Projacs expands in Damascus A New Corporate Culture
Projacs expands in Damascus A New Corporate Culture
Issue 2, March 2007 Qatar’s Riviera-style man-made island Projacs expands in Damascus A New Corporate Culture Profiling Projacs Corporate Office 19 11 4 15 "4)3"'1*$ Contents Our History Cityscape 2006 3 3 Barsha Boutique Offices 14 Adding liveliness to a homogeneous residential area Ashraf Al-Garf A team success! 15 Interview with the Executive VP-Operations Cityscape Abu Dhabi 2007 4 An announcement Projacs Evolution 5 Timeline 1984 to 2007 Regional Highlights A New Corporate Culture Projacs T & D Projacs Jordan 7 Profiling the Amman Regional office 9 PMI-AGC 11th International Conference Projacs strikes Gold Interview with the President and CEO Sports City Appreciation 4th Annual Projacs Retreat Doha’s Riveiera-style man-made island $0..6/*26² 21 21 Announcements 21 Welcoming new Projacs staff 10 Opening of new branch office in Syria The Pearl Project 19 An announcement 10 The biggest and most widely reported Asian Games ever Projacs expands in Damascus 18 Our Training & Development Group Our on-going projects Luay Khoury 17 Profiling Projacs Corporate Office Face2Face 22 Meet some of our staff 11 Editor-in-Chief Ali Shawwa Editor Anne Harris Please submit your comments to: Cover The Pearl, Doha–Qatar $)"*3."/4 .&44"(& Dr. Nabil Qaddumi W ishing everyone at PROJACS the best of success in the New Year, I take this opportunity to highlight how 2007 will mark a major turning-point in PROJACS ascendancy and progress. 2007 will witness, among many things, a major expansion in PROJACS’ operations and staff base, fees turn-over, geographical reach, and new industry sectors targeted. An introduction of strategic partners adding business and ensuring future sustainability of operations, will take place. Moreover, new strategic and regional alliances will be struck. Internally, an organizational change to meet the challenges of this expansion, and a streamlining and tightening of operational processes and procedures will be completed. The latest technology will be utilized at all company levels. Opportunities for promotion within the company ranks will be abundant. A stock-options plan will be implemented, where key staff will become stake-holders in the company. will see us taking “ ...2007 the first steps to become a global player in our profession. ” Our staff will experience an expanded in-house training program customized to enhance the technical, managerial, and soft skills of each individual. We are currently a major regional project management firm, but 2007 will see us taking the first steps to become a global player in our profession. We will remain committed to providing our clients with a quality service while ensuring long-term career opportunities for staff. Together, we look forward to meeting the challenges posed by our growth, and to reaping the rewards of our efforts”. Dr. Nabil Qaddumi CHAIRMAN ."3$) " )JTUPSZPG 4JHOJGJDBOU "DDPNQMJTINFOU S ince its foundation over 20 years ago in Kuwait, and strategic alliances, into an international corporation of Projacs International has gained a reputation for the highest caliber. This evolution throughout the 90s and providing the highest levels of professional man- into the new millennium has allowed us to streamline opera- agement and consultation services to our clients. tions and standardize our methodologies, marking the birth This reputation was established initially in the Arabian Gulf of a new corporate culture. and later grew throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. Building on that early entrepreneurial spirit, Projacs extended its existing local business and took opportunities to In 1984, with a fledgling staff of only three and an excep- expand regionally and internationally throughout the 90s tional entrepreneurial spirit, the Projacs adventure began. and beyond. Today the company maintains a staff of over Throughout the 80s and early 90s, Projacs grew steadily, 500 professionals, possessing qualifications and experience evolving from a consortium of locally operated partnerships of the highest degree, each specializing in their respective Cityscape 2006 A Team Success! From 4-6 December 2006, the Cityscape Dubai exhibition, Al Garf, Mrs. Haifa Al Mousa, Mr. Nael Barqawi, Mr. Sameeh acknowledged as the world’s largest international business- Tamimi, Mr. Basel Abdellatif, Mr. Khalid Al Qussimy, Mr. Tarek to-business property investment and development event, Ahmed, Mr. Ahmed Osman and staff from the Projacs UAE office. was held. Projacs was among 500 exhibitors from 55 countries present to showcase their projects. The event welcomed 35,000 visitors from 90 countries, a growth of 130% on the previous year. Projacs staff distributed over 2,800 packaged materials, averaging almost 1,000 brochures, booklets and newsletters per day. The event was coordinated by Mr. Ali Shawwa who praised his team of colleagues whose industrious presence behind the scenes enabled the event to run so smoothly. Mr. Luay Khoury congratulated Mr. Ali for his relentless efforts in managing all the details of our participation including the creative design and construction of the booth, designing and printing the marketing material and coordinating all the logistics that helped to convey the proper image of Projacs. Our success was enhanced by the support of staff who traveled to Dubai to participate and establish an outstanding presence at the event. Particular thanks go to Mr. Ashraf $0..6/*26² field. Our employees have been recruited from 24 different Our professional expertise and extensive understanding of countries and several continents, giving our international local and regional conditions ensure that our clients real- knowledge and experience base both depth and diversity. ize projects that are not only completed on time and within Our services have strengthened and broadened to reflect budget, but also function as they should without complica- the competitive dynamics and changing requirements of tions and to the highest quality standards. Our experience our international marketplace. We continue to maintain our is now sought after to participate in some of the most pres- existing strategic partnerships and develop new alliances tigious mega projects in the region today. as our company matures.From a small number of local projects in the early 80s and 90s, Projacs is now involved in more than 120 ongoing projects in many countries. Our corporate headquarters are located in Bahrain, while major Middle Eastern and international operations are also conducted in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Iran, Yemen, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Guinea. Evidence of this stunning growth is clear. Since the start of the new century, our annual revenue has increased by over 300% to an impressive US$34.3 million in 2006. BOEB'VUVSFPG .BHOJGJDFOU 7JTJPO "//06/$&.&/5 The event welcomed 35,000 visitors from 90 countries Mr. Luay conveyed his thanks and gratitude to all of those who represented Projacs in the Cityscape exhibition. He commended staff for their professional attitude and impeccable presence in the exhibition that left a great impression on all the visitors to our booth. MAY 8-10 Cityscape Abu Dhabi 2007 We are pleased to announce that following the success of our attendance at Cityscape Dubai, Projacs will be participating in the new Cityscape Abu Dhabi 2007 exhibition, from May 8-10. This secondary exhibition aims to compliment the existing exhibition in Dubai and further exploit the mega-projects and outstanding growth potential of the Gulf region property development and investment market. Cityscape Abu Dhabi is expecting more than 200 exhibitors from over 50 countries covering an area of 25,000 m². This debut event has already sold 80% of its exhibition space and with an estimated US$270 billion in construction projects either planned or underway in Abu Dhabi, the exhibition further highlights the increasing importance of its property development sector. Projacs has booked a 27 m² presentation area (stand # 4C30) and aims to establish and improve our global presence though participation in this event. ."3$) 130+"$45*.&-*/& OU NF T PSL OBHF O MJD8 O.B .JMMJP C V G1 DUJP " ZP OTUSV F JTUS P MV .JO DU$ O7B JP KF U 1SP TUSVD $PO BJU ,VX BO %JX SJ NJ FQU O N% HSB FSWJTJP P S Q 1 V T NF OTU4 JUZ P (B UT$ "TJBO OU$ .JMMJPO S P o 4Q (PW TU.H BS PO MVF 2BU DU$ O7B JP KF 1SP TUSVDU $PO BS 2BU MFY U Z NQ $P PNQBO HFNFO S P U OB JMMJPO $ B D N O. . MFV 4F 0JM JU1FUSP TUSVDUJP B PO MVF ,VX DU$ O7B JP KF 1SP TUSVDU $PO BJU ,VX Manpower: 3 1984 KSA 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Kuwait 1991 1992 Z PSJU PO MVF *5*$ 6/ KFDU$ JPO7B 1SP TUSVDU O $P OJB #PT JOH JO 5SB VT NQ E&E OU B $ F F MJ N FX "QQ BHF 5/ JUZGPS O.BO .JMMJPO S "& 1" "VUIP TUSVDUJP MJD PO MVF 1VC DU$ O7B JP KF 1SP TUSVDU $PO BJU ,VX 1993 1994 1995 +FCBM"M,BCCBI%FW 1SPKFDU.BTUFS1MBO "CEVM-BUJG+BNFFM$P-UE %FTJHO.BOBHFNFOU7BMVF&OH $POTUSVDUJPO7BMVF.JMMJPO 4BVEJ"SBCJB UAE UI S "V FOU OUF $F *OWFTUN FOU T T N OF XBJU OBHF VTJ O B ,V *4# SBKFWP DUJPO. .JMMJP / 6 4B TUSV Manpower: 150 OT QSU P OU0 JPOT$ J P U + B J S K G F MJPO Q FOU B .JM MG0 ,I (V BHFN "M O $0 . MVF .B "3" SBN O7B JP H 1SP TUSVDU JB C $PO EJ"SB 4BV -$ U ST- NFO PXF BOBHF PO 5 M MJ JB O. JM P D O . 5 B &' UFT'JO TUSVDUJP JSB PO MVF &N DU$ O7B JP KF 1SP TUSVDU $PO & " 6 S XF OU 5P NF TU BSG &B BOBHF PO I MF E 8 MJ JM . JE U . T O . 8F M5SVTU USVDUJP F U PVT NFO OU) BHF UNF O.BO .JMMJPO T F S J *OW UJP #F BCJ USVD %I POT MVF "CV DU$ O7B JP KF 1SP TUSVDU $PO BOPO -FC UF ST XF (B VU BSL UM1 U$P FOU B / O J NF OBHFN IBS MPQ O B "E L%FWF UJPO. .JMMJP "JO VD BS JUB POT MVF $BQ DU$ O7B KF DUJP P S V 1 TUS $PO 6"& FST 5PX FOU FT FN 3 VTF M P S ) .BOBH JMMJPO B U F O 1 . UNF JPO 5IF WFT SVDU *'$ % FS OU JU 5PX ,VXB BHFNF O F O o O SE B H P B JO . JMMJ ( )PME VDUJPO . 4LZ ZB S 1 US BSJ POT MVF "EI DU$ O7B JP KF 1SP TUSVDU $PO SBJO #BI *O U CBM POT MVF (MP DU$ O7B JP KF 1SP TUSVDU $PO BS 2BU B[B POTU MVF "M. DU$ O7B JP KF 1SP TUSVDU $PO 6"& +PSEBO(BUF (VMG'JOBODF)PVTFo#BISBJO 1SPKFDU$POTUSVDUJPO.BOBHFNFOU $POTUSVDUJPO7BMVF.JMMJPO +PSEBO ,VXBJU#VTJOFTT5PXO .B[BZB)PMEJOH 1SPKFDU$POTUSVDUJPO.BOBHFNFOU $POTUSVDUJPO7BMVF.JMMJPO ,VXBJU 1BMN$JUZ3FTJEFODF 1BMN$JUZ-UE $PTU$POTVMUJOH $POTUSVDUJPO7BMVF.JMMJPO -JCZB 1996 Lebanon Qatar 1997 1998 1SJODF"CEVMMBI.JMJUBSZ$JUZ 4BVEJ"SBCJBO/BUJPOBM(VBSE 1SPKFDU$POTUSVDUJPO.BOBHFNFOU $POTUSVDUJPO7BMVF.JMMJPO 4BVEJ"SBCJB Bahrain & Egypt 1999 2000 Morocco 2001 2002 #FWFSMZ)JMMT1SPKFDU UI0DUPCFS%FW*OWFTUNFOU 1SPKFDU$POTUSVDUJPO.BOBHFNFOU $POTUSVDUJPO7BMVF.JMMJPO &HZQU Manpower: 500 2003 2004 2005 2006 Jordan & Iraq 2007 Syria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mDF &TUBCMJTINFOU 3FHJPOBM)JHIMJHIUT (6-'3&(*0/ Bahrain Ain Adhari National Park, Adhari Park Development Co., P/C Management, US$ 40M, 2007. Al Fateh Land Tower Project, First Real Estate Co.,P/C Management, US$ 15.5M, 2009. Osoul – 3 Residential Buildings, Osoul Leasing & Finance Co., P/C Management US$ 8M, 2007. Kuwait PAAET, PAAET Educational, Design Management, US$ 341M, 2007. IKAROS Failaka Resort, IKAROS Co., P/C Management, US$ 204M, 2008. Asian Olympic Complex, United Resources Real Estate & Asian Olympic Council, P/C Management US$ 109M, 2008. Kuwait Business Town, Mazaya Holding, P/ Management US$ 102M, 2008. Shuaiba Port New Project, Public Ports Authority, P/C Management US$ 100M, 2008. Al Mal & Aqar New Office Tower, Al Mal & Aqar, P/C Management US$ 88.7M, 2008. Symphony Complex, Commercial Real Estate Co.,P/C Management, US$ 88M, 2007. New Salmiya Mixed Use Development, Al Fawares Co.,P/C Management, US$ 85M, 2007. New Salmiya Hotel, Gulf Development Hotel, P/C Management, US$ 54M, 2008. Slayl Al-Jahra Park & Hotel, AlSanousi & KCMCC,P/C Management, US$ 40M, 2007. Rotana Hotel, Tamdeen,P/C Management, US$ 37.5M, 2007. Kuwait Oil Tanker Co. HQ, Kuwait Oil Tanker Co., P/C Management, US$ 30M, 2007. Al-Dhow Tower Project, Al-Mal Real Estate Co.,P/C Management, US$ 23M, 2007. Al-Jon Tower Office Bldg., Awqaf Public Foundation, P/C Management, US$ 20M, 2007. Awadi Car Park Construction, Real Estate Investment Co.,P/C Management, US$ 20M, 2007. Al Omooma Hospital & Staff Accom., Faisal Homoud Al Khaled,P/C Management, US$ 20M, 2008. Equate HQ, Equate, P/C Management, US$ 17M, 2008. Injazzat New Office Tower, Injazzat Co.,P/C Management, US$ 15M, 2008. Kuwait Beach House, Private, P/C Management, US$ 15M, 2009. Mazaya Tower, Al Mazaya Holding Co., P/C Management, US$ 11M, 2007. Pearl of Kuwait, Pearl of Kuwait Real Estate Co., P/C Management, US$ 10M, 2007. ASK Staff Housing, Aqar Real Estate Co., P/C Management, US$ 10M, 2007. Al Bahar Villa Project, Adnan Al Bahar, P/C Management, US$ 6.7M, 2007. Behbehani Villa - Al Shaab (Construction), Behbehani, P/C Management, US$ 5M, 2007. Khairan Chalets, Sabeeh Al Waqian, P/C Management, US$ 5M, 2008. Shaab Residentail Bldg., Aqar Real Estate Co.,P/C Management, US$ 5M, 2008. Marah Land at Slayl Al Jahra, KCMCC, P/C Management, US$ 4M, 2007. Al Wazzan Mosque, Al Wazzan Group, Design Management, US$ 3.4M. Al Wazzan Clinic, Hamad Al Wazzan, P/C Management, US$ 3M, 2007. Al Wazzan Commercial Facility, Al Wazzan Group, P/C Management, US$ $0..6/*26² 2.7M, 2007. Citi Bank Corp. Office - Fitting Out, Citi Bank, P/C Management, US$ 2.5M, 2007. Al Derwaza Tower, Gulf Projects Co., P/C Management, US$ 2.2M, 2008. Kuwait University, NBBJ, Quantity Survey, US$ 0.5M, 2008. Al Safat American Hospital, KMCH, P/C Management US$ 380K, 2008. Al Hamad Towers (FM), Al Hamad, FM & Property Management, US$ 145K, 2008. Hawalli Clinic, KMCH, P/C Management US$ 35K, 2008. Sabaek New Ofiices, Sabaek, P/C Management, US$ 26.4K, 2007. Al Soor Fuel Development, Al Soor Co., Pre-design, US$ 18K, 2007. Dar Al Awadi (FM), Real Estate Invest. Co., Property Management. Qatar Sports City Project, Qatar Govt (Asian Games Program Department), P/C Management, US$ 650M, 2007. QNOC SFID Projects, Qatar National Olympic Committee, P/C Management, US$ 300M, 2007. The Pearl Residential Towers, Global Investment House, P/C Management, US$ 299M, 2010. Cultural Village - Phase III, Qatar Govt., P/C Management, US$ 273.9M, 2008. Sampook Hotel, Ali Al Miri, P/C Management, US$ 170M, 2009. Pearl - Pension Towers, Pension Authority, P/C Management, US$ 149.5M, 2008. Cultural Village - Phase II, Qatar Govt., P/C Management, US$ 98.8M, 2008. IBQ New HQ, IBQ/NBK, P/C Management, US$ 75M, 2010. Infra-Structure Project, Al Huda Contracting Co., Time/Cost Services, US$ 40M, 2008. Al Reem Development, Al Deera Real Estate, P/C Management, US$ 25M, 2007. Al Wazzen Factory, Al Wazzan Group, P/C Management, US$ 14M, 2007. Saudi Arabia Al-Rajhi Bank New Branches, Al-Rajhi Banking & Investment Co., P/C Management, US$ 176M, 2008. Le Meridien Towers Project, Saudi Amjad Holding Co., P/C Management, US$ 160M, 2007. Al Qibla Tower, Munshat Real Estate Co., P/C Management, US$ 113.4M, 2008. Pilot Project for Pilgrims Residential Project in Mina Mountains, GOSI / Retirement Pension Fund / MOMRA, P/C Management, US$ 75M, 2007. Mixed Use Dev. in Olaya, Al Swailem Co., P/C Management, US$ 45M, 2009. Dallah Clinical Tower, Dallah Healthcare Holdings Co., P/C Management, US$ 25.6M, 2009. SAIB (10) New Branches, Saudi Investment Bank, P/ C Management, US$ 23M, 2007. King Abdulaziz City for Science & Tech. (KACST) Projects, KACST, Design Management, US$ 13.5M, 2007. King Abdulaziz Foundation for Gifted, King Abdulaziz & Companions Foundation, P/C Management, US$ 12.5M, 2007. South Wing Project for SAIB, Saudi Investment Bank, P/C Management, US$ 11M, 2008. Dallah Hospital Medical Expansion, Dallah Hospital Healthcare Co., P/C Management, US$ 9.5M, 2007. SAIB ORIX Al-Maa’ather Building Project, Saudi Investment Bank, P/C Management, US$ 8M, 2007. Al-Shisha Residential Tower, Sheikh Khalid Ben Hamad Al-Thani, P/C Management, US$ 4.5M, 2007. Al-Sharqia Towers, Al-Jouaan & AlOnaizy Co., Design Management, US$ 133K, 2007. Al Turki Plaza Office Tower, Tariq Hajj, P/C Management, US$ 34.7M, 2008. Intern’l Ductile Iron Pipes Factory, Intern’l Ductile Iron Pipes Co., 2008. UAE One Business Bay, Intern’l Investment Bank, P/C Management, US$ 576M, 2007. Three Group of Villas in Different Locations (1089 Villas), Private Housing Finance Scheme (PHFS), P/C Management, US$ 271.7M, 2007. West Wharf Tower (Former Bay 21), Capital Trust M. East, P/C Management, US$ 200M, 2007. Palm Jumeirah Hotel, Oriental Construction Co./Al Osaimi Real Estate, Design Management, US$ 176.6M. Emirates Financial Tower (EFT), Emirates Financial Towers LLC, P/C Management, US$ 122M, 2008. i-Rise Tower (Realty Capital), Realty Capital, P/C Management, US$ 114M, 2009. Sky Garden Tower DIFC, Al-Mazaya Holding (Kuwait), P/C Management, US$ 90M, 2007. Al Muntaza Hotel (Operated by Marriot), H.E.Shaikh Abdullah Bin Mohd. Al Thani, Design Management, US$ 81.5M. Sharjah International Airport Expansion & Dev., Civil Aviations Department, P/C Management, US$ 62M, 2007. West Bay Tower, Intern’l Investment Bank, P/C Management, US$ 49M, 2007. Quartz Tower, Realty Capital, P/C Management, US$ 47.5M, 2008. The Jewels Twin Towers, The Jewels Ltd., P/C Management, US$ 46M, 2007. Sharjah Shopping Center, H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Al Thani, P/C Management, US$ 42M, 2007. Buhaira Tower Al Nanda, Buhaira Dev., Design Management, US$ 40.7M. Marina View Tower, Desert Home Real Estate, P/C Management, US$ 39.5M, 2007. Barsha Boutique Offices, Al Barsha Property Co., P/C Management, US$ 27M, 2008. Cento Rotana (Sharjah Airport Hotel), Air Arabia, P/C Management, US$ 27M, 2007. Al Noor Hospital, H.E. Shk. Moh’d. Bin Butti Al Hamed, P/C Management, US$ 20M, 2007. The Golden Falcon, H.H. Sh. Mohd’. Bin Butti Al-Hamid, P/C Management, US$ 10.4M, 2007. Express by Holiday Hotels, HMS, P/C Management, US$ 8.2M, 2011. General Pension & Social Security Authority, Emirates Real Estate Corp. (GPSSA), P/C Management, US$ 6M, 2007. Buhaira Tower Al Khan, Buhaira Development, P/C Management, 2008. Express by Holiday Inn Hotels, ISHRAQ Gulf Real Estate (Holding) BSC, P/C Management, US$ 60.3M, 2008. -&7"/5 /035)"'3*$" &6301&05)&34 Jordan Housing Bank for Trade & Finance HQ, Housing Bank for Trade & Finance, P/C Management, US$ 150M, 2009. Royal Village, Gulf Finance House-Bahrain, P/C Management, US$ 500M, 2008. Jordan Gate, Gulf Finance House-Bahrain, P/C Management, US$ 292M, 2008. Abdali Communication (Capital Bank) Tower, Export and Finance Bank, P/C Management, US$ 180M, 2009. Abdali Sector 5D Project, Corporate Finance House, P/C Management, US$ 45.2M, 2010. Jordan Telecom HQ Building, Jordan Telecom, P/C Management, US$ 17M, 2008. Alia – Royal Jordanian Airlines HQ, Royal Jordan Airlines, P/C Management, US$ 15.5M, 2008. Global Investment House HQ, Global Investment House, P/C Management, US$ 4.3M, 2007. Jordinvest Project, Jordan Investment Trust, P/C Management, US$ 2.8M, 2007. Egypt Nasr City Centre, Egyptian Emirates Malls Group, P/C Management, US$ 100M, 2010. Nozha City Centre, Egyptian Emirates Malls Group, P/C Management, US$ 62M, 2010. Moutain View I and II, Mountain View, PMO, US$ 52M, 2010. Vodafone Smart Horizon C3 Bldg., Vodafone Egypt, P/C Management, US$ 40M, 2007. Safir Cairo Hotel Renovation, Safir Cairo Hotel Co., P/C Management, US$ 14M, 2008. Kuwait Diplomatic HQ, Kuwait Real Estate Investment Consortium (KREIC), P/ C Management, US$ 12M, 2007. Safir Zamalek Hotel Renovation, Safir Zamalek Hotel Co., P/C Management, US$ 12M, 2007. Rehab Office Bldg., Kuwaiti Egyptian Investment Co., P/C Management, US$ 2.1M, 2008. Abu Rawash Land Parcillation, Kuwaiti Egyptian Investment Co., P/C Management, US$ 1M, 2007. Bosnia Gorazde-Sarajevo Road-Feasibility Study & Preliminary Design, Federal Road Directorate, Feasibility Study, 2007. Lebanon Beirut Gate, Abu Dhabi Investment House, P/C Management, US$ 700M, 2009. Beirut Garden, Star Property & Tourist Dev., P/C Management, US$ 2.5M, 2008. World Bank HQ, World Bank, P/C Management, US$ 2M, 2007. Fouladfard Residence, Mrs. Fatima El-Abed, P/C Management, US$ 1.8M, 2007. Palestine Doha Sports City (Under Jordan office), QNOC, P/C Management, US$ 6M, 2008. Syria Yafour Garden, Urban Development Group, P/C Management, US$ 125M, 2009. Kuwait Diplomats Residence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P/C Management, US$ 57.4M, 2008. Yafour Hospital, Intern’l Medical Centre, P/C Management, US$ 25M, 2008. Bulgaria Kuwait Diplomatic Mission Complex, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P/C Management, US$ 12M, 2007. Spain Kuwait Diplomatic Mission Complex, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P/C Management, US$ 16M, 2007. Pakistan Karachi Financial Tower, Enshaa NlC, P/C Management, US$ 120M, 2009. Libya Palm City Residence, Palm City Ltd., Cost Consulting, US$ 97.5M, 2008. Al-Wadi Al-Sharqi, Tameer, P/C Management, US$ 1M, 2007. Morocco Renovation of Farah Casablanca Hotel, Farah el Maghreb, P/C Management, US$ 20M, 2007. CMKD New Hotel in Tanger, CMKD, P/C Management, US$ 20M, 2008. Al-Qudra New Office, Al-Qudra Real Estate, P/C Management, US$ 850K, 2007. Technical consultancy for Farah Golden Tulip Hotels, Farah el Maghreb, Technical Consultancy, 2007. Tozeur Stadium, Qatar National Olympic Committee, P/C Management, US$ 1M, 2007. LEGEND: /05& "-- 0/(0*/( 130+&$5 %&5"*-4 -*45&% "#07& "3& */ 5)&'0--08*/(03%&3130+&$5/".&$-*&/54$01& 0'4&37*$&41307*%&%$0/4536$5*0/7"-6&"/%&4 5*."5&%$0.1-&5*0/%"5& 3&(*0/"-)*()-*()54"/%130+&$5%&5"*-4"3&46# +&$550$)"/(& ."3$) */5&37*&88*5) -6":,)063: 13&4*%&/5"/%$&0 n an interview with Mr. Luay Khoury, President and CEO, he gave us his thoughts on Projacs’ success and the challenges for the company in the future. With over 500 full-time staff working from 14 offices in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe, Mr. Luay believes Projacs is acknowledged as the largest pan-Arab project and construction management company to provide the full array of project and construction management services to its clients, from pre-design through design, tender and construction and into the post-construction stage. He believes that of equal importance, is Projacs’ record as a pioneer in the training field. Each year, Projacs conducts over 300 public and in-house training programs in project management, engineering, general management and leadership topics. Mr. Luay maintains that Projacs has earned the respect of its clients by providing them with quality professional services whilst working as an extension of their own teams. On any new project, client satisfaction is our mission and we spare no efforts or resources to realize it. It is this attitude that, over the years, has created repeat clients who consider Projacs their first choice. Although we compete in the market with many good companies, according to Mr. Luay our formula for success is simple - Projacs employs qualified staff from 24 nationalities who work as a coherent team to further the best interests of our clients. We provide state-of-the-art creative systems and solutions bearing in mind the culture of our client and the particulars of the country where the project is located. We understand our client’s culture and demonstrate it through our service provision. $0..6/*26² When asked his opinion on some of the key challenges facing our industry today, Mr. Luay identified the following: • An over heated construction market • Creating sustainable career opportunities • Finding and hiring qualified engineers and project managers These need to be taken into account in Projacs’ growth plan. With over 14 regional offices, the latest being the new Syria office, Projacs continues to expand. Mr. Luay noted that recently we have won projects in Libya, Pakistan and Oman and we intend to invest in building a future for Projacs in these countries. He outlined the current plan for the evolution of Projacs as two-fold: • To kick-start our business plan, that will take Projacs to new heights, by investing in new related businesses and nonreal estate industries. This will include oil and gas, power and water, environmental engineering and master planning. • To complete all the legal and administrative requirements to introduce an Employee Share Option Plan where valued staff will have the chance to own a stake in Projacs. With the boom in construction in the Gulf region, facilities management services are coming to the fore and this is an area that compliments our existing services. Mr. Luay believes that facilities management is a natural extension to Projacs’ construction management services. He observed that we have successfully completed three facilities management assignments in Kuwait and Qatar, developed international alliances in this field and most importantly created a core team able to serve our clients on future projects. He explained that it is intended to continue investing in our resources and capabilities in facilities management and to develop this into one of our core services. Commenting on Projacs participation in many global events and conferences, such as Cityscape Dubai, Mr. Luay acknowledged that the Cityscape conferences have given us a great visibility among our clients and competitors over the past few years. He aims to continue to improve our stand, to make it more vibrant and to present the true image of Projacs, and to encourage our Business Development and Area Managers to participate in events in order to represent the company on the stand and to network with other participants in the industry. Mr. Luay is motivated by the continuous challenges he faces on a daily basis that require creative thinking and out-of-thebox solutions. In looking forward to future challenges in 2007, there are several key issues on his agenda, the most important of which are: • To complete the restructuring process that started last year • To initiate the business plan for investing in new related businesses • To create an intranet through which all staff can exchange information and experiences in real-time collaborative mode • To implement an in-house training program that has already been approved and will start in March 2007 • To maintain a positive growth Reflecting on the driving force behind the success of Projacs over the past 23 years Mr. Luay explained, ‘We are practicing what we believe in and we enjoy what we do’. Sports City Appreciation n December 2006, Qatar staged the best, biggest and most widely reported Asian Games ever. The Games brought together 10,500 athletes from 45 nations and territories whose sporting triumphs were watched by 750,000 spectators. Some 50,000 of these packed the revamped Khalifa Stadium, part of the Sports City Project, to see the stunning opening and closing ceremonies that hit the headlines world-wide. I at the Sports City Project. He declared that such efforts and contributions to the works before and during the Asian Games were highly recognized as one of the many reasons of the Sports City’s share in the success of the Asian Games. Congratulations to Mr. Nabil Mango, Dr. Haris Deen, Dr. Ammar Hazeem, Mr. Sami Soubra, Mr. Frederick Joseph, Mr. Amre Al Serafi, Mr. Hussain Deen, Mrs. Avie Batusta, Mr. Edwardo Martinez, Mr. Roy Bradley, Mr. Nindica, Mr. Fouz, Mr. Paul Gabriel, Mr. Sami Ragheb, Mr. Ameen Azwar, Mrs. Fathima Ahmed, their colleagues from ASCO and the rest of the Sports City Project team who can justifiable be proud of their contribution to this outstanding project and its lasting legacy in Qatar! Mr. Nabil Mango, Technical Director and Project Manager, received a certificate of appreciation on behalf of Projacs International, from the Project Director, Mr Hilal Al Kuwari for the efforts made by all the staff and teams in the provision of consultancy services Projacs Expands in Damascus join Projacs Syria during 2007. P rojacs International is pleased to announce the opening of a new branch office in Damascus, Syria. In taking this step, Projacs is responding to the current growth and needs of both its present and future clients in the country. This office will also compliment neighbouring offices in Jordan and Lebanon. The new office will initially comprise of a team of three professionals headed by Mr. Ayman Darouich as Operations Manager. He is joined by Mr. Khaled Kahale, Business Development Manager and Ms. Nisreen Al Said, Secretary. Recruitment of a team of professional engineers is ongoing and Ayman expects a minimum of 12 employees to When asked why the office is opening now, Ayman remarked that currently there is a shortage of dwellings, office space, retail space and other building types in Syria but that in the last year many projects have been announced. He also revealed that Syria is making changes in its laws to encourage international investors into the construction market. This will lead to a major boom in the future and there are already several mega projects expected to be launched over the next few years. Projacs Syria will therefore be established and in a position to participate in these major construction projects. Projacs is currently involved in three projects in Syria; residential buildings for the Kuwait Embassy staff, an international hospital and Yafour Gardens, a mixed use development. ."3$) THE PEARL PROJECT Qatar’s Riviera-style man-made island 5 he Pearl - Qatar, a Riviera-style man-made island developed in an exclusive environment in Doha covering 400 hectares of reclaimed land, is Qatar’s first international real estate venture and the first to offer international investors freehold. The mega project is the biggest single development of its kind to be undertaken in Doha for many years. Its impact on both the physical and economic environment of the city will be significant. When completed, it aims to be the premier residential, shopping and tourist location in the region. Projacs International is the Project Management/Construction Management (PM/CM) firm representing two developers in the Pearl - Qatar Mega Project. Mr. Robert Perkins, Senior Project Manager, represents Projacs on three projects for First Qatar Real Estate whilst Mr. Ayman Badr, Project Manager, represents Projacs on a project for the General Retirement and Pension Authority (GRPA). These projects form part of a master development created by United Development Company (UDC). The Pearl - Qatar is a four phase mixed use development comprising 10 distinct, themed districts to be developed over five years. These include beach front villas, elegant town houses, luxury apartments, exclusive penthouses, 5-star hotels, marinas, $0..6/*26² schools as well as upscale retail and restaurant offerings. It is the intention of UDC to make The Pearl - Qatar a unique living and cultural experience that integrates the best of Qatar’s past and present. A primary objective is to incorporate a diversity of high quality living environments from high-end luxury villa living with private sandy beaches, to fashionable apartment style accommodation with sweeping views of the sea. Capitalizing on a pristine environment that includes 30 kilometers of water frontage and lush landscaping, the island will host a range of first class retail, leisure and tourist facilities. Diversity in accommodation options and themes and a variety of experiences have been key objectives in the master planning effort for the Pearl. The strategic importance of the development is reinforced by a decree issued on June 6, 2004 by the Emir of Qatar, his highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, allowing property owners to apply for a residency visa upon the purchase of a property. This visa will include dependent children and is valid until the resale of the property. The Pearl will be configured around three major bays or coves accessible to larger craft, each with a central island and distinctive character. The coves comprise the three largest precincts on the island and are described below. Porto Arabia: This is a mixed-use development with a continuous boardwalk and private marinas offering 400 berths. Residential developments will feature restaurants, leisure, entertainment and retail features at ground level with townhouses above. A bridge will link to the central island, Marsa Arabia, on which will be located a major hotel. Detailed design work has been completed for this precinct. Projacs is managing the construction of three towers in this district. Viva Bahriyah: This precinct contains exclusive residential towers fronting a continuous beach. Projacs is managing the construction of two towers in this area. The site also contains shopping and services, community and sports facilities and a marina. The central island, Viva Centrale, will again be the location of a hotel, linked to the main body of the Pearl by a causeway. Costa Fayrouz: This villa community is planned as a landscaped, buffered single-family residential development surrounding the cove. A hotel, spa and fitness center will occupy the island in the center of the cove accessible via a causeway. The villas around the entire length of the bay shoreline have direct access to the beach surrounding the bay. There are also a number of other residential precincts. Abraj Quartier: This precinct is at the entrance to the island and contains the tallest of the residential towers. There are a total of seven towers planned within a low rise development of apartment and townhouses. Projacs is managing the project for one of these towers. “I am proud to be Projacs’ Senior Manager for these projects. Sometimes you get lucky and it appears that’s the case this time. The project is a challenge, but my team is very professional and supportive, and we share the load – and glory! Working with my Client is enjoyable as they are concerned about this, their first project, and want it to be a success. They are both supportive and at the same time listen to our excellent advice. I hope this is the beginning of a long and profitable relationship with First Qatar.” 3PCFSU1FSLJOT4FOJPS1SPKFDU.BOBHFS 1SPKBDT*OUFSOBUJPOBM The Garden Villas: This precinct is a residential villa development within a parkland setting. Beach Villas: Beach villas occur to both the north and south of the Pearl with three distinct neighborhoods on each coast. The villas, depending upon their location have beaches of varying character. Qanat Quartier: This precinct, with its Venetian character, is a residential development planned around canals and plazas. The canals will be spanned by road and footbridges of varying length. Isola Dana: This area is a string of very exclusive islands offering the largest residential plots within the Pearl. There are a total of nine individual islands connected by a private road. Each palatial villa will have a private beach and harbor. The Garden Townhouses: This precinct is a residential townhouses development. The estimated residential population of the Pearl - Qatar is more than 40,000. Consequently, a number of local level ."3$) “Projacs objective is to convey a message to all the parties involved in the construction industry that management is the mix of art, analysis and control necessary to implement and accomplish the Client’s business and achieve targets.” "ZNBO#BES1SPKFDU.BOBHFS 1SPKBDT*OUFSOBUJPOBM facilities are to be developed within the layout to serve this population in addition to the main leisure, entertainment and shopping precincts. Initially these facilities will include a retail park, schools, health facilities, police and fire departments within the landscaped parkland areas. Naturally a fully developed infrastructure network to serve all areas is provided. The internal road network contains within its right-of-way the electrical distribution network including substation, street lighting, telecommunication, water supply, surface water drainage, irrigation networks and water storage lakes, sewerage systems, district cooling and solid waste disposal system. Robert Perkins is the Senior Project Manager leading three projects for First Qatar Real Estate Development Company. These projects comprise the construction of four towers located in different areas of the Pearl. The value of these three projects, including project management and consultancy fees, is between US$350-400 million. A definitive construction estimate cannot be given since the design for the third project is not yet complete.The first project is a 27 storey residential tower, with podium, in Porto Arabia which is currently under construction by QACC. This construction is expected to complete by August 2008. The second project is the construction of twin 25+ storey residential towers, with podiums, located in the Viva Bahriyah section of the Pearl. This project is nearly ready to issue tenders for piling and main works with the design documents due shortly from the engineer. The project is also in the process of space planning redesign which is being performed by EHAF Consulting Engineers to change the marketing mix of the project. The project is scheduled to take twenty-four months including the tender period. The third project is a 48+ story residential tower in the Abraj Quartier section. The design was to be issued by the master developer, UDC, last December, but is now not expected until after June 2007. This project has a schedule of thirty months from issue of the construction documents. As is sometimes the case assumptions made when the proposal was put together do not match the reality as scheduled release dates change. Projacs proposal was based on completion in mid to late 2010. However, if the design documents for the third project are ready in June, then work could finish late in 2009. The original plan to have the first two of the projects running parallel may change if the third project design comes out early. All three projects will then overlap for about a year and staff will need to be flexible. Robert currently has ten Projacs staff and expects to employ between sixteen and eighteen at the peak. His expert team currently comprises: Abdulfattah Alsabassi, Construction Manager; Osama Fahmy, Senior Architect and Engineering Manager; Jorge Ordona, Senior Electrical Engineer; Nabil El-Mughrabi, Senior Mechanical Engineer; Abdulsamee Abu Khalaf, Project Engineer; Tarek Henedak, Senior Planner; Mohammed Nor, Senior Quantity Surveyor; Jennifer Enriquez, Document Controller; and Manolo (Manny) Reyes, Planning and Document Control. Ayman Badr is the Project Manager leading the project for GRPA. This project covers the 'SPNMFGUUPSJHIU.BOOZ3FZFT"CEVMGBUUBI"MTBCBTTJ.PIBNNFE 3F[B/PS+FOOJGFS&OSJRVF[+PSHF0SEPOB3PCFSU1FSLJOT0TBNB 'BINZ5BSFL)FOFEBL/BCJM&M.VHISBCJ"CEVMTBNFF"CVLIBMBG 'JSTUSPXGSPNSJHIU.PIBNNBE,BSLPVUJ"ZNBO#BES3BPVG 4IBEJE+VMJBO#MBZ 4FDPOESPXGSPNSJHIU3BN[J2VNTJBI.PIBNNBE4IBmL3PTB MJOB0SEPOB $0..6/*26² construction of two residential towers located in the Porto Arabia precinct of the Pearl. Each tower is 28 storey comprising 4 parking levels, a mezzanine, an amenity floor, 20 residential floors and one mechanical floor. The value of the two towers, including project management and consultancy fees, is between US$ 180-200 million. GRPA originally assigned Projacs International as the PM / CM for the project. However, Projacs has now also managed the re-design works for GRPA to increase the sellable number of units for these towers. The Projacs team divided the project into two packages to expedite the construction and save time. Package 1, the pilling works and sundry items, has already completed for both towers during the management of the re-design works. Package 2, the super structure works and external works, is now in the tender stage. Work is planned to commence in April 2007 for the duration of eighteen months. The Projacs team includes sixteen employees to manage and supervise the project. The key staff assisting Ayman are: Mohamad Shafik, Construction Manager; Faris Farah, Contracts Administrator Manager; Mohamad Karkouti, Senior Architect; Raouf Shadid, Senior Electrical Engineer; Ramzi Qumsiah, Senior Mechanical Engineer; and Rosalina Ordona, Document Controller. BARSHA BOUTIQUE OFFICES Submitted by Dima Qumsieh BBO is a 7-story-high mixed-use building which hopes to be the first building in its area to add liveliness to what is currently a homogeneous residential development. The building will provide a variety of pertinent and much needed commerce in the neighborhood, which will include, amongst others, a “Barsha branch” for a bank and a bistro/café, both of which will occupy the prime locations along the front façade. The ground floor will be easily accessible to the public via two elegant colonnaded galleries (perspective) which shelter the pedestrian to the building entrance: A glazed double-storey high rotunda! The building also offers quality office space with floor-toceiling fenestration provided selectively and tastefully. An interesting feature within the office spaces is the “the serviced office” concept which consists of offices to be rented out on a very short-term basis, offices which are fully furnished and equipped with all office support services required for a smooth and successful business operation. This is a new and hot trend in Dubai’s market. As we see an incredible influx of corporations lining up to participate in this construction frenzy and city boom, there’s an increased demand to provide serviced office spaces to allow them to ‘test the water’ so to speak. Also incorporated are interesting features such as state-ofthe-art conference facilities which will include video-conferencing. The rooftop will feature an exercise gym available for the tenants, which can also be offered to the neighboring villas on a membership basis given that the neighborhood lacks such an essential facility. Other rooftop features will include a cigar lounge with a panoramic view overlooking the whole region and an outdoor garden terrace, the perfect place to unwind after a long productive work day. ."3$) Interview Ashraf Al-Garf with Executive VP – Operations Almost one year ago, Mr. Ashraf Al-Garf, was appointed as Executive VP – Operations for Projacs International. At that time, Projacs International was merging with Projacs Kuwait and one of his first major challenges was to standardize operations, procedures and systems between different Projacs offices. He also had the task of assisting the CEO in establishing Projacs new manual, organization chart, grading system and career paths. Having completed these tasks in 2006, he has kindly taken some time out of his hectic schedule to discuss key questions regarding the growth envisaged for Projacs International and the challenges for operations arising from this. Ashraf believes that Projacs’ key selling points in today’s international project management market place are firmly based on its staff. The commitment of our senior management and our employment of personnel of the highest caliber, with a wide pool of resources and local market experience, already provide us with a strong regional presence. Our commitment to state of the art PMCS systems and our provision of ongoing training and career development opportunities ensure our staff are always leaders in their field. Ashraf maintains that every employee’s prime responsibility is to meet or exceed our customer’s expectations at every point of the project. We spare no efforts to satisfy our customer’s needs and he believes this makes Projacs a leader in the industry. In 2006, Projacs submitted 274 proposals for different types of 150 Projacs Staff 3 1984 3 Employees $0..6/*26² 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 150 Employees 1995 services. We secured 69 new projects, a success rate of 25%. Some of the most prominent of these projects expected to complete in 2007 are Sports City in Qatar, the Fahaheel Water Front, Manshar Complex and Rotana Hotel in Kuwait, Ain Adhari in Bahrain, King Abdul Aziz and his Companions Foundation for the Gifted in Riyadh, Le Meridian Hotel in Mecca, Sharjah Airport Redevelopment, Emirates Financial Towers in Dubai, Al-Noor Hospital in Abu Dhabi, the Kuwait Diplomatic HQ in Cairo, Tozeur Stadium in Tunis and Sekneen Stadium in Palestine. These projects cover a wide range of countries and locations in the Middle East and North Arica. However, Ashraf expects Projacs to further expand its presence internationally. He remarked that currently we are in the process of establishing our office in Pakistan and also establishing Projacs Oman. There are ongoing studies into opportunities in India, South Africa and Australia. It is hoped that, in 2007, at least one of these areas will also become operational. Naturally this leads to the question of the difficulty in managing operations for such an increasing number of regional and international offices and projects. Ashraf’s answer to this is simple. If you have the right people, the right systems and the right procedures, then these provide a distinct advantage in managing such a global operation. However, with these now in place, he has identified that the main issue this year will be recruitment. Finding the best people and qualified resources, to handle our rapid expansion in both our existing offices and into new locations, is a major challenge for Projacs. If you have the right “people, the right systems and the right procedures, then these provide a distinct advantage in managing such a global operation. ” Within this evolving environment, Ashraf confirmed that Projacs will maintain its focus on adopting new technologies and trends arising within our industry when they provide benefits to us by enhancing or simplifying our operations. There will be a continuing focus on training and the development of existing employees so that they are able to use these technologies and techniques to gain advantage in their daily work. Clearly 2007 is likely to be another challenging year for Ashraf. We wish him every success and look forward to updating you about Projacs International ventures into new countries in a future issue of Communiqué. 500 400 350 250 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 250 Employees 2001 2002 350 Employees 2003 2004 2005 400 Employees 2006 2007 500 Employees ."3$) A NEW CORPORATE CULTURE PROFILING THE CORPORATE OFFICE Purpose Our Corporate Office works at the heart of Projacs to ensure that the company develops and maintains the highest quality processes and outputs. We interact with all of our regional offices across the Gulf, Middle East, North Africa and Europe to fully maximize success and operational excellence. Members of the corporate office ensure that all employees are acquainted with company standards and procedures and provide support as and when needed. About Projacs Corporate Office After the merger of various Projacs’ offices in 2005, the need to streamline operations and maintain standards arose, thus the concept of the corporate office was realized. Over the past year, along with Ernst & Young, the management of Projacs developed Projacs’ new corporate structure. This defines the roles and duties of its business units as well as communication and reporting procedures. To maximize the full potential of the corporate office, all area managers must abide by the reporting requirements that are set by the corporate office from time to time. Area managers can nominate qualified staff to participate as members in the various committees that the corporate office has formed. Area Managers and their nominated staff are requested to maintain close liaison with the corporate busi- The corporate office is made up of two distinct divisions that embody 11 business units. The first division is the Core Corporate Functional Units that include: • • • • • • PMCS/Solutions Contracts and QS Facilities Management Design Review and Value Engineering Training and Development Business Development The second division is the Core Corporate Support Units that include: • • • • • Marketing and PR Information Technology Human Resources and Career Development Finance and Accounting Admin and Logistics .FFUTPNFPGPVS DPSQPSBUFTUBGG +PMFOF4JFECBME &YFD"TTUUP1SFT$&0 ness unit heads to seek advice and support. It is our intention to fully integrate corporate office with each territory at the operational level where members of the corporate team will be continuously visiting the various Projacs’ offices and interact with Area and Operations Managers on a daily basis. The objective is to perform internal audits thus ensuring that Projacs’ services are performed in a professional manner and that clients are satisfied. Structure of the Corporate Office Projacs’ corporate office is currently run under the supervision of the President/CEO to ensure full commitment and support. With over 500 professional employees in 14 regional offices, staff report to their designated regional Operations and Area Managers who in turn report to the corporate office through the Executive Vice President for Operations/COO. $0..6/*26² "CCBT'TTBJ )FBEPG'JOBODF"DDU6OJU Other business units may be created in the future to cater for business expansion and improved corporate control (See Corporate Organization Structure). Location Although Projacs’ corporate office is located in Bahrain, where the President/CEO resides, our corporate group has staff based in several countries including Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE. Business Units and Their Roles To gain a better understanding of the roles and duties of the various business units and who-is-who in the corporate office, you may contact your local Area Manager or any of the heads of the corporate business units. You may also refer to Projacs’ website for the latest news and developments from corporate office. OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (OEC) 13&4*%&/5 $)*&'&9&$65*7&0' '*$&3$&0 &9&$65*7&71 '*/"/$& &9&$65*7&71 01&3"5*0/4 Organizational Structure #0"3%0' %*3&$5034 SHAREHOLDERS INTERNAL AUDIT MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY &9&$65*7&71 )3"%.*/ "3&"01&3"5*0/4 ."/"(&34 MARKETING & PR UNIT PMCS/ SOLUTIONS UNIT CONTRACTS & QS UNIT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT FACILITIES MANAGEMENT UNIT HR & CAREER DEVELOPMENT UNIT ALL REGIONAL OFFICES AND STAFF DESIGN REVIEW/VE UNIT FINANCE & ACCOUNTING UNIT ADMIN & LOGISTICS UNIT TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT UNIT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT UNIT 3BOB"CEVMMB )FBEPG)3$BSFFS%FW6OJU :BSB"CEVMMB 0GmDF.BOBHFS$IBJSNBOT0GmDF PROJACS T & D +PIO+PTFQI #VTJOFTT%FWFMPQNFOU0GmDFS#BISBJO Our Training & Development Group Projacs was one of the first companies in the Gulf to recognize the benefits to clients of professionally applied project and construction management techniques. With it, Training and Development came into existence to further enhance and optimize the construction industry’s awareness of Project Management. Today, Projacs sponsors and conducts local and international seminars and conferences covering ‘management’ amongst a wide range of topics and subjects. attendees, resulting in Projacs now being the most qualified and successful training and development companies in the Gulf region, the Middle East, as well as other parts of the world. The majority of Projacs courses are accredited by professional institutes and international universities. Projacs trainers are considered ‘authorities’ in their field and practitioners at the same time, with experience in the Middle East and internationally. More than 1,500 training programs and conferences presented by over 350 trainers for over 30,000 professional w w w. P roj a c s Tra i n i n g . c o m ."3$) PROJCAS JORDAN Close up to Our Jordan Office P rojacs International opened its office in Amman in 2002 with a staff of three. It now employs fourteen and according to Mr. Basel Abdellatif, Assistant VP and Operations Manager, is recognized in Jordan as a first class and leading Project Management firm providing full professional construction management services from inception to completion. In an interview with Communiqué, Basel described the construction boom in Jordan as being mainly driven by an increased demand on real estate, considered by most local and foreign investors as a valuable investment opportunity providing fast return. This increase, due to the boom in oil prices in the Gulf, has generated an increase in liquidity and helped create wider middle and upper classes in Jordan. Iraqi immigrants have also contributed to the continuous demand on real estate. Jordan’s security and stability as well as efforts made by the Government Basel Abdellatif Asst. VP and Operations Manager Jordan $0..6/*26² to attract investors are leading to huge investments in the country. Projacs Jordan has been awarded some of the most prestigious projects in Amman over the last year including: Capital Tower: This project, for Capital Bank, is currently in the design phase. It is located on a prime piece of land forming part of the Abdali Regeneration Project in central Amman. The development is a core and shell structure comprising of three buildings, a 51 floor tower, two 7 and 8 storey low rise buildings and underground parking with a gross built up area of 142,230 m². Projacs is working on this project in a joint venture with Arabtech Jardaneh, a first class local consultant, to provide project management and supervision services. A highly Jordan Staff Hakam Shafiq Shaheen Planning & Scheduling Engineer Hasan O.H.Zain Architect Jamal Al-Jendasi Senior Structural Engineer Lama Habash Planning Engineer Mahmoud Khalil Rizik Senior Electrical Engineer Moh’d Yousef Al-Soudani Project Manager - Sr. Mech. Engineer Nabil I. Najjar Project Manager Nidal Ershid Design Manager-Architect Tarik Atiyeh Project Manager Diana S.N. Al-Tamimi Assistant Document Controller Rowaida Al-Amoush Secretary Shukri Yousef HR & Administration Coordinator qualified joint team has been created from both firms lead by Mr. Nabil Najjar as the Project Manager. Jordan Gate: This project, for Gulf Finance House, is in the construction phase. It is a futuristic development comprising two high-rise towers connected to a shopping mall and a services area. It is built on a plot of land of around 28,500 m² and together these buildings will encompass a built up area of approximately 220,000 m². The Projacs team comprises 5 employees Royal Village: This is another project for Gulf Finance House. It is composed of a client relation center building, luxury villas, standard villas, town houses, commercial core and shell mixed use area, apartment buildings, car parking, roads, landscaping, infrastructure and services areas. The Projacs team of professionals on this project is led by our Project Manager, Mr. Tarek Attiyeh. Abdali Sector 5D: This project is part of the Abdali Urban Regeneration Project (Sector 5D) for the Corporate Finance House. It is composed of three commercial buildings, an open space piazza and underground parking. The project, currently in pre-design phase, is being managed by Mr. Basel Abdellatif and will include a team of Projacs professionals from all engineering disciplines. Jordinvest Project: The Project Manager, Mr. Mohammad Al-Soudani, will be supported by a team of engineers operating from the Amman Head Office. The project for Jordan Investment Trust is located along the airport road (not more than 200 m from the 7th Circle roundabout). The plot of land overlooks the airport road on one side and a 12 m wide commercially utilized road on the other with a backyard of 360 m² in area. The project comprises an existing 9 storey building (approximately 3000 m²) and a new building to be built on a plot of land 300 m². The total built up area of the new building is not yet determined. These projects demonstrate that Projacs Jordan has built a considerable reputation within a relatively brief period. Basel cites a number of major selling points that have contributed to our success. Projacs International has an excellent reputation as the largest Arabic professional project management company and has a highly regarded performance and success record in the Middle East and Jordan. Projacs actively participates in local and regional forums and builds close relationships with highly reputed local consultants and professionals in Jordan. In addition, Projacs ensures its employees are fully aware of the Jordanian construction market and its particulars. The support and experience from other Projacs support units is invaluable and provides Projacs Jordan with a distinct advantage in the market place. Our ability to provide highly motivated and trained construction management specialists and distinguished pre-construction services are further advantages in the Jordanian construction market. However, high direct costs and the fact that our major competitor in Jordan is registered as a contractor, and is therefore not obliged to pay sales tax, means that our competitor is able to obtain a price edge over us. Since joining Projacs in 1998, Basel feels he has gained exceptionally good experience in implementing construction management theories and general practices on construction projects operating under variable and sometimes extreme conditions. Projacs has also provided him with the opportunity to live and work in different countries and thus interact with people of different backgrounds, to understand and appreciate new cultures and learn new languages. BaseI feels that working for Projacs has not only contributed to making him a better professional but also a more rounded human being. Basel feels that the support and continuous appreciation of his work by Projacs senior management and his feeling of responsibility towards his subordinates are significant motivating factors is his daily work. As well as exploring new opportunities and markets in Jordan and improving the skills of his staff throughout the coming year, Basel wants to achieve the goal of making Projacs Jordan the number one choice for local and foreign investors in Jordan in 2007. We congratulate him and all the staff at Projacs Jordan for the successful establishment of the office and their superb team successes over such a short time. We wish them another fruitful year! $BQJUBM5PXFS "NNBO+PSEBO ."3$) PROJACS Strikes Gold at PMI-AGC 11th International Conference On Feb 13-15 2007, Projacs participated as a gold sponsor in the PMI-AGC 11th International Conference in Bahrain. With the theme, Gulf Mega Investments and Fourth Annual PROJACS Retreat Following the success of our previous three annual retreats, we are pleased to announce that planning for this year’s event is underway. As for previous retreats, participants will be chosen for their dedication, hard work and successful achievements over the past year. Opportunities, the conference and exhibition drew more than 60 companies from North America, Europe and the Middle East to showcase their latest products, services and technologies. Projacs presence at this prestigious exhibition was managed by the Bahrain office led by Mr. Nasser Kanaan, VP and Area Manager, Bahrain. Our 6m² stand generated much interest from conference participants and our congratulations go to Mr. Nasser, and all the Bahrain office staff, for their successful participation and sponsorship at this prominent event. The event will focus on giving staff, from Projacs offices world-wide, the opportunity to network in a friendly relaxed atmosphere as well as learning more about Projacs activities and services. Senior executives from Projacs will be on hand to celebrate the company’s achievements and to share their vision and future strategic goals for the company. Leading experts will also be presenting lectures on various topics from project management to business related skills. No doubt there will be some friendly rivalry in the now well established sports tournaments but we can be sure there will be plenty of time to relax and enjoy the usual high standards of dining and entertainment arranged by the retreat organizers. NEW STAFF Name Title Joining Date Kuwait Name Title Joining Date Syria Reham Kadri Senior Architect 1/21/07 Khaled Kahale Business Development Mngr 11/1/06 Fadi Mohammed Sharaf Senior Electrical Engineer 2/4/07 Nisreen Al-Said Secretary 1/7/07 Contract Administrator 11/1/06 Egypt Hussam El-Hakim Libya Project/Design Manager 11/1/06 Hazem Ghouname Project Coordinator 12/1/06 Yasser Mubarak PCS Manager 12/3/06 Mikael Andersson Project Manager 1/8/07 Tarek Mostafa Project Manager 2/1/07 Lebanon Krystel Ashkar Office Deputy 1/4/07 M.D.Munawar AliSenior Quantity Surveyor 2/5/07 Husam Abdel Halim Hamdi Project Manager 2/6/07 Basim SheikhFiled Mechanical Engineer 2/6/07 K.S.A- Western Region Mechanical Inspector 2/5/07 U.A.E Adrian Gica Mihailescu $0..6/*26² ANNOUNCEMENT New office Sharjah Office 2/4/072 Syria Office 1/1/07 Obtaining a special certificate Mohammad Soudani K.S.A- Central Region Muhammad Afzal Ashraf Moss’ad El-Kheshen Senior Manager - MEP 2/7/07 PMP certification Jordan Staff Promotion Lama Habash to IT supervisor Relocation Ayman Darouich transferred from Dubai to Syria 1/1/07 Martin Schoukens relocated to Abu Dhabi (3DI+PI) 1/15/07 Nihad Husseini relocated from Qatar to Bahrain 2/1/074 Nizar Awwad transferred from Dubai to Jordan 1/7/07 face face .FFUTPNFPGPVSTUBGG Name: Hassan A. Nasereddin Title: Senior Project Manager Projacs Office Location: Kuwait What do you do at Projacs? I am working with Projacs as a Project Manager for Symphony Complex Project, its one of Projacs prestigious Projects in Kuwait, a $ 130 Millions Mixed Use development contains a 5 stars Hotel, Commercial Mall and an Office Tower. What do you enjoy most about your job? I am enjoying my current assignment , it represents a challenging mission over my long career in mega projects construction, the Project parties contains many different consultants and contractors in multi packages system, where PROJACS team has to coordinate and manage all project parties. What are your goals? I am ambitious to reach a successful completion of this project in regards to time, cost and quality , due to its potential importance as a landmark in the state of Kuwait and to be add it to the list of many successful projects managed by PROJACS. Name: Adelito Bunyi Title: Asst. V.P. - Contracts Projacs Office Location: Bahrain What do you do at Projacs? I provide contract administration (contract management, contract monitoring, cost engineering, cost control and quantity surveying) support to any regional office or to any specific project in a particular regional area. I also undertake assigned projects involving provision of contract consultancy services (claims preparation or analysis, etc.). What do you enjoy most about your job? I like the idea that a well-done contract forms the framework for a sucessful project, so it is like laying a good base for a building to stand on. A base with voids in it will jeopardise the building stability, similarly a contract with ambiguities will most likely cause dispute. What are your goals? My immediate goals are to get Cost and Contract professional certifications, on the medium term to further hone my contract and cost knowledge, and on the long term to achieve post graduate degree in either the cost or contract field. Name: Nizar K. Awwad Title: Business Development Manager / T & D Group Projacs Office Location: Jordan What do you do at Projacs? I establish training agreements with speakers, prepare proposals and brochures, market training courses & coordinate conferences, and establish new training business in Jordan. What do you enjoy most about your job? That we are one family at PROJACS, and I continue to build both new professional and social relationships. What are your goals? To develop the training business in the region at the high quality level we perform. Name: Dima M. Qumsieh Title: Asst. Project Manager/Architecture Projacs Office Location: Dubai What do you do at Projacs? I ve participated in different stages of the design phase, and to a lesser degree the construction phase, of the Holiday Inn Express Hotel Chain in the Middle East. The hotels we ve worked on so far are all located in Dubai, UAE. I was directly involved in the planning of public areas and guestrooms, as well as procurement of architectural light fixtures. Specific Tasks include: design reviews, recording meeting minutes, weekly and monthly reports including cost management and risk analysis. I PM a mixed-use 7-storey high project in Al Barsha area called Barsha Boutique Offices. My involvement started just after the feasibility study and before the selection of an architect, whom I participated in selecting. Because of the project s manageable scale, I have had a direct involvement in every aspect of it from contracts to design management, tender processes, feasibility of certain aspects, and most importantly managing every party involved which, thus far, has proved the most challenging. What do you enjoy most about your job? Unique Position. What I like about this field is that I stand in a unique position which allows me to be involved in detailed particulars of a given project, while maintaining a global overview. Tenders. I particularly enjoy tenders. Whether for the procurement of goods or tendering a scope of works, tendering is a fun process. I love people and believe in personal encounters, which is why I am quick to erase the line of formalities and make direct contact with each tenderer. You see, tenders are a great tool to network and build contacts, not to mention to stay acquainted with current market prices. The other aspect I find very enjoyable is the amount of technical knowhow which I acquire thanks to the experts I deal with! For example, in the School of Architecture, the entire field of Lighting Design was summed up in one course. Now, I can appreciate thedifference between an IP rating and its appropriate use. My Clients’ Trust. Perhaps it takes an initial leap of faith, even with the most reputed companies, by the Client to entrust the PM to 25 run his show. What I have found very rewarding in this field, so far, is gaining my Clients’ trust, through my thorough reports, my full transparency, my proving to them time and again that all is their best interest. This, I think, gives the ultimate power to run the project with confidence. ."3$) CONTACTS CORPORATE OFFICE P.O. Box 21674, Manama, Bahrain, Tel: +(973) 17 228066 Fax: +(973) 17 228099 Email: PROJACS KUWAIT P.O. Box 25944, Safat 13120, Kuwait Tel: +(965) 2439255 Fax: +(965) 2409897 Email: PROJACS SAUDI ARABIA P.O.Box 93401, Riyadh 11673, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: +(966) 1 4640345 Fax: +(966) 1 4658562 Email: PROJACS QATAR P.O. Box 7286 Doha, Qatar Tel: +(974) 4420902 Fax: +(974) 4420857 Email: PROJACS UAE P.O. Box 31155, Dubai, UAE Tel: +(971) 4 3432339 Fax: +(971) 4 3432098 Email: PROJACS EGYPT 20 Aisha Al-Taimoria St., Garden City, Cairo, Egypt Tel: +(202) 7924674/5/6 Fax: +(202) 7924672 Email: PROJACS BAHRAIN P.O. Box 21674, Manama, Bahrain Tel: +(973) 17 228066 Fax: +(973) 17 228099 Email: PROJACS JORDAN P.O.Box 1667 Um Alsamaq Amman, Jordan Tel: +(962) 6 5512351 / 5512651 Fax: +(962) 6 5512189 Email: PROJACS LEBANON Korniche Al-Mazraa, 3rd Floor, Khatib & Alami Building, Beirut, Lebanon Tel: +(961) 1 301741 / 2 Fax: +(961) 1 301743 Email: PROJACS IRAQ Tel: +(88) 216 77449262 Fax: +(88) 216 67222750 Email: PROJACS MOROCCO Al Haboos Bldg. Royal Army St., Casablanca, Morocco Tel: +(212) 22 304623 Fax: +(212) 22 543257 Email: PROJACS SYRIA 20 Al Salam Street, Bldg. 20, Mazzeh, P.O.Box: 12600 Damascus, Syria Tel: +(963) 11 611 0328 Fax: +(693) 11 611 0329 Email: XXXQSPKBDTDPN