CONSERVATION - Harwich Conservation Trust
CONSERVATION - Harwich Conservation Trust
at The Cape Sea Grille Harwich Port Spring Winetasting Dinner 7th Annual See Page 2 for details: Save your used wine corks and raise funds for HCT. PERMIT #63 HARWICH, MA NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage Paid 5/19/09 7:59 AM www.HarwichConservationTrust.or g P R E S E RV E L A N D F O R E V E R We’re easy Your membership keeps us buzzing. IN THIS ISSUE Reserve now for The Cape Sea Grille page 2 Events page 3 Land Protection pages 4 & 5 Volunteers page 6 • Land Stewardship page 7 Herring Count pages 8-9 Memorials/Gifts pages 10 & 11 Summer Walk Schedule is the center pull-out to place on your fridge! PHOTO: Stephanie Foster Address Service Requested P.O. Box 101, South Harwich, MA 02661 P RESERVE L AND F OREVER TRUST C O N S E R VA T I O N HARWICH Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink So far, HCT has raised more than $1,400 with this unique idea. The corks are recycled, stay out of the landfill, and help HCT raise money to preserve land. Drop off your corks at HCT's office (#947 Rt. 28, S. Harwich) or arrange for pick-up by e-mailing: or calling 508-432-3997. Thank you! got corks? HCTNewsletterSummerFinal:HCTNewsletterSummer09CMYK.qxd Page 1 HARWICH C O N S E R VAT I O N TRUST SUMMER 2009 N E W S L E T T E R making it for you! Take the “sting” out of renewing. Renew at or use the handy donation envelope enclosed. HCTNewsletterSummerFinal:HCTNewsletterSummer09CMYK.qxd 5/19/09 7:59 AM Page 2 P.O. Box 101 South Harwich, MA 02661 508-432-3997 • BOARD OF TRUSTEES President - Robert F. Smith, Esq. Vice President - Thomas M. Evans Treasurer - Edward A. Rubel Secretary - Donna J. Peterson William F. Baldwin, Marilyn Barry, Colin A. Leonard, William R. Schumann, Andrea Silbert, Matt Cushing Dinner Harwich Conservation Trust is hosting its 7th Annual Spring Winetasting Dinner. Space is limited, so reserve now! The Cape Sea Grille restaurant in Harwich Port will be offering a multicourse dinner, accompanied by fine wines. SPRING WINETASTING DINNER Sunday, June 7 6 - 9 p.m. STAFF Executive Director - Michael W. Lach Outreach and Stewardship Coordinator Ryan J. Mann $100 per person all inclusive with multi-course dinner, fine wines, and gratuity Enjoy your evening while helping HCT preserve land. HCT’s Mission HCT preserves land to protect woods, water, wetlands, wildlife and our shared quality of life in Harwich. Reserve on-line at or mail a check payable to: Harwich Conservation Trust P.O. Box 101 South Harwich, MA 02661 For more information: call (508) 432-3997 or email Gifts to HCT - in honor of and in memory of In Memory of Elizabeth L. Pring Kenneth F. Pring In Memory of Marcia K. Iddles Mrs. Andrea Aldrovandi In Memory of Ed & Loretta Bown Mr. & Mrs. Richard Alexander In Memory of Philip S. Eagan Mary Eagan In Memory of Walter Kulesza Pauline Kulesza In Memory of Frank Eressy Richard Eressy In Memory of Mary Carbone James Carbone In Memory of Joan O’Callaghan Catherine A. Carty In Memory of Cody Stern Andrew Stern & Emily Miller In Memory of Carnig Thomason Mr. Philip Thomason In Memory of Gail Sumner Emily H. & William F. Baldwin In Memory of Mrs. Jane Pring The Murphy Family of West Harwich In Memory of Marie Morgan Betty Ann Hosmer In Memory of Dorothy Kemp Ms. Shirley Kemp In Memory of June Snowhite Pamela Petro & Marguerite Hamson In Memory of Lee Baldwin George C. Baldwin, Jr. Sherill & Kimball Beth Schwarzman Florence Hancock & Gail Hancock Barbara Eastman In Memory of Sara Joy Lynn Vardakis In Memory of Mabelle Smith Anne C. Hayes In Memory of Kevin Leete Ms. Anne Leete In Memory of my wife, Evie Armbruster Ron Armbruster In Memory of Lee Lindholm Ruth G. Alberding In Memory of my Dad, Ralph A. Hayward Sue & Tom Banchich In Memory of Dick Baldauf Ms. Joanne M. Baldauf In Memory of Dr. & Mrs. Norris Orchard David A. Haller In Memory of Lawrence Martin Ms. Lorraine Martin In Memory of Joan & Elliott Nickerson Paula & Ron Plock In Memory of Joanne Goodman Janice & Jack Lohr In Memory of Mark Tustin, my son Ms. Mary L. Tustin In Memory of Eleanor & Osborne Earle Eliza & Timothy Earle In Memory of Michael LaDouceur Constance & Edward LaDouceur In Memory of Mom & Dad Allen Roberta McDonnell In Memory of Dr. R.D. Brooke Williams Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Keeler In Memory of Ruth Mann Ms. Roslyn Mann In Memory of Rose Wojciechowski Frank Wojciechowski In Memory of Olive C. Butman Bradford Butman In Memory of Margaret Reinhardt Judith Schuhknecht In Memory of Jeanne Ritzman Charles A. Forbes In Memory of Claire Kenny Virginia Smyth 2 Summer 2009 Summer 2009 PHOTO: NVS TRUST 11 PHOTO: Nancy Viall Shoemaker CONSERVATION PHOTO: NVS HARWICH Page 3 Gifts to HCT - in honor of and in memory of In Honor of Frances Webb Frances Webb In Honor of Florence McCarthy Barbara Garvey In Honor of God’s gift to us Laurie Moore In Honor of Earline Rubel’s Birthday Emily L. Barrett Peggy Devaney Nancy B. Poor Cornelia B. Roche Gerie Schumann Margaret P. Sevier In Honor of Thomas E. Leach, Harbormaster Robert Leach In Honor of Tommy Johnson Margie McGagh In Honor of Rich Eldred who led such terrific botanical walks over the past year Loring Bradlee In Honor of Eileen Diamond Ralph A. Diamond In Honor of Joe & Anne Welch Molly Welch Brewer In Honor of Recee & Elaine Kennedy Robert Kennedy In Honor of Mike Lach Mark & April Robinson In Honor of Marjorie Campanella Mr. James Garvey In Honor of my husband’s birthday (Ken Smith) Roseanne Smith In Honor of Mr. George Baldwin, Jr. John E. & Karen K. Gilligan In Memory of Scot Bryon McClain Mr. & Mrs. Henry Peterson In Memory & Honor of Linda Fall Dave Crestin In Memory of Mr. Roman Walda Szopa In Memory of my Grandparents, Joseph & Vita Rizzo Vita Marie Rizzo In Memory of Robert B. Our Eileen M. Our In Memory of Russ Haglof Friends of Sovereign Bank In Memory of Charles & Edmee Bradley Robert & Maria Bradley In Memory of Rella S. Bryer The Rella S. Bryer Family Trust In Memory of Philip V.R. Thomson Ms. Catherine D. Thomson In Memory of Elizabeth Vescatel Mary Donlon Morrison In Memory of Emerson J. Sheehy Ruth C. Sheehy & John G. Clark In Memory of Charles O. Verrill Henry and Eleanor Hood In Memory of Mary Devine Peter & Bridget O’Rourke In Memory of Joseph & Gertrude Holland Sheila H. Banas In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Dayton Smith William A. West In Memory & Honor of Edward Aaron Davis David & Joan Davis In Memory of Ad & Esther Roberts Peter Roberts In Memory of Dr. Russell Smith, DVM Bob & Noel Rebello Ms. Ruth Smith Barbara Tomasian & Stephen Erwin In Memory of Isabel Smith Paul J. Cuddy, Jr. David S. Crestin & Elizabeth A. Bierbower In Memory of Kathryn Howes Alvord Clark Alvord, II In Memory of Jack Robinson Barbara Robinson In Memory of George C. Whitehead Rick Whitehead In Memory of Mary & Nanzio Schembri Mr. Carmine Schembri In Memory of Elsa & Ken Riley Joanne DeGroot In Memory of Judd J. Corbett Ursula K. Corbett In Memory of those who were committed to conservation Nancy Wigley 10 Summer 2009 Events NVS 7:59 AM Cranberry Valley Golf Course Monday, September 21st 8:00 a.m. shotgun start HCT Annual Golf Tournament! To reserve your foursome, donate raffle items, and become a sponsor, call Bill Baldwin at 508-432-8153 Or reserve your foursome online at Major Sponsors: Photo: Bill Galvin, Cape Cod Chronicle Wequassett Resort, Cape Cod Chronicle, BackOffice Associates Mission Wolf LIVE WOLF PROGRAM Tuesday, October 20th 5 pm or 7 pm show Admission prices: $10/adult $5/ages 5-17 (under age five cannot attend) Reserve on-line at or in advance by check (payable to Harwich Conservation Trust) Mail to P.O.Box 101, So. Harwich, MA 02661 Shows will be held in the gym of the Harwich Community Center at 100 Oak Street Summer 2009 3 PHOTOS: Courtesy of Mission Wolf 5/19/09 PHOTO: Janet DiMattia HCTNewsletterSummerFinal:HCTNewsletterSummer09CMYK.qxd 7:59 AM Page 4 Land Protection White Cedar Woods Saved! Congratulations! More than 240 donors saved "White Cedar Woods" by helping HCT to purchase 6.8 acres on April 21st, just before Earth Day. We are now raising the final $28,000 to restore the site's natural qualities. To accelerate land restoration, an anonymous couple has extended their 2-for-1 challenge grant until June 30th. For every dollar donated, they will donate two dollars! The project has energized everyone. Small and large donations, including $50,000 from a family foundation and the anonymous challenge grant, enabled the purchase. And now we’re in the home stretch for raising the land restoration funds. Kevin Mingora/Cape Cod Times 5/19/09 NVS HCTNewsletterSummerFinal:HCTNewsletterSummer09CMYK.qxd Herring Count Historically, the Herring River and its headwater ponds had been one of the most significant spawning grounds in the state. However, owing to a precipitous decline statewide, a six-year moratorium on the taking, possession, and sale of herring is in place until 2011. Fishery experts need “citizen science” field data to gauge herring health. Volunteers visit a specific location at regular intervals to watch how many herring pass a certain point for a defined timeframe. With the information that is collected, the state documents the relative number of herring to better evaluate population health, and hopefully restore the fishery. Paul Blackmore/Cape Cod Times "Save White Cedar Woods Project": • Protects 6.8 acres in the Herring River Watershed • Protects a link to HCT's adjacent 4.8-acre Lee Baldwin Memorial Woodlands that features a wheelchair accessible boardwalk • Protects sensitive BioMap Core Habitat as designated by the state's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program • Protects critical habitat for the eastern box turtle, a state Species of Special Concern • Protects 140 feet of roadside buffer for travelers on Route 28 Why is Atlantic white cedar wetland and surrounding uplands so important? Atlantic white cedar wetland is a globally rare habitat that can harbor unusual and uncommon plants and wildlife. Long ago, colonists logged the workable, rot-resistant wood for many uses including joists, fences and whale oil casks. The adjacent upland is critical not only as woodland wildlife habitat, but also for buffering the wetland. Thank you one and all for your strong support. 4 Summer 2009 Michael Lach Above: Herring Gulls fight for a fish. Summer 2009 Left: River Herring travel upstream to their spawning pond. 9 7:59 AM Page 5 Herring Count Led by volunteers (see page 6), a coalition of nonprofits and the town started the first annual Herring Count to assess the number of herring migrating from Nantucket Sound up the Herring River to headwater spawning ponds. HCT partnered with the Association to Preserve Cape Cod, Cape Cod Commercial Hook Fishermen’s Association, and the Town of Harwich Department of Natural Resources to launch the project. 8 On May 1st, a landowner who wishes to remain anonymous donated 5.86 acres to protect wildlife habitat and water quality. The gift is comprised of red maple wetland and upland dotted with tupelo, beech, pine and oak. This habitat assemblage stretches 300 feet along Long Pond and boasts abundant bird life. HCT is grateful for the donor’s forward-thinking vision to protect land, water and wildlife. This land donation: • Protects approx. 300 feet of shoreline on Long Pond, Cape Cod’s largest pond and also a herring spawning pond • Protects 5.86 acres in the Herring River Watershed • Protects an interior pond • Protects sensitive BioMap Core Habitat as designated by the state's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program • Protects approx. 300 feet of roadside greenbelt • Protects a scenic view from a public beach (see photo below) Summer 2009 PHOTO: Kathleen Magnusson Steve Heaslip/Cape Cod Times Vince DeWitt/Cape Cod Times Each spring, river herring return to streams and ponds as sure as the sun will rise. The annual spring migration of river herring, alewives and blueback herring from coastal waters through rivers and streams to their spawning ponds has been a longstanding phenomenon. However, fisheries experts worry that land use, water quality degradation, dams, culverts, and industrial-scale fishing off our shores threaten the very survival of these fish. While at sea, river herring are prey for many species including shark, tuna, mackerel, cod, haddock, whale, porpoise and dolphin. Healthy herring are critical to a sustainable marine ecosystem. Land Protection You make HCT possible. You make land conservation possible. Summer 2009 NVS 5/19/09 Kevin Mingora/Cape Cod Times HCTNewsletterSummerFinal:HCTNewsletterSummer09CMYK.qxd 5 7:59 AM Page 6 Land Stewardship NVS Volunteers Volunteers are our most important resource. Thank YOU! Thompson's Field Herring Count Project (cont’d) Kelly Sattman Lynch Chuck O’Connor Tony & Janet Pane Rick Peabody, Jason Santos Lara Slifka, Jacquelyn St. Thomas Evelyn Tobey, Rick Whitehead Fran & Rick Wallerstein AmeriCorps Cape Cod Cape Cod Reg. Tech. H.S. Harwich Elementary 5th Grade Brownie Troop 799 S.E. Alternative High School Harwich High School NHS HCT Volunteers (Jan Cormier, Tony Pane) Town of Harwich Conservation Commission Town of Harwich Highway Department Town of Harwich Fire Department Website Peter Watson Information Technology Richard Cooper Herring Count Project Louise and Dick Armstrong Valerie Bell Judy Bliss Mike Britton Tom Crafts Peter DeBakker Barbara Dowd Barbara Eastman Kris Etz Monica Farmer John Follas Jake Gerdin Anne Hynes Jackie & Tom Leach Susan Lin Tina Maloney Janet & James McCroskery Bob McNeill Elaine Merklin Laurie Moore Coco Moran Katie Mulhull Outdoor Projects Jim Barker, Beth Bierbower, Richard Cooper, Matt Cushing Richard Eressy, Monica Farmer Kathy Fogle, Todd Kelley Susan Lin, Tim Millar James & Janet McCroskery Janice & Mike O'Neill Tony & Janet Pane, Kris Ramsay Kelly Sattman Lynch Dick Thomas, Dianne Wadsworth Vernal Pools Chris Singer (coordinator) Vince & Eva DeWitt Kathy Fogle, Kelly Sattman Lynch Tony Pane, Lou Parker, Rick Peabody, Paul Schlansky Evelyn Tobey, Kathleen Welch Eel Migration Project Harwich Natural Resources Dept. Beth Bierbower, Brad Chase Richard Cooper, David Crestin Matt Cushing Kelly Sattman Lynch Mike O’Neill, Andrii Shcheglov AmeriCorps Cape Cod Monica Farmer Members & Staff PHOTO: Kathleen Magnusson Office Support Jo Ball, Beth Bierbower Dorothy Caplice Carol Corney, Annette Cremisi Carolyn DePalma Cynthia Dutoit, Pat Fiorda Elaine Gandolfi Doris Philips, Tom Philips Jan Raffaele, Betsy Sanders Beatrice Thenault Dianne Wadsworth Susan Weinstein Kathleen Welch Eel Migration Ramp Project Trail Guide Stephanie & Scott Lundegren Nestbox Monitoring Judith Bruce (co-leader) Terry Gavin (co-leader) Cape Cod Bird Club Joanna & Herb Schurmann Janet DiMattia Kathy Fogle, Karen Goggins Nancy Hipp, Shirley Knowles Kelly Sattman Lynch Charles & Jane Martin James & Janet McCroskery Nan Poor, Don Scott Joanna & Herb Schurmann PHOTO: Tim Dugan Event Planning Coco Moran Jan Raffaele Walk Leaders Mary Metzger (coordinator) Connie Boyce Ruth Connaughton, Jan Cormier Donna Wood Eaton Rich Eldred, Gail Hancock Kim Humphrey, Todd Kelley Tom Leach, Farley Lewis Blair Nikula, Heinz Proft Peggy Rose, Pat Sarantis Irwin Schorr, Andrew Walker Dr. Robert Zaremba, Ph.D. Students, HCT volunteers, the Town and AmeriCorps partnered to enhance wildlife habitat and the open fields of Thompson’s Field this spring. The seasonal eel migration was restored for a second spring allowing eels to wriggle up and over a flume to their fresh water destination. Property & Trail Stewards Marie Corcoran, Vince DeWitt Barbara Eastman, Nicole Libby Charles & Jane Martin Janet & James McCroskery Tony & Janet Pane, Jennifer Pitta Marilyn Reynolds Gerie Schumann Dick & Sally Smith Susan Speakman is proud to be a newsletter sponsor. Estate Planning & Planned Giving Brooks Thayer, Esq. Lisa Sherman, Esq. Robert F. Smith, Esq. 6 Harwich Conservation Trust Fall 2008 2642 Main Street, South Chatham See the full menu at Elliott Carr Photography Elliott & Susan Carr Stephanie Foster Vince DeWitt, Farley Lewis Kathleen Magnusson Nancy Viall Shoemaker NVS 5/19/09 PHOTO: Ryan Mann HCTNewsletterSummerFinal:HCTNewsletterSummer09CMYK.qxd Summer 2009 Summer 2009 7 B 508-432-3997 • • Photo courtesy of Elliott Carr Watch for Osprey at the D. Isabel Smith Monomoy River Conservation Lands. I. Bike Trail Parking (east of Depot) Directions: From Great Western Rd., drive south on Depot St. Park on left, opposite The Bike Depot. H. Red River Beach Directions: From Rt. 28 in So. Harwich, go south on Uncle Venie’s Rd. Meet at the west end of the parking lot. G. Thompson’s Field Directions: From Harwich Center, drive east on Rt. 39 and bear right onto Chatham Rd. Turn left into lot. F. Hawksnest State Park From Rt. 6, take Exit 11 onto Rt. 137 to Spruce Rd. Park on the shoulder of Spruce Rd. near the intersection with Hawksnest Rd. or Nathan Walker Rd. Email: D. HCT’s 60-acre Bank Street Bogs Nature Preserve Directions: Harwich Center, south on Bank Street. Park at the Harbormaster’s Workshop, located on the left at #203 Bank Street. C. Island Pond Conservation Lands Directions: Meet in the parking lot, behind Town Hall, located at 732 Main Street, Harwich, MA 02645. B. HCT’s Coy’s Brook Woodlands Directions: From Harwich Center, drive west on Great Western Rd. to Lothrop Ave. Turn left on Lothrop Ave. Parking lot is on the right just south of the water tower. H 7:59 AM E. D. Isabel Smith Monomoy River Conservation Lands Directions: Meet in the parking lot on the south side of Bay Road. Bay Road connects Route 28 to Route 39. G E 5/19/09 A. Bell’s Neck Conservation Lands Directions: From Harwich Center, go west on Great Western Rd. Turn left on Bell’s Neck Rd. Park on side of road between East & West Reservoirs. I C F Summer 2009 Walk Schedule (see reverse side) See below for Road Map and Directions to Walk Sites HCTNewsletterSummerFinal:HCTNewsletterSummer09CMYK.qxd Page 7 Discover Your Nature with HCT. 508-432-3997 • Email: • Saturday, August 29th, 9:00 am: Botanical Walk at Island Pond Join botanist Rich Eldred for a walk through conservation land near Harwich Center. Directions: Park behind Town Hall, 732 Main St. Friday, August 21st, 3:00 pm: Nature Walk at Thompson’s Field Sponsored by the Cape & Islands Farm Bureau’s Farm Fest, meet at the Chatham Road parking area to join the Harwich Conservation Trust on a guided walk highlighting the area's agricultural history, habitats, and wildflowers. Directions: From Harwich Center, drive east on Rt. 39 and bear right onto Chatham Rd. Turn left into the parking lot. Wednesday August 19th, 9:30 am: History Walk on Nathan Walker Road Join Andrew Walker, great-grandson of Nathan B. Walker, as he relates the historical family use of land around Hawksnest and Walker’s Ponds. Directions: From Rt. 6, take Exit 11 onto Rt. 137 to Spruce Rd. Park along Spruce Rd. near the intersection with Nathan Walker Rd. Wednesday, August 12th, 4:30 pm: Bike Path Biology Join HCT staff member Ryan Mann on a walk along the Cape Cod Rail Trail. This walk is intended for all abilities and especially for those who may have difficulty walking in the woods, but would still like to spend time in the outdoors learning about wildlife and Harwich’s hidden treasures. Wheelchair accessible! Directions: Meet at the bike path parking lot off of Depot Street in WEST Harwich. Sunday, July 26th, 10:00 am: A Walk in the Hawksnest Woods with Commentary Join veteran walk leader Irwin Schorr as he interprets the six ponds area. Directions: From Route 6, take Exit 11 onto Rt. 137 to Spruce Rd. Park on the shoulder of Spruce Rd. near the intersection with Hawksnest Rd. (not marked). Saturday, July 25th, 9:30 am: Botanical Walk at Bank Street Bogs Nature Preserve Join botanist Rich Eldred as he interprets the abundant native flora in early successional wetland habitat. Directions: From Rt. 39, take Bank St. 0.5 mile south to the Harwich Harbormaster’s Workshop on the left at #203 Bank Street. From Rt. 28, take Bank St. 0.7 mile north to the Harwich Harbormaster’s Workshop on the right. 7:59 AM Wednesday, July 22nd, 7:00 pm: Sunset Yoga at Red River Beach Bring a beach towel and bottle of water and join yoga teacher Kim Humphrey. Yoga experience is not necessary. Directions: From Rt. 28 in South Harwich, go south on Uncle Venie’s Rd. Meet at the west end of the parking lot. 5/19/09 Wednesday, July 15th, 9:30 am: Nature Walk at D. Isabel Smith Monomoy Conservation Lands. Join naturalist Mary Metzger for a walk in the woods with Muddy Creek views. Directions: From Route 39 take Bay Road one mile east. Parking lot is on right across from Blue Heron Landing. Tuesday, July 14th, 3:30 pm: Wildlife Walk at Bank Street Bogs Nature Preserve Join HCT staff member Ryan Mann on a walk to search for wildlife in early successional wetland habitat. Learn about current management practices and what the future might look like at the preserve. Directions: From Rt. 39, take Bank St. 0.5 mile south to the Harwich Harbormaster’s Workshop on the left at #203 Bank Street. From Rt. 28, take Bank St. 0.7 mile north to the Harwich Harbormaster’s Workshop on the right. Saturday, June 27th, 9:30 am: Botanical Walk at Coy’s Brook Woodlands Join botanist Rich Eldred for a look at plants in marsh and upland habitats. Directions: From Harwich Center, go west on Great Western Rd. Turn left onto Lothrop Ave. Parking lot is on the right just past the water tower. Wednesday, June 24th, 9:30 am: Nature Walk at Bell’s Neck Conservation Lands Join naturalist Connie Boyce for a walk through upland and marsh habitat. Directions: From Harwich Center go west on Great Western Rd. Turn left on Bell’s Neck Rd. Park along road between the reservoirs. Tuesday, June 9th, 12:30 pm: Box Turtle Search at Bank Street Bogs Nature Preserve Join HCT staff member Ryan Mann to document box turtles for the state’s Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program. Directions: From Rt. 39, take Bank St. 0.5 mile south to the Harwich Harbormaster’s Workshop on the left at #203 Bank Street. From Rt. 28, take Bank St. 0.7 mile north to the Harwich Harbormaster’s Workshop on the right. Sunday, June 7th, 10am – Noon: A Monomoyick’s View of Muddy Creek at the D. Isabel Smith Monomoy River Conservation Lands Join naturalist Todd Kelley for a journey back to the first people of Cape Cod’s “elbow” to consider their lives and history at this most significant archaeological site. Directions: From Route 39 take Bay Road one mile east. Parking lot is on right across from Blue Heron Landing. SUMMER 2009 WALKS S AV E T H E D AT E S ! HCTNewsletterSummerFinal:HCTNewsletterSummer09CMYK.qxd Page 8
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