2015 Rider Package - Grand River Hospital Foundation
2015 Rider Package - Grand River Hospital Foundation
RIDER PACKAGE Welcome! Grand River Hospital Foundaon is excited to welcome you to The Grand Ride 2015! The enclosed package will guide you through The Grand Ride Experience. Please review this rider package and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any quesons. A)er you are registered you will be able to create an online fundraising page. If you don’t have your password or login informaon, please contact Lauren at lauren.muir@grhosp.on.ca The Grand Ride Experience Before the Ride: • Bike your bike off for a tune up courtesy of Ziggy’s Cycle: Ziggy’s Cycle 417 King St W, Kitchener, ON N2G 1C2 Hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 7pm, Saturday 10 am to 5pm You may take your bike to Ziggy’s during regular business hours , just let the staff know that you have registered for The Grand Ride 2015. • You will receive a one of a kind team cycling jersey and shorts to wear on ride day • Friday night recepon at Langdon Hall (with live entertainment, silent and live aucon). Please visit www.thegrandride.ca for aucon item details. Addional items will be graciously accepted. Please contact the Foundaon at 519-749-4205 if you have an item to donate. Ride Day: • On-site mechanics to tune your bike to its maximum level of performance • Pre-ride breakfast • 75km and 120km ride routes on a professionally designed course through Waterloo Region • Post-ride BBQ and swim with the opon to invite three guests • Team dinner and post ride celebraon at the Huber Farm (rider and one guest) **Final schedule and direcons will be emailed to parcipants closer to the event. The Cause Funds raised from The Grand Ride 2015 will support local cancer programs and paent care at Grand River Regional Cancer Centre (GRRCC) for people in our community living with cancer. GRRCC is a regional leader in cancer care, providing the best access to radiaon therapy in the province, among the lowest wait mes for chemotherapy treatment and a new high-dose rate brachytherapy service. Tips for fundraising Here are some ps to help you put the FUN in fundraising . Just ask! • Ask everyone you know. Raising money to conquer cancer is an incredibly worthwhile undertaking and one you should take pride in. Tell your story! • Why are you connected to this cause? Share your story and why you are passionate about fundraising for paent care at GRRCC. Develop your fundraising plan • Decide who you are going to approach and your strategy for approaching each individual/organizaon. Consider your strengths • Focus on your strengths whether those are sending people leIers or approaching them face to face, do what makes you feel most comfortable. Understand your cause • Make sure you arculate why you are raising funds Make a commitment • Commit to making a contribuon as well. Your donors will noce when they look at your site that you have also made a donaon and this will help to inspire them. Thank your donors • Donors will appreciate the importance of their support and will be more likely to donate a second me if they feel good about supporng you. Need help with your online fundraising page or wring your story? We can help! Contact Lauren at lauren.muir@grhosp.on.ca or 519-749-4205 Sample Leer Dear Friends, On September 12th, I will be parcipang in The Grand Ride, a 120km ride in support of paent care at Grand River Regional Cancer Centre. Along with my commitment to ride, I have also commiIed to raising $5,000. I am reaching out to you today to ask if you will consider sponsoring me on my ride. The Grand River Regional Cancer Centre (GRRCC) is a regional leader in cancer care, providing the best access to radiaon therapy in the province, among the lowest wait mes for chemotherapy treatment and a new high-dose rate brachytherapy service. GRRCC has provided radiaon therapy to over 14,300 paents in 294,000 visits and chemotherapy to over 18,000 paents in 130,000 visits. I am parcipang in The Grand Ride because _____ My goal is to raise over my commitment of $5,000 by September 12. I am asking for your help to achieve this goal. As with all charitable donaons, tax receipts will be issued for contribuons of $15 and over. Thank you in advance, Name Thank you again for parcipang in The Grand Ride 2015. We are looking forward to sharing this experience with you. If you have any quesons or need assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us! See you on September 11 when we kick off the event at Langdon Hall. Lauren Muir lauren.muir@grhosp.on.ca 519-749-4300 ext. 3514 Karl Ball karl.ball@grhosp.on.ca 519-749-4300 ext. 2281