
J UNE 2007
A breed-specific rescue organization dedicated to finding new homes for abandoned or unwanted Samoyeds
Rescue Report: by jean Gilles
Save the Date
HEY—HEY—HEY … It’s Sam O Rama time!!!
Saturday, July 14th
5 PM
Well, almost that is. June kicks off selling raffle tickets, soliciting raffle/prize
NISA’s annual
items, planning, organizing events and recruiting oodles of volunteers to pull
everything together for the big day. Emails will fly, phone lines will sizzle and time Membership/Volunteer drive
and Pizza Party
will shoot by fast and before you can spell Rumplestiltskin out loud three times
September 16th will be here. Watch the Rescue Review for notice of picnic
planning meetings.
In the meantime if you can help out on the day of please call Jean to volunteer.
Without volunteers, Sam O Rama can’t happen! The more volunteers we have the
easier it is for everyone. The more volunteers we have ensures that everyone will
get a chance to enjoy the day, take a break and relax while enjoying a good meal
I’ve got all paws crossed NISA will have the set up crew we had last year—Wow,
what a team they were. Hint, hint, hint!
Aluminum Can Drive
Bring rinsed, crushed
beverage cans in sturdy
plastic bags to the pizza
party. Proceeds to benefit the
Kim Adams and Bev Barborek-Galbraith volunteered to head up the food
committee again for 2007 and will begin to solicit food donations at NISA’s annual F EATURED ARTICLES
Pizza party coming up in July. Kim and Bev have kicked up the buffet selection
Rescue Report
several notches during their tenure and like to change out the choices a bit each
year. If you have a favorite picnic delicacy to offer, call early—call now! 708-868- News And Arrooos
2849 to sign up. Homemade items only—the only exception to which is some of
Who’s Who
the fried chicken. Homemade is NISA’s trademark feature that brings attendees
back to Sam O Rama year after year and helps raise money to help the homeless
June Activities
NISA’s upcoming event is it’s annual membership/volunteer drive and pizza party
Saturday, July 14th. Volunteer Bev Barborek-Galbraith is asking all attendees to
bring and donate their bags of crushed aluminum cans to her at this event. She will
take the cans to her local recycling yard and the $$$$ earned will be used for
NISA’s Fur-Kidz. Wahooo, thank you Bev!!!!
Along that same vein if you have new or used collars of any type, leashes, and
retractable/Flexi-leads of any size that are just gathering dust in a corner consider
donating them to NISA at events. Whatever sizes can’t be used on NISA’s Fur-Kidz
I plan to ship down to our friends at the Humane Society of Roane County in
Kingston, TN. These hard working and dedicated folks rescue dogs of all sizes and
shapes from the local pound and sure could use some help. I’ll set up a container at
the pizza party near the door. As additional food for thought, if you or someone you
know is planning a trip to this part of our great country I have bowls and crates I
would like to send down to these folks.
(Continued on page 3.)
Diamonds in the Rough
Traveling Tails
Antifreeze Warnings
Gotcha Days
Home to Stay—Forever
How to Lose 14 Pounds
Rescue Review Articles
Sammie Saviors
Supporter Form
Merchandise Order Form
Rescue Review
Page 2
Contact us
P.O. Box 218, Arlington
Heights, IL 60006-0218
General donations to help the Fur-Kidz:
Kathleen Thaddeus in memory of Snowy (Knowlton);
(For all correspondence, applications, contributions, and renewals)
Jim and Diane Knowlton in memory of their special girl,
Ali and Quincy Jones in memory of Carly Jacobson’s daddy,
On the web:
Fax: 847-392-5000
Jeff and Michele Conner, Jim Payne, Michael and Jazmina
Thank you for helping us help them!
NISA Staff
Jean Gilles
Debbie Jones
Corresponding Secretary
Char Kepler
Donna Sharik
Leslie Allison-Seei
Who’s who and where you are...
By Donna Sharik
In the May issue I promised to list NISA members and the region where they live to
better define the Volunteer plan I proposed. If I missed anyone—please let me know.
Will you share a couple hours of your time each year to help find homes, members, volunteers and donations to help NISA’s Fur-Kidz? We’re asking one person from each
region to step up to serve as a Region manager, might that person be you!?! Call me at
847-639-7764. Or, email glaciervette@aol.com if you have questions.
Located in Region 5 is:
Brian and Debbie Kelly
Jeff and Lori Weigerding
Carol Stream
Patrick and Sharon Harris
Ted and Rose Fisk
Mona Mayr
Kevin and Julie Kulak
John and Cindy Gaines
Harold and Cheryl Sagin
Richard and Sharon Serota
St. Charles
William and Debra Meznarsic
Jim and Maureen Murphy-Hoff
Julia Henriques
(Strut coordinator)
Ken and Karen Van Swearingen
West Chicago
Vito and Jennifer Cataldo
Located in Region 6 is:
Downers Grove
Kurt and Kristy Heuberger
Mary Voigt
Ken and Sheila Boyce
Willow Springs
Steve and Pat Jacobson
Curt and Vivian Jones
Joseph and Roberta Mrzglod
Villa Park
Leslie Allision-seei
Tanya Boutin
Tom and Kathy Kelly
Janet Mayer
Evergreen Park
Monique Buckner
David and Mary Jean VanSickle
Jim and Claire Daccardo
June 2007
Rescue Report… conclusion
Good news from Tower Productions in that the Family Pet show will move
BACK to Arlington Park Racetrack in 2008. Will NISA resume it’s place at booth
700? … Nope, we decided the place to be is on the main floor and reserved booth
252 just west of the center stairs and food court. The public entrance is on the
North-West side of the building and after all these years many folks still don’t
know there are booths on the second floor.
Illinois state foster home licenses are coming due again in July and instead of
adding new applications to the existing list, I’ll be canceling out two. If ever there
was a time to talk up NISA’s foster program now is it. Please spread the word for
us. NISA needs many volunteers in order to rescue Samoyeds, to care for them
and screen adoptive homes to find a loving family for them.
Fostering is one of the most rewarding tasks involved with rescue work. It’s not
always easy but it is satisfying. There is no greater feeling than to watch a timid
dog gain confidence, a fearful dog learn to trust and to see 90 mile-per-hour butt
wiggles of happiness when you call their name. Think about lending NISA a
helping hand and call 847-255-4815. You won’t regret doing it!!
NISA received a call in response to the Regional Volunteer Program that Donna
Sharik is promoting. Not a leadership call (yet, anyway–grin) but a call to
volunteer for an upcoming event. Calls to volunteer feel wonderful to the person
organizing an event so please, keep them coming. As I read in Donna’s proposal
she’s only asking for a couple hours once or maybe twice a YEAR folks! C’mon,
you can do it!
On the home front, my home that is. I had a bit of a scare a few months back
when I landed in the hospital for a couple days while the medical staff monitored
my heart, blood pressure and who knows what-all. I also had to have a stress test
since many of my symptoms screamed “blockage” to my GP a few days prior
when I was at her office following a horrible asthma attack that morning. The
final consensus is that I am fine but I was told to quit smoking, slow down and
avoid stress. LOL...avoid stress!?! Is that even possible?
Even though I don’t have high cholesterol or blood pressure it’s a sharp reality
call to wait for test results.
That said, I am back to seeing my Chiropractor and Orthopedic physical therapist
on a regular basis to get the kinks out of this old body and I’m working on the rest
of the “doctors orders”. Old habits are hard to break but I’ve started setting limits
to how much I can do each day, how many projects I will take on and how many
directions I can go at one time. I took time over Memorial weekend to buy and
plant some replacement perennials in a bare back yard due to years of neglect.
Next, a few new bushes for another section and yes, a little time to “stop and
smell the roses” once in a while.
In closing, congratulations are in order for Bob Bernstein who achieved a
Championship title on his boy Toby, (Mithril Sylvan’s Solioquy), over Memorial
Day weekend in Bloomington, IL; and to Heather and Gene LoProto for achieving
a RA title in Rally Obedience with their girl Blue, (WhiteStar Beyond Blue
Horizon CGC, TDI), earlier this month. Three cheers for all of you!!
Page 3
Rescue Review
Tanya Boutin
Marilyn Frank
Cherie Rankin
Leslie Allison-Seei
Joanne Skidmore
Lori Weigerding
Donna Sharik
Beverley Stewart
Jennifer Turner
Sales and Marketing
Maureen Birkmann
Lori Weigerding
Transportation Coordinator
Bob Lazzari
Rescue Review
Page 4
June Activities … By Cherie Rankin
C.A.R.E. Dog Wash
Saturday, June 9th, 9am2pm, C.A.R.E. Animal Shelter, 2310 Oakton, Evanston.
Volunteers from the Community Animal Rescue Effort Animal Shelter will
wash your dog and clip its
nails for a fundraiser. Attendees are encouraged to park
in the Petsmart lot near the
shelter. www.careevanston.org/
ticipants. Includes lunch. Early Bird Special - $95 if prepaid by June 1st. $125 after that. Contact: Jean Nakaerts 815-795-3859.
Chicagoland Dog Rescue Doggy Wash, Sun, June 10, 8-2
pm, Wizard of Pawz, 2306 Hassell Rd, Hoffman Estates.
Cost: $5-$18. Small Dogs $10, Medium Dogs $12, Large
Dogs $15, Extra Large Dogs $18. Info: ChicagolandDogRescue.org
Pet Nutrition 101: Getting to the meat of it all Monday,
June 11th, 7pm - 8pm, The Houndry, 3945 N. Sheridan,
Chicago. Dr. Julie Mayer, DVM from and founder of Integrative Pet Care, will be presenting a nutritional seminar.
She will be discussing the basics of pet nutrition and guidePeople and Pooch Walk Sunday, June 10th, 9am, Busse
lines on the most nourishing, beneficial diet for your pet.
Woods, SW corner of Arlington Hts. Rd. and Higgins Rd. Grove 5, Elk Grove Village. The Almost Home Foundation You'll learn what's behind the labels and how to suppleasks you to join them in helping to raise money for medical ment your diet as Dr. Mayer highlights the pros and cons of
needs of their pets. Registration is at 9am and the walk be- kibble, canned and raw and home cooked meals. $10 donagins at 10am. Register by calling Maxine at 847-952-7464 tion will be accepted to benefit the New Leash on Life rescue Organization. Call 773-281-2600 to register (space is
or www.firstgiving.com/almosthome.
Learn About Dog Therapy Opportunities Tuesday,
June19th, 7pm - 8pm, The Anti-Cruelty Society - Mullane Orphans of the Storm and HSUS Disaster Animal Response Training, Wed-Fri, June 13-15, Location-TBD.
Auditorium, 169 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. Sit Stay Read
will be explaining how their organization works. Learn how Cost: $125. Info: jborchew@orphansofthestorm.org
to get involved and what is expected of you and your dog. Mini-Information Seminar on Understanding Your Dog
There are volunteer opportunities available for humans
When: June 14th, 11am-1pm AND 7pm-9pm Where: For
without a dog and for humans with dogs. $5 Donation to Sit Your Canine, 4233 United Parkway, Schiller Park, IL.
Stay Read. Free Parking is available in the ACS parking
This mini seminar will provide insight on how to better ungarage - enter on the Wells Street side.
derstand your four legged companion. We’ll explain why
The Star Awards Fundraising Vegan Banquet Sunday, dogs bark, chew, fight with other dogs, and much more. We
June 10th, 4pm, Dominican University, Harlem and Divi- will provide solutions to some of dogs most common besion, River Forest, IL. S.P.E.A.K. (Supporting and Promot- havior issues. For additional information and form go to
ing Ethics for the Animal Kingdom) presents this fundraiser to aid in the promotion of humane education and to
honor those who work tirelessly for animals. The guest
speaker is Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson from New Zealand in
a rare Chicago Appearance. He is the author of When Elephants Weep, Dogs Never Lie About Love, The Emotional
Lives of Cats, The Pig Who Sang to the Moon and The Emperor's Embrace. $60 can be paid by mail or online at
www.speakonline.org, click on "Star Awards." Deadline
for reservations is May 25th.
Are you an on-line shopper? Did you know that
a percentage of your purchase could benefit
NISA’s Fur-Kidz?
TTouch for Dogs Clinic Sunday, June 10th, 9am - 4pm,
PawPrints Private Dog Park, 2339 N. 2879th Rd., Marseilles. IL. Would you like to help your dog learn easier,
feel better and behave better? The Tellington Touch
method will help you learn how you can enhance your relationship with your dog as well as provide a means to help
your dog feel better and behave better. Limited to 15 par-
Shop through IGive.com and just name NISA
as your chosen charity by using cause number
22443 .
It’s really that simple!
June 2007
June Activities… conclusion
www.foryourcanine.com/pdf/mini_info_session07.pdf or to reserve a seat
call 847-671-6844 or email: my4dogs@ameritech.net
Lakeshore Athletic Club-Illinois Ctr. Doggy Yoga Class, Sat, June 16 &
Sat July 21, noon. Lakeshore Athletic Club, 211 N Stetson, Chicago. Cost:
Free. Info: Register at (312) 616-1087 x280
Tree House Animal Foundation Stray Cat Strut 5k Walk-a-thon & Open
House. June 16, noon-6pm, 212 W Carmen & Lincoln Park, Chicago. Open
House attendance is free. Info: www.treehouseanimals.org.
Mid-Summer Scrub-A-Dub-Dub Fundraiser Saturday and Sunday,
June16th and 17th, 8am - 5pm, 1478 W. Summerdale, Chicago. Head over
to Scrub-A-Dub-Dub in Andersonville and 10% of all services, plus 10% of
all products sold on those two days will benefit the Red Door Animal Shelter. For more info: 773-275-7387 or www.reddoorshelter.org.
2007 Canine Carnival Saturday, June 23rd, noon - 4pm, 610 S. Ridgeland,
Longfellow Park, Oak Park. Proceeds from the event go to benefit the Volunteer Center of Oak Park (www.oprfvolunteercenter.org or 708-386-3393)
and River Forest's youth programs.
Volunteer Center of Oak Park, River Forest 8th Annual Canine Carnival, Sat, June 23, noon-4pm, 610 S Ridgeland Ave at Jackson Blvd in
Longfellow Park, Oak Park. Cost: $3/Adults, $1/Children Info: (708) 3863393
Stay's Flealess Market When: June 24th, 10am - 4pm Where: Stay Dog
Hotel, 4130 N. Rockwell, Chicago. Artists, artisans, and creators of unique
products will exhibit items inspired by or intended for use by dogs and dog
lovers. Admission is free. Dogs are welcome, but must be healthy, fully
vetted, and have ID tags. 10% of the proceeds from the event will benefit
ARFhouse Chicago. For more info, contact Stay: 773.509.0001 or email:
Anti-Cruelty Society, Service Learning Day for Teens, Sun, June 24, 92pm, 157 W Grand Ave, Chicago. Cost: Free. Info: (312) 644-8338 x333
Page 5
Special thanks to NISA’s special
friends who have chosen to
become lifetime members.
Ed and Donna Palmer-Beard
John and Maureen Birkmann
Jeannee Brave
Kelly Bullock
Alan and Sharon Chichester
Rick and Holly Cox
Darrel and Robin Davidson
Carol Fisher
Jim and Linda Folk
Robert and Trinidad Gilmore
Peter and Peggy Heles
Kathleen Kersten
Mark and Emi Kooyman
Elaine Kuzniar
Mark and Kathy Larson
Judith Laux
Carol Lewandowski
David Lobocki and Denice Bocek
Mona Mayr
The Living Creatures Foundation 1st Annual Southwest Pet Expo, Sun,
June 24, noon-5pm, Francis 4H Field, New Lenox. Cost: Free. Info:
Dr. Kathleen McManamon
Cody and Carl’s Blvd 2nd Annual Canine Wedding and Adoption
Event. Sat, June 30, 4-7pm, 756 W Northwest Hwy, Barrington. Cost: Free.
Info: CodyAndCarlsBlvd.net
Catherine Pentescu
Naperville Area Humane Society Putts for Pets Golf Outing. Mon, July
9, White Eagle Golf Club, Naperville. Info: (630) 420-8989 x18
Mark Spreyer
Marjorie Paine
Gary Saunders
Got events to share? Email me at wibblet68@mshsi.com
(Cheri’s Mother was in a serious car accident May 21st. Of her many injuries, her heel was shattered beyond repair and will require surgery to fuse
bones. Since infection is a major risk your prayers would be deeply appreciated.)
You can join their ranks with a
donation of $1,000 or more. See the
supporter form on page 15 for
Rescue Review
Page 6
Danny Talk about a gem of all gems!!! Danny looks and acts like he might be a
Samoyed-Husky mix but his personality is pure Samoyed all the way. He’s estimated to
be about 2 years old and is full of spit & vinegar!
No one can say with any conviction what Danny’s
breed combinations might be so let’s just say, “he’s a
Designer Dog like they sell in New York pet boutiques for thousands of dollars. You’ll never find another one like him” No matter what breed he is, he’s
young, sweet, gentle, eager to please and a big marshmallow of a goof.
Wanna share your heart
with me, do-ya—do-ya?
January 1, 2007
Adoption fees:
Fees for Senior
and Special
Samoyeds will
continue to be
determined on
a case by case
Rascal is a Sammie/Shepherd mix
most dogs he actually chews his food.
with gorgeous caramel splotches in his
coat. Came to live with 5 other dogs, 2
cats and 2 kids. Loves to chase and retrieve balls or toys. Often when we
come home he runs to find a toy to
carry in the hope someone might like to
play. He loves his cats, his kids and
would really do best as an only dog.
He loves a
good nap on
the couch,
also enjoys
combed and
will let you
cut his nails
without a
fuss. He just
likes to hang
out as a buddy. He can be quite a goof and
has us laughing often.
He’s a big food beggar and has, in fact,
fallen asleep with his chin on the table
waiting and hoping for a crumb. Always
a gentleman and never helps himself
though. Rascal is a great eater and unlike
Koda is a large female at 67#
and still very much a puppy at
heart. Still needs supervision to
prevent chewing and mischief
when out of her “house” or crate.
As with any young dog, Koda
would benefit greatly with professional obedience classes. Foster
Mom recommends a tall fence for
this very agile and curious youngster. She’s crate trained, compatible with other dogs although she does play very rough. Too rough for kittycats. Koda’s estimated age is 1 to 1.5 years.
TinkerBelle is under a year
of age, around 35#, crate
trained and full of energy to
play. Likes other dogs but doesn’t speak dog language to know
when to back off. Okay with
kids and cats under supervision
due to her lack of training. She’s
a blank canvas waiting to learn.
Needs a yard, preferably fenced
Adoption Pending
and lots of love and understanding. Are you looking for a
summer project to fill those long lonely days? You need
a TinkerBelle in your life!
Page 7
June 2007
Radar at the age of 4 is an awesome dog at 80
Button is nearly 2, spayed, crate
pounds of rock hard
muscle. He’s a high energy boy and often does
laps around the yard to
burn off energy. He’s
crate and house trained,
okay with cats under supervision and would do
best with a female playmate. Still extremely fearful of strangers.
trained, great with kids and ready to
roll out the door. Sadly, this sweetie
missed out on 3—yep, 3 very wonderful homes by just a day or so
after other plans were made so she’s
still in the system. As her name implies, she is as cute as a button.
Found as a stray late last fall Button
needs someone to love and some one to love her back. A secure
fence is a must as she is a Houdini.
Crosby: FM (foster Mom) Carol, says,
Crosby is
strides in
his over-all
FM feels
Crosby’s former family wasn’t always nice
to him and some of his behavior stems
from mistrust issues. But, she says we’ll
continue to work on that! “I can’t imagine
why anyone would ever want to hurt such a
wonderful dog. Crosby is truly a luv-bug
deep inside and he’s so mellow about life
in general. I think with a bit more work
and lots of patience Crosby will be a delightful addition to any adult home.”
Crosby loves long leisurely walks and will
change directions on command with no
problems. “He does have very good leash
manners and understands many verbal
commands exceptionally well!” The two
largest hurdles are toy possessiveness and
his dislike for being groomed. Again, FM
feels these are taught behaviors. Aside
from those two issues Crosby is one of the
easiest dogs to live with.
Lexie is a true gem of all gems. All she wants is a home of her own where she can
be loved and pampered as every little princess should be.
She barks or rings a bell for potty needs or to just take in
some fresh air and sunshine. She’s a quiet girl for the most
part, however she will bark for food and/or attention.
We’re trying hard to resist enforcing that habit but with a
face like hers and that cute tail
wag, it’s sure not easy!
Kitchen garbage must be secured or this chow hound will help herself. Currently at
76 pounds, Lexie’s on a very strict diet to regain her
youthful figure in time for bikini season! This is one
very sweet soon-to-be slim and trim little Sammie.
Sammy Bear ~ Adoption
Pending by Bev Stewart
Rescue Review
Page 8
Traveling “Tails” By: Marilyn & Daisy Mae Frank
Summer is almost here,
and the kids are almost
out of school. Many
families like to go on
vacation to kick off
their summer. What
better place than Florida???
Because there are so
many different areas
and different interests,
I’m going to talk about
historic St. Augustine
and Orlando. Both are family oriented, but offer completely different experiences.
St. Augustine is the nation’s oldest city, and holds the
distinction of being one of the nation’s most charming~
with it’s cobblestone streets and its quaint cafes, bars, and
unique shops. It’s convenient to Jacksonville, Orlando,
and Daytona airports. It’s an extremely “dog-friendly”
Best Western St. Augustine I-95 2445 SR 16. (904)
829-1999. Dogs of all sizes are allowed. There is a
$10.00 per night fee. There are smoking and nonsmoking rooms available. If booking on line, please type
“I am bringing my dog” in the “Additional Comments
Inn at Camachee Harbor 201 Yacht Club Dr. St.
Augustine. (800) 688-5379 or email:
camachee@costalrealtyfl.com Just 5 minutes away from
downtown St. Augustine and beaches. 14 out of 19 rooms
are dog friendly. Treats available at front desk “any
time”, dishes available to borrow. If leaving your fuzzer
alone, please ask at the front desk if it is okay, and leave
contact info in case there are any issues.
RV Parks/Campgrounds
St. Augustine Beach KOA 525 W. Pope Rd. St.
Augustine. This campground is located on Anastasia Island. RV and tent sites are available. There is a year round
pool, fishing, dog walk area, bicycle rentals, Cable TV, modem data port and 50 amp service. Pets are welcome at
campground, but not in the cabins. There is no extra pet
St. Augustine Scenic Cruise St. Augustine Municipal
Marina (800) 542-8316. The Victory III departs daily from
the marina for a one hour and fifteen minute scenic cruise.
View the historic St. Augustine area from the water and
bring your well-behaved, leashed dog with you.
Ghost Walk-Spirits of St. Augustine St. George St.
(904) 829-2391. You and your well-behaved dog can take a
guided tour of the most haunted sites in St. Augustine.
This entertaining 1.5 hour walk will go along the streets of
historic downtown and pass by two cemeteries. There is a
$10.00 per person fee and free for kids under six. Tours
begin at 8pm at the Columbia Restaurant. If you take a St.
Augustine Transfer Co. carriage ride (sometime during
your stay), they will give you a coupon for a free Ghost
Walk tour.
St. Augustine Beach (904) 209-0655 St. Augustine
Beach allows leashed dogs. Owners must clean up after
their pets. This policy extends to most of the beaches in St.
John’s County, but other rules will apply to beaches in
State Parks, many of which don’t allow dogs.
Orlando I don’t think there is anyone in the US that hasn’t
heard of this family oriented fun place! There’s sooooo
much to do here, you can’t possibly do everything in a
week (or possibly even two!)
Hard Rock Hotel 5800 Universal Blvd. Orlando (800)
232-7827. This full service resort has many extras such as a
12,000 square foot pool w/a sand beach, interactive fountains, and water slide, and planned activities. There is express access and transportation to Universal Orlando
Theme Park. Dogs of all sizes welcome for a one-time fee
of $25.00. Guests MUST have a health certificate for each
pet obtained w/in 10 days prior to arrival. Fuzzers must be
quiet, well behaved, leashed, and cleaned up after. They
June 2007
must also be removed for housekeeping. Dogs are not
allowed in pool/lounge, or restaurant areas.
La Quinta Inn & Suites Orlando/Maingate 3483
Polynesian Isle Blvd. Kissimmee, FL (800) 531-5900
or lq0251gm@laquinta.com. Just three miles from Disney World and in the middle of all area attractions!
Lots of amenities! Dogs of all sizes are allowed at no
additional fees. A call number must be left with front
desk and the Do Not Disturb sign placed on door if
there is a pet inside alone. You must make arrangements w/ housekeeping if you need your room serviced.
Clarion Hotel Maingate 7675 W. Irlo Bronson Hwy,
Kissimmee. (407) 396-4000 Located just 1.3 miles
from Disney World with free transportation to all of
Disney’s theme parks, Sea World, and Universal Studios. There is a heated outdoor pool, hot tub, game
room, and kiddie pool. Kids under 12 get free breakfast. There is a one-time $75.00 pet fee. Dogs must be
leashed and cleaned up after. The “Do not disturb” sign
is to be on door if fuzzer is alone in room.
Celebration US 192 and I-4, Celebration FL.
Celebration is a town created by Disney. It had dogfriendly walking trails, outdoor cafes, and stores.
Check for events at Celebration.
St. Johns River Cruises Celery Ave. Sanford, FL
(407) 330-1612 Well behaved, leashed dogs are welcome aboard the narrated cruises. The cruise travels
along the St. Johns River and lasts about two hours.
All Disney theme parks (407) 842-4321 No dogs
are allowed in any of the parks, but all parks have air
conditioned, attended indoor pens. You are welcome
to exit the parks and walk your dog. Just remember to
get your hand stamped so you can get back into the
parks. There is a $10.00 per day fee. Kennels are open
one hour before the parks open and one hour after
parks close.
I hope you enjoy your visit to Florida. I’d love to hear
about your trips, so please e-mail me and tell me all
about them! Until next month, happy tails to
Do you have a favorite vacation spot to share? E-mail
me at 2fuzzers@comcast.net
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Page 10
On the web…Antifreeze…not just a winter danger for our pets
By Joanne Skidmore
You have been out for a run or bike ride with your dogs and they find a puddle and begin to drink
from it. A) You let them … after all, they are thirsty and stagnate water won’t hurt them like it
would us. B) You give thanks because it allows you a chance to catch your breath and drink from
your purified water bottle. C) You pull them away from the water faster than the speed of light.
D) You are vigilant when you are with your pet and don’t let them near stagnate water in the first
While it is true stagnate water probably won’t hurt them, it is the other things in that water that can
harm or even kill them. You wouldn’t think to drink from it so don’t let your dogs. For one thing, there is a good
chance the water will contain some antifreeze. Antifreeze is a poison and like all poisons will do harm if enough is ingested. The issue is we don’t know 1) how much that is, and 2) how much anti-freeze is in any puddle or pooled water.
The bottom line is don’t let your pets drink from puddles anywhere. Carry water for them and give them water on a
regular basis. Yes, it does take planning and time but it is easier than the time and money, not to mention the pain and
suffering, that goes with antifreeze poisoning. The same diligence is needed wherever you park your vehicle. Clean-up
drips immediately – don’t assume it is condensation from your car’s air conditioning. Our pets will pay a huge price if
our assumption proves wrong.
There are several good websites that address the issues of antifreeze poisoning throughout the year.
Jennifer Stone, Information Specialist at the University of Illinois, College of Veterinary Medicine, February 11, 2002.
While this article highlights antifreeze as a danger, it points out many other pet dangers lurking
in our garages. Salt for melting ice, various treatments for plants, weeds or lawns. Ant or rodent killers such as stakes or traps can be dangerous as well as snail bait. Another produce is
windshield wiper fluid which can contain toxins. It is essential to read the label and know if
there are any dangers for pets and they take action to protect them. It may be as simple as
storing the item off the floor (for dogs) or keeping your pets indoors for a specific time after
applying an outdoor treatment.
Ron Hines DVM PhD 4/21/06
Ask-the-Vet veterinary website (http://www.2ndchance.info/ACC.htm) that provides numerous articles about various pet
care related topics. It also provides a link to ask Dr. Hines questions.
Dr. Hines writes that “Every year more than ten thousand dogs and cats are accidentally poisoned with automotive antifreeze. Although dogs and cats account for most cases, ethylene glycol is toxic to all animals - including people. This is
one of the top ten poisons in dogs and cats in the United States. The toxic ingredient in the product is its major component, ethylene glycol. It makes up 95% of the product. It only takes a small sip of antifreeze to poison your pet. Cats
are approximately four times as sensitive to the poison as dogs. One to two teaspoons full will poison a cat and three tablespoons full is enough to kill a medium size dog. Antifreeze poisoning occurs even in warm climates because radiator
coolant in all climates contains ethylene glycol. In the North, the incidence increases substantially in the fall when automotive cooling systems and radiators are being flushed and refilled. Ethylene glycol is sweet and quite tasty to pets.
Some cases occur when discarded coolant is left where a pet can get to it. In others the pets lick the empty gallon containers. Because it is tasty and dogs and cats will actively seek it out. More commonly the source is a radiator leak or
loose radiator hose. The fluid is a translucent greenish color. If you change your coolant discard the old coolant properly.
If your car has a coolant leak wash off the concrete slab under your car until you get the vehicle fixed.” He names several other places it can be found including in glass snow globes.
(Continued on page 12.)
June 2007
Page 11
Birthday and Gotcha Days:
L. Weigerding
“What is a Gotcha
Day???” It’s the day a res-
cue or stray was adopted into
it’s Forever Home. It can be
counted as the day the adoption papers were signed or
the day the dog arrived. The
custom started because most people don’t know their
adopted pets actual birth date.
Brenda Mattis's GAGE, Rick Peterson's
JOEY, Mark & Judy Shelstad's JULIE,
and Jeff and Vickie Thomas's SAMBA,
Belated—Gotcha’s to Bev BarborekGalbraith’s Yettie June 27, 2001
“Frosty paws for every one!”
Wishing a huge Happy Gotcha “July” to
the following:
Got a special day to
celebrate? Send me your
birthdays and gotcha days.
Mary Bauman's SNOWIE, Kim Harold's
CHAMP, Dennis & Karen Hromadka's CHUCKIE,
Darlene Wilson Print
Raffle Ticket
This treasure could be yours!!
Tickets are $5 each or 6 for $25
Winner need not be present
Name _____________________________
Address ____________________________
City _________________ ST __ Zip _____
Home (___)_________________________
Email _____________________________
Raffle Ticket
Tickets are $5 each or 6 for $25
Winner need not be present
Name _____________________________
Grounds Keepers (Samoyed #3)
Edition: 300
Print size 18 5/8 X 13 inches
Original price: $49.00 (without matting or frame)
City _________________ ST __ Zip _____
Raffle will begin in January and run until Sam O Rama
where the lucky ticket will be drawn. Help us help
them by buying and / or selling tickets.
Home (___)_________________________
$5 each or 6 for $25
Email _____________________________
Beautifully matted in white with a brushed silver metal
Address ____________________________
Page 12
Antifreeze…not just a winter danger for our pets
He goes on to discuss symptoms and treatment. Most important is to quickly get your pet to the vet if you suspect consumption of any amount. Don’t delay.
http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/ClientEd/antifreeze.asp. This is another site that provides articles about pet care (http://
This article provides information on symptoms, reminding us that a pet who has ingested antifreeze may seem to get better but will quickly deteriorate if left untreated. However, even
with treatment, prognosis is seldom good. Since treatment for antifreeze poisoning is often not
effective, prevention is very important. They offer the following advice to prevent antifreeze
 keep new and used antifreeze in a sealed, leak proof container
 take used antifreeze to a service station for disposal - don't pour it on the ground
 check driveways for puddles of antifreeze that may have leaked from the car
 consider the use of alternative antifreeze products that are less toxic to pets
if antifreeze is placed in toilets make sure the lid is down and the door to the room is closed
Jennifer Stone, Information Specialist at the University of Illinois, College of Veterinary Medicine, December 17, 2001.
This article is part of their pet column series on a variety of topics related to care of pets.
This article explains the how the anti-freeze affects pets and the need for immediate treatment. “Dr. Petra
Volmer, a veterinary toxicologist at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, says,
‘Antifreeze is said to be sweet and animals like to eat it. But ingestion of antifreeze an be fatal if untreated.’” Stone continues, “ethylene glycol [a usual ingredient in anti-freeze] is metabolized
by the liver and travels in the bloodstream to the kidneys, where it forms insoluble calcium
oxalate crystals inside the renal tubules. Dr. Volmer says, "Once metabolism of the ethylene
glycol has reached a certain point, there is no way to stop it." Because these crystals are insoluble, there is no way to remove them from the body. They cause permanent damage to the kidney tissue, which can ultimately lead to kidney failure. An animal that has ingested ethylene glycol must receive immediate medical attention.
Those caught in the act of drinking the antifreeze have the best chance of survival because medical attention can be administered immediately. Initial signs of antifreeze poisoning are depression and lethargy. Animals may seem groggy or
drunk. The final stages of poisoning are characterized by vomiting, oral and gastric ulcers, and renal failure, followed
by death. The initial signs can last from 1 to 6 hours and death may occur between 3 to 4 days. If an animal is showing
signs of antifreeze poisoning, but the owner did not see the animal drink it, there is a test kit available to veterinarians
detect the presence of the poison in the body. However, cats are especially sensitive to ethylene glycol and can experience toxic effects from a dose lower than that required for a positive result from the test.” Stone encourages people to
use an anti-freeze that is free of ethylene glycol.
June 2007
Page 13
Home to Stay—”Forever”
Two of NISA’s most exciting placements of the year are Duchess and
Duke. To recap their history for new supporters, Duke and Duchess
were released to NISA from a puppy mill operation in 2004. Neither Samoyed had ever left the
confines of their enclosure inside a barn type
building. The feel of grass under their feet and
wind blowing through their hair for the first time
was a terrifying experience. The smell of strange
surroundings and seeing the world for the first
time was more than Duke and Duchess could
process and accept.
Initially NISA’s plan was to board them at the
clinic long enough to let them adjust to their
new-found freedom before transferring to home
foster care. However, with intense fears comes
a risk of unplanned freedom should a careless
hand drop a leash or should a child forget to
close a door tightly and NISA decided only the
most experienced foster would be able to manage their safety.
Thank you
Bob & Jean Gilles
Lon & Maryann Hoegberg
Del & Char Kepler
Jim & Diane Knowlton
Carol Lewandowski
Kathleen McManamon
Del & Judy Pufahl
Gary & Cheri Rankin
Bev Stewart
With a shortage in foster homes, days passed into months and months
into years that Duke and Duchess remained in the care of kennel accommodations. In May of 2006, both dogs were transferred to Tops
kennel in Grayslake and in August Bob Gilles stepped forward to volunteer his time and gas to visit “his Kidz” as they were soon called.
Shad & Jackie Shadinger
Joe & Ellen West
David & Mary Jean VanSickle
Alan Zielinski
In September of 2006 NISA was blessed with an application to foster
Duchess from an experienced couple
whose former Sammie came to them
with many fears and lack of trust. Delmar and Judy Pufahl met Duchess for
the first time on September 19. An
hour later they asked to adopt her.
Most recently just prior to Easter, another prayer was answered when Kim
Singer inquired about adopting Duke.
Kim would be in the Chicago area
over the holiday weekend and would
L/R Duchess, Del, and Cosmo
be bringing her current Sammy girl
along to insure compatibility between the two dogs. After much correspondence, Kim’s questions and ours, we were all confident that Duke
was finally going home too. Meeting at Tops to introduce the two
Sammies was simply a matter of “dotting all the I’s” and Kim was on
her way home.
low his Sammie sisters’ example.
Recently Duchess acquired a temporary Sammie brother and is now
making faster adjustments too.
Both families have hit some lumps and bumps, however were you to
ask them if they would do it again, you can bet their response would
be a resounding “YES!” Both dogs are quickly adapting to living the
good life, Duke a little more quickly than Duchess because he can fol-
With all the trials and tribulations of
rescue efforts, stories like these two
are what makes it all worth while.
These are our paychecks!
L/R Duke, Lady and Kim
Page 14
How to Lose 14 Pounds Without Dieting
Submitted by Alan Zielinski
Dogs are not only our best friend, but also they might be an
instrumental tool in weight loss. A new study from researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia has found that
having a pet encourages owners to get more exercise and results in more weight loss than most nationally known diet
Here's proof: The volunteer participants in this plan lost 14
pounds in a year--without eating less or doing any other exercise. "Our goal was to look for ways to increase the average
exercise regimen, and we found being responsible for a pet,
such as committing to walk a loaner dog, encouraged people
who did not own dogs to walk more often and for longer
periods of time," said Rebecca Johnson, associate professor
of nursing and director of the College of Veterinary Medicine's Research Center for Human-Animal Interaction.
walked an inside route. Before the project began, each volunteer received a full health assessment, including measurements of weight, lean body mass, bone density, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, joint movement
functional ability and mood. Each was fitted with new walking shoes. One group walked for 50 weeks, while the second
group walked for only 26 weeks. The dogs in the study were
provided by the Pet Assisted Love and Support program at
the MU College of Veterinary Medicine.
The results: The group that walked for 50 weeks averaged a
weight loss of 14 pounds, a better result than most of the
nationally known weight-loss plans report. Johnson said the
weight loss in the second group was not statistically significant, but the participants did engage in other activities that
surprised the researchers.
"The results of the first group were wonderful," Johnson said.
"Even though we didn't see a significant amount of weight
The study: The research project encouraged economically
loss in the group that walked for a shorter period of time, by
disadvantaged and disabled participants to walk with dogs on
the end of the study, all the participants were walking for
a regular, graduated schedule. The participants began the prolonger periods of time and walking for daily errands instead
gram by walking 10 minutes per day, three times each week.
of using some other type of transportation.
Eventually, the participants walked up to 20 minutes per day,
five times each week. During rainy days, the participants
Home to Stay—“Forever”
Additional warm fuzzy feelings were felt when Juneau found
her new family just days before Christmas. After all, dogs get
presents too!
Just this past May Juneau acquired a new
Sammie sister by the
name of Stormy and
the Zuganbuehler family couldn’t be happier.
Look at those smiles!!
Lynn writes, “Just
wanted to send you a
Stormy update: I do
not know where to begin!
L/R Stormy, Lynn, Drew, Andy with
She is such a sweet dog,
Juneau and Cody
very calm, which is the
exact opposite of Juneau. They are getting along great; Juneau is thrilled to have a
playmate. Although Stormy is slow and somewhat out of
shape and she can’t keep up with Juneau, but she will get her
into shape with her non stop playing. Juneau is very athletic,
slim and bounces off the wall, Stormy is so very calm. In fact
she really does not act like a puppy.
She has taken to our routine and the house very well but
will not go up or down to our other two levels of the
house. She must not be used to stairs.
She is very content to sit on the couch with who ever happens to be there and she gets as close as possible, even tries
to get behind us on the couch to get even closer. She also
does not like to go outside.
The girls were playing this morning outside and I looked
outside and Stormy looked like Juneau had stepped all over
her. Juneau had muddy feet and they were wrestling, it was
very funny.
She (Stormy) has picked our 7 year old as her favorite kid
and my husband, Andy, she just loves him. They lie on the
couch together and cuddle all night long. She sleeps in
Drew’s room while Juneau sleeps in Cody’s room.
I have had them on walks together and I think that they are
going to have fun with the cart/dog sled that I am going to
get. I think that they will work very nicely together (not that
I know anything about dog sledding, but we are all going to
learn together).
Thanks again for thinking of us for Stormy, you do such a
wonderful job with all of the Samoyeds that you assist.
June 2007
Page 15
Articles for The Rescue Review
We love to hear from our readers. We especially enjoy updates
from NISA adopters so please keep it coming.
Thank you
Sammie Saviors
Do you have a request for a particular subject for the Rescue
Review committee to cover? Have you read an article in another
publication that would interest NISA supporters? Perhaps you
read an article to help adopters acclimate to their new K-9 family member . Maybe you found some excellent training tips
while surfing the web. Please let us know your thoughts and
Beverly Barborek-Galbraith
Ann Beckerdite
Michael Fitzgerald
Supporters are invited and encouraged to submit articles of interest for inclusion in the Rescue Review.
Albert Fowerbaugh and Janet Marvel
 Original material must be presented as a word document
ready for print. Pictures may be embedded in the document
to indicate placement location but original photos must be
sent as a separate file attachment.
Kathleen Kersten
Lynne Villers
 Articles from other publications must be attached as print
ready and include reprint permissions, source of material,
author credits and date.
Ken and Karen VanSwearingen
Send material with Events, Travel, Gotchadays, Financial or Miscellaneous in your subject line to
Funds collected by Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance, Inc. are used directly for the Samoyeds in
need of assistance. NISA is a not-for-profit breed-specific rescue organization.
Yes, sign me up to be a supporter of NISA:
[ ] New Supporter [ ] Renewal
YES [ ] — NO [ ] Please contact me to volunteer at events
$35 annually entitles me to the monthly newsletter and notice of all activities.
$50 annually entitles me to the monthly newsletter, notice of all activities and a 25% discount on program admission fees.
$1,000 lifetime supporter entitles me to all of the above for my lifetime.
Please make check payable to:
Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance, Inc.
and mail to:
Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance, Inc.
P.O Box 218— Arlington Heights, IL 60006
Or use your Visa, Master, Discover Card
Pets are for life, not just for Christmas!!
Name _________________________________________
Address _______________________________________
City ________________________ST____Zip _________
Phone (____)____________________________________
Email __________________________________________
Card # _________________________________________
CVC number _______ Exp. Date ____________________
Page 16
In the Arms of an Angel…
Heartfelt sympathy to NISA friends:
Beverly Barborek-Galbraith on her loss of LadyBug, May 2, 2007
The VanSickle Family on their loss of Mn. Pete,
May 13
Hillary Ehredt on her loss of Lexie, May 15
(March 12 1994 - May 15 2007)
May fond memories bring peace to your heart
Pied Piper Dog Training
401 West Golf Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Information / 847-392-5000
Registration / 630-238-9370
Puppy kindergarten • Beginner • Advanced
Intermediate • CGC • Rally & more
Private classes available by
appointment only
I would like to be a Sammie Savior :
Payment preference:
$20 Monthly
$160 Quarterly
$240 Yearly
I would like to make an additional contribution of:
Yes, I would like to help in the following capacity:
General volunteer
Committee organization
Adoption committee
Education committee
Volunteer coordinator
Event coordinator
Fundraising committee
Foster care
Foster liaison
Shelter liaison
Inventory clerk
Signage distribution
June 2007
Page 17
Merchandise Sales will … Help us to Help Them
Denim Shirts with embroidered
NISA logo 100% cotton. Please
specify Women’s or Men’s. Available in regular denim or washed
denim colors.
Long sleeved $35
Short sleeved $32
Sweatshirts Hooded shown with
two side pockets and full front zipper. Gray in stock, other colors
available $35
100% cotton regular style available
in Navy, royal blue, dark green, purple, red, maroon and gray. $26
T-shirt available in light blue, royal
blue, dark pink, lime green, dark
green, lavender, purple and teal
100% heavyweight cotton.
Short sleeved $18
Long sleeved $ 20
Polo shirts $28
Three-button style with NISA logo in
Heather gray, royal blue and red.
Made of 100% cotton for all-season
Sam O Rama short sleeved shirt
designed by Jenny Turner of Australia. Colorful patriotic stars and
stripes on white. A must-have for
anyone who’s attended our biggest
yearly event. $12
NISA is a proud distributor of White Pine
products. Soft-slip collars received a 4-paw
rating in the May 2005 issue of the Whole Dog Journal.
Adjustable sizes: small (10”18”), medium (14”-22”),
large (17”-26”). Featuring our
SoftWeb material to prevent
coat damage or tangles.
Colors available: black, blaze orange, forest green,
mint, purple, red, rose, royal blue, teal and turquoise.
Slip-collars— $8
Other styles and items available by special order.
White Pine offers a
full line of silky soft
slip, soft Snap, soft
Web collars, leads,
harnesses and
newly offered is
WPO’s High Sierra
Pet blinkers in red/white/blue
only. $7 each. No more wondering where your pet is in the yard
at night. Protects during late
night walks too
Replacement batteries—package of 12/$3
Buttons, Buttons & more buttons!
$3 each
or 2/$5
Jacket with hood
Flannel lined, water
resistant nylon windbreaker.
Navy blue $60
NOTE: All clothing items are 100% cotton unless
noted otherwise. Larger sizes are available by special order and are not returnable.
Reduced or sale items are not returnable, sorry.
P AGE 18
Rescue Review
More Great Gifts for Friends, Co-workers, and Family
Christmas cards 1 pack/ $5 -- 3 designs available, (Jamie,
Maysh, or Yurak)
Emergency decals 2 for $5
Supplies limited, so call Maureen for availability: 773792-0580 or email: mbirkmann@comcast.net
Tiny Ones teacup ornaments
Available in white with blue
(shown) or cream with red detail
Ornament: $10—Stand: $3
Samoyed statue
Measures approximately 2 by 3”
GATOR CLIPS 3” by 1.5” Available
in Black, blue, white, purple, red,
green, pink, orange, and gray. Don’t
miss an important message ever again.
$3 each while supplies last
Samoyed NOTE holder $6 Let this
cutie-pie remind you of important
meetings, birthdays and appointments.
The perfect stocking stuffer or grab
bag item for Christmas!
Woof picture frame $10 Perfect for
that hard to shop for friend or relative’s
birthday. Keep one on hand for those
surprise needs
A must for every collector
$10 while supply lasts!
Now here’s a way for you to tell the
world just how much you love your
Sammie. Measures 9” by 4” heavy vinyl to withstand elements. $5 each
Magnet set - $15 Three styles
of tiny friends to keep you company. Never be alone again!
Sold individually: Life-like Furry
head/$7; Dog house/$4 or Composite head/$6
Travel Mugs for that “on the go”
and very special person in your
We used a stock Samoyed photo
with the imprint:
“I love my Samoyed”
Color: dark blue with black Price: $12.00 each
Bouchi Bag $15 available in lavender,
grey, red, or royal. A must for active
dog lovers. Keeps your hands free to
hold a leash or several
License plate holders $4 each.
Available in black: “I love my
Dog” or white: “Save a life, adopt
a Pet” Another all-breed gift idea
for that special person in your
Samoyed Key Chain $7 each.
This is a must-have for any Samoyed
lover. Get yours now while supplies
last. Great stocking stuffers!
Enameled cloisonné pins
Hot off the presses to help raise
much needed funds for approved
rescues. $10 each/includes
shipping. Buy one or several to
give to friends!!
June 2007
Page 19
NISA Merchandise Order Form
Name: ________________________________________
Please note credit card information or enclose your
Address: _______________________________________ check made payable to “NISA” and mail to:
City: _________________________ST _____Zip ______ Maureen Birkmann
Home phone ___________________________________ 5131 N. Nordica Avenue
Email _________________________________________ Chicago, IL 60656-3605
Payment preference (circle one)
Master card
Discover card
Shipping and handling per U.S. address
Merchandise total:
Account # _____________________________________
Up to $60 add $4.50
Expiration date: ____________ 3-digit CVC ___________
$61 and up add $8
Name on card _________________________________
Sample of the shirt
and jacket embroidery
Color, 1st choice
Color, 2nd choice
Cost each
Shipping & Handling
Total amount due
Thank you
for helping us to help them!!
PERMIT NO. 00634
Northern Illinois Samoyed Assistance, Inc
P.O. Box 218
Arlington Heights, IL 60006-0218
Rescue Hotline: 847-255-4815
Fax: 847-392-5000
Email: rescueasammy@aol.com
Recognized Affiliate of
Endorsed by the SCA
Come One...Come All and join the fun!!
Samoyed owners, Samoyed lovers and our Friends of the
Samoyeds are invited to attend
NISA’s Annual
Membership/Volunteer drive and Pizza Party.
For your $$hopping pleasure NISA will proudly present
Christmas in July and NISA’s “Home Made” Bake
Join us for some delicious hot pizza, bring a potential member
or volunteer, share an idea to help the Fur-Kidz, join a committee, shop your heart out and most importantly, have a good
time talking “Samoyed” with other Samoyed lovers.
Saturday, July 14th
401 W. Golf Road
(in the dog training room behind
Animal Feeds & Needs)
5 PM
Please bring your own chair,
water for your pooches and “just
in case” clean up supplies
(Pizza arrives around 6 pm)
Printing services donated by:
Insty-Prints of Palatine - 510 East Northwest Highway - Palatine, Illinois 60074
Phone: (847) 963-0000 - Fax: (847) 963-0001 - E-Mail: info@instymail.com