Vehicle Heater Price List
Vehicle Heater Price List
Vehicle Heater Price List valid from January 2013 General Notes All deliveries made by us shall be governed exclusively by Webasto Thermo & Comfort f UK Ltd Conditions of Sale of Goods and Provision of Services (copy provided at the end of this price list). This price list supersedes and renders invalid any previous editions and is subject to change without prior notice. In the interests of continued development, specifications may change from time to time without prior notice. E & OE notice OE. Prices listed are exclusive of VAT and are ex-works (do not include carriage). Important notes pertaining to heaters install in vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods When installing the heaters in vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods, the requirements laid g to the ordinance of transporting p g hazardous g goods on down in ADR 2005 (Technical Guidelines relating the road) must be fulfilled in addition to those of the StVZO (Regulations authorising the use of vehicles for road traffic). The heaters Air Top 2000 ST, Air Top Evo 3900, Air Top Evo 5500 and Thermo 90 ST which are named in the price list are in compliance with the requirements mentioned above, providing the ADR specific notes contained in the installation instructions are observed during installation. IIn ttype EX/II and d EX/111 vehicles, hi l th the h heaters t may only l b be iinstalled t ll d ffor h heating ti th the d driver’s i ’ cab b or th the engine. 2 C t t Contents Page No Heaters & Accessories Air Heaters Air Top 2000 ST Vehicle Dedicated Heater Kits Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Mounting Fuel System Ducting System Air Top 2000S Spare Parts Air Top 2000 ST Spare Parts 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 10 Air Top EVO 3900 Vehicle Dedicated Heater Kits Air Top EVO 5500 Vehicle Dedicated Heater Kits Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Mounting g Fuel System Ducting System Air Top 3500 / 5000 Spare Parts Air Top 3500 / 5000 ST Spare Parts Air Top Evo 3900 / 5500 Spare Parts 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 Modular Air Heating System 19 HL90 Vehicle Dedicated Heater Kits Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Fuel System Mounting Ducting System Common Replacement Parts 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 Thermo Top E Vehicle Universal Heater Kits Thermo Top C/Z Vehicle Universal Heater Kits Thermo Top P Vehicle Universal Heater Kits O Operating i C Controls l Combustion Air & Exhaust Mounting Fuel System Water System Thermo Top E/C Spare Parts 25 26 27 28 28 28 29 30 31 Thermo Pro 50 Vehicle Universal Heater Kit Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust (Thermo 50 only) Fuel System (Thermo 50 only) Water System (Thermo 50 only) Mounting (Thermo 50 only) Thermo 50 Spare Parts 32 33 33 33 34 34 35 Thermo 90 ST Vehicle Universal Heater Kits Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Fuel System Water System Mounting Thermo 90S Spare Parts Thermo 90 ST Spare Parts 36 37 37 37 38 38 39 40 Water Heaters 3 Contents Page No Heaters & Accessories (Ctd) DBW 2010/2016 Vehicle Universal Heaters Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Fuel System Water System DBW2010 Spare Parts 41 42 42 42 43 44-46 Thermo 230/300/350 Vehicle Universal Heaters Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Fuel System Water System Thermo 230/300/350 Spare Parts 47 48 48 48 49 50-51 U4810 U4846 U4847 U4814 U4854 U4856 52 52 53 53 54 54 Thermo 90ST DBW2010/2016 KM23 55 55 56 Water Pumps Cargo Heating SMART Controller 57 Climate Control 58 Air Conditioning 59 Parking Cooler Cool Top Vario 10 E 60 Transport Refrigeration 61 Accessories 62 Blower Boxes Florida 5 ; Silencio 2 ; Hercules ED4 Madera 4 & Madera 8 Madera 4/8 Accessories Thermoduct Mechanical Roof Ventilator Vehicle Roof Hatches Extractor Fans 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Part Numbers (in Part number order) 70-113 Webasto Thermo & Comfort UK Limited – Conditions of Sale of Goods and Provision of Services 114-115 4 Air Heaters Hot Air - Increased Comfort! • • • • • Performance from 2 up to 9kW (Modular system up to 22KW) Variable application for interior cabin heating Low consumption of fuel and power User friendly operating controls Stepless heating regulator and silent operation Air Top 2000 ST Air Top Evo 3900 / Air Top Evo 5500 5 Air Heating Systems Ai Air T Top 2000 ST 2 2.0kW 0kW Ai Air H Heater t Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) EG-Type EG Type Approval code Diesel Petrol e1*2001/56*0022*_ e1*2001/56*0022* e1*2001/56*0022*_ e1*2001/56*0022* Heating Output Control Range kW 0.9 – 2.0 1.0 – 2.0 Fuel Consumption Control Range l/h 0.12 – 0.24 0.12 – 0.24 V 12 / 24 12 Control Range W 14 – 29 14 - 29 Maximum m3/h 93 93 Diesel EN 590 / PME DIN EN 14214 / / heating oil EL Petrol EN 228 ºC -40 to + 40 -40 to + 40 Dimensions (LxBxH) Mm 311 x 120 x 121 311 x 120 x 121 Weight Kg 2.6 2.6 Rated Voltage Rated Power Consumption Heating Air Flow (against 0.5m/bar) Fuel Type Operating temperature range Heater Kits Part P t No N Description D i ti List Price Li t P i 4111385A Diesel Air Top 2000 ST Vehicle Universal kit 12v including rotary control, exhaust & fuel ”T” piece (does not include ducting – see 4110888A below) £768.51 4111386A Diesel Air Top 2000 ST Vehicle Universal kit 24v including rotary control, exhaust & fuel standpipe (does not include ducting – see 4110888A below) £768.51 4110888A Universal Vehicle Installation & Ducting kit including hardware to form a one outlet system (to be used in conjunction with 4111385A + 4111386A base heater kits above) 41SK464 Petrol Air Top 2000 ST Universal kit 12v including rotary control, control exhaust & 1m ducting to form one outlet system, fuel standpipe 6 £49.89 £818.41 Air Heating Systems Ai Air T Top 2000 R Range Ai Air H Heaters t Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Mounting 3 4 Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Rotary Rheostat Control 82819B £84.29 2 Rheostat Switch Plate 82422B £10.63 3 Temperature Sensor & ECU 5m 12v Temperature Sensor & ECU 5m 24v Remote Temperature Sensor (AT 2000ST) 9005008A 9005010A 9005004B £273.83 £273 83 £273.83 £30.84 4 Not Shown Combi Rheostat/Digital Timer Only 12v Combi Timer Upgrade Kit 12v 88206B 41K031A £142.59 £178.39 4 Not Shown Combi Rheostat/Digital Timer Only 24v Combi Timer Upgrade Kit 24v 88205A 41K061A £142.59 £178.39 5 Digital Timer Mounting Kit 474630 £21.20 £39.84 6 Digital Timer Housing 475866 Not Shown Frost Stat -5 to 15°C 4111263A £30.61 Not Shown Pulse Relay Kit 12v Harness 4111364A £40.87 Not Shown 4 Hour Pulse Relay 12v 4111932A £33.57 Not Shown SMART Surface Mount Controller 4112330A £86.47 Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Description Air Intake Silencer Pipe 22mm Combustion Air Hose 22mm Combustion Air Hose End Cap Hose Clip 20-27mm P Clip 25mm Exhaust Silencer 22mm Exhaust 22mm (S/Steel per m) Exhaust End Cap Exhaust Clamp 22mm P Clip Cli 25mm 25 Hose Clamp 26-28mm Exhaust Elbow 22mm Exhaust Pipe Adaptor 22-24mm Exhaust Silencer (Leakproof) Silicone Exhaust Grommet 22mm Exhaust Lagging 30mm (per m) S/Steel Cable Ties (for exhaust lagging) Part No. 1313514A 4158308 24048A 1303080A 405256 86450C 337390 318302 20965A 405256 91383B 28472C 92641A 9014067A 4132900 41V0001 4162441 List Price £58.41 £18.26 £5.06 £1.01 £3.35 £25.57 £17.42 £6.01 £11.60 £3 35 £3.35 £4.56 £6.08 £11.38 £113.85 £23.81 £7.96 £1.93 Part No. 82229A 82227A 41C0016 9005942A 86032A 4144969 41C0193 4145000 List Price POA £16.90 £29.98 £241.84 £158 58 £158.58 £27.00 £34.32 £32.35 Item No 1 2 3 4 N Sh Not Shown Not Shown Description Floor Flattening Tool Base Mount Gasket Floor Mounting Plate (angled) Plastic Enclosure inc bracket M Mounting i Box B – Top T Access A Floor Mount Plate (flat) Floor Mount Plate (round flange) Floor Mount Plate (oblong flange) 7 Air Heating Systems Ai Air T Top 2000 R Range Ai Air H Heaters t Fuel System Item No Description 1 2 Plastic Fuel Tank 24 litres 9001307C Plastic Fuel Tank 12 litres (no fitting kit incl) 9024224B Not Shown Fitting kit for 12l fuel tank 3 Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm i.d. 5mm od 8m lg 4 Fuel Tank Standpipe 650mm lg Fuel Tank Standpipe 700mm lg Fuel Tank Standpipe 500mm lg 4a Fuel Tank Standpipe low profile 495mm lg 8.5mm hole 5 Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm id 5mm od per m 6 Fuel Filter 7 Fuel Pipe Connector (Straight) F l Hose H Cli 10 8 Fuel Clip 10mm Not Shown Fuel Pump Harness 8.5m lg Not Shown Fuel Pipe Connector 90º Not Shown Fuel Cut Off Kit (Switch Type) Not Shown Fuel Cut Off Kit (tap type) Not Shown Fuel T Piece Kit 8mm 4a 2 3 6 4 £40.54 £12.28 £39.43 £26.78 £22.61 £26.78 483931 487171 484032 330027 4110815 34859C 4112369A 4111812A 411572 £1.40 £20.90 £0.94 £0 51 £0.51 £16.11 £2.44 £61.03 £75.83 £19.57 2 3 Not Shown 4 Not Shown 5 6 84937A 67492A 4144914 9009642A 9008255A 9009266C 9009264B £6.38 £5.81 £24.04 £19.48 £20.91 £6.25 £6 25 £7.01 9009258C 9009319D 9012297A 9012298A 9012299A 9012294A 9012295A 9012296A 9012300A 9012301A 9012302A 9009239B 9009268B 9009249C 29849A 398551 466352 1310915A RWA8300 RWA8400 £5.22 £4.22 £5.41 £5.41 £5.41 £5.41 £5.41 £5.41 £6.50 £6.50 £6.50 £3.96 £6.67 £4.94 £6.76 £11.75 £1.01 £4.20 £9.65 £4.82 RWA8500 1312124B £13.17 £6.65 8 7 11 9 10 11 13 14 12 13 14 15 16 Not Shown 17 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown 15 9025761A 4157900 35320A 4154300 353205 41S45017A Part No. List Price 398497 £21.18 4151810 £26.92 41S70014A £11.12 10 12 £265.67 £150.69 Item No Description 1 Ducting PAK (Di.60mm) - per m Not Shown Flexflyte Ducting 60mm (per m) Not Shown 60mm Thermoduct—750mm length 7 8 9 5 List Price (Refer to Thermo Top C Accessories section for more T Piece options) Ducting System 1 Part No. 16 17 8 Protective Screen 60mm Air Inlet Grille 60mm Outlet/Inlet Grille 60mm (metal) Flap Valve Y Piece (Di. 60mm) Control Switch & Cable for Flap Valve T Piece 90 90º (Da 60mm/L 110) – Black Assymetric Y Branch (D1a 60 / D2a 60 / L 145mm) – Black Connector Pipe (D1a 60mm) – Black End Cap (D1i 60mm) Outlet 90º (60mm) - Black Outlet 90º (60mm) - White Outlet 90º (60mm) – Grey Outlet 45º (60mm) - Black Outlet 45º (60mm) - White Outlet 45º ((60mm)) – Greyy Outlet Closeable (60mm) - Black Outlet Closeable (60mm) - White Outlet Closeable (60mm) – Grey Backing Nut (D1a 60mm) – Black T Piece with Connector (D1i/D2a 60mm) Wall Pipe (60mm) – Black 90º Elbow (Da 60mm / L 133) Outlet 60mm Ball Type 360º Hose Clamp 50-70mm Ducting Support Bracket Backing Nut 60mm (Compact HADS) Blanking Cap Black 60mm (Compact HADS) Ducting T 60mm (Compact HADS) Equal Y Duct Part 60/60/60 Air Heating Systems Air Top Ai T 2000 S Ai Air H Heater t Common Replacement Parts Air Top 2000 Air Top 2000S Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Not Shown Not Shown Description Inlet/Outlet Screen (Air Top 2000) Heating Air Outlet (Air Top 2000) Control Unit Cover (Air Top 2000) Upper/Lower Plastic Casing (Air Top 2000) Control Unit 12v Diesel (Air Top 2000) Control Unit 12v Petrol (Air Top 2000) Control Unit 24v Diesel (Air Top 2000) Internal Temperature Sensor (Air Top 2000) Air Inlet Ring (Air Top 2000) Air Inlet Grille (Air Top 2000S) Air Inlet Hood (Air Top 2000S) Bottom Casing (Air Top 2000S) Upper Casing (Air Top 2000S) Outlet Hood 60mm (Air Top 2000S) Outlet Hood 75mm (Air Top 2000S) Supporting Angle (Air Top 2000S) Supporting Angle Screw (Air Top 2000S) Sound Deadening Matting Drive Assembly 12v Drive Assembly 24v Air Guiding Plate Socket Flame Detector Glowpin 12v Glowpin 24v Burner Cartridge – Diesel Burner Cartridge—Petrol Burner Tube Gasket Set Heat Exchanger Overheat Protection Fuel Pump 12v Diesel Fuel Pump 12v Petrol Fuel Pump 24v Diesel Wiring Harness (Air Top 2000S Diagnostic) Air Top 2000 / 2000S 12v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin & gasket set) Air Top 2000 / 2000S 24v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin & gasket set) 9 Part No. 29716B 29848F 29718B 82282A 87461B 87462B 87453B 88665A 29717C 67492A 67490D 67488F 9001940A 67491D 98503B 66967B 70921A 34473D 84841B 70678A 34517B 29845D 82306C 84906B 82307B 65786A 84883A 82284A 82302A 67062B 82305C 82553B 9012868C 47901B 86514C 4111806A 4111807A List Price £2 32 £2.32 £5.43 £3.18 £48.46 £252.37 £252.37 £252.37 £7.76 £4.26 £5.81 £5.80 £5 80 £8.93 £10.94 £5.80 £5.80 £1.18 £0.07 £2.86 £190.80 £188.81 £0 78 £0.78 £8.20 £36.37 £45.44 £39.53 £82.11 £74.51 £31.51 £23.60 £110.00 £36.44 £253.28 £254.37 £227.12 £77.96 £144.75 £138.55 Air Heating Systems Air Top Ai T 2000 ST Ai Air H Heater t Common Replacement Parts Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Description Inlet Hood (from serial no 976400) Inlet Hood Outlet Hood 60mm diameter Outlet Hood 75mm diameter Control Unit Cover Upper Plastic Casing Lower Plastic Casing Grille Control Unit 12v Petrol Control Unit 12v Diesel Control Unit 24v Diesel Control Unit 12v Diesel (Camper/Boat Version) Combustion Air Fan D i Assembly Drive A bl 12v 12 (with ( ith dosing d i pump cable bl from f serial i l no 976400) Drive Assembly 24v (with dosing pump cable from serial no 976400) Drive Assembly 12v (with dosing pump cable up to serial no 976400) Drive Assembly 24v (with dosing pump cable up to serial no 976400) Gasket Set Flame Detector Petrol only Burner Insert Petrol Burner Insert Diesel Glowpin 12v Glowpin 24v Burner Tube Isolator (Pack of 4) Heat Exchanger Petrol Heat Exchanger Diesel Overheat Sensor Fuel Pump 12v Diesel Fuel Pump 12v Petrol Fuel Pump 24v Diesel Basic Wiring Harness Air Top 2000 ST 12v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin & gasket set) Air Top 2000 ST 24v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin & gasket set) Part No. 9019552A 67490D 67491D 98503B 29718B 9019555A 67488F 67492A 9013148A 9013146A 9013147A 9013149A 1302774B 1302786A 1302788A 1303846A 1303848A 1303517A 9005096B 84883A 1302799A 9005086A 9005087A 82284A 1303326A 9005090A 1302805A 9005084A 82553B 9012868C 47901B 9003696G 4111814A 4111815A List Price £5.80 £5.80 £5.80 £5.80 £3.18 £8.93 £8.93 £5.81 £252.37 £252.37 £252.37 £252.37 £7.45 £188 81 £188.81 £188.81 £188.81 £188.81 £23.60 £39.68 £74.51 £82.11 £60.12 £52.99 £31 51 £31.51 £7.48 £110.00 £110.00 £36.44 £253.28 £254.37 £227.12 £61.14 £155.84 £147 11 £147.11 Note : AIRTOP 2000ST DAIMLER CHRYSLER VERSION Please note that some Daimler Chrysler vehicles are factory fitted with a special edition Air Top 2000 ST unit. Specialised spare parts for these heaters include the burner, drive assembly, air fan and wiring harnesses. Pricing for these particular components are available upon request from the Sales Office. However, please note that Webasto Thermo & Comfort UK are unable to supply the Control Unit as this is only available via Daimler Chrysler. 10 Air Heating Systems Ai Air T Top E Evo 3900 3 3.9kW 9kW Ai Air H Heater t Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) EG-Type Approval code Diesel Petrol e1*2001/56*2006/119*0255*_ e1*2001/56*2006/119*0255*_ Heating Output Control Range / Plus* kW 1.5 – 3.5 / 3.9* 1.7 – 3.5 / 3.9 Fuel Consumption Control Range / Plus* kg/h 0.16 – 0.37 / 0.41 0.18 – 0.37 / 0.41 V 12 / 24 12 Control Range / Plus* W 15 – 40 / 55 15 – 40 / 55 Maximum m3/h 132 / 139 132 / 139 Diesel EN 590 / PME DIN EN 14214 / heating oil EL Petrol EN 228 ºC C -40 40 to + 40 -40 40 to +40 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 423 x 148 x 162 423 x 148 x 162 Weight Kg 5.9 5.9 Rated Voltage Rated Power Consumption Heating Air Flow (against 0.5m/bar) Fuel Type Operating temperature range *Increased heating performance “plus” possible with control unit MC Multi Comfort (max 60 min with Air Top Evo 3900) Heater Kits Part No Description List Price 4111387A Diesel Air Top Evo 3900 Vehicle Universal kit 12v including rotary control, fuel pump, wiring harnesses, exhaust & fuel ”T” piece (does not include ducting – please refer to ducting section) £1627.98 4111388A Diesel Air Top Evo 3900 Vehicle Universal kit 24v including rotary control, fuel pump, wiring harnesses, exhaust & fuel ”T” piece (does not include ducting – please refer to ducting section) £1627.98 4111653A Petrol Air Top Evo 3900 Vehicle Universal kit 12v including rotary control, fuel pump, wiring harnesses, exhaust & fuel ”T” T piece (does not include ducting – please refer to ducting section) 12v version £1627.98 11 Air Heating Systems Ai Air T Top E Evo 5500 5 5.5kW 5kW Ai Air H Heater t Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) EG-Type Approval code Diesel Petrol e1*2001/56*2006/119*0256*_ e1*2001/56*2006/119*0256*_ Heating Output Control Range / Plus* kW 1.5 – 5.0 / 5.5** 1.7 – 5.0 / 5.5** Fuel Consumption Control Range / Plus* kg/h 0.16 – 0.52 / 0.57 0.18 – 0.52 / 0.57 V 12 / 24 12 Control Range / Plus* W 15 – 95 / 130 15 – 95 / 130 Maximum m3/h 200 / 220 200 / 220 Diesel EN 590 / PME DIN EN 14214 / heating oil EL Petrol EN 228 ºC C -40 40 to + 40 -40 40 to +40 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 423 x 148 x 162 423 x 148 x 162 Weight Kg 5.9 5.9 Rated Voltage Rated Power Consumption Heating Air Flow (against 0.5m/bar) Fuel Type Operating temperature range *Increased heating performance “plus” possible with control unit MC Multi Comfort (max 30 min with Air Top Evo 5500) Heater Kits Part No Description List Price 4111389A Diesel Air Top Evo 5500 Vehicle Universal kit 12v including rotary control, fuel pump, wiring harnesses, exhaust & fuel ”T” T piece (does not include ducting – please refer to ducting section) £1737.22 4111390A Diesel Air Top Evo 5500 Vehicle Universal kit 24v including rotary control, fuel pump, wiring harnesses, exhaust & fuel ”T” piece (does not include ducting – please refer to ducting section) £1737.22 4111654A Petrol Air Top Evo 5500 Vehicle Universal kit 12v including rotary control, control fuel pump pump, wiring harnesses, harnesses exhaust & fuel ”T” piece (does not include ducting – please refer to ducting section) £1737.22 12 Air Heating Systems Ai Air T Top E Evo R Range Ai Air H Heaters t Operating Controls Item No 1 2 Not Shown 3 Description Rotary Rheostat Control Switch Plate with Vent Switch Adaptor harness for vent switch External Temperature Sensor 5m Part No. 82819B 92240A 1313908A 90821A List Price £84.29 £48.38 £6.15 £57.80 External Temperature Sensor 20m 92649B £103.26 9014694A £46.24 88206B 41K031A 88205A 41K061A 474630 475866 84586A 1313212A £142.59 £178.39 £142.59 £178 39 £178.39 £21.20 £39.84 £21.90 £115.97 Not Shown Air Top Evo MC 04 Special Vehicle Controller Not Shown Frost Stat -5 to 15°C 1313209A £216.95 4111263A £30.61 Not Shown Pulse Relay Kit 12v Harness 4111364A £40.87 Not Shown External Temperature Sensor 2.5m 4 Combi Rheostat/Digital Timer 12v Not Shown Combi Timer Upgrade Kit 12v 4 Combi Rheostat/Digital Timer 24v Not Shown Combi Timer Upgrade Kit 24v 5 Digital Timer Mounting Kit 6 Digital Timer Housing 7 Vent Switch Not Shown Air Top Evo MC 05 Standard Controller (other versions available) Not Shown 4 Hour Pulse Relay 4111932A £33.57 Not Shown SMART Surface Mount Controller 4112330A £86.47 Combustion Air & Exhaust Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not Shown Description Part No. Air Intake Ai I t k Silencer Sil Pipe Pi 90416D Combustion Air Elbow 91563A Combustion Air Hose Assy inc cap 90416D Combustion Air Hose End Cap 29517A Exhaust Silencer 90378C Exhaust Elbow 91564B Exhaust End Cap 4143034 Exhaust Silencer (leakproof) 9014067A Exhaust Clamp 91383B Exhaust 24mm (S/Steel per m) 90394A Hose Clip 20 20-32mm 32mm 4162427 Not Shown P Clip 28mm Not Shown Exhaust Lagging 30mm per m Not Shown S/Steel Cable Ties (for exhaust lagging) (also suitable for Air Top 3500 / 5000 where shown) 13 4162448 41V0001 4162441 List Price £30 84 £30.84 £18.84 £30.84 £1.96 £76.78 £74.91 £7.01 £113.85 £4.56 £19.50 £1 90 £1.90 £1.35 £7.96 £1.93 Air Heating Systems Ai Air T Top E Evo R Range Ai Air H Heaters t Mounting Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Floor Mount Plate (angled ) 41C0016 £29.98 2 Base Mount Gasket 82227A £16.90 3 Plastic Enclosure inc bracket 9005942A £241.84 411488 £205.34 Not Shown Floor Mount Plate (flat) Floor Mount Plate (round flange) Floor Mount Plate (oblong flange) 4144969 41C0193 4145000 £27.00 £34.32 £32.35 Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 2 Plastic Fuel Tank 24 litres Plastic Fuel Tank 12 litres (no fitting kit incl) Fitting kit for 12l fuel tank Fuel Tank Standpipe 650mm lg Fuel Tank Standpipe 700mm lg Fuel Tank Standpipe 500mm lg Fuel Tank Standpipe low profile 495mm lg 8.5mm hole Metal Fuel Tank 12 litres Support Bracket (for 125016) 2 req Banjo M12 5mm hosetail Gasket Fuel Filter Fuel Hose Clip 10mm Fuel Pipe Connector (Straight) Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm id 5mm od per m Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm i.d. 5mm od 8m lg Fuel Pump Harness 8.5m lg Fuel Pump Harness 7m lg Fuel Pipe Connector 90º Fuel Cut Off Kit (Switch Type) Fuel Cut Off Kit (Tap Type) Fuel T Piece Kit 8mm (Refer to Thermo Top C Accessories section for more T Piece options) 9001307C 9024224B £265.67 £150.69 9025761A 35320A 4154300 353205 41S45017A £40.54 £39.43 £39 43 £26.78 £22.61 £26.78 125016 135186 289566 151173 487171 330027 484032 483931 £401.53 £38.97 £17.64 £0.56 £20.90 £0 51 £0.51 £0.94 £1.40 4157900 £12.28 4110815 4117701 34859C 4112369A 4111812A 411572 £16.11 £21.44 £2.44 £61.03 £75 83 £75.83 £19.57 Not Shown External Enclosure Box Fuel System Not Shown 3 3a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3a 13 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown (also suitable for Air Top 3500 / 5000 where shown) 14 Air Heating Systems Ai Air T Top E Evo R Range Ai Air H Heaters t Ducting System 1 2 3 5 6 4 7 Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Ducting PAK (Di.80mm) - per m Ducting PAK (Di 90mm) - per m 398519 90395A £27.21 £36.69 Not Shown Flexflyte Ducting 80mm (per m) Flexflyte Ducting 90mm (per m) 4151801 4151817 £33.03 £35.18 Not Shown 80mm Thermoduct—750mm lg 41S70015A 100mm Thermoduct —750mm lg 41S70016A 2 Air Inlet Grille 90mm 1310581A 3 Embellisher Grille 80mm 252441 Chrome (D1 80mm / D2 112) 4121109 Black Metal £13.23 £13.99 £5.43 4 Flap Valve Y Piece (Di. 90mm) Not Shown Control Switch & Cable for flap valve 5 Y Piece (Da 90mm) – Black 6 Y Piece (D1a 80mm/D2a 60mm) – Black 9009641A 9008255A £22.47 £20.91 9009261D 9009262B £9.21 £6.15 7 8 9009260C 9009265C £18.76 £9 77 £9.77 9009263B £8.70 9009259C £5.70 9009270B 9011011C 9009271D 9012288A 9012289A 9012290A 9012285A 9012286A 9012287A 9012291A 9012292A 9012293A 9009240B 9009267B £5.51 £6.81 £6.08 £10.47 £10.47 £10.47 £10.47 £10.47 £10.47 £14.63 £14.63 £14.63 £7 63 £7.63 £8.52 18 Wall Pipe (90mm) – Black Not Shown Ducting Silencer 90mm Ducting Silencer 80mm 9009250C 4152801 1313512A £5.41 £118.47 £92.32 19 Ducting Support Bracket Not Shown Hose Clip 70-90mm 1310915A 139610 £4.20 £1.15 8 9 10 9 11 12 10 11 13 14 15 12 13 14 16 17 £40.42 £39 50 £39.50 18 15 16 17 19 Elbow (Da 90mm) – Black T Piece 90º 90 (Da 90mm/L 140) – Black Assymetric Y Branch (D1a 90 / D2a 60 / L 145mm) – Black Connector Pipe (D1a 90mm) – Black Reducer—Black 90-80mm 90-60mm End Cap (D1i 90mm) Outlet 90º (90mm) - Black Outlet 90º (90mm) – White Outlet 90º (90mm) – Grey Outlet 45º (90mm) - Black Outlet 45º (90mm) – White Outlet 45º (90mm) – Grey Outlet Closeable (90mm) - Black Outlet Closeable (90mm) – White Outlet Closeable (90mm) - Grey Backing Nut (D1a 90mm) – Black T Piece with Connector (D1i 60mm / D2a 90mm) (also suitable for Air Top 3500 / 5000 where shown) For 60mm Ducting Accessories, please refer to the Air Top 2000S Section 15 Air Heating Systems Air Top Ai T 3500 / 5000 Ai Air H Heater t Common Replacement Parts Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12** 13 14 15 16** 17 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Description Control Unit Cover Top Casing – 1 Locating Peg Top Casing – 2 Locating Pegs Bottom Casing – 1 Locating Peg Bottom Casing – 2 Locating Pegs Inlet Hood – 1 Locating Peg Inlet Hood – 2 Locating Pegs Outlet Hood – 1 Locating Peg Outlet Hood – 2 Locating Pegs Control Unit Air Top 3500 24v Diesel (Standard) Control Unit Air Top 3500 12v Diesel (Standard) Control Unit Air Top 5000 24v Diesel (Standard) Control Unit Air Top 5000 12v Diesel (Standard) Control Unit Air Top 3500 12v Diesel (RV*) p 5000 12v Diesel (RV*) ( ) Control Unit Air Top *(Must be used with remote temperature probe) Temperature Sensor Overheat Protection Sound Deadening Matting Drive Assembly Air Top 3500 24v Diesel (Standard) Drive Assembly Air Top 3500 12v Diesel (Standard) Drive Assembly Air Top 5000 24v Diesel (Standard) Drive Assembly Air Top 5000 12v Diesel (Standard) Glowpin 12v Glowpin 24v Burner with Glowpin 12v Burner with Glowpin 24v Burner Tube Diesel Version Gasket Set Heat Exchanger Burner - Standard Heater Fuel Pump 12v Diesel Fuel Pump 24v Diesel Universal Wiring Harness Combi Timer Wiring Harness Reflector f Foil (Pack off 5 pieces) Part No. 88005E 88003C 98649B 88002C 98648B 88004C 98650B 88096D 98651B 89838B 89839C 89834B 89836C 67787B 67788B List Price £3.49 £38.26 £38.26 £31.67 £31 67 £31.67 £10.80 £8.23 £10.78 £8.23 £340.23 £340.23 £340.23 £340.23 £340.23 £340.23 88510C 88489D 89307D 91381A 91380A 91379A 91378A 91370B 91371B 67984B 67956B 97566A 91364A 9004216A 67955A 82553B 47901B 4110863 4110860 9022102A £18.26 £36.70 £6.23 £351.30 £351.30 £352.72 £351.30 £66.02 £66.02 £184.75 £184.75 £87.43 £25.82 £108.00 £98.79 £253.28 £227.12 £127.10 £173.75 £8.57 Air Top 3500 / 5000 12v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin & gasket set) Air Top 3500 / 5000 24v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin & gasket set) 4111816A 4111817A £195.75 £195.75 ** DEPENDENT UPON HEATER YEAR OF MANUFACTURE/SERIAL NUMBER – PLEASE REFER TO WEBASTO TECHNICAL BULLETIN ED088 16 Air Heating Systems Air Top Ai T 3500 ST / Ai Air T Top 5000 ST Ai Air H Heater t Common Replacement Parts Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Description Top Casing—Air Top 3500ST/5000ST Bottom Casing—Air Top 3500ST/5000ST Air Inlet Hood—Air Top 3500ST/5000ST Air Outlet Hood—Air Top 3500ST/5000ST Electronic Control Unit 12v—Air Top p 3500ST Electronic Control Unit 24v—Air Top 3500ST Electronic Control Unit 12v—Air Top 3500ST Electronic Control Unit 24v—Air Top 3500ST Diesel (Standard ( Version)) Diesel (Standard Version) Diesel (Boat Version) Diesel (Boat Version) Part No. 98649B 98648B 98650B 98651B 9006824A 9006821A 9009682A 9009683A List Price £38.26 £31.67 £8.23 £8.23 £340.23 £340.23 £340.23 £340.23 Electronic Control Unit 12v—Air Top 5000ST Diesel (Standard Version) Electronic Control Unit 24v—Air Top 5000ST Diesel (Standard Version) Electronic Control Unit 12v—Air Top 5000ST Diesel (Boat Version) Electronic Control Unit 24v—Air Top 5000ST Diesel (Boat Version) Overheat Temperature Sensor—Air Top 3500ST/5000ST Sound Deadening Matting Drive Assembly 12v—Air Top 3500ST Drive Assembly 24v—Air Top 3500ST Drive Assembly 12v—Air Top 5000ST Drive Assembly 24v—Air Top 5000ST Glowpin 12v—Air Top 3500ST/5000ST Glowpin 24v—Air Top 3500ST/5000ST Burner Cartridge—Air Top 3500ST/5000ST Diesel Only Burner Tube—Air Top 3500ST/5000ST Gasket Set—Air Top 3500ST/5000ST Heat Exchanger—Air g Top p 3500ST/5000ST Fuel Pump 12v Diesel Fuel Pump 24v Diesel Universal Wiring Harness Combi Timer Wiring Harness Reflector Foil (Pack of 5 pieces) 9006822A 9006820A 9009684A 9009686A 9004227A 89307D 9004209A 9004210A 9004211A 9004212A 9004214A 9004215A 9004220A 9006653A 91364A 9004216A 82553B 47901B 4110863 4110860 9022102A £340.23 £340.23 £340.23 £340.23 £36.70 £6.23 £351.30 £351.30 £351.30 £351.30 £118.96 £118.96 £98.79 £87.43 £25.82 £108.00 £253.28 £227.12 £127.10 £173.75 £8.57 Air Top 3500 / 5000 ST 12v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin & gasket set) Air Top 3500 / 5000 ST 24v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin & gasket set) 4111821A 4111822A £221.15 £221.15 17 Air Heating Systems Air Top Evo E o 3900 / Air Top Evo E o 5500 Air Heater Common Replacement Parts Item No 1 2 3 4 5 Description Top Casing Casing—Air Air Top Evo 3900/5500 Bottom Casing—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 Air Inlet Hood—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 Air Outlet Hood—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 Electronic Control Unit 12v—Air Top Evo 3900 Diesel Standard Version Electronic Control Unit 12v—Air Top Evo 3900 Petrol Standard Version Electronic Control Unit 24v—Air Top Evo 3900 Diesel Standard Version Electronic Control Unit 12v—Air Top Evo 5500 Diesel Standard Version Electronic Control Unit 12v—Air Top Evo 5500 Petrol Standard Version Electronic Control Unit 24v—Air Top Evo 5500 Diesel Standard Version Oth specialist Other i li t version i control t l units it are available, il bl d dependent d t upon th the model d l Airtop Evo version—please refer to Webasto spare parts list—pricing available upon request 6 7 8 Overheat Temperature Sensor—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 Replacement Isolator Set—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 Drive Assembly 12v/24v Air Top Evo 3900 Drive Assembly 12v/24v Air Top Evo 5500 9 Glowpin 12v—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 Glowpin 24v—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 10 Burner Cartridge d Petrol—Air l Top Evo 3900/5500 11 Burner Cartridge Diesel—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 12 Burner Tube—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 13 Gasket Set—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 14 Heat Exchanger—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 15 Screw Set—Air Top Evo 3900/5500 Not Shown Fuel Pump 12v Diesel Fuel Pump 24v Diesel Fuel Pump 12v Petrol Not Shown Universal Wiring Harness 4.8m 4 8m Lg Not Shown Reflector Foil (Pack of 5 pieces) Not Shown Air Top Evo 3900 / 5500 12v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin & gasket set) Air Top Evo 3900 / 5500 24v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin & gasket set) 18 Part No. 98649B 98648B 98650B 98651B 1313137A 1313141A 1313144A 1313133A 1313135A 1313136A List Price £38 26 £38.26 £31.67 £8.23 £8.23 £340.24 £340.24 £340.24 £340.24 £340.24 £340.24 1313158A 1303326A 9018417A 1313121A 1314150A 1314151A 1313127A 1313132A 9006653A 91364A 1314152A 9004229A 82553B 47901B 82554A 9004312D 9022102A 4111823A 4111824A £36.70 £7.48 £351.31 £351.31 £118.96 £118.96 £106.00 £106.00 £87.43 £25.82 £108.00 £4.42 £253.28 £227.12 £282.68 £101 57 £101.57 £8.52 £229.25 £229.25 Air Heating Systems Mod lar Air Heating System Modular S stem 7.8 7 8 – 22kW Build up as a system Operating Control Temperature Sensor Master Slave Slave Slave Webasto air heaters Air Top Evo 3900 and Air Top Evo 5500 offer the option to operate up to 4 heaters within one system. Heater “1” is defined as the “master” heater; the other heaters are named “slave” heaters. The operating control and external temperature sensor are connected to the “master” heater. The “slave” heater(s) is/are connected to the wiring harness of the “master” heater. The communication between the various devices happens via a serial bus system. By combining several heaters, a system can be individually adapted to a specific application. Modular concept – all heating devices are identical Easy to install – the system configures itself automatically One master heating device controls all slave heating devices Only one operating control device Only one temperature sensor Diagnosis enabled Voltage kW 12v 8 24v 8 Master Heater (1 required) Slave Heater Part No : 9019264B Air Top Evo 3900 Diesel 12v Automatic List Price : £1580.56 Part No : 1314412A Air Top Evo 3900 Diesel 12v Automatic – Slave List Price : £1580.56 Part No : 9019265C Air Top Evo 3900 Diesel 24v Automatic List Price : £1580.56 Part No : 1314413A Air Top Evo 3900 Diesel 24v Automatic – Slave List Price : £1580.56 Part No : 9019267C Air Top Evo 5500 Diesel 12v Automatic List Price : £1686.62 Part No : 1314345A Air Top Evo 5500 Diesel 12v Automatic – Slave List Price : £1686.62 Part No : 9019268B Air Top Evo 5500 Diesel 24v Automatic List Price : £1686.62 Part No : 1314344A Air Top Evo 5500 Diesel 24v Automatic – Slave List Price : £1686.62 11 12v 16.5 22 16.5 22 1 1 1 11 24v No of Slave Heaters 2 3 1 2 3 Prices are per heater and do not include operating control choice (MC04 1313209A or Standard Rotary 82819B) or external temperature sensor (9014694A) – please refer to Air Top Evo Operating Controls section 19 Air Heating Systems HL90 9kW Ai Air H Heater t Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Diesel e1*72/245*95/54*1086 e*2001/56*0017* yp Approval pp code EG-Type Heating Output Full Heat Reduced Heat kW 9.0 6.5 Fuel Consumption Full Heat Reduced Heat l/hr 1.2 0.86 Rated Voltage V 12 24 Rated Power Consumption Full Heat Reduced Heat W 110 80 160 95 Heating Air Flow Full Heat Reduced Heat m3/h 280 195 310 215 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 650 x 235 x 260 Weight Kg 13.65 Heater Kits Part No P N Description D i i List Price Li P i 83376B Diesel HL90 12v with control box, fuel pump and connectors (does not include input connections & fuel pump plug) £2613.45 38622C Diesel HL90 24v with control box, fuel pump and connectors (does not incl include de input inp t connections & fuel f el pump p mp plug) pl g) £2613.45 411582 Universal Vehicle Installation Kit (includes fuel tank standpipe, 1m exhaust but excludes ducting & switch option – please refer to Accessories Section) £242.74 20 Air Heating Systems HL90 Ai Air H Heater t Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Fuel System Item No Description 1 3 Position Switch 12v/24v 103873 £45.24 2 2 Position Switch 12v 2 Position Switch 24v 109995 109999 £65.30 £65.30 3 R Room Th Thermostat U Unswitched i h d 25011C £75 71 £75.71 4 Room Thermostat Single Switch 70947A £89.76 5 Room Thermostat Twin Switch 70948A £122.47 6 Digital Timer/Alarm 12v Digital Timer/Alarm 24v 88204A 88195A £294.35 £294.35 7 Timer Mounting Plate 474630 £21.20 8 Timer Housing 475866 £39.84 Not Shown Universal Wiring Harness 8m 4110753 £82.77 Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Combustion Air Hose 30mm 357901 £44.25 2 Hose Clip 20-32mm 4162427 £1.90 3 P Clip 34mm 21499A £3.29 4 Combustion Air Hose End Cap 30mm 29519A £1.81 5 Exhaust 38mm (S/Steel per m) 353221 £28.05 6 Exhaust End Cap p 24046A £5.72 7 Exhaust Silencer 19562E £107.37 8 Exhaust Clamp 38mm 9 Elbow for Upwards Exhaust 38mm Part No. List Price 9002255B £11.86 370169 £344.40 Not Shown Exhaust Lagging per m 4152601 £13.96 Not Shown S/Steel Cable Ties (for exhaust lagging) 4162441 £1.93 Item No 1 Part No. 9024224B List Price £150.69 Not Shown 2 2a 3 Not Shown 4 5 6 7 8 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown 21 Description Plastic Fuel Tank 12 litres (no fitting kit) Fitting kit for 12l fuel tank Fuel Tank Standpipe 700mm lg Fuel Tank Standpipe 500mm lg Fuel Tank Standpipe low profile 495mm lg 8.5mm hole Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm id 5mm od per m Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm i.d. 5mm od 8m lgth Fuel Filter Fuel Pipe Connector (Straight) Fuel Hose Clip 10mm Fuel Tank Extractor Fuel T Piece: 6x5x6 8x5x8 12 x 5 x 12 15 x 5 x 15 (Refer to Thermo Top C Accessories section for more T Piece options) Fuel Pump Harness 6m lg Fuel Pipe Connector 90º Fuel Cut Off Kit (Switch Type) Fuel Cut Off Kit (Tap Type) 9025761A 4154300 353205 41S45017A £40.54 £26.78 £22.61 £26.78 483931 £1.40 4157900 £12.28 487171 484032 330027 107762 £20.90 £0.94 £0.51 £28.12 1310349B 1310350B 1310352A 492876 £22.68 £17.38 £22.59 £43.94 4110422 34859C 4112369A 4111812A £12.66 £2.44 £61.03 £75.83 Air Heating Systems HL90 Ai Air H Heater t Mounting Ducting System Item No Part No. List Price Not Shown Mounting Box Description 4144913 £397.82 Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Warm Air Ducting 100mm (per m) 398527 £36.85 41S70016A £13.99 4151802 £38 83 £38.83 128643 £64.73 Not Shown Y Piece 100/100/100 4148407 £101.94 3 Y Branch 100/100/80 252824 £120.96 4 T Branch 100/100/100 129232 £136.78 5 Air Outlet 100mm 130621 £96.31 6 Hose Clamp 100-200mm 139653 £1.52 252581 £71.66 1310915A £4.20 Not Shown Thermoduct 100mm—750mm length Not Shown Flexiflyte Ducting 100mm (per m) 2 Warm Air Elbow 90º 100mm Not Shown Reducer 100-80mm Not Shown Ducting Support Bracket For 80mm Ducting Accessories – Please refer to Air Top 3900/5500 Section For 60/55mm Ducting Accessories – Please refer to Air Top 2000 Section 22 Air Heating Systems HL90 Ai Air H Heater t Common Replacement Parts Item No 1 2 3, 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Not Shown Not Shown Description Electronic Control Unit 12v Electronic Control Unit 24v Glowplug Flame Detection Photocell inc socket Overheat Protection Male Fitting for Pipe Double Conical Ring Pipe Casing Fan Rotor Inflow Ring g Motor 12v Motor 24v Displacer Atomiser Fuel Line Side Channel Fan Sealing Ring Gasket Ring Clutch Half (two required) q Air Intake Housing Resistor 12v 0.45 Ohm Resistor 24v 1.8 Ohm Heat Exchanger Backwall Sealing Rope Fuel Pump 12v Fuel Pump 24v Part No. 33343A 33331A 169587 1316888A 97703A 458430 37640A 490350 34489A 33714A 86554A 35504A 63111A 344958 33094A 34084B 84986A 412244 1313722A 82531A 34037B 34530A 34531A 97704A 343374 82451A 82553B 47901B 23 List Price £508.93 £573.12 £104.79 £47.59 £36.18 £4.17 £3.65 £6.58 £113.08 £27.00 £16.34 £310.98 £290.18 £18.26 £131.86 £28.15 £215.20 £7.38 £11.53 £0.88 £211.46 £22.24 £22.24 £1055.94 £120.76 £14.91 £253.28 £227.12 Water Heaters Comfort, safety and convenience • • • • • Performance from 4 up to 35kW Versatile use for all market segments Compact design Robust combustion technology and dependable operation Broad spectrum of applications Parking Heater & Engine Pre Heat Upgrade Kits Kits are available to upgrade direct diesel injection vehicles installed with a Webasto heater as a supplementary boost heater from factory to enjoy the full features and benefits of a parking heater system. For further information and pricing, please contact our Sales Department. Thermo Top Range Thermo 90 ST 24 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo T Top E 4 4.2kW 2kW W Water t H Heater t Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) EG-Type Approval code Diesel Petrol e1*2001/56*0104*_ e1*2001/56*0104*_ Heat Output Partial/Full Load kW 2.5 / 4.2 2.5 / 4.2 Fuel Consumption Partial/Full Load kg/h 0.3 / 0.49 0.34 – 0.56 V 12 12 W 32 – 37 32 - 37 Diesel / PME-mix, with <50% PME-part Petrol ºC -40 to + 60 -40 to + 60 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 214 x 106 x 168 214 x 106 x 168 Weight Kg 2.9 2.9 Rated Voltage Rated Power Consumption with circulation pump Partial/Full Load Fuel Type Operating temperature range Heater Kits Part No Description List Price 9003169C Petrol Thermo Top E Basic Vehicle Universal kit without operating control 12v £759.25 9003170C Diesel Thermo Top E Basic Vehicle Universal kit without operating control 12v £759.25 25 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo T Top C/Z 5 5.2kW 2kW W Water t H Heater t Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) EG-Type Approval code Diesel Petrol e1*2001/56*0002*_ e1*2001/56*0002*_ Heat Output Partial/Full Load kW 2.5 / 5.2 2.5 / 5.2 Fuel Consumption Partial/Full Load kg/h 0.3 / 0.61 0.34 – 0.7 V 12 12 W 32 – 42 32 - 42 Diesel / PME-mix, with <50% PME-part Petrol ºC -40 to + 60 -40 to + 60 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 214 x 106 x 168 214 x 106 x 168 Weight Kg 2.9 2.9 Rated Voltage Rated Power Consumption with circulation pump Partial/Full Load Fuel Type Operating temperature range Heater Kits Part No Description List Price 9003167C Petrol Thermo Top C Basic Vehicle Universal kit without operating control 12v £972 88 £972.88 9003168C Diesel Thermo Top C Basic Vehicle Universal kit without operating control 12v £972.88 89246B Diesel Thermo Top Z Basic Vehicle Supplementary Heater Universal kit 12v £729.58 89247D 89 Upgrade Upg ade Kitt for o Thermo e o Top op Z £330.26 330 6 26 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo T Top P 5 5.2kW 2kW W Water t H Heater t Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) EG-Type Approval code Diesel Petrol e1*2001/56*0104*_ e1*2001/56*0104*_ Heat Output Partial/Full Load kW 2.5 / 5.2 2.5 / 5.2 Fuel Consumption Partial/Full Load kg/h 0.3 / 0.61 0.34 – 0.7 V 12 12 W 32 – 42 32 - 42 Diesel / PME-mix, with <50% PME-part Petrol ºC -40 to + 60 -40 to + 60 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 214 x 106 x 168 214 x 106 x 168 Weight Kg 2.9 2.9 Rated Voltage Rated Power Consumption with circulation pump Partial/Full Load Fuel Type Operating temperature range Heater Kits Part No Description List Price 9013624A Petrol Thermo Top P Basic Vehicle Universal kit without operating control 12v £1050.83 9013625A Diesel Thermo Top P Basic Vehicle Universal kit without operating control 12v £1050.83 27 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo T Top R Range W Water t H Heaters t Operating Controls 1 2 3 4 5 Combustion Air & Exhaust Mounting Item No 1 2 3 4 Not Shown 5 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not shown Description T91 Handset Upgrade Kit T91 Handset Only HTM T100 Upgrade Kit HTM T100 Handset Only Receiver T91/HTM 100 Digital Timer (60 mins) Oval Type Digital Timer (60 mins) Square Automatic blower control kit 3 Gang Panel Switch Plug kit for 3 gang Panel Switch Frost Stat -5 to +15°C 4 hour Pulse Relay 12v Pulse Relayy Kit Harness 12v Part No. 1314635A 1314636A 1314637A 1314638A 1314639A 1301122D 35967B 3391288A 41M0039 41N0171 4111263A 4111932A 4111364A List Price £391.63 £180.82 £496.52 £211 72 £211.72 £279.88 £105.62 £91.62 £261.20 £35.32 £1.39 £30.61 £33.57 £40.87 Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Not Shown Not Shown Not N t Shown Sh Description Combustion b Air Pipe 25mm C/Air Pipe End Cap 25mm Hose Clip 20-27mm Flexible Exhaust 22mm (per m) Exhaust Silencer 22mm P Clip 25mm Protection End Cap Exhaust Clamp 24-27mm Exhaust Lagging Cable Ties (S/Steel for Lagging) Exhaust 22-24mm E h t Adaptor Ad t 22 24 Part No. 23298A 29516B 1303080A 337390 86450C 405256 318302 1312409A 41V0001 4162441 92641A List Price £19.43 £5.06 £1.01 £17.42 £25.57 £3.35 £6.01 £7.08 £7.96 £1.93 £11.38 £11 38 I Item N No D Description i i P Part No. N Li P List Price i 1 Universal Mounting Bracket TTE/C 87394B £7.92 2 Universal Mounting Bracket 28382A £86.42 28 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo T Top R Range W Water t H Heaters t Fuel System f Item No Description 1 a) Fuel Tank Standpipe 500mm lg b) Fuel Sender 8mm c) Fuel Sender 90º 300mm lg d) Fuel Sender 6mm e) FFuel el Extractor E tractor Low Lo Profile f) Fuel Tank Standpipe low profile 495mm lg 8.5mm hole 353205 4154304 25908B 1300494A 9003497C 41S45017A £22.61 £29.78 £40.40 £55.40 £47 42 £47.42 £26.78 2 Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm id 5mm od 483931 £1.40 3 Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm i.d. 5mm od 8m length 4157900 £12.28 4 Fuel Filter 487171 £20.90 5 Fuel Pipe Connector (Straight) 484032 £0.94 6 Fuel Hose Clip 10mm 330027 £0.51 7 Fuel T Piece(s) 1310367B 1310368B 1310369B 1310370A 1310349B 1310350B 1310351B 1310352B 1310412A 66944A 9001344B 66946A 98052A £30.56 £19.93 £46.49 £29 21 £29.21 £22.68 £17.38 £15.40 £22.59 £26.11 £3.67 £3.93 £10.17 £10.43 107762 £28.12 6 x 5 x 6 (J Shape) 8 x 5 x 8 (J Shape) 10 x 5 x 10 (J Shape) 12 x 5 x 12 (J Shape) 6 x 5 x 6 (T shape – Metal) 8 x 5 x 8 (T shape – Metal) 10 x 5 x 10 (T shape – Metal) 12 x 5 x 12 (T shape – Metal) 15 x 6 x 15 (T shape – Metal) 6 x 5 x 6 (T shape – Plastic) 8 x 5 x 8 (T shape – Plastic) 10 x 5 x 10 (T shape – Plastic) 12 x 5 x 12 (T shape – Plastic) 8 Tank Extractor 5mm Part No. List Price 9 Tank Extractor – VAG Group 9001450B £90.70 10 Tank Extractor (15mm Fuel Hose) Tank Extractor (18mm Fuel Hose) Tank Extractor (20mm Fuel Hose) 86277A 86379A 67435A £51.10 £52.88 £77.19 Not Shown Fuel Pipe Connector 90º 34859C £2.44 29 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo T Top R Range W Water t H Heaters t Water System Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Not shown Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown 30 Description Formed Hose 90º Di18/Da25 Formed Hose 180º Di 18/Da 25 Di 20/Da 27 Formed Hose Di18/Da25 Formed Hose Di18/Da25 – 2200mm lg Di18/Da25 – 3000mm lg Di20/Da25 – 2200mm lg Formed Hose Di18/Da25 – 576mm lg Di18/Da25 – 1100mm lg Formed Hose 1020mm lg Di15/Da22 Di18/D 27 Di18/Da27 Di22/Da29 Formed Hose D1i15/D1a22; D2i18/D2a25 Straight Coolant Hose Di15/Da22 – 2750mm lg Di18/Da27 – 2000mm lg Coolant Hose (sold as a 15m roll) 15mm-5/8” i.d. 16mm-5/8” i.d. 19mm 3/4” i.d. 19mm-3/4 id Part No. 431397 List Price £22.35 403474 29938A 431400 £9.18 £50.71 £31.49 472433 105698 33894A £74.08 £53.06 £51.64 436267 29420A £43.40 £23.67 248371 436259 21488A £44.70 £34 46 £34.46 £44.70 403482 £34.49 406074 369136 £94.10 £64.54 41S30013A 4157515 41G0049 £91.42 £67.41 £81 50 £81.50 Description Part No. Connecting Tube: D1a15/D2a18 1314325A D1a18/D2a20 66908B D1a18/D2a22 66932A D1a20/D2a20 66934C D1a20/D2a22 19867B T Piece: D1a15/D2a15 138207 D1a18/D2a15 138215 D1a18/D2a18 355240 D1a20/D2a15 138223 D1a20/D2a20 21081A Connection Pipe 18mm 123858 T Piece Da15 65mm lg 119064 Da18 100mm lg 111550 In line Bleed Valve Da15 112392 Da18 105848 T Piece with Bleed Valve Da15 488526 Da18 488534 One Way Valve without Junction Da15 104mm lg 12754A Da18 100mm lg 12706A Da18 90mm lg 109557 Da20 100mm lg 15685A 19-19mm brass hose connector 41H0001 16-19 Dual T Piece 41K0020 15-20 Hose Adaptor 1314326B 5 litre plastic expansion tank kit 41K5210A Other Valves and T Pieces are available upon request List Price £5.93 £4.00 £3.82 £6.75 £11.52 £37.82 £37.18 £44.97 £17.37 £36.85 £72.84 £19.00 £25.48 £46.21 £86.48 £66.48 £74.84 £38.71 £46.21 £68.80 £71.09 £12.08 £17.62 £5.54 £105.10 Water Heating Systems Thermo T Th Top R Range W Water t H Heaters t Common Replacement Parts Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Diesel Combustion Air Motor 12v – TTE/C 9001383B £123.03 2 Diesel Burner Cartridge c/w Glowpin 12v – Standard 92995D £174.63 3 4 Diesel Burner Head/Heat Exchanger/Control Unit – TTC (Std) Diesel Burner Head/Heat Exchanger/Control Unit—TTE Diesel Burner Head/Heat Exchanger/Control Unit—TTC 300 MODEL (RV & Marine Version) Water Pump U4847 12v – TTE/C 92998G 9001398D 9007864C 9002514B £329.42 £329.42 £329.42 £160.28 5 Water Pump Housing 193º - TTE/C 93011C £8.36 6 Water Pump Housing Axial – TTE/C 93012C £8.36 Not Shown Fuel Pump 12v 82553B £253.28 Not Shown Gasket Set 9000861A £12.38 FOR PETROL HEATER COMPONENTS, PLEASE REFER TO RELEVANT TECHNICAL SPARE PARTS HANDBOOK 31 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo P Pro 50 5 5.0kW 0kW W Water t H Heater t Heater Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Diesel ECE-Approval code E1 00 0334 E1 03 62 6271 ECE R122 (Heater) ECE C R10 0 (EMC) ( C) Heat Output Partial/Full Load kW 2.5 / 5.0 Fuel Consumption Partial/Full Load kg/h 0.3 / 0.6 V 24 W 16 – 34 Rated Voltage Rated Power Consumption with out circulation pump Partial/Full Load Fuel Type Diesel EN590 PME EN 14214 up to 100% / Arctic Diesel / F34 / heating oil (EL) Operating temperature range ºC -40 to + 80 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 218 x 91 x 144 Weight Kg 2.1 Heater Kits Part No Description List Price 9026553A Diesel Thermo Pro 50 Base kit (includes heater, fuel pump & water pump) without operating control 24v £1142.68 9026722A Universal Installation kit for Thermo Pro 50 (includes wiring harness, fuel tank extractor, exhaust, exhaust silencer, air intake silencer, water hoses, water connectors, heater bracket & mounting accessories) 32 £296.80 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo P Pro 50 / Th Thermo 50 W Water t H Heater t Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Thermo 50 Only Fuel Supply Thermo 50 Only Item No Description 1 2 Position Switch 24v 109999 £65.30 2 Room Thermostat Unswitched 25011C £75.71 3 Room Thermostat Electrical 34875A £294.36 4 Room Thermostat Sensor 82356A £83.45 5 Timer Mounting Plate 474630 £21.20 List Price 6 Timer Housing 475866 £39.84 7 Digital Timer/Alarm 24v 88195A £294.35 Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Description Combustion Air Pipe 25mm C/Air Pipe End Cap 25mm Hose Clip 20-27mm Flexible Exhaust 22mm (per m) Exhaust Silencer 22mm P Clip 25mm Protection End Cap Exhaust Clamp 24-27mm Exhaust Lagging Cable Ties (S/Steel for Lagging) Exhaust Adaptor 22-24mm Part No. 23298A 29516B 1303080A 337390 86450C 405256 318302 1312409A 41V0001 4162441 92641A List Price £19.43 £5.06 £1 01 £1.01 £17.42 £25.57 £3.35 £6.01 £7.08 £7.96 £1.93 £11.38 Item No 1 Description Fuel tank standpipe 650mm lg Fuel tank standpipe 700mm lg Fuel tank standpipe 500mm lg Fuel tank standpipe low profile 495mm lg 8.5mm hole Tank Extractor 5mm Nylon fuel hose 2mm i.d. 5mm o.d. Heat protection hose GA-A 14.5 standard length 1m Fuel hose connector (straight) Fuel Filter Fuel T Piece 6x5x6 Fuel T Piece 8x5x8 Fuel T Piece 12x5x12 Fuel T Piece 15x5x15 Part No. 35320A 4154300 353205 41S45017A List Price £39.43 £26.78 £22.61 £26.78 1a 2 3 4 1a Part No. 5 6 7 33 107762 483931 15570A £28.12 £1.40 £12.88 484032 487171 1310349B 1310350B 1310352B 1310412A £0.94 £20.90 £22.68 £17.38 £22.59 £26.11 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo 50 W Water t H Heater t Water System Thermo 50 Only Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Mounting Thermo 50 Only Item No 1 1 34 Description Water thermostat 20/20/20 Water thermostat 20/20/20/20 Connection pipe 20mm Non return valve 18/18/18/18 Non return valve 20/20/20/20 Non return valve 20/20/22/22 T Piece 18/18/18 T Piece 20/20/20 T Piece (with ventilation) 18 Formed Hose 180º Ends Di20 Da 27 2200 lg C ti ttube b 18 20 Connection 18x20 Hose Clamp 20-27mm 19-19mm brass hose connector 16-19 Dual T Piece 15-20 Hose Adaptor 5 litre plastic expansion tank kit Description Mounting Bracket Part No. 98992A 19872A 66934C 12780A 19873A 87072A 355240 21081A 105848 33894A List Price £191.15 £251.99 £6.75 £54.39 £111.09 £192.05 £44.97 £36.85 £86.48 £51.64 66908B 1303080A 41H0001 41K0020 1314326B 41K5210A £4 00 £4.00 £1.01 £12.08 £17.62 £5.54 £105.10 Part No. 67015A List Price £23.09 Water Heating Systems Thermo 50 W Th Water t H Heater t Common Replacement Parts 1 3 4 2 5 6 Item No Description p Part No List Price 1 Burner (Diesel) 98234B £215.47 2 Combustion Air Fan 24v 98235B £123.56 3 Circulation Pump U4847 24v 98237A £192.81 4 Pump housing axial 93012C £8.36 5 Burner head/heat exchanger/control unit 24v 98236C £731.94 £731 94 6 Central end cover Not shown Fuel Pump 24v 1311100A 47901B 35 £4.01 £227.12 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo 90 ST 9 9.1kW 1kW W Water t H Heater t Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Diesel EG-Type Approval code e1*2001/56*2004*78*0019 Heat Performance Control range/boost mode kW 1.8 – 7.6 / 9.1 Fuel Consumption Control range/boost mode kg/h 0.19 – 0.9 / 1.1 V 12 / 24 W 37 – 83 / 90 Rated Voltage Rated Power Consumption Control range/boost mode Fuel Type Diesel EN590 (B5) / Arctic Diesel / heating oil (EL) Operating temperature range ºC -40 to + 80 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 355 x 133 x 232 Weight Kg 4.8 Heater Kits Part No Description List Price 9007622A Diesel Thermo 90 ST Vehicle Universal kit without operating control 12v £1490.16 9007623A Diesel Thermo 90 ST Vehicle Universal kit without operating control 24v £1490.16 36 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo 90 ST / Th Thermo 90 S W Water t H Heater t Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Fuel Supply Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 2 Position Switch 12v 2 Position Switch 24v 109995 109999 £65.30 £65.30 2 Room Thermostat Unswitched 25011C £75.71 3 Room Thermostat Electrical 34875A £294.36 4 Room Thermostat Sensor 82356A £83.45 5 Timer Mounting Plate 474630 £21.20 6 Timer Housing 475866 £39.84 7 Digital Timer/Alarm 12v Digital Timer/Alarm 24v 88204A 88195A £294.35 £294.35 Item No 1 2 3 4 Not Shown 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not Shown Not Shown Description Intake Silencer Pipe Combustion Air Hose 30mm Hose Clip 20-32mm P Clip 34mm Combustion Air Hose End Cap 30mm Exhaust Silencer Exhaust 38mm ((S/Steel per p m)) Exhaust End Cap Exhaust Clamp 38mm P Clip 42mm Mounting Strip Exhaust Lagging S/Steel Cable Ties (for exhaust lagging) Part No. 250856 357901 4162427 21499A 29519A 19562E 353221 24046A 9002255B 126830 242888 4152601 4162441 List Price £24.17 £44.25 £1.90 £3.29 £1.81 £107.37 £28.05 £5.72 £11.86 £5.22 £1.92 £13.96 £1.93 Item No 1 2 Not Shown 3 Description Part No. Plastic Fuel Tank 24 litres 9001307C Plastic Fuel Tank 12 litres (no fittings) 9024224B Fitting kit for 12l fuel tank 9025761A Fuel Tank Standpipe 650mm lg 35320A Fuel Tank Standpipe 700mm lg 4154300 Fuel Tank Standpipe 500mm lg 353205 Fuel Tank Standpipe low profile 41S45017A 495mm lg 8.5mm hole Fuel Tank Extractor 98605C Fuel Tank Extractor 107762 Fuel T Piece: 6x5x6 1310349B 8x5x8 1310350B 12 x 5 x 12 1310352A 15 x 5 x 15 1310412A (for plastic versions please refer to Thermo Top C fuel accessories section) Fuel Filter 487171 Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm id 5mm od 483931 per m Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm i.d. 5mm od 8m 4157900 l h length Fuel Pipe Connector (Straight) 484032 Fuel Hose Clip 10mm 330027 Fuel Pump Harness 90216B Fuel Pipe Connector 90º 34859C Fuel Cut Off Kit (Switch Type) 4112369A Fuel Cut Off Kit (Tap Type) 4111812A List Price £265.67 £150.69 £40.54 £39.43 £26.78 £22.61 £26.78 3a 3a 4 5 6 7 8 Not Shown 9 10 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown 37 £30.34 £28.12 £22.68 £17.38 £22.59 £26.11 £20.90 £1.40 £12.28 £0.94 £0.51 £36.65 £2.44 £61.03 £75.83 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo 90 ST / Th Thermo 90 S W Water t H Heater t Water System Item No 1 Description Thermostat Valve 20mm Part No. 19872A List Price £251.99 Hose 20mm/ 2.2m lg Hose Clamp 20-27mm Connecting Tube 18 x 20 Connecting Tube 20 x 20 T Pieces: 15mm 20 x 15mm 20mm 7 Check Valve 20mm 8 Elbow Not Shown 19-19mm brass hose connector 33894A 1303080A 66908B 66934C £51.64 £1.01 £4.00 £6.75 138207 138223 21081A 19873A 22524B 41H0001 £37.82 £17.37 £36.85 £111.09 £30.63 £12.08 Not Shown 16-19 Dual T Piece Not Shown 15-20 Hose Adaptor 41K0020 1314326B £17.62 £5.54 Not Shown 5 litre plastic expansion tank kit 41K5210A £105.10 Part No. List Price 29938A £50.71 33894A £51.64 248371 21488A £44.70 £44.70 403482 £34.49 406074 £94.10 41S30013A 4157515 41G0049 £91.42 £67.41 £81.50 2 3 4 5 6 Item No Description 1 Formed Hose 180º 180 Di20 Da27 Formed Hose 180º Ends Di20 Da 27 2200 lg Formed Hose Di15 Da 22 1020 lg Di22 Da 29 1020 lg Formed Hose D1i 15/D1a22; D2i 18/D2a 25 Straight Hose Di 15/Da22 2750mm lg Coolant Hose (sold as a 15m roll) 15mm-5/8” i.d. 16mm-5/8” i.d. 19mm-3/4” i.d. 2 3 4 5 Not shown Mounting Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Universal Mounting Plate 20583A £14.73 2 Control Box Mounting Holder 88746D £9.83 38 Water Heating Systems Thermo 90 S W Th Water t H Heater t Common Replacement Parts Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 2 Combustion Air Fan 12v Combustion Air Fan 24v Hose Clamp 90214A 90215B 139653 £390.64 £367.44 £1.52 3 Gasket Ring 34888A £1.08 4 Gasket Ring 83515B £2.80 5 Flame Detector 82407B £52.76 6 7 Glowpin 12v Glowpin 24v Temperature Sensor 82408B 82410B 41244G £59.14 £66.48 £34.31 8 Gasket Ring 431567 £6.01 9 Overheat Protection 37955C £60.41 10 11 Water Pump 12v Water Pump 24v Gasket Ring 86568A 86569A 22405B £275.60 £287.55 £2.22 12 Water Pump Mounting Bracket 86252A £15.40 13 Protection Cap 38641C 14 Burner Cartridge (Standard Heater) Diesel 9010916A £6.26 £154.46 15 Gasket Ring 83230A £1.24 16 Burner Tube 82415B £284.47 17 Heat Exchanger (U4846 pump) 86244C £136.30 18 Fuel Pump 12v Fuel Pump 24v Control Unit 12v Control Unit 24v Harness – Heater to Control Box 82553B 47901B 9025599A 89093E 90223B £253.28 £227.12 £357.34 £357.34 £97.62 19 Not Shown Not Shown Harness – Control Box to Switch Not Shown Thermo 90 / S 12v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin, flame detector & gasket set) Thermo 90 / S 24v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin, flame detector & gasket set) 39 90228B £62.63 4111828A 4111829A £242.54 £256.28 Water Heating Systems Thermo 90 ST W Th Water t H Heater t Common Replacement Parts Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Combustion Air Fan 12v Combustion Air Fan 24v 9010622A 9010621A £372.03 £367.44 2 Hose Clamp 139653 3 Gasket Ring 34888A £1.08 4 Gasket Ring 83515B £2.80 £1 52 £1.52 5 Flame Detector 9010617B £52.76 6 7 Glowpin 12v Glowpin 24v Temperature Sensor 9010615B 9005931B 9010620A £59.14 £66.48 £32.68 8 Gasket Ring 9011519A £5.71 9 Overheat Protection 9010616A £60.41 10 Taptite Self Tapping Screw Set 9011518A £4.52 11 12 Water Pump U4846 12v Water Pump U4846 24v Mounting Parts Set—U4846 Pump 9010619A 9010618A 9011521A £275.60 £275.60 £14.66 13 Burner Cartridge Diesel 9010916A £154.46 14 Gasket Ring 15 Mounting Parts Set for Burner Head 83230A £1.24 9011520A £4 60 £4.60 16 Inlet Guide Plate 32151B £1.16 17 Burner Tube 82415B £284.47 18 Tightening Clamp 21295A £26.95 19 Heat Exchanger (U4846 pump) 86244C £136.30 20 Control Unit SG1577 12v Control Unit SG1577 24v 9011398A 9011399A £357.34 £357.34 Not Shown h Fuell Pump 12v Fuel Pump 24v Thermo 90 ST 12v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin, flame detector & gasket set) Thermo 90 ST 24v Service Kit (contains Burner with glowpin, flame detector & gasket set) 82553B 47901B 4111830A 4111831A £253.28 £227.12 £242.54 £256.28 Not Shown 40 Water Heating Systems DBW2010 13kW / DBW 2016 16kW W Water t H Heaters t Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) EG-Type Approval code DBW2010 DBW2016 e1*2001/56*2004*78* 0001 e1*2001/56*2004*78* 0001 Heat Performance Control range kW 13.1 16 Fuel Consumption Control range kg/h 1.3 1.5 V 12 / 24 12 / 24 W 60 90 Diesel EN590 (B5) / heating oil (EL) Diesel EN590 (B5) / heating oil (EL) ºC -40 to + 80 -40 to + 80 Di i (L B H) Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 564 x 205 x 228 564 x 205 x 228 Weight Kg 14.5 14.5 Rated Voltage Rated Power Consumption Control range Fuel Type Operating temperature range Heater Kits Part No Description List Price 9023677A Diesel DBW 2010 Heater with 2 position switch & switch plate 12v £2163.36 9023679A Diesel DBW 2010 Heater with 2 position switch & switch plate 24v £2163.36 9012936A Diesel DBW 2016 Heater with 2 position switch & switch plate 12v £1992 39 £1992.39 9012935A Diesel DBW 2016 Heater with 2 position switch & switch plate 24v £1992.39 41 Water Heating Systems DBW2010 / DBW 2016 W Water t H Heaters t Operating Controls Combustion Air & Exhaust Fuel Supply Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 2 Position Switch 12v 2 Position Switch 24v 109995 109999 £65.30 £65.30 2 Room Thermostat Unswitched 25011C £75 71 £75.71 3 Digital Timer 12v Digital Timer 24v 88204A 88195A £294.35 £294.35 4 Timer Mounting Plate 474630 £21.20 5 Timer Housing 475866 £39.84 Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Flexible Hose 80mm 398519 £27.21 2 Hose Clip 90mm 139610 £1.15 3 Exhaust 38mm (S/Steel per m) 353221 £28.05 4 Exhaust End Cap 5 Exhaust Clamp 38mm 6 Exhaust Elbow 180º 38mm 24046A £5.72 9002255B £11.86 370169 £344.40 Not Shown Exhaust Lagging 4152601 £13.96 Not Shown S/Steel Cable Ties (for exhaust lagging) 4162441 £1.93 Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Fuel Standpipe – Twin Outlet 4154301 £62.14 2 Fuel Filter 140724 £17.49 3 Fuel Hose Braided Rubber 5mm i.d. 10mm o.d. 370177 £24.28 4 Hose Clip 10mm 330027 £0.51 Not Shown Hose Clip 8mm 1310761A £0.78 Not Shown Hose Clip 12mm 379670 £0.51 Not Shown Fuel Pipe Nylon 6mm id 8mm o.d. 4152400 £5.73 Not Shown Fuel Pipe Connector 8mm id 462535 £3.76 42 Water Heating Systems DBW2010 / DBW 2016 W Water t H Heaters t Water System Item No Description 1 Hose Clamp 20-27mm 2 3 Part No. List Price 1303080A £1.01 Connecting Tube 18 x 20 66908B £4.00 Connecting Tube 18 x 22 66932A £3.80 4 T Piece 18mm (other T Pieces available upon request) 355240 £44.97 5 In line Bleed Valve 18mm 105848 £86.48 6 One Way Valve 18mm no junction 109557 £68.80 7 One Wayy Valve Single g T 18mm 12785B £65.29 8 One Way Valve Double T 18mm 12751A £56.24 9 T Piece 18mm 111550 £25.48 10 U Support Bracket 109006 £7.20 Other Connectors & Valves available upon request Item No Description Formed Hose 90º Di 18/Da 25 2 Formed Hose 180º Di 18/Da 25 3 Formed Hose Di 18/Da 25 4 Formed Hose 180º Di 18/Da 25 2200mm lg Di 18/Da 25 3000mm lg 5 Formed Hose Di18/Da 25 576 lg 6 Formed Hose 1020mm lg Di 15/Da 22 Di 18/Da 27 Di 22/Da 29 7 Formed Hose D1i 15/D1a 22; D2i 18/D2a 25 8 Straight Hose Di 15/Da 22 Di 18/Da 27 Not Shown Coolant Hose (sold as a 15m roll) 15mm-5/8” i.d. 16mm-5/8” i.d. 19mm-3/4” i.d. Part No. List Price 431397 £22.35 403474 £9.18 431400 £31.49 472433 105698 £74.08 £53.06 436267 £43.40 248371 436259 21488A £44.70 £34.46 £44.70 403482 £34.49 406074 369136 £94.10 £64.54 41S30013A 4157515 41G0049 £91.42 £67.41 £81.50 1 43 Water Heating Systems DBW2010 Water W t Heater H t Common Replacement Parts Non Sensoric & Sensoric Item No Description 1 Control Unit 12v (Non Sensoric) Control Unit 24v (Non Sensoric) Control Unit 24v (Sensoric) El t i Ignition Electronic I iti U Unit it 12v 12 Electronic Ignition Unit 24v Socket High Tension Ignition Cable Electrode Plug Combustion Air Intake Socket 80dia. Protection Hood Clutch Half (2 required) Motor 12v Motor 24v Motor Support Impellor & Shaft Parts Kit for Mounting Shaft Gasket Ring Blower Casing Rubber Grommet LH Rubber Grommet RH Water Pump 12v U4810 (pump only) Water Pump 24v U4810 (pump only) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Not Shown Not Shown For DBW 2016 spares, please refer to spare parts manual 44 Part No. List Price 9023417A 9023418A 89576C 101838 101846 404918 178624 176494 350427 436216 350516 9023885A 9023886A 301841 373001 378313 412244 22567B 298964 299995 458384 458392 £289.43 £259.30 £248.91 £363 82 £363.82 £351.57 £1.08 £9.98 £24.63 £12.25 £55.52 £2.40 £166.96 £166.96 £57.97 £50.07 £34.88 £7.38 £53.93 £2.92 £2.92 £416.67 £416.67 Water Heating Systems DBW2010 Water W t Heater H t Common Replacement Parts Non Sensoric Only Item No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Not Shown Description Magnetic Coil 12v Magnetic Coil 24v Small Parts Kit for Magnetic Coil Gasket Ring Electrode Clamp Ignition Electrode (2 required) Washer Flame Detection Photocell High Pressure Nozzle 10 Bar High Pressure Nozzle 7 Bar Nozzle Holder Fuel Supply Line Fuel Return Line Fuel Pump 7 Bar Pressure Control Valve Filter Straight Spur Gear Nozzle Holder Plate Protection Cap Connector Clip Overheat Fuse (Brown Cable) 122º Overheat Fuse (Yellow Cable) 138º Control Thermostat (Green/Red Cable) 75º Overheat Protection (Green Cable) 117º Control Thermostat (Green/Red Cable) 75º Blower Thermostat (Blue/Brown Cable) 40º Combustion Chamber Heat Exchanger Downward Exhaust Heat Exchanger Curved Water Inlet Pipe Socket Locking Screw Fitting Wiring harness non sensoric Part No. 322083 322091 386650 260487 278971 1303871B 88771A 215171 384852 1303465A 412198 111372 345288 66546A 355836 310344 371289 103512 487627 273473 404489 406287 SPH11115218A 408719 41267A 454443 26553A 415073 411442 279110 360422 For DBW 2016 spares, please refer to spare parts manual 45 List Price £212.64 £67.60 £20.45 £0.34 £1.06 £3.46 £6 12 £6.12 £60.39 £133.20 £30.85 £82.02 £9.61 £10.29 £788.32 £14.36 £0.29 £3.49 £41.94 £13.92 £2.12 £18.96 £18.44 £103.04 £20.56 £141.82 £132.29 £124.05 £804.27 £735.59 £3.30 £226.02 Water Heating Systems DBW2010 Water W t Heater H t Common Replacement Parts Sensoric Only Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 2 Magnetic Coil 12v Magnetic Coil 24v Small Parts Kit for Magnetic Coil 322083 322091 386650 £212.64 £67.60 £20.45 3 Gasket Ring 260487 £0 34 £0.34 4 Support Bracket 481696 £9.21 5 Flame Detection Photocell 116420 £85.79 6 Ignition Electrode (2 required) 1303871B £3.46 7 High Pressure Nozzle 1303465A £30.85 8 Washer 88772A £6.47 9 Pressure Pipe 65433A £7.13 10 Nozzle Holder 412198 £82.02 11 Fuel Supply Line 111372 £9.61 12 Fuel Return Line 345288 £10.29 13 Fuel Pump 66546A £788.32 14 Pressure Control Valve 355836 £14.36 15 Filter 310344 £0.29 16 Cable Clamp 482536 £3.08 17 Nozzle Holder Plate 103512 £41.94 18 Straight Spur Gear 371289 £3 49 £3.49 19 Connector Plug Clip 100396 £2.52 20 Control Thermostat 106123 £116.45 21 Overheat Fuse 138ºC 497142 £94.61 22 Gasket Ring 431567 £6.01 23 Overheat Protection 117ºC 116523 £80.55 24 Adaptor Fitting 118048 £11.84 25 Combustion Chamber 26553A £124.05 26 Heat Exchanger (Downward Exhaust) 105748 £780.89 27 Console 20759A £3.62 Not Shown Wiring Harness – Sensoric 15706B £176.34 For DBW 2016 spares, please refer to spare parts manual 46 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo 230 23kW / Th Thermo 300 30kW Thermo 350 35kW Water Heaters Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) EG-Type Approval code Thermo 230 Thermo 300 Thermo 350 e1*2001/56*2004*78 *0007*-- e1*2001/56*2004*78 *0008*-- e1*2001/56*2004*78 *0009*-- Heat Performance Control range kW 23 30 35 Fuel Consumption Control range kg/h 2.5 3.3 3.7 V 24 24 24 W 65 110 140 Diesel / heating oil (EL) Diesel / heating oil (EL) Diesel / heating oil (EL) Rated Voltage Rated Power Consumption (without pump) Control range Fuel Type Operating temperature range ºC -40 to + 80 -40 to + 80 -40 to + 80 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 610 x 246 x 220 610 x 246 x 220 610 x 246 x 220 Weight Kg 19 19 19 Heater Kits Part No Description List Price 85312B Diesel Thermo 230 Heater with fuel filter, 2 position switch & switch plate 24v £1676.47 85313B Diesel Thermo 300 Heater with fuel filter, 2 position switch & switch plate 24v £1481.44 411645 Diesel Thermo 300 Heater pre pre-boxed boxed with U4814 water pump (requires operating device – see operating controls section) £2170 49 £2170.49 85314C Diesel Thermo 350 Heater with fuel filter, 2 position switch & switch plate 24v £1854.46 47 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo 230 / Th Thermo 300 / Th Thermo 350 Water Heaters Operating Controls Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 2 Position Switch 24v 109999 £65.30 2 Digital Timer 24v 88195A £294.35 3 Timer Mounting Plate 474630 £21.20 4 Timer Housing 475866 £39.84 Not Shown Timer Installation Module for use with heater kit 411645. Includes 24v hour digital timer, fuel cut off switch and exhaust pipe Switch Installation Module for use with heater kit 411645. Includes operating switch, fuel cut off switch and exhaust pipe 411286 £396.03 411287 £224.65 Not Shown Combustion Air & Exhaust Item No Description Part No. List Price 1 Grid 20819B £6.75 2 Hose Protection i Guard d 20818B £4.34 3 4 Flexible Pipe 55mm – per m Connector Pipe 55mm 441376 101377 £19.48 £19.07 5 Flexible Exhaust (S/Steel) 70mm 479721 £39.25 6 Exhaust Clamp 68-71mm 4162415 £17.25 Exhaust Elbow with spigot 90º 70mm Not Shown Exhaust Elbow 90º 70mm 465380 £33.35 465135 £32.07 Not Shown Exhaust End Cap 70mm 29556A £31.23 7 Fuel Supply Not Shown Exhaust U Clamp 71mm 4168105 £18.13 Not Shown Exhaust Clamp 71mm 4162415 £17.25 Item No 1 2 Description Fuel Standpipe – Twin Outlet Fuel Hose Braided Rubber 5mm i.d. 10mm o.d. Part No. 4154301 370177 List Price £62.14 £24.28 3 4 Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Not Shown Hose Clip 10mm Fuel Filter (Complete) Fuel Filter Element Fuel Filter Gasket Hose Clip 8mm Hose Clip 12mm Fuel Pipe Nylon 6mm id 8mm o.d. Fuel Pipe Connector 8mm id Fuel Tap with lever ¼ ¼ BSP T Handle Ball Valve Hosetail 5mm 48 330027 140708 97457A 331406 1310761A 379670 4152400 462535 4131501 4131506 4185700 £0.51 £76.60 £23.87 £3.76 £0.78 £0.51 £5.73 £3.76 £45.54 £34.47 £12.95 Water Heating Systems Th Thermo 230 / Th Thermo 300 / Th Thermo 350 Water Heaters Water System Item No Description Not Shown Water Hose 38mm 1000lg Not Shown Elbow 38mm 90º Part No. 4152005 List Price £74.65 9009652A £40.02 Not Shown Elbow 38mm 90º 130mm leg 4152007 £65.81 Not Shown Elbow 38/35mm 90º 4152001 £46.95 Not Shown Elbow 35mm 90º 4152002 £40.87 Not Shown Reducer 38-35mm 4152000 £27.12 Not Shown Hose Clip 40-55mm 139688 £4.20 Not Shown Elbow 38/19 90º 4152004 £28.81 Not Shown Reducer 38/19 4152003 £24.52 Various water valves and connectors are available upon request 49 Water Heating Systems Thermo 230 / Th Th Thermo 300 / Th Thermo 350 Water Heaters Common Replacement Parts Item No Not Shown 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Description Replacement Burner Replacement Burner Replacement Burner Hood Fan Rotor Drive Assembly 24v Drive Assembly 24v Drive Assembly 24v Clutch Electronic Control Unit 24v SG1572D Electronic Ignition Unit 24v Ignition Electrode High Pressure Nozzle High Pressure Nozzle High Pressure Nozzle Washer Heating Element c/w Thermostat Fuel Pump Parts Kit for Fuel Pump M Magnetic ti Coil C il 24v 24 Parts Kit for Magnetic Coil Gasket Ring Flame Detector Photocell Adjusting Ring Housing Core Grip (2 Required) Fuel Filter Strainer Gasket Ring Parts Kit for Filter Heater Model Thermo 230 Thermo 300 Thermo 350 All All Thermo 230 Thermo 300 Thermo 350 All All All All Thermo 230 Thermo 300 Thermo 350 All All All All All All All All All All All All All All All 50 Part No. 65475A 65476E 65477A 9018716A 20641B 21317B 21318B 21319B 20654A 63482F 14845D 14846D 470716 470724 469556 88440A 86711B 1314580B 19977E 29313D 386650 260487 19970A 20820B 82206D 20512B 140708 97457A 331406 219495 List Price £1676.99 £1564.97 £1632.54 £36.60 £19.57 £214.08 £206.17 £198.78 £0.57 £269.73 £82.26 £8.34 £17.35 £20.17 £19.85 £3.89 £126.79 £271.39 £15.72 £42 90 £42.90 £20.45 £0.34 £27.55 £13.04 £90.78 £3.89 £76.60 £23.87 £3.76 £33 05 £33.05 Water Heating Systems Thermo 230 / Th Th Thermo 300 / Th Thermo 350 Water Heaters Common Replacement Parts Item No Description Heater Model Part No. List Price 1 Fuel Supply Line All 82234B £18.48 2 Fuel Return Line All 82235B £18.48 3 Clamp Thermo 300 362115 £7.03 4 Hose Support Thermo 300 463027 £2.40 5 Banjo Bolt (2 required) All 65513A £0.30 6 Overheat Protection (Blue) 120ºC All SPH82823D £46.10 7 Temperature Sensor All 14941B £35.25 8 Combustion Chamber All 44325A £153.76 9 Heat Exchanger All 86710A £374.87 51 Water Heating Systems Ci Circulation l ti P Pumps U4810 / U4846 U4810 Variants Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Volume flow against 0.15 bar l/h 1600 Rated voltage V 12 / 24 Rated power consumption W 25 Water socket connections mm 18 Electrical connections See plug version Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 173 x 81 x 77 W i ht Weight K Kg 08 0.8 Output Part No Description 458414 U4810 12v with bracket £356.64 458384 U4810 12v without bracket £416.67 458422 U4810 24v 24 with ith bracket b k t £356 64 £356.64 458392 U4810 24v without bracket £416.67 Flow resistance (with inactive pump) List Price U4846 Variants Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Volume flow against 0.15 bar l/h 700 Rated voltage V 12 / 24 Rated power consumption W 15 Water socket connections mm 20 Electrical connections See plug version Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 180 x 74 x 112 Weight Kg 0.7 Output measured with water at 20 Deg C Part No Description List Price 35897A U4846 12v without bracket £245.08 86569A U4846 24v without bracket £287.55 52 Flow resistance (with inactive pump) Water Heating Systems Ci Circulation l ti P Pumps U4847 / U4814 (A (Aquaventt 5000) U4847 Variants Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Volume flow against 0 0.15 15 bar l/h 500 Rated voltage V 12 / 24 Rated power consumption W 14 / 28 Water socket connections mm 18 / 20 Electrical connections See plug version Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 96 x 75 x 80 W i h Weight K Kg 03 0.3 Output measured with water at 20 Deg C Part No Description 98237A U4847 24v for Thermo 50 axial socket £192.81 9017986A U4847 econ 130° £192.81 9017982A U4847 econ axial £192.81 Flow resistance (with inactive pump) List Price U4814 (Aquavent 5000) Variants Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Volume flow against 0.15 bar l/h 5200 Rated voltage V 12 / 24 Rated power consumption W 104 Water socket connections mm 38 Electrical connections See plug version Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 221 x 100 x 105 Weight Kg 2.1 Output Part No Description List Price 43151D U4814 12v (pos 1) £413.07 43150C U4814 24v (pos 1) £160.37 63699C U4814 24v (pos 2) £413.07 21191D U4814 24v (pos 3) £413.07 86496E U4814 24v (pos 4) £413.07 53 Flow resistance (with inactive pump) Water Heating Systems Ci Circulation l ti P Pumps U4854 (A (Aquaventt 5000S)/ U4856 (A (Aquaventt 6000 SC) U4854 (Aquavent 5000S) Variants Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Volume flow against 0.15 bar l/h 5200 Rated voltage V 24 Rated power consumption W 104 Water socket connections mm 38 Electrical connections See plug version Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 249 x 100 x 105 Weight Kg 2.2 Output measured with water at 20 Deg C Part No Description 1301681A U4854 24v (Pos 1) £507.15 1302710A U4854 24v (Pos 2) £507.15 1302711A U4854 24v (Pos 3) £507.15 Flow resistance (with inactive pump) List Price U4856 (Aquavent 6000 SC) Variants Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Volume flow against 0.15 bar l/h 6000 Rated voltage V 24 Rated power consumption W 210 Water socket connections mm 38 Electrical connections See plug version Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 229 x 115 x 110 Weight Kg 2.55 Output measured with water at 20 Deg C Part No Description List Price 1314659A U4856 24V (Pos 1) £770.74 2710196A U4856 24V (Pos 2) £770.74 1314660A U4856 24V (Pos 3) £770.74 1314728A U4856 24V (Pos 4) £770.74 1314554A U4856 24V (Pos 5) £770.74 1314670A U4856 24V (Pos 6) £770.74 1314661A U4856 24V (Pos 7) £770.74 1314727A U4856 24V (Pos 8) £734.05 54 Flow resistance (with inactive pump) Water Heating Systems Cargo Hold C H ld Heating H ti Cassette Thermo 90ST / DBW 2010 / 2016 Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Thermo 90 ST DBW 2010 DBW 2016 kW 6.5 11.6 16.0 Rated Voltage V 24 24 24 Rated Power Consumption W 203 328 358 m3/h 250 500 500 Connection ducting i size mm 80 80 80 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 720 x 420 x 340 900 x 530 x 320 900 x 530 x 320 Weight Kg 36 45 45 Heat Performance Air Volume flow Against 0.5 mbar Heater Kits Using a Webasto Cassette, cargo holds with a moderated temperature of 65°C can be heated. This heating mode prevents excessively high temperatures near the air outlet grid and therewith possible damage of the valuable freight. The Thermo 90 ST variant has one ventilation for freight hold o d temperature te pe atu e co control; t o ; DBW 2010 0 0 has as ttwo. o Thiss enables specific control of two freight areas independently of each other. The DBW 2016 version has even more heating capacity. Besides a pre-mounted heat exchanger (11kW) this version has also a connection for an additional heat exchanger. The 5kW ventilation of the latter can be used to warm up p even bigger gg freight g hold areas. Part No Description List Price 77054894A Cassette Thermo 90 ST 12v £3423.64 77054898A Cassette Thermo 90 ST 24v £3423.64 77056500A Cassette DBW 2010 24v £3910.87 77057000A Cassette DBW 2016 24v £3995.58 55 Water Heating Systems Cargo Hold C H ld Heating H ti Cassette Thermo 230 (KM23) Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Heat Performance kW 23 Rated Voltage V 24 Rated Power Consumption W 405 m3/h 1100 Dimensions (LxBxH) mm 1905 x 1310 x 365 Weight Kg 147 Air Volume flow Against 0.5 mbar With a Webasto Trailer KM23 it is possible to heat cargo holds with a moderate temperature of 65°C. The installation consists of a 23kW Webasto water heater which heats up two heat exchangers with ventilation. All components such as exhaust pipe, fuel pump and filter are completely pre-mounted. pre mounted The pre pre-mounted mounted control unit with thermostat is also included. This heating mode enables quick warming up without excessively high temperatures accumulating near the outlet. The machine should be used in a well ventilated environment. Price on application – please ask for details. Part No Description 3391780A Trailer KM23 56 SMART Surface Mount Controller Product Features: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Simple surface mount installation Simple and ergonomic ON/OFF rotary switch Ventilation mode with adjustable speed Heating mode with temperature set point display LED and symbol indication of heating and ventilation Ambient temperature display (as default display) Integrated temperature sensor 12 or 24v operation (one variant) Diagnostic readout p Timed shut down option Timed back light (time can be set in engineer mode) Hours counter (can be reset in engineer mode) Adjustable °C to °F display for international markets E11 Type Approved Part No Description List Price 4112330A KIT - SMART Surface Mount Controller for Air heaters 57 £86.47 Climate Control One button ... A simple to use Climate Control module designed to provide autonomous temperature control in Commercial and Leisure vehicles. Simple to operate and easy to install, the operator simply dials in the desired temperature and the unit seamlessly switches between hot and cold providing totally automatic temperature control. l Applications: • Minibus • Accessible Transport Vehicles • Ambulance • Bus and Coach • Custodial Vehicles • Military Product Advantages include: • • • • • Unique “Car Style” design Simple one button operation Plug and play installation No external relays Pre heat operation (without engine)* *requires timer/time delay relay Part No Description List Price 4110978A Climate Controller 12v (inc head unit and ECU) £515.55 4111130A Harness set climate control module £150.72 4111142A Sensor kit climate – Air Top Evo 3900 / 5500 £33.79 4111144A Sensor kit climate – Air Top 2000 ST £38.86 58 Air Conditioners The right climate is essential! As a result of the recent acquisition of Diavia, Webasto now offer an extensive product portfolio of versatile and robust air conditioning p g solutions for virtuallyy all vehicles within the commercial vehicle sector, including roof-top compact air-conditioning systems, split-systems or integrated evaporator units. Our fast and cost-effective retro-fitting solutions ensure an optimum climate in the mobile work place or in the passenger area. An air-conditioned workplace contributes to a better concentration capacity and assists with driver endurance. Th k tto our experience Thanks i iin th the automotive t ti iindustry, d t we are able bl tto provide id b bespoke k vehicle hi l air conditioning systems to meet your exact requirements. Please contact our Sales Department for further information & pricing for your project. 59 Parking Cooler Cool Top Vario 10 E Comfort and efficiency! • • • • • • Parking cooling without engine operation Energy-efficient operation Low installation time Low power consumption Low noise during operation Specific dedicated truck fitting kits are also available – pricing upon request Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Cooling capacity (according DIN 5151) W Rated voltage V Max power consumption A Max operating temperature 950 (compressor max 1000W) 24 (operation range from 20 to 30v d.c.) 20 (Eco Mode max 11A) +45 °C ambient temperature Evaporator blowing volume m3/h 500 Dimensions mm Outside : 860 x 700 x 190 Inside : 400 x 402 x 120 Weight Kg 32 Part No Description List Price BE84031739A Parking Cooler Cool Top Vario 10 E Standard kit including remote control for all installations (except Iveco Stralis) £1220.58 BE84031873A Standard Mounting Kit *Avail 2013 60 Transport Refrigeration High performance – compact solutions! Following the acquisition of Diavia, Webasto now offer a comprehensive range of transport g systems y which ensure that p perishable cargos g transported p across anyy distance,, are refrigeration well taken care of and arrive in perfect condition. With a discreetly mounted condenser, we offer the benefits of market leading performance combined with fuel efficiency and lightweight equipment to suit any application requirement. A wide variety of accessories and kits are available for vehicle specific installation and integration, and are available with both R134a and R404a refrigerant. Chill, Frozen and Heat C l options, Cool ti with ith or without ith t defrost d f t and d standby t db are available il bl – offering ff i the th ultimate lti t transport refrigeration solution. Please contact our Sales Department for further information & pricing for your project 61 Accessories Blower Boxes Webasto Thermoduct 62 Accessories Blo er Bo es Blower Boxes Florida / Silencio / Hercules range Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Florida 5 Silencio 2 Hercules ED4 Heating Output kW 5.2 5.5 10.8 Dimensions (L x B x H) mm 269x218x198 320x125x152 362x241x130 Weight Kg 2 2 3.7 Rated Input W 120 16 165 m3/h 285 250 420-450 Airflow Units Part No Description List Price 3200679A Florida 5 with control 12v £181.03 3200680A Florida 5 with control 24v £181.03 3200681A Florida 5 without control 12v £172.40 3200682A Florida 5 without control 24v £172.40 41T0034 Silencio Sil i 2 12v 12 £135.87 £135 87 41S80003A Silencio 2 24v £135.87 4111416A Hercules ED4 12v (supplied with 4 x 55mm spigots) £213.97 41S80011A Hercules ED4 24v (supplied with 4 x 55mm spigots) £213.97 Accessories Part No Description List Price 41K119A Universal Coolant Hose Kit (inc 7.5m length of 16mm coolant hose, various joiners joiners, t pieces pieces, clips) £123.51 3391288A Automatic Blower Control Kit £261.20 63 Accessories Bl Blower B Boxes Madera range Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Madera 4 Madera 8 Heating Output kW 4.6 7.3 Dimensions (L x B x H) mm 275x203x115 376x250x115 Weight Kg 1.8 3.1 Rated Input W 70 150 m3/h 200 300 3 3 Airflow Fan Speed Units Part No Description List Price 71174550 Madera 4 12v (supplied with 2 x 90/90 Louvred Grilles as standard) £153.22 71174552 Madera 4 24v (supplied with 2 x 90/90 Louvred Grilles as standard) £153.22 71174554 Madera 8 12v (supplied with 4 x 90/90 Louvred Grilles as standard) £230.22 71174556 Madera 8 24v (supplied with 4 x 90/90 Louvred Grilles as standard) £230.22 64 Accessories Blower Boxes Madera range accessories Madera 4 Madera 8 Madera Accessories Part No Description Qty Reqd Madera 4 Qty Reqd Madera 8 71174560 Grille (90x90) 2 4 £4.15 71174561 Outlet 55mm straight 2 4 £5.16 71174563 Outlet 45mm 90° 2 4 £10.52 71174564 Outlet 45mm 45° 2 4 £10.52 71174562 Air Outlet Closeable 2 4 £12.10 19062000 Electronic speed control 12v/24v - - £101.70 19062300 Electronic speed control with on/off switch 12v/24v - - £112.40 41K120A 3 Speed rotary blower switch - - £23.67 41K119A Universal Coolant Hose Kit (inc 7.5m length of 16mm coolant hose, various joiners, t pieces, clips) - - £123.51 65 List Price Accessories Thermoduct Webasto Thermoduct is constructed using market leading Thermal Insulation Material. The material is stitched into 750mm long tubes and is designed to slide directly over warm air ducting, providing exceptional thermal insulating properties. · · · · · · · · Temperature Resistant up to 40ºC Hydrophobic – actually repels water, thus preventing mould & mildew Hypoallergenic Easy to handle Can double the effective heat output from air heaters by minimising ducting heat loss Allows long ducting runs to provide effective heat output Reduces heater running times, improving fuel and electrical power consumption Reduces external duct temperature from circ. 100º to 30ºC Part No Description List Price 41S70014A 60mm Thermoduct – 750mm length g £11.12 41S70015A 80mm Thermoduct – 750mm length £13.23 41S70016A 100mm Thermoduct – 750mm length £13.99 66 Accessories Mechanical Roof Ventilator Mechanical roof ventilator, assembled with 2 ball bearings. Supplied with black polycarbonate air diffuser diffuser. Part No Description List Price 12140420 Autogire Mechanical Roof Ventilator ABS in white 67 £84.06 Vehicle Roof Hatches Safety and Comfort As an exclusive Spheros p sales partner, p , Webasto offers the optimum p roof solution for every type of bus. Spheros roof hatches comply with the most stringent safety regulations and offer passengers perfect travel comfort due to optimum ventilation. Due to the extensive range and options available, available please contact our Sales Office for pricing and availability. 68 Extractor Fans EF3 Technical Data (tolerance ±10%) Air Circulation Effect 740m3/h, 26v d.c. N i Level Noise L l M 58 dB(A) Max (2/12 and 2/24 versions) Net Weight 1850g Electrical Consumption 65W Voltage 12v or 24v Dimensions of Dome (mm) LxWxH 406 x 317 x 67 Dimensions of inner trim (mm) LxWxH 374 x 266 x 32 Diameter of roof aperture (mm) 200 Units Part No Description List Price 411788 EF3 unit with white cover 12v £167.65 411789 EF3 unit with white cover 24v £167.65 69 Full Product Listing (P t Number (Part N b O Order) d ) All products are subject to availability. In particular, Webasto Thermo & Comfort UK Limited are unable to guarantee the ongoing availability of replacement parts for older heaters, in particular:- HL18/HL24/HL32/HL20/HL30/HL65/HL95/HL125 Air Top 18/24/32 models Please note that whilst every effort has been made to include the most common parts available, this listing is not exhaustive. Please contact our Sales Office if you require any further assistance. 70 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 100396 Connector Plug Clip - DBW Sensoric 100548 Y Piece 80mm £59.74 100567 Variable Flap Valve 80mm £42.07 100676 Combustion Air Fan - HL30/38 £90.95 100742 101374 Water Pump U4829 24v Variable Flap Valve 55mm 101377 Wall Pipe Connector 55mm £19.07 101381 Wall Pipe Connector 80mm £19.07 101404 Outlet/Inlet Hood 55mm 90º £6.88 101431 Hood - HL65/95 £45.24 101625 Air Outlet 55mm 90º Louvre £40.62 101660 Warning Label £0.08 101668 Hose Clip £5.08 101818 Motor Mount £8.26 101838 Ignition Unit 12v £363.82 101846 Ignition Unit £351.57 101858 Switch Two Position Rotary On/Off 12v £46.14 101862 Switch Two Position Rotary On/Off 24v £46.14 101919 Electronic Ignition Unit DBW470 24v £262.44 101982 Heat Exchanger HL30 - Downward Exhaust £922.50 102407 Washer - HL30/38 £1.74 102423 Washer - HL30/38/90 £1.70 £2.52 £240.92 £37.33 102822 Heat Exchanger - DBW2020/350 Sensoric 103004 Fuel Drain Tube - HL £1,055.80 £16.41 103512 Nozzle Holder Plate - DBW2010 £41.94 103873 Switch - Three Position Rotary On/Off/Vent 12v £45.24 103877 Switch - Three Position Rotary On/Off/Vent 24v £45.24 103946 Micro Switch - HL18 £79.08 104501 Ident Label - HL100 £6.82 104527 Screw - Thermo 90 £0.18 104548 Combustion Air Intake Elbow 22mm - AT18 £3.61 104694 Hexagon Head Screw M5 x 50 - AT32 £0.93 104799 Fuel Hose 70mm lg £3.24 105365 Connector Plug for Rotary Switch £5.86 105499 Control Unit 12v - B/DBW46 £439.46 105507 Control Unit 24v - B/DBW46 £454.84 105698 Formed Hose Di18/Da25 - 3300mm lg 105748 Heat Exchanger Downward Exhaust - DBW2010 Sensoric 105756 Burner Head - DBW2010 105848 In line bleed valve 18mm o.d. £86.48 105860 Spur Wheel Kit - HL20 £48.34 105910 Gasket Flange - HL95 £33.32 105961 Air Intake - HL95 £28.27 106019 U Clamp 106078 Motor 12v - DBW2020 £53.06 £780.89 £2,213.67 £0.28 £536.80 71 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 106123 Control Stat & Gasket - DBW2010 Sensoric 106372 Fan - HL95 107514 Spacer - HL12503 107654 Flame Ring - HL12503 107762 Fuel Tank Fitting £28.12 107812 Bowden Cable 850mm lg £27.57 107836 Air Outlet 55mm 45º Louvre £47.30 107945 Fuel Supply Pipe £15.02 107976 Air Outlet 80mm 90º Louvre £27.86 107984 Air Outlet 80mm 45º Louvre £26.78 108875 Jointing Paste Curil T AT 100g £36.57 108932 Control Cable 1.5m lg £38.97 109006 Cable Support U Bracket 109026 Overheat Fuse 138º - B/DBW46 109492 Turnbuckle £116.45 £88.26 £3.76 £127.40 £7.20 £55.11 £7.77 109557 One Way Valve No Junction 109697 Nozzle Holder Pre Heat Kit 24v - DBW2010-350 £68.80 109798 Three Position Switch Plate Adhesive Fan/Off/Heat 109859 Wiring Harness & Cap £93.32 109995 Switch Two Position inc connector & plate 12v £65.30 109999 Switch Two Position inc connector & plate 24v £65.30 110888 M8 Allen Screw 11091A Temperature Sensor 111237 Screw M4 x 10 111329 Underseal Compound Aerosol 111372 Fuel Supply Line - DBW2010 Sensoric 111375 Fuel Supply Banjo Pipe - DBW2020-350 111391 One Way Valve Double T 20mm £124.66 111442 End Cover Assembly - B/DBW46 £78.88 111489 Burner Head Assembly - B/DBW46 111550 T Piece 18mm 100mm lg £25.48 112392 T Piece with Bleed Valve £46.21 112779 Burner Matting (Diesel) - DBW46 £14.67 113526 Exhaust Clamp 80mm £20.79 113791 Wiring Harness - DBW46 £267.00 113843 Wiring Harness - B/DBW46 £104.85 113847 Connector Clamp 115379 Gasket (Heat Exchanger) - HL/AT18 115472 Check Valve 116389 Switch Plate Two Position Off/Heat 116416 Wiring Harness 116420 Flame Detector Photocell - DBW2010-350 Sensoric £85.79 116523 Overheat Protection 117° £80.55 116539 Overheat Thermostat - DBW2010-350 Sensoric 116909 Outlet/Inlet Hood 80mm 90º - AT32 £307.10 £1.16 £0.56 £41.11 £0.56 £30.42 £9.61 £21.38 £281.16 £20.31 £7.98 £54.58 £1.16 £133.61 £145.91 £11.66 72 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 117045 Gasket Ring - HL18 117704 Flame Detector - HL/AT18 £53.94 117815 Clamp - DBW64 £11.07 117823 Burner Matting Petrol - HL18 £17.04 117827 Burner Matting Diesel - HL/AT18 £23.03 117835 Burner Matting Diesel - HL/AT32 £23.03 118048 Adaptor - DBW300 £11.84 £9.59 119052 Marine Mounting Bracket - AT18/32 119064 T Piece 15mm 65mm lg £132.11 119071 Heat Exchanger - DBW46 119099 Hose Clamp 12140420 Autogire Mechanical Roof Ventilator ABS in white £84.06 121492 Carrier Plate £37.52 121715 Profiled Seal - B/DBW46 £6.25 122459 Anti-Rad Disc - HL12503 £120.85 £19.00 £132.38 £2.22 122773 Resistor 122789 Digital Timer 12v - B/DBW46 £90.85 123858 Connection Pipe 18mm 12422A Cover Disc - HL100 125016 Fuel Tank 10 Litre 125091 Hollow Screw - M12 x 50 125400 Hose Clip 38mm 125598 Fuel Tank 25 Litre £521.29 126047 Fuel Tank 60 Litre £544.51 126128 Fuel Tank 35 litre £531.61 126322 Fuel Tank 35 litre metal £393.72 126660 Water Pump 24v U4810 £313.67 126830 Exhaust P Clip 126840 Water Hose 20mm 2.2m 180º Ends 12706A One Way Valve without Junction 18mm £46.21 12751A One Way Valve Double T 18mm £56.24 £424.41 £72.84 £9.90 £401.53 £12.48 £1.05 £5.22 £128.67 12754A One Way Valve without Junction 15mm £38.71 12780A Check Valve £54.39 12785B One Way Valve Single T 18mm £65.29 128244 Louvre Plate 310mm x 240mm £42.24 128503 Warm Air Elbow 90º 80mm £101.72 128643 Warm Air Elbow 90º 100mm £64.73 129232 T Piece 100 x 100 x 100 129910 Relay 24v £136.78 £57.22 1300452A Switch HL30/HL100 1300494A Fuel Standpipe £297.86 1300744A Wiring Harness Heater Control 1300745A Wiring Harness £59.87 1300773A Cable £13.70 1300813A Harness Retrofit T90ST ECU to T90 Heater £65.31 £55.40 £153.55 73 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 1300942B External Temperature Sensor 12v AT2000S £127.92 1301122D Digital Timer (Oval Shape) £105.62 1301681A Water Pump Aquavent 5000S 24v U4854.01 £507.15 1301911A Securing Strap HL95 £7.68 1302482A Junior Timer Terminal £0.86 1302710A U4854 Water Pump 24v £507.15 1302711A U4854 Water Pump 24v £507.15 1302763A Protection Cover HL90 1302774B Combustion Air Fan AT2000ST £44.58 1302786A Drive Assembly 12v AT2000ST (with dosing pump cable from serial no 976400) £188.81 1302787B Drive Assembly 12v AT2000ST (with long dosing pump cable from serial no 976400) £188.81 1302788A Drive Assembly 24v AT2000ST (with dosing pump cable from serial no 976400) £188.81 1302799A Burner Insert Only AT2000ST 1302805A Heat Exchanger Diesel AT2000ST 1303053A Stud Bolt Set Air Top EVO 3900/5500 £7.45 £82.11 £110.00 £4.66 1303080A Hose Clamp 20-27mm £1.01 1303326A Isolator AT2000ST/AT EVO 3900/5500 £7.48 1303327A Screw Set £7.68 1303465A Fuel Nozzle 7 Bar - DBW2010/2020 £30.85 1303517A Gasket Set AT2000ST £23.60 1303846A Drive Assembly 12v AT2000ST (with dosing pump cable) £188.81 1303848A Drive Assembly 24v AT2000ST (with dosing pump cable) £188.81 1303871B Ignition Electrode DBW2010-350 130621 1310013A Air Outlet 100mm Self Tapping Screw 1310269A Taptite Screw Bracket to Heater 1310349B T Piece 6 x 5 x 6 £22.68 1310350B T Piece 8 x 5 x 8 £17.38 1310351B T Piece - 10 x 5 x 10 £15.40 1310352B T Piece 12 x 5 x 12 £22.59 1310367B Fuel T Piece 6 x 5 x 6 "J" Shape £30.56 £3.46 £96.31 £3.65 £0.27 1310368B Fuel T Piece 8 x 5 x 8 "J" shape £19.93 1310369B Fuel T Piece 10 x 5 x 10 "J" Shape £46.49 1310370A Fuel T Piece 12 x 5 x 12 "J" shape £29.21 1310378A Anti Vibration Mount M6 £10.19 1310388A Mounting Stud - AT2000 £4.75 1310412A Fuel T Piece 15 x 5 x 15 1310581A Screen Inlet/Outlet AT EVO 3900/AT5500 £5.43 1310581A Air Inlet Grille - AT3500/5000 £5.43 £26.11 1310582A Mounting Bracket Clamp 40-50mm - AT2000 1310694A Hexagon Nut - HL100 £13.82 £0.35 1310703A Screw M3 x 8 £0.23 1310746D Programmable User Interface (PUI) RHA 100/101/102 1310748A Self Tapping Screw 1310749B Manual User Interface (MUI) RHA 100 £357.96 £3.79 £234.11 74 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 1310751A Filister Head Screw £0.09 1310760A Olive Nut M14 £2.22 1310761A Hose Clip 8mm £0.78 1310790A Anti Vibration Mount £12.80 1310877A Hose Clamp 60-80mm £1.56 1310915A Ducting Support Bracket £4.20 1310947A Hose Clip 10 mm £1.10 1310962A Motor - AT2000ST - Daimler Chrysler 1311100A Central End Cover T50 £188.81 £4.01 131130 Exhaust Seal - HL/AT24 £10.25 1311639A Air Outlet 55mm £21.24 13118A Combustion Air Inlet Extension Pipe £51.17 1312025A Hose Clamp 16-24mm £2.92 1312124B Y Branch 60/60/60 £6.65 131237 Intake Extension - HL95 1312409A Exhaust Clamp 24-27mm 131250 Set of Parts £25.21 1312808C Dosing pump wiring harness extension DP 40 1m £20.68 1312813C Dosing pump wiring harness extension DP 40 3m £20.47 1312814C Dosing pump wiring harness extension DP 40 7m £55.37 1313121A Drive Assembly - AT EVO 5500 £351.31 1313122A Burner c/w Glowpin 12v Petrol Air Top EVO 3900/5500 £189.96 1313123B Wiring Harness - AT EVO 3900/5500 Marine - Length 9500mm £135.15 1313124A Burner c/w Glowpin 12v Diesel Air Top EVO 3900/5500 £189.96 1313126A Burner c/w Glowpin 24v Diesel Air Top EVO 3900/5500 £189.96 1313127A Burner Cartridge Petrol - Air Top EVO 3900/5500 £106.00 1313132A Burner Cartridge Diesel - Air Top EVO 3900/5500 £106.00 1313133A Electronic Control Unit 12v - Air Top EVO 5500 Diesel Standard Version £340.24 1313135A Electronic Control Unit 12v - Air Top EVO 5500 Petrol Standard Version £340.24 1313136A Electronic Control Unit 24v - Air Top EVO 5500 Diesel Standard Version £340.24 1313137A Electronic Control Unit 12v - Air Top EVO 3900 Diesel Standard Version £340.24 1313141A Electronic Control Unit 12v - Air Top EVO 3900 Petrol Standard Version £340.24 1313144A Electronic Control Unit 24v - Air Top EVO 3900 Diesel Standard Version £340.24 1313158A Overheat Temperature Sensor Air Top EVO 3900/5000 1313184A Control Panel Marine 12v/24v 131320 Rubber Mounting 1313209A Air Top Evo MC05 Special Vehicle Controller £216.95 1313210B Control Panel RV 12v/24v £129.89 1313212A Control Panel MC 05 12v/24v £115.97 1313512A Warm Air Silencer 80mm £92.32 1313514A Combustion Air Intake Silencer - HL/AT18 £58.41 1313722A Gasket Ring - HL65/95/90 £11.53 1313908A Adaptor Harness for Vent Switch 1314150A Glowpin 12v - Air Top EVO 3900/5500 £118.96 1314151A Glowpin 24v - Air Top EVO 3900/5500 £118.96 £27.74 £7.08 £36.70 £129.89 £2.14 £6.15 75 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 1314152A Heat Exchanger - Air Top EVO 3900/5500 1314325A Connecting Tube 15-18 £5.93 1314326B 15-20 hose adaptor £5.54 1314327B Coolant Hose Joiner 18 x 18mm £5.72 1314344A Air Top Evo 5500 Slave Heater Automatic 24v £1,770.95 1314345A Air Top Evo 5500 Slave Heater Automatic 12v £1,770.95 1314412A Air Top Evo 3900 Slave Heater Automatic 12v £1,659.59 1314413A Air Top Evo 3900 Slave Heater Automatic 24v £1,659.59 1314554A U4856 24v £770.74 1314580B Fuel Pump 24v DW230-350 £271.39 1314591A Motor 24v - DBW2020-350 £286.32 1314635A T91 Handset Upgrade Kit £391.63 1314636A T91 Handset only £180.82 1314637A HTM T100 Upgrade Kit £496.52 1314638A HTM T100 Handset Only £211.72 1314639A Receiver T91/HTM T100 £279.88 1314659A U4856 24v £770.74 1314660A U4856 24v £770.74 1314661A U4856 24v £770.74 1314670A U4856 24v £770.74 1314727A Circulation Pump U4856.01 £734.05 1314728A U4856 24v £770.74 1314752A Bag with Screws RHA 101 / 102 £155.15 1314755A Thermo unit RHA 101 £1,502.58 1314758A Thermo unit RHA 102 £1,502.58 1314768A Control Unit RHA 101 £321.56 1314769B Control Unit RHA 102 £321.56 1314770A Exhaust Silencer RHA 100 / 101 / 102 1314772A Relay Box RHA 101 / 102 230v 1314773A Water pipes RHA 100 / 101 / 102 (2 pieces) £20.25 1314904A Air Intake Cover 60mm £32.35 1315165A Service Cap RHA 100 / 101 / 102 Diving pump version £69.58 1315197A Panel Frame for MUI £15.63 13160A Split Pin - Thermo 300 £0.51 131636 Combustion Air Intake Extension - HL125 1316682A Thermostat Nozzle Pre-heat - DBW 1316888A Flame Detector HL90 £47.59 1316888A Flame Detector Photocell Socket - HL90 £47.59 131690 Fuel Cap for Plastic Fuel Tank £10.21 132519 Exhaust Pipe Extension - HL125 £39.12 132748 Intake Pipe Extension 80mm - DBW2020-350 £46.63 135186 Support Bracket Fuel Tank 12 Litre (2 required) £38.97 135240 Support Bracket Fuel Tank 25 Litre (2 required) £45.90 135275 Support Bracket - HL65 £77.78 135712 Bolt £108.00 £95.05 £166.57 £45.38 £118.73 £4.70 76 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 135887 Securing Strap for 12 Litre Fuel Tank (two required) £50.87 135941 Securing Strap - HL65 £68.15 136107 Cross Arm £0.90 136204 Turnbuckle £14.09 136840 Fuel Hose - HL20 £19.64 136999 Low Pressure Ball Valve - DBW300 £216.33 137154 One Way Valve £134.83 137561 Mounting Bracket Support 137995 Bracket for Solenoid Valve - HL30/38 138169 T Piece 38mm Control £54.97 138207 T Piece 15mm £37.82 138215 T Piece - 18 x 15 x 18 £37.18 138223 T Piece 20 x 15 x 20 £17.37 139084 Gasket - HL65 £1.92 139491 P Clip 12mm £1.35 139610 Hose Clip 70-90mm £1.15 139653 Hose Clip 100-200mm £1.52 139661 Hose Clip 60-80mm £8.15 139688 Hose Clip 40-55mm £4.20 139726 Hose Clip 40-50mm £3.76 140708 Fuel Filter Assembly - DBW2010-350 £76.60 140724 In-line Fuel Filter 6-8mm £17.49 140732 Fuel Filter Assembly (glass) 140783 Fuel Balancer Valve - HL18/2011/2012/32B £242.49 141453 Flexible Exhaust (Stainless Steel) 50mm - per m £146.88 141488 Flexible Exhaust (Stainless Steel) 30mm - per m £23.23 145629 Fuel Tank Cap for steel fuel tanks £20.35 146528 Plate Nut £0.85 146811 M6 Nut - HL100 £0.35 146838 Brass Nut 8mm - HL30/38 £0.95 146927 Cap Nut - HL100 £25.40 £9.39 £143.94 £17.52 147044 Hexagon Nut - M4 £0.35 147494 Hexagon Screw - M6 x 50 £0.44 147699 Self Tapping Screw M4 x 6 - HL65/DBW300-2020 £0.82 147702 Self Tapping Screw £0.56 14771A Screw M4 x 10 £0.20 147729 Screw - Phillips Head £0.56 147850 Screw M5 x 18 £0.35 148032 Self Tapping Screw - M6 x 50 £0.88 148210 Allen Bolt M5 x 35 £0.12 148245 Hexagon Socket Head Screw M6 x 20 £1.74 14845D Electronic Ignition 14846D Ignition Electrodes - DW300 14865A Overheat Thermostat - Resettable 14883A Control Thermostat - DBW Sensoric £82.26 £8.34 £94.15 £123.55 77 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 14888A Nozzle Pre-heating Element - DW230-350 14906C Support Plate £719.17 14912C Control unit 24v DBW £325.12 14913C Temperature Control Thermostat - DW230-350 £35.88 14941B Temperature Sensor £35.25 14942D Overheat Reset - DW80 14944A Overheat Thermostat (re-settable) - DW230-350 14945C Overheat Fuse 14954A Wiring Harness (Heater to Control Box) - DW80 £216.83 14959B Temperature Control Thermostat - DW80 £107.23 149675 Screw £0.28 149691 Screw £0.36 149713 Screw - HL100 £0.36 149721 Self Tapping Screw - HL65/95 £0.82 149756 Self Tapping Screw - HL65 £0.56 15047A Eye Bolt M8 x 40 £2.08 15054A Screwed Fitting DW300 £1.87 150665 Banjo M12 8mm Pipe 150762 Banjo Bolt M14 £5.42 150819 Olive Nut 12mm £0.68 150894 Olive (Solder Type) 8mm £1.74 151130 Gasket Ring - HL65/95 £0.85 151173 Gasket Ring - HL65/95 £0.56 151203 Gasket Ring - DBW300/350 £0.82 151408 Gasket Ring £0.45 151416 Gasket Ring - HL65 £3.47 151564 Gasket Ring £0.51 151718 Sealing String - HL30/38/125 £3.76 151726 Sealing String - HL65/95 £6.01 151734 Sealing String - HL30/38/125 £8.49 152110 Spring Washer - HL65 £0.85 152242 Washer £0.28 152315 Locking Washer £0.27 152390 Circlip - DBW2010/300 £0.18 152404 Circlip £0.35 152544 Spring Washer - HL6511/12/DBW2020-300 £0.56 152560 Spring Washer M6 £0.18 152579 Spring Washer £0.30 153249 Washer - HL100 £0.28 153257 Washer - LO2305 £0.04 153435 Washer £0.18 15355A Flat Washer M6 £0.18 153591 Spacer - HL30/38 £2.14 153605 Spacer - HL30/38 £2.14 153613 Spacer - HL30/38 £1.92 £47.37 £162.25 £65.22 £23.89 £12.58 78 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 153621 Spacer - HL30/38 £2.08 153729 Spacer £1.03 15419A Wiring Harness (Heater to Control Box) - HL18 15500B Anti Vibration Mount - M8 155012 Piston Assembly £64.37 15527A Flexible Hose £87.72 15539A Gasket Ring £1.80 £169.00 £7.96 155462 Pumpshaft & Worm - HL65/95/125 £143.82 155535 Fuel Pump - HL12503 £665.62 155667 Washer - HL30/38 15570A Heat protection hose £12.88 156116 Eccentric Shaft - HL30 £73.50 15637A Thermobox Cover (Hinged) 15685A Non Return Valve 20mm (Plastic) 15697C Control Unit 12v - HL18/24/32 15698C Control Unit 24v - HL18/24/32 £321.16 15704D Control Unit 12v - DW80 £772.11 15705D Control Unit 24v - DW80 £712.55 15706B Harness - DBW2010 Sensoric £176.34 15720B Timer 24v £220.52 15733A Switch Green Light 157885 Wiring Harness with Cap 157915 Glowplug 24v - HL18/24/32/DBW46 £38.08 158070 Knob - Start Switch £23.83 158208 Knob - Start Switch £13.04 16129A Locking Washer £0.14 161748 Bulb £1.49 161756 Bulb £2.40 161780 Bulb £3.47 16184A Overheat Fuse £79.31 16230A Kit Accessories T300 Switch & Connectors £25.94 £2.14 £235.81 £71.09 £315.73 £34.94 £120.34 163406 Plug Socket - HL30/65/95 163740 Coupling Magnet £57.34 163880 Capacitor 16423A Screw - HL90 £0.14 165573 Brush Screw Cap - HL12503 £2.14 166480 Motor Brush 12 x 8 x 20 £29.04 166634 Motor Brush HL12503 £71.02 167851 Diode 169587 Glowplug - HL30/65/95/125/90 169978 Relay 24v £24.10 17102B Exhaust with Plate - Thermo Top £54.35 173398 Resistor 12-4v £168.92 174254 Supplementary Fuel Pump 24v £300.36 174734 Grommet - HL65/95 £180.04 £44.58 £9.39 £104.79 £0.68 79 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 174890 Protection Cap - HL30/65/95/125 £20.35 174912 Protection Cap - HL £15.49 176389 Tab Male Terminal 6.3 176478 Suppressor £10.69 176494 Electrode Plug £24.63 176591 Receptacle Female Terminal 6.3 £1.15 176613 Receptacle Female Terminal 6.3 £1.80 £1.14 178624 High Tension Ignition Cable - DBW2010-350 £9.98 17864A Washer - DBW2010 £7.30 17867A Washer £6.77 178705 One Way Connector Housing - Female £0.42 178713 Connector Housing (two way) 6.3 Receptacle Female £1.74 178721 Two Way Connector Housing - Flat 6.3 Receptacle FM £0.93 178756 Four Way Connector Housing - 6.3 Tab Male £2.92 178764 Eight Way Connector Housing - 6.3 Receptacle FM £2.92 178780 Six Way Connector Housing - 6.3 Receptacle FM £4.59 178799 One Way Connector Housing - 6.3 Tab Male £1.40 17880A Two Way Connector Housing - 6.3 Tab Male £2.04 178810 Four Way Connector Housing - 6.3 Tab Male £9.53 178837 Six Way Connector Housing - 6.3 Tab Male £2.53 182370 Louvre Plate 250 x250 mm 18576A Hose Clamp £1.80 189715 Time Switch £475.54 19062000 Madera Electronic Speed Control 12v/24v £101.70 19062300 Madera Electronic Speed Control with on off switch 12v/24v £112.40 190772 Banjo 19445A M6 Nutsert Aluminium 19523A Fuel Pipe - 7.5 id - 13.5 od - 4000 lg 19562E Exhaust Silencer 38mm 19593A Fuel Pump Connector 19613A Burner Head - DBW300 £55.13 £40.91 £0.14 £61.90 £107.37 £8.93 £1,389.71 19672A Heat Exchanger Seal 19697B Strap - HL90 £18.97 £6.23 19723B Support £1.96 19726B Exhaust Seal - Thermo Top £8.86 19733A Combustion Air Hose 18mm £42.59 19856A Combustion Air Silencer 30mm i.d. £65.53 19867B Connector - Thermo Top £11.52 19872A Thermostat Valve 20mm £251.99 19873A Check Valve £111.09 19937B Insulator - DW80 19951A Exhaust with Silencer - DBW46 £108.76 19967A Control Unit 24v £518.62 19970A Flame Detector Photocell - DW230-350 19974A Heat Exchanger DW230-350 £0.14 £27.55 £591.52 80 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 19977E Parts Kit for Fuel Pump - DW230-350 19981B Burner Head - DW300 20200A Hood - HL90 20512B Core Grip - Thermo 230-350 £3.89 20537B Self Tapping Screw M5 x 20 £0.31 20582C Water Pump Mounting Bracket - DW80/T90 £6.77 20583A Mounting Bracket - DW80/T90 £15.72 £2,990.35 £25.67 £14.73 20605D Flame Detector Grommet - DW80 £2.55 20641B Combustion Air Fan - DW230-350 £19.57 20654A Clutch - DW230-350 £0.57 20657B Cap - DW300 £7.06 207403 Exhaust Pipe Extension - HL95 20759A Console 20799F Heat Exchanger - DW80 20817C Support - DW80 £6.72 20818B Hose Protection £4.34 20819B Grid £6.75 20820B Adjustable Ring £13.04 20828A Burner Matting Petrol - BBW46 £35.66 20831A Gasket & Washer Set - BBW46 £124.03 20845C Exhaust Silencer £76.78 20965A Exhaust Clamp 22mm £11.60 21017B Pump Clamp Bolt - DW80 £55.52 £3.62 £521.45 £0.31 21073A Resistor on Bracket 12v £47.80 21074A Resistor on Bracket 24v - HL/AT18 £47.80 21081A T Piece 20 x 20 x 20 £36.85 21175A Distributor Box - HL100 £25.26 21176A Hood - HL90 £36.78 21179A Guard Bar - HL90 £9.11 21184A Cover Plate £8.27 21191D U4814 Water Pump 24v £413.07 21196B Exhaust Intake 22mm £33.20 21197B Pressure Compensator £65.30 21200B Exhaust Balancer 38mm £102.60 21214A Drive Assembly 12v - HL/AT24 £417.13 21215A Drive Assembly 24v - HL/AT24 £406.57 21237A Heat Exchanger - HL/AT18 £78.03 212393 Plug - Male 5 Pin - HL30/65/95 £51.58 21243C Mounting Bracket - Thermo Top £45.78 21244C Cradle Clamp Plate - Thermo Top £3.53 21250A Dense Ring £0.28 21251A Gasket Ring Joint £4.20 21288C Combustion Air Fan 12v - DW80 £703.64 21289C Combustion Air Fan 24v - DW80 £625.40 21291C Glowpin 24v - DW80 £126.43 81 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 21292D Flame Detector - DW80 21294B Fitted Burner Petrol - BW80 £213.71 21295A Burner Head Clamp - DW80 £26.95 21296C Burner Head - DW80 21299A Gasket Set - DW80 21317B Drive Assembly 24v - DW/Thermo 230 £214.08 21318B Drive Assembly 24v - DW/Thermo 300 £206.17 21319B Drive Assembly 24v - DW/Thermo 350 £198.78 21364A Hose Clamp 32-50mm 21446A Combustion Air Hose 30mm KPK - per m 21471A Water Pump 12v - U4844 £270.50 21472A Water Pump 24v - U4844 £332.98 21488A Formed Hose Di22 Da 29 1020lg 21499A P Clip 34mm 215171 Flame Detector Photocell - DBW £93.07 £284.49 £44.74 £0.87 £19.29 £44.70 £3.29 £60.39 21532A Screw 21543A Heat Protective Sleeving 28mm i.d. £1.31 21589A Grommet £2.12 216542 Relay Housing £1.06 217174 Screw - HL20/30/38 £0.56 217336 Gasket Ring - DBW2020-300 £1.14 217867 Hose £4.85 218375 Box Spanner £39.01 21845A Exhaust & End Cap 700mm lg £33.40 21897A Timer Gasket 219495 Fuel Filter Connections £33.05 21963A Combustion Air Filter - AT2000 £70.05 21974A Overheat Stat & Micro Switch - HL/AT18 £70.35 219878 Plate £10.31 22042A Hose £26.92 22043A Fuel Line £22.44 220701 Exhaust Pipe Extension 81mm - DBW £79.19 22405B Seal - Water Pump U4846 £2.22 22428A Screw £0.94 22524B Elbow £30.63 225339 Protection Cap - HL30/65/95 £21.90 22567B Blower Casing - DBW2010 £53.93 225800 Button Head Screw - HL30/38 226432 Support Bracket - Fuel Tank 22716A Resistor Kit 22931B Combustion Air Pipe Silencer 30mm 23004B Control Unit 12v £513.44 23005B Control Unit 24v £513.44 23035B Terminal Support £9.72 23298A Combustion Air Pipe - Thermo Top Z/C £28.20 £4.90 £6.67 £25.75 £139.69 £23.70 £19.43 82 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 23317A Set of Parts - Thermo Top T 233641 Support 234656 Strap - HL30/38 £49.70 23642C Glowpin 12v - Thermo Top (Push on Connectors) £85.22 23644C Flame Detector - Thermo Top £70.41 24046A Protection End Cap 38mm £5.72 24048A Exhaust End Cap £5.06 £66.99 £5.29 24049A End Cap 34mm 24189B Control Unit 24v - AT18/24/32 £5.38 242780 Angle Bracket (Universal) £1.92 242888 Mounting Strip (Universal) £1.92 242942 P Clip 34mm £10.99 24336B Housing - HL18 £66.67 24376D Control Unit 24v - Thermo 90 247049 Olive 6mm Hosetail 247057 Olive 8mm Hosetail 248371 Formed Hose Di15 Da22 1020lg £44.70 248401 Relay 24v - DBW470 £17.90 249033 Pump Seal Kit - U8202 24984A Eight Way Plug - AT2000 25011C Room Thermostat - Unswitched £75.71 250252 Supplementary Fuel Pump 12v £300.36 25028B Eight Way Black Connector 250848 Fuse Holder 250856 Intake Silencer - Thermo 90 £24.17 252441 Chrome Embellisher - 80mm £40.42 252468 Chrome Embellisher - 100mm £79.89 252565 Reducer 80-60mm £75.64 252581 Reducer Pipe (Galvanised) 100-80mm £71.66 252727 Y Branch 80/60/60 252786 Branch Pipe 80x80x80 370lg £314.61 £407.79 £6.16 £4.20 £118.14 £4.46 £6.25 £5.19 £161.81 £99.25 252824 Y Piece (Galvanised) 100 x 100 x 80mm £120.26 253065 Supplementary Fuel Pump 24v £472.95 253189 Fuel Pipe 253308 Rain Cap 100mm 254177 Combustion Air Hose 30mm - per m £19.07 254215 Combustion Air Hose 40mm - per m £23.60 254266 Warm Air Ducting 50mm - per m £30.51 254509 Warm Air Ducting 70mm (Aluminium) per m £70.23 254517 Warm Air Ducting 80mm (Aluminium) per m £76.52 254533 Warm Air Ducting (Aluminium) 100mm - per m £64.36 25536B Time Delay Relay 60-90 Seconds £69.31 255572 Connector Housing with Mnt Tab for 5 Pin Relay £11.86 25588A Four Way Housing - AT2000 257095 Securing Strap for Fuel Tank 25-35 Litre (Two Required) £33.95 £164.01 £6.02 83 £75.03 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 25908B Fuel Tank Fitting 26038A Combustion Air Pipe 560mm - Thermo Top £4.11 260487 Gasket Ring £0.34 261130 Thermostat Control - DBW2010-350 261157 Locking Washer 261483 Changeover Relay 12v £23.94 26182A Housing £78.88 £40.40 £276.03 £0.95 26240C Burner Assembly Diesel - Thermo Top 26264A Terminal Timer £220.67 26317A Control Unit 12v - AT18/24/32 £326.62 26329B Burner Assembly Petrol - Thermo Top £220.67 264091 Air Outlet 360º Ball Type - 80mm £48.84 26453A Burner Tube - AT32 £92.07 26493A Wiring Harness 26508A Plug Housing £0.02 £127.70 £3.31 26528B Wiring Harness £197.74 26553A Combustion Chamber DBW2010/2020 £124.05 265721 Protection Cap 265896 Gasket Ring - HL20 26688A Air Inlet - HL100 £90.64 266892 H/T Suppressor £17.72 26714A Burner Tube - AT24 267279 Hexagon Screw M6 x 16 £31.06 £2.68 £190.79 £0.59 267325 Self Tapping Screw - HL100 £0.35 267341 Screw M5 x 16 £0.59 26751A Glowpin 24v - AT18/24/32 268402 Self Tapping Screw - M4 x 18 269441 Flame Detector Thermostat - HL30/65/95 270903 Rubber Grommet - DBW2020-350 2710196A U4856 24v 273023 Exhaust Clamp - HL100 273473 Connector Clip - DBW2010-350 £2.12 273481 Screw £1.52 27418A Housing £1.25 274372 Exhaust Blower 24v - G250.13 275611 Combustion Air Fan Rotor - DBW2020-350 £17.30 275980 Eight Way Distributor £39.82 276456 Connector £11.00 277258 Supplementary Fuel Pump 12v 277282 Hexagon Socket Head Screw - M4 x 30 277312 Banjo 6mm Hosetail £12.71 277592 Warning Light - Orange £72.35 278556 Anti Vibration Mount M4 £15.14 278971 Electrode Clamp - DBW2010-350 £1.06 279110 Locking Screw - DBW2010-350 £3.30 £113.44 £0.82 £316.39 £1.80 £770.74 £83.29 £725.73 £302.40 £1.14 84 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 27948A Top Case Half - AT18 27951A Seal 28015A Fuel Supply - HL/AT 24/32 £53.99 28022A Bottom Casing - AT24/32 £31.68 28024A Top Casing - AT24/32 £36.98 28037A Air Outlet Hood (Black) - AT24/32 £10.19 28174B Fuel Pump 12v - HL90 £274.61 281883 Flexible Exhaust (Stainless Steel) 60mm per m £253.31 28237A Centre Cover - Thermo Top £7.42 28264A Fuse Holder - AT2000 £1.35 28272A Fuse Holder Terminal For Blade Fuses £0.68 28274A Terminal 2.5-6.0 Fuse Holder £0.45 28382A Mounting Bracket - Thermo Top 28430A Heater Harness 2.4m - DW80 28447A Bulb 24v £35.85 £9.31 £86.42 £160.70 £8.17 28470B Elbow 28472C Aluminium Exhaust Elbow £81.44 285234 Overheat Fuse - LO2305 £57.41 285552 Control Thermostat 85 Deg. - DBW470 £61.33 286303 Intermediate Casing - DBW2020-300 £68.78 286354 Motor Support - DBW £50.07 28807A Fuse with Connector £19.92 288640 Clamp 6.5mm £0.35 288993 Rubber Grommet - DBW2020-350 £9.98 289329 Control Thermostat Angle Bracket - DBW £5.43 28938A Fitting £4.09 289566 Banjo M12 5mm Hosetail £17.64 289574 Banjo M10 5mm Hosetail £9.53 289590 Supplementary Fuel Pump 24v - HL20 290319 Self Tapping Screw 6.3 x 13 29099A Timer - Thermotop £6.08 £349.43 £0.35 £204.89 29298A Washer - Thermo 90 29313D Magnetic Coil £42.90 £3.14 293725 Pull Switch - LO2305/20/23 £12.42 29409C Water Pump 12V - ThermoTop £158.97 29410A Central Cover with Screws - Thermo Top £353.28 29413B Connector Kit - Thermo Top 29414A Fuel Assembly Petrol - Thermo Top 29420A Formed Hose Di18/Da25 1100mm lg 29516B Combustion Air Hose Cap £5.06 29517A Embellisher Cap 36mm - AT24S/32S £1.96 29519A Combustion Air Pipe Cap - 30mm £1.81 29556A Exhaust Protection Cap 70mm £31.23 29620A Heater Base Gasket £11.07 29656A Gasket Ring - HL90 £0.36 £17.60 £704.96 £23.67 85 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 29661C Fuse Harness - Thermo 90 £37.18 296740 Disc Nozzle Holder - DBW2020-350 £13.36 29716B Inlet & Outlet Screen - AT2000 £2.32 29717C Air Inlet Ring - AT2000 £4.26 29718B Control Cover - AT2000 £3.18 29719B Rubber Grommet - AT2000 £1.96 29845D Socket - AT2000 £8.20 29848F Heating Air Outlet - AT2000 £5.43 29849A Elbow 60mm - AT2000 £6.76 29852A Reducer Pipe 60-55mm - AT2000 £5.06 298816 Bracket £2.58 29886A Glowpin 12v - AT18/24/32 298964 Rubber Grommet LH - DBW2010 £2.92 29938A Water Hose 180 deg. Di20/Da27 £50.71 299995 Rubber Grommet RH - DBW2010 £2.92 £115.38 30090C Wiring Harness - Tele Thermo Top S 12v 301841 Motor Support - DBW2010 £201.38 30199A Spring - HL90 30306A Drive Assembly 24v - HL32 30449A Air Intake Socket - Thermo Top £5.80 30570A Plug Connector - AT2000 £4.46 30620A Flat Spring Contact 2.8 0.3 - 0.6 - AT2000 £0.53 30700G Receiver T60 - Tele Thermo Top £470.19 307327 Motor 24v £253.98 30749A Gasket Set Water Pump U4810 £89.50 308331 Nut - DBW2010-300 £14.24 310344 Fuel Filter Gauze - DBW £0.29 311464 Washer £0.36 311472 Pass Washer - HL30/38 £0.85 31162B Fuel Hose Joiner 8 x 8mm £0.60 31265A Water Pump U4829 £57.97 £2.59 £411.08 £334.11 31290B Intake Pipe - AT2000 £5.50 313262 Hexagon Nut M5 - HL100 £0.18 31330A Cap - Thermo Top 31332B Burner Head - Thermo Top £241.07 31336B Control Unit/Heat Exchanger - Thermo Top £308.09 31343B Control Unit/Heat Exchanger - Thermo Top T £680.28 31357A Intermediate Reservoir - Thermo Top £408.16 31371A Silencer Insulation - Thermo Top £13.87 £12.07 31380B Fuel Pipe Connector Reducer 4-5mm £9.44 316199 Clamp 12.5mm £0.52 318302 Exhaust Pipe End - 22mm £6.01 31889A Rubber Bush £1.81 31890A Clamp £0.96 31916B Wiring Harness (Room Stat) £26.50 86 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 319430 P Clip 8mm £0.14 3200432A Fuse X100 £3.64 3200679A Florida 5 12v £181.03 3200680A Florida 5 24v £181.03 3200681A Florida 5 without control 12v £172.40 3200682A Florida 5 without control 24v £172.40 3200826A Exhaust 28mm diameter - 1.9m length 3200830A Exhaust Tube 28mm to suit X100 Diesel Hob 3200832A Exhaust 28mm diameter- 20m roll length 320161 Fuel Hose 14mm i.d. £50.95 320439 Intake Pipe Extension 81mm 09mm lg £53.57 32099A Seal £0.51 32111A Terminal £1.27 32151B Inlet Guide Plate - Thermo 90ST £1.16 322083 Solenoid Valve 12v - DBW 322091 Solenoid Valve 24v - DBW 32377B Telestart Aerial 32402A Exhaust Protection Screen 324434 Self Tapping Screw 32504A Resistor 32522A Burner Tube (Petrol) - AT32 326666 Electrode Plug - DBW2020-350 328014 Flange Exhaust - HL100 328529 Six Way Connector Housing 6.3 Receptacle FM £1.40 329665 Spacer Bolt - HL20 £3.76 329908 Sealing Ring - HL20 £2.68 329916 Fresh Air Fan - HL20 £16.58 330027 Hose Clip 10mm 330108 Metal Fuel Pipe - HL20 £11.53 330221 Atomiser - HL20 £36.87 33089A Temperature Sensor - DW80 £128.99 33094A Atomiser £131.86 331244 Spacer - HL20 33130A Carrier Plate 24v - DW300 £685.60 331368 Control Unit 12v £476.72 331376 Control Unit £591.36 331406 Gasket Ring - DBW2020/300 33331A Control Unit 24v - HL90 333352 Grommet £26.24 £42.86 £272.57 £212.64 £67.60 £124.13 £69.91 £0.38 £38.02 £107.26 £3.32 £113.69 £0.51 £4.10 £3.76 £573.12 £8.57 333360 Rubber Grommet - HL20 33343A Control Unit 12v - HL90 £9.87 33359A Half Shield - HL90 £24.90 335657 Spring Clip - HL20 £4.85 335770 Flange - HL20 336785 Flame Detector Thermostat - HL20 £508.93 £60.51 £154.79 87 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 33714A Fan Rotor - HL90 £27.00 337390 Flexible Exhaust (Stainless Steel) 22mm - per m £17.42 337749 M6 x 15.5 Nutsert Aluminium 337986 Stand Mounting - HL100 £34.10 337994 Strap Mounting - HL100 £17.16 338001 Resistance - HL100 33894A Water Hose 20mm 2 x 180º Bends 2.2m lg 3391288A Automatic Blower Control Kit 34020A Junior Timer Terminal £0.23 340324 Overheat Fuse - HL65/95 £6.76 34037B Air Intake Housing - HL90 £211.46 34042B Motor 24v - HL90 £290.18 34056C Heater Harness 2.6m - Thermo 90 £210.58 34057C Heater Harness 4m - Thermo 90 £183.51 34060C Wiring Harness - HL90 34084B Fuel Line - HL90 £28.15 34085B Fuel Pump Harness - Thermo 90 £38.60 34086A Two Way Connector 340987 Relay 24v Changeover with Diode £56.46 341304 High Pressure Nozzle - DBW2020 £57.89 34169B Adaptor £34.54 342637 Combustion Chamber - DBW2020 342777 Eight Way Connector Housing 6.3 Tab Male £9.39 34295A Self Tapping Screw M5 x 20 £0.35 34296A Self Tapping Screw M5 x 8 £0.35 343145 Combustion Air Fan £132.42 343374 Back Wall - HL90 £120.76 344583 Motor 24v Open Casing - DBW2020 £298.41 34473D Insulation Matting - AT2000 34489A Case - HL90 344958 Displacer - HL90 £0.31 £134.91 £51.64 £261.20 £75.83 £1.62 £597.40 £2.86 £113.08 £18.26 34517B Air Conduction Plate - AT2000 £0.78 34523A Cable Clamp - HL90 £0.85 345288 Fuel Return Line - DBW2010 £10.29 34530A Resistor 0.45 Ohm 12v £22.24 34531A Resistor 1.8 Ohm 24v £22.24 345466 Control Thermostat - LO2305 345830 Flame Detector 346683 Spark Ignition Unit 12v - LO2305 34725A Distribution Box - HL100 £26.80 34730A Hood - HL100 £15.88 347337 Washer £0.28 347345 Gasket - HL20 £0.85 347353 Gasket - HL20 £0.85 347396 Top Case Half - HL100 £118.52 £82.79 £307.01 £22.99 88 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 347418 Bottom Case Half - HL100 £10.99 347426 Gearbox Casing - HL100 £21.53 347450 Locking Plate - HL20 £0.51 347469 Locking Washer - HL20 £0.40 347833 Sliding Valve - HL100 £0.53 347884 Gasket - HL100 £0.82 34809A Half Shield Lower - HL100 £126.68 348287 Air Intake Ring - HL100 £261.51 348317 Carrier Shaft - HL100 £6.17 348325 Adjusting Lever - HL100 £3.62 348333 Socket - HL100 £0.85 348473 Fresh Air Fan - HL100 348481 Fuel Pump 24v - HL100 348570 Pull Pole - HL100 £3.64 34859C Fuel Hose Elbow 90º £2.44 £43.25 £2,181.82 348627 Fuel Pipe - HL100 £33.72 348651 Fuel Line £38.69 348686 Fuel Return Line - HL100 £42.65 34875A Electronic Thermostat 12v/24v 34888A Gasket Ring Joint 34890A Half Washer - HL100 348961 U Clamp - HL100 349046 Wiring Harness - HL100 £85.89 34913A Cover £35.26 349186 Gasket - HL100 £0.85 349402 Spring Clip Fuel Hose £1.08 350206 Exhaust End Cap £5.40 350427 Combustion Air Intake Socket 80mm - DBW 350516 Clutch Half 6mm - DBW2010 35068B Motor Mounting - DBW 35158A Link Pin for Thermostat Control 35213B Fuel Supply Line (Braided) - DBW2020-300 £23.61 352144 Fuel Return Line (Braided) - DBW2020-300 £21.21 352497 Split Pin Burner Head/Heat Exchanger - DBW2010 £0.51 352500 Securing Hinge Pin - DBW2020-350 £1.14 35283A Screw Pump £0.31 35289A Burner Assembly - AT24/32 352969 Terminal Block - 6 Way 353205 Fuel Standpipe Single 8mm x 500mm lg 35320A Fuel Standpipe £39.43 353213 Fuel Standpipe Single 8mm x 500mm lg £64.94 353221 Flexible Exhaust (Stainless Steel) 38mm - per m £28.05 354112 Gasket Ring - HL65 35504A Motor 12v - HL90 355240 T Piece 18mm £294.36 £1.08 £10.63 £0.38 £12.25 £2.40 £45.30 £5.40 £154.04 £9.87 £22.61 £1.55 £310.98 £44.97 89 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 355836 Nozzle Pressure Regulating Valve - DBW2010 £14.36 357901 Combustion Air Hose 30mm - per m £44.25 35897A Water Pump U4846 12v 35953A Glow Plug Protective Resistor 1.15 OHM £83.43 35967B Digital Timer Three Event 60 Minutes - Thermo Top £91.62 360171 Gasket Set - HL20 £85.83 360422 Cable Harness - DBW2010/2020 £245.08 £226.02 361798 Casing Cover - HL20 362107 Support Bracket - DBW £28.08 £9.98 362115 Clamp - Thermo 300 £7.03 363022 Hose Clip 14mm £0.78 365068 Screen - HL100 £1.09 365084 Screw Insert - HL100 366153 Reducer 70-80mm 366471 Ring Seal 367362 Protective Screen 80mm £9.39 368377 Gasket - HL20 £0.85 369136 Straight Coolant Hose 2000mm lg Di18/Da27 369187 Plug with Cable - HL100 369802 Grommet - HL65/95 369918 Circuit Breaker 20A - HL100 £162.14 369926 Starting Switch - HL20 £153.47 37009A Delay Timer Relay 24v £308.62 370169 Exhaust U Bend 38mm i.d. £344.40 370177 Fuel Hose (Braided Rubber) 5mm i.d. 10mm o.d. 371289 Straight Spur Gear - DBW 371394 Flexible Exhaust (Stainless Steel) 40mm - per m £149.39 371416 Flexible Exhaust (Stainless Steel) 80mm - per m £203.51 371424 Flexible Exhaust (Stainless Steel) - 100mm £212.46 372129 Wiring Harness - HL100 £48.62 37269A Support Bracket - B/DBW46 £20.17 373001 Impellor & Shaft - DBW2010 £50.07 373117 Gasket Flange - HL65 373230 Connecting Flange 373354 Air Intake Housing - HL95 374067 Circuit Breaker - HL100 374199 Rubber Lined P Clip 18mm 374296 Combustion Chamber 37507A Reducer 90-80mm £2.87 375438 Bulb 12v £4.59 375446 Bulb 24v £4.59 37592A Self Tapping Screw - AT2000 £0.09 37601A Heating Air Fan - AT24S/32S £12.86 376264 Connector Housing FM £0.04 37630A Inlet Cover - AT24S/32S £7.86 £12.83 £3.93 £41.55 £64.54 £193.12 £8.49 £24.28 £3.49 £4.76 £50.63 £114.71 £62.38 £1.39 £171.26 90 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 37637A Outlet Cover - AT24S/32S £6.81 37640A Double Conical Ring - HL90 £3.65 37654A Stand - AT24S/32S 37657A Housing - AT24S/32S £120.55 37659A Heat Exchanger - AT24S/32S £108.93 37671B Gasket - AT24S/32S £53.23 37685A Gasket - AT24S/32S £8.41 37749A Combustion Air Intake Elbow 30mm £8.70 378011 Self Tapping Screw £0.18 378232 Disc Nozzle Holder - DBW2010 £12.59 378313 Parts Kit for Mounting Shaft - DBW 2010 £34.88 378321 Drive Shaft Bearing Kit - DBW £21.35 37912B Bottom Casing - AT24S/32S £30.84 37913A Top Casing - AT24S/32S £31.45 379298 Gasket Ring - HL20 £36.65 37955C Overheat Protection - Thermo 90 £60.41 379611 Fuel Hose 5mm i.d. £23.97 379662 Hose Clip 9mm £1.62 379670 Hose Clamp 12mm £0.51 379948 Extractor for Fresh Air Fan £189.31 380199 Flame Detector - HL100 £210.27 380350 Fuel Pump and Motor Assembly 24v - HL20 380377 Combustion Air Fan - HL2012 £14.01 £1,082.21 £397.28 381772 Motor 12v - HL65 382469 Overheat Protection Thermostat 107º - DBW £1,186.41 383813 Heat Exchanger - HL6511 384852 Fuel Nozzle 10 Bar - DBW2010 £133.20 384879 Fuel Pump Assembly 24v - HL20 £794.40 385352 Thermostat £141.68 385638 Flame Detector Thermostat - HL65/95 £211.59 38622C HL90 24v heater £69.43 £1,668.07 £2,613.45 38623A Intake Pipe - HL90 38634A Water Pump U Bracket U4846 £37.66 38638B Connector Housing - Thermo 90 386391 Heat Exchanger (Downwards) - HL9511 £1,752.14 386405 Heat Exchanger (Upwards) - HL9512 £1,220.54 38641C Protection Cap - Thermo 90 £6.26 38652C Combustion Air Fan Cover - Thermo 90 £5.84 386650 Parts for Solenoid Valve - DBW 387045 Exhaust - Damper Ring £1.34 387177 Plate Nut - HL/AT 24/32 £3.79 38767A Outer Wrap - HL100 38771A Guard Bar - HL100 387800 Heat Exchanger HL100 388742 Green Light Holder £4.42 £10.04 £20.45 £234.92 £16.68 £997.62 £14.75 91 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 388750 Yellow Light Holder 388807 Electronic Ignition Unit 12v - DBW £180.06 388815 Electronic Ignition Unit 24v - DBW £180.06 389056 Solenoid Valve £101.18 389277 Outlet 70mm £79.47 391611 Flexible Exhaust & Cap (Stainless Steel) 22mm - 0.9m £81.49 391697 High Pressure Nozzle - DBW300 £23.33 392502 Switch Plate Two Position Full/Half £6.34 394157 Tank Extracting Device with Return £88.02 394424 Combustion Chamber - DBW300 394688 Overheat Fuse 171º 395242 Exhaust Skin Fitting 35mm £162.85 395749 Heat Exchanger - DBW2020-300 £948.75 396907 Drive Shaft 8mm - DBW350 397563 Clutch Half 8mm - DBW2020-350/HL90 £14.09 £545.32 £50.47 £61.05 £2.89 397660 Wiring Harness - HL65/95 398144 Drive Shaft 8mm - DBW2020-300 £69.57 398497 Warm Air Ducting (PAK) 60mm - per m £21.18 398500 Warm Air Ducting (PAK) 70mm - per m £65.26 398519 Warm Air Ducting (PAK) 80mm - per m £27.21 398527 Warm Air Ducting (PAK) 100mm - per m £36.85 398551 Air Outlet 360º Ball Type 60mm £11.75 398756 Gasket - HL20 399639 Fuel Pump Assembly 24v - HL95 400238 Glowplug 24v - HL20 400556 Parts Kit - U4810 £25.27 40070A Burner Fuse £67.75 402125 Parts Kit for Mounting Shaft £93.22 403474 Formed Hose 180º Di18/Da25 403482 Formed Hose Di15/Da22 £34.49 404489 Overheat Fuse 122º - DBW2010/2020 £18.96 404918 Socket - DBW2010-350 40521A Air Outlet - HL100 405256 P Clip 25mm £3.35 405450 Emblem £8.74 406074 Water Hose 15mm i.d. x 2.75m £94.10 406287 Overheat Fuse 138º (Yellow) - DBW £18.44 408719 Overheat Thermostat 117º (Green) £20.56 41025A Clamping Wedge 4110132A Vertical 10 litre calorifier 4110220A Airtop EVO 3900 Marine Air Heater Kit 12v £1,486.44 4110221A Airtop EVO 3900 Marine Air Heater Kit 24v £1,486.44 4110222A Airtop EVO 5500 Marine Air Heater Kit 12v £1,867.96 4110223A Airtop EVO 5500 Marine Air Heater Kit 24v £1,867.96 4110301 Tamperproof Thermostat Break on Rise 12/24v £8.70 £4.49 £1,264.45 £102.17 £9.18 £1.08 £113.04 £0.85 £363.92 92 £76.97 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 4110302 Tamperproof Thermostat Make on Rise 12/24v 4110402 Wiring Loom with Cap - HL32 4110422 Fuel Pump Harness 6m lg 4110462F Thermo Top E Narrowboat Kit 12v with digital timer and filter 4110551A Marine Dedicated 7 Day Timer Kit 12v - Thermo Top E/C £77.90 4110555A Marine Dedicated 7 Day Timer Kit 12v - Air Top Evo 3900/5500 £77.90 4110556A Marine Dedicated 7 Day Timer Kit 12v - Air Top 2000 £77.90 4110557A Marine Dedicated 7 Day Timer Kit 12v - Thermo 90ST £100.45 4110712 Switch & Power Harness 7.75m - HL18/32 4110716 Diode Set - HL100 4110732 Heater Harness 0.6m - AT18 £117.04 4110734 Heater Harness - AT32 £130.60 4110739 Marine Switch/Power Harness - AT18/24/32 £88.55 4110753 Switch & Power Harness 8m - AT £82.77 4110754 Heater to Control Box Harness 1.6m - AT32 4110766A Marine Fuel Filter and stop tap kit £38.69 4110774 Fuel Pump Harness 8.5m - AT2000 £32.54 4110778 Fuel Pump Loom Connector Kit - AT2000 4110805 Universal Switch Harness - Thermo 90 4110815 Fuel Pump Harness 8.5m lg £16.11 4110833 Combination Timer Harness - AT2000 £79.81 4110860 Combination Timer Harness - AT3500/5000 £173.75 4110863 Universal Wiring Harness - AT3500/5000 £127.10 4110888A Airtop 2000ST Universal Installation & Ducting Kit 4110978A Climate Controller 12v £515.55 4111130A Harness set climate control module £150.72 4111135A Thermo 90S 12v Marine Kit with Switch 4111142A Sensor kit climate - Air Top Evo 3900 / 5500 £33.79 4111144A Sensor kit climate - Air Top 2000 ST £38.86 4111181B Air Top 2000 ST Marine Universal Kit 12v £1,196.63 4111182B Air Top 2000 ST Marine Universal Kit 24v £1,196.63 4111185A Thermo 90S 24v Marine Kit with Switch £1,736.69 4111263A Frost Stat £30.61 4111364A Pulse Relay Kit 12v Harness £40.87 4111385A Air Top 2000 ST Diesel Vehicle Universal Kit 12v £768.51 4111386A Air Top 2000 ST Diesel Vehicle Universal Kit 24v £768.51 4111387A Air Top Evo 3900 Vehicle Universal Kit 12v £1,627.98 4111388A Air Top Evo 3900 Vehicle Universal Kit 24v £1,627.98 4111389A Air Top Evo 5500 Diesel Vehicle Universal Kit 12v £1,737.22 4111390A Air Top Evo 5500 Diesel Vehicle Universal Kit 24v £1,737.22 4111416A Hercules ED4 12v 4111653A Air Top Evo 3900 Petrol Vehicle Universal Kit 12v £1,627.98 4111654A Air Top Evo 5500 Petrol Vehicle Universal Kit 12v £1,737.22 4111806A Air Top 2000 / 2000 S 12v Service Kit £144.75 4111807A Air Top 2000 / 2000 S 24v Service Kit £138.55 £76.97 £131.16 £12.66 £1,189.98 £45.22 £6.72 £169.27 £3.64 £220.73 £49.89 £1,736.69 £213.97 93 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 4111812A Fuel Cut Off Kit (Tap Type) 4111814A Air Top 2000 ST 12v Service Kit £155.84 4111815A Air Top 2000ST 24v Service Kit £147.11 4111816A Air Top 3500 / 5000 12v Service Kit £195.75 4111817A Air Top 3500 / 5000 24v Service Kit £195.75 4111821A Air Top 3500 / 5000 ST 12v Service Kit £221.15 4111822A Air Top 3500 / 5000 ST 24v Service Kit £221.15 4111823A Air Top Evo 3900 / 5500 12v Service Kit £229.25 4111824A Air Top Evo 3900 / 5500 24v Service Kit £229.25 4111825A Dual Top RHA 100/101/102 12v Service Kit £146.54 4111828A Thermo 90 / S 12v Service Kit £242.54 4111829A Thermo 90 / S 24v Service Kit £256.28 4111830A Thermo 90 ST 12v Service Kit £242.54 4111831A Thermo 90 ST 12v Service Kit £256.28 4111932A 4 hour pulse relay 12v £33.57 4112330A SMART Controller £86.47 4112369A Fuel Cut Off Kit (Switch Type) £61.03 411286 Timer Installation Module (for use with 411645) £396.03 411287 Switch Installation Module (for use with 411645) £224.65 4114102 Brush Set U4814 411442 Heat Exchanger (Curved Water Inlet Pipe) - DBW2010 £735.59 411487 Universal Vehicle Installation Kit AT3500/5000 £329.36 411488 Mounting Box AT3500/5000 £205.34 £75.83 £14.09 411572 Fuel T Piece Kit 8mm 411582 Universal Installation Kit HL90 £19.57 411645 Thermo 300 Diesel 24v preboxed with water pump 4117701 Fuel Pump Harness 7m lg £21.44 411788 EF3 12v with white cover £167.65 411789 EF3 24v with white cover £167.65 4121109 Embellisher Grille 80mm (black metal) 412163 Wiring Harness - Heater to Control Unit - DBW2020-300 412198 Nozzle Holder - DBW2010-300 412244 Sealing Ring 4123401 Twin Floor Mount Outlet 80mm £108.94 41244G Temperature Sensor - Thermo 90 £34.31 41267A Control Thermostat (green/Red Cable) 75º - DBW2010 Non-Sen 4131501 Fuel Tap with lever ¼ £45.54 4131506 ¼ BSP T Handle Ball Valve £34.47 4132900 Silicone Grommet £23.81 4140400 Outlet Bracket 55/60mm 4140501 Marine Mounting Bracket - Thermo Top C/Thermo 90 £88.61 4143020 Connector Pipe 90mm £16.52 4143034 Exhaust End Cap 4143040 Wallpipe 90mm (Metal) 4144913 Mounting Box - HL90 £242.74 £2,170.49 £39.50 £110.00 £82.02 £7.38 £141.82 £8.51 £7.01 £51.96 £397.82 94 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 4144914 Outlet/Inlet Grille (Metal) 60mm £24.04 4144969 Universal Floor Mount Bracket - Airtop 2000/3500/5000 £27.00 4144970 Marine Mounting Bracket £47.51 4145000 Floor Mount Plate Oblong Flange £32.35 4148407 Y Piece 100/100/100 4148419 Y Branch 90/90/80 (Metal) 45º 415073 Heat Exchanger Downwards Exhaust 4151801 Flexflyte Ducting 80mm - per m £33.03 4151802 Flexflyte Ducting 100mm - per m £38.83 4151806 Flexflyte Ducting 55mm - per m £26.92 4151810 Flexflyte Ducting 60mm - per m £26.92 4151817 Flexflyte Ducting 90mm - per m £35.18 4152000 Reducer 38-35mm £27.12 4152001 Elbow 38/35mm 90º £46.95 4152002 Elbow 35mm 90º £40.87 £101.94 £91.69 £804.27 4152003 Reducer 38-19mm £24.52 4152004 Elbow 38/19mm 90º £28.81 4152005 Water Hose 38mm 1000lg £74.65 4152007 Elbow 38mm 90º 130mm leg £65.81 4152400 Fuel Pipe Nylon 6mm i.d. 8mm o.d. - per m 4152601 Exhaust Lagging 4152801 Ducting Silencer 90mm 4154300 Fuel Tank Standpipe 700mm lg £26.78 4154301 Fuel Tank Standpipe - Twin Outlet £62.14 4154304 Fuel Sender 8mm £29.78 4157900 Nylon Fuel Hose 2mm i.d. 5mm o.d. - 8m lg £12.28 4158308 Combustion Air Hose 22mm - per m £18.26 4158400 Marine Fuel Hose 5mm ISO7840 - per m 4162415 Exhaust Clamp 71mm 4162427 Hose Clip 20-32mm £1.90 4162441 Cable Ties (Stainless Steel) £1.93 £5.73 £13.96 £118.57 £6.01 £17.25 4162448 P Clip 28mm 4162468 Mounting Bracket - Water Pump U4851/U4852 £13.34 £1.35 4168105 Exhaust U Clamp 71mm £18.13 4180800 Outlet Closeable - 55mm £25.14 4180801 Outlet Closeable - 75mm £25.14 4180804 Outlet/Inlet Grille 62mm (plastic) £12.70 4180823 Floor Mount Outlet 90mm £89.47 4180827 Outlet Fishtail (aluminium) 90mm £71.77 4185700 Hosetail 5mm £12.95 4195637 Heater Blank Ident Label £1.05 41B0012 Hose Clip - 104-112mm £6.17 41C0016 Mounting Bracket - AT2000/3500/5000 £29.98 41C0193 Floor Mount Plate Round Flange £34.32 41H0001 19-19mm brass hose connector £12.08 95 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 41K0020 16-19 Dual T Piece 41K031A Universal Combi Timer Upgrade Kit 12v £178.39 41K061A Universal Combi Timer Upgrade Kit 24v £178.39 41K107D Thermo Top C 300 Universal Motorhome Kit 41K119A Blower Box universal coolant hose installation kit 41K120A 3 Speed Rotary Blower Switch Kit 41K5037C Thermo Top C Narrowboat Kit with Digital Timer 12v £1,225.68 41K5083C Thermo Top C Marine kit with digital timer 12v £1,391.13 41K5210A 5 litre plastic expansion tank kit 41L0061 Harness Time Delay (AT3500/5000) £23.72 41M0039 3 Gang Panel Switch £35.32 41N0171 Plug kit for 3 Gang Panel Switch £1.39 41S05037A Hose clips stainless steel 8-12mm £1.02 41S40048A Horizontal 10 litre calorifier 41S45017A Fuel Tank Standpipe Low Profile 495mm lg (8.5mm hole) £26.78 41S70014A Thermoduct 60mm - 750mm length £11.12 41S70015A Thermoduct 80mm - 750mm length £13.23 41S70016A Thermoduct 100mm - 750mm length £13.99 41S80003A Silencio 24v £135.87 41S80011A Hercules ED4 24v £213.97 41S80013A Mini RV Boiler £314.88 41S85022A Marine Fuel Pump Insulation Jacket 41SK464 Airtop 2000ST Petrol One Outlet Universal Kit 12v £818.41 41T0034 Silencio 12v £135.87 41V0001 Exhaust Lagging 30mm 420042 Nozzle Pre-Heating Element 24v 424390 Tightening Clamp - DBW46 £11.81 428035 Warm Air Ducting (Aluminium) 55mm - per m £75.56 429562 Heater Inlet Grille 55mm 429627 Flap Valve 55mm 429686 Switch Plate 431397 Formed Hose 90º Di18/Da25 £22.35 431400 Formed Hose Di18/Da25 £31.49 43150C Water Pump 24v with Viton Seal - U4814 £160.37 43151D Water Pump 12v - U4814 £413.07 431567 Gasket Ring - DBW46 £6.01 432377 Screw - DBW2010/2020 £0.38 43308A Thermostat - DBW2020-300 434094 Foam Gasket - HL/AT18 436216 Protective Cap - DBW2010/2020 £55.52 436259 Formed Hose 1020mm lg £34.46 436267 Rubber Elbow £43.40 436429 Gasket - HL18 £3.61 437247 Holding Strap £3.69 439851 Air Inlet Hood - AT18 £9.30 £17.62 £1,581.14 £123.51 £23.67 £105.10 £363.92 £92.12 £7.96 £235.21 £6.16 £46.16 £4.80 £44.48 £8.36 96 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 440191 Rubber Grommet - HL18 441376 Warm Air Ducting (PAK) 55mm - per m £19.48 441481 Combustion Air Silencer - DBW46 £59.00 44250A High Pressure Nozzle £49.52 443115 Gasket Ring £1.03 443123 Gasket Ring £2.79 44325A Burner Tube - Thermo 300 £6.67 £153.76 44380E Burner Tube - HL/AT18 £52.78 443816 Top Case Half - HL18 £51.74 444901 Combustion Air Intake Elbow - HL/AT18 £65.24 445223 Plate Nut HL18 £0.85 446998 Grub Screw £1.60 447080 Fuel Supply Line - DBW300 £85.63 447625 Exhaust Skin Fitting 22mm £186.17 447633 Exhaust Fitting - DBW2010 £151.14 449180 Gasket Set - DBW46 £92.74 450154 Protection Cap £17.45 451126 Flexible Exhaust & End Cap 22mm 1.2m lg £93.07 451339 Wiring Harness - DBW470 24v £88.02 451355 Solenoid Housing £57.30 453048 Circlip - DBW2010-300 453108 Gasket Ring £101.63 454370 Mounting Cradle - Heat Exchanger - DBW2020/300 £126.01 454443 Fan Control Thermostat 40ºC - DBW2010 £132.29 458384 Water Pump 12v U4810 £416.67 458392 Water Pump 24v U4810 £416.67 458414 Water Pump 12v U4810 - With Mount Bracket £356.64 458422 Water Pump 24v U4810 - With Mount Bracket £356.64 458430 Pipe Fitting - HL90 460079 Exhaust Pipe Extension 70mm x 98mm lg - DBW2010-350 £82.37 460176 Exhaust Pipe Extension 70mm x 91mm lg - DBW2010-350 £58.82 461466 Connector Plug - HL18 £2.40 461474 Connector Clamp £0.87 462144 Bottom Case Half - HL18 462535 Fuel Hose 8mm i.d. 70mm lg 462659 Fuel Return Line - DBW2020-350 £15.33 463019 Fuel Supply Line - DBW2020/350 £25.27 463027 Hose Support - Thermo 300 £2.40 463949 Hose Clip 10mm £0.53 £0.85 £4.17 £39.67 £3.76 464155 Fuel Return Line - DBW2020-350 £24.63 464236 Fuel Hose 4.5mm i.d. £15.16 464333 Combustion Chamber 70mm - DBW 464392 Gasket - HL18 464406 Gasket Ring - B/DBW46 £20.75 464414 Reducer 55mm-70mm £2.67 £168.72 £0.85 97 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 464474 Connector Clamp £0.87 465135 Elbow 90º 70mm £32.07 465305 Flame Detector - HL/AT 24/32 £52.78 465313 Overheat Protection - HL18 £79.93 465364 Fuel Hose (per m) £11.32 465380 Exhaust Elbow 90º 70mm £33.35 465488 Drive Assembly 12v - HL/AT18 £229.76 465496 Drive Assembly 24v - HL/AT18 £229.76 465518 Fuel Pipe Connection - HL18D £47.92 465526 Fuel Pipe Connection - HL18B £64.94 46555A Gasket Set - HL/AT18 £27.45 465674 Solenoid Valve 24v 466115 Combustion Air Hose 22mm 466301 Resistor 24-12v 466352 Hose Clamp 50-70mm £164.90 £18.24 £333.64 £1.01 466409 Air Outlet Hood 55mm - HL/AT18 468703 Gasket Ring - HL/AT 24/32 £45.38 46871G Burner Tube - HL32 468770 Motor Housing - HL24/32 £143.00 468797 Fresh Air Fan HL/AT 24/32 £40.78 46880F Motor Cap - HL/AT 24/32 £16.56 468827 Gasket HL/AT 24/32 £18.35 468916 Drive Assembly 24v - HL/AT32 Diesel 468924 Gasket Harness Cap - HL/AT 24/32 £3.46 468959 Spring Washer £0.14 468967 Gasket Ring - HL/AT 24/32 £2.85 468975 Gasket Ring - HL/AT 24/32 £6.36 468991 Diaphragm Grommet - HL18 £0.53 469009 Bulb 24v 469084 Heat Exchanger Assy 70mm - DBW £534.29 469408 Clamp Heater Body Clip - HL/AT18 £31.35 £7.72 £92.07 £263.44 £17.25 469556 High Pressure Fuel Nozzle - DBW350 £19.85 470716 High Pressure Fuel Nozzle - DBW £17.35 470724 High Pressure Fuel Nozzle - DBW £20.17 472212 Self Tapping Screw - HL18 472433 Water Hose 18mm x 2.2m with 180º ends £74.08 472492 Gasket Set - B/DBW46 £62.62 47278A Equaliser Tube £26.81 474630 Mounting Plate - Digital Timer £21.20 474703 Locking Washer 3mm - HL18 £0.56 474932 Exhaust Pipe 22mm - HL/AT18 £52.89 475831 Anti Vibration Mount M6 with self tapping screw £18.13 475866 Timer Cover £39.84 475955 Temperature Sensor - B/DBW46 £145.45 476021 Combustion Air Fan 24v - B/DBW46 £562.64 £0.56 98 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 476277 Air Inlet Hood (Blue) - HL32 £28.13 476285 Air Outlet Hood (Red) - HL32 £28.13 476404 Mounting Plate Digital Timer £38.63 476536 Combustion Air Fan 12v - B/DBW46 £562.64 476544 Combustion Air Fan 24v - B/DBW46 £562.64 478814 Membrane Damper - Fuel Pump £25.28 478822 Sealing Set - HL/AT18 £36.64 478873 Digital Timer 12v £424.43 479004 Flame Detector - B/DBW46 £109.62 47901B Dosing Pump 24v £227.12 479326 Exhaust Silencer 30mm 479438 Exhaust Pipe & End Cap 30mm 1.2m lg 479594 Glowplug 12v - HL18/24/32/DBW46 £34.73 479721 Flexible Exhaust (Stainless Steel) 70mm - per m £39.25 479853 Gasket Ring - HL/AT 24/32 £22.98 £94.88 £114.38 479950 Mounting Stand - HL/AT 24/32 £33.47 479985 Top Case Half (Black) - HL24/32 £34.52 479993 Bottom Case Half (Black) - HL24/32 £34.52 480231 Exhaust Gasket HL/AT32 £22.96 480258 Combustion Air Gasket - HL/AT 24/32 £5.12 481696 Support - DBW2020-350 Sensoric £9.21 482145 Wiring Harness £66.57 482269 Resistor Part Load - HL32 £14.09 482366 Resistance Part Load 12v - HL/AT32 £20.60 482501 Water Pump 12v U4809 - B/DBW46 £388.60 482536 Cable Clamp £3.08 483796 Foam Gasket Mounting Stand - HL/AT 24/32 £7.57 483931 Fuel Hose (Nylon) 5mm o.d. - per m £1.40 484032 Fuel Hose Connector 5mm i.d. 50mm lg £0.94 484083 Sound Deadening Mat - HL/AT 24/32 £9.98 484113 Diaphragm Grommet - HL/AT 24/32 £6.82 484768 Resistance Part Load 24v - B/DBW46 £76.40 487171 In Line Fuel Filter 5mm £20.90 487627 Protection Cap Stat Cover - DBW2010-350 £13.92 488526 T Piece with Bleed Valve 15/15/15 £66.48 488534 T Piece 18 x 15 x 18 £74.84 488631 Combination Screw - DBW 488909 Fuel Supply - HL32 Petrol £106.49 488933 Gasket Set - HL/AT 24/32 £50.30 489875 Grommet £3.64 489948 Washer - HL18 £1.08 489972 One Way Valve Double T 20mm 490032 Screw (Heater Mounting) M6 - HL/AT32 490350 Pipe - HL90 490660 High Pressure Nozzle - DBW470 £0.56 £241.42 £25.82 £6.58 £34.14 99 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 492124 Timer 492299 Demist Nozzle 55mm £83.39 492671 Adaptor - HL18 £19.70 492876 Fuel T Piece 15/5/15 £43.94 492884 Wall Pipe 55mm 492892 Air Outlet Outer Bezel 55mm £13.25 492906 Outlet Louvre 55mm £10.29 495425 Wall Pipe 80mm £17.09 495433 Air Outlet Outer Bezel 80mm £21.33 495441 Air Outlet Insert Straight 80mm £35.18 495468 Air Outlet Insert 45º 80mm £25.05 495522 Exhaust Outlet Socket 30mm £56.41 495611 Reducer 80mm £42.08 495638 Connector Pipe 55mm x 55mm lg £16.79 495646 Connector Pipe 80mm x 75mm lg £15.37 495654 Reducer 80-55mm £36.89 495689 Y Branch 80 x 55 x 55 £8.81 495697 Y Branch 55 x 55 x 55 £6.88 495700 Y Branch 80 x 80 x 80 £8.49 495719 Y Branch 80 x 55 x 80 £10.47 495972 Air Outlet HL/AT18 £51.34 497037 Terminal £1.34 497053 Protection Cap £5.12 497088 Connector 497134 Motor 24v - HL100 497142 Overheat Fuse 138º - DBW2010 Sensoric 498572 Exhaust Fitting 498661 Heat Protection Foil - HL/AT 24/32 499013 Spring £1.55 499021 P Clip 33mm £5.81 499056 Mounting Stand - HL/AT18 £341.10 £6.76 £3.28 £1,279.91 £94.61 £147.67 £71.68 £39.05 63111A Motor 24v - HL90 £290.18 63150C Water Thermostat 40º Bypass 20mm Tail £162.69 63392A Control Unit 12v - DBW46 £309.94 63399A Timer 24v - B/DBW46 £421.38 63461A Temperature Sensor - B/DBW46 £135.44 63482F Electronic Control Unit SG1572D- Thermo 230-350 £269.73 63699C U4814 Water Pump 24v £413.07 64176A Receptacle Terminal - AMP Faston 2.79 64379A External Temperature Sensor 64578A Batteries - T70/T80 Remote Handset 64889B Small Parts Kit - Airtop 2000 £84.33 64891A Fuel Hose 4.5 x 10.5 x 50mm £2.58 65000A Combustion Air Elbow - AT2000 £1.98 65271E Control Unit SG1572D - DW/Thermo 230-350 £0.93 £66.03 £1.99 100 £603.22 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 65272F Control Unit SG1572 - DW300 £866.07 65273E Control Unit SG1572 - DW230/300/350 £652.98 65274F Control Unit SG1572D - DW300 £812.79 65433A Pressure Pipe - DBW2010 Non Sensoric 65475A Burner Head 24v - Thermo 230 £1,676.99 65476E Burner Head 24v - Thermo 300 £1,564.97 65477A Burner Head 24v - Thermo 350 £1,632.54 65513A Hollow Screw (Banjo Bolt) - DBW300 £0.30 65514A Gasket - DBW Sensoric £1.55 65515A Fuel Pump - DBW2010-300 65786A Fitted Burner - AT2000 66113A Combustion Air Silencer - 20mm £5.95 66185A Clamp Electrode DBW300 £2.77 66544A Fuel Pump - DBW2010-350 £210.03 66546A Fuel Pump £788.32 66593A Water Pump Cover Kit - Thermo 90S £770.31 66605A Joint Paste £138.23 66746A Wiring Harness 66792A Rubber Mounting T300 66863A Control Unit AT3500 Diesel 24v SG1580 £340.23 66864A Drive Assembly 12v AT3500 D Volume Plus £343.90 66865A Drive Assembly 24v AT3500 D Volume Plus £350.62 66878A Exhaust Pipe Adaptor - 24mm-30mm 66908B Connection Tube 18 x 20 £4.00 66932A Connection Tube 18 x 22 £3.80 66934C Connection Tube 20 x 20 £6.75 66944A Fuel Extractor 6 x 5 x 6 £3.67 66946A T Piece 10 x 5 x 10 66967B Supporting Angle - AT2000S £1.18 67015A Mounting bracket Thermo 50 £23.09 67062B Heat Exchanger - AT2000 £7.13 £759.22 £82.11 £61.27 £4.13 £19.59 £10.17 £110.00 67064A Screw set - Airtop 2000 67080A T70 Remote Control £2.78 67373A Hose Clamp 32-50mm 67435A Fuel Extractor 20mm 67488F Lower Casing - AT2000S £8.93 67490D Air Inlet Hood - AT2000S £5.80 67491D Outlet Hood - 60mm - AT2000S £5.80 67492A Air Inlet Grille - AT2000S £5.81 67762A Combustion Air Pipe - Thermo Top E 67787B Control Unit 12v – AT3500 RV (must be used with remote temperature probe) £340.23 67788B Control Unit 12v – AT5000 RV (must be used with remote temperature probe) £340.23 67863C Harness T50 £53.30 67883A Burner Tube - AT3500/5000 99> Version £43.99 67905A Antenna Kit - T70 Remote Control £98.44 £415.65 £4.98 £77.19 £4.85 101 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 67955A Fitted Burner - AT3500/5000 67956B Exchange Burner with Glowpin 24v - AT3500/5000 £184.75 67984B Exchange Burner with Glowpin 12v - AT3500/5000 £184.75 70545B T80 Receiver only £294.82 70678A Drive Assembly 24v - AT2000 £188.81 70921A Supporting Angle Screw - AT2000S 70947A Room Thermostat Single Switch 12v/24v £89.76 70948A Room Thermostat Twin Switch 12v/24v £122.47 71174550 Madera 4 12v £153.22 71174552 Madera 4 24v £153.22 71174554 Madera 8 12v £230.22 71174556 Madera 8 24v £230.22 71174560 Madera Grille 90 x 90 £4.15 71174561 Madera Outlet 55mm straight £5.16 71174562 Madera Outlet Closeable £12.10 71174563 Madera Outlet 45mm 90deg. £10.52 71174564 Madera Outlet 45mm 45deg. £10.52 72015A U4814 Pump Repair Kit - Without Cover £70.19 72028B Fuel Pump 7 bar - DBW2010 Sensoric £176.78 72093A Magnetic Clutch Brushless Motor £201.17 7572516A 1/2" BSP x 16mm hosetail £3.14 7572517A 1/2" BSP x 19mm hosetail £3.20 77054894A Cargo Heater Cassette Thermo 90 ST 12v £98.79 £0.07 £3,423.64 77054898A Cargo Heater Cassette Thermo 90 ST 24v £3,423.64 77056500A Cargo Heater Cassette DBW 2010 24v £3,910.87 77057000A Cargo Heater Cassette DBW 2016 24v £3,995.58 79375450 Hose Clamp 62mm X100 82082B Combustion Air Fan 12v - Thermo Top S 82096A Hose Clamp 37mm £2.35 82203A Rubber Pipe £8.98 82206D Housing - Thermo 230-350 £11.30 £222.25 £90.78 82227A Heater Base Gasket 5mm - AT2000 82233A Fuel Pump - Thermo 300 £16.90 82234B Fuel Supply Line - Thermo 230-350 £18.48 82235B Fuel Return Line - Thermo 230-350 £18.48 82241B Basic Wiring Harness 24v - AT2000 £88.26 82282A Upper/Lower Casing - AT2000 £48.46 82284A Burner Tube - AT2000 £31.51 82300A Proportioning Pump Complete 82301A Damper - AT2000 £34.57 82302A Sealing Set - AT2000 £23.60 82305C Overheat Protection - AT2000 £36.44 82306C Flame Detector - AT2000 £36.37 82307B Glowpin 24v - AT2000 £39.53 82329A Fixing Kit - AT2000 £623.27 £165.29 £3.29 102 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 82356A Remote Temperature Sensor for Room Thermostat 82378A Adaptor 60/75mm 82401A Water Pump Magnetic Drive 12v - DW80 £405.97 82402A Water Pump Magnetic Drive 24v - DW80 £405.97 82405A Combustion Air Fan 12v - Thermo 90 £289.71 82406A Combustion Air Fan 24v - Thermo 90 £289.71 82407B Flame Detector - Thermo 90 £52.76 82408B Glowpin 12v - Thermo 90 £59.14 82410B Glowpin 24v - Thermo 90 £66.48 82415B Burner Tube - Thermo 90 £284.47 82416A Gasket Set - Thermo 90 82418A Water Pump 12v - Thermo 90 82421A Switch Knob - Rotary Controller 82422B Switch Plate Rheostat £10.63 82451A Sealing Rope £14.91 82452A Exhaust Gasket - HL90/100 £12.39 82453A Gasket - HL90 £16.11 82456C Stand U4846 - DW80 £7.01 82495A Screw - AT 24S/32S £0.18 82531A Clutch Half £0.88 82553B Dosing Pump 12v £253.28 82554A Fuel Pump 12v petrol £282.68 82606F Harness - Thermo 300 £47.10 82774A Digital Timer 7 Day Three Event 12v £257.98 82775A Digital Timer 7 Day Three Event 24v £257.98 82798A Eight Way Timer Plug Kit £11.94 82819B Rotary Rheostat Control £84.29 82841B Harness - DW300 Control Unit £62.67 82971C Adaptor Wiring Harness £54.15 83199C Overheat Protection AT24S/32S £45.44 83230A Gasket Ring 83376B HL90 12v heater 83515B Gasket Ring 83699C Transistor Relay - 12v £23.95 83813A Standpipe - Thermo Top £66.84 83889A Combustion Air Restrictor - AT32S 84400A T60 Telestart Battery 84402A T60 Transmitter 60 Minutes £156.49 84428C Wiring Harness (Waterproof Connections) - Thermo Top £156.93 84482B Wiring Harness 12v AT2000 £98.16 84586A Vent Switch £21.90 84587A Summer/Winter Switch £37.10 84635A Burner Cartridge - Thermo 90 Petrol £213.57 84841B Drive Assembly 12v - AT2000 £190.80 84883A Burner - Airtop 2000 Petrol £83.45 £6.12 £21.34 £466.85 £4.98 £1.24 £2,613.45 £2.80 £2.82 £14.89 £74.51 103 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 84906B Glowpin 12v - AT2000 84912B Water Pump 12v - Thermo Top (Waterproof Connectors) 84937A Protective Screen 60mm 84970A Exhaust Gas Deflector - Thermo 230/300/350 84986A Side Channel Fan - HL90 85101A Fuel Pump Plug Kit 85159A Glowpin £45.44 £152.10 £6.38 £20.79 £215.20 £13.76 £117.25 85203A Glowpin 12v - Thermo Top S £80.64 85204A Flame Detector - Thermo Top (Waterproof Connectors) £58.24 85312B Thermo 230 Diesel 24v with switch £1,676.47 85313B Thermo 300 Diesel 24v with switch £1,481.44 85314C Thermo 350 Diesel 24v with switch £1,854.46 85339C Digital Timer 12/24v Airtop 85594B Fuel Hose Connector 3.5mm x 9.5mm x 50mm 85867A Air Outlet (Short) 90º - AT2000 86032A Mounting Box - Top Access - AT2000 £158.58 86130B Electronic Room Thermostat £403.96 86244C Heat Exchanger - Thermo 90 £136.30 86252A Water Pump Bracket - DW80/Thermo 90 £15.40 86277A Tank Extractor (15mm Fuel Hose) £51.10 86379A Tank Extractor 18mm fuel hose £52.88 86401A Control Unit/Heat Exchanger 12v - Thermo Top 86450C Exhaust Silencer 22mm - Stainless Steel 86493A Hose Ring £7.34 86494A Water Hose Connection £3.29 86495B Water Pump Clamp £0.68 86496E U4814 Water Pump 24v 86514C Basic Wiring Harness - AT2000 (Diagnostic Version) 86541B Water Pump - Thermo Top Z/C 86553A Inflow Ring - HL100 £16.34 86554A Inflow Ring - HL90 £16.34 86568A Water Pump 12v - Thermo 90 £275.60 86569A Water Pump 24v - Thermo 90 £287.55 86599A Housing £1.05 86643A T Branch 60mm £9.09 86644B Fuel Connector £6.26 86710A Heat Exchanger - Thermo 300 £374.87 86711B Heating Element - Thermo 300 £126.79 86711B Retrofit Kit Heating Cartridge - DW300 £126.79 £209.56 £1.49 £20.88 £511.92 £25.57 £413.07 £77.96 £119.15 86759A Combustion Air Pipe & End Cap 30mm i.d. 5m lg 86887B Screw to Secure Water Pump - Thermo Top C £21.31 86926B Wiring Harness - HL18/24/32 £51.50 87046A Fuel Return Line £22.43 87047A Fuel Supply Line £22.26 87072A Non return valve 20/20/22/22 £0.42 £192.05 104 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 87088A Electronic Control Unit SG1561 12v - HL32 £331.50 87089A Control Unit £411.94 87379A Grille 60mm £9.44 87389A Air Outlet 60mm Flush 87394B Universal Mount Bracket - Thermo Top E/C 87453B Control Unit 24v - AT2000 Diesel £252.37 87461B Control Unit 12v - AT2000 Diesel £252.37 87462B Control Unit 12v Petrol AT2000 £252.37 87692C Fitted Burner - DW80 £213.71 87786A Fuel Return Line T230/300/350 £22.40 87787A Fuel Pipe - Thermo 300 £20.14 88002C Lower Casing - AT3500/5000 (1 Locating Peg) £31.67 88003C Upper Casing - AT3500/5000 (1 Locating Peg) £38.26 88004C Air Inlet Hood - AT3500/5000 (1 Locating Peg) £10.80 88005E Control Cover - AT3500/5000 £16.41 £7.92 £3.49 88021C Burner Tube - AT3500/5000 £87.43 88028D Fuel Tap £66.16 88067E End Cover - Thermo 90S 88096D Air Outlet Hood - AT3500/5000 (1 Locating Peg) 88194A Bulb 12v - KombiTimer 88195A Timer Alarm 24v £294.35 88204A Timer Alarm 12v £294.35 88205A Combination Timer/Rheostat 24v £142.59 88206B Combination Timer/Rheostat 12v £142.59 88393B Overheat Protection - Thermo 230-350 £60.30 88436A Wiring Harness - Timer Link £33.54 88440A Washer - DW/Thermo 230-350 £3.89 88441A Washer - Thermo 230/300/350 £5.84 88489D Overheat Protection - AT3500/5000 £36.70 88510C Temperature Sensor - AT3500/5000 £18.26 88665A Temperature Sensor 88746D Control Unit Mount Plate - Thermo 90S £9.83 88771A Washer - DBW2010 Non Sensoric £6.12 88772A Washer £6.47 88837A Water Valve 89075A Reducer 90-80mm 89093E Control Unit 24v - Thermo 90S Diesel 89111B Adaptor 90-80mm 89159B Universal Wiring Harness - Thermo Top Z £182.59 89246B Thermo Top Z Supplementary Heater Kit Diesel 12v £729.58 89247D Upgrade Kit for Thermo Top Z £330.26 89291C Gasket - AT3500/5000 89305B Reflector Foil AT3500 Combustion Air Fan £1.71 89307D Insulating Matting - AT3500/5000 £6.23 89352A Air Temperature Sensor £6.67 £10.78 £6.98 £7.76 £37.59 £5.14 £357.34 £4.66 £11.56 £28.35 105 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 89353A Air Temperature Sensor Bracket £9.83 89358A Rubber Seal for Air Sensor Bracket £0.88 89467C Rubber Grommet - Harness - AT5000 £1.16 89575C Control Unit 24v - DBW Sensoric £391.36 89576C Control Unit 24v - DBW2010 Sensoric £248.91 89634E Basic Wiring Harness - AT3500/5000 £134.56 89686B Air Intake Silencer - Thermo Top S £36.60 89834B Control Unit 24v - AT5000 Diesel £340.23 89836C Control Unit 12v - AT5000 Diesel £340.23 89838B Control Unit 24v - AT3500 Diesel £340.23 89839C Control Unit 12v - AT3500 Diesel £340.23 9000044A Connector Pipe 60mm 9000861A Gasket Set - Thermo Top C £12.38 9001080D Universal Wiring Harness - Thermo Top C £97.10 9001080D Harness - Thermo Top E £97.10 9001307C Plastic Fuel Tank 24 litres £265.67 9001344B Fuel Extractor - 8x5x8 9001383B Combustion Air Motor - Thermo Top Z 12v £123.03 9001397C Control Unit 12v Petrol TTE £267.53 9001398D Control Unit 12v - Thermo Top E Diesel £329.42 9001441B Fuel Pump Mounting 9001450B Tank Extractor - VAG Group only £90.70 9001940A Upper Casing - AT2000S £10.94 9002255B Exhaust Clamp £11.86 9002275A Thermostat Switch £19.04 9002333A Fuel Supply Line DW230/300/350 £16.44 9002514B Water Pump U4847 12v 130Deg. TTZ/C £160.28 9003167C Thermo Top C Petrol Basic Vehicle Universal Kit 12v without operating control £972.88 9003168C Thermo Top C Diesel Basic Vehicle Universal Kit 12v without operating control £972.88 9003169C Thermo Top E Petrol Basic Vehicle Universal Kit 12v without operating control £759.25 9003170C Thermo Top E Diesel Basic Vehicle Universal Kit 12v without operating control £759.25 9003497C Fuel Standpipe - Thermo Top £47.42 9003696G Wiring Harness Universal AT2000ST £61.14 9004209A Drive Assembly 12v AT3500ST £351.30 9004210A Drive Assembly 24v AT3500ST £351.30 9004211A Drive Assembly 12v AT5000ST £351.30 9004212A Drive Assembly 24v AT5000ST £351.30 9004214A Glowpin 12v AT3500ST/AT5000ST £118.96 9004215A Glowpin 24v AT3500ST/AT5000ST £118.96 9004216A Heat Exchanger AT3500ST/AT5000ST £108.00 9004220A Burner AT3500ST/AT5000ST £98.79 9004227A Overheat Temperature Sensor AT3500ST/AT5000ST £36.70 9004229A Screw Set - AT EVO 3900/5500 £4.42 9004300A Blanking Seal £0.64 9004312D Universal Wiring Harness - AT EVO £8.17 £3.93 £3.08 £101.57 106 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 9004979A Brushless Motor 24v – Airtop 2000 9005004B Sensor External Temp AT2000ST 9005008A Temperature Sensor c/w control unit 12v - AT2000 £273.83 9005010A Temperature Sensor c/w control unit 24v - AT2000 £273.83 9005076A Temperature Sensor 5m lg AT2000S £54.66 9005084A Overheat Sensor AT2000ST £36.44 9005086A Glowpin 12v AT2000ST £60.12 £442.79 £30.84 9005087A Glowpin 24v AT2000ST 9005090A Heat Exchanger Petrol AT2000ST £52.99 9005096B Flame Detector AT2000ST £39.68 9005931B Glowpin 24v Thermo 90ST £66.48 9005942A Airtop plastic enclosure with bracket 9006339A T80 Antenna (>July 2003) £43.61 9006653A Burner Tube AT3500ST/AT5000ST £87.43 9006820A Control Unit 24v AT5000ST (SG1580) £340.23 9006821A Control Unit 24v AT3500ST (SG1580) £340.23 9006822A Control Unit 12v AT5000ST (SG1580) £340.23 9006824A Control Unit 12v AT3500ST (SG1580) £340.23 9007098A T80 Set (<07.2003) Red £392.78 9007157A T80 Handset only (>July 2003 Black Buttons) £175.62 9007622A Thermo 90 ST Vehicle Universal Kit without operating control 12v £1,490.16 9007623A Thermo 90 ST Vehicle Universal Kit without operating control 24v £1,490.16 9007864C Diesel Burner Head/Heat Exchanger/Control Unit – TTC300 (Camper & Marine) £110.00 £241.84 £329.42 9008022A Fuel Pipe T Piece Kit £17.80 9008255A Control Switch & Cable for Flap Valve £20.91 9008440A Connector Harness 1531 Digital Timer £25.23 9009239B Backing Nut 60mm Black £3.96 9009240B Backing Nut 90mm Black £7.63 9009249C Wall pipe 60mm – Black £4.94 9009250C Wall Pipe 90mm – Black £5.41 9009258C Pipe Connector 60/60 £5.22 9009259C Pipe Connector 90/90 9009260C Elbow 90mm 9009261D Y Piece 90/90/90 £9.21 9009262B Y Piece 80/60/60 £6.15 9009263B Assymetric Y 90/60/90 £8.70 9009264B Assymetric Y 60/60/60 £7.01 9009265C T Piece 90/90/90 £9.77 9009266C T Piece 60/60/60 £6.25 9009267B T Piece Connector 90/60/90 £8.52 9009268B T Piece Connector 60/60/60 £6.67 9009270B Reducer 90/80 £5.51 9009271D End Cap 90mm £6.08 9009319D End Cap 60mm £4.22 9009641A Flap Valve Y Piece 90mm £5.70 £18.76 £22.47 107 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 9009642A Flap Valve Y Piece 60mm £19.48 9009652A Elbow 38mm 90Deg £40.02 9009682A Electronic Control Unit 12v—Air Top 3500ST Diesel (Boat Version) £340.23 9009683A Electronic Control Unit 24v—Air Top 3500ST Diesel (Boat Version) £340.23 9009684A Electronic Control Unit 12v—Air Top 5000ST Diesel (Boat Version) £340.23 9009686A Electronic Control Unit 24v—Air Top 5000ST Diesel (Boat Version) £340.23 9009892A Fixing Parts for TTC £29.58 9010615B Glowpin 12v T90ST £59.14 9010616A Overheat Protection T90ST £60.41 9010617B Flame Detector T90ST £52.76 9010618A Water Pump 24v T90ST £275.60 9010619A Water Pump U4846 12v £275.60 9010620A Temperature Sensor Thermo 90ST 9010621A Fan Assembly 24v T90ST £367.44 9010622A Combustion Air Fan 12v Thermo 90ST £372.03 9010916A Burner Diesel - T90ST £154.46 9011011C Reducer 90/60 9011398A Control Unit - Thermo 90 ST 12v £357.34 9011399A Control Unit - Thermo 90 ST 24v £357.34 9011404A Control Unit SG1577 12v (Marine Chiller Heater Version) £357.34 9011405A Control Unit SG1577 24v (Marine Chiller Heater Version) £357.34 9011518A Taptite Self Tapping Screw Set Thermo 90ST £4.52 9011519A Gasket Set - Thermo 90ST £5.71 £32.68 £6.81 9011520A Mounting Parts Set for Burner Head - Thermo 90ST 9011521A Mounting Parts Set - U4846 Pump £4.60 9011844B Exhaust Clamp 30-35mm 9012057B Support £52.71 9012285A 90mm Outlet 45º - Black £10.47 9012286A 90mm Outlet 45º - White £10.47 9012287A 90mm Outlet 45Deg - Grey HADS £10.47 9012288A 90mm Outlet 90º - Black £10.47 9012289A 90mm Outlet 90º - White £10.47 9012290A 90mm Outlet 90Deg - Grey HADS £10.47 9012291A 90mm Outlet Closeable – Black £14.63 9012292A 90mm Outlet Closeable – White £14.63 9012293A 90mm Outlet Closeable - Grey HADS £14.63 9012294A 60mm Outlet 45º - Black £5.41 9012295A 60mm Outlet 45º - White £5.41 9012296A 60mm Outlet 45Deg - Grey HADS £5.41 £14.66 £9.39 9012297A 60mm Outlet 90º - Black £5.41 9012298A 60mm Outlet 90º - White £5.41 9012299A 60mm Outlet 90Deg - Grey HADS £5.41 9012300A 60mm Outlet Closeable – Black £6.50 9012301A 60mm Outlet Closeable – White £6.50 9012302A 60mm Outlet Closeable - Grey HADS £6.50 108 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 9012751A Water Pump Thermo Top Z £160.28 9012868C Fuel Pump 12v petrol £254.37 9012935A DBW2016 Heater with 2 position switch & Switch plate 24v £1,992.39 9012936A DBW2016 Heater with 2 position switch & Switch plate 12v £1,992.39 9013146A Control Unit 12v Diesel AT2000ST £252.37 9013147A Control Unit 24v Diesel AT2000ST £252.37 9013148A Control Unit 12v Petrol AT2000ST £252.37 9013149A Control Unit 12v Diesel AT2000ST (Camper/Marine Version) £252.37 9013619B Antenna T90 Telestart 9013624A Thermo Top P Petrol Basic Vehicle Universal Kit 12v without operating control £1,050.83 9013625A Thermo Top P Diesel Basic Vehicle Universal Kit 12v without operating control £1,050.83 9014067A Exhaust Silencer 9014694A Temperature Sensor (External) 2.5m AT EVO 3900/5500 £46.24 9014765A Anti Vibration Mount M6 £10.85 9016499A Relay with mounting bracket 12v 20/30A £19.84 9016546A Katadyn 100ml bottle £13.79 9016547A Katadyn Tank Care Set MT Box £29.68 9017412C Dosing pump wiring harness extension DP 40 5m £41.10 9017982A U4847 Water Pump econ axial £192.81 9017986A U4847 Water Pump econ 130° £192.81 9018150A T91 Holiday remote control kit £391.63 9018377A Exhaust Skin Fitting 24mm (through hull kit straight) £78.20 9018379A Exhaust Skin Fitting 24mm (through hull kit 90 deg.) £91.47 9018417A Drive Assembly - AT EVO 3900 9018647C Air Inlet Bellows Kit £45.02 9018716A End Cover - DW230-350 £36.60 9019091A Protection Hood DBW300 £31.15 9019092A Protection Cap DBW300 24v £31.15 9019093A Protection Cap DBW350 24v £31.15 9019264B Air Top Evo 3900 Master Heater Automatic 12v £1,725.97 9019265C Air Top Evo 3900 Master Heater Automatic 24v £1,725.97 9019267C Air Top Evo 5500 Master Heater Automatic 12v £1,841.79 9019268B Air Top Evo 5500 Master Heater Automatic 24v £1,841.79 9019399B Service Cap RHA 100 £37.63 9019400B Sensor wiring harness RHA 100 / 101 / 102 £82.37 9019402B End Cap RHA 100 / 101 / 102 £28.57 9019404B Heating Air Blower Assy c/w PWM RHA 100 / 101 / 102 9019405B Valve Air Ventilation/Overpressure £81.98 9019406B Gasket Set Basic Heater RHA 100 / 101 / 102 £28.24 £25.46 £113.85 £351.31 £340.23 9019409C Combustion/Cooling Fan RHA 100 / 101 /102 £351.31 9019410C Control Unit RHA 100 £321.56 9019411B Wiring Harness (Internal) RHA 100 / 101 / 102 9019412B Burner RHA 100 / 101 /102 9019413B Overheat protector 9019414B Heat exchanger RHA 100 / 101 / 102 £87.99 £131.61 £28.75 £246.17 109 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 9019415B Gasket set thermo unit RHA 100 / 101 / 102 £27.04 9019417B External Temperature Sensor RHA 100 / 101 / 102 £30.60 9019418B Dosing pump 40.2 12v RHA 100 / 101 / 102 9019422B Drain tube RHA 100 / 101 / 102 9019423B Air Intake Grille RHA 100 / 101 / 102 £8.75 9019424B Hammer Screws (qty 6) £2.49 9019425B Cooling Shell RHA 100 / 101 / 102 9019486A Electronic Control Unit 24v - Air Top Evo 3900 Diesel £340.24 9019488A Electronic Control Unit 12v - Air Top Evo 3900 Diesel £340.24 9019552A Inlet Hood AT2000ST £5.80 9019555A Upper Plastic Casing - Air Top 2000 ST £8.93 9019652C Mains Heating Element Kit RHA 101 (2 pieces) £81.98 9019653B Wiring harness tubular heater 230v RHA 101/102 £80.03 9019654B Service Cap RHA 101 / 102 £52.37 9019946C Thermo unit RHA 100 9020573B 10/10mm Pushfit /flexipipe conn. £17.67 9020574B 15/10mm Pushfit/Pushfit conn. £15.66 9020630B Operating Control Wiring Harness Extension RHA 102 3m £85.43 9020709A Boiler RHA 100 / 101 / 102 9020710A Boiler Drainage Solenoid Valve RHA 100 / 101 / 102 9020714A Mains Heating Element Kit RHA 102 (2 pieces) £118.74 90214A Blower 12v - Thermo 90S £390.64 90215B Blower 24v - Thermo 90S £367.44 90216B Fuel Pump Harness – Thermo 90S £36.65 9021976A Operating Control Wiring Harness Extension RHA 100 3m £45.72 9022102A Reflector Foil AT3500/5000 pack 5 90223B Wiring Harness - T90S Harness to C Box £97.62 90228B Wiring Harness - T90S C Box to Switch £62.63 9023417A Control Unit 12v - DBW2010-350 £289.43 9023418A Control Unit 24v DBW 2010 (non sensoric) £259.30 9023677A DBW2010 Diesel 12v with Switch £2,163.36 9023679A DBW2010 Diesel 24v with Switch £2,163.36 90236B Wiring Harness - Relay £24.88 9023885A Motor 12v - DBW2010 £166.96 9023886A Motor 24v - DBW2020 £166.96 9024224B Plastic Fuel Tank 12 Litre £150.69 9025333A Seal Dual Top 9025599A Control Unit 12v - Thermo 90S Diesel 9025761A Fitting Kit 12l fuel tank £40.54 90378C Exhaust Silencer - AT3500/5000 £76.78 90394A Flexible Exhaust (Stainless Steel) 24mm - per m £19.50 90395A Warm Air Ducting (PAK) 90mm - per m £36.69 90411A Exhaust End Cap 27mm £5.04 90416D Combustion Air Silencer £30.84 90433A P Clip 42mm Stainless Steel £255.49 £21.35 £35.74 £1,502.58 £562.56 £72.20 £8.57 £11.61 £357.34 £0.93 110 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 90562A Wiring Harness - Thermo 90808A Bulb 24v 1.4W £10.80 90821A External Temperature Sensor 5m - AT3500/5000 £57.80 90999A Y Branch 90 x 90 x 60 £24.98 91000B Y Branch 90 x 80 x 80 (Equal Y) £24.19 91364A Gasket Set - AT3500/5000 £25.82 91370B Glowpin 12v - AT3500/5000 £66.02 91371B Glowpin 24v - AT3500/5000 91378A Drive Assembly 12v - AT5000 Diesel £351.30 91379A Drive Assembly 24v - AT5000 Diesel £352.72 91380A Drive Assembly 12v - AT3500 Diesel £351.30 91381A Drive Assembly 24v - AT3500 Diesel £351.30 91383B Exhaust Clamp 28mm 91457B Thermo Top E/C Fixings Kit £62.51 91562A Combustion Air Hose 25mm £18.84 91563A Combustion Air Elbow 25mm £18.84 91564B Exhaust Elbow 24mm £74.91 91565B Hose Clamp 80-100mm 91569C Air Outlet 90mm £30.77 91630A Small Parts Kit - Airtop 3500 £31.37 91743C Extension Cable - Water Pump £22.21 91752A Control Unit 12v - HL18 £646.43 91753A Control Unit 24v - HL18 £646.43 91798A Electronic Thermostat £791.01 91834A Micro Switch - HL/AT 24/32 £11.74 91968A Harness - Thermo Top £37.00 91971A Fuel Supply - TTD £440.30 91974A Combustion Air Fan - Thermo Top T/S £185.41 91977A Control Unit 12v - Thermo Top Diesel £320.75 92122C Control Unit 12v - Airtop 5000 Diesel "Boost" £323.47 92164A Exhaust Condensate Drain Tube 24mm £41.87 92223C Marine Stand - AT3500/5000 £75.72 92240A Rheostat Mount & Vent Switch - AT3500/5000 £48.38 92264A Exhaust Jointer - AT3500/5000 £25.24 92335D Burner Petrol - Thermo Top C 92581A Fuel Shut Off - T300 £20.80 92621A Drain Tube £54.75 92641A Exhaust Pipe Adaptor - 22mm-24mm £11.38 92649B External Temperature Sensor - 20m 92966A Outlet 70mm 92971A Reducer 55mm-60mm 92995D Burner Diesel - Thermo Top C £174.63 92996F Control Unit 12v - Thermo Top C Petrol £299.42 92998G Control Unit/Heat Exchanger - Thermo Top C £329.42 93011C Water Pump Housing 193º £147.25 £66.02 £4.56 £1.40 £166.66 £103.26 £24.09 £4.18 £8.36 111 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description 93012C Water Pump Housing Axial 93019C Harness - Thermo 300 £17.62 93205A External Temperature Sensor £63.98 97158A Relay Kit - Thermo Top £86.21 97265A Temperature Sensor £33.29 97457A Fuel Filter Element - DBW £23.87 97566A Burner Tube Diesel AT3500/5000 £87.43 £8.36 97664A Top Cover - U4814 Water Pump £24.99 97703A Overheat Switch - HL90 £36.18 97704A Heat Exchanger HL90 £1,055.94 97707A Heat Exchanger - HL100 £2,080.29 98052A T Piece - 12 x 5 x 12 £10.43 98141A Combustion Air Silencer with clip - Thermo Top £10.41 98234B Burner (Diesel) - Thermo 50 £215.47 98235B Combustion Air Fan c/w screws & gasket £123.56 98236C Control Unit Thermo 50 £731.94 98237A Water Pump - U4847 £192.81 98503B Outlet Hood - 75mm - AT2000S 98506B Overheat Protection - HL/AT 24/32 £30.34 98605C Fuel Tank Extractor - Mercedes Benz £30.34 98648B Bottom Casing - AT3500/5000 (2 locating pegs) £31.67 98649B Top Casing - AT3500/5000 (2 locating pegs) £38.26 98650B Inlet Hood - AT3500/5000 (2 Locating Pegs) £8.23 £5.80 98651B Outlet Hood - AT3500/5000 (2 Locating Pegs) 98992A Water thermostat 20/20/20 £8.23 BE84031739A Parking Cooler Cool Top Vario 10 E RWA8300 Backing Nut 60mm (Compact HADS) £9.65 RWA8400 Blanking Cap Black 60mm (Compact HADS) £4.82 RWA8500 Ducting T 60mm (Compact HADS) SPH11115218A Control Thermostat 75º - DBW £103.04 SPH2710185A Circulation Pump U4855.01 £513.73 SPH82823D Overheat Limit - 120º £46.10 WA111685 Overheat thermostat complete incl wiring harness X100 £83.21 WA17689 Fuel Connector - X100 Cooker fuel pump WA260114 Radiation element X100 £46.82 WA300115 Burner outer cylinder X100 £42.93 WA300163 Gasket for thermo element T4 X100 £9.10 WA300165 Fixing bracket for glowplug X100 £6.24 WA300194 Gasket for glowplug X100 £3.00 WA300790 Grounding wiring harness X100 WA301150 Fuel Pipe X100 £46.82 WA36098 Burner matting 85mm diameter with spring X100 £15.59 WA36207 Ventilation fan X100 £117.04 WA36400 Thermo element T4 + gasket X100 £101.76 WA401119 Seal 25mm diameter X100 £191.15 £1,220.58 £13.17 £7.14 £7.80 £15.59 112 WEBASTO THERMO & COMFORT UK LTD – PRODUCT PRICE LIST – JANUARY 2013 EDITION PRODUCTS BY PART NUMBER (Prices exclude VAT & Carriage) List Price 2013 £ (Exc VAT) Webasto Part Number Description WA401120 Seal 38mm diameter X100 £24.69 WA40125 Operating Panel X100 £89.69 WA40130 Control unit XPS X100 £352.88 WA40140 Hot plate indication LED X100 £84.51 WA601928KOK Burner chamber bottom section X100 £29.90 WA601948 Fuel Pump FC 1 X100 £174.90 WA602211 Burner Cylinder Assembly X100 £137.83 WA602216 Burner Cylinder X100 WA602376 Fixing bracket for thermo element T4 X100 WA602517 Burner collar Assembly X100 £41.63 WA602570 Table mounting bracket X100 (qty 2) £19.49 WA602593 Ceran ® Glass Plate X100 WA602597 Gasket for Ceran ® Glass plate X100 WA602697 Ventilation box X100 £208.05 WA602698 Front plate assembly X100 £206.75 £81.91 £6.24 £347.00 £37.85 WA602714 Reflector plate 1 X100 WA850205 Combustion Blower X100 £36.43 WA853513 Glowplug X100 £41.01 WA8540069B Wiring harness for glowplug X100 £33.83 WA854014 Wiring harness for high altitude switch X100 £10.30 WA854016 Operating Panel wiring harness 2m X100 £16.97 WA854192 Power Cable with connectors 4m long X100 £52.02 WA854397 Terminal block for power connector X100 £10.40 £134.30 WA854398 Mounting flange for power connector X100 £10.40 WA888523 Silicone glue for Ceran ® Glass plate X100 £27.90 WA90000B Diesel Cooker X100 £959.11 113 Webasto Thermo & Comfort UK Ltd - Conditions of Sale of Goods and Provision of Services 1 Definitions and Interpretation 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. Application of Terms 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 5.3 5.3 6.4 If the Contract includes the Company undertaking Services, then such Services shall be on the basis of the exclusions set out in Condition 6, 9 and 10 and the warranties set out in Conditions 6.2 and 9. The Company warrants that it will carry out the Services under the Contract with reasonable care and skill. This warranty will be the only warranty given in respect of such Services. Where the Company is to per1orm the Services at the Customer's premises, the Customer shall procure safe access to the premises and the provision of adequate power, lighting, heating and other such facilities or supplies for the Company's employees or agents in accordance with the demands of any applicable legislation and as the Company shall reasonably require. The Services will be deemed completed and the relevant element of the price accordingly due and payable forthwith when the Company issues a written notice to the Customer confirming such completion or if the Company is available to perform the Services but is prevented from doing so by reason of: (a) the lack of relevant assistance from the Customer (such as lack of availability of test components or parts from the Customer); and/or (b) the condition of the installation site and/or the facilities or the services available therein at the time of agreed provision of the Services. Price 7.1 7.2 8 The Goods shall be at the risk of the Customer from the time of delivery. Full legal beneficial and equitable title to and property in the Goods shall remain vested in the Company (even though they have been delivered and risk has passed to the Customer) until: (a) payment in full, in cash or cleared funds, for all the Goods has been received by the Company; and (b) all other money payable by the Customer to the Company on any other account or under the Contract or any other contract has been received by the Company. Until title to and property in the Goods passes to the Customer: (a) the Customer shall hold the Goods on a fiduciary basis as the Company's bailee; (b) the Customer shall store the Goods at its premises in a proper manner in conditions which adequately protect, preserve the Goods and insure them without any charge to the Company and not tamper with any identification upon the Goods or their packaging and shall ensure that they are stored adequately from any other goods whether or not supplied by the Company and are clearly identified as belonging to the Company and the Company shall be entitled to examine any such Goods in storage at any time during normal business hours upon giving the Customer reasonable notice of its intention to do so; (c) the Company may at any time on demand and without prior notice require the Customer to deliver the Goods up to the Company and the Company may repossess and resell the Goods if any of the events specified in Condition 14 occurs or if any sum due to the Company from the Customer under the Contract or on any other account or under any other contract is not paid when due; (d) for the purposes of this Condition 5 the Company, its employees and agents will be entitled to free and unrestricted access to any premises owned, occupied or controlled by the Customer and/or any other location where any of the Goods are situated at any time without prior notice; (e) the Company shall be entitled to maintain an action against the Customer for the price of the Goods notwithstanding that title to and property in the Goods has not passed to the Customer; and (f) the Company hereby authorises the Customer to use and/or sell the Goods in the normal course of the Customer's business and to pass good title in the Goods to its customers if they are purchasers in good faith without notice of the Company's rights. This right shall automatically cease on the occurrence of any event set out in Condition 14 and/or if any sum owed to the Company by the Customer is not paid when due. If the Customer sells the Goods prior to paying the full price thereof the Customer shall hold the proceeds of sale on trust for the Company and shall immediately pay the proceeds of the sale into a separate bank account. The Company shall be entitled to call upon the Customer to assign all claims that the Customer may have against purchasers of the Goods from the Customer The Company's rights and remedies set out in this Condition 5 are in addition to and shall not in any way prejudice, limit or restrict any of the Company's other rights or remedies under the Contract or in law or equity. Services 6.1 6.2 6.3 7 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Company delivery of the Goods shall take place at the Customer's place of business. The Customer will take delivery of the Goods within 7 days of the Company giving it notice that the Goods are ready for delivery. Any dates specified by the Company for delivery of the Goods are intended to be an estimate and time for delivery shall not be made of the essence by notice. If no dates are so specified, delivery will be within a reasonable time. Subject to the other provisions of these Conditions the Company will not be liable for any loss (including loss of profit), costs, damages, charges or expenses caused directly or indirectly by any delay in the delivery of the Goods (even if caused by the Company's negligence), nor will any delay entitle the Customer to terminate or rescind the Contract unless such delay exceeds 90 days. If for any reason the Customer does not accept delivery of any of the Goods when they are ready for delivery, or the Company is unable to deliver the Goods on time because the Customer has not provided appropriate instructions, documents, licences or authorisations then the Goods will be deemed to have been delivered, risk passing to the Customer (including for loss or damage caused by the Company's negligence) and the Company may: (a) store the Goods until actual delivery whereupon the Customer will be liable for all related costs and expenses (including without limitation storage and insurance); or (b) sell the Goods at the best price readily obtainable and (after deduction all reasonable storage and selling expenses) account to the Customer for any excess over the price under the Contract or charge the Customer for any shortfall below the price under the Contract The Customer will provide at its expense at the place of delivery adequate and appropriate equipment and manual labour for loading the Goods. If the Company delivers to the Customer a quantity of Goods of up to 10% more or less than the quantity accepted by the Company the Customer shall not be entitled to object to or reject the Goods or any of them by reason of the surplus or shortfall and shall pay for such goods at the pro rata Contract rate The Company shall be entitled at its discretion to make delivery of the Goods by instalments and to invoice the Customer for each Instalment despatched. Where the Goods are to be delivered in instalments, each delivery shall constitute a separate contract and failure by the Company to deliver any one or more of the instalments in accordance with these Conditions or any claim by the Customer in respect of anyone or more instalments shall not entitle the Customer to treat the Contract as a whole as repudiated or to refuse to accept subsequent instalments. The quantity of any consignment of Goods as recorded by the Company upon despatch from the Company's place of business shall be conclusive evidence of the quantity received by the Customer on delivery unless the Customer can provide conclusive evidence proving the contrary. The Company shall not be liable for any non-delivery of Goods (even if caused by the Company's negligence) unless written notice is given to the Company within 7 days and oral notice by telephone to the Company within 48 hours of the date when the Goods would in the ordinary course of events have been delivered. Any liability of the Company for non delivery of the Goods shall be limited to replacing the Goods within a reasonable time or issuing a credit not at the pro rata Contract rate against any invoice raised for such Goods. Subject to Condition 4.13 the Customer will be deemed to have accepted the Goods as being in accordance with the Contract unless, within 14 days of the date of delivery of the Goods, the Customer notifies the Company in writing of any defect or other failure of the Goods to conform with the Contract which would be apparent upon reasonable inspection and testing of the Goods within 14 days (or within a reasonable time where the defect or failure would not be so apparent), failing which the Customer shall not be entitled to reject the Goods and the Company shall have no liability for such defect or failure, and the Customer shall be bound to pay the price as If the Goods had been delivered in accordance with the Contract. Where the Company agrees to deliver the Goods at premises other than the Customer's the Company shall have no liability for damage caused by the carrier or caused in transport or loading or unloading unless the Company is notified of that damage within 2 Working Days of delivery Goods, once delivered may not be returned, unless agreed in advance in writing by the Company, and subject to the following conditions: a) Goods are returned in a new and unused condition; b) Any packaging remains unbroken and in reasonable condition; c) Returns are made within 3 weeks of delivery of those Goods; all transport and other costs paid by the Customer; d) Payment by the Customer to the Company of a restocking charge of 20% of the nett invoice value of the relevant Goods; e) Returned goods shall be accompanied by a written record of invoice number, date and note of reasons for return. Blanket Orders – The following provisions will apply where the Company supplies the goods under a blanket order received from the Customer:a) If the order is a scheduled order where the maximum quantity of goods required and the approximate dates (including the terminal date) on which the requirements will be called off are specified, the whole order will be treated as a single contract upon the contract terms. b) If the ordered is a non-scheduled order where the maximum quantity of goods required or where the appropriate call off dates are not specified, each call off will be deemed to conclude a separate contract upon the Contract Terms. Without limiting the generality of any of the other Contract Terms the Company will not be under any liability to the Customer if at the time of any call off by the Customer the Company is unable for whatever reason to supply goods in accordance with the Customers requirements. Design etc. a) Where the goods are manufactured in accordance with information or drawings supplied by the Customer or to his design or specification or where standard goods of the Company are altered in accordance with the Customers instructions:- i) No guarantee or warranty is given by the Company as to the practicability, efficiency, safety or otherwise of the Goods (this being without prejudice to any other of the Contract Terms) ii) The Customer will indemnify and keep the Company indemnified against all liability incurred by the Company as a result of such Goods infringing any patent, registered design, copyright, or other like protection of the provision of any statute, statutory instrument or regulation for the time being in force b) No variation by the Company in the specification or design of any Goods shall constitute a breach of contract or impose upon the Company any liability whatsoever c) The Company shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Customer in respect of any loss, damage or claim incurred by or made against the Customer should any goods supplied by the Company infringe any patent, registered design, copyright or other like protection or the provision of any statute, statutory instrument or regulation for the time being in force d) Unless otherwise agreed in writing all patterns, drawings, tools, electronic data, etc., produced by or on behalf of the Company shall remain the property of the Company Risk and Legal Title 5.1 5.2 6 The description of the Goods or Services shall be set out in the Company's acknowledgement of order, or in its absence the Company's quotation. All drawings, descriptive matter, specifications and advertising issued by the Company and any descriptions or illustrations contained in the Company's catalogues or brochures are issued or published for the sole purpose of giving an approximate idea of the Goods or Services described in them and they will not form part of the Contract. Delivery and Acceptance of Goods 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 Subject to any variation under Condition 2.2 the Contract will be subject to these Conditions to the exclusion of all other terms and Conditions (including any terms or Conditions which the Customer purports to apply under any purchase order, confirmation of order, specification or other document whatsoever). Any variation to these Conditions and any representations about the Goods or Services shall have no effect unless expressly agreed in writing and signed by a director of the Company. Each order for Goods or Services by the Customer from the Company shall be deemed to be an offer by the Customer to purchase Goods or Services subject to these Conditions. No order placed by the Customer shall be deemed to be accepted by the Company until a written acknowledgement of order is issued by the Company or (if earlier) the Company commences manufacture or despatch of the Goods to the Customer. Any order shall be accepted entirely at the discretion of the Company. The Customer must ensure that the terms of its order and any applicable specification are complete and accurate. Any quotation or estimate is given subject to these Conditions. Without prejudice to the Company's right not to accept an order, quotations will be valid for 30 days from date of issue. The Customer can only cancel an order (or any part of an order) which the Company has already accepted, with the Company's prior agreement in writing and provided that the Customer indemnifies the Company in full in terms established by the Company. The Company is not bound to agree to any such cancellation and may complete such order even if the Customer claims to cancel the order. Description of the Goods and Services 3.1 3.2 4 In these Conditions the following words have the following meanings: "the Company" means Webasto Thermo & Comfort UK Ltd (Registered No: 2191825) whose registered office is at Webasto House, White Rose Way, Doncaster Carr, South Yorkshire, DN4 5JH; "Contract” means any contract between the Company and the Customer for the sale of Goods and/or provision of Services, incorporating these Conditions; "the Customer” means the person(s), firm or company who purchases the Goods and/or Services from the Company; “Goods” means any goods agreed in the Contract to be supplied to the Customer by the Company (including any part or parts of them); “Services” means any Services agreed in the contract to be supplied to the Customer by the Company; "Working Day" means any day except Saturday, Sunday or a bank holiday, public or statutory holiday in England. In these Conditions references to any statute or statutory provision shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to that statute or statutory provision as from time to time amended, consolidated, modified, extended, re-enacted, suspended or replaced In these Conditions references to a gender include every gender, reference to persons include an individual, company, corporation, firm or partnership and reference to the singular include the plural and vice versa as the context admits or requires. Headings are for ease of reference only and shall not affect the construction of these Conditions 2 Unless otherwise agreed by the Company in writing the price for the Goods or Services shall be the price set out in the Company's price list published on the date of delivery or deemed delivery of the Goods, or completion of performance of the Services Unless agreed otherwise the price for the Goods shall be exclusive of any value added tax or other similar taxes or levies and all costs or charges in relation to loading, unloading, carriage and insurance all of which amounts the Customer will pay in addition when it is due to pay for the Goods. Payment 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 Payment of the price for the Goods and/or Services is due 30 days after the earlier of the delivery of Goods or provision of Services, or date of invoice. Time for payment shall be of the essence. No payment shall be deemed to have been received until the Company has received cleared funds. All payments payable to the Company under the Contract shall become due immediately upon termination of this Contract despite any other provision. The Customer shall make all payments due under the Contract without any deduction whether by way of set-off, counterclaim, discount, abatement or otherwise unless the Customer has a valid court order requiring an amount equal to such deduction to be paid by the Company to the Customer. If payments received from the Customer are not stated to refer to a particular invoice, the Company may appropriate such payment to any outstanding invoice addressed to the Customer from the Company. The Company may withdraw any credit facility granted by it to the Customer at its sole discretion at any time. If any sum due from the Customer to the Company under the Contract or any other contract is not paid on or before the due date for payment then all sums then owing by the Customer to the Company shall become due and payable immediately and, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to the Company, the Company shall be entitled to: (a) cancel or suspend its performance of the Contract or any order including suspending deliveries of the Goods and suspending delivery of any other goods to the Customer and suspending provision of the Services until arrangements as to payment or credit have been established which are satisfactory to the Company; (b) appropriate any payment made by the Customer to such of the Goods or such of the Services (or any goods or services supplied under any other contract between the Customer and the Company) or as the Company may think fit; (c) require the Customer to pay for Goods prior to their despatch or collection from the Company's premises; (d) suspend performance of Services remaining to be carried out; and (e) charge the Customer: (f) interest calculated on a daily basis on all overdue amounts (both before and after judgment) until actual payment at the rate of eight per cent (8%) per annum above the base lending rate of Barclays Bank Plc prevailing from time to time until payment is made in full; (g) the cost of obtaining judgement or payment to include all reasonable professional costs (including legal fees) and other costs of issuing proceedings or otherwise pursuing a debt recovery procedure. 9 Quality 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 10 If the Customer establishes to the Company’s reasonable satisfaction that there is a defect in the materials or workmanship of the Goods manufactured or there is some other failure by the Company in relation to the conformity of the Goods with the Contract or the Services have not been performed with reasonable care and skill then the Company shall at its option and within a reasonable time at its sole discretion either: (a) repair or make good such defect or failure in such Goods or re-perform such Services free of charge to the Customer (including all costs of transportation of any Goods or materials to and from the Customer for that purpose); (b) replace such Goods with Goods which are in all respects in accordance with the Contract; or (c) issue a credit note to the Customer in respect of the whole or part of the purchase price of such Goods or Services as appropriate having taken back such Goods or materials relating to such Services subject in every case to the remaining provisions of this Condition 9 provided that the liability of the Company under this Condition 9 shall in no event exceed the purchase price of such Goods or Services and performance of anyone of the above options shall constitute an entire discharge of the Company's liability under this warranty. Condition 9.1 shall not apply unless the Customer: (a) notifies the Company in writing of the alleged defect within 7 days of the time when the Customer discovers or ought to have discovered the defect and in any event within 12 months of the delivery of the Goods or 3 months of performance of Services to the Customer or such other periods as agreed by the Company in writing; and (b) affords the Company a reasonable opportunity to inspect the relevant Goods or the location at which the Services were performed and, if so requested by the Company and where it is reasonable to do so, promptly returns to the Company or such other person nominated by the Company a sample of the Goods or materials relating to the Services within 14 days, carriage paid by the Customer, for inspection, examination and testing and/or otherwise permit the Company to have access to the Goods or such materials at the Customer's premises or other location where they may be or the Services were performed for such purposes. If the Company elects to replace the Goods or re-perform the Services the Company shall deliver the replacement Goods to or re-perform the Services for the Customer at the Company’s own expense at the address to which the defective Goods were delivered and the title to the defective Goods which are being replaced shall (if it has vested in the Customer) re-vest in the Company and the Customer shall make any arrangements as may be necessary to deliver up to the Company the defective Goods which are being replaced or materials relating to the previously performed Services to the Company. The Company shall be under no liability under the warranty at Condition 9.1 above: (a) in respect of any defect arising from fair wear and tear, wilful damage, negligence, abnormal working conditions, failure to follow the Company’s instructions (whether oral or in writing), failure to follow the Company’s recommended maintenance programme, misuse or alteration or repair of the Goods without the Company's approval; (b) if the total price for the Goods or Services has not been paid by the due date for payment; (c) for any parts, materials or equipment not manufactured by the Company, in respect of which the Customer shall only be entitled to the benefit of any such warranty or guarantee as is given by the manufacturer to the Company to the extent to which it is assignable; (d) in respect of any components or type of wear specifically excluded by the Company by notice in writing; or (e) if the Goods were not correctly installed in accordance with the Company's instructions, or were not installed by an installer approved by the Company. The terms of Condition 9 are subject to any amendment or superseding warranty made by notice in writing from the Company to the Customer. Limitation of Liability 10.1 10.2 10.3 Subject to Condition 9, the following provisions set out the entire liability of the Company (including any liability for the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and sub-contractors) to the Customer in respect of: (a) any breach of these Conditions or the Contract; and (b) any representation, statement or tortuous act or omission including negligence arising under or in connection with the Contract. All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law (save for the conditions implied by, in relation to Goods, section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and, in relation to Services, Section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982) are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Contract. Nothing in these Conditions excludes or limits the liability of the Company for death or personal injury caused by the Company's negligence, or fraudulent misrepresentation (save that in respect of any fraudulent misrepresentation, the Customer's remedy shall be limited to damages). THE CUSTOMER'S ATTENTION IS IN PARTICULAR DRAWN TO THE PROVISIONS OF CONDITION 10.4 10.4 10.5 11 Safety 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 12 The Customer shall comply at all times with the written instructions and all written guidelines issued from time to time attached to the Goods concerning their storage, application, installation, repair, maintenance and use and the Customer shall refer its employees and its customers to such instructions and guidelines. The Customer shall ensure that the Goods are only installed by those persons approved by the Company. The Customer should satisfy itself that the persons responsible for the storage, application, installation, use, repair or maintenance of any Goods supplied by the Company have all the information required on health and safety and the Company shall not be liable to the Customer in any civil proceedings brought by the Customer against the Company in respect of a breach of the user Instructions or any health and safety regulations, orders or directions made pursuant to the Health & Safety at Work Act Etc. Act 1974 or any other directive regulation order or other instrument relating to health and safety where such exclusion of liability is permitted by law. If the Company notifies the Customer in writing of any defect in the Goods previously delivered to the Company or Services previously performed at any time or any error or omission in the instructions for the use and/or assembly or installation of the Goods (whether or not any such defect, error or omission represents a breach of the warranty in Condition 6 or 9 or any other provision of the Contract) which exposes or may expose consumers to any risk of death, injury or damage to property, the Customer shall co-operate fully and promptly with any steps taken by the Company under Condition 11.4 below. The Company may at its discretion recall any Goods already sold by the Company to its customers (where for a refund or credit or for replacement of the Goods which shall in each case be undertaken by the Company) and/or Issue any written or other notification to its customers about the manner of use or operation of any Goods already sold by the Customer to its customers and/or offer to reperform Services previously quoted. The Customer, acknowledging the importance of this Condition 11, agrees that in addition to any other remedy available to the Company to irrevocably and unconditionally indemnify the Company and its employees, servants or agents on full and on demand and keep them indemnified from and against all claims, demands, actions, proceedings and all damages, losses, costs and expenses (including without limitation legal and other professional adviser's fees and all economic loss whether direct or indirect (including without limitation loss of profit, future revenue, reputation or goodwill and anticipated savings) which are made or brought against or incurred or suffered by any of them directly or indirectly and whether wholly or in part result from the Customer's breach of Conditions 11.2, 11.2 and 11.3 whether or not such losses or consequences of such breach were foreseeable at the time of creation of the Contract. This indemnity shall cover all consequential and indirect losses suffered by the Company and its employees, servants or agents and they shall have no duty to mitigate any such loss. Subcontracting, Assignment and Third Party Rights 12.1 12.2 12.3 13 Subject to Conditions 10.2 and 103: (a) the Company's total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation or otherwise, arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of this Contract shall be limited to 120% of the price of the Goods/Services in respect of which the Customer suffered or incurred such loss or damage; and (b) the Company shall not be liable to the Customer for any loss of profit or other economic loss (direct or indirect), indirect or consequential loss or damage, costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (howsoever caused) or loss or damage (contractual, tortious, breach of statutory duty or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the Contract, or for any liability incurred by the Customer to any other person for any economic loss, claim for damages or awards howsoever arising from the Goods, Services or otherwise. The price of the Goods/Services has been calculated on the basis that the Company will exclude or limit its liability as set out in the Contract and the Customer by placing an order agrees and warrants that the Customer shall insure against or bear itself any loss for which the Company has excluded or limited its liability in the Contract and the Company shall have no further liability to the Customer. The Customer shall not be entitled to assign, charge, subcontract or transfer the Contract or any part of it without the prior written consent of the Company. The Company may assign, charge, subcontract or transfer the Contract or any part of it to any person. A person who is not a party to the Contract (including without limitation any employee, officer, agent, representative or sub contractor of either party) shall not have any right to enforce any term of the Contract which expressly or by implication confers a benefit on that person without the express prior agreement in writing of the Company and the Customer. Force Majeure The Company reserves the right to defer the date of delivery or to cancel the Contract or reduce the volume of the Goods or Services ordered by the Customer (without liability to the Customer) if it is prevented from or delayed in the carrying on of Its business and its obligations under the Contract due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Company including, without limitation, acts of God, governmental actions, war or national emergency, riot, civil commotion, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic, lock-outs, strikes or other labour disputes (whether or not relating to either party's workforce), or restraints or delays affecting carriers or inability or delay in obtaining supplies of adequate or suitable materials ('Force Majeure') provided that, if the event of Force Majeure continues for a continuous period in excess of 3 months, the Customer shall be entitled to give notice in writing to the Company to terminate the Contract. 14 Breach of Contract or Insolvency 14.1 14.2 15 Notices 15.1 15.2 15.3 16 If any of the following events occurs: (a) the Customer commits a material breach of any of its obligations under the Contract which is incapable of remedy or fails to remedy a breach, where it Is capable of remedy, or persists in any breach of any of its obligations under the Contract after having been requested in writing by the Company to remedy or desist from such breach within a period of 14 days; (b) any distress execution or diligence is levied upon any of the Customers goods or property and is not paid out within 7 days or it being levied; (c) the Customer (being a partnership) or the Customer’s partner offers to make any arrangements with or for the benefit of the creditors of the Customer or the Customer’s partner generally or there is presented in relation to the Customer or the Customer's partner a petition of bankruptcy; (d) the Customer (being a limited company) is deemed to be unable to pay its debts within the meaning of Section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 or the Customer calls a meeting for the purpose of passing a resolution to wind up its company, or such a resolution is passed or the Customer presents or has presented a petition to wind up or present or have presented a petition to appoint an administrator or have an administrative receiver or receiver appointed to the whole or any part of the Customer's business, undertaking, property or assets; (e) the Customer ceases, or threatens to cease, to carry on business; or (f) the Company reasonably believes that any of the events specified in Condition 14.1 (a) to (e) above is about to occur in relation to the Customer; then the Company may, as it thinks fit, (without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it may have against the Customer) immediately suspend further performance of the Contract or cancel any outstanding provision of the Services or delivery of the Goods or stop any Goods in transit or by notice in writing to the Customer terminate the Contract without liability to the Company. Notwithstanding any such termination or suspension in accordance with Conditions 13 or 14.1 above the Customer shall pay the Company at the contract rate for all Goods delivered or Services provided up to and including the date of suspension or termination and termination of any Contract for whatever reason shall not affect the rights or remedies of either party in respect of any antecedent breach or in respect of any such owing or to become owing to the other. All communications between the parties about this Contract must be in writing and delivered by hand or sent by pre-paid first class post or sent by facsimile transmission: (a) (in case of communications to the Company) to its registered office or such other address as shall be notified to the Customer by the Company in accordance with this Condition 15; or (b) (in the case of the communications to the Customer) to the registered office of the addressee (if it is a company) or (in any other case) to any address of the Customer set out in any document which forms part of this Contract or such other address as shall be notified to the Company by the Customer in writing. Communications shall be deemed to have been received: (a) if sent by pre-paid first class post, 2 Working Days after posting (exclusive of the day of posting); (b) if delivered by hand, on the day of delivery or if that is not a Working Day, the first Working Day after delivery; (c) if sent by facsimile transmission, at 10:00am local time on the first Working Day following despatch, subject to being able to show that the notice was sent to the correct telephone number. Communications addressed to the Company shall be marked for the attention of the Commercial Manager General 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 Any intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, patents, registered and unregistered designs, trade marks and service marks (registered or not) and copyright) created by the Company in the course of the performance of the Contract or otherwise in the manufacture of the Goods or the provision of the Services shall remain the Company's property. Nothing in the Contract shall be deemed to have given the Customer a licence or any other right to use any of the intellectual property rights of the Company. Nothing in the Contract shall create, or be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture or relationship of employer and employee or principal and agent between the parties. The rights and remedies of either party in respect of the Contract shall not be diminished, waived or extinguished by the granting of any indulgence, forbearance or extension of time granted by such party to the other nor by any failure of, or delay by the said party in ascertaining or exercising any such rights or remedies. The waiver by either party of any breach of the Contract shall not prevent the subsequent enforcement of that provision and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other provision. If at any time anyone or more of the Conditions of the Contract (or any sub-Condition or paragraph or any part of one or more of these Conditions) is held to be or becomes void or otherwise unenforceable for any reason under any applicable law, the same shall be deemed omitted from the Contract and the validity and/or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Contract shall not in any way be affected or impaired as a result of that omission. The Contract sets out the entire agreement and understanding between the Customer and the Company in connection with the sale of the Goods and shall supersede and replace all documentation previously issued by the Company purporting to set out its terms and conditions of sale of the Goods. The Contract shall be governed by and be construed in all respects in accordance with English law and the Customer and the Company both hereby irrevocably agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Webasto Thermo & Comfort UK Limited Webasto House, White Rose Way Doncaster Carr South Yorkshire DN4 5JH Tel: 00 44 (0) 1302 322232 Email :
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