Hunters Chase II - Neighborhood News


Hunters Chase II - Neighborhood News
H u n t e rs C h a s e I I
May/June 2014
From the President
“To improve is to change; to be perfect is
to change often,” said Winston Churchill.
Change is hard.
Human nature is to be satisfied with what we know and the unknown is scary. With that said, I know that there has been some
confusion with some of the changes that have been enacted this
year in our Association. I hope to explain some of those changes below, and also inform you of some more minor changes in
the future.
By this time you will have received a letter from our new ProComm account manager, Crystal Gant. Crystal became our account manager in the Spring of this year and in the short time the
board has worked with Crystal, we have been pleased with her
communication skills, energy and positive attitude.
In the letter Crystal sent out to the members of the Association
she mentioned the new address for ProComm, they moved suites
within the same complex. She also explained the quarterly assessment statements. To recap: our assessments are $200.00
annually, which is billed in quarterly installments of $50.00 per
quarter. If you chose to pay your full annual assessment of $200
at the beginning of the year, you will receive quarterly statements
showing credit balances. If your account has a credit balance, the
amount due will appear with a negative (-) sign in front of it. For
example, a $100 credit balance will appear as -$100 on your quarterly statement. If you owe a balance on your account there will
not be a negative sign in front of the balance.
mailings. In 2015 we are strongly considering changing the
newsletter distribution to an email only format. We would like
the communities input on that change.
At our annual meeting in February, it was decided by a floor vote,
that the community would like to continue flying a US flag in
the common area. This flag was originally erected as a memorial
to those who lost their lives in 9/11. There have been problems
with the lights that illuminate the flag at night. By the time you
read this, the incandescent lighting system should be replaced
with a LED lighting system which will be more energy-efficient
and have much lower maintenance costs.
On the financial side, I have worked with the financial team at
ProComm to simplify and clarify our financial reports. In our
next report to the membership, I hope that you will find that
my efforts resulted in a financial statement that is much easier
to understand and decipher.
The board appreciates your input. ProComm has enacted a
communication tracking system that will insure that calls and
emails logged by ProComm are communicated with the board.
If you have a concern, please voice it as we want to hear your
input. (We like hearing when you think we are doing a good job
as well as when you have concerns.)
If you have any comments, suggestions or would like to volunteer
for a committee, please do not hesitate to contact Crystal Gant at
ProComm and she will forward your information to the board.
Crystal can be reached via email at
or via phone at (210) 545-1888.
Josh King
Your board negotiated an all-inclusive contract with ProComm
last year. Postage for quarterly assessments is included in that allinclusive fee. Our Association is not being billed an additional
amount to mail a quarterly statement.
The next change you will see in the coming months is the inclusion of our newsletter in the quarterly assessment mailings. To
save on postage, and minimize the environmental impact of the
newsletter, the board felt that it would be best to combine these
Don't be the last to know the latest in HOA events and
activities. To receive notices via email, please submit your
email address to the following website.
Published bimonthly for the Hunters Chase II Maintenance Association by Neighborhood News, Inc.
Aqua Zumba/Bootcamp
2014 Board of Directors
President: Josh King
Vice President: Deede Goethke
Secretary: Tom Lekander
(Community Sponsored Event)
A welcoming spring and “HOT” Texas summer is around
the corner. Thank you to all who participated in our first
Aqua Zumba last summer. We had a great turnout. Our attendance increased 50% from June thru September.
ACC: Josh King
COP: Duane Cruz
Newsletter/Social: Deede Goethke
Associa ProComm
Hunters Chase II Manager, Crystal Gant
e-mail :
Published and distributed by:
Neighborhood News, Inc.
3740 Colony Drive Suite 120
San Antonio, TX 78230
(210) 558-3160 * (210) 558-3163 fax
For advertising sales and information please call or send an email
Articles that appear in the Hunters Chase II newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of
Neighborhood News, Inc. and their publication does not constitute an endorsement therein. The appearance of
any advertisement in Hunters Chase II newsletter does not constitute an endorsement by Neighborhood News,
Inc. of the goods or services advertised. Neighborhood News, Inc. is not responsible for errors beyond the cost
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Neighborhood News, Inc. and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way, whether in print or electronically,
without the express written consent of Neighborhood News, Inc. ©Neighborhood News, Inc.
Aquatic Fitness offers a unique water property which allows the pool to provide an environment for people of
all abilities and age. Buoyancy creates a reduced impact
exercise alternative that is easy on the joints, while the water’s resistance challenges the muscles. Water lends itself
to a well-balanced workout that improves all major components of physical fitness -- aerobic training, muscular
strength and endurance, flexibility and body composition.
Kickboxing in the water lends itself to exciting kick adventures because BOTH feet can come off the floor thanks
to buoyancy in the water. Re-discover boot camp with an
H2O twist. The viscosity of water allows you to push, pull,
run, jump, jack and jog much harder! Get wet and discover moves you never would have thought possible.
Class begins:
Monday and Wednesday 7:30 -8:30 pm
May 5th thru September 10th
$5.00 per class or $20.00 for 5 classes
Anna Ambrosine
AFFA certified
Aqua Zumba certified
4963 De Zavala Rd
San Antonio, TX 78249
-Laredo Native
- B.S. Biology 2004, UTSA
- DDS 2007, UTHSC-SA
- ADA and HDA Member
- Hablamos Espanol
We are an in-network provider
for most insurances.
Schedule your own appointment 24/7 at
This coming May 2014 Chiropractic therapy provided by
Paul Miller DC.
(Dr Ernest Miller DDS youngest brother).
More information coming soon!
Page 2
Hunters Chase II
John Igo Library
Summer is coming up and the Igo Library is getting ready to fill
the summer with fun.
Recently, our neighborhood has
been victimized by graffiti. Many
thanks to the neighbors who
cleaned up this mess; however,
there is much more work to do.
Please know that homeowners
are responsible for removing
graffiti from their property, not
the HOA. Some strategies to prevent graffiti are to plant shrubs,
bushes or climbing vines around or in front of fences. The plants
will keep the taggers away from fences. Paint the surface the same
color as spray paint at the local hardware store. Spraying over the
graffiti is quick, easy, and inexpensive; and it does not require the
setup time for washing or cleaning. On solid slick surfaces, such
as street signs, apply a thin coat of Turtle Wax or similar product.
Clean the tag with a damp cloth. If the tagger used stickers, simply
remove the sticker. However, in either case, the Turtle Wax must
be reapplied. Also, adequate lighting with motion sensors and video surveillance are effective deterrents. If you have video evidence,
provide it to our SAPD SAFFE Officer at the Prue Substation. And
most importantly, remove the graffiti as soon as possible. If not, it
becomes an invitation for more graffiti.
By Janet Shapiro
Here's what's scheduled for the summer:
Toddler Two: Tuesdays at 10:15 am (Story Time for 2 & 3 yr
Story Time: Tuesdays at 12:00 pm (Story Time for 3-6 yr olds)
Tween Time: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 4:30-5:45pm
Kids Time: Wednesdays at 2:00 pm
*Free ticket required for all programs – tickets issued on Mondays prior
to Wednesdays Program
Programs for school age children ages 5-12 yrs. old
Theme this summer – Fizz, Boom, Read! (Science emphasis)
Baby Time: Thursdays at 10:15 am
Programs for ages birth – 18 mos. and their caregivers – lapsit with
play time
Toddler Time: Thursdays at 11:15 am
Program for 18 mos (walkers) to 24 mos. – story time with play
Teens Programs – Mondays 2-4pm, Wednesdays 5:30-7:30pm
Game Fest Saturday, August 9, 2014 - See website for more details
Chess Club (all ages) Thursdays at 3-5:45pm
Summer reading program for all ages from June to August.
Check the website for specials programs. The library has a monthly schedule at the front desk. All programming should be on the
website no later than May 17, 2014.
Thanks to all who came to the book sale in early April. All the
money made goes back to the library for special programs and
Do you want your home SOLD?
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Se Habla Español
Hunters Chase II
Page 3
Hunters Chase II
C/O Associa ProComm
300 East Sonterra Boulevard, Suite 250
San Antonio, TX 78258
Time Dated