CuCr1Zr - alloy sheet
CuCr1Zr - alloy sheet
Rendering date: 2016-10-13 09:14:20 CuCr1Zr UNS:C18150 EN:CW106C Manufactures list: Aurubis ( - CuCrZr(LCZ1) Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold ( - CuCr1Zr –class2 KM Europa Metal AG ( - CuCr1Zr(STOL95) Luvata ( - CuCr1Zr Wieland-Werke AG ( - CuCr1Zr(KA8) CuCr1Zr is a precipitation hardening copper alloy. It has high mechanical and electrical properties. In the heat treated condition, this alloy retains the mechanical properties and good ductility within the temperature of 300-500oC. 1 Basic properties Basic properties Density [g/cm3] Specific heat capacity [J/(kg*K)] Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance (0...100°C) [10-3/K] Electrical conductivity [T=20°C, (% IACS)] Thermal conductivity [W/(m*K)] Thermal expansion coefficient 20...300°C [10-6/K] [Ref: 201, 203, 205, 207] Value 8,9 380 No data 86 320 17 2 Comments Applications Main applications Resistance welding tips, electrode caps for the automotive industry, tong arms for welding robots, electrode holders, press parts, overhead contact wires for electric railway, damper rings, damper finger segments. Literature: [Ref: 188, 205] Kinds of semi-finished products/final products Resistance welding tips and electrodes, parts for the energy engineering, damper finger segments, damper rings, connectors, rotors, contacts. 3 Chemical composition Chemical composition Cr [wt.%] Cu [wt.%] Fe [wt.%] Si [wt.%] Zr [wt.%] Others [wt.%] [Ref: 570] Value 0,5-1,2 98,12-99,27 0-0,08 0-0,1 0,03-0,3 0,2 4 Comments Calculated Mechanical properties Mechanical properties UTS [MPa] YS [MPa] Elongation [%] Hardness Young’s modulus [GPa] Kirchhoff’s modulus [GPa] Poisson ratio Value 200-520 60-460 8-30 152 128 49,2 0,3 Comments Literature HB Calculated Material's mechanical and electrical properties in different tempers Temper Extruded and drown rod 1015mm Extruded and drown rod 50120mm Extruded and drown rectangular and square bars Welding electrodes (drown, forged) Drawn rod and bar Round bar R200 Round and hexagonal bar R440 Round bar R470 Square bar R420 Cast C18100 TL02 wire 15,2mm diam TL02 wire 17,8mm diam TL04 wire 12,7mm diam TL04 wire 15,2mm diam Tensile strength, MPa Yield strength (min), MPa Elongation (min) A50mm 520 466 20 465 410 18 370-470 270-440 8-18 (A5) Hardness 82 (Rockwell B) 152 (Brinell) 72 (Rockwell B) 125 (Brinell) Literature [Ref: 205] [Ref: 206] 125-155 (HB10) 72-83 Rockwell B [Ref: 205] 100-140 (HV30) [Ref: 196] 75 Rockwell B [Ref: 207] 455 425 19 min.200 60 min. 30 (A%) [Ref: 203] min. 440 350 min. 10 (A%) [Ref: 203] min. 470 380 min. 8 (A%) [Ref: 203] min. 420 330 min. 12 (A%) [Ref: 203] min. 415 min. 345 25 [Ref: 208] 469 400 19 [Ref: 210] 469 338 15 [Ref: 210] 469 455 15 [Ref: 210] 469 434 20 [Ref: 210] 5 Sheet, solution heat treated, artificially aged 3-100mm Sheet, solution heat treated, artificially aged 0.3-10mm Sheet, solution heat treated, strai-hardened 0.3-10mm Tubes, solution heat treated, artificially aged 1-10mm Tubes, solution heat treated, strainhardened, artificially aged 1-10mm Forging solution heat treated, artificially aged <315mm Forging solution heat treated, artificially aged >315mm Forging solution heat treated, artificially aged Forging solution heat treated, artificially aged 370 270 12 (A10) 125 HB DIN 17670-1 440 390 10 (A10) 145 HB DIN 17670-1 360 310 10 (A10) 115 HB DIN 17670-1 370 270 18(A5) 125 HB DIN 17670-1 440 350 10 (A5) 145 HB DIN 17670-1 410 290 10 (A5) 115 HB DIN 17673-1, 340 270 15 (A5) 100 HB DIN 17673-1 370 270 15 (A5) 125 HB DIN 17674-1 440 370 10 (A5) 140 HB DIN 17674-1 Effect of heat treatments on tensile properties of CuCrZr alloy at different temperature Test Tensile Temper of temperature, strength, CuCr1Zr o MPa C Yield Uniform strength elongation (min), MPa eu (%) 6 Total elongation et (%) Literature The alloy was solution annealed at 960oC for 3 hours, water quenched and heat treated at 460oC for 3 hours PA HT1:PA+600 o C for 1 hour HT2:PA+600 o C for 4 hour Solutionised at 1000oC for 1 hour water quenched and aged at 480oC for 5 hour Solutionised at 950oC for 1 hour water quenched 50 364-416 260-295 20-24 24-30 300 240-250 304-328 15-18 19-27 [Ref: 202, 214] 50 318 200 26 30 300 227-255 150-180 17-19 21-24 50 289-307 165-175 24-34 32-41 300 201-218 120-135 22-25 28-36 450 190 140 25 37 [Ref: 185] 20 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 550 600 650 700 277 239 230 211 207 204 220 249 166 109 140 67,3 68,5 98,4 72,7 83 78,7 75,4 69,6 66,7 141 139 106 131 64,4 64,9 36,9 45,8 42,8 39,7 42,1 41,9 32,6 35 28,4 18,7 18,5 23,9 43,5 [Ref: 200] 7 True stress-true strain curves for the solutionised (at 1000°C for 1 hour and water quenched) plus aged (at 480°C for 5 hour) - at room temperature (RT) and 450°C [Ref: 185] Ultimate tensile strength (Su) and yield strength (Sy) of CuCrZr alloy in SAcwA condition and minimum tensile strengths. Data points are from the ITER MPH database. (Note: SAcwA -solution annealing at 980-1000°C for 30-60 min, water quench, followed by cold working 40-70% and ageing at 450-470°C, for 2-4 h) [Ref: 189] 8 Ultimate tensile strength (Su) and yield strength (Sy) of CuCrZr alloy in SAA condition and minimum tensile strengths. Data points are from the ITER MPH database. (Note: SAA - solution annealing at 980-1000°C for 30-60 min., water quench and age at 460500°C for 2-4 h) [Ref: 189] Temperature effect on the yield strength of Cu-Cr-Zr alloys [Ref: 226] 9 Resistivity vs. temperature plot for solutionised (1000°C for 1 hour and quenched Cu-CrZr alloy (heating and cooling 2°C/min) [Ref: 185] Thermal conductivity and specific heat of a CuCr1Zr alloy and pure copper.[Ref: 211] 10 Change in thermophysical properties (a-thermal conductivity, b- thermal expansion coefficient) with temperature of the Cu0.63Cr0.55Zr alloy [Ref: 215] 11 Exploitation properties Heat resistance Mechanical and electrical properties vs temperatures Softening point: 480°C [Ref: 207] Vickers hardness dependent on the annealing temperature for Cu0.4Cr0.12Zr0.02Si0.05Mg drawn to η = 6.0 (true strain). Time ofannealing 1 h. [Ref: 194] Heat flow difference of two consecutive runs Cu0.4Cr0.12Zr0.02Si0.05Mg drawn to η = 6.0. [Ref: 194] 12 at 20 °C/min for The measured flow stress dependent on the annealing Cu0.4Cr0.12Zr0.02Si0.05Mg. Time ofannealing 1 h. [Ref: 194] temperature for Resistivity and dislocation density dependent on annealing temperature for the tested Cu0.4Cr0.12Zr0.02Si0.05Mg Time of annealing 1 h. [Ref: 194] 13 Hardness at 20°C as a function of annealing temperature (1 hour) of as-extruded alloys (Cu0.2Zr - ZA-2, Cu0.37Zr - ZA-3, Cu0.8Zr - ZA-8 and Cu0.32Cr0.1Zr - ZAC-1). [Ref: 175] Tensile strength vs. temperature of annealingfor CuCrZr [Ref: 212] Long-therm heat resistance, e.g. Arrhenius curve NO DATA AVAILABLE Half- softening temperature NO DATA AVAILABLE Corrosion resistance Hydrogen embrittlement resistance NO DATA AVAILABLE 14 Other kind of corrosion elements Corrosion parameters of Cu1.4Cr0.12Zr, in the solutions at various pH without and with NaCl. [Ref: 188] Reaction pH1 pH3 pH5 pH7 pH10 pH12 OCP, V -0,11 -0,05 0,05 -0,05 -0,04 -0,12 Without Icorr, µA/cm2 0,046 0,084 0,034 0,039 0,058 0,131 NaCl Epit, V 0,18 0,25 0,50 Ipass, µA/cm2 1,7 10,0 OCP, V -0,29 -0,27 -0,23 -0,19 -0,21 -0,24 0,6 M NaCl Icorr, Epit, V µA/cm2 2,025 0,420 0,139 0,043 0,121 0,129 0,53 Plot of OCP vs time (a) and potentiodynamic polarization curves (b) of various copper- 15 Ipass, µA/cm2 20 based alloys in 3.5% NaCl (Note: Cu: hard-drawn, Copper alloys- age hardened) [Ref: 216]. at 23°C. Weight-loss of specimens exposed in NaCl solution atmosphere of Cu0.36Cr, Cu, Cu0.36Cr0.11Zr , CuZr0.15, (Note: NaCl atmospheric corrosion test in salt spray chamber (in salt mist of 50 g NaCl/l) in the temperature of 35°C, in accordance with ISO 3768-1976 standard) [Ref: 225]. Type of corrosion Atmospheric Marine environment Stress crack Hydrogen embrittlement Electrolytic Other Suitability Good Good No data Good No data No data Rheological resistance Stress relaxation NO DATA AVAILABLE Creep 16 Literature [Ref: 212] [Ref: 212] [Ref: 212] - Creep strength in time function of CuCrZr alloy for different temperatures [Ref: 212] Ultimate elongation in time function of CuCrZr alloy for different temperatures [Ref: 212] 17 Stress-rupture plot for CuCr0,32Zr0,1 at 400°C and 650°C - powder metallurgical alloy [Ref: 175] Steady-state thermal creep laws for copper alloys [Ref: 226] 18 Creep strain from test data and creep laws for Cu-Ni-Be, Cu-Cr- Zr and Cu-Ag-P [Ref: 226] Wear resistance Friction resistance Wear mass loss of the CuCrZr alloy pins with sliding distance at electrical current of 30 A (Note: Examinations of the influence of the heat treatment parameters of the CuCrZr alloy on abrasion in conditions of current passage were carried out on supersaturated rods that have been previously hold at the temperature of 920°C for 0.5 hour. Next, it was subject to aging for 2 hours within the temperatures of 420 - 540°C and cooled in the air. Examinations were performed on a pin-on-disk wear tester with the CuCrZr alloy pin rubbin against a brass disk (Vickers hardness 83, 45mm diameter and 10 mm thickness). Abrasion examinations were performed at the velocity of 14 m/s and loading of 20 N (pressure: 0.2 MPa). Passing current value was between 0 to 30 A at the voltage og 70 V. Samples surfaces were polished (before abrasion) with abrasive paper with its gradation value of 800 [Ref: 190]. 19 Wear mass loss of the brass disk rubbing against the CuCr1Zr alloy pins with sliding distance at electrical current of 30 A [Ref: 190]. 20 Plots of cumulative volume loss vs time for copper and its alloys under 20 N at (a) 0 A, (b) 30 A and (c) 50 A. (Note: Cu-wire cold drawn, copper alloys - age hardened. Examinations were performed by pin-on-disc tribometer. The negative sample was the S30400 disc made of stainless steel. Examinations were carried out in an air atmosphere with the velocity of 31 km/h and under loading of 10 - 20 N on a roll sample at the diameter of 13 mm and length of 13 mm) [Ref: 216]. 21 Plots of cumulative volume loss vs time for copper and its alloys under load of (a) 10 N and (b) 15 N at 50 A. (Note: Cu-wire cold drawn, copper alloys - age hardened). Examinations were performed by pin-on-disc tribometer. The negative sample was the S30400 disc made of stainless steel. Examinations were carried out in an air atmosphere with the velocity of 31 km/h and under loading of 10 - 20 N on a roll sample at the diameter of 13 mm and length of 13 mm) [Ref: 216]. 22 Sliding wear resistance for copper and its alloys under 20 N with and without current. (Note: Cu-wire cold drawn, copper alloys - age hardened. Examinations were performed by pin-on-disc tribometer. The negative sample was the S30400 disc made of stainless steel. Examinations were carried out in an air atmosphere with the velocity of 31 km/h and under loading of 10 - 20 N on a roll sample at the diameter of 13 mm and length of 13 mm) [Ref: 216]. Sliding wear resistance vs. hardness for various alloys under 20 N with and without current. (Note: Cu-wire cold drawn, copper alloys - age hardened. Examinations were performed by pin-on-disc tribometer. The negative sample was the S30400 disc made of stainless steel. Examinations were carried out in an air atmosphere with the velocity of 31 km/h and under loading of 10 - 20 N on a roll sample at the diameter of 13 mm and length of 13 mm) [Ref: 216]. 23 Plots of wear rate vs load for copper and its alloys at (a) 0 A, (b) 30 A and (c) 50 A. (Note: Cu-wire cold drawn, copper alloys - age hardened. Examinations were performed by pin-on-disc tribometer. The negative sample was the S30400 disc made of stainless steel. Examinations were carried out in an air atmosphere with the velocity of 31 km/h and under loading of 10 - 20 N on a roll sample at the diameter of 13 mm and length of 13 mm) [Ref: 216]. 24 Plots of wear rate vs current for copper and its alloys under (a) 10 N, (b) 15 N and (c) 20 N. (Note: Cu-wire cold drawn, copper alloys - age hardened. Examinations were performed by pin-on-disc tribometer. The negative sample was the S30400 disc made of stainless steel. Examinations were carried out in an air atmosphere with the velocity of 31 km/h and under loading of 10 - 20 N on a roll sample at the diameter of 13 mm and length of 13 mm) [Ref: 216]. Fatigue resistance 25 Fatigue cracking Variation of number of cycles to failure with stress amplitude determined using load controlled creep-fatigue tests carried out at 295 K and 573 K with different holdtimes on prime aged (PA) CuCrZr. (Note: The alloy was solution annealed at 960°C for 3 hours, water quenched and heat treated at 460°C for 3 hours PA, HT1:PA+600°C for 1 hour, HT2:PA+600°C for 4 hour) [Ref: 214] Variation of number of cycles to failure with stress amplitude determined using load controlled creep-fatigue tests carried out at 295 K and 573 K with different holdtimes for the overaged (HT1) CuCrZr alloy. (Note: The alloy was solution annealed at 960°C for 3 26 hours, water quenched and heat treated at 460°C for 3 hours PA, HT1:PA+600°C for 1 hour, HT2:PA+600°C for 4 hour) [Ref: 214]. Variation of number of cycles to failure with stress amplitude determined using load controlled creep-fatigue tests carried out at 295 K and 573 K with different holdtimes for the overaged (HT2) CuCrZr alloy. (Note: The alloy was solution annealed at 960°C for 3 hours, water quenched and heat treated at 460°C for 3 hours PA, HT1:PA+600°C for 1 hour, HT2:PA+600°C for 4 hour) [Ref: 214]. Temperature effect on the fatigue lifetime of Cu-Cr-Zr [Ref: 226] 27 Impact strength NO DATA AVAILABLE 28 Fabrication properties Fabrication properties Soldering Brazing Hot dip tinning Electrolytic tinning Electrolytic silvering Electrolytic nickel coating Oxyacetylene Welding Gas Shielded Arc Welding Coated Metal Arc Welding Resistance welding Capacity for Being Cold Worked Capacity for Being Hot Formed Machinability Rating Value Good Fair Good Good Good Good Not recommended Fair Fair Fair Good Good 20 29 Comments Literature [Ref: 210] [Ref: 210] [Ref: 212] [Ref: 212] [Ref: 212] [Ref: 212] [Ref: 212] [Ref: [Ref: [Ref: [Ref: [Ref: [Ref: 210] 212] 210] 212] 212] 268] Influence of aging on the properties of CuCrZr alloy water quenched: hardness (a), electrical conductivity (b), YS (c), UTS (d), TE (e) and RA (f). (Solution annealing at 950°C for 30 min) [Ref: 186] 30 Influence of aging on the properties of CuCrZr alloy air cooled: hardness (a), electrical conductivity (b), YS (c), UTS (d) TE (e) and RA (f). (Solution annealing at 950°C for 30 min) [Ref: 186] 31 Variation of hardness and electrical conductivity of the CuCrZr alloy with aging temperature. (sample was solution treated at 920°C for 0,5 hour ) [Ref: 190] Electrical conductivity (IACS %) values of CuCrZr according to ageing temperature and period. (Note: CuCrZr alloy samples were quenched after holding at the temperature of 920°C for 1 hour in an argon atmosphere. Such samples were aged within the temperatures range of 470-530°C within the time limits of 1, 2 and 3 hours and then cooled [Ref: 220] Aging temperature, oC Aging time, h 470 470 470 500 500 500 530 530 530 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 32 Electrical conductivity, %IACS 68,7 72 76,5 72,26 75,26 80,79 77,03 79,6 89 Influence of D1 and D2 and ageing parameters of CuCrZr on Rm. a. 400°C for 6 h, b. 450°C for 6 h, c. 450°C for 3 h and d. 500°C for 3 h. (Note: Supersaturated feed was deformed at the deformation level of 10% - 50% (D1) and aged within the temperatures range of 400-500°C in time limits of 3 to 6 hours. Next, it was drawn with deformation of 10-50% (D2) onto the final diameter of 2 mm) [Ref: 198] 33 Influence of D1 and D2 and ageing parameters of CuCrZr on A200. a. 400°C for 6 h, b. 450°C for 6 h, c. 450°C for 3 h and d. 500°C for 3 h. (Note: Supersaturated feed was deformed at the deformation level of 10% - 50% (D1) and aged within the temperatures range of 400-500°C in time limits of 3 to 6 hours. Next, it was drawn with deformation of 10-50% (D2) onto the final diameter of 2 mm) [Ref: 198] 34 Influence of D1 and D2 and ageing parameters of CuCrZr on electrical conductivity (IACS). a. 400°C for 6 h, b. 450°C for 6 h, c. 450°C for 3 h and d. 500°C for 3 h. (Note: Supersaturated feed was deformed at the deformation level of 10% - 50% (D1) and aged within the temperatures range of 400-500°C in time limits of 3 to 6 hours. Next, it was drawn with deformation of 10-50% (D2) onto the final diameter of 2 mm) [Ref: 198] 35 Technological properties Technological properties Melting temperature [°C] Annealling temperature [°C] Homogenization temperature [°C] Value 1070-1080 600-800 Comments 950-1000 30-45min. Quenching temperature [°C] 950-1000 Ageing temperature [°C] 425-550 Stress relievieng temperature [°C] Hot working temperature [°C] 2-5h Literature [Ref: 212] [Ref: 212] [Ref: 185, 186 , 212] [Ref: 185, 186 , 189] [Ref: 185, 186 , 189, 212] 300-350 [Ref: 212] 850-950 [Ref: 212] 36 References: 175. Cu-Zr and Cu-Zr-Cr alloys produced from rapidly quenched powders V.K.Sarin, N.J.Grant, Metallurgical Transactions vol.3, april 1972-875 185. Microstructure and properties of a Cu-Cr-Zr alloy - I.S. Batra, G.K.Dey, U.D.Kulkarni, S.Banerjee, Journal of Nuclear Materials 299 (2001) 91-100 186. Effect of heat treatments on the properties of CuCrZr alloys - A.D. Ivanov, A.K. Nikolaev, G.M. Kalinin, M.E. Rodin, Journal of Nuclear Materials 307–311 (2002) 673–676 188. Effect of pH on corrosion behavior of CuCrZr in solution without and with NaCl - C.T. Kwok, P.K. Wong, H.C. Man, F.T. Cheng, Journal of Nuclear Materials 394 (2009) 52–62 189. Specification of CuCrZr alloy properties after various thermo-mechanical treatments and design allowables including neutron irradiation effects - V.R. Barabash a,?, G.M. Kalinin b, S.A. Fabritsiev c, S.J. Zinkle, Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (2011) 904–907 190. Effect of aging treatment on the electrical sliding wear behavior of Cu–Cr–Zr alloy - J.P. Tu, W.X. Qi, Y.Z. Yang, F. Liua, J.T. Zhang, G.Y. Gan, N.Y. Wang, X.B. Zhang, M.S. Liu, Wear 249 (2002) 1021–1027 194. Thermal stability of heavily drawn Cu–0.4 wt.%Cr–0.12 wt.%Zr–0.02 wt.%Si–0.05 wt.%Mg - X.F. Li, A.P. Dong, L.T. Wang, Z. Yu, L. Meng, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) 4092–4097 196. Deformation influence on a lifetime of welding electrode tips - Jan Vinas, Milan Abel, Lubos Kascak, Materials Engineering, Vol. 16, 2009, No. 3 198. Effect of thermomechanical treatment on mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of a CuCrZr alloy - G DURASHEVICH*, V CVETKOVSKI and V JOVANOVICH, Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 25, No. 1, February 2002 200. The influence of the temperature of tensile test on the structure and plastic properties of copper alloy type CuCr1Zr - W.Ozgowicz, E.Kalinowska-Ozgowicz, B.Grzegorczyk, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, vol. 29, Issue 2, august 2008 201. Technical Data Sheet AMPCOLOY® 972 (Extruded and drawn rectangular and square bars) - Ampco Metal Excellence in Engineered alloys 202. Effect of Heat Treatments on Precipitate Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of CuCrZr Alloy - B.N. Singh, D.J. Edwards and S. Tähtinen, Raport Riso R1436(EN) ISSN 0106-2840 203. Data sheet - CuCr1Zr - FRW Carobronze 205. Ampco Metal AMPCOLOY_972 Chromium-Copper Alloy, Extruded and Drawn Rods, 10 - 25 mm - 206. Ampco Metal AMPCOLOY_972 Chromium-Copper Alloy, Extruded and Drawn Rods, 50 - 120 mm - 207. CMW__328 Copper Alloy - 37 208. MetalTek C18100 Chrome Zirc Copper High Conductive - 210. Copper Zirconium alloys - Lars Bergqvist-Technical Raport 2/2011 Lesjofors 211. Determination of the thermophysical properties of a CuCr1Zr alloy from liquid state down to room temperature - J. Wisniewski1, J.-M. Drezet, D. Ayrault, B. Cauwe 212. CuCr1Zr - Deutsches Kupferinstitut 214. Creep-Fatigue Deformation Behaviour of OFHC-Copper and CuCrZr Alloy with Different Heat Treatments and with and without Neutron Irradiation - B.N. Singh, M. Li, J.F. Stubbins and B.S. Johansen, Raport Riso R-1528 (EN) ISSN 0106-2840 215. Thermal fatigue testing of CuCrZr alloy for high temperature tooling applications - Yucel Birol, J Mater Sci (2010) 45:4501–4506 216. Sliding Wear and Corrosion Resistance of Copper-based Overhead Catenary for Traction Systems - C.T. Kwok, P.K. Wong, H.C. Man and F.T. Cheng, IJR International Journal of Railway Vol. 3, No. 1 / March 2010, pp. 19-27 220. Effect of ageing treatment on wear properties and electrical conductivity of Cu–Cr–Zr alloy - IBRAHIM SAGLAM, DURSUN OZYUREK, and KERIM CETINKAYA, Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 34, No. 7, December 2011, pp. 1465–1470 225. Efect of Cr And Zr Addition on the Corrosion Behavior of Copper in the Chloride Solution - Y. N. Zhang, M. S. Zheng and J. W. Zhu, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 194-196 (2011) pp 1253-1256 226. Modeling Creep and Fatigue of Copper Alloys - G. LI, B.G. THOMAS, and J.F. STUBBINS, METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, VOLUME 31A, OCTOBER 2000—2491 268. Copper Development Association Inc. - 570. EN 12163 (2011) Copper and copper alloys. Rod for general purposes. - 38
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