emilio m. williams
emilio m. williams
Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione (ISMETT) http://www.ismett.edu/ International Engagement of US AMCs Ownership Hospital Management Institution-wide Affiliation with Prominent Use of Name Service Line Program Development or Affiliations Consulting Agreements (Clinical and Non-clinical) In country representation (Referral office) International Medical Second Opinion International Patient Services Presentation Title Here | 22 Institution-wide affiliation • US institution offers foreign hospital “affiliation” status with certain rights to use of name and logo. • US institution places a physician Medical Director to make period visits and “supervise” certain quality programs. Presentation Title Here | 24 International Engagement of US AMCs Ownership Hospital Management Institution-wide Affiliation with Prominent Use of Name Service Line Program Development or Affiliations Consulting Agreements (Clinical and Non-clinical) In country representation (Referral office) International Medical Second Opinion International Patient Services Presentation Title Here | 25 Hospital Management • US institution staffs and manages the C suite of the hospital (CEO, COO, CFO, Chief of Nurses or even Chief of Medical Staff) • Different levels of use of name and logo. UPMC BEACON HOSPITAL http://www.beaconhospital.ie/ Hospital Punta Pacifica affiliated with Johns Hopkins in Panama http://www.hospitalpuntapacifica.com/ International Engagement of US AMCs Ownership Hospital Management Institution-wide Affiliation with Prominent Use of Name Service Line Program Development or Affiliations Consulting Agreements (Clinical and Non-clinical) In country representation (Referral office) International Medical Second Opinion International Patient Services Presentation Title Here | 29 CLEVELAND CLINIC IN ABU DHABI (UAE( http://my.clevelandclinic.org/abu-dhabi/default.aspx CLEVELAND CLINIC IN TORONTO , CANADA http://my.clevelandclinic.org/canada/default.aspx Cleveland Clinic in Canada • Cleveland Clinic Canada offers multi-disciplinary clinical prevention and wellness programs: medical assessments, treatments and individualized health plans that allow for prevention and early detection of common medical conditions. OPPORTUNITIES FOR KOREAN HEALTHSYSTEMS IMPORTING KNOWLEDGE For New Hospitals: 1.BRANDING: Make new brand more competitive in the national and international sphere by leveraging the expertise of a well established foreign brand. 2.QUALITY: Leap Frog quality development by importing international best practices. For Well-established Hospitals: 1.RESEARCH: Improve translational research by importing NIH and FDA standards. 2.EDUCATION: Exchange and sub-specialization. EXPORTING YOUR KNOWLEDGE 1.REPLICATE Models pioneered by US Academic Centers. 2.TRIANGULATION Partner with US Institutions to enter into third markets (such as China) Presentation Title Here | 33 DANGERS FOR KOREAN HEALTHSYSTEMS • US Academic Medical Brands are overcommitted. • One must find partners with good brand but that still have the bandwidth to handle external requests. Presentation Title Here | 34 Clinical Interests of University of Chicago Medicine Exports Clinical Program Development, Improvement and Education Focus on advanced surgeries. 1.Surgical Improvements and Multidisciplinary Use of Surgical Robot (Urology, Cardiac, Thoracic, OBGYN, Reconstructive and Plastic) 2. Cardiac Surgery (Artificial Hearts, Valves, Transplantation, Totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass (TECAB) surgery 3.Oncology Surgery (Spine, Head, Ovarian, Urological Tumors and Reconstructive Surgery) 4.Blood and Marrow Transplants (Adult, Pediatrics, Focus on Difficult Matches, Relapse and Elder Transplants) 5. Orthopedic Surgery 6. Pain Clinic (Spinal Cord Implants) Presentation Title Here | 35 Clinical Interest: Korean and Korean American Faculty Dr. David Song Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Dr. David Chang Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Continuing and Graduate Medical Education Reconstructive Microsurgery Dr. Seon-Kyu Lee Interventional Neuroradiology Stroke Presentation Title Here | 36 Clinical Interest: Korean and Korean American Faculty Dr. James Mok Dr. Richard Kang Dr. Karen Kim Spine Surgery Sports Medicine Gastro Intestinal Orthopeadics Hip Colon Cancer Presentation Title Here | 37 Non-Clinical Interests in the University of Chicago • Managerial Consulting Services • New Facility Design and Planning • Patient Experience • Out of town and International Patient Coordination • Supply Chain Management • Quality and Patient Safety • International Standards Presentation Title Here | 38 For more information • Email me or call me and visit me! EMILIO M. WILLIAMS Executive Director, International Programs emilio.williams@uchospitals.edu Office: 1+773-702-4617 Mobile: 1+773-891-9330 AT THE FOREFRONT OF MEDICINE® http://www.uchospitals.edu http://www.uchicagokidshospital.org http://www.facebook.com/UChicagoMed Presentation Title Here | 39