PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Meeting of the Board of Trustees Tuesday, June 23 2009, at 5:30 P.M. AGENDA The Pasadena Independent School District Board of Trustees Personnel Committee will meet in Room L101 of the Administration Building, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, at 5:30 P.M. I. Convene in a Quorum and Call to Order; Invocation; Pledge of Allegiance II. Adjournment to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. III. Reconvene in Open Session IV. Adjourn The Pasadena Independent School District Board of Trustees Policy Committee will meet in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, at 5:30 P.M. I. Convene into Open Session II. Discussion regarding proposed policies III. Adjourn The Board of Trustees of the Pasadena Independent School District will meet in regular session at the conclusion of any committee meetings on Tuesday, June 23, 2009, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas. A copy of items on the agenda is attached. I. Convene in a Quorum and Call to Order THE SUBJECTS TO BE DISCUSSED OR CONSIDERED OR UPON WHICH ANY FORMAL ACTION MIGHT BE TAKEN ARE AS FOLLOWS: II. First Order of Business 1. Section II Adjournment to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections: 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee; 551.071 to consult with district’s attorneys: • concerning matters on which the attorney’s duty to the District under the Code of Professional Responsibility clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act • when the District seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer • consultation with attorney regarding proposed settlement of pending litigation (Cause No. 06-05772, Pasadena ISD v. Tellepsen Builders, L.P.) 551.072 for the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. III. 2. Reconvene in Open Session 7:00 P.M. 3. Special Recognition 30 minutes 4. Public Comments - according to Policy BED(LOCAL), Addressing the Board 30 minutes Consent Agenda 1. 2. Informational Pages Bid Items a. Competitive Bids and Request for Proposals: Section III pages 7-106 pages 107-117 5 minutes • • • 3. IV. Electrical Contractor, RFP #09-033 Plumbing Contractor, RFP #09-034 Fire Protection System-Maintenance/Service/Inspections, Equipment and Parts, RFP #09-035 • In Store Purchases of School Materials, Supplies, and Miscellaneous Items, CSP #09-038 b. Contract Renewals • A/C Filters, CSP #07-030 • School Enrichment Programs, RFP #08-056 c. Information Summary of Purchase Orders over $10,000 Donations pages 118-121 Personnel Section Section IV 10 minutes 1. Approve Administrative Personnel V. 2. Approval of Additional Peer Facilitators and Title 1 Instructional Aides for 2009-10 page 122 3. Certified Personnel pages 123-124 4. Classified Personnel page 125 Educational Section Section V 1. Approval of Update to the District Improvement Plan for 2009-2010 page 126 2 minutes 2. Approval of PDAS Teacher Appraisal Calendar for 2009-2010 and Local Procedures pages 127-133 2 minutes 3. Approval of The New Teacher Center at University of California, Santa Cruz as a Training Provider for Pasadena ISD page 134 2 minutes 4. Approval of Addendum to Contract Between Shiloh Treatment Center and Pasadena ISD to Provide Services for the 2008-2009 School Year – Extended School Year Services (ESYS) page 135 2 minutes 5. Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with University of Houston page 136 2 minutes 6. Approval of Making Middle Schools Work Grant MOU page 137 2 minutes 7. Approval of Mathematics Instructional Coaches Pilot Program MOU page 138 2 minutes 8. Approval of Multiple Grant Awards pages 139-140 2 minutes 9. Approval of The Texas English Language Learners Achieving in Science TELLAS Grant Funded Position pages 141-142 2 minutes 10. Approval of The Texas English Language Learners Achieving in Science MOU page 143 2 minutes 11. Approval of Out of State Travel page 144 2 minutes 12. Approval of Calendar for Community Evening School pages 145-146 2 minutes 13. Approval for Bondy Intermediate Students to Travel to the Florida Everglades March 13-17, 2010 page 147 2 minutes pages 148-149 5 minutes 14. FOR INFORMATION ONLY School Health Advisory Committee Report VI. Student Achievements NONE Section VI VII. Policy Update and Review Interim Update 6-23-09 • DIA (Local) • FB (Local) • FFH (Local) Section VII pages 150-165 VIII. Financial Section Section VIII 1. Approve Budget Amendments pages 166-178 2 minutes 2 minutes IX. 2. Approval of Ratification of District Participation in Grant Programs pages 179-182 2 minutes 3. Approval of Student Accident/UIL Insurance for 2009-2010 School Year page 183 2 minutes 4. Approval of Possible Action on Employee Salary Schedules for 2009-2010 pages 184-194 2 minutes Operations Section Section IX 1. Approval of Design Services for the Beverly Hills Intermediate School Multi-Purpose Building page 195 2 minutes 2. Approval of Additional A/E and Technology Design Services for BP24, De Zavala Middle School Project page 196 2 minutes 3. Approval of Engineering Services Agreement for BP05A, Lomax Middle School Project page 197 2 minutes 4. Approval of Transfer of the 2004 Bond Program Project Funds to the Bond Contingency Pool page 198 2 minutes 5. Approval of Change Order No. 06 for BP04, San Jacinto Intermediate School Project page 199 2 minutes 6. Consideration and Possible Action on Proposed Settlement of Cause No. 06-05772, Pasadena ISD v. Tellepsen Builders, L.P. X. Construction Update (JFI Update Booklet) Section X XI. Miscellaneous Section Section XI 2 minutes 1. Communications NONE 2. Appoint Board Committees 2 minutes 3. Public Comments (continuation if necessary) 4. Set date for next regular meeting suggest Tuesday, July 28, 2009 10 minutes 1 minute If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice the Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Board should be held or is required in relation to an item noticed in this meeting notice, then such closed or executive meeting or session as authorized by Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Act) will be held by the Board at that date, hour and place given in this notice or as soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by Sections 551.071-551.084, inclusive, of said Open Meetings Act, including, but not limited to: Section 551.084 - For the purpose of excluding witness or witnesses from a hearing during examination of another witness. Section 551.071 - For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board’s attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law. Section 551.072 - For the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. Section 551.073 - For the purpose of considering a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation. Section 551.074 - For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. Section 551.082 - For the purpose of considering discipline of a public school child or children or to hear a complaint by an employee against another employee if the complaint or charge directly results in a need for a hearing. Section 551.076 - To consider the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices. Section 551.083 - For the purpose of considering the standards, guidelines, terms or conditions the Board will follow, or instruct its representatives to follow, in consultation with representatives of employee groups in connection with consultation agreements provided for by Section 13.901 of the Texas Education Code. 5. Adjournment 9:21 P.M. SUBJECT: Check Disbursements for the Month of May, 2009. BACKGROUND: The following pages recap the disbursements made for accounts payable and payroll for the month of May. The accounts payable disbursements have been made for services and purchases in accordance with applicable state and local policies and procedures. In addition, disbursements were paid to board authorized personnel expenses. These pages are for your information. The following is a summary of invoices paid during the month of May, 2009: ACCUMULATED FUND CHARGES 199 LOCAL MAINTENANCE 2xx SPECIAL REVENUE $10,822,452.86 920,745.12 3xx 4xx 240 FOOD SERVICE 411 TECHNOLOGY FUND 461 ACTIVITY 511 DEBT SERVICE 63X BOND SERIES 2005, 2006, 2007 691 PAY AS YOU GO 753 GROUP BENEFIT FUND 770 WORKERS COMPENSATION 863 PAYROLL 865 AGENCY TOTAL 1,193,889.31 65,568.45 233,411.98 98,366.67 4,194,970.33 0.00 166,901.48 0.00 1,061,229.67 126,079.71 $18,883,615.58 The following is a summary of payroll for the month of May, 2009: PAYROLL 199 LOCAL MAINTENANCE 2xx SPECIAL REVENUE $22,114,781.48 1,784,056.92 3xx 4xx 240 FOOD SERVICE 418 TRS SUPPLEMENT 0.00 461 ACTIVITY 0.00 753 GROUP BENEFIT FUND 0.00 865 AGENCY 0.00 TOTAL 604,025.84 $24,502,864.24 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/05/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/21/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/01/09 CK-AMOUNT 373.50 54.00 111.06 243.00 305.53 63.53 284.60 555.39 743.02 3,608.00 240.35 49.00 538.00 1,935.00 230.00 48.50 31.20 185.30 18,857.49 6,249.49 76.03 276.75 250.00 79.80 14.25 798.64 321.00 143.38 414.72 193.34 42.21 219.95 39.99 76.91 393.89 7,763.20 72.67 202.20 351.95 151.50 503.82 11,162.80 371.92 2,321.98 675.00 118.43 310.75 202.50 135.70 70.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME A & E TROPHIES A & E TROPHIES A & K INDUSTRIAL REPAIR INC A C COLLINS FORD INC. A C COLLINS FORD INC. A C R SUPPLY INC A C R SUPPLY INC A C R SUPPLY INC A C R SUPPLY INC A D A RESOURCES INC A M C MUSIC A S C D A S C D CONFERENCE REGISTRATIO A S C D CONFERENCE REGISTRATIO A S E RESOURCES INC A S E RESOURCES INC A T & T A T & T EXECUTIVE EDUCATION A T & T MOBILITY A T P E A.G.M. AUTO WORLD INC DBA A-1 STORAGE EQUIPMENT AARON HERVEY AARON JACOB PENTON AARON JACOB PENTON ABBOTT NUTRITION ABBOTT NUTRITION ABILITATIONS ABILITATIONS ABILITATIONS ABSEY & COMPANY INC ACADEMIC SUPERSTORE ACADEMY / PASADENA STORE ACADEMY / PASADENA STORE ACADEMY / PASADENA STORE ACCUCUT ACCURATE IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM ACCURATE IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM ACCURATE LABEL DESIGNS ACCURINT ACCU-TECH CORPORATION ACCU-TECH CORPORATION ACE EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES ACE IMAGE WEAR ACE MART RESTAURANT - DALLAS ACOSTA, RUBICELIA ACTION CLEANING EQUIPMENT CO,I ADAMS, EDWINA ADAPTIVE DRIVING ACCESS INC ADELA MARTINEZ PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/21/09 05/08/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 CK-AMOUNT 19.64 253.50 841.02 270.00 29.22 27.00 100.00 679.08 3,744.18 957.53 1,759.99 247.12 100.00 44.56 54.00 225.00 152.84 79.17 627.98 59.97 131.54 1,106.98 250.00 250.00 601.14 269.70 4,102.35 1,068.12 5,406.36 138.00 5.03 9.91 58.00 393.84 187.16 137.78 217.55 950.00 255.00 654.80 1,578.75 339.67 32.00 84.74 667.56 64.90 55.00 928.59 63.39 69.58 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ADLAKHA, VIDYA S & USHA ADLAM, DAVID & VIOLET ADMIRAL GLASS & MIRROR ADORNO, JOSE M ADRIAN CASTRO ADRIANA BLANCO ADRIENNE BALL ADVANCE SCREEN PRINTING ADVANCE SCREEN PRINTING ADVANCE SCREEN PRINTING ADVANCE SCREEN PRINTING ADVANCE SCREEN PRINTING ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS OF TEX ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS OF TEX ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS OF TEX ADVANCED D'SIGN SERVICES ADVANCED GRAPHICS Aetna Long Term Care Aetna Long Term Care AGUILAR, CUAUHTEMOC AGUIRRE, DANIEL J AIGNER, RONALD AIM FUNDRAISING AIM FUNDRAISING AIMEE SMALL AIMS EDUCATION FOUNDATION AIMS EDUCATION FOUNDATION AIR FILTERS, INC AIR FILTERS, INC AIR FILTERS, INC AIR LIQUIDE AMERICA LP AIRGAS SOUTHWEST AIRGAS SOUTHWEST AIRGAS SOUTHWEST AIRGAS SOUTHWEST AIRGAS SOUTHWEST AIRGAS SOUTHWEST AIRTIME AMUSEMENTS INC ALAMO CITY GHOST TOURS ALANIS, ADRIAN A & SONIA ALARM SECURITY GROUP LLC ALBA, THOMAS G ALBERT HAAS ALCOCER, GUADALUPE & ALCORTA, VICTOR & IRENE ALDO FRANCISCO PRADO ALDO FRANCISCO PRADO ALDRIDGE, THOMAS ALEEM, MOHAMMED A ALENA JOAN GRINSTEAD PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/18/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/26/09 05/22/09 05/23/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/01/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/04/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/04/09 05/29/09 CK-AMOUNT 156.00 119.24 148.49 85.10 100.00 590.00 15.00 225.00 198.00 12.98 18.53 129.75 86.50 1,502.00 47.85 10.53 88.79 405.00 419.17 1,604.90 1,245.00 390.00 125.00 271.82 682.22 88.30 69.24 150.64 96.94 347.77 65.20 290.12 388.64 316.81 298.86 12.00 164.90 468.96 14,297.05 198.00 754.48 413.32 144.97 48.26 20.90 20.90 400.00 718.00 44.50 37.50 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ALEXANDER SCOTT GRAHAM ALEXIS ELIZABETH TOUPARD ALEXIS GORDON ALFREDO E SANUT ALICE HENRICHSEN ALICIA G ARREDONDO ALICIA MARTINEZ ALICIA VELA ALICIA Y NINO ALISSA TUPA ALISSA TUPA ALL AMERICA SALES CORP ALL AMERICA SALES CORP ALL FOR KIDZ ALLBRITTON, GEORGE M ALLEN R MANN JR ALLEN, BEATRICE J ALLEN, JAMES G & ALLEN, R D ALLIANCE DIESEL & GAS ENGINE ALLIANCE MULTICULTURAL ALLIANCE MULTICULTURAL ALL-START ALMAZAN, MARCELINA ALONSO, ELIZABETH G ALSAD CORP DBA INTERN'L ALSDORF, CHARLES W & DONNA L ALTA NUTE ALTA NUTE ALVARADO, EULALIA ALVARADO, JOSEPH G ALVARADO, LORRAINE ALVARADO, YASMIN C ALVARES, SAUL N & BRENDA R ALVIN I S D ALYTA TENGASANTOS HARRELL ALYTA TENGASANTOS HARRELL ALYTA TENGASANTOS HARRELL AM HERIT LIFE INS AMANDA M LOPEZ AMARO, RUSBELT D & AMAYA, DAVID M AMBER GONZALEZ AMERICAN ASSN OF NOTARIES AMERICAN ASSN OF NOTARIES AMERICAN ASSN OF NOTARIES AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/12/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/18/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 CK-AMOUNT 58.00 216.00 375.00 164.30 1,488.32 205.00 1,347.19 161.38 200.66 241.67 796.41 143.00 200.00 230.00 170.96 52.80 118.80 156.00 137.15 198.10 50.00 255.39 508.75 468.00 1,166.75 923.00 44.01 313.50 5,837.70 275.98 110.00 298.00 460.00 122.90 303.00 320.00 135.00 450.00 2,555.00 85.00 7,215.89 21,647.67 58.11 404.27 463.73 704.12 3,078.40 150.00 600.35 16.62 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME AMERICAN CLASSIC AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY #521 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION AMERICAN SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINES AMERICAN VENDING & SCHOOL SUP AMSTERDAM PRINTING AND LITHO AMSTERDAM PRINTING AND LITHO AMSTERDAM PRINTING AND LITHO AMSTERDAM PRINTING AND LITHO AMY MOAK ANA SEGULIN ANDRE DAVERSA ANDY COOK ANDY FULLER ANGELA KENNEDY-FERRARI ANGELA KRESSE ANGELA MICHELLE GARZA ANGELA STALLINGS ANGELICA MORENO-PEREZ ANGELICA SLAGLE ANGELINA MARTINEZ ANITA G LAFLEUR ANN LIZBETH RICE ANNE REGIER ANNE REGIER ANSCHERIDA JAMESON ANTHANY JACOT ANTHONY DESANTO ANTONIO'S AUTO SALES ANTONIO'S PIZZA & MORE ANTONIO'S PIZZA & MORE ANTONIO'S PIZZA & MORE ANTONIO'S PIZZA & MORE ANTONIO'S PIZZA & MORE ANTONIO'S PIZZA & MORE ANTONIO'S PIZZA & MORE ANTONIO'S PIZZA & MORE APOLLO SIGN & T-SHIRT APOLLO SIGN & T-SHIRT APPLE INC APPLE INC ARACELI RODRIGUEZ ARACELI RODRIGUEZ ARACELI RODRIGUEZ ARACELI RODRIGUEZ ARAMARK PREMIUM SERVICES ARCHIE CASSIDY ARDETH K BRODIE ARDETH K BRODIE PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/18/09 05/22/09 CK-AMOUNT 1,036.13 136.29 202.50 15.33 539.00 355.84 825.19 268.59 99.24 389.57 202.50 2,204.00 196.99 1,700.00 194.00 79.00 89.00 221.82 327.60 273.63 639.35 378.56 375.36 979.00 157.00 664.20 1,227.05 134.09 110.00 848.00 5,525.00 9,380.00 8,040.00 202.50 314.91 656.13 35.00 1,250.00 1,800.00 2,175.00 375.00 175.00 1,250.00 60.00 542.92 219.42 779.70 2,747.00 268.50 1,684.20 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ARDETH K BRODIE ARDNT MARK R ARGUELLES, CARLOS ARIZANT HEALTHCARE INC ARMADILLA LANES ARMANDINA SAENZ ARMSTRONG MCCALL ARMSTRONG MCCALL ARMSTRONG MCCALL ARRENDONDO, ADOLFO & ALMA ARRENDONDO, EUGENE R & LENA ASHLEY FURNITURE HOME STORE ASHLEY KYLE ASSOC FOR BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS ASSOC FOR SUP/CURR DEVELOPMENT ASSOC FOR SUP/CURR DEVELOPMENT ASSOC FOR SUPERVISION AND CURR ASTRO APPAREL ASTRO APPAREL AT RISK RESOURCES ATHLETIC, MISC EXPENSE ATJ OCEAN INVESTMENTS LLC ATKINSON, KEITH ALBERT ATLAS SIGN SERVICES INC ATTAINMENT COMPANY INC AUDIO VISUAL SPECIALISTS AUDIO VISUAL SPECIALISTS AUGUSTA CLOYD AVENUE FLOWER SHOP & AVES AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEMS INC AVES AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEMS INC AVID CENTER AVID CENTER AVILA, AVELINO AVILA, D HERIBERTO AVINA, ALEJANDRO AWARDS OF DISTINCTION AWESOME EVENTS AWESOME EVENTS AWESOME EVENTS AWESOME EVENTS AWESOME EVENTS AWESOME EVENTS AWESOME EVENTS AYALA, CELIA & MADRIGAL RAMON AYALA, RAMILO & JULIA AYLESCO UNIFORM SALES AYLESCO UNIFORM SALES AYLESCO UNIFORM SALES AYLESCO UNIFORM SALES PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/26/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/04/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 CK-AMOUNT 297.00 469.20 186.00 27.66 124.61 263.53 18.89 23.99 658.33 787.74 830.78 259.18 2,321.96 354.78 102.74 270.00 40.00 57.65 2,298.11 485.00 930.00 614.90 594.56 405.00 1,145.00 36.00 34,349.87 1,763.63 12,394.39 362.77 81.94 22.00 12.98 5.00 53.43 23.36 31.62 9.86 136.13 115.89 84.00 139.80 36.32 12.00 267.85 125.00 219.26 1,881.85 1,802.50 2,400.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I VENDOR NAME AYLESCO UNIFORM SALES AYLESCO UNIFORM SALES B & B SUPPLY INC B & G GULF FREEWAY B & G PASADENA WHOLESALE B & G PASADENA WHOLESALE B & G PASADENA WHOLESALE B & G PASADENA WHOLESALE B & H PHOTO, VIDEO, PRO AUDIO B & H PHOTO, VIDEO, PRO AUDIO B & H PHOTO, VIDEO, PRO AUDIO B S N CORP B S N CORP BACAHERNANDEZ, DAVID W & BAILEY, JOHNNY D & BAILEY, PAUL B BAKATSAS, CHRIS G BALDINA NUNEZ BALFOUR COMPANY BALFOUR COMPANY BALFOUR COMPANY BALLARD & TIGHE PUBLISHERS BALLEZA, HECTOR & BANDA, CIRILO & LUIS A BANE MACHINERY, INC BANIABBASI, MOHAMED AMIN & BANK OF AMERICA BANK OF AMERICA BANK OF AMERICA BARAHONA, GERARDO BARBARA IRENE YBARRA BARBARA KROHN BARBARA KROHN BARBARA KROHN BARBARA KROHN BARBARA KROHN BARBARA KROHN BARBARA KROHN BARBARA KROHN BARBARA KROHN BARBARA KROHN BARBARA KROHN BARBARA L FUQUA BARBARA L FUQUA BARBARA PETTIS BARBERS HILL ISD BARCELONA SPORTING GOODS INC BARCELONA SPORTING GOODS INC BARCELONA SPORTING GOODS INC BARCELONA SPORTING GOODS INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/05/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/18/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/26/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 CK-AMOUNT 16,617.00 97.98 6,758,966.88 112.51 168.00 15.92 23.97 27.18 147.50 710.02 364.10 654.91 959.40 358.92 3,577.43 1,392.40 1,254.24 791.52 131.61 1,766.04 110.00 453.00 1,568.46 1,349.98 1,313.22 136.20 29.90 141.54 77.89 341.53 16,200.00 17,524.61 140.00 480.09 382.38 345.42 150.00 102.72 202.50 52.74 27.50 202.50 150.00 55.00 1,975.00 274.80 1,160.00 538.60 165.00 300.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME BARMORE INSURANCE AGENCY INC BARMORE INSURANCE AGENCY INC BARMORE INSURANCE AGENCY INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARNES & NOBLE INC BARRERA, MARGARITA BARRERA, REYNALDO BARRETO, LUIS BASS & MEINEKE AUTO PARTS BASS & MEINEKE AUTO PARTS BASS & MEINEKE AUTO PARTS BASS & MEINEKE AUTO PARTS BASS & MEINEKE AUTO PARTS BASS COMPUTERS, INC. BASS COMPUTERS, INC. BASS COMPUTERS, INC. BATH & BODY WORKS #1276 BATTLESHIP TEXAS BAUDVILLE INC BAUDVILLE INC BAUDVILLE INC BAUDVILLE INC BAUDVILLE INC BAUDVILLE INC BAUER VISUAL GRAPHICS INC BAUTISTA, HILARIO N & JUANA M BAY ARCHITECTS INC BAY ARCHITECTS INC BAY AREA MACHINE WORK INC BAYMONT INN BAYSIDE PLUMBING SERVICES BEARCE, JASON E BEATRICE C. WILSON BEAZER HOMES TEXAS LP BEDDOE WARREN & DOREEN BEITA BROTHERS INC BELINDA GARZA BENAVIDES, IRENE A BENJAMIN R MCGREGOR BENJAMIN WOOD COCKRELL BERG-OLIVER ASSOCIATES, INC BERNADETTE K GERNANDER BERNADINE M. RINER BERRY, VARREECE BERTA F. CHAMPION BEST BUDDIES INTERNATIONAL PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/23/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/22/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/23/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/01/09 05/12/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/23/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/26/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 CK-AMOUNT 150.00 575.10 885.86 477.92 624.90 176.48 1,267.60 302.98 50.60 157.81 10.40 200.00 1,154.00 35.00 94.99 985.65 23.13 1,432.42 441.16 202.50 900.00 24,087.48 12,049.17 3,644.46 8,431.98 2,753.03 52.66 24.97 193.00 104.50 167.38 62.26 125.27 349.56 325.75 137.74 9.99 111.19 39.95 149.94 197.04 78,652.33 64,097.27 68,924.65 65,497.03 344.21 21.06 60.00 7,508.99 1,114.76 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME BEST BUDDIES INTERNATIONAL BEST BUY GOV/ED LLC BEST BUY GOV/ED LLC BEST BUY GOV/ED LLC BEST BUY GOV/ED LLC BEST WESTERN SAN MARCOS BETANCOURT, ARTURO E BETANCOURT, PILAR BETHANY J LARNED BETTS, OMAR BIG BUDS LTD BIG Z LUMBER BILLY C. ROBINSON BILLY WAYNE HUGHES BILLYE SMITH BINDERY SYSTEMS, INC BINNICKER, RONALD L BIO CORPORATION BLACK-EYED PEA BLANCO, JOSE M & ESTELA A BLAS C GOMEZ BLOCK VISION OF TEXAS, INC BLUE BELL CREAMERIES, LP BLUE BELL CREAMERIES, LP BLUE BELL CREAMERIES, LP BLUE BELL CREAMERIES, LP BLUE WILLOW BOOKSHOP BOBBIE MICHELLE BROCK BOBBIE SCOTT BOBBY DARRELL COTTON BOBBY DARRELL COTTON BOBBYE CAROL MCCAIN BOBBYE CAROL MCCAIN BONILLA, CARLOS E BONILLA, MARGARITA BONNIE ALEXANDER BONNIE LEE WASSER-HUEBEL BONNIE WALTHER BOOK LINKS BOOKSOURCE BOOKSOURCE BORDEN MILK PRODUCTS LP BORDEN MILK PRODUCTS LP BORDEN MILK PRODUCTS LP BORDEN MILK PRODUCTS LP BORGES, RHINA M BORN, LAURICE M & BO'S PLACE BOSWORTH PAPERS INC BOSWORTH PAPERS INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/01/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/14/09 05/15/09 CK-AMOUNT 1,277.57 79.67 1,764.00 343.56 421.32 1,189.62 181.29 149.34 63.26 1,252.78 151.80 215.28 386.11 515,553.00 6.75 409.49 1,376.70 5.45 100.00 94.14 100.00 420.81 50.00 190.00 84.00 330.52 330.52 57.22 15.56 264.00 310.81 378.00 5,288.75 266.60 1,831.79 307,081.82 121,232.41 79.56 210.00 3,500.00 36,307.92 17,082.00 2,600.00 399.90 269.45 175.40 130.00 70.85 98.00 95.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME BOSWORTH PAPERS INC BOSWORTH PAPERS INC BOTTOMLINE TECHNOLOGIES BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS INC BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS INC BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS INC BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS INC BOYD, MONICA BP PIPELINE NA INC BRADBERY, JAMES P BRADLEY SMITH BRADLEY SMITH BRADY HULL & ASSOCIATES BRAE BURN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY BRAND SCAFFOLD BUILDERS INC BRAY, DAVID & NOLA BRENDA FAYE YERGER BRENDA MITCHELL BRIAN DRAKE BRIAN SHRUM BRIE ANNA LOPEZ BRIGHT APPLE BRIGHT DELIVERY SERVICE INC BRIGHT DELIVERY SERVICE, INC BRIGHT DELIVERY SERVICE, INC BRINK'S INCORPORATED BRINK'S INCORPORATED BRISENO, ALBERT M BROOKE ELAINE LAURA BROOKE ELAINE LAURA BROOKE LYLES BROOKE LYLES BROOKS & SPARKS INC BROOKS DUPLICATOR CO BROOKSIDE EQUIPMENT SALES INC BROTHERS CONTRACTING PARTNERS BROTHERS CONTRACTING PARTNERS BRULINDA A PFANNES BUCK SNIDER BUCKEYE CLEANING CENTERS BUCKEYE CLEANING CENTERS BUCKEYE CLEANING CENTERS BUCKHORN RANCH AND LAKE BUMBOSEAT BUREAU FOR AT-RISK YOUTH BURLESON FLORIST BURLESON FLORIST BURLESON FLORIST BURLESON FLORIST BURLESON FLORIST PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/18/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/19/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/01/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/21/09 05/06/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 CK-AMOUNT 38.00 216.95 4,920.00 113.35 405.00 99.25 121.50 70.00 425.00 200.00 178.00 581.83 341.50 783,332.67 1,172,941.03 261.67 442.66 202.50 757.72 61.02 280.84 195.80 501.08 148.50 1,030.00 1,030.00 416.90 122.95 427.27 295.00 1,040.00 275.00 1,160.00 275.00 79.00 4,550.00 202.50 150.00 99.60 75.02 142.73 28.06 80.27 109.50 20.68 24.05 198.00 293.75 107.00 597.71 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME BURLESON FLORIST BURLESON FLORIST BUSINESS SECURITY SOLUTIONS BUSTERS BAR-B-QUE BUZEK, JAMES W & C & D TROPHIES C & D TROPHIES C & D TROPHIES C E V C N A SURETY C SANDERS EMBLEMS INC CADENA, ERMINIA G CADENA, GERARDO & CADENCE MCSHANE CORPORATION CADENCE MCSHANE CORPORATION CALVILLO, LYDIA G CAMACHO, JUAN P & CAMARILLO, JOSEPHINE CAMPOS, JOSE M & CLARA CAMPOS, MARIA D CAMPUZANO, VALISARIO CANDACE AHLFINGER CANDACE AHLFINGER CANDY L BERNSEN CAPERTON-BROWN & POOLE CAPERTON-BROWN & POOLE CAPPS RENT-A-CAR INC CAPPS RENT-A-CAR INC CAPUCHINO, RACHEL CAREER & TECHNOLOGY ASSOC. CAREER & TECHNOLOGY ASSOC. CAREER & TECHNOLOGY ASSOC. CAREER & TECHNOLOGY ASSOC. CAREER & TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATIO CAREER TRACK CARLA CONFERENCE CARLSON, LARRY G CARLTON R MARSH JR CARMEN DOMINGUEZ CAROL ADAMS CAROL ADAMS CAROL COULSTON CAROL LYNN BAIRD CAROL LYNN BAIRD CAROL LYNN BAIRD CAROL LYNN BAIRD CAROL MORSE LONGMIRE CAROL WILDS CAROLE HELMLE CAROLE HELMLE PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/14/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/14/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/18/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/23/09 CK-AMOUNT 2,690.45 178.11 101.78 1,906.56 151.25 776.28 29.99 270.20 337.70 715.67 322.33 349.24 216.68 53.49 39.88 602.76 300.43 1,646.01 7.34 353.63 1,810.00 20.90 69.63 193.00 28.84 96.85 1,113.12 375.00 420.90 15.85 284.59 3,949.84 621.38 3,050.50 3,050.50 91,803.26 1,650.68 20.97 519.98 443.66 122.92 459.80 924.03 787.08 108.50 112.84 106.33 646.95 896.49 165.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME CAROLE HELMLE CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY CO CAROLINA TURRUBIATES CAROLYN A ELENDER CAROLYN HEADBERG CAROLYN HEADBERG CAROLYN KAYE POST CAROLYN MASHBURN CAROLYN PRESTON CARQUEST AUTO PARTS CARRANZA, ROMAN R & CARRIE MOORE CARRIZALES, VICTOR & CASA OLE MEXICAN RESTAURANT CASHIER, P I S D CASTILLO, DEAN & SARA CASTILLO, RAUL SERGIO CASTON, DIANA CASTORENO, CARL CASTRO, OSCAR T CATER, INC CATHERINE ANN JABLONSKI CATHERINE SWAIM CATHY TUCKER CATHY WASHBURN CECILIA CASTANEDA CELEBRITY EVENTS CELEBRITY EVENTS CELESTE LOCKSTEIN CELIA LAYTON CENTENO, ROSA M CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTERPOINT ENERGY CENTRAL HARDWARE INC CENTRAL HARDWARE INC CENTRAL HARDWARE INC CENTRAL HARDWARE INC CENTRAL NAILS & BEAUTY SUPPLY CENTURY ASPHALT LTD CENTURY ASPHALT LTD CENTURY ASPHALT LTD CENTURY ASPHALT LTD CENTURY ASPHALT LTD CEPEDA, ALFREDO CERECERO, RAUL CHAD DWIGHT BARRETT PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/07/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/04/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 CK-AMOUNT 4,627.40 1,057.30 3,973.15 3,965.00 7,919.00 2,945.89 431.44 130.00 462.22 105.30 349.90 105.49 72.33 391.58 120.00 2,180.06 2,589.50 287.50 14,818.00 129.50 480.00 840.00 280.00 35.00 180.18 303.97 56.10 46.75 1,079.96 139.21 202.50 501.54 65.74 8,579.70 7,646.33 8,078.42 9,622.44 358.37 11.43 1,340.16 126.50 477.95 287.00 104.25 46.38 91.40 243.22 510.00 243.22 153.50 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME CHALKS TRUCK PARTS INC CHALKS TRUCK PARTS INC CHALKS TRUCK PARTS INC CHAMPIONS AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM CHAMPIONS AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM CHANNEL BEARING & SUPPLY INC CHANNEL BEARING & SUPPLY INC CHANNEL BEARING & SUPPLY INC CHANNEL BEARING & SUPPLY INC CHANNEL ENERGY CENTER LP CHAPA, JESUS J CHAPA, RAUL & CHAPMAN VENDING AND COFFEE SVC CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT GROUP CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS INC CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS INC CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS INC CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS INC CHARCO PROMOTIONAL PRODS INC CHARLES A DANA CENTER CHARLES BOLLINGER CHARLES BOLLINGER CHARLES DAVIS CHARLES E PEACOCK CHARLES WASHINGTON CHARLES, RICARDO F CHARLOTTE A CLEMONS CHARLOTTE SPENCER CHARTHOUSE LEARNING CORP CHASE HOME FINANCE CHASSAY, CHARLES E CHAUDHRY, MOHAMMAD F & CHAUDOIR, CHARLES J & R CHEFS PRODUCE CHEFS PRODUCE CHEFS PRODUCE CHEFS PRODUCE CHESHIRE, GEORGE CHESHIRE, TRAVIS M & HAZEL CHESSER, NATHAN R CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 243.22 153.50 153.50 431.25 185.15 232.52 94.99 198.60 140.00 128.00 23.54 1,722.24 122.50 279.98 134.28 432.63 100.00 90.00 1,375.00 313.50 724.50 252.00 35.00 58.86 61.50 52.00 192.00 343.00 160.16 19.88 199.80 8.98 10.01 329.00 375.00 464.20 232.10 175.89 232.10 181.40 35.00 1,440.00 480.00 160.00 27,405.93 19,957.66 100.00 300.00 16,925.90 15,844.02 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHICK-FIL-A CHILDCRAFT EDUCATION CORP CHILDSWORK CHILDSPLAY CHILDSWORK CHILDSPLAY CHILI'S CHOICE ENGRAVING CHRIS STACY CHRISTEL FORD CHRISTIAN AWARDS OF AMERICA CHRISTIAN AWARDS OF AMERICA CHRISTOPHER T FERGUSON CHRISTOPHER WASSON CHURCH AUDIO/VIDEO SUPPLY CICI'S PIZZA CICI'S PIZZA CICI'S PIZZA CICI'S PIZZA CINDY LISA COLE CINDY LISA COLE CINDY LISA COLE CINDY NARON CINDY SYKES CINEMARK THEATRES (CNMK TX PRP CINTAS CORPORATION #81 CINTAS CORPORATION #81 CINTAS CORPORATION #81 CINTAS CORPORATION #81 CIRCLE SAW BUILDERS SUPPLY INC CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON CITY OF HOUSTON - PERMIT DEPT CITY OF HOUSTON - SOLID WASTE CITY OF HOUSTON - WATER DEPT CITY OF PASADENA CITY OF PASADENA CITY OF PASADENA CITY OF PASADENA CITY OF PASADENA PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/26/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/07/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 CK-AMOUNT 9,010.53 436.41 5,485.00 5,347.04 2,398.39 7,504.82 9,851.61 151.89 1,724.04 26.72 25.46 1,012.00 818.40 133.00 3,468.75 923.90 124.90 78.16 1,478.37 40.60 40.35 68.00 868.67 80.00 300.00 788.43 4,500.00 491.60 68.00 97.50 81.50 428.40 90.50 318.50 130.00 19,189.70 880.00 106.47 63.25 746.41 79.95 79.95 79.95 79.95 79.95 146.09 79.95 2,832.50 9,185.00 76.97 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME CITY OF PASADENA CITY OF PASADENA CITY OF PASADENA - PERMIT DEPT CITY OF SO HOUSTON - WATER DPT CITY SUPPLY CO, INC CITY SUPPLY CO, INC CITY SUPPLY CO, INC CITY SUPPLY CO, INC CITY SUPPLY CO, INC CLAMPITT PAPER CO CLAMPITT PAPER CO CLARK SECURITY PRODUCTS CLARK SECURITY PRODUCTS CLARKE DISTRIBUTING CO CLARKE DISTRIBUTING CO CLARKE DISTRIBUTING CO CLASSROOM DIRECT CLASSROOM PRODUCTS CLEAR BROOK CITY M.U.D. CLEAR LAKE DODGE CLEAR LAKE DODGE CLEAR LAKE WHOLESALE NURSERY CLENDENIN, CHARLES S CLIFFORD E SMITH COALITION FOR THE HOMELESS COBB, JEFFERY COBRO CONSULTING COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES COLLABORATIVE AUTISM RESOURCES COLLABORATIVE FOR CHILDREN COLLEEN LORETTA HERBERT COLLEGE BOARD COLONIAL SAVINGS COMCAST COMCAST COMCAST COMCAST COMCAST COMCAST COMCAST COMMUNICATION AXESS COMMUNICATION AXESS COMMUNITY EVENING SCH MISC EXP PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/12/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 CK-AMOUNT 123.00 163.74 7.60 358.17 367.20 372.66 150.00 294.30 340.85 438.72 2,082.50 92.47 2,197.00 202.50 234.42 66.74 34.88 35.36 110.43 202.50 564.35 8,027.03 77.75 141.02 438.90 11,002.50 30.12 701.33 3,719.55 100.00 1,349.00 1,349.00 97.20 255.43 313.16 306.68 53.66 67.15 1,567.50 41.09 66.25 48.90 23.96 403.57 142.27 1,412.60 115.35 2,742.00 935.00 52.02 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARITIES COMPLETE LINE GLASS WHOLESALER COMPLETE LINE GLASS WHOLESALER COMPLETE LINE GLASS WHOLESALER CONNALLY, CHARLES R & JANETTE CONSTRUCTIVE PLAYTHINGS CONSUELO JASSO CONTRERAS, ANTONIO CONTRERAS, DAVID C CONTROL SOLUTIONS INC CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIES COOK, ANDY JR COOLE SCHOOL CORDOVA, JUAN M CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS STAFFING CORRAL, EDMUNDO & MARIA CORWIN PRESS INC CORWIN PRESS INC CORWIN PRESS INC COTHER A/C & HEATING INC COVER ONE COVINGTON MONTELAGO & CRABTREE PUBLISHING CO CRAVENS, JONATHAN G CREEDS AND CRESTS CRISIS PREVENTION INSTITUTE IN CRISIS PREVENTION INSTITUTE IN CRISIS PREVENTION INSTITUTE IN CRISWELL, WILLIAM A & SYLVIA CROWN LIFT TRUCKS CRUZ, MEDINA J CRUZ-TORRES, JOSE M CRYSTAL SPRINGS BOOKS CRYSTAL WOODWARD CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES INC CVS PHARMACY CYNTHIA A RION CYNTHIA GUERRERO CYNTHIA PRATT-PENA CYNTHIA PRATT-PENA CYNTHIA SIMER CYPRESS LAWN & TURF EQUIPMENT CYPRESS LAWN & TURF EQUIPMENT D & H DISTRIBUTING D & H DISTRIBUTING D F SALES PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 883.00 90.00 604.39 375.00 2,263.76 15,228.82 5,083.95 4,259.41 100.00 2,215.00 21.12 99.55 82.48 59.62 127.56 117.13 137.76 288.20 179.73 241.78 68.14 63.00 46.25 6,359.04 100.26 15.92 100.00 35.00 3,918.54 3,918.54 500.00 250.00 1,283.12 144.97 5,915.35 7,253.32 5,200.99 533.99 492.70 151.40 62.43 202.50 618.68 315.05 27,701.86 360.04 2,138.05 6,012.35 179.04 2,058.26 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME D F SALES D F SALES D F SALES D J 'S OF HOUSTON D L B EDUCATIONAL CORP D L B EDUCATIONAL CORP D L B EDUCATIONAL CORP D L B EDUCATIONAL CORP DAIRY QUEEN DAKTRONICS, INC DAN SALISBURY DANA J TARTER DANA KOLHLER DANA KOLHLER DANA KOLHLER DANA KOLHLER DANA KOLHLER DANA L SWANSON DANG, PHUC V DANIEL ALVAREZ DANIEL CANTU DANIEL GERARD CONNOLLY DANIELLA MONDRAGON DANSBY & MILLER ARCHITECTS DARLA DANETTE MASSEY DARLA S KELLY DAT NGUYEN DAVID CORNELIO OCHOA DAVID G. PEAKE DAVID G. PEAKE DAVID GARZA DAVID GARZA DAVID MARUSA DAVID MORA DAVIDSON TITLES INC DAVIDSON TITLES INC DAVIDSON TITLES INC DAVIS, TANYA M DAYDOTS DAYONE PUBLISHING DE LA CRUZ, JOHNNY & DE LEON, MARGARITO JR & DE LOS SANTOS, IRMA DE LOS SANTOS, MARIA DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/12/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/26/09 05/01/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/05/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 CK-AMOUNT 61.74 3,209.69 2,600.00 780.00 130.00 43.16 320.14 54.16 45.16 52.72 329.00 344.73 80.40 100.00 343.84 1,650.00 30.14 73.70 65.84 100.00 1,349.78 268.07 299.77 754.08 44.46 2,647.19 3,390.08 394.09 187.50 202.50 37,792.36 8,343.63 210,999.54 57,940.63 1,007.68 466.78 708.63 1,183.65 428.15 239.40 76.00 150.00 1,124.00 124.00 1,054.00 134.00 134.00 330.00 343.54 5,000.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DEANAN GOURMET POPCORN DEANAN GOURMET POPCORN DEANAN GOURMET POPCORN DEANNA KAY MCBRIDE DEAQUINO, VICTOR & DEBBIE BARRETT DEBBIE LASHONN BLAIR DEBI K WHALEN DEBORAH K HUGHES DEBORAH KERSMAN DEBORAH OAKES DEBORAH TIDWELL DEBORAH VANDERHOEF DEBRA A DILLER DEBRA KRAMPEN DEBRA KRAMPEN DEBRA MITCHELL DEBRA SHOPE DEER PARK HIGH - THEATRE DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DEER PARK LUMBER CO INC DEER PARK TEACHER SUPPLY DELANEY EDUCATIONAL ENTERPRISE DELAUNA, HECTOR A DELEON TACOS DELEON, NATIVIDAD & IRMA DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELTA MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES DELTA SYSTEMS CO INC DEMCO, INC DEMCO, INC DEMCO, INC DENISE PINEAULT DENNIS W TEICHELMAN DEOTIS GAY JR DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SER DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SER DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SER DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SER DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SER DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SER DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT,MISC EXP DEVELOPING MINDS, INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/04/09 05/21/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/19/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 CK-AMOUNT 7,443.00 45,274.60 198.00 165.32 450.00 440.00 19.65 16.43 71.64 49.88 371.25 27.89 73.62 23.98 1,238.50 445.99 71.49 400.58 96.69 115.40 77.50 82.50 5.00 184.38 51.87 1,023.00 5,169.90 4,683.85 634.50 29,602.38 831,601.04 4,016.27 558.11 139.95 82.26 109.50 26.45 6,600.00 901.34 318.27 158.44 1,040.20 123.80 108.00 92.00 15.00 281.00 50.40 67.00 12.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME DEVOLVE CORPORATION DEXTER D JOYNER DIANA A RAMOS DIANA GOMEZ DIANE A VEALE DIANE A VEALE DIANE HALLMAN DIANE HALLMAN DIANE HORSTMAN DIANE HORSTMAN DIANE WHEELER DIANETTE CRISTINA GARCIA DIANNA HOKE WALKER DIANNA HOKE WALKER DIANNA HOKE WALKER DIANNA HOKE WALKER DIANNA HOKE WALKER DIAZ, JOSE A & DICK BLICK DIFFERENT ROADS TO LEARNING DIGITEX CORPORATION DIGITEX CORPORATION DIGITEX CORPORATION DINA K GARRETT DINA K GARRETT DINAH ZIKE ACADEMY DINAH-MIGHT ADVENTURES, INC DINAH-MIGHT ADVENTURES, INC DINAH-MIGHT ADVENTURES, INC DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING, INC. DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING, INC. DISBURSEMENT REVIEW, LLC DISCOUNT DANCE SUPPLY DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY DITTA MEAT COMPANY DIZA-LLUBERES, JENKY M DNT EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS DO, SCOTT DOBIE HIGH SCHOOL, MISC EXP DOCTORS OUTPATIENT DOCTORS OUTPATIENT SURGICENTER DOLLAR TREE DOLLAR TREE DOLLAR TREE DOLLAR TREE DOLLAR TREE DOLLAR TREE DOLLAR TREE DOLLAR TREE PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/19/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/12/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/26/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/23/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 CK-AMOUNT 61.00 274.00 44.88 918.00 30.50 311.50 237.34 168.00 795.00 75.00 56.70 145.25 316.95 100.00 38.77 105.00 108.00 22.67 308.00 132.00 46.50 68.00 275.50 150.00 202.50 828.00 223.47 192.00 230.33 1,515.00 1,950.00 260.00 180.00 176.60 412.86 2,255.00 202.50 1,098.63 202.50 100.00 135.00 135.00 270.00 700.70 14.72 653.80 62.73 4,247.14 425.00 6,516.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME DOLLAR TREE DOLORES HENDERSON DOLORES IVETTE BAKDOUNES DOMINIC CANTALAMESSA DOMINOES PIZZA DOMINOS PIZZA DONALD A WILLIAMS DONALD GENE O'BRIEN JR DONALD J SANDERS DONALD KEITH ODOM DONALD WRIGHT DON'KEY MEXICAN RESTAURANT DONNA ALSDORF DONNA LE DONNA LYNNE HALE DONNA MENZIES DONNA PENA DONNA SMITH DONNA SMITH DONUT HEAVEN DONUT HEAVEN DONUT HEAVEN DONUT HEAVEN DORA DOLORES DIAZ DOTSON, CALLIE C DOUBLE THE FUN MOONWALKS, LLC DOVER & FOX PC DOW FENCE & SUPPLY CO DOWNTOWN AQUARIUM DR JOHN KIRKWOOD DR JOHN KIRKWOOD DRAMATIC PUBLISHING CO DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE INC DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE INC DUCLOS, AUDREY DUCT DOCTOR USA DUKE, JACK WILLIAM DUMMER, CAROLE L DUONG, HOANG, D DUY NGUYEN DWAYNE L SILLS DWAYNE L SILLS DWAYNE L SILLS E T A / CUISENAIRE E T A / CUISENAIRE E T A / CUISENAIRE E T A / CUISENAIRE E T A / CUISENAIRE E T A / CUISENAIRE EAGLE BRUSH & CHEMICAL INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/26/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/01/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 CK-AMOUNT 3,513.60 12,266.40 195.00 498.75 322.27 1,653.31 86.94 150.00 986.00 10,678.50 87.88 565.50 156.35 72.54 261.46 714.15 50.97 1,465.80 12,884.00 43,307.00 981.00 340.00 202.50 356.10 159.00 69.67 115.32 78.87 212.00 450.00 202.90 161.02 225.00 225.00 344.15 96.40 62.70 72.82 809.30 130.31 278.70 290.43 365.93 116.05 35.00 48.60 69.96 80.95 82.00 30.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME EAGLE BRUSH & CHEMICAL INC EAGLE BRUSH & CHEMICAL INC EAST TEXAS NFL EASTBAY INC ECOLAB/GCS SERVICES, INC ECOLAB/GCS SERVICES, INC ECOLAB/GCS SERVICES, INC EDCONLINE.NET EDELMIRA NAVARRO HOLLAND EDGEBOOK COMMONS LTD EDMOND F BEAUDRY EDUCATION ESSENTIALS EDUCATIONAL MEDIA CORPORATION EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS INC EDUCATORS OUTLET EDUCATORS OUTLET EDUCATORS OUTLET EDUCATORS PUBLISHING SERVICE EDUCOM CONSULTING GROUP EDUPHORIA EDWARD J YBARRA EDWARDS AQUIFER RESEARCH&DATA EDWARDS, DAVID & JANET EGUIA, IRMA ARACELY EILEEN O'CONNOR ELAINE DELANCY ELAINE DELANCY ELEANOR R MANRY ELEGANT EVENTS ELEVATOR TRANSPORTATION ELEVATOR TRANSPORTATION ELEVATOR TRANSPORTATION ELIZABETH A HEDDEN, MD PA ELIZABETH A HEDDEN, MD PA ELIZABETH C ORTIZ ELIZABETH CORDRAY ELIZABETH CORDRAY ELIZABETH JO ANN PITZER ELIZABETH RENEE MATTHEWS ELIZABETH SCHROEDER ELIZONDO, LARRY ELKIINS, SARAH L ELLEN CRONIN-MORELAND ELLEN CRONIN-MORELAND ELLISON EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT ELVA HUERTA EMC MORTGAGE CORP ENABLING DEVICES ENCHANTED FLORIST ENCHANTED FLORIST PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/26/09 05/01/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 CK-AMOUNT 4,250.00 3,089.50 202.50 20.00 235.55 294.00 343.00 218.15 101.38 147.00 198.43 66.96 68.92 323.63 162.05 241.00 1,000.00 665.00 316.81 660.56 422.28 325.28 322.58 360.65 345.37 202.50 1,124.20 56.00 100.00 183.27 132.00 630.78 150.00 70.48 750.00 2,195.28 820.40 6.40 1,139.78 4,433.04 144.00 2,944.80 7,622.59 476.49 21.48 258.60 268.60 2,784.60 517.40 150.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME END2END PUBLIC SAFETY, INC ENDZONE VIDEO SYSTEMS ENGLE, RANDALL RAY ENRIQUE SANTIAGO JR ENTERPRISE LEASING CO OF DFW ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR ERIC ARMIN INC ERIC C THOMPSON ERIKA NATIONS ERIN KRAMER ERIN WHITEHEAD ERNESTINA PALOMARES ESCAPE FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER ESCAPE FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER ESCOBAR, CESAR ERNESTO ESCOBAR, ENRRY YOVANIS & ESCOBAR, LUIS M & ESCOTO, MANUEL SR & ESPARZA, JUAN ESPINOZA, ALEJANDRO D ESPINOZA, CARLOS A ESQUIVEL, EFRAIN & MARIA ESTRADA, MARY ALICE ETHEL MOORE EUGENE A TUCKWILLER III EUGENIA DIANE BARNES EULOGIO BAEZ EVA CLAIRE LUDWIG EVELYN G BRADSHAW EVJEN, BRIAN A EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS EWING, GREG EXECUTIVE TAGS OF HOUSTON INC EXPRESS INDUSTRIES CORPORATION EXPRESS INDUSTRIES CORPORATION EXPRESS INDUSTRIES CORPORATION EXPRESS INDUSTRIES CORPORATION EXPRESS INDUSTRIES CORPORATION EXXON CORP 00203 EXXONMOBIL FLEET/GECC EYE ON EDUCATION EYE ON EDUCATION EYE ON EDUCATION EYE ON EDUCATION F CHAN POLLOCK PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/21/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/14/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/01/09 CK-AMOUNT 616.00 202.50 1,221.57 700.00 695.00 210.15 18.00 900.00 1,723.00 474.67 408.00 585.26 14.10 202.50 129.00 72.04 101.73 834.82 24,816.37 333.74 34.39 5.96 748.35 589.16 15.99 59.22 218.99 100.68 220.72 353.98 353.98 440.37 599.40 1,266.00 757.70 41.12 202.50 318.87 471.98 557.89 155.85 100.00 110.00 235.50 30.00 644.54 991.60 1,211.05 491.01 346.25 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME FABELA, FELIPE FALCON, WYONA FALLAS PAREDES FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES FAMILY CUISENE FAMILY CUISENE FAMILY DOLLAR STORES FAMILY SVCS OF GREATER HOUSTON FANTASEA CHARTERS FANTASEA CHARTERS FARIBA NAZEMI FARIBA NAZEMI FARMER BROS CO FARRELL, ROGER L FASTENATION, INC FEDEX FEDEX FELDMAN,ROGERS,MORRiS & GROVER FELDMAN,ROGERS,MORRiS & GROVER FERNANDEZ, JESSICA FIESTA MART FIESTA MART FIESTA MART FINE ARTS, MISC EXPENSE FIRST SOURCE FIRST SOURCE FISHER PRICE FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISK, ROBERT H & SHIRLEY A FITNESS FINDERS INC FITNESS FINDERS INC FITZPATRICK, KAY F FLAGHOUSE INC FLEMING INSTRUMENT REPAIR FLORES, CLAUDIA & MOISA, NOE FLORES, JESUS & DELORIES FLORES, JR SALVADOR S FLORES, LUIS FLORES, RAMIRO & BEATRIZ A FLOWERS & CO FLOWERS & CO FLOWERS FOR YOU FLOWERS FOR YOU FLOWERS FOR YOU FLOWERS FOR YOU FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FOLLETT EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES FOLLETT LIBRARY RESOURCES FOOD TOWN PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/26/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/12/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/15/09 CK-AMOUNT 346.25 62.47 17.28 29.15 663.60 320.16 223.59 4,858.88 150.00 58.60 100.00 2,190.00 241.00 259.97 36.00 962.44 310.11 318.97 78.00 22.90 51.85 1,500.00 111.46 8,871.95 111.84 724.18 1,000.00 312.00 66.00 89.80 450.00 362.00 36.74 610.50 3,006.75 614.40 187.48 1,263.00 1,690.00 108.90 3,200.00 115.74 398.17 342.55 106.90 422.98 714.18 50.00 482.50 525.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME FOOD TOWN FOOD TOWN FOOD TOWN FOREST LAWN CEMETERY OF FORWARD EDGE INC. FOSTER, DONNA J FOTORNY, DAVID & FOUR IMPRINT FRANCES G GONZALES FRANCES GAIL MICHETICH FRANCISCA BOTELLO FRANK "N" STRINGS FRANK M. CHAMPION FRANKLIN MOSES FRANKS, WILBURN & LINDA G FRED J MILLER INC FREEMAN, MATTHEW M & INES FREY SCIENTIFIC CO FREY SCIENTIFIC CO FRIENDSHIP HOUSE FROG PUBLICATIONS FROG PUBLICATIONS FUENTES, YVETTE & MARTIN FUGRO CONSULTANTS, LP FULL, CARROLL & FULL DIANE FURMAN, MARIAM G & G CONSULTING G J LAFAVERS & CO G T M SPORTSWEAR G&K SERVICES GABBY'S BAR B Q GABBY'S BAR B Q GABBY'S BAR B Q GABBY'S BAR B Q GABBY'S BAR B Q GABBY'S BAR B Q GABBYS BARBECUE & CATERING GABBY'S BARBECUE & RIBS GABBY'S BARBECUE & RIBS GABRIELLE (GIGI) COCKRELL GAIL CHERAMIE M PHD GAIL WARD GALLARDO, FELIX GALLARDO, SANDRA RIVERA & GALLERY FLOWERS AND GARDEN CTR GALLS INCORPORATED GALVAN, PABLO GANDY INK EMB & SCREEN INC GANDY INK EMB & SCREEN INC GANDY INK EMB & SCREEN INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/01/09 05/04/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 CK-AMOUNT 1,575.00 489.49 202.50 733.37 367.20 367.47 332.90 290.76 382.76 580.50 672.88 431.85 366.94 409.57 301.50 20.00 3,337.00 3,337.00 359.48 35.00 54.50 22.56 35.00 276.00 294.44 118.47 101.94 189.19 392.19 270.00 171.72 290.25 388.43 578.60 124.01 972.36 7.80 39.55 126.36 325.77 4,339.99 30.00 412.74 50.64 60.53 36.00 403.42 44,000.00 336.00 475.38 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME GANDY INK EMB & SCREEN INC GAONA, JUAN R & MINERVA GARCIA, AGUSTIN E & THELMA GARCIA, ANDREA GARCIA, BENITO GONZALEZ GARCIA, CARLOS & GARCIA, CARLOS PORTALES GARCIA, DAVID A GARCIA, IPOLITO V & ROSA M GARCIA, MORAN PORFIRIO & GARCIA, ROBERT & GUADALUPE GARCIA, RODRIGO S & YESENIA GARCIA, VICTOR GARCIA, YOLANDA GARDNER & MARTIN GARDNER & MARTIN GARRATT-CALLAHAN COMPANY GARRATT-CALLAHAN COMPANY GARRISON, SHERRY GARY L JACKSON GARY WARNER GARY WARNER GARY WARNER GARY WARNER GARZA, CEASAR & MARTHA GARZA, DIMAS JR & LESVIA GARZA, FERNANDO & PATRICIA GARZA, JUSTO JR GARZA, LUIS G GARZA, LYDIA GARZA, MARIA O GARZA, MARTIN CARLOS GARZA, RENE & LEONOR GARZA, ROSA L GASKILL, ANGELLE B GATES, JAMES GAY GLENN E GAYLE, LENNOX L & LYANTIE GAYLORD BROS INC GAYLORD BROS INC GAYLORD OPRYLAND HOTEL GCASE GEEMA MOORE GEEMA MOORE GENE A BURROUGHS JR GENE GRUNEWALD GENERAL BINDING CORPORATION GENERAL BINDING CORPORATION GENERAL ELECTRIC CONSUMER PROD General Revenue Corp PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/12/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 CK-AMOUNT 133.00 150.00 3,132.63 101.80 210.98 20.00 53.04 392,739.90 511.78 122,955.08 132,198.59 93,935.79 81.60 157.13 107.40 124.32 241.44 169.00 48.84 283.79 660.65 789.90 486.61 194.79 735.00 202.50 12,932.44 11,229.47 554.14 109.52 66.60 9.00 202.50 405.88 309.24 40.33 354.13 13.61 346.06 108.33 295.32 317.63 5.10 790.44 117.21 6.75 1,535.79 146.50 23.89 328.90 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME GENERATORS OF HOUSTON GENEVA WALKER SCOTT GENUINE PARTS CO DBA GHAEMMAGHAMI, IRAJ & GIA, XUAN DINH GINA SEYL GLAZIER FOODS SERVICE GLAZIER FOODS SERVICE GLAZIER FOODS SERVICE GLAZIER FOODS SERVICE GLAZIER FOODS SERVICE GLAZIER FOODS SERVICE GLAZIER SUPPLY CO GLENDA NEIDECKER GLENN STONE GLOBAL SERVICES LLC GLOBAL SERVICES LLC GLOBAL SERVICES LLC GLORIA DIMAS GLORIA GALLEGOS GO FLOW, INC GO FLOW, INC GOBEA, ALEJANDRO M GOFORTH, CATHLEEN H GOLD STONE AUTO GLASS GOLDEN, JACK R & GOLDSTAR FOOD SERVICE GOLDSTAR FOOD SERVICE GOMEZ, ELVIA GOMEZ, FABIAN A GOMEZ, JOE G & GOMEZ, JUAN GOMEZ, LEOPOLDO D JR GOMEZ, LUIS D & OBIDIO GONGORA, JORGE A GONZALES, ALBERTA GONZALES, ANDREW R GONZALEZ, ANGELICA GONZALEZ, DANIEL A GONZALEZ, EUSEBIO & IRMA GONZALEZ, KARRON W & JOSE I GONZALEZ, MARIA MARTHA GONZALEZ, PABLO JR GOODE, KATHERINE RAUP GOOSE CREEK C I S D GOPHER GOPHER GORBETT, CHARLES W JR & GOTCHER, JAY DBA GOURMET CURRICULUM PRESS INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 CK-AMOUNT 468.00 272.74 580.73 280.55 693.63 58,031.46 150.00 202.50 66.84 430.00 133.83 842.56 24.30 68.94 83.90 228.52 662.06 9.00 220.72 33.75 307.76 135.60 27.98 110.00 437,809.50 438,231.50 871.00 475.00 485.60 754.42 344.69 414.44 401.00 5.00 7.95 8.38 15.98 169.89 22.41 1,425.00 1,075.00 500.01 14.91 286.34 170.80 143.23 595.69 359.26 495.90 1,092.02 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME GOURMET GIFTS INC GRAMMER, MARCELLA GRASMICK, RICHARD A GRAY, DONALD E GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY INC GREAT SOURCE EDUCATION GROUP GREATER HOUSTON FOOTBALL COACH GREEN, DAVID L & MARTHA L GREG LARSON SPORTS GREG LARSON SPORTS GRESHAM, KIMBERLY A & GRIBBLE STAMP & STENCIL CO GRICE, VICTOR & RICHELLE GRINGO'S RESTAURANT GROTH MUSIC COMPANY GRYPHON HOUSE GUAJARDO, JESUS GUELKER, GENE GUERRA, LUIS & GLORIA GUERRA, ROY & GUERRA, RUSBEL GUERRERO, DAGOBERTO & GUITAR STRINGER GUITAR STRINGER Gulf Coast Ed Fed CU Gulf Coast Ed Fed CU GULF COAST SPECIALTIES GULF COAST SPECIALTIES GUMDROP BOOKS GUMKOWSKI, VINCENT E & GUTIERREZ, JENNIFER GUTIERREZ, JUAN J GUZMAN, RAFAEL H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H E B PANTRY FOODS H T E COMPRESSORS INC H T E COMPRESSORS INC HADEN, GLORIA J & HAGAN, MARY D HAMMAC, BARBARA JUNE HAMMOND & STEPHENS HAMMOND & STEPHENS HAMMOND & STEPHENS HAMMOND & STEPHENS HAMMONDS & STEPHENS HAMMONDS & STEPHENS PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/23/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/28/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/23/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 1,348.03 3,098.89 294.37 22.71 546.89 202.50 165.00 1,697.08 368.70 2,580.90 114.89 405.00 9.85 360.00 1,400.00 510.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 2,350.00 250.00 75.00 212.50 420.00 123.00 102.00 428.26 71.70 258.12 700.00 450.00 425.16 52.35 526.80 39.60 48.09 218.00 1,395.15 862.98 974.55 488.00 1,035.25 7,352.96 7,039.73 1,500.45 139.80 1,770.00 890.00 125.74 1,111.04 341.60 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME HAMPTON-BROWN COMPANY HAMPTON-BROWN COMPANY HANCOCK FABRIC #1530 HANCOCK FABRICS #1116 HANEY, J THOMAS DDS INC HANKS, WAYNE HUBERT HANNAH KING HANSON, KATHERINE HAPPY FEET HAPPY FEET HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS HARDEO, KEMCHAN & JANEFAR HARMAN, GENEVIEVE J A HAROLD J NASSIF HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY DEPT OF EDUC HARRIS COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHOR HARRIS COUNTY TOLL ROAD AUTHOR HART INTERCIVIC, INC HARVEY ZUNIGA HARVEY ZUNIGA HATCH HATCH HATCH HEALTH MUSEUM HEALTH OCCUPATION STUDENTS OF HEARLIHY HEATHER HENTGES HEAVY DUTY BUS PARTS INC HEIDI LORENZ HEIDI LORENZ HEIGHTS ARMATURE WORKS INC HEIGHTS ARMATURE WORKS INC HEIGHTS ARMATURE WORKS INC HEIGHTS ARMATURE WORKS INC HEIGHTS ARMATURE WORKS INC HEIGHTS ARMATURE WORKS INC HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOKS HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOKS HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOKS HEINEMANN LIBRARY HEINEMANN WORKSHOPS HELEN AGUILAR HELMKE, CHARLES A HENDERSON, E LORRAINE HENDERSON, JUANITA PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/01/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/18/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/23/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 1,422.21 9.43 696.35 372.28 324.29 312.49 743.75 43.29 270.00 392.36 62.91 28.26 202.50 468.00 30.06 18.44 140.92 200.00 201.30 273.60 31.62 310.10 108.60 193.71 64.91 285.73 47.94 22.86 37.74 157.07 202.50 761.90 539.28 9,022.00 15.16 20.18 391.62 600.00 885.00 150.00 197.05 147.57 50.51 252.43 103.87 83.07 3,818.58 618.90 159.37 11.17 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME HENRY SCHEIN INC HERFF JONES INC HERNANDEZ, ALEJANDRA HERNANDEZ, ALICIA R HERNANDEZ, ELIZABETH & JESUS HERNANDEZ, HECTOR HERNANDEZ, HIRAM HERNANDEZ, JESUS & MARIA HERNANDEZ, MARIA Y HERNANDEZ, VICTOR M & MARIA I HERNDON, JERRY DON HERRIN, THELMA HICKMON, JAMES A HIGHPOINT SANITARY SUPPLIES HIGHSMITH INC HIGHSMITH INC HIGHSMITH INC HILL STREET BLUES DANCE EDU HILLARY WOEST HI-TECH ELECTRIC INC HOBART CORPORATION HOBART CORPORATION HOBART CORPORATION HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBBY LOBBY HOBDY, HARRELL H HOLIDAY INN HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS-BROWNSVILL HOLIDAYS 'N TRAVEL HOLLAND, WAYLON & KATHERINE HOLLINGSWORTH, LINDA K HOLLOWAY, JACK FLOYD HOLLYWOOD 20 THEATRES HOLLYWOOD 20 THEATRES #190 HOLOCAUST MUSEUM HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICE HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL HOORSHAD, TONY PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/26/09 05/22/09 05/01/09 05/20/09 05/28/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/18/09 05/06/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/18/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/28/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 CK-AMOUNT 720.32 27.88 1,427.05 1,727.00 930.80 3,308.50 877.10 2.09 2.09 3,321.50 769.70 5,353.59 4,195.00 5,290.86 4,659.30 253.44 1,169.04 300.00 32.45 198.68 127.74 15.13 238.00 33,607.75 577.50 210.00 375.00 396.00 64.00 308.48 250.00 1,232.12 405.00 125.00 325.00 197.00 336.00 174.33 295.73 172.00 379.59 62.99 798.48 8,435.30 118.27 400.00 606.13 91.25 87.29 20.00 CD I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME HORSTMAN, SCOTT D HOUSE, WILLIAM HENRY HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT HOUSTON ASTROS HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON CHRONICLE HOUSTON COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO HOUSTON COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO HOUSTON COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO HOUSTON COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO HOUSTON COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER HOUSTON COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER HOUSTON DYNAMO/ DIESEL HOUSTON FREIGHTLINER HOUSTON GARDEN CENTERS HOUSTON GARDEN CENTERS HOUSTON GARDEN CENTERS HOUSTON GARDEN CENTERS HOUSTON GRAND PLAZA HOTEL HOUSTON MUSEUM OF NAT SCIENCES HOUSTON MUSEUM OF NAT SCIENCES HOUSTON MUSEUM OF NAT SCIENCES HOUSTON MUSEUM OF NAT SCIENCES HOUSTON RADIATOR HOUSTON RADIATOR HOUSTON ROCKETS HOUSTON SWEEPERS HOUSTON ZOO, INC HOUSTON ZOO, INC HOUSTON ZOO, INC HOUSTON ZOO, INC HOUSTON ZOO, INC HOUSTON, JOHN E HOWELL, JAMES E & KATHY HP COMPUTER CORPORATION HUERTA, JOSE E & MELISSA E HUMAN KINETICS HUTCHINSON DWIGHT & JAYDREN HW GRAD CORP I C D L I.G.O.T. GAMES IBARRA, JOSE & ARACELI ICE EXPRESS ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/28/09 05/28/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/14/09 05/26/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 32.00 16.00 99.00 354.26 281.25 244.50 94.11 88.14 4.00 487.90 24.00 22.00 153.00 16.00 498.12 199.00 398.00 398.00 122.48 122.48 257.15 233.28 44.00 1,900.00 650.00 2,570.00 3,340.00 300.00 75.00 2,900.00 52.98 121.92 35.98 44,927.32 260.89 13.52 25,660.04 11,403.37 1,480.00 1,514.00 268.00 41.50 39.70 407.73 433.42 400.55 2,245.94 2,348.64 4,272.96 2,091.60 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING ICHI-BAN TROPHY & ENGRAVING IDEAS UNLIMITED SEMINARS LLC IDEAS UNLIMITED SEMINARS LLC IDEAS UNLIMITED SEMINARS LLC ILLINOIS DEPT OF HEALTHCARE & ILLINOIS DEPT OF HEALTHCARE & IMAGE MARKET IMAGESTUFF.COM IMAGESTUFF.COM INCREDIBLE PIZZA COMPANY INCREDIBLE PIZZA COMPANY INCREDIBLE PIZZA COMPANY INCREDIBLE PIZZA COMPANY INCREDIBLE PIZZA COMPANY INCREDIBLE PIZZA COMPANY INCREDIBLE PIZZA COMPANY INSECT LORE PRODUCTS INC INSECT LORE PRODUCTS INC INSECT LORE PRODUCTS INC INSPECTORATE AMERICA CORP INTEGRATIONS INTEGRITY FINANCIAL INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL READING ASSN INTERNATIONAL READING ASSN INTERNATIONAL READING ASSN INTERNATIONAL TRUCK OF HOUSTON INTERNATIONAL TRUCK OF HOUSTON INVADER SPORTSWEAR INC INX INC INX INC INX INC INX INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/21/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/01/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/04/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/23/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/28/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/01/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/01/09 05/04/09 05/05/09 CK-AMOUNT 424.20 262.06 20.99 450.00 450.00 110.35 110.35 116.83 116.83 175.00 175.00 82.26 402.44 12,950.00 383.03 1,629.00 78.00 59.00 589.59 80.94 437.39 20.15 88,623.00 202.50 759.82 26.10 366.85 118.14 129.00 95.00 75.81 1,238.94 180.00 51.70 122.40 457.27 328.36 475.00 111.55 117.37 306.00 171.88 849.55 132.00 313.50 313.50 99.00 91.85 315.00 35.05 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME INX INC IRIS BELIA MUNOZ IRMA DELOSSANTOS IRS - AUSTIN IRS - AUSTIN IRS - BENSALEM IRS - BENSALEM IRS - HOUSTON IRS - HOUSTON IRS - KANSAS CITY IRS - KANSAS CITY IRVINIA JNO-FINN CLARKE ITALIAN PIE ITEACHTEXAS IZAGUIRRE, AGUSTIN J E M RESOURCE PARTNERS J W PEPPER OF DALLAS J W PEPPER OF DALLAS J W PEPPER OF DALLAS J W PEPPER OF DALLAS J W PEPPER OF DALLAS JACLYN LEGENDRE JACOBS FACILITIES INC JACOBS, SHIRLEY M JAENECKE, RODNEY JAIMIE CORTE GREEN JAMELIA BOUIE JAMES BALLARD JAMES CONEY ISLAND JAMES F BURNETT JR JAMES LEWIS JAMES PHILLIP PRESTON JAMES R BATES JAMES R SAWYER JAMES R SAWYER JAMIE BURT JAMIE BURT JANA KAY ROSS JANA MARIE PENA JANET KELLY JANET SUE SWEEZEY JANET SUE SWEEZEY JARRETT PUBLISHING CO JASON GRICE JASON GRICE JASON HALIK JASON MICHAEL GALVAN JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/18/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/23/09 05/26/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/21/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 CK-AMOUNT 59.32 29.55 48.57 496.60 496.60 450.00 140.00 149.58 32.93 90.02 57.10 345.99 65.00 20.00 43.58 260.00 375.00 88.82 41.00 220.00 35.74 89.23 695.07 764.50 188.74 7.94 580.00 350.00 528.00 84.79 32.89 279.20 61.04 185.92 5,369.19 3,960.00 3,960.00 128.00 321.46 226.89 77.97 14.30 205.73 108.50 100.00 19.49 24,644.88 136.20 1,011.92 52.43 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JASON'S DELI JAUREGUI, DAVID JAY ALLAN CRANFILL JAYNE MCFARLAND JAYNE MCFARLAND JEAN COKINS JEAN COKINS JEAN M. CAHN JEAN W HAGEN JEANEE MARIE WELLS JEANNE NELSON JEANNE PARTLANGELI JEANNE PARTLANGELI JEFFERSON NATIONAL CANCER JENADEL LANGUAGE SERVICES, LLC JENADEL LANGUAGE SERVICES, LLC JENNIFER ANN DAVIS JENNIFER BERRY JENNIFER G JOHNSON JENNIFER KAATZ JENNIFER KAATZ JENNIFER MARCELLE BARNES JENNIFER MCGEE JENNIFER VO JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/26/09 05/05/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 3,749.93 29.96 7,251.67 5,733.99 65.00 150.00 148.49 943.00 5.55 37.90 67.06 35.00 20.61 257.70 405.00 50.00 295.35 1,550.00 10.00 918.00 133.21 96.80 151.80 1,009.00 451.70 977.00 150.00 99.00 59.85 110.00 67.50 27.50 72.50 66.97 20.41 795.00 1,020.00 663.50 245.71 108.30 1,475.17 1,560.84 30.36 2,022.83 182.69 135.52 253.29 471.46 246.30 329.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JEREMY'S BOOK SERVICE JERRY RIHA JESSE MONTALVO JESSICA PERRY JESUS M. REYNA JEZEK, EUGENE F JILL RENEE BUTLER JILLIAN CHAMBERLAIN JILLIAN CHAMBERLAIN JIM FORREST JIM FORREST JIMENEZ, GABRIEL JO DEAN'S BEAUTY SALON JOANNE HEALY JOE AGUILERA JOE REYNA JOHN DOLNEY JOHN ELMER JOHN HEFNER JOHN M PISCACEK JOHN MARK BOYD JOHN MARK BOYD JOHN MUIR JOHN P SNELSON JOHN P SNELSON JOHN T POWELL JOHN V AGUILAR JR JOHN W SMITH JOHN W SMITH JOHN W SMITH JOHNNY CRUZ JOHNNY GLENN PARKER JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNNY TAMALE CANTINA JOHNSON D R & JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSON SUPPLY JOHNSTONE SUPPLY JOHNSTONE SUPPLY JOHNSTONE SUPPLY JOLIVETTE, ALISHIA K JONATHAN AIGNER JONATHAN DOW PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/18/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 CK-AMOUNT 170.55 19,109.71 3.97 38.83 70.20 1,000.66 1,146.15 4,705.87 2,448.22 486.35 351.68 721.61 58.35 36.10 371.39 2,054.27 413.90 86.50 130.00 100.00 150.00 1,862.06 75.00 82.89 379.06 18.88 229.90 67.91 962.50 1,680.00 92.43 481.65 200.00 162.00 35.00 375.00 100.00 216.70 393.43 541.86 500.00 760.50 234.90 497.75 64.63 1,323.00 324.00 58.00 201.00 1,333.34 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES & COOK STATIONERS JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY JONES, KENTRY JOSE ESQUIVEL JOSE VALENTIN GARZA JOSEPHSON INSTITUTE OF ETHICS JOSHUA N.L HERNANDEZ-PALOMARES JT OILFIELD JUANITA NICCOLE LISTON JUAREZ, BENJAMIN JUAREZ, MANUELA & ROBERT I JUDITH ANN GOODMAN JUDITH ANN GOODMAN JUDITH ANN GOODMAN JUDITH I NUGENT JUDITH I NUGENT JUDY A VAZQUEZ JUDY ALICE WELLS JUDY M LAMONTAGNE JUDY M LAMONTAGNE JUDY M LAMONTAGNE JUDY M LAMONTAGNE JULEE ANNA LEE JULIAN GARCIA JULIE A THOMPSON JULIE ANN REED JUMPBUNCH JUMPIN' JOEY'S JUST FOR KIX JUST FOR KIX JUSTIN MURPHY K I KAGAN CO-OP LEARNING KAGAN CO-OP LEARNING KAGAN CO-OP LEARNING KALMANS MARSHALL ENGINEERING PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/26/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/20/09 05/19/09 05/15/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/12/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 536.35 229.95 68.10 186.54 337.80 49.60 1,085.77 74.00 111.14 138.44 112.00 67.92 5,555.00 5.90 177.38 75.00 159.90 453.34 58.00 74.47 329.00 102.91 494.58 86.41 251.90 71.87 250.00 56.02 459.77 91.79 19.93 55.00 58.71 180.00 39.88 71.12 50.60 63,903.35 61,168.00 918.00 7,108.05 178.33 68.84 91.51 54.19 85.00 23.44 80.25 1,719.20 574.75 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME KAMICO INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA KAMICO INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA KAMICO INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA KAPCO LIBRARY PRODUCTS KAPLAN EARLY LEARNING CO KAPLAN EARLY LEARNING CO KAPLAN EARLY LEARNING CO KAREL KUJAWA KAREL KUJAWA KAREN ANN BROWN KAREN ELLEN STOCCO KAREN GIBSON KAREN KING KAREN MCCARLEY KAREN MCCARLEY KAREN POWELL KAREN R DAIGLE KAREN R DAIGLE KAREN S DOUGLAS KARINA FLORES KATHERINE BENNETT KATHERINE SUE MASSEY KATHERINE SUE MASSEY KATHLEEN BEAUDRY KATHLEEN WALKER MURRELL KATHLEEN WALKER MURRELL KATY ISD KAWASA, ESSA A KAZHIKACHALIL, JOESPH KEELY COUFAL KEITH JOHN KEITH MARTIN KEITH MARTIN KEITH NIELSEN KELLEY LAIRD KELLEY LAIRD KELLI L GREEN-ERWIN KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT KELLY J SCOTT KELLY JEANNE COOK KELLY RENEE LOHSE KELLY RENEE LOHSE KELLY RENEE LOHSE KELLY RENEE LOHSE KELLY SHEPHERD COWAN KEMAH BOARDWALK KEMAH BOARDWALK PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/26/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/27/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/18/09 CK-AMOUNT 109.89 139.86 153.92 313.50 132.10 9.81 220.00 90.95 30.90 22.88 200.00 644.14 2,015.00 121.77 76.89 54.97 100.00 2,457.40 63.71 115.50 34.90 312.71 126.50 26.16 20.00 12,785.89 400.00 267.30 383.51 392.63 1,178.10 616.85 210.00 41.29 21.65 41.29 324.89 193.97 122.48 264.45 279.86 32.03 76.71 62.82 37.26 22.49 20.64 1,675.43 25.00 15.78 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME KEMAH BOARDWALK KEMAH BOARDWALK KENNETH DEAN FANTI KERI SMITH KERSEY, JIMMY & JESSICA KEVIN ANDREW THOMPSON KEVIN BLAIN KEVIN ELLIS KEVIN ROSS KEVIN ROSS KEVIN W CROSS KEVIN W CROSS KEY POULAN MUSIC KIDS DISCOVER KIDS WINGS KIMBERLY ALLEN ARRANT KIMBERLY D MASON KIMBERLY FOUTS KIMBERLY KEY KIMBERLY MICHELLE REYNOLDS KIMBERLY MICHELLE REYNOLDS KIMBERLY MICHELLE REYNOLDS KIMBERLY POWERS KING DOLLAR KIRK LEWIS KIRKMONT MUNICIPAL UTILITY DIS KLEIN ISD KORNEY BOARD AIDS KORYCIAK, ESTELLA KOZA'S INC KOZA'S INC KRISHNA SHAH KRISTIN SALINAS KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/12/09 05/26/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 CK-AMOUNT 44.99 21.57 70.93 397.94 108.72 19.47 36.24 44.99 44.56 23.97 342.65 92.69 531.05 43.79 732.84 14.15 8,936.23 6,072.46 6,268.28 9,235.03 1,241.64 96.40 33.76 199.36 309.50 240.00 114.00 338.40 40.00 624.70 8,308.04 250.70 202.13 1,038.05 1,074.99 296.00 494.59 933.41 4.46 200.00 202.50 135.00 444.73 898.00 216.84 45.00 22.64 60.00 27.00 149.67 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KROGER KUBOSH, JEFFERSON H KUEHN, HOWARD G JR & CLAIRE KURZ & CO KURZ & CO KURZ & CO KURZ & CO KWIK-KOPY PRINTING KWIK-KOPY PRINTING KWIK-KOPY PRINTING KYLE THOMAS RICE L R P PUBLICATIONS, INC LA BRISA POPSICLE FACTORY LA BRISA POPSICLE FACTORY LA CANTINA MEXICAN GRILL LA PORTE ISD LA PORTE ISD - ATHLETICS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS LAKIS SIMS-BOGANY LAKOTA, SARAH B LAM, RYAN & NANCY LAN DOAN LANDON, ROBERT W & LANSDOWNE-MOODY CO INC LANUSH, STEPHEN J JR LARA ARLENE ROBERTS LAREDO, JAMES R LARRY BLUMRICK LARRY GENE BATES LARRY REED RUTHERFORD PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/11/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 CK-AMOUNT 114.72 83.47 316.90 20.00 2,400.00 77.79 380.25 58.85 247.31 27.96 145.00 198.38 148.49 75.00 59.34 31.99 28.45 54.88 27.98 66.33 81.79 75.00 1,800.00 900.00 450.00 450.00 348.75 38.37 380.59 75.00 260.14 284.00 40,000.00 47.94 155.45 396.90 521.57 153.66 54.81 57.50 471.20 37.74 871.23 339.60 346.31 33.00 66.49 150.80 117.02 150.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME LARRY'S ARTS & CRAFT LARRY'S ARTS & CRAFT LARUE, RAYNER & AMPARO J LAS FUENTES REFRESQUERIA LASSETTER LAFOUR EQUIPMENT LATESSA HADLEY LAURA DANA MANN LAURA DANA MANN LAURA DICKINSON LAURA RAHMAN LAURA SPAULDING LAURA T GOMEZ LAUREN E GONZALES LAURIE BOREN LAURIE ETNYRE LAURIE ETNYRE LAURIE ETNYRE LAURIE ETNYRE LAURIE ETNYRE LAURIE ETNYRE LAURIE PALMER-HERNANDEZ LAURIE PARROTT LAYING THE FOUNDATION, INC LAYING THE FOUNDATION, INC LAYING THE FOUNDATION, INC LAYING THE FOUNDATION, INC LE, CAROLINE T LE, ROSA TRANG & LEAF FINANCIAL CORP LEAH CALDERON LEAL, YACK E LEAPING LEOTARDS LEARNERS ONLINE, INC LEARNING RESOURCES LEARNING RESOURCES LECTORUM PUBLICATIONS INC LECTORUM PUBLICATIONS INC LEE COLLEGE LEE, EUN K & DONG SUN LEGAL DIGEST LEGAL DIGEST LENA ROHNE LENNAR HOMES OF TEXAS LENNY'S SUB SHOP LENTINE'S EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY LEROY'S SERVICE CENTER LES GRANDS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP LESLIE AXEL LESLIE AXEL LESLIE BROUSSARD PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/26/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/23/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/22/09 05/28/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 64.04 54.11 3.99 216.67 32.20 82.81 159.47 135.00 1,339.17 923.00 124.50 384.86 359.37 415.67 408.00 38,981.85 122.15 331.45 975.30 274.25 46.90 170.29 64.90 2,690.24 1,775.04 250.00 179.30 150.00 1,147.45 742.93 670.60 39.99 10.00 324.50 137.00 18.74 220.00 45.89 757.66 93.46 821.54 150.00 17.44 38.46 21.63 457.65 97.46 255.75 1,449.00 1,120.95 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME LESLIE BRYAN LESLIE LUNA LESLIE LUNA LESSING, LUIS A & ANITA L-E-T INC LETICIA ROMERO LETICIA VELASQUEZ LEVENGER LEXIA LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC LEXIA LEARNING SYSTEMS, INC LIBBY ESCALANTE LIBBY ESCALANTE LIBERTS LIBERTS LIBERTY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS LIBERTY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING, LLC LIBRARY & CURRICULUM RESOURCES LIBRARY STORE INC LIBRARY STORE INC LIBRARY VIDEO CO LIBRARY VIDEO CO LIBRARY VIDEO CO LIFE INVESTORS INSURANCE CO. LIFETOUCH PUBLISHING INC LIL' JACK'S MOONWALK RENTALS LILA SMITH LILLIAN O BUCKINGHAM LILLIANA SILES-ROSALES LIMA, MODESTO & ISABEL LINAREZ, VICTOR LINDA DARLENE BACHLE LINDA DELCAMPO LINDA FLETCHER LINDA FLORES LINDA J TRAYLOR LINDA PILCHER LINDE SVETLANA LINDSAY NOEL VANOVER LINDSEY ANDERSON LINDSEY E GUERRA LINH DO LISA ANDERS LISA ANDERS LISA ANDERS LISA KAY BARRETT LISA MILLER LISA MURPHY LISLE VIOLIN SHOP LISLE VIOLIN SHOP PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/26/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/14/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 CK-AMOUNT 275.00 1,600.00 41.00 125.00 150.00 1,859.75 82.17 327.81 75.00 99.00 750.00 1,020.00 240.00 240.00 2,285.00 1,155.00 739.13 123.19 6,034.95 86.90 48.57 360.28 271.12 330.63 324.19 367.74 6.50 34,845.00 529.11 55.00 200.00 37.40 90.06 3,409.68 896.50 12.06 18.28 47.59 206.58 44.78 67.22 2,772.80 425.20 526.83 375.04 836.19 690.83 70.43 32.06 56.34 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME LISLE VIOLIN SHOP LISLE VIOLIN SHOP LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA LITTLE GREEN APPLES INC LITTON LOAN SERVICING LITTON LOAN SERVICING lLAUREN ELIZABETH CYR LLOYD S LOVE LLOYD'S MARTIAL ARTS LLOYD'S MARTIAL ARTS LLOYD'S MARTIAL ARTS LLOYD'S MARTIAL ARTS LOFLIN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LOFLIN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LONE STAR LEARNING INC LONE STAR LEARNING INC LONE STAR UNIFORMS INC LONE STAR UNIFORMS INC LONG, GAIL D LOOMIS INTERNATIONAL INC LOPEZ, ALMA D LOPEZ, FRANCISCO LOPEZ, OLMAN R LOPEZ, SONIA LORAIN COUNTY JVS-NASA CORE LOREN JACKSON LORENA GARCIA LORENA GUTIERREZ LORI SIMS LORI THOMPSON LOVE, JULIE M LOVING GUIDANCE, INC LOVING GUIDANCE, INC LOWERY, VANESSA L LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOWE'S HOME CENTERS INC LOYAL AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE LOZANO, J R LOZANO, MARIA LUCERO, APRIL & DAVID LUCK'S MUSIC LIBRARY LUCK'S MUSIC LIBRARY LUCY BURCH LUCY BURCH LUCY BURCH PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 360.18 202.50 22.44 14.99 406.54 644.75 850.00 1,665.00 413.00 2,532.33 707.55 4,160.98 256.32 356.28 287.17 2,765.43 50.00 2,357.48 5,054.64 3,512.00 1,247.65 77.75 72.84 27.50 27.50 2,379.50 132.00 80.00 27.50 50.00 202.50 119.80 100.00 240.00 616.00 450.00 430.85 294.30 677.77 194.03 2,259.63 371.85 770.00 540.00 3,830.00 156.34 242.23 164.07 20.86 202.50 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME LUNA, ELIZABETH LUNSFORD, DOROTHY KAY LUPE C ALANIZ LYNN HICKS LYON, WARREN K & VERA E M & A TECHNOLOGY M B FLIPPEN & ASSOCIATES M B FLIPPEN & ASSOCIATES M F ATHLETIC CO INC M H C SOFTWARE M S C INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO M S C INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO M S C INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO MACIAS, JOSE J MACKIN LIBRARY MEDIA MACMILLAN-MCGRAW-HILL MACY'S MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS-PTP MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS-PTP MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS-PTP MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS-PTP MAGGIE ALLEN MAGGIE ALLEN MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAGNOLIA CAFE & BAKERY MAHULA, JAMES T MAILBOX YEARBOOK MAIN EVENT ENTERTAINMENT MAIN EVENT ENTERTAINMENT MAIN STREET YOUTH THEATER MAIN STREET YOUTH THEATER MAKE MUSIC INC MALDONADO, RAMIRO & MALDONADO, RICARDO JR MANDY JO BOX MANSUEREH YVONNE SOBHANI MANZANO, GIL JR & CECILIA MARBLE SLAB CREAMERY #77 MARCHAN, BLANCA MARCHING AUXILIARIES MARCIA ANN GRIFFIN MARCIE MATHER MARCO PRODUCTS INC MAR-CON SERVICES LLC DBA MARCOUX, FRANK ETUX IRENE AUS AUS AUS AUS PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/21/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/05/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 470.40 12.65 70.24 39.27 927.75 52.04 379.74 31.92 99.00 297.10 56.10 150.00 392.15 1,438.81 65.14 157.50 345.76 9.35 104.50 313.50 326.70 348.50 20.50 19,728.20 463.60 1,000.40 43.50 170.00 320.60 242.04 23.98 150.00 2,909.06 330.61 100.00 329.48 448.50 394.79 348.69 589.28 1,236.43 311.66 216.68 696.34 342.66 29.44 61.15 625.46 23.43 736.82 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MARCY COOK MATH MARCY SALINAS MARGARET A MCAUGHAN MARGARET A MCAUGHAN MARGARET RABAGO MARGARET RABAGO MARI INC MARIA B HERNANDEZ MARIA LINDA PUCKETT MARIA M KNIGHT MARIA MIRANDA MARIA V ARELLANO MARIANNA EGGERS MARIANNA INC MARIANNA INC MARIMON BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC. MARIN, GREGORIO MARINA SALINAS MARITZA DAVIS MARK MILLS MARKERBOARD PEOPLE MARKSMAN INDOOR RANGE INC MARLANE SGRO MARRIOTT - HOBBY AIRPORT MARRIOTT - HOBBY AIRPORT MARRIOTT - HOBBY AIRPORT MARRIOTT - HOBBY AIRPORT MARSHA FISCHER MARSHA MCCARLEY MARTESSA HUMPHRIES MARTHA ALICIA GUERRA MARTHA J FRIEDRICH MARTIN PRODUCTS SALES MARTIN, ELIZABETH C MARTIN, LUCIAN A & MARTIN, MERLINDA H MARTIN, STEPHEN ROY & JENNIFER MARTINEZ MARIA I MARTINEZ, ANITA GAMEZ MARTINEZ, CRESENCIO MARTINEZ, DOROTEO MARTINEZ, ELIBRANDO S MARTINEZ, FELIX S MARTINEZ, GLORIA MARTINEZ, HECTOR MARTINEZ, HECTOR M MARTINEZ, IGNACIO G JR MARTINEZ, JESSE MARTINEZ, JESUS A MARTINEZ, JORGE & SYLVIA PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/28/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/18/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 CK-AMOUNT 6.08 696.81 165.59 294.83 19.16 16.13 20.57 374.00 152.44 58.73 15.40 22.00 372.26 205.00 200.00 225.00 920.00 900.00 647.00 111.87 1,317.33 55.00 266.00 184.71 1,166.00 273.00 392.81 207.23 23.07 127.80 2,321.52 26,064.00 202.50 350.00 725.15 469.75 292.15 493.50 146.85 716.65 2,404.05 1,163.52 2,410.65 122.00 260.94 97.62 27.22 815.58 88.00 58.79 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MARTINEZ, JOSE MARTINEZ, JUANITA O MARTINEZ, MONICA & ERIC MARTINEZ, ROBERT F JR MARY ANN BORREGO MARY ANN BORREGO MARY ANN BORREGO MARY C GREEN MARY C GREEN MARY C GREEN MARY E PEREZ MARY ELLEN SANTOS MARY FARRELL MARY O'NEAL MARY R QUADE MARY R QUADE MARY SUE JONES MARY T LOZANO MARY VOGAS MARYLOU CLARK MATA, JUAN C MATT ROSSER MATTHEW NELSON MAURICE L BARCLAY dba MAURICE M MALINAK MAVERICK TECHNOLOGIES MCCLAIN , DONALD & BRENDA MCCLAIN, DONALD H & BRENDA MCDONALD, DAVID K MD PA MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT MCGRAW-HILL PUBLISHING CO INC MCI FOODS MCINTYRE, JERRY W & LOUISE MCNAUGHTON RANCH EQUIPMENT LLC MCNEIL, DAMA L MECA SPORTSWEAR MECA SPORTSWEAR MECA SPORTSWEAR MECA SPORTSWEAR MECA SPORTSWEAR MECA SPORTSWEAR MEDCO SUPPLY CO MEDCO SUPPLY CO MEDICAL SCREENING SERVICES INC MEDRANO, RAMON MEDTRONIC PHYSIO-CONTROL INC MEGAN SMITH MEJIAS, CHRISTINA MELEISSA CREEL MELINDA FUNNI PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/01/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/28/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/21/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 CK-AMOUNT 5.00 7.49 335.62 75.60 8.95 294.20 22.83 113.77 325.21 385.27 6,651.71 803.17 10,584.38 113.75 4,178.90 299.30 41.46 125.00 2,159.87 2,159.87 55.00 60.00 201.50 70.40 28.39 35.00 30.36 132.00 360.00 14.50 84.00 132.00 46.63 44.81 911.32 911.32 15.00 48.00 197.00 328.80 96.50 199.95 1,365.00 217.80 202.50 202.50 519.41 371.43 930.00 120.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MELINDA FUNNI MELINDA FUNNI MELISSA ANN HERRERA MELISSA COOLEY MELISSA GONZALEZ MELISSA MCCALLA MELISSA O'SULLIVAN MELVIN PITCHFORD MEMENDEZ, WILSON MENDEZ, CESAR G MENTORING MINDS LP MENTORING MINDS LP MENTORING MINDS LP MENTORING MINDS LP MENTORING MINDS LP MERCADO, OSCAR O METHODIST HOSPITAL METHODIST SPORTS REHABILITATIO MetLife MetLife MICHAEL A MELANCON MICHAEL A MELANCON MICHAEL DAVID BONAS MICHAEL LYNN MARLER MICHAEL LYNN MARLER MICHAEL MACIAS MICHAEL MILLER dba MICHAEL NEWTON MICHAEL NEWTON MICHAEL WALTER GENCARELLI MICHAEL WAYNE ADAMS MICHAEL Y'BARBO MICHAEL'S MICHAEL'S MICHELLE ARMENTA MICHELLE ARMENTA MICHELLE ERNST MICHELLE ESPINOSA MICHELLE ESPINOSA MICHELLE ESPINOSA MICHELLE RENEE LAWRENCE MIGHTYBOOK, INC MIKE LANDRUM MIKE STEPHENS MILLER, PRESTON J MILLS, KENNETH R MILNER, LARRY K & MINOR, RONNIE MINUTE MAID PARK MIRIAM MONICA HERRICK PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/15/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 CK-AMOUNT 146.51 189.14 30.89 14.00 84.48 42.48 35.00 22.40 103.00 165.50 47.94 80.98 33.25 39.99 120.00 36.65 19.05 106.45 42.88 37.89 25.88 34.78 31.45 30.39 40.21 209.94 279.92 209.94 15.11 69.15 75.31 16.00 180.70 112.15 58.15 13.20 20.21 69.98 63.60 82.87 159.99 5.32 5.32 17.50 65.61 29.82 10.00 17.50 16.46 4.86 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MIRIAM MONICA MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS HERRICK VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/15/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 33.00 122.43 100.00 612.00 728.00 137.50 129.00 318.92 10.90 44.00 58.56 44.80 14.97 98.73 99.86 51.27 43.00 1.95 111.67 41.90 47.05 8.97 83.00 18.43 15.90 172.00 90.00 500.00 46.00 478.74 72.12 149.98 111.21 130.00 27.09 9.37 142.11 5.28 60.00 44.20 16.83 44.20 44.20 44.20 44.20 44.20 44.20 25.75 24.05 75.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR VENDOR PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/28/09 05/28/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 49.65 23.68 5.98 55.25 250.00 59.87 187.79 52.87 170.00 5.34 180.00 30.00 59.22 25.00 63.26 19.98 130.81 22.98 497.50 42.90 15.00 177.85 62.97 187.50 99.90 265.70 250.00 11.44 65.73 20.00 24.71 12.99 260.00 70.00 27.00 206.00 83.50 9.73 47.31 15.05 290.00 290.00 51.90 999.00 229.50 754.21 259.56 6,381.00 264.00 50.60 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISCELLANEOUS VENDOR MISDU MISDU MISTY YEATER MITCHELL 1 MITCHELL, CLARENCE JOSEPH MIXON, TOM V MRS MOBILE FASTENERS MOBILE MODULAR MANAGEMENT CORP MOBILE MUNCHIES, INC MOBILE STORAGE GROUP INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/19/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 537.47 393.63 202.50 82.35 164.65 327.66 40.00 506.33 675.58 25.30 372.33 100.00 546.75 2,686.50 263.56 690.44 27.18 25.00 195.67 360.01 739.00 330.00 312.43 264.59 2,700.00 1,600.00 195.00 40.00 80.00 300.00 300.00 390.03 2,105.01 532.50 3,872.50 149.00 375.00 2,385.00 8,410.00 46.00 7,195.00 204.55 119.50 65.00 1,796.00 2,780.00 695.00 714.99 2,085.00 89.85 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME MODERN SCHOOL SUPPLIES INC MODERN SCHOOL SUPPLIES INC MOLLER, RAYMOND MONICA GUERRA MONICA GUERRA MONTENEGRO, ANTONIO MONTEREY'S LITTLE MEXICO 507 MONTEZ, GREGORIO R MONTOR, JORGE H MONUMENT CHEVROLET MONUMENT INN RESTAURANT MOODY GARDENS MOODY GARDENS MOODY GARDENS MOOSE PRODUCTIONS MORENO, CESAR MORNING KOLACHES MORNING KOLACHES MORRIS, SHARI & MORTENSEN, KENNETH W MOTIVATIONAL PRODUCTIONS INC MOVIE LICENSING USA MOWERS INC MOWERS INC MPC HADRIA QUEENS LANE LTD MPO CONSULTING, INC MR BILL'S KILN REPAIR MU ALPHA THETA MU ALPHA THETA MULCH X-PRESS MULCH X-PRESS MULLINS, MICHAEL S MUSIC ACROSS TEXAS MUSIC AND ARTS CENTER MUSIC AND ARTS CENTER MUSIC AND ARTS CENTER MUSIC AND ARTS CENTER MUSIC AND ARTS CENTER MUSIC AND ARTS CENTER MUSIC IS ELEMENTARY MYERS TIRE - HOUSTON #19 MYRNA ALANIS N A E S P N A T E F N C A SUMMER CAMPS N C C E P N C C E P N C C E P N C C E P NAEGELI PROPERTIES INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/26/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 CK-AMOUNT 55.50 157.00 241.00 119.90 39.20 200.00 150.00 893.00 294.29 587.36 277.58 19.92 55.24 30.00 322.12 888.46 367.79 785.16 963.71 100.00 85.00 95.00 81.00 81.00 81.00 226.00 225.00 31.50 50.00 50.00 1,119.89 495.00 2,941.40 1,531.50 475.00 81.00 80.00 100.00 81.00 159.90 127.40 267.16 287.56 2,125.00 5,925.83 1,784.47 808.34 165.00 196.99 949.71 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME NAESP STUDENT SERVICES NAESP STUDENT SERVICES NANA S MCGREGOR NANCY A. CARDENAS NANCY A. CARDENAS NANCY SHARON PRINCE NANCY SHARON PRINCE NANCY SHARON PRINCE NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NARANJO CONSTRUCTION SERV NARANJO, FERNANDO H NASA JSC EXPCHANGE NASCO NASCO NASCO NASCO NASCO NATALIE ALAS NATIONAL ASSC STUDENT COUNCILS NATIONAL ASSC STUDENT COUNCILS NATIONAL ASSC STUDENT COUNCILS NATIONAL ASSN OF SEC SCH PRIN NATIONAL ASSN OF SEC SCH PRIN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL NATIONAL COLLEGIATE SCOUTING NATIONAL FFA ORGANIZATION NATIONAL FFA ORGANIZATION NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPLPRER NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NATIONAL MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSN NATIONAL PEN COMPANY NATIONAL SCHOOL PRODUCTS NATIONAL SCHOOL PRODUCTS NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE NATIONAL TAX SEARCH LLC NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE NATURAL BRIDGE WILDLIFE RANCH NAVIDAD HUGHEY NEIL LANGE NEITZY RETTA PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/23/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/21/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 CK-AMOUNT 25.31 213.82 4,358.96 4,102.97 158.68 1,099.45 138.06 45.67 2,559.70 202.50 329.84 110.43 708.12 1,036.06 336.59 502.93 19.82 450.52 150.00 23.00 229.34 389.74 62.34 17.95 772.94 55.00 217.81 76.67 138.01 368.89 3,919.57 233.04 113.34 389.65 84.52 1,538.90 229.07 325.89 387.45 1,451.29 10.52 48.00 257.00 14,969.81 494.00 126.32 22,108.04 240.00 559.67 864.56 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME NELON, PHILLIP R NELSON EDUCATION NELSON EDUCATION USA NELSON EDUCATION USA NELSON, N S & GERALDINE H NEW MONIC BOOKS INC NEW TESTAMENT MINISTRIES NEWBART PRODUCTS INC NEWBRIDGE EDUCATIONAL PUBLSH NEWMAN, MARILYN M NEWPATH LEARNING NEXUS LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIONS NEXUS LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIONS NGO, HAI & LE HAI HO NGUYEN, LIDIA NGUYEN, NANCY NGUYEN, PATRICK D NGUYEN, THANH T NHUNG THI DUONG NICOLE M BARNES NIDA CHANN DBA NIEBER RICHARD H NIEVES, ERASMO T NIMCO, INC NINO, ARABELA NORA H MALDONADO NORA lLINDA HERNANDEZ NORA lLINDA HERNANDEZ NORA lLINDA HERNANDEZ NORA N SOLIS NORCOSTCO INC NORMA DODD NORMA DODD NORMA DODD NORMAN L RICHARDSON NORTHPOINT HORIZONS NORTHWIND PROPERTIES LTD NUNEZ, HECTOR & MARIA D NUNEZ, YAZMIN ORTEGA NYSTROM DIV OF HERFF JONES O'BRIEN, GERALD F OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL CARE OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL CARE OCE IMAGISTICS INC OCE IMAGISTICS INC OCE IMAGISTICS, INC OCE' NORTH AMERICA OCE' NORTH AMERICA OCE' NORTH AMERICA OCE' NORTH AMERICA PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/28/09 05/05/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/26/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/12/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 CK-AMOUNT 4,833.62 396.31 44.73 489.11 372.48 89.44 53.96 18.98 27.24 1,374.63 47.96 61.43 7.98 211.97 199.80 12.98 318.20 47,907.28 100.95 97.82 216.19 2,032.60 499.96 1,144.80 73,034.85 179.98 127.93 642.00 28.55 199.15 199.15 775.81 913.20 111.20 150.63 6.13 436.50 268.80 292.19 19.19 49.00 50.00 72.98 6,050.30 945.62 670.92 692.45 565.66 809.73 669.95 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME OCE' NORTH AMERICA OCE' NORTH AMERICA OCE' NORTH AMERICA OCEAN HOLDING LLC OCHOA, JUAN J & CYNTHIA E OFFENHAUSER, STEVEN ALBERT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICE DEPOT OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OFFICEMAX CONTRACT, INC OKLAHOMA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICE OKLAHOMA DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICE OLD FASHION CANDY COMPANY OLD FASHION CANDY COMPANY OLIVE GARDEN OLIVE GARDEN OLIVIA STEGEMANN OLIVO, JOHN MARTINEZ OLMSTED-KIRK PAPER COMPANY OLVERA, ELITANIA OLVERA, GUADALUPE & OPEN SPACE COMMUNICATIONS LLC OPERATIONS, MISC EXPENSE OPERATIONS, MISC EXPENSE O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/29/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 CK-AMOUNT 281.34 300.82 149.38 218.46 378.79 302.12 30.00 172.95 2,086.25 102.32 426.00 142.00 109.89 10.91 39.80 269.57 219.50 205.91 134.16 425.44 296.59 347.01 33.97 228.00 297.00 60.00 240.00 165.00 128.40 2,564.79 288.90 313.13 358.80 418.02 275.00 90.60 37.70 134.36 36.86 178.09 100.96 130.91 52.09 130.91 30.00 20.38 13.99 49.90 202.50 1,043.64 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC ORIENTAL TRADING CO INC OROZCO, ZULMA & ROBERTO ORTIZ, JOSE & ALICIA OSLIN NATION CO OTIS SPUNKMEYER OTIS SPUNKMEYER OVERLOOKED BOOKS OZARK DELIGHT CANDY COMPANY OZARK DELIGHT CANDY COMPANY OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATER OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATER OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATER OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATER OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATER OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATER OZARKA NATURAL SPRING WATER P C I EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING P C I EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING P C I EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING P C WORLD P I S D P I S D P I S D P I S D POLICE OFFICERS ASSOC P.D. CORDRAY PACIFIC NORTHWEST PUBLISHING PACIFIC NORTHWEST PUBLISHING PACIFIC NORTHWEST PUBLISHING PALACIOS, JESUSA S PALACIOS, PABLO R PALERMO, JOSEPH W & LORA B PAMELA A WALSHAK PAMELA JANET GROSSMAN PAMELA JANET GROSSMAN PAMELA JANET GROSSMAN PAMELA MCDONALD PAMELA TEVIS PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANERA BREAD PANZER, MARGARET PAPA BEN'S PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/15/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/18/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/23/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/28/09 05/28/09 05/28/09 05/28/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/22/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/26/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/21/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/28/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 CK-AMOUNT 637.19 80.00 127.75 644.14 27.35 3,584.77 377.20 285.00 77.23 23.94 232.34 38.88 327.35 88.33 164.72 43.94 131.01 186.33 170.65 62.33 270.60 203.88 99.98 219.61 104.93 51.09 70.85 88.60 210.45 100.00 71.40 71.40 1,220.00 1,463.43 328.60 83.00 140.00 175.00 200.00 65.00 303.00 1,211.35 120.60 673.50 967.00 3,000.50 1,635.50 52.49 66.00 425.15 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME PAPA BEN'S PAPA JOHNS PAPA JOHNS PAPER DIRECT, INC PAPPAS BAR-B-Q PARKWAY SENIOR APARTMENTS PARKWOOD PROPERTIES INC PARTIES ETC PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY CITY PARTY WHOLESALERS PARTY WHOLESALERS PARTY WHOLESALERS PARTY WHOLESALERS PASADENA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PASADENA CITIZEN PASADENA CITIZEN PASADENA FENCE CO PASADENA ISD PASADENA MOOSE LODGE NO 1721 PASADENA POSTAL PASADENA ROTARY CLUB PASADENA ROTARY CLUB PASADENA ROTARY CLUB PASADENA SOUTH ROTARY PASADENA SPORTING GOODS INC PASADENA SPORTING GOODS INC PASADENA SPORTING GOODS INC PASADENA SPORTING GOODS INC PASADENA SPORTING GOODS INC PASADENA SPORTING GOODS INC PASADENA SPORTING GOODS INC PASADENA SPORTING GOODS INC PATRICIA ANN BRENNEMAN PATRICIA ANN WATKINS PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/28/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 CK-AMOUNT 3,324.00 1,149.60 82.78 20.90 500.00 12.48 71.59 241.00 70.40 150.00 193.60 72.16 112.23 24.98 75.93 20.99 1,009.00 1,298.22 647.40 168.50 773.28 330.71 147.00 1,511.68 7,784.04 202.50 206.52 28.14 295.38 43.20 620.79 30.08 1,000.02 705.41 293.27 286.89 307.76 335.27 82.00 7,672.25 4,534.87 202.50 270.00 2,293.92 377.79 759.12 57.85 28.75 8,225.20 203.86 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME PATRICIA BOUDRA PATRICIA BOUDRA PATRICIA CAIN PATRICIA DARDON PATRICIA GAIL SURFACE PATRICIA LOVE PATRICIA M BENNETT PATRICIA MONTOYA PATTY COTTON PAUBLA PADILLA PAUL DIAZ PAUL GUTIERREZ PAUL H WEAVER PAULA GOLDEN PAULA SWORD PAULA SWORD PC & MacExchange PEARL CHAN LEE INC PEARLAND ALTERNATOR CO PEARLAND ALTERNATOR CO PEARSON / LONGMAN PEARSON / LONGMAN PEARSON ASSESSMENTS PEARSON EDUCATION PEARSON EDUCATIONAL MEASUR. PEDRAZA, JOSE & MANUELA PEGGY CRAFT PEGGY CRAFT PEGGY CREED PEGGY JORDAN PEGGY JORDAN PEGGY JORDAN PELLERIN LAUNDRY MACHINERY PENA, HUGO PENA, JUAN C & PENA, PATRICIA E PENDERS MUSIC CO PENDERS MUSIC CO PENNY HAVARD PEOPLES EDUCATION PEOPLES EDUCATION PEREZ, ARTURO & MARCO PEREZ, JOSE PEREZ, MARCELINO PEREZ, MARCIA E PEREZ, RUBEN PERFECTION LEARNING CORP PERKINS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/01/09 05/14/09 05/21/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/18/09 05/08/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/23/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/29/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/06/09 05/12/09 05/14/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 6,916.46 500.65 5,817.61 8,763.25 779.55 202.50 7.21 19.88 211.70 27.49 261.10 382.98 10,530.04 10,844.08 10,493.31 10,959.24 15,037.96 11,568.45 23,002.09 8,125.14 723.82 382.78 974.19 87.73 349.69 191.86 1,804.11 41,944.00 67,293.00 23.15 1,130.00 34.44 453.45 44.95 99.21 554.56 3,350.00 3,418.99 98.74 62.00 298.00 117.92 165.12 35.97 325.00 99.80 40.00 80.00 299.75 44.92 CD I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PERMA-BOUND PERRY, DAVID MITCHELL & DIANE PETE MORENO dba PETEREITS 213 PETERETTS MIRACLE CORNERS LLC PETINA PERVIN PETINA PERVIN PETINA PERVIN PETROLEUM WHOLESALE L.P. PETROLEUM WHOLESALE L.P. PETROLEUM WHOLESALE L.P. PETROLEUM WHOLESALE L.P. PETROLEUM WHOLESALE L.P. PETROLEUM WHOLESALE L.P. PETROLEUM WHOLESALE L.P. PFEIFFER & SON LTD PHAM, LUONG & MAI LUA PHAN, PHUOC THANH PHEAA PHILIP LYLES PHILIP LYLES PHILIP LYLES PHILIP LYLES PHONOSCOPE PHONOSCOPE PHYLLIS FREELAND PHYLLIS J DOLNEY PHYLLIS SALINAS PIECES OF LEARNING PILEIROL RETTA PILEIROL RETTA Pioneer Credit Recovery PISD EDUCATION FOUNDATION PITNEY BOWES INC PIZANO, MANUEL J PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA HUT PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PIZZA PATRON PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/12/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/07/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/01/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 CK-AMOUNT 2,750.00 305.09 255.00 79.00 79.00 198.69 489.18 584.12 342.65 356.64 1,343.71 2,485.12 49.95 220.45 1,154.95 488.91 6.07 42.00 5.52 132.00 450.50 2,300.00 1,000.00 1,400.00 500.00 317.00 3,295.00 402.80 22.00 82.00 67.00 8.00 322.00 96.00 89.00 44.79 120.00 707.26 499.55 148.50 50,384.00 1,140.00 8,508.00 29,043.00 126,182.00 6,022.00 13,769.00 9,088.00 499.85 36.95 CD I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME PIZZA PATRON PLANT INTERSCAPES INC PLUMBER CONTINUING EDUCATION POCKET NURSE ENTERPRISES INC POCKET NURSE ENTERPRISES INC POLICE DEPT, MISC EXPENSE POLICE DEPT, MISC EXPENSE POLK, ERNEST PORRAS, JUANA & POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSITIVE PROMOTIONS POSTMASTER POSTMASTER POSTMASTER PRAISE HYMN FASHIONS INC PRECISION DELTA CORPORATION PRECISIONAIRE OF TEXAS PRECISIONAIRE OF TEXAS PRECISIONAIRE OF TEXAS PRECISIONAIRE OF TEXAS PRENTKE ROMICH CO PRENTKE ROMICH CO PRENTKE ROMICH CO PRESIDENT'S EDUCATION AWARDS PRESIDENT'S EDUCATION AWARDS PRESIDENT'S EDUCATION AWARDS PRESIDENT'S EDUCATION AWARDS PRESIDENT'S EDUCATION AWARDS PRESIDENT'S EDUCATION AWARDS PRESIDENT'S VOLUNTEER SERVICE PRESTON, RENWICK L PREVENTION EDUCATION ASSOC PRICE, DEXTER L PRINT CENTRAL PRINT CENTRAL PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION PRODEFENSE POLICE EQUIPMENT PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATES PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/01/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/12/09 05/15/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/12/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 875.00 249.21 133.72 861.00 115.28 47.80 23.31 5,057.00 5,057.00 202.50 1,260.10 950.00 1,522.80 312.50 46.93 576.00 130.68 335.73 250.00 24,353.08 746.77 776.80 283.74 450.00 25.00 34.23 11.25 168.40 169.46 50.00 387.46 520.61 329.00 5,671.69 124.00 196.00 50.00 144.82 473.00 716.34 334.18 343.52 486.61 316.75 2,376.37 2,392.50 14.84 1,122.00 100.00 200.00 CD I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME PROJECT GRAD HOUSTON PROMACO INC PROMACO INC PROMAXIMA MANUFACTURING LTD PRUETT EQUIPMENT PRUFROCK PRESS PRUNEAU, DOROTHY PSAT/NMSQT PSAT/NMSQT PULLIN, DAVID & WINIFRED PUMPS OF HOUSTON, INC PUTT-PUTT FUN HOUSE PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS QUALITY PRODUCTS INC QUALITY PRODUCTS INC QUIET QUILTS QUIJADA, ANASTACIO QUINTANILLA, JOSE & SONIA G R A D INSURANCE GROUP LLC R B C DAIN RAUSCHER INC R B C MUSIC COMPANY INC R B C MUSIC COMPANY INC R D A PROMART R G'S MUSIC REPAIR R G'S MUSIC REPAIR RACHAEL MANRAJ RACHAEL PURDOM RACHAEL'S HALLMARK RACHEL DIANE CORNELIUS RACHEL HAMLIN RACHEL HINOJOSA RACHEL HINOJOSA RACHEL WOMACK RAINBOW BOOK COMPANY RAINBOW BOOK COMPANY RALLY EDUCATION RAMIREZ, ESBELDA RAMIREZ, RODOLFO RAMJET, INC RAMOS, ALICIA G RAMOS, DELIA M & ETVIR RAMOS, ENCARNACION RAMOS, RICHARD RANDALL-PORTERFIELD ARCHITECTS RANDALL-PORTERFIELD ARCHITECTS RANDALL-PORTERFIELD ARCHITECTS RANDALL'S#4062 RAPID RIBBONS RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/12/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/19/09 05/13/09 05/12/09 05/08/09 05/19/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 754.08 92.12 108.50 214.56 15,018.90 125.00 979.37 434.69 178.84 158.98 64.05 1,400.62 134.29 26.20 948.75 19.99 954.20 62.66 137.50 43.70 47.49 91.17 147.50 235.08 2,500.00 21.39 274.00 195.30 150.00 3,028.50 2,520.00 2,000.00 3,411.90 475.00 1,855.00 90.00 300.00 3,204.35 1,247.50 106.33 459.94 3,416.50 299.00 185.38 25.00 377.71 526.00 297.00 95.54 751.24 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I V I I I I I VENDOR NAME RASMUSSEN, CHRISTOPHER C RAY BUENROSTRO RAYMOND GARCIA RAYMOND GEDDES & COMPANY, INC RBC INSURANCE REAGAN REED REALITYWORKS INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REALLY GOOD STUFF INC REBECCA ANN GARNER REBECCA CRISTINE HAMILTON REBECCA KAMINSKI REBECCA SULLIVAN REBECCA TERRY REBECCA TERRY REBECCA TERRY REBECCAH ROSE FERGUSON RECORDED BOOKS LLC RED BRICK LEARNING REdS REGENT BOOK COMPANY INC REGINA MINTON REGINO, GABRIEL JR REGION I EDUCATION SERV CTR REGION IV EDUCATION SERV CTR REGION IV EDUCATION SERV CTR REGION IV EDUCATION SERV CTR REGION IV EDUCATION SERV CTR REGION IV EDUCATION SERV CTR REGION IV EDUCATION SERV CTR REGION XIX MIDDLE SCHOOL REGION XVI EDUCATION SERV CTR REGIONS INTERSTATE BILLING SER RELYMEDIA REMEDIA PUBLICATIONS INC REMEDIA PUBLICATIONS INC RENAISSANCE LEARNING, INC RENAISSANCE LEARNING, INC RENAISSANCE LEARNING, INC RENERO D DENOON RENNISON, MARK ALAN REPUBLIC WASTE SERVICES RESOURCES FOR EDUCATORS INC RESOURCES FOR READING REYES, JOSE PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/21/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 395.37 390.02 322.23 61.38 109.32 160.25 653.99 188.50 62.87 430.00 110.00 55.00 84.52 60.00 35.00 52.00 520.64 616.34 592.16 592.16 10,774.11 10,141.07 22,262.89 1,199.88 2,019.15 20.00 346.40 952.05 183.65 423.05 349.21 391.87 116.09 88.62 160.58 299.01 265.88 420.14 389.02 53.96 91.18 57,716.68 115,933.52 3,097.89 720.00 1,222.97 49.99 144.53 110.68 139.70 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME REYES, LIZA GUERRA &ENRIQUE JR REYES, MELISSA REYES, TITO T REYNA HERNANDEZ RHODA MOHR RHONDA KING RHYME UNIVERSITY RICARDO LUNA RICARDO PALOMO RICE UNIVERSITY RICHARD D WILSON RICHARD D WILSON RICHARD E HELMS RICHARD GUZMAN RICHARD LOUIS BEAVERS RICHARDO CASTELLANO RICO, ESPERANZA G & JUAN J RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION RICOH AMERICAS CORPORATION RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPTG GOOD RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPTG GOOD RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPTG GOOD RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPTG GOOD RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPTG GOOD RIDLEY'S VACUUM & JANITORIAL RIGBY RIGBY RIGBY RINER, BRODIE III & CASSIE RIOS, JOSE FLORES & GLADYS M RIOS, JUAN RISO INC RISO INC RISO INC RISO INC RITA MAYFIELD RIVERA, DAVID III & ANNA RIVERA, JOSE & FLOR RIVERA, MARIA M RIVERSIDE PUBLISHING CO RIVERSIDE PUBLISHING CO RIVERSIDE PUBLISHING CO RIVERSTONE RANCH HOA, INC ROBERT BARTEL ROBERT BOURQUE ROBERT BOURQUE ROBERT BRYAN BOYLE ROBERT C FAWCETT ROBERT C FAWCETT PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/23/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 CK-AMOUNT 201.00 99.99 227.50 34.52 55.00 80.46 95.00 207.23 270.00 304.96 1,567.50 332.50 72.50 97.35 243.40 61.93 16.52 722.00 324.46 338.93 1,349.80 276.15 741.52 202.50 748.26 4,106.23 388.66 691.96 280.00 496.50 596.78 625.66 108.24 38.00 915.00 99.00 60.00 301.57 615.53 120.48 760.00 193.55 151.14 379.34 387.50 3,159.98 117.00 148.50 1,660.78 200.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ROBERT DAUGHRITY ROBERT E BLACKWELL ROBERT J MCREYNOLDS ROBERT JR SALINAS ROBERT L CRAWFORD ROBERTS, E G ROBIN POOL ROBINSON, GEORGE & ROBLES, CESAR R ROBLES, RODRIGO R ROCHESTER 100 INC ROCKY MOUNTAIN RAM, LLC RODDY, BRIAN DBA RODNEY CHANT RODNEY CHANT RODNEY J ETCHBERGER RODRIGUEZ, ANTHONY M ETUX RODRIGUEZ, CESAR RODRIGUEZ, DOLORES L RODRIGUEZ, EMMA RODRIGUEZ, INOCENTE RODRIGUEZ, ISIDRO RODRIGUEZ, JORGE & MARIA RODRIGUEZ, JORGE L & IRIS RODRIGUEZ, JUAN O & SONIA RODRIGUEZ, ROQUE JR RODRIGUEZ, SABRINA RODRIGUEZ, SERGIO ROGER DALE GOOLSBY ROGER HINES ROGERS, BRIAN J & SHELLIE ROJAS, LUCIO V ROLANDO FUENTES ROMEO MUSIC RONALD D BUCK RONALD FRICK RONALD RAMIREZ RONALD S CAULEY ROSALES, RAMON B ROSALES, RICHARD R ROSALVA TORRES ROSE C CAMPBELL ROSE MARIE STEVENSON ROSEN PUBLISHING GROUP ROSENBERG TRACTOR ROSETTA STONE LTD ROSIE L PRUSZ ROXANA D RIGDON ROYAL MART INC DBA ROZANNE CURTIS PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/26/09 05/23/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 CK-AMOUNT 250.00 40.34 81.23 406.06 392.25 383.40 162.00 389.67 320.66 573.46 331.45 3,204.35 45.94 80.10 101.30 66.30 140.25 144.97 371.11 156.84 271.97 242.00 344.81 1,259.00 458.00 3,557.28 153.31 850.84 100.00 1,520.00 36.00 88.20 86.92 2,114.60 202.50 202.50 232.09 244.47 252.47 109.02 169.86 187.25 430.36 24.03 134.48 50.79 32.71 303.54 121.65 170.26 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME ROZANNE CURTIS RSH TRUCKING INC RTD PLUMBING INC RUBIO, ANTONIO & RUBIO, JUAN RUBIO, MONICA R RUIZ, CHRISTOPHER RUIZ, CRISELDA C RUIZ, JEUSU & ANA MARIA RUIZ, RENE RUIZ, SANTOS A & ELSA RUSH TRUCK CENTER, HOUSTON RUSHING, MARSHALL KEITH RUSHING, WILLIAM & CHERYL RUSSELL BOWLIN RUTH DANIELLE HORTON RUTH DOMINGUEZ RUTH GARCIA RYAN NYGAARD RYAN NYGAARD RYAN NYGAARD RYAN NYGAARD RYZA, THOMAS D S H I GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC S P S S INC SADDLEBACK EDUCATIONAL INC SAENZ, ROSEMARY V SAFETY VISION, LP SAGEMONT CHURCH SAIL TO SUCCESS SALAZAR MARIA FELICITAS & SALINAS, RIGOBERTO S SALINAS, VANESSA R SAM RAYBURN HIGH SCHOOL SAMPLE, DWANE O SAMPSON, DANIEL EMMITT SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/07/09 05/07/09 05/07/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 CK-AMOUNT 458.91 272.24 155.42 862.26 383.52 28.16 144.15 36.87 34.90 94.78 123.94 224.88 195.36 262.86 107.44 202.28 70.04 35.00 45.00 59.74 65.06 53.71 98.77 433.72 350.45 71.68 184.87 57.09 187.75 127.44 45.84 42.00 4.97 119.91 244.96 27.52 98.29 487.78 497.38 73.19 113.48 70.51 322.47 259.91 494.17 352.11 186.30 239.50 74.58 133.16 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/14/09 05/15/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/22/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/23/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 CK-AMOUNT 116.87 281.55 195.74 145.76 34.04 467.22 132.32 145.18 249.54 45.92 341.56 46.52 103.28 140.62 64.32 51.50 54.71 74.05 71.04 14.83 443.08 157.02 104.87 130.18 259.86 122.65 35.00 66.07 128.34 42.16 38.28 316.77 194.89 104.72 306.48 138.93 411.49 188.28 201.52 406.22 276.74 480.37 89.61 195.83 492.17 86.96 39.74 252.29 239.44 155.74 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/28/09 05/28/09 05/28/09 05/28/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/07/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 CK-AMOUNT 312.99 86.19 249.55 395.16 100.30 240.87 33.84 168.08 140.56 295.79 35.00 427.24 126.84 241.91 317.04 138.92 397.26 141.84 64.48 500.00 185.20 204.20 300.53 212.72 1,130.00 115.56 54.00 322.18 701.77 446.47 235.40 29.75 144.97 255.52 42.00 34.90 161.90 20.00 365.05 620.06 39.99 39.99 156.00 14.26 57.75 29.56 226.60 197.00 85.27 408.86 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMS CLUB SAMUEL A RHINE SAMUEL FRENCH, INC SAN JACINTO COLLEGE SANCHEZ, JOSE BARBA SANCHEZ, JOSE G & SANCHEZ, SAMUEL & ADAN JR SANDRA HALL SANDRA HANCOCK SANDRA NAVARRO SANDRA SPARKS SANDRA SPARKS SANDRA SPARKS SANJUANITA TORRES RODRIQUEZ SANTIAGO ZERMENO SANTIBANEZ, JESUS SANTOS, JULIO SARA JATALA SARA JATALA SARA KIMBERLY BEERY SARA SIMMONS SARAH CARNES SARAH CARNES SARAH LOWELL SARAH M MITCHELL SARAH WROBLESKI SAX ARTS & CRAFTS PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/18/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 578.38 835.06 1,570.00 49.88 3,971.71 68.89 30.46 2,843.49 2,773.00 1,019.75 8,197.05 123.99 812.87 592.79 166.50 390.00 6,070.11 438.90 327.00 25.59 163.50 524.58 215.60 677.98 138.64 1,115.07 421.59 146.79 509.09 16.70 1,112.12 120.32 206.31 94.82 381.52 99.52 163.23 647.65 152.75 12,875.90 38,047.36 1,659.35 4,063.55 10,562.12 1,880.50 198.87 488.04 281.95 1,205.56 1,506.51 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SAX ARTS & CRAFTS SAX ARTS & CRAFTS SAXET MARKETING INC SC KIOSKS INC dba SCARSDALE NORTH LTD SCHERRY BOCK SCHERRY BOCK SCHLITTERBAHN WATERPARK-GALV SCHLITTERBAHN WATERPARK-GALV SCHOLAR MIND SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOLASTIC INC SCHOOL BUS UNIFORMS SCHOOL COMPANY SCHOOL COUNSELOR RESOURCES SCHOOL COUNSELOR RESOURCES SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION SCHOOL MASTERS SAFETY SCHOOL MASTERS SAFETY SCHOOL MEDIA ASSOCIATES LLC SCHOOL NURSE SUPPLY INC SCHOOL NURSE SUPPLY INC SCHOOL NURSE SUPPLY INC SCHOOL NURSE SUPPLY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC SCHOOLMASTERS SCHULTZ, JAMES W SCIENCE KIT LLC SCIENCE KIT LLC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 CK-AMOUNT 8.00 41.30 16.49 845.60 2,180.43 367.26 605.88 55.49 661.37 205.00 565.45 433.21 202.50 687.67 51.50 45.48 250.00 1,500.00 55.45 50.00 117.98 43.17 42.99 4,907.00 329.00 320.60 16.32 1,101.61 304.45 178.42 13.00 47.13 1,498.41 1,525.86 222.60 273.18 55.06 1,675.17 16,059.75 23.04 33.87 92.26 157.25 52.33 44.88 53.89 318.56 1,164.12 345.75 531.80 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SCOTT DENNIS HARRELL SCOTT DENNIS HARRELL SCOTT EQUIPMENT CO LLC SCOTT, STEVEN & ROSEMARIE SEA WORLD OF TEXAS SEAN MILLS SEAWAY PIPE LINE CO SEAWAY PIPE LINE CO SEAWAY PRODUCTS PIPELINE CO SELECT ENVIRONMENTAL SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING SELF ESTEEM SHOP SELL, MICHAEL A & LYDIA SEW CONTEMPO INC SG & MY PROPERTIESE LTD SHADOW PLAY RECORDS SHAFAII PARTY & RECEPTION CNT SHAFAII PARTY & RECEPTION CNT SHANE TOUT SHANNON MUIR SHANNON POCHE SHAPIRO, CHERYL SHARLA H. ESTEP SHARON AZAR, INC SHARON JOY HELM SHAWN FOJTIK SHEILA PRITCHARD SHELL PIPELINE SHEPPARD, WILLIAM S & ANGEL SHERRIE MELINDA ORR SHERRIE RAINES SHERRIE RAINES SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SHIELDS, RUSSELL & BRENDA SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES INC SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES INC SHILOH TREATMENT CENTER INC SHINDLER, KENNETH E SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIPLEY'S DONUTS SHIRLEY WARNELL SHOCKLEY, MICHAEL LEE SHORELINE MARINE INC DBA SIBRIAN, ROXANA SIEMENS BLDG TECHNOLOGIES INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/12/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/14/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/23/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 3,980.00 870.00 21.25 100.00 1,954.90 626,420.95 767.00 223.32 71.00 196.00 299.00 300.00 280.00 575.00 56.87 45.93 7.01 14.03 319.46 315.47 47.94 2,125.72 332.00 600.00 581.73 527.90 309.06 252.50 461.64 758.28 18.22 352.38 547.08 80.12 61.60 1,455.36 990.00 495.00 45.00 15.00 30.00 1,119.00 330.00 55.00 274.95 274.95 27,604.50 205.00 12.36 17.79 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I VENDOR NAME SIEMENS BLDG TECHNOLOGIES INC SIERRA TRAILWAYS INC SIKANDER, ALEXANDER SILVA, CLARA S SIX FLAGS FIESTA TEXAS SKANSKA USA BUILDING INC SKATEWORLD PASADENA INC SKELTON BUSINESS EQUIPMENT SKELTON BUSINESS EQUIPMENT SKELTON BUSINESS EQUIPMENT SKILLPATH SEMINARS SKILLS USA - VICA SKY HIGH PARTY RENTALS SKY HIGH PARTY RENTALS SMILE MAKERS SMILE MAKERS SMITH, ELLEN SMITH, JAMES H SMITH, JASON G SMITH, LEANNA J SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL SOCCER TIME SOCIAL STUDIES SCHOOL SERVICE SOFTWARE EXPRESS INC SOLIS, ANTONIO SOLIS, JOSE R &LUZ ELENA SOLIS, MARIA I & MIRELES CESAR SOLORIO, MARINA SONG, KI JIN SORIA, FELIPE & MARIA SORIANO, JOSEFINA CASTRO SOSA, JOE A & ELVIRA SOUODINE, ANASTASIA SOURCEGEAR LLC SOUTH BELT EMBROIDERY SOUTH BELT EMBROIDERY SOUTH BELT-ELLINGTON CHAMBER SOUTH BELT-ELLINGTON CHAMBER SOUTH BELT-ELLINGTON CHAMBER SOUTH BELT-ELLINGTON LEADER SOUTH BELT-ELLINGTON LEADER SOUTH TEXAS GRAPHIC SPEC INC SOUTHERN FLORAL COMPANY SOUTHERN FLORAL COMPANY SOUTHERN REGIONAL EDU BOARD SOUTHERN REGIONAL EDU BOARD SOUTHMORE CORPORATION SOUTHMORE HEALTH INSTITUTE PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/07/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/21/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/04/09 05/13/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 CK-AMOUNT 94.49 39.00 5.40 285.50 283.00 3,052.04 545.75 345.00 240.50 8,602.06 4,600.00 3,066.47 400.00 794.00 2,007.90 322.20 687.50 687.50 3,209.55 300.00 110.00 81.79 1,000.00 1,663.22 29,120.00 339.00 425.50 475.00 1,084.50 200.00 474.00 1,224.64 1,192.30 382.80 961.00 389.70 29.98 2,108.00 1,026.00 857.00 879.00 1,134.00 1,350.00 716.00 1,570.00 600.00 1,387.86 400.00 2,224.00 1,599.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SOUTHPAW ENTERPRISES INC SOUTHPAW ENTERPRISES INC SOUTHWAY HOMEOWNERS & ASSC INC SOUTHWEST BOWLING APPAREL SOUTHWEST BOWLING APPAREL SOUTHWEST CONCEPTS INC SOUTHWEST CONCEPTS INC SOUTHWEST EMBLEM CO SOUTHWEST EMBLEM CO SOUTHWEST HOUSTON TIRE SALES SOUTHWEST HOUSTON TIRE SALES SPACE CENTER BLVD LAND DEV LP SPACE CENTER HOUSTON SPACE CENTER HOUSTON SPACE CENTER HOUSTON SPACE CENTER HOUSTON SPACE CITY AIRBRUSH SPACE CITY AIRBRUSH SPACE CITY AIRBRUSH SPACE WALK OF HOUSTON SPACE WALK OF HOUSTON SPARKLETTS AND SIERRA SPRINGS SPECTRUM CORP SPECTRUM CORP SPECTRUM K12 SCHOOL SOLUTIONS SPEED STACKS INC SPIRIT MARK SPLASHTOWN WATERPARK SPLASHTOWN WATERPARK SPLASHTOWN WATERPARK SPLASHTOWN WATERPARK SPORTIME SPORTIME SPORTIME SPORTIME SPOTLIGHT KARAOKE STORE SPOTLIGHT KARAOKE STORE SPRING BAND BOOSTERS SPRING BAND BOOSTERS SPRING BAND BOOSTERS SPRING BAND BOOSTERS SPRING BAND BOOSTERS SPRING BAND BOOSTERS SPRING BAND BOOSTERS SPRING BAND BOOSTERS SPRING BAND BOOSTERS SPRING BRANCH I S D SPRING CHOIR BOOSTERS SPRING CHOIR BOOSTERS SPRING CHOIR BOOSTERS PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/14/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 05/19/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/18/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 CK-AMOUNT 114.63 92.93 199.00 199.00 670.23 397.00 216.30 5,260.36 23.99 15.98 34.95 123.75 20.32 741.19 158,095.06 86.67 86.67 104.50 82.90 114.39 2,470.09 87.50 148.49 127.60 464.09 85.69 93.88 163.90 453.02 506.43 101.25 1,927.80 4,788.00 2,900.79 203.73 1,506.01 384.95 47.93 116.85 77.90 240.00 90.00 46.00 241.70 5,288.10 21,609.50 14,657.00 931.00 166.05 1,217.70 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME STACEY KNIGHTS STACEY, STEVEN E STAFF DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES STAFF DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES STAGE LIGHT INC STANDARD CHAIR OF GARDNER STANLEY J OAKES STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS INC STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STARTEX TITLE CO STATE COMPTROLLER STATE COMPTROLLER STATE CONSTRUCTION L P STATE OF FLORIDA DISBURSEMENT STATE OF FLORIDA DISBURSEMENT STEFANIE MCKINNEY STEFANIE MCKINNEY STEFANIE MCKINNEY STENHOUSE PUBLISHERS STENHOUSE PUBLISHERS STEPHANIE LEAL STEPHEN LAYMON STEPHEN MICHAEL OVERBY STEVE EDDLEMON STEVE KRAFT STEVE T JAMAIL STEVEN KEITH FULLEN STEVENSON LEARNING SKILLS INC STROTHER, PEGGY M & DONNA K STUDENT PLANNER LLC STUDY ISLAND LLC STUDY ISLAND LLC STUMPS / SHINDIGZ STUMPS / SHINDIGZ SUAREZ, HECTOR SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY SUCCESS FOR ALL FOUNDATION INC SUCCESS FOR ALL FOUNDATION INC SUCCESS FOR ALL FOUNDATION INC SULLIVAN SUPPLY INC SULLIVAN, CHAD R SUMAIR, SRIMATTIE & INDIRA PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/14/09 05/20/09 05/12/09 05/21/09 05/19/09 05/22/09 05/23/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 110.50 110.50 53.56 22.92 71.92 1,754.50 2,584.20 8,779.50 4,563.70 425.43 939.50 1,097.86 2,548.84 131.75 218.65 214.95 19.51 185.55 379.50 499.40 372.90 2,106.00 1,989.00 1,872.00 55.94 74.42 410.99 47.94 11.00 42.30 10.00 7.98 486.00 29.55 1,169.50 397.50 268.27 87.74 121.00 8.80 345.00 270.25 225.00 301.46 62.60 321.75 329.00 1,847.77 332.63 492.27 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SUMMIT COUNTY CSEA SUMMIT COUNTY CSEA SUMMIT LEARNING SUMMIT LEARNING SUMMIT LEARNING SUMMIT SPORTSWEAR SUN COAST RESOURCES INC SUN LIFE FINANCIAL SUN SUITES LLP DBA SUNBURST VISUAL MEDIA SUNDANCE FUELS SUNDANCE FUELS SUNTRUST MORTGAGE SUPER DUPER PUBLICATIONS SUPER DUPER PUBLICATIONS SUPERIOR TROPHIES SUPERIOR TROPHIES SUPERIOR TROPHIES SUPPORTING SCIENCE INC SUPPORTING SCIENCE INC SUPPORTING SCIENCE INC SUSAN B BUCKLEY SUSAN B BUCKLEY SUSAN B BUCKLEY SUSAN DICKENS SUSAN DICKENS SUSAN ELAINE BLUE SUSAN JENNINGS SUSAN JENNINGS SUSAN JENNINGS SUSAN JENNINGS SUSAN JENNINGS SUSAN JENNINGS SUSAN LYNN BAUER SUSAN M CATLETT PH.D. SUSAN T. DICKSON SUSAN WADLINGTON SUSQUEHANNA COMMERCIAL FINANCE SUZANNE ANDERSON SUZANNE ANDERSON SUZANNE FREEMAN SUZANNE FREEMAN SUZANNE FREEMAN SUZUKI CORPORATION SWEET DREAMS SYLVESTER THOMAS SYLVIA CRUZ SYLVIA JIMENEZ SYNERGISTIC SYSTEMS SYSCO FOOD SERVICE INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/01/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/23/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/05/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/22/09 05/12/09 05/14/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 CK-AMOUNT 210.00 3,095.59 259.00 57.92 531.20 531.20 65.00 265.00 1,630.26 652.00 399.00 203.00 228.00 1,236.00 180.00 345.00 180.00 165.00 12,390.13 621.00 308.00 294.00 220.00 70.00 21,209.04 84.04 115.00 509.40 57.02 46.20 88.66 22.88 218.70 69.13 21.51 77.22 49.98 21.18 23.50 195.86 85.89 40.00 24.87 8,280.79 360.00 549.85 9,184.73 1,865.75 7,999.00 174.89 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME SYSTEM ID WAREHOUSE SYSTEM ID WAREHOUSE T A G T T A S B T A S C T A S C T A S M T A S S P T C T A T E P S A T E P S A T E P S A T E P S A T E P S A T E S A T E S A T E S A T E S A T G T M P A T S A INCORPORATED T S A TRADING INC T S H A T S N O INC T S T A T U S E TANNER LEDFORD TANNER LEDFORD TANYA LEIGH GUEL TANYA SUE HAGAR TARA EVANS TARA EVANS TARANTINO PROPERTIES TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET TARGET STORES TASN TAUB, JOHN BEN EST TAYLOR PUBLISHING CO TAYLOR PUBLISHING COMPANY TAYLOR, BEAN & WHITAKER MTG TEACHER CREATED MATERIALS TEACHER CREATED MATERIALS TEACHER CREATED MATERIALS TEACHER CREATED RESOURCE PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/18/09 05/26/09 05/28/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/01/09 05/22/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/01/09 05/15/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 CK-AMOUNT 649.52 1,857.60 302.23 110.85 109.25 823.72 156.08 665.90 176.08 119.44 150.14 23.10 305.68 489.25 3,800.00 143.90 72.00 9.98 66.36 200.00 425.00 701.70 1,039.34 58.21 150.00 150.00 80.55 39.75 43.61 74.29 250.00 1,200.00 560.00 2,380.00 295.00 93.17 672.00 275.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 70.00 23.60 30.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME TEACHER CREATED RESOURCE TEACHERS CURRICULUM INSTITUTE TEACHER'S DISCOVERY TEACHER'S DISCOVERY TEDDY BEAR PRESS TEJAS MATERIALS TEMPLIN, ROY V & RITA G TENORIO, ANTONIO TEPSA TERESA KAREN HAND TERESA RICO TERESA SALINAS TERESA SARABIA TERESA SARABIA TERREL BELL & ASSOCIATES TERRIE LYNNE HINOJOSA TERRY SHEEHAN TEXAN CLEANERS TEXAN LAND AND CATTLE II LTD TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY TEXAS AFT / PEG TEXAS AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENT INC TEXAS ART EDUCATION ASSOC TEXAS ART EDUCATION ASSOC TEXAS ART SUPPLY CO TEXAS ART SUPPLY CO TEXAS ART SUPPLY CO TEXAS ART SUPPLY CO TEXAS ASSN OF FUTURE EDUCATORS TEXAS CAREER EDUCATION CONFERE TEXAS CAREER EDUCATION CONFERE TEXAS CAREER EDUCATION CONFERE TEXAS CAREER EDUCATION CONFERE TEXAS CREDIT UNION TEXAS DEPARTMENT/PUBLIC SAFETY TEXAS DEPARTMENT/PUBLIC SAFETY TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & REG TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & REG TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & REG TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & REG TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & REG TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & REG TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & REG TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & REG TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & REG TEXAS DEPT OF LICENSING & REG TEXAS DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION TEXAS DISTRICT VI FFA PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/23/09 05/01/09 05/04/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/12/09 05/29/09 05/22/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/01/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 CK-AMOUNT 255.00 750.00 198.00 4,965.00 1,264.00 4,540.00 350.00 50.00 50.00 550.00 200.00 46.00 175.00 806.84 222.18 206.89 16.17 7.98 132.61 116.19 26.07 219.29 82,357.75 283.00 48,795.02 1,000.00 83.18 9.25 257.70 75.00 278.30 1,758.36 66.83 9.47 362.29 37.62 6,227.50 138.22 180.00 60.00 273.00 22.00 1,482.39 6,273.47 49.52 1,711.83 128.00 478.22 87.44 8,295.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY- MSC TEXAS EDUCATION NEWS TEXAS EDUCATIONAL SOLUTIONS TEXAS EDUCATIONAL SOLUTIONS TEXAS EDUCATIONAL SOLUTIONS TEXAS EXES TEXAS FORENSIC ASSOCIATION TEXAS FORENSIC ASSOCIATION TEXAS HOMELESS NETWORK TEXAS MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSN TEXAS SCENIC COMPANY, INC TEXAS STATE UNIV-SAN MARCOS TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHER SUPPLY TEXAS TEACHERS TEXAS TOMORROW FUND TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION TEXICAN CATERERS TG & MG FAMILY LP THE INSTRUMENTALIST THELMA BAEZA THEMES AND VARIATIONS, INC THERAPRO INC THERAPY SHOPPE THERESE KRZYZANIAK THERESE MARIA HARRIS THIBODEAU, LANETTE M THIBODEAUX, WILTON J & MARIE D THINKING MAPS INC. THIYANI MARIAN PERERA THOMAS A MOON THOMAS A MOON THOMAS A MOON THOMAS BUS GULF COAST THOMAS BUS GULF COAST THOMAS BUS GULF COAST THOMAS BUS GULF COAST THOMAS BUS GULF COAST THOMAS SWAN THOMAS, GEORGE A & SUSAMMA THOMAS, MARSHALL THOMPSON & HORTIN LLP PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/12/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/26/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/12/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 CK-AMOUNT 438.50 213.95 580.42 5.00 19.99 24.34 62.05 202.50 1,500.00 900.00 99.00 192.00 150.00 84.74 1,038.75 200.00 331.62 224.77 30.80 95.63 50.00 405.00 1,308.50 334.34 168.26 322.72 37.67 100.00 144.00 429.51 380.92 1,741.11 314.92 30,232.64 385.05 291.82 167.80 499.82 199.44 157.00 5.95 604.45 187.34 65.00 3,663.00 99.00 2,178.00 35.00 497.20 579.00 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP INC THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP INC THOMPSON, TOMMY TIARA TROPHIES & AWARDS TIFFANY NELSON TIFFANY NELSON TIFFANY NELSON TILLER, JACQUELINE L TIME TO TRAVEL & TOURS TIME TO TRAVEL & TOURS TIMOTHY BRIAN MARTIN TIN MAN PRESS TIN TRONG DAO TIVA TMA SERVICES LLC TOBAR, PERLA JOAQUIN TOBIAS, MARCO A TODD, ARNOLD R TOM J DEIBEL TOM SPRAGUE TOMORROWS COLLEGE INVESTMENTS TORRES, CECILIA S TORRES, GUADALUPE TORRES, MARTIN & ELENA TORRES, MIGUEL A TORRES, RAQUEL TOS, INC TRACI MILLS TRACY FITE TRACY WHATLEY TRACY WHATLEY TRAINER'S WAREHOUSE TRAINER'S WAREHOUSE TRANSAMERICA CANCER TRANSPORTATION, MISC EXPENSE TRANSPORTATION, MISC EXPENSE TREND ENTERPRISES INC TREND ENTERPRISES INC TRICIA ANDERSON TRIPLE-S STEEL SUPPLY CO TRIUMPH LEARNING TRIUMPH LEARNING TRIUMPH LEARNING TROPICAL CHILL SNOWCONES TROPICAL FLURRY OF HOUSTON TROPICAL FLURRY OF HOUSTON TROPICAL FLURRY OF HOUSTON TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/22/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/04/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/20/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 CK-AMOUNT 1,500.52 140.68 341.13 189.00 1,165.87 59.32 162.80 75.00 443.96 500.00 625.00 9,177.00 1,250.00 15.89 69.00 79.32 1,999.50 263.95 538.75 538.75 499.89 3,632.08 89.95 515.43 2,000.00 42.00 42.00 17.60 84.00 2.52 100.00 644.00 126.00 97.30 84.88 588.19 86,822.40 1,828.27 12,300.00 165,839.08 776.95 2,100.93 638.36 772.01 2,436.00 1,850.50 1,850.50 736.83 240.00 1,818.20 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I VENDOR NAME TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC TRUELOVE, ELIZABETH TUAN PHAM TUNG, LUU DBA TURTLE & HUGHES TVRVS LTD DBA TWO BROTHERS PASTA TWO BROTHERS PASTA TWO BROTHERS PASTA TX STATE/CSCS U C A SUMMER CAMPS U C A SUMMER CAMPS U P S U P S U P S U S A FUNDRAISERS U S A MOBILITY WIRELESS INC U S BANK U S BANK U S DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE U S DEPT OF HOUSING & U S GAMES U S GAMES U S POST OFFICE U S POSTAL SERVICE U S POSTAL SERVICE U S POSTMASTER U S POSTMASTER U S POSTMASTER U S TECH U S TECH U S TECH UMANZOR, BASILIA UNIFORM SUPERSTORE UNION PEN COMPANY UNISOURCE WORLDWIDE INC - HOU UNITED ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS INC UNITED ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS INC UNITED HEALTHCARE INSURANCE CO UNITED REFRIGERATION INC UNITED REFRIGERATION INC UNITED REFRIGERATION INC UNITED REFRIGERATION INC UNIVAR USA INC UNIVERSAL MELODY SERVICES LLC UNIVERSAL MELODY SERVICES LLC UNIVERSAL MELODY SERVICES LLC UNIVERSITY EYE INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/22/09 05/06/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/21/09 05/22/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/22/09 05/22/09 CK-AMOUNT 1,500.00 7,920.00 150.00 40.00 1,850.00 975.00 114.00 486.00 162.00 325.00 250.00 226.69 33.20 1,480.12 1,983.63 2,495.00 199.12 354.00 347.15 402.29 202.50 2,025.00 36.48 50.00 280.41 414.75 456.34 2,987.75 177.83 490.79 848.05 360.82 384.26 721.19 145.88 1,838.34 1,876.80 291.54 2,569.22 382.59 382.59 3,899.47 248.87 1,136.23 1,077.16 421.07 468.90 7,606.21 356.01 209.40 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON - CLC UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON -CL UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON -CL UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON-DOWNTOWN UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-ARLINGTON UNIVERSITY OF TX / SAN ANTONIO UPSTART UPTON, GARRY D & US Dept. of Education USA BROADWATER LEASECO LLC UTILIVISION INC V C A ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER V S A INC - HOUSTON VALADEZ, ANA R & FRANCISCO VALDEZ, RHONDA D & DANIEL VALENTINE, CLARENCE T SR VALUE TECHNOLOGIES VANESSA SCHULTZ VANRAVENHORST, ZORAIDA M VARGAS, ANTONIO ST VARGAS, MICHAEL F VARICRAFT POWER SYSTEMS INC VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS VASQUEZ, AURORA VASQUEZ, JULIA VAZQUEZ, FRANCISCO VEGA, REYMUNDO VENTO, JOSE M & VENTURA, ROSA E VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERIZON WIRELESS VERMONT OFFICE VERMONT OFFICE VERNIER SOFTWARE & TECHNOLOGY VERONICA SALDANA VESCO VESCO VESCO VESCO VESCO VESCO VESCO PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/15/09 05/15/09 05/22/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/29/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/29/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/04/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/05/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 05/06/09 CK-AMOUNT 271.00 6,206.32 35.88 329.00 209.19 2,997.50 307.16 400.10 351.67 299.30 296.99 117.17 343.71 1,083.50 985.79 82.17 400.00 2,393.90 13,500.30 55.68 1,459.56 2,456.92 5,846.38 507.13 72.00 9.78 10.01 14.92 71.91 6.66 30.22 57.99 63.46 428.92 98.41 105.26 49.01 24.52 54.50 54.50 277.46 465.43 359.04 52.52 20.64 31.94 68.55 153.52 290.10 14.50 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME VESCO VESCO VETTERS, CYNTHIA L VICKI R HALLINAN VICO MFG INC VICTOR KEASLER VICTOR RAYGOZA VICTORIA JEANETTE HARRIS VIDINHA, ANDREW H VIGIL, SANDRA E VILLALOBOS, LAURA E VILLANUEVA, BERENICE VILLATORO, JOSE M & MARIA D VIRGINIA MONTALVO VISIONS TECH IN EDUCATION VISIONS TECH IN EDUCATION VISUAL SERVICES OF TEXAS VITAMIN WORLD INC #3625 VOYAGER EXPANDED LEARNING W B BRANSOM & COMPANY INC W W GRAINGER INC W W GRAINGER INC W W GRAINGER INC W W GRAINGER INC WALGREENS DRUG STORE WALGREENS DRUG STORE WALGREENS DRUG STORE WALGREENS DRUG STORE WALGREENS DRUG STORE WALGREENS DRUG STORE WALGREENS DRUG STORE WALKO, STEPHEN T WAL-MART REAL ESTATE WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC WAL-MART STORES INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/07/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 05/12/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/14/09 05/15/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/18/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/19/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/21/09 05/21/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/26/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 05/29/09 CK-AMOUNT 178.13 105.69 161.41 97.86 400.00 499.06 315.34 330.26 57.31 16.74 81.76 32.01 54.92 29.09 62.07 90.81 31.42 48.97 114.78 95.60 246.77 23.92 131.44 65.85 30.00 24.24 231.74 83.01 17.73 45.03 38.08 38.49 111.78 136.75 59.49 9.32 15.93 72.74 72.00 74.82 100.00 18.56 33.68 154.96 25.68 86.00 77.11 229.60 8.66 45.77 CD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES WAL-MART STORES INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC INC PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/01/09 05/20/09 05/12/09 05/27/09 05/20/09 05/13/09 05/13/09 05/29/09 05/15/09 05/06/09 05/27/09 05/06/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/01/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/08/09 05/01/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/08/09 05/12/09 CK-AMOUNT 36.00 560.74 95.35 53.90 1,968.50 1,294.32 25,285.29 281.84 2,628.35 101.25 1,916.00 77.60 1,513.56 1,339.75 7,514.00 1,633.00 2,400.00 79.62 81.18 202.50 340.00 156.00 4,276.41 4,911.41 949.00 157.29 207.19 1,602.00 4,919.00 115.00 7,622.50 193.23 2,602.29 129.15 726.65 429.77 287.08 483.80 868.68 288.00 669.77 413.36 5,240.00 550.00 701.70 15,872.81 24,439.40 500.00 420.00 43.00 CD V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME WANDA Y GRUNEWALD WARDS NATURAL SCIENCE EST INC WARDS NATURAL SCIENCE EST INC WARDS NATURAL SCIENCE EST INC WASHINGTON MUSIC SALES CENTER WASHINGTON MUTUAL WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT WEBB, GLEN E JR WEEKLY READER WEIR, TINA R WELDON, WILLIAMS & LICK INC WELDON, WILLIAMS & LICK INC WENGER CORPORATION WENGER CORPORATION WEST BELT SURVEYING INC WEST MUSIC CO WHATABURGER WHITE, NORTON E JR WIESLAW GORSZEWSKI WILLIAM D CLEVELAND WILLIAM E. HEITKAMP WILLIAM E. HEITKAMP WILLIAM J OWENS WILLIAM THOMAS SCHOENBEIN WILLIAMS, DAIQUINJAMIN D WILSON FIRE EQUIPMENT INC WILSON FIRE EQUIPMENT INC WILSON FIRE EQUIPMENT INC WILSON FIRE EQUIPMENT INC WILSONART INTERNATIONAL WILSONART INTERNATIONAL WINDELL CURTISS GILL WINDSOR VILLAGE LLC WINSTON, GLORIA J WINTON, RONALD R WOLF, JOE B WOODARD, JACK F WOODWIND & BRASSWIND WOODWIND & BRASSWIND WORLD ALMANAC EDUCATION WORLD'S FINEST CHOCOLATE INC WRITING ACADEMY WYNDHAM PHOENIX XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM CASH DISBURSEMENTS 05-01-2009 THRU 05-31-2009 CK-DATE 05/13/09 05/15/09 05/20/09 05/06/09 05/13/09 05/22/09 05/29/09 05/06/09 05/29/09 05/20/09 05/08/09 05/27/09 05/13/09 05/20/09 05/27/09 05/08/09 05/13/09 05/06/09 05/15/09 05/27/09 05/15/09 05/08/09 05/20/09 CK-AMOUNT 777.64 1,182.64 198.00 86.36 224.40 60.03 21.61 200.00 100.00 1,318.94 2,526.39 71.00 242.77 13.93 149.73 378.32 115.00 206.41 410.16 371.58 150.00 58,702.50 367.39 CD V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I VENDOR NAME XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XEROX CORPORATION XL PARTS XL PARTS XL PARTS XL PARTS XTREME LEVEL DANCE COMPANY XTREME LEVEL DANCE COMPANY YIA YIA MARY'S GREEK KITCHEN YIM, SOON HO & SUNWOO NAM YOUTH FOR HUMAN RIGHTS INT'L YOUTHLIGHT YSI XXVII LP dba ZAPATA, CARMEN R ZAVALA, LEANDRO ZELDA CRYAR ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY ZEPEDA, ADAM ZULEMA Y MANRIQUEZ ZUMAAIR LLC ZUNIGA, SILVESTRE ___________________ TOTAL CASH* * * DISBURSEMENTS $18,883,615.58 _______________ PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of May 31, 2009 Local Maintenance Fund Current Month REVENUES Current Budget Revenues / Expenditures Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Encumbrances Revenues / Expenditures Unencumbered Balance 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 116,547,414 2,567,004 - 111,966,125 4,581,289 5800 5900 7900 State Sources Federal Sources Other Revenue Sources 229,066,951 2,732,009 - 13,142,204 320,290 - - 184,380,265 1,897,656 545 44,686,686 834,353 (545) TOTAL REVENUES 348,346,374 16,029,498 - 298,244,592 50,101,782 231,743,865 6,128,766 4,177,291 3,717,606 26,134,602 11,372,289 154,583 3,913,196 11,683,513 7,217 6,111,165 8,619,465 46,049,088 3,769,681 9,590,224 492,918 1,251,962 12,233,685 624,000 1,173,202 - 22,514,820 547,569 432,069 288,170 2,584,291 1,100,159 (7,337) 408,929 1,431,048 420,095 912,491 9,173,925 315,639 427,221 53,030 (106,572) - 543,260 43,994 24,896 6,212 35,014 6,263 927 16,391 110,265 150,438 225,798 21,170 758,570 688,256 - 196,021,440 5,096,053 3,616,932 1,924,059 22,378,055 9,586,948 162,927 3,571,345 10,122,816 28,025 3,994,426 6,220,891 40,282,877 3,110,194 4,514,792 473,887 1,225,903 791,630 173,470 586,113 - 35,179,165 988,720 535,463 1,787,335 3,721,534 1,779,079 (8,344) 340,924 1,544,306 (20,808) 2,006,474 2,248,136 5,540,413 638,317 4,316,862 19,031 26,059 10,753,799 450,530 587,089 - FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES 388,948,318 40,495,547 2,631,453 313,882,781 72,434,084 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses Total Object Expenditures 313,473,876 30,356,982 19,973,364 8,894,780 1,251,962 14,997,354 388,948,318 30,478,601 1,624,782 1,497,313 6,997,173 (102,322) 40,495,547 662,810 1,193,773 54,128 720,742 2,631,453 267,038,450 22,537,721 11,027,679 8,736,435 1,225,903 3,316,594 313,882,781 46,435,426 7,156,451 7,751,912 104,217 26,059 10,960,018 72,434,084 NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES (40,601,944) EXPENDITURES 11 12 13 21 23 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 51 52 53 61 71 81 95 99 00 Instruction Instructional Resource & Media Curriculum & Staff Development Instructional Leadership School Leadership Guidance & Counseling Social Work Services Health Services Pupil Transportation Food Service Co-Curricular Activities General Administration Maintenance & Operations Security / Monitoring Data Processing Community Services Debt Service Facilities Construction Juvenile Justice Other Governmental Charges Other Uses 3600 3410 3430 3440 3510 Undesignated Fund Balance - Beg Reserve for Inventory Reserve for Prepaid Items Reserve for Encumbrances Designated 53,863,729 1,575,555 5,444,861 7,371,600 7,730,565 3000 TOTAL FUND BALANCE - BEG 75,986,310 NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES (40,601,944) 3000 3410 3430 3440 3510 TOTAL FUND BALANCE - END Reserve for Inventory Reserve for Prepaid Items Reserve for Encumbrances Designated 35,384,366 (1,575,555) (5,444,861) (99,601) 3600 UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE - END 28,264,349 (15,638,190) PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of May 31, 2009 Debt Service Fund Current Month REVENUES Year-to-Date Current Revenues / Year-to-Date Revenues / Unencumbered Budget Expenditures Encumbrances Expenditures Balance 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 26,690,000 356,371 - 26,146,225 543,775 5800 5900 7900 State Sources Federal Sources Other Revenue Sources 15,400,000 - - - 17,092,014 - (1,692,014) - TOTAL REVENUES 42,090,000 356,371 - 43,238,239 (1,148,239) - - - - - Debt Service Facilities Construction Juvenile Justice Other Uses 42,090,000 - 163,537 - - 26,948,515 - 15,141,485 - FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES 42,090,000 163,537 - 26,948,515 15,141,485 - - - 323 (323) 42,090,000 - 163,537 - - 26,948,192 - 15,141,808 - 42,090,000 163,537 - 26,948,515 15,141,485 EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 81 95 00 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 6600 8900 Debt Service Capital Outlay Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES - 3600 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 24,254,765 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance 24,254,765 16,289,724 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of May 31, 2009 Campus Activity Funds Current Month Year-to-Date Current Revenues / Year-to-Date Revenues / Budget - Expenditures 332,002 260 - Encumbrances - Expenditures 2,286,829 2,024 - TOTAL REVENUES - 332,261 - 2,288,852 EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 00 Other Uses - 183,360 3,468 1,375 44,614 84,694 - 83,707 572 4,352 25,932 - 965,300 55,028 8,035 3,024 345,989 80 480,914 2,563 - - 317,512 114,564 1,860,934 - 884 15,857 160,226 140,544 - 7,626 83,776 23,161 - 42,946 52,645 1,042,981 722,362 - - 317,512 114,564 1,860,934 REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES - 3600 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 1,779,977 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance 1,779,977 427,918 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of May 31, 2009 Bond 2004 - Growing Together Current Month Current REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 00 Other Uses FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES Year-to-Date Revenues / Year-to-Date Revenues / Budget 345,700 - Expenditures 5,789 - Encumbrances - Expenditures 376,562 - Balance (30,862) - 345,700 5,789 - 376,562 (30,862) 52,929,866 - 4,188,207 - 11,970,905 - 21,938,871 - 19,020,091 - 52,929,866 4,188,207 11,970,905 21,938,871 19,020,091 52,929,866 - 858 4,187,349 - 11,970,905 - 858 21,938,013 - (858) 19,020,949 - 52,929,866 4,188,207 11,970,905 21,938,871 19,020,091 (52,584,166) 3600 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 47,755,366 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance (4,828,800) (21,562,309) Unencumbered PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of May 31, 2009 Bond Pay As You Go Current Month Current Year-to-Date Revenues / Year-to-Date Revenues / Budget 234,570 - Expenditures - Encumbrances - Expenditures - Balance 234,570 - TOTAL REVENUES 234,570 - - - 234,570 EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 00 Other Uses 567,921 - - 29,929 - 10,528 - 527,464 - 567,921 - 29,929 10,528 527,464 567,921 - - 29,929 - 10,528 - 527,464 - 567,921 - 29,929 10,528 527,464 REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES 3600 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance (333,351) 384,962 51,611 Unencumbered (10,528) PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of May 31, 2009 All Special Revenue Funds Current Month Current REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources Revenues / Revenues / Encumbrances - Expenditures 374,780 1,664,755 15,930,759 - Unencumbered Balance (374,780) (1,664,755) (15,930,759) - - Expenditures 20,183 780,821 4,677,073 - TOTAL REVENUES - 5,478,077 - 17,970,295 (17,970,295) EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 00 Other Uses - 2,732,301 409 444,737 141,363 42,414 252,080 21,551 17,325 1,174 4,879 20,848 31,092 - 321,687 999 79,665 3,636 88 300 - 21,371,795 5,207 2,001,663 1,448,160 390,417 2,344,055 28,887 174,646 52,223 29,092 21,092 181,929 167,906 - (21,693,482) (6,206) (2,081,329) (1,451,796) (390,417) (2,344,143) (28,887) (174,646) (52,223) (29,092) (21,092) (181,929) (168,206) - - 3,710,172 406,376 28,217,072 (28,623,447) - 2,690,972 404,152 493,293 114,560 7,195 - 20,328 259,349 84,761 41,937 - 21,483,118 2,129,876 3,820,295 776,589 7,195 - (21,483,118) (2,150,204) (4,079,644) (861,350) (49,132) - - 3,710,172 406,376 28,217,072 (28,623,447) FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses Total Object Expenditures Budget Year-to-Date Year-to-Date NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES - 2200 Beginning Deferred Revenue - 3600 Ending Balance - (10,246,777) PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of May 31, 2009 Food Service Current Month Year-to-Date Current Revenues / Year-to-Date Revenues / Budget 6,764,750 529,496 Expenditures 579,189 44,864 Encumbrances - Expenditures 5,008,117 356,631 Balance 1,756,633 172,865 Federal Sources Other Revenue Sources 19,047,379 - 193,219 - - 16,423,165 - 2,624,214 - TOTAL REVENUES 26,341,625 817,272 - 21,787,912 4,553,713 - - - - - Food Service Co-Curricular Activities General Administration Maintenance & Operations Security / Monitoring Data Processing Community Services Debt Service Facilities Construction Juvenile Justice Other Uses 26,341,625 - 2,682,507 - 314,647 - 20,201,642 - 5,825,336 - FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES 26,341,625 2,682,507 314,647 20,201,642 5,825,336 9,813,771 110,347 988,607 1,017 15,410 8,737,315 8,676 1,076,456 86,261 14,005,991 1,947,831 463,685 - 1,572,707 120,175 - 76,454 222,783 - 10,642,182 790,609 22,860 - 3,287,355 1,157,222 218,042 - 26,341,625 2,682,507 314,647 20,201,642 5,825,336 REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 7900 EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 36 41 51 52 53 61 71 81 95 00 EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 6400 6500 6600 8900 Supplies & Materials Other Operating Debt Service Capital Outlay Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES - 3600 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 2,107,025 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance 2,107,025 Unencumbered 1,586,271 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Financial Activity As of May 31, 2009 Technology Fund Current Month Year-to-Date Current Revenues / Year-to-Date Revenues / Unencumbered Budget Expenditures Expenditures 1,408,669 - Balance REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources 1,271,336 - - Encumbrances - TOTAL REVENUES 1,271,336 - - 1,408,669 (137,333) EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 00 Other Uses 1,271,336 - 61,318 392 - 58,655 - 1,233,867 487 - (21,186) (487) - 1,271,336 61,710 58,655 1,234,354 (21,673) 15,605 1,240,010 15,721 - 1,915 55,625 4,170 - 58,430 225 - 8,770 13,746 1,175,345 36,492 - (8,770) 1,859 6,235 (20,996) - 1,271,336 61,710 58,655 1,234,354 (21,673) FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT 6100 Payroll Costs 6200 Contracted Services 6300 Supplies & Materials 6400 Other Operating 6500 Debt Service 6600 Capital Outlay 8900 Other Uses Total Object Expenditures NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES - 3600 Beginning Undesignated Fund Balance 0 3600 Ending Undesignated Fund Balance 0 174,315 (137,333) - PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT ACTIVITY FUNDS STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES As of May 31, 2009 ASSETS: Cash and Investments Accounts Receivable: $340,450 TOTAL ASSETS $340,450 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY: Accounts Payable $340,450 Total Liabilities $340,450 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance Year-to-Date Change to Fund Equity $0 $0 Total Fund Equity $0 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $340,450 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GROUP BENEFIT PLAN STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES As of May 31, 2009 REVENUES: Investment Interest Premiums/Contributions Stop Loss Recoveries $76,951 $18,924,175 $67,488 TOTAL REVENUES $19,068,613 CLAIMS & OTHER EXPENDITURES: Administration Fees Health Claims Expenditures Stop Loss Reinsurance Premiums $1,744,542 $19,414,562 $563,328 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $21,722,431 Excess <Deficiency> - Revenue over Expenditures For 2008-2009 ($2,653,818) PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT GROUP BENEFIT PLAN STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES As of May 31, 2009 ASSETS: Cash and Investments Accounts Receivable: Stop-Loss Claims Other Restricted Assets $8,600,506 TOTAL ASSETS $8,600,506 $0 $0 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY: Accounts Payable Accrued Health Claims Payable $0 $3,108,110 Total Liabilities $3,108,110 Beginning Reserve for Self Funded Insurance Year-to-Date Change to Fund Equity $8,146,213 ($2,653,818) Total Fund Equity $5,492,396 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $8,600,506 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT WORKER'S COMPENSATION SELF-INSURANCE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES As of May 31, 2009 REVENUES: Investment Interest Contributions from Other Funds $28,853 $1,300,000 TOTAL REVENUES $1,328,853 CLAIMS & OTHER EXPENDITURES: Worker's Compensation Claims & Administration Fees $715,628 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $715,628 Excess <Deficiency> - Revenue over Expenditures For 2008-2009 $613,225 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT WORKER'S COMPENSATION SELF-INSURANCE FUND STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES As of May 31, 2009 ASSETS: Cash and Investments Accounts Receivable: Stop-Loss Claims Other Restricted Assets $4,254,030 TOTAL ASSETS $4,254,030 $0 $0 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY: Accrued Claims Payable $4,049,673 Total Liabilities $4,049,673 Beginning Reserve for Self Funded Insurance Year-to-Date Change to Fund Equity ($408,868) $613,225 Total Fund Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $204,357 $4,254,030 SUBJECT: Quarterly Report on Investments BACKGROUND: Section 2256.009 (b) of the Texas Government Code requires that not less than quarterly, a report of the district’s investment transactions shall be provided to the Board. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board review the 03/01/09 - 05/31/09 quarterly report on investments. CONTACT PERSON: John M. Piscacek Don Lazenby Compliance Statement: We, the approved investment officers of Pasadena ISD, hereby certify that this investment report represents the investment position of the District as of May 31, 2009, in compliance with Board approved investment policy, the Public Funds Investment Act (Texas Government Code 2256), and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Don Lazenby, Director of Budgets John M. Piscacek, Associate Superintendent for Finance Pasadena ISD Tax Assessor/Collector's Report For the Month of April 2009: 2008-2009 School Year Tax Collections Original Current Roll (09-01-08) Adjustments Credits/Variance Total Adjusted Current Roll Current Taxes Collected Current Rendition Penalty Late Fee Thru Prior Month This Month Year-To-Date 12,648,310.08 396.31 0.00 342,106.73 (46.36) 127,745,476.76 12,990,416.81 349.95 140,736,243.52 120,459,850.37 102,347.40 1,161,181.50 3,393.32 121,621,031.87 105,740.72 Uncollected Balance - Current Original Delinquent Roll (09-01-08) Adjustments Credits/Variance Uncollectible Delinquent Taxes Total Adjusted Delinquent Roll Delinquent Taxes Collected Delinquent Rendition Penalty Late Fee 19,009,470.93 163,513.94 (9,023.20) 50,649.83 (74,739.22) (93.80) 0.00 14,752,705.32 88,774.72 (9,117.00) 50,649.83 14,883,012.87 2,428,207.55 (138.47) 183,820.68 (2,268.96) 2,612,028.23 (2,407.43) Uncollected Balance-Delinquent Penalty & Interest Collected Miscellaneous Income, Copies Tax Certificates Court Costs 12,273,392.07 1,288,850.86 2,561,876.77 750.00 106,304.71 Total Amount Collected Attorney Fees Collected 463,687.80 206,892.43 3,133.41 20.00 10,779.59 1,495,743.29 2,565,010.18 770.00 117,084.30 220,825.43 4,178,607.77 44,956.42 508,644.22 Summary of Delinquent Tax Collections Collection Target by June 30, 2009: $4,783,059 All Delinquent Years Prior to 2007 Month Jul-2008 Aug-2008 Sep-2008 Oct-2008 Nov-2008 Dec-2008 Jan-2009 Feb-2009 Mar-2009 Apr-2009 May-2009 Jun-2009 Total Adjusted Collectible Amount for All Other Delinquent Years $11,956,522 Amount Collected $551,901 $153,830 $73,299 $133,990 $66,954 $252,153 $221,721 $100,808 $134,989 $164,670 $131,122 $1,985,437 (Beginning Bal. has not been adjusted by Tax Deferrals, Govt' Entity status and Uncolletibles. 2007 Delinquent Taxes Only Month Jul-2008 Aug-2008 Sep-2008 Oct-2008 Nov-2008 Dec-2008 Jan-2009 Feb-2009 Mar-2009 Apr-2009 May-2009 Jun-2009 Total 2007 Delinquent Taxes Due $4,783,059 Grand Total Delinquent Collections Amount Collected $900,267 $161,476 $41,858 $363,246 $77,099 $103,452 $224,517 $130,738 $186,153 $143,949 $50,337 $2,383,092 $4,368,529 PURCHASING AGENDA ITEMS JUNE 23, 2009 REGULAR BOARD MEETING 1. Competitive Sealed Bids and/or Request For Sealed Proposals • Electrical Contractor, RFP #09-033 • Plumbing Contractor, RFP #09-034 • Fire Protection System-Maintenance/Service/Inspections, Equipment and Parts, RFP #09035 • In Store Purchases of School Materials, Supplies, and Miscellaneous Items, CSP #09-038 2. Contract Renewals • A/C Filters, CSP #07-030 • School Enrichment Programs, RFP #08-056 3. Information Summary of Purchase Orders over $10,000 Director of Purchasing: Angela Eng SUBJECT: Electrical Contractor, RFP #09-033 BACKGROUND: In accordance with state bid laws, legal notices were published in the Houston Chronicle. In addition, the purchasing office mailed request for competitive sealed proposals to seventy-eight companies and eight companies responded. Of the eight companies that responded, five companies submitted no bid responses. RECOMMENDATION: As per the request of Mr. Tom Douglas we are recommending that this proposal be awarded to a primary, secondary, and tertiary vendor. In the event that the primary vendor cannot provide the service and materials by the time needed, the department may order from the secondary vendor. In the event that the secondary vendor cannot provide the service and materials by the time needed, the department may order from the tertiary vendor. Listed below are the companies we are recommending: CONTACT PERSON(S): BOARD MEETING DATE: Primary Vendor – McBride Electric Secondary Vendor – Grant Electric, Inc. Tertiary Vendor – Liberty Electrical . Tom Douglas Martha Maldonado June 23, 2009 SUBJECT: Plumbing Contractor, RFP #09-034 BACKGROUND: In accordance with state bid laws, legal notices were published in the Houston Chronicle. In addition, the purchasing office mailed request for competitive sealed proposals to forty-six companies and seven companies responded. Of the seven companies that responded, five companies submitted no bid responses. RECOMMENDATION: As per the request of Mr. Tom Douglas we are recommending that this proposal be awarded to the low bidder that met the specifications and conditions. The company being recommended is Bayside Plumbing Services for an estimated annual award amount of $120,000.00 . Tom Douglas Martha Maldonado CONTACT PERSON(S): BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 SUBJECT: Fire Protection System - Maintenance/Service/ Inspections, Equipment and Parts, RFP #09-035 BACKGROUND: In accordance with state bid laws, legal notices were published in the Houston Chronicle. In addition, the purchasing office mailed request for competitive sealed proposals to forty-six companies and eight companies responded. Of the eight companies that responded, one company submitted a no bid response. RECOMMENDATION: As per the request of the user department we are recommending that the following items be awarded to a primary, secondary, and tertiary vendor. In the event the primary vendor cannot provide the item and/or service by the time needed, the department may order from the secondary vendor. In the event that the secondary vendor cannot provide the item and/or service by the time needed, the department may order from the tertiary vendor. Item 1-5 Fire Hoses Primary Vendor – Action Extinguisher Service Secondary Vendor – Wilson Fire Equipment Tertiary Vendor – API System Group Item # 7-12 – Sprinkler System Inspection and Repair Primary Vendor – AB Fire Protection Secondary Vendor – Wilson Fire Equipment Tertiary Vendor – Action Extinguisher Service Item #13 – 23 – Backflow Preventers Primary Vendor – Charter Fire Protection Secondary Vendor – AB Fire Protection Tertiary Vendor – Backflow Testing and Repair For the items listed below we are recommending that they be awarded to one vendor based on the overall lowest average price of the most frequently ordered and highest usage items and services: Item # 6 – Paint Booth Inspection Wilson Fire Equipment Item 23a – 38 Fire Hydrant and Kitchen Hood Systems Wilson Fire Equipment Item #39 – 44f - Halon and Fire Pumps System AB Fire Protection Item 45 – 281- Fire Extinguishers, Replacement Parts, & Fire Alarm Services Wilson Fire Equipment CONTACT PERSON(S): Tom Douglas Martha Maldonado BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 SUBJECT: In Store Purchases of School Materials, Supplies, and Miscellaneous Items, CSP #09-038 BACKGROUND: In accordance with state bid laws, legal notices were published in the Houston Chronicle. In addition, the purchasing office mailed request for competitive sealed proposals to over sixty companies and twentyfive companies responded. Of the twenty-five companies that responded, two companies submitted no bid responses. RECOMMENDATION: I am recommending that this proposal be awarded to all vendors that met the specifications and conditions. Listed below are the twenty-three companies being recommended: 99 Cents Only Stores Texas Operation A & E Trophies Ace Mart Restaurant Supply Company B & G Pasadena Wholesale Burleson Florist Clear Lake Wholesale Nursery, Inc. Enchanted Florist Fiesta Mart, Inc. Flowers For You Gerlands Corp. / Food Fair Hallmark Office Products Joe Sam’s Fun Shop Kroger Texas LP Lewis Food Town, Inc. One Stop Party Shop Southern Floral Company Space City Airbrush Sweet Dreams Distributors Texas Art Supply Company, Inc. Texas Jumps, Inc. Texas Teacher Supply, Inc. Wal-Mart Store #2724(South Shaver) Westside Learning Spot District personnel can purchase items as needed from any vendor who is awarded this proposal, remembering that the purpose of competitive bidding is to secure the best material at the lowest practical price. This procedure allows the users the flexibility to purchase the products they desire, and shifts the responsibility to them for justifying what they purchase and from whom. CONTACT PERSON(S): Angela Eng BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 CONTRACT RENEWALS: A/C Filters Contract Period: July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 CSP #07-030, May 29, 2007 Board Approved: June 26, 2007 Option: Year 3 of 3 years Vendor(s): Air Filters, Inc. ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE CONTACT PERSONS(s): Tom Douglas Martha Maldonado ≅ $ 67,119.00 School Enrichment Programs Contract Period: July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 RFP #08-056, June 3, 2008 Board Approved: June 17, 2008 Option: Year 2 of 5 years Vendor(s): Arts Alive! Inc. Be A Champion, Inc. BlazinBrook Management Cheer All Out, Inc. Hill Street Blues Dance Education Jump Bunch Knowledge Learning Corporation Lloyd’s Martial Arts Mobile Ed Productions, Inc. ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE CONTACT PERSONS(s): Angela Eng ≅ $ 118,000.00 Information Summary of Purchase Orders over $10,000 SCHOOL DEPT DESCRIPTION May 1, 2009 thru May 31, 2009 QTY VENDOR PO NUMBER LEGAL AUTHORITY $108,825.00 101830 TIPS TOTAL COST Warehouse 4200 Cases of White Paper (81/2 x 11) for Stock Unisource 4200 Pasadena High School Audio Visual Equipment Mohawk Resources LTD Lot $24,898.79 101884 TXMAS-3-56020 Pasadena High School RX Scissor Rack, Long Deck 12,000 lb Capacity Mohawk Resources LTD 1 $24,714.18 101896 TXMAS-3-56020 Facilities & Construction Materials Testing Fugro Consultants, LP Lot $26,316.00 101923 Professional Service San Jacinto Intermediate Audio Equipment, Installation and Cabling Troxell Communications, Inc. Lot $13,324.26 102084 ESC 5 Warehouse Scotch-Brite Floor Supplies Buckeye Cleaning Centers Lot $15,284.88 102224 CSP #08-058 Warehouse (384 Cases) Fluorescent Bulbs Voss Lighting Lot $14,784.00 102240 CSP #06-MA-626 Bailey Elementary (20) Promethean Boards Procomputing Corporation 20 $27,780.00 102278 ESC 5 Dobie High School Industrial Equipment and Kits Snap-On Industrial Lot $19,256.38 102280 Sole Source Curriculum & Instruction 24 Month Term Program License Apangea Learning Lot $90,000.00 102391 Sole Source Data Processing Juniper Maintenance Renewal Austin Networking Association, Inc. Lot $12,374.15 102392 DIR-SDD-266 Facilities & Construction Portables for Kruse Elementary Kellogg Brown & Root Lot $17,699.00 102394 TCPN Special Education Instructional Kits Voyager Expanded Learning Lot $13,500.30 102415 Sole Source Food Service Compartment Trays for Various Campuses Texas Food Service Equipment Lot $19,681.92 102452 HCDE Maintenance (40) Johnstone Fan Motors Johnstone Supply 40 $10,563.20 102575 CSP #06-MA-644 Curriculum & Instruction 2009/2010 School Objects Site Renewal Eduphoria Lot $43,307.00 102908 CSP #07-027 Warehouse Laminating Film for Stock General Binding Corporation Lot $26,780.00 102942 Buyboard Special Programs TAKS Starter Programs for High Schools and Middle Schools Sail To Success Educational Resources Lot $19,120.00 102948 Sole Source Facilities & Construction Lomax Punch List Items Kellogg Brown & Root Lot $26,772.00 103067 TCPN Facilities & Construction Storm Sewer Modifications at Richey Elementary Kellogg Brown & Root Lot $34,069.00 103068 TCPN Facilities & Construction Track Fence Construction at South Houston High School Kellogg Brown & Root Lot $11,984.00 103070 TCPN Maintenance Air Conditioner Repairs at Dobie High School Carrier Commercial Service Lot $31,900.00 103096 CSP #08-032 South Belt Elementary Instructional Supplies School Specialty, Inc. Lot $12,337.44 103143 CSP #07-040 Food Service Custom Serving Counter System for Pomeroy Elementary Texas Food Service Equipment Lot $58,326.50 103165 HCDE Keller Middle School (3) Promethean Boards,(3) ActivStands and (3) ActivExpressions Procomputing Corporation 9 $12,897.00 103304 ESC 5 Curriculum & Instruction Learners Online Subscription Learners Online, Inc. Lot $80,000.00 103313 Sole Source Facilities & Construction Roof Repair at Morris Middle School (Hurricane Ike Damage) Kellogg Brown & Root Lot $12,193.00 103422 TCPN Facilities & Construction Automate Basketball Goals at Dobie High School Kellogg Brown & Root Lot $12,578.00 103423 TCPN Facilities & Construction Kruse Elementary School Move Kellogg Brown & Root Lot $74,103.00 103427 TCPN Facilities & Construction South Belt Elementary School Move Kellogg Brown & Root Lot $19,547.00 103428 TCPN Kruse Elementary (47) Promethean Boards Procomputing Corporation 47 $70,155.00 103462 ESC 5 Kruse Elementary Shelving for New Campus Excalibur Wood Shelving Lot $11,589.00 103474 CSP #08-006 Facilities & Construction HVAC Equipment & Services for Phillips Gym A W Mechanical Services Lot $235,000.00 103502 CSP #08-032 Curriculum & Instruction Instructional Materials Eric Armin, Inc. Lot $15,012.21 103665 CSP #07-040 Data Processing Network Electronics & Phones for South Belt Elementary INX, Inc. Lot $127,750.76 103726 DIR-SDD-239 Data Processing Network Electronics & Phones for Kruse Elementary INX, Inc. Lot $101,516.95 103727 DIR-SDD-239 Data Processing Network Electronics & Phones for DeZavala Middle School INX, Inc. Lot $22,130.93 103728 DIR-SDD-239 Instructional Technology (10) Activexpression H/Sets Procomputing Corporation 10 $13,495.00 103755 ESC 5 Data Processing Suite Application – Technology Service Wimba, Inc. Lot $14,900.00 103765 Sole Source Lomax Middle School Annual Maintenance on (2) Two Oce Copiers Oce North America 2 $11,088.00 103930 Buyboard Transportation Blanket Purchase Order for Aftermarket Repair Parts Bass & Meineke Auto Parts Lot $25,000.00 102029-BL CSP #07-036 Transportation Blanket Purchase Order for OEM Repair Parts Thomas Bus Gulf Coast GP Inc. Lot $31,000.00 102034-BL CSP #07-037 Dobie High School Blanket Purchase Order for Cheer Uniforms Varsity Lot $19,000.00 102184-BL Student Funds Transportation Blanket Purchase Order for Bulk Oil Sundance Fuels Lot $20,000.00 102277-BL HCDE Maintenance Blanket Purchase Order for Pumping Grease Traps G T M Services Lot $18,000.00 102440-BL CSP #04-MA-370 Pasadena Memorial High School Blanket Purchase Order for Yearbooks Taylor Publishing Company Lot $20,000.00 103011-BL CSP #08-020 Facilities & Construction Blanket Purchase Order for Water Lines at Beverly Hills Intermediate Bayside Plumbing Services Lot $10,000.00 103094-BL CSP #06-MA-613 South Houston High School Blanket Purchase Order for Drill Team Practice Wear TSA Trading, Inc. Lot $12,000.00 103498-BL CSP #08-003 Technical Services Blanket Purchase Order for Repair Parts and Supplies Dell Marketing, LP Lot $10,500.00 103504-BL CSP #07-043 Human Resources Blanket Purchase Order for Fingerprinting Services Integrated Biometric Tech Lot $15,000.00 103584-BL Sole Source Data Processing Blanket Purchase for Cabling Infrastructure and Installation of (11) Eleven Analog Cameras Convergint Technologies Lot $10,359.74 103919-BL Sole Source Pasadena ISD Donations Report - June 2009 Campus Partner Donation Hours Value Gardens Elementary School Volunteers June 2009 Volunteer Hours 74 $0.00 Gardens Elementary School Volunteers April 2009 Volunteer Hours 240 $0.00 Gardens Elementary School Volunteers May 2009 Volunteer Hours 90 $0.00 Total: $0 and 404 Hours Garfield Elementary KBR a monetary donation for SPARK Park 0 $5,000.00 Garfield Elementary School Volunteers May 2009 Volunteer Hours 22 $0.00 Total: $5000 and 22 Hours Jackson Intermediate Albemarle Corporation lunches for mentor program for 4 months 0 $1,200.00 Jackson Intermediate ProSource Staffing a monetary donation for student field trip 0 $500.00 Jackson Intermediate Horace Mann Insurance items for student field trip 0 $400.00 Jackson Intermediate Albemarle Corporation Items for student field trip 0 $400.00 Jackson Intermediate Clean Coast Technologies items for student field trip 0 $300.00 Jackson Intermediate Coca Cola Enterprises Coke products for 8th grade dance 0 $278.50 Jackson Intermediate Horace Mann Insurance cookies, drinks and candy for faculty meeting 0 $250.00 Jackson Intermediate Albemarle Corporation Breakfast for PAL Program 0 $250.00 Jackson Intermediate Coca Cola - Channelview Center Coca Cola items for 8th Grade Dance 0 $170.00 Total: $3748.5 and 0 Hours Jensen Elementary School Volunteers April 2009 Volunteer Hours 83 $0.00 Total: $0 and 83 Hours L.F. Smith Elementary Pizza Patron 6 large pizzas for Teacher Appreciation 0 $30.00 Campus L.F. Smith Elementary Partner School Volunteers Donation Hours May 2009 Volunteer Hours Value 226 Total: $30 and 226 Hours Lomax Middle School Greater Harvest Communty Church breakfast & gift bags for Teacher Week 0 $300.00 Lomax Middle School McDonald's breakfast biscuits for Teacher Week 0 $300.00 Lomax Middle School Chipolte buritos for Teacher Week 0 $200.00 Lomax Middle School Starbucks coffee for Teacher Week 0 $100.00 Lomax Middle School Peppers Beef & Seafood Beans & Rice for Teachers Week 0 $100.00 Lomax Middle School Los Toritos Tamales tamales for Teacher Week 0 $100.00 Total: $1100 and 0 Hours Memorial High School Rohm & Haas a monetary donation for PMHS Band 0 $1,000.00 Memorial High School HJ Grad Corp. a monetary donation to cover expenses for Freshman Bash 0 $800.00 Memorial High School Pasadena Volunteer Fire Department a monetary donation to cover expenses for Shattered Dreams event. 0 $500.00 Memorial High School Basic Materials Inc. a monetary donation for Shattered Dream event 0 $252.00 Memorial High School Alcone Marketing Group a monetary donation to the Art Club 0 $250.00 Memorial High School H-J Grad Corp a monetary donation to cover expense of class officer's lunch 0 $220.00 Memorial High School Allergy Clinic a monetary donation for HOSA 0 $150.00 Memorial High School Mr. & Mrs. Eddie French, Jr. a monetary donation for Shattered Dreams event 0 $100.00 Memorial High School Moshe, Seifert & Co. a monetary donation for Class of 2013 inspirational cards 0 $87.96 Memorial High School Target a monetary donation for our campus 0 $63.41 Memorial High School Mr. & Mrs. John L. Ridgway a monetary donation for Shattered Dreams event 0 $50.00 Campus Partner Donation Hours Value Memorial High School Rukan Dacck MD a monetary donation to HOSA 0 $25.00 Memorial High School Michael Morgan a monetary donation to National Honor Society students 0 $25.00 Memorial High School Cirro Group(Cirro Energy) a monetary donation for boy's basketball team 0 $10.00 Total: $3533.37 and 0 Hours Sam Rayburn High Mike Fletcher a lawn mower for small engine repair class for student practice 0 $50.00 Total: $50 and 0 Hours Shaw Middle School Incredible Pizza 60 buffet & drink coupons for Teacher Appreciation 0 $580.00 Shaw Middle School Luby's 50 - $10.00 gift cards for Teacher Appreciation 0 $500.00 Shaw Middle School Casa Ole 80 - $3.00 coupons for Teacher Appreciation 0 $240.00 Shaw Middle School Applebees 9 - $15.00 gift cards for Teacher Appreciation 0 $135.00 Shaw Middle School Chick Fil-A 50 free sandwich coupons for Teacher Appreciation 0 $134.50 Shaw Middle School Outback Steakhouse 2 - $45.00 gift certificates for Teacher Appreciation 0 $90.00 Shaw Middle School McDonald's 80 coupons for free coffee 0 $80.00 Shaw Middle School Target gift card for Teacher Appreciation 0 $50.00 Shaw Middle School Dairy Queen 2 ice cream cake certificates & 2 $10.00 gift certificates for Teacher Appreciation 0 $50.00 Shaw Middle School Starbucks 2 - $20.00 gift bags for Teacher Appreciation 0 $40.00 Shaw Middle School Mardel's gift card for Teacher Appreciation 0 $25.00 Shaw Middle School Lakeshore gift card for Teacher Appreciation 0 $25.00 Shaw Middle School Chipolte 3 - $7.00 gift cards for Teacher Appreciation 0 $21.00 Shaw Middle School Jason's Deli 2 - $10.00 gift certificates 0 $20.00 Campus Partner Donation Hours Value Shaw Middle School Pei Wei gift card for Teacher Appreciation 0 $10.00 Shaw Middle School Enchanted Florist gift bag for Teacher Appreciation 0 $10.00 Total: $2010.5 and 0 Hours South Houston High Mohammad Nazemi a monetary donation for the Rocketry Club 0 $500.00 Total: $500 and 0 Hours South Houston Exxon Mobil a monetary donation on behalf of employee volunteers Brenda & Hector Villarreal 0 $2,000.00 Total: $2000 and 0 Hours Teague Elementary School Volunteers May 2009 Volunteer Hours 70 $0.00 Total: $0 and 70 Hours Thompson Intermediate Freeway Baptist Church a monetary donation for Thompson Field Day 0 $200.00 Total: $200 and 0 Hours Grand Total: $18172.37 and 805 Hours SUBJECT: Approval of additional Peer Facilitators and Title I Instructional Aides for 09-10 BACKGROUND: Turner Elementary has exceeded 35% economically disadvantaged students and will become a Title I Schoolwide campus effective for the 09-10 school year. We are proposing a Title I Instructional Aide be added to bring them in line with other Title I campuses. The following campuses have exceeded 70% economically disadvantaged students and are in need of additional instructional personnel. We are proposing additional personnel at these campuses as shown: Keller Middle School – 1 Peer Facilitator and 1 Title I Instructional Aide Shaw Middle School – 1 Peer Facilitator and 1 Title I Instructional Aide Miller Intermediate – 1 Peer Facilitator and 1 Title I Instructional Aide Park View Intermediate – 1 Peer Facilitator and I Title I Instructional Aide The following campuses have exceeded 90% economically disadvantaged students and are also in need of additional instructional personnel. We are proposing additional personnel at these campuses: South Shaver Elementary – 1 Peer Facilitator and 1 Title I Instructional Aide South Houston Elementary – 1 Title I Instructional Aide FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No impact on district local funds. All positions will be funded with Federal Funds. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend additional personnel units as shown. CONTACT PERSON: Gloria Gallegos Jerry Dennis BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 SUBJECT: Certified Personnel BACKGROUND: The information below reflects action on Certified Personnel during May/June, 2009 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: RECOMMENDATION: CONTACT PERSON: Jerry Dennis BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 2009-2010 Additional Previously Approved Personnel: Last Name Rosas Rios Revia Province Topacio Aaserud Bigwood First Name Anastacio Lisa Nichole Brooke Virginia Amanda Cora Campus Atkinson Elem Garfield Elem Garfield Elem Garfield Elem L. F. Smith Elem South Belt Elem South Belt Elem Position 4th Grade 2nd Grade Pre-Kinder 1st Grade 4th Grade SpEd Gen Res Music Exp Misc Info 36 RIF'ed employee 0 0 9 27 RIF'ed employee 0 0 pending Supt Appr Date 06/11/09 06/11/09 06/11/09 06/11/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 2009-2010 Replacement Personnel: Last Name Wilkinson Bertolasio Perkins Perez Garcia Schmidt Patterson Ackerman Dalley Miller Tarver Dill Sanchez Clark Bernard Fernandez Grayson Lerch Hlozek Polak First Name David Angela Brenda Melissa Vanessa Doug Judy Meredith Linda Melissa Wendi Jennifer Jessica Weston Azuree Rosie Keri Cheryle Catarina Susan Campus Athletics Atkinson Elem Bondy Inter Bondy Inter Bush Elem Challenger Freeman Elem Garfield Elem Garfield Elem Garfield Elem Golden Acres Guidance Ctr Jensen Elem Jensen Elem Jensen Elem Jensen Elem Jensen Elem Jensen Elem Kruse Elem Kruse Elem Position Athletic Trainer 2nd Grade Science Earth Science Bilingual Kinder AP 3rd Grade 1st Grade Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade Assgn. Teacher Bilingual Pre-K SpEd Gen Res. 1st Grade 1st Grade 5th Grade 3rd Grade Sp Ed Res SpEd Generic Exp Misc Info 0 pending 0 pending 11 0 pending 0 24 RIF'ed employee 0 3 pending 3 0 0 1 RIF'ed employee 0 0 0 0 0 0 pending 14 4 pending Supt Appr Date 06/04/09 06/11/09 06/11/09 06/11/09 06/11/09 06/11/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/11/09 06/04/09 06/11/09 05/28/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/20 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 05/28/09 2009-2010 Replacement Personnel: Last Name Manraj Ireland Dykstra Zuniga Gonzales Minor Medina Lai-Fang-Green Andriko Cole Raible Jones Archer Hefner Ackerman White Garcia Lyons Griffith Steele Croom Collins Torres Serna Holland Dotson Hooper Martinez Patterson First Name Rachael Colleen Angela Dionicio Erin D Kelly Ignacio Caroline Stephen Gerald Adrienne Jennifer Cristy Susan Kevin Stacy Patricia Charyl Amber Michelle Scott Madeline Marcella Monica Myla Daleila Renee Rosa Lisa Campus Lomax Middle Mae Smythe Melillo Middle Milstead Mid. Moore Elem Pasadena High Pasadena High Pasadena High Pasadena High Pasadena Mem Pasadena Mem Pasadena Mem Pasadena Mem Pasadena Mem Pasadena Mem Pasadena Mem Pearl Hall Elem Pomeroy Elem Pomeroy Elem Sam Rayburn San Jacinto San Jacinto San Jacinto Shaw Middle So Houston El So Houston El Summit Turner Elem Williams Elem Position Exp ELAR SpEd Resource Science Bilingual 6th Music Math History/Coach SpEd Peer Fac. Math Health Librarian Math Math Math Math History Bilingual 2nd 2nd Grade 2nd Grade Sped S.S. /Life Sci Life Science Math Social Studies SpEd Generic SpEd Peer Fac English Bilingual 2nd 3rd Grade 3 0 3 0 2 0 0 pending 0 pending 0 10 0 pending 0 pending 5 0 pending 0 pending 5 0 pending 0 pending 0 pending 1 1 0 pending 0 pending 3 1 0 pending 3 4 0 Misc Info RIF'ed employee RIF'ed employee Job fair Job fair RIF'ed employee RIF'ed employee RIF'ed employee RIF'ed employee Supt Appr Date 06/11/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/11/09 06/11/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/11/09 06/11/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/11/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/11/09 05/28/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 05/28/09 06/04/09 06/11/09 06/04/09 06/04/09 SUBJECT: Classified Personnel BACKGROUND: The attached reflects action on Support Personnel during May/June 2009-2010 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: RECOMMENDATION: CONTACT PERSON: Jerry Dennis BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 RESIGNATIONS Cardenas, Leticia Sped Aide Able/Pable - Frazier Elementary TERMINATION Burnett, Betty Butler, Teresa Claunch, Michelle Lara, Maria Mosley-Lee, Samantha Sims, Karen Vega, Carmen Appraisal Clerk/Sp Ed - Miller Intermediate Routing Coord/Special Needs - Transportation Title I Aide - Atkinson Elementary Child Nutrition Wrkr 6 Hr - Lomax Middle School Sped Aide Stu Spec - Dobie High School Pre-Kindergarten Aide - South Shaver Elementary Asst Head Cust I (12M) - Bobby Shaw Middle School SUBJECT: Update to the District Improvement Plan for 2009-2010 The District Education Committee met throughout the year to make recommendations concerning the district plan. Subcommittees made up of members of the district committee and others, met numerous times to gather input, research and make recommendations. The district education committee reviewed progress toward district goals as reflected in the AEIS information and in status reports provided by persons responsible for the various action strategies included in the plan. Included in the district plan are steps to prepare instructional classes, curriculum, assessments, materials, and staff development in preparation for the new state and AYP accountability standards. Other major areas addressed in this update are the next steps for Expection Graduation including Drop Out Prevention and the P-16 Plan. Although the goals are somewhat consistent, the strategies, initiatives, and action steps are continually revised to meet the needs of students at individual campuses. This plan has some timelines that focus on two to five years of growth. However, the plan will be revised annually following data results and needs assessments. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Initiatives included in the plan are included in local and federal budgets. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of the updates to the district improvement plan. CONTACT PERSON: Kirk Lewis, Vicki Thomas, Joyce Eversole, District Education Committee BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: PDAS Teacher Appraisal Calendar for 2009-2010 and Local Procedures BACKGROUND: The teacher appraisal calendar and local procedures have been revised to include the dates for school year 2009-2010. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND APPRAISAL SYSTEM (PDAS) 2009-2010 LOCAL PROCEDURES FOR APPROVED APPRAISERS, TEACHER RESPONSES/REBUTTALS, REQUESTS FOR SECOND APPRAISALS, AND OTHER LOCAL ISSUES APPROVED APPRAISERS All campus principals and assistant principals who have received both Instructional Leadership Training (ILT) and Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) training are approved to serve as PDAS appraisers. In addition, second appraisals may be performed by central office instructional support personnel who have received the PDAS training. These persons include associate superintendents, executive directors, directors, assistant directors, specialists, and supervisors. Classroom teachers who participated in PDAS training will be used for campus staff development and as resource persons for other teachers, but will not be used as appraisers. WRITTEN RESPONSES/REBUTTALS A teacher may submit a written response or rebuttal: • • • after receiving a written observation summary; after receiving any written documentation associated with the teacher's appraisal; after a written summative annual appraisal report. S Any written response or rebuttal must be submitted by the teacher to the appraiser within ten (10) working days of receiving it and such written response shall become a part of the appraisal record. REQUESTS FOR SECOND APPRAISALS A teacher is entitled to and may request a second appraisal by another appraiser from outside the teacher's campus. This request must be made within ten (10) working days after receiving a written observation summary and/or written summative annual appraisal report with which the teacher disagrees. A teacher who requests a second observation must submit a form (see attached) that must be signed by the teacher, the teacher's PDAS "teacher supervisor," and the campus principal (if different from the PDAS "teacher supervisor"). This form is to be sent to the appropriate Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, who will then select the second appraiser from a pool of certified appraisers not located at the campus of the requesting teacher. In the extended absence of the Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, the Associate Superintendents for Campus Development may assign second appraisers. The second appraiser shall conduct a pre-observation conference with the teacher before conducting the 45-minute observation. Observations must be scheduled at least two (2) working days in advance. The second appraiser shall have full access to the Teacher Self-Report Form and any documentation that has been collected in conjunction with the teacher's appraisal. In addition, second appraisers may (but are not required to) conduct unscheduled walkthroughs. The second appraiser will complete all domains of the evaluation document. A post-observation conference may be held at the request of either the teacher or the second appraiser. The findings of the second appraiser shall be considered equally (50%) with those of the first appraiser when calculating the teacher's summative score. The final report must then be submitted to the District Certified Human Resources to be placed in the teacher's permanent file. All timelines applicable to PDAS primary appraisals shall S apply to second appraisals. Teachers may not request additional appraisals beyond the second appraisal guaranteed by law. APPRAISAL PROCESS GRIEVANCES The Pasadena Independent School District has provided a written policy establishing a procedure for teachers to present grievances regarding the evaluation process. The purpose of this policy is to provide employees an orderly process for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints. The Board of Education intends that, whenever feasible, complaints can be resolved at the lowest possible administrative level. The Board has the authority to review the educational judgment of an appraiser regarding denial of credit and may award credit only if the appraiser's educational judgment was clearly erroneous or an abuse of discretion. Teachers may refer to Board policies DGBA (LEGAL) and DGBA (LOCAL) concerning employee complaints to address grievances related to the appraisal process. OTHER LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES Campus and district-level teacher orientation sessions Each campus is required to discuss PDAS implementation procedures with all teachers prior to beginning the evaluation process. In addition, new teachers must have a six-hour PDAS Training. These training sessions may be provided by central office or campus administrators. A teacher new to the district who has had the PDAS Training (must have documentation such as certificate or letter from previous campus)does not have to attend the new teacher PDAS Training but must participate in the Campus PDAS Orientation. New teachers must receive the PDAS Training within three weeks of their start date. No appraisals shall be conducted for teachers until they have completed their PDAS training. Pre- and post-observation conferences The required PDAS teacher orientation may serve as a general pre-conference. A formal pre- or post-conference will be conducted at the request of either the teacher or the appraiser, but is not required. A pre-conference will be S conducted in the case of a second appraiser assigned from outside the teacher's campus. Formal classroom observations Formal classroom observations must be at least 45-minutes in duration. This 45-minute period may be divided into shorter segments only with the mutual consent of both the teacher and the teacher's supervisor. Notice of at least two (2) working days will be given before any formal observations. Informal walk-throughs require no advance notice. Documentation collected after the summative conference Any documentation collected after the summative conference that will affect the teacher's appraisal must be shared in writing with the teacher within seven (7) days of the occurrence or, in unusual circumstances, the teacher's supervisor's knowledge of the occurrence. Campus Performance Rating (Domain VIII, Criterion 10) The campus performance rating is included as a part of the teacher’s appraisal score in the section of the PDAS entitled “Improvement of Academic Performance of All Students on the Campus". However, this criterion will be used only for teachers who were on the campus during the previous school year. Teachers new to the campus but who taught at another Pasadena ISD campus during the 2008-2009 school year will have their former campus’s performance rating recorded and scored. Teachers new to Pasadena ISD, whether new teachers or teachers who have transferred from other districts, will not have this criterion either recorded or scored in the 2009-2010 school year. 2009-2010 APPRAISAL CALENDAR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND APPRAISAL SYSTEM (PDAS) PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT September 15, 2009 Deadline for required campus onehour PDAS update orientation sessions. If a teacher has a later start date the one-hour orientation must be held within three weeks of their start S date. Teachers experienced in PDAS have up to three weeks after the campus orientation to submit Section I of the Teacher Self-Report Form (TSRF). Teachers new to PDAS must complete a six-hour orientation training and one hour update) within the first three weeks after their start date. Then they have up to three weeks to complete the TSRF. No formal observations of any teacher may be conducted until the Section I of the TSRF has been submitted. September 29, 2009 Formal classroom observations may begin for teachers who have submitted Section I of the Teacher Self-Report Form. September 29, 2009 District teachers who are eligible for less frequent evaluations in accordance with the law and with policy DNA (LOCAL) must submit a written request to waive the annual appraisal evaluation for the 2009-2010 school year by September 29, 2009. (It is the responsibility of the eligible teacher to provide required PDAS evaluation forms with the submission of the written request to waive annual appraisal evaluations.) October 20, 2009 The Principal will notify each teacher who submitted a written request to waive the annual appraisal evaluation for the 2009-2010 school year if their documentation meets the criteria for the waiver. This notification will be in writing. Walk-throughs and other documentation possibly impacting any teacher's appraisal may be conducted at any time during the school year. S Observations may not be conducted on the days immediately before or after holidays. (August 25, September 4, September 8, October 23, October 27, November 20, November 30, December 18, January 4, January 14, January 19, March 12, March 22, April 1, April 5, May 28, June 1, June 3) A written summary of each observation shall be given to the teacher within 10 working days after the completion of an observation, with a pre- and post-observation conference conducted at the request of the teacher or appraiser. A teacher may request a second appraisal by another appraiser within 10 working days of receiving a written observation summary with which the teacher disagrees. Teachers present revisions to Section I (if necessary) and completed Sections II and III of the Teacher Self-Report Form to the principal at least two weeks prior to the scheduled summative annual conference. May 6, 2010 A written summative annual report shall be shared with the teacher by this date. The written summative annual report shall be placed in the teacher's personnel file by the end of the appraisal period. May 13, 2010 Deadline for summative annual conferences (Conference must be held unless waived in writing by the teacher.) A teacher may request a second appraisal by another appraiser within 10 working days of receiving a written summative annual appraisal report with which the teacher disagrees. Any documentation collected after the summative conference but before the end of the contract term during one school year may be considered as part of the appraisal of the teacher. If the documentation affects the teacher's evaluation in any domain, another summative report shall be developed and another summative conference shall be held to inform the teacher of the change(s). May 13, 2010 Latest possible date for teachers to request second appraisal (but must be within 10 days of receiving written observation summary and/or written summative S annual appraisal report) May 28, 2010 Deadline for summative conferences reflecting changes caused by documentation collected after initial summative conference FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of the PDAS Teacher Appraisal Local Procedures and Calendar for the 20092010 school year. CONTACT PERSON: Karen Hickman DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: Approval of The New Teacher Center at University of California, Santa Cruz as a training provider for Pasadena Independent School District BACKGROUND: Pasadena Independent School District was awarded Beginning Teacher Induction and Mentoring Program, grant from the Texas Education Agency. The grant allows Pasadena ISD to support teachers who come to the district as new teachers through alternative certification programs or university-certified-teachers with zero years teaching experiences. Funds from the Beginning Teacher Induction and Mentoring Program Cycles 1 and 2 grant have allowed us to develop and retain excellent teachers by providing support from mentors, master mentors, administrators, and central office staff. Through mentoring, new teachers and teachers who are certified through alternative programs improve their teaching skills through one on one peer guidance and a cohesive campus support system. The next phase of the process is to provide additional training to administrators to support the new teachers during their first two years of induction. Administrator training will be provided to administrators, master mentors, the ATCP staff, and other personnel by The New Teacher Center during the 2009-2010 school year. The New Teacher Center is an approved vendor. Grant funds will pay the cost of the training not to exceed $26,000. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Funded by the Beginning Teacher Induction and Mentoring Program, Cycle 2 grant. This will be at no cost to the district RECOMMENDATION: Approve contract for The New Teacher Center training services CONTACT PERSON: Karen Hickman, Steve Laymon, DeeAnn Powell, Pamela Grossman, Diana Gomez, Susan Bauer BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: Approval of Addendum to Contract Between Shiloh Treatment Center and Pasadena Independent School District to provide services for the 2008-2009 School Year – Extended School Year Services (ESYS) BACKGROUND: Shiloh Treatment Center has agreed to provide services Extended Year Services for 5 special education students at the East Harris County site – Hunting Bayou and 2 students at the Manvel site. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: $27,000 to be paid in the following manner: 5 units @ $120.00 daily base rate for a total of $18,000 will be billed monthly and payment will be due upon receipt of invoice 2 units @ $150.00 daily base rate for a total of $9,000 The funding sources for these services are local and federal funds. *additional services based on ARD committee recommendations (related services, etc.) will be billed separately. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of Contract Between NonPublic Day School – Shiloh Treatment Center and Pasadena Independent School District to provide services for the 2008-2009 school year – Extended Year Services. CONTACT PERSON: Deena Hill Gloria Gallegos BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: Memorandum of Agreement with University of Houston BACKGROUND: Pasadena ISD and the University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL) have a successful history of collaboration. Specifically, UHCL has allowed graduate student assistantships in the Psychology Program to work collaboratively with our Special Education Department to provide consultative behavioral services to campuses. For the 2009-2010 school year, we propose the establishment of three graduate student assistantships. The graduate assistants will work 20 hours per week. As part of the weekly hours, graduate assistants will work directly with children referred by PISD personnel. They will provide behavioral assessments, training and support for teachers who work with students with autism and other developmental disabilities FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: $42,180 Federal Special Education Funds RECOMMENDATION: Approve Memorandum of Agreement for 2009-2010 so that we can continue these services for our students with autism and other developmental disabilities CONTACT PERSON: Deena Hill, Ed.D Gloria Gallegos BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: Making Middle Schools Work MOU BACKGROUND: PISD was awarded a Making Middle Schools Work grant through the Texas Education Agency and is required to have an MOU for collaborative services with The Southern Regional Education Board. Through school reform activities, Southmore Intermediate will model, mentor and implement research based instructional practices. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: Pasadena ISD Administration recommends approving the MOU. CONTACT PERSON: Lana Stahl, Troy McCarley, Susan Bauer, JoAnne Healy BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: Mathematics Instructional Coaches Pilot Program MOU BACKGROUND: PISD was awarded a grant through the Texas Education Agency and is required to have an MOU for collaborative services with Rice University School Mathematics Project. RUSMP agrees to provide PISD the following services to identified participants: A comprehensive needs assessment of the program at the school; Collaboration with PISD administrators to assure that program goals are attained; A total of fifty (50) days per year to provide: coaching and mentoring, targeted professional development, classroom observations and targeted feedback, curricular support, bi-weekly 45-minute mathematics meetings on Wednesdays and RUSMP Summer Campus Program during June 2009 for PISD facilitators/coaches and teachers. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None – Contract services will be paid for by grant funds. RECOMMENDATION: Pasadena ISD Administration recommends approving the MOU. CONTACT PERSON: Joda Mendoza, Susan Bauer, JoAnne Healy BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: Acceptance of multiple Grant Awards BACKGROUND: A+ for ENERGY – A BP Energy Education Program Rick Schneider Middle School was awarded the BP A+ for Energy grant in the amount of $5000 to teach children about energy, energy conservation, and alternative energy. In addition, winning applicants will attend an all-expense paid three day Energy Education Training Conference, energy education materials for their classroom valued at $500, and a A+ for Energy award and banner to display at their school. High Schools That Work Enhanced Design Network, Cycle 3 TEA has awarded South Houston High School the High Schools That Work Enhanced Design Network, Cycle 3 grant in the amount of $83,000. The purpose of the High Schools That Work (HSTW) Enhanced Design Network - Cycle 3, Year 1 grant is to support eligible high schools in the use of the HSTW key design principles as a framework for improving academic and career/technology instruction and overall student achievement. Mathematics Instructional Coaches Pilot Program, Cycle 2 TEA has awarded PISD $250,000 to implement the Mathematics Instructional Coaches Pilot Program, Cycle 2. The focus of the program is to support the improvement of the middle school, junior high and high school mathematics teacher's ability to teach at-risk students. Houston Metro Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force The Children’s Assessment Center Foundation has awarded the Pasadena ISD Police Department/Houston Metro Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force $60,000 to assist in purchasing computer equipment, forensic equipment and training (travel, registration, lodging) for our affiliate agencies. Freeman Elementary School SPARK Park Former Houston City Council Member Eleanor Tinsley created SPARK in 1983 to transform public school grounds into neighborhood parks. SPARK uses the resources of federal funds, local school districts, Harris County funds, private sector funds, neighborhood group funds, School donated funds, and concerned citizen donations. SPARK will guide Freeman Elementary staff through the process of designing their SPARK Park and support them as they build the park to serve the students of Freeman Elementary and the S adjacent community. The SPARK Park project is funded by a Community Development Block Grant of $50,000, a $10,000 donation from a Private Sector (Fiesta Mart and Precinct 2). The Texas English Language Learners Achieving in Science (TELLAS) Two PISD Middle Schools were awarded The Texas English Language Learners Achieving in Science (TELLAS) grant program (Milstead $206,349 and Schneider $204,269). The TELLAS initiative is intended to provide direction to campuses with high concentrations of English language learners (ELL) that are under-performing in science. The aim of the project is to assist campuses in implementing research-based systemic and programmatic efforts that will result in significant increases in science achievement. TELLAS funding will come from the STELLAR Center at the College of Education at Texas State University–San Marcos. Equipment Assistance Grant for School Food Authorities Four PISD schools were awarded the Equipment Assistance Grant for School Food Authorities from the Texas Department of Agriculture. The funding will be used to purchase new serving line equipment at McMasters, Parks, and Red Bluff Elementary ($50,000 each) and Park View Intermediate ($100,000). Grant award total is $250,000. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: RECOMMENDATION: CONTACT PERSON: None Pasadena ISD Administration recommends the acceptance of the $1,118,618 in grant dollars. Shannon Trejo, Marsha Jones, Steve Fullen, Joda Mendoza, Chief C.L. Ellis, Matthew Gray, Kaye Post, Mary Harryman, Dr. Kirk Lewis, Troy McCarley, DeeAnn Powell, Steve Laymon, Susan Bauer, JoAnne Healy BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: The Texas English Language Learners Achieving in Science TELLAS grant funded position BACKGROUND: The TELLAS grant will fund a position that can lead the implementation of grant funded activities that will help Schneider Middle School use research-based systemic teaching techniques designed to improve English Language Learner student’s science academic achievement. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: Pasadena ISD Administration recommends approval of this grant funded position. CONTACT PERSON: Marsha Jones, Troy McCarley, Susan Bauer, JoAnne Healy BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 the S PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Job Master Title Report Title: Middle School Science Support Teacher Funded Position Reports To: Principal Wage/Hour Status: 1 year Grant Salary Range: Teacher Salary Scale daily rate Dept./School: Rick Schneider Middle School Contract Days: 187 Primary Purpose: Provide students with appropriate learning activities and experiences in the core academic subject area assigned to help fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional, physical, and social growth. Enable students to develop competencies and skills to function successfully in society. Qualifications: Minimum Education/Certification: Bachelor's degree from accredited university Valid Texas teaching certificate with required endorsements or required training for subject and level assigned Demonstrated competency in the core academic subject area assigned Special Knowledge/Skills: Prefer a minimum of two years experience supporting grant-funded programs. Prefer knowledge of the TELLAS grant. Major Duties and Responsibilities: Ensure the goals of TELLAS are met. Coordinate the Program evaluation and program data collection. Coordinate/manage the grant budget. Coordinate professional staff development. Support campus implementation of TELLAS. Build community group support of the Program’s goals and objectives. Work in close coordination with the principals, counselors, teachers, and parents at campuses implementing the TELLAS grant. Meet task completion deadlines established by the grant and supervisor. Secure new and continuation resources. Coordinate external service providers. S SUBJECT: The Texas English Language Learners Achieving in Science MOU BACKGROUND: Schneider Middle school was awarded a grant from The Texas English Language Learners Achieving in Science grant through The STELLAR Center at the College of Education at Texas State University–San Marcos. The aim of the project is to assist schools in implementing research-based systemic and programmatic efforts that will result in significant increases in science achievement. The attached MOU defines the services Schneider will provide and the grant award Schneider will receive for providing those services. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None RECOMMENDATION: Pasadena ISD Administration recommends approving the MOU. CONTACT PERSON: Marsha Jones, Troy McCarley, Susan Bauer, JoAnne Healy BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: Out of State Travel BACKGROUND: Pasadena Independent School District was awarded Texas Education Agency Texas High Schools That Work Enhanced Design Network, Cycle 2 Continuation Grants for Sam Rayburn High School, Pasadena Memorial High School and The Summit High School, a Cycle 3 grant for South Houston High School, and a Making Middle School work grant for Southmore Intermediate. The High Schools That Work grant pays for school teams of administrators and teachers to attend conferences and workshops on implementing high school reform. This year’s annual conference is occurring in Atlanta, Georgia from July 8 to 11, 2009. All grantee schools are asking permission to send a team of administrators and teachers. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The approximate cost of the 4-day conference in Atlanta is $1200.00 per participant. School district funds will not be used to pay for this trip – all travel is paid for through grant funds. RECOMMENDATION: Pasadena ISD Administration recommends approval of the out of state travel. CONTACT PERSON: Robert Stock, Robert DeWolfe, Billye Smith, Steve Fullen, Dee Ann Powell, Troy McCarley, Susan Bauer BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: Calendar for Community Evening School BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Attached is the proposed 2009-2010 Community Evening School calendar. The proposed calendar observes the same holidays as the traditional school calendar. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of the 2009-10 calendar for Community Evening School. CONTACT PERSON: Tom Swan DeeAnn Powell BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S Pasadena Independent School District COMMUNITY EVENING SCHOOL 2009-2010 Calendar (High School Credit Courses) • Fall Session: September 14 – November 19, 2009 TIME: 6:00 PM – 8:45 PM Registration – August 31 – September 3, 2009 September 8 – September 10, 2009 Late Registration – September 14 – September 17, 2009 • Winter Session: December 7, 2009– March 4, 2010 TIME: 6:00 PM – 8:45 PM Registration – November 16 – November 19, 2009 November 30 – December 3, 2009 Late Registration – December 7 - December 10, 2009 • Spring Session: March 8 – May 20, 2010 TIME: 6:00 PM – 8:45 PM Registration – February 22 – February 25, 2010 March 1 – March 4, 2010 Late Registration – March 8 – March 11, 2010 • Summer Session: June 14 – August 12, 2010 TIME: 6:00 PM – 8:45 PM Registration – June 1 – 3, 2010 June 7 – 10, 2010 Late Registration – June 14 – June 17, 2010 S SUBJECT: Approval for Bondy Intermediate students to travel to the Florida Everglades March 13 – 17, 2010 BACKGROUND: Bondy Intermediate School teachers request permission to travel to the Florida Everglades with 8th grade students during the week of Spring Break, March 13 – 17, 2010. The trip will reinforce classroom instruction and provide hands-on learning experiences in science. Students and teachers will visit the Everglades, study indigenous species, swim with dolphins, and visit the Turtle Hospital to see first hand how these animals are rescued, rehabilitated, and released. Bondy teachers will chaperone the students with a teacher to student ratio of 1 to 10. Chaperones will be trained in school district policy prior to the trip. All rules of conduct established by the school district will be strictly enforced. Necessary forms, permission slips, and waivers will be completed prior to departure of students. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The cost of the trip is $1500.00 per participant. Students and their parents are responsible for payment of the trip. School district funds will not be used to pay for this trip. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of the Bondy Intermediate School eighth grade trip to the Florida Everglades March 13 – 17, 2010. CONTACT PERSON: Tracey Thompson Rebecca Hager Dan Connolly Steve Laymon BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S SUBJECT: School Health Advisory Committee Report BACKGROUND: The School Health Advisory Council is required by SB 283 to make an annual report to the Board of Trustees. The recommendations of the committee are included in the board agenda. CONTACT PERSONS: Pam Tevis, Candace Ahlfinger BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 S School Health Advisory Council Board Report June 23, 2009 The committee recommends the following items: 1) As required by SB 1357, the committee made a recommendation to have a 15 minute unstructured recess daily in grades K-6 (elementary/middle school setting). 2) Require School Health Index to be part of each individual campus plan. 3) Require coordinated school health in the campus improvement plan. 4) Require each campus to have a wellness team which consists of an administrator, peer facilitator, classroom teacher, PE teacher, food services manager, counselor, nurse, and parent. This committee will meet a minimum of two times a year. They will be responsible for the School Health Index as well as the coordinated school health initiative. 5) Require 60 minutes of health TEKS based instruction through content area TEKS weekly per grade level. 6) Approve application process for Commercial Physical Education Programs for 7-12 grade students only. 7) Request school board members to appoint parents to be representatives on the School Health Advisory Council. 8) Make the Fitnessgram results available to parents by providing the information at the beginning of the school year as well as posting it on the school district website. The committee has set the following dates for next year’s meetings: Tuesday, September 15- Park View Library 4:30-6:00 Tuesday, January 19- Park View Library 4:30-6:00 Tuesday, March 9- TBA 4:30-6:30 Tuesday, May 18- Board Room- 4:30-6:30 Penny Erskins and Pam Tevis - SHAC Co-Committee Chairs INTERIM UPDATE 06/23/09 CODES PAGE(S) EXPLANATION DIA (LOCAL) 3 of 5 Changes the Title IX coordinator since Vicki Thomas is no longer with the district. FB (LOCAL) 1 of 3 Changes the Title IX coordinator since Vicki Thomas is no longer with the district. FFH (LOCAL) 5 of 7 Changes the Title IX coordinator since Vicki Thomas is no longer with the district. Pasadena ISD 101917 EMPLOYEE WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, AND RETALIATION DIA (LOCAL) Note: This policy addresses discrimination, harassment, and retaliation involving District employees. In this policy, the term “employees” includes former employees and applicants for employment. For discrimination, harassment, and retaliation involving students, see FFH. For reporting requirements related to child abuse and neglect, see FFG. STATEMENT OF The District prohibits discrimination, including harassment, against NONDISCRIMINATION any employee on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of District policy. DISCRIMINATION Discrimination against an employee is defined as conduct directed at an employee on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law, that adversely affects the employee’s employment. HARASSMENT Prohibited harassment of an employee is defined as physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct based on an employee’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin , age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law, when the conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that the conduct: 1. Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the employee’s work performance; 2. Creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive work environment; or 3. Otherwise adversely affects the employee’s performance, environment or employment opportunities. EXAMPLES Examples of prohibited harassment may include offensive or derogatory language directed at another person’s religious beliefs or practices, accent, skin color, gender identity, or need for workplace accommodation; threatening or intimidating conduct; offensive jokes, name calling, slurs, or rumors; physical aggression or assault; display of graffiti or printed material promoting racial, ethnic, or other stereotypes; or other types of aggressive conduct such as theft or damage to property. DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 UPDATE 83 DIA (LOCAL)-B ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 1 of 5 Pasadena ISD 101917 EMPLOYEE WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, AND RETALIATION SEXUAL HARASSMENT DIA (LOCAL) Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination defined as unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; sexually motivated physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct; or other conduct or communication of a sexual nature when: 1. Submission to the conduct is either explicitly or implicitly a condition of an employee’s employment, or when submission to or rejection of the conduct is the basis for an employment action affecting the employee; or 2. The conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the employee’s work performance or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive work environment. EXAMPLES RETALIATION EXAMPLES PROHIBITED CONDUCT Examples of sexual harassment may include sexual advances; touching intimate body parts; coercing or forcing a sexual act on another; jokes or conversations of a sexual nature; and other sexually motivated conduct, communication, or contact. The District prohibits retaliation against an employee who makes a claim alleging to have experienced discrimination or harassment, or another employee who, in good faith, makes a report, serves as a witness, or otherwise participates in an investigation. Examples of retaliation may include termination, refusal to hire, demotion, and denial of promotion. Retaliation may also include threats, unjustified negative evaluations, unjustified negative references, or increased surveillance. An employee who believes that he or she has experienced prohibited conduct or believes that another employee has experienced prohibited conduct should immediately report the alleged acts. The employee may report the alleged acts to his or her supervisor or campus principal. Alternatively, the employee may report the alleged acts to one of the District officials below. DEFINITION OF DISTRICT OFFICIALS For the purposes of this policy, District officials are the Title IX coordinator, the ADA/Section 504 coordinator, and the Superintendent. DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 2 of 5 UPDATE 83 DIA (LOCAL)-B Pasadena ISD 101917 EMPLOYEE WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, AND RETALIATION TITLE IX COORDINATOR DIA (LOCAL) Reports of discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment, may be directed to the Title IX coordinator. The District designates the following person to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended: Name: Candace Ahlfinger Position: Associate Superintendent for Communications and Community Relations Address: 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502 Telephone: (713) 740-0247 ADA/SECTION 504 COORDINATOR Reports of discrimination based on disability may be directed to the ADA/Section 504 coordinator. The District designates the following person to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which incorporates and expands upon the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Name: Jeanne Nelson Position: 504 Instructional Specialist for Dyslexia, Intervention, and Address: 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502 Telephone: (713) 740-0067 SUPERINTENDENT ALTERNATIVE REPORTING PROCEDURES The Superintendent shall serve as coordinator for purposes of District compliance with all other antidiscrimination laws. An employee shall not be required to report prohibited conduct to the person alleged to have committed it. Reports concerning prohibited conduct, including reports against the Title IX coordinator or ADA/Section 504 coordinator, may be directed to the Superintendent. A report against the Superintendent may be made directly to the Board. If a report is made directly to the Board, the Board shall DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 3 of 5 UPDATE 83 DIA (LOCAL)-B Pasadena ISD 101917 EMPLOYEE WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, AND RETALIATION TIMELY REPORTING DIA (LOCAL) appoint an appropriate person to conduct an investigation. Reports of prohibited conduct shall be made as soon as possible after the alleged act or knowledge of the alleged act. . A failure to promptly report may impair the District’s ability to investigate and address the prohibited conduct. NOTICE OF REPORT Any District supervisor who receives a report of prohibited conduct shall immediately notify the appropriate District official listed above and take any other steps required by this policy. INVESTIGATION OF THE REPORT The District may request, but shall not insist upon, a written report. If a report is made orally, the District official shall reduce the report to written form. Upon receipt or notice of a report, the District official shall determine whether the allegations, if proven, would constitute prohibited conduct as defined by this policy. If so, the District official shall immediately authorize or undertake an investigation, regardless of whether a criminal or regulatory investigation regarding the same or similar allegations is pending. If appropriate, the District shall promptly take interim action to prevent prohibited conduct during the course of an investigation. The investigation may be conducted by the District official or a designee, such as the campus principal, or by a third party designated by the District, such as an attorney. When appropriate, the campus principal or supervisor shall be involved in or informed of the investigation. The investigation may consist of personal interviews with the person making the report, the person against whom the report is filed, and others with knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the allegations. The investigation may also include analysis of other information or documents related to the allegations. CONCLUDING THE INVESTIGATION Absent extenuating circumstances, the investigation should be completed within ten business days from the date of the report; however, the investigator shall take additional time if necessary to complete a thorough investigation. The investigator shall prepare a written report of the investigation. DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 4 of 5 UPDATE 83 DIA (LOCAL)-B Pasadena ISD 101917 EMPLOYEE WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, AND RETALIATION DISTRICT ACTION DIA (LOCAL) The report shall be filed with the District official overseeing the investigation. If the results of an investigation indicate that prohibited conduct occurred, the District shall promptly respond by taking appropriate disciplinary or corrective action reasonably calculated to address the conduct. The District may take disciplinary action based on the results of an investigation, even if the conduct did not rise to the level of prohibited or unlawful conduct. CONFIDENTIALITY To the greatest extent possible, the District shall respect the privacy of the complainant, persons against whom a report is filed, and witnesses. Limited disclosures may be necessary in order to conduct a thorough investigation and comply with applicable law. APPEAL A complainant who is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation may appeal through DGBA (LOCAL), beginning at the appropriate level. The complainant may have a right to file a complaint with appropriate state or federal agencies. RECORDS RETENTION Copies of reports alleging prohibited conduct, investigation reports, and related records shall be maintained by the District for a period of at least three years. [See CPC] ACCESS TO POLICY This policy shall be distributed annually to District employees. Copies of the policy shall be readily available at each campus and the District administrative offices. DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 UPDATE 83 DIA (LOCAL)-B ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 5 of 5 PASADENA ISD 101917 FB (LOCAL) EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TITLE IX COORDINATOR The District designates the following employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended: Name: Candace Ahlfinger Position: Associate Superintendent for Communications and Community Relations SECTION 504 COORDINATOR Address: 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, 77502 Telephone: (713) 740-0247 The District designates the following employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended: Name: Jeanne Nelson Position: Section 504 Coordinator Address: 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, 77502 Telephone: (713) 740-0067 SUPERINTENDENT The Superintendent shall serve as coordinator for purposes of District compliance with all other antidiscrimination laws. COMPLAINTS Allegations of unlawful discrimination, prohibited harassment, including sexual harassment, or retaliation shall be made according to FFH (LOCAL). RECORDS RETENTION SECTION 504 COMMITTEE Copies of reports alleging discrimination, prohibited harassment, including sexual harassment, and retaliation; investigation reports; and related records shall be maintained by the District for a period of at least three years. If the person alleged to have experienced discrimination, prohibited harassment or retaliation was a minor, the records shall be maintained until the person reaches the age of 21. The Section 504 Coordinator and members of the Section 504 committee shall receive training in the procedures and requirements for identifying and providing educational and related services to those students who have disabilities, but who are not in DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 UPDATE 83 FB(LOCAL)-A ADOPTED: 09/23/08 AMENDED: 09/28/93 Page 1 of 3 09/27/94 03/20/09 PASADENA ISD 101917 EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FB (LOCAL) need of special education in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). [See EHBA] The Section 504 committee shall be composed of at least two persons, including persons knowledgeable about the student, the meaning of the evaluation data, the placement options, and the legal requirements regarding least restrictive environment and comparable facilities for students with disabilities. REFERRALS A student may be referred by parents, teachers, counselors, administrators, or any other District employees for evaluation to determine if the student has disabilities and is in need of special instruction or services. PARENTAL CONSENT The Section 504 coordinator shall notify parents prior to any individual evaluation conducted to determine if their child has disabilities or to determine what educational or related services should be provided to the student. Parental consent shall be obtained before the initial student evaluation procedures for the identification, diagnosis, and prescription of specific education services. NOTICE TO PARENTS Parents shall be given written notice of the District’s refusal to evaluate a student or to provide specific aids and services the parents have requested. PREPLACEMENT EVALUATION The results of the evaluation shall be considered before any action is taken to place a student with disabilities or make a significant change in placement in an instructional program. The evaluation shall include consideration of adaptive behavior. Adaptive behavior is the effectiveness with which the individual meets the standards of personal independence and social responsibility expected of his or her age and cultural group. IMPARTIAL HEARING Parents shall be given written notice of their due process right to an impartial hearing if they have a concern or complaint about the District’s actions regarding the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of a student with disabilities. The impartial hearing shall be conducted by a person who is knowledgeable about the issues involved in Section 504 and who is not employed by the District or related to a member of the Board in a degree that would be prohibited under the nepotism statue [See DBE]. The impartial hearing officer is not required to be an attorney. DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 UPDATE 83 FB(LOCAL)-A ADOPTED: 09/23/08 AMENDED: 09/28/93 Page 2 of 3 09/27/94 03/20/09 PASADENA ISD 101917 EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES STATE-MANDATED ASSESSMENTS FB (LOCAL) Modifications in taking the state-mandated assessments may be made for a Section 504 student when the modifications have been determined not to destroy the validity of the test, are necessary for the student to take the test, are consistent with medications provided the student in the classroom, and are approved by TEA. [See EKB] DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 UPDATE 83 FB(LOCAL)-A ADOPTED: 09/23/08 AMENDED: 09/28/93 Page 3 of 3 09/27/94 03/20/09 Pasadena ISD 101917 STUDENT WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM HARRASSMENT FFH (LOCAL) Note: This policy addresses discrimination, harassment, and retaliation involving District students. For provisions regarding discrimination, harassment, and retaliation involving District employees, see DIA. For reporting requirements related to child abuse and neglect, see FFG. For provisions regarding bullying, see FFI. STATEMENT OF The District prohibits discrimination, including harassment, against NONDISCRIMINATION any student on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law. The District prohibits dating violence, as defined by this policy. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of District policy. DISCRIMINATION Discrimination against a student is defined as conduct directed at a student on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or on any other basis prohibited by law, that adversely affects the student. PROHIBITED HARASSMENT Prohibited harassment of a student is defined as physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct based on the student’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that the conduct: 1. Affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment: 2. Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with the student’s academic performance; or 3. Otherwise adversely affects the student’s educational opportunities. Prohibited harassment includes dating violence as defined by this policy. EXAMPLES Examples of prohibited harassment may include offensive or derogatory language directed at another person’s religious beliefs or practices, accent, skin color, or need for accommodation; threatening or intimidating conduct; offensive jokes, name calling, slurs, or rumors; physical aggression or assault; display of graffiti or printed material promoting racial, ethnic, or other negative stereotypes; or DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 1 of 7 UPDATE 83 FFH (LOCAL)-A Pasadena ISD 101917 STUDENT WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM HARRASSMENT FFH (LOCAL) other kinds of aggressive conduct such as theft or damage to property. SEXUAL HARASSMENT BY AN EMPLOYEE Sexual harassment of a student by a District employee includes both welcome and unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; sexually motivated physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct; or other conduct or communication of a sexual nature when: 1. A District employee causes the student to believe that the student must submit to the conduct in order to participate in a school program or activity, or that the employee will make an educational decision based on whether or not the student submits to the conduct; or 2. The conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it: a. Affects the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or otherwise adversely affects the student’s educational opportunities; or b. Creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or abusive educational environment. Romantic or inappropriate social relationships between students and District employees are prohibited. Any sexual relationship between a student and a District employee is always prohibited, even if consensual. BY OTHERS Sexual harassment of a student, including harassment committed by another student, includes unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; or sexually motivated physical, verbal or nonverbal conduct when the conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it: 1. Affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment; 2. Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with the student’s academic performance; or 3. Otherwise adversely affects the student’s educational opportunities. DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 2 of 7 UPDATE 83 FFH (LOCAL)-A Pasadena ISD 101917 STUDENT WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM HARRASSMENT EXAMPLES FFH (LOCAL) Examples of sexual harassment of a student may include sexual advances; touching intimate body parts or coercing physical contact that is sexual in nature; jokes or conversations of a sexual nature; and other sexually motivated conduct, communications, or contact. Necessary or permissible physical contact such as assisting a child by taking the child’s hand, comforting a child with a hug, or other physical contact not reasonably construed as sexual in nature is not sexual harassment. DATING VIOLENCE Dating violence occurs when one partner in a dating relationship, either past or current, intentionally uses physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse to harm, threaten, intimidate, or control the other partner. Examples of dating violence against a student may include physical or sexual assaults, name-calling, put-downs, threats to hurt the student or the student’s family members or members of the student’s household, destroying property belonging to the student, threats to commit suicide or homicide if the student ends the relationship, attempts to isolate the student from friends and family, stalking, or encouraging others to engage in these behaviors. For purposes of this policy, dating violence is considered prohibited harassment if the conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that the conduct: 1. Affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment. 2. Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with the student’s academic performance; or 3. Otherwise adversely affects the student’s educational opportunities. OTHER PROHIBITED HARASSMENT Prohibited harassment of a student is defined as physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct based on the student’s race, color, gender, national origin, disability, or religion that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that the conduct:: DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 UPDATE 83 FFH (LOCAL)-A ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 3 of 7 Pasadena ISD 101917 STUDENT WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM HARRASSMENT FFH (LOCAL) 1. Affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity, or creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment; 2. Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with the student’s academic performance; or 3. Otherwise adversely affects the student’s educational opportunities. EXAMPLES Examples of prohibited harassment may include, but are not limited to, offensive or derogatory language directed at another person’s religious beliefs or practices, accent, skin color, or need for accommodation; threatening or intimidating conduct; offensive jokes, name calling, slurs, or rumors; physical aggression or assault; display of graffiti or printed material promoting racial, ethnic, or other negative stereotypes; or other kinds of aggressive conduct such as theft or damage to property. RETALIATION The District prohibits retaliation against a student alleged to have experienced discrimination or harassment, including dating violence, or another student who, in good faith, makes a report, serves as a witness, or otherwise participates in an investigation. A student who intentionally makes a false claim, offers false statements, or refuses to cooperate with a District investigation regarding discrimination or harassment, including dating violence, is subject to appropriate discipline. EXAMPLES Examples of retaliation include threats, unjustified punishments, or unwarranted grade reductions. Unlawful retaliation does not include petty slights or annoyances, such as negative comments that are justified by a student’s performance in the classroom. PROHIBITED CONDUCT In this policy, the term “prohibited conduct” includes discrimination, harassment, dating violence, and retaliation as defined by this policy, even if the behavior does not rise to the level of unlawful conduct. REPORTING PROCEDURES Any student who believes that he or she has experienced prohibited conduct or believe that another student has experienced prohibited conduct should immediately report the alleged acts to a teacher, counselor, principal, or other District employee. DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 UPDATE 83 FFH (LOCAL)-A ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 4 of 7 Pasadena ISD 101917 STUDENT WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM HARRASSMENT FFH (LOCAL) Alternatively, a student may report prohibited conduct directly to one of the District officials below: DEFINITION OF DISTRICT OFFICIALS TITLE IX COORDINATOR For the purpose of this policy, District officials are the Title IX coordinator, the Section 504 coordinator, and the Superintendent. Reports of discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment, may be directed to the Title IX coordinator. The District designates the following person to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended: Name: Candace Ahlfinger Position: Associate Superintendent for Communications and Community Relations Address: 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502 Telephone: (713) 740-0247 SECTION 504 COORDINATOR Reports of discrimination based on disability may be directed to the ADA/Section 504 coordinator. The District designates the following person to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which incorporates and expands upon the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Name: Jeanne Nelson Position: Instructional Specialist for Dyslexia, Intervention,& 504 Address: 1515 Cherrybrook, Pasadena, Texas 77502 Telephone: (713) 740-0067 SUPERINTENDENT ALTERNATIVE REPORTING PROCEDURES The Superintendent shall serve as coordinator for purposes of District compliance with all other antidiscrimination laws. A student shall not be required to report prohibited conduct to the person alleged to have committed it. Reports concerning prohibited conduct, including reports against the Title IX coordinator or Section 504 coordinator, may be directed to the Superintendent. DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 UPDATE 83 FFH (LOCAL)-A ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 5 of 7 Pasadena ISD 101917 STUDENT WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM HARRASSMENT FFH (LOCAL) A report against the Superintendent may be made directly to the Board. If a report is made directly to the Board, the Board shall appoint an appropriate person to conduct an investigation. TIMELY REPORTING NOTICE OF REPORT Reports of prohibited conduct shall be made as soon as possible after the alleged act or knowledge of the alleged act. A failure to promptly report alleged harassment may impair the District’s ability to investigate and address the prohibited conduct. Any District employee who receives notice that a student has or may have experienced prohibited conduct shall immediately notify the appropriate District official listed above and take any other steps required by this policy. NOTICE TO PARENTS The District official or designee shall promptly notify the parents of any student alleged to have experienced prohibited conduct by a District employee or another adult. INVESTIGATION OF THE REPORT The District may request, but shall not insist upon, a written report. If a report is made orally, the District official shall reduce the report to written form. Upon receipt or notification of a report, the District official shall determine whether the allegations, if proven, would constitute prohibited conduct as defined by this policy. If so, the District official shall immediately authorize or undertake an investigation, regardless of whether a criminal or regulatory investigation regarding the same or similar allegations is pending. If appropriate, the District shall promptly take interim action calculated to prevent prohibited conduct during the course of an investigation. The investigation may be conducted by the District official or a designee, such as the campus principal, or by a third party designated by the District, such as an attorney. When appropriate, the campus principal shall be involved in or informed of the investigation. The investigation may consist of personal interviews with the person making the report, the person against whom the report is filed, and others with knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 6 of 7 UPDATE 83 FFH (LOCAL)-A Pasadena ISD 101917 STUDENT WELFARE: FREEDOM FROM HARRASSMENT FFH (LOCAL) allegations. The investigation may also include analysis of other information or documents related to the allegations. CONCLUDING THE INVESTIGATION Absent extenuating circumstances, the investigation should be completed within ten District business days from the date of the report; however, the investigator shall take additional time if necessary to complete a thorough investigation. The investigator shall prepare a written report of the investigation. The report shall be filed with the District official overseeing the investigation. DISTRICT ACTION If the results of an investigation indicate that prohibited conduct occurred, the District shall promptly respond by taking appropriate disciplinary or corrective action reasonably calculated to address the conduct. The District may take action based on the results of an investigation, even if the conduct did not rise to the level of prohibited or unlawful conduct. CONFIDENTIALITY To the greatest extent possible, the District shall respect the privacy of the complainant, persons against whom a report is filed, and witnesses. Limited disclosures may be necessary in order to conduct a thorough investigation and comply with applicable law. APPEAL A student who is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation may appeal through FNG (LOCAL), beginning at the appropriate level. A student shall be informed of his or her right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. RECORDS RETENTION Retention of records shall be in accordance with FB(LOCAL) and CPC (LOCAL). ACCESS TO POLICY Information regarding this policy shall be distributed annually to District employees and included in the student handbook. Copies of the policy shall be readily available at each campus and the District’s administrative offices. DATE ISSUED: 07/18/2008 UPDATE 83 FFH (LOCAL)-A ADOPTED: 09/23/2008 Page 7 of 7 SUBJECT: Budget Amendments BACKGROUND: Budget amendments must be made in accordance with the budgeting procedures set out in the Financial Accounting Resource Guide, which states, “public funds shall not be expended in any manner other than that provided for in the Official Budget, as approved and properly amended. The budget must be amended when a change is made increasing any one of the functional expenditure categories, or revenue object accounts as listed in the Official Budget. Each amendment shall be reflected in the official minutes of the Board of Trustees, and the approved amendments shall be recorded as part of the district’s accounting records. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: See attached amendments. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of the budget amendments. CONTACT PERSON: Don Lazenby John M. Piscacek May Budget Amendments May 31, 2009 Fund Amended: 199 Local Maintenance Function Object 12 13 36 6000 6000 6000 Instructional Resources & Media Curriculum Development Co-Curricular Activities (823) (2,811) (930) 11 23 51 6000 6000 6000 Instruction School Leadership Plant Maintenance & Operations 767 2,067 1,730 Justification: Contacts: Description Amount Transfer budget for various departments and schools where no budget amendment request exceeds $5,000. Troy McCarley DeeAnn Powell Steve Laymon Don Lazenby John M. Piscacek May Budget Amendments May 31, 2009 Fund Amended: Function 199 Local Maintenance Object Description 13 6000 Curriculum Development 11 6000 Instruction Justification: Contacts: Transfer budget at Memorial as needed. Billye Smith Troy McCarley Amount (8,000) 8,000 May Budget Amendments May 31, 2009 Fund Amended: Function 199 Local Maintenance Object Description Amount 00 5700 Local Revenue 2,500 36 6000 Co-Curricular Activities 2,500 Justification: Contacts: Amend for Robotics donations. Sarah Wrobleski Troy McCarley May Budget Amendments May 31, 2009 Fund Amended: Function Justification: Contacts: 199 Local Maintenance Object Description 81 6000 Facilities Construction 53 6000 Data Processing Amount (5,425) 5,425 Transfer funds from F&C Master Facility Upgrade account to Technology Department for Rayburn and Frazier Cabling Project. Julian Garcia May Budget Amendments May 31, 2009 Fund Amended: 199 Local Maintenance Function Object 31 6000 Guidance & Counseling 36 6000 Co-Curricular Activities Justification: Contacts: Description Amount (15,000) 15,000 Transfer funds from Advanced Academics to the Competition budget as needed. Pat Sermas May Budget Amendments May 31, 2009 Fund Amended: 199 Local Maintenance Function Object 00 5900 Federal Revenue 350,000 11 6000 Instruction 350,000 Justification: Contacts: Description Amount Amend SHARS estimated revenues and extended year budget. Deena Hill Gloria Gallegos May Budget Amendments May 31, 2009 Fund Amended: 199 Local Maintenance Function Object 36 6000 Co-Curricular Activities 51 6000 Plant Maintenance & Operations Justification: Contacts: Description Transfer Athletics budget for Miller scoreboard. Mike Stephens Barbara Fuqua Amount (8,000) 8,000 May Budget Amendments May 31, 2009 Fund Amended: 199 Local Maintenance Function Object 00 5700 Local Revenue 500,000 51 6000 Plant Maintenance & Operations 500,000 Justification: Contacts: Description Amount Transfer funds from the Insurance Recovery account to the F&C Beverly Hills Catastrophic account. Julian Garcia May Budget Amendments May 31, 2009 Fund Amended: 199 Local Maintenance Function Object 00 5700 Local Revenue 44,778 36 6000 Co-Curricular Activities 44,778 Justification: Contacts: Description Amount Amend for stadium playoff games revenue and expenses. Mike Stephens Barbara Fuqua May Budget Amendments May 31, 2009 Fund Amended: 199 Local Maintenance Function Object 11 6000 Instruction 23 33 51 52 6000 6000 6000 6000 School Leadership Health Services Plant Maintenance & Operations Security / Monitoring Justification: Contacts: Description Transfer extended year budget as needed. Karen Hickman Amount (91,044) 25,844 34,260 7,900 23,040 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Monthly Report of Budget Amendments As of May 31, 2009 Local Maintenance Fund April Adopted Sept-Mar Amended May May Amended REVENUES 5700 Local And Intermediate Sources 5800 State Sources 5900 Federal Sources 7900 Other Revenue Sources Budget 110,769,330 229,066,951 2,382,009 - Amendments 5,226,781 - Budget 115,996,111 229,066,951 2,382,009 - Amendments 551,303 350,000 - Budget 116,547,414 229,066,951 2,732,009 - TOTAL REVENUES 342,218,290 5,226,781 347,445,071 901,303 348,346,374 EXPENDITURES 11 Instruction 12 Instructional Resource & Media 13 Curriculum & Staff Development 21 Instructional Leadership 23 School Leadership 31 Guidance & Counseling 32 Social Work Services 33 Health Services 34 Pupil Transportation 35 Food Service 36 Co-Curricular Activities 41 General Administration 51 Maintenance & Operations 52 Security / Monitoring 53 Data Processing 61 Community Services 71 Debt Service 81 Facilities Construction 95 Juvenile Justice 99 Other Governmental Charges 8900 Other Uses 228,155,393 6,009,649 4,382,946 3,717,306 26,034,519 11,338,973 154,583 3,872,778 9,528,430 7,217 5,876,628 8,466,820 44,920,338 3,742,585 4,589,110 492,918 1,251,929 1,280,000 624,000 1,173,202 - 3,316,161 120,520 (194,844) 300 72,267 48,316 6,158 2,155,083 181,157 152,645 611,040 4,056 4,995,689 33 10,959,110 - 231,471,554 6,130,169 4,188,102 3,717,606 26,106,786 11,387,289 154,583 3,878,936 11,683,513 7,217 6,057,785 8,619,465 45,531,378 3,746,641 9,584,799 492,918 1,251,962 12,239,110 624,000 1,173,202 - 271,748 (823) (10,811) 27,911 (15,000) 34,260 53,348 517,630 23,040 5,425 (5,425) - 231,743,302 6,129,346 4,177,291 3,717,606 26,134,697 11,372,289 154,583 3,913,196 11,683,513 7,217 6,111,133 8,619,465 46,049,008 3,769,681 9,590,224 492,918 1,251,962 12,233,685 624,000 1,173,202 - 365,619,324 22,427,691 388,047,015 901,303 388,948,318 (23,401,034) (17,200,910) (40,601,944) - (40,601,944) FUNCTIONAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES 3000 Total Fund Balance - Beg 75,986,310 75,986,310 3410 Inventory Reserve (1,575,555) (1,575,555) 3430 Reserve for Prepaid Items (5,444,861) 3440 Reserve for Encumbrances (7,371,600) 7,371,600 - 3510 Designated (7,730,565) 7,630,964 (99,601) 3600 Undesignated Fund Balance - Beg Net Revenue Over (Under) Expenses 3600 Undesignated Fund Balance - End (5,444,861) 53,863,729 (23,401,034) 30,462,695 (2,198,346) 28,264,349 - 28,264,349 SUBJECT: Ratification of District Participation in Grant Programs BACKGROUND: Each year the district receives funds through several grants from various federal and state agencies. Although accounting requirements under GASB 34 indicate that budgets for these funds should not be included in the official budget, it is recommended that the Board ratify district participation in the respective programs. As with all district funds, required budgetary controls are maintained to ensure proper spending of these monies. Attached is a summary of grant programs with estimated funding amounts awarded to date. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: See attached schedule RECOMMENDATION: That the Board ratify district participation in grant programs. CONTACT PERSON: See attached schedule BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 Pasadena Independent School District 2008-2009 Federal Funds Description Dell Foundation Title Iv Safe & Drug Free Ed Title I, Part A Migratory Children Idea-B Special Education Idea-B Preschool Idea-B High Cost Risk Pool Voc Career & Technology Title Ii Training & Recruiting Title Ii Technology Title Ii - Star Title Iii Lep 21st Century Community Learning 21st Century Community Learning 21st Century Community Learning 21st Century Community Learning 21st Century Community Learning 21st Century Community Learning 21st Century Community Learning Gear Up Readiness & Emergency Mgmt Teaching American History Title Vi Pt A Summer School Lep Life Skills Grant-Student Parents Advanced Placement Incentives Investment Capital Rd 66 Investment Capital Rd 66 Investment Capital Rd 66 Investment Capital Rd 66 Investment Capital Rd 66 Investment Capital Rd 66 Investment Capital Rd 66 Optional Extended Year Program Accelerated Instruction Summer 9th Transition Summer 9th Transition T-Stem T-Stem Texas High Schools Texas High Schools Texas High Schools Redesign & Restructure Dropput Recovery Program Tech-Acad Pilot Intensive Summer Program Cyc-2 Collab Dropput Reduc-Cyc 2 Start Date N/A Jul-08 Jul-08 Jul-08 Jul-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-08 Jul-08 Jul-08 Sep-07 Jul-08 Sep-08 Sep-08 Sep-08 Jul-08 Sep-08 Sep-08 Sep-08 Jul-08 Sep-07 Jul-08 Sep-08 Sep-08 N/A Mar-08 Mar-08 Mar-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Mar-09 Sep-08 Sep-08 Aug-07 Aug-07 May-07 May-07 May-07 May-07 May-07 Mar-08 Aug-08 Mar-09 Apr-09 Apr-09 End Date N/A Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Aug-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Aug-09 Aug-09 Aug-09 Jun-09 Aug-09 Aug-09 Aug-09 Jul-09 Feb-09 Jun-09 Aug-09 Aug-09 N/A Aug-09 Aug-09 Aug-10 Aug-10 Aug-10 Aug-10 Aug-10 Aug-09 Aug-09 Dec-08 Dec-08 May-09 May-09 May-09 May-09 May-09 Feb-10 Aug-09 May-11 Oct-10 Feb-11 Budget $155,300.00 $201,942.00 $15,604,063.00 $393,606.00 $8,690,356.00 $227,593.00 $14,420.00 $630,229.00 $3,125,267.00 $224,752.00 $490,842.00 $2,128,463.00 $96,000.00 $95,995.00 $95,314.00 $130,000.00 $105,608.00 $105,548.00 $105,548.00 $1,148,000.00 $543,349.00 $298,377.00 $36,402.00 $102,049.00 $21,918.00 $44,680.00 $25,400.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $229,663.00 $1,557,576.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $81,818.00 $81,818.00 $81,818.00 $298,728.00 $147,529.00 $125,000.00 $225,000.00 $250,000.00 Contact Pat Sermas Gloria Gallegos Gloria Gallegos Gloria Gallegos Deena Hill Deena Hill Deena Hill Sarah Wrobleski Gloria Gallegos Gloria Gallegos Denise Gooden Gloria Gallegos Becky Vargas-134 Lana Stahl-047 Scott Harrell-105 Celia Layton-104 Rob Hasson-043 Robert Stock-002 Steve Fullen-003 Karen McCarley Candace Ahlfinger Helen Drab Gloria Gallegos Jean Cain Pat Sermas Celia Layton-104 Rosie Prusz-110 Troy Jones-044 Lana Stahl-047 Candy Bernsen-125 Rhonda Parmer-127 Lolene Smith-Clark-136 Joyce Eversole Joyce Eversole Billye Smith-013 Robert Stock-002 Chris Bolyard-001 Robert Stock-002 Robert Stock-002 Billye Smith-013 Robert Dewolf-014 Chris Bolyard-001 Jean Cain-007 Joda Mendoza Susan Metcalf Sarah Wrobleski-005 Tx High Schools That Work Tx High Schools That Work Tx High Schools That Work Texas Acc Science Achievement Master Teacher Reading Stipend Hb 1 - Mentors,Cycle 2 Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Texas Ed Excellence Award Hb 1 - Mentors Laura Bush Foundation-Library Laura Bush Foundation-Library Laura Bush Foundation-Library Laura Bush Foundation-Library Urban School Grant Urban School Grant Urban School Grant G/T Performance Standards Internet Crime Dist Awards Teach Excell "Date" Read To Succeed Laura Bush Foundation-Library Laura Bush Foundation-Library Texas Fitness Now Texas Clean School Bus Texas Step Program Laura Bush Foundation-Library Laura Bush Foundation-Library Laura Bush Foundation-Library Laura Bush Foundation-Library Laura Bush Foundation-Library Tellas Grant Toyota Tapestry Grant A+ For Energy Siemens Summer Grant Getting Energized Target Bp Grant-Power Hour Lowes Pisd Ed Foundation-15 Grants Awarded Jun-09 Feb-11 Jun-09 Feb-11 Jun-09 Feb-11 Aug-07 Feb-09 30 Days Of Rec't May-08 Feb-10 Jan-08 Dec-09 Jan-08 Dec-09 Jan-08 Dec-09 Jan-08 Dec-09 Jan-08 Dec-09 Jan-08 Dec-09 Jan-08 Dec-09 Oct-08 Feb-10 Oct-08 Feb-10 Oct-08 Feb-10 Oct-08 Feb-10 Oct-08 Feb-10 Oct-08 Feb-10 Oct-08 Feb-10 Aug-07 May-09 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sep-08 Aug-09 Sep-08 Aug-09 Sep-08 Aug-09 N/A N/A Dec-07 Dec-08 Sep-08 Feb-10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sep-08 Aug-09 Nov-08 Mar-09 Sep-08 Aug-09 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Jun-07 Dec-08 $37,954.00 $120,954.00 $37,954.00 $119,946.00 $9,700.00 $1,000,000.00 $130,000.00 $130,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $130,000.00 $80,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $120,000.00 $120,000.00 $80,000.00 $130,000.00 $80,000.00 $120,000.00 $692,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $387.61 $250,000.00 $3,273,685.00 $88.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $179,843.00 $52,222.50 $24,000.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 $110,668.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $28,324.00 $10,000.00 $1,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $60,545.00 Billye Smith-013 Stock-002&Stahl-047 Robert Dewolf-014 001, 002 & 003 Karen Gibson Diana Gomez Dianna Walker-045 Lana Stahl-047 Karen Holt-118 Sharon Ainswoth-119 Shirlyn Ross-130 Sherri Means-131 Kathy Connelly-133 Rosie Prusz-110 Kathy Mcelman-114 Marsha Jones-142 Karen Holt-118 Lana Stahl-047 Sheri Means-131 Shirlyn Ross-130 Diana Gomez Karen Holt-118 Viki Sparks-115 Frances Burley-112 Rosie Prusz-110 Tiffany Bennett-106 Lolene Smith-136 Frances Burley-112 Campus Principal Nassif/Grey Greg Jones Campus Principal Karen Holt-118 Rosie Prusz-110 Pam Tevis Troy Hill Mario Saldivar Paula Sword-042 Ruth Rabago-113 Viki Sparks-115 Marsha Jones-142 Sharon Ainswoth-119 Marsha Jones-142 Dobie-Graham Dobie-Obenauf Soho-Ed Beaudry Schneider-J Hernandez Lolene Smith-Clark-136 Marsha Jones-142 Frances Burley-112 Corky Privette Pisd Ed Foundation-21 Grants Awarded Pisd Ed Foundation-17 Grants Awarded Pisd Ed Foundation-17 Grants Awarded Pisd Ed Foundation-25 Grants Awarded Internet Crimes-Da Grant Houston Metro Internet Crimes H-Gac Clean Vehicle Program Measurable Outcomes Case Grant Case Grant Case Grant Case Grant Case Grant Case Grant Feb-08 Jun-08 Feb-09 Aug-09 Sep-08 Jun-09 Jul-08 Sep-07 Sep-08 Feb-09 Sep-08 Sep-08 Sep-08 Sep-08 Aug-09 Dec-09 Aug-10 Dec-10 Aug-09 May-10 Jun-09 Aug-08 Aug-09 Aug-09 Aug-09 Aug-09 Aug-09 Aug-09 Total: $78,156.00 $57,000.00 $73,911.00 $92,024.00 $50,000.00 $60,000.00 $80,000.00 $20,000.00 $74,214.00 $21,606.00 $74,000.00 $56,997.00 $51,000.00 $74,155.00 $46,794,805.11 Corky Privette Corky Privette Corky Privette Corky Privette Nassif/Grey Nassif/Grey Troy Hill Stan Honeycutt Rosie Prusz-110 Ruth Rabago-113 Viki Sparks-115 Karen Holt-118 Rhonda Parmer-127 Kathy Connelly-133 SUBJECT: Consider Approval of Student Accident / UIL Insurance for 2009-2010 School Year BACKGROUND: In response to parent concerns about the depth of benefits and coverage offered for athletes, the District requires continuing student accident coverage that comprises not only athletes and student managers, but all other UIL participants including cheerleaders, dance team, choir and band members, vocational trade’s students, and JROTC participants. Our insurance consultant, Joe Blasi, with Region IV Risk Management Services has solicited bids to obtain the best value for the District. The renewal proposal from The Brokerage Store for 2009-2010 eliminates the $500 deductible as we had last year and includes a number of benefit upgrades. It also includes the Online Sports Injury Management system that helps control claims and reduces other coverage issues. The proposal also includes a two year rate guarantee. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Accident Coverage Catastrophic $6,000,000 ($25K Deductible) Total 2008-2009 $242,250 Proposed 2009-2010 $210,000 9,247 $251,497 9,247 $219,247 RECOMMENDATION: We recommend approval of the Student / UIL Insurance coverage to The Brokerage Store for the 2009-2010 school year. CONTACT PERSON: John M. Piscacek Mike Stephens BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 SUBJECT: Discussion and Possible Action on Employee Salary Schedules for 2009-2010 BACKGROUND: Teachers: The GPI (General Pay Increase) is based on 2.0% of the midpoint for each pay grade. The proposed salary schedule for 2009-2010 includes a beginning bachelor’s degree salary of $43,692 and provides a salary increase of $1,019. Paraprofessionals: The GPI (General Pay Increase) is based on 2.0% of the midpoint for each pay grade. Administrative Support – Non Exempt: The GPI is based on 2.0% of the midpoint for each pay grade. Administrators: The GPI is based on 2.0% of the midpoint for each pay grade. Administrative Support – Exempt: The GPI is based on 2.0% of the midpoint for each pay grade. PISD Police: The GPI is based on 2.0% of the midpoint for each pay grade. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Teachers: Paraprofessionals: Administrative Support – Non Exempt Administrators: Administrative Support – Exempt: PISD Police: Total 3,847,744 475,719 445,919 679,242 31,531 33,722 $5,513,877 RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that the Board of Trustees approve the salary schedules for the 2009-2010 school year as presented, contingent upon federal approval of state’s application for use of ARRA Stabilization Funds and flow through of all federal stimulus money. CONTACT PERSON: John M. Piscacek BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Exp. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30+ 2008/2009 PISD Pay Scales Bachelors Master 43,073 43,473 43,873 44,273 44,673 45,565 45,965 46,365 46,765 47,181 47,601 48,021 48,521 49,021 49,541 50,061 50,581 51,111 51,651 52,201 52,761 53,331 53,911 54,501 55,101 55,711 56,331 56,995 57,632 58,248 58,852 44,073 44,473 44,873 45,273 45,673 46,565 46,965 47,365 47,765 48,181 48,601 49,021 49,521 50,021 50,541 51,061 51,581 52,111 52,651 53,201 53,761 54,331 54,911 55,501 56,101 56,711 57,331 57,995 58,632 59,248 59,852 Totals Current # Positions Bachelors Master 298 303 277 251 215 152 145 129 103 108 90 68 80 65 53 43 39 49 52 43 36 39 23 23 39 21 30 25 31 31 131 2,992 Total Teachers Draft Schedule - For Discussion Only 38 35 33 29 44 33 34 48 24 19 21 29 19 18 23 14 18 19 17 15 13 9 7 22 11 13 8 14 16 18 123 784 3,776 2009/10 State Min 27,320 27,910 28,490 29,080 30,320 31,560 32,800 33,950 35,040 36,070 37,040 37,960 38,840 39,650 40,430 41,160 41,860 42,510 43,130 43,720 44,270 44,270 44,270 44,270 44,270 44,270 44,270 44,270 44,270 44,270 44,270 2009/10 Pay-Scale Bachelors Master Bachelors Base Increase of 43,692 44,692 44,092 45,092 1,019 44,492 45,492 1,019 44,892 45,892 1,019 45,292 46,292 1,019 45,692 46,692 1,019 46,584 47,584 1,019 46,984 47,984 1,019 47,384 48,384 1,019 47,784 48,784 1,019 48,200 49,200 1,019 48,620 49,620 1,019 49,040 50,040 1,019 49,540 50,540 1,019 50,040 51,040 1,019 50,560 51,560 1,019 51,080 52,080 1,019 51,600 52,600 1,019 52,130 53,130 1,019 52,670 53,670 1,019 53,220 54,220 1,019 53,780 54,780 1,019 54,350 55,350 1,019 54,930 55,930 1,019 55,520 56,520 1,019 56,120 57,120 1,019 56,730 57,730 1,019 57,350 58,350 1,019 58,014 59,014 1,019 58,651 59,651 1,019 59,267 60,267 1,019 New PISD Over State Min Raise 2.000% 2.37% 2.34% 2.32% 2.30% 2.28% 2.24% 2.22% 2.20% 2.18% 2.16% 2.14% 2.12% 2.10% 2.08% 2.06% 2.04% 2.01% 1.99% 1.97% 1.95% 1.93% 1.91% 1.89% 1.87% 1.85% 1.83% 1.81% 1.79% 1.77% 1.75% Master $1,019 Increment 16,372 16,182 16,002 15,812 14,972 14,132 13,784 13,034 12,344 11,714 11,160 10,660 10,200 9,890 9,610 9,400 9,220 9,090 9,000 8,950 8,950 9,510 10,080 10,660 11,250 11,850 12,460 13,080 13,744 14,381 14,997 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 1,019 FY09/10 Total Teacher Pay Total Increase over 2008/2009 2010 Teacher 2.0% 185,282,358 $ 3,847,744 6/10/2009 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $892 $400 $400 $400 $416 $420 $420 $500 $500 $520 $520 $520 $530 $540 $550 $560 $570 $580 $590 $600 $610 $620 $664 $637 $616 $604 Pasadena Independent School District TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE For School Year 2009/2010 Pay Grade PISD Exp. 9/1/2009 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 PISD Step 9/1/2009 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RANGE: MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM T07 BACHELOR DEGREE 187 DAY ANNUAL DAILY RATE SALARY 233.6471 43,692 235.7861 44,092 237.9252 44,492 240.0642 44,892 242.2033 45,292 244.3423 45,692 249.1123 46,584 251.2514 46,984 253.3904 47,384 255.5295 47,784 257.7541 48,200 260.0000 48,620 262.2460 49,040 264.9198 49,540 267.5936 50,040 270.3744 50,560 273.1551 51,080 275.9359 51,600 278.7701 52,130 281.6578 52,670 284.5990 53,220 287.5936 53,780 290.6418 54,350 293.7434 54,930 296.8984 55,520 300.1070 56,120 303.3690 56,730 306.6845 57,350 310.2353 58,014 313.6418 58,651 316.9359 59,267 T08 MASTER DEGREE 187 DAY DAILY ANNUAL RATE SALARY 238.9947 44,692 241.1337 45,092 243.2728 45,492 245.4118 45,892 247.5509 46,292 249.6899 46,692 254.4599 47,584 256.5990 47,984 258.7380 48,384 260.8771 48,784 263.1017 49,200 265.3476 49,620 267.5936 50,040 270.2674 50,540 272.9412 51,040 275.7220 51,560 278.5027 52,080 281.2835 52,600 284.1177 53,130 287.0054 53,670 289.9466 54,220 292.9412 54,780 295.9894 55,350 299.0910 55,930 302.2460 56,520 305.4546 57,120 308.7166 57,730 312.0321 58,350 315.5829 59,014 318.9894 59,651 322.2835 60,267 233.6471 275.2941 316.9359 238.9947 280.6417 322.2835 43,692 51,480 59,267 44,692 52,480 60,267 THIS SALARY SCHEDULE IS FOR THE 2009/2010 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY Considered by PISD School Board: June 23, 2009 Paraprofessional Salary Schedule for School Year 2009/2010 C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 Min. ###### $87.0230 $93.2083 $102.8966 $122.0316 $135.7928 Mid-Pt ###### $102.3597 $109.1972 $125.7114 $146.8944 $163.2398 Max. ###### $117.6964 $125.1861 $148.5261 $171.7572 $190.6867 $1.2659 Exp. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 $1.2269 $1.2791 $1.8252 $1.9890 $2.1958 Daily Rates: $87.0230 $88.2500 $89.4770 $90.7040 $91.9310 $93.1580 $94.3850 $95.6120 $96.8390 $98.0660 $99.2930 $100.5200 $101.7469 $102.9738 $104.2007 $105.4276 $106.6544 $107.8813 $109.1082 $110.3351 $111.5620 $112.7888 $114.0157 $115.2426 $116.4695 $117.6964 $93.2083 $94.4873 $95.7663 $97.0453 $98.3243 $99.6033 $100.8823 $102.1613 $103.4403 $104.7193 $105.9983 $107.2773 $108.5565 $109.8357 $111.1149 $112.3941 $113.6733 $114.9525 $116.2317 $117.5109 $118.7901 $120.0693 $121.3485 $122.6277 $123.9069 $125.1861 $102.8966 $104.7216 $106.5466 $108.3716 $110.1966 $112.0216 $113.8466 $115.6716 $117.4966 $119.3216 $121.1466 $122.9716 $124.7969 $126.6222 $128.4475 $130.2729 $132.0982 $133.9235 $135.7488 $137.5741 $139.3995 $141.2248 $143.0501 $144.8754 $146.7007 $148.5261 $122.0316 $124.0206 $126.0096 $127.9986 $129.9876 $131.9766 $133.9656 $135.9546 $137.9436 $139.9326 $141.9216 $143.9106 $145.8997 $147.8887 $149.8777 $151.8668 $153.8558 $155.8449 $157.8339 $159.8229 $161.8120 $163.8010 $165.7901 $167.7791 $169.7681 $171.7572 $135.7928 $137.9888 $140.1848 $142.3808 $144.5768 $146.7728 $148.9688 $151.1648 $153.3608 $155.5568 $157.7528 $159.9488 $162.1444 $164.3400 $166.5355 $168.7311 $170.9266 $173.1222 $175.3178 $177.5133 $179.7089 $181.9044 $184.1000 $186.2956 $188.4911 $190.6867 OFFICE MANAGER SALARY SCHEDULE GRADE Minimum S01 Daily Rate 151.4946 12-month Salary $ 36,359 Midpoint 187.3332 $ 44,960 Maximum 223.1718 $ 53,561 172.8191 $ 41,477 204.4616 $ 49,071 ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### Superintendent's Office Manager/Board Secretary S02 Daily Rate 12-month Salary 141.1766 $ 33,882 Superintendent's Executive Assistant Considered by PISD School Board: June 23, 2009 THIS SALARY SCHEDULE IS GOOD FOR THE 2009/2010 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT - NON-EXEMPT For Fiscal Year 2009/2010 $ Min Mid Max Exp Step 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 1.723 $ 1.894 $ 2.091 $ 2.229 $ 2.441 $ 2.710 $ 3.013 $ 3.458 N01 N02 N03 N04 N05 N06 N07 N08 67.8319 75.7284 82.3434 88.9270 96.2492 107.1782 119.9325 137.1280 85.7161 95.1973 104.8841 111.8204 122.0849 135.9277 151.1847 173.4655 103.6003 114.6661 127.4248 134.7138 147.9205 164.6771 182.4368 209.8029 NE01 NE02 NE03 NE04 NE05 NE06 NE07 NE08 67.8319 75.7284 82.3434 88.9270 96.2492 107.1782 119.9325 137.1280 69.1321 77.1287 84.0684 90.7671 98.3795 109.4781 122.4330 140.0354 70.4323 78.5290 85.7934 92.6072 100.5098 111.7780 124.9335 142.9428 71.7325 79.9293 87.5184 94.4473 102.6401 114.0779 127.4340 145.8502 73.0327 81.3296 89.2434 96.2874 104.7704 116.3778 129.9345 148.7576 74.3330 82.7299 90.9685 98.1276 106.9006 118.6777 132.4349 151.6650 75.6332 84.1301 92.6936 99.9677 109.0309 120.9776 134.9353 154.5724 76.9335 85.5304 94.4186 101.8078 111.1612 123.2774 137.4357 157.4798 78.2337 86.9307 96.1437 103.6480 113.2915 125.5773 139.9361 160.3872 79.5409 88.3310 97.8690 105.4884 115.4211 127.8771 142.4365 163.2941 80.9368 89.8636 99.5935 107.3388 117.5511 130.1773 144.9365 166.2009 82.5407 91.6219 101.3584 109.1779 119.6809 132.4772 147.4365 169.1077 84.1390 93.3851 103.0538 110.8781 121.8109 134.7775 149.9365 172.0145 85.7407 95.1460 104.8561 112.6176 123.9809 137.0771 152.4365 174.9213 87.3414 97.2914 107.4125 114.4569 126.2209 139.3767 154.9365 177.8281 88.9391 99.0511 109.0153 116.2971 128.4609 141.6767 157.4368 180.7349 90.5397 100.8134 110.6168 118.1376 130.7009 143.9766 159.9368 183.6417 92.1403 102.5765 112.2505 119.9773 132.9409 146.2769 162.4368 186.5485 93.7367 104.3359 114.8160 121.8176 135.1809 148.5768 164.9368 189.4553 95.3597 106.2653 117.3266 123.6752 137.4209 150.8766 167.4368 192.3621 96.5597 107.6653 118.7293 125.5151 138.9209 153.1766 169.9368 195.2689 97.7573 109.0653 120.2906 127.3534 140.4209 155.4769 172.4368 198.1757 98.9573 110.4653 121.9975 129.1902 141.9209 157.7769 174.9368 201.0825 100.5868 111.8657 123.7537 131.0328 143.4691 160.0770 177.4368 203.9893 101.9868 113.2661 125.3657 132.8761 145.2329 162.3770 179.9368 206.8961 103.6003 114.6661 127.4248 134.7138 147.9205 164.6771 182.4368 209.8029 Considered by PISD School Board: June 23, 2009 $ 3.796 N09 150.2938 190.3782 230.4625 NE09 150.2938 153.5004 156.7070 159.9136 163.1202 166.3268 169.5335 172.7401 175.9467 179.1537 182.3605 185.5673 188.7741 191.9809 195.1877 198.3945 201.6013 204.8081 208.0149 211.2217 214.4285 217.6353 220.8421 224.0489 227.2557 230.4625 $ 4.147 N10 164.1384 207.9738 251.8092 NE10 164.1384 167.6453 171.1522 174.6591 178.1660 181.6729 185.1797 188.6866 192.1935 195.7004 199.2072 202.7140 206.2208 209.7276 213.2344 216.7412 220.2480 223.7548 227.2616 230.7684 234.2752 237.7820 241.2888 244.7956 248.3024 251.8092 $ 4.497 N11 177.9701 225.5564 273.1427 NE11 177.9701 181.7772 185.5843 189.3914 193.1985 197.0056 200.8127 204.6199 208.4270 212.2339 216.0407 219.8475 223.6543 227.4611 231.2679 235.0747 238.8815 242.6883 246.4951 250.3019 254.1087 257.9155 261.7223 265.5291 269.3359 273.1427 $ 4.848 N12 191.8189 243.1561 294.4933 NE12 191.8189 195.9262 200.0335 204.1408 208.2481 212.3555 216.4628 220.5702 224.6775 228.7845 232.8913 236.9981 241.1049 245.2117 249.3185 253.4253 257.5321 261.6389 265.7457 269.8525 273.9593 278.0661 282.1729 286.2797 290.3865 294.4933 PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY SCHEDULE 2009-2010 PAY GRADE A00 A01 Daily Rate 190 Days 195 Days 205 Days 225 Days 240 Days MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM $281.3142 $53,450 $54,856 $57,669 $63,296 $67,515 $354.5288 $67,360 $69,133 $72,678 $79,769 $85,087 $427.7433 $81,271 $83,410 $87,687 $96,242 $102,658 Counselor (all levels) Counselor, Special Education Counselor/Parent Coordinator Lead Counselor Daily Rate 190 Days 195 Days 205 Days 225 Days 240 Days $354.5288 $67,360 $69,133 $72,678 $79,769 $85,087 $281.3142 $53,450 $54,856 $57,669 $63,296 $67,515 Campus Coordinator, Gear Up Program CATE Program Coordinator Educational Diagnostician H.S. Campus Athletic Coordinator Homebound Coordinator LSSP $427.7433 $81,271 $83,410 $87,687 $96,242 $102,658 Manager, Media Processing Network Systems Manager Social Worker, Summit Social Worker, Tegeler Special Population Coordinator Considered by PISD School Board: June 23, 2009 THIS SALARY SCHEDULE IS GOOD FOR THE 2009/2010 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY SCHEDULE 2009-2010 PAY GRADE A02 A03 Daily Rate 200 Days 215 Days 225 Days 240 Days MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM $301.5140 $60,303 $64,826 $67,841 $72,363 $377.2246 $75,445 $81,103 $84,876 $90,534 $452.9351 $90,587 $97,381 $101,910 $108,704 Assistant Director, Athletics Assistant Director, Food Services Assistant Director, Operations Assistant Principal, Elementary School Assistant Principal, Guidance Center Assistant Principal, Intermediate School Assistant Principal, Middle School Assistant Principal, Summit Assistant Principal, Tegeler Asst. Director - Transportation Asst. Director, Athletics - Stadium Complex Coordinator, Gear Up Project Coordinator, Library Services Manager, SMS User Support Tech Serv. Specialist, Advanced Academics Specialist, Assistive Technology Specialist, ATCP/Staff Development Specialist, Behavior Response Specialist, Bil/ESL K-12 Science Specialist, Bil/ESL Math Specialist, CATE Specialist, Data Disaggregation Specialist, Dyslexia/504 Specialist, Elementary Specialist, ESL/Bilingual/Migrant Specialist, Foreign Lang./Social Studies Specialist, Math Specialist, Reading & Language Arts Specialist, Science Specialist, Sp Ed K-12 Science Specialist, Special Education Technical Assistance Coordinator, Grants Daily Rate 210 Days 220 Days 240 Days $399.9070 $83,980 $87,980 $95,978 $321.6870 $67,554 $70,771 $77,205 Assistant Principal, High School Assistant Principal, High School, Business Coordinator of Mentoring Coordinator, Behavior Response Team Coordinator, BIL/ESL/Recruiting Migrant Coordinator, Business Applications - DOT Coordinator, Human Resources Coordinator, Library Services & Media $478.1269 $100,407 $105,188 $114,750 Coordinator, Network Services Coordinator, Sp Ed Evaluation Services Coordinator, Student Services - Attend. Coordinator, Student Services - DOT Coordinator, Testing Coordindator, Sp. Ed. Psychologist, Summit Senior Project Manager Considered by PISD School Board: June 23, 2009 THIS SALARY SCHEDULE IS GOOD FOR THE 2009/2010 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY SCHEDULE 2009-2010 PAY GRADE A04 Daily Rate 220 Days 240 Days MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM $341.8601 $75,209 $82,046 $422.5895 $92,970 $101,421 $503.3188 $110,730 $120,797 Director, Accounting Director, Alternative Teacher Certification Director, Athletics Director, Budgets Director, Career & Technology Director, Facilities/Construction Director, Fine Arts Director, Maintenance A05 A06 A07 Daily Rate 220 Days 240 Days $362.0461 $79,650 $86,891 Director, Operations Director, Purchasing Director, Schools/Community Relatio Executive Director, Instructional Tec Principal, Challenger School Principal, Guidance Center Principal, Tegeler Career Center Tax Assessor/Collector $445.2784 $97,961 $106,867 $528.5107 $116,272 $126,843 Director - Grant Writer/Foundation Liaison Director of Evaluation and Research Director, Assessment/Advanced Academics Director, Food Services Director, Student Services Director, Transportation Executive Director, Technology & Media Center Executive Director, Technology Services Principal, Elementary School Principal, Middle School Daily Rate 220 Days 240 Days $467.9588 $102,951 $112,310 $382.2151 $84,087 $91,732 $553.7025 $121,815 $132,889 Dean of Instruction Director, Grant Writing Executive Director, Curriculum & Staff Dev. Executive Director, Grant Writing Executive Director, Special Programs Executive Director, Special Projects Principal, Intermediate School Principal, Summit Daily Rate 240 Days $490.6494 $117,756 $402.4043 $96,577 $578.8944 $138,935 Principal, High School Considered by PISD School Board: June 23, 2009 THIS SALARY SCHEDULE IS GOOD FOR THE 2009/2010 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY PASADENA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE SALARY SCHEDULE 2009-2010 PAY GRADE A08 Daily Rate 240 Days MINIMUM MIDPOINT MAXIMUM $422.8165 $101,476 $514.2735 $123,426 $605.7305 $145,375 $579.7891 $139,149 $670.7131 $160,971 Associate Superintendent A09 Daily Rate 240 Days $488.8651 $117,328 Deputy Superintendent Administrator salaries are based on the daily rate times the days to be worked in that position. Considered by PISD School Board: June 23, 2009 THIS SALARY SCHEDULE IS GOOD FOR THE 2009/2010 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY Exempt Salary Schedule FY 2009/2010 Exp 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2.00% Grade Min Mid Max E01 144.4351 172.9326 201.4300 E02 158.8214 190.1686 221.5158 E03 174.3764 208.8539 243.3314 E04 190.8633 228.7897 266.7161 E05 209.7135 251.4358 293.1581 E06 230.4703 276.3605 322.2506 Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2.2800 144.4351 146.7151 148.9951 151.2751 153.5551 155.8351 158.1151 160.3951 162.6751 164.9551 167.2351 169.5151 171.7948 174.0744 176.3540 178.6337 180.9133 183.1929 185.4726 187.7522 190.0318 192.3115 194.5911 196.8708 199.1504 201.4300 2.5080 158.8214 161.3294 163.8374 166.3454 168.8534 171.3614 173.8694 176.3774 178.8854 181.3934 183.9014 186.4094 188.9170 191.4246 193.9322 196.4398 198.9474 201.4550 203.9626 206.4702 208.9778 211.4854 213.9930 216.5006 219.0082 221.5158 2.7580 174.3764 177.1344 179.8924 182.6504 185.4084 188.1664 190.9244 193.6824 196.4404 199.1984 201.9564 204.7144 207.4727 210.2311 212.9895 215.7478 218.5062 221.2645 224.0229 226.7813 229.5396 232.2980 235.0563 237.8147 240.5731 243.3314 3.0340 190.8633 193.8973 196.9313 199.9653 202.9993 206.0333 209.0673 212.1013 215.1353 218.1693 221.2033 224.2373 227.2715 230.3057 233.3399 236.3741 239.4083 242.4425 245.4767 248.5109 251.5451 254.5793 257.6135 260.6477 263.6819 266.7161 3.3380 209.7135 213.0515 216.3895 219.7275 223.0655 226.4035 229.7415 233.0795 236.4175 239.7555 243.0935 246.4315 249.7691 253.1067 256.4444 259.7820 263.1196 266.4572 269.7948 273.1324 276.4700 279.8077 283.1453 286.4829 289.8205 293.1581 3.6710 230.4703 234.1413 237.8123 241.4833 245.1543 248.8253 252.4963 256.1673 259.8383 263.5093 267.1803 270.8513 274.5227 278.1941 281.8654 285.5368 289.2082 292.8796 296.5510 300.2223 303.8937 307.5651 311.2365 314.9078 318.5792 322.2506 Considered by PISD School Board: June 23, 2009 THIS SALARY SCHEDULE IS GOOD FOR THE 2009/2010 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY Police Salary Schedule for School Year 2009/2010 P03 Exp. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 P04 P05 P06 P07 Min. 174.5218 237.3003 261.3318 323.5762 335.3727 Mid-Pt 203.7718 288.3199 313.5982 365.6411 377.2943 Max. 233.0218 339.3394 365.8645 407.7060 419.2159 Increment NON-INDEXED STEPS: Step Daily Rates: 43% 40% 26% 25% 1 174.5218 237.3003 261.3318 323.5762 335.3727 2 176.8618 241.3819 265.5131 326.9414 338.7264 179.2018 245.4634 269.6944 330.3066 342.0802 3 181.5418 249.5450 273.8757 333.6718 345.4339 4 5 183.8818 253.6266 278.0570 337.0370 348.7876 186.2218 257.7081 282.2383 340.4022 352.1413 6 NOTE: The number of years of Time in 7 188.5618 261.7897 286.4197 343.7674 355.4951 Service and the years of Time in Position 190.9018 265.8713 290.6010 347.1325 8 are added together and added to the358.8488 minimum indicated above to determine the 193.2418 269.9528 294.7823 350.4977 362.2025 9 individual's daity rate.ConCC 195.5818 274.0344 298.9636 353.8629 365.5562 10 197.9218 278.1160 303.1449 357.2281 368.9100 11 200.2618 282.1975 307.3262 360.5933 372.2637 12 13 202.6018 286.2791 311.5075 363.9585 375.6174 14 204.9418 290.3606 315.6888 367.3237 378.9712 15 207.2818 294.4422 319.8701 370.6889 382.3249 16 209.6218 298.5238 324.0514 374.0541 385.6786 17 211.9618 302.6053 328.2327 377.4193 389.0323 18 214.3018 306.6869 332.4140 380.7845 392.3861 19 216.6418 310.7685 336.5954 384.1497 395.7398 20 218.9818 314.8500 340.7767 387.5149 399.0935 21 221.3218 318.9316 344.9580 390.8800 402.4472 22 223.6618 323.0132 349.1393 394.2452 405.8010 23 226.0018 327.0947 353.3206 397.6104 409.1547 24 228.3418 331.1763 357.5019 400.9756 412.5084 25 230.6818 335.2579 361.6832 404.3408 415.8621 26 233.0218 339.3394 365.8645 407.7060 419.2159 P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 Police Officer Sergeant Lieutenant Assistant Chief Chief of Police Considered by PISD School Board: June 23, 2009 THIS SCHEDULE IS GOOD FOR THE 2009/2010 SCHOOL YEAR ONLY SUBJECT: Approval of Design Services for the Beverly Hills Intermediate School Multi-Purpose Building. BACKGROUND: On April 18, 2009 a building on the Beverly Hills Intermediate School campus sustained a roof collapse. The Insurance coverage has declared the building a total loss and replacement of the building is warranted. The new building of approximately 10,000 square feet will house a weight room and dance studio, which were previously served in the building, as well as new locker rooms and restrooms for the pool building adjacent to the damaged building. The pool is currently using portable buildings for boys and girls locker rooms. SBWV Architects is recommended to provide design services for the project with a current construction budget of $1,500,000. Additional budget requirements will be presented to the Board for approval as soon as the total project costs are determined. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Funding will be provided by Insurance proceeds as follows: Construction Budget: A/E Fees at 7.5%: Total Budget To Date: $1,500,000 $ 112,500 $1,612,500 RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that the Board of Trustees approve the Design Services Agreement to SBWV Architects for the replacement of the Beverly Hills Intermediate School Multi-Purpose Building in the amount of $112,500. CONTACT PERSONS: Julian Garcia Steve Rice BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 SUBJECT: Approval of additional A/E and Technology Design Services for BP24, De Zavala Middle School project. BACKGROUND: The Pasadena Independent School District awarded the A/E design contract to Randall-Porterfield Architects on May 27, 2008 and the Technology design contract to EduCOM on January 20, 2009 for the BP24 De Zavala Middle School project. These proposed additional services contracts supplement the previous contracts due to scope changes in the total amount of $15,483. Randall-Porterfield Architects: Current A/E Design Fees: Additional A/E Design Fees: Revised A/E Design Fees: $246,673 $ 11,210 $256,883 EduCOM: Current Technology Design Fees: Additional Technology Design Fees: Revised Technology Design Fees: $ 9,476 $ 4,273 $13,749 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Funding is provided under the 2004 Bond Program by the BP24 De Zavala Middle School design budget. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that the Board of Trustees approve additional A/E Design Services for Randall-Porterfield Architects and additional Technology Design Services for EduCOM on the BP24 De Zavala Middle School project in the total amount of $15,483. CONTACT PERSONS: Julian Garcia George Lloyd BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 SUBJECT: Approval of an Engineering Services Agreement for BP05A, Lomax Middle School project. BACKGROUND: The following is the information concerning the Engineering Services Agreement: BP05A Lomax Middle School: Harris County Storm Water Quality Permit: Total for Sparks-Barlow-Barnett: $3,130 $3,130 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Funding is provided under the 2004 Bond Program for the BP05A project. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that the Board of Trustees approve the Engineering Services Agreement to Sparks-BarlowBarnett for the BP05A project in the amount of $3,130. CONTACT PERSONS: Julian Garcia George Lloyd BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 SUBJECT: Approval of the transfer of the 2004 Bond Program project funds to the Bond Contingency Pool. BACKGROUND: Several of the 2004 Bond Program projects have been substantially completed and are in the process of financial close out. The projects listed below have unused contingency balances that could be utilized for the remaining bond projects that require additional funding or other projects as determined by the Board. The following are the new contributions recommended to be transferred to the Bond Contingency Pool: BP03A – Dobie High School: Facility Assessment Projects: $37,819 $52,593 (BP13 & 18) Total New Contributions: $90,412 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Current Pool Balance: New Contributions: Adjusted Pool Balance: $2,232,041 $ 90,412 $2,322,453 RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that the Board of Trustees approve the transfer of Bond project funds to the Bond Contingency Pool in the amount of $90,412. CONTACT PERSONS: Julian Garcia George Lloyd BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 SUBJECT: Approval of Change Order No. 06 for BP04, San Jacinto Intermediate School project. BACKGROUND: The following is a summary of the required changes: Change Order No. 06 – BP04 San Jacinto IS: Deduct unused OCC Allowance: Total Change Order No. 06 – Cadence McShane: ($891) ($891) FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Funding is provided under the 2004 Bond Program for the BP04 project. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that the Board of Trustees approve the Change Order No. 06 for the BP04 project in the credit amount of ($891). CONTACT PERSONS: Julian Garcia George Lloyd BOARD MEETING DATE: June 23, 2009 Pasadena ISD 2004 School Bond Program Monthly Report Dobie HS Shadow Program Final Days The students take their final field trip to South Belt ES Construction Site on May 13, 2009. During the final class students had refreshments and filled out class surveys on May 20, 2009. 2008-2009 Engineering Students and Instructors June 10, 2009 PISD 2004 Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Table of Contents Understanding the Monthly Report .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Program Summary................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Program Cost Status ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 PROJECTS Bid Package 01 – Schneider Middle School ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Bid Package 02 – Bush Elementary School....................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Bid Package 03 – Pasadena Memorial High School Additions and Renovations ......................................................................................................... 17 Bid Package 03A – Dobie High School Additions and Renovations............................................................................................................................... 18 Bid Package 04 – San Jacinto Replacement Intermediate School.................................................................................................................................. 19 Bid Package 04A – Southmore Replacement Intermediate School ................................................................................................................................ 20 Bid Package 05 – Milstead Middle School ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Bid Package 05A – Lomax Middle School ......................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Bid Package 06 – South Belt Elementary School ........................................................................................................................................................... 23 Bid Package 07 – Dr. Dixie Melillo Middle School……...................................................................................................................................................... 25 Bid Package 08 – Kruse Replacement Elementary School.............................................................................................................................................. 26 Bid Package 09 – Pearl Hall Replacement Elementary School........................................................................................................................................ 28 Bid Package 09A – Richey Replacement Elementary School.......................................................................................................................................... 29 Bid Package 10 – Bobby Shaw Middle School .................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Bid Package 11 – Guidance Center .................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Bid Package 12 – Pasadena HS and Sam Rayburn HS Auditoriums and Renovations ................................................................................................ 32 Bid Package 13 – Bondy IS, Bailey ES, South Houston ES, and Beverly IS Auditorium .............................................................................................. 33 Bid Package 14 – South Houston HS Auditorium and Renovation................................................................................................................................. 34 Bid Package 15 – Meador ES, L.F. Smith ES, Freeman ES, Fisher ES and Queens IS ................................................................................................. 35 Bid Package 16 – Williams ES, Red Bluff ES, Pomeroy ES, Mae Smythe ES, Jessup ES, Gardfield ES, th South Shaver ES, Park View IS, Morris 5 and Gardens ES.............................................................................................................. 36 Bid Package 17 – Young ES, Teague ES, Sparks ES, Moore ES, Stuchbery ES, McMasters ES, Jensen ES, Atkinson ES, Thompson IS and Miller IS......................................................................................................................... 37 Bid Package 18 – Turner ES, Matthys ES, Frazier ES, Burnett ES, Tegeler Career Center, South Houston IS, Skill Center and Blackhawk Rd. Warehouse ....................................................................................................................................... 38 Bid Package 19 – Morales ES and Parks ES...................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Bid Package 21 – Summit/Technical Services Center ...................................................................................................................................................... 40 Bid Package 22 – Phillips Gym/Veterans Memorial Stadium........................................................................................................................................... 41 Bid Package 22A – Transportation Center......................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Bid Package 24 – De Zavala Middle School....................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Appendix A – Bond 2004 Project Locator Map.................................................................................................................................................................. 45 Table of Contents Status Date: 10 -June-2009 Page 1 of 45 PISD 2004 Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Understanding the Monthly Report Summary Information Program Summary One page overall status of the Program in terms of schedule progress per school. Program Cost Status Line item financial summaries of all projects organized by type of construction (new construction and additions, renovations, others), then bid package. Bid Package Summary One page per bid package highlighting schedule, cost status, campus-specific notes and school photos. Understanding the Monthly Report More Detailed Information Status Date: 10-June-2009 Page 2 of 45 PISD 2004 Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Understanding the Monthly Report Program Summary Overall Program Schedule Status Number of Schools by Schedule Phase – A summary of all schools status data. Each school is designated by a status: Not Started – No design or construction activities have begun. Design – Programming & Design through Construction Documents. Bid & Award – Bidding or in the award process. Construction – Construction work in progress. Move-In – Occupancy is permitted, though minor activities or corrections continue. Complete – All work is done, final submittals are complete and final payment authorized. Value of Schools by Schedule Phase – A summary of the Total Project Budgets of the schools grouped per designated Scheduled Phase. Understanding the Monthly Report Status Date: 10-June-2009 Page 3 of 45 PISD 2004 Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Understanding the Monthly Report Program Cost Status By Bid Package Column Headings Original Budget – Based on baseline budget approved for the PISD 2004 Bond Program. Budget Adjustments – Transfers and/or additional fund infusions approved by PISD Board of Trustees. Current Budget – Sum of Original Budget + Budget Adjustments. Committed Costs – Sum of all contracts, contract change orders, purchase orders, and general expenditures to date. Costs to Date – Sum of all contract invoices and general expenditures to date. Balance –Estimated cost to complete the project that has not been committed to date. Estimate at Completion – Committed Costs + Future Commitments. Budget Balance – Current Budget –Estimate at Completion. If the difference is positive the project has a savings. If the difference is negative the project has an overrun. Each row summarizes the cost status of all budgeted and contracted activities for each campus within a designated package. Understanding the Monthly Report Status Date: 10-June-2009 Page 4 of 45 PISD 2004 Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Understanding the Monthly Report Bid Package Summary part 1 (Schedule) Schedule Phase Design – Programming & Design through Construction Documents. Bid & Award – Bidding or in the Award process. Construction – Construction work in progress. Move-In – Occupancy is permitted, though minor activities or corrections continue. Schedule Data Plan Start and Finish – Original start and finish dates. Plan Schedule is the baseline start and finish dates. These dates are held static throughout the project, and future schedule updates are measured against this baseline. Forecast Start and Finish – Anticipated start and finish dates. The Forecast Dates will be updated if schedule changes occur. Understanding the Monthly Report Status Date: 10-June-2009 Page 5 of 45 PISD 2004 Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Understanding the Monthly Report Bid Package Summary part 2 (Cost) Cost Description: Construction –Facility construction in general and other associated allowance expenditures. It also includes Construction Contingency and Builders Risk Insurance. Design A/E – Cost of the Architect / Engineer Fee and Reimbursable Expenditures. FF&E – Costs for Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment. It also includes Books. Asbestos – Cost for Asbestos Abatement, Testing and State Fees. Construction - Other – Construction costs outside of main Construction Contract with the General Contractor. It includes Demolition, Utility Impact Cost/Fees, Construction-Other, etc. Project Contingency – Budget to be used as necessary for unanticipated project costs. Professional Services - Other – Cost for Surveys, Geotechnical, Material Testing, TAB, etc. Miscellaneous – uncategorized expenses. Understanding the Monthly Report Status Date: 10-June-2009 Page 6 of 45 PISD 2004 Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Phone: 713-740-0882 Cell: 281-808-8550 Executive Summary 2004 Bond Original Budget: $299,880,000 Current Budget with Infusions and Interest: $315,696,633 Program Description: Jacobs is providing design coordination, budget and cost control, program scheduling, construction coordination and oversight for the Pasadena Independent School District’s 2004 Bond Program. The 2004 Bond Program includes fourteen (14) new schools: 5 Elementary, 5 Middle, 2 Intermediate and 2 High School additions totaling $214,180,000; forty three (43) renovations totaling $33,080,000; and other projects: Summit and Technology Center, Satellite Transportation Center, Portables, Security Cameras for elementary schools and Technology additions totaling $20,400,000. The remaining amount of $32,220,000 will be spent on Buses, Land Acquisition and Program Management services. Program Status: The following is a list of schools that are currently under the Design, Bid and Award, Construction, and Substantially Complete phases. Design: None Bid and Award: None Construction: BP-06-South Belt Elementary School BP-08-Kruse Replacement Elementary School BP-24-De Zavala Middle School Substantially Complete: BP-04-San Jacinto Replacement Intermediate School BP-04A-Southmore Replacement Intermediate School BP-07- Dr. Dixie Melillo Middle School BP-10-Bobby Shaw Area Middle School BP-22-Phillips Gym/Veterans Memorial Stadium Complete: BP-01-Schneider Middle School BP-02-Bush Elementary School BP-03-Pasadena Memorial High School Additions and Renovations BP-03A-Dobie High School Additions and Renovations BP-05-Milstead Middle School BP-05A-Lomax Middle School BP-07-Hughes Road Extension BP-09-Pearl Hall Replacement Elementary School BP-09A-Richey Replacement Elementary School BP-11-1A-Guidance Center BP-12-1B-PHS & Sam Rayburn BP-13-1C-Bondy IS, Bailey ES, South Houston ES & Beverly IS BP-14-1D-South Houston HS Auditorium/Renovations BP-15-2A-Meador ES, LF Smith ES, Freeman ES, Fisher ES, Queens Int. BP-16-2B-Williams ES, Red Bluff ES, Pomeroy ES, Mae Smythe ES, Jessup th ES, Garfield ES, Park View Int., Gardens ES, South Shaver ES, Morris 5 Grade BP-17-3A-Young ES, Teague ES, Sparks ES, Moore ES, Stuchbery ES, McMasters ES, Jensen ES, Atkinson ES Thompson IS, Miller IS BP-18-Turner ES, Matthys ES, Frazier ES, Burnett ES, Tegeler Career Center, SH Int., Skill Center and Blackhawk Rd. Warehouse BP-19-3C-Morales ES Renovation, Parks ES BP-20-Portables 2005-06 and BP-20-Portables 2006-07 BP-21-1E-Summit - Tech. Center BP-22A-Transportation Center Executive Summary Status Date: 10-June-2009 Page 7 of 45 PISD 2004 Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Phone: 713-740-0882 Cell: 281-808-8550 Executive Summary Budget Fund Infusions Total = $15,816,633.00 (See spreadsheet attached) 1. 2004 Bond Contingency Pool: $4,331,079.00 from interest earned. 2. Pasadena High School: $64,433.00 from F&C budget. 3. Red Bluff Elementary School: $75,000.00 from F&C budget. 4. Gardens Elementary School: $25,000.00 from F&C budget. 5. L.F. Smith Elementary School: $77,000.00 from F&C budget. 6. Morales Elementary School Renovation: $150,000.00 from F&C budget. 7. 2004 Bond Contingency Pool: $6,800,000.00 from interest earned. 8. 2004 Bond Contingency Pool: $119,612.00 from interest earned. 9. 2004 Bond Contingency Pool: $3,085,500.00 from interest earned. 10. 2004 Bond Contingency Pool: $743,309.00 from interest earned. 11. 2004 Bond Contingency Pool: $345,700.00 from interest earned. Fund Transfers (See spreadsheet attached) Board approved fund transfers between projects: 1. $365,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Summit for $194,914.00 and Technology Services Center for $170,086.00. 2. $49,144.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Guidance Center. 3. $500,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Schneider MS. 4. $133,061.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Land Acquisition. 5. $1,716,992.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Hughes Road Extension. 6. $370,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Surveillance Camera Systems. 7. Savings of $85,215.00 from BP21 to 2004 Bond Contingency Pool. 8. Savings of $1,185,561.00 from Bush ES to 2004 Bond Contingency Pool. 9. Savings of $232,220.00 from Schneider ES to 2004 Bond Contingency Pool 10. $1,100,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Bobby Shaw MS. 11. $787,014.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Dr. Dixie Melillo MS. 12. Savings of $2,500,000.00 from San Jacinto IS to 2004 Bond Contingency Pool. 13. Savings of $1,300,000.00 from Southmore IS to 2004 Bond Contingency Pool. 14. $101,213.00 from Facility Assessment Contingency to South Houston HS. 15. $25,000.00 from Facility Assessment Contingency to South Houston HS. 16. $3,400,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Land Acquisition. 17. $1,451,203.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Land Acquisition. 18. $1,500,000.00 from Blackhawk Rd. Warehouse to Transportation Center 19. $46,442.00 from Facility Assessment Contingency to South Houston HS. 20. $806,820.00 ($1,000,000 minus $193,180) from Satellite Transportation Center to 2004 Bond Contingency Pool. 21. $3,932,797.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Land Acquisition. Executive Summary Status Date: 10-June-2009 Page 8 of 45 PISD 2004 Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Phone: 713-740-0882 Cell: 281-808-8550 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Executive Summary $39,058.00 from Facility Assessment Contingency to Turner ES. $600,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Phillips Gym/Veterans Memorial Stadium. $4,556.00 from Facility Assessment Contingency to South Houston HS. $298,493.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Dr. Dixie Melillo MS. $330,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Transportation Center. $700,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Keller MS. $1,586,500.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to South Belt ES. Savings of $4,916,000.00 from Various Campuses to 2004 Bond Contingency Pool. $3,400,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Kruse ES. $233,385.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Gardens ES. $16,615.00 from Facility Assessment Contingency to Gardens. $3,000,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to De Zavala MS. $1,200,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to De Zavala MS. $966,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Land Acquisition. $23,434.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Gardens ES. Savings of $3,924,579.00 from Various Campuses to 2004 Bond Contingency Pool. $100,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Video Surveillance Cameras upgrades for various campuses. $24,725.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Schneider MS for installation of additional HVAC monitoring devices. Savings of $2,523,465.00 from Various Campuses to 2004 Bond Contingency Pool. $5,925,000.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Various 2004 Bond Pool funded projects (see BAI 03-31-09). $62,200.00 from 2004 Bond Contingency Pool to Various 2004 Bond Pool funded projects (see BAI 05-26-09). Savings of $97,929.00 from Various Campuses to 2004 Bond Contingency Pool. Schedule: The Pasadena ISD 2004 Bond Program is currently on schedule. PISD 2004 Bond Program is scheduled for completion in October 2009. Executive Summary Status Date: 10-June-2009 Page 9 of 45 BP # BP01 BP02 BP03 BP03A BP04 BP04A BP05 BP05A BP06 BP07 BP08 BP09 BP09A BP10 BP20 BP11 BP12 BP12 BP13 BP13 BP13 BP13 BP14 BP15 BP15 BP15 BP15 BP15 BP16 BP16 BP16 BP16 BP16 BP16 BP16 BP16 BP16 BP16 BP17 BP17 BP17 BP17 BP17 BP17 BP17 BP17 BP17 BP17 BP18 BP18 BP18 BP18 BP18 BP18 BP18 BP18 BP22A BP19 BP22 BP19 BP21 BP21 BP23 BP24 Project Schneider Middle School Bush Elementary School PMHS Addition and Renovations Dobie High Additions and Renovations San Jacinto Replacement Intermediate School Southmore Replacement Intermediate School Milstead Middle School Lomax Middle School South Belt Elementary School Dr. Dixie Melillo Middle School Kruse Replacement Elementary School Pearl Hall Replacement Elementary School Richey Replacement Elementary School Bobby Shaw Middle School BP20 - Portables Guidance Center Pasadena HS + Auditorium Sam Rayburn HS + Auditorium Bondy Int. Bailey ES South Houston ES Beverly Hills Int. Auditorium South Houston HS + Auditorium Meador ES L.F. Smith ES Freeman ES Fisher ES Queens Int. Williams ES Red Bluff ES Pomeroy ES MAE Smythe ES Jessup ES Garfield ES South Shaver ES Park View Int. Morris 5th MS Gardens ES Young ES Teague ES Sparks ES Moore ES Stuchbery ES McMasters ES Jensen ES Atkinson ES Thompson Int. Miller Int. Turner ES Matthys ES Frazier ES Burnett ES Tegeler Career Center South Houston Int. Skill Center Blackhawk Rd. Warehouse Transportation Center Morales ES Philips Gym and Stadium Parks ES Summit Technical Center Keller MS De Zavala MS Fac. Assess.Contingency Technology Security Cameras - Elementary Buses Facilities Management Land Purchase Cost Bonds Bond Contingency Pool-Funded Projects Bond Contingency Pool TOTAL Original Budget 16,600,000 13,800,000 6,980,000 6,200,000 24,500,000 24,500,000 16,600,000 16,600,000 13,800,000 16,600,000 13,800,000 13,800,000 13,800,000 16,600,000 3,400,000 761,400 2,058,179 2,362,440 384,767 1,192,296 420,954 1,500,000 2,049,324 774,803 977,541 1,095,063 963,142 1,653,875 291,237 1,608,282 485,722 228,341 290,952 578,935 562,317 214,286 504,981 955,842 633,483 477,714 477,015 597,116 207,650 779,644 1,055,997 435,328 730,381 1,143,110 268,865 204,363 575,068 472,947 194,366 332,359 140,359 2,500,000 0 246,125 1,415,825 394,722 1,200,000 300,000 0 0 382,884 10,000,000 3,000,000 5,000,000 10,710,000 15,020,000 1,490,000 0 299,880,000 INFUSIONS TRANSFERS Total Budget Total Infusions W/Infusions Transfers 0 16,600,000 -42,717 0 13,800,000 -1,244,140 0 6,980,000 -490,000 0 6,200,000 -231,000 0 24,500,000 -3,681,000 0 24,500,000 -2,664,000 0 16,600,000 -631,073 0 16,600,000 -1,096,856 0 13,800,000 1,586,500 0 16,600,000 2,461,499 0 13,800,000 3,400,000 0 13,800,000 -234,000 0 13,800,000 -315,000 0 16,600,000 750,000 0 3,400,000 0 0 761,400 44,144 64,433 2,122,612 -35,000 0 2,362,440 -183,000 0 384,767 -93,000 0 1,192,296 -175,000 0 420,954 -195,000 0 1,500,000 -371,000 0 2,049,324 177,211 0 774,803 -124,000 77,000 1,054,541 -135,000 0 1,095,063 -140,000 0 963,142 -50,000 0 1,653,875 -217,000 0 291,237 -55,000 75,000 1,683,282 -143,000 0 485,722 -43,000 0 228,341 -37,000 0 290,952 -18,000 0 578,935 -44,000 0 562,317 -100,000 0 214,286 -21,000 0 504,981 -70,000 25,000 980,842 351,434 0 633,483 -110,000 0 477,714 -89,000 0 477,015 -90,000 0 597,116 -106,000 0 207,650 -59,000 0 779,644 -146,000 0 1,055,997 -151,000 0 435,328 -60,000 0 730,381 -54,000 0 1,143,110 -133,000 0 268,865 39,058 0 204,363 -38,000 0 575,068 -105,000 0 472,947 -91,000 0 194,366 -18,000 0 332,359 -69,000 0 140,359 0 0 2,500,000 -2,306,820 0 0 1,527,000 150,000 396,125 -40,257 0 1,415,825 584,000 0 394,722 -79,986 0 1,200,000 143,901 0 300,000 135,884 0 0 700,000 0 0 4,200,000 0 382,884 -382,884 0 10,000,000 0 0 3,000,000 470,000 0 5,000,000 0 0 10,710,000 -750,000 0 15,020,000 9,883,061 0 1,490,000 -1,490,000 5,987,200 15,425,200 15,425,200 -13,193,159 15,816,633 315,696,633 Revised Budget 16,557,283 12,555,860 6,490,000 5,969,000 20,819,000 21,836,000 15,968,927 15,503,144 15,386,500 19,061,499 17,200,000 13,566,000 13,485,000 17,350,000 3,400,000 805,544 2,087,612 2,179,440 291,767 1,017,296 225,954 1,129,000 2,226,535 650,803 919,541 955,063 913,142 1,436,875 236,237 1,540,282 442,722 191,341 272,952 534,935 462,317 193,286 434,981 1,332,276 523,483 388,714 387,015 491,116 148,650 633,644 904,997 375,328 676,381 1,010,110 307,923 166,363 470,068 381,947 176,366 263,359 140,359 193,180 1,527,000 355,868 1,999,825 314,736 1,343,901 435,884 700,000 4,200,000 0 10,000,000 3,470,000 5,000,000 9,960,000 24,903,061 0 5,987,200 2,232,041 0 315,696,633 Page 10 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Program Summary Schedule Status: Number of Schools by Schedule Phase Value of Schools by Schedule Phase 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 10 $74,135,741 0 $0 61 $241,560,892 Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Not Started Design Bid and Award Construction Move-In Complete $0 $0 $0 $58,182,884 $0 $241,697,116 $0 $0 $0 $15,952,857 $0 ($136,224) $0 $0 $0 $74,135,741 $0 $241,560,892 $0 $0 $0 $68,594,345 $0 $239,771,512 Sub-Totals: $299,880,000 $15,816,633 $315,696,633 Program Totals: $299,880,000 $15,816,633 $315,696,633 Cost Description Program Summary Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance $0 $0 $0 $56,308,332 $0 $238,042,846 $0 $0 $0 $5,541,396 $0 $1,789,380 $0 $0 $0 $74,135,741 $0 $241,560,892 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $308,365,857 $294,351,178 $7,330,776 $315,696,633 $0 $308,365,857 $294,351,178 $7,330,776 $315,696,633 $0 Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 11 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Program Cost Status Original Budget Cost Description Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Balance Cost to Date $315,696,633 $315,696,633 $308,365,857 $294,351,178 Current Budget Estimate at Completion Committed Costs Cost to Date Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance $320,000,000 $288,000,000 $256,000,000 $224,000,000 $192,000,000 $160,000,000 $128,000,000 $96,000,000 $64,000,000 $32,000,000 $0 Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date $16,600,000 $13,800,000 $6,200,000 $16,600,000 $13,800,000 $16,600,000 $16,600,000 $6,980,000 $13,800,000 $13,800,000 $24,500,000 $16,600,000 $13,800,000 $24,500,000 $750,000 ($1,244,140) ($231,000) $2,461,499 $3,400,000 ($1,096,856) ($631,073) ($490,000) ($234,000) ($315,000) ($3,681,000) ($42,717) $1,586,500 ($2,664,000) $17,350,000 $12,555,860 $5,969,000 $19,061,499 $17,200,000 $15,503,144 $15,968,927 $6,490,000 $13,566,000 $13,485,000 $20,819,000 $16,557,283 $15,386,500 $21,836,000 $17,180,817 $12,555,859 $5,931,180 $18,893,120 $15,945,913 $15,502,402 $15,968,927 $6,485,673 $13,543,559 $13,233,486 $20,474,490 $16,557,283 $14,350,018 $21,419,174 $16,661,914 $12,555,859 $5,913,531 $18,622,087 $14,573,890 $15,486,879 $15,956,154 $6,485,673 $13,538,856 $13,120,796 $20,125,729 $16,544,858 $12,081,644 $21,051,488 $169,183 $1 $37,820 $168,379 $1,254,087 $742 $0 $4,327 $22,441 $251,514 $344,510 $0 $1,036,482 $416,826 $17,350,000 $12,555,860 $5,969,000 $19,061,499 $17,200,000 $15,503,144 $15,968,927 $6,490,000 $13,566,000 $13,485,000 $20,819,000 $16,557,283 $15,386,500 $21,836,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $214,180,000 ($2,431,787) $211,748,213 $208,041,901 $202,719,358 $3,706,312 $211,748,213 $0 B. Portables Portables $3,400,000 $0 $3,400,000 $3,312,016 $3,312,016 $87,984 $3,400,000 $0 Sub-Total: B. Portables $3,400,000 $0 $3,400,000 $3,312,016 $3,312,016 $87,984 $3,400,000 $0 Cost Description A. New Schools Bobby Shaw Middle School Bush Elementary Dobie High School Dr. Dixie Melillo Middle School Kruse Elementary School Lomax Middle School Milstead Middle School Pasadena Memorial High School Pearl Hall Elementary School Richey Elementary School San Jacinto Intermediate School Schneider Middle School South Belt Elementary School Southmore Intermediate School Sub-Total: A. New Schools Program Cost Status Balance Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 12 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Cost Description C. Facilities Assessments Atkinson Elementary School Bailey Elementary School Beverly Intermediate School - Auditorium Bondy Intermediate School Burnett Elementary School De Zavala Middle School Fac. Assess. Conting. Fisher Elementary School Frazier Elementary School Freeman Elementary School Gardens Elementary School Garfield Elementary School Guidance Center Alt. Renov Jensen Elementary School Jessup Elementary School Keller Middle School L.F. Smith Elementary School Mae Smythe Elementary School Matthys Elementary School McMasters Elementary School Meador Elementary School Miller Intermediate School Moore Elementary School Morales Elementary School Morris 5th Middle School Park View Intermediate School Parks Elementary School Pasadena High School with Auditorium Philips Gym/Veterans Memorial Stadium Pomeroy Elementary School Queens Intermediate School Red Bluff Elementary School Sam Rayburn High School with Auditorium Skill Center Program Cost Status Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date $435,328 $1,192,296 $1,500,000 $384,767 $472,947 $0 $382,884 $963,142 $575,068 $1,095,063 $955,842 $578,935 $761,400 $1,055,997 $290,952 $0 $977,541 $228,341 $204,363 $779,644 $774,803 $1,143,110 $597,116 $246,125 $504,981 $214,286 $394,722 $2,058,179 $1,415,825 $485,722 $1,653,875 $1,608,282 $2,362,440 $140,359 ($60,000) ($175,000) ($371,000) ($93,000) ($91,000) $4,200,000 ($382,884) ($50,000) ($105,000) ($140,000) $376,434 ($44,000) $44,144 ($151,000) ($18,000) $700,000 ($58,000) ($37,000) ($38,000) ($146,000) ($124,000) ($133,000) ($106,000) $109,743 ($70,000) ($21,000) ($79,986) $29,433 $584,000 ($43,000) ($217,000) ($68,000) ($183,000) $0 $375,328 $1,017,296 $1,129,000 $291,767 $381,947 $4,200,000 $0 $913,142 $470,068 $955,063 $1,332,276 $534,935 $805,544 $904,997 $272,952 $700,000 $919,541 $191,341 $166,363 $633,644 $650,803 $1,010,110 $491,116 $355,868 $434,981 $193,286 $314,736 $2,087,612 $1,999,825 $442,722 $1,436,875 $1,540,282 $2,179,440 $140,359 $371,931 $1,005,406 $1,126,427 $288,046 $376,940 $3,677,396 $0 $893,577 $465,182 $941,431 $1,329,987 $532,669 $801,633 $901,742 $270,435 $661,724 $893,068 $188,498 $162,092 $630,317 $635,628 $1,006,824 $487,214 $355,868 $432,898 $190,381 $314,736 $2,084,177 $1,946,393 $438,047 $1,426,060 $1,537,841 $2,176,393 $136,918 $371,931 $1,005,406 $1,126,427 $288,046 $376,940 $1,604,501 $0 $893,577 $465,182 $941,431 $1,329,987 $532,669 $801,633 $901,742 $270,149 $396,471 $893,068 $188,498 $162,092 $630,317 $635,628 $1,006,824 $487,214 $355,868 $432,898 $190,381 $314,736 $2,084,177 $1,943,811 $438,047 $1,426,060 $1,537,841 $2,176,393 $136,918 Program Cost Status Balance $3,397 $11,890 $2,573 $3,721 $5,007 $522,604 $0 $19,565 $4,886 $13,632 $2,289 $2,266 $3,911 $3,255 $2,517 $38,276 $26,473 $2,843 $4,271 $3,327 $15,175 $3,286 $3,902 $0 $2,083 $2,905 $0 $3,435 $53,432 $4,675 $10,815 $2,441 $3,047 $3,441 Estimate at Completion Budget Balance $375,328 $1,017,296 $1,129,000 $291,767 $381,947 $4,200,000 $0 $913,142 $470,068 $955,063 $1,332,276 $534,935 $805,544 $904,997 $272,952 $700,000 $919,541 $191,341 $166,363 $633,644 $650,803 $1,010,110 $491,116 $355,868 $434,981 $193,286 $314,736 $2,087,612 $1,999,825 $442,722 $1,436,875 $1,540,282 $2,179,440 $140,359 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 13 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Administrator: Jacobs Program Manager: Terry Page Program Cost Status Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date $420,954 $2,049,324 $332,359 $562,317 $477,015 $207,650 $477,714 $194,366 $730,381 $268,865 $291,237 $633,483 ($195,000) $177,211 ($69,000) ($100,000) ($90,000) ($59,000) ($89,000) ($18,000) ($54,000) $39,058 ($55,000) ($110,000) $225,954 $2,226,535 $263,359 $462,317 $387,015 $148,650 $388,714 $176,366 $676,381 $307,923 $236,237 $523,483 $221,402 $2,221,765 $259,023 $459,100 $383,442 $146,379 $385,051 $172,462 $672,407 $303,897 $233,992 $519,518 $221,402 $2,205,419 $259,023 $459,100 $383,442 $146,379 $385,051 $172,462 $672,407 $303,897 $233,992 $519,518 $4,552 $4,770 $4,336 $3,217 $3,573 $2,271 $3,663 $3,904 $3,974 $4,026 $2,245 $3,965 $225,954 $2,226,535 $263,359 $462,317 $387,015 $148,650 $388,714 $176,366 $676,381 $307,923 $236,237 $523,483 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Sub-Total: C. Facilities Assessments $33,080,000 $2,416,153 $35,496,153 $34,666,317 $32,308,955 $829,836 $35,496,153 $0 D. Other Blackhawk Rd. Warehouse Buses Land Purchase Security Cameras Summit Phase I Tech. Srvs. Ctr. Technology Transportation Center $2,500,000 $5,000,000 $15,020,000 $3,000,000 $1,200,000 $300,000 $10,000,000 $0 ($2,306,820) $0 $9,883,061 $470,000 $143,901 $135,884 $0 $1,527,000 $193,180 $5,000,000 $24,903,061 $3,470,000 $1,343,901 $435,884 $10,000,000 $1,527,000 $193,179 $4,951,641 $24,903,061 $3,387,366 $1,334,702 $433,413 $9,677,457 $1,521,974 $193,179 $4,951,641 $24,903,061 $3,387,366 $1,334,701 $433,413 $9,677,457 $1,494,669 $1 $48,359 $0 $82,634 $9,199 $2,471 $322,543 $5,026 $193,180 $5,000,000 $24,903,061 $3,470,000 $1,343,901 $435,884 $10,000,000 $1,527,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Sub-Total: D. Other $37,020,000 $9,853,026 $46,873,026 $46,402,793 $46,375,487 $470,233 $46,873,026 $0 E. Fees Bond Pool and Bond Fees Management Fees $1,490,000 $10,710,000 $6,729,241 ($750,000) $8,219,241 $9,960,000 $5,987,200 $9,955,630 $0 $9,635,362 $2,232,041 $4,370 $8,219,241 $9,960,000 $0 $0 Sub-Total: E. Fees $12,200,000 $5,979,241 $18,179,241 $15,942,830 $9,635,362 $2,236,411 $18,179,241 $0 Cost Description South Houston Elementary School South Houston High School with Auditorium South Houston Intermediate School South Shaver Elementary School Sparks Elementary School Stuchbery Elementary School Teague Elementary School Tegeler Career Center Thompson Intermediate School Turner Elementary School Williams Elementary School Young Elementary School Program Cost Status Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 14 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Veronica Leonce Project Architect: Randall-Porterfield General Contractor: Durotech Location: 8420 Easthaven Blvd. Project Summary Schneider MS Bid Package 01 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $13,280,000 $584,320 $982,696 $26,500 $372,373 $1,098,343 $255,768 $0 ($744,416) $276,443 ($62,586) ($26,073) $56,456 $458,148 ($689) $0 $12,535,584 $860,763 $920,110 $427 $428,829 $1,556,491 $255,079 $0 $12,535,584 $860,763 $920,110 $427 $428,829 $1,556,491 $255,079 $0 $12,535,584 $860,763 $920,110 $427 $428,829 $1,556,491 $242,654 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,535,584 $860,763 $920,110 $427 $428,829 $1,556,491 $255,079 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $16,600,000 ($42,717) $16,557,283 $16,557,283 $16,544,858 $0 $16,557,283 $0 $18,000,000 $16,200,000 $14,400,000 $12,600,000 $10,800,000 $9,000,000 $7,200,000 $5,400,000 $3,600,000 $1,800,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The project is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: Installation of the CO2 monitors will be complete by the end of June 2009. Current Budget Schneider MS Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 15 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Veronica Leonce Project Architect: Dansby Miller General Contractor: Cadence McShane Location: 9100 Blackhawk Project Summary Bush ES Bid Package 02 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $11,040,000 $740,744 $871,776 $0 $289,876 $672,894 $184,710 $0 ($568,342) ($39,394) ($28,884) $0 $75,196 ($672,893) ($9,823) $0 $10,471,658 $701,350 $842,892 $0 $365,072 $1 $174,887 $0 $10,471,658 $701,350 $842,892 $0 $365,072 $0 $174,887 $0 $10,471,658 $701,350 $842,892 $0 $365,072 $0 $174,887 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 $0 $0 $10,471,658 $701,350 $842,892 $0 $365,072 $1 $174,887 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $13,800,000 ($1,244,140) $12,555,860 $12,555,859 $12,555,859 $1 $12,555,860 $0 $14,000,000 $12,600,000 $11,200,000 $9,800,000 $8,400,000 $7,000,000 $5,600,000 $4,200,000 $2,800,000 $1,400,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The project is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Bush ES Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 16 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Crystal Gomez Project Architect: Bay General Contractor: Comex Location PMHS: 4410 Crenshaw Project Summary PMHS Additions/Renovation Bid Package 03 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $5,584,000 $460,680 $410,900 $0 $161,979 $264,647 $97,794 $0 ($288,433) ($27,770) $0 $250 $115,619 ($263,438) ($26,227) $0 $5,295,567 $432,910 $410,900 $250 $277,598 $1,209 $71,567 $0 $5,295,567 $432,910 $407,782 $250 $277,598 $0 $71,567 $0 $5,295,567 $432,910 $407,782 $250 $277,598 $0 $71,567 $0 $0 $0 $3,118 $0 $0 $1,209 $0 $0 $5,295,567 $432,910 $410,900 $250 $277,598 $1,209 $71,567 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $6,980,000 ($490,000) $6,490,000 $6,485,673 $6,485,673 $4,327 $6,490,000 $0 $7,000,000 $6,300,000 $5,600,000 $4,900,000 $4,200,000 $3,500,000 $2,800,000 $2,100,000 $1,400,000 $700,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: This project is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget PMHS Additions/Renovation Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 17 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Crystal Gomez Project Architect: Bay General Contractor: State Construction Location: 10220 Blackhawk Blvd. Project Summary Dobie HS Additions/Renovation Bid Package 03A New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $4,960,000 $409,200 $365,000 $0 $143,794 $235,140 $86,866 $0 ($426,204) ($19,460) ($4,116) $0 $427,503 ($197,320) ($11,403) $0 $4,533,796 $389,740 $360,884 $0 $571,297 $37,820 $75,463 $0 $4,533,796 $389,740 $360,884 $0 $571,297 $0 $75,463 $0 $4,533,796 $378,952 $360,884 $0 $564,436 $0 $75,463 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $37,820 $0 $0 $4,533,796 $389,740 $360,884 $0 $571,297 $37,820 $75,463 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $6,200,000 ($231,000) $5,969,000 $5,931,180 $5,913,531 $37,820 $5,969,000 $0 $6,000,000 $5,400,000 $4,800,000 $4,200,000 $3,600,000 $3,000,000 $2,400,000 $1,800,000 $1,200,000 $600,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: This project is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Dobie HS Additions/Renovation Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 18 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Veronica Leonce Project Architect: SBWV General Contractor: Cadence McShane Location: 3600 Red Bluff Project Summary San Jacinto Replacement Int. Bid Package 04 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $19,600,000 $1,315,160 $1,076,100 $41,800 $571,446 $1,567,218 $328,276 $0 ($2,037,936) ($28,220) ($37,826) ($40,065) $55,855 ($1,536,027) ($56,780) $0 $17,562,064 $1,286,940 $1,038,274 $1,735 $627,301 $31,191 $271,496 $0 $17,481,176 $1,281,088 $875,649 $1,735 $575,639 $0 $259,203 $0 $17,372,860 $1,257,176 $875,649 $1,735 $362,928 $0 $255,380 $0 $80,888 $5,852 $162,625 $0 $51,661 $31,191 $12,293 $0 $17,562,064 $1,286,940 $1,038,274 $1,735 $627,301 $31,191 $271,496 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $24,500,000 ($3,681,000) $20,819,000 $20,474,490 $20,125,729 $344,510 $20,819,000 $0 $21,000,000 $18,900,000 $16,800,000 $14,700,000 $12,600,000 $10,500,000 $8,400,000 $6,300,000 $4,200,000 $2,100,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The general contractor is working on punch list items and performing warranty work at this time. PISD is back checking completed areas. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: Replacement of the gymnasium floor, completion of the punch lists and closing out the project in a timely manner are the key issues. Current Budget San Jacinto Replacement Int. Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 19 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Veronica Leonce Project Architect: SBWV General Contractor: Cadence McShane Location: 2000 Patricia Lane Project Summary Southmore Replacement Int. Bid Package 04A New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $19,600,000 $862,400 $1,076,100 $41,800 $571,446 $2,012,232 $336,022 $0 ($1,802,159) $31,500 ($6,182) $721,005 $454,251 ($2,010,856) ($51,559) $0 $17,797,841 $893,900 $1,069,918 $762,805 $1,025,697 $1,376 $284,463 $0 $17,705,850 $886,294 $1,014,648 $762,805 $777,323 $0 $272,254 $0 $17,530,756 $870,614 $1,014,648 $731,170 $635,492 $0 $268,808 $0 $91,991 $7,606 $55,270 $0 $248,374 $1,376 $12,209 $0 $17,797,841 $893,900 $1,069,918 $762,805 $1,025,697 $1,376 $284,463 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $24,500,000 ($2,664,000) $21,836,000 $21,419,174 $21,051,488 $416,826 $21,836,000 $0 $24,000,000 $21,600,000 $19,200,000 $16,800,000 $14,400,000 $12,000,000 $9,600,000 $7,200,000 $4,800,000 $2,400,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The general contractor is working on punch list items and performing warranty work at this time. PISD is back checking completed areas. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: Completion of the electrical and mechanical punch lists and closing out the project in a timely manner are the key issues. Current Budget Southmore Replacement Int. Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 20 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Veronica Leonce Project Architect: Bay General Contractor: Prime Contractors Location: 338 Gilpin St. Project Summary Milstead MS Bid Package 05 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $13,280,000 $891,008 $982,696 $0 $372,373 $852,082 $221,841 $0 $393,088 ($59,203) ($38,948) $0 ($122,715) ($852,082) $48,788 $0 $13,673,088 $831,805 $943,748 $0 $249,658 $0 $270,629 $0 $13,673,088 $831,805 $943,748 $0 $249,658 $0 $270,629 $0 $13,673,088 $831,805 $933,696 $0 $246,937 $0 $270,629 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $13,673,088 $831,805 $943,748 $0 $249,658 $0 $270,629 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $16,600,000 ($631,073) $15,968,927 $15,968,927 $15,956,154 $0 $15,968,927 $0 $16,000,000 $14,400,000 $12,800,000 $11,200,000 $9,600,000 $8,000,000 $6,400,000 $4,800,000 $3,200,000 $1,600,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The project is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Milstead MS Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 21 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Veronica Leonce Project Architect: Bay General Contractor: Skanska Location: 1519 Genoa-Red Bluff Rd. Project Summary Lomax MS Bid Package 05A New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $13,280,000 $584,320 $982,696 $26,500 $622,373 $877,353 $226,758 $0 ($87,042) ($32,735) ($43,331) ($26,248) ($30,246) ($876,611) ($644) $0 $13,192,958 $551,585 $939,365 $252 $592,127 $742 $226,114 $0 $13,192,958 $551,585 $939,365 $252 $592,127 $0 $226,114 $0 $13,192,958 $551,585 $939,365 $252 $579,734 $0 $222,984 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $742 $0 $0 $13,192,958 $551,585 $939,365 $252 $592,127 $742 $226,114 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $16,600,000 ($1,096,856) $15,503,144 $15,502,402 $15,486,879 $742 $15,503,144 $0 $16,000,000 $14,400,000 $12,800,000 $11,200,000 $9,600,000 $8,000,000 $6,400,000 $4,800,000 $3,200,000 $1,600,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: PISD/Jacobs have negotiated with Skanska for completion of the project. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: Final price on close out was negotiated for a credit to PISD and KBR is correcting the remaining items. Current Budget Lomax MS Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 22 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Crystal Gomez Project Architect: Bay General Contractor: Brae Burn Construction Location: 1801 Riverstone Ranch Drive Project Summary South Belt ES Bid Package 06 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Misc $11,040,000 $740,744 $871,776 $0 $269,876 $676,019 $201,585 $0 $1,475,656 ($231,800) $0 $0 $631,548 ($435,828) $46,924 $100,000 $12,515,656 $508,944 $871,776 $0 $901,424 $240,191 $248,509 $100,000 $12,387,451 $492,026 $290,167 $0 $860,071 $0 $223,052 $97,250 $10,549,627 $467,296 $286,982 $0 $521,718 $0 $158,771 $97,250 $128,205 $16,918 $581,609 $0 $41,352 $240,191 $25,457 $2,750 $12,515,656 $508,944 $871,776 $0 $901,424 $240,191 $248,509 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $13,800,000 $1,586,500 $15,386,500 $14,350,018 $12,081,644 $1,036,482 $15,386,500 $0 Current Budget Committed Cost to Costs Date $16,000,000 $14,400,000 $12,800,000 $11,200,000 $9,600,000 $8,000,000 $6,400,000 $4,800,000 $3,200,000 $1,600,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The GC continues finishes throughout Areas A, B and C. MEP continues throughout Area C. Vinyl wall covering and VCT in the corridors are anticipated to be complete in June 2009. Gym flooring is anticipated to commence mid-June 2009 along with landscaping after irrigation is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: The GC submitted a claim for additional cost/time due to the permanent power delay. The Architect is reviewing this issue to provide their recommendation to the PISD/Jacobs. The above ceiling Inspections in Areas A and B are complete, C has been rescheduled. South Belt ES Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 23 of 45 BP06 - South Belt ES June 10, 2009 Page 24 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Veronica Leonce Project Architect: Randall-Porterfield General Contractor: Cadence McShane Location: 9220 Hughes Road Project Summary Dr. Dixie Melillo MS Bid Package 07 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $13,280,000 $891,008 $982,696 $1,000 $372,373 $850,082 $222,841 $0 $1,187,935 ($69,300) ($14,101) ($1,000) $1,880,937 ($819,470) $296,498 $0 $14,467,935 $821,708 $968,595 $0 $2,253,310 $30,612 $519,339 $0 $14,447,412 $818,314 $889,850 $0 $2,219,732 $0 $517,812 $0 $14,382,257 $813,002 $889,815 $0 $2,029,480 $0 $507,533 $0 $20,523 $3,394 $78,745 $0 $33,579 $30,612 $1,527 $0 $14,467,935 $821,708 $968,595 $0 $2,253,310 $30,612 $519,339 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $16,600,000 $2,461,499 $19,061,499 $18,893,120 $18,622,087 $168,379 $19,061,499 $0 $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The general contractor is working on punch list items and performing warranty work at this time. PISD is back checking completed areas. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: The GC's progress in regards to completion of the punch list and replacing the damaged VCT. Current Budget Dr. Dixie Melillo MS Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 25 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: Dansby Miller General Contractor: Cadence McShane Location: 400 Park Lane Project Summary Kruse Replacement ES Bid Package 08 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $11,040,000 $485,760 $563,600 $81,600 $1,069,876 $372,609 $186,555 $0 $2,359,806 $73,276 ($13,244) ($64,243) $1,022,475 ($226,685) $248,615 $0 $13,399,806 $559,036 $550,356 $17,358 $2,092,351 $145,924 $435,170 $0 $13,038,217 $529,012 $50,457 $17,358 $1,891,511 $0 $419,358 $0 $11,926,302 $506,667 $46,687 $17,358 $1,723,173 $0 $353,704 $0 $361,589 $30,024 $499,899 $0 $200,840 $145,924 $15,812 $0 $13,399,806 $559,036 $550,356 $17,358 $2,092,351 $145,924 $435,170 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $13,800,000 $3,400,000 $17,200,000 $15,945,913 $14,573,890 $1,254,087 $17,200,000 $0 Current Budget Committed Cost to Costs Date $18,000,000 $16,200,000 $14,400,000 $12,600,000 $10,800,000 $9,000,000 $7,200,000 $5,400,000 $3,600,000 $1,800,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The GC continues finishes throughout the building and hydro mulching the site. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: Continued progress of the construction schedule is critical for opening the school for August 2009. Kruse Replacement ES Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 26 of 45 BP08 - Kruse ES June 10, 2009 Page 27 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: Bay General Contractor: Cadence McShane Location 1504 9th Street Project Summary Pearl Hall ES Bid Package 09 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $11,040,000 $485,760 $563,600 $103,000 $1,269,876 $152,209 $185,555 $0 $382,240 $237,568 ($15,000) $90,925 ($793,719) ($148,024) $12,010 $0 $11,422,240 $723,328 $548,600 $193,925 $476,157 $4,185 $197,565 $0 $11,422,240 $723,328 $533,465 $193,925 $476,157 $0 $194,444 $0 $11,422,240 $718,626 $533,465 $193,925 $476,157 $0 $194,444 $0 $0 $0 $15,135 $0 $0 $4,185 $3,121 $0 $11,422,240 $723,328 $548,600 $193,925 $476,157 $4,185 $197,565 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $13,800,000 ($234,000) $13,566,000 $13,543,559 $13,538,856 $22,441 $13,566,000 $0 $14,000,000 $12,600,000 $11,200,000 $9,800,000 $8,400,000 $7,000,000 $5,600,000 $4,200,000 $2,800,000 $1,400,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project close out is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Pearl Hall ES Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 28 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Crystal Gomez Project Architect: Bay General Contractor: Skanska Location: 610 South Richey Project Summary Richey Replacement ES Bid Package 09A New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $11,040,000 $485,760 $563,600 $52,000 $769,876 $697,209 $191,555 $0 $122,064 ($24,438) ($22,831) $267,746 ($189,358) ($445,695) ($22,489) $0 $11,162,064 $461,322 $540,769 $319,746 $580,518 $251,514 $169,066 $0 $11,162,064 $461,322 $540,769 $319,746 $580,518 $0 $169,066 $0 $11,162,064 $452,490 $538,072 $233,418 $570,941 $0 $163,811 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $251,514 $0 $0 $11,162,064 $461,322 $540,769 $319,746 $580,518 $251,514 $169,066 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $13,800,000 ($315,000) $13,485,000 $13,233,486 $13,120,796 $251,514 $13,485,000 $0 $14,000,000 $12,600,000 $11,200,000 $9,800,000 $8,400,000 $7,000,000 $5,600,000 $4,200,000 $2,800,000 $1,400,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: PISD is making arrangements to have district vendors complete the open punch list items that were bought out from the GC. KBR is anticipated to commence and complete the entry drive revisions to provide adequate access for fire trucks; request on behalf of the City of Pasadena Fire Marshall. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Richey Replacement ES Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 29 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Crystal Gomez Project Architect: Bay General Contractor: ICI Construction Location: 1201 Houston Project Summary Bobby Shaw MS Bid Package 10 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $13,280,000 $584,320 $982,696 $0 $372,373 $1,152,843 $227,768 $0 $1,769,885 $68,179 ($15,000) $445 $54,143 ($1,094,775) ($32,877) $0 $15,049,885 $652,499 $967,696 $445 $426,516 $58,068 $194,891 $0 $15,034,201 $647,708 $913,309 $445 $391,817 $0 $193,337 $0 $14,728,989 $629,659 $913,309 $445 $199,045 $0 $190,467 $0 $15,684 $4,791 $54,387 $0 $34,699 $58,068 $1,554 $0 $15,049,885 $652,499 $967,696 $445 $426,516 $58,068 $194,891 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $16,600,000 $750,000 $17,350,000 $17,180,817 $16,661,914 $169,183 $17,350,000 $0 $18,000,000 $16,200,000 $14,400,000 $12,600,000 $10,800,000 $9,000,000 $7,200,000 $5,400,000 $3,600,000 $1,800,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The GC continues to address punch list items. The GC has scheduled their civil subcontractor to video the storm sewer under the existing parking lot off Houston Ave. due to reported deficiencies from PISD. The GC committed to correct any deficiencies noted during their review. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: The GC is investigating an issue with the kitchen cleanouts to determine if all where installed and if some may be covered by the seamless flooring. Corrective action may require breaking through the seamless flooring. This issue is being reviewed with the Architect. Current Budget Bobby Shaw MS Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 30 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: George Lloyd Project Architect: ArcTec General Contractor: Structure Management Project Summary Phase 1A-Guidance Center Bid Package 11 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $676,215 $55,687 $0 $6,000 $2,565 $9,163 $11,770 $0 $48,246 $552 $0 ($6,000) $12,027 ($5,252) ($5,429) $0 $724,461 $56,239 $0 $0 $14,592 $3,911 $6,341 $0 $724,461 $56,239 $0 $0 $14,592 $0 $6,341 $0 $724,461 $56,239 $0 $0 $14,592 $0 $6,341 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,911 $0 $0 $724,461 $56,239 $0 $0 $14,592 $3,911 $6,341 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $761,400 $44,144 $805,544 $801,633 $801,633 $3,911 $805,544 $0 $810,000 $729,000 $648,000 $567,000 $486,000 $405,000 $324,000 $243,000 $162,000 $81,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project close out is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Phase 1A-Guidance Center Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 31 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: ArcTec General Contractor: Division One Project Summary Phase 1B-PHS & Sam Rayburn Audit.& Renov. Bid Package 12 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $3,677,933 $302,884 $0 $38,447 $13,951 $339,512 $47,892 $0 $22,212 ($21,394) $0 $230,379 ($13,251) ($333,031) ($38,482) $0 $3,700,145 $281,490 $0 $268,826 $700 $6,481 $9,410 $0 $3,700,145 $281,490 $0 $268,826 $700 $0 $9,410 $0 $3,700,145 $281,490 $0 $268,826 $700 $0 $9,410 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,481 $0 $0 $3,700,145 $281,490 $0 $268,826 $700 $6,481 $9,410 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $4,420,619 ($153,567) $4,267,052 $4,260,571 $4,260,571 $6,481 $4,267,052 $0 $4,500,000 $4,050,000 $3,600,000 $3,150,000 $2,700,000 $2,250,000 $1,800,000 $1,350,000 $900,000 $450,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project close out is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Phase 1B-PHS & Sam Rayburn Audit.& Renov. Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 32 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: Dansby Miller General Contractor: DT Construction Project Summary Phase 1C-Bondy IS,Bailey,SHES & Beverly Bid Package 13 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $2,910,330 $239,671 $67,333 $17,273 $27,575 $191,974 $43,861 $0 ($734,972) ($12,630) $8,055 $3,551 $83,585 ($178,124) ($3,465) $0 $2,175,358 $227,041 $75,388 $20,824 $111,160 $13,850 $40,396 $0 $2,175,358 $227,041 $66,502 $20,824 $111,160 $0 $40,396 $0 $2,175,358 $227,041 $66,502 $20,824 $111,160 $0 $40,396 $0 $0 $0 $8,886 $0 $0 $13,850 $0 $0 $2,175,358 $227,041 $75,388 $20,824 $111,160 $13,850 $40,396 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $3,498,017 ($834,000) $2,664,017 $2,641,281 $2,641,281 $22,736 $2,664,017 $0 $2,700,000 $2,430,000 $2,160,000 $1,890,000 $1,620,000 $1,350,000 $1,080,000 $810,000 $540,000 $270,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project closeout is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Phase 1C-Bondy IS,Bailey,SHES & Beverly Aud. Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 33 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Crystal Gomez Project Architect: Hill & Swart General Contractor: DT Construction Project Summary Phase 1D-SHHS Auditorium & Renovation Bid Package 14 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $1,705,028 $140,412 $0 $17,860 $6,467 $156,281 $23,276 $0 $237,986 $11,909 $0 $63,435 $16,620 ($155,465) $2,726 $0 $1,943,014 $152,321 $0 $81,295 $23,087 $816 $26,002 $0 $1,942,351 $152,016 $0 $81,295 $20,100 $0 $26,002 $0 $1,943,884 $152,016 $0 $81,295 $13,816 $0 $14,407 $0 $663 $304 $0 $0 $2,987 $816 $0 $0 $1,943,014 $152,321 $0 $81,295 $23,087 $816 $26,002 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $2,049,324 $177,211 $2,226,535 $2,221,765 $2,205,419 $4,770 $2,226,535 $0 $2,400,000 $2,160,000 $1,920,000 $1,680,000 $1,440,000 $1,200,000 $960,000 $720,000 $480,000 $240,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The South Houston HS track is currently deemed unsafe and out of use due to a possible warranty issue with the track surface. PISD/Jacobs testing consultant recommended that the root cause of the track failure may be due to adhesion issues with the track surface and subsurface. This issue is in review with the GC and track subcontractor. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: The track subcontractor has commented some concerns about the quality of the subsurface materials. PISD/Jacobs are reviewing this concern with the testing consultant and engineer. Current Budget Phase 1D-SHHS Auditorium & Renovation Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 34 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: Randall-Porterfield General Contractor: DT Construction Project Summary Phase 2A Bid Package 15 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $4,546,372 $374,404 $0 $48,790 $17,245 $418,884 $58,729 $0 ($451,491) ($19,628) $0 $130,876 $100,504 ($333,224) ($16,037) $0 $4,094,881 $354,776 $0 $179,666 $117,749 $85,660 $42,693 $0 $4,094,881 $354,776 $0 $179,666 $117,749 $0 $42,693 $0 $4,094,881 $354,776 $0 $179,666 $117,749 $0 $42,693 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $85,660 $0 $0 $4,094,881 $354,776 $0 $179,666 $117,749 $85,660 $42,693 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $5,464,424 ($589,000) $4,875,424 $4,789,764 $4,789,764 $85,660 $4,875,424 $0 $5,000,000 $4,500,000 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project close out is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Phase 2A Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 35 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: Huitt-Zollars General Contractor: Prime Contractors Project Summary Phase 2B Bid Package 16 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $4,759,755 $391,973 $27,431 $27,336 $24,793 $425,598 $64,009 $0 ($497,259) $25,037 $0 $257,333 $567,117 ($400,249) ($31,544) $0 $4,262,496 $417,010 $27,431 $284,669 $591,910 $25,349 $32,465 $0 $4,262,496 $417,010 $25,298 $284,669 $591,910 $0 $32,465 $0 $4,262,496 $417,010 $25,298 $284,669 $591,625 $0 $32,465 $0 $0 $0 $2,133 $0 $0 $25,349 $0 $0 $4,262,496 $417,010 $27,431 $284,669 $591,910 $25,349 $32,465 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $5,720,895 ($79,566) $5,641,329 $5,613,847 $5,613,562 $27,482 $5,641,329 $0 $6,000,000 $5,400,000 $4,800,000 $4,200,000 $3,600,000 $3,000,000 $2,400,000 $1,800,000 $1,200,000 $600,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project close out is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Phase 2B Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 36 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: SHW Group General Contractor: Prime Contractors Project Summary Phase 3A Bid Package 17 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $5,439,117 $447,921 $0 $35,781 $20,631 $524,022 $69,966 $0 ($864,131) ($23,125) $0 $439,517 ($3,377) ($489,415) ($57,469) $0 $4,574,986 $424,796 $0 $475,298 $17,254 $34,607 $12,497 $0 $4,574,980 $424,796 $0 $475,298 $17,254 $0 $12,497 $0 $4,574,980 $424,796 $0 $475,298 $17,254 $0 $12,497 $0 $6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,607 $0 $0 $4,574,986 $424,796 $0 $475,298 $17,254 $34,607 $12,497 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $6,537,438 ($998,000) $5,539,438 $5,504,825 $5,504,825 $34,613 $5,539,438 $0 $6,000,000 $5,400,000 $4,800,000 $4,200,000 $3,600,000 $3,000,000 $2,400,000 $1,800,000 $1,200,000 $600,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project close out is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Phase 3A Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 37 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: PDG General Contractor: Division One Project Summary Phase 3B Bid Package 18 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $3,900,665 $321,229 $0 $0 $14,797 $400,465 $51,171 $0 ($2,250,294) ($41,353) $0 $5,192 $54,914 ($370,593) $13,372 $0 $1,650,371 $279,876 $0 $5,192 $69,711 $29,872 $64,543 $0 $1,650,371 $279,876 $0 $5,192 $69,711 $0 $64,543 $0 $1,650,371 $279,876 $0 $5,192 $69,711 $0 $64,543 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,872 $0 $0 $1,650,371 $279,876 $0 $5,192 $69,711 $29,872 $64,543 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $4,688,327 ($2,588,762) $2,099,565 $2,069,693 $2,069,693 $29,872 $2,099,565 $0 $2,100,000 $1,890,000 $1,680,000 $1,470,000 $1,260,000 $1,050,000 $840,000 $630,000 $420,000 $210,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project close out is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Phase 3B Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 38 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: Cre8 General Contractor: Division One Project Summary Phase 3C Bid Package 19 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $533,181 $43,908 $0 $3,944 $1,923 $50,038 $7,853 $0 $91,467 ($2,945) $0 ($3,944) ($1,923) ($50,038) ($2,860) $0 $624,648 $40,963 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,993 $0 $624,648 $40,963 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,993 $0 $624,648 $40,963 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,993 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $624,648 $40,963 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,993 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $640,847 $29,757 $670,604 $670,604 $670,604 $0 $670,604 $0 $700,000 $630,000 $560,000 $490,000 $420,000 $350,000 $280,000 $210,000 $140,000 $70,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project closeout is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Phase 3C Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 39 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: SBWV General Contractor: Division One Project Summary Phase 1E-Summit /Tech. Srvs. Ctr. Bid Package 21 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $1,247,992 $102,774 $77,236 $0 $4,734 $51,191 $16,073 $0 $276,359 $26,217 ($13,118) $0 $30,799 ($39,521) ($951) $0 $1,524,351 $128,991 $64,118 $0 $35,533 $11,670 $15,122 $0 $1,524,351 $128,991 $64,118 $0 $35,533 $0 $15,122 $0 $1,524,351 $128,990 $64,118 $0 $35,533 $0 $15,122 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,670 $0 $0 $1,524,351 $128,991 $64,118 $0 $35,533 $11,670 $15,122 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $1,500,000 $279,785 $1,779,785 $1,768,115 $1,768,114 $11,670 $1,779,785 $0 $1,800,000 $1,620,000 $1,440,000 $1,260,000 $1,080,000 $900,000 $720,000 $540,000 $360,000 $180,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project close out is complete. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Phase 1E-Summit /Tech. Srvs. Ctr. Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 40 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: George Lloyd Project Architect: Cre8 General Contractor: Brothers Construction Location: 2906 Dabney Project Summary Phase 3D-Phillips Gym/Veterans Memorial Bid Package 22 New Schools and Renovations Original Budget Budget Adjustments Cost Description Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $1,177,960 $97,007 $79,958 $0 $24,105 $15,130 $21,665 $0 $588,477 $2,318 $0 $8,959 ($4,334) ($10,698) ($723) $0 $1,766,437 $99,325 $79,958 $8,959 $19,771 $4,432 $20,942 $0 $1,766,437 $99,325 $30,958 $8,959 $19,771 $0 $20,942 $0 $1,766,437 $97,244 $30,958 $8,959 $19,771 $0 $20,442 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $4,432 $0 $0 $1,766,437 $99,325 $79,958 $8,959 $19,771 $4,432 $20,942 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $1,415,825 $584,000 $1,999,825 $1,946,393 $1,943,811 $53,432 $1,999,825 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Final punch list back check and closeout documents are under review. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. $2,000,000 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 Current Budget Phase 3D-Phillips Gym/Veterans Memorial Stadium Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 41 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: George Lloyd Project Architect: Cre8 General Contractor: Lucas Construction Location: 3129 Lafferty Project Summary Phase 3E-Transportation Center Bid Package 22A New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,320,651 $124,584 $0 $0 $10,743 $5,026 $65,996 $0 $1,320,651 $124,584 $0 $0 $10,743 $5,026 $65,996 $0 $1,320,651 $124,584 $0 $0 $10,743 $0 $65,996 $0 $1,320,651 $122,259 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,760 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,026 $0 $0 $1,320,651 $124,584 $0 $0 $10,743 $5,026 $65,996 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $0 $1,527,000 $1,527,000 $1,521,974 $1,494,669 $5,026 $1,527,000 $0 $1,600,000 $1,440,000 $1,280,000 $1,120,000 $960,000 $800,000 $640,000 $480,000 $320,000 $160,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: Project close out is complete. The eleven month inspections were completed 6/10/09. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: None at this time. Current Budget Phase 3E-Transportation Center Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 42 of 45 PISD 2004 School Bond Program Program Manager: Terry Page Project Manager: Katrina McDaniel Project Architect: Randall-Porterfield General Contractor: Brothers Location: 101 E. Jackson Project Summary De Zavala Middle School Bid Package 24 New Schools and Renovations Cost Description Original Budget Budget Adjustments Current Budget Committed Costs Cost to Date Balance Estimate at Completion Budget Balance Construction Design A/E FF&E Asbestos Construction-Other Project Contingency Professional Services-Other Miscellaneous $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,353,453 $271,340 $164,760 $0 $113,645 $218,716 $78,086 $0 $3,353,453 $271,340 $164,760 $0 $113,645 $218,716 $78,086 $0 $3,263,453 $254,956 $5,443 $0 $95,556 $0 $57,988 $0 $1,328,944 $223,826 $5,443 $0 $17,355 $0 $28,933 $0 $90,000 $16,384 $159,317 $0 $18,089 $218,716 $20,098 $0 $3,353,453 $271,340 $164,760 $0 $113,645 $218,716 $78,086 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals: $0 $4,200,000 $4,200,000 $3,677,396 $1,604,501 $522,604 $4,200,000 $0 $4,500,000 $4,050,000 $3,600,000 $3,150,000 $2,700,000 $2,250,000 $1,800,000 $1,350,000 $900,000 $450,000 $0 Project Notes 1. Major Activities: The GC continues on MEP rough-in at the classroom addition and they began demolition of the existing exterior walls of the cafeteria/library to tie into the new cafeteria/library addition. 2. Key Issues and Concerns: Continued progress of the construction schedule is critical for the August 2009 opening for the classroom and library/cafeteria additions. Current Budget De Zavala Middle School Committed Cost to Costs Date Estimate at Completion Status Date: 10-Jun-2009 Page 43 of 45 BP24 - De Zavala MS June 10, 2009 Page 44 of 45 Page 45 of 45 BP-08 BP-22A BP-22 BOND 2004 PROJECT LOCATOR MAP (A-DD) BP-22 Phillips Gym/Veterans Memorial Stadium (C-FF) BP-22A Transportation Center (D-EE) Other Milstead Lomax (F-FF) Dr. Dixie Melillo MS (J-BB) Pasadena Independent School District
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