OES News Jan 2015 Issue 51


OES News Jan 2015 Issue 51
Oregon OES News
January 2015
Words from the Worthy Grand Matron
Words from the Worthy Grand Patron
Happy New Year everyone and here is wishing you a
Heathy, Fun and Successful New Year in your life and
especially your chapters. Don’t forget to “Celebrate
Life” Live, Laugh, Love. This is our Session and it is
just around the corner, hope to see all your smiling
I think of the New Year as a renewal of things most
precious to us. May I suggest some too.
At Grand Visitation we are all renewing our
Obligation. I would want us to also renew the
heroines of our Beautiful Order of the Eastern Star
and what they represent.
Adah: - Fidelity. We learn the lesson from her story of
keeping our promises. An obligation taken is needed
to be fulfilled. Adah will forever be the ultimate
example of self-sacrifice.
Ruth: - Constancy.
The sheaf symbolizes the
collective greatness of accumulated small deeds or
duties. Acts of kindness, forgiveness and love are
fitting gifts we can give each other.
Esther: - Loyalty . Esther made a choice to be true to
her people. Let us remember our Family, Sisters and
Brothers especially in time of need and distress.
Martha: - Faith. Faith mean strength of soul, belief,
trust, the conviction about things we cannot see, and
the assurance for which we hope. We are all sustained
by Faith in God.
Electa: - Love.
Electa embodies charity and
hospitality and the need to defend truth in spite of
opposition. To be charitable in thought, word and
deed is to exemplify Fraternal Love, “Love one
Our Ritual is who we are and what we do. I ask that
you take time to review your part in the Ritual and the
Work Book known as the “pink pages” before you go
to your meetings. I know sometimes the mind gets a
little dusty, I know mine does. I do believe this
creates confidence when you are sure about your part.
Questions to ask yourself. Do you know when to
leave your station when balloting? Do you know
where you stand and your word in the Prayer Circle?
These are just examples.
I am also encouraging you if your ritual is older than
1990 to obtain a new one. There is much new
information and help in the new Rituals.
Happy New Year Sisters and Brothers!!
Wow it’s 2015, can you believe it? 2014 went by in a
flash or even better yet a blurrrrr. The Holiday season
was so much fun. The Christmas/Birthday Party at the
Home was a great hit. The room was packed full of
members and visitors. We sure have some very special
members living in that Super Nice Facility. The party
for the Grand Family and then our Merry Maker
Worthy Matron and Patrons was a lot of fun. Any time
we can spend with each other is time well spent.
In January we started back with our Grand Visitations.
These visitations gives us time to spend with you, our
membership. Each chapter has shined with yummy
food, great ritual work and very special friendships.
There is really nothing that prepares a WGM and WGP
for these very special times. You have opened your
hearts and chapter homes to us. Thank you so very
Murder In Maui!! Who dun it?? We had so much fun
with a group of about 65 in attendance and raised
$1100 dollars for our youth in the process. A very
hearty thank you to Chair and Co-Chair Sister Melissa
and Brother Wayne Metz and their committee members
for putting on such a engaging event. Brother Steve
Barkley was the victim and Ryan Thornburgh was the
…. the Killer, but don’t let that fool you! Our Worthy
Grand Matron was not totally innocent. You will have
to ask her yourself to get the details.
We just finished our first Initiation performed by the
Grand Family for Sister Mary of Western Star Chapter.
Welcome to our newest OES
As we travel this beautiful state
of ours, don’t forget to collect
those points for the Traveling
The traveling Sombrero with
its HotHotHot Chili Pepper
Dangles are just waiting for you. Here are just a few
ways to earn points. 5 points for a $10 donation to the
Shrine Patient Transportation fund. One point for
attending a Youth Event. One Point for attending a
continued on page 2
continued on page 2
continued !om page 1
continued !om page 1
Again have a fantastic 2015 and know that each and
every one of you are much loved and appreciated for
who you are and all you do for our Beautiful Order.
Grand Visitation. One Point for attending an Initiation.
Look else where in the OES News for the full list. (ed.
note: see page 11) You only need 30 points to earn the Pin
and dangles. Sister Anna “Cinderella” Broxson has the
pins, so be on the look-out for her at our functions.
Ok Sister Elizabeth really, really wants this article, so in
order for us to keep her happy I must sign off for this
installment of the OES News.
Much Star Love,
Star Love to you all,
Don “HotHotHot” Broxson
Special Projects Committee Fund Raiser
Pam Kroker, Associate Matron at Marguerite #60 and Grand Committee member of Special Projects, is
offering OES t-shirts to raise funds for her committee. Shirts are pre-shrunk cotton high quality t-shirts.
Show your OES Pride and help raise money for our Grand Projects!
To order, please contact and make checks
payable to: Jeanne Kroker PO Box 2254
Lebanon OR 97355 or e-mail her at
with the following information:
Name; Chapter; Address; City; Zip;
Email Address;
No shirts will be ordered without payment in
hand. Delivery is available at various events;
for postal delivery it will be an extra $7.00.
[Please insert X before you choice]:
_____Ladies _____Mens
Shirt Size
Extra Small
Extra Large
Extra Long
Shirt Color
Lt Gray
Dk Gray
Royal Blue
OES Color
Oregon Color
Don’t forget to let everyone know about the Last year we gave scholarships to 12 students in
Eastern Star College Scholarships! Deadlines are varying amounts. These scholarships can be
coming very soon!
incredibly helpful to any student.
Dorothy M Dewing Scholarship is for either In 2014, we gave:
women or men who must be related to an Eastern ESTARL:
Star member, entering their senior year in an
2 Scholarships for $5000 each;
accredited college or university in Oregon.
1 for $1500; and
Leslie S. Parker is for women in at least their
2 for $500 each
sophomore year in non-sectarian university or
Dorothy M. Dewing:
college in Oregon.
2 Scholarships at $1500
ESTARL (Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious "
Leadership) is for giving assistance to both women Leslie S. Parker:
and men to enter the field of religious service.
5 for $1140 each
More information and the application forms go to:
Share the news of our projects!
Reames Chapter #66
Invites you to a Reception,
Honoring our
Grand Marshal, Cindi Thompson
March 28, 2015
Dinner 5:30 pm
Reception 7:00 pm
Prime Rib, Salad, Vegetable, Potato, Dessert
$16.00 each
Please send reservations by March 15, 2015
Checks payable to Nancy Harper
To: Nancy Harper, 1421 Raydean Drive, Grants Pass, OR 97527
541 471-8022 Home 541 761-8335
Email: totemspole@charter.net
Grand Family, regrets only
Responding to inquiries about Eastern Star
How to be contagious about Eastern Star in 2 minutes or less.
Do you have an elevator speech about Eastern
A what?
An elevator speech! An elevator speech is a short
summary used to quickly and simply define a
product, profession, or organization. The phrase
"elevator pitch" reflects the idea that it should be
possible to deliver the summary in the time span
of an elevator ride, or approximately thirty
seconds to two minutes, and is widely credited to
the editors of Vanity Fair for its origin. You don’t
have to be in an elevator to have the opportunity
to use this. Anytime there is a conversation on
the fun, events, or projects we work on as Eastern
Star, there is an opportunity to share our beautiful
In most conversations, the opportunity to talk
about Eastern Star is limited and needs to be
concise and informative. Having a short summary
of information ready in your head makes it easier
to be prepared to talk to others about our Order
and what we do.
There are several essential parts of an elevator
speech. First, know your audience. It is important
to connect with the person being spoken to as
soon as possible. A way to start is to ask if they
know what Eastern Star is. If they say no, move
to the more well known parts of the Masonic
Family. A very common connection is the Shrine
Hospitals for Children. People may not know
much about Free Masons, but will remember the
advertising for the Children’s Hospitals.
Think about how to outline your talk. Know what
you want to cover. There is a finite time to pique
the interest with most people and it’s important
to give them information that will do that. After
the short introduction, sharing what we offer is
important. Our philanthropic projects often will
do just that. Those who would be interested in
joining Eastern Star would like to make the world
a better place. Quickly outlining how Eastern
Star does just that will keep them listening.
Almost everyone has known someone who has
had cancer and emphasizing that we support
cancer research in a real way, and letting them
know that they can be instrumental in that effort
can catch their interest.
Finally, Finalize. Once you have an outline of
what you would like to say, it often helps to write
it out and make sure you answer these questions:
Who are we?
What do we do?
How do we help?
How the listener can learn more?
In answering the questions, write a sentence or
two (at the most) for each of those questions and
connect them so it flows. Go through and change
any jargon or things that would confuse anyone
who wasn’t part of our Order. When the needed
information is there and the flow of how it sounds
is comfortable, say it often enough so that it can
be said easily, but don’t try to memorize it word
for word. It should be able to be short enough to
be said in a grocery line or with your Dental
Hygienist or anytime there is small talk about the
fun things happening in your life.
An Example:
Do you know what Eastern Star is? Do you know the
Masons? Shriners Hospital for Children? We’re one of
the women’s organization like that. We’re the largest
!aternal group in the world with both women and men,
but our focus is Cancer Research and other charities.
We raised over $25,000 last year for cancer research just
in Oregon. We have meetings and events and lot of fun
working for our charities. It’s easy to have fun with
such great people. I would be happy to chat with you
any time about Eastern Star.
Make it your own and talk about the things that
are important to you.
Being proud of our important work and letting
others know about Eastern Star and how they can
help make the world a better place is a healthy
thing for our Order. Word of mouth is a primary
way of getting new members and sharing the joy
of Eastern Star.
December Events
Naomi Chapter, under
direction of WM
Winnie Carey & AM
prepared dinner for
joint Masonic Installation of Officers at Dallas,
Oregon in the first part of December.
In Memoriam
Brother Edward F. McDonald
Past Most Worthy Grand Patron
General Grand Chapter
Order of the Eastern Star
Past Grand Patron
Grand Chapter of Mississippi
OCTOBER 12, 2014
Are. you ready for some fun? Pleasejoin Martha Chapter #48
for a reception honoring our crazy quilt lady, Sister Cathie
Kent, Grand Esther.
Reedsport Masonic Hall
626 Winchester Avenue
Reedsport, Oregon
Brunch at 1:00PM
Reception at 2:00PM
Quiche, Quick Breads, Assorted Fruits
Reservations required. Please mail your check by February I,
payable to Martha Chapter #48, to Sandy Noel, 385 S 22nd
St., Reedsport, OR 97467
Grand Family - regrets only.
FAITH Birthdays and Christmas Party
De*a and Cleve Rolfe
There was a combined Birthday and
Christmas party on December 12th at
t h e Je n n i n g s Mc C a l l C e n t e r
sponsored by the FAITH (Fraternal
Activities In The Home) Birthday
committee, the FAITH Activities
committee, and WGM Judy Rooth’s
and WGP Don Broxson’s Merry
Maker Grand officers.
To the right: WGM
Ju d y o n S a n t a ’s
lap, (the guy in the
red suit with her is
believed to be
Santa, AKA Mike
To the Le+: Paul
Chamberlin who
celebrated his
100th Birthday in
To the Right: Peggy
Evans, a long time
life care resident
and a member of
A good group of
people in the
Jefferson Room
attending the
Party. A fun time
was had by all!
Calendar of Events
Please refer to the Grand Chapter Calendar for more information.
Dates in Italics are Tentative
Dates are subject to change - Installation Dates are Tentative and Subject to Elections
Feb 6" "
Feb 13!
Feb 14"
Feb 15""
Feb 21""
Feb 22"
Feb 28"
Cancer Research Concert
FAITH Birthday Party
Willamette Valley Valentine's Day
Grand Esther Reception
Grand Electa & Grand Warder
Grand Chaplain Reception
Secretary’s Training Eugene
May 2""
May 2!
May 8!
May 16"
May 16"
May 17"
May 21!
May 22-23"
June 3-5"
Grand Lodge and Installation
June 6 !
FAITH Birthday Party
June 20 - 24" Oregon Grand Chapter
June 27,,
Mizpah Chapter Insta*ation
June 27,,
Josephine Chapter Insta*ation
June 28,
Oakland Chapter Insta*ation
June 29-July 1 Washington Grand Chapter
March 7"
March 8"
Nydia Temple Installation
March 12-14"Amaranth Grand Court
March 13! FAITH Birthday Party
March 14" Secretary’s Training - East
March 21" Potentate’s Ball
March 26 ! Masonic Family Night
March 28" Line Officers meeting
March 28 ! Grand Marshal Reception
July 2,,
July 4,,
July 4,,
July 6,,
July 10,,
July 11,,
July 11,,
July 12,,
July 12,,
July 13,,
July 18,,
July 19,,
July 19 ,
July 19,,
July 25"
April 9 -11"
April 10 "
April 18"
April 19 "
Hands Across the Border
Masonic Heritage Day
FAITH Birthday Party
Line Officers Meeting
AGM & AGP Reception
Page Banquet
Proficiencies Must be turned in
DeMolay Conclave and Installation
Grand York Rite
FAITH Birthday Party
White Shrine
Gervais Chapter 100th Anniversary
Newberg Chapter Insta*ation
Parkrose Chapter Insta*ation
Mt Scott Chapter Insta*ation
Daphne Chapter Insta*ation
Trinity Chapter Insta*ation
Reames Chapter Insta*ation
Silver Wave Chapter Insta*ation
Adah Chapter Insta*ation
Doric Chapter Insta*ation
Evergreen Chapter Insta*ation
Meridian Chapter Insta*ation
Barzi*ai Chapter Insta*ation
Marguerite Chapter Insta*ation
Euclid Chapter Insta*ation
All-Masonic Picnic
Want events from your Chapter in the newsletter?
Send it in!
E-mail: oesnews@redheadedcyclone.com
or mail to: 520 21st St., Springfield OR 97477
You Are Cordially Invited To A Reception Honoring
Sister Becky Hamshar,
Grand Chaplain
Sunday February 22, 2015
St Helens Shrine Club
315 N. 18th Street
St Helens, Oregon
Luncheon starts at 12:30pm with the Reception to follow
Menu: Hearty Beef Stew, Salad, Rolls, and Dessert
RSVP: Michael Hamshar 503-369-7432
Grand Officers and Escorts Regrets Only
The Merry Makers Traveling Pin is a Sombrero with the
drops as Star colored chili peppers. It is so adorable you
will really want to have one.
We are off to a wonderful
year of supporting each
other by traveling to other
chapters and having fun.
We w a n t t h i s p i n t o
represent the enjoyment
you are having by getting
the complete pin. If for
some reason you fill you
cannot complete all the
requirements you can purchase the pin with attached drops
for the sum of $20.00.
Five Points will get you the Sombrero and for every five
additional points will earn you the drops.
Sister Anna Broxson will have the Pins and drops with her
at whatever function she is attending.
You may earn the traveling pin and drops for free by the
following rules:
1. Five points for making a $10.00 donation to the Shrine
Transportation fund.
2. One point for picking up a member who doesn’t drive and taking
them to a meeting.
3. One point for each Friendship night and Honor night
in another chapter you attend.
4. One point for every Rainbow function you attend.
5. One point for every Job’s Daughters function you
One point for every DeMolay function you attend.
One point for every Grand Reception you attend.
One point for every Grand Visitation attended
One point for each time you attend any Masonic Event
(other than those already listed)
One point for each day you attend Faith Birthday Party or Faith
One point for visiting a Life Member at the home and
having lunch.
One point for every time to visit a chapter and are a pro-tem
One point for attending a Chapter Initiation.
One point for attending a Grand Chapter Initiation.
One point for participating in a Chapter fund raising
One point for helping with serving a meal to Masonic Lodge
One point for each time you sign a petition on any line.
One point for each visit to a Shut-in and taking food.
One point for each time you take a shut-in on a
shopping trip or to the doctor. Whatever the need. This
would include Jennings McCall.
One point for each time you visit a member in the hospital or
nursing home. Please take flowers.
One point for sending a card to another Star member
for illness or death in the family.
One point if you attended Grand Chapter
One point if you attended Grand Chapter Installation
One Point if you attended the All Masonic Picnic
One point if you attended Natal Day
One point for every chapter Installation you attended
One point for attending an Out-of-State Chapter or
Grand Chapter
Friendship Rose Chapter #148
Invites you to join us to our Friendship and Honor Night
February 17, 2015, Tuesday at 12:30pm Meeting Help us Honor:
Fred Frahler - Grand Chapter FAITH Birthday
Kathy Tonge - Grand Chapter Special Projects
Dorothy Reilly - Grand Chapter Home Endowment
Kathy Cloninger - Grand Representative of South Dakota
Raye Shadduck - Grand Representative of District of Columbia
and our 50 Year Members
Sack Lunch at 11:30
Washington Masonic Center 3612 SE 52nd Ave
Portland, OR 97206
To A Roast Beef Dinner 6:30pm
March 31, 2015
Join us for an evening of Great Food and Live
Adah #34 Independence
For Grand Chapter General Fund Raising
In Memory of our Rosi Robertson
Newberg Chapter #55, Order of Eastern Star
7th Annual Chicken N’ Dumplings Dinner
And a Party for our
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Honoring Committee Members
Featuring Live Music By:
The Oregon Old Time Fiddlers Association
Mel DeHut, Chair. General Fund Raising
Velna Holgate-DeHut, Co-Chair.
Anna Broxson, Revision of Laws
Gerry Brown, FAITH-Special Activities
Ann Austin #118, Cancer Research
Patti Baldwin, Housing
$8.00 per person or $14.00 per couple
Children: 0-4 free
Children: 5 – 10 sliding scale
(add .50 cents per year up to 10yrs old)
Session Worker
Casual Attire/Slacks ~ Non Members Welcome
Proceeds from this event will go to our
Special Projects: ALS Fund
Contact: Mel DeHut, chair. melveldeh@msn.com Ph. # 503-585-4572
Call/e-mail for reservation
Newberg Masonic Temple: 402 E Sheridan, Newberg OR 97132
By March 23
Thank You
Hey! It’s our Friendship night and we’re gonna get pizza and play board games, wanna come?
Come casual and comfortable! Bring your Friends!
Marguerite Friendship night
March 30 at 7:30pm
East Linn Masonic Hall
725 S Second St
Lebanon, Oregon
Door Prize Drawings for Fabulous Prizes!
(Prizes aren’t Fabulous.. they’re pretty nice though.. )
need Gluten or Dairy-free? Let Elizabeth A. Duell Smith know before March 25th!
(541) 206-2442 or elizabeth@redheadedcyclone.c om
Pizza and Board Games! Who could ask for more!?!
Letter of Intent
October 13, 2014
To Worthy Grand Matron Judy Rooth, Worth Grand Patron Don Broxson, Grand Secretary Chris Nacheff
Maneker and members of Oregon Order of the Eastern Star.
I, Jay Saatkamp, am submitting this letter of my intent to be a candidate for the office of Grand Sentinel of
the Grand Chapter of Oregon. I have been asked by Sister Gloria Varner, Associate Grand Conductress to
stand with her in setting a course for the future as her Worthy
Grand Patron. This is a great privilege and honor to serve our
Grand Chapter with her and represent the Order of the Eastern Star
in Oregon.
I have the support of my wife, Sister Pam, and my family. My
chapters, Valiant Sellwood 92 and Pioneer 28 have given me their
support and dedication in my journey to the East.
I am looking forward to working for the wonderful members to
make our Orders flourish.
Jay Saatkamp
Western Star Cookies Sale!
Karen Yanase
Western Star's Social Club was
at it again with their Holiday
Cookies sales.
They were
selling "cookies by the pound"
and sold TONS!). Sales have
been doing well and as you can
see they are having a good time.
The picture to the left is of the
Worthy Matron and Worthy
Patron and the Master Cookie
Bakers (MCB). Our Worthy
Matron, Linda Oncay, is on the
Special Projects Committee this
L)to(R): Linda Oncay, WM; Max year and her "special project" is
Holleman, WP; Hazel Griffith MCB the Shrine Transportation
and Jean Shubert MCB.
Oregon OES News Editor
Elizabeth A. Duell Smith
520 21st St
Springfield OR 97477
Join the e-mail list! Get the newsletter for free!
OES News is a bi-monthly publication.
Issues are printed in:
July, September, November, January, March and
Submissions are taken at any time.
Send Submissions, Comments & Questions to:
Elizabeth A. Duell Smith
Address: 520 21st St; Springfield OR 97477
Subscriptions are sent to:
Laura A. Frye
PO box 826
Lebanon OR 97355
Editing rights are reserved. Views expressed are not
necessarily those of the Grand Chapter nor endorsement
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