant
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Cleaner Concepts II
Mio’s Restaurant
PJ’s on the Square
Red Squirrel Restaurant
Silver Wok Restaurant
The Annual Fund supports hallmark programs, such as Credo and leadership
programs. Upper School students exercise their leadership skills and serve
others by peer tutoring younger students.
Gaie and Roy Benecchi
Julie and Mark Bodnar
Linda and John Botsford
Robin Bratt and Bruce Bowdon
Dianne and Robert Brown
Mary Jo (Randolph )’69
and Richard Cleveland
Jacqueline Conner
Tracie and Sean Conway
Ethna and Todd Cooper
Maureen and Tom DesMarais
Barbara and Joseph Devlin
Bonnie and Gregory Fallath
Tanya and John FitzGerald, Jr.
Sharon (Williams) Frisbie ’69
Anne Vertuca and Louis George
Nancy and Thomas Grote, Jr. SBS ’69
Karen (Horan) ’75 and
Peter H’Doubler
Jenifer and William Harris
Tamara and Robert Harrison
Julia and Rob Heidt Jr.
Donna (Tuke) ’68 and David Heroy
Evelyn and Bradley Hill
Amanda and Sigmund Huber
Colin Kegler ’93
Kathleen (Rabe) ’57 and
Edward Kirchmier, Jr.
Dorothy (Quinlan) ’78 and
Peter Klei ’78
Debra and Richard Loreaux
Patricia Gleason and
Hugh McManus
Amy and Chris Meininger
Roberta and Anthony Michel
Pam and Tom Noe
Penny and Kevin O’Brien
Phyllis and Kenneth Park
Denise and Douglas Peaslee
Mary Beth and Bill Price
Thomas Pund SBS ’70
Joelle and Nicholas
Ragland BMS ’83
James Raphael
Kathy Rigney
Natalie and Michael Schoeny
Jin and Peter Smale ’80
Julia and Joseph Ventura SBS ’65
Robert von Bruning
Margery and John Wallace
Jill Weller
Jenny and Thomas Williams SBS ’71
Thanks for helping to upgrade the
softball and baseball programs to:
Stephanie and Douglas Evans Evans Landscaping
Anne and Gordon Rich Reading Rock, Incorporated
Jeanine and John Steele, Jr. Hilltop Resources
Patty and Eric Steinman Newtown Lumber
Tim Trachsel - The T2 Group
Robert Conwell
Mary Marcia
(Trautmann) Sullivan
Cornelius DeCourcy
Kathleen (Rabe) Kirchmier
Nancy (Van Lahr) Niklas
Jeanne Rolfes
W. Joseph Williams, Jr. SBS
Patricia (Sweeny) Zadnik
Elizabeth (Huck) Goudreau
Walter Schott
Harry Gilligan, Jr.
Mary Alice (Heekin) Burke
Jeanne (Henkel) Strout
Margaret (Hollmeyer) Fisk
Margaret (Henkel) Schott
Bert Amann, Jr. SBS
Mary Lois Jung
Patricia (Long) Rotsinger
James Fraser SBS
Marjorie (Meyer) Kyte
Mary Clark
(Schulte) Rechtiene
Joseph Beech III SBS
James Blum SBS
Melanie (Nordloh)
William Earls Jr., SBS
† John Kunkel SBS
Edward Castleberry SBS
Thomas Fleming SBS
Bob Greiwe SBS
Francis Barrett SBS
David Jorling SBS
Martha (Schmerge) Zerega
Luke Harig, Jr. SBS
Ruth Moeller
Joan (Schulte) Rohde
Sandra (Schlenck) Dubberley
Conky Greiwe
Robert Owens SBS
Grant Dibert, Jr. SBS
Julie (Owens) Albanese
Cathleen (Canfield) Schulhoff
Anonymous (1)
Thomas Ackermann SBS
Donna (Hocks) Meakin
Shirley (Ackermann) Schaefer
Thomas Theobald SBS
Thomas Heekin SBS
Larry Kyte, Jr. SBS
Ann (Wiley) Denison
Margaret (Powers) Kronauge
Charles Rentschler SBS
Eric Gall SBS
Kay (Hadley) Greiwe
Susanne (Van Lahr) McPhillips
Elizabeth (Zins) Reiber
Elaine (Springmeier) Kelley
Thomas Luebbers SBS
Judith Stubenrauch
Carl Wiedemann SBS
Joseph Glassmeyer SBS
John Keck SBS
† Deceased
Charles Blum SBS
Karen (Deiterman) Calico
James Merling, Jr. SBS
Monica (Moran)
Dennis Swaney SBS
Josephine (Kling) Trippe
Sheila (Woliver) Young
Renie (Leonard) Dohrmann
Raymond Schilderink SBS
Mary (Kotte) Smyth
Kathryn (Deye) Enright
Patricia (Barton)
Christopher MacConnell SBS
Douglas Tuke SBS
Joseph Ventura SBS
Mary Kay (Bradley) Wick
Walter Homan SBS
Mary Lee (Blum) Olinger
Margaret (Baumann)
Chris Vollmer SBS
Kathryn (Pohl) Wagner
Ann (Diersing) Weber
BMS Boys Middle School
Mary (Foss) Brinkmeyer
Mark Hogan SBS
Delle (Christensen) Jones
Kevin Shumrick SBS
Patricia (Clasgens) Fisk
Ann (Ghory) Tapke
Christine Blum
Mary Jo (Randolph) Cleveland
Deborah (Kuethe) Detwiler
Tom Finn SBS
Sharon (Williams) Frisbie
Thomas Grote, Jr. SBS
Juliana (Fern) Patten
Jim Wersching SBS
Jane (Buse) Burke
Laura (Hefele) Hackett
Liz (Glassmeyer) Spahr
Therese (Rohde) Tobler
Mary Ann
(O’Donnell) Escudero
Jeffrey Hock SBS
Brian MacConnell SBS
Margaret (Homan) Masters
Cynthia (Singer) Stenger
John Warrington SBS
Thomas Williams SBS
Brigid Harmon
Carol (Rohde) Hinckley
Barbara (Slageter) Horner
Roger Nunlist BMS
Catherine (Knue) Cooper
Sarah (Moore) Nease
Victoria Pohl
Kathleen Ryan
(Braeuning) Schmidt
Emily (Brose) Wilkins
Rosine (Daoud) Cassidy
Susan (Roeding) Stapleton
Gregory Stefani BMS
Susan (Thurner) Vollmer
Ginny (Reid) Wersching
Nadine (Makstell) Whitsett
J. B. Buse BMS
Anne Castleberry
Jeanne (Elfers) Cullen
Gregory DeLorenzo BMS
Karen (Horan) H’Doubler
Peggy (Lottman) Lee
Elena Messina
Ingrid (Eckmayer) Parry
GMS Girls Middle School
SBS Summit Boys School
FUND IN 2004-2005
Letitia (O’Neil) Smith
Olga GarciaDuarte Rachovitsky
David Reininger BMS
Betsy (Grogan) Schmidt
Emilio Fernandez BMS
Joseph Finke
George Junker II
Stephanie (Schrimpf)
Thomson GMS
Tracy (Scharon) Blum
Mary (Heekin) Bolan
Eric Kearney BMS
Sophia (Homan) Male
Otilia (Fernandez) Perrino
George Thurner III BMS
Marypat Carletti Beerck
Patricia Donovan
George Joseph BMS
Dorothy (Quinlan) Klei
Peter Klei
Adelaida (Fernandez) Montag
Mamie (Walter) Schroder
Jeffrey Glenn BMS
Reverend Todd Grogan
Richard Joseph, Sr. BMS
Glenn Pfister
John Schroder
Suzanne (Bartlett) Solimine
Kathy (Collins) Wagner
Marcie (Gosiger) Warrington
Kenneth Klosterman, Jr.
Phil Collins BMS
Sherry (Schloemer) Schneider
Maryann (Homan) Witte
Samson Crew IV BMS
Patrick Heekin
Jay Jindal
Grace (Baluyot) Kerr
Kyndle McMurry
Sue (Baron) Pugh
Gregg Runge
Gayle Witye
Tanya (Braukman) Haas
Jenny (Dorger) Heekin
Elizabeth Walter
Monica (Haas) Desch
Ryan Kyte
Laura Nusekabel
Helen (Clauder) Saia
John Cummings
Elizabeth Grimme
Lauren Grote
Erin Kelly
Ward Stern
David Kelly
Jane (Dumler) Klare
Nicholas Ragland IV BMS
Victor Walton
Amanda (Boren) Tucker
Tara Wolfson
Frank Albi
Laura Janneck
Sean Becker
Kathrine (Reynolds) McMillan
Erik Privett
Elizabeth (Lippert) Wilson
Julie Burke
Nicholas Dyer
Kathryn Grote
Robert Heidt
Joe Sanzere
Blair Tobler
Kathryn (Stahl) Harsh
Keith Harsh
Steve Headley
Christopher Heekin BMS
Mary (Moran) Towell
Christine (Homan) Ziegler
Jill (Meurer) Grech
Katherine Grefer
Elizabeth (Tondow) Jones
Erin (Arata) Rolf
Lindsay Botsford
Bridget McConnell
Aine Baldwin
Kate (Schilderink) Herbert
Patricia O’Connor
Mark Burke, Jr.
James Fisk
Austin Heidt
Patrick Massa
Margaret Niehaus-Sauter
John Steinman IV
Steve Jindal
Gretchen (Clark) Cogan
Kevin Luttenegger
Jonathan Sickinger
Michael Burke
Todd Cooper
Frank Kortyka
Julie (Kelley) Back
Kelly (O’Donnell) Cates
Joan Harris-Graves
Alok Srivastava
Kristin (Hausladen) Baker
Lauren Brinkmeyer
Alexis Palascak
Rosemarie (Staun) Sutton
Hillary Tobler
Monica (Sansalone) Breen
Allison (Weber) Erickson
Kara (Luttenegger) Valz
Molly Booher
Krista (Kief) Clark
Michael Grimme
Jonathan Kling
Nicole Staun
Gabriel Thompson
Tansy (Wills) Barakat
Robert Blum III
Victoria Clarke-Farjadian
Jill (Verdin) Crew
Tracy Law-Lee
Alice O’Dell
Julia Stautberg
* Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for at least five consecutive years
Alumni - Attendees
Mike Amann
Brian Becker
Anna (Cunningham) Bohlke
Augustine Long
**Denotes giving to the Annual Fund for ten consecutive years.
The Edward C. Tyrrell
endowment fund
The Summit’s Endowment Fund now totals $8.5 million (unaudited), thanks to gifts from
individuals, families and friends. In May 2003, The Summit’s trustees renamed this The
Edward C. Tyrell Endowment Fund. When you make a gift to the endowment, the money
is invested permanently. Per Board policy, only the interest is used for current educational
needs. This guaranteed income benefits four areas of the school: faculty development,
innovative programs, scholarships and buildings and grounds. In 2004-2005, the
operating budget received $228,223 in endowment distribution.
The endowment plays an integral part in preserving excellence at The Summit.
Faculty Development - Professional development for faculty and staff is vital so that
we continue to attract and retain superior faculty and staff members. Through the
Dreambuilding – Campaign for The Summit, the trustees seek to more than double
the funds currently allotted to faculty and staff development.
Innovative Programs – Credo, our Educating for Character Program, sets our school
apart from all the others in the community and much of the nation. To educate “leaders
of character” who will “improve the world they inherit,” we must fund research, training
and materials to preserve this hallmark program.
Scholarships - The Summit recognizes that a diverse community of learning is the
essential ingredient to our outstanding academic and social programs. Socio-economic
diversity has long been a priority at The Summit. With additional endowment dollars,
we seek to provide 36 new scholarships and expand our offerings below the 7th grade level.
Beautification and Campus Improvements – We must provide funds for future
improvements to the new Lower School, the Harold C. Schott Middle School,
the Main Building and the campus.
The Endowment
family funds
Family Funds are part of the school’s endowment
and benefit the four areas as detailed above. A Family
Fund can be established with a minimum donation
of $2,500. You may choose to establish a fund with
your family name or in honor of a family member or
loved one. We hope you will continue to build your
Family Fund over the years.
Once donations reach $100,000 or more, you
may establish a Named Founder Fund to designate
a scholarship, faculty or department chair. Your
participation is essential to help build the endowment
and ensure the future of The Summit for the
next generation.
Funds ($100,000+)
James E. Evans Teacher
Institute Fund, established
in 1990, enables faculty
members to improve their
teaching skills, expand their
knowledge and use technology
for personal and institutional
Amelia (Hamberg) Foss ’24
Scholarship, established in
1989, assists a qualified
student who demonstrates
leadership through school,
church or community service
and witnesses Christian values
and social responsibility.
Marc Gerard Fragge ’83
Memorial Scholarship Fund,
established in 1988, assists
qualified students who exemplify Marc’s personal dedication to academic achievement, athletic involvement
and spiritual growth.
Betty and Ronald Fragge
Lifers Scholarship Fund,
established in 1998,
provides a scholarship to
a qualified student who
could not otherwise afford
a Summit education from
the primary through
twelfth grades.
Virgina H. Pohl Family
Scholarship Fund,
established in 2001, provides
a scholarship to a “qualified
person of character, who
demonstrates ability to
succeed, participates actively
in co-curricular programs and
shares God-given gifts.”
Schilderink Family Faculty
Chair for Distinguished
Teaching, established in
1989, promotes academic
and institutional excellence
with an annual award to a
faculty member who exemplifies the highest standards of
teaching and distinguished
service to The Summit.
* The Harold C. Schott Middle
School Endowment Fund,
established in 2004, for the
maintenance and upkeep
of the Harold C. Schott
Middle School.
The Harold C.
Schott Foundation
The Summit Professional
Development Institute,
established in 1999, is a
school-directed professional
development fund to meet
the school’s most pressing
educational needs that
strengthen excellence
in teaching.
Arthur and Irma Theobald
Scholarship Fund,
established in 1996,
provides two scholarships to
qualified African-American
students who witness belief
in “the gift of education and
perseverance in the face of
challenge” and who could
not otherwise afford a
Summit education.
Gigi and Thomas
Theobald SBS ’50
The Richard F. Williams SBS
’58 Memorial Scholarship
Fund, established in 2001,
provides a scholarship to a
qualified student who could
not otherwise afford a
Summit education.
Sharon (Williams)
Frisbie ’69
The Williams Foundation
Jenny and Thomas
Williams SBS ’71
($40,000 - $99,999)
Alumni Scholarship Fund,
established in 1980.
Castellini Foundation Family
Benefactor Fund, established
in 2004.
Susan and
Robert Castellini
Deanna and Robert S.
Castellini BMS ’82
Britt and Phillip
Castellini ’88
Patricia (Castellini)
GMS ’88 and
William Headley
Elizabeth (Castellini) ’81
and John Fesperman
Patricia and Joseph H.
Clasgens II SBS ’37
Scholarship Fund,
established in 2004
Patricia and Joseph
Clasgens II SBS ’37
A.J. Cohen Memorial
Scholarship Fund,
established in 2000.
Mary (Foss) ’67 and
Joseph Brinkmeyer
A.J. Cohen Memorial
Baseball Tournament
Concessions and Raffle
Midge and William Cohen
Rachel Von Nida
Joan and James J. Gardner
Family Benefactor Fund,
established in 2004.
Joan and
James Gardner
Chris and Trey Heekin Family
Benefactor Fund, established
in 2004.
Chris and Trey
Heekin SBS ’54
($10,000 - $39,999)
C. Bert Amann, Jr. SBS ’45
Family Endowed Fund,
established in 2004.
Bert Amann, Jr. SBS ’45
Anonymous Family Endowed
Fund, established in 2001.
Charles and May Belle Barrett
Family Endowed Fund,
established in 2004.
May Belle Barrett
Mark Todd Berger Scholarship
Fund, established in 1990,
provides assistance to a
student who makes a significant commitment to self,
school, family, community
or environment.
Cynthia Fitton and Robin
Cotton Family Endowed Fund,
established in 2004.
Robin Cotton and
Cynthia Fitton
* Kim and Scott David Family
Endowed Fund, established
in 2005.
Kim and Scott David
Margo S. and Frank X.
Homan Scholarship Fund,
established in 2004.
Laura and Walter E.
Homan SBS ’65
Cheryl and Roger Dean
Family Endowed Fund,
established in 2004.
Cheryl and Roger Dean
* Carolyn and John LaBar
Family Benefactor Fund,
established in 2004
Carolyn and John LaBar
Rebecca and Gregory
Edwards Family Endowed
Fund, established in 2001.
Hildene and
William Edwards
Schilderink Alumni
Scholarship Fund (Grades 112), established in 2004.
Marian and Grant
Dibert, Jr. SBS ’48
Craig Jones ’98
Richard Meehan SBS ’65
Elizabeth (Zins) Reiber ’54
Lynda and Raymond
Schilderink SBS ’64
Virginia (Reid)’74
and James
Wersching SBS ’69
Emily (Brose)’73 and
Shaun Wilkins
Madeline and Patrick Gilligan
Family Endowed Fund,
established in 2004.
Madeline and
Patrick Gilligan
Juanita and John Griffin
Family Endowed Fund,
established in 2004.
Juanita and John Griffin
Theresa and Greg Hartmann
Family Endowed Fund,
established in 2004.
Theresa and
Greg Hartmann
George E. Junker Family
Endowed Fund, established
in 1992.
* New in 2004-2005
Catherine and Jerome H.
Kearns Family Endowed
Fund, established in 1989.
Marian and Jack Leibold
Family Endowed Fund,
established in 2004.
Marian and Jack Leibold
Emil Nelson Memorial
Endowed Fund, established
in 2001.
Mary Beth and William C.
Price Family Endowed Fund,
established in 2003.
Mary Beth and
William Price
* Johnny Warrington ‘05
Memorial Endowed Fund,
established in 2005.
Jennifer Adams
Madge (Greiwe) ’54 and
Edward Alf SBS ’49
Marcella and Tom Allison
Christine and David
Babbitt SBS ’69
Joan and Oliver L. Baily
Carolyn and Charles
Barham, III
Matilda Bellucci
Cindy and
Andrew Berman
Julia Becker and
Daniel Biehl
Robert Black, Jr.
Mary (Heekin) ’77 and
John Bolan
John Bowman
Sharon and
Joseph Bozic
Mary Anne and
Thomas Brennan
Mary (Foss) ’67
and Joseph Brinkmeyer
Peggy Brueggemann
Patricia and Clark Burk
Jane (Buse) ’70 and
Mark Burke
Joan and Michael Burns
Diane and J.B.
Buse BMS ’75
Ann Casey
Rosine (Daoud) ’74
and James Cassidy
Amy and Jason Cherry
Class of 2005
Susan and Burton Closson, Jr.
Joan and Lee Comisar
Eva Jane Coombe
Suzanne Cowgill
Mary and Robert Crossett
Joseph Culbertson
John and Shirley Davies
Grace and
Edmonde DeGregorio
Jamie and Gregory DeLorenzo
Barbara and Joseph Devlin
Michele and Joseph Evelo
Bonnie and Gregory Fallath
Joan Fox Morton and
David Freytag
Sharon (Williams) Frisbie ’69
Kathleen and Brennan Fugazzi
Oliver Gale
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Geier, Jr.
Pedie and
Tom Guggenheim
Karen and Jerry Haralson
Carol and Oliver Hardin
Louise and Joseph Head, Jr.
Megan and Steve Hilmer
Christine and Alan Hollatz
Stephen Hunter
Linda Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Carol Kalnow
Tom Keating
Paul Keck, Jr.
Peter Koenig
Nicole Kramer
Janet (Eilerman) ’54 and
Donald Krumme
Mark Kuenning
Polly Laffoon
Susan Leonard
Whitney and Phillip Long
Joyce and Dan Lorey
Susan and Steven Lynch
Susan McElroy
Mary and John McLaughlin
Lindsay and Stuart McLean
Susanne (Van Lahr) ’54
and John McPhillips
Elizabeth and
Douglas McSwain
James Mahon
Leslie and Timothy Maloney
Jeanette and Jeffrey March
John March
Gertrude and
Stephen Marcum
Elaine and Robert Miller
Sally and Frank Minning
Ann Monroe
Caroline and
Richard Morris, Jr.
National Society of the
Colonial Dames
of America
Natalie and Patrick Nesbitt
Susan and Craig Newman
Carol and Peter Ney
Vanessa Nicely
Marjorie and Robert Off
Christine and James Orr
Elizabeth Ott
Mary and Robert
Ott, Jr. SBS ’64
Paula Ott
Lisa Palmer
Marguerite Pauly
Donna and Henry Peters
Heather and
Michael M. Pfister
Louis Prince
Susan Purcell
John Quackenbush and
Marianne Mercier
Royal Riedinger
Nina and Millard Rogers, Jr.
Molly and Tripp Rogers
Saint Ursula Academy
Saint Xavier Mothers Club
Dell Ann and Robert Sathe
Francis Satogata and
Heather Hallenberg
Vicki and John Schickner
Paul Muller and
Teresa Schnorr
Lawrence Schwab
Sylvia Schwab
Ann Segal
John Shepherd
Judith and Timothy Shields
Ellen (Pease) Sole ’70
Jane and Carl Stalzer
Karen and Richard Stewart
Gerri and Carl Strauss, Jr.
Summit Parents Association
Maureen and
Gregory Sweeney, Sr.
Phyllis Thayer
Peter Unger
Cedric Vogel
Natalie and Russell Walden
Suzanne Warrington
Patrice Watson
Fred Wells
Mary West
Weston Family Foundation
Constance and
Russell Wilson
Jean Wommack
Linda and Jeff Wyler
Wurzelbacher Family
Endowed Fund, established
in 1996, provides assistance
to a female scholar who
exemplifies Nancy
Wurzelbacher’s achievements
in leadership, character,
academics and athletics.
Linda and Jeff Wyler Family
Fund, established in 2003.
Linda and Jeff Wyler
($2,500 - $9,999)
Tracy Beck Memorial Fund,
established in 2002.
Gaie and Roy Benecchi
Family Fund, established
in 2004.
Gaie and Roy Benecchi
Leah L. Bien Family Fund,
established in 2001.
Linda and John Botsford
Family Fund, established
in 2004.
* Teri and Neil Comber Family
Fund, established in 2005.
Teri and Neil Comber
* Laura and Brad Mullen
Family Fund, established
in 2005.
Laura and Brad Mullen
Jamie and Greg DeLorenzo
Family Fund, established
in 2004.
Jamie and Greg DeLorenzo
Mike, Fran and Allison
Ranieri Family Fund,
established in 2003.
Fran and Mike Ranieri
Carole and Albert Fultz
Family Fund, established
in 2003.
Bettina and Bruce Ross
Family Fund, established
in 2001.
* Patricia (Barton) ’65 and
Michael Grunkemeyer Family
Fund, established in 2005.
Patricia (Barton) ’65 and
Michael Grunkemeyer
Vicki and David Herche
Family Fund, established in
David and Diana Krick Family
Fund, established in 1998.
Marjorie (Meyer) ’58 and
Lawrence H. Kyte, Jr. SBS
’52 Family Fund, established
in 2004.
Lynn Lippert Family Fund,
established in 2004.
Cindy and Christopher
MacConnell SBS ’64
Antonio Marquez Memorial
Family Fund, established
in 2004.
Emilie Algenio
Rebecca and Jose Algenio
Nathan Algenio ’89
Rachel Algenio ’86
Rebecca (Algenio) ’92
and Shawn Crawford
Maryann and Charles Finn
Paula and
Michael Fitzgerald
Deborah and
Richard Grover
Mary Lou and
James Haley
Mary and Glenn Hauser
Sally Koester
Lori and Joseph Kummer
Bernice Merten
Mary Minges
Mary Mitchell
Mary Andrea Sherman
Tracy and Larry Taylor
Jill and
George Vonderhaar
Mary Claire and
William Vornhagen
The Amy and Ben Russert
Family Fund, established
in 2001.
Dorothy (Brett) Stone ’36
Memorial Fund,
established 2001.
* The Summit Parents
Association Scholarship
Fund, established in 2005.
Roberta Ann and
Robert Blum, III ’85
Class of 2009
Summit Parents
Judith and
William Toebben
Maura Beaver
Maryann and Charles Finn
Paula and
Michael Fitzgerald
Deborah and
Richard Grover
Mary Lou and James Haley
Mary and Glenn Hauser
Sally Koester
Lori and Joseph Kummer
Bernice Merten
Mary Minges
Mary Mitchell
Mary Andrea Sherman
Tracy and Larry Taylor
Jill and
George Vonderhaar
Mary Claire and
William Vornhagen
Dorothy Butler
Summit Parents
James R. Donovan
Patricia Donovan
Bette Friese
Leigh and Harry Weaks
William Fullen
Marjorie (Meyer) ’58 and
Larry Kyte, Jr. SBS ’52
Stan Hansen
Summit Parents
Brett Johnson
Colleen Batcheller
Thomas G. Murray
Roberta Ann and
Robert Blum, III ’85
Sheila Reynolds
Summit Parents
Kathleen Schwartz
Summit Parents
Richard Sutphin, Sr.
Marjorie (Meyer) ’58 and
Larry Kyte, Jr. SBS ’52
Irene F. Willman
Mary (Foss) Brinkmeyer ’67
and Joseph Brinkmeyer
Jane (Buse) ’70 and
Mark Burke
Kay Egbert
Bonnie and
Gregory Fallath
Cathy Grimes
Connie Herbert
Karla Huntsberger
Louise Mathews
Mary and
August Scarpelli
Summit Parents
† Susan Ratterman ’70
Tom Theobald SBS’50 (center) congratulates Theobald scholars
Aisin Bryant ’08 (left) and Chad Bailey ’05.
Kathleen and Edward Tyrrell
Family Fund, established
in 2001.
Roberta Ann Blum
Summit Parents
Tom Finn
Peggy and Tim Mathile
Mathilde Pfeiffer
Deborah and
Randolph Verderber
Becky Poppa
Deborah and
Randolph Verderber
* Family Funds newly established in 2004-2005
† Deceased
The Heritage Society:
leaving a legacy
A thoughtful way to help build The Summit’s
endowment is to leave The Summit Country Day
School, Inc. in your will. Please notify the school so
that we can acknowledge your gift in the Annual
Report and recognize you as a member of the
Heritage Society on a plaque in the main building.
Other planned gifts, such as trusts, insurance and
annuities, offer you both income and estate tax
advantages while providing an important source of
financial security for the school.
“As both an alumna and a parent, I know the benefits of a Summit
education. I especially value the spiritual, moral and emotional
development that I and my children have received. I have made
provisions for The Summit in my estate plans to ensure that The
Summit is preserved for future generations.”
Sharon (Williams) Frisbie ’69, Heritage Society Chair
Charter Members
Anonymous (2)
William Baechtold
Rosemary Baumann
Jon Blohm SBS ’68
Julie and Mark Bodnar
Linda and John Botsford
Mary (Foss) Brinkmeyer ’67
Jane (Buse) ’70 and
Mark Burke
Susan and
Robert Castellini
Deanna Dalia
Ann (Wiley) Denison ’53
Katherine and
William DeWitt, Jr.
The Domaschko Family
Rebecca and Greg Edwards
Mrs. David Forker
David Forker SBS ’53
Sharon (Williams) Frisbie ’69
Paula Grulee
Louise Hack ’27
Nancy and
Robert Hayden
Martha (Rush) Henry ’32
Ann Hinckley
Charles Hinckley
Amy and George
Joseph SBS ’78
Marjorie (Meyer) Kyte ’58 and
Lawrence Kyte, Jr. ’52
Mrs. Mary Kyte
Betsy and Brian
MacConnell SBS ’71
Cindy and Christopher
MacConnell SBS ’65
Jennifer (Hayden) Morreale ’91
Karen Pohl
Marlene and Thomas Powers
Martha and Nicholas
Ragland SBS ’58
Susan Ratterman ’70
Frederick Rentschler SBS ’53
Gabrielle (Bouscaren) ’66
and Mercer Reynolds
Bettina and Bruce Ross
Patricia (Long) Rotsinger ’45
Kathy and Philip Schneider
Kathryn, Brian, Wyatt
and Kira Spivey
Anne and Edward Stern
Therese and Lyle Stetzer
Jean (Hennegan) Strasser ’29
Jeanne (Henkel) Strout ’41
Caroline Sutphin
Richard Sutphin, Sr.
Candy and George
Thurner, III BMS ’77
Kathleen and Edward C. Tyrrell
The Christopher Vollmer Family
Helen (DeCourcy) ’38 and
William Williams, Sr. ’29
Dr. and Mrs.
Richard Wurzelbacher
* New bequests in 2003-2004
† Deceased
(left to right)
Front row: Richard V. Wilson, Sr. Jo Ann
Recker, SNDdeN, Valerie L. Newell,
Raymond E. Schilderink SBS ’64,
Marian B. Leibold,
Row 2: Mark E. Burke, Todd L. Cooper,
Sr. Joyce Hoben, SNDdeN, Elizabeth G.
Schmidt ’75, Philip V. Schneider
Row 3: Lisa Wintersheimer Michel,
Tonya C. Warren, George E. Thurner III,
BMS ’77, Sr. Kimberly Dalgarn, SNDdeN
Row 4: Timothy L. Mathile, Gary D.
Johns, Eric H. Kearney, BMS ’77
(not pictured) Renee B. Dunn, George
R. Joseph, BMS ’78, Kenneth F.
Klosterman Jr. ’80, Lynn Marmer, Mary
Beth Price, Thomas L. Williams, SBS ’71
the summit
accreditation and memberships
Founded: 1890
Order: The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Type: Independent, Roman Catholic Day School
Grades: Montessori Pre-K through Grade 12
Enrollment: 1,080
Independent Schools Association of the Central states
Council for Advancement and Support of Education
Independent School Management
Joint Research and Planning Office
The National Association of Principals of Schools for Girls
National Catholic Educational Association
Ohio Association of Independent Schools
Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators
Catholic Conference of Ohio
2004-2005 ALUMNI
(left to right)
Alumni Board Vice-President Betsy (Grogan)
Schmidt ’75, Alumni Board Member Tom Finn SBS
’69 and Alumni Board Past President Joe Ventura
SBS ’65 at the Alumni Reunion Weekend.
Julie Stautberg ‘85, President
Betsy (Grogan) Schmidt ’75,
Vice President/President-Elect
Joe Ventura SBS ’65,
Past President
Annual Fund Chairs
Carol and Rich Wilson
Janiene and Stephen Baker
Peggy and Edwin Barker
Anna and Marc Bohlke
Diane and J. B. Buse BMS ’75
Linda and Robert Collier
Ilse and Terrence Cosgrove
Amy and Jeffrey Dardinger
Cheryl and Roger Dean
Maureen and Tom DesMarais
Katherine and Philip Dober
Rebecca and Gregory Edwards
Sally and Jack Farley, Jr.
Madeline and Patrick Gilligan
Terri and Gary Grefer
Caroline and Patrick Heekin ’82
Gilda Horn
Christina and Harold Kelso
Julia and John Kling
Therese and Robert Kranz
Margaret and Charles Kubicki
Rebecca Lawrence
Leslie and Timothy Maloney
Michelle McBride
Laura and Bradley Mullen
Tracy and Mark Murrison
Stacey and Brian Pavlin
Mimi and Bruce Petrie, Jr.
Mollie and Thomas Ritter
Amy and Benjamin Russert
Regina (Baluyot) ’84
and Peter Saba ’83
Linda and James Schad
Kathy and Howard Schertzinger
Jane and Paul Schmerge BMS ’78
Elizabeth (Grogan) ’75
and C. J. Schmidt III
Sara Schoettmer
Kathryn and Gary Shomo
Rob Dziech ’88
Tom Finn ‘69
Bob Gorey
Kathryn (Stahl) Harsh ‘84
Tracy Law-Lee ‘85
Donna (Hocks) Meakin ‘49
Jeanne Rolfes ‘57
Liz (Glassmeyer) Spahr ‘70
Kara (Luttenegger) Valz ‘88
Bobbi Blum, President
Beth Jantsch, 1st Vice President
Kathryn (Stahl) Harsh, ’84,
2nd Vice President
Crystal Faulkner Cooney,
Immediate Past President
Teri Comber, Recording Secretary
Judy Toebben,
Corresponding Secretary
Mariza Caraveo de Cohen,
Kathy Schertzinger,
Assistant Treasurer
Cathy Schuler, Logo Treasurer
Ellen Peterson, President
Jeanne Johnson, VP Membership
Jeff Leonard, Treasurer
Lynn Lippert, Honorary Chair
Conky Greiwe ’61,
Auction Coordinator
Leadership Gifts Chairs
Ethna and Todd Cooper
Parent Division Chairs
Julie and Chip Klosterman ’80
New Families Chairs
Ellen and Mark Peterson
Alumni Division Chair
Robert Owens SBS ’61
Alumni-Parent Chair
Terri Tobler ’70
Young Alumni Chair
Lindsay Botsford ’98
Parents of Graduates Chairs
Martha and John Holland
Faculty and Staff Chair
Bruce Bowdon
Grandparent Chairs
Valerie and Edward Makstell
Joy and Frank Albi
Gaie and Roy Benecchi
Jane (Buse) ’70 and Mark Burke
Sarah and Michael Chasnoff
Brynne and Robert Coletti
Mary and William
Earls, Jr. SBS ’59
Karen and David Feld
Theresa and Greg Hartmann
Karen and Jeffrey Hock SBS ’71
Elizabeth and Paul Jantsch
Peggy and Gary Johns
Amy and George Joseph BMS ’78
Margaret and Charles Kubicki
Catherine and Donald Laden
Lori and Augustine Long
Cindy and Christopher
MacConnell SBS ’65
Kerry Grote Mock and
Russell Mock
Mary and Roger Nunlist BMS ’72
Kellie and Daniel Peters
Mary Beth and Bill Price
Lynda and Raymond
Schilderink SBS ’64
Kathy and Phil Schneider
Michele Macedonio and
Matthew Sokany
Valerie and Billy Thomason
Stephanie (Schrimpf) GMS ’76
and Douglas Thomson
Emina and Thomas Short
Nancy and Otis Taylor
Valerie and Billy Thomason
Roberta and Terrance Tucker
Carrie and Douglas VanDerzee
Bob Gorey
Julie Stautberg ’85
Gordon Myers ’05
Chair, Betsy (Grogan) Schmidt ‘75
Tansy (Wills) Barakat ‘85
Monica (Haas) Desch ‘90
Josh Diedrichs ‘95
Josie (Walter) Funk ‘80
Bob Gorey
Kathryn (Stahl) Harsh ‘84
Tracy Law-Lee ‘85
Kevin Luttenegger ‘95
Mary Ann Ryan
Jeanne Rolfes ‘57
Nat (Verkamp) Schoeny ‘65
Liz (Glassmeyer) Spahr ‘70
Julie Stautberg ‘85
Kara (Luttenegger) Valz ‘88
Joe Ventura SBS ‘65
Nadine (Makstell) Whitsell ‘74
SPA Faculty & Staff Appreciation Week Chairs (left to right) Cathy
Boyce, Nadine Whitsett '74, Tammie Harrison, Barb Gambill
VOLUNTEERS 2003-2005
Committee Co-Chairs
Peggy and Gary Johns
Peg and Tim Mathile
Marty and Nick Ragland SBS ’58
Lynda and Ray
Schilderink SBS ’64
Jenny and Tom Williams SBS ’71
Assistant Head Mary (Foss) Brinkmeyer ’67 and Head of School
Joseph Devlin thank Bill Saal, trustee of the Harold C. Schott
Foundation, for it $1 million gift to estblish the HCS Middle School
Endowment Fund for maintenance of the building.
(left to right) Lynn and Wayne Lippert and Mark (SBS’ 67)
and Kathy Hogan at The Summit Auction.
Steering Committee Members
Diane and J.B. Buse SBS ’75
Joseph Devlin
Sharon (Williams) Frisbie ’69
Nancy Grote
Mag and Richard Joseph BMS ’79
Lisa and Tim Michel
Phil Schneider
Patty and Eric Steinman
Anne Stern
Edward Tyrrell
Michele Walters
Rich Wilson
Elaine Billmire
Mark Bodnar
Mark Burke
Renee Dunn
Greg Edwards
Tom Heekin SBS ’51
George Joseph BMS ’78
Eric Kearney BMS ’77
Chip Klosterman ’80
Marian Leibold
Lisa Wintersheimer Michel
Valerie Newell
Mary Beth Price
Betsy (Grogan) Schmidt ’75
George Thurner BMS ’77
Tonya Warren
Parent Division Chair
Marian Leibold
Parent Division Co-chairs
Mary Farmer, Middle School
Sharon (Williams) Frisbie ‘69,
Upper School
Kathryn (Stahl) Harsh ’84,
Julie Klosterman, Lower School
New Family Chair
Kim David
SPA 2004-2005 Executive Board (left to right)
Kathryn (Stahl) Harsh '84, 2nd Vice President; Cathy Schuler, Spirit
Shop Treasurer; Teri Comber, Recording Secretary; Bobbi Blum,
President; Beth Jantsch, Vice President; Mariza Caraveo de Cohen,
Treasurer; Kathy Schertzinger, Assistant Treasurer; Judy Toebben,
Corresponding Secretary.
Roy Benecchi
Mark Bodnar
Chris and John Browner
Sarah and Mike Chasnoff
Sean Conway
Ethna and Todd Cooper
Karrie and Chip Crowther
Kim David
Cheryl Dean
Greg Edwards
Mary and Scott Farmer
Karen and David Feld
Tom Gabelman
Madeline and Pat Gilligan
Barb Haas
Kathryn (Stahl) Harsh ’84
Greg Hartmann
Beth Jantsch
Chris Kelso
Julie Klosterman
Deborah Livers
Pam Noe
Mike Ranieri
Derek Roudebush
Amy Russert
Emina Short
Ken Thelen
Eva Booher
Lisa McSwain
Lori Mullen
Stacey Pavlin
George Schaefer
Kathy Schertzinger
Nancy Smith
Mariza Caraveo de Cohen
Tammy Harrison
Mimi Petrie
Jenni and Derek Roudebush
Emina Short
Debbie and Bob Hutchins
Fran and Mike Ranieri
Eric Steinman
Jane (Buse) Burke ‘70
Patti Dyer
Nancy Grote
Beth Jantsch
Mark Peterson
Phil Schneider
Jan Steinman
Maureen Sweeney
Alumni Honorary Chairs
Mary (Foss) Brinkmeyer ’67
Sharon (Williams) Frisbie ’69
Trey Heekin SBS ’54
Fred Rentschler SBS ’53
Gaby (Bouscaren) Reynolds ’66
Tom Theobald SBS ’50
Alumni Steering Committee
Jane (Buse) Burke ’70
Rob Dziech ’88
Kathryn (Stahl) Harsh ’84
Keith Harsh ’84
Steve Headley ’84
Jeff Hock SBS ’71
Mark Hogan SBS ’67
Eric Kearney BMS ’77
Jeanne Rolfes ’57
Bren Ryan SBS ’59
Betsy (Grogan) Schmidt ’75
Nat (Verkamp) Schoeny ’65
Alane (Schloemer)
Shoemaker ’68
Liz (Glassmeyer) Spahr ’70
Julie Stautberg ’85
Joe Ventura SBS ’65
Ann (Ryan) Vollman ’62
John Warrington SBS ’71
Alumni and Special Projects
Mary Jo (Randolph)
Cleveland ’69
Nicole Bailey ’04
Janelle Beckford ’03
Alex Bien ’03
Andrea Carroll ’02
Justen Cheers ’03
Takia Dasent ’04
Mayetis Dawson ’04
Steven Haag ’05
Lana Hicks ’05
Jason Loreaux ’04
Andrew Reynolds ’05
Meghan Ross ’04
Jeff Roth ’02
Jennifer Shinkle ’03
Kathryn Stickle ’04
Ralph Stikeleather ’03
Michael Twombly ’02
Caroline Twombly ’05
Karen Uckotter ’04
John Wilson ’04
Faculty and Staff Campaigners
Mary Jean Anderson
Kimberli Ashcraft
Robert Baechtold
Bruce Bowdon
Mary (Foss) Brinkmeyer ’67
Helen Clark
Ty Copeland
Cammie Corder-Nelson
Marianne Cramer
Jeanne (Elfers) Cullen ’75
Monica (Haas) Desch ’90
Ed Escudero
Diane and Mike Fee
Josie (Walter) Funk ’80
Robert Gorey
Sue Heighberger
Joan Hilton
Marianne Humpert
Brian Hurst
Angelina Irizarry
Michael Johnson
Kathleen Kane
James (Pat) Kelly
Patti Kenney
Karen Koch
Jeanne Koepfer
Marianne Martin
Roger Martin
Walt McBride ’82
Phyllis Mendel
Theresa Merrill
Linda Moeggenberg
Holly Northern
Elaine Pearl
Karen Pohl
Megan Rademacher
Deborah Richey
Sally Ryan
Joan Ryder
Barb Sander
Kelley Schiess
Sherry (Schloemer)
Schneider ’81
Phyllis Schueler
Kathleen Scott
Reverend Phil Seher
Rebecca Slater
Jeff Stayton
Shirley Stikeleather
Debe Terhar
Ann Thelen
Martha Twombly
Diane and Ken Uckotter
Anne Venner
Julia Ventura
We apologize if your name was
inadvertently omitted; please
contact the Development Office
to correct the error at (513)
871-4700, ext. 240.
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