Pursing Wellness…Naturally


Pursing Wellness…Naturally
Pursing Wellness…Naturally
August 2009
VerVita on YouTube
YouTube Links - Interviews With
Dr. Dick Versendaal. Go to
www.youtube.com and search Dr.
Versendaal. Look for the hot pink
jacket. That’s him! There are 3
Use of the 6 VerVita
Essential Oils
Part 1 and Part 2:
Essential Oils
for Balancing Body Energies
Black Cumin
So you can experience your own Spa Bath and glowing,
healthy skin, order VerVita Black Cumin essential oil
Telephone Number: 616-662-3197
Email: VerVita@um.att.com
For additional product information visit our website
at www.VerVitaProducts.com
Healthy Skin With a Black Cumin Spa Bath
VerVita and Dr. Dick
Versendaal at The Masters
Circle Conference
It was an amazing
weekend! VerVita had a booth
at The Masters Circle
Conference in Chicago a little
over a week ago. The Masters
Circle is a leadership coaching,
practice building and personal
development program for
Doctors of Chiropractic who are
serious about achieving
success. Hello again to all we
met there!
Doctors and their staff crowded
around the VerVita booth as
Dr. Dick Versendaal analyzed
each and every person who
wanted to experience his
expertise using the technque
Contact Reflex Analysis. (See
www.CRAwellness.com) Some
waited to receive a chiropractic
adjustment, specifically the
occiput. Others needed VerVita
essential oils either topically or
in a Spa Bath. Yet others
"In the black seed is the medicine for every disease except
Arabic Proverb
Much research has been done on the effectiveness of Black
Cumin (Nigella Sativa) essential oil.
Visit www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed, enter the name in the
"search" section, and explore the various studies and the
results achieved with this spectacular essential oil. It has
been found to be:
antimicrobial (yeast, fungi, molds)
Bathing suits and suntans...signs of summer. A beautiful
thing. It's already August, and your skin is showing. Is this
something you're happy about, or not? What does your skin
reveal about you and your health?
Your skin is the largest organ of your body; it is also the first
line of immune defense. This immune fortress is replaced and
rebuilt every month. New skin cells are produced by the
second layer of skin (dermis) and pushed up to the top
(epidermis) as old skin is shed. It is important that each layer
of skin be healthy, especially the layer that produces new skin
cells. Unhealthy skin is a strong indication that something is
needed nutritional supplements
developed by Biotics Research
Corporation. Dr. Versendaal
gave each personal attention
and individualized
recommendations as to what
was needed to be done to bring
the body back into energy
balance, health, and wellness.
The recommendations ranged
from diet, VerVita essential
oils, and nutrition to
chiropractic adjustments and
attitude adjustments.
At an earlier convention of The
Masters Circle, Dr. Bob
Hoffman interviewed Dr. Dick
Versendaal about the VerVita
essential oils. We invite you to
view these three separate
interviews regarding the
benefits and use of VerVita
essential oils as used in his
work. The links are shown
attempting to invade the body, or it already has.
A Spa Bath will draw the Black Cumin essential oil into the
cells and tissues of the body. One health professional told us,
"[The Black Cumin Bath] jumpstarted the immune system of
my patient." Healing began to occur.
Make your next bath a Black Cumin Spa Bath. Treat
your body to nature's infusion of radiency, beauty and color
that comes from the inside out.
How To: Spa Bath With Black Cumin
Step 1: Fill your bathtub with water at a temperature that is
most relaxing to you.
Step 2: As the tub fills, add 1 - 1oz bottle of VerVita Black
Cumin to the water.
Step 3: Soak in the Spa Bath for a minimum of 35 minutes,
adding warm water as necessary. Gently splash the water on
to your face, into your ears, and over your head and hair so it
can permeate all parts of your skin.
Step 4: After the bath, towel dry. Do not shower off, but
rather let the oils absorb into your skin for an additional 6 or
more hours.
Step 5: Enjoy the results of your Spa Bath.
Dr. Dick Versendaal has responded to the burning sensation
that some of his patients have experienced when taking a Spa
Bath. When they put the oil directly on the skin, they have no
burning...only when they take the bath. In Dr. Versendaal's
experience this is a healing response, not a side effect. The
essential oils have stimulated the immune system and the
body begins to detox the sickness and debris. This is what he
has found to be the cause of the burning sensation. To
remedy this healing response Dr. Versendaal recommends
adding 6 or more cups of Epsum salt to the Spa Bath to cool
the immune system and assist in drawing out the toxins.
To achieve healing and wellness, the Spa Bath may be
repeated daily or weekly until the desired affect has been
To maintain healthy skin, repeat the Black Cumin Spa Bath 1
time per month.
© 2009
VerVita Products, LLC