HSNA LINX - Southmoor Park South Neighborhood Association


HSNA LINX - Southmoor Park South Neighborhood Association
Prevent Crime .................. cover
Welcome Target ......................3
President’s Corner ..................4
How 2 Meet Your
Neighbors ...............................5
Farmers Market ......................6
Pro-Cycling Challenge ...........7
Movies in the Park ..................8
Back 2 School Tech
Advice ....................................9
County Fair ...........................10
Our Schools ..........................12
Samuels Comm Garden ........16
How to Select a Good
Contractor .............................17
How to Make Your House
Show Like a Model Home....18
We will have a wrap-up session
to discuss the picnic on Wednesday, August 14th at 7:30 at 7585
E. Kenyon Ave. Come with ideas
on what you liked and what needs
to be improved.
Hampden South Summer Fest 2013
We Had a Fantastic Neighborhood Picnic!
July 20, 2013 proved
to be a GREAT day
for a picnic! We had
sun, delicious food,
and good music for
this year’s 4th Annual
HSNA Summer Fest
neighborhood picnic
at Rosamond Park in
Southeast Denver. A
highlight of the
picnic was when Target presented Southmoor and Samuels
Elementary Schools,
Hamilton Middle
School, and Thomas Jefferson High
School with an oversized check for
$1,000 each. A Target
employee did face painting and
others led the water balloon toss.
Dance Discovery of Denver performed some dance routines and
got the audience involved. DJ
Bella Scratch was our DJ/Karaoke
person from 1:00 – 3:00. The last
two hours John Friedman’s
band entertained us with terrific
music. He lives in our neighbor-
hood and donated his time.
Again this year we collected nonperishable food for The Gathering
Place. Twister Kid was back
twisting balloons into fun shapes.
Firemen did their usual spraying us
with water. Libby Trissel (a
neighbor) ran a craft table where
kids made pinecone bird feeders
and painted birdhouses. Amy
Saber organized a bike/wagon
parade that was led by a motorcycle
Police Officer who is a
cont’d on pg. 20
What We Can Do To Prevent Crime
Commander Joe A. Montoya, Denver Police District 3
I hope that you all are enjoying
our scorching summer. With
heat comes a lot of fun and
good times, unfortunately it
also brings an increase in crime.
I am happy to report that District Three has had a decrease
in every major crime category
year-to-date, however the crime
rate is slowly increasing as summer advances. The primary police
issues in the district are Burglary,
Theft from Motor Vehicle and Traffic Accidents.
We are in the process of re-aligning
the districts in order to distribute
cont’d on pg. 21
Target’s new Denver Southeast location is now
open. Save with our Target REDcard
Rewards & Benefits
We designed REDcards to complement your lifestyle. Use your Target
Debit Card, Target Credit Card® or Target® Visa® Credit Card to get
everyday savings, support your favorite K-12 school, make
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Now the REDcard saves you 5% on top of our already low prices on every
Target shopping trip, every day. As soon as you're approved, the savings begin.
30 Extra Days for Returns
Need a little extra time? No problem. In addition to saving 5% off your purchases plus free
shipping at Target.com, your REDcard lets you enjoy 30 extra days for returns.
Introducing 30 Extra Days For Returns
Take Charge of Education®
Help us help your favorite school.
Choose your kids' elementary school,
the neighborhood middle school or
any other eligible K–12 school. We'll
donate up to 1% of your REDcard
purchases at Target stores in the U.S and at Target.com.
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When you enroll in Pharmacy Rewards and fill five eligible prescriptions at Target Pharmacy,
you'll earn a certificate for 5% off* a day of Target shopping. Stack this with your everyday 5%
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Ultimate Savings - 5% OFF Today & Every Day
We Wish to Welcome Target to Our Neighborhood
Target had their “soft” opening for the neighbors
on July 23rd with a party like atmosphere serving cake, sandwiches and other treats. They had
a band and balloon twister. Their new store is
squeaky-clean with good lighting. Even though
it seems HUGE, they told me it is not as big as a
super Target (I’m glad). It does not have a bakery or deli. They are selling packaged bakery
goods in the large food section.
You can sign-up for a Target REDcard, which
will reduce your bill by 5%, get you free shipping @Target.com, and give you an extra 30
days for returns. Choose a school when you
sign up and Target will give that school 1% of
each of your purchases. That is an easy way
to help the neighborhood schools or your child’s
school. They told me that they gave $26,000 to one
school. 1% can add up to something substantial.
by Gayle Rodgers
Fireplace & Grill Experts, Inc
service, repair & installation
all gas fireplaces,
outdoor gas grills,
gas fire pits and gas lines.
by Gayle Rodgers
We live in a great neighborhood! Our Summer Fest
picnic was loads of fun. My goal is to get people out
of their homes to meet their neighbors. You might
ask, why is it important to get to know your neighbors?
You are safer. Crime goes down in neighborhoods
where people know their neighbors.
• You look out for each other and report suspicious
• You feel part of a whole
• You feel accepted
• You consider others needs instead of only your
own. Develop empathy.
• You are less judgmental. You might be upset that
your neighbor doesn’t take care of his yard. If
you would get to know him, you might find out
that he had back surgery and had to quit his job.
Maybe the neighbors could help him with the
• Helps avoid getting a distorted view of life.
When you have no one to bounce ideas off of,
you think your views are correct. Your neighbors
might have differing points of views that could
help open your mind to other options.
Studies have found that people who get to know
their neighbors are happier than those that do not
know neighbors. It might be because they have
parties or at least the peace of mind knowing that
there are people looking out for their wellbeing.
Also, people who develop strong relationships
tend to be optimistic and live longer.
You could live in your home longer. My husband’s aunt lived in her home by herself until she
was in her 90’s because her neighbors checked on
her every day. This aunt had glaucoma and was
considered blind. The neighbors thought of her
as their grandma. The kids loved her because she
baked them cookies and had a wonderful teddy
bear collection.
How can you meet your neighbors?
You can knock on their doors like I did years ago.
I created a neighborhood watch map for our block
and am still updating it when we get a new neighbor.
Instead of going door-to-door, the updated list is now
emailed out.
You can join our HSNA social media site, which is
up to 172 members. Go to: Nextdoor.com. Put in
your address and it will come up with the group you
need to join. The police post recent scams to avoid
and people ask for referrals like carpet cleaners, landscapers, etc. It was reported this summer that some
mailboxes were bashed in during the night and some
were super glued shut. About 10 people responded
that their mailboxes were affected. Events are posted
like the “soft” opening for Target on July 23rd. In
addition people post free “stuff.” By joining
Nextdoor.com, it will help keep our neighborhood
You can join our association on our website: www.
HampdenSouth.com. It is free! You can sign up on
our new volunteer form on the website. When we
work on projects like our Summer Fest picnic, you
get to know your neighbors. The form asks for your
skills and interests.
Drive Safe. For Life. Guaranteed. We will be having a strategic planning meeting soon
for our neighborhood to discuss what we want our
neighborhood to look like in 5, 10, 20 years. If you
wish to be part of the discussion and have not given
us your name, email us at myHSNA@gmail.com or
call 303-929-0909.
by Gayle Rodgers
Let us plan
your next event.
Classes and Driving Lessons throughout the year. Conveniently located on Union & Yosemite.
Call 303-­721-­8881 or visit DriveSafeColorado.com
I’m Your Southmoor
Neighborhood Expert.
• Hampden South Neighborhood
Association Supporter
• Eastmoor Swim & Tennis Club
Board Member
• Involved Southmoor Resident
& School Supporter
Contact me for market updates and advice on buying or selling.
Our closest Farmers Market is on Mondays at Havana
and Yale near Bicycle Village. It officially opens at
10 but most vendors are there by 9:30. The produce
vendor arrives around 9 and leaves around 12:30.
The earlier time and cooler temperatures helps keep
the produce fresher. The market is really small so it
takes no time at all to buy what you need and leave.
There is a vendor that sells rice and balsamic vinegars.
Another sells fruit from Palisade, CO. One sells pasta
and Alaskan seafood. There is a vendor that sells
fresh bread. One vendor sells homemade soaps and
another scarves. The produce that is sold is organic.
Jack Sunahara, Agent
(303) 779-4848
3525 S Tamarac Dr Ste 160, Denver CO 80237
Email: myhsna@gmail.com
Website: www.hampdensouth.com
Social Media: https://hsna.nextdoor.com/
3540 S. Poplar Street, Ste. 102
Denver, CO 80231
Diane Young
Lori Grohskopf
3-1-1 or www.denvergov.org
You could report potholes to either place
Volunteer Opportunity
Stage 7 of the USA Pro Cycling Challenge will take
place on Sunday, August 25th and your participation
would be very much appreciated!
The tremendous success of the Pro Cycling Challenge is made possible because hundreds of dedicated
volunteers donate thousands of hours
to make this world-recognized event
1625 S University Blvd.
Main number to District 3 – 720.913.1300 (for extra
patrolling while out of town)
Main number Dist. 3 Investigations: 720.913.1155
Non-Emergency: 720.913.2000
(such as suspicious behavior)
Emergency: 9-1-1
Once you sign up, they will be back
in touch with all the details (job opportunities, shift times, job descriptions, etc). Volunteer registration is
easy at:
The 2013 USA Pro Challenge will
include 128 of the world’s best cyclists from 25 countries making up
16 professional teams. Be part of the
largest spectator event in the history
of Colorado!
The Offices @ Panorama
Park South (Oneida & Evans)
Have a Special Offer for
HSNA Residents
HSNA residents ONLY may call 24 hours in advance
and reserve our conference room (30+ chairs) for any
business presentations or meetings, etc. until October
31, 2013, AT NO CHARGE. HSNA residents may
also use 1 or 2 tables in our lobby/atrium area for 1
on 1 meetings, at no charge until October 31,2013.
Call 303-6089-6777. The Lobby/Atrium area is also
available to rent for meetings and other events, outside normal business hours of 8AM-5PM. We invite
Hampden South Neighborhood (HSNA) residents to
visit our building.
A local investment group is re-positioning the buildings at 2050 and 2055 S. Oneida Street and attempting to maintain their unique design while updating
the buildings’ market appeal, energy efficiency and
The renovated project includes a huge atrium, kitchen
and workout facility. Work on the west building
at 2055 S. Oneida Street is almost complete. Dan
Dahlberg of Hardcastle Company Builders, who is
supervising the work, said the goal is to provide high
quality professional office space, primarily for small
office users, a typically under-served niche market.
“This renovated, beautiful office space is absolutely
the best value in this area of Denver,” he said. The
building is unique for its soaring entrances, massive,
building-long, two-story atrium, and great western
views. The atrium includes two Zen-like garden areas
with water features. Seating and conversation areas
are scattered throughout both levels of the atrium.
“The atrium is an amazing space, which would never
be built in today’s market. We are making it a very
welcoming space that building tenants can use everyday to complement their offices and that visitors can
use while waiting for appointments,” he said.
Individual offices will be offered from $195 per
month, a price that includes utilities, janitorial, and
other customary building services. Larger office
suites will also be available. Free WI-FI is offered to
tenants throughout the building as well as free use of
the large building meeting and conference room. A
large adjoining break room/kitchen that connects to
the building conference room will also be updated.
Tenants have use of the building’s fitness area that includes exercise equipment as well as a shower and a
sauna. Robert Longnecker of Central Park Properties
is leasing the building. More information is available
at www.toppsproperties.com or by calling 303-6086777. Look for their advertisement in this newsletter.
Officers of HSNA
President…………..……Gayle Rodgers
Vice President……………..Bryan Dean
Secretary………….…..Deborah Trissel
Treasurer…………...….Gayle Rodgers
Board Members of HSNA
James Gavin
John Boozer
Larry Alexander
Newsletter Layout……..Halisi Vinson
A New Dawn Media & Marketing
Do consider volunteering to help keep
your neighborhood a vibrant place to
live. We are asking for people to volunteer for at least one thing this year. You
can go to the www.hampdensouth.com
website and fill out the volunteer form
with your interests and skills so that we
can match you to the best opportunity.
Looking for a popular Denver attraction for the kids?
The free Denver Movies in the Park are one of the top
things to do in Denver with the family, and not to be
missed if you’re in Denver with kids.
Bring blankets or low lawn chairs to sit on. You can
also bring a picnic dinner although food is available.
All movies begin at dusk unless otherwise noted.
This year’s Saturday movies are sponsored by Southwest Airlines and are known as
Southwest Movies at Skyline Park
In addition, Civic Center Park
will have four bike-in movies in
2013. The party is wilder, and bike
racks are provided. Produced by
the Civic Center Conservancy and
Denver Parks and Recreation, the
FREE Civic Center Bike-In Movies
Series invites cycling enthusiasts
(and those using all other modes of transportation) to
spend summer evenings in Civic Center. The series is
made possible by the support of generous community
partners: Biennial of the Americas and the Mexican
Cultural Center, the Colorado Rapids, University of
Colorado Denver, FirstBank, and The Denver Post
Movies in the Park
Schedule for 2013:
Despicable Me: Friday August 2
(Bike-in at Civic Center Park) - PG
The Sandlot: August 5 - 8pm at Infinity Park at Glendale (4599 E Tennessee Ave)
Father of the Bride: August 3 at Skyline Park - PG
The Amazing Spider Man: August 10 at Skyline Park
– PG13
Air Bud: World Pup: August 15 at Bible Park - PG
The Goonies: Friday August 16 (Bike-in at Civic
Center Park) - PG
E.T.: August 17 at Skyline Park - PG
The Princes Bride: August 19 - 8pm at Infinity Park at
Glendale (4599 E Tennessee Ave)
Hotel Transylvania: August 24 at Skyline Park - PG
Billy Madison: Friday September 13 (Bike-in at
Civic Center Park) PG-13
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Final Summer Rooftop Party August 15 at Sie
Film Center
The final Raise The Roof Block Party of the summer
presented by the Denver Film Society will take place
Aug. 15, 6-10 p.m. atop the Sie FilmCenter, 2510 E.
Colfax next to Tattered Cover and Twist & Shout.
This party will showcase the comedy of Denverite
Jordan Doll, along with local musicians Shady Elders
and Ark Life, with Harrison Rains returning to emcee
the evening. Musical acts are curated with the assistance of Colorado Public Radio’s new station, Open
Air 1340 AM.
The CulturePlex rooftop opens at 6 p.m., with music
beginning at 7 p.m. Attendees will be given a buyone get-one movie ticket on the evening of the party
to return for a film on a future day at the Sie FilmCenter. Restaurants from the Colfax corridor will be
selling food and sweets.
Since moving from the Starz FilmCenter on the
Auraria Campus to its new home on East Colfax in
2010, the Sie FilmCenter has hosted more than 50,000
moviegoers and screened over 250 films. Founded in
1978, the Denver Film Society sponsors Film on the
Rocks and the Starz Denver Film Festival, along with
many special film series and educational programs.
A non-profit organization, the Society has 2500 members and is the only nonprofit organization in Colorado dedicated to engaging both its members and the
general public in a lifelong, life-altering relationship
with and understanding of film and film culture. For
more information, visit www.denverfilm.org
HSNA has a few admit one tickets worth $10 to the
Sie FilmCenter. We are asking for a small donation to
the area schools, if you would like some. Check out
the website to see what is showing: denverfilm.org.
The tickets are good through May 31, 2014. Email
myHSNA@gmail.com for more information and to
express interest.
Eisenhower Recreation Center
FREE kids lunch and snack program. Kids are fed a
FREE lunch between 11:30am and 12:30pm. Kids
receive a FREE snack between 3pm and 4pm.
Silver Sneakers has begun at Eisenhower Recreation
Center. Benefits include: Access to any drop-in fitness
classes, Access to the weight room, Access to the
outdoor pool and the following classes:
• Muscular Strength and Range of Motion: Mondays
and Wednesdays from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
• Yoga Stretch: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 9:30 a.m.
Fitness Classes are available as follows:
• Yoga: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:45 - 7:45
• Zumba: Wednesdays from 6 - 7 p.m.
• Power Sculpt: Saturday from 9:15 - 10:15 a.m.
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped and/or sponsored
our Summer Fest Picnic this year. To each and every
neighbor, big and small – thank you for attending.
You came out and smiled, played, ate, bid on items,
talked and laughed with each other. This is truly the
real meaning of community.
To the committee and all the marvelous people who
showed up at the crack of dawn to get the park set up
and stayed to pick-up – a neighborhood hug – thank
We do hope that each of you had a glorious afternoon.
Do consider volunteering for 2014. If you have suggestions for next year, please share them with the
association by emailing us at myHSNA@gmail.com.
2014 – “Bring It On”
Home computers are critical to giving students an
edge when it comes to communication, research,
writing papers, multimedia presentation, and of
course keeping in touch with social media. Here’s a
quick guide to helping you buy a new computer.
Comcast actually has a program for internet service
as low as $9.95/month and a (pretty slow) new laptop
for $150. Families must not currently have Comcast,
and families must qualify for the free lunch program
at their local school. For more details, go to www.
Teachers, Denver Public School students, and many
non-profit employees can get the $500 version of Microsoft Office for FREE or a very low price. See if
you are eligible at studentoffice.dpsk12.org or www.
There are about 12 deciding factors on buying a new
computer. The top 4 are:
ly, laptops were twice the cost, but
now both are about the same price.
4. Speed: You can’t upgrade a
processor after you buy a computer.
Processors (or Brains) of the computers have gone from Pentium
4, to Dual Core, to Core2Duo, to
QuadCore, to i3, to i5 to i7. Just a
few dollars more can considerably
increase your speed. Each move up
this processor ladder increases your
speed by about 40%. We recommend getting at least an i3 processor, which is only about $400. You
will save a few dollars with slower
processors, but for only a few dollars more you could be going much faster for the next
5 to 7 years.
Even if you don’t have students at home, now might
be a good time to consider a new computer. Windows XP is going to stop having updates in April
2014. This means your computer will still work, but
will no longer receive new updates protecting it from
viruses and glitches. (more)
1. Budget: Decide your budget for the next 5 years.
Don’t buy the lowest or highest price computer, but
budget about $450 to $550. Then, budget a few hundred in accessories, software, transferring data and
setup of it as well.
2. Operating System: Mac or PC? Mac’s are virtually virus free but twice the cost. Windows 7 is still
available at Micro Center, which has been a very
reliable and stable system. However, you can also
download a free program for Windows 8 computers
to make it appear like the easy-to-understand Windows 7.
3. Style: Laptop or Desktop or Tablet? Previous11
Back to School Tech Advice (cont’d)
Plus, if you have XP, then your computer is at least
7 years old, and the average life of a computer is 5
to 7 years. It’s better to be pre-emptive rather than
reactive when getting a new PC. (i.e. Barking Less,
Wagging More).
For our complete list of 12 decisions to make when
buying a computer, call, email or drop by our consulting office at the King Soopers Center at Hampden and
Scott Henke has been consulting since 1982, and
offers free and low-cost classes across Denver. Onsite Consulting won the Business of the Year Award
as well as featured on Haystack Help, 560 KLZ Talk
radio, and Fox 31. Their phone is 720-482-8383 or
you can email him questions directly at scott@
August 9, 10, 11
National Western Complex
top hogs are back
beer and wine sampling
expanded kids pavillion
dog sports
and much, much, more!
Friday 12 - 8pm;
Saturday 10am 8pm.
Sunday 10am - 6pm
for more info:
This annual event celebrates the creativity and
personality of Denver, with events, exhibitors, blue
ribbon competitions and more!
Denver County Fair honors the fine traditions and
values of America’s county fairs, which have been
enjoyed by millions of people for over 100 years.
But, we are NEW. Although land was bought for a
Denver Fair in the 1800s, that plan was interrupted
by a little thing called the “Civil War” and no fair
was ever launched. (That land is now City Park, by
the way.) Somehow, the idea never came to fruition
until NOW – in the 21st century, when Denver is a
modern, bustling metropolis, forging a reputation as
“the new creative capital.”
… So as we enter into our third year, expect us to do
things differently than the fairs that were established
last century, or the century before.
7400 - 7800 East Hampden Avenue
Denver, CO 80231
At The Heart of Your Community
Whole Foods
24 Hour Fitness
At the Beach
Centre Salon & Spa
Contempo Nails
Einstein Bros. Bagels
Elvis Cinemas
European Wax Center
FedEx Office
Great Clips
H&R Block
India’s Restaurant
International Optique
Kim’s Wig Botik
Massage Envy
Oshima Ramen
Sylvan Learning Center
The Fresh Fish Company
& Proof NiteClub
Wells Fargo Bank
Wild Bird Center
The merchants at
are pleased to be a part of the
Hampden South
Neighborhood Association.
Thomas Jefferson High School
an active theater department.
3950 S. Holly St., Denver, CO 80237
Thomas Jefferson High School is our neighborhood’s
“home” high school and located in the Southmoor
Park neighborhood, on the west side of I-25. The
school teams are the Spartans. The school was built in
1960. Smaller than most high schools, TJ has a real
family feel to it where everyone knows your name
and faculty are engaged in supporting the students.
TJ offers Advanced Placement classes in English,
mathematics, science, social studies, and Spanish.
The school also hosts a gifted program in various
areas of study, such as their Computer Magnet Program, JROTC, and X-Track Courses. TJ works with
students to provide study opportunities for AP exams
whereby attendance at these sessions helps to defer
the cost of the exam.
Additionally, Thomas Jefferson has many programs
for students that include a student-run newspaper, student-run news casting, yearbook assembled in-house,
diversity club, National Honor Society, DECA, and
Your Help is Needed
Thomas Jefferson High School’s PTO is pleased to
announce two TJHS CLEAN-UP DAYS on August
3rd and August 10th from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. as
part of Denver Days. Please feel free to drop in and
spend a few hours with us or, all day, whatever works
with your schedule.
August 3rd will be dedicated to cleaning up the exterior and August 10th will be dedicated to cleaning up
the interior of the high school.
TJ’s new principal, Suzanne Morris-Sherer, will be
available both clean-up days to meet and greet TJHS
This is a great way for your student(s) to earn Community Service credits and a great way for our school
community to work together for a common goal
showing pride in our neighborhood high school.
We look forward to seeing you at TJ on August 3rd
and August 10th!
Making Memories
Classical Ballet of Colorado is the ideal place for young
children to experience the benefits of dance and movement in a warm and nurturing environment. Your
child will gain confidence, coordina on, and musicality while making new friends and having fun.
Classes Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings
Crea ve movement (3 years old) 9am-10am
Pre-Ballet (4 to 5 years old) 10am-11am
Fall semester begins on August 19. 6740 E Hampden Avenue. Denver CO. 303-756-1970
Conveniently located on Union & Yosemite.
Call 720-­496-­2244 or visit CollegeDrive.com
Registration for the 2013-14 school
year begins soon. 6th graders register on Thursday, August 15, 7th
graders on Friday, August 16 and
8th graders on Monday, August 19.
Registration is open from 8:00-3:30
each day and all Hamilton families
need to come register. Make sure
you bring up-to-date immunization
information and emergency numbers
when you come. Students’ first day
of school is August 26.
Hamilton is looking forward to a
great 2013-14 school year!
Hamilton Middle School
Hampden South’s neighborhood middle school
is Hamilton Middle School located at 8600 East
Dartmouth Avenue, 80231. The school houses 860
students’ grades 6-8 in one of two programs: the
Traditional Academic Program (TAP) or IPM (International Preparatory Magnet). Hamilton, home of
the Huskies, is rated a High Performing School by
Denver Public Schools. 40% of its students are on
free and reduced lunch. New Principal Nick Dawkins
has begun an effort to plan strategically for Hamilton’s future involving many stakeholders including
community members.
Hamilton is proud of its academic performance. This
spring, for instance, a Hamilton student, Himanvi
Kopuri, took first in the State Spelling Bee. Hamilton
students also placed third, fourth, eighth and 31st in
the bee. In addition, five Hamilton 7th graders are
competing in the National History day in Maryland
because they placed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in state.
Hamilton boasts an excellent performing arts program. Recently, several hundred students wowed
their audience with the spring vocal music performance. Additionally, the Band and Orchestra gave
great performances this spring.
SINCE 1978
Buying and loaning on diamonds
jewelry, rolexes, gold, and platinum
8th Graders celebrated the end of the year with a
trip to Elitches and a swim party and the last day for
students was June 4th.
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4401 S. Tamarac Pkwy. Denver, CO 80237
One of Hampden South’s neighborhood elementary
schools is Southmoor Elementary, which is located
at 3755 South Magnolia Street, Denver, Colorado
80237. Current enrollment for grades ECE to Grade
5 is 460 students. Southmoor Elementary is a magnet
school for DPS Highly Gifted and Talented (HGT)
Southmoor Elementary is proud of its arts and
physical education programs, community and parent
involvement and commitment to academic achieve-
New Offices from $195 per Month
2055 S Oneida St (at Evans)
Renovated & under new management
Free Wi-Fi, Conf. Room, Kitchen, Gym
Professional atmosphere, Efficient
5 min. to I-25, Ample Parking
The Offices
call Bob Longnecker
Southmoor offers art, music and physical education
to every student on a daily basis. While students are
encouraged to be active and engage in after school
programs around health and fitness, there are also
opportunities to be part of the school choir, band and
guitar club. Additionally, there is an emphasis on the
visual arts as the school hosts an art week every year.
Community and parent involvement at the school
helps drive the goals of the school forward. Southmoor has a devoted Parent Teacher Organization that
is dedicated to fundraising, community building and
teacher support.
Additionally, the
school maintains
a Collaborative
School Committee
or CSC that works
closely with the
school leadership
and community at
large to advance the
school improvement plan.
With the leadership of new principal, Sarina Compoz, Southmoor Elementary is dedicated to finding
and keeping the best teachers, offering academic
resources and enrichment to students and parents, and
is committed to developing the entire student with
programs that build character and confidence.
Key Dates:
Registration, August 16 and August 19
Back to School Picnic August 22
First Day of School August 26
Samuels Elementary
Samuels Elementary is an ECE to 5th grade school
located at 3985 South Vincennes Court. We have
approximately 580 students. This is a very diverse
school where over 20 languages are spoken. We are a
title 1 school based on the number of free and reduced
lunches; there are approximately 74% free and reduced
Samuels Elementary is excited to introduce our new
principal, Erin Mack Trapanese. Erin has served as
a teacher coach, a district level reading intervention
facilitator and an assistant principal in both elementary
and secondary settings. Erin holds an M.A. in Literacy/
reading specialist licensure from CU Boulder and
received her administrative licensure through Denver
University. She is delighted to join Team Samuels as
the new principal and has enjoyed her time this spring
volunteering in the community garden, meeting individually with staff members, hosting parent coffees and
seeing all of the Samuels scholars hard at work during
classroom visits. Erin looks forward to getting to know
all of the students, staff, parents and community members in her time to come at Samuels Elementary.
School registration is quickly approaching.
*New student registration is August 12-14 from 8 am 2 pm.
*Returning students can register August 15th from 2
pm – 7pm or Friday August 16th from 8 am - 2 pm.
There are many different activities planned for the
school year.
*Back to School night will take place on August 23rd
from 3:30-5:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet
teachers, principal and drop-off school supplies, treats
will be provided by PTA.
*On August 24th from 8:00 am - 11 am will be a workday in the Samuels garden.
*There will be a Dad’s breakfast on September 5th at
7:15 am in the school gym. This is a fun morning with
dads and students.
*PTA meetings are September 11th and November 20th
at 6:30 pm in the school library.
*On October 2nd the 3rd grade classes will be putting
on the musical production of “Flat Stanley”.
The first day of classes is August 26th,
We look forward to a wonderful 2013-2014 school year
Get in touch with your inner swan...
CBC students performing Swan Lake June 2013. Classical Ballet of Colorado offers the highest quality instruc on in classical ballet, modern dance, and jazz. Whether you are looking for preprofessional dance training for your child, an introduc on to dance for a preschooler, or adult classes to get in touch with your inner swan, CBC has the class for you. See our website for details. Fall classes begin on August 19.
YAGP Outstanding School Award 2013
YAGP Outstanding Teacher Award 2012
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Samuels School/Community Garden
As we move into the second half of summer and the
first day of school is just around the corner, there has
never been a better time to stop by and stroll through
the garden. The school, community, local businesses
and the gardeners are transforming a once barren,
weed-infested area into a beautiful and edible retreat.
The garden is home to a school and a community
garden, additionally, we have a fruit orchard. We are
extremely proud of what has been accomplished in
a very short amount of time. One year ago, we had
5-framed plots and little to nothing growing except,
goathead weeds, thistle, crabgrass and spurge. Today, all
of our plots are overflowing with tomatoes, zucchinis, corn, pumpkins and other healthy and delicious
fruits and vegetables.
We have a garden workday scheduled for August
24 starting at 8am. Bring your gloves, shovels, and
water bottle and get ready to dig-in. For more information, please contact us at: samuelsgarden2011@
gmail.com or on Facebook at facebook.com/SamuelsGarden. Or just stop by and say hello.
How to Select a Good Contractor
Bryan Dean, American Family Insurance, 720-339-8705
The easiest, and one of the best ways to select a
possible contractor, is to get references from friends,
family or a Realtor you trust. Observe their level of
professionalism. Courtesy, respect, punctuality and
the ability to communicate are the most important
attributes a contractor can have next to their basic
Below: is a checklist of things to consider when
selecting your contractor, developed by Bob Formisano.
We will use ratings of “Best”, “Good”, “OK”, “Fair”
and “Reject” to classify some of these items.
Getting Names of Possible Contractors:
• You have had good personal prior experience working with contractor [BEST]
• Reliable referral from direct experience of family or
friends [GOOD]
• You know of the contractor’s reputation but have no
direct experience [OK]
• You found them from a trade association or general
advertising [FAIR]
State Contractor Licensing (they must provide the
number if licensed):
• Licensed; has never had a complaint filed or had
disciplinary action taken [BEST]
• Licensed; has no prior complaints filed for at least 3
or more years [FAIR]
• Licensed; current complaints or
actions against them within the past
3 years [REJECT]
• Contractor has no license [REJECT]
(ask to see their certificates):
• Workman’s Compensation and
General Liability [BEST]
• General Liability only (bodily
injury and property damage)
• Contractor has no insurance [REJECT]
Business Longevity:
• In business more than 10 years
with the same name [BEST]
• In business 5 or more years with
the same name [GOOD]
• In business 1 to 5 years with the same name [OK]
• New business under 1 year [FAIR]
Stability and Permanence:
• Has a physical business office and address [BEST]
• Has only a Home office or answering service
• Cell phone contact only, no office [REJECT]
Reference Check
(yes, you should check references)
• Positive prior current references from at least 5
customers [BEST]
• 1 to 4 positive references from past customers
• No real references or negative references provided
• Specializes in the work you want performed
10 Ways To Make Your House Show Like A Model Home, In One
Weekend, For Less Than $200
Compliments of Lorena Tankersley, Your Castle Real
Estate, 303-981-6539
If you are trying to sell your home it pays to do a little
extra to impress your buyers. Studies have shown that it
takes buyers only 7 seconds to decide whether or not they
are going to buy a home once they set foot in a house.
Here are some quick and easy ways to make your home
show like a model home.
1. Clear All Clutter
Get rid of “stuff” in the front yard, back yard, hallway and
basement. Clear off kitchen counters.
2. Get Rid of Evidence of Pets
Send your dog or cat away for the day. Hide the litter box
and any evidence of its aroma. Make sure there are no dog
feces in the front yard.
3. Get Rid of Evidence of Kids
Get rid of strollers on the porch, inflatable kiddy pools
in the back yard and toys that may be lying around in the
hallway. Get rid of baby gates and make sure there are no
handprints or crayon drawings on the walls.
4. Clean Up the Front Yard and Porches
Make sure that the grass is cut and the garden is nicely
tended. It also does not hurt to spruce up the front door
with a coat of paint, replace the house numbers, the doorknocker and light.
5. Get Rid of Sunken Paving Stones
Sunken paving stones or missing rocks make your home
look ratty and cheap. Buy new stones, level them and redo
these pathways. Curved pathways look more contemporary.
6. Paint Rooms That Need It
7. Replace Some Fixtures
If your chandelier or light fixtures look dated, then replace
them. You can also make a home look more contemporary
by changing the light switch plates or electrical plates to
designer versions.
8. Change the Faucets and Spouts
Sometimes you can make a kitchen or bathroom look
glamorous by changing out your old faucets and spouts.
There are lots of different styles on the market that can instantly transform a sink into a contemporary masterpiece
of design.
9. Provide Flowers and Greenery
If you have cleared all the clutter, then you should have
a home that looks more simple and Zen-like. One-way to
augment this air of designer sophistication is to put flowers or vases of tall grasses in the rooms.
10. Provide Some Aromatherapy
One of the tricks that professional real estate agents use is
to simply bake some cookies in the oven so the scent of
cinnamon and vanilla fills the air as potential customers
walk in the front door. If you do not want to spend your
time baking, you can buy all kinds of professional scents
that help it seem more cozy or sophisticated. You can even
buy vanilla, cinnamon or apple pie scents that mimic the
smells of baking. Professional real estate agents also use
tropical scents such as pineapple and mango.
Of course you can hire a
professional to stage your
home. A home stager can offer you an objective perspective on how to make your
home look fresh, appealing
and attractive to others. With
an eye for design and just a
few hundred bucks, you can
usually fix up your home so
that it is more appealing to
buyers all by yourself.
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Incident That Happened in the
Southmoor Neighborhood
Jean McCallin was on her patio July 24th around 3:30
p.m. when a male in his 30s came into her backyard
claiming to be a tree trimmer. He told her he needed
to trim the trees in the backyard of what is Jerry
Landy’s home and that he needed to get access to Mr.
Landy’s backyard by going through Jean’s backyard.
He also told Jean that Jerry recently sold his home.
The man was talking on a cell phone to another male
who he claimed was helping him trim the trees.
Jean told him to leave her property and went inside.
Jean discovered her home had been ransacked in the
5-10 minutes she was telling the purported tree trimmer to get out of her backyard. Jean also called Jerry
Landy and he told her he had not sold his home.
The police surmise that the 2 men are operating a
scam where they sneak into the garage when the
homeowner pulls in (Jean drove into the garage a few
minutes before the man appeared in her backyard).
The individuals then wait behind the vehicle until the
garage door closes. One person distracts the homeowner (the male in the backyard) while the other
man is inside robbing the homeowner. We suspect that
Jean’s refusal to engage with the male who came into
her backyard, ordering him to leave, and then going
inside her home interrupted the heist.
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Summer Festival (cont’d)
Bryan Dean of American Family insurance made
popcorn, handed out balloons and held a raffle to raise
money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. One
of the items raffled off was a signed Troy Tulowitzki
baseball! TJ High School made cotton candy, Cosmos
sold Boba Milk Tea, and Subway had fresh cookies. We
had BBQ sandwiches, bangers and mash, tacos, pizza
and many more items, all very tasty. The food/beverage
vendors were Baker Street Pub, Chick-fil-A Tamarac Square, La Fogata, Subway at Micro Center,
Cosmos Frozen Yogurt, Giorgio’s Pizza, Jimmy
Johns, Las Saltenas, Martin’s Rib Emporium, and
Zanitas Mexican and Margaritas. Tickets were sold
to exchange for food, beverage, and services like a
chair massage or airbrush tattoos. Vendors donated
part or all of their ticket money to the schools.
Thank you to
all who volunteered to make
this event a
success!!! We
couldn’t have
done it without
your help. A
special thank
you to our
sponsors because we could not afford to put this
event on without their involvement. You can check out
the pictures on the photo page of our website and our
list of sponsors at www.hampdensouth.com. It is important to support the businesses that support us.
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What We Can Do To Prevent Crime (cont’d)
Commander Joe A. Montoya, Denver Police District 3
Residential Burglary:
The best defense against neighborhood burglars is to lock
your doors and windows when not at
home and to call the police when you observe any suspicious people in your neighborhood. Mike
Borquez is assigned to our neighborhood and his number
is 303-505-5471. The nonemergency
number at District 3 is 720-913-1300. Burglars often conduct door-to-door
solicitations under false business names in order to scout
your homes valuables, security and to
analyze the daytime occupancy on your block. (We had
this happen in our neighborhood this
spring. Two guys with backpacks and no literature for the
company they were representing.)
Garage Burglary:
Garage burglaries are common in neighborhoods with an
off alley design. The best prevention is to
shut and lock your garage doors when not in use.
Theft from Motor Vehicle:
Remove any items of value from plain view when not in
your car. Thieves scout neighborhoods
and parking lots for easy targets. They work in teams and
usually have a getaway driver close by,
in order to get out of the area quickly after the theft.
Remove any non-secured portable items from your front
yard and porch areas. Strollers and bikes
are popular targets for theft.
Property Recovery:
If you are a victim of theft, it is helpful if you have recorded serial numbers or photographed
valuables that do not have serial numbers. Stolen property
is often recovered and we have a
higher probability of returning it to the owner when these
items have precise descriptors
documented in the police report.
Establish a communication network with neighbors, so
that you can watch out for one another and
report all suspicious activity. There are traditional networks available (Neighborhood Watch), new
networks available (Nextdoor Social Media sites – www.
nextdoor.com) or just non-formal
neighborhood collaboration. If have any questions or need
help with any Crime Prevention issues’
please call District Three Community resource Officer
Tony Burkhardt at 720-913-1231. (more)
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What We Can Do To Prevent Crime (cont’d)
In this age of technological advances it is common
for citizens to own high quality portable audio
devices and telephones. If you are in a public face
and openly using a device, always monitor your
surroundings to determine if you are being watched
or followed. The same would apply if you were
withdrawing money from an ATM that is in public
view. If you believe that you are being watched,
please call the police right away and try to get to a
location where other people are around. If
confronted, give the person what they want and try to
be the best witness that you can be when
you report the crime.
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Traffic Safety:
Please adhere to all traffic laws, especially those
involving speed. We also ask that you avoid all
distractions while operating a motor vehicle. The
combination of the two leads to the majority of all
traffic accidents in the city.
We also ask that you pay attention to pedestrians in
or near a roadway. Often the pedestrians will
chance entering a roadway when it is not safe and as
a result will be struck by a car. Even though
the pedestrian would be at fault, taking your time and
paying more attention can avoid the stress and anxiety of injuring another person with your car.
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