تـ ســـوق 50%
تـ ســـوق 50%
تـ�س ــوق Shopping 10% AL ABDULMOHSIN PERFUMES ] Al Khaldiah: 24834864 - 24836066 ] Al Nuzha: 22561561 ] Al Jahra: 24555247 ] Qortuba: 25321251 ] Al Mubarakiah: 22478905 ] Al Fahaheel: 23920174 - 65151480 15% Starting From December For Six Months www.laylalingerie.com (For premium card users only) Fahaheel: Salman Al Dabbous Complex Nugra: North Nugra Complex Tel: 23927298 Tel: 22648873 10% Scarves - Accessories - Bags www. n oor a n . n e t Marina - Al Fanar - Al Muhalab - Souq Salmiya Head Office: Kuwait - Salmiya - Amman St. - Souq Shareq - Hamra Mall - Kuwait Magic - Tel.: +965 2575 1072 - Fax: +965 2572 1595 Biraq (beside Mahmoud Saeed) 30% Al Mubarakiya, Badi and Hejazi complex, Shop No. 13 and 14 Tel.: 224 123 66 - Fax: 2240 7740 - mob.: 666 999 21 nojoom_jwl@hotmail.com 10% On All Products Al-Motahajiba Al Kout Complex - Fahaheel: 23930541 Awtad Complex - Al Jahra Avenues - Al Rai: 22597856 Al Dana Center - Al Salmiya: 25721411 22244233 Al Bayraq - Al Oqaila: 23824078 20% لدينا �أرقى �أنواع البخور واخللطات املميزة من ال�سعر املعلن Dahyiat Abdallah Al Salem Coop Tel.: 96626667 - 97571218 e-mail: muhalhel201022@hotmail.com 10% Not Including Special Offers or Sales شـركـة أوالد أحمـد الصـراف لإلنـارة Ahmad Al-Sarraf Son’s Lighting Co. Hawalli, Tunis Street, Al Rihab Complex Tel.: 22616700 jaber@alsarrafsons.com 5% For special events Free Delivery for above 30 K.D. 10% For 30 K.D. and above Hilton, Kuwait Resort, Shop 3 Tel.: 22256222 Ext.: 7432 - Mob.: 55510670 Twitter: @rosaymas_ 10% Shuwaikh Al Tilal Mall Bedaa Al Arjan Complex Tel.: 22255998 - 94433159 Tel.: 22253157 - 67747741 Up to 15% Discount Only On MONDAY & TUESDAY Salem AL Mubarak St, Olympia Mall, 2nd Floor Tel.: 50662322 Up to 50% q Main Branch Salmiya 25720202 q Al Bairaq 23824002 q City Centre Salmiya 25720612 q Int. Airport 24330517 q Kuwait Magic 23711376 q Al Fanar 25753533 q Sultan Centre Salmiya 25719620 q Souk Sharq 22408758 Ext. 255 Abaya Aseel 15% Sanabel Tower - Ground Floor - Shop 18 Al Muthanna Complex - Mezzanain - Shop 13 Tel.: 99449914 - 99111339 - Fax: 22416116 10-15% On all Abayas by Mona Alarbash @Alarbash_design Tel.: 96687852 E-mail: alarbash_design@hotmail.com Spend KWD 16 Intersport.Kuwait And Receive a voucher worth Kwd www.intersport.ae 5 360 Mall 2nd floor, Zahra Area, South Soura Tel.: +965 2530 9550 - Fax: +965 2530 9548 داي�س للت�سوق املنزيل منتجاتنا عطورات فرن�سية وعربية- �إك�س�سوارات- �ساعات �ألعاب �أطفال- مكياج- �أقالم- جلديات و�أدوات مو�سيقية- �أجهزة �إلكرتونية 5% للم�شرتيات بقيمة دينار وما فوق50 Free Home Delivery: 24345424 - 24345414 Hot Line: 99898601 www.diceaaa.com 5% Al-Jabriya, Kuwait Tel. 25325522 - 25329022 Health & Fitteness �صحـة وريـا�ضــة ® 20% On all Products Salmeyah, Salem Al Mubarak Street, blk 2, building 7A, behind Symphony Mall, Buffalo Cafe Building, Floor 8, Office 10 Tel: 25711156 - Hotline: 90001304 10% Al Jaberiah - Tel.: 25353248 - Fax: 25353249 Al Manqaf - Block 56 Coast Road - Mob.: 60435321 www.spaandmore.net 15% Discount on All Product بيت ال�صابون اللبناين marketing@saficosmetics.com Avenues: Shop 120 1st Level Phase 2 - Tel. 22598036 Bayraq: Shop 26B Mezzanine - Tel. 23824152 Shareq: Shop 9 Ground Floor - Tel. 22452276 10-65% معاهد ومراكز متخ�ص�صة بالر�شاقة وجتميل اجل�سم Free Consultant تدار املعاهد بال�ضوابط ال�شرعية Men’s Branch Hawalli - Naytrex Center, Al Hasan Al Basari St. 99951979 - 99971439 - 99973529 Woman’s Branch Hawalli - Qoutaiba Street 99951979 - 99971439 - 99973529 15% 4th Ring Road, Abo Thor Al Ghafari, Beside Al Ansari Clinic, Before Fire Station Tel.: 25639333/444 12% «You are what you eat» Nutrition Consultation & Prime Diet Services. Healthy Food Delivered to Your House. Shareq, Al- Babtain Tower, Floor M3 Tel.: 22924066/7 - Fax: 22924068 15% Stretch Fitness Center On Exsisting Offers Salmiya, Block 3, Omar Bin Al-Aas Street، Aknan Complex, Kuwait Tel.: 2227 4991/2 - Fax: 2227 4997 info@stretch-fitness.com - www.stretch-fitness.com للإح�سا�س بال�صحة واحليوية والثقة بالنف�س 20% على جميع اخلدمات www.beautytek.com.kw Al Salmiya - Al Khansa’a St. - Tel.: 25722250/60 - 66717137 Al Jahra’a Al Orf Hospital Circle - Tel.: 24566630/60 - 66707729 مفرو�شــات Furniture 20% Per Kit Al Ardiya Industrial Area - Block 1- Plot 88 kuwait@ideapaint.com www.ideapaint.com 20% On All Products New Al-Fahad Exhibition For Curtains Hawalli, Tunis St., Al Rihab Complex, Ground Floor, Shop 54 - 55 Tel.: 22612481 - Fax: 22658987 www.newalfahad.com 10% Only Accessories Al Shuwaikh, Pepsi St., Al Tilal Complex, Beside Hyundai, Opposite Home Center Tel.: 22252588 - Fax: 24831941 www.alnaharonline.com Enjoy the experience of shopping at our new retail showroom 30% except for the electronics & furniture A Rai, Al Ghazali St., Beside CenterPoint Tel.: 24762033 - Fax: 24720347 www.lespaceinternational.com 10% House of Development for Agricultural Contracting Co. for landscape design and installation Al Rai Industrial, Block 1, Al Ghanam Market Plot: 34 - Showroom: 17/18 Tel.: 22421649 - Fax: 22421713 رحلة �إلى تركيا ل�شخ�ص واحد New Palaces Real Estate عند �شرائك �شقة �أو فيال www.newpalaces.com Al Salmiya, Salem Al Mubarak St., Ghani Palace, Office 9 Tel.: 25730786 - 50104281 - 50104282 5% Aluminum, Shutter, Iron & Installation Rafa Kuwait for Trading & Cont. Al Shuwaikh, Banks Road, Opposite Al Tijari Bank Tel.: 24925801 - Fax: 24925802 28% �أكواثريم بايب Al Rai, Al Ghazali St., Tel: 24719944 www.alsahoo.com 30% Kuwait KSA Egypt Qatar l l l www.americanmattress.com.kw Pepsi St., Behind Al Sayer Showroom & KFH Free Zone Area - American Mattress Mall Tel.: 22276822/33 Tel.: 24610300/1/2 10% Discount On all Items Jabriya - Block 1a - St. 105 - Bldg. 113 - 2nd floor Tel.: +965 66854203 www.kavarati.com 10% Kavarat Layan Q8 على جميع املعرو�ضات Hotline: 66402262 Up to 75% Discount On all Products Shuwaikh - Jahra street Al Telal Commercial Center - Lot 42 Tel.: 22256162 - 22256165 - Fax : 22256163 5% Abbas Ali Al Hazeem & Sons Tel.: 24330550/5 - 24336801 Fax: 24319979 كامريات مراقبة و�أجهزة �إنذار National Vision Company for Security Systems 10-15% www.nvasp.com Sharq - Al Banna Tower Third Floor Tel.: +965 2245 6776 - 2245 6886 Fax: +965 2246 7757 Remass International Real Estate 2% Al Sharq, Khalid Bin Al Waleed St., Opposite Al Shahid Tower, Al Shams Building, 2nd Floor, Office 24 Tel.: 8 /22497567 - Fax: 22497569 Furniture - Kitchens - Doors - Stairs Local Made - High Quality Shuwaikh Industrial, Street 26, Bin Fleej Complex Tel: 24911222/333 - Fax: 24911444 15% على الب�ضاعة املعرو�ضة مـطـاع ــم Restaurant 10% Mobile: 55111607 - 55111402 - 66633877 - 66633977 @Golanarrestaurant Golanar Restaurant 25% @Golanarkwt Al Arjan Complex - Al Beda’a - Gulf Road - Behind Fridays - Kuwait Tel.: 22263163 / 22263164 - Fax: 22913034/5 www.golanar-kw.com 20% pastamaniakw www.pastamania.com.kw r Al Mohallab Mall, Hawally r Souk Sharq, Sharq r Marina Mall, Salmiya r Ajial Mall, Fahaheel r Yarmouk Co-operative Society, Yarmouk r Al Alamiya Mall, Jahra r Salwa, Opp. Kuwait English School 10% Toosi Delights Toosi Sweet Co. Free Home Delivery k Al Jabriah - Behind Royal Hayat Hospital k Qortouba Coop Tel.: 25330460 - 55521208 15% jade-garden-chinese-restaurant-group Salmiya, Baghdad st., Gulf hotel, 12th floor - kuwait Telefax: 25721040 - Mobile: 99397147 jgkwi@tlinksme.com - www.jadegardenhotels.com Salmiya, Baghdad st., Gulf hotel, 12th floor - kuwait 20% On all products Tel.: +965 25 77 03 52 Symphony Mall, Salmiya, Salem Al Mubarak St. WWW.NOUGATINI.COM 10% 15% On Dine In On Catering (25-50 Per) 20% 20% on Sundays On Catering (50 per&+) Tel.: +965 2433 2979 - Fax: +965 2434 2439 Salmiya, Gulf Road, Taawon St., Al Bida Argan Complex, 10% For 50 K.D. تغليف ال�سكر والكاكاو الفاخر جلميع املنا�سبات and above Hot Line: 97877863 E-Mail: sales@muneeracandy.com 15% On all items For Delivery 25333928 - 99222860 Branch 1: Al Jabriya - Block 1A - Tel.: 25333927 Branch 2: Aswaq Al Qurain Block 203 Tel.: 25470083 Branch 3: Al Jahra’a - Al Naser Mall Tel.: 24554563 10% On all products Abu Halifa Co-op Tel.: 23713316 Shamiya Co-op Tel.: 24816056 .ع�صري طازج و�شاي وقهوة نقوم بخدمتك يف ا�ستقبال �ضيوفك بامل�ست�شفى والبيت بطاقم من .امل�ضيفات �أكرث من ثالثني �صنف ع�صري طازج .مع ت�شكيلة ل�صواين املعاري�س 15% Kuwait Fresh Juice Co. 25711992 - 97511992 10% On all products Bakery & Sweets Shop @FlavorsShop @FlavorsShop Flavors bakery & sweet shop Al Qibla - Baitak Tower - Ground Floor - Kuwait City Tel.: 22256579 - 55111120 5-10% On all products Tilal Complex, Jahra road, Shuwaikh Tel.: +(965) 9731 3310 10% All Kinds of Cake, Basboosa, and Trifles On all products @Divine_bakery Jabriya, block 3, Street 3, building 3 Phone: 55881180 info@divine-bakery.com - www.divine-bakery.com 10% On all products @whitecake_kuw Salmiya, Block 11, Street 3, Avenue 8 Tel.: +965 2566 9777 10% Bukhara Indian Restaurant Qeblah - Sheraton Hotel Tel.: 1835555 10% Riccardo Italian Restaurant Qeblah - Sheraton Hotel Tel.: 1835555 10% English Tea Lounge Sheraton Hotel - Tel.: 1835555 Avenues - Tel.: 22597915 10% Al Hambra International Restaurant Qeblah - Sheraton Hotel Tel.: 1835555 10% Shahrayar Iranian Restaurant Qeblah - Sheraton Hotel Tel.: 1835555 10% Asseef International Restaurant Qeblah - Four Points by Sheraton Tel.: 1835555 10% Le Tarbouche Lebanese Restaurant Qeblah - Sheraton Hotel Tel.: 1835555 15% smashburgerq8 Smashed Fresh Served delicious The Village, Abu Al Hasaniya, Unit 15, Kuwait. Tel.: 25378596/7/8 10% Hawalli, Block 118, Qoutaiba St., Bldg. 3 Hot Line: 22663575 - 65052323 10% Hawalli, Tunis St., Opposite Hawalli Park, Before Fuel Station Hot Line: 22615902 - 66660412 10% Hawalli, Tunis St., Opposite Hawalli Park, Before Fuel Station Hot Line: 22615903 - 66660410 10% Hawalli, Sharhabeel St., Beside Maisaloon Round About Hot Line: 22636704 - 22636703 5% VIP بوفيهات On All Products [ تخرج [ زفاف [ �إ�ستقبال [ م�ؤمترات [ �أعياد ميالد )عند احلجز بال�صالة �أو قاعة الأفراح (�سيخ �شاورما جمان ًا Al Surra - Block 3 - St., 6 - KFH Complex Tel.: 25340402 - 25340406 Fax: 25359909 - Mobile: 55577924 10% Catering for over Persons 250 10% على الطلبات الداخلية )(فرع العقيلة Al Ouqaila - Block 4 - Taiba Mall Complex - behind Al Bairaq Mall - 1st Floor Tel.: 22251999 - 22274567 - Mobile: 69996767 10% Chocolate Cakes Doughnuts Breads Pastries Savouries Desserts... On all products Sabah Al Salem: 25519900 - 25529900 Hawalli: 22629900 10% stickhouse Only for Parties 6alabat.com stickhouse Tel: 90901415 - H. Delivery: 25730010 Al Mouhalab - City Centre - Marina Mall Soon.. Avenues (Phase 3) ق�سم خا�ص لتلبية جميع املنا�سبات حلويات عربية و�شوكوالته 10% خدمة التو�صيل Delivery 22442018 - 22442017 - 60309219 Main Branch: Shareq, Opposite Ministry of Interior, Bait Al Cement Building Branch 2: Al Salmiya, Arabian Gulf Road, Moodi Tower 10% غري �شامل مع اخل�صومات ا لأخرى ا�ستعداد تام لتقدمي حفالت و�أعياد امليالد Tel.: 25755730 - 25740301 - 60429777 Al Salmiya - Hamad Al Mubarak St. - Block 3 - Beside Bahrain Exchange 10% Swiss Le Gourmet Chocolates كبة- ورق عنب- موالح- فطاير- �شوكوال- حلو قهوة On all products Al Qurain: 25470025 - 25470010 - Hawally: 22631040 - 22631030 Al Jahra’a: 24585443 - 24585442 - Al Ardiah: 24340887 - 24345633 15 % BUBO_Q8 Tel.: 22288100 - Fax: 22288104 Kuwait City, Opposite Al Watiah Market, Al Ghunaim Tower, Ground Floor info@bubo.es info@stonegrillkuwait.com www.stonegrillkuwait.com stonegrill kuwait stonegrillkuwait 10% @stonegrillkuwait Salmiya, Salem Mubarak street, Omniya shopping center Next to Ibis Hotel , Floor M2. Soon to open: Abu hulaifa, Menus Project, next to Hilton Hotel. Tel.: 25720848 - Fax: 25720949 طـ ـ ـ ــب Medicine 10% In Skin Clinic we are team of profficianals working hand in hand in rendering services to satisfy each patient needs. We value our patients trust and the quality of our work and our facilities. On laser hair removal, facial or body treatments LOOK YOUR BEST, FEEL YOUR BEST, EXPECT THE BEST Al-Tijaria Tower, Al-Murqab, Block 3, Al-Soor Street, 5th Floor Tel.: +965 229 682 33/4 - Fax: +965 229 682 32 E-mail: skinq8@gmail.com - www.skinclinickw.com r Dental Clinic. Discount up to 20% for teeth whiting. r Cosmetology & Laser Clinic. Discount up to 35% for hair removal by advanced lazor machines. r Dermatology & Venereology Clinic. Up to 35% r Genetic Counseling. r Genetics Laboratory. r General Practitioner Clinic. AL-Mahboula, Coast St., Bldg. Blue Comp. 3 Phone: 23711103 - Fax: 23711104 DR. Yacoub Shoubaki 20 % discount on Consultation 15 % Consultant Physician Gastroenterologist & Endoscopist M.B., M.R.C.P. (UK) Discount on Endoscopy Salmiya, Amman st., Hilton pharmacy Bld., 7th floor. T.: 22612990 - 22245752 M.: 66609836 20 - 30 % Free consultation & free open file Deayia, Block 5, 3rd Ring Road, Shaker Al Kazmi, Complex (Bibi), Bldg (A), First Floor. Tel.: 22 525 234 - 22 57 2002 - 22 561 444 - Fax: 22525079 20 % www.white-kw.com Free consultation & free open file 22nd Floor - Dar Al Awadi Complex - Ahmad Al Jaber Street - Sharq - Kuwait Tel. +965 22322223 - Fax. +965 22322523 E-mail. info@white-kw.com 25 % for Physiotherapy & Sport Medicine Global Med Al-Jabriya , Block 1A - Mazaya Building - 6th floor Tel.: (+965) 22269444 - Fax: 22269445 10-20% Baghdad Street, Block 4, Salmiya, Hot line: 25664569/70 - Tel: 25664342 -25664548 www.alhilalclinic.com 25 % IMAGES DIAGNOSTIC CENTER ON Full Body MRI Jabriya, 4th Ring Road, Mazaya Building, 2nd Floor Tel.: +965 22269300 - Fax: +965 22269301 20% �سلوى جراغ.عيادة د التخ�ص�صية لتقومي الأ�سنان والفكـيـن Al Salmiya - Hamad Al Mubarak St. - Dalia Tower - First Floor - Clinic 1 Tel.: +965 25758808 - +965 99257988 5% Maidan Hawalli - Abdullah Al Fadalah St. - Block 11 - Bldg. 9 Al Raya Complex Tel.: +965 25655444 - 25645070 aisha@aishaalragom.com Only 50 K.D. Cleaning & Whitening Teeth Al Ogaila - Block 5 - Beside Al Bayraq Mall - Al Mouj Complex - 7th Floor Tel.: +965 23845951/2/3/4/5 20 % طب الأطفال ليزر- جتميل- جلدية ممار�س عام Al Salmiya - Al Khansaa Street Tel.: 25718000 - Fax: 25730599 Dr. Talal Suliaman Al Ali 10 - 35 % ب�شرة- جتميل- جلدية- ليزر لإزالة ال�شعر Sha’ab Al Bahri - Block 8 Tel.: 22628090 - 22658090 R.PC م�ستو�صف �صالـح الرومـي/الدكتـور الطبي الأهلي 20 % �أ�سنان- باطنية- م�سالك بولية- �أطفال Hawalli - Al Maghreb Highway - North Al Noghra Medical Complex - 4 Floor Tel.: 22614130 - Fax: 22547866 �س ـيـاحـة Tourism 15% On Food & Beverage 10% WELL-BEING AT THE BEST PRICE IBIS Salmiya H5970-RE@accor.com On Room Published Rate (Room Only) IBIS SHARQ H6169-RE2@accor.com Salem Al Mubarak St. P.O. Box: 36442 Salmiya HQ 24755, Kuwait Tel. Salmiya: +965-25713872 - Tel. Shareq: +965-22928080 عر�ض خا�ص Special Offer Al-Motahida Travel Agency Fahad Al-Salem street, Al-Motahida Market – off No. 56 Kuwait Tel: +965 22417888 – 22418989 – 22418666 – Fax: +965 22430822 �سيارات Cars Bridgestone Tire Distribution Co. 30% Management: 24815444 (10 Lines) - Fax: 24836776 Canadadry Branch 2: 24848787 - 24844080 Al Jahra’a Branch: 24555771 - 24555772 Canadadry Branch 1: 24821206 - 24846673 Fahaheel Branch: 23923443 - 23924404 50% discount on nitrogen inflation & tyre balancing upon buying minimum 2 Michelin tyres from any KAICO outlet All KAICO outlets Tel: 24814605/ 24828291/3 E-mail: mail@kaico.net - www.kaico.net 10% discount on any Mobil motor oil changed or purchased from any KAICO outlet All KAICO outlets Tel: 24814605/ 24828291/3 E-mail: mail@kaico.net - www.kaico.net خـدمــات Services 25% Web Designing & I-Phone Applications Kuwait - Fahad Al Salem St. - Al Nasar Tower - Mezzanein 2 - Beside Sheraton Hotel Tel.: 22258858 - Fax: 22558859 20% على جميع املعرو�ضات Hot Line: 97420111 Email: hachiko.kuwait@gmail.com 10% Media Intertainment For Over 100 K.D. Mobile: 97556644 - 50202866 m.zwaid@live.com Discount on all Products 10% Honeywell - Kuwait Al Nakib Bldg. - Abu Bakr Al Sedeeq St. Tel.: 22421327/8/9 - Fax: 22421327 كامريات مراقبة و�أجهزة �إنذار National Vision Company for Security Systems 10-15% www.nvasp.com Sharq - Al Banna Tower Third Floor Tel.: +965 2245 6776 - 2245 6886 Fax: +965 2246 7757 @manaraclub @manaragroup @manara_club Bait Al Qur’an - Kifan - Block 2 - St. 25 - House 3 Tel.: 94477821 - 97634198 5% للأن�شطة الداخلية
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