Renewable Energy Education Modules
Renewable Energy Education Modules
Renewable Energy Education Modules R E N E WAB L E E N E R G Y T R AI N I N G C E N TE R Solar Energy Micro Hydroelectric Wood Gasification & Biofuels Fuel Cells Renewable Energy Outline: We have provided a large amount of information (maybe too much), but you can explore these topics at the level you feel is most appropriate for your students. We assumed that these topics could be presented to a wide range of students (ages and types of courses); therefore, we have provided depth and detail that will help you become an expert. Please adapt the content to your teaching style and format. We are very interested in your feedback. These modules are living/evolving, and we will update them based upon on your experiences and the feedback you provide to us and make revision/updates available to you. These are listed in order of presentation at the Oswegatchie 2009 workshop. 1. The Solar Resource (PowerPoint presentation with annotated slides) a. Introduction to the solar resource and influences on solar gain i. Latitude ii. Cloud cover iii. Declination b. Converting power to energy c. Introduction to the solar pathfinder d. Overview of solar energy systems 2. Solar Pathfinder Module (laboratory exercise) a. Measuring the solar resource b. Accounting for shade losses c. Estimating yearly energy 3. Power of the Sun (movie quizzes) a. Power of the Sun questions and answer key b. The Silicon Solar Cell questions and answer key 4. Micro Hydroelectricity (PowerPoint presentation with annotated slides) a. The hydrologic cycle b. Micro hydro system overview c. Measuring flow and head d. Power to energy e. Comparison to wind 5. Micro hydro module (laboratory exercise) a. Building a clinometer b. Measuring head and distance c. Developing a stream profile diagram d. Measuring flow in larger streams e. Calculating power and energy 6. Biofuel Resources ‐ Overview – (PowerPoint presentation with annotated slides) a. U.S. Energy sources b. Biomass defined c. Bioenergy defined d. Biomass energy sources/supply e. Biomass conversion processes/pathways (general) 7. Wood Gasification – (PowerPoint presentation with annotated slides) a. Renewable fuel resources: Wood/biomass b. Utilization of wood resources: sustainability c. What is gasification? d. Gasification applications: past, present, future e. Optional topics/concepts: themodynamics, efficiency, energy density 8. Woodgas Camp Stove – (Activity/lab/experiment(s)) a. Brief overview of gasification b. Build a working camp stove c. Utilize the heat (boil water, toast marshmallows, etc.) 9. Principles of Fuel Cells (PowerPoint presentation with annotated slides) a. Batteries vs. Fuel Cells: storage vs. conversion devices b. General overview of fuel cell types c. Introduction to Dr. Schmidt’s fuel cell/”gas battery” experiment (lab activity) d. Relationship of the “gas battery” fuel cell effect to PEM fuel cells 10. “Discovering the principle of the fuel cell at home or in school” laboratory experiment by Dr. Martin Schmidt. (lab manual) a. History b. Instructions for conducting the experiment(s) c. An interpretation of each step in the process, including linking the principle from the experiment with today’s commercial fuel cells Summary of Comments on Slide 1 Page: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:05:06 AM The solar resource lecture is designed to give teachers a resource for instruction on measuring solar energy and the factors influencing solar gain in different locations. This also serves as an introduction to important tools necessary to measure the solar resource. Though some information on solar energy systems is provided, the focus is on the solar resource. The Solar Resource This page contains no comments Overview • Overview of the solar resource in the U.S. • Features impacting solar irradiance » Latitude, cloud cover, seasonality • Converting power to energy • Tools to measure solar energy and shading • An overview of solar energy systems 3/30/2009 2 Page: 3 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:48 AM If you had to guess, which nation has the most solar modules installed? Perhaps surprisingly, Germany is, by far, has the most solar PV systems installed (nearly ½ of the total installed systems). Spain is also very high. Though Solar cells were invented in NY (Bell Laboratories in NJ), we have dropped the ball on installing PV systems. Have you heard that NY does not have a good enough solar resource? Germany must have a fantastic solar resource… Solar PV World PV market in 2007, 2826 MW total Rest of EU 6% Rest of world 8% USA 8% Germany 47% Japan 8% Spain 23% Solarbuzz LLC. 3/30/2009 h // i i 3 Page: 4 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:48 AM This map compares incoming solar energy throughout the year in the United States and Germany. Blue and violet have the lowest amount of solar energy each year and oranges and reds have the highest amount of solar energy. In the United States, you can see that the Southwest has the best solar resource. However, if you compare NY and Germany, the very best solar resource in Germany is worse than the very worst area of New York. It is interesting to note that Germany is about 2.5 times the size of New York. In Germany, approximately 3,000 MW of solar PV is installed. The entire United States has only 200 MW installed (and only 15 MW in NY). So Germany must be sunny, right? Class Discussion: Should the U.S. install more solar PV systems? Why? Why not? How did Germany install so much PV? Lead the class to think of public policy differences, social and political support, government subsidies, etc. 3/30/2009 4 Page: 5 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:48 AM Determining the solar resource of a given area is dependent upon many factors. Some of these factors include orientation, latitude, and regional air currents. To understand these impacts, we will do some energy conversions to convert solar power to electrical energy. Measuring the solar resource • • • • • Magnetic declination Solar pathways Solar math (power to energy) Latitude and curvature Air currents 3/30/2009 5 Page: 6 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:48 AM Recall that the Earth axis is on a 23.5 degree tilt. This “wobbles” throughout the year such that the sun’s rays are directly striking different parts of the Earth at different times of the year. During winter in the northern hemisphere, day length and solar intensity is greatest in the southern hemisphere. Conversely, during the summer months we are tilted toward the sun (which gives us in the northern hemisphere longer, warmer days). The “stopping” points at which the Earth “wobbles” are known as the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (23.5 degrees N and S latitude, respectively). What impacts solar gain each day? Latitude (winter solstice) 3/30/2009 6 Page: 7 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:49 AM As you gaze toward the sky throughout the year, the sun appears to travel across the sky from East to West throughout the day, and from South to North (and back) throughout the year. During the Winter Solstice, the sun is at the lowest angle in the northern hemisphere. This give us a short day length and low solar intensity. During the Equinox periods, the equator is aligned with the sun. During the summer solstice, the tropic of Cancer is aligned with the sun, giving us our longest solar day and the highest solar intensity. Because the Sun is to our south throughout the year, solar modules should be oriented toward solar south to capture the most insolation. Sun Path – New York Summer Solstice Equinox Winter Solstice E N S W This angle should be equal to your latitude 3/30/2009 7 Page: 8 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:54 AM Finding solar south is a bit of a challenge, however. True north and south (the location of the physical top and bottom of the Earth) do not align with magnetic north and south (where our compass would suggest north and south are located). A magnetic field is generated from circulating molten nickel and iron in the Earth’s outer core. This circulation is not directly aligned with the physical “true” north and south poles. Magnetic north can be quite different from true north depending upon where you are on the Earth’s surface. The difference between the two is known as magnetic declination. Magnetic Declination 3/30/2009 http://re /re retc tc m tc mo mor or orris ris ri isvil vviilille vill e 8 Page: 9 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:54 AM In New York, Magnetic declination can range from 10° to over 15° West. This means that orienting solar panels according to your compass without correcting for magnetic declination would result in up to a 15° error (which has serious efficiency consequences). True south and declination 3/30/2009 9 Page: 10 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:58 AM Many compasses allow you to easily make corrections for declination. Maps are often drafted using true north, but give a declination so that one may make the necessary corrections. Magnetic declination changes through time as the molten nickel/iron circulate and flow. This change can be dramatic depending upon where you live. This NOAA website allows you to enter your zip code and determine your current declination. The declination for Morrisville State College is 12°48’ W. By following the directions on your compass, you can make a correction that allows you to locate true north (and more importantly for us, true south). Declination corrections Magnetic M tic North N th True North 12°48’ W True South 4/3/2009 10 Page: 11 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:58 AM One neat tool that allows you to map the sun’s path across the sky can be found at the University of Oregon Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory (SRML) website ( SunChartProgram.html). This allows you to enter your zip code and some other general information. From this it will map out the solar path for your location throughout the year. As you can see from this map for Morrisville, NY, during the summer solstice (June 21), the sun rises before 5 AM and does not set until after 7 PM. At its highest point, the sun is approximately 70° from the south horizon. In December, the sun is only up from 7:30AM until 4:30 PM and rises only 28° off of the horizon. Try it for your town! Solar Angles by month in Morrisville 3/30/2009 11 Page: 12 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:59 AM Aside from solar period and solar elevation, latitude also affects incoming solar intensity. Because the Earth is a sphere, an area perpendicular to the length of a sun ray strikes a disproportionally larger area the further you get from the equator. In other words, if a cross-sectional area of light 1 square meter in size hits near the equator, it will be absorbed by 1 square meter of the earth’s surface. That same cross-sectional area of sunlight may be intercepted by 2 or 4 square meters closer to the poles. This means that the earth receives less solar energy per square meter of surface area in locations closer to the poles. These low-energy rays are known as “oblique” rays. What impacts solar gain each day? 3/30/2009 • Latitude 12 Page: 13 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:59 AM These data come from the weather station at Morrisville State College. Power has units of Watts. Power can be thought of as instantaneous solar intensity. Solar power is measured in Watts per square meter per day. You will notice that we receive more intense sunlight during the summer months (May-August) than we do in the winter months (Nov – Feb). This is to be expected. If we are interested in the incoming solar energy, we must calculate this from incoming solar power. Morrisville’s Solar Resource Month Mean W/m2/day January 63.8 February 98.8 March 140.9 April 182.1 May 220.5 June 231.5 July 224.2 August 203.0 September 159.6 October 101.0 November 59.3 December 44.7 3/30/2009 kWh/m2/day 13 Page: 14 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:59 AM Because we are interested in energy, we must multiply power by time. In this case, there are 24 hours per day. So I multiply my average daily power by the number of hours in a day. This will give me units of watthours (watts * hours). Since we are more comfortable talking about kWh (kilowatt-hours), we must divide this value by 1000, as there are 1,000 Wh in one kWh. If we do that for each month, we can get average yearly energy from the sun. Morrisville’s Solar Resource Month Mean W/m2/day January 63.8 February 98.8 March 140.9 April 182.1 May 220.5 June 231.5 July 224.2 August 203.0 September 159.6 October 101.0 November 59.3 December 44.7 3/30/2009 kWh/m2/day kWh/m2/day = 14 Page: 15 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:03:59 AM You will notice that energy follows the same relationship that power does throughout the year; more solar energy is found in the summer than in the winter. Note that there is a 500% increase in solar energy during June as compared to December. (Remember the tilt of the Earth’s axis in summer?). Our yearly average power is 144 W/m2/day and our yearly average energy is 3.5 kWh/m2/day. Remember that map we looked at previously? Well, it said we should expect between 3 and 4 kWh/m2/day in New York. From our weather station data, this seems to be spot-on. Morrisville’s Solar Resource Month Mean W/m2/day kWh/m2/day January 63.8 1.5 February 98.8 2.4 March 140.9 3.4 April 182.1 4.4 May 220.5 5.3 June 231.5 5.6 July 224.2 5.4 August 203.0 4.9 September 159.6 3.8 October 101.0 2.4 November 59.3 1.4 December 44.7 1.1 3/30/2009 kWh/m2/day = § 24 Hrs ·§ 1 kWh · ¸¸¨ W/m 2 /day¨¨ ¸ © Day ¹© 1000 Wh ¹ Yearly mean power? • 144.1 W/m2/day Yearly mean energy? • 3.5 kWh/m2/day 15 Page: 16 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:00 AM If we graph this in a scatter plot (solar energy per square meter per day by month), it becomes very clear that our best solar energy months are in fact in the summer. Solar energy throughout the year MSC weather station data 6 5 3 kWh/m2/day 4 2 1 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Solar Energy 3/30/2009 16 Page: 17 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:00 AM If we need yearly energy estimates, we simply take our daily solar energy and multiply that by the number of days in a year (365). Now that we know the map data are accurate (or at least they seem to be), we can compare different cities. Here are two examples that have widely different solar energy per day. Notice how much more solar energy can be captured per unit area in sunny California vs. NY. It is this calculation that has led people to believe that NY does not have a good enough solar resource to invest in solar modules. This is ridicules! Remember what Germany has done… there is no excuse for us not to install solar modules. However, this has not yet answered our question about why the solar energy map looks like it does. Let’s take another look at it. How does central NY compare? • Average of solar energy throughout the year is 3.5 kWh/m2/day. » This is 1277.5 kWh/m2/year (365 days * 3.5 per day) » Albany has a daily average of 4.3 kWh/m2/day (1569.5 kWh/m2/year) » San Diego has 7.3 kWh/m2/day (2664.5 kWh/m2/year) 3/30/2009 17 Page: 18 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:00 AM The data are correct, but it still seems funny. Why isn’t there a strong decrease in solar energy with respect to increasing latitude? Where are the deserts in the United States? Where are the rain forests in the United States? Why did they form there? How did they form in those areas? Solar energy 3/30/2009 18 Page: 19 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:00 AM One issue that greatly impacts regional solar insolation gain has to do with topography and regional winds. Let’s look at a place like the Rocky Mountains. West of the Rocky Mountains is the Pacific Ocean. As winds blow from the West to the East, they pick up moisture. As the winds race toward the Rockies and rise in altitude, cooler temperatures that have less energy induce cloud formation. Once enough moisture has collected and the temperatures are cool enough, we get precipitation on the Western flanks of the Rockies. This leaves very dry air to race down the eastern side of the mountains. This warm, dry air is known as a “rain shadow” and is responsible for the formation of many deserts. Cloud cover 3/30/2009 How does this impact solar energy gain? Well, if we tried to put a solar panel on the western side of this mountain, how many cloudless days would you expect in a year? What about on the eastern side of the mountain? 19 Page: 20 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:01 AM Cloud formation is not just a regional phenomenon. This is also a global phenomenon. Warm moist air moving toward the equator from the Tropics rises due to an increased energy state. As the warm air reaches the upper atmosphere, it cools and the moisture condenses (forming clouds). Rising air produces a “low pressure” situation. Cool air travels in the atmosphere from the equator toward the Tropics. Because the air loses energy, air molecules become spaced closer together, increasing air density. Heavier, cool air sinks at the Tropics (high pressure systems) and replaces the warm air moving toward the equator. This conveyor belt of air movement is known as a “Hadley Cell.” There are several large cells of air currents that travel in this way (Ferrel Cells and Polar cells, for example). Air Cells As you can see this causes formation of rain forests near the equator (warm, moist air) and deserts at the Tropics (warm, dry air). This is one of the reasons that solar cells might not function at a high level in tropical forests, though at first thought it seems like it should! Low pressure 3/30/2009 Rain Forests (cloudy) Deserts (sunny) High pressure 20 Page: 21 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:01 AM From this map you can see that global solar energy is influenced largely by latitude. Notice that the poles receive far less solar energy than the equator. Notice that the average solar energy at the equator is less than the solar energy gain at the Tropics (think clouds, rainforests, and deserts from Hadley Cells). It is also striking that the southern hemisphere has a much more clearly defined decreases in solar energy as you get further from the equator. Why would this be? Well, look where the land masses and oceans are. The southern hemisphere is mostly water! The northern hemisphere has many land masses that influence climate and solar gain on a regional basis. Remember “rain shadows”? You can see the influences of rain shadows in the western U.S. , western S. America, and Asia. You can also see influences of seasonal rains in places like SE China. Global Solar Energy 3/30/2009 21 Page: 22 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:01 AM This is a fun question to play with. If you assume that it costs $10,000 to install a solar energy PV system on a house anywhere in the United States, who pays more for the electricity that is generated from it? If we know that places like NY receive less solar energy than somewhere like Nevada, we know that the same system can create more electricity per year in Nevada than NY. This means that the system will pay for itself much faster in Nevada than NY (more energy produced for the same system cost). This again has led people to say that solar systems should not be installed in NY. Though it might be more expensive to install solar energy in NY, remember what Germany has done… Solar energy systems • If you assume that systems costs are comparable in NY and southern California, which location has more expensive solar energy? 3/30/2009 22 Page: 23 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:01 AM The Solar Pathfinder is one tool available for us to estimate the year-round solar resource in a single site visit. These can be purchased for approximately $300, or you can rent one from Real Goods for $25 per week. Please see the attached module for an exercise with the solar pathfinder. This is a fantastic exercise for students to do, so I encourage the rental! A solar pathfinder is a dome-shaped glass that you orient to solar south (it has a compass and directions to correct for declination). Estimating the Solar Resource 3/30/2009 23 Page: 24 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:08 AM In the base of the solar pathfinder is a “worksheet” that allows you to estimate hours of sun each day. These are designed for specific regions (based on latitude). The pseudo vertical lines represent hours in each day (in half-hour increments). The “12” indicates solar noon, the time when the sun is highest in the sky, which might not necessarily correspond with 12:00 PM. Along the center vertical line are the months. Winter solstice is the top pseudo horizontal line and summer solstice is the lowest pseudo horizontal line. You can see from this that December has fewer hours of sunlight than June. Along each pseudo horizontal line at numbers ranging from 1 to 9. Each of these numbers is a percentage. The sum of the numbers along a single pseudo horizontal month line is 100. Estimating the Solar Resource 3/30/2009 24 Page: 25 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:08 AM In this image of the pathfinder, you can see three objects in the sky that would shade a solar array placed in this location. The first obstruction is a building to the East. The second is a conifer tree to the west. The last is a deciduous tree to the southwest. Clouds don’t count! By outlining these three obstructions, we can find out how much energy we would sacrifice by siting a solar system in this location. Estimating the Solar Resource S W E 3/30/2009 25 Page: 26 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:11 AM If we look at the influence of the building on solar energy, we see that its impact differs throughout the year. To find how much shading we get, we must add the shaded numbers for each month as follows: June (lowest line): 1+1+2+2+3 = 9% July (next up): 1+1+2+3+3 = 10% May: 1+1+2+3+3 = 10% August: 1+1+2+2+3 = 9% April: 1+2+2+3 = 8% September: 1+2+2 = 5% October: 1 % Estimating the Solar Resource To figure out how much energy we lose each year due to shading from this building, we need solar energy information for each month. We calculated this for Morrisville from the weather station; however, not everyone has weather station data available to them. Luckily, that information is available on the Web for many cities at: June (lowest line): 1+1+2+2+3 = 9% July (next up): 1+1+2+3+3 = 10% May: 1+1+2+3+3 = 10% August: 1+1+2+2+3 = 9% April: 1+2+2+3 = 8% September: 1+2+2 = 5% October: 1% 3/30/2009 26 Page: 27 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:14 AM If we take the average incoming solar energy for each day and multiply it by the percentage lost due to shade, we can determine daily energy. We can multiply that by the number of days in each month to get monthly incoming energy. If we sum this column, we can calculate the total annual incoming solar energy for this particular PV array. If we take the adjusted total annual energy divided by the measured total annual energy, we can determine what percentage of annual solar energy we are losing due to shade. For example, our measured annual incoming solar energy at the MSC campus is 1267.2 kWh/m2/day. Since we know our adjusted annual energy is 1188.2 kWh/m2/day, we lose approximately 6.2% of our annual solar energy due to shading. Estimating the Solar Resource Month January February March April May June July August September October November December kWh/m2/day 1.5 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.3 5.6 5.4 4.9 3.8 2.4 1.4 1.1 Percentage Lost 0 0 0 8% 10% 9% 10% 9% 5% 1% 0 0 Daily Energy 1.5 2.4 3.4 4.048 4.77 5.096 4.86 4.459 3.61 2.376 1.4 1.1 Total annual energy 3/30/2009 Is this a good spot to site an array? What can be done to reduce our losses? What if it was a tree shading the array? Class discussion. Monthly Energy 46.5 67.2 105.4 121.44 147.87 152.88 150.66 138.229 108.3 73.656 42 34.1 1188.24 27 Page: 28 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:21 AM Following is a very brief overview of some of the solar energy systems available. We will cover solar photovoltaics, solar hot water, solar thermal electricity, and passive solar heating. Solar energy systems 3/30/2009 rri ris isvvil viiillle lle le. e..ed edu e ed du d u 28 28 Page: 29 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:24 AM Solar photovoltaics (PV) systems convert solar energy into electrical energy. As light photons strike the surface of the PV module, excited electrons are directed through conductors to a load, and back to the PV module. PV systems can be interconnected with our national electrical grid. With this, a net metering agreement can be set up with the electrical company. Net metering allows you to use the grid as a storage facility. When your PV panels are generating more electricity than you need, the utility company accepts the electricity onto the grid. If your PV panels are not generating electricity but you have an electrical demand, the utility company provides you power from the grid. Photovoltaics 3/30/2009 For more on the photovoltaic effect, please watch “The Science of the Solar Cell” and use the accompanying quiz provided. For a more general overview of PV, please watch “The Power of the Sun” and use the accompanying quiz provided. 29 Page: 30 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:24 AM One technology available for solar thermal electricity uses parabolic mirrors and a heat exchange fluid. Incoming sunlight strikes a curved mirrored surface. The sun rays are redirected and concentrated to a single point. A pipe carrying a high temperature fluid is heated. This warms the fluid inside of the pipe, which is carried to a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger combines the hot solar fluid with a cool water. The water is heated to steam, which turns a turbine (connected to a generator). The generator creates electricity. Once the solar fluid is cooled, it returns to be warmed again by the parabolic mirrors. A great video of a system is here: Solar Thermal Electricity Parabolic mirrors 3/30/2009 30 Page: 31 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:25 AM Here is an overview of an active solar thermal system for domestic hot water. Solar energy is absorbed by the solar collector (flat plate or evacuated tubes) which heats a solar fluid (usually water and propylene glycol). The hot solar fluid enters a heat exchanger in a hot water storage tank. This storage tank mixes in cold water from the well or city supply, which gets warmed by the solar fluid. In the tank, a thermocline is formed, with hot water rising to the top (lower density) and cold water sinking to the bottom (higher density). Hot water for the house is drawn from the top portion of the tank. Solar Hot Water Images courtesy of John Siegenthaler Domestic solar hot water system • Flat plate collector (low temp) • Evacuated tubes (higher temp) • Solar hot water tank with heat exchanger 3/30/2009 31 Page: 32 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:04:30 AM Homes can be designed to take full advantage of solar energy. This particular home shown here has many of the classic features of a passive solar home design. Large windows facing south collect winter sun (think of a greenhouse). Notice the eaves over the windows. These allow sun in when it is low in the sky (solar noon in winter), but provide shade for the windows when the sun is high in the sky (solar noon in summer). Solar energy coming in the windows heats a large thermal mass, usually concrete, stone or slate. This collects warmth and slowly radiates it back through the night as the house cools. Small windows to the north reduce the losses of energy that most homes experience. Since cold winds often come from the north, planting conifer trees on that side of the house reduce cold winds striking the house. Passive Solar Heating Passive solar homes greatly reduce heating bills in the winter because so much energy is collected on sunny days. In fact, if it is sunny outside in the winter, the house will be warm down to -5° F without supplemental heat. Now that’s solar power! Thermal mass Conifers to the north Large windows facing south 3/30/2009 Small windows to north 32 This page contains no comments Summary • New York has an adequate solar resource for solar PV, solar hot water, and passive solar homes • Solar power can be easily converted to solar energy (and we can account for shading) • Incoming solar energy is affected by many factors such as latitude, cloud cover, and time of year • Many systems can take advantage of solar energy 3/30/2009 33 This page contains no comments Contact Information Phil Hofmeyer, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ph: 315-684-6515 Email: Web: Ben Ballard, Ph.D. Director, RETC Assistant Professor Ph: 315-684-6780 Email: Web: Solar Pathfinder Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Overview: This module is designed to provide students with hands-on experience using one of the most common solar energy evaluation tools on the market, the Solar Pathfinder. The Renewable Energy Training Center does not endorse the use of the Solar Pathfinder; however, this module is specific to this particular tool. While purchasing a Solar Pathfinder may be beneficial in the long-run, it may be difficult to come up with the money. Solar Pathfinders can be rented from various places such as Real Goods ($25/week, By the completion of this module, students will be able to: 1. Identify shading concerns with siting a solar energy collector 2. Measure solar energy lost throughout the year by shading structures 3. Differentiate between magnetic south and solar south (and correct for declination) Materials Required: 1. 4-5 posts with flagging 2. 1 solar pathfinder for each group of students (max 5 students per group) 3. Data sheet for recording information (1 per group) Module duration: 2 hours (can be broken into several class periods if necessary) How to use a solar pathfinder (see the example provided in the PowerPoint presentation for a visual demonstration and for the mathematics): 1. Select the appropriate sun path worksheet for your latitude. 2. Put the worksheet into the pathfinder, aligning the leveling triangle into the appropriate slot. 3. Pull the brass tab beside the compass out. This will allow the surface of the pathfinder to pivot left to right. Adjust the pathfinder worksheet and set your magnetic declination. I hold the leveling triangle and rotate it left or right as needed. If you do not know your declination, go to and type in your zip code. If you live in NY, you will rotate the pathfinder worksheet to the right. For example, in Morrisville, our declination is roughly 12.5° West of North. I need to move the worksheet to the right until the white dot aligns with -12.5°. 4. If you have a handheld pathfinder, try your best to level the pathfinder by centering the bubble. If you don’t have steady hands, you can use a small bean bag or a pole to help. 5. Align the pathfinder compass so that the red arrow points north (you should now be looking south). Are you looking at magnetic south or solar south at this point? You have corrected for magnetic declination, so you are aligned with solar south. 6. Now put the dome glass over the pathfinder worksheet. The single brass post should align with the south side of the pathfinder. 7. Standing to the north, look over the leveled pathfinder. You should see a reflection of the obstacles around you. You can see the sun, clouds, trees, buildings, etc. 8. To determine how much shading you will receive, outline the obstacles with the white crayon. The pseudo vertical lines represent hours in each day (in half-hour increments). The “12” indicates solar noon, the time when the sun is highest in the sky, which might not necessarily correspond with 12:00 PM. Along the center vertical line are the months. Page 1 Solar Pathfinder Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Winter solstice is the top pseudo horizontal line and summer solstice is the lowest pseudo horizontal line. You can see from this that December has fewer hours of sunlight than June. Along each pseudo horizontal line at numbers ranging from 1 to 9. Each of these numbers is a percentage. The sum of the numbers along a single pseudo horizontal month line is 100. 9. Subtract the percentage lost to shade for each month. Multiply this percentage by the average monthly solar energy received for your location (can be found at: Sum this for all months to determine the total amount of solar energy you will receive over the year with shading. This is your “adjusted solar energy” value. 10. To determine the annual percentage of energy lost due to shading, take the adjusted solar energy divided by the unadjusted annual solar energy. This will give you the percentage of solar energy available that you will capture. For the classroom module, you have a lot of options. Below is one module that has worked well in the past. Please see the attached Excel workbook for an example worksheet and data for NYS solar energy. Step 1: Identify a site to locate a fictional solar array (roughly 30’ x 15’) oriented to solar south. Ideally this site would have a small obstruction at several of the corners (such as a building or trees) that will appear on the solar pathfinder. Once located, place a flagged post at each corner of the array and label each corner by direction (e.g. NW, SE, etc.). Stake a center location as well. Step 2: Before going out to the field, give the students a quick primer on how to use the solar pathfinder. Use the proper sun path worksheet for your latitude. Step 3. Give each group 5 copies of the sun path worksheet (photocopies are fine). They will use 1 worksheet for each corner post and one at the center post. Step 4. Have the groups rotate through all five stations, outlining the shading structures at each. Each sun path worksheet should be marked (e.g. NW, SE, center, etc.) so that the students are able to remember the obstructions for each corner. Once each group has completed this, you can head inside. Step 5. Use the attached Excel worksheet so that each group can determine the shading losses at each corner. If you average the shading at each corner, you can get the mean condition of shading for this array. Step 6. Have the students calculate yearly energy and yearly percentage of energy lost due to shading. Page 2 Solar Pathfinder Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Questions: 1. How does the “mean” condition compare to the center station in terms of shading? Should they be the same? Why or why not? 2. How could you modify the shape of the array to reduce shading? 3. How could you modify the environment to reduce shading? 4. Is it better to modify the environment or move the array? Why? 5. What is magnetic declination? How can we correct for it? 6. How does shading impact the cost of solar energy? Page 3 Solar Pathfinder Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Layout of a fictional solar array Correction for declination in central New York. The white dot is aligned with -12° indicating that this pathfinder is correcting for 12 degrees west of north. Page 4 Solar Pathfinder Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College To correct for declination, move the small brass pin from closed position (left image) to the open position (right image). Now you can use the triangle bubble level to move the solar worksheet from left to right. Page 5 Solar Pathfinder Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Images from all four corners and the center of an array show how shadows from one object impact the solar array in different times of the year. Page 6 Name ______________________________ “Power of the Sun” quiz 1. The solar energy that strikes the Earth’s surface for one hour is enough to provide all of the electricity needs of the Earth for ___________________. 2. Isaac Newton hypothesized that light was made up of particles that traveled in _____________. 3. Christian Huygens hypothesized that light spreads by _________________. 4. Thomas Young’s experiments gave evidence that the ____________ theory seemed correct. 5. Albert Einstein provided evidence that light is made up of packets of energy called __________. 6. Who was right, Newton or Huygens? _______________ 7. The first “solar battery” was invented by which company? ___________________ 8. Silicon was used by Bell scientists because it is _____________ and because it acts as a _________________. 9. Solid silicon does not work electronically unless _________________ are introduced. 10. The two most commonly used impurities for silicon semiconductors are __________________ and ___________________. 11. A P-N junction attracts “holes” to the ___________ side and electrons to the ___________ side. 12. Power photo cells were first demonstrated in what application? __________________________ 13. NASA wanted solar cells for what application? _____________________________ 14. Sputnik died after a few weeks. Why? ____________________________________ 15. Nearly every cell phone call passes through ___________________ equipment. 16. The first major industrial solar electric users were in the _______________ industry. 17. Japan has gone to solar power so quickly because it has few _____________ resources. 18. Solar power is driven globally what which two countries? ______________ and ____________. 19. The world’s largest solar PV installation is in which country? ___________________. 20. Powerlight’s integrated solar panels provide what three benefits to industries? ______________, ____________________, and _______________________. 21. The main reason that solar electricity is not widely used in the U.S. is __________________. 22. As solar PV costs are decreasing, prices of energy from fossil fuels are ___________________. 23. The world’s largest publicly owned solar array is in which U.S. city? _______________________. 24. In many parts of the developing world, solar PV is ideal for power production. Why is this? _____________________________________________________________________________. 25. Describe one method for transporting solar-cooled vaccines in rural parts of Africa. _________ _____________________________________________________________________________. Name ______________________________ “Power of the Sun” quiz 1. The solar energy that strikes the Earth’s surface for one hour is enough to provide all of the electricity needs of the Earth for __[1 year]_________________. 2. Isaac Newton hypothesized that light was made up of particles that traveled in _ [straight lines]_____. 3. Christian Huygens hypothesized that light spreads by ___[waves]______________. 4. Thomas Young’s experiments gave evidence that the _[wave]_________ theory seemed correct. 5. Albert Einstein provided evidence that light is made up of packets of energy called ____[photons]______. 6. Who was right, Newton or Huygens? ____[Both]___________ 7. The first “solar battery” was invented by which company? ___[Bell] ________________ 8. Silicon was used by Bell scientists because it is _[abundant]____________ and because it acts as a _[semiconductor]________________. 9. Solid silicon does not work electronically unless ___[impurities]______________ are introduced. 10. The two most commonly used elements for silicon semiconductor impurities are __[boron]________________ and _____[phosphorous]______________. 11. A P-N junction attracts holes to the __[P]______ side and electrons to the _____[N]______ side. 12. Power photo cells were first used in what application? _______[Radios]___________________ 13. NASA wanted solar cells for what application? ___[space exploration]____________________ 14. Sputnik died after a few weeks. Why? ______[dead batteries]____________________________ 15. Nearly every cell phone call passes through __[solar powered]_________________ equipment. 16. The first major industrial solar electric users were in the ___[oil]____________ industry. 17. Japan has gone to solar power so quickly because it has few _[fossil fuel]__________ resources. 18. Solar power is driven globally what which two countries? __[Germany]____ and ___[Japan]___. 19. The world’s largest solar PV installation is in which country? _[Germany]__________________. 20. Powerlight integrated solar panels provide what three benefits to industries? __[electricity]_________, ____[cooling]_____________, and _____[heating]______________. 21. The main problem that has stopped solar electricity in the U.S. is ____[cost]______________. 22. As solar PV costs come down, prices of energy from fossil fuels are ___[increasing]___________. 23. The world’s largest publicly owned solar array is in which U.S. city? __[San Francisco]_________. 24. In many parts of the developing world, solar PV is ideal for power production. Why is this? ___Many reasons…_____________________________________________________________. 25. Describe one method for transporting solar-cooled vaccines in rural parts of Africa. _________ __[camels – pretty neat!]________________________________________________________. Name __________________________ Silicon Solar Cells 1. Rank the following colors from highest energy to lowest energy: Green, orange, red, blue, yellow, violet 2. Electrons have a a charge. charge, neutrons have a charge, and protons have 3. In Bohr’s model, the electron closest to the neutron has the fastest revolution time and the lowest energy state. a. True b. False 4. Where does energy go as an electron falls from high energy orbits to lower energy orbits? . 5. Which wavelength of visible light will jump a Hydrogen electron to its highest energy state? a. orange b. violet c. light blue 6. The outermost shell electrons are known as 7. The most abundant element in photovoltaic modules is: a. Phosphorous b. Boron c. Silicon d. dark blue electrons. d. Hydrogen 8. Electrons move toward positive fields and “holes” move toward negative fields. a. True b. False 9. Doping is the process of introducing impurities into the silicon grid. Which two are used? a. Hydrogen b. Boron c. Light d. Phosphorous 10. Solar cells “use up” electrons over time. Therefore, their lifespan is limited to 20-25 years. a. True b. False Name __________________________ Silicon Solar Cells 1. Rank the following colors from highest energy to lowest energy: Green, orange, red, blue, yellow, violet Violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red 2. Electrons have a [negative] and protons have a [positive] charge, neutrons have a charge. [neutral] charge, 3. In Bohr’s model, the electron closest to the neutron has the fastest revolution time and the lowest energy state. a. True b. False 4. Where does energy go as an electron falls from high energy orbits to lower energy orbits? [It is emitted as light] . 5. Which wavelength of visible light will jump a Hydrogen electron to its highest energy state? a. orange b. violet c. light blue 6. The outermost shell electrons are known as [valence] 7. The most abundant element in photovoltaic modules is: a. Phosphorous b. Boron c. Silicon d. dark blue electrons. d. Hydrogen 8. Electrons move toward positive fields and “holes” move toward negative fields. a. True b. False 9. Doping is the process of introducing impurities into the silicon grid. Which two are used? a. Hydrogen b. Boron c. Light d. Phosphorous 10. Solar cells “use up” electrons over time. Therefore, their lifespan is limited to 20-25 years. a. True b. False Summary of Comments on Slide 1 Page: 1 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:52 AM This lecture is designed to provide teachers and students with an overview of the hydro resource and micro hydroelectric systems. Please see the attached module for measuring the hydro resource. 1 The Hydro Resource and Micro Hydroelectricity Systems The T he S Solar olar R Resource esource This page contains no comments Overview • • • • Review of the Hydrologic Cycle System components Measuring head and flow Generating power from water (examples) 6/22/2009 2 Page: 3 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:53 AM Add to, or subtract from this list as needed. In general, students may learn this is earth science, but it is important to remind them of the hydro cycle for several reasons. First, it is nice to have intentional redundancies among classes to reinforce how much their education in one area relates to other areas. Second, this is important to give them the foundation of what it means to have a renewable resource powered by the sun. Additionally, we all struggle with terminology. Sprinkling in terminology where we can reminds us of its importance. 1 Hydrologic Cycle • Key terminology » Insolation » Evaporation » Transpiration » Evapotranspiration » Sublimation » Condensation » Precipitation » Infiltration 6/22/2009 » Sub-surface flow » Ground water discharge » Overland (surficial) flow » Freshwater storage » Oceanic storage 3 Page: 4 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:53 AM I generally do not do a powerpoint for this. I like to engage the class to see how much terminology they know and if they understand the processes. As the hydro cycle is indeed a cycle (with many loopholes and pathways), it is difficult to pick a starting point. I generally start with the sun and incoming insolation. This provides the energy to keep these processes going. The sun leads to evaporation of freshwater and oceanic water storage. Cooling temperatures in the upper atmosphere lead to condensation of water molecules. Further condensation leads to precipitation, which strikes the ground (or plants in the process of interception). Depending upon the surface, precipitation is either absorbed into the ground (infiltration) or collects into overland flow (surficial flow) or freshwater storage. Once water enters the ground, subsurface flow fills soil air spaces (can discuss water tension, cohesive forces, soil water pressure, etc.). Ground water is often picked up through plant roots during the process of photosynthesis, where it is transpired back into the atmosphere. Together with evaporation, this process is known as evapotranspiration. Groundwater entering freshwater or oceanic storage enters through the process of groundwater discharge. 1 Hydrologic Cycle Insolation condensation sublimation Precipitation Transpiration Surficial flow Freshwater storage Oceanic storage Infiltration Subsurface flow 6/22/2009 Evaporation Groundwater discharge 4 Page: 5 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:53 AM This is important to stress and I often have a class discussion here. We are always concerned about what happens to the water resource before it gets to us and what happens once it leaves our sight. In this way, large hydro systems are often renewable (the process is cyclic and continuous), but not necessarily sustainable (can have deleterious effects on water flora, fauna, and human health). Micro hydro systems tend to be more sustainable than large hydro systems, as we will soon see! 1 Hydro Power • For most hydro systems, we are interested in only certain processes in this cycle » Oceanic storage (wave, tidal, ocean current) » Freshwater storage (wave, pumped storage, dams) » Overland flow (streams and rivers) • Though our systems use these processes, we must keep in mind that it is a cycle » Water is replenished in our systems due to incoming solar energy 6/22/2009 5 Page: 6 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:55 AM These are data from the MSC weather station. Feel free to use any data you have available to you for your location. NOAA publishes a great deal of information, as does the Weather Channel (.com). For many of us in NY, rainfall is fairly well distributed throughout the year, though we do see more during the summer and fall months. This is counterintuitive to many people. It is important to show the importance of real data, not just what people “feel” is a wetter time of the year. Polling the class is a good way to see what they think and what they know. 1 Measuring the hydro resource In central New York, when do we get most of our precipitation? MSC mean rainfall (2003-2008) Inches of Rainfall 5 28 inches per year 4 3 2 1 0 6/22/2009 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 6 Page: 7 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:55 AM This is where people often begin thinking about the “wet” season. Though rainfall peaks during the summer, stream discharge peaks during the spring. These data came from the USGS site referenced. Find a stream near you and generate a similar figure from their data (which is easily imported into Excel). I made a histogram displaying the mean condition of stream discharge (long-term data set). Over that, I made a scatter and line plot of a year chosen arbitrarily. This particular graph shows a flood condition in the spring and a drought in the late summer and early fall. Why is this important? Well, it is important because if you are monitoring a stream to consider a hydro system, we need to know how much water can be diverted. This shows the importance of measuring throughout the year, and over successive years to get the most accurate information. 1 Measuring the hydro resource Mean 2006 1000 500 Ju ly Au gu Se st pt em be r O ct ob er No ve m be De r ce m be r ay Ju ne M Ap ril 0 Ja nu a Fa ry br ua ry M ar ch Cubic Feet per Second Chenango River Discharge 1500 6/22/2009 7 Page: 8 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:56 AM Now that you have a good idea of the resource, we will discuss micro hydro systems briefly. Here is a diagram of a very simple direct current (DC) hydro system. Micro-hydroelectric system components are quite similar to that of large hydro systems, only smaller. The system begins with a water intake (generally a screened box in an existing stream pool) that diverts a small proportion of the stream flow into a pipe or sluiceway (known as the penstock). The penstock brings water to a series of jets, which spin the hydro turbine runner. Water leaving the turbine returns to the stream through a tailrace. The turbine is connected to a generator, which uses electromagnetic induction to generate electron flow, which generates electricity. This electricity can be sent through conductors to any electrical end use (e.g. lights, refrigeration, and toasters). Often times, there is a battery bank to store electricity until it is required. Unlike solar systems, micro hydro systems are highly site-specific. 1 6/22/2009 8 Page: 9 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:56 AM The system intake functions to pool water to provide a continuous supply of water to the penstock. Intakes can be located in a natural pool or in a man-made holding tank. Because the intake functions to filter debris from enter the system, the intake is generally the area of highest maintenance in a functioning hydro system. As such, it should be accessible and sturdy. There are a variety of intake options available. This image shows the use of a pre-existing water holding structure that was converted to a micro hydro intake. 1 System components: Intake • Water enters penstock through the intake • Remove debris • High maintenance • Accessible 6/22/2009 9 Page: 10 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:56 AM PVC pipe is a commonly used penstock material. In fact, most hydro system use PVC at some point in the penstock (may include the hydro turbine manifold). PVC is easily found in most hardware stores, so system components are easy to order. Schedule 40 PVC can only be used for low pressure systems because it cannot withstand high psi conditions near the turbine. PVC also has the advantage of very low resistance losses in straight sections. However, because it is rigid, it requires sharp bends, often exceeding 22.5°, where water turbulence in the penstock reduces pressure at the turbine (potential energy is lost through conversion to kinetic energy, which reduces power output at the turbine). 1 System components: Penstock • PVC » Cheap, light, and rigid » Low pressure systems » Easily available at hardware stores » Low losses (in straight sections) » Freezing issues 6/22/2009 10 Page: 11 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:56 AM Polyethylene tube is more commonly used than PVC because it comes in 40’ lengths or as flexible 100’+ coil lengths. Polyethylene is easily found up to 1” diameter, however, many micro hydro systems require 2” to 3” penstock material. These are more difficult to find and tube fittings (couplers, ball valves, Ts, drain valves, etc.) are expensive. The penstock is often the most expensive part of a micro hydro system because of this. Polyethylene is somewhat freeze-resistant because of its flexibility. HDPE (high-density polyethylene) can withstand over 100 psi, so this material is useful in high-head systems. Because you often do not need to make abrupt angles with polyethylene, friction losses due to turbulence are minimized, often resulting in lower total system losses as compared to PVC (even though PVC has a lower friction coefficienct than PE). 1 System components: Penstock • Polyethylene tube » Flexible » Longer lengths » Lower losses in sweeping bends » Freeze resistant » Expensive components » Difficult to purchase 6/22/2009 11 Page: 12 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:28:58 AM This particular model is the ES&D stream engine. A comparable turbine is the Harris hydro wheel. Both models are designed for high head, low flow streams and are capable of producing over 1.5 kW of continuous power (up to 13,000 kWh per year of electricity). This is quite impressive, as the average home uses about 8,400 to 12,000 kWh per year. Both turbines employ a Pelton style runner (water strikes the runner along its circumference). Both also have options to regulate the voltage depending upon transmission distance and invertoer/battery bank needs. 1 System components: Turbine • High head, low flow • • • • 6/22/2009 1, 2, and 4 nozzle designs 12, 24, 48, VDC options 120 VAC options Pelton wheel with bronze runner 12 Page: 13 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:00 AM Micro hydro systems generally have smaller battery banks than equivalent wind and solar systems. Wind and solar are both highly intermittent resources, meaning that battery banks must be large enough to withstand several days of no wind or sun without being depleted. Conversely, micro hydro systems have continuous power production, so the battery bank is always being replenished. 1 Batteries for hydro systems are very similar to those used in other renewable energy systems. They should be lead-acid batteries with deep cycle capability. This allows the battery to be depleted and recharged many times before battery failure. They can be wet cell or sealed gel batteries. The wet cell require more maintenance, but they often last longer and are less expensive. Batteries can be wired in series to increase voltage or in parallel to increase capacity. Generaly, several series strings are linked in parallel to get the proper voltage and capacity needed. System components: Batteries • • • • Lead-acid Deep cycle Generally 2 to 6V Wet cell or sealed (gel) 6/22/2009 13 Page: 14 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:02 AM Charge controllers, or specifically diversion controllers in micro hydro systems, monitor battery bank voltage. Hydro turbine must always be connected to an electrical load. Without a load attached, the runner would spin too quickly and burn out the bearings. When the battery bank is low, the diversion controller sends electrons to the batteries. When the battery bank is fully charged, excess electrons are sent to a diversion load where they are “dumped” as quickly as possible. 1 Charge controllers can easily be set with jumpers to a range of DC voltages. It is important to note that input voltage from the turbine must match the battery bank voltage. So, if your turbine is set to transmit 24 VDC, the battery bank must be wired to 24 VDC as well. System components: Charge controller • Monitors battery bank voltage • When the battery bank is “full”, electrons are diverted to a diversion load (a.k.a. dump load) • Can be jumped from 12,24, and 48 VDC depending upon input and battery bank (they must match!) 6/22/2009 14 Page: 15 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:02 AM A diversion load is installed to protect the battery bank from over charging (“boiling” off hydrogen gas and reducing lifespan). Diversion loads are often resistance heating elements which very quickly dump electrons. These can be as simple as an air heating element with a fan or something more useful throughout the year such as a heating element in an electric hot water tank. This turns an excess of electrons to a useful energy load. 1 System components: Diversion Load • Waste electrons as quickly as possible • Resistance heating elements • Protect the battery bank 6/22/2009 15 Page: 16 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:02 AM Most of our houses use alternating current (AC), not direct current (DC). If we generate and store DC, we need a way to convert it to something we can use in our households. An inverter converts DC to AC by increasing the voltage with a transformer (from 24VDC to 120/240 VAC), modifying the current signal from constant polarity (DC) to an alternating polarity sine wave (AC), and by adjusting the frequency to match our standard 60 hertz (60 AC sine waves per second). 1 The inverter is the brains of the operation, often integrating a charge controller to monitor battery bank voltage if one is present. Most inverters can produce a sine wave indistinguishable from the “grid” electricity. System components: Inverter • Converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) • Can match the utility signal (voltage, shape and frequency) 6/22/2009 16 This page contains no comments Generating power Now that you understand the system components, how does one actually generate power with a micro hydro system? 6/22/2009 17 Page: 18 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:03 AM If you look at the hydro power formula, two of the values will be constants (water density and acceleration of gravity) and turbine efficiency is given by the manufacturer (generally between 80 and 93% for water turbines). This means we only really need two numbers from our stream to estimate power output: the flow and the head. 1 Measuring the hydroelectric resource • Power generation from water is dependent on five variables: » P=gQH » Power in watts (P) » Turbine efficiency (eta, ) » Water density (rho, ; usually 1000 kg/m3) » Acceleration of gravity (g, 9.81 m/s2) » Quantity of water flow (Q, in m3/s) » Vertical distance (head, H, in meters) 6/22/2009 18 Page: 19 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:03 AM It is often easier to work with students in gallons per minute and have them convert to the metric system. We often have a difficult time working with cubic meters instead of gallons. This is a simple conversion factor. 1 Measuring a stream – flow Flow rate (Q) • Quantity of water passing a given point over a given amount of time » Cubic meters per second » Gallons per minute » 1 GPM = 0.000063 m3/s 6/22/2009 19 Page: 20 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:07 AM There are many ways to measure flow, depending upon how large the stream is. For the smallest streams, simply find a location where the water is constricted and time how long it takes to fill a 5-gallon bucket. For example, if it takes 20 seconds to fill a 5-gallon bucket, you have a flow of 15 gallons per minute. Another option is to build a temporary weir wall and measure its volume. If you time how long it take to fill to a certain point, you can again estimate flow rates. 1 Please see the attached module for measuring flow in a stream for additional ideas. Measuring flow 6/22/2009 20 Page: 21 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:07 AM The relationship between head and pressure is very important for a hydro system. For every 2.31 feet of elevation difference between the intake and the penstock, there is an increase of 1 pound of pressure per square inch (psi) at the turbine. Another way to say this is that each foot of head provides 0.433 psi. Monitoring pressure in the penstock is very important. If you have 100 feet of elevation between the penstock and the turbine, you should expect approximately 43.3 psi at the turbine. If you are only reading 15 psi, you know that there is a problem (intake plugged, hole in the penstock, not enough flow, etc.). 1 Measuring the hydro resource - head Head (H) • Head is the vertical distance of the hydro system (from intake to turbine) • Relationship of head and pressure 2.31 feet 1 psi 6/22/2009 21 Page: 22 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:19 AM Assessing head can be fairly straightforward (using a clinometer) or more complex (for example, using a total station or other surveying equipment). What you are trying to design when measuring head is a stream profile diagram. 1 Measuring head 6/22/2009 6 6/2 //22/2 2//2009 2/20 009 h ht htt ttttp:///rettc 22 Page: 23 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:19 AM A stream profile diagram indicates several things. On a stream profile diagram you should have total elevation gain from the turbine to the intake, contours of the stream, horizontal distances between important contour points, actual penstock distances between points, and total length of the penstock tube system. This will allow you to better determine how much penstock material you need, where rough spots will occur during installation, and how much friction you will build in the pipe system. 1 It is also important for the stream disturbance to know areas that are at greatest risk. Particularly steep sections of a stream are most sensitive to disturbances. Stream profile diagram 1,110 feet of penstock 6/22/2009 23 Page: 24 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:20 AM If we measured a small stream and determined that it has approximately 20 GPM and 140 feet of head, we can convert those numbers to metric to get into the standard formula. We also want to know what pressure we should expect at the turbine with this system so that we can buy the penstock materials that will be able to withstand the pressure. 1 Hydro power - example • Small stream: » 20 GPM flow, 140 feet of head, 85% turbine efficiency § 1 psi · ¹ © • Pressure: 140 ft¨ 2.31 ft ¸ • Flow: § 0.000063 m 3 /s · ¸¸ 20 GPM ¨¨ 1 GPM ¹ © • Head: § 0.305 m · 140 ft ¨ ¸ © 1 ft ¹ 6/22/2009 60.6 psi 0.00126 m 3 /s 42.7 m 24 Page: 25 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:23 AM Here is just one example of the hydro power formula. The variables are quite easy to plug into the formula (nothing is squared like the wind power formula). You’ll notice that I used the values we converted to metric, as Watts is an SI unit of measurement. The continuous power output is 448.6 watts. While power production is important, we are more concerned with energy production. 1 To convert power to energy, we must multiply by time. To convert watts to watt-hours, we must multiply by the number of hours it is “on.” In this case, the turbine is producing power 24 hours per day (unlike wind and sun). So, I multiply 448.6 Watts by 24 hours and I get 10766.4 watt-hours. We buy our electricity not in watt-hours, but in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Because there are 1,000 watt-hours in one kWh, I must divide by 1,000 to get my kWh produced each day. This gives me 10.77 kWh per day produced by this stream. If I want yearly energy production, I multiply my daily energy by the number of days in a year (365.25, accounting for leap years). This gives me 3,932 kWh per year. Not bad! My relatively energy efficient house uses about 340 kWh per month, or 4,080 kWh per year. The national average ranges from 700 to 1,000 kWh per month. Hydro power: example • P= g Q H » Power = 0.85*1000 kg/m3*9.81 m/s2*0.00126 m3/s * 42.7 m » Power = 448.6 watts • Yearly energy in kWh? » 448.6 W *24 hrs/day * 365.25 days/yr = 3,932 kWh/yr • My house uses about 4,000 kWh/yr 6/22/2009 6/22/2 2009 009 00 09 ttp:/ p:/ :///re /re /r /ret retc tc m tc. mo mor or orris rriis isvil vilille vill le 25 25 Page: 26 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:26 AM If you look at the hydro power formula, you will notice that head and flow are equally weighted. It is often easier to describe this with numbers than symbols for students, however. In this example, I simply switch the values for head and flow. Where previously we calculated power output as a function of 20 GPM and 140 feet of head to get 448.6 watts, this example uses 140 GPM and 20 feet of head. Interestingly, we get the same power output. This is exceedingly important! Just because someone has a lot of water does not mean you get more power output. You need both head and flow to generate power (or a lot of one and a little of the other). 1 Hydro power: what if? • If we go from 20 GPM flow and 140 ft of head to 140 GPM and 20 ft of head? • What power (watts) should I expect? • P= g Q H » Power = 0.85*1000 kg/m3*9.81 m/s2*0.00882 m3/s * 6.1 m » Power = 448.6 watts 6/22/2009 6/22/2 2009 009 00 09 ttp:/ p:/ :///re //rre rret etc tc m tc. mo mor or orris rriis isvil vilille vi vill le 26 26 Page: 27 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:26 AM A reiteration for emphasis. Calculating penstock losses are a bit beyond the scope of this module, but please feel free to contact me at if you would like more information on calculating penstock losses. It is a great exercise if you have the right class and enjoy a small bit of math. 1 Hydro power • Head and flow have equal importance in determining power (and energy) in a hydro system » What we have just calculated does not take penstock losses into account » This will reduce power output 6/22/2009 27 Page: 28 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:29 AM This part is not necessary for the module, but it does have a useful discussion point. What I would like to do now is compare a micro hydro system with a residential wind turbine. We’ll start off by reminding ourselves about how much energy a small stream can produce in a year. 1 Hydro power: a comparison • 20 GPM and 140 ft of Head • Yearly energy in kWh? » 448.6 W *24 hrs/day * 365.25 days/yr = 3,932 kWh/yr • My house uses about 4,000 kWh/yr 6/22/2009 6/22/2 2009 009 00 09 ttp:/ p:/ :///re //rre rret etc tc m tc. mo mor or orris rriis isvil vilille vi vill le 28 28 Page: 29 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:30 AM I have gone onto the NYS Wind Resource Explorer and zoomed into the area surrounding Morrisville State College. Most of Morrisville is in a class 1+ wind site, though there a few areas with class 2 and class 3 winds. We’ll select the best case scenario and say that we have a class 3 wind site (bright orange) to install a residential wind turbine. 1 6/22/2009 29 Page: 30 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:30 AM The question I need to ask myself is this. How large of a turbine do I need to generate a comparable amount of electricity? I will work backward. I know that to be comparable, I need to generate 3,932 kWh per year. This means I need approximately 10.8 kWh per day (3,932 ÷ 365 days). This means I need and average power production of approximately 0.45 kW (or 450 Watts; 10.8 kWh/day ÷ 24 hours/day). I know that a wind turbine is about 30% efficient in terms of how often they are spinning in this area. So, I can now plug my values into the wind power formula: P=0.5* A V3, Where P is power in watts, eta is turbine efficiency, rho is air density (1.2 kg/m3), A is windswept area (m2), and V is wind speed (m/s). Since windswept area equals pi*r2, I can substitute this into the wind power formula. By crunching the numbers, I get a rotor radius of 1.5 meters, which is a rotor diameter of 3 meters. With roughly 3.3 feet per meter, we must have a 10 foot rotor diameter. This is drastically larger than a hydro turbine that easily sites on a student’s desk (and more expensive)! 1 …to wind! • • • • • Class 3 site (7 m/s average; 15 mph) Turbine at 30% efficiency P=0.5* A V3 450 W = 0.5*0.3*1.2 kg/m3*(3.14*r2)*(7 m/s)3 r = 1.5 meters, diameter = 3 meters This means to get an equivalent amount of energy, I need a 10’ wind turbine rotor! 6/22/2009 30 Page: 31 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:29:30 AM Micro hydro systems have a lot of benefits: Relatively inexpensive systems to install and maintain, constant power production when sized appropriately and freezing issues are addressed, minimal impacts on stream organisms, and very high turbine efficiency. However, there are some important hurdles. Because micro hydro systems are still associated with large hydro systems, many people do not consider them sustainable. As such, they cannot be net metered like wind and solar. No incentives are available for micro hydro systems. Additionally, kits are very difficult to make beforehand because it is highly site-dependent (unlike solar systems, for example). Additionally, relatively few potential users have adequate knowledge of their site (head and flow, distance to end usage, permitting processes necessary, etc.). 1 So, what bother with micro hydro? • • • • (Relatively) inexpensive Constant power production (not intermittent) Minimal impacts Turbines have high efficiency (80% to 90+%) Challenges • Not considered “renewable and sustainable” • Permitting process may be required • Highly selective sites • Currently cannot be net metered • Little knowledge of our resource 6/22/2009 31 This page contains no comments Contact Information Phil Hofmeyer, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ph: 315-684-6515 Email: Web: Ben Ballard, Ph.D. Director, RETC Assistant Professor Ph: 315-684-6780 Email: Web: Micro Hydroelectricity Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Overview: This module is designed to provide students with hands-on experience measuring and mapping the micro hydro resource. This module will give students the tools and experience necessary to measure vertical elevation gain (head), slope, and water flow. With this information, a student can create a stream profile diagram, estimate pressure at the turbine, and estimate power output from the turbine. By the completion of this module, students will be able to: 1. Build a simple clinometer 2. Measure vertical angles, horizontal distance, calculate vertical distance, measure stream volume and velocity, and estimate stream flow. 3. Develop a stream profile diagram. Materials Required (1 for each group): 1. 1 plastic protractor 2. 1’ length of string 3. 1 small weight (e.g. ½” nut) 4. Clear tape 5. 100’ measuring tape 6. 12’ measuring tape 7. Flagging 8. Pencil and paper 9. 5 gallon bucket 10. Stopwatch 11. Tennis ball 12. Waders (optional) Module duration: 3 hours (can be broken into several class periods if necessary) This module requires the use of a stream. The reality is that without a stream, it is very difficult to discuss micro hydro resources and systems. The stream may be very small (5 GPM) or it can be a large trout stream. Identify an appropriate stream near the classroom, if possible. We will assume that a system could be installed, but likely will not be installed. Before starting the module, identify a suitable site for the fictional turbine and intake to be located. Build a simple clinometer A clinometer is a tool that measures the angle of elevation using right triangle trigonometry. 1. Tape the length of string to the center of the protractor base (the flat portion of the protractor). 2. Tie the nut on the other end of the string. 3. When held parallel to the ground, the nut should extend through the 90° mark on the protractor (the rounded portion of the protractor should be facing the ground). Page 1 Micro Hydroelectricity Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College 4. You can optionally tape a straw to the top of the protractor if you would like a sighting line. To use the clinometer, you will need two people; one to hold the clinometer and one to read the angles on the protractor. 1. Have the students begin at the turbine location (downstream of the intake location). 2. The student sighting the clinometer should look uphill and sight on an object less than 100’ away at the approximate height of his/her eye level (another student walking uphill makes for a great sighting target). 3. The second student should record the angle in which the string crosses the protractor. 4. Subtract the measured angle from 90° to get the actual angle of the slope. 5. With the 100’ tape, measure the distance between the turbine location and the sighted object. Be sure to hold the tape as tight as possible between the two points to get an accurate measurement. 6. If you have the distance and the angle, you can use some simple trigonometry to get vertical distance. The sin of the measured angle (90° - protractor angle) multiplied by the distance measured between the two points will give you the vertical elevation gain (see figure 1 below). Figure 1. Calculating vertical distance from an angle and distance measurement. Page 2 Micro Hydroelectricity Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College 7. Continue this in successive steps until you reach the location for the intake. Be sure to make stops anywhere there is a large change in slope (whether it gets significantly flatter or steeper). This will help you make a more informative stream profile diagram. 8. By the time students are finished, they should have a table that looks something like figure 2 below. Figure 2. Example table with the stream sections measured, protractor angles observed and actual angles, measured distances and calculated distances. Note that if you have the measured distance between two points and the calculated vertical angle, you have the hypotenuse and opposite side of a right triangle. You can then use Pythagorean’s theorem to calculate the horizontal distance (a2+b2=c2). Measured distance is the penstock length between points. Building a stream profile diagram 1. If you have vertical distance and horizontal distance between each point, you have all of the information needed to build a stream profile diagram (by hand or in Excel). 2. To create a profile diagram in Excel, create three additional columns: stream section, cumulative vertical distance, and cumulative horizontal distance and enter in the data. 3. Label the stream sections sequentially from 1 to …. The cumulative columns will simply be adding the horizontal distance and vertical distance for each stream section (see figure 3). 4. Once you have cumulative data, you can start graphing. Highlight the cumulative height and cumulative horizontal columns. Create a scatter plot figure. Set the x-axis as cumulative horizontal and the y-axis as cumulative height. Set the axis scales appropriately. Label your axes. 5. At each point, indicate the cumulative pressure obtained in the elevation gain (recall that each foot of head increases pressure by 0.43 psi). This can be calculated by hand or in Excel by subtracting the intake height from the previous point and multiplying by 0.43. Continue for each successive point (remember, pressure is cumulative). 6. Add pertinent information for the system (such as cumulative run distance or penstock length, intake location, turbine location, etc.) (Figure 5). Page 3 Micro Hydroelectricity Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Figure 3. Adding cumulative columns and stream section columns. Note that several columns have been hidden in this example (e.g. protractor readings and actual angles). Figure 4. Scatter plot of horizontal and vertical distance of each stream section. Figure 5. Completed stream profile diagram Page 4 Micro Hydroelectricity Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Measuring stream flow This section will describe measuring stream flow on a moderately sized stream. For smaller streams (high head systems), measuring the amount of time required to fill a 5 gallon bucket or 50 gallon drum will suffice. Larger streams require alternative methods. Described below is a frequently used method that involves estimating the volume of a section of stream and estimating stream velocity over that volume of water. 1. Find an accessible site along the stream that does not have irregular features (pools, sharp drops, back eddies). 2. Set up two points, an upstream reference point and a downstream reference point, preferably 5 to 20 feet apart. 3. From these two points, run a 100’ tape across the stream (perpendicular to flow) (Figure 6). Figure 6. 100’ tapes stretched across the surface of the water, with depth measurement locations identified. 4. At regular intervals (e.g. 1’ intervals), measure the depth to the stream bed along both 100’ tapes. 5. Each section of the stream will have a length (distance between 100’ tapes), a width (the interval distance), and a height (distance between the water level and the streambed). This will allow you to calculate volume for each section (LxWxH) and derive an average volume for the stream. 6. If you have a flow meter, simply measure stream velocity at 60% of the depth at each measured interval (Figure 7). Once you have measurements at each interval, you can average them for a stream velocity average. 7. If you do not have a velocity meter, try the float test! Find a bright colored, floating object (apple, orange, grapefruit, tennis ball, etc.) and throw it above the upstream tape. Record the time necessary for the object to float from the upstream tape to the downstream tape. Repeat five times and find the average time. Page 5 Micro Hydroelectricity Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Figure 7. Measuring stream velocity for a moderately sized stream with a velocity meter. 8. Though it is tempting to say this is the flow rate, it is not. Because the streambed is not perfectly flat, there will be more turbulence at the bottom of the stream than at the water surface (Figure 8). This means we must account for this turbulence by multiplying the recorded float time by a constant. For our purposes, multiplying by 0.8 is sufficient (though this should change depending upon the actual streambed components). Figure 8. Turbulence at the streambed can reduce water velocity considerably relative to the smooth water at the stream surface. To get an average stream velocity, either measure at 60% of the depth of the stream with a velocity meter or, if using the float method, multiply the time necessary to travel from the upstream tape to the downstream tape by 80%. 9. Once you have the volume of the stream calculated and the time necessary to travel, you can determine volume per unit time (which is flow). For example, if you find that your volume measurements average out to be 10’ L x 8’ W x 1.7 ‘ H, your measured volume is 136 ft3. If it took 6 seconds for your apple to float down the 10 feet between tapes, your adjusted time is 4.8 seconds (6 x 0.8). This means that your flow rate estimate on this stream is 28.3 ft3/s (136 ÷ 4.8). You are now ready to put your flow value into the hydro power formula! Page 6 Micro Hydroelectricity Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Example worksheet: Group 2 Group members: Tara, John, Steve, and Michelle Distance from upstream line to downstream line 12 feet Distance across upstream line 5.2 feet Distance across downstream line 4.9 feet Number of sectors on upstream line 4 Number of sectors on downstream line 4 Sector spacing 1 feet Upstream Sector Downstream Depth Sector Depth Average Sector Depth Average Sector Volume 1 1.5 1 2.3 1 1.725 1 20.7 2 2.2 2 3.4 2 3.74 2 44.88 3 3.1 3 1.9 3 2.945 3 35.34 4 1.1 4 2.3 4 1.265 4 15.18 Average stream volume 29.025 cubic feet Recorded Float Times Float Time (s) 1 6.5 2 7.5 3 7 4 7 5 6 * note: 1 ft3/s = 448.8 GPM; Average float time Flow Rate: 6.8 seconds 4.3 cubic feet per second 0.121 cubic meters per second 1915.8 gallons per minute 1 ft3/s = 0.0283 m3/s Page 7 Micro Hydroelectricity Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Estimating Hydro Power If we assume that the flow and head measured were for a small stream, we can measure expected power output. We do not want to take all of the water from the stream, let’s assume that we will divert only 10% of the water. Since we measured 1916 GPM, we can safely divert approximately 192 GPM into the penstock (0.012 m3/s). We measured a head of 67.7 feet (20.5 m). Since this is a high head, low flow system, we can use a Pelton-style runner with 89% efficiency. What is our expected power output and our expected yearly energy from this stream? P=ηρgQH In this case, our values are: η = 0.89 (turbine efficiency) ρ = 1000 kg/m3 (water density) g = 9.81 m/s2 (acceleration of gravity) Q = 0.012 m3/s (estimated flow rate) H = 20.5 m (estimated head) If we plug these values into the formula, we get: P = 0.89*1000*9.81*0.012*20.5 = 2147.8 Watts Since we know there are 1000 Watts in 1 kilowatt, we have 2.1 kW expected form this system. Recall that energy is power * time, so to get yearly energy: 24 ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 365 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 2.1478 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘 � �� � = 18,814 𝑘𝑘𝑘𝑘ℎ/𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦 A typical home uses between 8,400 and 12,000 kWh per year, so this small stream could easily power 1-2 homes (or 4-5 energy efficient homes). Page 8 Summary of Comments on Biofuel Resources Overview This page contains no comments Biofuel Resources: Overview R E N E WAB L E E N E R G Y T R AI N I N G C E N TE R 6/18/2009 1 This page contains no comments Overview U.S. Energy sources Biomass defined Plants and solar energy storage Bioenergy defined Biomass energy sources/supply Dedicated bioenergy crops: food vs. fuel Biomass conversion processes/pathways (general) 6/18/2009 2 Page: 3 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:15 AM I usually give a quick, general introduction on energy use, dependence on fossil fuels, energy security, etc. The main points here are: most of our current energy use is fossil fuel-based, and renewable energy represents a small percentage of the total (6%). It is interesting to note that biomass represents almost half of the renewable energy sources. Most people think of wind and solar, but those are currently pretty small contributions. Biomass has a significant role to play in our energy future… 1 U.S. Energy Sources …a fossil-fuel dependent country (>85%)! Source: (2005) Page: 4 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:15 AM Q: What is biomass? Is it renewable? Why/why not? Q: What is the primary source of energy for biomass (and most renewable energy resources)? SUN! Q: How is energy from the sun captured by plants? Photosynthesis! 1 Biomass Living matter (dead or alive); any organic matter which is available on a renewable or recurring basis A tiny, but critically important % of earth’s matter For humans, an enormous energy supply Continually replenished by the SUN › Through the process of: PHOTOSYNTHESIS 6/18/2009 4 Page: 5 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:15 AM Basic plant biology stuff: Plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to make sugars (e.g., glucose: C6H12O6), the building block/energy source for plant “parts”! 1 Review of Photosynthesis Conversion of light energy into chemical energy by living organisms CO2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O H2O C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6/18/2009 5 This page contains no comments What are sugars used for in plants? Primary cell walls › Microfibrils (500,000 cellulose chains, cellulose molecules are >6,000 sugars long) Secondary cell walls › Much thicker than primary walls › Cellulose microfibrils, hemicellulose, and lignins Starch › Food storage in seeds (endosperm) 6/18/2009 6 Page: 7 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:18 AM Sugars and the energy stored in them are used to make plant compounds, most of which are used for plant support structures (cell walls, as indicated on the previous slide). From a chemical standpoint plants are organic (composed mostly of C, H, and O). The processes we use to access the energy stored in plants rearrange the C, H, and O into more convenient, “energy dense” forms. One of the first steps to make plant material more energy dense is to remove the water (~75% for many green plants)…more on processing later. 1 Figure 12.2 (from Brady and Weil 2002): “Typical composition of representative green-plant materials. The major types of organic compounds are indicated at left and the elemental composition at right. The “ash” is considered to include all the constituent elements other that carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen (nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, etc.).” Typical composition of plant matter Reference: Brady, N. C., and R. R. Weil. 2002. The Nature and Properties of Soils (13th Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. dry matter 25% water 75% Oxygen 42% cellulose 45% polyphenols 2% fats & waxes 2% sugars & starch 5% lignin 20% protein 8% Carbon 42% hemicellulose 18% Types of plant compounds Hydrogen 8% Ash 8% Elemental composition of biomass (Figures adapted from: Brady and Weil, 2002) 7 Page: 8 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:18 AM Image and following text from Wikipedia (although we are generally hesitant to use Wikipedia as a reference, the following is pretty good): Cellulose is an organic compound with the formula (C6H10O5)n, a polysaccharide consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to over ten thousand (1Ȕ4) linked D-glucose units.[1][2]. Cellulose is the structural component of the primary cell wall of green plants, many forms of algae and the oomycetes. Some species of bacteria secrete it to form biofilms. Cellulose is the most common organic compound on Earth. About 33 percent of all plant matter is cellulose (the cellulose content of cotton is 90 percent and that of wood is 50 percent).[3] 1 Plant Biomass Lignin (sometimes "lignen") is a complex chemical compound most commonly derived from wood and an integral part of the cell walls of plants.[1] The term was introduced in 1819 by de Candolle and is derived from the Latin word lignum,[2] meaning wood. It is the most abundant organic polymer on Earth after cellulose, employing 30% of nonfossil organic carbon[3] and constituting from a quarter to a third of the dry mass of wood. The compound has several unusual properties as a biopolymer, not least its heterogeneity in lacking a defined primary structure. Plants store solar esis energy through photosynthesis as “sugars” such as cellulose and lignin. › Cellulose is a polysaccharide (chain) of 6-carbon sugars (e.g., glucose: see image above). › Lignin is the substance, or “glue,” that holds cell walls together. When burned, these sugars break down and release energy, giving off CO2, heat, and steam… 6/18/2009 8 Page: 9 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:19 AM The conversion of biomass to electricity, heat, steam, and (liquid) fuels, etc. is discussed later in more detail. 1 Bioenergy Bioenergy, or biomass energy, is renewable energy from biological sources Biomass energy can be converted into electricity, heat, steam, and (liquid) fuels 6/18/2009 9 Page: 10 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Image source: Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:19 AM Conceptually (ideally), the carbon dioxide produced by biomass when it is burned will be sequestered by plants growing to replace the fuel. In other words, it is a cycle with zero net impact. It’s not always zero, but when compared to fossil fuels, it’s a significant improvement (for carbon, as well as for pollutants like NOx and SOx) 1 Biomass: Carbon-neutral Energy? The Carbon Cycle 10 Page: 11 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:19 AM There is an enormous amount of energy stored in land biomass (25,000 EJ total storage; EJ = Exajoules or 1018) and a LOT of land biomass produced annually (400,000 Mt/yr; that’s 400,000 million tons per year!), which represents a huge quantity of stored biomass energy (3000 EJ/yr). This is impressive when compared to the total amount of energy we humans consume (the other small bars on the figure). Note: the US consumes about 103 EJ of primary energy annually (you may have heard the often referenced statistics that the US population represents about 5% of the world population but consumes about ¼ of the energy…). 1 Figure data reference: Boyle, Godfrey. 2004. Renewable Energy (2nd edition). Oxford University Press, 450 pages (ISBN:0-19-926178-4) Bioenergy Supply: Global Energy Comparisons Annual Energy Storage or Use (EJ/yr) 3500 3000 3000 25,000 EJ total storage in land biomass 400,000 Mt/yr land biomass produced 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 451 56 16 Biomass Energy Consumed Food Energy Consumed 0 Energy Storage Total Primary by Land Energy Biomass Consumption (compiled data from Boyle 2004) 6/18/2009 11 Page: 12 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:19 AM What are some of the biomass energy sources that we have available to us? This is a list of some of the most common… can you think of others? One of the key points of this slide: Other than the last item in the list, these are some type of “waste” or secondary product derived from another process (co-products?). This is a good thing. It means we have energy resources (previously underutilized) that are available to us, if we choose to utilize them. 1 Discussion point: Are they really wastes if we find value in them? These could be classified as wastes, but if they become an energy supply, is it fair to call them wastes? Co-products is one term that has been proposed for them. This argument may be harder to make for municipal solid waste (MSW)…it is still garbage! Some MSW facilities operate “energy recovery” systems—OCRRA in Onondaga County is one local example. Biomass Fuel Sources biomass processing residues (e.g., from pulp and paper operations) agricultural and forestry wastes urban wood wastes municipal solid wastes landfill gas wastewater treatment gas animal wastes terrestrial & aquatic crops grown solely for energy purposes: dedicated bioenergy crops 6/18/2009 12 Page: 13 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:22 AM Renewable energy sources represent 6% of the total energy consumed in the US in 2005. 50% of those renewable is biomass. Of that biomass 87% is wood! Q: What do you think the sources of biomass are? What type of biomass contributes the most to that 50%? 1 Solar 1% 87% of the biomass is wood or wood processing residues U.S.. Energy Consumption: Renewables (6% of total) by Source (yr. 2005) Wind 3% Hydro 41% Biomass 50% Geothermal 5% U.S. Energy Consumption by Energy Source, 2001-2005 (Source: US Energy Information Administration, Accessed: 3/2008) 13 This page contains no comments National Biomass Supply Assessment of whether land resources in the U.S. could sustainably produce over 1 billion tons of biomass annually = Enough biomass to replace ~30% of the country’s petroleum consumption Source: (2005) 14 Page: 15 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:25 AM The report concludes that the resource potential exists for more than 1 billion tons of biomass annually; however, there are a number of challenges that must be overcome to realize that potential (see next slide). The report found that there is over 1.36 billion tons from forest and agricultural land that is not currently being utilized: 368 M tons from forests 998 M tons from ag. land 1 Source: (2005) 15 Page: 16 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:25 AM 1 Billion tons of annual biomass is possible, but to meet that mark, these challenges have to be overcome…the last item is probably the biggest one. $4/gallon gasoline is a good motivator, as we saw in 2008! 1 National Biomass Supply Challenges Meeting targets for yield increases Improving production and harvesting/transportation efficiency Connecting the potential supply with end users Changing attitudes of producers and consumers 6/18/2009 16 Page: 17 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:25 AM The food vs. fuel issue has good potential for classroom discussion… I suspect teachers (and students) with an agricultural background will have some understanding/familiarity with this issue. Corn is an easy example to start this discussion, since it has been prominent in the media (and everyone is familiar with corn). 1 Food vs. Fuel A debate over scarce resources A farmer has a choice; grow corn to be used as ethanol or as a food (human or cattle or…) › Corn can serve as a biofuel (ethanol from the fermentation of sugars) › As a result, land is taken out of food production which increases the price of corn on the food market › What should this farmer do? 6/18/2009 17 Page: 18 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:26 AM The issue does not go away, even if we focus on a dedicated energy crop (like willow) that does not have a direct use as food/feed. The land that is BEST suited for growing willow is the same land that is being used for agricultural crops! Granted willow will survive on poorer sites, but it will grow bigger, better, faster, and cheaper on higher quality sites! Also remember that low quality sites are often poorly drained sites…sites where access with large equipment is difficult (you still need to be able to get on the site in the spring for site preparation and planting and late winter for harvesting). 1 Food vs. Fuel A debate over scarce resources But, what about a crop like willow? › Ethanol production, combustion (heat) gasification (heat+electricity) › Willow grows best on which types of land? › On which types of land do crops grow best? › The food vs. fuel debate does not end with corn or soybeans, but can be an issue for any dedicated bioenergy crop 6/18/2009 18 Page: 19 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:35 AM They are all energy sources, even the “rocks” (see photo descriptions below). Guess that energy source! Is it biomass or not? Photos: TopLeft: Cedar logs (by P. Hofmeyer) TopRight: Dairy manure lagoon (by B. Ballard) BotLeft: Municipal solid waste (Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Photographic Information Exchange; BotRight: Raw oil shale crushed for retorting; Uinta Basin, Utah. Source: Source: Argonne National Laboratory (http:// 1 Bioenergy, gy or not? Yes! Yes! Yes! No! 19 Page: 20 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Q: What is energy density? Q: What is volumetric energy density? Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:35 AM This concept can be demonstrated/explored further in the woodgas camp stove experiment(s) 1 Abundant, renewable vs. Energy Dense? Biomass is a great renewable energy source. However, it is typically not a good (unprocessed) fuel, because it often contains more than 70% air/void space. This results in a low volumetric energy density makes it difficult to collect, ship, store and use. 20 Page: 21 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:35 AM Table from various sources, primarily Appendix A of “Thermal Data for Natural and Synthetic Fuels” (Gaur and Reed, Dekker, 1998) as reported on: (Last accessed: 6/14/2009) Notes paraphrased from : Volume energy density, (kJ/liter, MJ/m3 , Btu/ft3) is an important factor for biomass (biofuel). Most biofuels are relatively light. Therefore, volume has important implications for collecting, shipping, storing and using biomass. The table above illustrates the dramatic difference between high density and low density biomass fuels. The dense biomass fuels are 3 to 4 times heavier than wood chips, though not as dense as coal or diesel. 1 Biomass Energy Density FUEL Bulk Density (kg/liter) Mass Energy Density (MJ/kg) Volume Energy Density (MJ/liter) 0.19 20 3.8 0.54 20.5 11.1 0.68 20 13.6 Peanut shell pellets (3/8”) 0.65 19.8 12.9 Corn 0.76 19.1 14.5 Softwood chips (“Denver dry”, 7% MCWB) Coconut shell (broken to ¼” pieces) Sawdust pellets (¼”) (Home Depot) Soybeans 0.77 21 (?) 16.2 1.1 (?) 32.5 35.7 Biodiesel 0.92 41.2 37.9 Diesel 0.88 45.7 40.2 Coal (bituminous) (Source: Gaur and Reed, Dekker, 1998) 21 Page: 22 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 8:54:35 AM To continue the discussion of what bioenergy resources are available, we also need to consider how we can access/ utilize that energy source. We have many energy needs, as indicated in the slide. There are many conversion pathways that we could take to meet those various needs. See additional notes below… This slide (or the next) is a convenient jumping off points for the “wood gasification” activity/experiments. Following notes from: (last Accessed on 6/14/09; some edits): 1 This chart traces the various routes available for biomass conversion to fuels, chemicals, or heat. Sunlight plus carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients makes the biomass originally. Biomass can occur naturally or be raised for food or forest products. Much of the available biomass is a by product of these activities. If the biomass is relatively dry (wood, municipal solid waste, etc.) it is a candidate for the thermal conversion processes, pyrolysis, gasification or combustion; if very wet it is more suited to the biological processes digestion or fermentation. Processes are available for converting biomass to fill all our human needs. Paths of Biomass Energy Conversion SUNLIGHT Carbon Dioxide Water Land (nutrients) PRODUCT FARMING (existing) ENERGY FARMING (potential) Agriculture Ɣ Silviculture Ɣ Industry Aquaculture Ɣ Silviculture Ɣ Agriculture Farm & Forest Products Municipal Wastes BIOMASS FOR ENERGY Residues maceration drying & densification BIO-CONVERSION PROCESSES (Wet) Extraction Digestion Fermentation & Distillation THERMAL CONVERSION PROCESSES (Dry) Gasification air Chemicals Methane Ethanol Low-BTU gas Pyrolysis Liquefaction Combustion Oil Ɣ gas Ɣ charcoal Oil Ɣ gas Heat systems oxygen Med-BTU gas Ɣ methanol Ɣ ammonia Needs: CHEMICALS GASEOUS FUELS (adapted from: Solar Energy Research Institute, 1988) LIQUID FUELS SOLID FUELS ELECTRICITY HEAT 22 This page contains no comments Contact Information Ben Ballard, Ph.D. Director, RETC Assistant Professor Ph: 315-684-6780 Email: Web: Phil Hofmeyer, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ph: 315-684-6515 Email: Web: Summary of Comments on Gasification This page contains no comments Wood Gasification R E N E WAB L E E N E R G Y T R AI N I N G C E N TE R 1 This page contains no comments Overview – Wood Gasification Renewable fuel resources: Wood/biomass Utilization of wood resources: sustainability Conversion methods/processes/technologies What is gasification? Pyrolysis? Combustion? Gasification applications: past, present, future Intro: The woodgas camp stove Optional topics/concepts: themodynamics, efficiency, energy density 2 Page: 3 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:38 AM I usually give a quick, general introduction on energy use, dependence on fossil fuels, energy security, etc. The main points here are: most of our current energy use is fossil fuel-based, and renewable energy represents a small percentage of the total (6%). It is interesting to note that biomass represents almost half of the renewable energy sources. Most people think of wind and solar, but those are currently pretty small contributions. Biomass has a significant role to play in our energy future… NOTE: It may be useful to utilize the “Biofuel Resources: Overview” presentation before/in conjunction with this presentation. 1 U.S. Energy Sources …a fossil-fuel dependent country (>85%)! Source: (2005) Page: 4 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:42 AM Pose the question to the class: Why use wood as a fuel? Discuss/explore their level of understanding of natural resources/renewable resources. NOTE: It may be useful to utilize the “Biofuel Resources: Overview” presentation before/in conjunction with this presentation. 1 Aside: the photo is Viburnum lentago (nannyberry) – a very old shrub (>75 yrs.). We probably don’t want to start using nannyberry as a biofuel, since it grows quite slowly (and the wood has a very aromatic—some say foul—odor)! (Photo by B. Ballard) Why use wood as a fuel? 4 Page: 5 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:47 AM Q: What is are the characteristics of a renewable energy source? Discuss/explore their level of understanding of renewable resources/energy. Q: Are all renewable energy sources sustainable? (leads into next slide, but you can see if/what they know and then proceed) 1 Define: Renewable Energy Renewable Energy: › Energy flows which are replenished at the same rate that they are used › Sources that are continuously replenished by natural processes Q: Are all renewable energy sources sustainable? Page: 6 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:47 AM These are relatively self-explanatory. However, “social injustices” may not be obvious. You can use an example such as: the displacement of millions of Chinese people who by the building of the Three Gorges Dam—large-scale hydro may be renewable, but the environmental and (negative) social impacts are tremendous! There are positive social benefits too, of course, but from the perspective of the people that lost their homes... Discussion Q: Is wood a sustainable resource? Why or why not? Renewable? Pollution, environmental problems? Health hazards? Other? 1 Definition based on: Boyle, Godfrey. 2004. Renewable Energy (2nd edition). Oxford University Press, 450 pages (ISBN:0-19-926178-4) Sustainable Energy Defined An energy source that: › Isn’t significantly depleted by continued use (i.e., renewable resource), › Doesn’t cause significant pollution or other environmental problems, and › Doesn’t perpetuate significant health hazards or social injustices (Boyle 2004) Page: 7 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:47 AM Q: What is biomass? Is it renewable? Why/why not? Q: What is the primary source of energy for biomass (and most renewable energy resources)? SUN! Q: How is energy from the sun captured by plants? Photosynthesis! NOTE: It may be useful to utilize the “Biofuel Resources: Overview” presentation before/in conjunction with this presentation. 1 The Fuel Resource: Biomass Living matter (dead or alive); any organic matter which is available on a renewable or recurring basis A tiny, but critically important % of earth’s matter. For humans, an enormous energy supply. Continually replenished by: the SUN Through the process of: PHOTOSYNTHESIS Page: 8 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:48 AM To continue the discussion of what bioenergy resources are available, we also need to consider how we can access/ utilize that energy source. We have many energy needs, as indicated in the slide. There are many conversion pathways that we could take to meet those various needs. See additional notes below… This slide is a convenient jumping off points for the “wood gasification” activity/experiments. Our focus will be on the circled thermo(-chemical) processes… which could potentially address all of the needs listed on the bottom of the slide, depending on the application of gasification/pyrolysis processes we choose. 1 Following notes from: (last Accessed on 6/14/09; some edits): Paths of Biomass Energy Conversion This chart traces the various routes available for biomass conversion to fuels, chemicals, or heat. Sunlight plus carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients makes the biomass originally. Biomass can occur naturally or be raised for food or forest products. Much of the available biomass is a by product of these activities. If the biomass is relatively dry (wood, municipal solid waste, etc.) it is a candidate for the thermal conversion processes, pyrolysis, gasification or combustion; if very wet it is more suited to the biological processes digestion or fermentation. Processes are available for converting biomass to fill all our human needs. SUNLIGHT Carbon Dioxide Water Land (nutrients) PRODUCT FARMING (existing) ENERGY FARMING (potential) Agriculture Ɣ Silviculture Ɣ Industry Aquaculture Ɣ Silviculture Ɣ Agriculture Farm & Forest Products Municipal Wastes BIOMASS FOR ENERGY Residues maceration drying & densification BIO-CONVERSION PROCESSES (Wet) Extraction Digestion Fermentation & Distillation THERMAL CONVERSION PROCESSES (Dry) Gasification air Chemicals Methane Ethanol Low-BTU gas Pyrolysis Liquefaction Combustion Oil Ɣ gas Ɣ charcoal Oil Ɣ gas Heat systems oxygen Med-BTU gas Ɣ methanol Ɣ ammonia Needs: CHEMICALS GASEOUS FUELS (adapted from: Solar Energy Research Institute, 1988) LIQUID FUELS SOLID FUELS ELECTRICITY HEAT 8 Page: 9 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:48 AM There are many potential sources of low-grade wood, especially in NY and much if the northeast. AND: It’s renewable! It’s local! It’s abundant (but caution to keep it sustainable). Wood chips can be used directly, as depicted in this photo taken at the Lyonsdale Biomass (NY) combined heat and power (CHP) plant. 1 Photo by: B. Ballard Fuel Sources: Low-grade wood 9 Page: 10 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:49 AM Example of a dedicated woody biomass crop: willow plantation (towards the end of the first growing season of planting). We can grow woody crops specifically for energy. Willow has many desirable characteristics that make it a good candidate for a bioenergy crop (e.g., see: OR http:// 1 Photo by: B. Ballard Dedicated Bioenergy Crops 10 Page: 11 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:50 AM Chips from wood residues or dedicated bioenergy crops can be densified at collection/processing facilities (second photo shows the pellet presses). You could discuss why pelletization is desirable (handling/transport/storage, consistency of the fuel, moisture, energy density, etc.). These photos were taken at the New England Wood Pellets facility in Schuyler, NY. You could also discuss the jobs associated with fuel procurement, processing, shipping, etc. You could also discuss the jobs associated with the design, manufacturing, installation, and servicing of combustion devices (stoves, boilers, etc.). Local jobs are important! Local energy supplies help ensure energy security (e.g., reduce dependence on foreign oil). 1 Photos by: B. Ballard Feedstock for gasifiers: wood pellets Page: 12 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes More detailed notes on the next slide… 1 What is gasification? A process that converts carbon-based materials (e.g., wood/biomass) into combustible gases (principally CO + H2) by reacting the solid fuel at high temperatures with a controlled (limited) amount of oxygen 12 Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:50 AM Page: 13 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:50 AM Background information for Instructor: (Excerpt from: (last accessed 6/17/09)) Gasification is best thought of as a process of staged combustion. It is a series of thermal events put together in a controlled manner, so as to produce an output gas with combustion potential. 1 The 4 processes of gasification. Gasification is made up for 4 discrete thermal processes: Drying, Pyrolysis, Combustion and Reduction. All 4 of these processes are naturally present in the flame you see burning off a match, or on a piece of firewood. Gasification is merely the technology to pull apart and isolate these separate processes, so that we might interrupt the "fire" and pipe the resulting fuel gas elsewhere so as to make fire in a place other than directly on top of the wood. Two of these processes tend to confuse all newcomers to gasification. Once you understand these two processes, all the others pieces fall in place quickly. These two non-obvious processes are Pyrolysis and Reduction. Here's the quick cheat sheet. Pyrolysis: Pyrolysis is the application of heat to raw biomass, in an absence of air, so as to break it down into charcoal and various tar gasses and liquids. Biomass begins to "fast decompose“ once its temperature rises above around 240C. The biomass breaks down into a combination of solids, liquids and gasses. The solids that remain we commonly call "charcoal". The gasses and liquids that are released we collectively call "tars". The gasses and liquids produced during lower temp pyrolysis are simply fragments of the original biomass that break off with heat. These fragments are the more complicated C, H and O molecules in the biomass that we collectively refer to as volatiles. As the name suggests, volatiles are "reactive". Or more accurately, they are less strongly bonded in the biomass than the fixed carbon, which is the direct C to C bonds. Thus in review, pyrolysis is the application of heat to biomass in the absence of air/oxygen. The volatiles in the biomass are "evaporated" off as tars, and the fixed carbon-to-carbon chains are what remains--otherwise known as charcoal. Reduction: Reduction is the process stripping of oxygen atoms off completely combusted hydrocarbon (HC) molecules, so as to return the molecules to forms that can burn again. Reduction is the direct reverse process of combustion. Combustion is the combination of an HC molecule with oxygen to release heat. Reduction is the removal of oxygen from an HC molecule by adding heat. Combustion and Reduction are equal and opposite reactions. In fact, in most burning environments, they are both operating simultaneously, in some form of dynamic equilibrium, with repeated movement back and forth between the two states. (Source: Jim Mason - ) 13 Reduction in a gasifier is accomplished by passing carbon dioxide (CO2) or water vapor (H2O) across a bed of red hot char (C). The hot char is highly reactive with oxygen, and thus strips the oxygen off the gasses, and redistributes it to as many single bond sites as possible. The oxygen is more attracted to the bond site on the C than to itself, thus no free oxygen can survive in its usual diatomic O2 form. All available oxygen will bond to available C sites as individual O, until all the oxygen is gone. When all the available oxygen is redistributed as single atoms, reduction stops. Through this process, CO2 is reduced to CO. And H2O is reduced to H2 and CO. Combustion products become fuel gasses again. And those fuel gasses can then be piped off elsewhere to do desired work elsewhere. Comments from page 13 continued on next page Here are two graphics which summarize the situation. The first shows the chemical transformations that happen in Reduction. And the second shows the input and outputs for each of the 4 main processes of gasification. (if these do not show up, you can find them in the album here: ) Last edited by jimmason; 03-22-2009 at 03:30 AM. (Source: Jim Mason - ) 13 Page: 14 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:50 AM Most student can relate to combustion/burning of a gas such as propane or natural gas (methane). Combustion of biomass is more complex, since it involves several processes occurring simultaneously (evaporation, pyrolysis, combustion, reduction—see the match example on subsequent slides). I suggest starting with something less complicated than biomass combustion…e.g., propane (C3H8) gas combustion. Ask the students: Q: What do we need for combustion to occur? [A: fuel + oxygen (+ ignition source)] Q: Remember? combustion=oxidation (“adding oxygen”) 1 What is combustion? Q: In this photo, what is burning? [Likely response: gas; it’s actually propane gas (C3H8)] Q: What happens to propane (C3H8) when it is combusted? A: When we combust a gas like propane, we add oxygen and release energy (heat and light; it is an exothermic reaction) plus carbon dioxide and water vapor (if combustion is complete; i.e., there is enough oxygen provided). If combustion is incomplete (not enough O), the reaction will also yield CO + H. Note: If the source of oxygen is air, then nitrogen (N2) will also be produced (though it does not impact the reaction). Fuel + Oxygen Æ HEAT + Water + Carbon dioxide C3H8 + 5O2 Æ HEAT + 4H2O + 3CO2 Limit O2 Æ HEAT + H2O + CO2 + (CO + H2) (both combustible ) 14 Page: 15 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:51 AM (Excerpt from: (last accessed 6/17/09)) Reduction: Reduction is the process stripping of oxygen atoms off completely combusted hydrocarbon (HC) molecules, so as to return the molecules to forms that can burn again. Reduction is the direct reverse process of combustion. Combustion is the combination of an HC molecule with oxygen to release heat. Reduction is the removal of oxygen from an HC molecule by adding heat. Combustion and Reduction are equal and opposite reactions. In fact, in most burning environments, they are both operating simultaneously, in some form of dynamic equilibrium, with repeated movement back and forth between the two states. 1 Reduction in a gasifier is accomplished by passing carbon dioxide (CO2) or water vapor (H2O) across a bed of red hot char (C). The hot char is highly reactive with oxygen, and thus strips the oxygen off the gasses, and redistributes it to as many single bond sites as possible. The oxygen is more attracted to the bond site on the C than to itself, thus no free oxygen can survive in its usual diatomic O2 form. All available oxygen will bond to available C sites as individual O, until all the oxygen is gone. When all the available oxygen is redistributed as single atoms, reduction stops. Through this process, CO2 is reduced to CO. And H2O is reduced to H2 and CO. Combustion products become fuel gasses again. And those fuel gasses can then be piped off elsewhere to do desired work elsewhere. . . . Last edited by jimmason; 03-22-2009 at 03:30 AM. (Source: Jim Mason - ) 15 Page: 16 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:51 AM As mentioned on a previous slide, combustion of biomass is fairly complex...but you can explore this at the level you feel is most appropriate for your students. Q: In this photo, what is burning? [Likely response: Wood] 1 Q: What part of the wood…what else is burning? [Possible answers: gases, oils, tars] What is combustion? 16 Page: 17 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:51 AM What else is burning? Closest to the matchwood, pyrolysis (pyro=fire, lysys=split or decompose) uses the heat from combustion to release oil vapors from the wood to form char. In the presence of oxygen (and heat) the char (Carbon) is then converted to CO and H. Both combustible gases! Also, oil vapors, tars, other hydrocarbons are either combusted or released as smoke. Note: smoke is an indicator that combustion is not complete—smoke = inefficient combustion process! 1 What is combustion? Flaming combustion CO2 + H2O (via heat from flame above) (via heat from flame above) (Solar Energy Research Institute, 1988) 17 Page: 18 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:53 AM Biomass can be gasified pyrolytically (i.e., without oxygen) by heating to >400 C, yielding also 25% charcoal and LOTS of condensible tars). These tars are not desirable if we are interested in utilizing the gases produced. Therefore, most gasification systems utilizes a limited/metered amount of oxygen to yield a higher quality, lower tar product (also called producer gas). 1 What is gasification? Gasification is a thermo-chemical process, where flammab gases. heatt converts solid biomass into flammable (Source: Jim Mason - ) 18 Page: 19 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:54 AM “Four processes” adapted from: (last accessed 6/12/09) Excerpt from: Gasification in a Nut Shell The gist of the process is as follows. Heat from combustion is applied to biomass fuel. The heat performs three different functions depending on its intensity. Firstly, in the coolest part of the system, the fuel dries out. Then as the fuel heats up further, a process called pyrolysis takes place. In pyrolysis gases are driven out of the biomass leaving behind predominantly carbon in the form of char. The hottest process, know as Reduction takes place when the cocktail of really hot gasses from pyrolysis swirl round the super hot char and the two inter-react with one another in full blown gasification to create “Woodgas” which with any luck can then be put to work. Gasification is a very efficient method for extracting energy from carbon rich organic materials and there are many technologies for achieving it; but here we will only discuss gasifiers that use combustion to provide the heat they need and ‘breath’ air to provide the oxygen for that combustion. The process of gasification is a thermo chemical process, which uses heat to convert carbonaceous materials into gaseous components. The gas is referred to by several different terms including “Producer gas”, “Syn-gas” and “Woodgas”. Woodgas is the name I will try to stick to because Woodgas excludes fuel sources derived from fossil or liquid fuels and the point here is that we want to make use of “waste” biomass. When “woody” fuels are heated to temperatures of approximately 600-1000°C, the solids undergo thermal decomposition, and become gas-phase products and these typically include carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, and steam. Along with these gases solid char (charcoal) and tars are also formed. The remaining products of these processes are ashes. The chemistry of gasifaction is complicated and there are several separate processes involved and though they are all distinct phases they will tend to overlap and intermingle depending on scores of factors but that’s what makes it so interesting. 1 What is gasification? Gasification consists of four processes: 1. Drying - by using heat (supplied by burning some of the wood), water evaporates from the wood. 2. Pyrolisis - above 270°C (heat supplied by burning some of the wood) the wood structure breaks apart chemically. Long molecules are made smaller. Charcoal/char and tar-oil gases are created. 19 Page: 20 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:54 AM “Four processes” adapted from: (last accessed 6/12/09) 1 What is gasification? 3. Combustion (oxidation) – (with a limited/controlled supply of air, this process is also referred to as “flaming pyrolysis” in a gasifier) › part of the carbon (char) is oxidized (burned) to form carbon dioxide (CO2), and › Hydrogen (H) is oxidized to form water (H2O). › A lot of HEAT is released (temperatures up to 1400°C !). This heat is necessary for the next step… 20 Page: 21 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:54 AM “Four processes” adapted from: (last accessed 6/12/09) Summary of the chemical reactions (also from Oxidation, produces energy: C + O2 CO2 1 H2 + 0.5 O2 What is gasification? 4. Reduction - In the reduction area several key conversions take place, and these require significant HEAT › › › H2O Reduction, takes away energy: C + CO2 2CO C + H2O CO + H2 CO2 + H2 C + 2H2 CO + 3H2 Carbon (char) reacts with CO2 and converts it to carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon also reacts with H2O, “stealing” an oxygen atom producing carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases. Some of the char (C) also binds with H to create methane, and some CO reacts with H to form methane + water. 21 CO + H2O CH4 CH4 + H2O Page: 22 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:55 AM Note to those building this woodgas camp stove (directions provided in another part of this module): A larger tin can may be used, though the close-fitting 15-oz. size works well, because it limits the air intake from above (between the two cans). This can be an important consideration, because if the burner air ports are located above the outside tin can “sleeve”, then the entire combustion/pyrolysis process proceeds too rapidly due to increased draft (more air less pyrolysis/woodgas produced, more “complete” combustion). This can result in temperatures hot enough to melt the bottom of the aluminum can! 1 The following discussion is more of a FYI than something that you would use with your HS students…also, these are my (Ben’s) current interpretations/understanding of the gasifier. While working on my PhD, my major professor would often remind me: “you are an expert if you know 10% more than your audience does”. So, depending upon my (your) audience… Gasification Reaction Zones What is an “inverted downdraft gasifier”? To answer this question it is helpful to look at two basic types of gasifier designs: updraft and downdraft. Updraft gasifiers are lit from the bottom of the fuel stack, fuel is added from the top, and air is drawn up through vents at the bottom for (partial) combustion of the fuel. Hot gases and tars from partial combustion (pyrolysis) rise up through the fuel stack. Updraft gasifiers typically produce large amounts of tar, since the gases cool as they rise through the fuel and tars condense/are not destroyed. Downdraft gasifiers are also lit from the bottom of the fuel stack, and air (from inlets/ports) and hot gases and tars (from pyrolysis) are pulled/sucked down through the combustion/flaming pyrolysis zone—this “cracks” the tars formed from pyrolysis of the wood/fuel. The batch-loaded camp stove looks similar to an updraft gasifier, except the fuel is lit from the top, which does not allow the gases and tars from pyrolysis to be cooled. Instead, the heat from flaming pyrolysis rises, reducing the amount of tars produced (and any combustible gases and tars are immediately combusted at the burner at the top of the stove). Therefore, the camp stove functions more like a downdraft gasifier with regard to where the hot gases and tars travel through the system relative to the flaming pyrolysis zone and the unburned fuel. Hence the name, “inverted downdraft gasifier”. 22 Page: 23 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:55 AM Excerpt (with minor edits) from: (last accessed 6/15/09) Biomass can be gasified pyrolytically by heating to >400 C, yielding also 25% charcoal and LOTS of condensibles: tars). Or it can be gasified with air to make "producer gas" (typically CO 22%; H2 18%; CH4 3%, CO2 6% and N2 51%). OR it can be gasified with oxygen to make synthesis gas (typically 40% CO, 40% H2, 3% CH4 and 17% CO2, dry basis) which can be used to make methanol, ammonia and diesel fuel with known commercial catalytic processes (e.g., FischerTropsch). 1 What is woodgas? Typically woodgas consists of: 22% carbon monoxide (CO) 18% hydrogen (H2) 3% methane (CH4) 6% carbon dioxide (CO2) 51% nitrogen (N2) . 23 Page: 24 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:55 AM During World War II over a million gasifiers were in use (primarily by the civilian sector, while the military used the petrol). For a more comprehensive history of woodgas, refer to: 1 Gasification Applications Gasification is not a newly discovered process… It was used in the past for heating, lighting, and vehicle fuel. During World War II over a million gasifiers were in use! 24 Page: 25 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:56 AM Source: National Academy of Sciences, 1983 "Producer Gas: Another Fuel for Motor Transport“ (This document is available free from For more history information/references, see: 1 Wood Gasification: Mobile Apps. Vehicle modifications included: › 1) a gas generator, 2) a gas reservoir, and 3) carburetor modifications and additional plumbing to convey, filter, and meter the gas into the engine (Source: National Academy of Sciences, 1983 ) 25 Page: 26 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:58 AM Source: National Academy of Sciences, 1983 "Producer Gas: Another Fuel for Motor Transport“ (This document is available free from For more history information/references, see: 1 Wood Gasification: Mobile Apps. (Source: National Academy of Sciences, 1983 ) 26 Page: 27 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:58 AM Book is available online at: (there are other sites also…) Construction of a Simplified Wood Gas Generator for Fueling Internal Combustion Engines in a Petroleum emergency. 2nd Edition by BEF PRESS by: H. LaFontaine, Biomass Energy Foundation, lnc. Miami, Florida and F. P. Zimmerman, Oak Ridge National laboratory, Energy Division FEMA lnteragency Agreement Number: EMW-84-E-1737 Work Unit: 3521 D for: Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 "This report has been reviewed in the Federal Emergency Management Agency and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Federal Emergency Management Agency." Date Published: March 1989 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE: DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED Prepared by: Oak Ridge National laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6285 for the U.S. Department of Energy. GASIFICATION 1 Construction of a Simplified Wood Gas Generator for Fueling Internal Combustion Engines in a Petroleum Emergency (book produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2nd ed. 1989) 27 Page: 28 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:25:59 AM Some more recent mobile applications. To avoid any potential copyright infringement on the photos from these sites, we are just providing the URL so you can find your way to them: “Around Sweden with Wood in The Tank” Vovlo conversion: Less refined, but interesting Chevy truck conversion: Other nice photos of Finnish gasifiers: 1 Wood Gasification: Mobile Apps. Some interesting, more recent conversions… some very nice looking…lots of stainless steel: 1968 DeLeuxe equipped Volvo 142 28 Page: 29 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes This slide sets up the need for more efficient wood stoves… Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:00 AM Half of humanity cooks over wood fires (the poorer half), a lot of wood is used… Q: Why is this problematic? [A: last bullet] 1 Other Woodgas Applications Half of humanity cooks over wood fires Nearly half the world's wood supply is used as fuel. PROBLEMS: Wood fires cook slowly, the smoke causes glaucoma and lung diseases, fires can burn children, fires burn too much fuel, requiring that wood be gathered from greater and greater distances. 29 Page: 30 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:00 AM This paper is the basis for the woodgas camp stove activity that accompanies this module. 1 Small Stationary Applications A Wood-gas Stove For Developing Countries (Reed and Larson, 1996) › 300g (0.7 lbs.) of sticks or chips burn for 30-45 minutes at high efficiency with low emissions 30 Page: 31 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:04 AM For those wishing to experiment at a scale larger than a woodgas camp stove, there is an “open source” engineering project developed and maintained by ALL Power Labs in Berkeley, CA: The Gasification Experimenter's Kit (GEK) which can be found at: They sell kits (completely assembled, or in various stages of fabrication). They also provide free plans online. 1 Gasification Experimenter’s Kit (GEK) Experimentation at a larger scale than a woodgas camp stove… Stationary or mobile applications “Open source” engineering project developed and maintained by ALL Power Labs in Berkeley, CA 31 Page: 32 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:06 AM This may be more detail than you want to include in your class, but I put it here for your consideration/reference. The main point here is that these large-scale systems are technically possible, but they require a lot of biomass to run them, and they are expensive to build (large capital investment). Excerpt from: Gasifiers are usually rated in kW (or Horsepower) of output, either kWth or kWel and vary from . If you have a large quantity of biomass (ie MSW) you might like a 100 ton/day unit which would yield about 20 MWthermal or about 4 MWelectric at 20% efficiency. Could cost you $10 Million (at $2000/kW capacity). These large gasifiers can be fixed bed (updraft or downdraft), fluidized bed,... 1 Large-scale Gasification Applications Large gasifiers can be fixed bed (updraft or downdraft) or fluidized bed gasifiers. Large quantity of biomass (e.g., MSW): a 100 ton/day unit would yield about 20 MWthermal or about 4 Mwel (at 20% efficiency of thermal to electric) BUT, expensive: $10M ($2000/kW capacity) 32 This page contains no comments Biomass Gasification Conversion efficiencies vary depending on the size and sophistication of the system used › Some applications are 80-90% (e.g., wood gasification boilers) Large-scale gasification plants have not proven financial viability (yet) BUT, the potential exists for production of: › Electricity from biomass-fed gas turbines › Liquid fuels (methanol, Fischer Tropsch diesel) as petroleum substitutes › Hydrogen or other fuel for fuel cells 33 Page: 34 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:07 AM This could be used as the Summary slide. You could discuss each of these points in more detail and explore some other concepts. Demonstrate efficiency through an example: Q: What usually happens when you start a fire? What is one of the common outputs from a fire? [A: smoke] 1 Q: What is smoke? A: An intermediate combustion product such as tars and oils (think tiny droplets)—so smoke is an indication of incomplete combustion and inefficiency. (Smoke is also a significant pollutant.) Why is gasification important? Q: Why are liquid/gaseous fuels more versatile? A: Easily transported/stored (usually), often more energy dense (more energy in a given volume of fuels: could use wood vs. wood pellets vs. charcoal—this could be done with a simple experiment with woodgas camp stoves) Benefits include: Gasification technologies are typically more efficient than traditional combustion technologies. No SMOKE! Gaseous fuel can be produced from a solid fuel, resulting in a potentially more versatile fuel Small- to large-scale applications Mobile or stationary applications 34 Page: 35 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:09 AM We have compiled a list of potential demonstration and experiments for use with the woodgas stove—most of these are presented with the basic idea/concepts/questions. They could be readily tailored/expanded upon for your particular students/course. 1 Woodgas Camp Stove “Lab” Build and test a woodgas stove 35 Page: 36 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:11 AM These are provided for instructors that would like to expand/tailor the gasification module for a particular class (e.g., physics, chemistry…thermodynamics). The slides on energy density are important—worth looking at if you choose to have the students do that experiment with different fuels in the woodgas stove. 1 Other concepts to incorporate/consider R E N E WAB L E E N E R G Y T R AI N I N G C E N TE R 36 Page: 37 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Q: What is energy density? Q: What is volumetric energy density? Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:11 AM This concept can be demonstrated/explored further in the woodgas camp stove experiment(s) 1 Abundant, renewable vs. Energy Dense? Biomass is a great renewable energy source. However, it is typically not a good (unprocessed) fuel, because it often contains more than 70% air/void space. This results in a low volumetric energy density makes it difficult to collect, ship, store and use. 37 Page: 38 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:11 AM Table from various sources, primarily Appendix A of “Thermal Data for Natural and Synthetic Fuels” (Gaur and Reed, Dekker, 1998) as found at: (Last accessed: 6/14/2009) Notes paraphrased from : Volume energy density, (kJ/liter, MJ/m3 , Btu/ft3) is an important factor for biomass (biofuel). Most biofuels are relatively light. Therefore, volume has important implications for collecting, shipping, storing and using biomass. The table above illustrates the dramatic difference between high density and low density biomass fuels. The dense biomass fuels are 3 to 4 times heavier than wood chips, though not as dense as coal or diesel. 1 Biomass Energy Density FUEL Bulk Density (kg/liter) Mass Energy Density (MJ/kg) Volume Energy Density (MJ/liter) 0.19 20 3.8 0.54 20.5 11.1 0.68 20 13.6 Peanut shell pellets (3/8”) 0.65 19.8 12.9 Corn 0.76 19.1 14.5 Softwood chips (“Denver dry”, 7% MCWB) Coconut shell (broken to ¼” pieces) Sawdust pellets (¼”) (Home Depot) Soybeans 0.77 21 (?) 16.2 1.1 (?) 32.5 35.7 Biodiesel 0.92 41.2 37.9 Diesel 0.88 45.7 40.2 Coal (bituminous) (Source: Gaur and Reed, Dekker, 1998) 38 This page contains no comments Laws of Thermodynamics Page: 40 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:19 AM This is really a trick question. When we say “Turn off the lights when you leave the room. We need to conserve electricity!”, we are actually not using the word “conserve” the same way as in the 1st law. When we are talking about conserving electricity in the quote above, we usually mean “wise use” of electricity. 1 1st Law of Thermodynamics In any transformation of energy from one form to another, the total quantity of energy remains unchanged (energy is always conserved) Why then do we say: “Turn off the lights when you leave the room. We need to conserve electricity!”? Page: 41 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:19 AM Q: Why? A: We always lose some energy as heat in the energy conversion process. 1 2nd Law & Conversion Efficiency There is a limit to the efficiency of any heat engine. Useful energy output < energy input Why? EFFICIENCY = (useful output)/(required input) × 100% Page: 42 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 9:26:19 AM Note: This type of figure is called a Sankey diagram – a flow diagram where the width of the arrows is proportional to the (energy) flow quantity. The purpose of including this Sankey diagram is to demonstrate the inefficiency (“lost energy”) of our energy systems: about 58% is “lost” (i.e., 59.3 EJ/103 EJ x 100% = 58%) 1 You can then relate this back to the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, among other things! This page contains no comments Contact Information Ben Ballard, Ph.D. Director, RETC Assistant Professor Ph: 315-684-6780 Email: Web: Phil Hofmeyer, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ph: 315-684-6515 Email: Web: Woodgas Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Overview: This module is designed to provide students with hands-on experience with biomass gasification using the “woodgas camp stove”. By the completion of this module, students will be able to: 1. Build a simple gasifier (woodgas camp stove) 2. Demonstrate the safe use of hand tools 3. Describe the basic process of wood gasification 4. Explain one or more ways that wood gasification is more efficient than “traditional” combustion of wood Concepts/processes: gasification/pyrolysis, ventilation (air/oxygen) and combustion, energy density, efficiency (relate to smoke) Module duration: 2-3 hours with both the PowerPoint presentations and a camp stove activity (can be broken into multiple class periods if necessary) PowerPoint presentations: annotated slides are provided. Wood gas camp stoves: Materials and supplies required for each student (pair of students; most tools can be shared between 1-2 pairs/groups): 1. 12-oz aluminum soda/beverage can 2. 14.5 to 16-oz “tin” can (e.g., a soup can, large enough to nest a soda can in; other sizes will work and can be experimented with) 3. 4” Scratch awl (or comparable tool—can be fabricated from 1” dowel and a deck screw—screw into dowel, then cut head and sharpen) 4. 7/16" x 5" Center Punch (or comparable tool—can be fabricated by sharpening the end of a metal bolt) 5. Hammer 6. 3/16" dowel (cut to ~6" length, sharpened with a pencil sharpener) 7. Swing-a-way hand-operated can opener (can be shared between 1-2 groups/pairs) 8. 12” Ruler (optional) 9. Sharpie marker (dark color) 10. Fuel: wood pellets, nut shells, dry branches (broken into small pieces), charcoal, coal, etc. 11. Fire starter gel (enough to coat 6-8 wood pellets (or other biomass fuel)) 12. Bottle (e.g., prescription bottle) to mix gel and fuel in (optional) 13. Lighter (instructors will probably want to wield the lighter…) 14. Gloves and safety glasses (for working with metal and hot stoves/pans) 15. Data sheet for recording information (1 per group) 16. Options for “something to cook” or heat up: pot/can of water (tea or cocoa, soup), marshmallows (with toothpicks to cook with), etc. 17. Gallon metal can with a piece of welded wire mesh (suggested, to shelter the stoves and provide something to place a cooking pot on) Page 1 Woodgas Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Instructions: Although the Woodgas Camp Stoves “visual instruction guide” is fairly selfexplanatory, the following instructions can be used in conjunction with the included visual guide. Be sure to read the caution statement and other notes at the bottom of the visual instruction guide. 1. Assemble the necessary materials and tools as outlined above. 2. Start by turning the aluminum soda can upside down. Mark vent hole locations using a permanent marker. A total of 12 to 15 vent holes generally works quite well. Be sure to be careful using the awl (they are sharp!). Use a hammer to tap the awl. 3. Using a permanent marker and a ruler mark a reference line approximately 1 inch from the top of the aluminum can for the burner air inlet ports. Different arrangements (number and spacing) of inlet ports can be used. 10 air inlet ports seem to work quite well. The red and blue scale printed along the edge of the first page of the “visual instruction guide” can be used for a 10 port arrangement. 4. Using the awl, carefully punch the air inlet holes. This is best done by hand (without the use of a hammer, since the sides of the aluminum can will tear easily). You can expand the air inlet holes using a sharpened wood pencil or a dowel. A diameter of 3/16” (0.5 cm) works quite well. 5. The final step with the aluminum can is the removal of the top. After all your hard work punching holes, be sure to take your time using the can opener to remove the top. Once you've removed the top, set the aluminum can aside. 6. Now take the “tin” can and remove any paper label (if still attached). Then mark out five vent hole locations. One should be in the bottom (center) of the can. The other four holes can be placed around the perimeter of the base of the can. Using a hammer and a center punch, carefully make the vent holes. 7. Next, assemble the stove: nest the aluminum soda can snugly inside the soup can. The aluminum soda can should rest on the bottom of the tin can. If necessary, use the awl to bend the sharp edges of your air vent holes in the tin can so they do not puncture the aluminum can or prevent the aluminum can from being properly seated on the bottom of the tin can. 8. Select a fuel source, preferably a renewable biomass fuel! Measure out the quantity (mass or volume) that you plan to use. The stove’s maximum capacity is about ½ inch below the burner air inlet ports. 9. Load the fuel into the aluminum can. 10. Select a smokeless, non-explosive starter gel (or lamp oil). 11. Coat or soak 6 to 8 pellets in the starter gel/oil and then load them on the top of the fuel in the aluminum soda can. 12. Before igniting the fuel in the soda can, be sure you are in a well ventilated area, preferably outdoors (or a chemistry lab with a ventilated hood), far enough away from flammable or explosive materials (general fire safety rules apply). If doing this experiment/demonstration outdoors, it is useful to place the camp stove inside a gallon can (see step#14 photo). A layer of small gravel can be placed in the bottom of the gallon can to ensure ventilation at the bottom of the camp stove. The fuel in the wood gas camp stove should be ignited from the top of the fuel in the aluminum soda can. Page 2 Woodgas Module Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College 13. After a couple of minutes, the wood gas camp stove should begin to produce gas, and flames should appear at the burner air inlet ports. As the gas production proceeds, the color and quality of the flame will change. 14. If you used a gallon can to shelter your camp stove, a section of welded wire mesh can be placed over the top of it to hold a small pot, and you can boil some water for a hot beverage or soup! 15. Eventually the camp stove will stop producing gas, and it will shift over to a charcoal burn. 16. The charcoal burning provides excellent heat for toasting marshmallows! Other experiments: There are many options available for expanding the wood gas camp stove demonstration. Here are some suggested experiments (and questions) that can be conducted using the wood gas camp stove (in increasing complexity): “Experiment” 1 (Demonstration, as outlined above): Build and run the stove on wood pellets. It is a dramatic and fascinating demonstration for most people, especially kids: the solid fuel at the bottom of the can is separated from the combustion of the woodgas at the top of the can. Experiment 2: Compare traditional combustion (e.g., a “campfire”: small quantity of sticks in a ventilated gallon can, light from the bottom, etc.) to gasification. Suggested questions: Hypothesize which will burn longer using the same mass of wood? Why? Which will produce the most smoke? Why? What is smoke made up of? Which do you think is most efficient at converting an equal mass of wood to usable heat? Why? How could you test that (scientifically)? [Possible approach: The time it takes to boil an equal volume of water (in identical containers), and the length of time that the boiling is sustained—is a pretty well established approach, but they may think of other approaches that would work.] Experiment 3: Try several ventilation and/or burner designs (e.g., modify air inlet: size, shape, number, locations/height). Example questions: What designs did you try (sketch, describe)? Why did you select those designs? How did they work in comparison to the “standard” 10-inlet burner design? What criteria did you use for comparison (e.g., length of gas burn, time needed to boil water, duration of water boiling, color or type of flame output, robustness to breezes— does one design work better in windy conditions?) and what were the outcomes? Experiment 4: Built two identical stoves; select two different fuels: describe the fuels in terms of their physical density, shape, size, moisture content, etc.; hypothesize what their relative energy densities are (e.g., which will burn longer/boil water longer if you use the same volume of the two fuels; alternatively, the same mass of the fuels). There are countless fuel combinations that could be evaluated: wood pellets vs. nut shells, wood pellets vs. charcoal briquette, wood pellets vs. anthracite (coal), rabbit droppings vs. commercial wood pellets, rabbit droppings vs. pelletized rabbit feed! [Suggest/require that a standard/fair method for comparing the energy output be used—e.g., the boiling water approach from the previous experiments]. Page 3 Woodgas Camp Stoves R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y T R A I N I N G C E N T E R M O R R I S V I L L E S T AT E C O L L E G E Carefully punch 12 to 15 vent/draft holes. *You can use these bars to mark 10 evenly-spaced holes around the perimeter of the soda can. Tools & supplies for making a woodgas camp stove Scale Bar = 1” 1 2 3 Punch and expand holes. 4 5 10 holes: 3/16” diam. (0.5 cm), evenly spaced* Alternate burner designs: Cut slits or punch holes. Remove top. Mark a reference line about 1 inch from top for burner air inlets. 6 Punch air vent holes in the tin can. 7 Assemble stove: nest cans by seating soda can snugly in/on bottom. The stove is now complete! These woodgas stoves are batch loaded, easy to build, fun to use, and nearly smokeless when properly fired. Our design is an adaptation of the "batch-loaded, inverted down-draft gasifier" described by Ray Garlington ( and based on Reed and Larson’s 1996 paper “A wood-gas stove for developing countries”. For more “woodgas” information, see: . Note: any references to or images of commercial products or brands does not constitute endorsement of any particular product or brand by the RETC; they are simply for illustration purposes. Using the Woodgas Camp Stove 9 8 Load the fuel into the soda can (maximum level up to burner air inlet ports). 10 Select a fuel: wood pellets, chips, twigs, nut shells, corn, etc. 11 Ignition source/lighter – light the top of the fuel in soda can. 14 13 Starter gel/lamp oil (smokeless, non-explosive) Steps 12-17: Placing the stove in a gallon can with sand or gravel in the bottom serves as a windbreak and safety measure (vent holes optional). Wire mesh can support a pot or pan to cook, boil water, etc. Test it out. Boil some water, and enjoy a hot beverage! Woodgas production & combustion (shortly after ignition) 16 Charcoal burn (after woodgas combustion ends**) 17 Make good use of the hot charcoal embers…toast some marshmallows! 15 Renewable Energy Training Center, Morrisville State College 12 Soak 6-8 pellets in starter gel/oil and load them on top of the fuel in the soda can. CAUTION: Although these camp stoves generally burn cleanly and efficiently, if they are not fired properly, they can produce carbon monoxide (CO) gas and some smoke (tars). Carbon monoxide is a significantly toxic gas, but it is difficult to detect because it is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-irritating. Therefore, stoves should only be used outdoors with adequate ventilation. **After woodgas flames go out, there is typically a small amount of smoke (and potentially CO) produced for 30-60 seconds while the stove transitions to charcoal burning. New cans may also produce unpleasant fumes during the first firing. These stoves are not toys! Adult supervision required. Never leave any fire unattended. Gasification Reaction Zones in the Woodgas Camp Stove “Inverted Downdraft Gasifier” Aluminum Soda can (12-oz.) Woodgas Combustion Zone Burner air inlet ports “Tin” Can (15-oz.) Rising Pyrolysis Gas “Woodgas” Downward-burning Flaming Pyrolysis Zone Ungasified Fuel/Drying Zone Air in Air in Air in Renewable Energy Training Center, Morrisville State College Charcoal “Reduction” Zone Summary of Comments on Fuel Cells – an Introduction Page: 1 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:07 AM This presentation is designed to provide HS teachers with introductory teaching materials on fuel cells. We do not cover all types of fuel cells (except a general overview). We make use of a simple “reverse electrolysis” experiment to demonstrate the basic principle of the “fuel cells effect”. 1 Fuel Cells – An Introduction R E NEWABLE E NE RGY T RAINING C ENTER This page contains no comments Overview Batteries vs. Fuel Cells: › storage vs. conversion devices General overview of fuel cell types Introduction to Dr. Schmidt’s fuel cell/”gas battery” experiment (lab activity) Relationship of the “gas battery” fuel cell effect to PEM fuel cells Challenges of fuel cells Page: 3 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:08 AM An electrolyte (a.k.a. and ionic solution) is any substance containing free ions that behaves as an electrically conductive medium. 1 Batteries A battery (or electrochemical cell): › Two electrodes made of dissimilar metals, are immersed in a conducting liquid electrolyte. When you construct an electrochemical cell, you create a voltage between two electrodes. Current flows from the positive to negative ive t. electrode until chemical changes stop it. Page: 4 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:08 AM Copper-zinc cell: Insert sheets of copper and zinc into beaker of dilute sulphuric acid (or even a lemon.) Voltage of about 1 volt appears between the two electrodes. (Copper is positive.) Chemical energy is stored in a battery, until it is connected to an external load (e.g., a light bulb). 1 Chemical Energy Storage A battery is a store of chemical energy that can be converted into electrical energy. As electrode chemical reactions proceed, chemical energy is converted into electrical potential energy. Chemical energy is exhausted when reaction can proceed no further › (e.g. when a Zn electrode is dissolved in a sulfuric acid Cu and Zn cell.) Page: 5 Number: 1 Author: Presenter DC – direct current Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:08 AM Fuel cells are like electrochemical cells (batteries), but energy is stored in a gaseous form, not as electrodes of dissimilar metals. Fuels are stored in separate containers and brought together in a reaction chamber (unlike a sealed electrochemical cell containing electrodes and electrolyte). The fuel cell is not a storage device, but rather a conversion device… 1 Fuel Cells (vs. Batteries) Fuel cells are devices that convert fuel (such as hydrogen, methane, propane, etc.) directly into DC electricity. The process is an electro-chemical reaction similar to a battery. Unlike a battery, fuel cells do not store the energy with chemicals internally. Instead, they use a continuous supply of fuel (chemical) from an external storage tank. Page: 6 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:09 AM The beauty of a fuel cell (e.g., a PEM fuel cell) is that the input into the cell is oxygen, hydrogen (and electrons) and the end product is water! Image from: (accessed 6/18/09) 1 Fuel Cells O2 + 4e- + 4H+ j 2H2O Image: 18-Jun-09 6 This page contains no comments What is a Fuel Cell? Fuel cells are usually classified by the type of electrolyte they use. Most fuel cells are powered by hydrogen, which can be fed to the fuel cell system directly or can be generated within the fuel cell system by reforming hydrogen-rich fuels such as methanol, ethanol, and hydrocarbon fuels. 18-Jun-09 7 Page: 8 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:09 AM This slide illustrates a Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cells or Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell, which uses a hydrogen fuel source (the conducting ion) and a Pt catalyst Image from: (last accessed: 6/18/09) The following description is an adaption from Dr. Azmin’s introductory lecture on fuel cells (http:// ;last accessed 6/17/09; Dr. Azmin’s personal website can be found at: 1 The anode: conducts the electrons that are freed from the hydrogen molecules so that they can be used in an external circuit. It has channels etched into it that disperse the hydrogen gas equally over the surface of the catalyst. Chemistry of a Fuel Cell The cathode: the positive side of the fuel cell, has channels etched into it that distribute the oxygen to the surface of the catalyst. It also conducts the electrons back from the external circuit to the catalyst, where they can recombine with the hydrogen ions and oxygen to form water. The electrolyte: ion exchange membrane. The membrane blocks electrons. This specially treated material, looks similar to ordinary kitchen plastic wrap. Anode side: 2H2 Æ 4H+ + 4e- Cathode side: O2 + 4H+ + 4e- Æ 2H2O Net reaction: 2H2 + O2 Æ 2H2O The catalyst: is a special material that facilitates the reaction of oxygen and hydrogen. It is usually made of platinum powder very thinly coated onto carbon paper or cloth. We will demonstrate the important role that the Pt catalyst plays in the laboratory activity included in this module (using Dr. Schmidt’s experiment). 18-Jun-09 8 Page: 9 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:09 AM *System efficiency depends on fuel type, fuel processing method, and manufacturer’s design Notice that PEM fuel cells have several advantages: they are commercially available, have (relatively) lower cost, can operate at much lower temperatures, and have stationary, portable and vehicle applications. Aside: Ballard Power (no relation) is a company leading the PEM fuel cells industry. 1 Characteristics and applications of common types of fuel cells Fuel Cell Type: Proton Exchange Phosphoric Acid Molten Carbonate Solid Oxide Fuel Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell (PAFC) Fuel Cell (MCFC) Cell (SOFC) Operating Temperature: 80°C (200°F) 200°C (400°F) 650°C (1200°F) 600-1000°C (1100-1800°F) Expected Early Market : Available 1992 Reintroduction (2007) Pre-commercial Available (small systems) 20-45% 35-40% 40-60% 30-70% 0.1 – 250 kW 200-400 kW 250 kW – 3 MW 1 kW – 1 MW Cost (est.) Cost Target: $1,500-4,000/kW $25-50/kW $6,000/kW $1,800/kW ? $400/kW ? $400-$800 /kW (2010) Applications: Stationary/ Stationary/CHP Vehicles/Portable Stationary/CHP Marine Stationary/CHP/ Portable System Electric Efficiency Ranges (HHV)*: Size Range: Slide adapted from: Klein, 2006, University of Wisconsin-Madison (last accessed 6/12/09) (Adapted from: Klein, 2006, University of Wisconsin-Madison) Page: 10 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:10 AM We looked at many different options for an instructive and affordable fuel cell kit or experiment. Most commercially available educational kits for fuel cells are expensive (hundreds of $), and they are not necessarily instructive (i.e., you can’t actually see what is happening). The activity that we selected to share with you is a relatively inexpensive one. It’s not one that we developed ourselves, but we have permission from the author to share it with you (and you can use it for your classes). The most expensive parts are the platinum electrodes (~$15 per foot). We found some platinum coated nickel wire that should do the trick. It’s still not cheap, but you could get set up for an entire class for less than the cost of a single fuel cell model car kit. 1 Fuel Cell Fundamentals – A Simple Experiment R E NEWABLE E NE RGY T RAINING C ENTER Page: 11 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:15 AM For detailed descriptions and instructions, please refer to the manual provided in you binder. Link to the experiment manual: 1 Simple Fuel Cell Experiment “Discovering the principle of the fuel cell at home or in school”, by Dr. Martin Schmidt From: Dr. Martin Schmidt [] Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 4:14 PM To: Ballard, Benjamin Subject: AW: request: fuel cell manual for educational use Dear Professor Ballard, I am very touched by your message. I gladly support your initiative to teach physical and chemical principles that lead to an understanding of fuel cells. Feel free to reproduce data and copies in whatever form that support your educational goals in New York State. It would be kind to mention my name and website. Professor Schoenbein who published this experiment and its correct interpretation for the first time in 1839 was German (like me) who settled down in Switzerland (like me). About 150 years later I re-invented this experiment (and later re-discovered it) which is why I feel emotionally somehow attached to it. I feel privileged like Newton who stated, referring to Galilei, that he could see further because he stood on the shoulders of giants. It taught me that it can be good to go back to the roots to understand better. With kind regards Martin Dr. Martin Schmidt Physicist See how to build your own fuel cell: --- Ballard, Benjamin <ballarbd@MORRISVILLE.EDU> schrieb am Mi, 17.6.2009: Von: Ballard, Benjamin <ballarbd@MORRISVILLE.EDU> Betreff: request: fuel cell manual for educational use An: Datum: Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2009, 4:34 Dear Dr. Martin Schmidt, We are working with a network of high school educators here in New York State on renewable energy and related topics. We are providing these teachers with educational modules that include simple experiments and demonstrations that they can incorporate into their classroom. We discovered your website and “gas battery” experiment. We too were discouraged by the high cost of fuel cell kits. Your experiment is a much more economical approach and provides an opportunity for students to actually see what is happening. Would it be acceptable to reproduce and share your manual for this purpose? We would like to provide printed copies to them, as well as access to the electronic file (if you prefer, we can direct them to your website for access to the electronic file). Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Ben Ballard… This page contains no comments Supplies & Materials Small glass with water and ½ to 1 tsp. table salt Digital voltmeter One 6 volt battery (4.5 or 6 volt battery works well) Wire leads with alligator clips (4) 2 platinum wires as electrodes (most expensive part: $15+ per foot!) Optional: › Rubber bands (to secure wires on the glass) › Paper clips/pencil leads (alternate electrodes; control experiments) › Alternative energy source to “charge” the fuel cell This page contains no comments Definitions Ions - charged particles that occur under the influence of the polar water molecules. › metals and hydrogen form positive ions (a anions), › non-metals form negative ions (ccations). Example: when dissolved in water NaCl (common salt) forms: › Na+ (anion) and › Cl- (cation) This page contains no comments Understanding electrolysis To carry out electrolysis it is necessary to introduce two similar electrodes into a solution (e.g., the salt water solution). Page: 15 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:16 AM Slide content and notes developed (with permission for reproduction of content) from: FUELCELLKIT (Dr. M. Schmidt), which can be found at: (last accessed: 6/18/09) Notes: Chemistry! 1 you may want to come back to this again later (or not!). “AN OX”: Anode -- Oxidation “RED CAT”: Reduction – Cathode “LEO the lion says GER”: Lose Electron is Oxidation and Gain Electron is Reduction Electrolysis reactions Excerpt from FUELCELLKIT (Schmidt, 2000): Cl- migrates to the positive electrode (anode), is discharged (give up an electron) and forms gas molecules (Cl2), which rise to the surface as small bubbles. Na+ migrates to the negative electrode (cathode) and is discharged there (takes up an electron). Sodium, a highly reactive metal, is unstable in water and is immediately converted in a secondary reaction to sodium hydroxide (NaOH). For this to happen, an OH- ion must be torn from the water (H2O), leaving an H+. The H+ ions join to form hydrogen molecules (H2), which rise at the cathode as small bubbles. The reaction products of the electrolysis of common salt solution are hence chlorine gas (Cl2) and hydrogen gas (H2). Anode (+) “RED CAT” (Schmidt, 2000) Cathode (-) “AN OX”: “LEO the lion says ‘GER’” This page contains no comments (FUELCELLKIT/M. Schmidt, 2000) Initial setup – verify no voltage This page contains no comments Understanding electrolysis To carry out electrolysis it is necessary to introduce two similar electrodes into a solution (e.g., the salt water solution). The electrodes are connected to the terminals of a source of direct current (e.g. a battery). Page: 18 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:16 AM What happens when you apply the battery to the electrodes? Can you smell the chlorine gas? The hydrogen gas has no odor, but you should clearly see the bubbles! 1 (FUELCELLKIT/M. Schmidt, 2000) Electrolysis Page: 19 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes It is also called a “gas battery” or “reverse electrolysis” Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:16 AM 1 From electrolysis to the gas battery If you remove the external voltage (battery) from the electrolysis experiment, the rising gas bubbles stop but many of them are left sticking to the electrodes. An electric voltage will still be measured on such a cell even after the external voltage is removed. The fact that gas-covered electrodes can supply electricity is the fuel cell effect. Page: 20 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:16 AM FUELCELLKIT/M. Schmidt, 2000: “But why does our gas battery work? We do not have different electrode materials and hence no voltage should appear! This objection would be perfectly correct, were there not to be gas bubbles on the electrodes as a result of the electrolysis. In our example of a salt solution, we in effect have a chlorine and a hydrogen electrode, i.e. different electrodes. here we see a further important point: the chemistry takes place not in the electrode but exclusively at its surface.” 1 Observe: The “fuel cell effect” (FUELCELLKIT/M. Schmidt, 2000) The platinum (Pt) acts as a catalyst (unlike zinc coated paper clips…try them to see). Pt is used as a catalyst in many fuel cell applications (e.g., Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells). Refer to the “manual” for a complete description of the fuel cell effect, galvanic elements, etc. Page: 21 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:16 AM Solar cells? Wind turbine(s)? You may need to do some series (and parallel) circuits to get the voltage or amperage you require. 1 Control Experiment/Others Try paper clips as electrodes Try pencil leads as electrodes Do these function like the Platinum? Other power supplies? Are there renewable energy supplies that make sense? Can you build one from the supplies in your kit? Page: 22 Number: 1 Author: Presenter Subject: Presentation Notes Date: 6/18/2009 11:33:16 AM Now that you have completed the experiment(s), can you identify the role that Pt plays in this PEM fuel cell? This slide illustrates a Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cells or Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell, which uses a hydrogen fuel source (the conducting ion) and a Pt catalyst (on each electrode). Image from: (last accessed: 6/18/09) 1 Anode side: 2H2 Æ 4H+ + 4e- Cathode side: O2 + 4H+ + 4e- Æ 2H2O Net reaction: 2H2 + O2 Æ 2H2O Making the connection… Platinum catalyst 18-Jun-09 22 This page contains no comments Other resources for teaching: There are many online resources for additional fuel cell educational materials, research, etc. One website that we recommend looking at for resources for teachers and students is: This page contains no comments Acknowledgements We thank Dr. Martin Schmidt for graciously sharing his instructional materials for the fuel cell experiment. Fuel Cells Renewable Energy Training Center Morrisville State College Overview: This module is designed to provide students with hands‐on experience with a simple experiment that demonstrates the basic chemical/physical principles of a fuel cell. By the completion of this module, students will be able to: 1. Build a simple gas battery 2. Use a voltmeter 3. Describe the basic process of electrolysis and reverse electrolysis 4. Explain the main difference between batteries and fuel cells 5. Explain the role of platinum catalyst in a fuel cell (?) Concepts/processes: electrolysis, reverse electrolysis, fuel cell effect, catalysts Module duration: 2 hours with both the PowerPoint presentation and lab activity/experiment (can be broken into multiple class periods if necessary) PowerPoint presentation: Annotated slides are provided. These could be used in conjunction with the lab activity (during the same class, or in a prior class session). The PowerPoint presentation includes an overview of the experiment and makes the connection between the simple lab experiment and Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells, which typically use a platinum catalyst similar to that demonstrated in the lab experiment below. Fuel Cell Laboratory Activity: The Fuel Cells module has been developed primarily around a simple, relatively inexpensive experiment (as fuel cells kits/experiments go): “Discovering the principle of the fuel cell at home or in school” written by Dr. Martin Schmidt. Dr. Schmidt graciously agreed to allow us to utilize his “manual” and share it with you for educational use, which we have included in your module packet. Dr. Schmidt’s contact information and website address are provided below. Materials and Supplies Small glass with water and ½ to 1 tsp. table salt Digital voltmeter One 6 volt battery (4.5 or 6 volt battery works well) Wire leads with alligator clips (4) 2 platinum wires as electrodes (most expensive part: $15+ per foot!) Optional: › Rubber bands (to secure wires on the glass) › Paper clips/pencil leads (alternate electrodes; control experiments) › Alternative energy source to “charge” the fuel cell Dr. Martin Schmidt Physicist See how to build your own fuel cell: (the activity we have included in this module) Page 1 Discovering the principle of the fuel cell at home or in school Introduction Fuel cells convert chemical to electrical energy. Engines and turbines with generator can also do this but there is a lot more interest in fuel cells. It is reported that the latter have a much higher efficiency than internal combustion engines and that the future of energy supply is unthinkable without them. In cars, houses and wherever energy is required, they will be found in future in the same places and numbers as car engines and single-storey heating are found today. If this is true I think everyone should be better informed about this matter. About the author Dr. Martin Schmidt is a physicist and was head of marketing and sales with a company that develops, manufactures and sells fuel cells. Of course he was often asked how fuel cells actually work. He likes to answer such questions with an experiment, but it irritated him that commercially available kits are expensive and uninstructive. While studying historical reports he had the idea of reproducing the experiments of fuel cell pioneers with very simple apparatus in order to make the principle of the fuel cell comprehensible. It was really simple but nevertheless most instructive, and he considered that everybody who is interested in fuel cells should be in a position to reproduce this experiment and understand it. In this way the idea arose to create a website on the subject and to offer on it the only components that are are not readiy available, the two platinum electrodes. Objective In the following the principle of the fuel cell will be explained in a simply way that will be understood by everyone. We shall focus only on the basic electrochemical phenomena and not on today's technical applications, about which one can read on numerous websites. The instructions are written for all interested persons, even for those having little prior knowledge of the subject. Even if it may appear somewhat long-winded to the specialist: please read everything first before experimenting! A key objective is naturally to build oneself a fuel cell, originally referred to as a "gas battery". For this purpose, two platinum wires are needed which act as electrodes. All other ingredients will be found in the kitchen cupboard, tool-box or supermarket. This fuel cell is too weak to drive a lamp or motor. All effects will only be seen on a voltmeter: they appear as quite a high voltage of about 1.4 V, i.e. they are easily detectable. The small power output is a result of the low surface area of our platinum electrodes. If you have larger quantities of platinum lying about at home, you can reproduce the small gas battery described here on a larger scale. It will certainly work but will be extremely expensive. In this case, we would rather advise you to buy a kit containing a higher power fuel cell which, however, will be quite uninstructive since one cannot see how it works. Teachers who want to deal with the fuel cell in physics or chemistry classes will want to have both: a small gas battery for eperimentation by the pupils and a professional fuel cell that can do more work than just operate a voltmeter. In the tracks of the researchers In the second half of the 18th century and during the entire 19th century, scientists were fascinated by the phenomena and possibilities of electricity. Quite early on already, researchers saw and described effects which were to become the foundations of fuel cell development. Among the pioneers were: 1 © FUELCELLKIT 2000. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited. MSC RETC - Reproduced with permission 6/18/2009 Ed.1101e Alessandro Volta, Pavia 1745-1827 Johann Wilhelm Ritter, Jena 1776-1810 Christian Friedrich Schoenbein, Basel 1799-1868 William Robert Grove, Oxford 1811-1896 Volta was the first to place the observations of the electrical phenomena on a scientific footing. Ritter continued to develop the understanding of electricity up to his early death in numerous experiments and today is considered to be the founder of electrochemistry. Schoenbein and Grove, who became friends through their exchange of experiences, systematically researched what we nowadays refer to as fuel cells. At that time they were still called gas batteries. This term is highly instructive and describes the fundamental principle much better than the abstract designation fuel cell. The experiments which Schoenbein conducted in the summer of 1838 in his institute at the University of Basle can be easily understood and reproduced. The effects are strong and clearly visible, and various sources report that Ritter had seen them too. However, at that time the most sensitive measuring instruments were freshly prepared frogs' legs, one's own tongue or one's finger. Ritter reported in February 1801 on experiments in which he exposed himself to frequent, intense electrical shocks. Afterwards he felt ill, had to stay in bed for several days and even after 10 days did not feel well again. No wonder that he no longer overloaded his "measuring instrument". Today we have a much easier time. We no longer have to collect fresh frogs at dawn for our experiments or risk our own health, but can buy inexpensive, highly sensitive digital multimeters in the hobby section of a supermarket. In the following we shall approach the subject in simple steps. Step 1: Understanding electrolysis Fundamentals Electrolysis, known at that time as "splitting of water", was especially fascinating to the researchers. An electrolyte is a substance in which ions are present, in our case a solution in water. This can be an acid, alkali or salt solution. Ions are charged particles that occur under the influence of the polar water molecules, a process known as dissociation. Metals and hydrogen form positive ions, non-metals form negative ions. The following table shows examples. Substance in solution H2SO4 NaOH NaCl Name sulphuric acid caustic soda common salt Positive ions (cations) + + H ,H + Na + Na Negative ions (anions) 2SO4 OH Cl To carry out electrolysis it is necessary to introduce two similar electrodes into the solution. They are connected to the poles of a source of direct current (DC, e.g. a battery). The positively charged ions 2 © FUELCELLKIT 2000. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited. MSC RETC - Reproduced with permission 6/18/2009 Ed.1101e (cations) migrate to the minus pole, also known as the cathode. The negatively charged ions (anions) move to the plus pole (anode). On the electrodes the ions are discharged and are then present as neutral particles (atoms or molecules). In this form they react with the chemical environment: they precipitate on the electrode, escape upward as a gas or are involved in secondary reactions. This will be illustrated by an example. An important example In the following a solution of common salt is always assumed, it being most easily prepared and + harmless. Common salt (NaCl), dissolved in water, dissociates to sodium ions and chloride ions (Na and Cl ). Cl migrates to the positive electrode (anode), is discharged (give up an electron) and forms gas molecules (Cl2), which rise to the surface as small bubbles. One can smell the chlorine gas (as in a + swimming pool with chlorinated water). Na , on the other hand, migrates to the negative electrode (cathode) and is discharged there (takes up an electron). Sodium, a highly reactive metal, is unstable in water and is immediately converted in a secondary reaction to sodium hydroxide (NaOH). For this to + + happen, an OH ion must be torn from the water (H2O), leaving an H . The H ions join to form hydrogen molecules, which rise at the cathode as small bubbles. The reaction products of the electrolysis of common salt solution are hence chlorine gas (Cl2) and hydrogen gas (H2). Step 2: From electrolysis to the gas battery When one removes the external voltage source from our electrolysis experiment, the effervescence of the rising gas bubbles stops but many of them are left sticking to the electrodes. J. W. Ritter is accredited with the observation that an electric voltage could be measured on such a cell after the external voltage had been detached. The fact that gas-covered electrodes can supply electricity is nothing other than the fuel cell effect. One can also call it a gas battery or reverse electrolysis, or a special kind of galvanic element. Schoenbein carried out such experiments in 1838 in a systematic manner, interpreted them correctly and published his results for the first time in January 1839 in the Philosophical Magazine. The elements that produced electricity in his experiments were the electrode pairs hydrogen/chlorine and hydrogen/oxygen. Hence we are actually following in the footsteps of the fuel cell pioneers! Let us look at the situation more closely. Step 3: Understanding galvanic elements In the simplest case a galvanic element consists of the arrangement ANODE - ELECTROLYTE - CATHODE. Such elements allow chemical energy to be converted into electrical energy. The best-known case is when anode and cathode are of different metals, e.g. copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). 2+ The base metal, in this case Zn, corrodes: positively charged Zn ions go into solution, leaving electrons 2+ at the Zn electrode (which becomes a minus pole). When Zn ions precipitate on the Cu electrode, they need 2 electrons for discharging. Hence there occurs a deficiency of electrons on the Cu electrode (which becomes a plus pole). Such an electrical inbalance must be corrected. The electrons would prefer to migrate in a direct path from the minus pole through the electrolyte to the plus pole, but an electrolyte conducts only ions and not electrons, i.e. is an insulator for the latter. These must therefore make the detour around an external circuit (and perform work for us) before the charges can be equalized. The spontaneous (exothermic) corrosion reaction of the zinc thus provides us with electrical energy. All the batteries we use in portable electrical or electronic appliances work basically according to this principle. Step 4: The gas battery as a galvanic element But why does our gas battery work? We do not have different electrode materials and hence no voltage should appear! This objection would be perfectly correct, were there not to be gas bubbles on the electrodes as a result of the electrolysis. In our example of a salt solution, we in effect have a chlorine and a hydrogen electrode, i.e. different electrodes. here we see a further important point: the chemistry takes place not in the electrode but exclusively at its surface. 3 © FUELCELLKIT 2000. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited. MSC RETC - Reproduced with permission 6/18/2009 Ed.1101e Step 5: The gas battery as reverse electrolysis On the gas-covered electrodes and in the electrolyte solution, the reverse reaction to electrolysis takes place. As a result of the electrolysis, hydrogen and chlorine gas are present. These recombine to form hydrochloric acid (HCl), a synthesis. Here, however, we must observe an important restriction: this reaction can only take place when platinum electrodes are used. Without the catalytic effect of the platinum surface, this reaction cannot proceed spontaneously (exothermally) at room temperature. The scientific term here is heterogeneous catalysis. Instructions for experimentation Apparatus · · · · · one small glass with water and a knife-tip of common salt one high impedance voltmeter with ranges of 0-2 VDC and 0-20 VDC (an inexpensive digital multimeter from the hobby section of a supermarket will suffice; an old needle instrument will also do, but the effects will be seen less clearly) one 4.5 volt battery experimental cables, preferably with small crocodile clips (the resourceful experimenter can do without these cables but they are easier to work with) 2 platinum wires as electrodes Experimental procedure: electrolysis and gas battery · · A knife-tip of common salt is dissolved in water in a small vessel (glass or plastic). The solution is turbid at first but will become clear after a while (better for observing what happens at the electrodes). The two platinum wires (electrodes) are fixed at the edge of the glass (preferably by means of the crocodiles clips on the cables). The platinum electrodes should not be too far from each other (a few millimetres is ideal), but should not touch. · The platinum electrodes are connected to the voltmeter (polarity is unimportant). The very first time one will measure no voltage, even in the most sensitive VDC range (except for small effects from stray electromagnetic fields). On repetition of the experiment, however, the electrodes may be no longer identical (adsorbed traces of gas from the previous experiment) and one can already see very small effects. · The voltmeter is switched to the 0-20 VDC range and the battery connected to the platinum electrodes (plus to plus, minus to minus pole). One observes vigourous gas evolution at the electrodes (the chlorine gas can be smelt when close enough). The gas mixture is in principle explosive but the small quantities make the experiment harmless. The voltage of the battery is measured on the voltmeter (between 4 and 5 V). 4 © FUELCELLKIT 2000. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited. MSC RETC - Reproduced with permission 6/18/2009 Ed.1101e · The battery is disconnected, preferably without shaking the glass so that as many gas bubbles as possible remain adhered to the electrodes. Now we have no more electrolysis but the voltmeter still shows a voltage of about 1.4 V which slowly sinks (switch voltmeter to a more sensitive range as needed). Our cell now functions as a gas battery or fuel cell! It is true that it cannot drive anything other than a voltmeter, but the effect is clearly observable (for higher power, e.g. to drive a lamp or motor, one needs larger vessels and greater electrode areas). 5 © FUELCELLKIT 2000. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited. MSC RETC - Reproduced with permission 6/18/2009 Ed.1101e · By reconnecting the battery for a short time (after switching the voltmeter to a suitable range), one can recharge the gas battery as often as desired and repeat the experiment. Experimental procedure: modification · Acids and alkalis may also be used as the electrolyte (e.g. sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid or caustic soda) but this is dangerous because of the caustic nature of the substances. Don't do it! The effects are not stronger than with the simple "common salt fuel cell". Instead try out some unusual electrolytes like orange juice or vinegar. These organic acids are admittedly rather weakly dissociated electrolytes but one still sees a clear, if rather weaker, effect. Experimental procedure: control experiment · It was stated above that the catalytic effect of the platinum is a prerequisite that the fuel cell can function at all. This can be proven by using electrodes having no catalytic effect. These could be straightened paper-clips in the simplest case, but leads from refillable pencils are ideal because they do not enter into any reactions whatsoever with the electrolyte or the reaction products. Repeat the experiment with such electrodes (caution, they are fragile). One then sees evolution of gas at the electrodes as before, but after disconnecting the battery the voltage is only very small. It is still a galvanic element but not a gas battery or fuel cell. The changes to be seen in the short-time, very low voltage are changes in the chemical environment of the electrodes: at the minus pole, as already explained, a little caustic soda (NaOH) is formed and hence slightly changed local conditions arise. This effect also occurs, by the way, at the platinum electrodes but it is masked by the much stronger fuel cell reaction. Theory Introduction Actually one could discover and explain the whole of electrochemistry through these simple experiments, but we shall not go that far. A few fundamentals of basic electrochemical processes will nevertheless be mentioned. 6 © FUELCELLKIT 2000. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited. MSC RETC - Reproduced with permission 6/18/2009 Ed.1101e Electrolysis Anodic reactions Electron release (oxidation) Formation of chlorine (gas) molecule Overall reaction Cl -> Cl + 1 e 2 Cl -> Cl2 2 Cl -> 2 e + Cl2 Cathodic reactions Electron acceptance (reduction) Secondary reaction: formation of caustic soda Formation of hydrogen (gas) molecule Overall reaction Na + 1 e -> Na Na + H2O -> NaOH + H 2 H -> H2 + 2 Na + 2 e -> 2 NaOH + H2 - - + - Fuel cell reaction This is practically the reverse reaction to electrolysis, the synthesis of hydrochloric acid. In the following, 0 + the overall reaction, partial reactions and standard potentials E of the redox pairs H2/H and Cl2/Cl are given. Overall reaction Electron acceptance (reduction) Electron release (oxidation) H2 + Cl2 -> 2 HCl Cl2 + 2 e -> 2 Cl + H2 – 2 e -> 2 H 0 - E (Cl2/Cl ) = 1.36 Volts 0 + E (H2/H ) = 0 Volt (by definition) The standard potentials are defined for normal conditions (normal pressure, room temperature, activities = 1). However, one usually works under other conditions in a free experiment, particularly with concentrations not corresponding to an activity of 1 (i.e. in an approximately 1 molar solution). This leads in practice to somewhat different electrochemical potentials or voltages between the electrodes. + 2If one were to conduct the experiment with the redox pairs H2/H and O2/O , the classic synthesis of water from its elements, one would obtain a voltage of 1.23 V. On close observation, one sees initially after disconnecting the battery a higher voltage than can be explained by theory. It is about 2 V but very quickly drops to the expected value of 1.4 V. The probable explanation is that the cell has a certain electrical capacity, as with a capacitor, that is able to store a part of the electrical charge from the battery for a short time. It thus has nothing to do with the fuel cell effect. The end result of all chemical reactions By the way: you may have found it disturbing that we started from a common salt solution but ended up with hydrochloric acid, i.e. complete reversibility is not obtained. This is, however, not the end of all the reactions in our cell: since caustic soda was formed during the electrolysis, the following neutralization reaction will occur after the fuel cell reaction (HCl synthesis): NaOH + HCl -> NaCl + H2O The end result is finally common salt and water, the starting products. In practice, the equation will not be balanced exactly since during electrolysis bubbles of chlorine and hydrogen will be lost, and the remaining gas is not reconverted fully during the fuel cell reaction. But in theory a closed system is possible in which the sum of the starting products equals that of the end products. Ecological aspects Note 1 Our experiment is simple and instructive, but does not make ecological sense at all. A battery, in which chemical energy is converted to electrical energy, is used to charge our gas battery and at the end we obtain electrical energy again. But if we imagine obtaining the electrical energy to charge the gas battery from wind power or a photovoltaic system, then sensible applications of the gas battery alias fuel cell can be devised. We should then be dealing with a fuel cell that converts hydrogen. There exist many ideas, in some cases experimental projects, on the subjects of hydrogen generation and storage, and naturally on fuel cells. 7 © FUELCELLKIT 2000. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited. MSC RETC - Reproduced with permission 6/18/2009 Ed.1101e Note 2 There are different types of fuel cells that are distinguished by the type of electrolyte material and hence the operating temperature. Not all require as a fuel pure hydrogen, which is extremely demanding with respect to generation, transport and storage. The higher the operating temperature, the less critical is the question of the fuel. High temperature fuel cells can be operated with natural gas or biogas without much trouble. The higher the temperature, the less dependent one is on the participation of (usually very expensive) catalysts in the basic chemical reaction. On the other hand, high operating temperatures place very high demands upon the materials used, which is why only highly specialized companies can offer feasible concepts and systems. Pioneer work in this field has been done especially by SiemensWestinghouse (USA) and Sulzer Hexis (Switzerland). In the (probably long) transition time to a hydrogen economy, this type of fuel cell in particular is considered to be of great importance. Note 3 Electrical energy is frequently generated by large power stations fuelled by fossil fuels. In this process, a large part of the fuel energy appears as unused waste heat. This is unsatisfactory because the waste heat also represents the consumption of primary energy and hence the generation of CO2. If one complements this situation with stationary, decentralized systems that generate a part of the electrical energy in the household itself, the waste heat can be utilized in a sensible manner. If one does not use the waste heat (e.g. for the production of hot water), then the ecological advantage of a decentralized system disappears. For this reason, some European countries prohibit the use of decentralized system in residences merely for electricity generation. Stationary fuel cell systems that can be operated with natural gas or heating oil have great advantages for this application: high efficiency, silent operation and low maintenance and emissions. In media such as the Internet one can find an increasing number of references to this subject. 8 © FUELCELLKIT 2000. Unauthorised reproduction prohibited. MSC RETC - Reproduced with permission 6/18/2009 Ed.1101e Contact Information Ben Ballard, Ph.D. Director, RETC Assistant Professor Ph: 315-684-6780 Email: Web: Phil Hofmeyer, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Ph: 315-684-6515 Email: Web:
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