Sharpening our focus - Information Technology Association of Canada
Sharpening our focus - Information Technology Association of Canada
2007/2008 Annual Review Sharpening our focus: SIX PRIORITIES GUIDE ITAC’S AGENDA ‘‘ t This sharper strategic foc approach to setting objec SETTING PRIORITIES FOR CANADIAN ICT: The world of information and communications technology is complex, vast and dynamic. Change happens, quite literally, at the speed of light. Today’s must-have device is tomorrow’s old news. For many of us who have built our careers in ICT, this volatility is intoxicating and a key reason why we’d never want to work anywhere else. In a kaleidoscopic environment like ours, it’s all too easy to get distracted and lose focus. And when the world of technology intersects with the world of public policy, as it does for ITAC, choosing the right priorities for action can be challenging indeed. In meeting this challenge, deciding what you will not do is every bit as important as determining what you will do. Over the past few months, the ITAC Board of Directors and its Executive Committee have worked hard to sharpen the strategic focus of our association. We have vigorously examined ITAC’s activities and called for a concentrated emphasis on six priorities. These are: 1. COMPETITIVENESS Improving global competitiveness of our industry and the Canadian economy; 2. ICT ADOPTION Accelerating the adoption of productivity-enhancing ICT tools in all economic endeavours; 3. PUBLIC SECTOR PROCUREMENT Ensuring a fair and appropriate public sector procurement regime; 4. eHEALTH Improving the Canadian healthcare system through the more widespread use of ehealth solutions; 5. SMART REGULATION Ensuring a sound regulatory regime appropriate for growth of Canadian knowledge-based businesses; and 6. TALENT Improving the vital supply of talented, highly skilled individuals necessary for the industry’s continuous growth and capacity to innovate. This sharper strategic focus also requires a more disciplined approach to how we set objectives and how we measure our success. Finding the right metrics for an organization such as ITAC is still a work in progress. But by the more common measures of financial performance, member satisfaction and growth, I am pleased to report that the organization is sound, vigorously expanding the value of its offerings to members while continuing to play an influential role in the formation of economic policy. THE PAGES THAT FOLLOW OUTLINE OUR WORK IN THE SIX PRIORITY AREAS. DAVID MacDONALD, ITAC CHAIR 2007/2008 PUBLIC SECTOR PROCUREMENT us requires a more disciplined tives and measuring success ’’ GOVERNMENTS AT ALL JURISDICTIONAL levels are among the most important customers information and communications technology companies have. The value of the public sector market alone — well above $7 billion in Canada — would be sufficient to make them so. But beyond this purchasing power, governments are also prized in their role as “model users” of technology, inspiring other players in the economy to make similar investments and serving as important reference clients for Canadian exporters seeking new markets abroad. These two qualities combine to make public sector procurement a key priority for our industry. Keeping the public sector business environment fair, innovative and value-driven engages a great deal of ITAC staff and volunteer resources. The Public Sector Business Committee focuses on issues in Federal Government procurement. This committee is chaired by Louis Savoie of Bell Canada, who led his group to establish two key priorities. The first was to actively champion the idea of back office transformation among Federal Government clients. A team, led by Mike McFaul of Deloitte and Graeme Gordon of Accenture, developed key messages about business transformation and delivered them to key decision makers at the political and staff level in government. The second priority was terms and conditions (T&Cs) in contracts with the Federal Government. T&Cs are a perennial issue, in fact, as changes to terms and conditions can have long-term implications for fair commerce between the industry and its clients. For example, in recent WORKING WITH GOVERNMENTS Public sector procurement, vital to the well-being of our member companies, is an ongoing priority months there has been active discussion around the use of a Most Favoured Customer clause, which we believe is a regressive step in procurement. Ralph Chapman of IBM leads the working group on Terms and Conditions. ITAC’s Public Sector Business Committee also serves as a sounding board for new government initiatives in procurement. For example, ITAC responded to the request for information on a Code of Conduct for procurement. Our industry felt that the draft code attempted to shift responsibility for the conduct of government employees from the government to the contractor. And although we expressed our views vigorously, the government, to our disappointment, proclaimed the draft code almost as written. ITAC has also been called to provide input on the General Conditions of Software Licensing and Maintenance. While some of our suggestions were accepted in this process, considerable effort will be required to ensure that ICT vendors can effectively sell to government under the new General Conditions. ITAC placed a great deal of emphasis on its work with the Ontario Government in the past year. The association successfully completed negotiations to improve contracting terms and conditions, work that will significantly improve the conduct of commerce with the Ontario Government. ITAC also conducted executive-level discussions on electronic procurement and on broadband deployment. ITAC in Ontario’s Chair, Craig Sisson of Microsoft Canada, addressed the Digital Ontario Symposium, which explored obstacles preventing full access to broadband service for all Ontario citizens. In the last Ontario Government budget, $30 million was earmarked for broadband. In Ontario, ITAC’s Public Sector Business Committee is chaired by Wayne Wood of Oracle Canada. The committee, in particular, concerned itself with proposed changes to Ontario’s Vendor of Record program. Municipal governments buy ICT goods and services, too. ITAC worked with key municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area during 2007 and 2008 to make municipal procurement more effective. With strong leadership from Jay Safer of IBM, Mike Fekete of Oslers on behalf of Microsoft, Ingmar Borgers of Oracle, and Sanjay Kutty of Bell, ITAC was able to communicate key information accepted by the municipalities involved. They seemed to understand that it is best to have commercially accepted terms and conditions for Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) products and that there is little merit in trying to change the suppliers’ basic terms for these low-risk products. • THE GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS OF THE Canadian ICT industry is more than a priority for ITAC, it is the association’s raison d’être. All our other priorities support this central imperative — to ensure that Canada’s contributions to innovation and excellence in ICT find their place in the global market. This requires attention to all of the factors that can support or hinder our industry’s growth. These factors include ensuring that Canada’s tax structure supports competitiveness, that we have a strong and competitively differentiated talent pool, that the rules governing Canadian business are thoughtfully designed and don’t impede success, that Canada be a leading nation in its adoption of technology and that our enterprises have the capital resources they need to thrive. This mandate requires a great deal of attention. ITAC’s Global competitiveness Committee provides the primary oversight of these issues. The committee is chaired by Peter Carbone, our Vice-Chair and Vice President, Service Oriented Architecture, CTO Office at Nortel. Peter’s group has been focused on establishing the key indicators to measure the factors — such as support for research and development, talent, ICT adoption and capital availability — that lead to global competitiveness. The committee, working closely with Industry Canada, has identified the baseline metrics and determined how to capture them. The next phase of the committee’s work will be to identify the activities and programs to improve these metrics. Meanwhile, careful attention to the overall tax climate continues with the engagement of ITAC’s Tax and Finance Forum, chaired by Karen Wensley of Ernst & Young. Improving the structure and the administration of Canada’s pre-eminent tax instrument for fostering R&D investment has been a long-standing objective of ITAC. A full review of the Scientific Research and Experimental Development program was conducted in 2007, and ITAC participated actively in those consultations. While the changes to the program announced in the February 2008 Budget were disappointingly small, ITAC was encouraged by a well-articulated commitment to improve the administration of SR&ED. The Tax and Finance Forum is currently at work on creating a more productive dialogue between the users and administrators of this important program. Besides SR&ED, other tax measures occupy the Tax and Finance Forum. Our industry has advocated changes to personal income tax structures to better reflect the value and increasing importance of knowledge work in our economy. And we are champions of provincial sales tax harmonization, as well as specific reforms to the application of sales tax on ICTs. Building a competitive industry means ensuring that specific sectors such as microelectronics and telecom are strong. Through 2007, ITAC’s microelectronics members contributed to a major consultation with the Ontario Government on the future of the industry in the province. Our report contained recommendations for assistance with the creation of new clusters of activity around broadband technology and audiovisual technology. ITAC’s Strategic Microelectronics Council, under the leadership of David Lynch of Sigma Designs, is exploring ways that new government programs such as the Next Generation of Jobs Fund can advance this objective. The microelectronics council also ran an active program of “best practice” forums throughout the past year and produced two conferences, including a joint conference with GSA conducted in Bromont, Québec. The wider ICT community was also engaged throughout the past year in a series of roundtable consultations led by the Honourable Sandra Pupatello, Minister of Economic Development and Trade. With ICT situated as the third-largest segment in the Ontario economy, her objective was to work with industry to foster growth. The roundtables focused on innovation, talent, productivity and procurement, and engaged a broad spectrum of industry leadership. The work of this roundtable was reflected in many of the elements of the 2008 Ontario Budget and has helped to build a much stronger dialogue between our industry and Ministries such as Education, Research and Innovation, Training, Colleges and Universities, Health and Management Board Secretariat, as well as MEDT. Global competitiveness also demands the creation of robust ICT ventures that can grow to a size substantial enough to lead global competitors. ITAC has launched two initiatives to address enterprise formation. The first is the Small and Medium Business Steering Committee, which convenes small and medium-sized ICT business owners to address a number of issues ranging from governance to sales and marketing. This group is led by Dan Mothersill of the National Angel Organization. Chair David MacDonald of Softchoice, in association with Jeffrey Crelinsten of Re$earch Money, led the creation in May of an ITAC forum on Canada’s entrepreneurial capacity. The conference featured observations and recommendations from entrepreneurs such as Terry Matthews of Mitel and Antoine Paquin of Rho Ventures as well as many other entrepreneurs and business leaders from the ITAC community. The conference explored ways to create better measures for fostering entrepreneurship and building more and stronger tech ventures. Advocating for a globally competitive industry and a globally competitive nation requires persistent discourse with government. ITAC maintains an active government relations program to do this. In addition to issue-specific consultations with key Ministers and their staffs, we operate ICT Caucuses, providing regular briefings on technology to Members of Parliament. We also engage leaders in government in regular formal and informal discussions on public policy with our members. In 2007-08, Ministers such as the Honourable Gordon O’Connor, Minister of National Revenue, the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Industry, the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and Ontario’s Minister of Research and Innovation, the Honourable John Wilkinson, participated in our discussions. • Photographs by Evan Dion The competitive COMPETITIVENESS edge yer a l p e e n i s i u c n r e e a g f we ex e b i y r t y l s n u o d t n i u b T , ts C s I n e o s Y ’ r f a ? et ad ny k n a r a a m C Can global m gence on in thenuous dili conti The competitiveness of Canadian ICT depends upon a number of factors, including a rich talent pool of entrepreneurs and C-suite executives, to build tech ventures of substantial size. This issue was the focus of a conference that ITAC helped produce in May. At one of the sessions, a group of expatriate entrepreneurs explained why they left Canada (and how they can continue to be of use to the Canadian tech community) TALENT The talent crisis ITAC addresses a key challenge to the ICT industry: a growing shortage of skilled workers The ICTC (Information and Communications Technology Council — the sectoral council responsible promote student interest in science, math and technology among students; creating an inventory of science programs; working closely with universities to evolve a multidisciplinary approach to technology education; working with governments and other stakeholders to accelerate the attraction and integration of highly qualified immigrants; improving and expanding co-op education; and changing the perception among students, educators and others of ICT jobs. The committee is currently working closely with government stakeholders in the province of Ontario. The expectation is that strategies used in Ontario will be readily adaptable to other jurisdictions. One means of ensuring that we effectively manage the talent pool that we do have is by sharing best practices among human resource professionals. The Human Resources Forum of ITAC addresses this need. Co-chaired by Nadia Cerisano, Manager, Compensation at Xerox Canada and Sheryl Helsdon-Baker, HR Senior Manager, Oracle Canada, the forum meets seven times a year to compare notes on topics such as succession planning, recruiting, employee wellness and change management. Compensating ICT employees appropriately is another means of fostering a healthy talent pool. ITAC, in association with Mercer, conducts an annual compensation study to provide the industry with fresh intelligence on compensation levels and trends. Diversity in the workplace will also strengthen the talent pool. The underrepresentation of some groups — for example, women and members of First Nations communities — is problematic. ITAC has struck a close association with Canadian Women in Communications to offer CWC career development programs for women in ICT. These include networking events in local CWC chapters, mentoring programs, career accelerator programs, coaching and CWC’s annual awards program. CWC Trailblazer of 2007 was Julia Elvidge, President of Chipworks and a member of the ITAC Board of Directors. • Photograph by Evan Dion for the health of the ICT industry’s labour market) forecasts 89,000 unfilled positions over the next five years in the Canadian ICT industry. This is the result of a “perfect storm” of unprecedented baby-boomer retirements, robust ICT sectoral growth and declining university enrolments in core disciplines such as engineering and computer science. As a knowledge-based industry, ICT depends upon a strong supply of highly skilled people to operate our R&D facilities, our manufacturing plants, our sales forces and our head offices. Quite simply, we cannot grow and succeed without a strong supply of smart people. The talent shortage is so pressing a problem that the ITAC Board decided to establish a Talent Committee to develop a strategy to mitigate the effects of and overcome this problem. Bob Crow, Vice-President, Industry, Government and University Affairs, Research In Motion Limited, chairs this committee. Elements of the strategy include working collaboratively with educators to Sacha Noukhovitch has a frontline perspective on the future of the ICT industry. Sacha is a teacher at Northview Heights Secondary School in Toronto and an enthusiastic participant in the Focus on Information Technology (FIT) Program. FIT, operated by our industry’s sectoral council, ICTC, aims to inspire greater student interest in computer technology and accelerates the acceptance of student participants into post-secondary programs e H E A LT H THE BEST MEDICINE Our health industry team is working to ensure that all Canadians have access to a state-of-the-art healthcare system ITAC believes that the Canadian healthcare system should be a world-leading user of ICT and should be aiming to achieve superior patient outcomes and cost-effective- ness, as well as position itself as an industry leader in fostering the development of a world-leading health ICT industry. With that in mind, ITAC has built an experienced team designed to lead industry participation in the health sector. The addition of a President of CHITTA, the health division of ITAC, supported by an Executive Director and a Vice-President of Standards and Interoperability, ensures that ITAC has the infrastructure in place nationally to accomplish its goal of ensuring that all Canadians have access to a state-of-the art healthcare system. Some of the key highlights this year included: • Engaging the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care on a series of consultation events, including quarterly breakfast meetings with Gail Paech, the Assistant Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. • The commitment to the Standards and Interoperability Committee. With its broad representation from the vendor community, the committee’s primary focus is on overcoming the challenges associated with adoption of pan-Canadian Electronic Health Record (EHR) standards. • The formation of a joint task force with Canada Health Infoway and the Association of Health Technologies Industry to develop and promote an industry strategy for standards adoption. • Collaborating with COACH, Canada’s Health Informatics Association, and the Canadian Health Information Management Association to address the problem of human resource capacity building in the health ICT sector. • Successfully hosting a number of key industry events designed to recognize excellence and bring buyers and sellers together, including: the Canadian Health Informatics Awards, the Canadian Reception at the Healthcare Information & Management System Society and the annual e-Health Blues Night. • Photograph by Evan Dion SM A RT R EG U L AT I O N The rules that govern business behaviour, from the obligation to protect privacy to export controls, need to be clear, fair and competitive in order to ensure that Canadian tech firms such as Macadamian Software Engineering prosper Getting smart Canada deserves a regulatory regime that will help foster the growth of knowledge-based businesses Even the most freely competitive pursuit requires rules of engagement. Like most business organizations, ITAC favours a light-handed approach to regulation. But representing an innovation-driven industry also demands more than forbearance from our regulatory regime. ITAC recognizes that Canada needs a regulatory and legislative philosophy that grasps the new realities of an increasingly digital and increasingly global marketplace. We believe Canadian laws should reflect the dynamic pace of change in knowledge-based industries. We also believe they should reflect our historic situation at the leading edge of a technological revolution. This requires regulation that builds confidence among customers, delivers value and fosters new forms of high-value commerce. In short, Canada requires a regulatory regime that is smart. Users of the evolving electronic pathways of commerce and communications need the assurance that the contributions that new digital tools make to modern life do nothing to jeopardize privacy and security. ITAC has been an active participant in the creation of Canada’s laws regarding protection of privacy in the digital world through our contributions and suggestions regarding the formulation of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). ITAC believes that PIPEDA is an excellent instrument for safeguarding the privacy of Canadians. But recently the question of how to notify customers of a privacy breach has emerged. ITAC worked closely with the Privacy Commissioner to develop breach notification guidelines for Canadian organizations. The guidelines provided a necessary and appropriate approach to managing potential harm to Canadians. The guidelines will be included in imminent amendments to PIPEDA. Unfortunately, fraud is a factor in on-line commerce just as it is in over-the-counter transactions and new forms of this practice emerge on a regular basis. Pretexting, which is the act of creating a false scenario to persuade someone to release information or perform an action that might leave them vulnerable to theft or a privacy breach, is one form of on-line fraud becoming increasingly common. James Rajotte, MP, introduced a private members’ bill in the House of Commons this year to amend the Criminal Code to address identity theft through pretexting. ITAC supports Mr. Rajotte’s bill. We believe impersonation to obtain personal information should be an offence in itself and that a criminal code amendment would help to strengthen user confidence in on-line services. Canada has long enjoyed a leadership position in electronic communication and commerce. We were early adopters of broadband technology and, for a while, we boasted one of the highest rates of connectedness in the world. In 2007, a Roundtable was created to explore Canada’s place in the Internet. ITAC provided input to these discussions, urging Canadian policymakers to help regain Canada’s leadership position by getting the environment right for investment and innovation and by strengthening constructive policy cooperation between government and the private sector. In June, a Canadian delegation went to Seoul, Korea for OECD discussions on the Internet Economy. Bernard Courtois, President and CEO, represented our industry in that discussion. Maintaining a robust and safe Internet continues to be a priority for ITAC. Recognizing that the security of children on the web is a fundamental responsibility for all who value the Internet, ITAC has become active in KINSA (Kids’ Internet Safety Alliance) with Bernard Courtois serving as a board member. We have also devoted considerable attention to the creation of an industry perspective on the volatile issue of net neutrality. ITAC has proposed that the centrality of a positive user experience must be the guiding principal in our policies relating to Internet traffic management. • ICT ADOPTION We continue our quest to accelerate the adoption of ICT tools in all economic endeavours, particularly among small and mid-sized organizations Driving productivity f FOR MORE THAN A DECADE, ITAC HAS ADVANCED ACCEPTANCE OF THE IDEA that the widespread adoption and innovative use of technology accelerates a nation’s productivity. Over that period, we have produced numerous white papers and studies drawing attention to Canada’s relatively laggard adoption in some key sectors of the economy. We have been particularly concerned about the under-use of information technology among small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). SMBs are a proportionately larger and more important sector in Canada than in other nations, so it’s important to ensure that they are as efficient and productive as possible. As Prime Minister Harper noted in May of 2007 when he launched his Government’s Science and Technology Strategy, “. . . no country can remain prosperous and healthy without reinvesting a substantial portion of its wealth in science and technology, [which] fuels innovation, good jobs and rising living standards.” Political leaders no longer need persuading about the positive economic impacts of technology. And research conducted for ITAC shows that even those businesses that under-utilize ICT understand that it could improve their productivity. The challenge for our industry is to work more with them to help them balance the need for ICT investment with all the other business priorities that drive their daily activities. ITAC’s ICT Value Committee marshals our industry’s efforts to promote the benefits of ICT use to public policy makers and to customers. For the past year, the focus of this work has been direct communication with small and medium-sized businesses. And through a good relationship with Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME), we have worked on measures to reach smaller Canadian manufacturers. Tom Turchet of IBM leads this initiative. It has involved the collection of case studies highlighting the success manufacturers and others have had in their use of ICTs. In November Tom and Doug Cooper of Intel delivered a tutorial webcast along with Jayson Myers, the President and CEO of CME, for small and medium-sized manufacturers. ICT adoption was also an important focus of our roundtable discussions with the Ontario Government. They endorsed the need for more activism on this issue by establishing a multi-million-dollar budget for ITAC to work further with Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters to accelerate ICT adoption in the province’s vital • ITAC is committed to delivering the message about the productivity-enhancing impact of ICT tools and services to government and to policymakers. Fortunately, many leaders in the Canadian economy require no persuasion. Hao Tien of Toyota Canada is an excellent example. He is the architect of “Customer One,” Toyota’s customer satisfaction initiative, which received the Canadian Information Productivity Diamond Award in 2007 Photograph by George Olivar, courtesy CIO Canada manufacturing sector. ITAC EXECUTIVE DAVID MacDONALD Chair President & CEO, Softchoice Corporation ROBERT COURTEAU Vice-Chair President & Managing Director, SAP Canada Inc. PETER CARBONE Vice-Chair Vice President, Service Oriented Architecture, CTO Office, Nortel YVES MILLETTE Treasurer President & CEO, Intuit Canada, Ltd. DOUG COOPER * Immediate Past Chair, ITAC Country Manager, Intel of Canada Ltd. TERRY ANSARI Vice President, Business Solutions Group, Cisco Systems Canada Co. FRÉDÉRIC BOULANGER President, Macadamian Software Engineering JOHN BROERE Chief Operating Officer, Sierra Systems Group Inc. ANDY CANHAM President, Sun Microsystems of Canada HENK DYKHUIZEN Vice President, Government, Education & Health Care, Oracle Corporation Canada Inc. PHIL EISLER Corporate Vice President & General Manager, AMD Canada JULIA ELVIDGE President, Chipworks Inc. MARC FILION Executive Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Health Claims Management, Emergis YVES MAYRAND Vice-President, Corporate Affairs, Cogeco Cable Inc. KATIE McAULIFF President, Novell Canada, Ltd. MICHAEL MURPHY Vice President & General Manager, Canada, Symantec (Canada) Corp. MARTINE NORMAND Vice President, Human Resources, Communications & Corporate Affairs, Xerox Canada Inc. DAVID TICOLL CEO, Convergent Strategies TOM TURCHET Vice President, Software, General Business, IBM Americas, IBM Canada Ltd. ROBERT WATSON President & CEO, Sasktel DAVE WATTLING * Managing Partner, Courtyard-Group, CHITTA Chair ITAC DIRECTORS 2007/2008 BOARD OF DIRECTORS RONAN McGRATH * Past Chair, ITAC CIO, Rogers Communications Inc. PAUL TSAPARIS * Chair, ITAC Board of Governors President & CEO, Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co. BERNARD COURTOIS * President & CEO, Information Technology Association of Canada ADAM CHOWANIEC * Chairman of the Board, Tundra Semiconductor Past Chair, ITAC PAUL COOPER Vice President & General Manager, Relationship Sales, Dell Canada ROBERT CROW Vice President, Industry, Government & University Affairs, Research In Motion Ltd. NICHOLAS DEEBLE Director, Canada North Central, Cadence Design Systems BRIAN DOODY Chief Operating Officer, DALSA Inc. FRANZ FINK President and CEO, Gennum Corporation LAWSON HUNTER Executive Vice President & Chief Corporate Officer, BCE Inc. AL HURD Vice President, Public Sector & Health Care, EDS Canada Inc. BOB LEECH Partner, Deloitte VITO MABRUCCO Managing Director, IDC Canada BRIAN O’HIGGINS Chief Technology Officer, Third Brigade Inc. DAVID RATHBUN President, xwave MICHAEL SANGSTER Vice President, Government Relations, TELUS CRAIG SISSON * Chair, Ontario Board of ITAC PHIL SORGEN President, Microsoft Canada Co. CHARLIE WHELAN President, CSC Computer Sciences Corp. LINDA WHELAN Vice President & Country Manager, BEA Systems * ex-officio ITAC MEMBERS REGULAR MEMBERS Cyberklix Inc. Internet Security Systems Canada, Inc. Rogers Shared Services ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Web Services DA-Test Inc. Intuit Canada, Ltd. Rogers Telecom Inc. ABELSoft Corporation DALSA Inc. IQ Storage Rogers Wireless Inc. Access Copyright, Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency Abridean Incorporated DapaSoft Inc. Jump TV RPGTI Ajilon Consulting ABTS Global LP Dassault Systemes Inc. KDM Analytics RSA Security Inc. Arun Malhotra & Associates Accenture Business Services for Utilities Keane, Inc. (Canada) S5 Systems Bennett Jones LLP Accenture Inc. De Lage Landen Financial Services Canada Inc. Kifinti Solutions Inc. Salumatics Bereskin & Parr ACI Worldwide Inc. Dell Canada Knowsys Group Ltd. SAP Canada Inc. Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Acorn Partners Deloitte LLP Lexmark Canada Inc. SAS Institute (Canada) Inc. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP ACS Government Solutions Canada Inc. Digital Boundary Group LGS Inc. (Group) SaskTel Boyden global executive search Adjuvant Informatics Corp. Direct Engagement Lotus Development Canada Ltd. SecuritySage Overdrive Inc. Brock University Adlib Software DMR (a Fijitsu Company) LTRIM Technologies SecurTek Monitoring Solutions Inc. Canada’s Technology Triangle Inc. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Donovan Data Systems Canada Ltd. Macadamian Software Engineering Semiconductor Insights Inc. Canada-India Business Council AGFA Healthcare Doyletech Corporation Marksal Inc. Sentillion Agilent Technologies Canada Inc. Dynamic Disaster Recovery, Inc. Sequentia Communications Aizan Technologies Inc. eBay Canada Limited McKesson Information Solutions Canada Ltd. Canadian Health Information Management Association Aliant Inc. Eclipsys Corporation McMaster University Siemens IT Solutions and Services Inc. (Canada) Aliant Telecom EDS Advanced Solutions MDG Computers Canada Inc. Siemens Medical Alleyne Inc. EDS Canada Inc. Med Access Inc. Sierra Systems Group Inc. Alphaglobal — IT Inc. Elliptic Semiconductor MED2020 Healthcare Software Inc. Sigma Designs Alternative Media Initiative Inc. Eloqua Corp. MediSolution Ltd. Silicon Optix Inc. AMCC Canada EMC Corporation of Canada MedShare Inc. SIMMS Amika Mobile Emergis Inc. Mercury Interactive Canada SMA Anyware Group EMIS Inc. Microbridge Technologies Corp. Softchoice Corporation CIPI/ICIP (Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations) Aon Canada Empress Software Inc. MicroQuest Inc. Solutions in Context CMC Microsystems Applied Technology Solutions Inc. (ATS) Enomaly Inc. Microsoft Canada Co. Sophos Inc. CSA International Assurent Secure Technologies Entry Software Corporation Momentum Healthware Stars Cushman& Wakefield LePage Ontario Atria Networks LP (incorporating Telecom Ottawa) Eric Moss Consulting Mosaid Technologies Inc. Strata Health Solutions Deeth Williams Wall LLP Ericsson Canada Inc. MTS Allstream Inc. Stratavera Partners Eagle Professional Resources Autodesk Canada eSentire, Inc. M.H. Nusbaum & Associates Ltd. Streamlined Management Group Employment Solution (The) B Sharp Technologies, Inc. ESRI Canada Inc. Navigata Communications Inc. Summerhill Venture Partners Ernst & Young LLP BC-TIA Evans Research Corporation Neotel International Inc. Sun Microsystems of Canada Inc. eTalent Group Inc. BCE Capital Inc. EWA-Canada Ltd. Neoteric Technology Limited Symantec (Canada) Corp. Export Development Canada BCE Elix Inc. Exact Software Canada Ltd. Netistix Technologies Corporation Symbiotic Group Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP BCE Inc. Four Corners Group Netrus Inc. Synopsys, Inc. Forrester Research Inc. BEA Systems Freescale Semiconductor Inc. NetSweeper Inc. T4G Limited Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP Beacon Partners, Inc. Fresco Microchip Inc. Tandberg Canada Inc. Gardiner Roberts LLP Bell Business Solutions Fujitsu Canada, Inc. Network Design and Analysis Corporation (NDA) Tata Consultancy Services Fujitsu Consulting (Canada) Inc. Telecom Ottawa Limited Bell Canada International Inc. Fujitsu Technology Solutions Canada Inc. Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Technology Industries (NATI) Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP Bell Canada High Performance Computing Virtual Lab (HPCVL) Bell Canada, Bell ICT Solutions Galazar Networks Inc. Bell Enterprise GE Healthcare Bell ExpressVU Gennum Corporation Bell Globemedia GeNUIT Inc. Nightingale Informatix Corp. Telesat Canada Canadian MedicAlert Foundation Canadian Pharmacists Association Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association CANARIE Inc. Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Centennial College CFN Consultants TELUS Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) TELUS Business Solutions InterComponentWare TELUS Communications IT World Canada TELUS Communications Company Lang Michener, LLP Telus Enterprise Solutions Macleod Dixon LLP Octasic Inc. TELUS Information Security Solutions McCarthy Tetrault LLP Omnitech Labs Inc. TELUS Mobility Inc. MEDITECH Online Business Systems TELUS Secure Technologies Miller Thomson LLP OntarioMD TELUS Security Solutions Milrad Computer Law Offices Nortel Northwestel Nova Marketing Group Inc. Novell Canada Ltd. TELoIP Inc. Bell Nexxia Grant Thornton LLP, Technology Risk Management Bell Nordiq Group Inc. Group Telecom, A Bell Canada Division Bell Security Solutions Inc. (BSSI) GS1 Canada Bell West Health Information Strategies Inc. bitHeads inc. Healthscreen Solutions Incorporated National Angel Organization HelpCaster Technologies Inc. Optimed Software Corporation (A QHR Technologies Company) TeraGo Networks Brainhunter Inc. The Weir Group Inc. Bramwell Management Services Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co. Oracle Corporation Canada Inc. National Capital Institute of Telecommunications (NCIT) Branham Group Inc. HInext Inc. OrbitIQ Inc. Themis Program Management & Consulting Ltd. CA Canada Hollander Glass Canada Inc. Cadence Design Systems Inc. HTN Inc. OriginHR (division of Sapphire Canada) Thindesk Inc. Canada China Business Council – The Health Technology Exchange Orion Systems International Third Brigade Inc. OACCAC (Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres) CBL Data Recovery Technologies Inc. Hydrogen Creative Inc. Ormed Information Systems Inc. TIA Advisory Inc. Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) CentreCity Software Inc. IBM Canada Ltd. Osler Systems TIBCO Canada Inc. Ornge Cerner Corporation IBM Global Services P & P Data System Inc. Top Layer Networks, Inc. Osler Hoskin & Harcourt, LLP CGI Group Inc. IBM Software Group Paradigm Infotech Toronto Hydro Telecom Chartwell Inc. IC2E International Inc. Pathway Group Toronto Region Research Alliance Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI) Cherniak Software ICDL Canada Limited Pixelworks Trecata Corp. Pivotal Decisions Chipworks Inc. ID Alarm Inc. Platform Computing Inc. TRM Technologies, Inc. Planet 4 IT Cientis Technologies IDC Canada PMC-Sierra Ltd. Tundra Semiconductor Corporation PPI Consulting Ltd. Cinnabar Networks IDT Canada Polaris Software Lab Canada Inc. Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada PRECARN Incorporated Cisco Systems Canada Co. Imex Systems Inc. Practice Solutions Software Inc. UNIS LUMIN Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Inc. Impact Group, The Praxia Information Intelligence Unisys Canada Inc. Procom Clinicare Corporation iNET International Inc. Procura Public Sector Research Clinicvault Inc. Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. PROPHIX Software Inc. University of Ontario Institute of Technology CM Inc. Information Technology Industry Alliance of Nova Scotia (ITANS) Purkinje Inc. Valeurs Mobilieres Desjardins Renewed Computer Technology QHR Technologies Inc. Valt.X Technologies Inc. RIT Experts Information & Communication Technologies Association of Manitoba (ICTAM) QuadraMed Corporation VAULT Solutions Inc. Ryerson University R3D Consulting Vonage Canada Sapphire Technologies Canada Ltd. Infosys Technologies Ltd. Research In Motion Ltd. Watchfire SeaBoard Group Innovapost Réseau inter logiQ Network Wi-LAN iNC. Innovatia Inc. RFID Canada Wolf Medical Systems Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Innovation and Technology Association of P.E.I — (ITAP) RightNow Technologies Smart Systems for Health Agency Rogers Business Solutions Xenos Group Inc. SolCom Inc. Rogers Cable Communications Inc. Xerox Canada Inc. Stikeman Elliott LLP St. Lawrence College Bell Mobility Inc. Cogeco Cable Inc. Cognos Inc. Communitech Technology Association Computer Sciences Canada Inc. Connexim Network Management Consulting Cadre International Inc. Continuum Solutions Convergent Strategies GSI Consulting Services Inc. Innusec Inc. NucleusLab Information Technologies (Canada) Ltd. Thinkage Ltd. National Research Council: Institute for Information Technology Nova Scotia Business Inc. Ray & Berndtson / Lovas Stanley Courtyard Group Integration DOLPHIN Inc. Rogers Communications Inc. XPMsoftware Croesus Finansoft Intel Corporation Rogers Media Inc. xwave University of Calgary, Sport Medicine Centre Intel of Canada, Ltd. YottaYotta, Inc. University of Waterloo Intelec Geomatique Zarlink Semiconductor Inc. University of Waterloo – Waterloo Institute for Health Informatics Research CSI Consulting Inc. Cyberbahn Inc. Intelliware Development Inc. Wilfrid Laurier University FOCUS ON EVENTS Many of our members will tell you that it’s the value of our events, and forums, that is the “x” factor in our success. Our members tell us that these types of events provide opportunities for networking with potential partners, buyers, government officials and peers. A sampling of some of our events shows how they align with our priorities. CCIO ROUNDTABLES — In partnership with the Government of Ontario, ITAC presented a series of roundtable discussions with Ontario Corporate Chief Information Officer Ron McKerlie. These discussions provided valuable insight into how the Government of Ontario spends its money. This series of roundtables supports our procurement priority. E-HEALTH ARCHITECTURE MEETINGS — As part of ITAC’s health strategy, we have partnered with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, which is working to develop an e-health architecture and blueprint designed to assist business managers and application developers in the planning, design and implementation of provincial e-health solutions. The e-health architecture meetings support our priorities of e-health, procurement, and ICT adoption. PROMOTION OF SME VALUES — With the newly formed SME Committee, ITAC has strengthened our commitment to the small and medium-sized enterprise, our largest membership contingent. The SME Committee brings together small and medium-sized members to focus on designing programs to encourage entrepreneurial success in Canada. ITAC has also begun offering errors and omissions insurance and group benefits to better serve this sector. Our work with SMEs supports our priority of competitiveness. WITSA — On May 20, 2008 we announced that the World Information Technology and Services Alliance had awarded ITAC, in partnership with the Palais des congrès de Montréal, Montréal International and Tourisme Montréal, the 2012, 18th World Congress on Information Technology. The event will draw 2,500 delegates, including the world’s top executives in the ICT sector, a key component of the Canadian economy. Our successful winning bid with WITSA supports our priorities of competitiveness, ICT adoption and talent. Contact us at, (613) 238-4822 or (905) 602-8345