32 Hotline: (818) 762-3197 Website: www.kosherquest.org Fax: (818) 766-8537 Email: eeidlitz@kosherquest.org KASHRUS CONSCIENCE A service of the KOSHER INFORMATION BUREAU by: RABBI E. EIDLITZ Wine, Liquor, Meats, Poultry & Fish December 2009 P.O. Box #56851, Sherman Oaks, California 91413 Kislev 5770 31 Observed Ob bser bserved erve rved ed by tthe th he kindling of lights, Chanukah celebrates the miracle att of the he e rededication rededic ededic ication t o the Temple of Jerusalem following the Maccabees’ victory when v y — wh whe he a single day’s supply of consecrated the eternal flame for eight days. olive live eo oil fueled fu Whole Kosher Turkey Frozen. 299 lb CLUB PRICE 4for$3 2for$4 CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE 4.2-oz. Selected varieties. Club Price: 75¢ ea. 22-oz. Selected varieties. Limit 4. Club Price: $2.00 ea. 2for 3 1 Manischewitz Noodles Streit’s Cello Soup Mix 59 CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE 12-oz. Selected varieties. Club Price: $1.50 ea. 3 to 6-oz. Selected varieties. 2 CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE Lipton Kosher Soup Mix 1.9 to 4.09-oz. Gedilla Dreidel with Candy 2-oz. CLUB PRICE Streit’s Matzo Ball all & Soup Mix Glick’s Chanukah Coins 15-g Bag Milk or Dark Chocolate. Club Price: 25¢ ea. 5for 4 $ 199 29 4for$1 CLUB PRICE Kedem Tea Biscuits Kedem Grape Juice $ 129 CLUB PRICE Streit’s or Promised Land Chanukah Candles 44-ct. a. Club Price: 80¢ ea. 4.5-oz. Selected varieties. with $1.50 n bottle on o coup Russet Potatoes Bulk. 77¢ lb CLUB PRICE 169 CLUB PRICE CL 299 CLUB PRICE Golden Potato Man Manischewitz Pota Potato Pancake Mix Pancakes 6-oz 6-oz. l Selected varieties. VO 10-oz. Selected varieties. Items, prices and offers in this ad are effective Tuesday, December 1, 2009 thru Monday, January 4, 2010. Items offered for sale are not available to dealers, restaurants, institutions or wholesalers. Sales in retail quantities only. Items are available in selected stores while supplies last. Call Vons Customer Service Center at, 1-877-723-3929 to find the nearest store stocking these items. Some advertised prices may be even lower in some stores. All applicable taxes must be paid by the purchaser. We reserve the right to correct all printed errors. 239 CLUB PRICE Tabatchnick Soup 15-oz. Selected varieties. 2for$6 CLUB PRICE Kedem Sparkling Juice 25.4-oz. Selected varieties. Club Price: $3.00 ea. 30 3 Updates & Alerts unauthorized COR. Any bean product bearing the COR 386 is unauthorized. FROM THE STAR-K: The 2009-2010 Star-K Approved OTC Medicine List - now available online at our website, www.star-k. org. Effective immediately, EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS #489, Riverdale, NY is no longer Star-K certified. NEW FROM THE KOF-K: Newly certified companies; 5TH AVENUE CHOCOLATEIRE, LTD LONG ISLAND 718-361-6427 ARNABAL INTL, INC. Irvine 949861-8820 Please note that ROCKLAND BAKERY 94 DEMAREST MILL ROAD, NANUET, NY: RP BAKING LLC DBA PECHTERS AND TRI-STATE BAKING 840 Jersey Street. Harrison, NJ are no longer under KOF-K KOSHER SUPERVISION WHITING FILLETS AND SALMON FILLETS sold under the brand name of WHOLEY FISH are no longer under KOF-K Kosher Certification. The FIRST STREET BRAND PIES listed below were mistakenly labeled KOF-K without the status designation. The products were made on Dairy Equipment and future labeling will be corrected. 8\” LATTICE TOP CHERRY/ PEACH/APPLE/MERINGUE PIE Effective immediately the following TASTI-D-LITE STORES are no longer certified by the KOF-K. 1115 LEXINGTON AVE. NYC, NY 10021; 1654 THIRD AVE, NYC, NY 10028; 222 EAST 86 STREET, NYC, NY 10028 WOODSEY WILDLIFE OATMEAL ANIMAL COOKIES WOODSEY WILDLIFE VANILLA ANIMAL COOKIES were mislabeled with a plain KOF-K. The products are KOF-K DAIRY. Corrective measures are being taken. FROM THE O/U: Eastsun IQF Broccoli and IQF Cauliflower: These products bear an unauthorized OU symbol and fraudulently appeared on a letter of certification. Philly Stix Swirl Stix: Product bears a “DE” OU Pareve designation. The product is actually Pareve. The manufacturer included the “DE” OU designation because of concerns about dairy allergens which may be present in the plant. At this time, the does not have a “DE” designation. Wise Bravos Nacho Cheese Tortilla: Product has been reformulated from non-kosher to kosher, and will now bear an OU D symbol. Product without the OU D symbol is not kosher. A limited amount of product has been released with stickers stating “NOW KOSHER OU D” Country Road Bulgarian Sheep’s Milk Cheese: This product bears an unauthorized OU symbol. Consumers spotting this product as well as any other products similar to this one are requested to contact the Orthodox Union at 212-613-8148. Ein Kerem Cabernet Merlot Syrah (bar code 7290003541430): This product bears an unauthorized OU symbol. Consumers spotting this product are requested to contact the Orthodox Union at 212-613-8148. Naturally Delicious Café –Forest Hills, NY: The menu for Naturally Delicious Café bears an OU symbol. This establishment is not certified by the Orthodox Union. Corrective action is being taken. William Sonoma Cocktail Combo: The OU symbol has been inadvertently placed on this product. The product is not authorized to bear the OU symbol. Corrective action is being taken. Veronica Bianca from American Food & Beverage Inc. – East Brunswick, NJ: All products with the Brand name Veronica Bianca which bear an OU symbol are unauthorized. Consumers spotting these products are requested to contact the Orthodox Union at 212-613-8241 or via email at kasheralerts@ou.org. Herr’s Kansas City Prime Steak Flavor Potato Chips: The ingredient panel on the above mentioned product inadvertently lists beef extract. The OU-D designation on the product is valid. FROM THE O/K: Snapple bottles in a case of 24 are O/K certified only with the Hechscher on the bottles. Some of the bottles in the carton are not certified, despite the O/K on the outside container. Royal Candy Company of Brooklyn, NY has been distributing tootsie roll midgies, vanilla caramels, and other soft candies with an unauthorized ) K symbol. Only hard candies are certified by OK Kosher Certification. Corrective measures are being taken. FROM THE KSA: KSA does not certify Open Window Bakery and they were never certified by the KSA. All ElWest products are no longer certified. 4 Wines & Liqueurs TABLE OF CONTENTS Intro to Wine and Liquor p. 4 Whiskey p. 4 Liqueur, Brandy, Gin, Cordials, Sc hnapps p. 5 Liqueurs Not Recommended Tequila, Vermouth, Vodka p. 7 Imported Vodka, Flavored Drinks, Beer p. 8 Recommended Wine Certifications p. 9 Wine & Grape Juice p. 9 Israeli Wines p. 10 Glatt Article & Meat Companies p. 11 Fish Article & Lists p. 12 Fish Companies p. 22 Updates & Alerts p. 24 WINES & LIQUORS As with most edible products on the market today, alcoholic beverages can have their share of headaches for the kosher consumer. For example: vermouth, sangria, champagne, sherry brandy and cognac, as well as some liqueurs and cordials, all require reliable supervision as they are wine-based or may contain wine as an actual ingredient. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all kashrus observant Jews to understand the nature of alcoholic beverages and realize the potential problems to the kosher consumer. In order to realistically understand the kashrus issues of liquors, we must first know how the various liquors on the market are produced. All organic material that contains starch and sugar can be converted into alcohol by a process called “distillation”. Distillation is the process of purifying the liquid part of a mixture by a series of evaporation and condensation. Practically speaking, grapes, fruits or grain are most frequently used in this process. Once the material to be used is determined, the combined sugar and yeast will cause “fermentation”. Although in the case of grapes, we have a natural liquid, sugar and yeast content; this complete combination is lacking in grains. As a result, grain must be “malted” in order to convert the starch in the grain to sugar. Since alcohol vaporizes faster than water, we can separate the ethyl alcohol from the liquid base by heating or “distilling” it. In order to determine the potency of a particular brew, we “proof” it. Originally this process included mixing it with gunpowder and igniting it. Fortunately today, a hydrometer is used instead to measure the brew. An important utensil in the making of beers and other alcoholic beverages is the “still”. While in the past pot stills were widely in use, today, for economic reasons, the “continuous still” has mostly replaced them. WINE Throughout the Torah, we are reminded of the great spiritual significance of wine in the life of a Jew. In fact, the Talmudic rabbis saw fit to establish a special law with special regard to wine. Today, the vast majority of wines on the market are unfit for consumption by the kosher consumer. Throughout all the stages of wine production, the strictest Kosher supervision is required until the final stage of the actual bottling. There is, of course, the prohibition concerning wines which relates to the status of boiled wine. Kosher wine that has been cooked before contact with a non-Jew has occurred is exempted from the injunction. This prohibition stems from the historical perspective that boiled wine was considered “improper” to be offered to an idol (where wines were often offered by these idol worshipping nations). Such wine, (called “Yayin Nesach”), that had been offered to an idol was prohibited for Jewish use of any kind. This was a Torah-based prohibition. In addition, there is also a rabbinic prohibition which forbids drinking the ordinary wine of non-Jews in order to reduce social contact which could lead to assimilation and intermarriage. Such wine is called “Stam Yenam”. Therefore, if a non-Jew happened to come into contact with boiled wine, the wine is still kosher. Many kosher wines today bear the marking “Mevushal”, that indicates that they have been boiled. Extra caution must be taken with a kosher wine that has not been previously boiled (Mevushal), lest a non-Jew or Jew who is not Shomer Shabbos should come in contact with that bottle of wine (maid etc.). A closed bottle, even non-Mevushal wine, may be handled by a nonJew. Currently, kosher wines are being produced in such places as Spain, Italy, New York, California, Israel and Italy. it is imperative for the kosher consumer to realize that often, wine and grape juice are used to flavor and color other food and beverage items (i.e. beer, pink lemonade, lite canned fruits, tropical drinks, cereals, etc.). These ingredients are usually called natural flavoring or coloring. Therefore, the kosher consumer must rely on competent Hashgachas when purchasing such complex items. STRAIGHT WHISKEY This is a distilled grain spirit made from at least 51 percent of a single type of grain and any mixture of other grains. This type of whiskey must be distilled to no more than 160 degrees proof. Straight Whiskey is aged for at least two years and is bottled at a minimum of 80 proof. No other substances can be included. The term “mingling” describes the process in which a number of barrels of straight whiskey are mingled together in order to achieve a consistent style. BLENDED WHISKEY Blended Whiskey is a straight whiskey that has been blended with neutral grain spirits. This often includes the addition of coloring and flavor enhancers. Often between 15 to 50 different whiskeys will be blended in order to maintain the same taste of the product consistently. concern of bishul akum. When the mashgiach did arrive, he was able to confirm that everything was in order. The journalist reported that he visited Taiku three times and never saw the mashgiach. The arrangement in Taiku is that a shomer shabbos chef, who does all the cooking, is present at all times. In addition, a mashgiach is present at least eight hours a day during the busiest time of operation. It is common practice to rely on shomer shabbos employees (we refer to them as “working mashgichim”) in certified restaurants. The report also claimed that dairy liquor was used in a meat establishment. I asked the journalist for the name of the liquor and he said it was Southern Comfort. To our knowledge, this is not dairy. It is true that in America the OU does not allow Southern Comfort because it lacks supervision, but in Israel it is commonly used. Nonetheless, the point of consistency is valid and we are reviewing this situation. I met with the reporter in Israel and he expressed to me that there was a lack of transparency in the standards and procedures in Israel. This, in part, created some of the confusion. This is a valid point which we hope to correct in the future by publicizing the OU standards in food establishments in Israel. The reporter also expressed frustration that he was not permitted entry into the kitchens without the presence of our supervisor. This creates the impression that we are seeking to hide information. I explained that this is not the case, and it is common practice to have a supervisor present during a review to ensure that misunderstandings do not occur. We are happy to escort people through the kitchen and explain the basis of our supervision. I was glad that I came to Israel to review these establishments. It is always possible to improve and enhance supervision. In general, the kashrut of the OU restaurants and hotels in Israel was good, but I did find some areas where I felt improvement can be made. I hope to implement these changes in the near future. Rabbi Yaakov Luban Executive Rabbinic Coordinator Orthodox Union Kashrut Division Israel Alerts Moshiko Grape Soft Drink Barcode 7290011977795, produced under the Taaman Company name, is marked “kosher under the Shomron Rabbinate”. This claim is fraudulent. The product has no kashrut supervision. Boston Avraham LTD Located in Moshav Adirim, the company has been marketing in both Israel and abroad, products marked under the OK kashrut supervision and kosher for Passover. The OK reports no such client. The Nahariya Rabbinate confirms the company enjoys regular basic kashrut certification only Pergo Pizza – 9 Sibin St. in Kiryat Matlin – PT Rabbinate revoked certification. JERUSALEM Shulchan Yerakot Stall in the Shuk on Eitz Chaim St (Outside) Shulchan Yerakot Farcho in N’vei Yaakov Shopping Center Pitzuchim Mizrachi Vegetables – 160 Moshe Dayan Blvd Pitzchei Spatz – Patt Jct. The four above-mentioned businesses do not have Jerusalem Rabbinate supervision but claim to be kosher and display unauthorized certificates. Achi Tov Restaurant – 48 HaNevi’im St. Kubbabar Restaurant – 68 HaNevi’im St. Mitbach Shoshana – 35 Derech Beit Lechem The above three do not have Jerusalem Rabbinate supervision and claim to be kosher. Eden Pickle Products – Karen Baked Products – Pomegranate Seeds The Givat Ada – Binyamina Rabbinate announced it has revoked the kashrut from the Bayit Shel Eden pickle products. The local rabbinate Updates & Alerts 29 also sites that baked products under the name Karen with its hechsher are fraudulent. The local rabbinate also states that Pomegranate seeds product manufactured by the Simone family is also bearing an unauthorized kosher claim. Miri Pizza Located on the main road near the Yavniel Council now has the mehadrin supervision of the Badatz Beit Yosef. The pizza is ‘hamotzi’ and the establishment is dairy FROM THE KAJ: Certain products from “Alei Katif” grown in California, have been found to be infested with a type of infestation that rinsing and washing the product will not help. Consequently, we advise the public to refrain from using the mentioned brand from California until further notice. P.S. “Alei Katif” products grown in E. Israel are not affected by this notice, and may be used as per the instructions on the bag. FROM THE cRc: Certain packages of Jewel brand Dixie Cup Ice Cream contain a cRc logo on the outer bag and a “Shield K” on the lids of the individual cups. The lids with the “Shield K” were used inadvertently. This product is indeed under the strict certification of the cRc and is dairy - cholov stam when bearing the cRc logo on the bag or the individual cups. 7-11 HAS INTRODUCED NEW Slurpee flavors: Liquid Artillery, Mango Passion Transformer, and Terminator Salvation – all are kosher The new sparkling teas from Lipton, Blackberry and Strawberry Kiwi bearing a plain “k” on the label are recommended. Kellogg’s Raisin Bran Crunch cereal contains o/u certified gelatin and is recommended. Spudniks Potato Chips are no longer certified by the COR. This product should not be used even when bearing the COR on the package. Presidents Choice Organics Bean Medley Canned Beans bears an 28 Updates & Alerts Opposite Saker Garden 623-6767 Jerusalem Rabbinate Mehadrin Café Ne’eman (Dairy) Malcha Mall 679-1515 Rabbanut mehadrin Corus Restaurant (Dairy) 43 Yirmiyahu Street (Center 1) 538-3507 Rabbanut Mehadrin Dagim Bechatzer (Fish) 31 Jaffe Street (Feinberg Courtyard) 622-2524 Rabbanut Mehadrin Holy Bagel (Dairy) 220 Jaffe Street (near Central Bus Station) 538-5806 Jerusalem Rabbinate Mehadrin Keyara (Meat) 8 Ramban Street (Windmill) 566-3271 Jerusalem Rabbinate – Agudat Yisrael Mehadrin Muscat (Dairy/Fish) 24 Kanfei Nesharim (Givat Shaul) 652-4414 Jerusalem Rabbinate Mehadrin Pera e Mela (Meat) Pears & Apples 6 Safra Square (Jerusalem City Hall complex) 623-0280 Jerusalem Rabbinate Mehadrin OU RYU (Meat) 25 Emek Refaim (German Colony) 561-1344 Jerusalem Rabbinate Mehadrin Sheyan (Meat) 8 Ramban Street (Windmill) 561-2007 Badatz Agudat Yisrael mehadrin Village Green (Vegetarian) 33 Jaffe Street (downtown) 625-3065 Jerusalem Rabbinate Mehadrin Belze Machzikei Hadas Mehadrin “Jerusalem Kosher News – www. jerusalemkoshernews.com jerusalemkn@gmail.com”. Response to Criticism of OU in Israel Recently, an investigative journalist posted an article that appeared on a number of blogs, which was critical of OU supervision of hotels and restaurants in Israel. Within a few days, the OU arranged for me to visit Israel and determine if the criticism was valid. I spent one week in Israel and visited these OU locations multiple times, both with the OU representative responsible for oversight, and on my own, at different times of day and night. The conclusions of my investigations are as follows: While the investigator accurately reported what he saw and heard, the report did not capture the entire picture, as there were other pieces of relevant information that the journalist did not reflect in his article, perhaps because of a lack of awareness on his part. One of the strong criticisms of the article was that the OU rubber stamps the existing rabbanut supervision at these locations with no oversight of its own. This is not the case. The Jerusalem Plaza is supervised by Rabbi Eliezer Mendelson, who works on behalf of the OU, and has made various enhancements to the supervision in the past year. The article quoted a source who said that Rabbi Mendelson “is not really in charge of kashrut.” This is not true, as Rabbi Mendelson was appointed by the owner to be the Rav of the hotel, and in conjunction with this he serves as the OU representative. The report notes that Rabbi Turetzky is the supervisor at Jerusalem Gate Hotel on behalf of the Jerusalem Rabbinate, but that there is no OU presence. It is true that Rabbi Turetzky is in the employment of the Jerusalem Rabbinate, but he is also an employee of the OU. As such, he is at the hotel in a dual capacity. The report does not touch on the Ramada, which is under Rabbanut Mehadrin, as well as the OU. The OU has reviewed the hotel and has verified that the mashgichim are of excellent caliber and the kashrut system is well controlled. During my visit, I met with Rabbi Shmuel Burnstein, who heads the division of supervision of the Rabbanut Mehadrin hotels. I reviewed the kashrut in all OU hotels and found it to be tightly controlled by a team of very competent mashgichim. The OU supervises four dairy restaurants in Yerushalayim. In each of the restaurants only Jews cook in the kitchen, which obviates the concern of bishul akum. There is a very strong system of yotzei vinichnas (spot inspections) with a mashgiach coming regularly throughout the day and night. In each of these restaurants, the OU arranged for mashgichim and the OU insisted that all ingredients meet Mehadrin standards. In addition, Rabbi Turetzky spot-checks to ensure that everything is in order. The OU is comfortable with this situation. The OU supervises three meat restaurants where the OU arranged for mashgichim to be present. The OU has a strong presence in these establishments and is not blindly rubber stamping the supervision. The article reported on other irregularities as well. For example, the journalist waited in the morning for the mashgiach at Pappagio, a meat restaurant, for 40 minutes, but the mashgiach did not arrive. In the interim, the restaurant was in operation. I confirmed with the mashgiach that he was not present, but what was not reported was that the mashgiach was ill that morning and could not arrive because of a severe back problem. Though the mashgiach arrived late that particular day, this is not standard operating procedure at the restaurant. One cannot prevent such emergencies from occurring. The question is how to respond when the mashgiach is late because of an emergency: Should the restaurant open or not? This depends on the individual facility, and the mashgiach felt that he had sufficient control and knowledge of the facility to not warrant shutting down the store until his arrival, particularly since the management anticipated his presence shortly and they did not know when he would arrive. The grill (where most of the cooking occurs) was not in operation before the mashgiach arrived, and only prep work was occurring in the kitchen. In addition, the chefs are Jewish and there was no LIQUOR & LIQUEUR BOURBON Bourbon: All pure Bourbon are recommended. Some Popular Bourbon Brands… Bakers Basil Hayden Bookers Knob Creek Jack Daniel’s Jim Beam Maker’s Mark Old Crow Old Granddad Old Weller Old Williamsburg (O/U) Wild Turkey BRANDY & COGNAC Note: Contains wine. Always needs reliable certification. Achim Cohen (Lechaim and Royal Gold - O/U) Askalon Brandy (BBB Brandy (O/U) Boukha Bokonsa Fig (O/U) Brandy 100 (Carmel O/U) Carmel (O/U, Chasam Sofer 777 Sevens Brandy) Chevalier (Chug Chasam Sofer) DeDuyper (Apricot, Blackberry, Cherry, Coffee, Ginger, Kirschwasser) Dupuy - Vsop (O/U) Empereur Brandy (Chug Chasm Sofer) Givon (O/K) Herman Jansen Apricot Brandy (KLBD) Herzog French (O/U) Jonathan Tishbi Special Reserve (Israel & U.S. O/U) Leroux (Apricot, Cherry, Coffee, Peach, Polish Blackberry, Spiced Blackberry) Louis Royer VSOP & Xo Cognac (O/U) Slivovitz Plum Brandy (O/U) Spirit of Solomon (CRC) Tishbi (O/U) GIN All unflavored gins are Kosher. Sloe Gin requires Kosher supervision. The following are some Gins under reliable supervision… Gordon’s Flavored Gin (all flavors) which are produced in the U.S. is Kosher (CRC) Iceberg Leroux Sloe Gin (O/U) London Dry Gin Speed Bar(O/U) LIQUEURS, CORDIALS & SCHNAPPS Note: The following is a partial list. (Liqueurs need a reliable Hashgacha as they are “flavored” alcoholic drinks) Advocaat (KLBD) Advoscotch (O/U) Alberta Distillers (COR) Amaretto Binyamina (Chasam Sofer) Amaretto Di Carmel (O/U) Amaretto Di Saronno (O/U) Arak (O/U - Alouf & Extra Fine) Aromatico Chug Chasam Sofer Ashkalon (O/U) Azmara (O/U - Coffee) Bartenura (O/U Amaretto, Etrog Citron, Hazelnut, Lemon, Mandarin, Lime, Peach, Sambuca) Binyamina (O/U) Black Prince Distillery (Kof K, Check for pareve or dairy) Blommer Chocolate Liquor (O/K) Brick Brewing Co. (COR) Briscoe (O/U) Camaya (Kof K - Blue Curacao, Amaretto, Coffee) Camino Real Campari (from Israel, must bear Badatz) Canadian Liquids Processors (COR) Canadian Mist Distillers (COR) Carmel (O/U & O/Ud) Cherry Kijafa (O/U) Club – Badatz Eida Charaidis Cocoa Mist (Kof K, check pareve or dairy) Cointreau Commercial Alcohols (COR) Cristall (O/U) DeKuyper (O/U - Amaretto Silk Liqueur, Anisette Signature, Berry Fusion Pucker Sweet & Sour Schnapps, Blue Curacao Signature, Blueberry Blast Schnapps, Blistery Peppermint Burst Schnapps, Buttershots Burst Butterscotch Schnapps (dairy)Cactus Juice Burst Margarita Schnapps, Cherry Pucker Sweet & Sour Schnapps, Coconut Amaretto Liqueur, Coffee Liqueur, Cranberry Crush Schnapps, Crème De Almond Signature, Crème De Banana Signature, Creme De Cassis Signature, Crème De Cocoa, Crème De Menthe Green & White, Frosty Liquor & Liqueurs 5 Spearmint Burst Schnapps, Grape Pucker Sweet & Sour Schnapps, Hazelnut Bliss Liqueur, Orange Curacao, Island Punch Pucker Sweet & Sour Schnapps, Kamikaze Burst Liqueur, Melon Dew Schnapps, Peach Pucker Sweet & Sour Schnapps, Peachtree Schnapps, Pomegranate Pleasure Schnapps, Ragin’ Root Beer Schnapps, Raspberry Pucker Sweet & Sour Schnapps, Raspberry Rush Schnapps, Red Apple Schnapps, Red Headed Shot, Sizzlin’ Cinnamon Schnapps, Sour Apple Pucker Sweet & Sour Schnapps, Strawberry Patch Schnapps, Strawberry Pucker Sweet & Sour, Triple Sec, Tropical Coconut Schnapps, Tropical Mango Schnapps, Tropical Papaya, Tropical Pineapple Schnapps, Tropical Punch, Vanilla Delight, Washington Apple Burst, Watermelon Pucker Sweet & Sour Schnapps, Watermelon Squeeze Schnapps) Desert Exotics (O/U) Di Sarono Dorado Triple Sec (Kof K) Drambuie (LBD) Eliaz (Chug Chasam Sofer) Frangelico (O/U or from Israel, must bear Badatz) Frambaise Lambic Chug Chasam Sofer Gaya Godiva (O/Ud - Cappuccino, Chocolate Cream, Vanilla, White Chocolate and White Chocolate Cream)) Henkes (Canada - with MK on the label) Herman Jansen Hiram Walker & Sons (COR) Honkes (MK - Montreal) Imperian (when baring Star Kp) Infusion (Rum Mango, Tequilla Orange, Vodka Lemon, Vodka Orange (O/U) Kahlua Liquor (ONLY with O/U) Kameho Kava (B’datz: Eida Hachareidis) Coffee Kedem (O/U) Kesser Schnapps Kijafa (O/U - Cherry- Chocolate, Cherry, Cherry, Black Rasp. 6 Rum - Rye - Scotch Leroux (O/U - Amaretto de Estasi, Anisette, Apple Schnapps, Apricot, Blue Caracao, Butterscotch (dairy), Cherry, Cinnamon, Creme de Banana, Creme de Cacao, Creme de Cassis, Creme de Menthe, Creme de Noya, Hot Cinnamon Schnapps, Melon Liqueur, Orange Curacoa, Peach, Peppermint Schnapps 100 & 40 Proof, Raspberry Liqueur, Raspberry Schnapps, Rock & Rye, Root Beer Schnapps, Sour Apple Sweet & Sour Schnapps, Spearmint Schnapps, Strawberry Liqueur,Sweet & Tart Cranberry Triple Sec 30 & 48 Proof, Watermelon Sweet & Sour Llord’s (Kof K - Amaretto, Anisette, Apricot, Banana Schnapps, Black Raspberry, Blue Curacao, Butterscotch Schnapps, Cinnamon, Coconut, Coffee, Cranberry, Creme de Almond, Creme de Cocoa, Creme de Menthe, Hazelnut, Melon, Menthol Mint, Orange Curacao, Peach, Peppermint, Root Beer, Sloe Gin, Strawberry, Triple Sec) Maraska (only when bearing Star K - Slivovits, Cherrica, Wishniak) Melody (O/U - Banana, Cherry, Chocolate, Peach, Triple Sec) Monfort (O/U) Peacock (cRc Hishachdus Pear, Chocolate, Peach) Perfect Liqueur Chug Chasam Sofer Peter Cherry Herring (O/U - Cherry) Priviet (O/U) R. Jelinek (Slivovitz) Renaissance (Chug Chasam Sofer) Rodrigez (O/U - Apple, Black Currant, Cranberry, Cloudberry, Pear, Plum) Sabra (O/U - Chocolate Orange, Coffee) Silver Cloud Slivovitz (O/U R. Jelinek, Maraska) Spirits Arack 50% (O/U) Spirit of Solomon (cRc – Ammaretto, Apricot Liqueur, Cherry, Chocolate, Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Truffle, Citrus, Coffee, Kirschwasser, Lemon, Orange, Peach, Pear, Strawberry, Wishniak) Starbucks (Coffee - O/U and Cream O/Ud - even without O/U on bottle) Taam Pree (cRc - Blackberry, Cherry, Pear, Triple Sec) Tembec (COR) Transmar Ecuador Cocoa Liquor (O/U) Van De Brugge Advoscotch Egg Nog (O/U) Vinprom (when bearing Star Kp - Apple Brandy, Apricot Brandy, Slivovitz) Zachlawi THE FOLLOWING ARE POPULAR LIQUEURS THAT ARE NOT RECOMMENDED. B&B Bailey’s Irish Cream Benedictine Bols, Crème de Banana Campari Canadian Club Classic Canadian Club SpecialReserve Carolans Chambord Chantreuse Compari Corolans Cristal Agua Drienta Don Quixote Rum Dubonett Galliano Gold Schlager Grand Marnier Hiram Walker Liqueurs Kabinett Kahlua Kentucky Gentlemen Kirschwasser Lord Calvent Llord’s (without Hashgacha) Macallan Scotch Midori Ouzo Peter Herring Peach Pony Raki Sambuco Schlink Haus Sheridans Sloe Gin Southern Comfort Stock from Italy Swiss Kirschwasser Tia Maria Vermouth Very Old Barton Yukon Jack LIQUORS THAT DO NOT NEED HASHGACHA Bourbon Canadian Whiskey (straight) Gin (all except Sloe Gin) Irish Whiskey (all) Rum (all except flavored rum) Rye (all) Scotch (all, except when label states aged exclusively in sherry casks, sherry finish, port finish or dual cask finish) Tennessee Whiskey (all) Tequila (all except Mezcal with worm in bottles) Vodka (domestic, all except those listing whey alcohol or flavored vodka RUM Bacardi (unflavored varieties Bacardi Gold Superior Cruzan (Regular & Flavored O/U) Destileria Serrales (O/U) Don Q Rum (including flavored only with O/U) Iceberg Jumbi Speed Bar (O/U) RYE Straight and Blended Rye does not need Kosher certification SCOTCH Note: Scotch (Single Malt & Blended) is recommended, unless stating “aged exclusively in Sherry Casks, Sherry Finish, Port Finish, Madeira Finish, Duel Cask Finish, Double Matured or Wine casks.”. The following is a partial list of acceptable scotch. Blended Chivas Regal Chivas Royal Salute Cutty Sark Dewar William Grants J&B Johnny Walker (all labels) Rob Roy (all) The Dimple Pinch White Horse Extra Fine White Horse Fine Old Single Malts Single Malt Scotch may be used without concern if it was not aged in sherry casks. The following are Kosher Ambassador Auchentoshan Ballantine’sBalvenie (10 & 15year) Balvenie 10 & 15 Benriach in Israel, all being in Jerusalem. As always, when you enter a restaurant or make a hotel reservation, double check that the kashrus you are seeking is still applicable. Hotels and Guest-Houses Bayit Vegan Guest House 8 Hapisga Street 02-641-6402 Ramada Jerusalem Hotel Ruppin Bridge at Herzl Blvd. 02 659-9999 Jerusalem Plaza Hotel 47 King George Street 02-629-8659 Restaurants and Cafes Agas VeTapuach (dairy) Building 6, Kikar Safra 02-623-0280 Pituyim Café (dairy) 5 Rachel Imeinu Street 02-566-2899 Pituyim Café (dairy) 9 King Solomon Street (Mamilla) 02-500-4006 Papagaio 3 Yad Charutzim Street (meat) 02-674-5745 Red Heifer (meat and fish) 38 King George Street 02-624-0504 Taiku (meat and fish) 31 Emek Refaim Street 02-566-5262 Velka Café 5 Ibn Shaprut Street (dairy) 02-566-5755 BADATZ BAIT YOSEF: JERUSALEM 1. Aldo Ice Cream 40 Jaffa Street (dairy) 2. Aldo Ice Cream Central Bus Station (dairy) 3. Lalush Bakery 34 Agrippas Street (dairy) 4. Frenchi Bakery 110 Derech Beit Lechem (dairy/parve) 5. Marzipan Bakery 44 Machane Yehuda (dairy/parve) 6. Marzipan Bakery factory 8 HaYuzma Street, Atarot Industrial Park (dairy/parve) 7. Hillel Café 33 Pierre Koenig Street (dairy) 8. Bisto Toast and Sandwiches 70 HaNavi’im Street (parve/dairyfish) 9. Si HaGrill Restaurant 100 Shmuel HaNavi Street (meat) 10. Soninu Pizza 52 Agrippas Street (dairy) 11. Dolce Latte 2 Luntz Street (dairy) 12. Burger Ranch Malcha Mall (meat) 13. Tzion HaKatan Grill 15 Kanfei Nesharim (meat) 14. Marvad HaKisamim 58 King George (Heichal Shlomo)(meat) 15. HaShamen Grill Malcha (meat) 16. HaShamen Grill 3 Luntz Street (meat) 17. Pinati Humos 66 Kanfei Nesharim (meat) 18. Pinati Humos 22 Yad Harutzim (meat) 19. Café Café Center 1 (dairy fish) 20. Café Café Pisgat Ze’ev Shopping Center (dairy fish) 21. Hillel Café 1 Ramat Beit HaKerem (dairy-fish) 22. Hillel Café Hadassah Ein Kerem Mall (dairy fish) 23. Hillel Café 54 Emek Refaim Street (dairy fish) 24. Café 6 Uruguay Street (dairyparve) 25. Marzipan Bakery 5 Rachel Imeinu Street (parve-dairy) TEVERIA 1. Yossi’s Bakery HaGalil (parve/ dairy) 2. Bakery 26 HaBanim (parve/ dairy) 3. Elite Bakery 22 HaEmakim (parve/dairy) 4. HaDerech Bakery 2 Weizman (parve/dairy) 5. Pizza and Pizza 2 Neuberg (dairy/fish) 6. Bereshit Pizza 5 Alchadiff (dairy/fish) 7. Merkaz HaPizza 36 Alchadiff (dairy/fish) 8. Weizman Pizza 30 HaGalil (dairy/fish) 9. HaAgam Shipudim HaYarkon (meat) 10. Pizzarela Restaurant and Pizza 10 Shimon DaHan (dairy/ fish) 11. Arna Restaurant and Pizza 20 HaBanim (dairy/fish) BNEI BRAK 1. Lev HaPizza 75 HaMaccabim (dairy/fish) 2. Hollywood Pizza 111 Jabotinsky (dairy/fish) 3. Pizzahaliya 12 Jabotinsky (dairy-fish) 4. Chalutzim Falafel 20 Chalutzim (parve) 5. Burger Ranch 138 Jabotinsky (meat) 6. Burger Ranch Gas station @ Updates & Alerts 27 Coca Cola Jct (meat) BEIT SHEMESH 1. Falafel and Meats 1 Reuven (Merkaz Shenfeld) (meat) 2. HaShamen 21 Yigal Alon (meat) RECOMMENDED RESTAURANTS – OTHER RECOMMENDED HASHGACHOS Village Green Vegetarian Food– 33 Jaffa Street – 02-625-3065 Under the supervision of Badatz Machzikei Hadas – Belz www.village-green.co.il The Village Green is all ‘bishul yisrael’ for both Ashkenazim and Sephardim. All dairy products are ‘chalav yisrael’ mehadrin. All fruits and vegetables are of course shmitah l’chumra, Café Rimon –Yerushalayim Mehadrin Dulcia Latte –Yerushalayim Mehadrin Pizza Sabbaru–Yerushalayim Mehadrin Buzpe Bakery –Yerushalayim Mehadrin Course Al Ha’Aish Dairy– Yerushalayim Mehadrin Course Al Ha’Aish – meat – Yerushalayim Mehadrin Kourisin’Ne”Eman Bakery’Home Pizza –Yerushalayim Mehadrin Sambooki’Tai Noodles Chineese –Yerushalayim Mehadrin Angel – Yerushalayim Mehadrin Halaz – Paz gas station – R” Machpud Berman Bakery – Aida Charaidis Abadi Bakery – Aida Charaidis Ma’Adane Chen – Badatz Aida Charaidis Larry’s Pizza – Aida Charaidis Muskat – Machzikai Hadas Belz Tzion Hakatan – Bais Yoseph Drori Burger – Bais Yoseph Ben Ami Coffee – Badatz Bais Yosef Korisin (Meat) Malcha Mall 679-1088 Rabbanut Mehadrin Noya – Meat (downtown) 3 Shlomtzion HaMalka Street 625-7311 Rabbanut mehadrin Ahavat Haiam (Fish) Paz Gas Station Ben-Zvi Avenue, 26 Updates & Alerts Rabbinical Council of California as well as the Vaad Harrabonim of San Diego, in addition to having a mashgiach on the premises at all times. After a great deal of effort the RCC is happy to announce that lettuce bearing the RCC logo can now be used without any sort of washing or checking. It has been found to have zero insects in the bags. Mendel’s Meat Restaurant (formerly Mendy’s) located in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, is no longer certified by the Vaad HaKashruth of Buffalo (BVK). FROM KOLA: (Rabbi Benzaquen) Effective immediately, Classic Raphy’s Catering is certified by KOLA - Rabbi Benzaquen Mocha Restaurant, a dairy restaurant on Ventura Blvd. is now certified by KOLA The freshly made Yogurt Parfaits only, which are being served at the following Coffee Bean stores, do not have the appropriate hashgacha. We are working on remedying the situation as soon as possible. Please note that this only affects one item, the “Yogurt Parfait”, in the following Coffee Bean stores only. * 0002 Brentwood; 11698 San Vicente Blvd, Los Angeles * 0022 Manhattan Village; 3008 Sepulveda Blvd, Manhattan Beach * 0027 South Beverly Drive; 233 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills * 0053 Sunset & Hayworth; 7915 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles * 0055 Wilshire & 9th, 829 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica * 0056 Ocean Park & 32nd; 3150 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica * 0077 Oxnard; 2180 N. Rose Avenue, Oxnard * 0081 Wilshire Blvd. & Vermont Ave.; * 0084 Beverly Hills, 8328 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills * 0101 Mission Valley West; 925 C Camino De La Reina, San Diego * 0125 Westwood & Ohio; 1500 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles * 0171 South Figueroa; 3726 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles * 0176 Playa Vista; 13020 Pacific Promenade, Suite 9, Playa Vista VAAD OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA: The Kitchen Table- First artisnal kosher gourmet restaurant in the Bay Area. Award winning meats, vegetarian dishes and hand-crafted desserts. Mashgiach temidi, glatt kosher, meticulous kashrus standards adhered to. Beautiful indoor, outdoor dining, take-out available. At 142 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA, 94041, 6503909388. See their website at thekitchentablerestaurant.com East Bay New Restaurant, Amba- 6464 Moraga Avenue, Montclair, CA 94611, Middle-Eastern Parve and Cholov Yisroel Dairy menu, moderately priced in a gourmet setting Updates Good To Go is a new O/U dairy restaurant in Valley Village,CA. Located at 12417 Burbank Blvd. 818 808-8333 . NEWS FROM ISRAEL: Recommended restaurants Badatz Rav Rubin 1. Achuzat Jerusalem Hall (meat/ Center) 2. Eli’s Restaurant (meat/near Mir Yeshiva) 3. Barbeque B’Shefa (meat/ Schunat Belz) 4. Basarim (meat/Tiberias) ** 5. Bonkers Bagels (dairy/Old City) 6. Burger Deli (meat/Schunat Belz) 7. Burgers Bar (meat/Geula) 8. Burgers Bar (meat/Givat Shaul) 9. Burgers Bar (meat/Old City) 10. Chafetz Chaim (meat/center) 11. Chafetz Chaim (meat/Givat Shaul) 12. Chafetz Chaim Guest House (meat/Kibbutz Chafetz Chaim)** 13. Coffee Bagel (dairy/Old City) 14. Dr. Toast (dairy/Shmuel HaNavi) 15. Gadya Dairy (dairy/Even Sapir) 16. Glidaland (dairy/Beit Shemesh)** 17. Green Good Food (dairy/ Rechavia) 18. Grill Burger (meat/Beit Shemesh)** 19. Grill Burger (meat/Har Nof) 20. HaMushonim Steakhouse (meat/Har Nof) 21. Har Nof Bagels (dairy/Har Nof) 22. HaSaviah Restaurant (meat/ Shmuel HaNavi) 23. Heimishe Kitchen (meat/Givat Shaul) 24. Holy Bagel (baked goods/ Talpiot) 25. Icing Bagels (dairy/Shmuel HaNavi) 26. LaKaza (meat/ Geula) 27. Lucky (meat/Givat Shaul) 28. Miznon HaPisha (meat/Bayit Vegan) 29. Modi (meat/Har Nof) 30. Myers Catering (meat/Moshav Ora) 31. Nina’s Café (dairy/Ramat Eshkol) 32. Off the Square (dairy – center) 33. Palace Hall (Talpiot) 34. Pizza, Bar Ilan (dairy/Bar Ilan) 35. Pizza, Dr. (dairy/Bar Ilan) 36. Pizza, HaMerkaz (dairy/ Petach Tikvah) ** 37. Pizza, Jerusalem 2 (dairy/ Har Nof) 38. Pizza, Mamash Chinam (dairy/Shmuel HaNavi) 39. Pizza, Oh My Gosh (dairy/ Har Nof) 40. Pizza, Rimini (dairy/Ramat Eshkol) 41. Pizza, Royal (dairy/N’vei Yaakov) 42. Refael Falafel (meat/Ramot 3) 43. Royal Catering (meat/Elad)** 44. Sam Bagels (daily/ Ramat Eshkol) 45. Sam Bagels (dairy/Geula) 46. Sam Bagels factory (baked goods/Gilo) 47. Savata U’Bracha Restaurant (meat/ near Mir) 48. Shaulzon Fish (Har Nof) 49. Tehillim Tafshilim (meat/Ramat Eshkol) 50. Tz’nani Shwarma (meat/ Geula) 51. Tzchipupu (meat/Jerusalem center) 52. Uptown Burger (meat/Har Nof) 53. Yad Avraham Steakhouse (meat/Ramot 4) 54. Yummies (meat/Shmuel HaNavi) 55. Yankele Super Ohf (meat/ Har Nof) 56. Yeshiva Karlin (meat/Geula) 57. Yiddishe Essen Restaurant (meat/Ramat Gan)** **Signifies location outside of Jerusalem Following is list of OU-Israel supervised restaurants and hotels Bowmore (only up to the 17th year) Cardhu Cragganmore Dalmore Dailuaine Single Malt Dalwhinnie (all varities) Glenkeith Glencadam Glen Garioch Glen Kinchie Glenmorangie 10 & 18 years (original) cellar 13 Glem Moray 12 Glen Ord Glem Rothes Glenfiddich 90 Glenfiddich Solero Reserve (15 years) Glengoyne Glenlivet (12,15,18,& 21 year) Glenlivet Nadurra (16 years) Glenmorangie (10, 18 year) Highland Park Inchmurrin Isle of Jura Knockando Lagavulin Laphroaig Longmorn Loch Dhu Oban Royal Coachman Royal Lochnagar (all varieties) Scapa Speyburn Strathisla Talisker Tamdhu The Edradour Tomintoul (O/U) Tullibardine TEQUILA All clear Tequila (Silver Tequila) is recommended. Gold and Reposado-Afiejo require reliable certification. Bottles should be checked to be sure that it does not contain a worm. Some of the recommended brands are Agave 99 (O/U) 100 Anos (Star K) Camino Real (Star K) Casa Real (Gold – Star K) Casavores Cazadores (Star K) Centinela (Star K) Diva Maya Don Bernardo G (O/U) Don Camilo Don Julio (O/U) Don Tepo El Diamante Del Cielo (O/U) Fabrica de Tequilas Finos Galardon (Star K) Galindo (Star K) Herrudura (Gold Star K) Jimador (Gold Star K) Jose Cuervo (Gold Star K) Kaban (Star K) La Perseverancia (Star K) La Prima de Poncho Mega 2000 (Star K) Milagro Blanco (Star K) Miravalle Pancho Pistolas Rey Memo Salusa (Star K) Santos Sauza (Gold Star K) Silver (all, except Mezcal with worm in the bottle) Sol Dios Anejo (O/U) Sol Dios Platinum/ Blanco (O/U) Stallion (O/U) Tinoch Tonala (O/U) Tres Generaciones (Anejo, Reposado, Plata Star K) Zapopan VERMOUTH Vermouth is made from wine, and therefore, must have a reliable supervision. The following are kosher certified: Carmel O/U Kedem O/U VODKA All U.S. brands of non-flavored Vodka are reliable, unless listing whey or wine in the ingredients. All imported Vodka must have reliable certification. The following Vodkas are reliable: Absolut (O/U - Pepper, Kurant, Ruby Red, Peach, Raspberry, Unflavored) Achim (Moscow, Tiger O/U) Belvedere Binyamina Peisachkova (O/U) Betty’s (O/U) Binyamina Shapovalov (O/U) Canadian Iceberg (O/U) Carmel (O/U) Chopin Danzig Gold (LBD) Cocktail Jazz (O/U) Cocktail Zvezda (O/U) Cucina Toscana (O/U) Dolce Vita (O/U) Dundee (O/U) Elit (O/U) Finlandia RegularForward (O/U) First Guild (O/U) Forward (O/U) Gefen (O/U) Givon (O/K) Tequila - Vermouth - Vodka 7 Glazur (O/U) Goldenbarr (O/U Chocolate Vodka) Gordon (cRc - Citrus, Orange, Wild Berry - even without cRc on the label) Grand Isle (O/U) Grey Goose Regular (O/U) Gubernskaya (O/U) Iceberg (O/U) Imperial Brands Jelinek Plum Vodka (O/U) Kaznacheyskaya (O/U) Kedem (O/U) Kettle One (O/U) Kremlyovskaya (O/U) L’Chaim (O/U) Level (O/U) Mishka (O/U - Plain, Citrus & Orange) Moskovskaya Imported Russian Vodka (O/U) Nemiroff (O/U) Prairie (O/U) Presidential Standard (O/U) Proschanie-Slavyanki (O/U) Provda (O/U) Putkina Nemiroff (Pepper flavor and Limited Edition are reliable even without certification) Sabra Products Seagram Vodka Silver Creek Liquid Ice Vodka (O/U) Saimnieka (O/U) Silver Creek (O/U) Smirnoff (Blue Label, Red Label,Silver Label) and Smirnoff Twisted V (Black Cherry, Blueberry, Citrus, Cranberry, Green Apple, Lime, Orange, Raspberry, Vanilla) Smirnoff Ice (Arctic Berry, Green Apple, Pomegranate Fusion, Raspberry Burst, Watermelon, Wild Grape – With KSA on the Label) NOTE: Non-flavored Smirnoff Ice including the Smirnoff Ice and Smirnoff Ice Triple Black contain grape and are not certified Kosher. Speed Bar (O/U) Spirits (O/U - Vodka & Vodka Mishka) Spirits Caramel Citron Vodka (O/U) Spirits Caramel Vodka (O/U) Spirits Vodka Stopka 100 Ml (O/U) Stoli (O/U) 8 Flavored Drinks - Beer Stolichanaya (O/U - Cinnamon, Coffee, Gold Premium Imported Russian, Imported Russian, Lemon, Orange, Peach, Vanilla, Raspberry, Strawberry) Three Olives (from England) Todhunter (O/U) Vox Yevreyskaya Yikvel Gold (O/U) Zytomyr (O/U) The Following Vodkas are NOT Kosher Strawberry Acai Non-Flavored Smirnoff Ice including the Smirnoff Ice and Smirnoff Triple Black contain grape and are not certified Kosher unless they bear the KSA or OK. IMPORTED VODKA Absolut Belvedere Binyamina Canadian Iceberg Carmel Chopin Danzig Gold Dolgov (when baring Star Kp) Lave Finlandia – Regular Forward Givon (O/K) Goldenbarr Grey Goose Regular Image Holding Imperial Kedem Ketel One Regular Level Perfect Vodka Pravda Prairie (when bearing O/U) Prestige Vodka Russian Avangard (when bearing Star Kp) Select Ruskova (when bearing Star Kp) Shakespeare Vodka Stolichnaya Stropkov Svedka Vox Regular Yevreyskaya Yikvel Gold WHISKEY Blended Whiskeys must have a reliable certification. The following are some of the reliable whiskeys… Bushmills Irish (all except Green label) Canadian - Canadian Club (regular only, NOT Classsic, Premium or Special Reserve) Canadian Mist Crown Royal (all –except those aged exclusively in Sherry or Port casks) Gibsons (MK on label) Hex (O/U) Irish - Jameson (all) Jamestown Irish Whisky Jim Beam Kellan Irish Whiskey Kentucky Whisky (all Straight and Blended) Middleton Irish Whisky Powers Irish Whisky Paddy Irish Whisky Rye Seagrams (VO & Seven Canadian Blend, not American Blend) Tenessee (all Straight and Blended) Tullamore Dew Irish Whisky Wiser’s FLAVORED ALCOHOLIC DRINKS Smirnoff Twisted Five (KSA) Smirnoff Twisted Ice (O/K in Israel only) Zima (O/U) COCKTAIL & DRINK MIXES Angostura Bitters Banana Colada Mix (O/U) Coco Lopez Pina Colada Mix (with O/U only) Coco Lopez Cream of Coconut (with O/Uonly) Cream of Coconut (O/U) Daily’s Cocktail Mixes (O/U) Giroux (Kof K) Goya Cream of Coconut (when labeled “Product of Dominican Republican”) Goya Coconut Milk (when labeled “Product of Dominic Republic”) Hemisphere Cocktail Mix (O/U) Holland House (with O/U only) Jamaica John (with O/U only) Jero (with O/K only) Lemonex (Kof K) Leroux (O/U) Mi-Lem (Kof K) Mr & Mrs. T’s (with O/U only) Passion Colada Mix (O/U) Pina Colada Mix (O/U) Polar (O/U) Reese Marachino Syrup (O/U) Rose’s - Grenadine & Lime (with O/U only) Rose’s Cocktail Mix (O/U) Sauza Cocktail Mixes (with O/U only) Stirrings Cocktail Mixes (O/U) Strawberry Colada Mix (O/U) Wupperman (Kof K) NOTE: Reliable Tomato Juices Heinz (O/U), Red Gold (O/U), Hunts (O/K), Sysco “Citrus Valley” (O/U), Sacramento(O/U) LIQUEUR & LIQUOR ALERTS SAKE Mikawa Mirin (O/K) Mitoku Co. (Mirin O/K) Nogori Sake Organic Nama Sake Sho Chiku (O/U) Sierra Cold Sake SOJU (KOREAN LIQUOR) Must have reliable Kosher certification BEER Note: All domestic and imported unflavored beers are recommended. The Following are some of the Recommended Beer Brands Acme Birch Beer (O/U) Baltika Beer (O/K) Blue Moon Belgian White (O/U) Boston Beer Co. (Star K) Briar’s Birch Beer (O/U)Brick Amber Dry (COR) Brick Anniversary Bock (COR) Brick Premium (COR) Brooklyn Brewery (Vaad of Detroit) Budweiser (unflavored only) C&C Birch Beer (O/U) Canadian Mist Distillers Coors (O/U - Arctic Ice, Dry, Eisbock, Light, Marzen, Red Light Special Lager, Weizenbier) Carlsberg Beer (O/K) Coopers Sparkling Ale Coopers Best Extra Stout Coopers Special Old Stout Coopers Premium Lager Coopers Extra Strong Vintage Ale Coors Edge (O/U) Coors Original (O/U) Corona (O/K Cerveza, Extra, Light) Coronita (O/K Cerveza & Extra) Extra Gold (O/U) Furstenbrau Beer (O/K) Giant/Main Street (O/U) He’Brew (KSA) Henniger Beer (COR) Herman Joseph’s (O/U) Homebrew Keystone (O/U - Dry, Light) Killians Irish Brown & Red (O/U) Triple Chocolate Brownies, OU-D De Franco’s Espresso Secrets Bears an unauthorized OU. Consumers spotting this product are requested to contact the Orthodox Product Union at 212.613.8241 or via email at kashalerts@ou.org Bazzini Assorted Swedish Fish This product bears an unauthorized OU symbol and is being withdrawn from the marketplace. Consumers spotting this product are requested to contact the Orthodox Union at 212-613-8241 or via email at kashalerts@ou.org Instant Oatmeal Fruit & Cream Variety Pack under the following brands; Richfood, Jewel, Shaw’s, Flavorite, Shop ‘N Save, Acme, Cub, and Albertsons. This Supervalue product contains dairy ingredients as listed on the ingredient panel but the dairy designation has been inadvertently omitted. Future packaging will be revised. FROM THE O/K:Please be advised that as of November 10, 2009 OK KOSHER CERTIFICATION has revoked our certification of Ouri’s Superior Catering, Brooklyn, NY and Ouri’s Sports Kosher Catering Bronx, NY Contact OK Kosher Certification at 718-756-7500 , info@ok.org Please be advised that due to a corporate decision by ConAgra Foods, Inc., Andy Capp’s Fries are no longer certified kosher. The OK-D symbol has been removed from Andy Capp’s labels. Any Andy Capp’s products still on the market with labels bearing the OK-D symbol were produced under OK-D supervision and are kosher. From the Star-K: Electrolux & Frigidaire Freezers with Sabbath Mode Electrolux & Frigidaire freezers with Sabbath Mode features are not certified by Star-K. We urge consumers whenever purchasing new appliances to either check our website: http://www. star-k.org/cons-appl.htm or call our office at 410-484-4110 . VITALITY CELLWISE a Melaleuca CellWise Nutritional Supplement, is no longer certified by the Star-K. FROM KOSHERSTARBUCKS. COM: Due to a new product being market tested, we no longer recommend any Frappuccino beverages in the following areas. Dallas, TX · Austin, TX · Atlanta, GA We hope to have more information soon. Safeway stores in the U.S., including the Dominick’s Stores in Chicago area, sell a full line of products under the “Eating Right Kids” brand, including a line of flavored vitamin enhanced waters. The shrink over-wrap of the Fruit Punch flavor mistakenly bears an OU as this particular flavor is not kosher due to the grape juice content. All other flavors of the flavored vitamin enhanced waters under the “Eating Right Kids” brand are kosher when bearing an OU on the label. Shatnez was discovered in Richard Harris (China) Men’s wool pants, currently sold in Jewish stores in Lakewood. It had a blue linen scrap behind the clip. Lakewood Shatnez Laboratory · 661 7th Street · Lakewood, NJ · 08701 · (732) 364-7056 From New Square Rabbinical Kashrus Council: nsqkosher@ thejnet.com Please be advised that milk products being marketed under the new label BEST SQUARE is not under the supervision of our Beis Din and we take no responsibility for the Kashruth of any products being marketed under the above mentioned label name. BEST SQUARE is not under the supervision of our Beis Din and we take no responsibility for the Kashruth of any products being marketed under the above mentioned label FROM THE RCC: Please be advised that effective immediately, Classic Raphy’s catering is no longer certified by the RCC. Following bakeries are certified Yashan and Pas Yisrael for the current Chodosh season: Classic Le Palais Renaissance Schwartz Unique Following non-retail bakeries are Pas Yisrael: Updates & Alerts 25 Ara-Z Lavash Glendale Fine Bakery – Only Barbary International Pita Warner Center Marriott upgraded their kashrus by purchasing all new silverware dedicated for kosher. This hidur is very significant and came on the heels of a meeting with the General Manager and many senior hotel staff to discuss RCC policy and how we can best work together. The hotel reaffirmed its commitment to kosher in words and now in action. Yoshon - We have alerted our vendors to pre-purchase their flour needs to insure that they can remain Yoshon through next Pesach. We will update the community with a final list of who will participate this year. Article from Kosher Today Ralph’s Grocery Brings New Meaning to “the Kosher Section” in San Diego by Ellie Appleson, Features Editor…It is a “kosher section” that even many large supermarkets that cater to kosher consumers in big cities do not offer. After three years of research and planning, Ralph’s Supermarket implemented their plans to offer kosher in a way that the Jewish community could only have dreamed of. As one of Kroger Company’s establishments, Ralph’s has been upgrading its kosher sections in many of its stores. “Our objective was to create a complete, kosher grocery within one of our supermarkets,” explains Steve Mione, Senior Director Service Deli and one of the instrumental planners of Ralph’s new venture. Complete with a kosher bakery, fresh meat cutting room, sushi, rotisserie and grill, Ralph’s did just that. In their beautifully renovated La Jolla site, Ralph’s staff put endless amounts of effort into educating themselves on the laws of kashrus and even created a kosher kitchen that Mashgiach Rabbi Zack Plotzker says “could not have been put together more effectively.” In order to ensure their kashrus was up to par for all of their clientele, Ralph’s partnered with both the 24 Updates & Alerts Hashgacha: Star K (pareve, Pas Yisroel,Yoshon) Shindler’s Fish (718) 853-5152 Fish Products Hashgacha: Star K Shlomo;s Kosher Meat Market (410) 358-9633 Fish Products Hashgacha: Star K Sociedad Pesquera Landes Frozen Fish Hashgacha; Kof-K Societe Sonial (212) 668-8480 Anchovies Hashgacha: O/U Spence & Co. South Easton, Ma. 02375 Smoked Fish Hashgacha: Kof-K Springfield Smoked Fish Co., Inc. (800) 327-3412 Salmon (smoked), Herring, Mackerel (smoked), Trout (smoked), Tuna (smoked), Whitefish (smoked), Whiting (smoked), Sable (smoked) Hashgacha: O/U Starkist Seafood Co. Breast O’ Chicken Starkist (606) 655-5181 Tuna, Mackerel, Yellowfin Hashgacha: O/U Stoller Fisheries (712) 336-1750 Fish Products Hashgacha: Star K Supreme Trout, Chubs, Herring, Lox, Sable, Smoked Salmon, Tuna, Whitefish Hashgacha: O/U pareve Surimi Seafood Produced for Dyna-Sea Group (201) 928-0432 Imitation Crabmeat and shrimp Hashgacha: Kof-K (pareve) Sushi Metsuyan (Kosher Japanese Catering) (718) 465-3900 www.metsuyan.com Hashgacha: Bernard Benievi Thai Union Manufactruing Co., Ltd. (662) 298-0025 Tuna Hashgacha; O/U Three Star Smoked Fish Co., Inc. (213) 624-2101 Cod, Herring, Salmon, Trout, Whitefish Hashgacha: O/U Trident Seafoods Sea Alaska (206) 783-3813 Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Tuv Taam (718) 855-2207 Smoked Fish Products (Herring, Tuna salad) Hashgacha: O/K Ucluelet Seafood Processors Ltd. (604) 726-7768 Hashgacha: O/U Ungar’s Food Products, Inc. (201) 703-1300 Breaded Fish, Fish Cakes, Fish Sticks, Flounder, Gefilte Fish, Sole Fillets Hashgacha: O/U Uni Fish International www.unifish.com Fish and Fish Products Unimer Hashgacha: O/U Van Camp Seafood Co., Inc. (619) 558-9662 Tuna Hashgacha: O/U Verony Fish Products 011 972 2 644 0938 Fish Delicacies (forzen) Hashgacha: Rabbi Grossman, Badatz Vita Food Products, Inc. (312) 738-4500 Herring, Salmon Hashgacha; O/U Wards Cove Packing Corp. (206) 323-3200 Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Wholey’s International Frozen Fish Hashgacha: Kof-K UPDATES & ALERTS New OU Products Honeydrop Apples and Honey-Honey Infused Beverage, OU Blood Oranges and Honey-Honey Infused Beverages, O Blueberries and Honey-Honey Infused Beverages, OU Chamomile, Tea and HoneyHoney Infused Beverage, OU BOT Berry BOT Fortified Water, OU, Grape BOT Fortified Water, OU, Lemon BOT Fortified Water, OU, Orange BOT Fortified Water, OU Tully’s Coffee from Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Breakfast Blend Coffee, OU Colombia Coffee, OU Espresso Roast Coffee, OU French Roast Coffee, OU Holiday Coffee, OU Kenya Coffee, OU Madison Blend Coffee, OU Spinelli Blend Coffee, OU Gourme from Gourme Cikolata San Ve Tic. Sti-Istanbul, Turkey Dark Chocolate (Cholov Yisroel) OU-D Symbol Required, OU Milk Chocolate (Cholov Yisroel) OU-D Symbol Required, OU White Chocolate (Cholov Yisroel) OU-D Symbol Required, OU Empire Iced Tea from Hansens’s Beverage Co. Lemon Iced Tea, OU Mango Iced Tea, OU Raspberry Iced Tea, OU Sweet Tea Iced Tea, OU Peace Tea from Hansens’s Beverage Co. Green Tea, OU Imported Ceylon Tea, OU Razzleberry Tea, OU Sweet Lemon Tea, OU Function from MD Drinks Alternative Energy Strawberry Guava, OU Light Weight Acai Pomegranate, OU Light Weight Pink Grapefruit, OU Vacation Pacific Coconut, OU Poland Spring Nature’s Blend from Nestle Waters North America Lemon Spring Water & Real Juice, OU Pomegranate Spring Water And Real Juice, OU Raspberry Spring Water & Real Juice, OU Strawberry Spring Water & Real Juice, OU Peter Herring from Peter Herring Ab, Sweden Cherry Liquer, OU Coffee Liqueur, OU Plaza Sweets from Plaza Sweets, Inc. Almond Jewel Cookies, OU-D Banana Bread, OU-D Brazilian Bar, OU-D Carrot Cake, OU-D Chocolate Brownies All, OU-D Chocolate Dynamite Cake Individual, OU-D Coconut Key Lime Bar, OU-D Golden Pecan Tart 7/10, OU-D Linzer Bar, OU-D Pear Tart Individual, OU-D Layla Lager Leon (O/K) Marathon (O/K) Matt Brewing (Vaad of Detroit) Memphis Brown (O/U) Messiah Bold Be’Brew (KSA) Mikawa Mirin (O/K) Miller’s Beer (O/K) Mizkan (O/U) Modelo Especial and Light O/K Negra Modelo (O/K) Pacific Real Draft (COR) Pacifico (O/K) Pete’s Brewing (Vaad of Detroit) Red Baron & Cap Ale (COR) Redbridge Gluten-free Beer Redhook Beer (O/U) Reese (O/U) Samuel Adams (Star K) (Black Lager Wheat, Blackberry, Boston Ale, Boston Lager, Brown Ale, Cherry Wheat, Coastal Wheat, Cranberry Lambic, Cream Stout, Double Bock, Grain Hardcore, Hefeweizen, Holiday Porter, Honey Porter, Imperial Stout, Imperial White Ale, Irish Red Ale, Light, Midnight, Octoberfest, Old Fezziwig, Pale Ale, Raspberry, Spring Ale, Summer Ale, White Ale, Winter Lager, Witbier) Saranac (Vaad of Detroit) Smirnoff (KSA) Stop & Shop/Main Street Birch Beer (O/U) Shuler’s Golden Lager (O/U) Tempo O/U Beer and Malt Beer Top Pop Birch Beer (O/U) Tops Birch Beer (O/U) Tuborg Malty & Diet Malty (O/K) Victoria (O/K) Waterloo Dark Lager (COR) Winterfest Beer (O/U) Zima (O/U) BEER ALERTS Anheuser-Busch Lime and Chelada Beers are not certified Kosher. Miller Flavored Beers (such as Lime) are NOT certified Kosher Mackeson Triple Stout Beer is NOT recommended due to the addition of dairy ingredients. Non-Alcoholic Beer Eastfood Beverages (O/K) RECOMMENDED WINE CERTIFICATIONS The following is a partial list. O/U, O/K, Star-K, Kof-K, Heart K, R’ Hillel Weinberger, R’Zegback, R’ Oyerback, R’ Weissmandel, Chug Chasam Sofer - Petach Tikvah, R’ Hoffman - Hungary, R’ Gorelick, R’ Chazan - Lubavitch Beis Din, Badatz Jerusalem, Tzelemer Rav, R’ Frankfurter, R’ Belinow, R’ Teitelbaum - Nirbatur Rav, R’ Babad - Tartikover Rav, New Square. WINE & GRAPE JUICE Note: Be sure to check on the label for “Mevushal” or “non-Mevushal” as well as “P” for Passover status. Many companies, such as Kedem, now produce non-Mevushal grape juice in the large glass bottles. Abarbanel Wine Co. (Star K and O/U) Alfasi (Wines of Chile - O/K) Agur Winery (O/K) Altoona Hills (O/U) Anav Cohen (Badatz) Anavay Yerushalayim (Badatz) Arriero Argentina (O/U) Backsberg Wine (O/U) Baron Herzog (O/U) Barkan Wine Cellars (O/K) Bartenura (O/U) Bazelet Hagolan Winery (O/K) Beckett’s Flat Wines (Kosher Australia) Ben Ami (O/K) Berry Ridge Winery (Kof K) Binyamina (O/U) Binyamin Special Reserve (O/U) Canandaigua Wine Co. Manishewitz (O/U) Carmel Choice (O/U) Carmel Winery (O/U) Casa di Luigi – O/Up Cevennes Kapelan (South Africa Hashgacha; Non-Mevushal) Champagne Jeanmaire Cuvee (O/U / Bet Din Strassburg) Chateau Deutz (O/U) Cilantro Kosher (O/U) Clovis Lesieutre (O/U) Concordia (O/U) Cremant d’ Alsace Cuvee Leon Royal (O/U) Dalton Winery (O/U) Delikstar (O/U) Demidoff (O/K) Domaine Gilbert (Virgin Hills) (Rabbi Levine’s /Melbourne) Dolev - Badatz Eida Charaidis Don Mendoza - UKp Efrat Winecellars (O/U) Efrati (Badatz) Ella Valley (O/K) Elysee Palace (O/U) Wine Certifications 9 Erez Terez (Badatz) Eshkol South Africa (O/U) Exodus (O/U) Flavor Inn (O/U) Fleuron Royal (O/U) Galil Mountain (O/K) Galilee (O/U) Gallula Vineyards (O/U) Gamla (O/K) Gewurztraminer (O/U) Givon (O/K) Gan Eden (O Givon (O/K) Golan (O/U) Golan Heights Winery (O/K) Gonzalez Byass (KLBD) Goose Bay (O/U) Gran Palas (Chug Chasam Sofer) Gush Etzion Winery (O/U) Hagafen (O/U) Hai (O/Up) Hakerem Cellars Hamasrek Winery (O/U) Herzog French (O/U) Hevron Heights Winery (O/U) Imperial Brands (O/U) J. Furst (O/U) J.J. Jacobsen Kijafa (O/U) Jerusalem Wines (O/U) Jolimont (O/U) Jonathan Tishbi Special Reserve (USA) Joseph Zakon (O/K) Judean Winery (O/U) Judean Hills (O/U) Kamsberg (O/U) Karmel Yosef Winery (O/K) Kartosel (South Africa Hashgacha Non-Mevushal) Katlav Winery (O/K) Kedem (O/U) Kedem Estates (O/U) Kedem Traditional (O/U) Keramin (O/U) Kijafa (Black Raspberry & Cherry Wine O/U) Kineret (O/U) King David (O/U) King Salomon (O/U) Kitron Winery (O/K) Kolobarra Hills Australia (O/U) La Carignano (O/U) La Selleste (O/U) Lambouri Winery (O/K) Lanzur Chile (O/U) Lionel Gallula S.A. (O/U) M&G (O/U) Manischewitz (O/U) Maraska (Star K) Markland Cottage Winery (COR) Mashosh HaAretz (Badatz) 10 Israeli Wine Masoret (O/U) Medek Wine & Spirits Co. (Machazikel Hadas of Manchester) Mitz Yerushalayim (Badatz) Monarch Wine Co. of Georgia (O/U) Monfort (O/K) Mony Winery (O/K) Muscat Matok (Badatz) N. Winer & Son (O/K) Noah Winery (O/U) Odem Mountain Winery (O/K) Ohra (O/U) Patron Argentina (O/U) Plaza Prestige (O/U) Premium Cabernet Argaman (O/U) Premier Riesling Semillion(O/U) Pribokaar, S.A. (O/K) Prince Georges (O/U) Private Collection (O/U) Queen of Sheba (O/U) Ramim Winery (O/K) Rashi (O/U) Rashi Select (O/U) Reese Cooking Wines (O/U) Reserve St. Martin (O/U) Residence Imperiale (O/U) Riesling (Melbourne Hashgacha) Rimon Winery (O/K) Rodriguez Wines (COR Baked Apple / Cloud Berry, Barrens Blend, Black Currant, Blueberry, Dry Blueberry, Partridge Lingonberry, Pear, Strawberry) Rothberg Cellars (O/K) Royal Wine Corp. (O/K) S.I.E.V.A. Bokobza (O/U) Safsuda Vineyards (O/U) San’t Andrea (O/U) Santero Italy (O/U) Savion (O/U) Segal’s (O/K) Sforno (O/U) Sforno Spain (O/U) Shaar HaZahav (Badatz) Shahar (O/K) Shilo Winery (O/K) Spirits (O/U) Star White (O/U) Tabor Winery (O/K) Tam Pree & Tam Pree Light O/U Tanya Winery (O/K) Teal Lake (O/U) Teperberg (O/U) Teperberg Selection (O/U) Terrenal (O/U) Terrenal Spain (O/U) Terroso Argentina (O/U) Terroso Chile (O/U) Terroso Spain (O/U) Tete Noire (O/U) The Cave (O/U) Tierra Salvaje Argentina (O/U) Tierra Salvaje Chile (O/U) Tidhar – Batatz Eida Chareidis Tishbi (USA) (O/U) Tishbi Estate (Israel - O/U) Tishbi Vineyards (USA - O/U) Todhunter (O/U) Tzora Vineyards (O/K) Tzuba Winery (O/K) Victor Kosher Wine (O/K) Vineyards Selected (O/U) Weinberg South Africa (O/U) Weinson (O/K) Weinstock California Wine(O/U) Wente Segal Cabernet Sauvignon (O/U) Yarden (O/K) Yekovay Tzion (Badatz) Yerachmiels (South Africa Hashgacha Non-Mevushal) Zmora (O/K) KOSHER CERTIFIED ISRAELI WINES (Check Hashgacha on each bottle as not all are recommended) Asif Barkan Bashan Bazelet Hagolan Beit-El Benhaim Binyamina Birya Bustan Canaan Dalton Domaine Ella Valley Vineyards Flegmann Gad Galil Mountain Gat Shomron Golan Heights Winery Gush Etzion Gv aot Hakerem Hamasrek Hevron Heights Kadesh Barnea Katlav Kitron Kleins Maccabim Miller Mond Mony Nahal Amud Psagot Ramim Recanati Ruth Safed Segal Shiloh Sifsaf Tabor Tanya Teperberg Teva The Cave Tiltan Tishbi Tzora Vineyards Tzuba VanhotzkerYatir Zemora Zion Non-Kosher Israeli Wine List Achziv Agur Alexander Aligote Alon Alona Amphorae Amphorae Reserve Amram’s Anatot Assaf Avidan Bar Baram Barkai Ben Hanna Ben-Shoshan Ben-Zimra Bustan Hameshusheem Carmey Avdat Castel Chateau Golan Chillag Clos de Gat Ein Nashut Ein Teina Erez Essence Flam Galai Gesher Damia Ginaton Givon Greenberg Gustavo & Jo Hans Sternbach Hatabor Kadita Kahanov Karmei Yosef Katz Kella David Kfir La Terra Promessa Lachish J.A. Kirsch Corp. (800) 977-7829 Tuna Hashgacha: O/U Kasilof Fish Hashgacha: Kof-K Kineret Foods Corp. (516) 237-6200 Breaded Fish, Cod, Fish Cakes and Sticks, Flounder, Sole and Whiting Hashgacha: O/U Kirkland Custom Seafood, Inc. (206) 828-4521 Salmon, Tuna, Cod, Halibut, Trout Hashgacha: O/U Kylin International (800) 505-9546 Fishburgers Long Island Kosher Fish (516) 666-1978 Fish Products Hashgacha: Star K Los Angeles Smoking & Curing Co. Lascco (213) 622-0724 Herring, Kippers, Lox, Salmon, Cod, Whitefish Hashgacha: O/U Marina Import Food Co. Israel Mackerel Hashgacha: O/U Marshall Smoked Fish Co., Inc. (718) 384-7621 Fax: (718) 384-6661 Cold Smoked Salmon, Hot Smoked Chubs, White Fish, Salmon, Trout, Sturgeon, Specialties, Pickled Herring, Salads Marshall Smoked Fish Smoked Fish Hashgacha: Kof-K Metropolitan Poultry & Seafood (301) 772-0060 Fish Products Hashgacha: Star K Monegasque (201) 585-7877 Anchovies Hashgacha: O/U Nafco Wholesale Fish Dealers Frozen Fish Hashgacha: Kof-K Noon Hour Food Products Inc. (312) 382-1177 Herring Hashgacha: O/U Norlax A/S Hashgacha: O/U Ocean Star Seafoods, Inc. (360) 398-1117 Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Marshall Smoked Fish Co., Inc. (718) 384-7621 Ocean Beauty Seafoods (206) 285-6800 Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Oceanfood Industries Ltd. (604) 254-1666 Smoked Trout Fillets, Smoked Salmon, Smoked Mackerel Hashgacha: O/U Olsen Fish Co., Inc. (612) 332-3533 Herring Hashgacha: O/U Orca Specialty Foods Ltd. (604) 940-2753 Smoked Tuna, Smoked Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Orkney Herring Co. 01856 850514 Fax: 01856 850568 Hashgacha: Court of the Chief Rabbi Beth Din, London Ossie’s Fish Market (718) 435-0635 Fish Products (fresh & frozen, herring, lox, gefilte, salmon) Hashgacha: Star K Pacific Seafoods International, Ltd. (250) 656-0901 Smoked Cod Smoked Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Pesquera Del Norte Frozen Fish Hashgacha: Kof-K Pesquera El Golfo Frozen Fish Hashgacha: Kof-K Peter Pan Seafoods, Inc. (206) 728-6000 Canned Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Philadelphia Foods, Inc. (609) 456-8700 Fish Products Tuna Hashgacha: Star K Port Chatham Packing (206) 783-8200 Lox, Tuna, Black Cod, Trout, Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Profish (202) 529-3003 Hashgacha: Star K Quality Frozen Foods (718) 256-9100 Fish Products Hashgacha: Star K Raskin’s Fish (718) 756-5721 (800) 364-6822 Fish Companies 23 www.raskinfish.com Shop worldwide fresh fish & fish products (retail & wholesale) Salmon Gefilte Fish Hashgacha: O/K and Bais Din of Crown Heights Rite Foods (617) 426-1144 Herring, Lox Hashgacha: Vaad Harobonim (KUH) Pareve Salmon River Specialty Products Ltd. (604) 888-1008 Carp, Halibut, Mackerel, Salmon, Trout,Tuna, Whitefish Hashgacha: O/U Samaki Hashgacha: Kof-K Sancano Canning Corp. Chicken Of The Sea Tuna Hashgacha: O/U Sea Diamond Pre-Cooked Fish Hashgacha: O/U Sea Fare Foods Co., Inc. (313) 869-1123 Herring, Lox, Smoked Chubs, Smoked Salmon, Smoked Whitefish, Smoked Whiting Hashgacha: O/U Sea Specialties/Florida Smoked Fish Co. (800) 654-6682 Cod, Herring, Chubs, Halibut (Smoked), Kingfish (Smoked), Lox, Salmon, Trout, Tuna, Whitefish, Carp Hashgacha: O/U Sea Chef Frozen Fish Hashgacha: Kof-K Sea Coast Foods, Inc. (206) 789-7850 Hake (Pacific Whiting) Hashgacha: O/U Service Smoke Fish Smoked Fish & Herring Hashgacha: Kof-K Seven Mile Market (410) 653-2000 Fish Products Hashgacha: Star K Shindler’s Kosher Kurnch (718) 853-5152 Gourmet Fish Cakes, Fish Portions, Fish Sticks, Sea Fresh Raw Fish Fillets & Steaks 22 Fish Companies Japanese: isomaguro TUNA, longtail Japanese: koshinaga TUNA, skipjack French: bonite à ventre rayé Hawaiian: aku Italian: tonnetto striato Japanese: katsuo Portuguese: gaiado, listao, listado Spanish: listado, bonito artico, barrilete TUNA, southern bluefin French: thon (rouge) du sud, thon rouge austral Japanese: minamimaguro TUNA, yellowfin French: albacore, thon à nageoires jaunes German: Gelbflossenthun Hawaiian: ahi, ahimalailena malailena Italian: albacore, tonno albacora Japanese: kihada, kiwade, kiwada maguro Portuguese: albacora, atum amarello Spanish: atun de aleta amarilla, atún de Allison, rabil WHITEFISH, lake French: grand coregone YELLOWTAIL, California Spanish: jurel de Castilla, colarubia, colirubia, pez limon, seriola de California YELLOWTAIL, southern French: sériole australe, liche Portuguese: seriola do sul, olhete, charuteiro Spanish: jurel de Castilla, colarubia, colirubia, pez limón, seriola austral FISH COMPANIES A&B Premium Fish Meals (914) 425-4101 Gefilte Fish Hashgacha: Aaron Streit, Inc. (212) 475-7000 Gefilte Fish Hashgacha: Rabbi Soloveickik Pareve Acme Smoked Fish Smoked Fish & Lox Hashgacha: Kof-K American Smoked Fish Smoked Fish & Lox Hashgacha: Kof-K Armorial Mackerel, Pilchard, Sardines Hashgacha: O/U Banner Smoked Fish Inc. (718) 729-4340 Richard Alexander, Caviar, Lox, Pickled Herring, Smoked Salmon, Whitefish, Trout, Bluefish Fillets,Halibut Hashgacha: O/U Barkey Importing Co. Frozen Fish Hashgacha: Kof-K Benz’s Food Products (718) 778-2239 Fish Products (Gefilte Fish) Hashgacha: Star K Bertram, Inc. Tuna Fish Hashgacha: Star K Blue Royal Herring Hashgacha; O/U Blue Ribbon Smoked Fish Co. (718) 251-9100 Fish Products Hashgacha: Star K Briny Deep Herring Hashgacha: O/U British Columbia Packers, Ltd. Vancouver, BC Canada (604) 277-2212 Tuna Hashgacha: Star K British Columbia Packers (604) 241-3463 Canned Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Bumble Bee Sea Food, Inc. (619) 550-4000 Canned Salmon and Tuna Hashgacha: O/U Circle Sea Seafood, Ltd. (206) 483-1177 Cold Smoked Wild Salmon Lox Hashgacha: O/U Congelados Del Pacifico Frozen Fish Hashgacha: Kof-K Cornucopia (800) 756-7437 Smoked Salmon, Smoked Trout, Salmon Pinwheels D&S Distributing (213) 938-4470 Tuna Hashgacha: Star K Dagim Taborim Co., Inc. (718) 851-7124 Breaded Fish Cakes, Tuna, Flounder-Sole, Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Dr. Praeger’s Sensible Foods Ungar’s (201) 703-1300 Lightly Breaded Fish Fillet, Gefilte Fish Hashgacha: O/U Edalfiskur (718) 967-7930 Smoked Salmon, Smoked Trout Hashgacha: O/U Feature Foods, Ltd. Hashgacha: O/U Festive Finer Foods (718) 341-2100 Gefilte Fish Hashgacha: O/U Finam International Corp. (954) 961-2289 Fjord King Salmon, Tuna Paste, Halibut (smoked) Hashgacha: O/U Flaum’s (718) 821-1970 Chubs, Herring, White Fish, Lox, Whitefish Salad Hashgacha: O/U Freshwater Fish Marketing Corp. Canada (204) 983-0875 Carp, Fillet, Whitefish Hashgacha: O/U Friedman’s Fish Zupnick Rd. Fish Market, Inc. (914) 783-2850 Carry line of Friedman’s & Shloma’s frozen gefilte fish (plus fresh fish daily) Hashgacha: O/K Frigogan Barranquilla, Colombia (575) 858-1226 Frozen Cooked Tuna Loins Hashgacha: O/U Great American Smoked Fish Smoked Fish & Lox Hashgacha: Kof-K Haliburton International Corp. (909) 982-2373 Hashgacha: O/U Healthy Desire by Salmolux (206) 874-2026 Hashgacha: Kof-K Pareve Iceland Waters Ltd. (354) 110-0700 Cod Liver Hashgacha: O/U Icelandic Freezing Plants Corp. (354) 160-7800 Smoked Salmon Hashgacha: O/U Islensk (354) 151-455 Herring Hashgacha: O/U Latroun Levron Maor Margalit Meishar Meister Miles Na’aman Nachshon Nashashibi Natuf Neot Smadar Noga Odem Mountain Pelter Poizner Ra’anan Ramot Naftaly Red Poetry Rhyton Rosh Pina Rota Rozenbaum Salomon Saslove Sassy Savion Sde Boker Sea Horse Shdema Smadar Snir Somek Soreq Sraya Srigim Stern Three Vines Trio Tulip Villa Wilhelma Vitkin Vortman Yaffo Ye’arim Yehuda Yiftahel Zauberman GLATT KOSHER MEAT The Torah states that “meat from an animal that has been torn in the field may not be eaten” (Exodus 22:30). This means that all animals intended for Jewish consumption, besides being of a Kosher species and ritually slaughtered by a trained shochet (slaughterer), must be wholesome. Any lesion, rip, broken bone, illness, puncture or defect sufficient to kill the animal usually renders it traif (non-Kosher). Although some defects may be visible while the animal is still alive, others require careful checking of the animal’s internal organs after it is has been slaughtered, to be sure it is free of any defects and diseases which could cause it to be non-Kosher. It is particularly common to find adhesions to an animal’s lung which indicate a puncture in the lung wall that would render the animal traif. Until about 500 years ago, only meat from animals free of adhesions (“glatt”) was used. Later, however, there were halachic (legal) authorities (Rema) who permitted eating meat of animals with small adhesions on particular sections of the lung . If the adhesions are small, easily removable, and the lungs prove to be airtight (by inflation under water), the animal may be declared Kosher, but not Glatt. Adhesions are not common in chickens in the U.S.A. and Canada. Therefore, all chicken meat in the U.S. is considered Glatt Kosher. The only sure protection from the fraud that we have seen at time in meat production is to make sure that we are purchasing meat with only top level Hashgacha. Empire chicken, for instance, carries the O/U as well as the KAJ. Rubashkin meats (currently not in production) had many different Hashgachos on its runs, including David’s meats sold at Trader Joes that was non- Glatt meat. Meat consumption is at an all time high, but production has hit a snag with the closure of the Rubashkin meat plants. MEAT COMPANIES Abeles & Heymann Glatt Kosher Provisions Hashgacha: O/U Glatt Alle Processing Gruenspecht Jerusalem Lowy Meal Mart (800) 245-5620 Meat Products (franks, corned beef, beef and lamb cuts) Hashgacha: O/U Baltimore Kosher Glatt & Meat Companies 11 Baltimore, Md. (410) 764-9249 Meat Processor Hashgacha: Star K Bessin Corp. (800) 823-7746 Meat Processor Hashgacha: Star K David Elliot (717) 689-2233 Meat Products Hashgacha: O/U Glatt Mart, Inc. (718) 338-4040 Deli Hashgacha: Star K Golden Gourmet Kosher Cuisine (201) 568-6868 Meat Processor Hashgacha: Star K International Glatt Kosher. (718) 630-5555 Meat Packing and Processing Hashgacha: Star K H.G.I. International Beef Products (franks, beef liver, corned beef, tongue, pastrami, bologna, veal) Hashgacha: O/U Levitts Kosher Foods, Inc. Canada (514) 842-9721 Deli, Meat Provisions Hashgacha: Star K Levitts Kosher Foods Inc. Montreal, QC H2W 2B3 Canada Beef Franks, Beef Brisket, Bologna, Salami Hashgacha: Star K Musicon, Inc. (914) 294-6378 Venison meat Hashgacha: O/U Real Kosher Sausage Co. (212) 254-5994 Meat Products (beef, corned beef, Pastrami, salami, sausage, tongue, veal) Hashgacha: O/U Ripples, Inc. (914) 434-7550 Deli, Meat Processors Hashgacha: Star K Romanian Kosher Sausage (773) 761-4141 Beef Products (bologna, sausage, corned beef, fresh meat cuts, pastrami, tongue) Hashgacha: O/U 12 Fish Ruppersberger & Sons, Inc. Baltimore, Md. (410) 669-2600 Meat Packing Hashgacha: Star K Seven Mile Market Baltimore, Md. (410) 653-2000 Deli - Meat Processor Hashgacha: Star K Shlomo’s Kosher Meat Market Baltimore, Md. (410) 358-9633 Meat Processor Hashgacha: Star K Shmuel Ashkenazy (718) 436-6107 Meat Packing Hashgacha: Star K Trueth, J.W. & Sons, Inc. (410) 465-4650 Meat Packing Hashgacha: Star K Wasserman & Lemberger Baltimore, Md. (410) 486-4191 Deli - Meat Processor Hashgacha: Star K Meat Sources From the Vaad of the Five Towns Kosher Beef Kosher Dry Aged Beef Kosher Organic Beef Kosher Bison Reliable Kosher Supervised Meat Products - Deli/Cold Cuts Abeles & Heyman Franks, Knockwurst & Deli (O/U) 999 Sausage & Franks (O/U) Empire Deli & Frozen Chicken/ Meat (O/U) International Glatt Deli and Franks (O/U) Meal Mart Deli (O/U) Meal Mart Frozen Mon Cuisine Meals (Chicken, Meat, Fish & Vegetarian) (O/U) Neshama Sausages (Star K) Wise Organic Beef Franks (O/U) FISH Fish must have fins and scales to be Kosher. Fish which only have fins are not Kosher. Of the four types of scales, clenoid, cycloid, ganoid and placoid, only clenoid and cycloid scales are valid according to the Torah. Gandoid is the type found on sturgeon and placoid is found on shark .There is no prohibition against eating fish blood, other than the fact that people may think that a person is eating prohibited blood, and ritual slaughter is not required. The scales must be true scales that can be removed without damaging the skin of the fish. As it says in the Torah – “These you may eat of the fishes, all that have fins and scales…” (Vayikrah XI:9-12) Bony tubercles and plate, or thorn-like scales that can be removed only by removing part of the skin are not considered scales in this context. Some fish that have such scales, such as eels, lumpfish, shark, sturgeon, and swordfish, are not Kosher. All shellfish and mammals (such as whales, and dolphins) are not Kosher. Only the eggs of Kosher fish, such as fish roe or caviar, are allowed, therefore supervision is necessary. Care must be taken when buying fresh, whole fish, filleted, or frozen, because of the possibility of substitution of non-Kosher fish or of contamination by remnants of non-Kosher fish from knives and cutting boards. Fish sticks have three problems: the fish, the oil, and the frying utensils and equipment (which are usually used for non-Kosher fish as well as Kosher fish). Smoked fish is frequently soaked in brine and then smoked along with non-Kosher fish. According to Jewish law, this soaking and smoking is tantamount to cooking over a flame and therefore the product is not Kosher. Smoked fish is also often packed in oil, which may not be Kosher. Although herring is famous as a Jewish food, it is, in fact, not always Kosher. The preparation of herring can pose a myriad of problems, among which are mono- and di-glycerides, non-Kosher wine vinegar or wine, sour cream, bread crumbs, spices, and equipment contamination. These lists of Kosher and non-Kosher fish were prepared by James W. Atz, Ph.D., Curator and Dean Bibliographer in the Department of Ichthyology of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York 10024. KOSHER FISH Albacore See: Mackerels Alewife See: Herrings Amberjack See: Jacks Anchovies (Family Engraulidae). Including: European anchovy (Engraulis encrasciolus), North of California anchovy (Engraulis mordax). Angelfishes and butterfly fishes (Family Chaetodontidae). Including: Angelfishes (Holacanthus species, Pomacanthus species). Atlantic Pomfret or Ray’s Bream (Brama brama) Ballyhoo See: Flyingfishes Barracudas (Family Sphyraenidae) Including: Barracudas and kakus (Sphyraena species). Bass See: Sea Basses. Temperate basses, Sunfishes, Drums Bigeyes (Family Priacanthidae). Including: Bigeyes or aweoweos (Priacanthus species). Blackfish See: Carps, Wrasses Blacksmith See: Damselfishes Blueback See: Flounders, Herrings, Trouts Bluefish or Snapper Blue (Pomatomus saltarix) Bluegill See: Sunfishes Bocaccio See: Scorpionfishes Bombay duck (Harpadeon nehereus) Bonefish (Albula vulpes) Bonito See: Cobia, Mackerels Bowfin Freshwater dogfish, or grindle (Amia calva) Bream See: Carps, Atlantic pomfret, Porgies Brill See: Flounder Buffalo fishes See: Suckers Burbot See: Codfishes Butterfishes (Family Stromateidae), Including: Butterfish (Peprilus tracanthus); Pacific pompano (Peprilus similimus); harvestfishes (Peprilus species) Butterfly fish See: Angelfish Cabrilla See: Sea Basses Calico bass See: Sunfishes Capelin See: Smelts Carps and minnows (Family Cyprinidae), Including: the Toadfishes (Opsanus species); Midshipment (Porichthys species). Tiggerfishes and firefishes (Family Balistidae). Triggerfishes (Balistes species, Canthidermis species) Trunkfishes (Family Ostraciidad). Trunkfishes and cowfishes (Lactophrys species). Wolffishes (Family Anarhichadidae). Including: Wolffishes or ocean. catfishes (Anarhichas species) Multilingual Guide to Common Names of Some Kosher Saltwater Fishes Following are the common names, in several different languagesof some Kosher fish. The names are those applied in the areas where the species occur or are commonly known. The species are listed alphabetically according to the English standard common name. ALBACORE French: germon German: Weisser Thun Hawaiian: ahipalaha Italian: alalonga Japanese: bin’naga, binnagamaguro, binchô, tombo Portuguese:voador, albacora, albacora branca Spanish: albacora, atún blanco, bonito del norte BARRACUDA, great French: barracuda, bécune, brochet de mer German: Grosser Barrakuda Hawaiian: kaku Italian: barracuda, sfirena Japanese: onikamasu Portuguese: barracuda, bicuda americana Spanish: barracuda, picua, picúda, bicuda, espetón, picúa brava, picúa corsaria, picúa zorra BASS, European French: bar German: Seebarsch, Wolfsbarsch Italian: spigola Spanish: lubina BASS, giant sea French: merou géant du Pacifique Japanese: ishinagi-zoku Spanish: mero gigante del Pacifico, cherna, lubina marina gigante BASS, striped Spanish: lobina rayada, lobina barrada, lubina listada BLUEFISH French: tassergal, balarin German: Blaufisch, Wolfsbarsch Italian: pesce serra, ballerino Japanese: amikiri, okisuzuki, okisade Portuguese: anchova, enchova Spanish: anchoa, anjova BONITO, Atlantic French: bonite à dos rayé German: Bonito, Pelamide Italian: palamita Japanese: hagatsuo-rui Portuguese: serrajao Spanish: bonito (del Atlántico), carachana BONITO, Paciflc Japanese: hagatsuo, kitsunegatsuo Spanish: bonito (del Pacifico) COD, Atlantlc & Pacific French: morue, cabillaud, fraiche, morue franche German: Kabeljau, Dorsch Italian: merluzzo bianco Japanese: madara, tara-ka Portuguese: bacalhau Spanish: bacalao, bacallao DOLLY VARDEN Russian: malma DOLPHIN French: coryphene, dauphin Hawaiian: mahi mahi Italian: corifena, lampuga, pappagallo Japanese: shiira Portuguese: dourado Spanish: dorado, lampugus, llampugas, peje vapor HALIBUT, Atlantic French: flétan de l’Atlantique German: Heilbutt HALBUT, Pacific Japanese: ohyo-rui JEWFISH Portuguese: mero, garoupa Spanish: mero, cherna, guasa, mero sapo, mero-cherna, mero brasil, pez judío MACKEREL, king Portuguese: cavala real, serra Spanish: carite rey, caballa real, sierra, carita, sierra grande, sierra de altura, sierra canalera, carite lucio MACKEREL, Spanish Spanish: sierra, carite pintado PERCH, white Fish Companies 21 French: bar-perche POLLACK French: lieu jaune, colin jaune German: Pollack Italian: merluzzo giallo Portuguese: badejo, juliana Spanish: abadejo POLLOCK French: lieu noir, colin, merlan noire, goberge German: Kohler, Seelachs Portuguese: escamudo Spanish: abadejo, abadejo negro, badejo SALMON, chinook Russian: Tshawytscha SALMON, chum Russian: keta SALMON, coho Russian: kisutch SALMON, pink Fiussian: gorbuscha SALMON, sockeye Russian: nerka SEABASS, Japanese Japanese: suzuki SEABASS, blackfin Japanese: hira-suzuki SEABASS, white Spanish: cabaicucho, corvina blanca, pescadilla TROUT, brook French: truite TROUT, lake French: touladi TUNA, bigeye French: thon obese, patudo, thon ventru Hawaiian: po’o-nui, ahipo’o-nui Japanese: mebachi, shibi Portuguese: patudo Spanish: atun ojo grande, patudo TUNA, blackfin Japanese: taiseiyômaguro Portuguese: albacorinha, atumpreto Spanish: atún aleta negra, atún aletinegro, albacora TUNA, bluefin French: thon touge German: Blauflossenthun, Roter Thun Italian: tonno Japanese: kuromaguro, honmaguro, maguro Portuguese: atum, atum-azul Spanish: atún aleta azul, atun gigante, atún rojo TUNA, dogtooth French: thon blanc 20 Non-Kosher Fish species, Hyperprosopon species); Seaperches (Embiotoca species, Hypsurus species, Phanerodon species, Rhacochilus species); Black perth (Embiotoca jacksoni); Pile perch (Rhacochilus vacca); Shiner perch (Cymatogaster aggregata). Surgeonfishes (Family Acanthuridae). Including: Surgeonfishes and tangs (Acanthurus species, Zebrasoma species); Doctorfish (Acanthurus chirugus); Unicornfishes or kalas (Naso species). Tang See: Surgeonfishes Tarpon (Megalops atlantica) Tautog See: Wrasses Temperate basses (Family Percichthyidae). Including: Striped bass or rockfish (morone saxatillis); Yellow bass (Morone mississippiensis); White bass (Morojne chrysops); White perch (Morone americana); Giant California sea bass (Stereolepis gigas) Tench See: Carps Tenpounder See Ladyfish Threadfins (Family polynemidae) including: Blue bobo (Polydactylus approximans); Barbu (Polydactylus virginicus); Moi (Polydactylus sexfilis) Tilapia See: Cichlids Tilefishes (Family Branchiostegidae) including: tilefish (Logholatilus chamaeleonticeps) Ocean whitefish (Caulolatilus princeps) Tomcod See: Codfishes Tomtate See: Grunts Tomsmelt See: Silversides Tripletail (Lobotes surinamensis) Trouts and whitefishes (Family Salmonidae) including: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar); Pacific salmons (Oncorhtnchus species); Coho or silver salmon; sockeye, blueback or red salmon; chinook, king or spring salmon; pink or humpback salmon; chum, dog or fall salmon, Trouts (Salmo species) Brown trout, rainbow trout or steelhead, cutthroat trout, golden trout, Chars (Salvelinus species); Lake trout, brook rout, Arctic char, Dolly Varden, Whitefishes and ciscos (coregonus species and Prosopium species); Cisco or lake herring (Corengonus artedii); chubs (coregonus species); graylings (thymallus Species) Tuna See: Mackerels Turbot See Flounder (some non-kosher) Unicornfish See: Surgeonfishes Wahoo See: Mackerels Walleye See: Perches Walleye pollock See: Codfishes Warmouth See: Sunfishes Weakfishes See: Drums Whitefish See: Trouts, Tilefishes Whiting See: Codfishes, Hakes, Drums Wrasses (Family Labridae) including: Hogfishes and aawas (Bodianus species); Hogfish or capitaine (Lachnolaimus maximus); Tautog or blackfish (Tautoga onitis); California sheephead or redfish (Pimelometopon pulchrum); Cunner, chogset, or bergall (Tautogolabrus adspersus) Yellowtail See: Jacks Yellowtail snapper See Snappers NON-KOSHER FISH Angler See: Goosefishes Beluga See: Sturgeons Billfishes (Family Istiophoridae). Including: Sailfishes (Istiophorus species); Marlins and spearfishes (Tetrapterus species, Makaira species). Blowfish See: Puffers Bullhead See: Catfishes Cabezon See: Sculpins Catfishes (Order Siluriformes). Including: Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus); Bullheads (Ictalurus species); Sea catfish (Arius felis) Cutlassfishes (Family Trichiuridae) including: Cutlassfishes (Trichiurus species) Scabbardfishes (Lepidopus species) Dogfish See: Bowfin, Sharks Eels (Order Anguilliforms). Including American and European eel (Anguilia rostrata and Anguila anguila); Conger eel (Conger oceanicus). Gars (Order Semionotiformes). Freshwater gars (Lepisosteus species). Goosefishes or anglers (Lophius species) Grayfish See: Sharks Lampreys (Family Petromyzontidae) Leatherjacket See: Jacks (Oligoplites saurus) Lomosuckers (Family Cyclopteridae). Including: Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus); Snailfishes (Liparis species). Marlin See: Billfishes Midshipman See: Toadfishes Ocean pout or eelpout (Macrozoarces americanus) Oilfish (Ruvettus pretiosus) Puffers (Family Tetraodontidae). Paddlefish See: Sturgeons Pout See: Ocean pout Puffers, blowfishes, swellfishes, sea squab (Sphoeroides species) Ratfish See: Sharks Ray See: Sharks Rock prickleback or rockeel (Xiphister mucosus) Sailfish See: Billfishes Sculpins (Family Cottidae). Including: Sculpins (Myoxocephalus species, Cottus species, Leptocottus species, etc.). Cabezon (Scorpaenichthys marmoratus); Searaven (Hemitripterus americanus) Searaven See: Sculpins Sea-squab See: Puffers Sharks, rays and their relatives (Class Chondrichthyes). Including Grayfishes or dogfishes (Mustelus species, Squalus species); Soupfin shark (Galeorhinus zyopterus); Sawfishes (Pristis species); Skates (Raja species); Chimaeras or ratfishes (Order Chimaeriformes). Skates See: Sharks Snake mackerels (Gempylus species) Spoonbill cat See: Sturgeons Sturgeons (Order Acipenseriformes). Including: Sturgeons (Acipensen species, Scaphirhynchus species); Beluga (huso uso); Paddrefish or spoonbill cat (Polyodon spathula) Swordfish (Xiphias gladies) Toadfishes (Family Batrachoididae). Including: carp, leather carp, mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio); Crucian carp (Carassius carassius); Goldfish (Carassius auratus); tench (Tinca tinca); Splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus); Squawfishes (Ptychocheilus species); Scramento backfish or hardhead (Orthodon microlepidotus); Freshwater breams (Abramis species, Blicca species); Roach (Rutilus rutilus). Carosucker See: Suckers Caviar (Must be from a kosher fish) See: Trouts and whitefishes (salmon), Lumpsuckers (non-Kosher), Sturgeons (non-kosher). Cero See: Mackerels Channel bass See: Drums Char See: Trouts Chilipepper See: Scorpionfishes Chinook salmon See: Trouts Chup See: Trouts, Sea chubs Cichlids (Family Chichilidae), Including: Tilapias (Tilapia species); Mozambique mouthbrooder (Tilapia mossambica); Cichlios (Cichlasoma species); Rio Grande perch (Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum) Cigarfish See: Jacks Cisco See: Trouts Coalfish See: Codfishes Cobia, cabio, or black bonito (Rachycentron canadum) Cod, cultus, black, blue, or ling. See: Greenlings, Sablefish Codfishes (Family Gadidae), Including: Cod (Gadus morhua), Haddock (Melanogrammus aegiefinus); Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus); Pollock, saithe, or coalfish (Pollachius virens); Walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma); Hakes (Urophycis species); Whiting (Meriangius meriangus); Blue whiting or poutassou (Micromesistius poutassou); Burbot, lawyer, or freshwater ling (lota lota); Tomcods or frostfishes (Microgradus species). Coho salmon See: Trouts Corbina or Corvina, See: Drums Cottonwick See: Grunts Crapplie See: Sunfishes Creville See: Jacks Croacker See: Drums Crucian carp See: Carps Cubbyu See: Drums Cunner See: Wrasses Dab See: Flounders Damselfishes (Family Pomacentridae). Including: Blacksmith (Chromis punctipinnis); Garibaldi (Hypsypops rubicunda). Doctorfish See: Surgeonfishes Dolly Varden See: Trouts Dolphin fishes or mahimahis (Coryphaena species) Not to be confused with the Mammal called Dolphin or Porpoise, which is non-kosher. Drums and croakers (Family Sciaenidae), Including: Seatrouts and carvinas (Cynoscion species); Weakfish (Cynoscion nebulosus); White seabass (Cynoscion nobillis); Croakers (micropogon species, Bairdiella species, Odontoscion species); Silver perch (Bairdiella chyrsura); White or King croaker (Genyonemus lineatus); Black croaker (cheilottena saturnum); Spotfin croaker (Roncador stearnsi); Yellowfin croaker (Umbrina roncador); Drums (Pogonias species, Stellifer species, Umbrina species); Red drum or channel bass (Sciaenops ocallata); Freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens); Kingfishes or king whitings (Menticirrhus species); California corbina (Menticirrhus undulatus); spot or lafayette (Leiostomus xanthurus); Queenfish (Seriphus politus); Cubbyu or ribbon fish (Equetus umbrosus). Eulachon See: Smelts Flounders (Families Bothidae and Pleuronectidae). Including: Flounders (Paralichthys species, Liopsetta species, Platichthys species,etc.); Starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus); Summer flounder or fluke (Paralichthys denatus); Yellowtail flounder (limanda ferrugina); Winter flounder, lemon sole or blackback (Pseudopleuronectes americanus); Halibuts (Hippoglossus species); California halibut (Paralichthys Californicus); Bigmouth sole (Hippoglossina stomata); Butter of scalyfin Fish 13 sole (Isopsetta isolepis); “Dover” sole (Microstomus pacificus); “English” sole (Parophrys vetulus); Fantail sole (Xystreurys liolepis); Petrale sole (Eopsetta jordan); Rex sole (Glyptocephalus zichirus); Rock sole (Lepidopsetta bilineata); Sand Sole (Psettichthys melanostictus); Slender sole (Lyopsetta exillis); Yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera); Pacific turbots (Pleuronichthys species); Curlfin turbot or sole (Pleuronichthys decurrens); Diamond turbot (Hypsopsetta guttulata); Greenland turbot or halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides); Sanddabs (Citharichthys species); Dabs (Limanda species); American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides); European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa); Brill (scophthalmus rhomus). But not including: European turbot (Scophthalmus maximus or Psetta maximus). Fluke See: Flounders Flyingfishes and halfbeaks (Family Exocoetidae); Flyingfishes (Cypselurus species, and others); Ballyhoo or balao (Hemiramphus species). Frostfish See: Codfishes Gag See: Sea basses Garibaldi See: Damselfishes Giant kelpfish (Heterostichus rostratus) Gizzard shad See: Herrings Goatfishes or surmullets (Family Mullidae). Including: Goatfishes (Mullus species, Pseudupeneus species); Wekes or goatfishes (Mulloidichthys species, Upeneus species); Kumu (Parupeneus species); Red mullet (Mullus surmuletus). Gobies (Family Gobidae), Including: Bigmouth sleeper or guavina (Gobiomorus dormitor); Sirajo goby (sicydium plumieri) Goldeye and mooneye (Hiodon alosoides and Hiodon tergisus). Goldfish See: Carps Grayling See: Trouts Graysby: See: Sea basses Greenlings (Family 14 Fish Hexagrammidae), Including: Greenlings (Hexagrammos species); Kelp greenling or seatrout (Hexagrammos decagrammus); Lingcod, cultus or blue cod (Ophiodon elongatus); Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius). Grindle See: Bowfin Grouper See: Sea basses Grunion See: Silversides Grunts (Family omadasyldae), Including; Grunts (Haemulon species, Pomadasys species); Margate (Haemulon album); Tomtate (Haemulon aurolineattum); Cottonwick (Haemulon melanurum); Sailors choice (Haemulon parral); Porkfish (Anisotremus virginicus); Black margate (Anisotremus surinamensis); Sargo (Anisotremus davidsoni); Pigfish (Orthopristis chrysoptera). Guavina See: Gobies Haddock See: Codfishes Hake See also Codfishes Hakes (Family Meriucciidae), Including: Hakes (Merluccius species); Silver hake or whiting (Meriuccius bilinearis); Pacific hake or meriuccio (Meriuccius productus) Halfbeak See: Flying fish Halfmoon See: Sea chubs Halibut See: Flounders Hamlet See: Sea basses Hardhead See: Carps Harvestfish See: Butterfishes Hawkfishes (Family Cirrhitidae). Including: Hawkfishes (Cirrhitus species). Herrings (Family Clupeidae), Including: Atlantic and Pacific herring (Clupae harengus subspecies); thread herrings (Opisthonema species); Shads (Alosa species); Shad or glut herring, or blueback (Alosa aestivalis); Hickory shad (Alosa mediocris); Alewife or river herring (Alosa pseudoharengus); Gizzard shads (Dorosoma species); Menhadens or mossbunkers (Brevoortia species); Spanish sardines (Sardineila anchovia); European sardine or pilchard (Sardina pilchardus); Pacific sardine or pilchard (Sardinops sagax); Spart (Sprattus sprattus) Hind See: Sea bass Hogchocker See: Soles Hogfish See: Wrasses Horse mackerel See: Jacks Jack Mankerel See: Jacks Jacks and Pompanos (Family Charangidae) Including: Pompanos, palometas, and permits (Trachionotus species); Amberjacks and yellowtails (Seriola species); California yellowtail (Seriola dorsalls); Scads and cigarfish (Decapterus species, Selar species, Trachurus species); Jack mackerel or horse mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus); Jacks and uluas (Caranx species, Carangoides species); Crevalles (Caranx species); Blue runner (Caranx crysos); Rainbow runner (Elagatis bipinnulata); Moonfishes (Vomer species); Lookdown (Selene vomer); Leatherback or lae (Scomberoides sanctipetri); BUT NOT INCLUDING: Leatherjacket (Oligoplites saurus). Jacksmelt See: Silversides Jewfish See: Sea basses. John Dory (Zeus faber) Kelpfish See: Giant Kelpfish Kingfish See: Drums, mackerels Ladyfish, or tenpounder (Elops saurus) Lafayette See: Drums Lake Herring See: Trouts Lance or Launce See: Sand lances Largemouth bass See: Sunfishes Lawyer See: Codfishes Leatherback See: Jacks Lingcod See: Greenlings Lizardfishes (Family Synodontidae) Lookdown See: Jacks Mackerel See also: Jacks Mackerels, Atka See: Greenlings Mackerels and tunas (Family Scombridae), Including: Mackerels (Scomber species, Scomberomorus species, Auxis species); Spanish mackerels, cero, and sierra (Scomberomorus species); King mackerel or kingfish (Scomberomorus cavalla); Bonitos (Sarda species); Wahoo (Acanthocybius solanderi); tunas (Thunnus species, Euthynnus species); Skipjack tunas (Euthynnus or Katsuwonus species); Albacore (thunnus alalunga) But not including: Snake mackerels Mahimahi See: Dolphin fishes Margate See: Grunts Menhaden See: Herrings Menpachii See: Squirrelfishes Merluccio See: Hakes Milkfish or awa (Chanos chanos) Mojarras (Family Gerreidae) including: Mojarras (Eucinostomus species, Gerres species, Diapterus species) Monkeyface prickleback or eel (Cebidichthys violaceus) Mooneye See: Goldeye Moonfish See: Jacks Mossbunker See: Herrings Mouthbrooder See: Cichlids Mullet See: Goatfishes Mullets (Family Mugilidae) including: Mullets and amaamas (Mugil species); Uouoa (Neomyxus chaptallii); Mountain mullets or dajaos (agonostomus species) Muskellunge See: Pikes Mutton hamlet See: Sea basses Muttonfish See: Snappers Needlefishes (Family Beslonidae) Needlefishes or marine gars (strongylura species, Tylosuru species) Opaleye See: Sea clubs Palometa See: Jacks Parrotfishs (Family Scaridae) including: Parrotfishes and uhus (Scarus species, Slparisoma species) Perch See also: Temperate basses, Drums, Cichlids, Surfperches, Scorpionfishes Perches (Family Percidae) including: Yellow perch (Perca flavescens); Walleye, pikeperch, or yellow or blue pike (Stizostedion vitreum); Sauger (Stizostedion canadense) Permit See: Jacks Pickerel See: Pike Pigfish See: Grunts Pike See also: Perches Pikes (Family Esocidae) including; Pike (esox lucius); Pickerels (Esox species); Muskellunge (esox masquinongy) Pike-perch See: Perches Pilchard See Herrings Pinfish See: Porgies Plaice See: Flounders Pollock. See: Codfishes Pomfret. See: Atlantic pomfret Pompano See: Jack, Butterfishes Porgies and sea breams (Family Sparidae). Including: Porgies (Calamus species, Diplodus species, Pagrus species); Scup (Stenotomus chrysops); Pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides); Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus) Porkfish See: Gruntts Poutassou See: Codfishes Prickleback See: Monkeyface prickleback, Rockprickleback (non-kosher). Queenfish See: Drums Quillback See: Suckers Rabalo See: Snooks Ray’s bream See: Atlantic pomfret Red snapper See: Snappers Redfish See: Scorpionfishes, Wrasses Roach See: Carps Rock bass See: Sunfishes Rockhind See: Sea basses Rockfish See: Scorpionfishes. Temperate basses Rosefish See: Scorpionfishes Rudderfish See: Sea chubs Runner See: Jack Sablefish or black cod (Anoplopoma fimbria) Sailors choice See: Grunts Saithe See: Codfishes Salmon See: Trouts Sand lances, launces, or eels (Ammodytes species) Sardine See: Herrings Sargo See: Grunts Sauger See: Perches Scad See: Jacks Scamp See: Sea basses Schoolmaster See: Snappers Scorpionfishes (family Scorpaenidae), Including: Scorpionfishes (Scorpaena species); California scorpionfish or sculpin (Scorpaena guttata); Nohus (Scorpaenopsis species); Redfish, rosefish, or ocean perch (Sebasters marinus); rockfishes (Sebasters species, Sebastodes species); Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus); Chilipepper (Sebastes goodel); Bocaccio (Sebastes paucipinus); Shortspine thornyhead or channel rockfish (Sebastolobus alascanus) Scup See: Porgies Sea bass See also: Temperate basses, drums Sea basses (Family Serranidae) including: Black sea basses (Centropristis species); Groupers (Epinephelus species, and Mycteroperca species); Rockhind (Epinephelus adscensionis); Speckled hind (Epinephelus drummondhayi); Red hind (Epinephelus guttatus); Jewfish (Epinephelus itajara); Spotted cabrilla (Epinephelus analogus); Gag (Mycteroperca microlepis); Scamp (Mycteroperca phenax); Graysby (petrometopon cruentatum); Mutton hamlet (Alphestes afer) Sand bass, kelp bass, and spotted bass (Paralabrax species) Sea bream See: Porgies Sea chubs (Family Kyphosidae) including: Bermuda chug or rudderfish (Kyphosus sectatrix); Opaleye (Girella nigrican); Halfmoon (Medialuna californiensis) Seaperch See: Surfperches Searobins (Family Triglidae); Searobins (Prionotus species) Seatrout See: Drums, Greenlings, Steelhead Shad See: Herrings Sheepshead See: Porgies, Wrasses Sierra See: Mackerels Silversides (Family Athernidae) including: Whitebait, spearing, or silversides (Menidia species); California grunion (Leurusthes tenuis); Jacksmelt (Atherinopsis californiensis); Topsmelt (Atherinops affinis) Sirajo goby See: Gobies Skipjack See Mackerels Sleeper See Gobies Smallmouth bass See Sunfishes Smelts (Family Osmeridae) including: Smelts (Osmerus species); Capelin (Malotus villosus); Eullachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) Snapper blue See: Bluefish Snappers (Family Lutjanidae) including: Snappers (Lutjanus species); Schoolmaster (Lutjanus apodus); Muttonfish or mutton snapper (Lutjanus Fish 19 analis); Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus); Yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus); Kalikali (Pristipomoides sieboldi); Opakapaka (Pristipomoides microlepis); Onaga (Etelis carbunculus) Snooks (Family Centropomidae) including: Snooks or rabalos (Centropomus species) Sockeye salmon See: Trouts Sole See also: Flounders Soles (Family Soleidae), Including: Sole or true sole (solea solea); Lined sole (Achirus lineatus); Hogchoker (Trinectes maculatus). Spadefishes (Family Ephippidae). Including: Spadefishes (Chaetodipterus species) Spanish mackerel See: Mackerels Spearing See: Silversides Splitttail See: Carps Spot See: Drums Sprat See: Herrings Squawfish See: Carp Squirrelfishes (Family Holocentridae), Including: Squirrelfishes (Holocentrus species); Menpachii (Myripristis species). Steelhead See: Trouts Striped bass See: Temperate basses Suckers (Family Catostomidae). Including: Buffalo fishes (Ictiobus species); Suckers (Catostomus species, Moxostoma species); Quillbacks or carpsuckers (Carpiodes species) Sunfishes (Family Centrarchidae). Including: Freshwater basses (Micropterus species); Largemouth bass (Microterus salmoides); Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui); Sunfishes (Lepomis species); Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus); Warmouth (Lepomis macrochirus); Rock bass or red eye (Ambloplites rupestris); Crappies or calico basses (Pomoxis species) Surfperches (Famly Embiotocidae). Including: Surfperches (Amphistichus 18 Sweet Events by Candie Wedding & Party Planning. Full support the day of event & before. Candie Schwartz Phone: (818) 989-1653 Cell: (818) 262-7259 Fax: (818) 902-0584 This issue is dedicated in the name of HaRav Avraham Daniel Mordechai ben Miriam Sara. May Hashem grant him a refuah shlemah in the zchus of his being a constant osek b’tzorchai tzibur. This magazine was made possible by the generous donation of: Mr. & Mrs. Sol Teichman Mr. Dubby Teichman Mr. & Mrs. David Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Steve Darrison Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Zev Stoll Mr. & Mrs. Asher Levine Mrs. & Mrs. Rick Brown Kosher Newsletters & Kashrus Information Hotlines Kosher Information Bureau Rabbi E. Eidlitz, Rabbinic Administrator. P.O. Box #56851, Sherman Oaks, California 91413 Phone: (818) 762-3197 Fax: (818) 766-8537 E-mail: eeidlitz@kosherquest.org Website: http://www.kosherquest.org Publications - Kashrus Conscience Magazine E-mail updates and alerts www.kashrut.com Arlene J. Mathes-Scharf Phone: (781)784-6890 Fax: (781)784-6890 E-mail: ajms@kashrut.com URL: “ http://www.kashrut.com/” Food Scientist - Kosher Food Specialist Scharf Associates P.O. Box 50 Sharon, MA 02067 Va’ad HaRabanim of Greater Seattle 5100 South Dawson St., #102, Seattle, Washingtion 98118. Phone: (206) 760-0805 Fax: 725-0347 E-mail: e-mail: Rabbiabk@seattlevaad.org www.seattlevaad.org Publications: Quarterly Product Guide & Annual Pesach Guide Vaad HaKashrus of Baltimore (Star K) La Gondola 9025 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (310) 247-1239 (PHONE) (310) 247-9253 (FAX) WWW.LAGONDOLA.COM Email: info@lagondola.com Southern California’s premier restaurant & caterer providing everything for an intimate wedding party at home, to an elegant dinner experience for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Wedding, Sheva Brachot, Meetings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, & Showers. Call today to speak to our staff. Exclusive Kosher caterers for Loews Beverly Hills Hotel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rabbinic Advisor 11 Warren Road, Pikesville, Maryland 21208 (410) 484-4110 Publication - Kashrus Kurrents, Pesach Guide Kashrus Magazine - Rabbi Yosef Wikler, Rabbinic Administrator P.0. Box #204 Brooklyn, New York 11204 kashrus@aol.com (718) 336-8544 Catering By BRENDA Rabbinical Council of California The RCC 3780 Wilshire Blvd. # 420 Los Angeles, CA 90010 213-389-3382 562-286-5235 Fax info@rccvaad.org www.rccvaad.org The O/K Lab 391 Troy Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11213 (718) 756-7500 Rabbi Don Yoel Levy Distinctive Cuisine for Special Occasions Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Simchas, Special Events The Jewish Diabetes Association New York Office: 959 East 26th St. Brooklyn, N.. 11210 Tel: (718) 578-4180 Israel: 054-732-867 Email: Jewishdiabetes@aol.com London Beis Din Hotline: 020 8343 6333 Website: www.kosher.org.uk General Enquiries 020 8343 6255 The Kosher Gram Vaad Harabonim of Greater Detroit and Merkaz 17071 West Ten Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan 48075 (313) 559-5005 Orthodox Union - O/U Kosher Hotline & Passover Directory 333 7th Avenue, New York, New York 10001 (212) 613-8241 Rabbi Menachem Genack www.ou/kosher.org J.S.O.R. (Sephardic List) Jersey Shore Orthodox Rabbinate PO Box Elberon NJ 07740 (732) 531-0535 Rabbi Isaac Dwek - Deal Rabbi Isaac Farhi - Deal www.jsor.org Medicines & Cosmetics of Pesach by Rabbi Gershon Bess, Kollel Los Angeles 223 South Formosa Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90036 (323) 933-7193 (leave name and address on machine) 15 ----------------------------------------------------------- Please Call: Brenda Walt Phone: 310-203-8365 Fax: 310-788-0706 E-Mail: bw@cbbrenda.com Website: cateringbybrenda.com 1467 S. Durango Ave. L.A., CA 90035 16 The only Pesach program that combines 5-Star ameniƟes and first class service with 17 a truly warm and heimish Yom Tov environment! There is always something going on... I went to my room for a one-hour nap and missed a dessert exhibit, a juggler in the lobby and a peƫng zoo on the south lawn! “ ” The food is incredible. I “had a hard Ɵme choosing between the duck, prime rib and veal cutlets...and that was just at the first meal! ” is something “veryThere unique about how The Chevrah runs their Pesach program... from adults to kids, there is always something fun and entertaining to do! ” A DECADE TO PERFECT.... CHEVRAH HIGHLIGHTS RABBI ELIEZER EIDLITZ, RAV HAMACHSHIR Anniversar y 10 th Celeb GLATT KOSHER • NON-GEBROKTS • VARIETY OF SHMURA MATZOS • CHOLOV YISROEL • CHASIDISHE SHECHITA ALL COOKING DONE ON PREMISES ration! EXPERIENCE PESACH—CHEVRAH-STYLE! Perfect weather...exciƟng entertainment...delectably delicious food...capƟvaƟng speakers...the most detailed and coordinated program ever to combine with the Jewish spirit...you will be happy you came. Most importantly, you and your family will experience the authenƟc Chevrah warmth that will last all year long! We invite you to experience our once-in-a-lifeƟme TEN-YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION at the famous Wigwam Golf Resort & Spa in sunny Arizona. 800.289.4062 www.chevrahpesach.com Call today for your FREE DVD with over 2 hours of ENTERTAINMENT! PRIVATE SEDARIM • LARGEST SELECTION OF THE FINEST WINES 24-HOUR ELABORATE TEA ROOM ENTIRE RESORT EXCLUSIVELY OURS AND ENCLOSED BY AN ERUV LEGENDARY FAMILY CHOL HAMOED PROGRAMMING STUNNING POOLS WITH MECHITZAS FOR FULL-TIME SEPARATE SWIMMING FULL DAY PIRCHEI & BNOS-STYLE DAY CAMPS BABYSITTING SERVICES HASHKAMA, ASHKENAZ AND SFARD MINYANIM FULLY STOCKED BEIS MEDRASH LECTURES, DAF YOMI, IYUN SHIURIM AND MORE BY THE WORLD’S MOST REGARDED RABBANIM AND PERSONALITIES ...AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... ...A PESACH YOU’LL NEVER FORGET History. Charm. AuthenƟc Arizona™. This is what defines The Wigwam Golf Resort & Spa as a premier desƟnaƟon for the seasoned traveler. Nearly 80 years of history makes our resort an authority on the standards of service excellence. Simple, understated elegance and luxury is what we provide and indigenous charm is what sets us apart. Our guests are surrounded by the quiet, natural beauty of the desert Southwest, resulƟng in a truly unique, authenƟc experience. No towering skyscrapers or high rise-style accommodaƟons here. The only interrupƟons are towering palm trees and soaring clouds that dot the clear blue skies. Challenge yourself to the largest Arizona golf resort, home to 54 championship holes, and awaken your senses in a brand new, state-of-the-art Red Door Spa. Immerse yourself in a true destination resort that spans 500 acres. We have earned numerous accolades and awards including the prestigious AAA Four-Diamond Award. Immerse yourself in Authentic Arizona™. 331 Guest Rooms, including 72 Luxurious Suites 43,000 square feet of Indoor meeƟng space, including 10,800 square foot Wigwam Ballroom Three 18-hole Championship Golf Courses. Golf Clubhouse and Pro Shop Red Door Spa by Elizabeth Arden Onsite Jim McLean Golf School Three Sparkling Pools Nine Illuminated Courts: Six Plexi-Paved Tennis Courts, two ArƟficial Clay Courts and One Plexi-Cushioned Full Stadium Court Three Cozy Lounges www.chevrahpesach.com He wasn’t just a singer “with a microphone...the enƟre auditorium was transformed into a CONCERT HALL, complete with wide screens to capture every angle, disco lights, food to munch on and giveaways at the door! ” It was the most relaxing and beauƟful Pesach I’ve ever experienced. The kids loved day camp and wore their “Camp Chevrah” t-shirts the whole winter long! “ ” (Just a few comments from the hundreds we get each year...)