Class Schedule - Lamar State College
Class Schedule - Lamar State College
Class Schedule 2016 Summer I Semester Summer II Semester Fall Semester Session I Session II Lamar State College Port Arthur Member Texas State University System Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Contents Academic Calendar ...................................................................................... 3 Final Exam Schedule .................................................................................... 6 Abbreviations............................................................................................... 6 Before You Register ..................................................................................... 7 How To Register For Classes Online ........................................................... 10 Becoming a Successful Online Student ...................................................... 11 Tuition And Fees ........................................................................................ 12 Loans ......................................................................................................... 13 Paying Tuition ............................................................................................ 13 Payment Deadlines .................................................................................... 14 Refunds...................................................................................................... 14 Direct Deposit ............................................................................................ 15 Student IDs ................................................................................................ 15 Parking Permits .......................................................................................... 15 Developmental Classes .............................................................................. 15 Semester Options ...................................................................................... 16 Courses Summer I 2016 Semester ...................................................................... 17 Summer II 2016 Semester ..................................................................... 21 Fall 2016 Semester................................................................................ 23 College Credit Courses Online .................................................................... 36 Academic Partnership Courses................................................................... 38 Faculty Advisors ......................................................................................... 40 1 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Get Started at Are you a NEW Student? Are you a I’ve never attended any college. RETURNINGStudent? If you answer YES to the following statement: O R I was enrolled at LSCPA last semester. I’ve attended another college before coming to LSCPA. T H E N O R I haven’t finished high school. See page 9 for Registration T H E N Information. See page 7 for important information. IMPORTANT Your communication from Lamar State College-Port Arthur will be sent to your account. You MUST check your daily to ensure success with your advising, registration, class scheduling and financial aid. Students dropped for non-payment will be charged a $50 reinstatement fee each time they are dropped. 2 Academic Calendar Holiday Calendar 2 May 2016 December 2016 30 Memorial Day. No Classes, offices closed. 9 July 2016 4 (5 weeks) May 2016 Labor Day. No Classes, offices closed. November 2016 23 24-25 Thanksgiving Holiday begins. Offices close at 5 p.m., no evening classes. Thanksgiving Holidays. No classes, offices closed. March 2016 Advising for Summer I, Summer II and Fall Semester begins. Registration begins for Summer Summer I and Fall Semesters. 6 Last day to apply for spring graduation, pay for diploma, cap, gown. I, New Student Orientation. New Student Orientation. September 2016 1 Application for December Graduation begins. 30 Distribution Schedule. of Spring First class day. 9 Census date. 15 Final day to drop a course or withdraw without academic penalty. 24 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. 24 Semester is 60% complete. Critical date for financial aid students. Final day to drop a course or withdraw with academic penalty. 5 Last class day. 6-7 Final Exams. July 2016 New Student Orientation. August 2016 4 6 (5 weeks) July 2016 14 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. Summer II 2016 Semester Graduation Ceremony, 6:30 p.m. June 2016 15 31 July 2016 May 2016 13 Deadline to receive bacterial meningitis immunization. 30 April 2016 4 27 June 2016 Advising/Graduation Calendar 28 Graduation Ceremony, 6:30 p.m. Summer I 2016 Semester Independence Day. No Classes, offices closed. September 2016 5 Last day to apply for fall graduation and pay for diploma, cap, and gown. 2017 Class November 2016 1 Deadline to receive bacterial meningitis immunization. 5 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. 11 First class day. 14 Census date. 20 Final day to drop a course or withdraw without academic penalty. 29 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. 29 Semester is 60% complete. Critical date for financial aid students. August 2016 3 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule 3 Final day to drop a course or withdraw with academic penalty. 25 Semester is 60% complete. Critical date for financial aid students. 9 Last class day. 25 Final day to pay Short Term Loan. 10-11 Final Exams. 25 Second Installment Loan Payment Due. 25 Book Loan Payment Due. Summer II 2016 Session November 2016 (8 weeks) 2 May 2016 27 Deadline to receive bacterial meningitis immunization. 31 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. Final day to apply for fall graduation and pay for diploma, cap, and gown. Final day to drop a course or withdraw with penalty. 30 Last class day. December 2016 June 2016 1-7 Final exams. 6 First class day. 14 Census date. Fall 2016 Session I 20 Final day to drop a course or withdraw without academic penalty. (8 weeks) August 2016 July 2016 12 7 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. Deadline to receive bacterial meningitis immunization. 15 7 Semester is 60% complete. Critical date for financial aid students. Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. 22 First class day. 18 Final day to drop a course or withdraw with academic penalty. 29 Census date. 27 Last class day. 27 Final Exams. September 2016 Fall 2016 Semester (16 weeks) Deadline to receive bacterial meningitis immunization. 15 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. 22 September 2016 Census date. 19 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. 20 First Installment Loan Payment Due. 28 Final day to drop a course or withdraw without academic penalty. 30 Distribution of Spring 2017 Semester Class Schedule. 21 Semester is 60% complete. Critical date for financial aid students. Last day to drop a course or withdraw without academic penalty. October 2016 First class day. 7 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. 7 August 2016 12 15 5 Last day to drop a course or withdraw with penalty. 12 Last class day. 12 Final Exams. Fall 2016 Session II (8 weeks) October 2015 10 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. 17 First class day. 24 Census date. November 2016 October 2016 4 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule 2 Last day to drop a course or withdraw without academic penalty. 30 10 Students dropped from classes for nonpayment. December 2016 16 Semester is 60% complete. Critical date for financial aid students. Last day to drop a course or withdraw with academic penalty. 7 Last class day. 7 Final exams. Calendar June 2016 Su Mo Tu We 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 July 2016 Th 2 9 16 23 30 Fr 3 10 17 24 Sa 4 11 18 25 September 2016 Su Mo Tu We Th 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 Fr 2 9 16 23 30 Sa 3 10 17 24 Fr 2 9 16 23 30 Sa 3 10 17 24 31 August 2016 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 Su Mo 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 Tu 2 9 16 23 30 We 3 10 17 24 31 Th 4 11 18 25 October 2016 November 2016 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Su Mo Tu 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 December 2016 Su Mo Tu We Th 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 Sa 2 9 16 23 30 5 We 2 9 16 23 30 Th 3 10 17 24 Fr 5 12 19 26 Sa 6 13 20 27 Fr 4 11 18 25 Sa 5 12 19 26 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Final Exam Schedule CLASS STARTS EXAM TIME CLASS STARTS Thursday, Dec. 1 Tuesday, Dec. 6 8:00 T/R 8-10:30 9T 9-11:30 8:30 T/R 8-10:30 9:30 T/R 8-10:30 9R 9-11 12 T 12-2:30 11 T/R 11-1:30 12:30 T/R 11-1:30 1R 1-3:30 1 T or T/R 1-3:30 2 T/R 2-4:30 1:30 T/R 1:30-4 5 T/R 5-6:15 Friday, Dec. 2 8F 8-10:30 5T 5-7:30 9 MWF or F 8-10:30 5:30 T/R 5:30-8 10 F 10-12:30 6:30 T 6:30-9 10 MWF 10-12:30 6:30 T/R 6:30-7:45 12 MWF or F 2-4:30 Wednesday, Dec. 7 Monday, Dec. 5 1. 2. EXAM TIME 8 MWF 8-10:30 9 MW or M 9-11:30 9W 9-11 11 MW or MWF 10-12:30 10 W 10-12:30 12 MW 1-3:30 1W 1-3:30 12:30 MW or MWF 12:30-3 1:30 MW 1:30-4 2:30 MW 2:30-5 5 MW 4-6:30 5M 5-7:30 5W 5-7:30 5:30 MW 5:30-8 5:30 W 5:30-8 6:30 M 6:30-9 6 MW 6-8:30 6:30 W or MW 6:30-9 Final examinations for Cosmetology, Surgical Technology, Vocational Nursing, and Upward Mobility Nursing may be scheduled independently. Students with examination conflicts should make arrangements with their instructors for alternate times as early as possible. Abbreviations General M Monday T Tuesday W Wednesday R Thursday F Friday LSCPA Buildings AH Allied Health AHA Allied Health Annex AUTM Automotive Building COS Cosmetology Building EDUC Education Building INTC Instrumention Building MMED Madison Monroe Education Building 6 MUS Music Hall PAC Performing Arts Center PTAC Process Technology Building PMPC Carl Parker Multipurpose Center RF Ruby Fuller Building SSC Student Success Center Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule REGISTER NOW! DON’T DELAY. Register and reserve your seat in the classes you want! You will NOT be dropped for non-payment if you receive financial aid or a scholarship. Registration begins on April 4, 2016. Student Services is open from 8-5pm and until 6pm on Wednesday. BEFORE YOU REGISTER Submit Application for Admission. Submit Official high school transcript or GED scores. First Time in College Student Transfer Student Returning Student Submit Official college transcript from all colleges attended. Submit TSI Scores (Texas Success Initiative) for degree seeking students. Submit Bacterial Meningitis record (students under the age of 22). Verify receipt of Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) results with Student Financial Aid Office Special Categories of Students 1. TSI Restricted Student: A degree seeking student who has not passed all portions of a state mandated test. Students must enroll and regularly attend at least one developmental class each semester until they satisfy the TSI requriements. 2. Students with Disabilities (Special Populations): Students who want to receive academic accommodations for their disabilities should register with the Special Population Office at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester. Students may schedule an appointment with the Special Populations Coordinator by calling 409-984-6241. 7 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule 3. Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination: All students under the age of 22 must provide proof of Bacterial Meningitis vaccination no later than 10 days prior to the first class day of the semester. PROOF OF VACINATION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO REGISTRATION. 4. Financial Aid Applicants: Students who have NOT completed all campus-based paperwork required to accompany FAFSA results MUST make arrangements with the Cashier prior to the first payment deadline. Students who have not met financial aid academic standards must make payment arrangements prior to the first payment deadline. 8 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule 9 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule How to Register Online for Classes 1. Log on to 2. Click on the “My Services” tab at the top of the page. 3. Once the My Services tab has loaded, click on the “Student” tab. 4. Click on the Registration option under the “Student” tab. 5. Select Add or Drop Classes. • • o o You may register for classes by CRN (Course Registration Number, a 5 digit course identifier) or via “Class Search”. o To register by CRN: o o • o Enter the CRNs for the classes you wish to register for in the boxes at the bottom of the page. o Click “Submit Changes” to proceed with registration. To register by class search o Click on “Class Search”. In Subject, highlight the subject you would like to search for classes in (i.e., Biology, Mathematics) In Course Number, type in the 4-digit course number (i.e. 2401, 1314) You may select filters such as Internet, Clinical, Lecture or leave the rest of the filters blank and scroll down to bottom of page and click on “Class Search”. If there are multiple sections of the same course, review your options by paying attention to the day and time. Select the particular section for which you would like to register. 6. Repeat Step 5 as necessary. 7. If you need to drop a class you already registered for, look for the drop down menu next to the class you want to drop. Select “Web Drop” and click on “Submit Changes”. Six Drop Rule Consider carefully the courses you select. Dropping a class may also affect the financial aid award that you receive. State law prohibits a student from dropping more than six classes in their lifetime. 10 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Becoming a Successful Online Student Successful online students have a few things in common. If you want to excel in your assignments, be a productive, contributing member of classroom discussions, and overcome the challenges of learning from a distance, give these tips a try. 1. Be open minded about sharing life, work, and educational experiences as part of the learning process. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, the online process requires you to utilize your experiences. The online discussion forum eliminates the visual barriers that may hinder you in expressing yourself, also allowing time to reflect on the information before responding. 2. Be able to communicate through writing. A majority of communication in the online classroom is written, so it is critical that you feel comfortable in expressing yourself in writing. 3. Be self-motivated and self-disciplined. With the freedom and flexibility of the online environment comes responsibility. The online process takes a real commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the process. Use the first few days of your course to become familiar with course expectations and make a schedule for yourself. Once you get behind in a course, it is almost impossible to catch up. 4. Be willing to "speak up" if problems arise. Many of the non-verbal communication mechanisms that face-to-face instructors use to evaluate student understanding (confusion, frustration, boredom, absence, etc.) are not possible in the online forum. If you experience difficulty on any level (either with the technology or with the course content), communicate this immediately. Otherwise your instructor may never know something is wrong. 5. Be willing and able to commit 15 to 20 hours per week to your course. Online is not easier than the traditional educational process. In fact, many will say it requires much more time and commitment. 6. Be able to meet the minimum requirements for the program. The requirements for online are no less than that of any other quality educational program. You should view online as a convenient way to receive your education – not an easier way. 7. Accept critical thinking and decision making as part of the learning process. The learning process requires you to make decisions based on facts, as well as experience. Assimilating information and executing the right decisions requires critical thought. 8. Have reliable access to a computer and Internet Service. You must have access to the necessary equipment. 9. Be able to think ideas through before responding. Meaningful and quality input into the online classroom is an essential part of the learning process. Time is given in the process to allow careful consideration of responses. Testing and challenging of ideas is encouraged – you will not always be right, so be prepared to accept a challenge. 10. Feel that high quality learning can take place without going to a traditional classroom. Online is not for everybody. If you want to be on a traditional campus attending a traditional classroom, you will probably not be happy online. While the level of social interaction can be very high in the online classroom, it is not the same as being on campus. You should expect to: • • • • • • Participate in the online classroom 5-7 days a week. Work with others in completing projects. Use the technology properly. Meet the minimum standards as set forth by your instructor. Complete all assignments on time. Enjoy communicating in writing 11 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Tuition and Fees1 SCH Tuition Texas Tuition NonTexas Student Service Fee Student Center Fee Rec. Sprots Fee Transcript Fee Endowed Scholarship Fee Library Fee Athletic Fee Computer Use Fee Total Charge Texas Total Charge Non-Texas Summer 2016 Semester 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 $127.86 $255.72 $383.58 $511.44 $639.30 $767.16 $895.02 $1,022.88 $1,150.74 $1,278.60 $1,406.46 $1,534.32 $1,662.18 $517.86 $1,035.72 $1,553.58 $2,071.44 $2,589.30 $3,107.16 $3,625.02 $4,142.88 $4,660.74 $5,178.60 $5,696.46 $6,214.32 $6,732.18 $28 $56 $84 $112 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $13.50 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $4 $8 $12 $16 $20 $24 $28 $32 $36 $40 $44 $48 $52 $5.29 $10.58 $15.87 $21.16 $26.45 $31.74 $37.03 $42.32 $47.61 $52.90 $58.19 $63.48 $68.77 $20.57 $41.14 $61.71 $82.28 $102.85 $123.42 $143.99 $164.56 $185.13 $205.70 $226.27 $246.84 $267.41 $217.22 $403.94 $590.66 $777.38 $949.10 $1,107.82 $1,266.54 $1,425.26 $1,583.98 $1,742.70 $1,901.42 $2,060.14 $2,218.86 $607.22 $1,183.94 $1,760.66 $2,337.38 $2,899.10 $3,447.82 $3,996.54 $4,545.26 $5,093.98 $5,642.70 $6,191.42 $6,740.14 $7,288.86 1 Tuition NonTexas Student Service Fee Student Center Fee Rec. Sports Fee Transcript Fee Endowed Scholarship Library Fee Athletic Fee Computer Use Fee Total Charge Texas Total Charge Non-Texas SCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tuition Texas Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 Semesters $132.44 $264.88 $397.32 $529.76 $662.20 $794.64 $927.08 $1,059.52 $1,191.96 $1,324.40 $1,456.84 $1,589.28 $1,721.72 $1,854.16 $1,986.60 $2,119.04 $2,251.48 $2,383.92 $2,516.36 $2,648.80 $540.44 $1,080.88 $1,621.32 $2,161.76 $2,702.20 $3,242.64 $3,783.08 $4,323.52 $4,863.96 $5,404.40 $5,944.84 $6,485.28 $7,025.72 $7,566.16 $8,106.60 $8,647.04 $9,187.48 $9,727.92 $10,268.36 $10,808.80 $28 $56 $84 $112 $140 $168 $196 $224 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $26.40 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $20 $4 $8 $12 $16 $20 $24 $28 $32 $36 $40 $44 $48 $52 $56 $60 $64 $68 $72 $76 $80 $11.37 $22.74 $34.11 $45.48 $56.85 $68.22 $79.59 $90.96 $102.33 $113.70 $125.07 $136.44 $147.81 $159.18 $170.55 $181.92 $193.29 $204.66 $216.03 $227.40 $20.57 $41.14 $61.71 $82.28 $102.85 $123.42 $143.99 $164.56 $185.13 $205.70 $226.27 $246.84 $267.41 $287.98 $308.55 $329.12 $349.69 $370.26 $390.83 $411.40 $255.78 $453.16 $650.54 $847.92 $1,045.30 $1,242.68 $1,440.06 $1,637.44 $1,832.82 $2,002.20 $2,171.58 $2,340.96 $2,510.34 $2,679.72 $2,849.10 $3,018.48 $3,187.86 $3,357.24 $3,526.62 $3,696.00 $663.78 $1,269.16 $1,874.54 $2,479.92 $3,085.30 $3,690.68 $4,296.06 $4,901.44 $5,504.82 $6,082.20 $6,659.58 $7,236.96 $7,814.34 $8,391.72 $8,969.10 $9,546.48 $10,123.86 $10,701.24 $11,278.62 $11,856.00 Tuition and fees are subject to change by action of the Board of Regents or the Texas State Legislature. 12 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule tuition payment. Loans Short Term Loans Students should visit the Business Office to apply for short term loans. Short term loans must be paid within 60 days after the first class day. Do not pay for multiple terms in one term. For more information go to the Business Office at 1501 Procter Street. Book Loans You must, for example, pay tuition for spring by selecting the spring term. Failure to correctly select the term and make payment per semester will result in the student being dropped from all classes in one or more semesters or terms. Students should visit the Business Office to apply for a book loan. As part of the application students must have a list of required textbooks and their cost. For more information go to the Business Office at 1501 Procter Street. Paying Tuition Payment Amounts Tuition and fees are subject to change based on the Texas State University System, LSCPA policies and/or state and federal regulations. Payment in full. Students that have paid all their tuition and fees for a semester will be registered for classes in that semester. More than 50% of tuition and fees paid. Students that pay more than 50% but less than 100% of their tuition and fees for a semester will be placed on the Installment Payment Plan. Less than 50% of tuition and fees paid. Students that pay less than 50% of their tuition and fees for a semester will be dropped from all classes. Payment of Fees A student is not registered until all fees are paid in full or the student has been approved for the installment payment plan. Note: Students awarded sufficient financial aid or scholarships to pay their bill will not be dropped from classes for non-payment. Installment Payment Option Students may enter into an installment contract with the college (during the fall and spring semesters only). Any payment for an amount less than the full balance of the account constitutes an acceptance of an installment contract with the college. Drop and/or withdrawal refunds for students using the installment plan are calculated as a percentage of the total tuition and fees assessed, not as a percentage of any partial payments. Payment Options 1. In Person The Cashier’s Office is located in the Business Office on Procter Street. Regular business hours are 8 A.M. until 5 P.M., Monday through Friday. The Cashier’s Office is closed from 12:00 until 1:00 p.m. 2. By Mail Send check or money order to the address below. You must include your student ID number (P number) on your check or money order. Cashier's Office, Lamar State College Port Arthur, P.O. Box 310, Beaumont, TX 77642. 3. Web System Students can pay their tuition and fees by check or credit card online through BANNER Self Service. LSCPA accepts American Express, VISA, Discover, or MasterCard. Students may obtain an account balance(s) by going to the Lamar State College Port Arthur homepage at Follow the instructions to locate your account balance and make payment. If a class is added after a student is placed on installments, the student is responsible for 100% of the tuition and fees for the added class. The tuition and fees for the added class must be paid before the payment date listed in the calendar. A non-refundable service charge of $20 is assessed for the installment plan option. A late fee of $15 will be assessed beginning the first day after an installment due date for each delinquent payment. Warning: Be careful that you select the correct term or semester when you make a 13 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Residence Status Fall Session II (8 week courses) First drop for non-payment ................ 10-10-16 Final drop for non-payment ............... 11-10-16 Tuition is based upon the number of hours for which the student registers and is determined by the student's classification as a Texas resident, a non-resident U.S. citizen or a citizen of another country. Determination of legal residence for tuition purposes is made on the basis of statutes of the State of Texas. NOTE: There will be a $50 reinstatement fee charged each time your classes are cancelled for non-payment. Notices are sent to your email account regarding unpaid balances and course cancellations. Financial Obligations Refunds A student who fails to make full payment of tuition and fees, including any incidental fees, by the due date, will be prohibited from registering for classes until full payment is made. A student who fails to make payment prior to the end of the semester may be denied credit for the work done that semester. Also, holds will be placed on academic records so that students cannot obtain transcripts and/or receive grades. All delinquent installment accounts, NSF checks and delinquent shortterm loans will be released to a collection agency/credit bureau. All costs of collection are payable by the student to the collection agency. Collection fees shall include a fee of 33 1/3 percent of the original balance due, and loans may include an additional interest charge not to exceed five percent of the balance. Withdrawal Withdrawal from the college does not relieve the student of any financial obligations under the Installment Payment Agreement or Student Loans. These debts are the student's legal financial commitments. Refunds will be processed in accordance with the published Refund Schedule. Withdrawal from the college must be done with an advisor in order to receive a refund. A student seeking reinstatement to the college within the same semester after having withdrawn or been withdrawn shall pay a $50 reinstatement fee, in addition to late payment fees. Students on an installment plan must also pay all past due balances at the time of reinstatement. Insufficient Funds Checks Checks written in payment of registration fees and returned due to insufficient funds will result in a $25 check charge plus a $10 late registration fee or a $15 installment late penalty. Obligations paid by an insufficient funds check are considered delinquent. For refund purposes, the first class day is always the official first class day of the semester. Students that officially withdraw will receive a refund for Tuition, Laboratory Fees, Student Services Fee, Student Center Fee, Recreational Center Fee, Athletic Fee, Technology Service Fee, and Library Use Fee according to the following Refund Schedule: Payment Deadlines Students are responsible for paying tuition and fees prior to the deadline date. Students that fail to meet payment deadlines will be dropped from their courses. Refund Schedule Students may obtain account balance information on BANNER Self Service. Summer I (5 weeks) Payment Deadlines Prior to June 6, 2016 ........................................... 100% June 6-June 8......................................................... 80% June 9-June 14....................................................... 50% After June 14, no refunds will be given. Summer I Semester First drop for non-payment ...................5-31-16 Final drop for non-payment ..................6-24-16 Summer I (8 Week Session) First drop for non-payment ..................5-31-16 Final drop for non-payment ...................7-7-16 Summer II Semester First drop for non-payment ....................7-5-16 Final drop for non-payment .................7-29-16 Fall Semester (16 weeks) First drop for non-payment ..................8-15-16 Final drop for non-payment .................9-19-16 Fall Session I (8 week courses) First drop for non-payment ..................8-15-16 Final drop for non-payment .................9-15-16 Summer II (5 weeks) Prior to July 11, 2016 .......................................... 100% (less $20 matriculation fee) July 11- July 13 ..................................................... 80% July 14-July 19 ...................................................... 50% After July 19, no refunds will be given. Fall Semester (16 weeks) Prior to August 22, 2016 ..................................... 100% (less $20 matriculation fee) August 22- August 26 ........................................... 80% August 29-September 2 ......................................... 70% September 6-September 12 ................................... 50% September 13- September 19 ................................ 25% 14 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule In order to set up your Direct Deposit, a student must have a personal bank account in his/her name. The student will need the number and the routing number from the bank. After Septembet 19, no refunds will be given. Session I (8 weeks) Prior to August 22, 2016 ......................................100% (less $20 matriculation fee) August 22-August 24 .............................................80% August 25-August 29 .............................................50% After August 29, no refunds will be given. Steps to set up your Direct Deposit: 1. Log in to your account 2. Click the “My Services” tab 3. Click the “Student” tab 4. Select the “Student Payment Center” link 5. Select the “e-Refunds” link 6. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your direct deposit Session II (8 weeks) Prior to October 17, 2016 .....................................100% (less $20 matriculation fee) October 17-October 19...........................................80% October 20-October 24...........................................50% After October 24, no refunds will be given. Contact the Business Office at 409-984-6126 with any questions regarding setting up direct deposit. If you are unable to log in to your MyLamarpa account or have issues accessing any links within your account, contact IT Services for further assistance at 409-984-6150. Dropped Courses Students, excluding recipients of federal financial aid, who drop courses during the first 12 class days of the fall or spring semester or within the first four days of a summer semester and remain enrolled at LSCPA, will receive refunds on tuition and fees for that particular course or courses. TSUS policy requires that refunds be deposited directly into a student bank account. Student IDs Students are required to have an ID while on campus. New students will be charged for an ID at the time of registration. There will be a charge for the replacement of a missing student ID. IDs are distributed on the second floor of the Student Center, Room 209. Matriculation Fee A matriculation fee of $20 will be incurred by students who withdraw prior to the first day of class. The fee will be deducted from refunds. Parking Permits Students parking on campus must purchase a parking permit and display the permit in their vehicle while on campus. Parking permits must be purchased in the Cashier’s Office. Students must provide a license plate number and make of vehicle to purchase a parking permit. Parking permits are distributed on the second floor of the Student Center, Room 209. Direct Deposit As mandated by the Texas State University System (TSUS), in an effort to reduce costs and increase efficiency, the use of manual/paper checks has been discontinued. Students will be required to establish an account and/or provide banking information to LSCPA in order to satisfy direct deposit requirements. Handicap Accessible Permit Students who need an LSCPA handicap accessible parking permit should see the Coordinator of Special Populations. Students who are issued an LSCPA handicapped accessible parking permit must display the permit and a state issued handicapped parking permit if they park a vehicle on the LSCPA campus. Paper checks will no longer be used to return funds to students eligible for a refund. Students will be required to receive credit balance refunds and financial aid refunds electronically via Direct Deposit to an established personal checking or savings account. If the E-Refund is returned from the students banking instiution for Account Closed, Unable to Locate, Invalid Account Number, etc., there will be a $25 charge deducted from the refund each time the refund is returned. Developmental Classes Non-Course-Based Option The Non-Course-Based Option is available to a student who is repeating a first-level developmental reading or writing course or a first or second-level developmental math course and who earned a “D” in that course on the previous attempt. Note: Only after all outstanding balances have been paid, will any resulting credit balance be transmitted to a Direct Deposit Checking Account. Direct Deposit transactions may take 3-5 business days after transmission. Students must contact LSCPA Cashiering or their banking institution to resolve problems associated with this process. 15 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule The NCBO course will give a student credit for whatever portion of the course was successfully completed so that he or she will not have to start over at the beginning. Upon completing the remainder of the course, passing the final examination, and earning a “C” or better, the student will be allowed to move on to the next level during that same semester. If the student completes enough of the work in the next level, he or she will be allowed to take a free TSI Assessment Test to pass that level as well. If the student does not reach the point where he or she can take the TSI, or if the TSI score is not sufficient to pass into the next level, then the student will simply enroll in the next level developmental course the following semester. Integrated Reading/Writing (IRW) Any student who places into the second levels of developmental reading and/or writing will be enrolled in the ENGL 0327. This 3 hour IRW course will fulfill both the reading and writing TSI requirements. SEMESTER OPTIONS Students have an opportunity to learn by selecting from different types of instruction and different semester lengths. Pick the semester that works best for YOU! Traditional Semester (16 Week Semester) Traditional instruction occurs in a classroom setting. Students attend class 2-3 times per week. Classroom lectures, demonstrations, and homework assignments are common in this type of class. Online Courses The class is taught online. Students must log into the Blackboard course and communicate with the instructor before the end of the first week of class. Some online courses may require visits to campus for labs or exams. Students should have good computer skills and be very self-disciplined to be successful in online courses. Summer Semester (5 Week Semesters) Summer Semester classes are taught during a five week semester. Classes typically meet 3-4 days per week. Studenats are advised to enroll in one or two classes during a Summer Semester. Students should be comfortable using a computer as the course is taught online. Session I and Fall (8 Week Sessions) Some classes are taught during a short, intensive eight week semester. To be successful, students must be disciplined about attending class and completing assignments. Students should be comfortable using a computer as the course is taught online. 16 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Summer I 2016 Semester June 6, 2016 to July 7, 2016 Summer I 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Course Title Type Days Begin End Bldg Rm Instructor Practicum TBA TBA None None Arrington, K. Practicum TBA TBA None None Arrington, K. Allied Health Department (DAAC) Drug And Alcohol Abuse Counseling 60507 DAAC 1165 50 60508 DAAC 1264 50 Practicum (Field Experience) Practicum (or Field Experience) Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling (NURA) Nurse Aid 6 Clinical Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Assistant/Aide Clinical Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Assistant/Aide Clinical Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Assistant/Aide Clinical Nursing Assistant/Aide and Patient Assistant/Aide 1 Nurse Aide for Health Care 1301 2 NURA 1301 NURA 1301 60386 NURA 60387 NURA 60511 NURA 1160 3 Clinical M 12:00 PM 4:50 PM RF 125 Allen, S. 60512 NURA 1160 4 Clinical T 12:00 PM 4:50 PM RF 125 Allen, S. 60390 NURA 1160 5 Clinical W 12:00 PM 4:50 PM RF 125 Allen, S. 60391 NURA 1160 60382 NURA 1301 Clinical R 12:00 PM 4:50 PM RF 125 Allen, S. Lec F 8:00 AM 10:40 AM RF 106 60383 NURA Allen, S. Nurse Aide for Health Care Lab F 11:30 AM 2:45 PM RF 106 Allen, S. 60509 60510 3 Nurse Aide for Health Care Lab M 8:00 AM 11:15 AM RF 125 Allen, S. 4 Nurse Aide for Health Care Lab T 8:00 AM 11:15 AM RF 125 Allen, S. 1301 5 Nurse Aide for Health Care Lab 2 W 8:00 AM 11:15 AM RF 125 Allen, S. 1301 6 Nurse Aide for Health Care Lab 2 R 8:00 AM 11:15 AM RF 125 Allen, S. (RNSG) Registered Nursing 60513 RNSG 1137 1 Professional Nursing Concepts III Lec T 2:00 PM 3:20 PM AH 122 Woods, T. 60514 RNSG 1538 1 Health Care Concepts III Lec T 12:30 PM 1:50 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 1538 1 Health Care Concepts III Lec T 8:00 AM 12:00 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 1538 2 Health Care Concepts III Lab W 12:30 PM 2:55 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 1538 2 Health Care Concepts III Lab W 8:00 AM 12:00 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 2361 1 Clinical Registered Nursing Clinical M 6:30 AM 12:30 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 2361 1 Clinical Registered Nursing Clinical W 3:00 PM 5:25 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 2361 1 Clinical Registered Nursing Clinical M 1:00 PM 7:00 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 2361 2 Clinical Registered Nursing Clinical M 6:30 AM 12:30 PM AH 122 Stamey, J. RNSG 2361 2 Clinical Registered Nursing Clinical M 1:00 PM 7:00 PM AH 122 Stamey, J. RNSG 2361 2 Clinical Registered Nursing Clinical W 3:00 PM 5:25 PM AH 122 Stamey, J. RNSG 2361 3 Clinical Registered Nursing Clinical W 3:00 PM 5:25 PM AH 122 Reid, S. RNSG 2361 3 Clinical Registered Nursing Clinical M 1:00 PM 7:00 PM AH 122 Reid, S. W 8:00 AM 12:00 PM AHA 107 Buckner, B. 60515 60516 60517 60518 (SRGT) Surgical Technology 60519 60394 60393 SRGT 1442 1 Surgical Procedures II Lec SRGT 1442 1 Surgical Procedures II Lec W 1:00 PM 3:40 PM AHA 107 Buckner, B. SRGT 1462 1 Clinical Surgical Technology Clinical MTRF 6:30 AM 12:30 PM AH 110 Buckner, B. SRGT 1462 1 Clinical Surgical Technology Clinical MTRF 1:00 PM 4:40 PM AH 110 Buckner, B. SRGT 2130 1 Professional Readiness Lec W 4:00 PM 5:20 PM AHA 107 Buckner, B. (VNSG) Vocational Nursing 17 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Summer I 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec 60525 VNSG 1230 1 Maternal-Neonatal Nursing Lec/Lab F VNSG 1230 1 Maternal-Neonatal Nursing Lec/Lab F VNSG 1234 1 Pediatrics Lec/Lab VNSG 1234 1 Pediatrics Lec/Lab 60520 VNSG 1409 1 Nursing in Health and Illness II 60521 VNSG 1409 2 Nursing in Health and Illness II VNSG 1409 2 VNSG 1462 1 VNSG 1462 1 Nursing in Health and Illness II Lab Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical 60522 60086 60087 60088 60079 VNSG 1462 1 VNSG 1462 1 VNSG 1462 2 VNSG 1462 2 VNSG 1462 2 VNSG 1462 2 VNSG 1462 3 VNSG 1462 3 VNSG 1462 3 VNSG 1462 3 VNSG 1463 1 Course Title Type End Bldg Rm 11:00 AM 12:30 PM AH 120 Guidry, E. 8:00 AM 10:30 AM AH 120 Guidry, E. T 8:00 AM 10:30 AM AH 120 Smith, L. T 11:00 AM 12:30 PM AH 120 Smith, L. Lec M 8:00 AM 11:40 AM AH 120 LaGrone, T. Lab M 12:00 PM 3:30 PM AH 120 LaGrone, T. T 1:00 PM 3:20 PM AH 120 LaGrone, T. 5:40 PM AH 120 Smith, L. 12:00 PM AHA 101 Smith, L. Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Days Begin Instructor W 12:30 PM RF 6:30 AM RF 12:30 PM 5:40 PM AHA 101 Smith, L. W 6:30 AM 12:00 PM AH 120 Smith, L. W 6:30 AM 12:00 PM AH 120 LaGrone, T. RF 6:30 AM 12:00 PM AH 108 LaGrone, T. W 12:30 PM 5:40 PM AH 120 LaGrone, T. Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical RF 12:30 PM 5:40 PM AH 108 LaGrone, T. W 6:30 AM 12:00 PM AH 120 Lawson, D. Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical RF 6:30 AM 12:00 PM AH 103 Lawson, D. W 12:30 PM 5:40 PM AH 120 Lawson, D. Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical RF 12:30 PM 5:40 PM AH 103 Lawson, D. MTW 6:30 AM 12:00 PM AH 103 Brown, C. Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical MTW 12:30 PM 5:40 PM AH 103 Brown, C. MTW 12:30 PM 5:40 PM AH 103 Guidry, E. Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical MTW 6:30 AM 12:00 PM AH 103 Guidry, E. MTW 6:30 AM 12:00 PM AH 108 Hare, D. MTW 12:30 PM 5:40 PM AH 108 Hare, D. MTW 6:30 AM 12:00 PM AH 108 Arceneaux, C. MTW 12:30 PM 5:40 PM AH 108 Arceneaux, C. VNSG 1463 1 VNSG 1463 2 VNSG 1463 2 VNSG 1463 3 VNSG 1463 3 VNSG 1463 4 Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical VNSG 1463 4 Clinical-Licensed Vocational Nurse Training Clinical 60523 VNSG 2410 1 Nursing in Health and Illness III Lec R 8:00 AM 10:30 AM AH 120 Brown, C. 60524 VNSG 2410 2 Nursing in Health and Illness III Lab R 11:00 AM 3:00 PM AH 120 Brown, C. VNSG 2410 2 Nursing in Health and Illness III Lab R 3:30 PM 5:30 PM AH 120 Brown, C. VNSG 2410 2 Nursing in Health and Illness III Lab F 1:00 PM 5:15 PM AH 120 Brown, C. 60080 60081 60526 Business & Technology Department (CSME) Cosmetology 60555 CSME 1451 1 Artistry of Hair, Theory and Practice Lec/Lab MTW 12:00 PM 3:30 PM COS 101 Smith, A. CSME 1451 1 Artistry of Hair, Theory and Practice Lec/Lab R 7:30 AM 11:30 AM COS 101 Smith, A. CSME 1451 1 Artistry of Hair, Theory and Practice Lec/Lab MTW 7:30 AM 11:30 AM COS 102 Smith, A. 10:10 AM 12:10 PM MME 145 Green, T. MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM MME 105 TBA (HRPO) Human Resources Personnel 60399 HRPO 1311 1 Human Relations Lec MTWR (ITSC) Computer and Information Sciences 60400 ITSC 1401 1 Introduction to Computers Lec Online Course(s) 18 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Summer I 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec 60400 ITSC 1401 71 Course Title Introduction to Computers Type Days Lab Begin End Online Instruction Bldg Rm None Instructor TBA (PTAC) Process Technology 60539 PTAC 2420 1 PTAC II-Systems Lec/Lab MTWR 8:00 AM 9:10 AM PTAC 104 TBA PTAC 2420 1 PTAC II-Systems Lec/Lab MTWR 9:15 AM 10:05 AM PTAC 103 TBA Developmental Education Department (ENGL) English 60436 ENGL 301 1 Basic Reading Skills Lec MTWR 8:00 AM 10:00 AM SSC 105 Belyeu, J. 60437 ENGL 301 26 Basic Reading Skills Lab F 2:00 PM 3:00 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 60055 ENGL 310 1 Developmental Writing I Lec MTWR 8:00 AM 10:00 AM SSC 105 Belyeu, J. 60056 ENGL 310 26 Developmental Writing I Lab F 3:30 PM 4:30 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 2:20 PM MME 221 Steele, S. (MATH) Mathematics 60047 MATH 313 1 Introductory Algebra Lec MTWR 12:20 PM (SSC) Student Success Center 60219 SSC 101 1 SSC Lab - Reading/Writing IRW Lab None None None None Steele, S. 60221 SSC 102 1 SSC Lab - Math Lab None None None None Steele, S. 12:10 PM PAC Liberal Arts Department (ARTS) Art 60444 ARTS 1301 1 Art Appreciation Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 148 Faggard, A. Online Course(s) 60528 ARTS 1301 30 Art Appreciation Lec Online Instruction None None Faggard, A. 60445 ARTS 1301 73 Art Appreciation Lec Online Instruction None None Faggard, A. 50 Musical Theater I Lab MTWR 7:00 PM 9:40 PM (DRAM) Drama 60537 DRAM 1161 PAC 130 Cockrell, C. (ENGL) English 60537 ENGL 327 1 Integrated Reading and Writing Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM SSC 105 Belyeu, J. 60529 ENGL 1301 1 English Composition I Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM MME 101 Byrd, S. 60455 ENGL 2326 1 American Literature Lec MTWR 8:00 AM 10:00 AM MME 205 James, C. Online Course(s) 60530 ENGL 1301 30 English Composition I Lec Online Instruction None None Lowe, Z. 60530 ENGL 1301 73 English Composition I Lec Online Instruction None None Lowe, Z. (GOVT) Government 60256 GOVT 2305 1 Federal Government Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM PAC 136 Triebel, M. Online Course(s) 60458 GOVT 2305 30 Federal Government Lec Online Instruction None None Woodford, D. 60457 GOVT 2305 73 Federal Government Lec Online Instruction None None Woodford, D. 60460 GOVT 2306 30 Texas Government Lec Online Instruction None None Woodford, D. 60459 GOVT 2306 73 Texas Government Lec Online Instruction None None Woodford, D. (HIST) History 19 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Summer I 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Course Title Type 60459 HIST 1301 1 United States History I Lec Days Begin MTWR 8:00 AM End Bldg Rm 10:00 AM PAC 134 Instructor Trevey, M. Online Course(s) 60532 HIST 1301 30 United States History I Lec Online Instruction None None Wilbur, C. 60462 HIST 1301 73 United States History I Lec Online Instruction None None Wilbur, C. 60533 HIST 1302 30 United States History II Lec Online Instruction None None Wilbur, C. 60464 HIST 1302 73 United States History II Lec Online Instruction None None Wilbur, C. (PHIL) Philosophy Online Course(s) 60534 PHIL 1301 30 Introduction to Philosophy Lec Online Instruction None None Lindley, N. 60535 PHIL 1301 73 Introduction to Philosophy Lec Online Instruction None None Lindley, N. Mathematics & Science Department (BCIS) Business Computer Information Systems Online Course(s) 60545 BCIS 1305 30 Business Computer Applications Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Cammack, J. 60409 BCIS 1305 73 Business Computer Applications Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Cammack, J. (BIOL) Biology 60018 BIOL 2401 1 Anatomy and Physiology I Lec MTWR 8:00 AM 60022 BIOL 2401 2 Anatomy and Physiology I Lab MW 60023 BIOL 2401 3 Anatomy and Physiology I Lab TR 60027 BIOL 2420 1 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors Lec 60028 BIOL 2420 2 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors Lab 10:00 AM EDUC 105 Jordan, P. 10:30 AM 1:00 PM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 10:30 AM 1:00 PM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 10:00 AM EDUC 106 Ashcraft, J. 1:00 PM EDUC 124 Ashcraft, J. MTWR 8:00 AM MW 10:30 AM Online Course(s) 60548 BIOL 2402 30 Anatomy and Physiology II Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Longlet, N. 60415 BIOL 2402 73 Anatomy and Physiology II Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Longlet, N. (CHEM) Chemistry Online Course(s) 60546 CHEM 1405 30 Introductory Chemistry I Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Son-Guidry, K. 60411 CHEM 1405 73 Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Son-Guidry, K. 60547 CHEM 1406 30 Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Son-Guidry, K. 60413 CHEM 1406 73 Introductory Chemistry I Introductory Chemistry I (Allied Health emphasis) Introductory Chemistry I (Allied Health emphasis) Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Son-Guidry, K. Learning Framework Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM MME 205 Peeler, B. (EDUC) Education 60542 EDUC 1300 1 (GEOL) Geology 60025 GEOL 1403 1 Physical Geology Lec/Lab MTWR 8:00 AM 10:00 AM EDUC 120 Taylor, R. GEOL 1403 1 Physical Geology Lec/Lab MTWR 10:10 AM 11:20 AM EDUC 120 Taylor, R. (HECO) Home Economics Online Course(s) 60544 HECO 1322 30 Nutrition and Diet Therapy Lec 20 Online Instruction None None Woodard, A. Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Summer I 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec 60407 HECO 1322 73 Course Title Type Nutrition and Diet Therapy Days Lec Begin End Online Instruction Bldg None Rm Instructor None Woodard, A. (MATH) Mathematics 60030 MATH 1314 1 College Algebra Lec MTWR 8:00 AM 10:00 AM MME 209 Askew, M. 60290 MATH 2312 1 Pre-Calculus Math Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM MME 209 Askew, M. Online Course(s) 60552 MATH 1314 30 College Algebra Lec Online Instruction None None Askew, M. 60421 MATH 1314 73 College Algebra Lec Online Instruction None None Askew, M. (PHYS) Physics Online Course(s) 60551 PHYS 1405 30 Elementary Physics I Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Byrd, O. 60419 PHYS 1405 73 Elementary Physics I Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Byrd, O. (PSYC) Psychology Online Course(s) 60428 PSYC 1100 30 Learning Framework Lec Online Instruction None None Clark, J. 60427 PSYC 1100 73 Learning Framework Lec Online Instruction None None Clark, J. 60553 PSYC 2301 30 General Psychology Lec Online Instruction None None Barbay, C. 60431 PSYC 2301 73 General Psychology Lec Online Instruction None None Barbay, C. 60554 PSYC 2314 30 Lifespan Growth and Development Lec Online Instruction None None Barbay, C. 60433 PSYC 2314 73 Lifespan Growth and Development Lec Online Instruction None None Barbay, C. (SOCI) Sociology 60541 SOCI 1301 1 Introduction to Sociology Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM PAC 132 TBA Online Course(s) 60550 SOCI 1301 30 Introduction to Sociology Lec None None None None Brown, L. 60549 SOCI 1301 73 Introduction to Sociology Lec None None None None Brown, L. Music Department (MUSC) Commercial Music 60506 MUSC 2486 1 Internship-Recording Arts Tech Internship MTWR 8:00 AM 11:30 AM None None Freyermuth, J. 60506 MUSC 2486 1 Internship-Recording Arts Tech Internship MTWR 8:00 AM 11:30 AM None None Freyermuth, J. Summer II 2016 Semester July 11 to August 11, 2016 Summer II 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Course Title Type Days Business & Technology Department 21 Begin End Bldg Rm Instructor Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Summer II 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Course Title Type Days Begin End Bldg Rm Instructor (CSME) Cosmetology 70148 CSME 2441 1 Preparation for State Licensing Exam Lec/Lab MTW 12:00 PM 3:30 PM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2441 1 Preparation for State Licensing Exam Lec/Lab R 7:30 AM 11:30 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2441 1 Preparation for State Licensing Exam Lec/Lab MTW 7:30 AM 11:30 AM COS 102 LeJeune, S. 12:10 PM SSC 105 Brooks, C. 3:00 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 12:10 PM SSC 105 Brooks, C. 4:30 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 2:20 PM MME 213 Steele, S. 12:00 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 10:00 AM MME 213 Steele, S. Developmental Education Department (ENGL) English 70029 ENGL 301 1 Basic Reading Skills Lec 70030 ENGL 301 26 Basic Reading Skills Lab 70135 ENGL 310 1 Developmental Writing I Lec 70033 ENGL 310 26 Developmental Writing I Lab MTWR 10:10 AM F 2:00 PM MTWR 10:10 AM F 3:30 PM (MATH) Mathematics 70132 MATH 313 1 Introductory Algebra Lec 70149 MATH 313 26 Introductory Algebra Lab 70133 MATH 332 1 Intermediate Algebra Lec MTWR 12:20 PM F 11:00 AM MTWR 8:00 AM (SSC) Student Success Center 70090 SSC 101 1 SSC Lab - Reading/Writing IRW Lab None None None None Steele, S. 70092 SSC 102 1 SSC Lab - Math Lab None None None None Steele, S. Liberal Arts Department (DRAM) Drama 70143 DRAM 1162 50 Musical Theater II Lab MTWR 7:00 PM 9:40 PM PAC 130 Cockrell, C. 70142 DRAM 1321 1 Theater Practicum II Practicum MTWR 3:00 PM 4:20 PM PAC 130 Cockrell, C. DRAM 1321 1 Theater Practicum II Practicum MTWR 4:30 PM 6:30 PM PAC 130 Cockrell, C. (ENGL) English 70134 ENGL 327 1 Integrated Reading and Writing Lec MTWR 8:00 AM 10:00 AM SSC 105 Brooks, C. 70002 ENGL 1301 1 English Composition I Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM MME 101 Lowe, Z. 70141 ENGL 1302 1 English Composition II Lec MTWR 8:00 AM 10:00 AM MME 101 Lowe, Z. (GOVT) Government 70108 GOVT 2306 1 Texas Government Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM PAC 136 Triebel, M. 1 United States History II Lec MTWR 8:00 AM 10:00 AM PAC 134 Wilbur, C. 1 Public Speaking Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM PAC 130 Stafford, L. 12:10 PM MME 203 Cammack, J. (HIST) History 70007 HIST 1302 (SPCH) Speech 70009 SPCH 1315 Mathematics & Science Department (BCIS) Business Computer Information Systems 70146 BCIS 1305 1 Business Computer Applications Lec 71 Business Computer Applications Lab MTWR 10:10 AM Online Course(s) 70147 BCIS 1305 22 Online Instruction None None Cammack, J. Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Summer II 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Course Title Type Days Begin MTWR 8:00 AM End Bldg Rm Instructor 10:00 AM EDUC 105 Jordan, P. (BIOL) Biology 70013 BIOL 2402 1 Anatomy and Physiology II Lec 70017 BIOL 2402 2 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab MW 10:30 AM 1:00 PM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 70145 BIOL 2402 3 Anatomy and Physiology II Lab TR 10:30 AM 1:00 PM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. (MATH) Mathematics 70019 MATH 1314 1 College Algebra Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM MME 209 Gregory, S. (PSYC) Psychology 70122 PSYC 1300 1 Learning Framework Lec MTWR 10:10 AM 12:10 PM EDUC 106 Clark, J. 70077 PSYC 2301 1 General Psychology Lec MTWR 8:00 AM 10:00 AM EDUC 106 Clark, J. Music Department (MUSC) Commercial Music 70140 MUSC 2486 1 Internship-Recording Arts Tech Internship MTWRF 12:30 PM 5:00 PM None None Freyermuth, J. MUSC 2486 1 Internship-Recording Arts Tech Internship MTWRF 8:00 AM 12:00 PM None None Freyermuth, J. Students that are registered for the 16 week Fall Semester but have not paid their tuition by September 19, 2016 will be dropped from all of their classes. Fall 2016 Semester August 22 to December 7, 2016 Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Course Title Type Days Begin End Bldg Rm Instructor Arrington, K. Allied Health Department (DAAC) Drug And Alcohol Abuse Counseling 91492 DAAC 1164 50 Practicum (or Field Experience) Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling Practicum (or Field Experience) Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling Practicum None None None None 91493 DAAC 1264 50 Practicum None None None None Arrington, K. 91433 DAAC 1304 50 Pharmacology of Addiction Lec M 5:30 PM 8:00 PM RF 106 Arrington, K. 91494 DAAC 91434 DAAC 1309 50 Assess Skill/Alcohol Drug Lec R 5:30 PM 8:00 PM RF 106 Arrington, K. 1311 50 Counseling Theories Lec W 5:30 PM 8:00 PM RF 106 91495 DAAC Arrington, K. 1317 50 Basic Counseling Skills Lec T 5:30 PM 8:00 PM RF 106 Arrington, K. (NURA) Nurse Aid 23 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Course Title Type Days Begin End 90362 NURA 1160 3 Clinical-Nurse Assist/Aide Clinic M 10:45 AM 1:45 PM Bldg RF Rm 125 Allen, S. Instructor 90363 NURA 1160 4 Clinical-Nurse Assist/Aide Clinic T 10:45 AM 1:45 PM RF 125 Allen, S. 90364 NURA 1160 5 Clinical-Nurse Assist/Aide Clinic R 10:45 AM 1:45 PM RF 125 Allen, S. 90365 NURA 1160 6 Clinical-Nurse Assist/Aide Clinic F 10:45 AM 1:45 PM RF 125 Allen, S. 90356 NURA 1301 1 Nurse Aide Hlth Care Org I Lec W 10:00 AM 11:40 AM RF 106 Allen, S. 90357 NURA 1301 2 Nurse Aide Hlth Care Org I Lab W 12:00 PM 2:00 PM RF 106 Allen, S. 90358 NURA 1301 3 Nurse Aide Hlth Care Org I Lab 2 M 8:30 AM 10:30 AM RF 125 Allen, S. 90359 NURA 1301 4 Nurse Aide Hlth Care Org I Lab 2 T 8:30 AM 10:30 AM RF 125 Allen, S. 90360 NURA 1301 5 Nurse Aide Hlth Care Org I Lab 2 R 8:30 AM 10:30 AM RF 125 Allen, S. 90361 NURA 1301 6 Nurse Aide Hlth Care Org I Lab 2 F 8:30 AM 10:30 AM RF 125 Allen, S. (RNSG) Registered Nursing 91496 RNSG 1300 1 Health Assessment Lifespan Lec R 8:00 AM 9:40 AM AH 122 Woods, T. 91497 RNSG 1300 2 Health Assessment Lifespan Lab R 10:00 AM 12:00 PM AH 122 Woods, T. 91501 RNSG 2138 1 Professional Nursing Concepts IV Lec/Lab T 12:00 PM 12:50 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 2138 1 Professional Nursing Concepts IV 1:00 PM 2:00 PM AH 122 Woods, T. 2362 1 Clinical RN Training Lec/Lab Clinic T RNSG M 1:00 PM 7:00 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 2362 1 Clinical RN Training Clinic M 6:30 AM 12:30 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 2362 2 Clinical RN Training Clinic M 6:30 AM 12:30 PM AH 122 Stamey, J. 91498 91499 91500 91502 RNSG 2362 2 Clinical RN Training Clinic M 1:00 PM 7:00 PM AH 122 Stamey, J. RNSG 2362 3 Clinical RN Training Clinic M 6:30 AM 12:30 PM AH 122 Reid, S. RNSG 2362 3 Clinical RN Training Clinic M 1:00 PM 7:00 PM AH 122 Reid, S. RNSG 2539 1 Health Care Concepts IV Lec/Lab W 8:00 AM 12:00 PM AH 122 Woods, T. RNSG 2539 1 Health Care Concepts IV Lec/Lab T 8:00 AM 11:20 AM AH 122 Woods, T. Fall 2016 Session I Semester (8 weeks) Online Course(s) 91138 RNSG 1300 73 Health Assessment Across the Lifespan Lec Online Instruction None MacNeill, S. 91139 RNSG 1300 74 Health Assessment Across the Lifespan Lab Online Instruction None MacNeill, S. (SRGT) Surgical Technology 90405 SRGT 1360 1 Clinical Surgical Tech Clinic MT 6:30 AM 11:30 AM AH 110 Buckner, B. 90405 SRGT 1360 1 Clinical Surgical Tech Clinic MT 12:30 PM 3:30 PM AH 110 Buckner, B. 91310 SRGT 1405 1 Introduction to Surgical Technology Lec/Lab W 12:30 PM 4:30 PM AH 110 Buckner, B. 91310 SRGT 1405 1 Introduction to Surgical Technology Lec/Lab W 8:00 AM 11:30 AM AHA 107 Buckner, B. 91311 SRGT 1409 1 Fund Perioperative Techniques Lec/Lab R 8:00 AM 11:30 AM AHA 107 Buckner, B. 91311 SRGT 1409 1 Fund Perioperative Techniques Lec/Lab R 12:30 PM 4:30 PM AH 110 Buckner, B. (VNSG) Vocational Nursing 91453 VNSG 1204 1 Foundations of Nursing Lec R 8:00 AM 9:40 AM AH 120 Brown, C. 91454 VNSG 1204 2 Foundations of Nursing Lab R 10:00 AM 11:00 AM AH 120 Brown, C. 90380 VNSG 1227 1 Essentials of Medication Admn Lec W 12:00 PM 1:40 PM AH 120 Guidry, E. 91456 VNSG 1227 2 Essentials of Medication Admn Lab W 2:00 PM 3:00 PM AH 120 Guidry, E. 91505 VNSG 1230 1 Maternal-Neonatal Nursing Lec T 8:00 AM 9:40 AM AH 120 Smith, L. 91506 VNSG 1230 2 Maternal-Neonatal Nursing Lab T 10:00 AM 11:00 AM AH 120 Smith, L. 91455 VNSG 1231 1 Pharmacology Lec/Lab W 10:00 AM 11:00 AM AH 120 Davis, E. 91455 VNSG 1231 1 Pharmacology W 8:00 AM 9:40 AM AH 120 Davis, E. 90376 VNSG 1261 1 Clinical (LPN Training) Lec/Lab Clinic MT 6:30 AM 10:30 AM AH 108 Guidry, E. 24 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Type Days Begin End 90376 VNSG 1261 1 Clinical (LPN Training) Course Title Clinic MT 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Bldg AH Rm 108 Guidry, E. Instructor 90377 VNSG 1261 2 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic MT 6:30 AM 10:30 AM AH 103 Brown, C. 90377 VNSG 1261 2 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic MT 11:00 AM 1:00 PM AH 103 Brown, C. 90378 VNSG 1261 3 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic MT 6:30 AM 10:30 AM AH 103 Hare, D. 90378 VNSG 1261 3 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic MT 11:00 AM 1:00 PM AH 103 Hare, D. 90379 VNSG 1261 4 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic MT 6:30 AM 10:30 AM AHA 101 Arceneaux, C. 90379 VNSG 1261 4 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic MT 11:00 AM 1:00 PM AHA 101 Arceneaux, C. 91451 VNSG 1400 1 Nursing in Health/Illness I Lec F 8:00 AM 9:40 AM AH 120 Guidry, E. 91452 VNSG 1400 2 Nursing in Health/Illness I Lab R 12:00 PM 3:00 PM AH 120 Guidry, E. 91452 VNSG 1400 2 Nursing in Health/Illness I F 10:00 AM 1:00 PM AH 120 Guidry, E. 90384 VNSG 1463 1 Clinical (LPN Training) Lab Clinic WRF 6:30 AM 11:30 AM AH 103 Smith, L. 90384 VNSG 1463 1 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic WRF 12:00 PM 3:00 PM AH 103 Smith, L. 90385 VNSG 1463 2 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic WRF 6:30 AM 11:30 AM AH 103 LaGrone, T. 90385 VNSG 1463 2 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic WRF 12:00 PM 3:00 PM AH 103 LaGrone, T. WRF 12:00 PM 3:00 PM AH 108 Lawson, D. WRF 6:30 AM 11:30 AM AH 108 Lawson, D. 90386 VNSG 1463 3 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic 90386 VNSG 1463 3 Clinical (LPN Training) Clinic 91503 VNSG 2410 1 Nursing Health/Ilness III Lec M 8:00 AM 9:40 AM AH 120 LaGrone, T. 91504 VNSG 2410 2 Nursing Health/Ilness III Lab M 10:00 AM 2:00 PM AH 120 LaGrone, T. 91504 VNSG 2410 2 Nursing Health/Ilness III Lab T 12:00 PM 3:00 PM AH 120 LaGrone, T. Business & Technology Department (ACCT) Accounting 90257 ACCT 2301 1 Principals of Financial Accounting Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM RF 106 Green, T. 90595 ACCT 2302 1 Principals of Managerial Accounting Lec TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM RF 106 Green, T. 91036 ACNT 1303 1 Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM MME 141 Granger, P. 90821 ACNT 1311 1 Introduction to Accounting I Introduction to Computerized Accounting Lec TR 12:30 PM 1:45 PM MME 141 Green, T. 91026 ACNT 1331 1 Federal Income Tax: Indvidual Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM MME 145 Green, T. Online Course(s) 90828 ACCT 2301 73 Principles of Financial Accounting I Lec Online Instruction None None Green, T. 91520 ACNT 1205 73 Forensic Accounting Lec Online Instruction None None Green, T. (ARTC) Graphic Design 91539 ARTC 2388 1 Internship-Commercial/Adv. Art TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Champagne, A. (AUMT) Automotive 90612 90613 90614 90615 AUMT 1305 1 Introduction to Automotive Technology Lec/Lab M 9:00 AM 11:30 AM PTAC 110 Brown, M. AUMT 1305 1 Introduction to Automotive Technology Lec/Lab M 11:35 AM 12:35 PM AUTM 101 Brown, M. AUMT 1307 1 Automotive Electrical Systems Lec T 8:00 AM 9:40 AM AUTM 101 Brown, M. AUMT 1307 1 Automotive Electrical Systems Lab T 9:45 AM 1:45 PM PTAC 110 Brown, M. AUMT 1310 1 Automotive Brake Systems Lec/Lab W 9:00 AM 10:40 AM PTAC 110 Brown, M. AUMT 1310 1 Automotive Brake Systems Lec/Lab W 10:45 AM 2:45 PM AUTM 101 Brown, M. AUMT 1316 1 Automotive Suspension/Steering Lec/Lab R 8:00 AM 9:40 AM PTAC 110 Brown, M. AUMT 1316 1 Automotive Suspension/Steering Lec/Lab R 9:45 AM 1:45 PM AUTM 101 Brown, M. (BUSG) Business Online Course(s) 25 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec 91527 BUSG 2305 73 Course Title Type Business Law and Contracts Lec 1 Business Principles Lec 73 Business Principles Lec Days Begin End None None Bldg None 8:00 AM 9:15 AM PMPC Rm Instructor None McPherson, M. (BUSI) Business 90090 BUSI 1301 TR 202 Bryant, J. Online Course(s) 90091 BUSI 1301 Online Instruction None None Bryant, J. (CETT) Electronics Communication 90272 90273 CETT 1303 1 DC Circuits Lec MW 11:00 AM 11:50 AM MME 228 Peeler, B. CETT 1303 1 DC Circuits Lab MW 12:00 AM 1:30 AM MME 228 Peeler, B. CETT 1325 1 Digital Fundamentals Lec/Lab TR 8:00 AM 8:50 AM MME 228 Peeler, B. CETT 1325 1 Digital Fundamentals Lec/Lab TR 8:51 AM 10:21 AM MME 228 Peeler, B. (CSME) Cosmetology 90342 90314 90347 90343 90344 90350 90348 90349 CSME 1410 1 Introduction to Hair Cutting/Theory Lec/Lab T 7:30 AM 9:10 AM COS 102 Fonteno, H. CSME 1410 1 Introduction to Hair Cutting/Theory Lec/Lab T 9:30 AM 11:30 AM COS 113 Fonteno, H. CSME 1410 1 Introduction to Hair Cutting/Theory Lec/Lab T 12:00 PM 4:30 PM COS 113 Fonteno, H. CSME 1410 1 Introduction to Hair Cutting/Theory Lec/Lab R 9:35 AM 11:05 AM COS 113 Fonteno, H. CSME 1501 1 Orientation to Cosmetology Lec/Lab M 7:30 AM 10:00 AM COS 102 Fonteno, H. CSME 1501 1 Orientation to Cosmetology Lec/Lab M 10:05 AM 11:35 AM COS 113 Fonteno, H. CSME 1501 1 Orientation to Cosmetology Lec/Lab M 12:00 PM 4:30 PM COS 113 Fonteno, H. CSME 1501 1 Orientation to Cosmetology Lec/Lab R 2:35 PM 4:35 PM COS 113 Fonteno, H. CSME 1547 1 Principle Skin Care Lec/Lab M 7:30 AM 10:00 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 1547 1 Principle Skin Care Lec/Lab M 10:05 AM 11:35 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 1547 1 Principle Skin Care Lec/Lab M 12:00 PM 4:30 PM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 1547 1 Principle Skin Care Lec/Lab R 2:05 PM 4:35 PM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 1553 1 Chemical Reformation Lec/Lab W 7:30 AM 10:00 AM COS 102 Fonteno, H. CSME 1553 1 Chemical Reformation Lec/Lab W 10:05 AM 11:35 AM COS 113 Fonteno, H. CSME 1553 1 Chemical Reformation Lec/Lab W 12:00 PM 4:30 PM COS 113 Fonteno, H. CSME 1553 1 Chemical Reformation Lec/Lab R 11:15 AM 1:15 PM COS 113 Fonteno, H. CSME 2202 1 Introduction to Applying Hair Color Lab R 7:30 AM 9:30 AM COS 102 Fonteno, H. CSME 2202 1 Introduction to Applying Hair Color Lab F 7:30 AM 11:30 AM COS 102 Fonteno, H. CSME 2343 1 Salon Development Lec/Lab R 7:30 AM 9:10 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2343 1 Salon Development Lec/Lab R 9:15 AM 11:15 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2343 1 Salon Development Lec/Lab R 11:20 AM 1:20 PM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2410 1 Advanced Haircut Theory Lec/Lab T 7:30 AM 9:10 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2410 1 Advanced Haircut Theory Lec/Lab T 9:15 AM 11:30 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2410 1 Advanced Haircut Theory Lec/Lab T 12:00 PM 4:30 PM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2410 1 Advanced Haircut Theory Lec/Lab F 7:30 AM 8:45 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2501 1 Principle Hair Color Lec/Lab W 7:30 AM 10:00 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2501 1 Principle Hair Color Lec/Lab W 10:05 AM 11:35 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2501 1 Principle Hair Color Lec/Lab W 12:00 PM 4:30 PM COS 101 LeJeune, S. CSME 2501 1 Principle Hair Color Lec/Lab F 9:05 AM 11:05 AM COS 101 LeJeune, S. (ECON) Economics 90092 ECON 2301 1 Principles of Economics - Macro Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM PMPC 202 Bryant, J. 91540 ECON 2302 1 Principles of Economics - Micro Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM PMPC 204 Bryant, J. 90095 ECON 2302 60 Principles of Economics - Micro Lec TR 1:55 PM 3:00 PM NHS 26 None Bryant, J. Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Course Title Type Days Begin End Bldg Rm Instructor Online Course(s) 90093 ECON 2301 73 Principles of Macroeconomics Lec Online Instruction None None Bryant, J. (GAME) Computer Game Design 90284 GAME 1303 1 Introduction to Game Design/Dev Lec/Lab MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 150 Mills, Z. GAME 1303 1 Introduction to Game Design/Dev Lec/Lab MW 10:00 AM 10:30 AM MME 150 Mills, Z. TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM MME 143 Granger, P. (HITT) Health Information Technology 90320 HITT 1305 1 Medical Terminology I Lec Lec Online Instruction None None Granger, P. Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Guillot, S. Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Guillot, S. Online Course(s) 90308 HITT 1305 73 91532 HITT 2335 73 Medical Terminology I Coding and Reimbursement Methodologies 91032 HITT 2346 73 Advanced Medical Coding (HRPO) Human Resources Personnel 90267 90270 HRPO 1191 1 Special Topics: Human Resource Mgmt Lec/Lab F 1:00 PM 1:50 PM MME 143 Smith, A. HRPO 1191 1 Special Topics: Human Resource Mgmt Lec/Lab F 1:51 PM 2:51 PM MME 143 Smith, A. HRPO 1311 50 Human Relations Lec T 6:00 PM 8:30 PM MME 145 Green, T. (IMED) Information Multimedia 91336 IMED 1416 1 Web Design I Lec/Lab TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM MME 150 Mills, Z. IMED 1416 1 Web Design I Lec/Lab TR 11:00 AM 12:00 PM MME 150 Mills, Z. (INTC) Instrumentation Technology 91349 90276 91313 91534 INTC 1301 1 Principles of Industrial Measure I Lec/Lab MW 9:00 AM 9:50 AM INTC 132 Bohn, G. INTC 1301 1 Principles of Industrial Measure I Lec/Lab MWF 9:55 AM 10:55 AM INTC 135 Bohn, G. INTC 1348 1 Analytic Instrumentation Lec/Lab TR 1:30 PM 2:20 PM INTC 132 Bohn, G. INTC 1348 1 Analytic Instrumentation Lec/Lab TR 2:30 PM 4:00 PM INTC 135 Bohn, G. INTC 1443 1 Appl Industrial Automatic Controls Lec/Lab TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM INTC 132 Bohn, G. INTC 1443 1 Appl Industrial Automatic Controls Lec/Lab TR 12:20 PM 1:20 PM INTC 135 Bohn, G. INTC 2336 1 Distributive Control/Program Logic Lec/Lab MW 1:40 PM 2:30 PM INTC 132 Bohn, G. INTC 2336 1 Distributive Control/Program Logic Lec/Lab MW 2:40 PM 4:10 PM INTC 135 Bohn, G. (ITSC) Computer and Information Sciences 91536 ITSC 1305 1 Introduction PC Operat Sys Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM MME 149 Sweat, R. 90289 ITSC 1401 1 Introduction to Computers Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM MME 105 Champagne, A. 90291 ITSC 1401 2 Introduction to Computers Lec/Lab TR 12:30 PM 1:45 PM MME 105 Mills, Z. ITSC 1401 2 Introduction to Computers Lec/Lab TR 1:46 PM 2:46 PM MME 105 Mills, Z. Online Course(s) 90293 ITSC 1401 71 Introduction to Computers Lab Online Instruction None None Champagne, A. 90295 ITSC 1401 73 Introduction to Computers Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Mills, Z. (ITSE) Computer and Information Sciences, General Courses 91337 91461 ITSE 1359 1 Introduction to Scripting Language Lec/Lab MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM MME 150 Mills, Z. ITSE 1359 1 Introduction to Scripting Language Lec/Lab MW 12:00 PM 12:30 PM MME 150 Mills, Z. ITSE 2357 1 Advanced Object-Oriented Program Lec/Lab MW 12:45 PM 2:00 PM MME 150 Mills, Z. ITSE 2357 1 Advanced Object-Oriented Program Lec/Lab MW 2:05 PM 2:35 PM MME 150 Mills, Z. TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM MME 143 Champagne, A. (ITSW) Information Technology 91537 ITSW 1301 1 Introduction Word Processing Lec 27 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec 91458 ITSW 2337 1 Advanced Database Course Title Type Lec Days TR Begin End Bldg Rm 12:30 PM 1:45 PM MME 150 Instructor Sweat, R. Online Course(s) 91538 ITSW 1301 71 Introduction to Word Processing Lab Online Instruction None None Champagne, A. 91535 ITSW 2337 71 Advanced Database Lab Online Instruction None None Sweat, R. (LGLA) Paralegal 90259 LGLA 1307 1 Introduction Law/Legal Profession Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM PAC 132 Quist, E. 90262 LGLA 1401 1 Legal Research/Writing Lec/Lab MW 9:51 AM 10:51 AM MME 149 Quist, E. LGLA 1401 1 Legal Research/Writing Lec/Lab MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 149 Quist, E. 91024 LGLA 2303 1 Torts/Personal Injury Law Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PMPC 204 Quist, E. 91526 LGLA 2313 50 Criminal Law/Procedures Lec M 6:00 PM 8:30 PM MME 145 McPherson, M. 91022 LGLA 2388 1 Internship: Legal Assistant/Paralegal Internship None None None None Quist, E. 73 Introduction to Law and the Legal Professions Lec None None McPherson, M. Online Course(s) 91330 LGLA 1307 Online Instruction (MDCA) Medical Assistant 90908 MDCA 1205 1 Medical Law/Ethics Lec TR 11:00 AM 11:50 AM MME 145 Granger, P. 91531 MDCA 1343 50 Medical Insurance Lec MW 5:30 PM 6:45 PM MME 143 Guillot, S. 71 Medical Insurance Lab Online Course(s) 90611 MDCA 1343 Online Instruction None None Guillot, S. 10:00 AM 10:50 AM MME 105 MME 143 (PHTC) Photography 91112 PHTC 1311 1 Fundamentals of Photography Lec MWF (POFI) Professional Office Information 91528 POFI 1349 1 Spreadsheets Lec 71 Spreadsheets Lab MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM Champagne, A. Online Course(s) 91529 POFI 1349 Online Instruction None None Champagne, A. (POFM) Professional Office Medical 90887 POFM 1300 1 Medical Coding Basics Lec 90303 POFM 1302 1 Lec Internship 90354 POFM 2386 1 Medical Software Appl Internship-Medical Administrative/Executive Assistant/ and Medical Secretary 71 Medical Software Applications Lab TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM MME 143 Guillot, S. MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM MME 143 Guillot, S. TBA TBA TBA None None None Guillot, S. Champagne, A. Online Course(s) 91530 POFM 1302 Online Instruction (POFT) Professional Office Technology 91018 POFT 1127 1 Introduction to Keyboarding Lec/Lab M 11:00 AM 11:50 AM MME 141 Granger, P. POFT 1127 1 Introduction to Keyboarding Lec/Lab W 11:00 AM 12:00 PM MME 141 Granger, P. POFT 1127 2 Introduction to Keyboarding Lec/Lab T 9:30 AM 10:20 AM MME 141 Granger, P. POFT 1127 2 Introduction to Keyboarding Lec/Lab R 9:30 AM 10:30 AM MME 141 Granger, P. 90315 POFT 1309 1 Admin Office Procedures I Lec MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM MME 141 Granger, P. 90316 POFT 1313 1 Professional Workforce Prep Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 141 Champagne, A. 90921 POFT 1313 2 TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM MME 105 Champagne, A. 90355 POFT 2386 1 Professional Workforce Prep Lec Internship-Administrative Assistant/Secretarial Science, General Internship TBA TBA TBA None 91373 (PTAC) Process Technology 28 None Champagne, A. Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Begin End Bldg Rm 90278 PTAC 1302 1 Introduction Process Tech Course Title Type Lec/Lab Days TR 8:00 AM 8:50 AM PTAC 104 Powell, J. Instructor PTAC 1302 1 Introduction Process Tech Lec/Lab TR 9:00 AM 10:00 AM PTAC 103 Powell, J. PTAC 1302 2 Introduction Process Tech Lec/Lab MW 8:00 AM 8:50 AM PTAC 104 Sparrow, M. 91220 PTAC 1302 2 Introduction Process Tech Lec/Lab MW 9:00 AM 10:00 AM PTAC 103 Sparrow, M. 91176 PTAC 1408 1 Safety, Health Environment I Lec TR 10:30 AM 12:10 PM PTAC 104 Powell, J. 90281 PTAC 1410 1 Process Technology I - Equipment Lec/Lab MW 12:00 PM 1:15 PM PTAC 104 Powell, J. PTAC 1410 1 Process Technology I - Equipment Lec/Lab MW 1:20 PM 2:20 PM PTAC 103 Powell, J. PTAC 1432 1 Process Instrumentation I Lec/Lab TR 2:00 PM 3:15 PM PTAC 104 Powell, J. PTAC 1432 1 Process Instrumentation I Lec/Lab TR 3:30 PM 4:30 PM PTAC 103 Powell, J. PTAC 1432 50 Process Instrumentation I Lect/Lab TR 6:00 PM 7:15 PM 132 TBA 91170 91568 INST PTAC 1432 50 Process Instrumentation I Lec/Lab TR 7:20 PM 8:20 PM PTAC 103 TBA 90282 PTAC 2314 1 Principles of Quality Lec TR 12:30 PM 1:45 PM PTAC 104 Powell, J. 90283 PTAC 2420 1 Process Tech II-Systems Lec/Lab MW 2:30 PM 3:45 PM PTAC 104 Powell, J. PTAC 2420 1 Process Tech II-Systems Lec/Lab MW 3:50 PM 4:50 PM PTAC 103 Powell, J. PTAC 2438 50 Process Tech III-Operations Lec/Lab MW 6:00 PM 7:15 PM PTAC 104 Sparrow, M. PTAC 2438 50 Process Tech III-Operations Lec/Lab MW 7:20 PM 8:20 PM PTAC 103 Sparrow, M. PTAC 2446 50 Process Troubleshooting Lec/Lab TR 6:00 PM 7:15 PM PTAC 104 Sparrow, M. 91314 91315 Developmental Education Department (ENGL) English 90183 ENGL 301 1 Basic Reading Skills Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM SSC 105 Brooks, C. 90184 ENGL 301 2 Basic Reading Skills Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM SSC 105 Brooks, C. 90186 ENGL 301 3 Basic Reading Skills Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM SSC 105 Brooks, C. 90571 ENGL 301 26 Basic Reading Skills Lab R 1:30 PM 2:30 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 91006 ENGL 301 27 Basic Reading Skills Lab R 2:45 PM 3:45 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 90669 ENGL 301 50 Basic Reading Skills Lec MW 5:00 PM 6:15 PM SSC 107 Belyeu, J. 90199 ENGL 310 1 Developmental Writing I Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM SSC 105 Brooks, C. 90202 ENGL 310 2 Developmental Writing I Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM SSC 107 Belyeu, J. 90203 ENGL 310 3 Developmental Writing I Lec TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM SSC 105 Brooks, C. 90667 ENGL 310 26 Developmental Writing I Lab F 4:00 PM 5:00 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 91571 ENGL 310 27 Developmental Writing I Lec R 4:00 PM 5:00 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 90999 ENGL 310 50 Developmental Writing I Lec MW 5:00 PM 6:15 PM SSC 105 Belyeu, J. (MATH) Mathematics 90234 MATH 313 2 Introductory Algebra Lec MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM MME 213 Pitre, J. 91521 MATH 313 3 Introductory Algebra Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM SSC 105 Pitre, J. 90240 MATH 313 5 Introductory Algebra Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM MME 213 Pate, M. 90241 MATH 313 6 Introductory Algebra Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM MME 213 Pate, M. 91569 MATH 313 26 Introductory Algebra Lab F 1:30 PM 2:30 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 91570 MATH 313 27 Introductory Algebra Lab F 2:45 PM 3:45 PM MME 224 Steele, S. 90791 MATH 313 50 Introductory Algebra Lec TR 5:00 PM 6:15 PM SSC 107 McIntire, D. 90792 MATH 332 1 Intermediate Algebra Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 221 Steele, S. 90246 MATH 332 3 Intermediate Algebra Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM MME 221 Steele, S. 90254 MATH 332 50 Intermediate Algebra Lec MW 5:00 PM 6:15 PM MME 221 Knowles, J. 73 Intermediate Algebra Lec Online Course(s) 90793 MATH 332 29 Online Instruction None None Knowles, J. Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Course Title Type Days Begin End Bldg Rm Instructor Health, Fitness, & Sports Department (KINE) Kinesiology 90412 KINE 1304 1 Personal/Community Health I Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM PMPC 202 Goodman, C. 90413 KINE 1306 1 First Aid Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM PMPC 204 Diehl, A. 91519 KINE 1336 1 Introduction to Recreation I Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM PMPC 202 Goodman, C. 73 Foundations of Kinesiology Lec Online Course(s) 91118 KINE 1301 Online Instruction None None Kish, C. (PHED) Physical Education 91145 PHED 1109 1 Basketball I Lab TR 5:00 PM 6:15 PM PMPC 202 Goodman, C. 91146 PHED 1112 1 Softball Lab MW 5:00 PM 6:15 PM PMPC 202 Rowe, M. Liberal Arts Department (ARTS) Art 90001 ARTS 1301 1 Art Appreciation Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM PAC 148 Megnet, G. 90002 ARTS 1301 2 Art Appreciation Lec MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM PAC 148 Megnet, G. 90003 ARTS 1301 3 Art Appreciation Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 148 Faggard, A. 90004 ARTS 1301 4 Art Appreciation Lec TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM PAC 148 Megnet, G. 90007 ARTS 1301 5 Art Appreciation Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM PAC 148 Faggard, A. 90006 ARTS 1301 6 Art Appreciation Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM PAC 148 Faggard, A. 90578 ARTS 1303 1 Art History I PreHistoric/14th Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM RF 106 Megnet, G. 91241 ARTS 1316 1 Drawing I Lec/Lab MW 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 150 Megnet, G. ARTS 1316 1 Drawing I Lec/Lab MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM PAC 150 Megnet, G. ARTS 1317 1 Drawing II Lec/Lab MW 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 150 Megnet, G. ARTS 1317 1 Drawing II Lec/Lab MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM PAC 150 Megnet, G. ARTS 2316 1 Painting I Lec/Lab TR 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 150 Megnet, G. ARTS 2316 1 Painting I Lec/Lab TR 12:00 PM 1:40 PM PAC 150 Megnet, G. ARTS 2317 1 Painting II Lec/Lab TR 12:00 PM 1:40 PM PAC 150 Megnet, G. ARTS 2317 1 Painting II Lec/Lab TR 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 150 Megnet, G. ARTS 2323 1 Life Drawing I Lec/Lab MW 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 150 Megnet, G. ARTS 2323 1 Life Drawing I Lec/Lab MWF 12:00 PM 1:10 PM PAC 150 Megnet, G. ARTS 2348 1 Digital Art I Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM MME 149 Megnet, G. 91242 91243 91244 91245 91460 (DRAM) Drama 91043 DRAM 1310 1 Introduction Theater Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM PAC 132 Stafford, L. 91246 DRAM 1351 1 Acting I Lec/Lab TR 1:40 PM 2:55 PM PAC 132 Gengo, D. DRAM 1351 1 Acting I Lec/Lab TR 12:30 PM 1:20 PM PAC 132 Gengo, D. DRAM 2120 1 Theater Practicum I Practicum W 12:00 PM 1:40 PM PAC 132 Gengo, D. DRAM 2120 1 Theater Practicum I Practicum TR 3:00 PM 3:50 PM PAC 132 Gengo, D. 91042 (ENGL) English 90018 ENGL 1301 1 Composition I Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM MME 101 Byrd, S. 90019 ENGL 1301 2 Composition I Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM MME 111 Judice, M. 90020 ENGL 1301 3 Composition I Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM MME 143 Lowe, Z. 90021 ENGL 1301 4 Composition I Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 101 James, C. 30 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Type Days Begin End Bldg Rm 90028 ENGL 1301 5 Composition I Course Title Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 105 Byrd, S. Instructor 90023 ENGL 1301 6 Composition I Lec MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM MME 111 Judice, M. 90024 ENGL 1301 7 Composition I Lec TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM MME 111 James, C. 90029 ENGL 1301 8 Composition I Lec TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM MME 101 Byrd, S. 90026 ENGL 1301 9 Composition I Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM MME 101 Byrd, S. 90027 ENGL 1301 10 Composition I Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM MME 111 James, C. 90030 ENGL 1301 50 Composition I Lec M 6:30 PM 9:15 PM MME 101 Byrd, S. 90031 ENGL 1301 60 Composition I Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM NHS None Johnson, D. 90032 ENGL 1301 61 Composition I Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM NHS None Johnson, D. 90033 ENGL 1301 62 Composition I Lec MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM NHS None Johnson, D. 90034 ENGL 1301 63 Composition I Lec TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM NHS None Johnson, D. 91445 ENGL 1301 66 Composition I Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM BHHS None Dailey, N. 91446 ENGL 1301 67 Composition I Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM BHHS None McLendon, J. 90036 ENGL 1302 1 Composition II Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 111 Lowe, Z. 90577 ENGL 1302 2 Composition II Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM MME 111 Judice, M. 91247 ENGL 1302 3 Composition II Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM MME 111 Judice, M. 90042 ENGL 2321 1 British Literature Lec MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM MME 205 James, C. 91448 ENGL 2321 66 British Literature Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM BHHS 91515 ENGL 2326 50 American Literature Lec T 6:30 PM 9:15 PM MME 205 Gongre, C. 90044 ENGL 2331 1 World Literature Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM MME 205 Judice, M. None Tarter, P. Online Course(s) 90035 ENGL 1301 73 English Composition I Lec Online Instruction None None James, C. 90776 ENGL 1302 73 English Composition II Lec Online Instruction None None Lowe, Z. 91251 ENGL 2331 73 World Literature Lec Online Instruction None None Lowe, Z. (GOVT) Government 90583 GOVT 2305 1 Federal Government Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM PAC 136 Triebel, M. 90584 GOVT 2305 2 Federal Government Lec MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM PAC 136 Triebel, M. 90585 GOVT 2305 3 Federal Government Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 136 Triebel, M. 90586 GOVT 2305 4 Federal Government Lec TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM PAC 136 Capeles, T. 90779 GOVT 2305 5 Federal Government Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM PAC 136 Triebel, M. 91252 GOVT 2305 50 Federal Government Lec M 6:30 PM 9:15 PM PAC 136 Triebel, M. 90589 GOVT 2305 60 Federal Government Lec MWF 2:00 PM 2:50 PM NHS 90591 GOVT 2306 1 Texas Government Lec MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM PAC 132 Capeles, T. 90592 GOVT 2306 2 Texas Government Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM PAC 136 Triebel, M. None Capeles, T. Online Course(s) 90590 GOVT 2305 73 Federal Government Lec 91050 GOVT 2306 73 Texas Government Lec Online Instruction None None Capeles, T. Online Instruction None None Capeles, T. (HIST) History 90056 HIST 1301 1 United States History I Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM PAC 134 Wilbur, C. 90057 HIST 1301 2 United States History I Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM PAC 132 Copple, M. 90058 HIST 1301 3 United States History I Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM PAC 134 Wilbur, C. 90059 HIST 1301 4 United States History I Lec MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM PAC 134 Wilbur, C. 90782 HIST 1301 5 United States History I Lec TR 12:30 PM 1:45 PM PAC 134 Wilbur, C. 91517 HIST 1301 50 United States History I Lec T 5:30 PM 8:15 PM PAC 134 Wilbur, C. 31 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Type Days Begin End Bldg 90061 HIST 1301 60 United States History I Course Title Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM NHS None Schlett, S. Rm Instructor 90062 HIST 1301 61 United States History I Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM NHS None Schlett, S. 91051 HIST 1301 62 United States History I Lec TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM NHS None Schlett, S. 91052 HIST 1301 63 United States History I Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM NHS None Schlett, S. 91449 HIST 1301 66 United States History I Lec MWF 2:00 PM 2:50 PM BHHS None Jones, K. 90064 HIST 1302 1 United States History II Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 134 Copple, M. 90065 HIST 1302 2 United States History II Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM PAC 134 Trevey, M. Online Course(s) 90063 HIST 1301 73 United States History I Lec Online Instruction None None Wilbur, C. 90066 HIST 1302 73 United States History II Lec Online Instruction None None Wilbur, C. (SPCH) Speech 90078 SPCH 1315 1 Public Speaking Lec MWF 10:00 AM 10:50 AM PAC 130 Cockrell, C. 90076 SPCH 1315 2 Public Speaking Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 130 Stafford, L. 91061 SPCH 1315 3 Public Speaking Lec MW 12:00 PM 1:15 PM PAC 130 Cockrell, C. 90073 SPCH 1315 4 Public Speaking Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM PAC 130 Stafford, L. 90074 SPCH 1315 5 Public Speaking Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM PAC 130 Cockrell, C. 91262 SPCH 1315 50 Public Speaking Lec W 6:30 PM 9:15 PM PAC 130 Cockrell, C. 73 Public Speaking Lec Online Course(s) 90788 SPCH 1315 Online Instruction None None Stafford, L. Mathematics & Science Department (BCIS) Business Computer Information Systems 90797 BCIS 1305 1 Business Computer Applications Lec MW 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 203 Cammack, J. 90799 BCIS 1305 2 Business Computer Applications Lec MW 10:00 AM 10:50 AM MME 203 Cammack, J. 91543 BCIS 1305 3 Business Computer Applications Lec TR 11:00 AM 11:50 AM MME 203 Cammack, J. (BIOL) Biology 90177 BIOL 1322 1 Nutrition Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 90178 BIOL 1322 2 Nutrition Lec TR 12:30 PM 1:45 PM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 90085 BIOL 1406 1 Biology for Science Majors I Lec MW 12:00 PM 1:15 PM EDUC 105 Longlet, N. 90086 BIOL 1406 2 Biology for Science Majors I Lab M 1:30 PM 3:20 PM EDUC 124 Longlet, N. 90087 BIOL 1406 3 Biology for Science Majors I Lab W 1:30 PM 3:20 PM EDUC 124 Longlet, N. 90131 BIOL 2401 1 Anatomy/Physiology I Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM EDUC 105 Jordan, P. 90132 BIOL 2401 2 Anatomy/Physiology I Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM EDUC 105 Jordan, P. 90133 BIOL 2401 3 Anatomy/Physiology I Lec TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM EDUC 105 Longlet, N. 90134 BIOL 2401 4 Anatomy/Physiology I Lab M 10:00 AM 11:50 AM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 90135 BIOL 2401 5 Anatomy/Physiology I Lab M 1:30 PM 3:20 PM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 90136 BIOL 2401 6 Anatomy/Physiology I Lab T 8:00 AM 9:50 AM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 90137 BIOL 2401 7 Anatomy/Physiology I Lab T 10:00 AM 11:50 AM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 90138 BIOL 2401 8 Anatomy/Physiology I Lab T 2:00 PM 3:50 PM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 91447 BIOL 2401 66 Anatomy/Physiology I Lec/Lab MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM BHHS None Lopez, M. None Lopez, M. BIOL 2401 66 Anatomy/Physiology I Lec/Lab MW 10:00 AM 10:50 AM BHHS 90142 BIOL 2402 1 Anatomy/Physiology II Lec MW 12:00 PM 1:15 PM MME 224 Jordan, P. 90143 BIOL 2402 2 Anatomy/Physiology II Lab W 1:30 PM 3:20 PM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 90646 BIOL 2402 3 Anatomy/Physiology II Lab F 12:00 PM 1:50 PM EDUC 122 Pollock, R. 32 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Begin End Bldg Rm 90147 BIOL 2420 1 Microbiology Course Title Type Lec Days TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM MME 224 Jordan, P. Instructor 90148 BIOL 2420 2 Microbiology Lab T 11:00 AM 12:50 PM EDUC 124 Jordan, P. 90149 BIOL 2420 3 Microbiology Lab R 11:00 AM 12:50 PM EDUC 124 Jordan, P. Online Course(s) 90803 BIOL 2401 73 Anatomy and Physiology I Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Longlet, N. 90146 BIOL 2402 73 Anatomy and Physiology II Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Longlet, N. 90153 BIOL 2420 73 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Jordan, P. (CHEM) Chemistry 90847 CHEM 1405 1 Introductory Chemistry I Lec MW 12:00 PM 1:15 PM PMPC 90105 CHEM 1405 59 Introductory Chemistry I Lec TR 5:00 PM 6:15 PM NHS None Jordan, S. 204 90106 CHEM 1405 59A Introductory Chemistry I Lab T 6:30 PM 8:20 PM NHS None Jordan, S. 90107 CHEM 1405 59B Introductory Chemistry I Lab R 6:30 PM 8:20 PM NHS None Jordan, S. 91218 CHEM 1406 1 Introductory Chemistry I (Allied Hlth) Lec MW 12:00 PM 1:15 PM PMPC 90108 CHEM 1406 59 Introductory Chemistry I (Allied Hlth) Lec TR 5:00 PM 6:15 PM NHS None Jordan, S. 90109 CHEM 1406 59A Introductory Chemistry I (Allied Hlth) Lab T 6:30 PM 8:20 PM NHS None Jordan, S. 90110 CHEM 1406 59B Introductory Chemistry I (Allied Hlth) Lab R 6:30 PM 8:20 PM NHS None Jordan, S. 90820 CHEM 1411 1 General Chemistry I Lec/Lab TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM PMPC 204 Son-Guidry, K. 90820 CHEM 1411 1 General Chemistry I Lec/Lab TR 1:00 PM 2:30 PM EDUC 124 Son-Guidry, K. 90936 CHEM 1411 61 General Chemistry I Lec/Lab TR 1:30 PM 2:45 PM NHS None Jordan, S. 90936 CHEM 1411 61 General Chemistry I Lec/Lab TR 12:00 PM 1:15 PM NHS None Jordan, S. Introductory Chemistry I Introductory Chemistry I (Allied Health emphasis) Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Son-Guidry, K. Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Son-Guidry, K. 8:00 AM MME 204 Son-Guidry, K. Son-Guidry, K. Online Course(s) 90818 CHEM 1405 73 90819 CHEM 1406 73 (CRIJ) Criminal Justice 91551 CRIJ 2328 1 Police Sys/Practice Lec 73 Introduction to Criminal Justice Lec TR 9:15 AM 221 Carona, K. Online Course(s) 91548 CRIJ 1301 Online Instruction None None Ellis, D. (EDUC) Education 90155 EDUC 1100 1 Learning Framework Lec M 8:00 AM 8:50 AM EDUC 120 Peeler, B. 90851 EDUC 1100 2 Learning Framework Lec M 9:00 AM 9:50 AM EDUC 120 Peeler, B. 91285 EDUC 1100 3 Learning Framework Lec W 8:00 AM 8:50 AM EDUC 120 Peeler, B. 91552 EDUC 1100 4 Learning Framework Lec W 9:00 AM 9:50 AM EDUC 120 Peeler, B. 90158 EDUC 1300 1 Learning Framework Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM EDUC 106 Peeler, B. 90159 EDUC 1300 2 Lec TR 12:30 PM 1:45 PM EDUC 106 Peeler, B. 90160 EDUC 1301 1 Learning Framework Introduction to the Teaching Profession Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM RF 106 Trevey, R. (GEOL) Geology 90096 GEOL 1403 1 Physical Geology Lec TR 8:30 AM 9:45 AM MME 205 Taylor, R. 90097 GEOL 1403 2 Physical Geology Lab TR 9:46 AM 10:46 AM MME 205 Taylor, R. (MATH) Mathematics 90111 MATH 1314 1 College Algebra Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM MME 209 Askew, M. 90112 MATH 1314 2 College Algebra Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 209 Askew, M. 90113 MATH 1314 3 College Algebra Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM MME 209 Askew, M. 33 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Begin End Bldg Rm 90114 MATH 1314 4 College Algebra Course Title Type Lec Days TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM MME 209 Askew, M. Instructor 90115 MATH 1314 5 College Algebra Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM MME 209 Askew, M. 90647 MATH 1314 6 College Algebra Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM MME 209 McQueen, S. 91095 MATH 1314 7 College Algebra Lec TR 12:30 PM 1:45 PM MME 209 McQueen, S. Online Course(s) 90116 MATH 1314 73 College Algebra Lec Online Instruction None None Askew, M. 91099 MATH 1332 73 Contemporary Mathematics I Lec Online Instruction None None Tran, M. 91103 MATH 1350 73 Fundamentals of Mathematics I Lec Online Instruction None None Askew, M. TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM MME 224 Byrd, O. (PHYS) Physics 90098 PHYS 1405 1 Elementary Physics I Lec 90099 PHYS 1405 2 Elementary Physics I Lab T 1:00 PM 3:50 PM MME 225 Byrd, O. 90100 PHYS 1405 3 Elementary Physics I Lab R 1:00 PM 3:50 PM MME 225 Byrd, O. 91431 PHYS 1405 4 Elementary Physics I Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 205 Son-Guidry, K. 91295 PHYS 1415 1 Physical Science Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM MME 224 Byrd, O. 91558 PHYS 1415 2 Physical Science Lec TR 8:00 AM 9:15 AM PMPC 204 Son-Guidry, K. Online Course(s) 90104 PHYS 1415 73 Physical Science Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Byrd, O. 91299 PHYS 1417 73 Physical Science II Lec/Lab Online Instruction None None Byrd, O. (PSYC) Psychology 90164 PSYC 1100 1 Learning Framework Lec M 10:00 AM 10:50 AM EDUC 120 Clark, J. 90165 PSYC 1100 2 Learning Framework Lec T 9:30 AM 10:20 AM EDUC 120 Clark, J. 90166 PSYC 1100 3 Learning Framework Lec T 11:00 AM 11:50 AM EDUC 120 Clark, J. 90167 PSYC 1100 4 Learning Framework Lec R 9:30 AM 10:20 AM EDUC 120 Clark, J. 90168 PSYC 1100 5 Learning Framework Lec R 12:30 PM 1:20 PM EDUC 120 Clark, J. 90169 PSYC 1100 50 Learning Framework Lec M 5:30 PM 6:20 PM MME 205 Clark, J. 90174 PSYC 1300 1 Learning Framework Lec MWF 11:00 AM 11:50 AM MME 145 Clark, J. 90175 PSYC 1300 2 Learning Framework Lec MW 12:00 PM 1:15 PM MME 145 Clark, J. 91562 PSYC 1300 50 Learning Framework Lec MW 6:30 PM 7:45 PM MME 205 Clark, J. 90120 PSYC 2301 1 General Psychology Lec MWF 9:00 AM 9:50 AM MME 224 Barbay, C. 91063 PSYC 2301 2 General Psychology Lec MW 12:00 PM 1:15 PM MME 205 Barbay, C. 91450 PSYC 2301 66 General Psychology Lec MWF 1:00 PM 1:50 PM BHHS 91064 PSYC 2314 1 Lifespan Growth/Development Lec MWF 8:00 AM 8:50 AM MME 205 Barbay, C. 90127 PSYC 2317 50 Statistical Methods Psych Lec M 5:00 PM 7:45 PM MME 224 Carona, K. None Roberts, V. Online Course(s) 90170 PSYC 1100 73 Learning Framework Lec Online Instruction None None Clark, J. 90809 PSYC 1300 73 Learning Framework Lec Online Instruction None None Clark, J. 90123 PSYC 2301 73 General Psychology Lec Online Instruction None None Barbay, C. (SOCI) Sociology Online Course(s) 90130 SOCI 1301 73 Introduction to Sociology Lec Online Instruction None None Brown, L. 91566 SOCI 1306 73 Social Problems Lec Online Instruction None None Brown, L. Music Department 34 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Fall 2016 Semester CRN Subj No. Sec Course Title Type Days Begin End Bldg Rm Instructor Lec/Lab MW 10:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 120 Gillam, R. (COMM) Communications 91352 COMM 1336 1 Video Production I (MUSC) Commercial Music 91507 MUSC 1196 1 Special Topics: Recording Arts Tech Lab MW 3:00 PM 4:30 PM PAC 122 Turner, K. 90417 MUSC 1321 1 Songwriting I Lec TR 12:00 PM 1:15 PM PAC 118 Richardson, C. 90660 MUSC 1325 1 Acoustics Lec TR 9:30 AM 10:45 AM PAC 135 Freyermuth, J. 91354 MUSC 1327 1 Audio Engineering I Lec/Lab TR 11:55 AM 1:55 PM PAC 135 Turner, K. MUSC 1327 1 Audio Engineering I Lec/Lab TR 11:00 AM 11:50 AM PAC 135 Turner, K. MUSC 1327 2 Audio Engineering I Lec/Lab TR 2:00 PM 2:50 PM PAC 135 Turner, K. MUSC 1327 2 Audio Engineering I Lec/Lab TR 2:55 PM 4:55 PM PAC 135 Turner, K. MUSC 2211 1 Comm Mus Sight Sing/Ear II Lec/Lab TR 11:21 AM 11:51 AM PAC 120 Richardson, C. MUSC 2211 1 Comm Mus Sight Sing/Ear II Lec/Lab TR 10:30 AM 11:20 AM PAC 120 Richardson, C. MUSC 2213 1 Commercial Music Theory II Lec/Lab TR 9:00 AM 9:50 AM PAC 122 Richardson, C. MUSC 2213 1 Commercial Music Theory II Lec/Lab TR 9:55 AM 10:25 AM PAC 122 Richardson, C. MUSC 2347 1 Audio Engineering III Lec/Lab WF 11:00 AM 1:00 PM PAC 135 Freyermuth, J. MUSC 2347 1 Audio Engineering III Lec/Lab M 11:00 AM 12:40 PM PAC 135 Freyermuth, J. MUSC 2347 2 Audio Engineering III Lec/Lab M 1:10 PM 2:50 PM PAC 135 Freyermuth, J. MUSC 2347 2 Audio Engineering III Lec/Lab WF 1:10 PM 3:10 PM PAC 135 Freyermuth, J. MUSC 2351 1 Audio for Video Lec/Lab TR 10:00 AM 11:15 AM PAC 118 Gillam, R. MUSC 2351 1 Audio for Video Lec/Lab TR 11:20 AM 11:50 AM PAC 118 Gillam, R. MUSC 1405 50 Live Sound I Lec/Lab MW 4:05 PM 5:20 PM MUS 107 Freyermuth, J. MUSC 1405 50 Live Sound I Lec/Lab MW 5:25 PM 6:55 PM MUS 107 Freyermuth, J. 91457 90433 90424 91596 91597 91508 90431 (MUSI) Music 90420 MUSI 1181 1 Piano Class Inst I Lab MW 12:00 PM 1:30 PM PAC 122 Gillam, R. 91356 MUSI 1183 1 Voice Class I Lab F 12:00 PM 3:00 PM PAC 122 Gonzalez, B. 90474 MUSI 1301 1 Music Fundamentals Lec MW 10:00 AM 11:15 AM PAC 122 Gonzalez, B. 90872 MUSI 1310 1 American Popular Music Lec TR 11:00 AM 12:15 PM MUS 107 Freyermuth, J. 91509 MUSI 1390 1 Electronic Music I Lec TR 2:00 PM 3:15 PM PAC 120 Gillam, R. (MUSP) Commercial Music Ensemble, Piano, Individual Instruction 90868 MUSP 1204 50 Appl Com Music: Bass Guitar Lec/Lab W 6:00 PM 9:00 PM PAC 118 Richardson, C. 90868 MUSP 1204 50 Appl Com Music: Bass Guitar Lec/Lab W 5:00 PM 5:50 PM PAC 118 Richardson, C. 90462 MUSP 1205 50 Appl Commercial Music: Guitar Lec/Lab T 6:00 PM 9:00 PM PAC 118 Richardson, C. 90462 MUSP 1205 50 Appl Commercial Music: Guitar Lec/Lab T 5:00 PM 5:50 PM PAC 118 Richardson, C. 91420 MUSP 1210 50 Appl Commercial Music: Piano Lec/Lab T 5:00 PM 5:50 PM PAC 122 Gillam, R. 91420 MUSP 1210 50 Appl Commercial Music: Piano Lec/Lab T 6:00 PM 9:00 PM PAC 122 Gillam, R. 91443 MUSP 1217 50 Appl Commercial Music: Percussion Lec/Lab M 5:00 PM 5:50 PM PAC 118 Turner, K. 91443 MUSP 1217 50 Appl Commercial Music: Percussion Lec/Lab M 6:00 PM 9:00 PM PAC 118 Turner, K. 90448 MUSP 1227 1 Appl Commercial Music:Voice Lec/Lab F 8:00 AM 8:50 AM PAC 122 Gonzalez, B. 90448 MUSP 1227 1 Appl Commercial Music:Voice Lec/Lab F 8:55 AM 11:55 AM PAC 122 Gonzalez, B. 90415 MUSP 1242 50 Small Commercial Music Ensemble Lec/Lab F 4:05 PM 4:55 PM PAC 118 Richardson, C. 90415 MUSP 1242 50 Small Commercial Music Ensemble Lec/Lab TR 2:00 PM 4:00 PM MUS 107 Richardson, C. 90436 MUSP 1242 51 Small Commercial Music Ensemble Lec/Lab F 4:05 PM 4:55 PM MUS 107 Gillam, R. 90436 MUSP 1242 51 Small Commercial Music Ensemble Lec/Lab MW 2:00 PM 4:00 PM MUS 107 Gillam, R. 35 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule College Credit Courses Online Online courses require access to a computer with WINDOWS XP or more current with MICROSOFT OFFICE 2000 or more current. MICROSOFT OFFICE is required for online courses. Students must also have access to a high speed internet connection. Online Courses CRN Course No. Sec. Course Title Type Allied Health Department Fall 2016 Session I Semester (August 22 to October 12) Health Assessment Across the 91138 RNSG 1300 73 Lifespan Lec Health Assessment Across the 91139 RNSG 1300 74 Lifespan Lab Instructor MacNeill, S. MacNeill, S. Business Technologies Department Summer II 2016 Semester (July 11 to August 11) 70147 BCIS 1305 71 Business Computer Applications Fall 2016 Semester (August 22 to December 7) 90828 ACCT 2301 73 Principles of Financial Accounting I 91520 ACNT 1205 73 Forensic Accounting 91527 BUSG 2305 73 Business Law and Contracts 90091 BUSI 1301 73 Business Principles 90093 ECON 2301 73 Principles of Macroeconomics 90308 HITT 1305 73 Medical Terminology I Coding and Reimbursement 91532 HITT 2335 73 Methodologies 91032 HITT 2346 73 Advanced Medical Coding 90293 ITSC 1401 71 Introduction to Computers 90295 ITSC 1401 73 Introduction to Computers 91538 ITSW 1301 71 Introduction to Word Processing 91535 ITSW 2337 71 Advanced Database Introduction to Law and the Legal 91330 LGLA 1307 73 Professions 91531 MDCA 1343 71 Medical Insurance 91346 POFI 1349 71 Spreadsheets 91530 POFM 1302 71 Medical Software Applications 91529 POFT 1349 71 Administrative Office Procedures II Lab Cammack, J. Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Green, T. Green, T. McPherson, M. Bryant, J. Bryant, J. Granger, P. Lec/Lab Lec/Lab Lab Lec/Lab Lab Lab Guillot, S. Guillot, S. Champagne, A. Mills, Z. Champagne, A. Sweat, R. Lec Lab Lab Lab Lab McPherson, M. Guillot, S. Champagne, A. Guillot, S. Champagne, A. Lec Knowles, J. Developmental Education Department Fall 2016 Semester (August 22 to December 7) 90793 MATH 332 73 Intermediate Algebra 36 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Online Courses CRN Course No. Sec. Course Title Health, Fitness and Sports Department Type Instructor Lec Kish, C. Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Faggard, A. Lowe, Z. Woodford, D. Woodford, D. Wilbur, C. Wilbur, C. Lindley, N. Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Faggard, A. James, C. Lowe, Z. Lowe, Z. Capeles, T. Capeles, T. Wilbur, C. Wilbur, C. Stafford, L. Lec/Lab Lec/Lab Lec/Lab Cammack, J. Longlet, N. Son-Guidry, K. Lec/Lab Lec Lec Lec/Lab Lec Lec Lec Lec Son-Guidry, K. Woodard, A. Askew, M. Byrd, O. Clark, J. Barbay, C. Barbay, C. Brown, L. Summer II 2016 Semester (July 11 to August 11) 70147 BCIS 1305 71 Business Computer Applications Lab Cammack, J. Fall 2016 Semester (August 22 to December 7) 90798 BCIS 1305 71 Business Computer Applications Lab Cammack, J. Fall 2016 Semester (August 22 to December 7) 91118 KINE 1301 73 Foundations of Kinesiology Liberal Arts Department Summer I 2016 60445 ARTS 60531 ENGL 60457 GOVT 60459 GOVT 60462 HIST 60464 HIST 60535 PHIL Semester (June 6 to July 7) 1301 73 Art Appreciation 1301 73 English Composition I 2305 73 Federal Government 2306 73 Texas Government 1301 73 United States History I 1302 73 United States History II 1301 73 Introduction to Philosophy Fall 2016 Semester (August 22 to December 7) 90687 ARTS 1301 73 Art Appreciation 90035 ENGL 1301 73 English Composition I 90776 ENGL 1302 73 English Composition II 91251 ENGL 2331 73 World Literature 90590 GOVT 2305 73 Federal Government 91050 GOVT 2306 73 Texas Government 90063 HIST 1301 73 United States History I 90066 HIST 1302 73 United States History II 90788 SPCH 1315 73 Public Speaking Math and Science Department Summer I 2016 60409 BCIS 60415 BIOL 60411 CHEM 60413 60407 60421 60419 60427 60431 60433 60549 CHEM HECO MATH PHYS PSYC PSYC PSYC SOCI Semester (June 6 to July 7) 1305 73 Business Computer Applications 2402 73 Anatomy and Physiology II 1405 73 Introductory Chemistry I Introductory Chemistry I (Allied 1406 73 Health emphasis) 1322 73 Nutrition and Diet Therapy 1314 73 College Algebra 1405 73 Elementary Physics I 1100 73 Learning Framework 2301 73 General Psychology 2314 73 Lifespan Growth and Development 1301 73 Introduction to Sociology 37 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Online Courses CRN 90800 90802 91544 90803 90146 90153 90818 90848 Course BCIS BCIS BCIS BIOL BIOL BIOL CHEM CHEM No. 1305 1305 1305 2401 2402 2420 1405 1405 Sec. 72 73 74 73 73 73 73 74 90819 CHEM 1406 73 91219 91548 CHEM CRIJ 1406 1301 74 73 91553 EDUC 1301 90084 HECO 1322 90116 MATH 1314 91099 MATH 1332 91103 MATH 1350 91557 PHYS 1405 90104 PHYS 1415 91296 PHYS 1415 91559 PHYS 1415 91299 PHYS 1417 90170 PSYC 1100 90809 PSYC 1300 90123 PSYC 2301 90126 PSYC 2314 90130 SOCI 1301 91566 SOCI 1306 Music Department 73 73 73 73 73 74 73 74 75 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 Course Title Business Computer Applications Business Computer Applications Business Computer Applications Anatomy and Physiology I Anatomy and Physiology II Microbiology for Non-Science Majors Introductory Chemistry I Introductory Chemistry I Introductory Chemistry I (AH emphasis) Introductory Chemistry I (AH emphasis) Introduction to Criminal Justice Introduction to the Teaching Profession Nutrition and Diet Therapy College Algebra Contemporary Mathematics I Fundamentals of Mathematics I Elementary Physics I Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science Physical Science II Learning Framework Learning Framework General Psychology Lifespan Growth and Development Introduction to Sociology Social Problems Fall 2016 Semester (August 22 to December 7) 91126 MUSI 1310 73 American Popular Music Type Lab Lab Lec/Lab Lec/Lab Lec/Lab Lec/Lab Lec/Lab Lab Instructor Cammack, J. Cammack, J. Cammack, J. Longlet, N. Longlet, N. Jordan, P. Son-Guidry, K. Son-Guidry, K. Lec/Lab Son-Guidry, K. Lab Lec Son-Guidry, K. Ellis, D. Lec/Lab Lec Lec Lec Lec Lab Lec/Lab Lab Lab Lec/Lab Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Lec Neeb, A. Woodard, A. Askew, M. Tran, M. Askew, M. Son-Guidry, K. Byrd, O. Byrd, O. Son-Guidry, K. Byrd, O. Clark, J. Clark, J. Barbay, C. Barbay, C. Brown, L. Brown, L. Lec Gonzalez, B. Academic Partnership Courses Education is a lifelong process and the right start can take you places you never dreamed you'd go. Lamar State College-Port Arthur offers the best value possible to start your journey into higher education. Our long-standing tradition of providing a quality education that is also affordable and convenient means you receive a rewarding educational experience that will prepare you to excel at a 4-year university—at a fraction of a university's tuition cost. 38 Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Academic Partnership courses are online classes for those Lamar State College-Port Arthur students who live outside the Southeast Texas region. Learn more at CRN SUBJ. NO. SECTION COURSE NAME INSTRUCTOR Summer I 2016 Session (8 week) 60528 60545 60548 60546 60547 60530 60458 60560 60544 60532 60533 60552 60534 60551 60428 60553 60554 60550 ARTS BCIS BIOL CHEM CHEM ENGL GOVT GOVT HECO HIST HIST MATH PHIL PHYS PSYC PSYC PSYC SOCI 1301 1305 2402 1405 1406 1301 2305 2306 1322 1301 1302 1314 1301 1405 1100 2301 2314 1301 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Art Appreciation Business Computer Application Anatomy and Physiology II Introductionto Chemistry Introductionto Chemisty I (Allied Health) Composition I Federal Government Texas Government Principles of Nutrition United States History I United States History II College Algebra Introductionto Philosophy Elementary Physics I Learning Framework General Psychology Lifespan Growth/Development Introductionto Sociology Faggard A. Cammack J. Longlet N. Son-Guidry K. Son-Guidry K. Lowe Z. Woodford D. Woodford D. Woodard A. Wilbur C. Wilbur C. Askew M. Lindley N. Byrd O. Clark J. Barbay C. Barbay C. Brown L. Fall 2016 Semester (16 weeks) 91525 91513 91545 91546 90807 91547 91542 91279 91281 91549 91541 91554 90772 91514 91516 91047 91049 91555 91518 91094 91556 91294 91560 ACCT ARTS BCIS BIOL BIOL BIOL BUSI CHEM CHEM CRIJ ECON EDUC ENGL ENGL ENGL GOVT GOVT HECO HIST MATH MATH MATH PHYS 2301 1301 1305 2401 2402 2420 1301 1405 1406 1301 2301 1301 1301 1302 2331 2305 2306 1322 1301 1314 1332 1350 1415 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Prin Financial Accounting Art Appreciation Business Computer Applications Anatomy and Physiology I Anatomy and Physiology II Microbiology Non-Science Major Business Principles Introductionto Chemistry I Introductionto Chemistry I (Allied Hlth) Introductionto Criminal Justice Prin Economics-Macro Introductionto Teaching Composition I Composition II World Literature Federal Government Texas Government Principles of Nutrition United States History I College Algebra Contemporary Math (LA Majors) Fundamentals of Math I Physical Science I 39 Green T. Faggard A. Cammack J. Longlet N. Longlet N. Jordan P. Bryant J. Son-Guidry K. Son-Guidry K. Ellis D. Bryant J. Neeb A. James C. Lowe Z. Lowe Z. Capeles T. Capeles T. Woodard A. Wilbur C. Askew M. Tran M. Askew M. Byrd O. Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule CRN 91561 91302 91563 91564 91350 91565 SUBJ. PHYS PSYC PSYC PSYC PSYC SOCI NO. 1417 1100 1300 2301 2314 1301 SECTION 30 30 30 30 30 30 COURSE NAME Physical Science II Learning Framework Learning Framework General Psychology Lifespan/Growth/Development Introductionto Sociology INSTRUCTOR Byrd O. Clark J. Clark J. Barbay C. Barbay C. Brown L. United States History II TBA Fall 2016 Session II (8 weeks) 91256 HIST 1302 30 Academic Studies Accounting Office Administration Accounting Accounting Assistant Accounting Assistant Accounting Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Audiovisual Production Automotive Service Technician Automotive Service Technician Automotive Technology Automotive Technology Business Administration Commercial Music Performance Commercial Music - Sound Engineer Computer Programmer Computer Programmer Cosmetology Cosmetology Instructor Cosmetology Instructor Cosmetology Instructor Criminal Justice Drama Drug & Alcohol Abuse Counseling Entertainment Business Esthetics Certificate Program Associate Faculty Advisors Advisor Email Dr. Barbara Huval Tammy Green Pat Granger Sheila Guillot Tammy Green Pat Granger Sheila Guillot Pat Granger Adriane Champagne Sheila Guillot John Freyermuth Morgan Brown Sheila Guillot Morgan Brown Sheila Guillot Sheila Guillot MM 119A FOP 102 FOP 105 MM147 FOP 102 FOP 105 MM147 FOP 105 FOP 103 MM147 PAC 137D AUMT 102 MM147 AUMT 102 MM147 MM147 984-6341 984-6247 984-6392 984-6381 984-6247 984-6392 984-6381 984-6392 984-6416 984-6381 984-6520 984-6385 984-6381 984-6385 984-6381 984-6381 John Freyermuth PAC 137D 984-6520 John Freyermuth PAC 137D 984-6520 Zachary Mills Sheila Guillot Sheila Guillot Amanda Smith Vonnie Fonteno Sherry Lejeune Donna Ellis Dr. Laura Stafford FOP 101 MM147 MM147 COS 116 COS 115A COS 111 RF 205 SC 417 984-6421 984-6381 984-6381 984-6402 984-6409 984-6507 984-6438 984-6331 Kimberly Arrington MM116 984-6230 John Freyermuth Amanda Smith PAC 137D COS 116 984-6520 984-6402 40 Office Phone Graphic Design Graphic Design Instrumentation Technology Instrumentation Technology Kinesiology Kinesiology Live Sound Design & Technology Medical Coding Specialist Medical Office Administration Medical Office Administration Medical Office Administration Music Nurse Aide Certificate Nurse Aide Certificate Nursing (LVN to RN) Nursing (LVN to RN) Office Administration Office Administration Office Administration Paralegal Process Technology Process Technology Receptionist Receptionist Receptionist Software Developer Software Developer Studio Art Surgical Technology Vocational Nursing (LVN) Vocational Nursing (LVN) Certificate Program Associate Lamar State College Port Arthur Summer and Fall 2016 Class Schedule Advisor Email Sheila Guillot Zachary Mills George Bohn Sheila Guillot Scott Street Cassandra Goodman John Freyemuth Sheila Guillot Adriane Champagne Pat Granger Sheila Guillot John Freyermuth Eursula Davis Shirley MacNeill Eursula Davis Shirley MacNeill Pat Granger Adriane Champagne Sheila Guillot Sheila Guillot James Powell Sheila Guillot Pat Granger Adriane Champagne Sheila Guillot Zachary Mills Sheila Guillot Grace Megnet Brandon Buckner Eursula Davis Shirley MacNeill 41 Office MM 147 FOP 101 EDUC 107 MM147 PMPC 102 PMPC 103 PAC 137D MM147 FOP 103 FOP 105 MM147 PAC 137D AH 117 AH 116 AH 117 AH 116 FOP 105 FOP 103 MM 147 MM 147 PT 102 MM 147 FOP 105 FOP 103 MM 147 FOP 101 MM 147 SC416 AH 125 AH 117 AH 116 Phone 984-6381 984-6421 984-6391 984-6381 984-6292 984-6290 984-6520 984-6381 984-6416 984-6392 984-6381 984-6520 984-6364 984-6385 984-6364 984-6385 984-6392 984-6416 984-6381 984-6381 984-6344 984-6381 984-6392 984-6416 984-6381 984-6421 984-6381 984-6477 984-6367 984-6364 984-6385
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