Stantec Gives Back to Folly
Stantec Gives Back to Folly
Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Postal Permit 03 Folly Beach SC Volume 39:10 October, 2015 Publisher: Folly Beach Civic Club, est. 1938 Editor: Susan Breslin, 588-3026 POSTAL PATRON FOLLY BEACH 29439 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Stantec Gives Back to Folly Stantec, an international planning and engineering firm with an office in North Charleston, has had several contracts with Folly Beach, including two recent projects for the Center Street redesign. Last month, Stantec turned out to repair and freshen up Pirate’s Cove playground, which had gotten bedraggled after 10 years of constant use. Employees voted to make Pirate’s Cove the focus of their annual Community Day. repaved the tennis and basketball courts several times, gave the City specialized blue tile for the courts, and installed it free. Folly seems to provoke that kind of generosity. It turns out, though, that the contracts with Folly Beach had little or nothing to do with that choice. Harry Pecorelli, a Stantec project engineer who has a house on East Cooper and two little girls who love Pirate’s Cove, had noticed it was a little battered and suggested Folly Beach as this year’s project. It won the employee vote. “Everyone was excited that it was Folly,” Pecorelli said. photo by Harry Pecorelli photo by Harry Pecorelli Halloween Carnival Friday Oct. 30th Folly River Park 6:30-9 pm Sponsored by the Folly Beach Civic Club Almost 20 Stantec volunteers in distinctive red tshirts re painted a lot of the playground equipment, fixed the signs, repainted the ADA curbs and parking spaces, weeded the garden beds, added new mulch and sand, and cleaned graffiti. Assistant to the Mayor Spencer Wetmore thinks Stantec has set a great precedent: “It’s exciting to see companies giving back to the communities where they work,” she said. This isn’t the first time a Folly Beach contractor has given back. Skip Scarpa of Carolina Sports Surfaces, which had 1 Children’s costume contest, Family costume contest, Mom or Dad’s bestdecorated or carved pumpkin (created at home) contest. Plus the annual favorites: hot dogs, marshmallow roast, cakewalk, and carnival games with prizes. Please join us in the fun and make it a big success. Call Pat Poole 843 509-1431 or for the latest beach monitoring, beach preservation, and more. City staff is working with the Army Corps to identify sand for the next renourishment. …..The Folly Road Corridor Study will be presented to City Council at the work session on October 13. Representatives from the engineering firm doing the design will be presenting much of the study to City Council. …..The beach management plan is back open for public comment period a draft is available on the city's website. Please submit any comments to Spencer Wetmore, by October 12. The plan will be considered and adopted by council October 13. …… from the City …….City Council is looking for two candidates to fill Board and Commission vacancies. One is for the Tourism and Visitor Promotion Committee, and must be involved in the Lodging sector. That Committee develops strategies to promote Folly Beach to prospective visitors. The other vacancy is on the Parks and Recreation Board, which implements plans to maintain and improve City parks and recreational opportunities for residents and visitors of all ages. If you are interested in either of these positions, or know someone who is, send a letter of interest and a resume to by October 30th. For more information, call Mary Cunningham at 8435131836. ……. Think September’s King Tides were bad? October’s will be worse. Please photograph the worst flooding and send with date, time, and place to Eric Lutz: Here’s a chart from SCDHEC: ……. Curious about what's going on with the beach? Check out the city's website under beach preservation Letter from the Editor rides, checked on my house, collected my mail, and ran errands. And the City of Folly Beach brought over an enormous fruit basket. A month ago, as I was preparing the September Sandspur, I fell and badly broke my arm. I had no idea how much a broken arm makes you helpless in so many ways, starting with no driving. I was completely dependent on my friends. I moved to Folly Beach in part because I was drawn to the strong sense of community here. We may fight a lot and sometimes behave badly toward each other, but when trouble comes, we are there for each other, just as we are there to celebrate the good times. And boy, did they come through – not just friends, but just about everyone I knew. I’d like to thank them all, but I’ll just single out those who took me in – Nancy and Lawrence Moore, Chris and Anna Lewis, George and Carol Tempel, and Deana Coggin and Bob Dockery. Many others – too numerous to mention – gave me So thank you to everyone who helped me. And thank you to Folly Beach for being the very special place it is. Susan Breslin, Editor 2 Folly Clubs and Organizations pink azaleas (Pat's flower of choice). They both enjoy the feeling of accomplishment from what they have created on the blank canvas greeting them initially. Their love of the beach, Folly people and all Citadel games further enhances life here at Folly. Kudos to the McGees for embellishing a family tradition. The Garden Club will meet at noon, Tuesday, October 27th in the Community Center. Louise Thackery with the Charleston Flower Market will be our speaker. All are welcome. Happy Halloween! Lynn Ray Smalley 588-0093 Civic Club We were lucky to have Laurie Hull speak at our September meeting about the tremendous expansion of parks and programs on Folly, with more to come. The Parks and Recreation Board is thinking about services for every age, and tucking parks into unused spaces. Patience Clements will speak at our meeting Thursday, October 20th at 7 pm in the Community Center about the Second Annual Folly Beach Jazz Festival, the history of jazz on Folly Beach, the mission of the Jazz Festival, and how festivals such as ours can contribute to the cultural growth of our city. Refreshments will be served, including our newest tradition, cheap boxed wine. The Halloween Carnival, one of our biggest traditions, will start at 6:30 pm on Friday, October 30th in Folly River Park. We need LOTS of volunteers. Please contact Pat Poole today at 843 509-1431 or to volunteer. Our 2016 Calendar, still only $10, will be on sale starting at the Carnival, and it’s a stunner. Our Nominating Committee has made its selections for officers next year, and will announce them at our October meeting. Nominations will also be taken from the floor, with elections in November. Gene Fallaw 588-6257 Exchange Club Our September meeting was the annual HALOS meeting. HALOS is a Charleston-based charity that assists children in need. One of the services they provide is helping foster parents and guardians to safely transition children in crisis to their new home. Many of these adults are disadvantaged themselves and can’t afford all of the requirements to make the transition. Folly Beach Exchange contributes state-ofthe-art child seats for these families, allowing them to satisfy requirements for safe transportation for the new foster child. Our next meeting on Thursday, October 15th at 7 pm will be the annual Folly Beach Public Safety Honors dinner, with presentation of the Police Officer and Firefighter of the year awards. We always look forward to having Chiefs Gilreath & Mims along with other PSD members. Visitors are always welcome! We hope everyone enjoyed the Exchange Club flag display on the Folly pier over the Labor Day weekend. Look for us at the upcoming Follypalooza on October 24th. We will have volunteers at the T-shirt booth and silent auction. We will also cook hotdogs and hamburgers for sale and for event volunteers and Public Safety personnel. If you haven’t done so, drive by the new community garden on Michigan Avenue and check out the progress! The Folly “Green Team” is building this nice addition to our community on Exchange Club property for the beautification and enjoyment of all Folly citizens. We are very pleased to allow use of this previously dormant land for the benefit of our island community. If you are interested in learning more about exchange, please contact us at the phone number or email address listed below. Angus Smith, 813-7704, Home and Garden Club October's Yard of the Month, 319 East Cooper, has been on Folly since 1945 in the McGee family. Johnny and Pat McGee, who became permanent residents here upon retiring, have recreated the yard in the last four years. Johnny was actually brought to this home when he was born, so their roots run deep. The garden was designed to feel tropical and beachy, with a vibrant color palette. The central grass bed is a mixture of Charleston, centipede and Bermuda, with airplane plants on both sides, which bank bright orange-red hibiscus, rose vinca and yellow lantana. Johnny uses the front left side for rooting plants. Sago palms are currently here among vinca and split leaf philodendron. A stone border surrounds the various beds. A mulch bed is enhanced with lavender crepe myrtle above pink hydrangeas and azaleas. An iron Citadel Bulldog cut-out welcomes guests in the center bed, surrounded by red knockout roses. An antique yellow rose transplanted by his father from his grandmother's garden in Augusta also thrives here. Pampas grass flows to the right, where a substantial bed has pink azaleas and daylilies with red oleanders. One of nine tall palms on their property stands overhead. A unique silver green saw palm (whose cuttings were used by Pat in an award-winning stairwell decoration within the Manigault house) balances the colors in this bed. Lime, orange and grapefruit trees complete this area. Lavender crepe myrtle, gardenias and yellow daylilies introduce the far right bed. Variegated pink and white hydrangeas complete the picture along with numerous banana trees (Johnny's favorite) and Senior Citizens The Folly Beach Seniors will meet at 11 am Thursday, October 1st in the Community Center with guest speaker Steve Mims from Public Safety. Buzz Edwards will cook chili; please bring your favorite dish to go with chili. All 55 and older are invited. In September, we sent money to Doctors Without Borders. In October, we will bring items to share with our veterans at the VA Hospital. We also enjoyed a video brought by Nancy Hussey of the Surfers Healing Day Remember our sick and shut-ins with a card, call, or shut-ins. We Pauline Ray 588-9580 hope to see you on October 1st. 3 The Chief’s Corner It’s hard to believe there are only three months left in 2015! As October ushers in the Fall, we are enjoying a slowdown in visitors and some beautiful weather to enjoy our piece of paradise. From Chief Andrew Gilreath: Some folks have asked if we provided animal services, so I’m taking this opportunity to put a spotlight on our current program and hopefully answer any questions. As we begin to prepare for the upcoming Holiday Season, we look forward to the Halloween Carnival, this year to be celebrated on Friday night October 30th. Celebrate this great event with your children, grandchildren, and friends. As always there will be games, competitions, fun, and even the annual Cake Walk, one of the crowd’s favorite games. Don’t miss out on this wonderful community event sponsored by the Folly Beach Civic Club with the aid of many volunteers and the City. Folly Beach is a caring community with a large pet population. We at Public Safety encourage smart and responsible pet ownership. We host a rabies clinic each year in cooperation with DHEC, and citizens of Folly may be eligible for discounted spay/neuter and micro chipping services through Pet Helpers. Microchips have a wonderful success rate of reuniting lost pets with owners. Folly Beach Public Safety maintains a few holding pens for lost domestic dogs and cats, and encourages you to phone The City Staff continues to work to make things better and Public Safety at (843) 5887003 if your fourlegged friend better here at Folly. The Public Safety Department has goes missing. When possible, we will hold lost/found pets many classes and events scheduled for the remainder of the for up to three days before surrendering them to Pet year, so be sure to visit their Facebook page and the City Helpers or Charleston Animal Society for adoption. When website to see what is scheduled that you might enjoy. claiming your animal, bring ID and proof of rabies and be Our Public Works Department is now being managed by our aware you may be fined for animalatlarge. own Eric Lutz, who also manages the Building and Facilities General animal regulations and laws: Department. If you need assistance from the Public works · No pets off leash anytime on the beach or public streets* guys, give Eric a call and they will be there as always to help · May 1 to Sept. 30, no pets on beach between 10 am–6 pm. every citizen as needed. · Please license your pet with Folly Beach Public Safety Folly’s Community of Faith is once again coming together to create a choir from the three churches to present a Christmas Cantata. If you would like to be a part of this community choir and enjoy the experience of the Christmas Holiday Season, contact Reverend Richard Summey at the Folly Beach Baptist Church. If you do not want to be a part of the choir, be sure to look for the upcoming date and time to participate as a member of the audience and enjoy the Christmas message brought to you in beautiful music. yearly. Bring proof of rabies. You can fill out our pet license form on the website. · It’s a violation of law not to pick up after your pet. Please keep baggies with you when walking your animals. There are also baggie stations at most walkover locations. *FIDO Club members may have dogs off leash at certain times and if following FIDO bylaws. Animal /Community Services provides the following: · Pickup of stray or injured animals · Enforcing the leash law · Investigating animal cruelty cases · Assisting injured wildlife and birds. Folly Beach responds to wildlife calls, but does not have a Wildlife Agent on duty or a place to house wild animals, so each call for wildlife (anything that is not a domestic cat or dog) is dealt with on a casebycase basis. Other agencies may need to be contacted or, in some cases, the resident may have to phone a critter catcher and/or an exterminator. In all cases, Folly Beach Public Safety advises resident to keep their distance and never disturb wildlife, especially sick or wounded animals. I’ve been asked about lights for the Folly River Bridge. We continue to work with SCDOT to obtain our encroachment permits. When these permits are complete, we will begin to install the lights. When they are installed, the bridge project will be complete. Even though 2015 is beginning to wind down, the work of the City continues at the same pace. The City Council and City Staff continue to work on projects to make Folly the great place we call home. Check out the Folly Green Team’s work on the Community Garden on Michigan Ave. Yes, a garden is taking shape, waiting for you to participate; way to go, Green Team! Folly Beach Animal Services can be reached at 843.588.7003 or Hope to see everyone at the Halloween Carnival. Feel free to contact me, as always. Tim Goodwin 729-0298 Harry K. Mims, Animal Control / Ordinance Officer 4 Memorial Stones. The Folly Beach Home and Garden Club is laying a memorial path in the David Israel Garden behind the Community Center. This large stone remembering Jim and Kathy Nicklaus was a special order, but you can order a stone half that size for $50, or a quarter of that size for $35. Contact Charlotte Goodwin, 5889955. photo by Anna Lewis Community Garden. The Folly Green Team is finished building and filling beds in the Community Garden behind the Exchange club. Fulltime residents who want to reserve a bed ($100/year) should contact Teresa Marshall, photo by Deana Coggin photo by Teresa Marshall 5 Folly Fun Stuff! The Women’s Guild of Our Lady of Good Counsel will sponsor “Elvis is Back” starring Michael Viljac on Saturday, October 17th at 6 pm in Father Kelly Hall, 105 West Hudson. $20/person for dinner and show. Call 8437952555 for tickets (limited). ☼ ☼ ☼ Publisher: Folly Beach Civic Club PO BOX 884 – FOLLY BEACH, SC 29439 Printer: Print Shop of West Ashley 5714811 City web page: City Radio Station: 1610 AM Register your twoperson team before October 17th for the Second Annual Folly Beach Battle of the Bags Corn Hole Tournament for the discounted rate of $40 (after the 17th it’s $50). Deadline to register is November 6th; tournament takes place at the County Park Sunday, November 8th 11 am5 pm. Proceeds to benefit Folly Angels. LIBRARY HOURS OF OPERATION MONDAY 106 WEDNESDAY 128 FRIDAY 106 2ND SATURDAY 102 TUESDAY and THURSDAY CLOSED Other Saturdays & All Sundays: CLOSED Halloween Carnival will be Friday, October 30th! ☼ ☼ ☼ Follypalooza will take place Saturday, October 24th from 8 am5 pm, starting with a 5k rock star themed race (costumes encouraged). Street events from 11 am5 pm include carnival games, food vendors, arts exhibits, live music, silent auction. No coolers allowed. Wristband needed to consume alcohol on the street. ☼ ☼ ☼ The Folly Beach Arts & Crafts Guild will present the 2015 Festival of the Arts on Saturday October 24th from 10 am4 pm and Sunday October 25th from 15 pm at the Folly River Park, with an Arts and Crafts show and sale, live entertainment in the pavilion, kid’s craft corner, hula hoops and a raffle to win one of three pieces of art. Admission is free. Help Wanted It’s Halloween time. Come join us in the fun of putting on the Folly Beach Annual Halloween Carnival. All talents greatly appreciated, don't hesitate to sign up. Carnival will be held Friday October 30th, 6:30-9pm. Set up will be Thursday and Friday. Donations of cakes needed for cakewalk. Please call: Pat Poole 843-509-1431, Teresa Marshall 828-553-4670 CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER Council Chambers 5th PlanningCommission 13th Councilmeeting 19thDesignReviewBoard Clubs,Organizations&Committees 1st SeniorCitizens 11am 1stExchangeClubBoard 7pm 6thArtGuild 6:30pm 7thSavetheLight 7pm 8th FollyAssoc.ofBusiness630pm 8th SurfriderFoundation 6:30pm 15thExchangeClub 7pm 20th CivicClub 7pm 27th GardenClub noon Library 5th,12th,19th,26thFamilyStoryTime10:30am 7th KnitNight 6pm 10th OpenSaturday 10am2pm HocusPocus at11am 14th BookClub 2:30pm The Butterfly's Daughter Recycling 13th(afterholiday),26th FOLLY BEACH LIBRARY Big congratulations to Mary, Jud, and Hank Bushkar, who welcomed baby Isaac to their family in September! On Wednesday, October 7th at 6 pm, join us for knit night. You can bring a knit or crochet project to work on, and share your ideas with others. On Saturday, October 10th at 11 am, come watch Hocus Pocus and make a Halloween craft. The Book Club will meet Wednesday, October 14th at 2:30 pm to discuss The Butterfly's Daughter by Mary Alice Monroe. Join us each Monday (October 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th) at 10:30 am for stories, songs, and crafts with Ms. Amy. Don't forget to stop by our table at the Halloween Carnival to make a fun craft! Amy Adams,, 5882001 6 7pm 7pm 6pm VolunteerFireFighters 6th,13th,20th,27th 6pm CountyParksonFolly,7954386 5th,7th,12th,14th: YogaUnplugged,CountyPk5:456:45pm 9th BirdWalk,CGStation8:3010:30am SpecialEvents 12th ColumbusDay 2425thFestivaloftheArts;ArtinthePark 30thHalloweenCarnival 6:309pm (NOTENEWDATE) ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������
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