April 2016 - Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation
April 2016 - Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation
April 2016 Eaglepress Newsletter Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation CHIEF AND COUNCIL MEETINGS: Infrastructure and Development Council April 4, 2016 @ 9am 2789 Mississauga Rd. Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 Vision Statement in Ojibwe: Ezhi niigaan waabjigaayewaad Mississaugas New Credit endaawaad (the vision of these people). Ezhip mino maadzijig (living a joyful life), ezhi waamjigaazwaad (their identity, how people have identified them), ezhi debwedmowaad (their beliefs), ezhi mimiingaazwaad (what was given to them by Creation, what they always had, their heritage), niigaabminunkiiwaad Anishinaabek (is how they always lived as Anishinaabek). Translated by: Nimkew Niinis, N’biising First Nation. Education and Social Services Council April 11, 2016 @ 9am Regular Council April 18, 2016 @ 7pm New Credit Historical Tidbit Executive Finance Council April 25, 2016 @ 9am I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : Chief’s Report 2-6 Councillor Reports 7-9 Lands/Research/ Membership 10-14 Public Works 15-16 It seems that elections were simpler back in our past. The election of April 20, 1877 is an excellent example with nominations and the vote held all in one day. The people of New Credit assembled that Friday morning to elect possibly three chiefs in their service. Nominations were called for the positions and the nominees for head chief included the incumbent, Dr. P.E. Jones, and David Sawyer. The vote was held publically with the men voicing support for the candidate of their choice. Sawyer became head chief by a vote of 20 to 17. The same process of election occurred for the second chief. Charles Herkimer defeated George Henry by a vote of 22 to 14. As the band did not desire a third chief, no nominees were put forward and no election was held. Apparently Supt. Gilkison did not approve of the discontent exhibited by some of those assembled as they did not obtain the election results for which they had hoped. He asked those individuals to bow to the will of the majority and pointed out that harmony should prevail in a community as small as New Credit. - Darin P. Wybenga, MNCFN Public Library M N C F N C h i e f & C o u n c i l 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 7 Agimaw Gamig (Administration) Building…...…..………………………………………………...905-768-1133 Housing 17 Chief R. Stacey LaForme…..….………………………………………………………………………....905-768-1133 Councillor Arland LaForme...…………………………………………………………………………....519-761-9992 Community Ads 17 Councillor Evan Sault…….…….……………………………………………………………………...…..519-770-7371 Councillor Margaret Sault…..…………………………………………………………………………….905-870-5377 Job Postings 18-19 Councillor Erma Ferrell………..…………………………………………………………………………..905-768-3543 Councillor Casey Jonathan…..…………………………………………………………………………..905-650-2204 Education 20 Councillor Veronica King-Jamieson.……………………………………………….…………………289-440-8672 Councillor Cathie Jamieson….……..………………….………………………………………………..905-912-8940 www.newcreditfirstnation.com 1 E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r Chief R. Stacey LaForme Monthly Report Purchase of property in Toronto I have had discussions with a few Chiefs and a couple Councillors in regard to a possible investment in Toronto. A combined purchase owned by the Mississaugas Nation, a concrete asset that generates revenue on an ongoing basis. The concept would be a fifteen story building renovated for the needs of the Mississaugas Nation. The top floors would remain for rental, the next floors would be for people who want to rent office space on a continual basis, the next floor would be for events/conferences, the main floor would be for registration and would be decorated in First Nation art and have First Nation shops or something to attract the tourist crowd who want to learn about First Nations. This is an agenda item for the next Mississaugas gathering which will take place in Hiawatha in May. Treaty and Rights Based Meeting A committee has been structured that is tasked with providing strategies to move MNCFN issues forward. The committee has two Councillors, myself, the directors of sustainable economic development, lands/ membership/research, media and communications, and consultation and accommodation and usually includes legal representation. Membership Meeting Our monthly meeting was held to discuss the decision to close Country Style and about how communication will evolve over the next few months. Country Style closed because we couldn’t generate enough revenue to turn a profit despite several years and investment into the business. The Media and Communications Director provided an overview of the direction communications will take. Chief and Council committed to beginning each meeting with an update regarding the previous month’s discussion and input from Membership. These meetings are recorded and are available to members through www.newcreditfirstnation.com. Climate Change and Human Rights Round Table In attendance were lawyers, academics and political representation. It was a very interesting day, but I found it to be very frustrating. The meeting began with a smudge and an introduction by a traditional practitioner. I wanted the message to be that everyone is responsible for effective positive change to our environment and that Indigenous people around the world can guide the rest of the planet in this. Geoengineering was discussed, which is a frightening possibility for the future of our planet. Geo-engineering covers things like fake trees and releasing certain chemicals into the air to effect climate change. One person suggested that we should harvest the forests that we know will not survive the climate change and put in a species we know will survive. 2 www.newcreditfirstnation.com E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r O.P.P. Liaison I had a meeting with the OPP Liaison, they are looking to be more involved in the events and activities that happen in the community as well as coordinate for events that could pose a potential danger to Members, such as road walks, and protests. They are also in support of Joe Roberts who is pushing an empty food cart across Canada to raise awareness of youth homelessness. It will be some time in the summer when he reaches this area and they were wondering if MNCFN are interested in doing anything in conjunction with Mr. Roberts when the time comes. Economic opportunity for the MNCFN plaza The Sustainable Economic Development Director, one of the Chairs of Economic Development and I met with a gentleman to discuss a business concept that he had in regards to the plaza. I find the idea to be compelling and full of potential. We asked that he prepare a full business plan and bring back to discuss in the near future. Since the introductory stage of this process is complete I will not be involved in further meetings until it comes to full Council or unless the department specifically requests me to attend. Woodland Cultural Centre Ten or twelve years ago we withdrew our representation on the Woodland Centre board. I thought it would be nice to sit down and talk about where the Centre is now and if there is an interest in re-establishing our relationship. While the board said they are interested and would entertain a meeting with themselves and appropriate representation from MNCFN it is apparent that the Centre has moved to a wholly Iroquois perspective in messaging, programming and board representation. We need a cultural collective, if not the Center, then we must develop our own and it must be soon. Six Nations MNCFN Chief and Council had a meeting with Six Nations Chief and Council. The two elected Councils are looking at the possibility of setting up a structured process whereby we can focus on issues of mutual benefits. It has been a long time since the two Councils have met to talk and while it wasn’t all positive, I am hopeful that we can find a way forward and work together on issues that affect us as First Nations people and neighbours. Department of Consultation and Accommodation (DOCA) DOCA arranged a meeting with Jesse McCormick the Director of Indigenous Relations and Regulatory Affairs from Environment and Climate Change Canada. It was an introductory meeting about any issues we may have where the Department could be involved and best practices for moving information forward within the Ministry. www.newcreditfirstnation.com 3 E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r Meeting with Minister Bennett (Ottawa) I went to Ottawa to meet with Minister Bennett’s office to discuss the Human Rights challenge that MNCFN has filed against Canada in regards to the unequal access to services provided to First Nations Special Education and non First Nation children. The meeting was slightly disappointing in that I couldn’t get a commitment to negotiate the Human Rights case on Special Needs. We left the meeting with the understanding that the lawyers would discuss how and if we can or should suspend the case while we attempt to negotiate. Minister Bennett did say she wanted to come to the community to visit, and I will send an invitation to her as soon as is feasible. I believe it would be in the best interests for everyone involved in this case if the Minister and I could have a one on one meeting. MP Scarborough-Rouge Park (Ottawa) I had a meeting with Gary Anandasangaree, MP from Scarborough and we discussed our future relationship. The MR. Anandasangaree has already proven to be beneficial in regards to relationship building with the other MPs and Ministries. His main focus is on the Rouge Park and ensuring that the province transfers a large portion of land to the park which will be under the jurisdiction of Parks Canada. Environment and Climate Change Canada (Ottawa) I met with the Environment and Climate Change Canada office. We discussed Climate change, the government’s intent to evaluate the environmental regulations and our involvement, also discussed the pipeline that is running through our traditional territory/land claim area in the Rouge Park. The last item we discussed was Rouge Park and how New Credit would be involved. The meeting lasted for about an hour, but we ran out of time, so we are going to reschedule in the immediate future to continue the discussion. I also met with an advisor to Minister McKenna to discuss the Rouge Park and MNCFN interests and Rights within the Park. To begin with we expect to have a co-management relationship with Parks Canada and we expect to be able to develop a section for education of Non First Nations people to assist with the process of reconciliation. The Land Claim in the Rouge area is understood to be a different process. Prospectors and Developers Association Wednesday I provided a ten minute opening at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) meet and greet event in Toronto. I focused on the environment and the fact that First Nations’ connection to the land overrides the industry’s desire to develop/exploit the land. The Federal Budget Large influxes of money identified for First Nations are expected, clearly beyond the 2% cap and yet still not enough to address the many years of underfunding that has occurred. Some say it is a good beginning and truly it is better than we could have expected from a Harper Government; however, the money that is promised for education and child welfare are back-end loaded. First Nations need that money now. This means that the majority of the promised money will wait until it’s almost an election or until the election and we know money has a habit of disappearing. 4 www.newcreditfirstnation.com E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r First Nation Art in Legislature I attended a luncheon with Councillor Erma Ferrell, Councillor Cathie Jamieson, and Councillor Veronica King-Jamieson, Caitlin LaForme, Nancy Rowe and the Little Eagle Feather Drum group. I provided remarks for the opening of the two rooms in the Toronto legislature that show-case First Nations and Indigenous art. It was a very inspiring opening and event. What is exciting for me is the opportunity to further develop the story through art of the relationship between First Nations and this Country, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Matrimonial Real Property Council held a special meeting for about four hours to discuss Matrimonial Real Property. Matrimonial Real Property is essentially a discussion regarding how assets between Members and Non Members are divided after a relationship breaks down. High Speed Rail I participated in a DOCA strategy meeting regarding High Speed Rail which was still ongoing when I left. It was an interesting and productive discussion. Little Native Hockey League Gala and event Saturday night was the Little NHL Gala, I did not attend but we were well represented and Councillor Cathie Jamieson did a great job of providing a welcome on behalf of the MNCFN. I did attend the official opening the next day to provide welcoming remarks on behalf of MNCFN. Meeting with Economist I met with an Economist just to see if there was any type of service he could provide to the First Nation regarding financial investment, movement, policy development or any areas that MNCFN could improve. The company will be forwarding me a document to take to Council to see if there is any interest in working with the company. Toronto District School Board In attendance was a representative with the Toronto Board, also in attendance was Councillor Veronica King-Jamieson and Cathy Jamieson. We met to listen to the plans that the board has to redesign an existing structure into an Indigenous Center of Excellence for grades 1 to 12. It was a very good meeting, we like the concept, they have a board of elders assisting them and we have been invited to participate in the next meeting. www.newcreditfirstnation.com 5 E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r National Chief (Ottawa) The National Chief and I discussed the Invictus games and the AFN participation in the announcement on May 2, 2016. We discussed the fact that the Vatican has First Nations art and sacred items and to see if there is an opportunity to bring them back to this Country. We also briefly talked about Climate Change and the fact that the AFN is trying to obtain funding to consult with each province with First Nations. Also obtained AFN support for our Human Rights Challenge and how that support can be beneficial. Lastly we chatted about AFN/Ontario relations which are not proceeding, in my opinion, in a healthy, respectful manner. Special Council We had a Special Council meeting to discuss the transfer policy and a MNCFN election code. This will take some time and will need membership input. Leadership Breakfast I attended a Leadership breakfast at the MNCFN Fellowship Center. I enjoy attending their events as they have such positive energy. Good Friday Friday I went into the office for a couple hours to do a phone interview, a persistent student from the University of Toronto wanted to understand our participation in the Pan Am/Parapan Am games of 2015. It was a good interview that told the truth about the relationship, in that at first we were looked at as needing to be handled but by the end we moved to a place of partnership at least with a couple of the Ministries involved. Walter Gordon Symposium This morning I participated in the Walter Gordon Symposium on Public Policy, which is a joint venture of Massey College and the University Of Toronto School of Public Policy and Governance in collaboration with the University of Toronto’s First Nations House and Hart House, the focus was on reconciliation. Great Lakes Guardians Council This afternoon I attended the Inaugural Great Lakes Guardians Council Meeting. It was a very diverse group of individuals, government, First Nation and industry. We are going to have a two day retreat in the near future probably held on the weekend, it will be near the lake to get to know each other and hopefully partake in a Water ceremony. It was interesting that Environment and Climate Change Canada wouldn’t address issues with the First Nation Rights holders around the Lakes but instead said his commitment was to the Chiefs of Ontario. The Anishinaabe people surrounding the Great Lakes need to meet as we are the caretakers and have the responsibilities regarding the lakes. 6 www.newcreditfirstnation.com E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r Councillor Erma Ferrell Monthly Report Monthly Activity Report February & March 2016– Erma Ferrell 10th Annual Chiefs of Ontario Health Forum – February 23, 25, 2016 Our Chief and a few members of council attended the 10th Annual Chiefs of Ontario Health Forum. The forum opened with our Little Eagle Feather Drum Group and opening remarks by Chief Stacey Laforme and Regional Chief Isadore Day. Day one of the three day forum consisted of all guest speakers addressing the participants. Carol Hopkins asked the question, are we teaching about residential schools in our elementary curriculum? Are we teaching about adolescent trauma? How can we use our culture to make a difference? One of the main focuses in First Nations communities is addressing mental wellness with the incorporation of our language and our culture. Our language and our culture create wellness in communities bringing hope, meaning, and a purpose to someone’s life who may be struggling with their identity. Lori Doran is the Acting Regional Executive of the First Nation non-insured Health Benefits. Ms. Doran informed us of the five-year commitment from our funders to renew current agreements and funding for new programs. Alanis Obomsawin provided information on her documentary film career and how she got started. She also provided a viewing of her documentary The People of James Bay. Stan Beardy is a board member of the Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute, to improve the health of the people of Northwestern Ontario. Minister of Health and Long Term Care, Dr. Eric Hoskins spoke on the LINDS program and acknowledged the program is not working. Dr. Hoskins accepted questions from the participants and continued to acknowledge the errors made by not consulting with the First Nations in regard to LINDS. Dr. Hoskins said he is willing to listen. Another area of concern expressed by Chiefs in attendance was the lack of funding for long-term care facilities. Again, Dr. Hoskins is willing to listen and to try a find answers and funding to address the long term care issues. Dr. Michael Dan presented a power point that addressed the root causes of the Indigenous-Settler Health Gap in Canada. Dr. Dan is a former neurosurgeon. Dr. Dan is an advocate for First Nations health and human rights initiatives. Additional information about Dr. Dan is available on the Chiefs of Ontario website. www.newcreditfirstnation.com 7 E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r It is very difficult to take three days and incorporate the discussions into one page. Suicide was a major topic among our presenters and how all First Nations are trying to find answers of hope and purpose for our people, to prevent suicide. On the afternoon of February 24th, I attended a workshop presented by Emmy Mitchell of Akwesasne, titled “Reawaken the Mind, Body and Spirit” which helped with discovering ancient cultural healing practices. This was a three hour workshop and if members of our community are interested, we can bring in Emmy Mitchell for a community presentation. Ms. Mitchell emphasizes and provides examples of her life experiences on how our culture and our traditional beliefs help in healing. Council meetings Our Council is holding special meetings on addressing the issues of Membership Transfers and a new election code. With the assistance of the staff in the Lands, Research & Membership department, we hope to provide information in three or four months on what information has been gathered to date. In Memoriam Sharon Bonham On January 29, 2016, we said goodbye to former Councillor, Sharon Bonham. Sharon was dedicated to First Nation issues throughout her adult life. Sharon was very quiet, but loyal. She spent many hours (sometimes with her sister Frances LaForme) attending meetings and workshops on First Nation issues. During Sharon’s career, she was honoured by the Hamilton City Council with the title of “Woman of the Year.” Sharon Bonham was an honest and sincere person, and I will miss her. Condolences to the families of: Ted Herkimer - passed away on February 23, 2016. and Howard Laforme - passed away on March 09, 2016 Erma Ferrell 905-768-3543 (home) 8 www.newcreditfirstnation.com E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r Councillor Casey Jonathan Monthly Report Aanii! It was another great month! I find myself quickly adjusting to my new role as a Councillor for our First Nation. As always, I am looking forward to what the future holds for our community. Below, you will find some highlights from the month of March. Deputy Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Deborah Richardson A meeting took place in Toronto with the team of the Deputy Minister. They were receptive to issues concerning the Duty to Consult, especially in ensuring that our First Nation is adequately involved in one-onone consultation. They are currently in the process of laying the foundation for developing a Consultation Policy. Her team is looking to enhance the consultation process and making sure that obligations are being met. The need for consistency was identified as an interest as well as identifying both short-term and longterm resolutions to current consultation problems. The Deputy Minister’s team had expressed that she is interested in participating in quarterly meetings with our First Nation, which we are very much looking forward to. Deloitte PDAC Luncheon Also attended a luncheon and fireside chat that included Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come, Chief Ovide Mercredi, and Bernd Christmas who were also speaking on the Duty to Consult. We're looking to have a meeting set up with them as well. Little NHL Opening Ceremonies I attended the 45th annual Little NHL opening ceremonies in Mississauga where Chief LaForme provided opening remarks. A record 195 teams were registered this year. It was a very exciting atmosphere and it was better knowing we had some of our very own participating in this tournament. Congratulations to the LNHL athletes on their efforts and accomplishments! We’re extremely proud of you. Transfer Policy Council is making the effort to address the MNCFN Transfer Policy with the goal of moving it out of abeyance. We realize the importance of further developing this policy as it does have existing implications for our members. We are currently reviewing and addressing the issues within the policy as well as looking at impacts and options. MNCFN Elections Code Council has also started the process of developing a custom Elections Code for our First Nation. There were several options for most First Nations overall: continue with the Indian Band Elections Regulations as outlined under the Indian Act, Opt-in to the First Nations Elections Act as developed by the Federal Government, or develop a custom Elections Code. I believe the First Nation is on the right path in choosing to pursue its own code. As a self-governing First Nation, a custom governance framework will most effectively address the First Nation’s unique requirements. www.newcreditfirstnation.com 9 E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r L a n d s / r e s e a r c h / m e m b e r s h i p 468 New Credit Road Phone: (905)768-0100 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30pm Please make sure that Lands/Research/Membership department has your current address. If you know any band members not living in our area, please forward their address to us. This is to ensure that you receive important information about the Land Claims, Community Trust and the upcoming Band Elections. This information can be sent to us via: Phone: (905)768-0100 Mail: Attention: Lands/Research/Membership 2789 Mississauga Road Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 W h y r e g i s t e r ? It is important to register your baby within the first year. During that year or shorter when the baby is not registered, it will be covered for services, under the mother or fathers number, which ever one is registered. If both are registered use the number of the primary parent, that means the parent the baby is to be registered under. Once the baby is registered, a status card can be issued. We recommend a picture is to be current, within the last six months. **Note: The minor children’s status cards expire every 2 years. Adults expire every 5 years. D o c u m e n t s r e q u i r e d Certified copy of Live Birth (Long Form) Parental Consent Form (signed by both parents) Custody Orders (if applicable) D o n a t i o n p o l i c y The Donation Policy is for donations but also includes the Registrations/Lessons fees reimbursement. The Donation Policy has been developed pursuant to the MNCFN Vision Statement. The MNCFN see the need for and is committed to the advancement of our First Nation through academic excellence and sportsmanship, under the categories of education, health and welfare, sports and recreation, art and culture and the environment. Donations granted under this policy are normally intended as one time special event funding to assist band members. The donation funding does not cover 10 costs supported by other programs or funding sources, purchasing of equipment, tuition, books, travel or accommodations. The Donation Policy includes registration/lesson fees for any of the eligible categories, on a reimbursement basis with receipts, up to $250 per applicant per year. E v e n t f u n d i n g Events funding for any one of the eligible categories listed. One time a year funding to a maximum of $500 or 50% of the proposed budget—individual. To a maximum of $1,000 or 50% of the proposed budget—group (3+ people) Exclusions: No donations/reimbursements will be provided for cost associated with licenses, permits, or registration fees related to motorized vehicles. The Donation Policy covers the period April 1– March 31 each year. For the eligibility criteria, see the “Donation Policy”. Donation Policy packages can be picked up at the Lands/Research/Membership Monday—Friday 8:30-4:30pm. **Note: Applications need to be in two week prior to the event.** R e g i s t e r e d b i r t h s & d e a t h s Effective immediately: the only documentation that is acceptable for registering births is the Long Form Birth Certificate which identifies the parent(s) by name. Additional information is also not required. Letters from Municipal registrars are NOT acceptable to register births. Also, the only documentation for registering deaths is the Vital Statistics Death Record; Church Death Registration; Coroner’s Report; Funeral Director’s Statement; Burial Permit; or Internment Certificate. B u y e r b e w a r e When purchasing land or a house for your protection, check with the Lands/Research/Membership office before purchasing to ensure that there is no encumbrance or lien against the property such as a liability, mortgage or claim. www.newcreditfirstnation.com E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r L a n d s / r e s e a r c h / m e m b e r s h i p 468 New Credit Road Phone: (905)768-0100 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30pm www.newcreditfirstnation.com 11 E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r L a n d s / r e s e a r c h / m e m b e r s h i p 468 New Credit Road Phone: (905)768-0100 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30pm Community Wellness 2016/2017 Please be advised that at their Regular Council Meeting on March 21, 2016 Chief and Council passed the following Motion #5….“That the MNCFN Regular Council approves that the amount of the Community Wellness Distribution will be $2,500.00 per Band Member for the 2016/2017 Community Wellness Distribution…” PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: THURSDAY APRIL 7TH & 14TH & FRIDAY APRIL 1ST, 8TH, & 15TH CERTIFICATION OF INDIAN STATUS (STATUS CARDS) WILL NOT BE ISSUED DUE TO START OF 2016/2017 COMMUNITY WELLNESS SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE 12 www.newcreditfirstnation.com E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r MISSISSAUGAS OF THE NEW CREDIT FIRST NATION COMMUNITY WELLNESS EXPENSE CLAIM FORM-ADULT 2016-17 If mailing, please do so to: 2789 Mississauga Rd., R.R. #6 Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 FULL NAME (as it appears on your Status Card): REGISTRY NUMBER (10 DIGIT): COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS (including Postal/ Zip Code): BIRTHDATE (YYYY-MM-DD): EMAIL ADDRESS (required if getting Electronic Funds TELEPHONE NUMBER (including area code): Transfer): PLEASE INDICATE THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS: ____ Cheque Mail Out ____ Cheque Pick Up ____ Electronic Funds Transfer (Canada only)* *Include a void cheque or direct deposit information* **When submitting by mail, PLEASE enclose photocopies (front & back) of 2 pieces of ID that have either your signature or photograph (preferably both); e.g. Status Card, Driver’s License. When submitting in person, PLEASE have 2 pieces of ID ready for LMR staff. The LMR Office will NOT accept Social Insurance Cards OR Social Security Cards as forms of ID** I hereby authorize the use of my address for various MNCFN initiatives (e.g. Voter’s List, MNCFN Community Trust, Eagle Press Newsletter, Internal Department’s use). Under no circumstances will MNCFN share your personal information with outside agencies. ________ (BAND MEMBERS PLEASE INITIAL HERE) Number of Receipts: Total Amount: X Signature of Claimant & Date: X Department Approval & Date: ----------------Do not write below this line. For Office Use Only---------------Documents provided for identity: Department’s Initials_______ ___Status Card ___Confirmation of Status ___D.L. ___H.C. ___B.C. ___Other ID (__________________) Amount Claimed: Remaining Balance: Account Number: Dept. Number: 64300 100301 Cheque Number: Cheque Date: 13 E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r MISSISSAUGAS OF THE NEW CREDIT FIRST NATION COMMUNITY WELLNESS EXPENSE CLAIM FORM-CHILDREN (Newborn-17 Years) 2016/17 If mailing, please do so to: 2789 Mississauga Rd., R.R. #6 Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 CHILD’S FULL NAME (as it appears on Status Card): NAME OF LEGAL PARENT/GUARDIAN: (proof of CHILD’S REGISTRY NUMBER (10 Digit): LEGAL PARENT/GUARDIAN’S REGISTRY NUMBER: legal custody) COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS: CHILD’S BIRTHDATE (YYYY-MM-DD): PARENT’S EMAIL ADDRESS (Required for Electronic Funds TELEPHONE NUMBER (including area code): Transfer): PLEASE INDICATE THE FOLLOWING: ____ Cheque Mail Out _____ Cheque Pick Up _____Electronic Funds Transfer (Canada Only)* *Include a void cheque or direct deposit information* Number of Receipts: **When submitting by mail, PLEASE enclose photocopies (front & back) of 2 pieces of ID for the child, such as Status Card, Health Card and/or another form of ID. When submitting in person, PLEASE have 2 pieces of child’s ID ready for LMR staff. The LMR Office will NOT accept Social Insurance Cards OR Social Security Cards as forms of ID.** Total Amount: X Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian & Date: X Department Approval & Date: ------------------Do not write below this line. For Office Use Only---------------Documents provided for identity of child: Department’s Initials_______ __Status Card __Confirmation of Status ___Proof of Legal Custody __D.L. __H.C. __B.C. __Other I.D. (___) Amount Claimed: Remaining Balance: Account Number: Dept. Number: Cheque Number: Cheque Date: 14 64300 100301 E a g l e p r e s s D e p a r t m e n t o f p u b l i c N ew sl e t t e r w o r k s 2789 Mississauga Road AGIMAW GAMIG—Administration Building #2 Phone: (905)768-1133 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30pm It’s Spring Clean-Up Time! Are you ready? (905) 768-3067 (905) 768-1133 (905) 768-0100 (905) 336-9084 EARTH DAY IS COMING TO OUR COMMUNITY WHEN: April 18th – 29th, 2016 WHERE & WHAT CAN YOU DROP OFF? 450 New Credit Rd (Enterprise Building) 2798 Mississauga Rd (Core Area) all scrap metal including appliances & electronics car and truck tires oversized plastic toys/ lawn furniture regular household garbage construction material such as drywall, wood, shingles On regular collection days April 20th and 27th we will collect up to a maximum of 5 bulk items per household (placed at the curb with regular waste and recycling) such as chairs, tables, desks, beds, couches. Clean up runs from April 18th - 29th Spring Cleanup Kick-off Event: Monday April 18th 2016 from 4:30-6:30pm Get supplies of garbage bags and gloves at the Old Council House (Bldg.#2) at 2789 Mississauga Rd Daily pickups of roadside garbage www.newcreditfirstnation.com 15 E a g l e p r e s s D e p a r t m e n t o f P u b l i c N ew sl e t t e r w o r k s 2789 Mississauga Road AGIMAW GAMIG—Administration Building #2 Phone: (905)768-1133 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30pm For Public Works water, sewer or road emergencies please call: Brandon Hill: (905) 517-7900 (cell) Matt Sault: (905) 971-2982 (cell) C a l l b e f o r e y o u d i g Please keep in mind that there are service lines (water, sewer, gas, hydro and phone) that run through the MNCFN territory (on your property and along the road allowance) and lines need to be located if you plan on digging. To request a locate for one or more of the services, please take note of the locate service numbers as follows: Water/Sewer—Brandon Hill or Matt Sault—(905) 768-1133 Gas Line—Six Nations Natural Gas—(519) 445-4213 Hydro Line—Hydro One Network Inc.—1-866-664-9376 P a y i n g y o u r a c c o u n t We now have debit machines available for those interested in paying their bills with debit. In the Agimaw Gamig ( Admin Building #1) you may pay with debit downstairs in the Public Works office or at the front reception desk. When paying your account in cash please have the exact amount due. As many of you are aware, the downstairs back door of the Agimaw Gamig ( Admin Building #1) is locked. Please enter the building by the front doors and ASK THE FRONT RECEPTIONIST to see Public Works staff for cash payments and/or other business. All guests to the band office need to sign in and be announced to the department for everyone’s health and safety. Debit machine now available Also, as of September 1, 2013, the front desk receptionist will only accept payments if the Public Works staff are unavailable (with exception to debit payments). Reminder: All guests to the band office need to sign in and be announced to the department for everyone’s health and safety. Thank you for your co-operation. 16 www.newcreditfirstnation.com E a g l e p r e s s H o u s i n N ew sl e t t e r g 2789 Mississauga Road AGIMAW GAMIG—Administration Building #1 Phone: (905)768-1133 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30pm HOUSING NEW PROGRAM Housing New applications are ongoing and can be picked up anytime throughout the year. You may attend the Public Works Office located in the agimaw gamig building (Band Administration) to obtain an application or you may request to have a Housing-New application mailed to you by calling 905-768-1133, Ext. 227 or have an application emailed to you by emailing lorrainelaforme@newcreditfirstnation.com Once your housing application has been submitted and checked to ensure that the application has been filled out properly, signed and dated you will be placed on the housing new list. Thereafter, each and every year, you will receive notification by letter of your placement number on the housing list as you move up the list. There are approximately 89 individuals listed on the housing new list. Community Wanted: Room for Rent Free scrap metal removal Family of 3, 1 adult 2 small children looking for a clean, safe, reasonable 3 bedroom home for rent. Needed for July/August 2016. Buy scrap metal Please call 905-768-5404 to leave a message. Call Victor King: Phone: 905-768-0236 Cell: 289-260-7164 Shirley Watson Income Tax Services - $30/person 3464 Mississauga Road RR #6 Hagersville ON N0A 1H0 905-768-3725 shirleywatson@sympatico.ca www.newcreditfirstnation.com 17 E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r Job Posting THE MISSISSAUGAS OF THE NEW CREDIT FIRST NATION is accepting applications for the full-time position of “Ontario Works Case Worker” Closing Date: 05 April 2016 at 12:00 Noon JOB SUMMARY Responsible for providing employment assistance and temporary financial assistance to people in need, per the Ontario Works Act, leading to sustainable employment and financial independence Provides back up to the Employment and Training program MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS/EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS College diploma in Social Service Worker or related, plus 2 years experience in the delivery of financial benefits and/or employment services OR High school diploma or equivalent, plus at least 5 years experience in the delivery of financial benefits and/or employment services REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES Knowledge of legislation/policy/procedures of Ontario Works to determine initial and ongoing eligibility of clients Solid background in computers with specific knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel Must have a valid Class “G” drivers license and use of a vehicle Case management skills to assess client needs, complete reference checks, assess financial eligibility, process referrals and follow ups Salary: $40,297.50 - $56,821.50 Please submit your Cover Letter, Resume, Proof of Educational Qualifications, and three (3) current references, with two of the references being work related if possible to: The Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Attention: MNCFN Personnel Committee 2789 Mississaugas Rd., R.R. #6 Hagersville, Ontario, N0A 1H0 For this Entry Level position, MNCFN band members will be given preference. A copy of the Job Description may be obtained at the New Credit Administration Building or by email Kerri.King@newcreditfirstnation.com. Miigwetch to all applicants - only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 18 www.newcreditfirstnation.com E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r Job Posting THE MISSISSAUGAS OF THE NEW CREDIT FIRST NATION is accepting applications for the purchase of service of the “HOME SUPPORT MAINTENANCE WORKER” JOB SUMMARY To provide general maintenance for community seniors and disabled clients to enable them to maintain themselves at home in a safe and healthy environment. QUALIFICATIONS Education and Experience Grade 12 or equivalent SKILLS/ABILITIES Must have work experience in general household maintenance Ability to relate effectively to the elderly and disabled Work independently and cooperatively with others Good health-able to do heavy lifting and climbing-and willing to submit a favourable medical report on an annual basis Able to work flexible hours Have knowledge regarding general health and safety procedures Be familiar with MNCFN community and services available OTHER REQUIREMENTS Valid Class “G” driver’s license and insured vehicle Must be current in First Aid and CPR Must pass a Criminal Record Check including a vulnerable sector check ALL APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE: Copy of educational qualifications/certifications Resume Cover letter 3 References (work related preferred) Wage: $11.25 - $15.00 per hour depending on experience, up to a maximum of 375 hours per year Apply to: The Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Attention: MNCFN Personnel Committee 2789 Mississaugas Rd., R.R. #6 Hagersville, Ontario, N0A 1H0 DEADLINE: April 12, 2016 at 12:00 Noon A detailed Job Description is available at the Mississaugas of the New Credit Administration Building or via email at kerri.king@newcreditfirstnation.com Miigwetch to all applicants - Only those candidates successful in the Selection & Hiring Process will be contacted. www.newcreditfirstnation.com 19 E a g l e p r e s s N ew sl e t t e r E D U C A T I O N 468 New Credit Road, R.R. #6 Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0 Phone: (905)768-7107 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30pm Education Updates for April 2016 LSK Elementary School April 6th - Jr. Badminton @ OMSK April 13th - Intermediate Badminton @ OMSK April 15th - P.D. Day-NO SCHOOL April 18th - 22nd- Earth Week All Grades at the Round House 18th & 19th Open House April 20th - starting @ 5:30 PM Book Fair April 20th- 21st Drum Social April 22nd- Morning start approximately 9:30 am. Hagersville Secondary A few students have not brought in their report cards for the high school allowance. Applications are located at the front desk in the education department or online. Up-to-date status cards must be included. To be eligible the student must be a registered Band Member of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation and residing on the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation and on the nominal roll. April 13th- Parent Council meeting April 20th- Term 2 begins April 22nd- P.D. Day April 29th- Crimestoppers Breakfast - 8:00-9:30 am, $7 for adults, $5 for children - Everyone welcome. Post-Secondary-Deadline is April 30, 2106 Reminder emails have been sent out to all continuing students for fall/winter applications of the upcoming deadline for fall/winter start. If you are considering a return to school please contact the education department for an application or visit www.newcreditfirstnation.com website to download the application and Policy. A reminder to all students to send in your report cards/transcripts to the education dept. as soon as they become available. Other organizations to contact for assistance with funding: Dreamcatcher Fund www.dcfund.ca Indspire www.indspire.ca OSAP www.osap.gov.on.ca Resources/Supplies The education department has a wide variety of college & university calendars i.e. Mohawk, Niagara, McMaster, Laurier, Sheridan etc. School supplies are also available for secondary and post-secondary students. Drop by the office Monday-Friday between 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. 20 www.newcreditfirstnation.com
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