1993-03-18 The Big Bend Sentinel And The Marfa Independent
1993-03-18 The Big Bend Sentinel And The Marfa Independent
T-w ¾ HAL. 1.1. I *•-••"• '•• TEXAS Lady Horns make all-district, Kitchens, Natividad state bound, Page 5 page 4 Tompkins assumes T-bird restaurant MARFA - Marfa's Thunderbird Restaurant will be under new management beginning April 1. TJ's Country Inc. will move in at that time under a lease a g r e e m e n t with Marfa businessman Eddie Pierce, corporation owner and restaurant e u r—T-o-m-m-y- T o m p k i n s confirmed Wednesday. PierceAiwns the Holiday Capri Inn, Thunderbird Motel and Thunderbird Restaurant complex. —TJ-s owns and operates the Longhorn Cattle Co. restaurant in Alpine and TJ's Country Burgers in Fort Davis and MonahlnsT 'Moosey' to help fire truck fund MARFA - Marfa service station owner Oscar 'Moosey' Lujan has added his support for the Marfa Volunteer Fire Department fire truck fundraiser. For every gallon of gasoline purchased Friday and Saturday at Highland Exxon, Lujan will donate 2 cents per gallon to the fund. He'll also donate $1 per car wash and $1 per oil change. "This is the kind of support we're looking for from the community," Assistant Fire Chief Jerry Garnett said this week. "With help like this, we're well on our way to reaching our $60,000 goal and getting our much-needed fire equipment. Thanks, Moosey." Horn band hosts enchilada supper MARFA - The Marfa Shorthorn Band will host an enchilada supper beginning av S p.m. Friday, March 26 at "RoblnsorrCafeterlar. The dinner is a fund-raiser for a band trip May 7-9 to San Antonio. Donation is $5 a plate for adults, and $i for students. Also look for morning band bake sales at the Marfa Post Office Friday, Friday March 26, Friday April 2, and Wednesday April 7. Candidates forum set by group MARFA - The Marfa Committee for City Government will host a meet the city of Marfa candidates evening tentatively set for 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 21 at The Marfa National Bank community room. Each candidate will be given five minutes' to address residents, followed by a questionand-answer session. In addition, candidates will be asked to prepare answers to questions provided in advance. • (Continued on pagt 2) Winning Lottery numbers, page 11 MARCH 18, 1993 VOL. 5 9 , NO. 5 2 In brief LOTTEflV 50 cents Sheriff foils Presidio County Jail break MARFA - Ah anonymous tip to Presidio County Sheriff Abe Gonzalez helped shut down an escape attempt by prisoners at the Presidio County Jail Tuesday night. When officers moved in at about 9 p.m., they caught a prisoner in a "window working on a screen," 83rd State Judicial District Attorney Albert Valadez said Wednesday. "They got him red-handed." No injuries were reported. Af least one trustee and as many as four prisoners may have been involved in the break-out attempt, Valadez said, adding that an investigation into the incident continued. Gonzalez said he got the tip about 7 p.m. and called for back-up from the Marfa Border Patrol, the Texas Department of Public Safety in Alpine and a <Texas Parks & Wildlife Department game warden from Alpine as well as chief Deputy Sheriff Benny Utley and jailers Jimmy Lujan and Eddie Lujan. District Attorney's office in- vestigator Larry Jackson was in Fort Davis, and he came down and also assisted, Valadez said. Earlier Tuesday, a trustee had apparently unlatched a steel window on the south side of the jail and placed a ladder next to the window, Valadez said. Prisoners had cut through one layer of steel mesh, two bars and were cutting through another layer of steel mesh when officers closed in, he said. Prisoners had a file, a crow bar and a screwdriver that had MARFA - Marfa school board members Tuesday night extended contracts for the 199394 school year to all current teachers and coaches, Superintendent Judy Ledbetter said Wednesday. Red ford Elementary School Principal Tiburcio 'Butch' Acosta also was granted a 1993-94 contract, she said. Trustees didn't consider the contracts of high school Principal Sam Robinson and elementary-junior high school Principal David Clark, whose current contracts are good through, the 1993-94 school year. In a discussion about school finance, Ledbetter told trustees it was imperative that she and trustees get the word out to Marfa residents to support the three school finance-related Texas Constitution amendments on the May 1 ballot. "If Proposition 1 fails, the schools close," Ledbetter said. "Our community will be much better served with the passage of Proposition 1." —Failur^of Proposition-1-wouldsend the-school finance question back to the courts, or the Legislature to redistribute school funds and redraw school district boundaries. If approved, Proposition 1 would make constitutional the so-called 'Robin Hood' plan, which takes property taxes from rich school districts and gives them to poor districts, like Marfa ISD. The Robin Hood plan has been ruled unconstitutional by the courts. Proposition 2 requires the Texas Legislature to fund statemandated programs. Currently, legislators can mandate school programs Without funding them, putting the financial burden on local school districts. Proposition 3 authorizes $750 million to assist school districts. Trustee Lonnie Mendoza asked that a resolution In support of the three propositions be placed on next month's meeting agenda. (Continueon pagt 2) ^MM^ It appears to be and "insideoutside job," Valadez said. "We still don't know if they were to be picked up or what, but somehow, someone found out and called the sheriff." Pending further investigation, felony charges of attempted escape and possession of escape implements are expected to filed on the prisoners, Valadez said. As many as 19 prisoners were in the main cell block on the Gonzalez said he thanks all first floor where the escape at- the law enforcement "officers for tempt occurred, Gonzalez said. their help Tuesday night. Last^minute-ffters finalize elections CMcsrIOl teacher contracts approved apparently been smuggled inside the jail by the trustee, Valadez said. Those were confiscated and a complete shakedown of the jail was conducted Tuesday night, Utley said, adding nothing else was found. Marfa welder Lalo_ Prieto repaired the damage and things were back to normal at the jail later Tuesday night. \ FAR WEST TEXAS - Four up: last-minute candidates signed CITY OF MARFA up tor places on the Marfa City Mayor - Mayor Genevieve Commission, Marfa school Prieto Bassham and challenger board and Big Bend Regional Jake Brisbin Jr. Hospital District as the filing Commissioners • Incumbents deadline-closed Wednesday. Chon Prieto and Richard Elections are Saturday May 1. Harem and challengers Fritz ' Incumbent Marfa City Com- Kahl, Robert Baker and missioner Chon Prieto filed for Reymundo Roman. re-election as did challenger MARFA SCHOOL BOARD. Reymundo Roman. Trustee, place 1 - Pablo G. Ann Fitzgerald signed up for Carrasco Jr. Marfa ISD trustee place 2 to Trustee, place 2 - Incumbent challenge incumbent Lonnie Lonnie Mendoza and Ann Mendoza. Fitzgerald. And Anthony 'Tony' Brown HOSPITAL DISTRICT of south of Alpine will run in District I - Incumbent Rosario district 3 of the hospital district Salgado Halpern of Marfa and and face challenger Bill Bour- challenger Pamela Kay McNeil bon of Big Bend National Park. of Presidio. Prieto will be seeking his third District 2 - Incumbent William term of office. Webb of south of Alpine and Roman is a former Marfa challenger Don Lewis of school teacher. Presidio. Fitzgerald the past four years District 3 - William Bourbon has been a parttime principal of Big Bend National Park of and teacher at High Frontier Tony Brown of south of AlSchool in the Fort Davis school pine. district. She and her husband, District 4 - Incumbent Lori Marfa Junior High School Student Council fifth-grade John, who is president of Fort Ellison of Alpine and chal•representatives Damien Carrillo, left, and Ronnie Garcia raise Davis State Bank, live in Marfa lengers Joseph Campbell of the U.S. and Texas flags every day at the campus. on Golf Course Road. Marathon and Forrest C YelShe also taught English at verton of Alpine. Marfa High School from 1979District 5 • Incumbents 85. Doralene Lassiter, RN, of Area residents have until Marfa, and Dr. Clifton Pearce Tuesday, April 1 to register to of Alpine, and challenger -vote-in-the-May-1-elections-witli—PatriciaWellsrLVNTofMarfar MARFA - Donald Judd is Judd and Rudi Fuchs, a early voting scheduled for April Also on ballots will be a spepreparing for upcoming exhibi- museum curator in the Nether- 12-27. cial election for Texas' senator tions of his work in New York lands and a Chinati Foundation Voter registration cards are in the U.S. Congress and three City, the Netherlands and board of director member. The available at area county court- amendments to the Texas ConJapan. catalogue also will feature houses. stitution relating to school The New York show will feaHere's how the races shaped finance. ture new work made in-Marfa (Continued on page 2) 1—, , _fe—, . at Judd's Marfa Ice Plant _ fabrication center. Hecho en Marfa That show opens Saturday, March 27 at the Pace Gallery's SoHo space. • Two of the four pieces are floor works, four-unit and three-unit desjgns, weighing about 3,000 pounds each, and a six-unit wall piece, all made of rusted cor-ten steel. ••^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^E^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K ^^^^^^^^^^^HI Fabricators are Raul Hernan^^^^^^^^^^^^K^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Hj^^^^^^^^^^^^B • ^^^^^^^^^^^H dez and David Natividad of Marfa, with help from Judd interns Jovi Juan and Jim Skanberg. The fourth piece is a six-unit plywood wall work made in New York City. Hernandez will be traveling to the Big Apple to help install the show. Pace also is producing a New Judd work at the Marfa let Plant fabrication center await shipment to New York City. catalogue, with an essay by Judd, Marfa fabricators prepare for NYC show • • MMAAMAAAMlMMMttMM - m m m t*\ Th« qiq Hand Sentlm.1 Mmrlm T i » n Candidates who wish to participate or want more information about the event should contact The Big Bend Sentinel by Monday, April 5. Stop by the office_at 110 N. Highland In Marfa or call the paper at (915) 729-4342. In addition, the Sentinel will provide a candidate's forum for all area residents seeking office on May 1. This will allow candidates to make their election announcement and outline their -platform. These articles should be no more than two pages in length, typewritten and double-spaced. Candidates may also provide a photograph of themselves. We'll publish them weekly as they come in through the April 22 edition. March 18 1991 Bill would allow emergency entry on private property City eyes problem area AUSTIN • "Emergency entry property, even in an emergency MARFA - The Marfa City. on p r i v a t e l a n d . T h e situation" under current state Commission Monday gave city commissioners' court may law," the analysis staled. Administrator Bobby Martinez It's illegal for a public entity authorize appropriate persons to the authority to take what steps enter private land as the com- to maintain private roadways were necessary to addressan~ The bill leaves it up to the missioners court determines unsanitary condition in eastnecessary to protect individuals "good judgment and common central Marfa. or animals endangered by a sense" of commissioners to Angel Martinez roams deem a situation an emergency, natural emergency." Marfa's alley and trash That's the guts of a proposed according to the analysis. dumpsters removing cans, botGailego opposes this measure, bill filed recently in the Texas tles, papers and other items Legislature that had telephone the staffer said this week. There thrown away and store those lines buzzing in Austin this was no word from the triitems at two abandoned dwellings in town. Judd interns, from left, Jovijuan and Jim Skanberg, andjudd week by Far West. Texas counties' state senator, Judith government officials and Zaffirini, D-Laredo. "It's a dump over there," fabricators David Natividad and Raul Hernandez. private property owners, acBobby Martinez said, and cording to the office of state The bill comes on the heels of neighbors are complaining. another proposed piece of legisRep. Pete Gailego, D-Alpine. Last year, Presidio County, Concerned callers wanted to lation viewed by some as erodthe city and the state Health (Continued from page J)mmm know more about the bill, a ing the way of life in Far West Department contacted Martinez photos of Judd's permanentlyOn April 25, an exhibition of Gailego office staffer said Texas. about the problem and Presidio Senate Bill S83 would protect County Jail trustees were sent installed outdoor works in Judd's furniture opens at the Tuesday. the mountain lion by making it Marfa. Boymans Museum in Rotterto clean the area up. Some area county officials and a game animal. Currently, it's The Marfa crew also built dam, the Netherlands. private property owners view open season on the elusive Problems at the area have Mexicans guilty special crates for the pieces, On May 1, an overview of the bill as another attempt to predator cat. reappeared, the city adwhich will be shipped to New Judd's work to the present will erode private property owners' ministrator said. Far West Texas ranchers of moving mota open at a Japanese museum. rights, they said this week. Unsanitary conditions also are York viaflatbedtruck. that is, private property owners An analysis of the bill shows - oppose that legislation and say PECOS - Last Tuesday's trial present at Martinez's dwelling the measure may have some that the lion is a thriving in Sal Si Puedes, outside the of three Mexican citizens on merit, but gives too much species, poses a threat to livemarijuana possession and con- city limit. • leeway in governmental stock and does not need protecspiracy charges resulted in guil- The county was supposed to (Continued from page 1) I authority. have obtained permission for tion. And board President Glenn test scores; ty verdicts. The measure, House Bill that property owner to clean it * heard a report from LedbetGarcia said the district should Roman Jose Orozco-Pena, 25, The bill was filed by state 1233, was filed by state Rep. begin a public awareness pro- ter that the cafeteria is operat- Warren Juan Villa-Galindo, 35, and up, but that hasn't occurred. Sens. Chris Harris, R-ArChisum, D-Pampa. The city administrator said gram for the community about ing in the red. Factors include Jose Garcia-Tovarez, 29, were lington, and Gonzalo BarrienAn example of a situation adthat participation is not as high dressed by the bill occurred last tos, D-Austin, caught underneath a bridge near he's offered to help Martinez the propositions.' and has the with public housing,-food now as when the cafeteria fall. In other action, trustees: Alpine Dec. 12, 1992. support of the Sierra Club and stamps and veteran's assistance. * approved a grant application opened last spring, and that Border Patrol agents later other related groups. "Several farmers in the North"He's into recycling, and for a summer school program there may be too many cafeteria east Texas Panhandle area, befound 90 pounds of marijuana The bill was filed in the in sugar sacks made to look like everything is separated," the for students at risk in math and staffers. Food and supply pur- cause of snow blizzards, were Senate's International Relacity administrator said, but the reading J"he program will pay_ chases aren't out of line and the backpacks near the bridge. from getting truck- t i o n s , Trade and Technology _stuftneveris moved out; those students $4.25 a hour to government reimbursements are prevented The men claimed they had loads of feed from a public com m i11ee, wh i ch had City officials gave Bobby atteniclass; slow^"It's a new operation and crossed from Mexico into highway to livestock facilities scheduled a hearing on the bill Martinez the authority to con* approved a grant application we still don't know all the vari- located on private lands," ac- Wednesday. Texas near Lajitas and were tact the owners of the properfor year-round adult literacy ables," Ledbetter said; walking to Midland to work as Gallego's office said they're ties in Marfa - the Martinez and * heard a report from Clark cording to the analysis. roofers. _and_Ejig!jsh_as_a_sejcpndJan^ still trying to figure that one —-Another-example ofthe that Marfa sixth-graderslviir —BorderPatrol agents said the Aguirre estates - to get permis- guage classes; out, and why the bill was sent problems encountered by permeet next week at Prude Guest ___^ t0 tnat suspects had no water or food sion to clean up the area at the * requested that the Presidio _ _ ^ committee, but bill opsons in rural areas on private with them, as illegal aliens nor expense of the estates orbegjri_ Independent School District ac- -Ranch-with-New-Ganey-sixth.- lands occurred this past fall—ponents-said-that-was-donMo-miiHy^o^mjn-Thl^rfi^n^^ pToceedTngs if cept Redford secondary stu- graders, Clark's previous when an elderly rural resident avoid state Sen. Bill Sims, D necessary. school. He said the meeting is foot. so they won't have to be designed In other business, the city ad- dents to be an exchange of was required to be transported San Angelo, chairman of the (The Pecos Enterprise) bused to Marfa High School ministrator told elected city of- next year; ideas between rural and city from her rural residence to a Natural Resources Committee f i c i a l s that t h e . c i t y ' s kids. Also, an honors trip in hospital for medical treatment and a staunch private property * approved a waiver request outstanding debts were coming to the Texas Education Agency late April for junior high school and such transportation was rights and ranchers' supporter. SRSU scholar Gallego's office said he opdown. students had been approved by made temporarily impossible for high school geometry and poses that bill. because of snowdrifts having A $5,000 payment to West algebra classes to help the National Parks Service at plans lecture accumulated on the private land Zaffirini also opposes the bill, Texas Utilities Co. this month strengthen the math program White Sands National Monuleading from the public high- "but it took several calls from on Monday^ would make the city current on and improve state achievement ment. way to the i n d i v i d u a l ' s constituents to get her off the its electric bill, and the debt residence. fence, according to reports. Dr. Felipe de Ortcgo y Gasca, owed to the Internal Revenue "The county commissioner of Legislature watchers said the Sul Ross State University scholar Service now was about $6,000, the precincts involved were bill has a good chance of getin residence, will discuss Myth down from $52,000. AUSTIN - Texas Attorney America: The American Ethos He has created a special sec- reluctant to allow county maln- ting out of committee and on to General Dan Morales has an- tion within his Opinion Com- tainers to enter the private the floor of the House. Myth and Practice Monday at Choir performs tonight nounced a 10-point state open mittee that will focus on open 7:30 p.m. in the Marshall Auditorium during the sixth annual The Sul Ross State University government package that will government issues. Mary Thomas Marshall Univer- Concert Choir will take the Mar- strengthen the enforcement of Morales also unveiled a packsity Lecture. shall Auditorium stage Thursday open government laws thereby age of proposed legislation to ATTORNEY providing citizens with greater strengthen the state's open There is no admission charge at 7:30 p.m. for a concert. for the talk, and it is open to the The choir, under the direction access and influence over government laws. One bill public. would grant his office new of Dr. Rex Wilson, will open the government. 114 West Washington Ortcgo, a noted scholar, phi- program with Howard Hanson's Morales announced that he has powers to investigate violations P.O. Box 668 lologist, author and editor, Song of Democracy. The text is appointed a special enforcement and enforce the Open Meetings teaches in the university's De- by Walt Whitman. The choir will counsel to take to court Act. The Attorney General does Marfa, TX 79843 partment of Behavioral and So- then perform Matyas Seiber's violators of the state's open not currently have such (915)729-4937 cial Science Three Hungarian Folksongs. governmental laws. authority. Judd MISD AG to ensure open government Karr & Rauscher REM, MM, Certified Public Accountants 212 N. 6th St. Alpine, Tex. Phone: 1 - 800 - 559-3396 FAX 1 - 915 - 837-7005_ Income-Taxes -- Sales Taxes Payroll Taxes — Franchise Taxes Bookeeping -- Financial Statements ^^^Aud|ts-JjOnsjltations^^^ Patio Availlble Friday: Bedding Plants - tomatoes, peppers, petunias, geraniums & more/ Good selection of shade &. ornamental trees. •EN ISSN 0747-119X USPS 055-800 THE BIG BEND SENTINEL it published every Thursday by LA FRONTERA PUBLICATIONS INC., Box P, Marfa, TX 79843. Annual subscription rates are $18 in Brawstar, Jaff Davit and Prasldla counties and ¢21 In other Taxat counties and elsewhere In. the United Statet. Special ratet apply to tubtcriptions abroad. Second Class postage paid at Maria, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE BIQ BEND SENTINEL. Box P. Marfa. TX 79843. Our telephone number: 915/729-4342 Our toll-free number: 1-800/662-3078 Our fax.number: 816/728-3424. - Member TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION ROBERT HALPERN ROSARIO HALPERN TERESA SALGADO an * * i Editor/Publisher Advertising/Business Manager Office/Production Manager U*m^ No. 1 - grade rose bushes from Weeks of California - 36.95 Back to Earth cotton burr compost Many gifts for house & patio at the Country Cottage All at Tom's Triangle under _ the Shell Sign 150 W U>S 9 0 COTTAGE ° " AipffslE GIFTS 837-5229 Fall In Love With Our Tax Benefits/ When you start an Individual Retirement Account with us, you get a secure investment that's right on target with the highest interest rates available. fust open your account before this year's tax deadline and you may he able to deduct all or part ofyour deposit against your 1992 taxes*. And your interest is tax-deferred until it's withdrawn upon retirement. Serltnrup a secure futureforyoursetfwitbonecf— our IRA options. CaU us today! ^-^ 1MB MARFA NATIONAL BANK »18 7394344 * fot OJto BOB 8 • Mvfc. TX 79*43 MhSMIMMlMMhatfyMl / The Bio Band Santirml. Mmrla. Taxaa, Marrh 1fi. 1 9 9 3 (31 mions Write us. Box P, Maria, TX 79843 Who's on first? By'WAHDLEY RED -That collective shudder and sigh you felt roll across Texas last week was the product of all good Texas Democrats upon learning that Jim Mattox had decided not to enter the May 1 special election for the United States Senate. You see, the Republicans are playing Russian roulette by fielding three bonafide candidates, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Jack Fields and Joe Barton against perennial weakling Democrat Bob Krueger. Yeah, that Bob Krueger, two time loser of Senate elections and the guy who couldn't even win his party's nomination the last time. ' Democrats are so confident that Krueger will win, possibly without a run-off, that they've even invited Vice-President Al Gore to campaign. Mattox could have really made the whole thing an old fashioned pelea,' but the Democratic machinery outfoxed him by drying up his sources of campaign funds. Now Mattox, who would drive to Tijuana to pick" a fight with a cab driver, will have to be content to go home and pull the wings off flies for amusement. And Krueger, once dubbed the "Texas Chameleon'1 for his ability to be on all three sides of every issue, appears to have the inside track. Republicans, having drawn their pistols and carefully shot themselves in the foot, have a slim chance that current Texas Treasurer, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, can make it to a run-off with Krueger, and then bush-whack him in a low turnout, head to head match. If all that isn't exciting enough for you, there are some garden variety fringe candidates, including one who features bloody fetuses in his television commercials. Kinda makes you wonder why, given all of this free entertainment, more voters don't choose to participate. We'll check in on this situation again, the whole thing is about three bubbles off plumb.1 Letters to the editor ^Editor: Thank you for your article and editorial of March 11 about Texas Senate Bill #583 which would add the mountain lion to the list of game animals. Here are a few more details. *The„mountainJion^vj!LbeJisted_as_agame_animal^if Texas Senate Bill #583 is passed. Senators Chris Harris of Arlington and Gonzalo Barrientos of Austin, authors of the bill, evidently eptJhej^asQnsJbiLwJiich4heI^xas-P^rlts4nd-Wildlife— Department denied the same proposal to them by several environmental organizations. In,April 1992, TPWD considered the proposal at a roundtable wi^^^^istSy^dftwners.^ildJifeiWIHstts, environmentalists, , and XPWJP specialists.. They, also,heard five reports, on the status of the Hon. The^vidence was clear and irrefutable that lions are not only threatened but that their populations are high, increasing, and extending into new areas across the nation. The Sierra Club's viewpoint is that lions may be killed or trapped anytime in unlimited numbe.s. This is true. Lions may be killed wholesale but realistically they will not be because lion hunting, which requires special equipage and skills, is too expensive and time consuming for more than a handful of hunters to undertake. Therefore, lions are not now nor are they likely to be killed at a rateihat would cause them to become a threatened species. Nongame status obviously has not stopped their present increase. Mountain lions in our area are about twice as numerous as in other Texas counties. In Brewster, Jeff Davis and Presidio Coun- BBCA to name new director ^^kf^WM-itew. MARFA - Big Bend Community Action Agency Inc. board members are scheduled to meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 30 in Marfa to name a new executive director. The non-profit organization, which o f f e r s a s s i s t a n c e programs such as commodities to elderly and needy individuals in Presidio, Brewster, Jeff Davis, Culberson and Hudspeth counties, has been without an executive director since the retirement late last year of Robbie Fellows of Marfa. Board President Jack Brunson said persons who have applied for the position need not reapply- •J ties, 484 were trapped or killed from 1983 to 1989, an average of 80 per year. In prior years the average was under 30. The small Chihuahuan Red Deer, which used to inhabit the Glass Mountains, has been totally wiped out by mountain lions. Within the Big Bend National Park, there have been a number of attacks by lions on Park visitors. One child was almost killed by a lion as he and his parents walked a well-worn trail near the basin installations. The child's scalp was found in the lion's stomach. If the lion is classified as a game animal the only circumstances in which it may be legally killed outside of hunting season is when one's life is immediately threatened. If you should see a lion in your backyard, as did a homeowner within two miles of Alpine, you could not kill it. You would have to wait until it actually attacks your Senate Bill #583 is unwarranted, unnecessary, and potentially dangerous. Sincerely yours, __ Emilie B. Severin Alpine Editor: As we read in the newspaper and listen to the news, our conclusions are to want to exclaim, to what an extreme degree have some people lowered themselves and have abandoned their sublime dignity of their being children of God and heirs to his eternal glory^Instead they have plunged themselves to the possibility of falling into the abyss of hell. The concept of God in our modern society has become dull and indifferent and humanism has invaded the human heart. "Remember, men that thou art ashes and on to ashes thou shah return." If love of God is not in our hearts then much less for our neighbor.-And ifiove ofiieighboris not present in our hearts therT violence, hatred and murder will abound. Pro-choice is giving consent to do as we please, to kill or not to kill. Our responsibilities before our creator is to obey him. We don't have a choice to live or not to live. Thou shalt not kill and love your neighbor as thyself are two commandments of God. Would a pregnant mother kill herself because she doesn't want the use of the permanent school fund to guarantee state revenue bonds, but would permit the legislature to provide | by law for the issuance of general obligation bonds or revenue bonds of the state for the purpose of making loans to, or purchasing bonds of, school districts for the purpose of acquisition, construction, or improvement of instructional facilities, \>V\ LIAI I t i ( . H O N including all furnishings. The amendment MAY 1. H)<)J also provides that the state, pursuant to general law, may forgive the payment of principal and interest on all or part of a a minimum tax rate in county educa- loan made to a school district under the ' PROPOSITION NO. 1 tion districts, and placing a cap on the amendment to partially finance an inON THE BALLOT ad valorem tax levied by county edu- structional facility. The cap of $750 million on the amount of bonds that could be cation districts." Section 1 of Senate Joint Resolution 7 issued under article VII, section 5(b), as proposes, a constitutional amendment amended, would be retained. The amendPROPOSITION NO. 2 that would allow the legislature to rement would repeal the current provision distribute among other school districts ad ON THE BALLOT of the constitution permitting the legisvalorem taxes levied and collected by a -achooLdistricL-The-amendment-would- —Section 2 of Senate-Joinr Resolution 7 -~laturc"~torauthori2e~bonds in excess o F dlow-the-legislature to create county proposes a constitutional amendment $750 million by two-thirds record vote of education districts with the taxable prop- that would provide that, except for state both houses of the legislature. While any erty of existing school districts in one or educational mandates imposed in com- of the general obligation bonds issued more counties combined. County educa- pliance with the Texas Constitution or under the amendment or any of the intertion Hiatricta may levy, collect, and dis- federal law, or unless enacted by a vote of est on those bonds is outstanding and untribute ad valorem taxes as authorized by at least two-thirds of the members elec- paid, there would be appropriated out of general taw. The legislature would be al- ted to each house of the legislature, a the first money coming into the state lowed to set the rate of the ad valorem school district may not be required to treasury in eachfiscalyear, not otherwise tax to be imposed in a school district or comply with an obligation requiring ex- appropriated by the constitution, the county education district or it may autho- penditure of school district funds unless amount sufficient to pay the principal and rize the board of 'rustees of each school the obligation is fully funded. The amend- interest on the bonds that matured or bedistrict or county education district to set ment also requires the legislature to pro- came due that fiscal year. the rate, provided that the rate of county vide by law a procedure for determining The proposed amendment will appear education district ad valorem.taxes,may whether an obligation is fully funded. In on the ballot as follows: not exceed $1.00 per $100 valuation of the absence of such a procedure, and at T h e constitutional amendment autaxable property, unless a higher rate is the request of a school district's board of thorizing the issuance of $760 million approved by the voters of the district. trustees, the comptroller of public acin state general obligation or revenue The amendment also provides that the count* shall determine whether or not an bonds to assist school districts in paramount of ad valorem taxes redistributed obligation la fully funded. This amendtially financing facilities, authorizing among school districts by the legislature ment appliea only to state educational the state to forgive payment* of loan* and effectively redistributed within a mandates enacted after December 31, made to a school district for partially county through county education dis- 1993. financing facilities, and repealing the tricts may not exceed 2.75 percent of the proposed amendment will appear authorization for $760 million in state sum of the state revenue appropriated for onThe the ballot as follows: revenue bonds guaranteed by the perpublic schools and the revenue from local manent school fund." T h e constitutional amendment exad valorem taxes levied and collected for empting a school district from the obpublic schools. The term "state revenue" ligation to comply with unfunded does not include revenue from ad valorem state educational mandates." taxes, revenue for the provision of free textbooks, or contributiona- to a retireSiU M tl inform utpimutcrto aoert PROPOSITION NO. 3 ment system. Finally, the amendment to tnmimda prvjmata a la eonttiiueion provides that |t dots not affect the distriON THE BALLOT . qm apanerrn rn to Mela tl Ha 1 da bution of the available school fund under Senate Joint Resolution 4 propose* an mayo d* 199$. Si nttmi no ha neibido article VII, section' 5, of the Texas amendment to article VII, section 6(b), of una eofria dtl inform* en ttpanol, podra Constitution, the constitution, which currently autho- obttntr una gratit par Uamar al The proposed amendment will appear rises the legislature to provide for using H800ltiSI8S83 o par ticribir al Seenon the ballot u follows: the permanent school fund to guarantee tario dt Eitado, P.O. Box 1S060, Auttin, Two* 78711 T h e constitutional amendment allow- bonds issued by school district* and cering limited redistribution of ad val- tain education-related revenue bonds Published by Secretary of Bute orem taxes for schools, authorising iseued by the state. The amendment John Hannah, Jr. the legislature or local district* to aet Srould repeal the provision authorising PUBLIC NOTICE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS the innocent child she is carrying, whether conceived by love, passion or force? The world needs love. Let's be compassionate, forgiving one' another and loving each other, for love covers a great multitude of sin. God loves you - us. very much. The cross is the best proof. With love to all and may God bless you, Lalo and Ida Prieto Marfa Editor: One of my indoor sports is guessing what initials in headlines stand for-Y.ou know the sort, "ABCDE to Request More Funds." Now I am sure those who have a burning interest in ABCDE will be biting their nails over whether ABCDE will get more funds. With the mood of most of the bodies controlling funds, city couneilsrcommissionersrschool boardsrlegislaturesrl'd say~ the chances are slim that more funds will be granted to ABCDE. But my original point is that since I cannotguessjE'M ARCQFis, I'm not likely to follow up to learn if they did indeed get the increase in funds. I'll just wonder if ABCDE stands for "Affiliated Boys Clubs of Down East," but I could not see why they would be seeking funds in West Texas. Sometimes I am amazed at my stupidity (a lifelong practice) when I suddenly realize that RCISD stands for Reagan County Independent School District. I can't understand why they all insist on being called "independent school district" when the "common school" has virtually disappeared. Surely it is not just to confuse me. And just how independent are they with TEA (Texas Education Agency, I know that one) breathing down their necks? But back to my original point; my guessing game goes on. It is treacherous to have to read at least a paragraph of a news story to find out what ABCDE is and find it is something I have no inter- . est in. But I hate to see it shrouded in mystery. Ernest B. Speck Alpine T-Bird • C r o w n V i c t o r i a • Cougar • T o w n Car • F-XSO STOCKTON FORD, INC. Ford - Lincoln - Mercury SOI West Holland Ave, Alpine 837*3317 or 1-800-300-2708 Taurus • Tempo • -Aerostar • Explorer • Sable • F-ISO Marfa Rural Health Clinic ••ngpSBg55S5yg»a 35% discount if paid at time of visit Basic First time visit $45 $29.25 Established acct. $30 $19.50 lab tests, x-rays are extra at full rate .Medicare, Medicaid & Insurance assignments accepted Richard Campbell, PA Dr. Richard House, M.D. - Medical Director HOURS: Monday-Friday ^9a.m.to5p.m. 729-3310 110 E. Texas St. MARFA ^p^^^r^ „ « V " " ^ I | I III WiiUlll.JVLIIp ^^^mmm^mmw^ ^ • P (4) T h l Bin Band Rantinul Mnrf» Tbxas. March 1 8 . 1 9 9 3 Four Maria Lady Horns named to all-district team MARFA - Four Lady Marfa Shorthorn basketball players have been named to the District S-2A all-district team. Sophomore Rosa Villanueva was named to the first team as post. Seniors Sandra Nunez and Sarah Hernandez were named to the second team as forward and point guard, respectively. Senior Jennifer Carrasco was an honorable mention as post. Golf tourney here Friday MARFA - Marfa High School will host its annual Invitational Golf Tournament Friday at the Marfa Golf Course. Schools participating are Alpine, Fabens, Fort Davis, Marfa, Pecos, Sanderson, Sierra Blanca, and Van Horn. Tee times are set for 9:30 a.m. "We should be near full strength for this tournament. I will have three boys teams and one girls team participating," Coach Jay Foster said. Brakel leads all-district picks . Simpson bunts her way in to Shorthorn history books MARFA - A Marfa coed broke the glass ceiling Monday when the Shorthorn baseball team opened its 1993 season. Freshman Crystal Simpson became the first girl at Marfa High School to play varsity baseball as the Horns downed the Marathon Mustangs 15-3 at Lara Field. An outfielder, Simpson bunted to the Mustang pitcher for an out. Her teammates, however, Jennifer Carrasco Sandra Nunez Sarah Hernandez took up the slack, and senior Jerry Guevara went 4-4 at the plate with a two-run homer, a triple and two singles. Felipe Garcia tripled, Jamie He is the son of Robert Moczy- he was an All-Distnct pick in basSul Ross State University Lujan doubled, Neil Martinez ketball for three seasons and was Coach Steve Kcenum and his gcmba of San Antonio. Salinas is a 6-0, 190-lb. tight a regional qualifier in track for staff continue on the recruiting trail, with seven more athletes de- end and defensive tackle. He was three years. claring their intent to wear the named first team All-District, Lara is a 5-11, 240-lb. offenscarletand grey for the Lobos this All-Valley and All-Area. He was sive and defensive tackle. He was also a defensive captain. fall. a team co-captain and received numerous post-season honors. New recruits include Efrain He is the son of Jose Luis Her- He was a first team All-District Ponce, El Paso; Russell Moczy- * nandez of Penitas. and All-Southwest Texas pick 'gemba, San Antonio; Filiberto Sul Ross State University Voyles, a student at Klein Oak Salinas, La Joya; Greg Voyles, High School, is a5-9,195-lb.run- and was named to the TSWA All- guard Missy Davis was named to Tomball; Joel Zamora, Edinburg: ningback, linebacker and punter. Region 4 team. He was also die 1993 National Association of Cy Barr, Geronimo; and Wally He was All-District at punter and named All-State honorable men- Intercollegiate Athletics' District tion. Lara, Del Rio. 8 basketball team in voting by was listed in Who's Who in High He is the son of Lilia G. Lara district coaches. Ponce, a student at El Paso School Sports. of Del Rio. Bowie High School, is a 5-7,160The 5-6 Haskell junior led the lb. halfback. He was named to the The Lobos compete in the Lady Lobos with a 15.2-point avHe is the son of Richard and first team All-District and All- Mary Kay Voyles of Tomball. Texas Intercollegiate Athletic erage. She picked up her points City squads and received JionorZamora is a 5-9,260-lb, offen- Association which is affiliated with-4-1 two-pointers, 66 threeable mention All-State. He sive tackle. A team captain, he with National Association of Inplayed in the All-Star game and was Edinburg High School's tercollegiate Athletics' Division received Player of the Week hon- lineman of the year and received II. In addition to Sul Ross, TIAA ors twice. member schools are Midwestern second team all-district honors. Helslhe son of JoeI"arTd"Be^ State^Um'vefsityln Wichita Falls, HcIs^the"soh~of YdlandaPl Austin College in Sherman, linda Zamora of Edinburg. Morales of El Paso. Barr is a 5-9, 160-lb. wide re- Hardin-Simmons University and Moczygcmba is a 6-4, 220-lb. offensive lineman and is a student ceiver and defensive back and is McMurry University in Abilene, at San Antonio Clark High a student at Navarro High School. and Howard Payne University in School. He was named second He was an all-district linebacker Brownwood. The University of team All-District and received and received second team honors Dallas is a;TJAA member school on offense. An all-around athlete, but does not compete in football. All-Citv honorable mention Seven more athletes sign with Sul Ross singled and doubled and Beto Carrasco tripled and singled. In the RBI department, Guevara had four, Andre Jennings two, Mark Cash two, Chris Rivera one, Garcia two, Carrasco two, with Ray Gomez and Victor Mendoza getting one each. Winning Pitcher was Carrasco with mound help from Jennings, Cash and Rico Rom*n. The win put the Horns at 1-0 on the season. Game two and three for Marfa are set for 4 p.m. Marfa time against the Fabens Wildcats in Fabens and 5 p.m. Tuesday with the Alpine Bucks in Alpine. Davis named 1993 All-District in voting by district coaches Tommy Brakel, Sul Ross State University's high-scoring guard, and Tarleton State University's Sean Walker were selected as coMost Valuable Player in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics' District 8. Brakel, a 6-2 senior from Crowley, was one of the top scorers in the nation with a 26.4point average. He scored his" Last week's record-breaking points on 122 two-pointers, 79 cold spell snowed out the Sul three-pointers and 127 free Ross State University-Austin throws. He also pulled down 110 College baseball scries in Sherrebounds and handed off 47 as- man Friday and Saturday. sists. Brakel was second on the In action before spring break, roster in steals with 35 and had the Lobos lost a three-game scries nine blocks. to Texas Intercollegiate Athletic Joining Brakel on the All-Dis- Association opponent Howard trict team with honorable men- Payne University in Alpine. The tions were Lobos Tony Bearden, Yellow Jackets stung the Lobos 6-5 Clint junior, and Kevin 13-2 in the opening game and -Richardson7f>4-Palmergiiard:— "pickc"d up b-l and 5-3 wins the The Lobos, under Coach second day. Roger Grant, closed out their seaLobo hitters started putting son with a 74-63 win over NOVENA TO ST. JUDE Howard Payne University. Sul Apostle and Martyr, great in virtues Ross finished the season 9-14, and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ. Faithful intercessor of their best finish since 1982. pointers and 107 free throws. She led the team in assists with 82 and pulled down 119 rebounds. She also had 29 steals and two blocked shots. ' The Lady Lobos closed out their season with a 59-53 win over Howard Payne University, posting a 10-14 mark. SRSU Lobos get snowed out English mission ends tonight ~~MXRFA - An English-language Parish, Lenten Mission ends tonight at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Marfa. Father Joseph M. Greenwell, C.S.S.R., will conduct the mission from 7-9 p.m. tonight at the church. Father Jorge Luis Guerrero, O . F . M . , will conduct a Spanish-language mission from 7-9 p.m. Sunday, March 2b through Thursday, April 1. NOVENA TO ST. JUDE Apottlc and Martyr, great in virficj and rich in miracles, near kinsman or Jesus Christ. Faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg him whom Cod has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be involved. St. Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen. Three Our Fathers; three Hail Mary's and three Glorias. This Novena has never been known to (ail. My request has been granted. Say for nir.r consecutive days. all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg him whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return I promise to make your name known and cause -you-lo-be-involved-Sl—Jude pray-forus and all who invoke your aid. Amen. Three Our Fathers; three Hail Mary's and three Glorias. This Novena has never been known to f-.il. My request has been granted. Say for picked up a double and a triple. The Lobos are in Austin this week, ta ,; ng on St. Edwards University Satu. , and Huston-Tillotson College Sunday. Sul Ross returns to Kokemot Field for a March 26-27 series with the College of the Southwest. FISH!! _No\*LisJhcJimeJaiiSpring3tocking4Iybrid31ueg&^ Fathead Minnows, Triploid Grass Carp, Black Crappie. The Hybrid Bluegili will REACH the weight of 2 1/2 to 3 lbs. We fursnih your Hauling Containers. We guarantee live delivery. Supplies - Fish Feeders, Turtle Traps, Liquid Fertilizer, Commercial Fish Cages. Delivery will be WEDNKSDAY, MARHC 24, at the times listed for the following towns and locations. Fort Stockton - Circle G Farm & Ranch Center 336-2332 8-9 a.m. Marathon - Sixto's Fina Service Station 386-4551 10-11 a.m. Alpine - Johnson's Feed & Supply S3 .-5792 noon-1 p.m. Marfa • Ranchers Store & More 729-4364 2-3 p.m. Fort Davis - A.A. Jarrett Building Supply 426-3827 4-5 p.m. —GMl-your-local Feed Store to place your orderorcalli-405/777-2202 FAX-#405/777-2899 Toll Free: 1-800-433-2950 Fishery consultant available. Special Deliveries on large ponds and lake orders nine consecutive days. DUNN'S FISH FARM ISP P.O. Box 85 Fittstown, OK 74842 BRIT WEBB'S TEXACO ©i things together in the final contest, with shortstop Manny Griinaldo drilling two homers. Kelly O'Donncll picked up a triple, while Scott Harris had a double. The Lobos stranded seven runners during the contest. In the other two names. Brcndcn Linstcr QUALITY Tinrs Vf AR HOUND PFHf-ORMANCt 729-4955 Highland Exxon For all your gas nad tire needt, batteries and balancing. 24-Hour Wrecker Service 729-8181 Helena's Beauty Salon El Paisano Mini Mall 729-4517 Carmen's Restaurant Marfa- 729-3429 Great Mexican Food dint-in take-out PIERCE MOTORS 510 W. San Antonio. St.. Marfa 729-4336 Cross Pharmacy DANNY'S CAFE Serving breakfast & lunch Your family pharmacy Lucy's Tavern •Coldest Beer In Townl Pizza & Hot Sandwiches Wlh of withouttorwnud*chiiuuot 729-ai 77, Lucy Galindo, owner 729-4222 Sports Calendar Marfa FRIDAY Shorthorns boys & girls varsity golf teams host the Marfa Invitational Golf Tournament, 9:^0 a.m., Marfa Golf Course. SATURDAY Shorthorns boys & girls track teams at the Sul Ross State University Invitational Track and Field Meet, Alpine. Marfa SATURDAY Shorthorns junior high school boys & girls track teams at the Van Hom track and field meet. TUESDAY Shorthorns varsity baseball team vs. the Alpine Bucks, S p.m. Alpine. Tuesday - Sunday 729-8183 The Marfa National Bank See us for your financial needs! member FDIC Chinati Foundatior Fundacion Chjnatl Tours available from 1 to 5 p.m. on Thurs. Fri. & Sat. • Marfa. 729-4362 Conners Diamond Shamrock * FRIDAY Shorthorns varsity baseball team vs. the Fabens Wildcats, 4 p.m. (Marfa time), Fabens. gasoline, beer, snacks Marfa-729-3316 ISP r ./ Thfl BJQ Bwnd Sflntinnlr Mwrfa T f t y a s . Mnrr.h 1B 1 9 9 3 (Bl £ * & & . di^r*- f*y**lt. EXL.^LC".*! -UK- .kw«~ AjLxrJ: I " 1 ^ •. t..,v..- X t o d a- i * < 4 c ^ $~uu,njLb.- . ' ) . M \ •.# ' *x ' Dmrid Natividad and Sissy Kitchens 19fr 1 : . • • - . • • TiWJ ;*' - ^.-T x '» \ * v& Recent examples of Mar/a fourth grade composition examples. SRSU faculty attend meeting Krisher to speak at SR Brass ensemble composed of Brad Roberts, Andre Jennings, Christy Rodriguez, Jamie Lujan, Justin Bledsoe ACassUfy Castillo-Wilson. Bill Krisher, assistant state director of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Texas, will be on theJSuLJloss State University campus April 5 for an 8:15 p.m. talk in the Studio Theatre. The session is for university Natividad, a junior alto athletes, but it will be open to the MARFA - Marfa student musician Sissy Kitchens will saxophonist, performed Adagio university community according have some company at state and Allegro from Sonata No. 1 to Coach Steve Keenum. Krisher solo and ensemble contest in by HandeL, aad was accom- will also speak to local churches panied bycteiffemine Bales of April 4 and to civic and student Austin in May. ,"*^ groups on Aprils. Kitchens and David Natividad Marfa on piano. Krisher was a high school Ailplaced first, or nabbed division A brass ensemble composed I superior ratings, at a regional of Justin Bledsoe, Casidy Cas- American and went on to the Unimusic contest Saturday in El tillo-Wilson, Andre Jennings, versity of Oklahoma where he Paso, advancing them on to Jamie Lujan, Brad Roberts and played under Bud Wilkinson durstate. Christy Rodriguez, received a ing OU's 47-g3me winning Kitchens, a junior, performed second place, division II excel- streak. Krisher was a two-time on the flute the third movement lent rating with their perfor- collegiate All-American and of Mozart's First Concerto in G mance of Mozart's Andante and played on two national champimajor, and was accompanied by Allegro from Divertimento No. onship teams. He was drafted by the PittsEllen Cross of Marfa on piano. 6. Kitchens placed second at Band director Forrest Perry burgh Steelers in the second state last year, the only Marfa said the student musicians all round. Two years later, he was student to go to state in music performed exceptionally at con- traded to Kansas City where he was an All-Pro guard. competition. test. Kitchens, Natividad solo their way to state contest r NOTICE * Band Boosters meeting at j| jj|7 p.m. Monday, March 22JJ ti at-the-band-ball-.- —Dr. Pattie-Trietsch and Joyce Downing of the Sul Ross State University Education Department attended the annual Texas ^ Education-AgencvEs-Conference—PR on Elementary Curriculum for Gifted and Talented in Austin. The meeting focused on the special curriculum needs of gifted and talented students. The TEA sponsors a winter meeting to update educators working in this field. Trietsch is SRSU's Gifted and Talented Program coordinator. I Parents and officers please attend. >• G H I E 3 C E L L O P H A N E W R A P t" 1 fTTTfC PLASTIC BASKETS CjJEu? UrW&k± Winris jrOURCONVBSIIEISIT VARIETY STORE. V "Would You Like To Save $7.00 A Month On Your IBefephone BiIl?E ' • - • • - — • RICES GOOD THRU MARCH 21,1993 I f f V2" X 50" With Lifeline Discount Telephone Service, You Can!* ' In Tfexas, eligible low-income households can save $7.00 a month on basic telephone service from Southwestern Bell Telephone. That's an annual savings of more than $80.00. If your income is at or below the federal poverty level or if you are currently receiving benefits under certain Federal Assistance Programs, you may qualify for the Lifeline Discount Tfelephone Service. Whiskey Barrel 14.97 . It's easy to apply for this money-saving program. Please call the Southwestern Bell Telephone Business Office today at 1 + (800) 244-5993 to find out more details. 10% (Advertlstd ittmsNot Included) Potting SOU $1.9~9 30 GAL. LAWN Trash AAA Bags 2 " 107 N. Highland - MARFA - 729-4212 "The One to Call On". 'SomeiwtrkltoiMi^PletM call uatorn9-.M) I A S I I K i . m I II N ( . C A U D S (HUE"* « M « * * [ Off All Purchases 140 Lb. @ Southwestern toll Tfelephone of Texas MMMfcMMMIMMl Every Tuesday Is Senior Citizens' Discount Day. ^^ IN USM III ; \ M I S (• m m m •m («> T h f Bl? Hinri S«ntln«l. M a r f . . T«x«» March 1 8 . 1 9 8 3 \ Robinson Cafeteria school menus 1 I Mond«y. March 22 • Friday, March 26 t MEAKFA8T LUNCH t That's Ms. Jock to you Bubba : Carf •!, toast 1 charrias. Corndog w/mustard, coleslaw, apple wedgei, chocdata caka. • ScramWad agga. bacon. ] btecuH. Juka. Baaf staw, tossed salad, cornbread, apple crisp. Friday night lights will probably take on a different meaning next September,^ By a 9-3 vote, the State Board of Education voted to amend a University Interscholastic League rule and allow girls to play high school football beginning this fall. The amendment was recommended to the State Board of Education by the UIL's Legislative Council last October. The approved measure allows girls to try out for football beginning Aug. 1. "I don't think very many girls are going to play football," said UIL Athletic Director Bill Far- a Marfa winners, fnm left, Sandra Media no, Jackie Riot mud Randy Wheeler. • Chaaaa toaat : wQtiiy. grapes. Chicken w/noodles, broccoli & cauliflower, fruited Jello. : Egg 4\ ham J burrito, Juica. Beef tamale pie, pinto beans, tossed aalad, applesauce cake. \ &£* ^M : *•?*** **"}*' ,. Catfish nuggets. French fries, peaches, hot roll. • a» Jally sandwich. Museum Musings by Pat Godbold Much activity at the museum last week. Margaret Stevens was busy showing out-of-state visitors the museum. Local people were busy identifying people in our new collection of pictures. Marilouise and Glen Harkins spent a couple of hours and were able to identify some of the old timers. Mrs. William took a folder of pictures Valentine winners, from left, Jamie Estrada, Eve Estrada and Earney a couple of weeks ago and Amanda Gomez. \ returned them Wednesday, and Mrs. Earney recruitetLMrs^ Ben Sailler, who was quite Conservation district names poster winners good at naming people pic-. FAR W E S T T E X A S - first; Jackie Rios, second; tured.'Fun and excitement putting names to the faces. 'Resource Conservation' was Randy Wheeler, third. Ruth Livingston brought an this year's theme for the HighV A L E N T I N E J a m i e April 1, 1968 copy ofTJhe land Soil and Water ConservaEstrada, first; Eve Estrada, Calf, put out by the Marfa tion District's poster contest Eighth Grade and Secretarial Each school in the contest - second; Amanda Gomez, third. REDFORD - Rebecca Her- Records of the Presidio County Marfa, Redford, Presidio and nandez, first; Esequiel Hernan- Texas State Teachers AssociaValentine^- were given trees to dez, second; David Marquez, tion (TSTA) from March J, l l a m a s a class project. third/ 1949, to Aug. 29, 1959. First-place poster winner adPRESIDIO Julie McAfee, From the 1968 Calf here are vance to area competition. first; Yoelia Valdez, second; excerpts of the first copy pubThis year's winners are: lished Oct. 2 9 , 1948, by MARFA - Sandra Mediano, Veronica Corralez; third. Patricia SeaterrBolen O'Quinn, Mack Bennett, Gene Corder, Rodney Lee, Naomi Livingston, Warren Johnson, and the sponsor, Miss Martha Davis. "Items of interest were a cosWHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Knob Noster, Mo. - Antume party given by Kay Mcthony M. Reinberg has been promoted in the U.S. Air Force to S p a d den, a coronation the rank of major. crowning Nancy Jones by Gary Reinberg, an operations plans flight chief, is the son of Genaro Darr, a Boy Scout article writand Guadalupe G. Rejnberg of Fort Davis. ten by Gene Corder, a songThe major is a 1976 graduate of Fort Davis High School, and a song for teen-agers directed by 1980 graduate of Texas A&M University, College Station. Mrs. Mary Hegy, Mack BenCHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, Rantoul, III. - Airman Martin K. Geeslin has graduated from the liquid fuel systems maintenance course here. Students were taught inspection and maintenance of liquid fuel storage and dispensing systems, plus basic hydraulics and electricity, fabrication of piping and fitting assemblies, and safety procedures. Geeslin is the son of Don L. and StellaGeeslin of Alpine. He is a 1992 graduate of Alpine High School. RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, San Antonio - Air Force Staff Sgt. Daniel F. Vega has been named Air Forces Iceland's outstanding enlisted technician information manager of the year. Selection was based on the individual's exemplary duty performance, job knowledge, leadership qualities, significant self-improvement and other accomplishments. Vega, an information management records supervisor, is the son of Jesus and Mary F. Vega of Grandfaiis. His wife, Melinda, is the daughter of Alonzo and Alicia Aguilar of Alpine. ^ The sergeant is a 1984 graduate of Alpine High School. The representative will explain how the crisis center activities help the community. The club extends a cordial Invitation to all Republican women to attend the meeting. The meeting will start at noon Monday, March 22 at the Longhorn Cattle Company Restaurant in Alpine. nett conducting the student council, and Mr. Wheat's band having 30 members. One of the most interesting articles was the perfect girl and boy. Perfect Boy: Hair - Hayes Mitchell; Smile - Gene Corder; Clothes - Punky Mitchell; Sportsmanship - Daniel Baker; Personality - Larry Heacock. Perfect Girl: Eyes - Naomi Livingston; Smile - Corinna Carr; Clothes - Claire Lee Arthur; Figure - Barbara Polsky; Strength - Dorothy Darr; Personality - Susan Bums. Anecdotes for the 1968 Calf were written by Harvey Slaton, Viola Campos, Tar Rawls, Peggy Drake, Val Carrasco, Kevin Ryan, Martin Cobos, Fabiola Chavez, Laura Dodson, Terry Bishop, Brenda DeVolin, Abigay Acosta, Val Segura^ D a n T e P M T f f l n e z , MTke Navarette, Debra Gilly, Emma Nunez, Martha Dempsey and Debbie Henderson. Mrs. Conrado Garcia gave the museum a grand 1908 picture of The New Era Printing Co. building with the Collie House* beside it. This picture was given to John Collie. The building is the location where Lando's Drive Inn used to be. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gille gave the museum several interesting items. The Girl Scouts will especially enjoy a 1930s uniform, badges and books. Will share more of these additions soon. -The Big Bend staff chose March 27 because it falls during the spring busy season. The fee-free day applies only to entrance fees; user fees at campgrounds will continue to be in effect. "Fee-free day allows us to thank the visitors who support the National Park Service," said Arnberger. GOLDEN^ CHINA RESTAURANT "Clean, goodfood, fast service and great prices" Comes with choice of two dishes phis soup. . rice, arid sweet biscuit Lunch Only - $3.45 Dinner Only - $3.95 To go orders welcome Sunday Buffett "All You Can Eat" 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. 12 items, salad bar, soup and dessert $4.95 adult - $2.45 children An optional buffet lunch will be served at a cost of $5.95. CalUean Campbell at 837-7380 Beer, wine, & The Club Margaritas & Pitta Coladas Open *7 days a week or Jane Coats at 837-2402 to make your reservation. 11:30 a.m. -9:30 p.m. 104 N. Phelps - ALPINE 837-3S78 Radio/hack in Alpine EASY DIALER! $29.95 telephone •mmrr mm •MHMHWC WWmm ntth VGA meatter PRINTING CALCULATOR! $39.95 Just in time for taxes m WMHt k*r» S.MX fC . » 7 t * tat* * * » a M M M • MS-OOT. « M M S t *<d * W « * tar W M N * M M • t\ipm VOA siaNct MertWy • OWW • • » • • *mm ftraft MM U/tt. rV*a ** i i W H *u»* r * M 0 « MrtM *** mf "•< 9m WO Wat. i >«NnHPMr«aM«it.Mt-«n . this Friday, Saturday*& Sunday .TfWMinlK. cm SM'20 25» hntmmm INSIDE: New Spring & summer arrivals. Always $15 & under 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. T-S Open Sunday noop - 5 p.m. ALPIiME (Across from Furr's) CvfW CUT 33% SIDEWALK SALE! "The student rights issue has been taken to court in tumorous other states and the female students have prevailed in obtaining the right to try out and, if selected, participate in football," said Texas Education Commissioner Lionel "Skip" Meno. Nationwide, 985,000 boys played high school football. Only 112 girls played. lates that all National Parks charging entrance fees designate one day each year when fees will be waived during a time of high visitor use. BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK - Superintendent Robert L. Arnberger announced.that visitors to Big Bend National •Park may obtain a free entrance permit, good for seven days, on March 27. Permits are available at either Panther Junction Visitor Center from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. or at the Chisos Basin Visitor Center from 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. The "fee-free" day is in keeping with the requirements of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act.as amended by Congress in 1987. The Act stipu- BIG BUTTON Spring & fall clearance ney. "Very few are going to try out ind fewera are going to make ^e_teajB, _ . Texa5re^ucition officials say the matter also boils down to legal rights. BBNP to waive entrance fees Republican Women's club to meet Monday ALPINE - A representative from the Rio-Pecos Family Crisis Center, will be the guest speaker at the March meeting of the West of the Pecos Republican Women's Club. 1 .,„ CTH-M. I K i * * *«c0y *!•»»••> er « « | bu«Mn n*». Avtop r a » * ( i « i e » . » i » w o n " —r*f% on AC. bmimt» «upr« tof. M . t t I aMtaw*1ft, epnoml DC ""» »-ra. TT» .»i mm ttmm HIIMM iiaMiiiiaajniaKwuwe mmntmmi 837-7460 ^ 509 E. Holland - ALPINE - 837-5661 m • M H T h * Bio Band Santlnal. Marfa Texas. March 18. 1 9 9 3 <7) Big Bend National Park initiates traveler's assistance network Big Bend National Park Su- Lajitas, the Fort Stockton p e r i n t e n d e n t R o b e r t L. Tourism Department, the Van Arnberger announced the im- Horn Convention Center, and plementation of a new service the Judge Roy Bean Visitor for visitors to the park. Center in Langtry. Plans are The service, the Traveler's being made to include Study Assistance Network, will link Butte in the network. Big Bend National Park with Arnberger stated, "During the several visitor information sta- busy spring break period all tions in the area. lodging and camping facilities A one-page report with infor- within the park become full. r n a t i o n o n w e a t h e r , Visitors are often turned away campground status, lodging to seek overnight accommodaavailability, backcountry road tions outside the park. As you conditions, and special an- can imagine, this creates a great nouncements will be issued sense of frustration for folks each morning during the busy who have traveled long distanvisitation season by facsimile ces to get here." Arnberger continued, "We machine. During periods of exceedingly high visitation, the feel that the Traveler's Assispark may supplement the daily tance Network has the potential report with an afternoon to enhance.the visitors' experience to Big Bend National campground status update. Members of the Traveler's Park by providing them with Assistance Network, include important information before the Alpine Chamber of Com- they reach the park. It will also merce, KVLF Radio in Alpine, keep our neighbors in the local the Gage Hotel in Marathon, communities better informed the Barton Warnock Environ- about services offered in the mental Education Center in park." Valley Motors in Alpine EBEE Mar/a Chamber of Commerce President Jane Wiemers with Big Bend National Park Superintendent Rob Arnberger at the chamber's social last wtek. The University of Texas McDonald Observatory Fort Davis By JEFF KANJPE March 21 through March 27 Planets -Mercury, is not visible this month. It is at inferior conjunction (in front of the sun) March 9. The planet doesn't put in a — favorable appearance for observers in the Northern Hemisphere again until the first part of June. - Venus is low in the southwest just after sunset. It reaches inferior conjunction (in front of the sun) April 1, when it won't be visible at all from most locales. At the end of the month, however, Venus may be seen by observers located in midlatitudes as both a morning and evening star! More details next week. - Mars, in Gemini, is almost at the meridian at sunset and sets at . • ___ Manuel's brother, Faustino of midnight. - Jupiter rises just after sunset in Virgo. It remains in theTky all Anaheim, Calif. Also Frank and Pablo AI- night. It comes to opposition March 30. - Saturn is not visible this month. It reappears in the morning varado o f Dallas, sons of Pablo and Elvia Alvarado of Marfa sky in mid to late April. Events and Wayne Soza of El Paso, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry _MarcrL2 1LMercury is jusLsoutheast of the waning crescent Soza of El Paso and formerly moon in the morning sky just before dawn. March 21: The moon is at apogee, 406,631 km (252,668 mi). of Marfa. _ Also Jose Pena of Dallas, Roy_ March 23: New moon. March 24: Venus and the young, crescent moon make a beautiAcosta of Birmingham, Ala., ful pairing in the evening sky right after sunset! Use binoculars. Rick Gomez of El Paso and Steve Jordan of Houston. The group reported they could see the Zubiate's banners from where they were sitting and that the second sign "was a real neat one." 309 N. 6th St. (just north of the courthouse) 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday - Friday This location OPEN Saturday from 9 a.m. until noon. Josephine Mitchell, Texas Heritage Chairman gave an ex-, cellent report on Sam Houston. . Financial Chairman, Cookie Brlsbin reported on ways to raise funds for club projects. 1) The members will furnish baked g o o d s and w h i t e elephants for die Spring sale March 27 In Alpine. 2) Mrs. Brlsbin passed out Tax Return Blessings to be returned to her by April IS. 3) Each member is to turn in copies of 10 favorite recipes for a cookbook. Federation Counselor, Pat Godbold reported on upcoming 1-800-375-5831 ALPINE HOUSE FOR SALE: 2-story 4 BR, 3 bath home on Plateau Street in a quiet neighborhood. House has a large living room, dining room, den, large kitchen with an island and breakfast/lunch counter, lots of cabinet space. Upstairs consists of a large master bedroom, sewing room, large walk-in closet, full bath. Home is situated on a half of a block. Large front yard, large back lot. Back yard has picnic/barbecue area. Home has -for- 3,000 sq.ft. of living space. PRICED TO SELL!! CALL OWNER-AGENT - 729-4519 8-5; 729-4860 nights. Also available - 4 BR 1 3/4 bath house on comer lot. Chain link fenced back yard. Close to schools. $35,000 some owner financing possible. 2 or 3 bedroom house, 1 bath, large living area. Chain link fenced back yard. New metalroof.536,000 with some ownerfinancingpossible. _: M U N D INSURANCE AGENCY iBSa) h^y' RanchEBranch Real Estate^ 729-4519 events and urged members to enter items in the arts and crafts division of the District Convention in Odessa March 26-27. Items were brought by.members for M.D. Anderson Hospital. More items will be taken to the April meeting and all shipped to the hospital in April. Glasses were brought for the Lion's Club collection, more to be brought next month. Billie Gille was welcomed as a new member. Audrey Mimms closed the meeting with a prayer. J Hostesses Tina Daniels and Laurel Webb served cake and punch to members and a guest, . Vie Cross Rose from Midland. ANNUAL WATER CONTRACTS Ann&al Paid-In-Advance Water Contracts J May Be Obtained At City Hall Through April 15, 1993, As Follows: Small Large 250,000 500,000 $350 $700 (Excess at $1.55 per thousand gallons) KEEP SIMPLE Votf The m e m b e r s w e r e encouraged to attend the Marfa Chamber of Commerce Social at the Paisano Hotel at 7 p.m. Friday, March 12. Members were reminded that March is Women's Appreciation Month honoring Pioneer Women and it U Girl Scout Month. 607 W. Holland The City of Marfa CENTURY CULTURE CLUB NEWS "Observing March as National Nutrition Awareness Month, Jan Ponton Sibley, Dietician from Alpine presented a program to. the GFWC Century Culture Club of Marfa at 4 p.m. on March 10. .. _ Mrs. S i b l e y , registered Dietician for Big Bend Regional Medical Center used a video tape, charts and handouts to help the club members understand the importance of good nutrition. Eating smart arid cooking smart were two booklets given to the members as guidelines to protect members and their families from cancer. The regular meeting of the GFWC Century Culture Club was held at 3 p.m. in the Marfa National Hospitality Room with President, Laurel Webb presiding. Roll Call was answered with, "What I would like to learn about nutrition." —Education-Chairman-EllenCross emphasized the importance of studying the CED tax and the Robinhood Bill and With the purchase of any NEW car or pick up in stock. Now with two locations to serve you better: Former Marfa residents, friends attend Super Bowl XXVII Mike and Sylvia Zubiate weren't the only Marfa residents to attend Super Bowl XXVII and watch the Dallas Cowboys win all the marbles. A group of former Marfa residents and their friends also attended the spectacle at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif., and some are pictured on page 87 of the Sports Illustrated special commemorative issue, 'That Super Season: The Dallas Cowboys return to glory.' They are Danny A. Rubio of Dallas and Samuel R. Rubio of Louisville, Ky., sons of Manuel fcndtttoisaRubio of Marfa, and 700 gallons of gas Simple jobs can become dangerous when you forget about power lines. Locate overhead and underground service before you / start your next i home project. A\\||J** 4 Call WTU fbr more safety ^^SlcJtim information and location of underground power lines. Sanitation charge subject \o change pending outcome of landfill. (8) The Big Band Seminal. Marfa. Texas. March 1 8 . 1 9 9 3 County residents warned of heavy spring weather Although tornadoes, can strike virtually any part of Texas at any time, spring seems to bring an increase in this type of violent weather activity. You can take precautions to protect yourself and your family in the event of a tornado. Periodically hold a tornado drill so that family members know what to do and where to go if you see a tornado or the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning. The safest part of a house during tornado traditionally is the basement, but be aware of the potential for flooding if there is a heavy rain in the area. Interior bathrooms, hallways, and closets on the ground floor also offer protection from tornadic winds. Avoid windows and outside walls. Take along blankets or sleeping bags to protect yourself from falling debris and shattering glass, which are frequently the cause of death and injury during a tornado. Prepare a 72-hour disaster supplies kit and first aid kit should you need to evacuate your home. Make certain you have a portable radio and several flashlights (and fresh batteries for both) as well as plenty of bottled water (1 gallon per person per day), food and extra prescription medications in your disaster supplies kit. Remember, if a tornadostrikes, electricity, gas, water and sewer service may be disrupted for several days. It may become necessary for you to turn off your utilities; know where your electric fuse box,water service main and natural. gas main are located. Learn how to turn off your utilities. Turn off your utilities only if you know how to detect damage to the lines or if you are instructed to do so. If you turn the gas off, you will need a professional to turn it back on. Mobi.le h o m e s / a n d automobiles are dangerous places to be during a tornado. If you live in a mobile home, make sure all family members know where the nearest substantial shelter is. If you are in your mobile home or car and can't get to a better shelter: go outside, lie down in the nearest ravine, ditch or culvert and cover your head with your hands. Be aware of the possibility of flooding in low-lying areas. Do not hide under your mobile home or car because both can easily be picked up and carried away by a tornado. Dan Dunlap, county emergency management officer, can provide you with additional information on severe weather precautions. The Governor's Division of Emergency Management, Texas Department of Public Safety, the National Weather Service, and the Texas Insurance Advisory Association are sources of information and publications on various weather phenomena and related infor_ mation^ „ The first stamps issued by the U.S. Post Office in 1847 bore the portraits of George Washington and Benjamin Franjkliri. Births/Naelmtontos Sawyer Anthony, born Feb. 9, 1993, to Stephanie and David Saenz of Alpine, 8 lbs 9 oz, 22 in. Cody James, born Feb. 10, 1993, to Maureen Majorowski of Alpine, 8 lbs 64/2 oz, 20 in. Cory Lee, born Feb. 10, 1993, to Christy and Travis Headrick of Alpine. 6 lbs 4 oz, 20 1/4 in. Daisy Valentin*, born Feb. 14, 1993, to Juana and Policarpo Perez of Presidio, 7 lbs, 21 1/2 in. Alfonso Perez, born Feb. IS, 1993, to Rita and Fermin Anaya of Presidio, 8 lbs 13 oz, 21 in. Luis Angel, born Feb. 16, 1993, to Maria and Jose Holguin of Alpine, 6 lbs 3 oz, 18 1/2 in. Chad Harvey, born Feb. 17, 1993, to Valerie and Tim Bockes of Alpine, 7 lbs 12 oz, 20 in. Jose Encarnadon, born Feb. 17, 1993, to Germana Hernandez of Van Horn, 8 lbs 8 oz, 19 3/4 in. James Michael, born Feb. 18, 1993, to Virginia and Juan Carrillo of Alpine, 7 lbs, 19 1/2 in. Jariza Garcia, born Feb. 19, 1993, to Aracely Carmona and Oscar Garcia of Presidio, 6 lbs 11 oz, 19 in. Robert Beck III, born Feb. 21, 1993, to Leticia and Robert Tharp II of Presidio, 7Ibs 10 oz, 20 1/2 in. Kylie Ann, born Feb. 23, 1993, to Amy and Lige Murray of Alpine, 6 lbs 15 1/2 oz, 19 in. Lasette Erica, born Feb. 24, 1993, to Sandra and Rejino Nunez of Van Horn, 7 lbs 5 1/2 oz, 20 in. Andres Ciprano, born Feb. 24, 1993, to Marta Villa of Alpine, 5 lbs 14 oz, 19 in. Vanessa Marie, born Feb. 25, 1993, to Linda and Federico --Aguilar of Marfa, 6 lbs 15 1/2 oz, 19 1/2 in. Isabel Alexis, born Feb. 26, 1993, to Rebecca and Adan Catano of Marfa, 8 lbs 2 1/2 oz, 20 1/2 in. Alfred Roman, born Feb. 26, 1993, to Agueda and Alfredo Muniz of Presidio, 7 lbs 10 oz, 19 in. Andrew Rene Fellows, boy, born Feb. 26, 1993, to John and Sandra Fellows of Marfa; 7 lbs, 20 inches. Maternal grandparents are Bernie and Ofelia Granado of Marfa. Paternal grandparents are Bobby and Margie Fellows of Marfa. Maternal greatgrandparents are Bernardo and Esperanza Granado of Lovington, N.M., and Ramon and Angelina Flores of Marfa. Paternal greatgrandparents are Robert and Robbie Fellows of Marfa. Joseph Agustin, born Feb. 28, 1993, to Maria Carrillo and Mario Rodriguez of Alpine, 7 lbs 20 oz, 22'in. Dominic Andrew, born March 1, 1993, to Teresa Acosta of Marf?.. 8 lbs 1/2 oz, 21 1/2 in. Luis David, born March 1, 1993, to Manuela and Mario Lozano of Presidio7TlbT6 oz, 19 in. Demi Rachelle, born March 3, 1993, to Priscilla and Matthew Pitts of Alpine, 7 lbs 5 1/2 oz, 19 in. Francisco Javier, born March 4, 1993, to Emma and Francisco Lujan of Presidio, 5 lbs 14 oz, 19 1/2 in. Jessica Elise, born March 4, 1993, to Dru and Jeff Heinatz of Alpine, 6 lbs 14 oz, 21 in. THANK YOU To all our friends, family and co-workersforyour prayers, , cards and flowers during David Watts Sr. stay at the hospital in Alpine and Midland. Thanks to my lovely family in Midlandfor their love and support. -God bless you all. Mr. A Mrs. David Watts Mr. <£ Mrs. Ernest Watts &. family Mr. & Mrs. Willy Watts & family David Watts Jr. - Words will never be enough to express our thanks to each of you who were with us in our hour of great need. Eddie was lucky to have known or touched each of you in some way. God be with you always, Thankyou on behalf of the Eduardo Barraza Sr. family. THANKYOU On behalf of the Aguilar family we would like to give thanks for all the flowers, donations, food, and visits by friends and family. With sincere appreciation, Elena Aguilar, Anna Hernandez, Mr. and Mrs. Sabas Carrillo Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Aguilar Jr. Sfedferf fib LONE STAR AIRLINES IS BACK IN TOWN! = 5 Flight To Dallas/Ft. Worth! $ Alpine to Dallas/Fort Worth - No Advance Purchase 89£& Student Fares - N o Advance Purchase $59t°* $ Group Rates (10+) 79o°l & Joint Fares! *Based on Round trip travel. Days of Service - Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Departure Times: To Dallas/Fort Worth: 4:15 P.M.:- Arrival Times: 4:00 P.M. Call Alpine Travel or Lone Star Airlines today toll free — 800-877-3932 »J The Bio Bend Sentinel. Marfa. Texas. Marrh 1R 1993 (9) BROKEN JEWELRY? "Ranchin' on Rocks" Bring it to- MOONLIGHT GEMSTONES at the 3rd Annual Gem & Mineral Show Alpine Civic Center • April 16, 17 & 18 by Spott Anderson, Presidio County Agent I recently returned from a trip to Houston and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. It rained continuously the first two days I was there. They had seven inches and water was running everywhere. Cattle were as poor as snakes and standing in mud knee deep. You would expect that in that country there would be a considerable amount of hay for sale. WRONG! I talked to several people and they all told me that it had been a wet winter - 20 inches of rain since January 1 - and people were feeding a lot of hay. And then here we are. Even a little rain would be beneficial. I guess too much of anything could be detrimental. Pasture forages are improving. There is a little green grass and a few weeds emerging in most parts of the county. But don't park the feed wagon yet. Cows are calving and need more protein than the pasture forages have at the present time. These cows will need a minimum of two pounds of total protein per day to continue producing milk and maintain body condition for rebreeding. Since spring is just around the corner, now is the time to plant bare-rooted trees and transplant others. The Soil Conservation Service in Marfa still has some trees available if anyone is interested in purchasing them. They have several different kinds and varieties. All are adapted for our area. I have had several people contact me trying to obtain their Private Applicator's License for purchasing pesticides. If anyone is interested in getting a license please contact me. Once I have several people interested I will set up a testing day in Marfa with the Texas Department of Agriculture. It is only a matter of time before you will need the license in order to buy insecticides such as Coral and herbicides such as Roundup or Spike. If you already have a license or certificate remember" you need to get IS hours (credits) of continuing education by 1995 in order to keep it. The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service is implied. Educational programs conducted by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service serve all people regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, handicap, national origin or veteran status. Hospital hires firm to collect list oLdelinquent accounts Professional jeweler Don HacDonaldwW be assisting Paul GraybealMf idzni I silversmith of Fort Davis, in chain repair, ring sizing, watch battery replacement, and gold & silver repair. ASK US ABOUT CUSTOM JEWELRY! for more information call Paul Graybeal at 426-3648 Houston Livestocl Show and Rodeo calf scramble winner Rusty Garlick, second Jrum left, with Presidio Count Agent Scott Anderson, left, and calf donors Racheal and Adam Thames. Lister publishes article Dr. Paul A. Lister, Sul Ross State University professor of English, recently published an article in Arthurian Myth of Quest and Magic, an anthology of essays on the legend of King Arthur. The book, edited by Dr. William Tanner of Texas Woman's University, is a Festschrift, a collection of essays written in honor of the retirement of Dr. Lavon Fulwiler, a longtime TWU English professor. Lister's article, Sir Walker and Sir Lancelot, discusses the use of the Arthurian legend in Lancelot, a novel written by the southern author Walker Percy. Even though the plot of Lancelot takes place in modern Louisiana, Percy uses the story of STr Lancelot as a symbolic background to criticize southern stoicism, the traditional philosophy of the white upperclass southerner Modern brick, all appliances & partially furnished (low-maintenance) 3 BR 2 Bath home; sprinkler system, storm windows - Great view. ,, $79,( A variety of homestead exemptions could lower your property taxes! AUSTIN - The secretary of Senatorial district, which is the the Senate, Betty King has largest in the state. stated that with the passage of Zaffirini is the first Hispanic Senate Bill 266, Sen. Judith woman senator in Texas and Zaffirini cast her 10,000th con- the first woman in almost 30 secutive vote to continue her years to chair a standing comunprecedented 100 percent mittee (Health and Human Servoting and attendance records vices). She was ejected in 1987 in the Texas Senate. and is currently serving her —Zafftrini-represents-the-21sT Iourthiegular"session1 Big Bend Regional Medical Equipment Suppliers of Medical & Home Care Equipment Hospital Beds, Wheelchairs, Walkers, Oxygen Equipment & Supplies, Blood Pressure & Glucose Kits, Nebulizer Suction Machines Accept Assignment Of Insurance On Call 24 Hours/Day - 7 Days A Week Anyone who owned a home on Jan. 1st (and used it as their primary residence on that date) is entitled to a $5,000 homestead exemption to lower their school taxes this year... and it doesn't matter if your home is a house, condominium or mobile home. (Counties, cities and special taxing districts may also offer homestead exemptions.) Are other exemptions available? If you're disabled—or if you're 65 years old or older— you are entitled to an arklrtkmal $10,000 school tax exemption on your home. And if you qualify for the over-65 exemption, you're also entitled to a permanent, locked-in "ccfltog" on the school property taxes on your home. (The ceiling does not apply to county or city property • taxes, and those entities may offer other exemptions.) Do I have to apply each year? No. If you had a homestead exemption on your home in 1992, you won't need to reapply for 1993 unless your chief. appraiser requires iL However, if you haven't received an exemption on your present home—or if you've moved to a new home—you'll need to file for an exemption for 1993. And if you turned 65 or became disabled during 1992, you need to file for the additional exemptions. When and where should I IHe? 801 East Brown Street 837-3447 {ex* 1 5) Pager 364-2738 837-2956 We Appreciate And Need Your Business everyone who sent gifts and attended my baby shower. Thank you for your generosity and your Sandra Fellows THANK YOU Our sincere thanks to everyone who attendedlhe 95th birthday celebration of our dear mother, -Manticlita Gareta: Thankryoualsofonh^fTjo^Trnoney, flowers, precious gifts, and especially for your dear presence. May God bless you all. Lalo &. Ida Prieto & family ;Varias exenciones de residencia pueden rebajar sus impuestos de propiedad! Una exendon de residencia reduce sus impuestos de propiedad. POT ejemplo, si su residencia tiene un valor de $50,000 y Ud. recibe una exenddn de $5,000, sus impuestos se calcutarln .como si el valor'de su residencia fuera $45,000. £Qufen caimca para una exendon? Cualquier duefio de una residencia principal el dia 1 de enero tiene derecho a una exenci6n de residencia de $5,000 este ano para rebajar sus impuestos escolares... y no importa si la residencia es casa, condominio o casa movil. (Los condados, municipios y distritos especiales de impuestos tambien pueden ofrecer exenciones de residencia.) £Hay otras exenciones? Si Ud. es incapacitado—o si uene 65 anos o mas—tiene derecho a una exenci6n adicional de $10,000 en sus impuestos escolares de propiedad. Y si Ud califica para la exenci6n para lbs que yi cumplieron 65 anos, tambien tiene derecho a un "cielo maximo" permanente en sus "impuestos escolares de residencia. (El cielo miximo notieneque ver con impuestos de propiedad de los condados 0 __murucipiQvy-esas-^tidades_puedenjfrea^ £Debo soikrftarfa cada ano? No. So Ud recibio una exendon de residenda en 1992, no hay necesidad de solidtaria de nuevo en 1993—al menos que se lo pida su jefe de valoradones. Sin embargo, si no ha recibido una exendon en su residencia actual—0 si ha cambiado de domicilio—tendra que solidtar una exendon para 1993. Y si cumplio los 65 anos 0result6incapadtado en 1992, tendril que solidtar las exenciones adidonales. iDonde y cuando debo solidtar mis exenciones? Texas Property Taxes: A Taxpayers' Guide to Rights, Remedies, Responsibilities" Su solidtud debe Uegar en su oficina local del distrito de valoradones antes del dia 30 de abril. Si necesita mas tiempo. favor de ponerse en contacto con nosotros antes del 30 de abril: PRESIDIO APPRAISAL DISTRICT P.O. Box 879. Marfa. Texas 7 9 8 4 3 phone: (915)729-3431 -fax: ( 9 1 5 ) 7 2 9 - 4 7 2 2 Si desea mas informad6n, visitenos y obtenga una copia gratis de "Impuestos de Propiedad en Texas: Una Guia a los Derechos, Remedies y RcsponsabOldadcs del Contribuyente de Impuestos" Or contact Comptroller's Property T n Division 4301 Westbank Dr., Bkta.B, Suite 150 Austin TX787466565 Comptroller's Property Tax Division 4301 Westbank Dr., Bldg. B, Suite 150 Austin TX 78746^6565 Applications should befiledby April 30 at your appraisal district office. If you need more time, contact us by April 30 at PRESIDIO APPRAISAL DISTRICT P.O. Box 8 7 9 , Marfa, Texas 7 9 8 4 3 phone: (915) 729-3431 - fax: (915) 7 2 9 ^ 7 2 2 For more information, stop in or call for a free copy of A Division of the Hospital l would like to express my sincere appreciation to kindness. Livingston Real Estate Possihlft nwner,finflnri» THANK YOU Lister also read an abridged version of his article at the 1993 meeting of the Conference of College Teachers of English March 4-6 in San Angclo. 3 BR 2 Bath, carport & garage/workroom. Possible owner Richard Arnold, administrator charge for daily room rates. $63,000 for Big Bend Regional Medical He also pointed out that finance Center, said that Palmer Finan- property taxes for the hospital cial Services Inc. of Arlington, district would most likely have 3 BR 2 Bath 1/2 block, brick. Custom drapes & gourmet kitchen. Texas, has been appointed to to increase if a recovery prorecover j . backlog of delinquent .grgrn is not utilized. Other listings available on 2 & 3 bedroom houses. accounts.-* "" "•••**—' —'" "" Jesse Saucedo, the medical Commercial and residential lots for sals. Dan D a n i e l , vice presi- c e n t e r ' s business office dent/general manager of Pal- manager, said while every efFor information call: 9 1 5 / 7 2 9 - 4 3 0 6 mer, David D. Schultz of fort has been made to provide Nationwide Debt Recovery, accurate information on the John P. Edwards, Marketing delinquent accounts turned over Representative of Regional Ad- for collection, there could be a justment Bureau Inc., stated small percentage that may have that the main objectives in actually been paid. w o r k i n g with Big Bend Saucedo said that both the Regional are to provide cash medical center and Palmer flow for the improved services Financial Services will quickly A homestead exemption lowers the property taxes on your at the hospital and to reduce correct any errors and does home by lowering its taxable value. If your home is valued at bad debt write-off for the apoh-gize for any incon—150.000 and you receive a SS.0Q0 homestead exemption. facility: . venience: = your home will be taxed as if it were worth $45,000. Any questions should be Daniel said bad debt write-off can account for a significant directed to Saucedo at 837Who qualifies for an exemption? portion the facility has to 3447. Zaffirini has perfect voting and attendance records in the Texas Senate * 6 escriba a mm MO> T h « Rin B i n d fiantlnal M . r f a . T a * « i . March 1 8 . 1Q93 Bernstein officiating. Burial followed at Merced "Cemetery under the direction of Memorial Barrera Funeral Home of Marfa. She was born Sept. 17, 1908, Pete L. Barrera Sr. 58, of Ar- in Valentine. She was a tesla, N.M., died Sunday, homemaker and a member of March 14, 1993, at Artesia the Catholic Church. General Hospital in Artesia. Survivors include a son, Efren A prayer service was held at 7 Barriga of El Paso; two sisters, p.m. Tuesday at Terpening & Clara Carillo of Van Horn and Son Chapel in Artesia. Funeral Ausena Duron of Roswell, service was at 10 a.m. Wednes- N.M.; a brother, Rosendo day at the chapel in conducted Segura of El Paso; four by Christine_ Freeman. Burial -grandchildren;-five greatf o 11 ow e d aTEWin> d la wlT grandchildren; and numerous Cemetery, directed by Terpen- nieces and nephews. ing & Son Mortuary, Inc. Pallbearers were Albert BarHe was born Jan. 18, 1935, in riga, Joel Barriga, Rene BarMarfa. He married Linda riga, Armando Garcia, Fidel Juarez in 1952 in Pecos. He Vasquez and Eusebio Ramirez. moved to Artesia in 1952 from Marfa. He was a plumber, and Gillett a member of the Catholic faith. Survivors include his wife, Irvin Walker 'Bus* Gillett, 95, Linda J. Barrera of Artesia; a pioneer resident of West two sons, Frank R. Barrera and Texas and a native of El Paso his wife, Rachel, of Carlsbad, since 1923, died Thursday, N.M., and Pete Barrera Jr., of March 4, 1993, in El Paso. Artesia; three daughters, Vickie Memorial service was held at Smith & her husband, Robert, 11 a.m. Monday, March 8 at and Yolanda Perez and her hus- Pro Cathedral. Church of St. band, Steve, all of Artesia, Clement in El Paso with Rev. Olga Bannister and her hus- Eugene Myrick & Rev. Robert band, Greg, of Hot Springs, Gibson officiating. ArrangeCalif.; a brother, Florencio ments were directed by HardB a r r e r a of M a r f a ; 7 ing-Orr & McDaniel of El grandchildren. Paso. He was born April 1, 1897, in Barriga M a r f a . His m a t e r n a l grandparents, John & Mary Dora Barriga, 84, of Marfa Humphris.came from England died Saturday, March 13, 1993, in 1870 to settle in Marfa, in an El Paso nursing home. where he established the largest Rosary was at 7 p.m. Monday general store west of San Anat Memorial Funeral Home tonio, and alsb started a sheep chapel. Mass was at 10 a.m. ranch. In 1917, after graduation Tuesday at St. Mary's Catholic from high school, he entered Church with the Rev. Norman the University of Texas at AusOf A T M S tin. A member of Sigma Chi Fraternity, he was Captain of the Longborn Baseball Team in 1922 and was a star pitcher for the teams that won the Southwest Conference Title for four years.,Prior to his retirement he served as president of the Life Underwriters of El Paso & was a board member of the El Paso Country Club. He was a * Vestryman of the Pro Cathedral Church of St. Clement and was on the Founding Board of the Little League in El Paso, In 1991 he was admitted to the El Paso Baseball Hall of Fame in recognition of his pitching prowess at the University of Texas. Survivors include his wife, Helen Robinson Gillett of EI Paso; three children, the Rev. Richard W. Gillett and his wife, Anne Bartlett Gillett of Pasadena, Calif., Helen Safford Hackett of El' Paso, and Franklin Robinson Safford and his wife, Joan Bainbridge Safford of Evanston, IL.; several grandchildren & four greatgrandchildren. Rodriguez JM, He was born Jan. 6, 1924, in Presidio. He was a farmer and an Army veteran^of World,-War II. He was a member of the Catholic church, and a member of the American Legion Post 176. Survivors include his wife, Julieta Rodriguez of Presidio; three sons, Antonio Rodriguez of South Padre Island, Xavier Rodriguez of Plainview and Jaime Rodriguez of Presidio; two daughters, Julieta Hengum of DeSotoand-Edna Rodriguez of Austin; two brothers, Ismael Rodriguez of El Paso and Ernesto Rodriguez of Albuquerque, N . M . ; two sisters, Esperanza Mendias of El Paso and Francisca Malinan of Carlsbad, N.M.; and five grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Carlos Armendariz, Luis Armendariz, Frank Armendariz, Joe Spencer, Armando Garcia and Roger Ramirez. Honorary pallbearers will be Herb Myers, Ismael Spencer, Simon Gonzales and Edmundo Nieto. Memorial contributions may be made to Santa Teresa deJesus Catholic Church Rectory Building Fund. lowed in Catholic Cemetery under the direction of Memorial Funeral Home of Marfa. He w u bora April 27, 1907, in Marfa and was a lifetime resident. He was a maintenance man for the Texas Highway Department for 20 years before retiring, and was a member of the Catholic church. Survivors include his wife, Dolores Uranga of Marfa; four sons, Jesus "Chuy" Uranga Jr. of Van Horn, Adalberto Uranga of Viscalia, Calif., and Armando Uranga and Abel Uranga, both of El Paso; two daughters, Elisa Vasquez of Marfa and Evagelina Huerta of Harlingen; four brothers, Tomas Uranga of Marfa, Alfredo Uranga of El Paso, Roberto Uranga of Abilene and Faustino Uranga of Montebello, Calif.; a sister, Nestora Borunda of Marfa; 17 grandchildren; and nine greatgrandchildren. Pallbearers were Michael Vasquez, Richard Vasquez, Paul Uranga, Michael Donnelly, Guadalupe Ramirez and Patrick Williams. Anita Losoya Jarratt, Owner 1604 E. US 90 Alpine, Texas 79830 915/837-5141 ., 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Monday - Friday THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday Se Habla Esparto/ Highland Auto Sales rairv I urnp 31i|J£\ San Antonio St. - Marfa, Texas . Hardware supplies, Given paints, ' 0 house pumps, windmills, storage tanks, pressure systems and solar systems. H&R BLOCK Consignment Cars Welcome Bonded Dealer Buy and Sell Bobby Donaldson, manager Bus. 915/729-3161 Res. 915/729-4125 If no answer Call: 915/426-3025 or 915/334-8629 Jack W. & Sue Smith PIERCE MOTORS WESTTEX professional carpet cleaning Rio-Pccos FAMILY CRISIS CENTER furniture and auto, too free estimates quality work - Crisis intervention services and shelter for victims of family violence and sexual assault. tfktimAR ROACH GLASS and MIRROR KAREN WATSON, Director 915-837-7254 24-HOUR HOTLINE 915-837-2242 1-800-834-0654 For your best tire - For your best tire buy Custom work for home & auto Jack Roach * 915/837-3747 (915)729-4336 MEMORIAL ARTS MONUMENT CO. H C B O A O F A M O T TC * t • I .III Ml» Optomtrist I M N . S U at. .TVTtSIl "Your LP deafer for the Davis Mountains - Big Bend area" Propane tanks for lease or sale Gas appliance sales and service Maria. Presidio. Fort Davis. Valentine CA11 1-800-446-2969 or in Alpine 837-3348 ' ^w 9 m i Great food, congeniality, comfort, exercise equipment, books, games, music room, arts & crafts, ramp, handrails, wheelchair accessible. Information, brochures, reservations: ^_^JL(800L358i5929^(9±5)j42&3J23 >'» » T 1 mimww' Plumbing • Ait Conditioning • Heating Electrical * Refrigeration SERVING YOUR INVESTMENT NEEDS STOCKS • BONDS • CDs • MUTUAL FUNDS • ANNUITIES Call today for federally tax-froe insured investments. AGEdwarib INVESTMENTS SINCE M7 MARY ANNE BEANLAND MOSES /nvwtawnr Brok»r • C#rtffi»dftnsnda/Ptanrmt 1-800-926-5136 : TT5 • \ Business Card Special 6 months for $ i 43 Mechanical Contractors 915-837-5121 i <f.O.Box147 Alpine, Texas 79831 Reagan Niemann - * - — — — — •-— - . t - "i SOUTHWEST TtXAS MUNICIPAL CORP. *S Bed & Breakfast - rooms with views atop Delores Mountain - Fort Davis 837-2643 • Box 371 Alpine, TX Boynton House Guest Lodge Engraves final dates on granite and marble memorials in the Marfa, Alpine, Fort Davis and Presidio area,. For this service and information and prices on our first quality marble, granite and bronze memorials mcluding delivery and installation in the Cemetery contact Mr. Manuel G. Rubio, at 7 2 9 - 3 3 9 1 , Marfa, Tex. Terms can be arranged. DR. THOMAS L. COATS SIERRA GAS PRODUCTS INC. Zubiate PROFESSIONAL GUIDE 915/837.-2523 Voice Pager 364-2737 Message Marfa * Survivors include four sons, Virgil McElhaney of Iraan, Donald D. McElhaney of Dryden, E.A. Rogers of Kermh and Wayne Rogers of Saiidi Arabia; two daughters, Elaine O'Donnell of Marfa and Donna Dingier of Sanderson; a brother, Guy R. Bailey of Corpus Christi; a sister, Jean Stuart of C o r p u s C h r i s t i ; 19 grandchildren; and 23 greatgrandchildren. Sixto Zubiate, 80, of Marfa died Sunday, March 14, 1993, at Big Bend Regional Medical Center Hospital in Alpine. Rosary was at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Memorial Chapel. Mass was at 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Mary's Catholic Church with the Rev. Norman Bernstein officiating. Burial followed at the Catholic Cemetery under the direction of Memorial Funeral Home of Marfa. He was born Aug. 6, 1912, in Presidio. He was a retired retail store owner. He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church, member Knights of Columbus, VaSqiieZ Marfa Chamber of Commerce, Iva Lee Vasquez, 81, of and Eucharist Minister for St. Dryden died Saturday, March Mary's Catholic Church. 13, 1993, at Big Bend Regional Survivors include'his wife, Medical Center Hospital in Al- Cruz Zubiate of Marfa; a son, pine. Richard Zubiate of Midland, Graveside service was at 2 two daughters, Evangelina p.m. Tuesday in Santa Rita Baldwin of DeValls Bluff, Cemetery in Sanderson, Ark., and Maria Anita Segura directed by Fort Stockton of Clint; 10 grandchildren; 8 Funeral Home. great-grandchildren. She was born July 8, 1911, in Pallbearers were Paul Zubiate, Brady and was a resident of Peter Zubiate, Adrian Segura, Dryden for 50 years. She was a Bill Baldwin, Leroy Baeza Jr., homemaker and a Baptist. and David Baeza. Jose Rodriguez, 69, of Presidio died Monday, March 15, 1993, at Big Bend Regional Uranga Medical Center Hospital in Alpine. Jesus V. Uranga, 85, of Rosary was at 8 p.m. Wed- Marfa died Friday, March 12, nesday at Santa Teresa deJesus 1993, in an El Paso nursing Catholic Church in Presidio. home. Mass will be at 10 a.m. today Rosary was at 7 p.m. Sunday at the church with burial in at Memorial Funeral Home Desert Hills Cemetery in chapel. Mass was at 2_p.m. Presidio, under the direction of Monday at St. Mary's Catholic Memorial Funeral Home of Church with the Rev. Norman Marfa. Bernstein officiating. Burial fol- BUSINESS 1300 East Holland Beside Highland Texaco AlpinerTexas-79830 mmm piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| BUY SELL ^TRADE NATURAL GAS SERVICE For Alpine, Marfa Fort Davis - « w * ;.«»#»»• ABalmorliea 7 2 0 - 4 3 6 7 NIGHTS • WEEKENDS - HOLIDAYS MARFA 729.3UJ.T2f.31» AI.PINF, 837-3097 - 837-3110 - 837-3644 BALMORHEA 375-24»* OR CALL MARFA NUMIER8 | With a Classified Ad in SI m | IHEBWBOID^^R^ JJ ^^J^mmm m Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil — The Bio Bend SantiriRl. Marfa. TRXBS. Marrh 18 LPrra T E X IT S LOTTERV Winning Numbers THE CLASSIFIEDS 1"93 Mf) * THE d PUBLIC NOTICE HELP W A N T E D Salary: $4.25 per hour. Conveyance Seizure Applications can be acquired Notice is hereby given that the at 121 W. Lincoln after 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 17: J 9 \ Q -J 7 £ 7 4 5 HELP WANTED - RN sulisted conveyances were seized or at the Bethphage Mission Jackpot: *7 million pervisor need: providing nonfor violation ot" S U.S.C. South Office, at 311 Summer t e c h n i c a l n u r s i n g to 1324(a) {Section 274(a) of the St. in Marfa. elderly/disabled in their home, Immigration &. Nationality _ Bethphage Mission is an equal Saturday, March 13 : 8 20 26 28 29 33 IfLAlpine area; mileage reimAct}. opportunity employer. bursement/bonus program. Call Jackpot: d3 million 1980 O l d s m o b i l e VIN: COM - March 18 & 25, 1993 'OUTREACH (915) 837-5451 3X37RAM203800 on Feb. 8, BM^ March 18, 1993 or 1-800-398-2272 42-tfb 1993, at Sierra Blanca, TX, Play LOTTO TEXAS at Case Number: 933MAR02214; PUBLIC NOTICE MISCELLANEOUS 1980 Chevrolet VIN: Big Bend Bancshares Corp., 1L69JAJ228240 on Feb. 16, PUBLIC NOTICE Presidio, Texas and its sub- '1993, at Big Spring, TX.Case TRIANGLE FOODS Notice To Creditors sidiary Rio Bancshares Cor- Number: 933MAR02353; 1981 Notice is hereby given that p o r a t i o n , Wild, m g t o n , F o r d Up to 30 lbs. in 30 days for V I N : original Letters Testamentary 1500 W. U.S. 90, Alpine 837-5229 Delaware owner of the First $30 plus tax. Call FREE 24for the Estate of RAUL H. Presidio Bank, Presidio, Texas 1FTEF25E5BPA52013 on Feb. Hour information Maggie SalMADRID, Deceased, were isintend to apply to the Federal 16, 1993. at Amarillo, TX, and cido 915/426-3351. 5(Mtp sued on February 3, 1993, in Reserve Board for permission Case Number: 933MARO2370; Docket Number 5706, pending VIN: to acquire 14,1% of the Marfa 1'9 8 2 B u i c k ELECTROLUX, SINGER 1G4AM47A9CH265872 on in the 83rd Judicial District DISCOUNT FOODS National Bank located in others, since 1952, Sew-Vac Court of Presidio County, Marfa, Texas. The Federal Feb. 21, 1993, in Alpine, TX, Texas, to: ABEL MADRID. 1413 O'Reilly, Presidio 229-3303 Sales and Service. Nita and Reserve considers a number of Case Number: 933MARO Stan Dempsey, 520 N. Austin The address of the adfactors in deciding whether to 2419; 1981 Chevrolet VIN: ministrator of the Estate is in El St., Marfa. 729-4292, P.O approve the application includ- 1GCGC24M8BS140965, on Paso County, Texas, the ad- Box 487. tfp ing the record of performance Feb. 21, 1993, in Alpine, TX, dress is: of banks we own in helping to Case Number: 933MARO2420; •^Abel Madrid AUTOS 19 8 5 F or d V IN : Thoughtfully dedicated to meet local credit needs. — c/o Manuel Bejarano 1EABP4638FH234898, on You are invited to submit families in Jeff Davis and 521 Texas Avenue WINDSHIELDS & AUTO comments in writing on this ap- Feb. 19, 1993, at Sierra BlanEl Paso, Texas 79901 ca, T X , C a s e Number: Marfa, Texas, 79843 Presidio Counties. GLASS plication to the Federal Reserve All persons having claims Wholesale to the public. InBank of Dallas, Supervision & 933MAR02437; 1987 Chev(915)729-4422 against this Estate which is cur- stalled in your drive. Original r o I e t V I N : Regulation Department, Station •Funeral Prearrangements • Monuments K, Dallas, Texas 75222. The 1G1AW81W7H6190160, on rently being administered are equipment glass. Insurance Member The Order Of The Golden Rule _comraenLperiod_will not end Feb_24^IWlrZiSiztxA Blan-- .required to present them-within- -claims-filed. Very reasonable before April 25, 1993, and may ca, T X , C'ase Number: the time and in the manner cash prices. 20 years experience. Guaranteed installabe somewhat longer. The 933MAR02666; 1977 Buick prescribed by law. DATED the 9th day of VIN: 4J57R7Z149497, on Feb. tions. Call 915/580-8307 or Board's procedures for processA - Ss. 1-800-959-5099. 38-4tp ing applications may be found 25, 1993, at Sierra Blanca, TX, ^March, 1993. ~ By: Manuel Bejarano Case Number: 933MAR02667; at 12 C.F.R. Part 262 (as Attorney for Estate VIN: FOR SALE- 1989 3/4 tor. Statewide Classified \ J Advertising Network revised, 49 Federal Register 1 9 8 3 B u i c k 1G4AW69Y3DH424919, on Advertise in 300 Texas newspapers lor only $260. Chevy Suburban^auto, fully 5603 (February 14, 1984). ProReach 3 MILLION Texans. Call this newspaper for details. loaded, running boards, extra c e d u r e s for p r o c e s s i n g Feb. 26719937 at SierraTBlan- ^MB - March 18, 1993 EXPLOSOteWTRE&ftOUOVERS, board ear* whdmi. Hunt Mutedeer, Quel. Javeeaa. Fan tor ca, T X , C a s e Number: clean. Contact Mark Wheel is at protested applications may be fied p r i m a l injury rial lawyer seeks infomation/ Blue, Channel and Yetow Catfish. $19S/Acre, Ranchers Store & More at 729I concerning: gtt hot water heater first/ Tama. 210-2576868, found at 12^TjE.Rr-2d2r25= 933MAR02668. FOR SALE - enpfaeiors, ie/iini «xptoU*a, 3 4 wtwal ATV, These conveyances are subject 4364. 37-tfb E_(I984). ToobWihTaxopy.oLthe. WANTED: O i b GUITARS, |100-$6,000 paid. I Jsopi Bronco K S Trftcior rofloverflccid6flti;GM~ to forfeiture except as providecT^ Board's procedures or if you truck tid«Hmpiet fre accidents. Cal collect D.P. collect dd Fender Gutei 1960-1970. Aao certain Gfceui. Martin * GnMch 1930-1970. Cal free. Wavaaoma; 713454-4040. need more information about in 8 C.F.R. 274.5(b). The ImKevin 1-0004834361. HOUSE FOR SALE - The RENTALS migration & Naturalization SerBIQ M A Y HORSE take, over 1,000 head. March TRUCK DMYERS: $1 ,000 sign-on bonus lor safe how to submit your comments Angel Cabezuela residence in 19^0^1. Oovtt Uwttock Auction, Oovtt, New driven w/6 mo. 0TR arp. Up to SOa/ml + 2 * M on the application, contact the vice (INS) is considering Marfa. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, Matico 505-7624422. MPG bonus. Compare our benefits to other Co."il APARTMENT FOR RENT Community Affairs Officer at forfeiture ofThesejieized con- washer-dryer room, large CALVEBT SCHOOL DISTRICT it .Meting* siF" New program stajs. for taan a. Com Trans, inc. Exp. veyances and sale or other dis- fenced-in yard, 3-vehicle car- Prefer one or two settled per1-800-234-1563, i m p . • 1400-7594980. Dapt the Federal Reserve Bank of perirtandent Anyone interetted in the position may contact WMe Flemings, Pratident School Board i t AY-59. Dallas, Ms. Gloria Vasquez posal, if declared forfeited. port, storeroom, workshop, 1- sons. NO PETS. Contact Eddie P.O. Be*:7. Calvert, Texas 77837. SWiSB BOY 17, arudousty awanVa host t e a * . tBrewn, at (214) 922-5266. The Any person having a property bearoom detached apartment on Pierce at Pierce Motors, Marfa. SEARS CATALOG MERCHANTS! Dtvot Part Enjoys sports, computers, other SeandmBn, interest in the. seized con- premises. AFFORDABLE. '729-4*36. " ' • 49-Ub Federal Reserve will consider 1 European high school students arrMng AugutL Co, America ! ddart paint maker, offers generous your comments and any re- veyance may petition for relief Call (915) 729-4730 afteM string package suitedtoyour needs. Dcefoni CalEtaner8124«74819er140r>SeiJNa oroduea, M M M , preits. Lou Morrow, 1-800- WOLFF TANNtM BEOS new coflmrcafhome quest for a public meeting or from forfeiture with the Chief p.m. weekdays and anytime on 240EVOE unit from $199. Lamps, Mont, accessories. 51-tfp formal hearing on the applica- Patrol Agent, P.O. Box 'I,' weekends. MoritypeirmanBiMMfl&Cill^.FrwiMW COVBIAKrTfUUcSPOrTr:N0Wr«ing0TRdnV color caWog. 14004624197. Marfa, Texas 79843, pursuant tion if they are received by the an. The bast team pay in Tie Indus ty. • 27« -29« mwpkamloiQi andfanpevtybonus »mot8l/ HAROLD rYESTWCJOJIGWrir«drKwt. Earn up Reserve bank on or before the ,to 8 C.F.R. 274.13 -274.17, ww pay • bednatarfeedtig pay • paid irsura i l par rnae. Maa/ian noon wm Monoa GARAGE SALES last date of the comment without filing claim and cost ante; Raquirsmants • age 23 w * 1 yr. verifiable CommuraBafefl,riderpnxyaii, studsns wotcoflM, bond, within thirty(30) days of period. O T R ' d a u ACOLwithHatrMal 1400-441-4304/ insuranoa, bonusea, cat: 14004424863. the date of first publication of 915-8624367. HUGE MOVING SALE - 9 WE BY NOTES secured by real state. R J M you the advertisement, (April 2, a.m. until ? this Saturday at Bill OWNER/OPERATORS TANDEM Tractors, miie- sold property and financed the tab) for the buyer? BBBC-March 18&25, 1993 age rates, weekly setfemem*. TX, OK, AR, LA, fuel Turn your note into cart, 1400489-1200. 1993). Shurley's garage in Marfa. Furcan, home weekends. Steady work. Cal Frank or HAPPY JACK TABUCK8: Prevent teat Mother Any person claiming owner- niture, antiques, refrigerator, MM-800-324-6556. PUBLIC NOTICE ship of a seized conveyance WWE^E)0>ERrlWaOTRflatDed,a»sio^ tious ablet For Dogs 6 Cats. At Farmland Co-Ope. Request For Bids On Texas may obtain judicial forfeiture bicycles, typewriters, dishes new eonvantonalegupnent, sign on bonus, bsn(China)i crystal, pots & pans, Highway Construction efia,' htdbia time offend mom. Run 48 states. Cal HERSHEY-SNWirenBTTaBUTOfcGmrtloof proceedings in United States lots of toys, clothes, coats size Immealeafy.RoectunrwTrucNng 1-*XW76-7784. opponuiayuiaeraaunnasopoaraBLiwanrrani Sealed proposals for 0.296 District Court by filing a claim * All Electric OTR DRIVER* TOED ol * e same old garbage? o l » ^ b a c k e d by rwartory- 1«D441432Z miles of grading, foundation and cost bond pursuant to 8 42, ajtd_Jinen.s_.__M.any other * Energy Efficient items too numerous to mention. Want to drive a nice tractor? Work with good people DBTRJBUTORSHT: HOTTEST NEW b u t t o n * Modern ApplUncei course & LRA pavement at C.F.R. 274.10. The claim must a^gatg^banefB?CeJI1400488-701SE.6£ •^ei^a^we* sii nirein^ste i aen wtvwira^^ne • • aa^wb aBBai* 52-lrp * Centril He»t & Air high income a weak wHi etttblshed account). border patrol check points on set forth the basic of the * Laundry room SL pUy «rci Income verifotie. Francro avajtabja, I M m w n US 67 4 . 3 miles south of claimed ownership and allege Frto Lay. Avg. cantus show tS^OOhio. proft EnaL irmitnont «6,000. Tqm 1400440-2291. LOST & F O U N D localars. 87/(00 hv.req. 1400-725-1567. Marfa, on SH 118 14.0 mile why the conveyance was not ONF BEDROOM ADOPTION: BjRTHMOT>CRS-ASSISTANCE PQZAI^S^EKIhOquaSfirtlrsncrw^es.X^rTy- witi rent food, cWtno, medkaL lagaL You select south of Alpine and on US 385 subject to seizure. Such claim FOUND -black and gray Minimum - $220 outMafnry I Fufl-tervira mtaunvm. 'Easy to and meat iamly. Corrinuout pksune and letters. 4.8 miles south of Marathon and bond must be filed with the puppy on Lincoln Street near open 6 opera*. 110 franchises sold in the last 12 Cal - Wmef coflect 24 hours 7134564137. Maximum - $234 covered by INS 0001(001) in Regional Commissioner within high school on March 10. mcfiths.F-Wormi*on cal 14004804966. , ADOPTiBUTTBW n , « J I W I I f f andicapops. Presidio & Brewster County, twenty(20) days of the date of Owner please call 729-3240. TWO BEDROOM GOTACAaSX>ROIJNDrMmbarthiporlirr«hBm raaonu taono ot uv% joy ano iscuniy swan newW o i a k s r t America* most successful retort re- born in our happy homa. Alowad axpantas paid. will be received at the Texas first publication of the adver52-ltp Minimum - $267 eaia daaring house, Cal net on Sales information Platte c U Trudy and U u 14004634409. Kt Department of Transportation, tisement. The claim must be actoltaohofna 1400-4234967. ^nfffwi w a w i a j f w* WMIJWWI^M|Mni ajtjiaMiwinai Maximum - $284 Austin, until 1 p.m., April 7, companied by a bond in the 200 ACRES WEST ol Del Wo on the Rio Grande, SPECIAL NOTICE 1993, and then publicly opened amount of the lesser of $5,000 and read. or ten percent of the appraised OFFICE: 729-4490 or PUBLIC NOTICE This contract is subject to all value of the seized cpnveyance, Elderly & Handicapped 837-2483 appropriate Federal Taws, in- -buLinno event-less than$250, Car_e_^_RN-supervised accluding Title VI of the Civil on or before March 23, 1993, tivities, personal care and wage rate must not be less than Rights Act of 1964. The Texas in the form of cash or certified PUBLIC NOTICE REAL ESTATE diversions. Trained staff, the official federal minimum Department of Transportation check. If the bond is in the Notice For Bids beautiful facility, balanced The City of Marfa, Texas, wage rate. In addition the con- hereby notifies all bidders that form of a check, it must be meals, laundry, some transporFOR SALE - 10 acres of will receive bids for two tractor must ensure that it will insure that bidders will payable to the Department of tation, emergency ambulance residential housing rehabilita- employees and applicants for not be discriminated against on Justice. Otherwise the seized available. Must be mentally tract, approximately six (6) tions utilizing grant funds employment are not dis- the ground of race, color, sex conveyance will be administra- oriented, non-violent, coopera- miles from Presidio - $3,500. received from the Texas criminated against because of or national origin, in having tively forfeited pursuant to 8 tive, pleasant and consistent, For more information call Department of Commerce race, color, religion, sex, or full opportunity to submit bids USC 1324(b) and will be dis- have good daily personal 5 0 9 / 5 4 5 - 6 8 4 0 in P a s c o , Washington 99301. 50-2tb Community Development Pro- national origin. If the prime in response to this invitation, posed of according to law. hygiene and no tobacco or alcontractor is not a minority and in consideration for an gram Grant #700451 until S coholic beverages. (915) 426Roy B. Parson OPPORTUNITY - Apartp.m. at .City Hall, Marfa, owned business, the prime con- award. Plans and specifications, 3123. 51-tfb for Dale W. Cozart, Chief tractor shall insure that at least ment house for sale. Have a including minimum wage rates Texas on the 26 day of March, Patrol Agent 15% of the funds sub-conplace to live. Income deducas provided by Law, are avail1993. All bids will be publicly HELP W A N T E D Dated: March 2, 1993 tracted under this contract are able for inspection at the office tions. Contact Eddie-Pierce, opened and read aloud on Monawarded to minority businesses. of Thomas Mangrem, Area EnH E L P W A N T E D - The Marfa. TX 915/729-4336. day, March 29, 1993. USBP - March 4, 11 & 18, Marfa National Bank is now In the event that the prime con- gineer, Alpine, Texas, and at 49-4tb Bids are invited upon the tractor does not sub-contract 1993 the Texas Department of taking bids for grounds mainitems and quantities of work as- any portion of the construction Transportation, Austin, Texas. tenance. List of responsibilities follows: HISTORIC HOME FOR work funded under this con- Bidding proposals are to be recar) be picked from Cookie SALE B Y OWNER - includes Rehabilitation of 10 residential tract, the prime contractor shall Btisbin at the bank. Deadline guest house. Large lot with houses in the City of Marfa as insure that at least 15% of the quested from the Division of PUBLIC NOTICE for bids is Monday, March 29. per drawing and technical specs work force employed by such Construction and Contract Ad- Job Posting ministration, D.C. Greer Sute Position: CLI I, Relief The Marfa National Bank mem- trees. Call 915/729-3118 or and including compliance of ac- prime contractor is composed 729-4426. 44-tfb Highway Building, 11th and worters for the Marfa House ber FDIC. 52-2tb cepted construction, electrical of minority group members. Brazos Streets, Austin, Texas and for the apartment program. tnd plumbing codes (not 78701. Plans are available Minimum qualifications: High The City of Marfa reserves Possible employment for ALAMITO REAL ESTATE specifically defined in the drawthrough commercial printers in School or GED. Must be able responsible person for evening the right to reject any or all ings, specs or contract docuCall Austin, Texas, at the expense to work with development diswork, sales or working with ments). Contracts documents, bids or to waive any formalities of the bidder. Carolyn Renfroe, broker able individuals. Bilingual public preferred. including drawing and technical in the bidding. 729-4264 or 729-3280 preferred. Must be able to comAlso opening for yard and Usual rights reserved. •pecs are on file at the office of Bids may be held by the City For municate effectively with staff of Marfa for a period not to exclean-up man. Apply In person the City Administrator, City of and persons in Bethphage's serresidential, commercial ceed 30 days from the date of to Eddie Pierce at Pierce TxDOT -March 18 & March Marfa, Texas 79843. Attention the opening of the bids for the vice. & ranch listings. Motors, Marfa. 51-ltb 25,1993 ii called to the fact that the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifications of bidders prior to the awarding of the contract. Genevieve P. Bassham Mayor City of Marfa, Texas 79843 DIET MAGIC!! Pueblo Memorial Funeral Home WINCHESTER ARMS APARTMENTS Golf Course Road C New Rates!! Rental Assistance Available Now ______________________ja^*st^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I I ^ ^ ^ ^ J S A J ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ 1 ________________________ i > a______________* ' " • 7. " " • ! • ( 1 2 ) The Big Bend Sentinel. Marfa. Taxa*. Deadline for voter's registration for the May 1st election is April 1. Please vote! It's your privilege and civic duty. c7WNB March 1 8 . 1 9 9 3 the TV listings THU. MAR 18 - Weekdays WED, MAR 24 1> KCOS <x> Ott Air Has:ineo USA (T CBS This Morrwig SNOW 3} Vai«3 ICocr-a (TV Prooramming Mujer Papa Sortero CnavoCe t Dr Perei VMRobada No Creo en Hombres P n e i l i Right Varied Vaned (TT DarBreak Morning News o u rm Fi.ntstones Bo;o Biiia' Pnoccho lLrvgm90» jiewrtcfied 91 O'l A.r Perry Mason |H*at*ci'tt CH.P* lOavid Varied KTPX (X Da,s_lives KCOS rr Va-.ed urn Maury Povcn All Children KVU Divorce Cl Judge Varied Hollywood Fitness Pros Getting Fit Body Motion jBodjShapng Varied DayWatcn CNN I Co Anoihtf WotU) WGN Vaned HBO Gadenas at Amirgura Vaned TNT rg> at Varied Varied Gourmet Easy Does It Homeworks Pascuale DISC a 3:30 4 PM 11 CCi Country Music V-ceot. a- (122OLE Oti Boy Oprah Winfrey News NBC News Varied Sesame Street Read Scuare One VH-t Top ?1 Countdown H.s Master s Ghost Sara s Swans H Totten Great Bears o' Alaska Noticias y Mas Paca Sortero Noli Urn MARCH 18 Fi woftn, TX News Curr Altair Cheers (CC) Bus Report MacNeil/lehrer NewsHour Mystery! ( C O CapricTio CaraTSuca KCOS m Sandego UW (Tt MajtruWentuiJ KOSA SNOW TBS KVU USA 7 Icoiden Girls ft1 News <£ (5 30iDom Time on Earth <&(OSiH.IIOil I 35iSanlord ® Hard Copy ABC News (T? Ouantum Leap (CC^ ESPN (HI SponsCemer CNN CTT) Mor.ey)ine Wings (CC) Cheers (CC) Seinfeld [ente Loco College Basketball. (L) BiinverTidoY iNotriinT iGbmel 3 ) 60 M,nutes (CC) I Murder. She Wrote(CC) SHOW 3? r ' CD MacGyver (CC) NCAA Tournament Special Motr New Jack City kV Snipes (CC) TT i5 00.Beastmaster 2 (CC) (5 00) Country Music Videos JL (5C i Bugs Bunny & Pa's NBA Basketball Pistons at Lakers (L) Best ol Stand-Up Spotlight NICK -2 ra Fashion TV DISC a Charlie Rose UNI Vera KOSA NICK ift or f Troop DISC s Dragnet Hitchcock Lucy Show Adventurers Courage Safari Get Smart ' 7 PM 7:30 MARCH 19 ,9 PM M o r Danielle Steel's Daddy P Putty ICC) MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour 0 C Week Map'ca Juvenfud Capricho KOSA rr News College Basketball (l> SHOW ro (¾ C5i Company Business -Irioti Dm '"l> Saorrt ICC) 05) Lonesome Dove (Pi 3 ot 4) fl Duvill (CCI News fmly (CC) CC Harrj Copy USA d ) Quantum Leap (CCI Murder She Wrote (CC) »PW re NHL Hockey (L) CNN (TT) Moneyline Crosstire PnmeNews (CC) W6N f B Design (CCI Jeltersons Mot: Dangerous Love f MM TH l!> 30i Naked Gun 2 \ 2 CMTV TO lit) Eft Step (CC) llarrv King Live' (CC) Could l i 00) Country Muse Videos C'OSStire PnmeNews (CC) Jeftersons USA ESPN 1 PM 1:30 6:30 Hea ;ny Pets |Thmk Allow 1 Issue/Impact lOuilt a Day HBO CMTV •T» l i t 001 Country Mus.C Videos TNT Mor 1 M? 15) Tan T fl Scorr VH-1 Top 50 of 1992 Countdown 79 F n Snow White 31 Be.*! WGN VH1 NICK DISC K Health Secona Gen H'cn.lanrJer I Style | M O T : Rockj V S Stallone (CC) 6 PM KCOS UW KOSA SHOW (D Wciiid.Vaior jCoutage gj | 6.30 7:30 £ KW (1) UM CD "W • am m f y " l c ^ iNew Yankee Newsmkr 8.30 Get Smart Arctic World/Valor | 9:30 Auatm Cfty Limits Travels (CC) m ABC News News tsPN CNN TT World Today |Pinnacle WON T J Oesign tCC) |NBA Baskets;!' Bu'is at 76ers m Rich A Famous HBO Radio Flyer f CMTV rvdod(CC) TNT Bugs Bunny A Pais VHJ Double Dare |G U T S 10 JO 11PM Saturday Night Live Wik) (CO Super Dave living Pttmt Commish (CC) 1515' Best ol the Best | M o r Two Evil Eyes H Keitel _H ICountry Music Videos IT i Country Music Viceus JJL ® n s Bunny Pas'n 48 Hours (CC News Married Arsenio Hall Home (CC) fashion TV flix Pnmetime Music M n BuliwnUe Get Smart Superman Mary T (CC) I D Van Dyke g» (cc> News . Hitchhiker 8 bail Niflht SportsCenter Snowmobile Sports Nrte Moneyime Hews (CC) Night Court I Renegade Crypt Ta'es I Dream On NewsNight Memoirs of an Invisible Man ( C Q I Mus Videos Rock After Sex Symbols Gene'at.on Wini Sirens (CC) MacGyver (CC) |( 35) Mor Smgm in the Ram G Kelly Loo-'ey Discoveries Underwater I Coach (CC) 115) Emm (05) Coust World News '•'GM When the L c n R o r s (Pt 1 of 3) Generation Kennedy President 11PM* Charlie Rose College Basketball I Larry King live' ( C Q | Gomel M o r Blmd Vengeance G Mcflaney (CC) Dragnet Beyond 2QO0 |Hitchcock Lucy Show | f Tiroop Drseovtritj Underwater Get Smart Wings (CC) Support the Marfa Volunteer Fire Department fire truck fund-raiser with your Welsh's receipts and Welsh's Community Dividend Program. NjwtNjM. s Vioeoi StaorJUp lavjhjw. ^ S L E S S . UvingPlinil P.O. 8ox745 • Marfa, Texas 79843 Ofien- SBorttdrntt Ameno IE Fk» MARFA TV CABLE CO., J N C News : Forrgn Atlarrt ^ r W w r r j (CCi ChalWnoe |P-meNews (CC) Wonder Yrs lOoogie. M m o n * Tint lcnrWT|i«r Crypt Tales Hrnr] to mi C remeoy AMU Part? Cross! re 10:30 10 PM. r 05) M o r Don't Go to Sleep O Weaver Stilt' tut Ctmrjun fort BoyirrJ (CC) AnOrnrt |Wounj^7 Co"egt Basketpan NIT, guanertmal I I I Voneylme 9:30 M o r People Under the Stairs B Adams IJcy, Chapter I I 8 linjie I Country M u x Vnjtos OirriM Amm»u SportsCenter | (CcT Galardon CwtjICUng m BEL m. 3L S23^ Vurder. She Wrote (CC) Quantum leap (CC| MARCH 24 SiskeiiEbtn IW) M«r. WTier» rM Hort H P Co)em»r> Hits USA ' Country Music Videos Jrrg|tH.Cotwft> BwtrtSttnrMteScceitfrt I In Edition Senior PGA Golf Suspect iiocjjj. I Copy Swamp Th g Reality Sngrtt Nrte ul Ql VH-1 & m a Htth Matters In Edition N4W| W w r Vttor/Victarn J KWA Invention Noti Uw In the Heat ol the Night (05) Moy: Are You m the House Alone? K Strange P Rodnguer Cara Suoa I 35) Santprd Get Smart Terra X (35) Tonight Show (CC) 0 W. Gnflrth- Father of film (CC) I 05» H.lltnl f Troop News MacNeil/lehrer NewsHour. TBS ( 0 5 l W C W S a t Night 9 PM Law I r W Capncho l G a : c * n ~ How d They Do That? (CC) Center Stage Lucy Show Ft Worth. TX Homode(CC) M o r fisher King fl Williams |CC) sey (CC) 8:30 SPM 7:30 ISOOI Winter People wo^J | 7 PM 1( 50) M o r Day.ot the Evil Gun fl fori Great Organ Bazaar Unsolved Mysteries (CC) CJ B«n»W (5 OOj Bugs B^wny > P|H But, Report £ 1993 TV Pan T.'echnoiogn'is. LP SHOW Sports S«l ( i 00) Country M u « y«)tos Machines rr. Ifows ImtyCUr m a t*™ n> Invention KOSA W r r Hm VotktdnUJ Btrbyam it fht GettJ CemfrICO Strange Sanitiego^ 35) New Jack City (CC) Sex Symbols Terra X WEDNESDAY iNewsNight I Mus Videos Cit.ren Carter Magxa Juventud Hitchhiker Koiak (CC) D Van Dyke. Dragnet 6:30 News MacGyver (CO Moneyline Mary T (CC) Curr Affair (OSlCoust Night Court VH-1 Top 21 Countdown Mtrwk 93 IMSA GTP Racmg Wood \*tr, l.ght Time Noti Uni 5i«fc StUtangt <CC>- BCOiRaHoEtireff Center Stage lower level Homelront (CC) Sports Nue Superman 6 PM Arsenio Hall News (CC) Get Sman News Marned World News loipey Galardon NCAA Toumarrunt Soecal ISO**/ 1 to One News Charlie Rose SportsCenter l l 20i Inside NBA Basketball Spurs at Cavaliers ( l ) House (CCJ |Rjvtn (CC) rft Rush J Ptmc (CC) |Pfimwtetwt (CC) VM Vero ' |Country Music Videos CT 10 PM Travels |N8A BwMttel 8um it I m n t i ( I ) - ^ Bunny GomeL Mor. All-American Murder C Walken I Mor Barbarians at the Gate J Gamer (CO UNI MARCH 20 Fl Wortty TX 9 PM Great Escape II The Untold Story (Pt 2 of 2) C flee-ve B NptiUni Muscle Mag IB ball Night jlarry King live' (CC) PnmeNews" (CC) KCOS SportsOntet Reonq Aoott Affienca Wwnr Cross'.ie Jetsons |J Thomas 11PM (35) Tonight Show (CC) Natural World HitfiO »9rV*tp*tt6ttA~M$cAn*vr- Maior League Preseason Baseball Blue Jays vs Cardinals ( I ) i 001 Country Music ViCfos Roseanne Tuesday Night Fights Leiia vs Espinosa (I) She Wrote ( C O Untouchables l45lBsk10l lHangin (CC) SportsCenter DISC I Salute/Short Full House CT Boy Soldiers In the Mn (CC) lYoung InOuna (CC) 5:30 frurder lln Edition re Freshmen Newt Star Trek Nert (CC) News 10:30 10 PM News (051 Mor, Born Innocent L Blair ESPN NICK Reasonable Doubts (CC) Desptttte Women S Saint Jtmn ABC News CD Quantum leap (CC) VH-1 Top 50 of 1992 Count :own Mad About Dr 0\»nn(CC) JL Hard Copy . rr 1051 Mor. Sweet Hostage I . glair KTPX | U S Olympic Gold EmotyJieit. :W)I [News WT B Mac F Troop iBoieo Hteiar Malm (5 OO) Colt Sun Comics 5 PM 4:30 Almost (CC) | Nurses (CC) 5 45)Cdieae Basketball (L) ABC News Stand-Up MARCH 20 Ft Wtytn TX lEarlyPrime Get Smart Glory Their : Hand That Rocks the Cradle A Scorn (CO IMOV M o r Concrete War M Pare r 3S| Sa-.fora n Can* Toads SPM TBS DISC SabeCo G'oame Him M O T : Sworn to Vengeance S Factel (CC) m 1 Beauty/Beast Cant on TV l N « k Arcade CD M o r City Slickers 8 Crystal IB JHL Law vs Billy the Kid S Brady |Great Bears of Alaska 7 PM D 505)WCWSat Rescue . 9 1 1 (CC) IGolden Girls <3 l l 15) M » r Across the Tracks fl Schmler C 1 W 3 TV Q « t l T » 3 v * * o o » » v L P ^ S P * ' 9. CD Gnostwrittr I d a (CC) J£L News 15 1 Si P'PPI Longstockmg NICK Country Music Videos SATURDAY KXft rp ry VH1 Wiidi.te 9:30 9 PM Dateline NBC ( C O SHOW Jl Show 8:30 KOSA TNT Stand-up 8 PM 7:30 7 PM Comer Esa Mus Videos I Future (CC) Rock After |F Troop MARCH 23 Health Quarterly ( C O i5 00) Absence c' Mai ce Ma.or League Preseason Baseball Cubs vs Giants (L) Mob Stories ( C O lt?00.Wm News Close Lucy Show Natural World Veronica' ifr u lYour Money Nltanua ' Glory of Then Trmes Cara Suoa TT jcoiiege Basketball ( I ) Menu I Hitchcock Nova(CC) CMTV X iMonkey | M o r Alice M Farrow ( C O | ( 20| M o r Love'boy P-Dem fl?(1? !Si Ratings Game D DeVilc 2? l i t 05) Par | M o r Mysterious Island of Beautiful Women S Keats i M o r Savage Is loose C C Scctl iBowtmg Johnny Petragda Open (L) Wide Wuiid ot Spons Florida Derpy m T- ( t ? 0 0 i Tennis Bosom My 2 Dads iGossip' ft! (1? 00) Cat | M o r Jaws 2 fl Scfieioer LPGA Golt Golf IP) iff It? 00) Ma;or League Preseason Baseball Red Sox vs Yankees ( I ) Newsmkr Dragnet Capricho HBO M o r l o s Tres Arrogos D Reyneso i I 5 j College Basketball I D M a r v T ( C C ) I D Van Dyke Bus Regcn Comedy Jam Ivictpry Gdn iGourmet Mam bo ( C O Mus Videos VacNeiigehrei NewsHour •|i I3i Mov:Gam.i;»'G Garba Woodshop Hardcore TV — Sex Symbols 1 Superman M o r Back to the Streets ol San Francisco K UalQen Hardcore TV 4 PM - - 1( 101 M o r Nevada Smith S McQueen Curr Altair Uptown Comedy Club PGA Golf Nestle Invitational 3rd round ( I ) ( t i O O i f s t t . Super Sabado Sensaoonai f j j News NiQht Court 3:30 1 Country M u s * V i d e o s — — «1993TVDat^«tino*ooij^^F^^tJrVw1t^X News ICC) 3 PM (UOOiBioog Drive a n TJ CNN 2:30 2 PM M o r Blmd Vrsion L Von Oonlen — Uatural World Desgn (CC) I Mor Memo.irs ot an Invisible Man C Cfiase ICC) E t W 3 TV Pan T«cl£no£oi>*%. LP M o r Afterburn I Dem ( C O Get Sman Vuneynne America. 1 Koiak (CC) Pnmetime Music Mix Tt Who Dare Night Court Specai iK World/Valor News (CC) Buirwihu'e CNN Arctic NewsNight G-eat Escape ll The Untold Story (Pt 1 of 2) C Reeve looney W6N Wiid.le Mickey Moneyline Gewat'On NewsNight Madera Canyon Hitchhiker SponsCenter Sports Nrte iLarrv King Live' (CC) Mo»: Take the High Ground fl rHdmart Up Close 88 News 1 MacGyver ( C O I College Basketball Buos Bunny SponsCenter DISC Matrix World News 15 00) Country Vusic Videos Moneyime • UCV i M e r : Battle Circus H Booart Family Pictures (Pt 2 of-2) A Huston ( C O t.'.igca jutentuC iTheima 4 Louise IvVhere I Live 120/20 (CC) | Hitchcock I Am (CC) WWf Monday Night Raw Murder, She Wrote (CC) Moneyline Sports Nile Dragnet lln Editton College Basketpan NIT. 2nd round (L) SpeedWeek D Van Dyke KVU ArstnioHatl 1451 Maniac Coo 2 M O T : Scanners III- The Takeover Moy; Scanners II The New Order D Hewlett SponsCenter Worm News Mary T |CC) TBS Married Saneiego? M o r RevengerTeen Vncn L SctiweOop Superman SHOW News rr USA Get Smart inooiBsk Northern Exposure (CC) I l o v e & War rr. News Looney KOSA Regtones Murphy B. KCOS Getting By Sunday Comics Charlie Rose Even g (CC) iHeans Atite UNI KVIA Sunday Comics | 11PM Gomez Charlie Rose Country Music Videos SATURDAY KTPX (05) Amen |M0v. Wench LieuTW.I !> Wurmn M Sliven 1050 1351 Tonight Show (CC) Noti Um TUESDAY (05) Lonesome Dove (PI 4 ot 41 fl Duvail (CCI en Soc'Q'ogy iGome? MOT: Hangm Witfrtee-Hflmeooys frtae-Hflmeb NICK rn 11 P M J M o r Enter the Dragon B lee- Mor. Man With Two Brams S Martin | I 351 Tonight Show ICC1 News College Basketball (L) MOT: Hand That Rocks the Cradle * 10:30 IvVaM St Wk least ot Pledge 93 : Escapate Conmigo Luctro KVIA UW 10 PM 9:30 10 PM News Firepower Fl Worth, T » 8:30 SPM 9:30 Cnstina: Edioon Especial News Dangerous Years Great Bears Sancrjanes Firing Line Special Debate TT Jetsons VH1 Superrr Mary T (CC) Dragnet Wlife Tales Cira Suoa TNT Sex Symbols Weekend Geocraphic rrrj Madonna 25) Son HwoodHrts MacNeil'Lehrer NewsHour ITJ) 15 00) Edward Sassorhand 1151 Mev; flower Drum Song rV Kwan I Come m Peace Capricho CMTV iMus Videos World MARCH 22 9PM HBO I Comedy Jam M o r Exposure P Coyote ( C O llucv Show CCI Highlander Secret Service (CCI KCOS 8:30 ' Night Court News ICC) Bus Report 31 X SPM 7:30 M O T : Kindergarten Cop A Schwimneooer Fresh Prince TCDesign ( C O M O T ; Berlin Conspiracy U S inoer Paid Program Ft Worth. TX WGN Cur Adair KTPX 7 PM Hitchcock Heart on the'Line NewsN>ght 6:30 I | P Van Dyke Moneyime m News 12:30 G r u t Bears ot A l a s u Sports Nte M o r Where trie Heart Is 0 CoMrnin ny J£ VH I Top 2tM Countdown Mork Sanctuaries cn; 7 g i Sand .ego TNT F Troop 11 Me Tales CNN fjetlersons KnowBuU Fl« Soul ot VH-1 Up Close ffli In Business Mus Videos By-Reguest N>ck News 6:30 |ABC News (40)RepUy Sports Nite ( M l Uw. Dirty Little Billy Af J PolUrt) SponsCenter Hard Copy News Matr Conflict ol Interest A Miltno (CC) l ( 45) Awards ESPN KCOS VH1 News Ti 1993 TV P l t l Tjehnotoo**. t P <P <J>Sand'ego? Bus Report (*? Magica Juventud iGolden Girls T> News T J Winters Pad Program I Country Music Videos MONDAY KCOS Netwk Earth ARCA Racing (TTi Curr Attair Shatttted r Serenoer (CC) Holrywood HBO News Pud Jim d i r t y SportsCenter CMTV KTPX M-A-S-H NHRA Racing Koiak (CC) Nature ol Thirgs (CCj L i Tetarirvi News Top Rank Boimg From Atlantic City. N J (L) Street Justice Looney Hon Silk Stallungs ( C O liOOj Where me Heart Is S ' ^ i "P Loor.ey Discover Titulares Counterstrike Coming ol Age ISports Sun 105j Current Mor. I m Dangerous Tonight A Perkins (CC) Hitchhiker World News 11PM 10:30 35) Sports Family Pictures (Pt 1 ot 2J A Huston ( C O MacGyver ( C O Larry King Live! ICC) SportsCenter I Day One (CC) CD Ouantum Leap ICC) PrimeNewS ICC] ABC News Cousteau's Rediscovery ol the World | Funny (CC) PnmeNews (CC) (TT; In Business Black (CC) Mar. Misery J Can l i 55) Empire Strikes Back V Harm)) (CC) CT! re : Without a Kiss Goodbye L Hirtrrjn USA iCrosstire 10 PM Reservation I Public Vo.ce" News KTPX J2 Nature (CC) rr. La Mat.a Tiemola O fifyncso Mcr. Wrute Buffalo C Branson JL. ABC Videos (CC) News JNens SHOW lAmencan Muscle Magazine 9:30 News PrimeTime Live ( C O <B 1993 TV D i l l T e dJJggflj*i«. L.P. MARCH 21 9 PM Matlock (CC) Gymnastics Tour 'of Champ. ons (R) i 351 Santorc 8:30 8PM News FiOure Skating (05lHillp.l Wmgs (CC) M w : Bird on a Wire M dbscn (CC) -i. 6 PM TBS Animals FBI: Stones Figure Skating U S Open Pr o Championships (T) llike a lion Mac Cousteau's Rediscovery of the World FRIDAY fTl GUTS Travel T) Country Music Videos 0 (5 OOi Country Music Videos Bugs Bunny |Mov: South Pacitic M CUynor ffl Jelsons Best of Video Rewind 79 Generation Pop Qui; Superman Mary T (CCI D Van Dyke Buiiwir.ile"" Get Smart eg Looney Salan firepower World War n In Search ol the Hawk UNI H wood Hns Double Dare CD (051 Mov; Wackiest Ship m 'he Army J Lemmon Murder. She Wrote (CC) 6 PM Flu Frftatn . KVIA CMTV Bugs Bunny & Pals Wild Side TBS M O T ; Beastmaster 2 Through the Portal ot Time (CC) Beutmaster 2 U Smger N«k Arcade LoMa 71 Design (CC) DISC Icantonfv 1051 Wild __jJn_Ec!itjori^_ - Land of Demons (CC) |Mr Bean Best ol Stmd-Up SpotiioW M O T : Rambling Rose L Dem 1( 35) Super World Today I NBA W e e . Country Music Videos ( 0 5 ) Lonesome Dove (Pt 2 ot 4) fl Duvill (CCI M o r Ultimate Desires T Scoocins (CC) IrMcriMtr Where the Heart Is : Almost an Angel P htarjari ( 0 5 | Lonesome Dove (Pt 1 of 4) fl Duvill (CC) IT} NICK 135) Tonight Show (CC) News College Basketball (L) HSO TNT Crime & Punishment (CC) 11 PM | 10:30 National Geographic Special ICC) WGN VN1 10 PM 9:30 7:30 Ross Perot I Wtness Video (CC) 6 PM 9 PM 8:30 7 PM 6:30 KOSA VH1 CD Reality Newtunk/ ^^M^V^jtiiJjgy^^j^^^^niVwflOx^ iBuried Mirror TNT" KTPX Deep Space 9 Bosom Servor PGA Gort lEartvPnme" : Predators of the Sea cn Sound Ott' |?7Fitty S.empre en Domingo UNI WGN SPM IWyZDadS 1( 45) Enyri (OilWCWMAin Event I M a r Foreign Altans J rVoorfwytf (CC) Center StagetR.gr:l Time KCOS CNN 7:30 |( M) Planet I Country Music Videos fX ESPN 7 PM |Tenol4Js I LPGA Goit. Standard Reenter Ping, (mallmd(L) i KTPX USA 6:30 105) Tom 5:30 KWA 6 PM (05) Hear. Medane Man S Canty Tennis. International Players Champ (L) I Gossip' M o r Chino C Branson PM 5 PM 4:30 In Edition Distini ^^WJJTVOitiiTKftnotofflMJ^^ : Once Upon a Crime J Cancy (35) Mw: Ovtr-the-H.il Gang P 0 Bntn it 30.1 Minx league Preseason Baseball SUNDAY TBS THURSDAY Noti Dm Ft Worm. TX 3PM |LO Meior lit Chespirito Cnron. Contidtncas |(4Q)Coii«oeBaskettall ( I ) |Mor Drive LitJ LigrrtningS Bauer (CC) u/6Te NICK Hard Copy ToCawmr |,Md l flrt^ : El Ausente V Jnyillo |(K)College BasketbaJl (L) DESC_ J3L ittpOfEsc VH1 Nrxules Sgones Scrabble CMTV Vaned . ITV Programming JS. lr.es Duarte CNN News Elephant 2:30 Adam Smrlfl |Tony Brown lFmng line |Moneyweek lEanh Matter" News/V^ortd Report JCT Z£ |1?00)Wk t?OO. Somen g Wicked J /fcatrtfs : Ice Cold in Alei J Uilis UjteStorits I Q Miyr Just One ot the Guys •' Hystr (CC) J5 Sonya Live EureeU s Castle 2 PM 1:30 it?00)Mac 5 PM | 5:30 4 JO 4PM Rich S Famous 2t NewsHour WED. MAR 24 |lr»<X 3:38 PSA Gott Nestle Invrtatiornj ( r j l round (LI 1? 00) Domingo mnoo Oeportivo Budwtiser Soccer, Boung (En Vrvb) JSL Penner - Weekdays - Mednalry One on One MARCH 21 Ft Worm. TX 3PM Sottbijl Pepsi Alt-Star Game (T) Ban/n P Welier JE. ( I ? 0 :5 )Budujrco father Goose C Gunt JL. Hd ot Cuss Auto Racing Australian Grand P m (T) ESPN Country Mus< Videos |Graham Kerr | 2JQ m Geraldo Varied 2PM 1:30 Ituope Jrril CD (t;O0)Bsk Regm & Kath« Lee Body VH-1 Socioloca _2- res Charlie s Angels C_'?93_TY_P«n T j g w j g g ^ t ^ P 1 PM UW Little Koala THU, MAR 18 12:30 ines Duane 1PM CD ittOOlNBABisketbtl -L KOSA Vaned Muppet KCOS (05) Varied Varied Loo^ey KTPX varied (05) Perry Mason Joan Rivers Varied Pink Panther Parade n ^ DISC 1 Body ShJP* ng SponsCenter Country MuS« Videos Vaf.eo — - MacGyver Body Days/lives Vaned (05)V«ne>) Good U o m n g America Country M u s e Videos Pope»e WCK - e t t M T V P j t t T i •gjnoloa*!», L P 12:30 12 PM 11:30 Barney WON 3 11AM People s C r u Varied Lamb Chop CNN TNT 10-J0 Concentratn Mr Rogers 1 0 5 ) l i f t * House- VH1 10 AM Peoples Ct Homestrelcn -© (OiiVariea ( 35) Bewrtc RVU X ABC News News uu ffi Cartoon Eiprtss am » SponsCenter CMTV 9:30 Morrtel Williams Reou i K i t n * Lee T K K M SAM 8:30 Tueay ID UM SAM 7:30 7 AM tm SUNDAY Ft Woctw, TX ^^ei^W^VDjuTocNwioogj^^f^ THE MARFA NATIONAL BANK Post Office Box S, Marfe, TX 79843 915/729-4344 member FDIC Stem)-Do fuptfinirirotf VH-1 TOP ? I iajjis-. XPlanes * A/pfne * Marfa * Van Horn * Congratulations to Shorthorn Band musicians Sissy Kitchens and David Natividad for your superior solo performances sending ya'll to state;
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