
W 615.33
set +
set –
GB Contents
Wireless technology
Readiness for use
Automatic time synchronisation
4.1. Base mode
4.2. Other functions
Description of watch functions and how to use them 61
5.1. Turning the LC display on and off
5.2. Stop function, with split times (stopwatch)
5.3. Alarm
5.4. Count-down/count-up timer
5.5. Second time
5.6. Reception display
5.6.1. Reception display
5.6.2. Manual time synchronisation (transmitter calls)
5.7. Set time zones
5.8. Set language (day of the week display)
Restart / getting started
6.1. Hand start
Adjusting the wrist strap
Water resistance
General information
reset button
You can activate the alarm and timer with the reset button.
You can also use it to reset settings, such as the second
mode button
The mode button enables you to switch between the individual items on the menu. The mode button can also be
used to turn the LCD display on and off.
set +
Displays such as alarm, timer etc. can be adjusted with the
+ button. The + button is also used for starting and stopping
the stopwatch.
set –
The – button is partly used for adjusting displays such as
alarm, timer etc.. The – button can also be used to change
the date display language.
(confer illustration in the fold-out part of the cover)
We are delighted that you have chosen the Junghans Mega
Alarm Chronograph.
Please read the following information at your leisure. It deals
with how radio-controlled watches work in general and with
the operation of your Junghans Mega Alarm Chronograph in
particular. It will help you to make the most of all of your
watch’s many functions.
We hope that you will get a lot of pleasure from this very
special watch.
1. Wireless technology.
The most up-to-date way to keep time.
Over the 5,000 years since man began to keep time with sundials, we have progressed via water clocks, 13th century
mechanical timepieces and quartz watches to the Junghans
radio-controlled wrist watch.
A watch, which – as long as there’s good reception – will never
go wrong and will never need adjusting. The Junghans radiocontrolled watch is absolutely precise, because it is linked via
wireless technology to the timing control of one of the most
accurate clocks in the world, namely the Caesium Time Base at
the Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig
(Germany’s national institute of natural and engineering sciences). This clock is so accurate that it is expected to deviate by
no more than 1 second in a million years.
Junghans radio-controlled watches receive timing data via longwave radio signals (77.5kHz) from Germany’s official DCF 77
standard frequency and time signal transmitter in Mainflingen
(24 km southeast of Frankfurt am Main). This transmitter has a
coverage range of more than 1,500km. Within the coverage
range of the DCF 77 transmitter, the high-performance antenna
built into the case of a Junghans radio-controlled watch can
pick up the time data signal wherever, for example, long-wave
reception is possible with a good radio.
Junghans radio-controlled watches synchronise themselves
every day with the DCF 77 time signal transmitter. This is done
during the night at 02.00 and 03.00. If interference (e.g. from
thunderstorms, nearby electrical equipment, light dimmers
etc.) makes it impossible for the time signal to be picked up at
the first attempt, the Junghans radio-controlled watch will
automatically make further attempts to pick it up. Time synchronisation can also be carried out manually (e.g. after
moving into an area with better reception) by using the watch’s
transmitter call button. The most recently received time data is
stored internally in a time memory. The watch’s high-precision
32kHz quartz movement will continue to keep to this ’original
time’ until the watch synchronises itself again.
Radio-controlled time synchronisation ensures not only that the
watch always shows precisely the right time. The Junghans
radio-controlled wrist watch also switches itself automatically
from standard time (CET) to summer time (CEST), and, of
course, vice versa (provided only that there is good reception).
If you travel to a country in a different time zone, switching to
the appropriate time for that country is made simple via the
use of the time zone button on your Junghans radio-controlled
2. Readiness for use
To ensure that your watch is always ready for use, you should
avoid allowing its power reserves to run down.
You should check your watch regularly to make sure that
it has enough battery power. If power is too low (e.g. battery
has run down and ambient temperature is low, which affects
the performance of the battery), the second-hand will stop in
the 12:00 position. A blinking battery symbol appears in the
LC display. If the battery does not put itself right (e.g. due to
better ambient temperature), you should take your watch to
your Junghans specialist within the next weeks to have the battery changed. Alternatively, send it to the Junghans Service
Battery type: CR 1632
Typical life: approx. 2 years
Please be sure to dispose of the used battery in an
orderly fashion, in accordance with legal provisions.
Please note that when power has run out, you can
neither adjust time zones nor synchronise the time
manually. The amount of power needed to move the
hands would be too high.
3. Automatic time synchronisation
Daily, fully automatic time synchronisation takes place overnight. When the synchronisation signal is received, the secondhand temporarily stops at quarter-to-the-hour. The display continues to show the actual seconds. The display then quickly
changes to ’reception display’ mode (see section 5.6.1).
While the synchronisation signal is being received, the radio
mast flashes in the display.
After the time has been synchronised successfully, the original
mode is again shown in the display.
The date is changed automatically by the time signal. In leap
years, your watch will also take 29th February into account.
If definitive synchronisation is not possible, despite all attempts
to pick up the signal, the reception check figure goes up by 1
(see also description of ’reception display’ mode in section
5.6.1). The watch keeps count of any further days without
reception. Thanks to the internal time-memory, your watch will
continue to run throughout such days with the precision of a
quartz watch. As soon as it is possible to pick up the synchronisation signal successfully, your watch will be synchronised.
Tip: To ensure the best possible conditions for night-time
reception of the synchronisation signal, you should ideally not
wear your watch at night and you should, if possible, not put it
down near to electrical appliances, mobile or cordless phones.
4. Functions
The Junghans Mega Alarm Chronograph can perform a variety
of functions that are shown in the two sections of the LC
display (above and below the centre of the watch). The functions are controlled via the four buttons on the right and left of
the watch casing (for a description of what the buttons do, see
the summary in the front of the fold-out part of the cover and
on page 50).
Your Junghans Mega Alarm Chronograph’s LC display can be
switched on and off (see section 5.1). When the display is
switched off, the time is shown in analogue form via the hour
and minute hands. None of the digital displays are visible any
4.1. Base mode
In ’base mode’, the display shows the date and day of the
week in the upper part and the watch’s time in the lower part.
This corresponds to the second time. Depending on the setting
you’re using, this therefore either reproduces the analogue time
or displays another, user-defined time. In this mode, the watch
cannot be adjusted with the reset, set + and set – buttons. You
can only use the mode button actively, so that settings cannot
be altered inadvertently.
4.2. Other functions
The following functions can be accessed sequentially via the
mode button:
Stop function, with split times (stopwatch)
Count-down / count-up timer
Second time
Synchronisation signal reception display /
manual synchronisation (transmitter call)
– Setting time zones
– Base mode
You can tell what mode your watch is in from the bar that
appears below the relevant name in the mode menu on the
display. The display in the lower part of the LCD changes
accordingly. In the upper part of the LC display, the date and
day of week remain showing.
The display can be shown in German, English or French.
How to set the relevant language is described in section 5.8.
The display continues to show the selected mode until another
mode is selected via the mode button.
5. Description of watch functions and how to use them
5.1. Turning the LC display on and off
>3 sec.
To turn off the LC display, hold in the mode button for longer
than 3 seconds. This applies, regardless of what mode the
watch is currently in.
To turn the display on, you can use either the reset or mode
Press one of the buttons and the display switches back on.
The menu for the currently selected mode, plus the date and
day of the week, are again visible.
5.2. Stop function, with split times (stopwatch)
Keep pressing the mode button until you reach the stopwatch
mode (CHRONO). The display shows hours, minutes, seconds
and tenths of a second.
The stopwatch is started and stopped again using the start/stop
button (set + button). When the stopwatch is running, ’ON’ is
indicated alongside CHRONO on the menu.
With one press on the reset button, you can put the counter
back to 0:00:00.0. The reset function only works, if the stopwatch has already been stopped.
When the stopwatch is running, the current split time can be
displayed for approx. 5 seconds by pressing the set-/split button. The stopwatch continues to run normally in the background.
5.3. Alarm
Keep pressing the mode button until you reach the ALARM
The alarm time can be set using the set + and set – buttons.
Press briefly to adjust by a minute at a time. Keep the button
pressed longer, to adjust the time at high speed.
You can turn the alarm on and off with the reset button
(on/off). If the alarm is active, ’ON’ appears in the display
alongside ALARM on the menu. When it gets to the alarm
time, an acoustic signal sounds.
Once the alarm has successfully gone off, it is no longer
active. If you want to use the alarm again, please set it and
activate it as described above.
5.4. Count-down / count-up timer
Keep pressing the mode button until you reach the TIMER
The timer is set using the set + and set – buttons.
If you press the buttons briefly, the display will move a
second at a time. If you hold the button longer, the setting
changes rapidly.
You can turn the timer on and off with the reset button
(on/off). If the timer is active, ’ON’ appears in the display
alongside TIMER on the menu.
If the timer gets to 0:00:00, an acoustic signal sounds.
5.5. Second time
The second time function gives you the option to display
another time in the display that is not connected with the
actual analogue time (e.g. if you are on holiday in another
time zone and want to see the time at home).
Keep pressing the mode button until you reach the 2nd
TIME mode. The second time can be adjusted in 30-minute
steps via the set + and set – buttons.
By pressing the reset button, you can have the second time
again show the same time as the analogue time.
5.6. Reception display
5.6.1. Reception display
You can tell in the reception display whether your watch has
synchronised with the signal from the synchronisation transmitter.
Keep pressing the mode button until you reach the reception
display mode (symbolised by a radio mast). An abbreviation
for the selected language appears alongside the date in the
upper area of the display. Below it, the current seconds are
shown, as well as another number, the reception check figure.
If the reception check figure is 0, the watch picked up the
signal correctly during the overnight auto-synchronisation.
Reception check figures 1-9 show the number of days that
the watch has not been able to synchronise automatically
due to bad reception conditions. The next time that the
watch synchronises successfully, the display goes back to 0.
5.6.2. Manual time synchronisation (transmitter calls)
>3 sec
In ’reception display’ mode, you can also do a manual synchronisation by executing a so-called ’transmitter call’. To do
so, press the set + button for more than 3 seconds when in
reception display mode. The hands start to race and stop in
the 12:00
position. The watch begins to receive the signal. The display
shows the current seconds. The radio mast in the display
flashes. While the signal is being received, please keep yourwatch still or put it down.
When the watch has successfully picked up the time signal
(after 2-3 minutes), the hands automatically move to the correct time and the display changes to base mode (see description above). If you wish, you can interrupt the manual synchronisation process, as soon as the hands have moved to the
12:00 position. To do so, press the set + button. The hands
reset themselves to the original time.
Please note that you cannot do a manual synchronisation
while the stopwatch or the timer are running. Similarly, the
transmitter call process only works if the time zone in use (see
below) is no more than +1/–1 hour away from DCF time (if the
deviation is greater than this, you are probably no longer within the coverage area of the DCF 77 transmitter). What’s
more, to perform this function, the watch must have enough
battery power (see also section 2).
If you’ve been successful in manually synchronising the time,
the reception check figure resets itself to 0. If the transmitter
call was not successful, the reception check figure does not
change and the hands reset themselves to the time that was
displayed before the transmitter call.
5.7. Set time zones
Your Junghans Mega Alarm Chronograph receives its time signal from the DCF 77 transmitter in Mainflingen, near
Frankfurt am Main. This enables it to show winter and summer time very reliably within the transmitter coverage area. If
you travel to a country in another time zone, you can set the
respective local time as the second time (shown in the lower
section of the display – for setting the second time, see
’Second time’ above), and/or adjust the analogue time display
to the local time.
To do so, keep pressing the mode button until you reach the
1st TIME mode. In the lower display, the analogue time
shown on your watch is now also shown digitally.
You adjust the time zone setting, and the position of the
hands, to the relevant time zone an hour at a time by pressing the set + (plus 10 hours) and set – (– 13 hours) buttons. If necessary, the date is also adjusted automatically
when you change the time zone.
If you want to reset the first time, and with it the analogue
time display, to the DCF time, you can do this in ’set time
zones’ mode by pressing the reset button. Both the digital and
analogue time displays will then show the DCF time again.
5.8. Set language (day of the week display)
The day of the week display on your Junghans Mega Alarm
Chrono is set at the factory to German. You can change this to
English or French in ’check reception’ mode.
To change the day of the week display to another language,
press the mode button until you reach the ’check reception’
In this mode, you can alter the language with the set – button. The letter in the upper section of the display indicates
which language is selected (D for German, F for French and
En for English).
6. Restart / getting started
When you change the battery, your watch will automatically
begin a restart routine. After you insert the battery, the
hands will move to the 12:00 position and your watch will
start picking up the time signal. As this happens, a bar
appears below the radio mast symbol in the display and the
mast starts to blink. After a few moments, the seconds counter in the lower section of the display begins to run.
After a few minutes, if the reception process has been
successful, the watch automatically sets itself to the correct
DCF time.
If your watch is unable to pick up the time signal for 30 minutes, the reception process is broken off to save battery power.
However, it is started again regularly at the end of every complete hour. If, despite this, you want to display the time in the
meantime, you will need to set your watch manually to the
current time (a so-called ’hand start’). Your watch will then
function just like a normal quartz watch.
6.1. Hand start
The ’hand start’ mode is initiated automatically after 30 minutes of trying unsuccessfully to start the watch automatically.
However, the process can also be launched manually by pressing the mode and set – buttons simultaneously when restarting the watch, i.e. when the hands are in the 12:00 position
(see illustration on the following page). If your watch is in
’hand start’ mode, you’ll see an ’H’ in the display. The parameters that need to be set will flash (hour, minutes, date and
day of week).
’hand start’ mode
If the hour and minute are flashing, you can set these to the
correct time with the set + and set – buttons. If you press the
mode button after you’ve set the time, you can set the date
using the set + and set – buttons.
Press again on the mode button, and you can select the correct the day of the week (in German) via the two set + and set
– buttons. (The language for the day of the week cannot be
adjusted in ’hand start’ mode. Please read more on this at
section 5.8).
If you pressed the mode button again, you would get back to
where you set the hour and minutes.
When you have made all the necessary settings, confirm
these with the reset button. The hands then move to the
selected time.
7. Adjusting the wrist strap
Depending on which model you have, your Junghans Mega
Alarm Chrono will be fitted with either a leather or a metal
wrist strap. In either case, the strap will have a clasp
fastener. The leather strap can be adjusted as follows to fit
your own wrist size. Lift the leather strap away from the stud
on the inside of the clasp q. You can now adjust the leather
strap to the desired length w. Now fix the strap back onto
the stud using the desired hole e.
Metal straps are best adjusted by a specialist watch retailer.
You could also send your watch to the Junghans Service
Centre to have this done.
8. Water resistance
Rare of
3 bar
5 bar
10 bar
face Washing,
No mark
Only watches in new condition are to be regarded as ’waterresistant’.
External influences can, however, affect water resistance.
Please have your watch checked on a regular basis.
9. General information
x Servicing, such as repairs to the glass, seal or wrist strap
should only be carried out by a specialist watch retailer.
x Please have the seals and the glass inspected regularly by
an expert, approx. every 2 years.
x If condensation gets into your watch, have it inspected by
the Customer Service Unit without delay. Penetration of
moisture may damage the watch.
x Your watch is fitted with a quality wrist strap that has
undergone multiple inspections in our factory. If, however,
you decide to change the wrist strap, please fit a new one
of the same quality, preferably an original Junghans wrist
x Clean your watch and wrist strap with a dry or slightly
moist, soft cloth. Caution: do not use chemical cleaners
(e.g. benzine or paint thinners). These may harm the surface.
4093917/ 42.712-0411 / 0404 / W 615.33
JUNGHANS UHREN GmbH · Postfach 100 · D-78701 Schramberg
www.junghans.de · E-mail: information@junghans.de