SCC Employee Essentials Guide - Scottsdale Community College
SCC Employee Essentials Guide - Scottsdale Community College
SCC Employee Essentials Guide A comprehensive resource for new and existing employees Scottsdale Community College The Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) is an EEO/AA institution and an equal opportunity employer of protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. Table of Contents Employee Essentials Welcome to SCC SCC Vision, Mission & Values SALT RIVER PIMA-Maricopa Indian Community SCC Acronyms, College Speak, and Definitions Computer and Technology Support How to Find MEID & Set or Change your MEID (Maricopa Enterprise ID) Password How to Set “My Profile” Directory Information Employee Resources Intranet Site Maricopa Google Apps for Employees (MCCCD Employee Email) Phones – Setting Personal Greeting & Voice Mail Message Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Maricopa NEC Phone System How to Submit a Helpdesk Ticket How to Submit a Maintenance (M & O) Helpdesk Ticket Human Resources - HCM HR Toolbox Webpage How to Print your Pay Advice (Paycheck) HCM – Accept/Approve an Assignments HCM – Absence Management Employee Absence Request Managers Approving Time & Absence Requests MCCCD Acknowledgement and Disclosure MCCCD Mandatory Training Compass – Healthcare Redefined TriageNow Instructions IT & HR January 2016 1 of 2 College Resources Business Support Services Academic Support Services Daily Buzz mySCC – Getting Started mySCC – Managing Files and Folders 25Live – Facility & Vehicle Scheduler SCC Campus Map and Building Names Restaurants near SCC SCC Copy Center – TRAC Solution: How to submit online copy requests College Safety Emergency Response Quick-Reference Guide Who Do I Call? - Public Safety Emergency Active Shooter Response Guide Residential and Adjunct Faculty Essentials How to Find MEID and Set or Change MEID Password – Adjunct Faculty Faculty Center Navigation SIS Faculty Center 45th Day Rosters Using the Class Roster Tool Google Apps for Employees – Create emails for Multiple Colleges Canvas – MCCCD Learning Management System Faculty Senate Representatives Adjunct Faculty Association IT & HR January 2016 2 of 2 Welcome to SCC Scottsdale Community College opened in the fall of 1969 and moved to our present location in the fall of 1970 with an enrollment of 948 students. The college’s enrollment has mirrored the rapid population growth in the area, and it currently serves approximately 17,000 credit and 8,000 non-credit students annually. While Scottsdale Community College has traditionally focused on a service area within six miles, increasing numbers of students from outside that area call SCC “their” community college. With a student population that closely mirrors the diversity of our service area, the college also attracts nearly 1,000 students from 100 different countries. On campus walkways, one sees people of all ages and numerous cultural backgrounds—all with an unlimited variety of interests and goals. An important part of the college’s history is encapsulated in its mascot—the Artichoke. Born during a period of student unrest in the early 1970s, Artie the Artichoke was adopted as the school’s mascot to express a difference of opinion concerning budget priorities. Originally intended to be a source of embarrassment, Artie has been embraced by students, athletes, staff, and the community as a beloved character. Scottsdale Community College has offered specific programs that focus on our unique location on Native American lands. These have included specific academic and occupational programs geared to Native American students as well as unique business needs on this reservation. The college continues to offer a dedicated student service program geared to the unique needs and interests of our Native American students. SCC Administration Dr. Jan Gehler Colleen O’Neill Dr. Daniel Corr Dr. Stephanie Fujii Gia Taylor Dr. Donna Young Vargha Mohebbi Nancy Neff IT & HR President Interim Vice President of Administrative Service Vice President Academic & Student Affairs Dean of Instruction Dean of Student Services Dean of Student Services Interim Chief Technology Officer Institutional Advancement Executive Director January 2016 1 of 1 Vision, Mission, and Values VISION: Scottsdale Community College will be a premier educational and cultural center that serves the needs of its diverse communities by providing innovative and creative opportunities to learn, grow, and achieve. MISSION: Scottsdale Community College improves the quality of life in our communities by providing challenging, supportive, and distinctive learning experiences. We are committed to offering high-quality, collaborative, affordable, and accessible opportunities that enable learners to achieve lifelong educational, professional, and personal goals. SCC fulfills this mission by: Delivering rigorous and relevant instruction Providing outstanding support to students, faculty, and staff Encouraging an open and dynamic exchange of learning among the college, tribal nations, and local and world communities Promoting civic responsibility, sustainability, and global engagement Fostering personal growth and connectedness VALUES: Excellence We value excellence in all areas because it optimizes the ability to compete and achieve distinction academically, professionally, and personally. By setting high standards, SCC maximizes effectiveness and improves the quality of life for all. We honor our communities by expecting and recognizing exemplary performance. Learning We value learning because it broadens our experience and promotes lifelong growth and success. We are committed to providing opportunities for students, employees, and members of our communities to learn and to develop personally and professionally. Integrity We value integrity because it leads to a culture of respect and trust, resulting in a supportive environment in which people can thrive. SCC strives for integrity through decision making which is ethical, data informed, fiscally sound, and strategic. We uphold academic freedom. We expect personal responsibility and accountability from all individuals. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 2 Innovation We value a culture of innovation because we must anticipate and address the evolving needs of our communities. By encouraging and supporting appropriate risk taking and creative problem solving, we meet these needs and solidify our reputation as a premier community college. Inclusiveness We value inclusiveness because we all benefit by embracing a diversity of voices, viewpoints, and experiences. SCC cultivates success when individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds are respected and empowered to contribute. Connectedness We value connectedness because it creates a sense of belonging and establishes a community of learners. Through effective communication and collaboration among students, faculty, staff, and community members, we build a collective identity as well as the mutual understanding and respect necessary to achieve our mission. IT & HR January 2016 2 of 2 SALT RIVER PIMA-MARICOPA INDIAN COMMUNITY Community Overview The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community is a sovereign tribe located in the metropolitan Phoenix area. Established by Executive Order on June 14, 1879, the Community operates as a full-service government and oversees department, programs, projects and facilities. Bounded by the cities of Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa and Fountain Hills, the Community encompasses 52,600 acres, with 19,000 held as a natural preserve. With two distinct backgrounds and cultures, the Community is comprised of two Native American tribes: the Pima, "Akimel O'Odham" (River People) and the Maricopa, "Xalychidom Piipaash" (People who live toward the water). Today, over 9,000 individuals are enrolled tribal members. Comprised of the President, Vice President and seven elected Council members, the Community Council governs the Community. Approximately 12,000 acres are under cultivation in a variety of crops including cotton, melons, potatoes, onions, broccoli and carrots. Commercial development is reserved along the Community's western boundary. The Community proudly owns and operates several successful enterprises including Talking Stick Golf Club, Talking Stick Resort, Salt River Fields, Salt River Devco, Casino Arizona, Salt River Sand and Rock, Phoenix Cement, Saddleback Communications, Salt River Financial Services, and Salt River Landfill. The majestic Red Mountain can be seen throughout the Community and is located on the eastern boundary. The sight of the mountain symbolizes the home of the Pima and Maricopa people. The SRPMIC Great Seal The Great Seal of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community is an ancient pattern of the Southern Arizona tribes. The pattern represents the MAZE, or house of "Se-eh-ha" (Elder Brother). The legend of the "Man in the Maze" helps children understand the meaning of life. The maze depicts experiences and choices we make in our journey through life. It illustrates the search for balance - physical, social, mental and spiritual. In the middle of the maze are found a person's dreams and goals. Legend says when we reach the center, the Sun God is there to greet us, bless us and pass us into the next world. 10005 East Osborn Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85256 480.362.7740 Copyright© 2001-2015 Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. All rights reserved. 1 of 2 History and Culture The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community is comprised of two Native American tribes: the Pima, or "Akimel Au-Authm," (River People), and the Maricopa, or "Xalychidom Piipaash," (People who live toward the water). The Maricopa tribes were small bands that lived along the lower Gila and Colorado rivers. In the early 1800's they migrated toward Pima villages. The Pima, known as a friendly tribe, established a relationship with the Maricopa. Both tribes provided protection against the Yuman and Apache tribes. The Pima believe they are the descendants of the "Hohokam," (those who have gone) an ancient civilization who lived in Arizona nearly two thousand years, dating as far back as 300BC. The Hohokam farmed the Salt River Valley and created elaborate canal irrigation systems throughout the valley area; that system, now modernized is still used today. The Pima were strong runners, basket weavers and farmers who could make the desert bloom. They served as trusted scouts for the U.S. Cavalry and continue to serve their country today in various forms of the armed forces. The Pima are well known for their basket weaving techniques, intricately woven, they are made watertight. The Maricopa, known for their red clay pottery work, created various forms of jars and bowls. Both forms of artwork are made of natural materials and can be viewed at the Community's Hoo-hoogam Ki Museum. The Pima and Maricopa tribes together, comprise the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. 10005 East Osborn Road Scottsdale, Arizona 85256 480.362.7740 Copyright© 2001-2015 Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. All rights reserved. 2 of 2 SCC / MCCCD Acronyms, College Speak, and Definitions A ADA Accommodation Academic Probation Accreditation Acknowledgements & Disclosures Academic Adviser Academic Calendar Academic Year Add/Drop Adjunct faculty Advisor Alumnus Artie Audit Auto-fill / Auto populate B BYOD BYOE Blue Book Brush Strokes Building Card Access Bursar C CEC CFS CNUW Canvas (Instructure Canvas) Catalog IT & HR American Disabilities Act A condition of attendance under which students are allowed to remain at the college with the understanding that they meet set academic standards within a set period of time. Failure to meet the standard results in dismissal from the college. Scottsdale Community College is a regionally-accredited institution through the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Every ten years the college completes a comprehensive self-study process leading to continued accreditation. The self-study process is designed to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and required follow-up reporting The Maricopa Community Colleges Governing Board Policies and the District's Administrative Regulations provide the framework for performing our duties. Each of us is responsible for being aware of these rules and abiding by them. Faculty or staff member who can provide information and assistance on academic concerns. An official list of dates and deadlines found on the SCC website under Academics for the Office of the Registrar. The academic calendar specifies the dates for semesters and terms, enrollment periods, examination periods, holidays, periods classes are not in session, and commencement. The school year that begins in August or September at most colleges and universities. The process of changing a course schedule by dropping or adding a course during the prescribed time at the beginning of each semester. Part-time instructor hired on a semester-to-semester, course-to-course contract basis. School official who guides and advises students with educational matters, such as degree requirement, transfer requirements, graduation, and much more. Someone who has graduated from a particular college (alumni is the plural form) Artie the Artichoke was adopted as the school’s mascot Students register and attend class, but do not take exams. No credit hours are earned, and there is an additional cost for the class. A function in some computer applications or programs, typically those containing forms, which fills in a field automatically. Bring-your-own device Bring-your-own-everything A living document that features select Governing Board policies and administrative regulations of the MCCCD, as well as the All Employee policy manual. SCC Canvas Site = Keycard access to building exterior and interior doors. Issued by Public Safety Financial office of the college ( also known as Cashiers Office) Chancellor Executive Council see…Financial Management System (FMS) Center for Native and Urban Wildlife Current Learning Management System. An official source, released every year that includes the College’s mission, policies, programs of study and requirements. Course descriptions, and general education course listings. eCatalog is located on the SCC Website. January 2016 1 of 6 CIP Classified Staff Employee Group Class Load Class Roster Chair Chancellor Copper Room Credit Hour D DO or District Daily Buzz Dean Degree Audit Degree Program Department Chair Director District E EEC EEO/AA Email Employee Groups Employee Manual ERC Essential functions Exempt employee F FA FERPA FTE FTSE Fiscal Year – (FY) FMS (July 2015) G Google Apps Governing Board IT & HR Council Improvement Plan – similar to UIP’s but for Councils or Committees Allow us to operate as ONE workforce. The number of credits a student registers for during a semester SCC Instructor Class Roster - Non-gender specific leader of an academic department The head of Maricopa County Community College District A small conference room at SCC. SC171 (Student Center Building) A measure of academic work. One credit hour usually represents one hour of class time per week plus two hours of out of class study. District Offices – the total administrative and support body of the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) An employee webpage that is emailed each day at 9am containing announcements for the college. An administrator in change of a division if a college A report that indicates the students’ progress in meeting all of the requirements for a specific degree program. A planned program of study leading to a degree or certificate. Head of the department Someone who controls staff, resources, and expenditures over a given department. All colleges within Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) Employee Engagement Council Equal Employment Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Established “Groups” for which you are hired determine by title, scope, duties, and qualifications according to established criteria. Employee policy document for all employee groups. Employee Recognition Committee List of principle tasks, duties, and responsibilities of the job, included % of time spent on each function. An employee exempt from regulations of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Financial Aid Family Education Rights & Privacy Act - If you work with student records, then you are responsible for knowing about student privacy and rights as protected by FERPA – Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Full Time Equivalent – a unit that indicates the workload of an employee. An FTE of 1.0 means that the person is equivalent to a full-time worker, while an FTE of 0.5 signals that the worker is only half-time. Full-Time Student Equivalent (education) A period of one (1) year, beginning July 1 of one calendar year and continuing through June 30 of the following calendar year. Financial Management System -- MCCCD's system of record for all accounting transactions, including Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Fixed Assets, and General Ledger. Replacing CFS MCCCD Email system Is currently made up of five persons, elected from geographical districts making up all of Maricopa county. The Board will expand to include two At-Large positions in 2014. Board members are elected in staggered years to four-year terms. - The job of the Board is to represent the residents of Maricopa County in determining and demanding appropriate organizational performance. January 2016 2 of 6 Grade Point Average (GPA) H HC HLC HCM HRMS Hold I IACE IDP ISI IT or ITS Internet Intranet The numerical value assigned to a student’s scholastic average. Head Count Higher Learning Commission – Reaffirmation of Accreditation Human Capital Management -- MCCCD's system of record for all HR related data and serves both staff and self-service employees in the areas of Human Resources, Benefits, Payroll, Time & Labor, Talent Management, and performance Management. MCCCD's Persons of Interest data were included in this system effective Fall 2010. - The online application used to process employment transactions within the Maricopa County Community College District See…Human Capital Management (HCM) A barrier placed on a student’s ability to register for classes as a result of unpaid monetary obligation or other action by the college. Institutional Advancement and Community Engagement Individualized Development Plan – for new Residential Faculty Indigenous Scholars Institute Information Technology Services Computer network that uses technology to share information, operational systems, or computing services between organizations. Computer network that uses technology to share information, operational systems, or computing services with an organization. J Job description Job posting Job summary K KB L LEC LAB LMS M MAT MCCCD MEID MEMO MEMS M&O MOOC Maricopa Priorities Mandatory Supervisor Training IT & HR The official description of the job approved by the Wage & Salary Department. These descriptions are maintained by District and they can be found on the Wage & Salary website. The Job Description should be used to develop your Job Posting Description and to complete the Job Requisition. Description that includes the Job Summary, Essential Functions, Minimum Qualifications, Desired Qualifications, and Special Working Conditions that are posted for a specific Job Opening. An overview of the position including all of the tasks or skills needed to be successful. Some of the skills will be needed prior to the interview and some will be learned on the job. Knowledge Base Lecture Laboratory – and auxiliary class that is required to take with the lecture class Learning Management System Management, Administration, and Technology Maricopa County Community College District - College district comprised of ten community colleges, two skill centers, and district office around Phoenix, Arizona. Maricopa Enterprise ID - MCCCD's Enterprise ID number used for system authentication/access (combination of 10 characters and numbers). Maricopa Electronic Messaging Online Maricopa Emergency Management System Alerts Maintenance & Operations Massively Open Online Course(s) A process of self-assessment, assessment, and prioritization of all programs and services. This process will aid us in collectively realigning resources (funds, people, and space) to help us thrive as an institution. Effective July 1, 2012, the Leadership Foundations is a new leadership development curriculum required for all people leaders within MCCCD. "People leaders" are those who have one full-time or part-time governing board-approved employee reporting directly to them. January 2016 3 of 6 Mandatory Training Minimum qualifications mySCC N Nonexempt employee O OHS OSO OYO One Maricopa ONEMaricopa Student Success Strategy Team P PAR PAR PAT PBAC POI PSA Parking Permit Pay advise Petty Cash Prerequisite President’s Cabinet Professional Growth Program Director Q QRG R RFI RFP RPS Registration Residential Faculty IT & HR All full-time and part-time board approved employees including OYO, OSO, Specially Funded and Skill Center Employees are also required to complete two educational training modules – Legal Issues: Public Sector Employment and MCCCD Public Stewardship – as assurances to our students and communities we serve that we take public stewardship seriously. Minimum knowledge, skills and experience needed to perform on the first day of the job. AnyTime, AnyPlace, AnyWhere…An exciting way to access your software applications and files both on and off campus! Faculty, staff, and students can access programs via an Internet connection and using their campus network login information. You also have access to your "H:" drive, which is your personal & private network storage area for your files (documents, spreadsheets, etc.). An employee governed by the regulations of the Fair Labor Standards Act Occupational Health and Safety One Semester Only – this position of for a defined period of time. One Year Only– this position of for a defined period of time. On January 2008, Chancellor Rufus Glasper introduced his new vision of “One Maricopa” for the Maricopa Community College District, wherein he enlisted everyone’s commitment to the concept of creating an even better Maricopa. He asked that all employees agree as members of the Maricopa family to rededicate themselves to First, helping students succeed… Second, using public resources entrusted to us efficiently and effectively And, finally, working together as “One Maricopa.” Formerly known as Seamless Student Experience Personal Action Request – used for hiring an employee. Peer Assistance Review – for new Residential Faculty Personal Administration Tool MEID Lookup - PAT Password Reset - Planning and Budgeting Advisory Council Person of Interest - Individuals who are not paid by MCCCD yet have an affiliation for business purposes such as temporary workers, consultants, and dual enrollment faculty. Professional Staff Association Car parking permits issued to staff for parking in the “STAFF” parking spaces on campus. Issued by Public Safety. Your online MCCCD paycheck A small amount of discretionary funds in the form of cash used to purchase goods used in normal college operations. Petty Cash form must be completed with signatures and taken to the Bursar Office. Course that must be taken prior to registering for another course. SCC President’s leadership team The employee policy groups may have funds available to support: Conference and seminar expenses, Travel expenses to conference and workshops, and Tuition reimbursement The program director is responsible, with the advisement of the program committee, for the total curriculum and aids students in meeting all requirements for that program. Quick Reference Guide Request for Information Residential Faculty Policies Request for Personnel Services The process of enrolling in and paying for courses each semester. Full-time Instructor January 2016 4 of 6 S SAC SEM SCC SIS SMART goals SOAR SoSco STEM STEAM SCC2020 Strategic Planning Search committee Semester Service Date T 21st Century Maricopa (21CM) 25Live TLC Temporary employee Time & Labor Time Reporting Transcript Tuition Tuition Waivers Turnitin Turquoise Room Two Waters Circle U UIP IT & HR Sustainability Action Council Strategic Enrollment Management Scottsdale Community College Student Information System - MCCCD's system of record for all student information and serves both students and staff in the areas of Admissions, Recruiting, Academic Advisement, and Curriculum, Student Records, Financial Aid, Student Financials, and Campus Community communications. S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Relevant (or Realistic) T = Timely (or Time-based; or Time-related) Scottsdale, Orientation, Advisement and Registration program South Scottsdale (Piaute) initiative (S.T.E.M.) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.) Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. Scottsdale Community College’s Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals The group of people who are chosen to evaluate candidates for a specific job. A unit of time, generally 16 weeks long, in the academic calendar. The day upon which the regular employee achieved regular employee status, i.e., the first day of paid service following governing board approval. In most, but not all, cases this is the date immediately following the governing board meeting during which the regular employee’s employment was approved. An initiative of the Maricopa Community Colleges that is designed to help our students become more successful, in the process allowing us to operate more efficiently and effectively. Use this site to track our progress. 21st Century Maricopa initiatives are found in four subject areas: Student Success, Human Resources and Employee Development, Business Services and Information Technology. 25Live - MCCCD's event scheduling application used to schedule facility spaces, resources, and personnel. 25Live will pull college-specific class schedule information from SIS to publish in calendar view. Along with web published classes, meetings, workshops, performances, and student-related activities may be published on the calendar, providing a single location for viewing college activities. Technology Learning Center (IT110) One-year-only employee, one-semester-only employee, or any other short term hire. Employees submit their absences (i.e. vacation, and sick time) electronically. Regular board-approved employees are responsible for reporting online absences (time not worked) and exceptions (additional time worked) to their supervisor for approval. Hourly employees are responsible for punching in and out online daily (including lunch) to accurately record the number of hours worked. A copy of a student’s permanent academic record. The amount of money that must be paid for a course. MCCCD form for employees and dependents (determined by employee’s position) to waive tuition fees on classes. Plagiarism Detection Tool A large conference room at SCC. SC164 (Student Center Building) Amphitheater, an outdoor venue in the heart of the campus Unit Improvement Plan January 2016 5 of 6 V VoIP W Wellness Maricopa WOVeN X Voice over Internet Protocol phones - A technology that allows telephone calls to be sent and received over computer networks. A collaborative effort of individuals within the Maricopa Community College District committed to the philosophy of empowering employees through organizational wellness. SCC’s Assessment Strategies (Written, Oral, Visual & Numerical) Y Z IT & HR January 2016 6 of 6 Computer and Technology Support How to find your MEID (Maricopa Enterprise ID) & Set or Change your Password To log into Manage My Account use the following navigation: Find or Lookup your MEID: If you do not have or know your MEID, on the Manage My Account page, Click Find My MEID link. Step 1 Complete the form and click Find My MEID button. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 5 Step 2 Your MEID is shown on the next screen. Step 3 Click the New employee account setup link if you have not set your MEID password. This will walk you through the steps to set your password and challenge questions. or Click the Reset my password link to reset your MEID password. Password Reset Process Step 4 Compte the form and click Start password reset process button. IT & HR January 2016 2 of 5 Step 5 Answer your Account recovery questions, confirm security text, and click Submit answers and continue button. Step 6 Enter your new password, confirm security text, then click Save new password and finish button. IT & HR January 2016 3 of 5 Step 7 Password Reset Successful screen. Change Password - > left navigation menu Scroll down to Email Tool > click Email Tool – Manage My Account. Step 1 Click on Email Tool – Manage My Account link to see this page to change your MEID password. Step 2 Enter MEID, Password, Security text, then click Sign In button. IT & HR January 2016 4 of 5 Step 3 Enter your new password. If you want to set new Account recovery questions, check the box marked. Step 4 When you check the box you will see two questions that you will need to select and answer. Step 5 Click Save all account changes button. A successful confirmation page appears. IT & HR January 2016 5 of 5 How to Set Your “My Profile” Directory Information So that your colleagues and associates can more easily keep in contact with you, please take a moment to update your Memo Directory information within the Email Tool – Manage My Account. The Email Tool is a single point of entry for all colleges to use. NOTE: If you are having difficulty with the Email Tool, either looking up your MEID or resetting your MEID password, contact the SCC Helpdesk (IT100) or (480-423-6274 option 3) for assistance. Find My Profile Page - Step 1 Once you have logged into your account, click on "My Profile"tab. Make sure that you review and update your phone, fax and pager numbers, then click Save all profile changes button. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 2 Step 2 continued... NOTE: You will be emailed a quarterly reminder to update your Directory information. This reminder is being sent to everyone at your site. If there haven't been any changes to your contact information recently, please disregard your reminder. IT & HR January 2016 2 of 2 Employee Resources Intranet Site Our SCC Webpages have many lmportant links for SCC staff and faculty. On the SCC Homepage is the link to the Employee Resources Intranet site. SCC WebPage is 1. From bottom center of home page click Employee Resources link NOTE: will also take you to Employee Resource site. 2. At the top right is the Quick Links dropdown. A list of Enterprise application login pages used by MCCD and SCC. Applications such as BOExi Reporting, Canvas, FMS, Google Apps, HCM, mySCC, SCC Class Roster Tool and SIS. Click the application link you want to access. SCC’s Employee Resources Intranet site Identified on the next page are links of commonly used resourses that might be of interest. NOTE: Secure links IT & HR are for SCC employees only and require additional MEID log-in. January 2016 1 of 3 IT & HR January 2016 2 of 3 Points of Interest College Resources Description MCCCD Google Mail Login Sign-in page for MCCCD email. Time & Labor / RPS Link to SCC’s HR Time and Labor page Faculty Resources Description Class Roster Instructor SIS Class Roster with student email addresses, phone numbers District Resources Description Benefits District Webpage with links to employee benefit information. FMS Financial Management System sign-in page MCCCD/HCM Login Human Capital Management sign-in page Technology Support Description Online HelpDesk Request Link to submit an IT Helpdesk request. M&O Requests Link to submit an M&O work request. Online Copy Center Requests Tool for ordering copies online. Copies can also be delivered to your office. Forms Description Business Card Request Business Card Requestor - to be completed to order SCC Business Cards Official Function Form This form allows MCCCD employees to properly document expense decisions for activities or items that are subject to the MCCCD Administrative Regulation on Official Functions. Petty Cash Petty Cash Form that you need to complete with Signatures to request Petty Cash from the Bursar Office (SS137). Employee Tuition Waiver Request Employee Tuition Waiver Form you need to complete (If needed w/signatures) and taken to the Bursar Office (SS137) when paying for a class. IT & HR January 2016 3 of 3 Maricopa Google Apps for Employees What is Google Apps? Google Apps is a suite of web-based messaging and collaboration applications that Google hosts on their own servers. To access these applications, you simply use a web browser (Google Chrome is recommended) on a computer that’s connected to the Internet. Logging into your Maricopa email: Use your MEID and Password. Your Inbox This is your inbox view. Here you will see any messages you’ve received in your inbox. Unread messages are bold. To open a message, simply click on it in your message list. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 2 Preview Pane If you prefer you can set your inbox to display a preview of the messages below or beside your conversations. To enable Preview Pane, click the Gray Gear menu > Settings in the upper-right hand corner of your Email window and, on the Labs tab, scroll down to Preview Pane. Select Enable > then click Save Changes button at bottom of the page. Use the new Preview Pane (displayed to the left) tool. A Horizontal Split displays the message preview below your conversations, a Vertical Split displays messages to the side. Enable IMAP – must enable to allow email to sync w/mobile devices 1. Sign in to SCC Gmail at 2. Click the gear icon in the upper-right of any Email page and select Settings. 3. Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP. 4. Select Enable IMAP. 5. Click IT & HR button at the bottom of the page. January 2016 2 of 2 SCC’s VOIP Phone Reference Guide – Setting your Personal Greeting “Voice Over Internet Protocol” (VOIP) is a digital, web-based phone system at Scottsdale Community College which provides advantages over the older, analog system. Some functions are similar to the old system, some are different. This guide explains setting your Personal Greeting, Viewing Voice Mail, Dialing Long Distance Calls, and Viewing Missed Call History using this system. Menu Options: Using Voice Mail To access your phone personal greeting options and The new “default” for VoIP users is to receive their password reset: voicemail in their email inboxes. Step 1: From the phone, dial 56699. Step 2: From your desk phone press # or Enter your five-digit extension, then press # . Step 3 Enter your password, then press #. (Default Long Distance Calls password is your 4 digit extension. You will From Phone: want to change this password.) Step 1: To dial long distance calls from your phone you need to use the following: #5 Personal Options DIAL: 9 + 1 + (area code) + Phone number you are #1 Administer greeting calling. #2 Administer extended absence greeting #3 Enable/Disable absence greeting Note: You no longer need to use a long distance code #4 Administer name number. #5 Change password #9 To Exit SoftKeys View Missed Calls (Call History) Softkeys are buttons that change function depending To view a missed call; or call history: on the situation. Their current function is highlighted Step 1: Click Menu button immediately above the button on the LCD screen. Step 2: Select 2 Call History. Step 3: Select 1 Missed Calls. NewCall - Generates dial tone for a call. Step 4: Use the silver button to navigate through the Voicemail - Automatically dials the voice mail missed call information. extension on your system. Step 5: Use Exit softkey to exit. DND - Do Not Disturb. Silences the phone from ringing. Pickup - Answers calls to other users in your Pickup Program a Speed Dial Number Step 1: Push the “Feature” button. group from your phone. EndCall - Terminates the current call. Step 2: Click an open speed dial button (softkeys) Conference/Conf - Initiates/completes a conference. On the Display: Resume - Takes the call of Hold status. Step 3: Type the Name using the Number Pad then click Enter or the OK softkey. Dial - Dials the number. Delete - Deletes the last digit entered (backspace). Step 4: Type the phone number then click Enter or the OK softkey. Reject - Transfers call to your Voice Mail or forwarding conditions. IT & HR Step 5: Enter or the OK softkey to complete. January 2016 1 of 1 Maricopa NEC Phone System Set Personal Greeting & Review Voice Mail Messages Maricopa NEC analog phone system used at Scottsdale Community College. This guide explains setting your Personal Greeting, Access Voice Mail, and Forward Features using this system. NOTE: SCC is gradually moving from NEC analog phone system to “Voice Over Internet Protocol” (VOIP) a digital, web-based phone system Create/Change Your Personal Greeting in our VMM 1. Dial the Voice Messaging Center (18866). 2. Enter your password. 3. Press 4. 4. Press 3. 5. Press 1. 6. Press 2 to record your personal greeting. 7. After the tone, record your greeting. 8. Press #. 9. Press 1 to replay your greeting. 10. If necessary, press star (*) to re-record your greeting. 11. Press # when you are satisfied. 12. Press ** to disconnect. Forward Calls to Voicemail 1. Press the Speaker key or lift the handset. Regular dial tone is heard. 2. Press Forward-All, Forward-No Answer, or Forward Busy. Broken dial tone is heard. 3. Dial the Voice Messaging Center number at 18866. Service-set tone is heard; FWD SET displays on the LCD phone screen. 4. Press Speaker or return handset to cradle. Cancel Calls Forwarded To Voicemail 1. Press the Speaker key or lift the handset. 2. Press the activated FWD line key. FWD CNCL displays on the LCD phone screen. 3. Press the Speaker key or return the handset to the cradle. Cancel the Forwarding Features 1. Press the SPEAKER key or lift the handset. 2. Press the activated FWD line key. FWD CNCL displays on the LCD phone screen. 3. Press the SPEAKER key or return the handset to the cradle. Note: Any combination of forward features can be used. However, FWD-All (ForwardAll) overrides the other two forward features. IT & HR Access the Voice Messaging Center From Within Maricopa 1. Dial 18866 from any MCCCD phone. 2. Enter your password. For first time access, your password is your extension number plus two zeros. Your extension number is listed first on your phone lines row. For example, my extension is 18289 so my first-time password is 1828900. You will be prompted to enter a new password. Access the Voice Messaging Center From Outside Maricopa 1. Dial 480-731-8866 2. Press # to identify yourself as a subscriber. 3. Enter your extension number. (This is your mailbox number.) 4. Enter your password. Review Voice Mail Messages The Voice Mail Messaging system alerts you that messages are waiting by lighting up the red rectangle light in the upper-right corner of your phone. The letters VMM also display on the LCD phone screen. 1. Dial the Voice Messaging Center at 18866. 2. Enter your password. 3. Press 1 to review new messages. 4. Listen to the message. 5. Enter your next action: 4 Replay Message 7 Erase Message 5 Envelope 8 Reply (to Internal Information callers only) 6 Send a Copy 9 Save Message 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each message. 7. Press ** to disconnect. January 2016 1 of 2 Forward a Call Call forwarding enables you to forward your telephone calls to any phone number. You can choose to forward your calls to another extension, to the Voice Messaging Center (x18866), or to a number outside of MCCCD. These are the forwarding options: FWD-ALL: Forward All forwards ALL incoming calls to a phone number you specify. FWD-BY: Forward Busy forwards incoming calls to a phone number you specify when you are using the phone. FWD-NA: Forward No Answer forwards incoming calls to a phone number you specify when the phone is left unanswered after 4-5 rings. 1. Press the SPEAKER key or lift the handset. 2. Press the FWD line key you choose to activate. (FWD-ALL, FWD-BY, or FWD-NA) 3. At the tone, enter the phone number to which the calls are to be forwarded. Dial 18666 to forward messages to the Voice Mail System. FWD Set displays on the LCD phone screen. 4. Press the SPEAKER key or return the handset to the cradle The LED button lights up red, indicating the feature has been activated. IT & HR January 2016 2 of 2 How to Submit a Helpdesk Ticket Step 1: Enter Step 2: From the bottom center of homepage click Employee Resources link NOTE: will take you right to Employee Resource page. Step 3: Click the Online HelpDesk Request link under Technology Support from the right menu. Step 4: Select the appropriate work request. For example if you need to submit a ticket for help with computer request, click on SCC Computer Service Requests. If you need assistance with Windows Computers - click on Windows Computers IT & HR January 2016 1 of 2 Step 5: Fill-out the form, please note checkmarks are required fields and then click Submit button. IT & HR January 2016 2 of 2 How to Submit a Maintenance (M & O) HelpDesk Ticket To access the new M&O Helpdesk ticketing system, click the Employee Resources link bottom center on the SCC Homepage > Click Online HelpDesk Request link in the right navigation menu under Technology Support > click M & O link in the list. Or type NOTE: This will take you to the new M&O login page. Step 1: Enter your MEID and password and click the Log In button. To Create a New Request: Step 2: On the Welcome page, click the WORKFLOW dropdown and select Create Request. Step 3: Complete the Create A Request form, noting that all fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required. When completed, click the Submit button. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 4 Step 4: You will receive a Request Submitted page, allowing you to review your request. Step 5. Click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner to close the M&O HelpDesk. IT & HR January 2016 2 of 4 Email Confirmation An email confirmation of your request will be sent to your SCC email account. Artie IT & HR January 2016 3 of 4 To Check the Status of your Request Step 1: On the Welcome page, click the WORKFLOW dropdown and select Check Request Status. Step 2: Enter your Request ID , Contact Name, Email, phone or location. Then click the Submit button. Step 3. Your status will be on the far right, the status key is top left. Step 4. Click the Sign Out in the upper right corner to close the M&O HelpDesk. IT & HR January 2016 4 of 4 Human Resources - HCM HR Toolbox Webpage Our SCC Webpages have many lmportant links for SCC staff and faculty. On the SCC Homepage you can click the About ScottsdaleCC link (lower left) to obtain information on SCC’s history, faculty and staff directory, Policies Procedures and Guidelines, and more. Navigation: About ScottsdaleCC > Human Resources > Toolbox When you click the Human Resources link you will see links to additional pages such as HR Toolbox, New Employee Essentials, and Employee Basics. HR Toolbox has many helpful links. A few of interest might be Payroll Calendar, Print Pay Check, A-4 AZ Tax Withholding, W-4 Federal Tax Withholding and Direct Deposit Form. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 1 How to Print your Pay Advice (Paycheck) The District no longer prints pay advices for Direct Deposits. Instead, all employees can view and print their pay advices online using any internet connection and printer. 1. Enter 2. From the bottom center of homepage click Employee Resources link NOTE: will take you right to Employee Resource page. 3. Click the Quick Links dropdown located top right. (Hover over link to see list) 4. Click the HCM link from the list. 5. Enter your Maricopa Enterprise ID (MEID) and your memo password; and press Enter. 6. On the HCM menu, follow this path: Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > View Paycheck. 7. Click the date link of the paycheck you wish to print. 8. Your pay advice will display. 9. To print your advice, Click the Print icon. 10. Click OK. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 Maricopa Community Colleges Page 1 HRMS Approve an Assignment - Employee Assignments are job hire documents for Residential or Adjunct Faculty and Athletics Personnel that are providing a service in addition to their normal job responsibilities. For example, Instructional Consultant and Coaching. The amount to be paid is determined based on load hours, hourly rate, number of hours, or stipend amount. The total amount is distributed evenly across all of the pay periods that occur during the life of the Assignment. 6. Review the Job Hire Information. 7. Scroll up and click the Additional Info tab. After receiving an email notification, the prospective employee must approve the Assignment in HRMS. Review and Approve an Assignment 8. Review the additional clauses. 1. Using Internet Explorer, go to 9. To approve the Assignment, scroll up and click the Job Hire Documents tab. 2. Under the Login section to the right, click on the HRMS link. 3. Enter your Maricopa Enterprise ID and Password and press Enter. Note: If you do not know your MEID or Password, visit "Manage My Account." 10. Scroll down and click the Approve button. 4. In HRMS, on the Navigation Bar in the upperright corner, click the Worklist link. Use this link to return to your Worklist at any time. 5. In your Worklist, click the Assignment link. 11. If you have multiple Assignments, click the Worklist link and repeat the process. 12. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper-right corner. NOTE: Please keep in mind, you cannot start your assignment nor get paid until you have approved your assignment in HRMS. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 April, 2015 HCM – Employee Absence Request Absence Requests All employees must submit their Absence Requests through our Human Capital Management (HCM) system. These requests must be submitted - and approved - prior to the time being taken. All absence requests should be submitted at least one pay period in advance. If not approved, the Absence Request will not be processed, and you will not be paid for those hours. You will receive an email notification when action is taken on your Absence Request. Enter Absence Requests 1. Log into HCM with MEID and password. 2. To request time off, follow the path: Main Menu > Self Service > Time Reporting > Report Time > Timesheet 3. Towards the bottom, above the Submit button, click the “Absence Event – select to view” link. 4. At the bottom, view the Absence Entitlement Balances section to check your leave balances. Note: If absence hours requested exceed your available balance, plus any current pay period entitlements, and your manager approves your request, the excess hours will be unpaid. Unpaid hours will reduce the accruals on the next pay period. 5. At the top, in the Date field, use the Calendar to enter the beginning date of the pay period in which you are requesting your absence time. To view the correct pay period dates: 6. After entering the correct date, click the green Refresh arrows. 7. Click Add Absence Event. (middle of the page) 8. Click the Calendar icons to select a Start Date and End Date for the Absence Event. If you request is only for one day, or for certain hours in one day, enter the same date in both Start and End fields. 9. Click in Absence Name and select the appropriate leave type (Vacation, Sick, etc.) Please keep in mind, each Absence Type (such as Sick, Vacation, Personal, Jury Duty, etc.) requires its own Absence Request. 10. Some Leave types (listed below) require a Reason to be selected. If required, click in Reason to make a selection. Absence types that require a Reason: Bereavement Leaves, Catastrophic Leaves, Jury Duty, Sick Family, and FMLA. 11. Click Details to add additional information and comments to the Absence Request. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 November 15, 2015 12. If this is a partial day request, in which the number of hours being requested is less than the scheduled hours for the day, click Partial Days dropdown, and select the appropriate option. All Days – All the days you are requesting will be partial days. End Day Only – Only the end day you are requesting will be a partial day. Start Day Only – Only the start day you are requesting will be a partial day. Start and End Days – Only the start and end days you are requesting will be partial days. None – None of your days will be partial days. The system will deduct the entire scheduled hours (ex: an entire 8 or 10 hour day). 13. Depending on the option you choose in Partial Days, in the Day hours field(s) that displays just below the “Partial Days” field, enter the number of absence hours you are requesting. For example, if you are requesting 4 hours off of your 8 hour day, use the All Days option, and enter 4 hours in All Days Hours. If you are requesting “partial” days (hours less than your regular work hours), with different time frames on each day, (for example, you’re taking 2 hours one day and 4 hours the next day), you must submit a separate Absence Event for each day since there is not an option for this particular scenario for “Partial Days.” 14. Leave the Duration field blank. 15. Click the Calculate End Date or Duration button to calculate your absence duration. The system will auto-calculate the duration based on your work schedule. 16. If needed, enter comments in the Reporter Comments box. Please do not include any sensitive or personal information in the Comments box. 17. Click the OK button. 18. In the Absence Events section, review the absence request. If you need to delete an Absence Request, before submitting, click Delete; click Yes – Delete. You cannot delete an Absence Request once it has been submitted. However, you can cancel it if it has not been approved yet. (next section) 19. When finished, scroll down, and click Submit. 20. Click OK to confirm. An email notification is sent to your manager to approve the Absence Request. You will receive an email notification when action is taken on your Absence Request. 21. To enter a new Absence Request, click on the Add Absence Event button. Please keep in mind, each Absence Type (such as Sick, Vacation, Personal, etc.) requires its own Absence Request. Different partial hour requests also require separate absence events. 22. Complete this Absence Event following the same steps you just completed. 23. Click Submit; then click OK to confirm. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 2 Edit/Cancel Absence Requests You can edit or cancel an Absence Request that has been submitted, but has NOT been approved. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Navigate to Absence Events. (Steps 1-12, above) To the right of the Absence Request, click Edit. To edit, click the Details link and make your changes and click OK. To cancel, click the Cancel checkbox. Scroll to the bottom, click Submit. Click OK to confirm. If you cancelled your request, the Status field states “Cancelled.” Edits or Cancellations of Approved Absence Requests If the Absence Request was submitted for a future pay period, the manager can edit or cancel the request prior to it being processed by Absence Management. If a change or cancellation is required after Absence Management has processed the request, and the pay period has passed, you will need to follow the Absence Adjustment process. Important Reminder For Non-Exempt Employees Every pay period, you must enter your Regular Earnings time by applying your schedule in your Timesheet. If you have approved Absence Requests in the current pay period, you must adjust your Regular Earnings time in your Timesheet by deducting the approved Absence Request hours to ensure that you are not overpaid. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 3 HCM – Managers Approving Time & Absence Requests Reviewing & Approving Time Every pay period, managers are required to review Regular Earnings Time reported by your classified nonexempt employees and time worked by your part-time employees, and take action on the time in the Human Capital Management (HCM) system. As Absence Requests are submitted by any of your classified employees, you are required to review them (Vacation, Jury Duty, Bereavement, etc.), and take action on them in HCM. For each Absence Request, you will receive an email notification requesting your approval. For Sick and Personal time, you will receive an email notification informing you of the request, but not requiring approval. If not approved, Absence Requests will not be processed, and employees will not be paid for those hours. Employees receive an email notification when action is taken on their Absence Requests. Note: Reviewing and approving time for these two different time reporting functions (Regular Time and Absence Requests) are done in two separate screens in HCM. They have two different menu paths. Review Regular Earning Time Submitted: Currently Using Main Menu > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Payable Time. Review Absences Submitted: NEW Main Menu > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Report Time > Timesheet. Approving Time for Non-Exempt Employees Every pay period, you have to review, and take action on, the Regular Earnings Time submitted by your nonexempt employees. You also have to ensure their Regular hours and any approved Absence hours add up correctly and they are not getting overpaid. 1. Log into HCM using your MEID and password. 2. Main Menu > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Payable Time. All non-exempt and part-time employees are listed. If you are an Alternate Delegate/ Approver for anyone, those manager’s employees are listed as well. If your employees do not display, enter your Department ID, or an individual employee ID. 3. Verify the correct (current) and entire pay period. Sometimes only one week is showing. If approving on a “Deadline Monday”, you have to enter the dates for the previous pay period. Use the calendar icons to change the Start and End Dates to reflect the correct pay period, and click the Refresh arrows. To view the correct pay period dates: 4. Click on a non-exempt employee’s name to view his/her Regular Earnings Time. Important Note! For any of your non-exempt employees, take note of any Absence Time listed (Vacation, Sick, etc.) Notice if any date is listed twice. If so, this means there are different hour types being reported for the same day - such as Regular and Absence hours. In the Quantity column, ensure the total time reported, including both Regular Earnings and any Absence Requests, does not exceed the employee’s regular work schedule hours for the current pay period. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 November 15, 2015 5. If a non-exempt employee reports Absence Time, check her/his Timesheet by clicking the Adjust Reported Time link. 6. Review the hours and make sure the daily hours in each column total the correct daily regular work schedule hours. 7. If the Regular Earnings hours and the Absence Request hours exceed the employee’s scheduled work hours for any day, deduct any approved Absence Request hours from the Regular Earning hours so your employee is not overpaid. For example, if your non-exempt employee reported 8 hours of Regular Earnings hours, and also reported 8 hours of approved Absence Time (Vacation) the same day, the employee’s daily hours will add up to 16 and the employee will be overpaid. In this example, you must delete the 8 hours of Regular Earnings to accommodate the 8 hours of Vacation time. 8. If you made changes, scroll down; click Submit. 9. Click OK to confirm. 10. If you need to make edits to the Absence Request, please see Page 6 for information. 11. Click the Return to Payable Time link. 12. To view any employee comments, and to enter your own comments, click the Comment icon to the right of the specific row. 13. Read any employee comments, and click in the Comments box to enter your comments. Comments are highly recommended when denying and pushing back time. 14. Click Apply, and then click OK. 15. To take action on time reported, to the left of the appropriate row(s), click the Select checkbox, or click Select All (at the bottom) if the same decision applies to all rows. 16. Click either: Approve, Deny, or Push Back. Employees receive an email notification of any action taken on an Absence Request. Approve – Approves the Regular Earning Hours and Absence Requests submitted by the employee. Deny – Denies the Regular Earning Hours and/or Absence Requests submitted by the employee and the request becomes null and void. Do Not Use Employee will not get paid for denied hours. Manager comments are highly recommended. Push Back – Sends the Regular Earning Hours or Absence Request back to employee for changes. Employee can view the request in Worklist. Manager comments are highly recommended. 17. Click Yes to confirm, and click OK again. You will be returned to that employee’s Approve Payable Time page. If necessary, continue to review additional time. 18. Click the Return to Approval Summary link to return to your list of non-exempt employees who submitted time. Approving Absence Requests for Your Classified Employees Every time any of your classified employees submits an Absence Request, you will receive an email notification requesting approval. It is recommended you review and take action on that request within 48 hours. If you don’t, you will receive another email reminder. If not approved, Absence Requests will not be processed, and employees will not be paid for those hours. Employees receive an email notification when action is taken on their Absence Requests. 1. Log into HCM using your MEID and password. 2. Main Menu > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Report Time > Timesheet. 3. Click Get Employees. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 2 All of your employees should be listed. If they are not, you can enter your Department ID, or you can search for a specific employee by entering an Employee ID or other information. If you are an Alternate Delegate for anyone, those manager’s employees may display, too. 4. In the Date field, click the Calendar, and select the first day of the correct pay period – for which you are approving absences – and then click the green Refresh arrows. Keep in mind you may have to change the pay period to a future pay period. Use the calendar icon to change the Date to reflect the correct pay period (see next page), and click the green Refresh arrows. To view the correct pay period dates: You can also use the Next Week link. In the Reported Absence column, a calendar icon with a star is displayed for any employee who has submitted an Absence Request. 5. For any employee displaying a calendar star in the Reported Absence column, click that employee’s name to view the Absence Request. 6. Click the “Absence Event – select to view” link to open the Absence Events section. 7. In the middle of the page, in Absence Events, review absence request(s) needing approval. Status Column will display “Needs Approval.” 8. Below Absence Events, in the Absence Entitlement Balances, view the leave time available for that employee. Note: If the hours requested exceed the employee’s respective available balances, plus the current pay period accruals, you can still approve the time off, but the excess hours will be unpaid. 9. To view details of the Absence Request, and to make any edits, and to add any comments, in the Absence Events section, click the Edit button to the far right on the absence row, and then click the Details link. The Absence Event Details display. You may need to scroll down to Comments. Manager comments are helpful to the employee and highly recommended – especially when denying or pushing back time. 10. If necessary, make any edits (Pages 6). 11. Click OK to return. 12. Click Submit. (You may have to scroll down.) Important: Even if you didn’t make any changes, click Submit to get out of edit mode. 13. Click OK to confirm. 14. To take action on an Absence Request, click the Select checkbox (to the left) of that absence request. 15. Below the Balances, (you may have to scroll down), click Approve, Deny, or Push Back. An email notification is automatically sent to the employee when action is taken on an Absence Request. Approve – Approves the absence request. If the hours requested exceed the employee’s respective available balances, plus the current pay period accruals, you can still approve the time off, but the excess hours will be unpaid. Deny – Denies the request submitted by the employee and the request is null and void. Do Not Use These hours will not be paid. Manager comments are highly recommended when denying an Absence Request. Push Back – Sends the Absence Request back to the employee – possibly for changes. Manager comments are highly recommended so the employee knows why the Absence Request was pushed back. If the employee is required to change something, please tell the employee what to change. The employee can view the pushed back Absence Request in her/his Worklist. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 3 16. Click Yes to confirm, and click OK again. Manager Email Notifications After an employee submits an Absence Request, the manager receives an email notification saying an Absence Request is awaiting approval. It is recommended you review and take action on that request within 48 hours. If you don’t, you will receive another email reminder. a) The manager can click on the link provided at the bottom of the email to be taken to HCM. If the manager is already logged into HCM, the link will take her/him directly to the correct approval page for that employee. If the manager is not logged in, the link will take her/him to the sign-in page. After logging in, the manager will be taken to the correct approval page for that employee. b) The manager can then Approve, Push Back, Deny, or make edits as usual. Manager Worklist A manager can also sign into HCM and click on her/his Worklist link, then click on the ABM link for that employee’s Absence Request. This link will take you directly to the approval page. Managers Entering Absence Requests for Employees An important role for all managers is entering Absence Requests on behalf of their employees in the event that the employees cannot. 1. Log into HCM using your MEID and password. 2. Main Menu > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Report Time > Timesheet. 3. In the Empl ID field, enter the Employee ID of the employee for whom you are entering an Absence Request. (Or use any other search criteria to find the employee.) 4. Click Get Employees. 5. In the Date field, select the first day of the pay period - for which you are entering an Absence Request - click the Refresh arrows. To view the correct pay period dates: 6. Click on the employee’s name for whom you are entering an absence request. 7. Directly above the Submit button, click the “Absence Event - select to view” link. 8. Scroll down to view the Absence Entitlement Balances for your employee for whom you are entering an Absence Request. Note: If the absence hours requested exceeds the available leave balance, plus the current pay period accruals, you can still enter the Absence Request and approve the time off, but the excess hours will be unpaid. 9. To enter an Absence Request, click Add Absence Event button. 10. Using the Calendars, enter Start and End dates of the Absence Request. 11. Click in Absence Name and select the absence type from the list of eligible leave types (e.g. Vacation, Sick, Jury Duty, etc). Some absence types (listed below) require a Reason. If required, click in Reason and make a selection. Absence types that require a Reason: Bereavement Leaves, Catastrophic Leaves, Jury Duty, Sick Family, and FMLA. 12. Click Details to add additional information and comments to the Absence Request. 13. If this is a partial day request, in which the number of hours being requested is less than the scheduled hours for the day, click Partial Days dropdown, and select the appropriate option. All Days – All of the requested days will be partial days. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 4 End Day Only – Only the end day being requested will be a partial day. Start Day Only – Only the start day being requested will be a partial day. Start and End Days – Only the start and end days will be partial days. None – None of the days will be partial days. Notes: Depending on the option you choose in Partial Days, you may or may not get an additional “Day Hours” field(s). If you select None, you won’t get any additional fields. The system will automatically deduct the entire scheduled hours for that employee (ex: an entire 8 hour day or 10 hour day). 14. If you selected a Partial Days option (other than None), in the appropriate Day Hours field, enter the number of absence hours you are requesting. For example, if your employee is requesting 4 hours off of her 8 hour day, use the All Days option, and enter 4 hours in All Days Hours. If an employee is requesting “partial” days (hours less than her regular work hours), with different time frames on each day, (for example, she’s requesting 2 hours one day and 4 hours the next day), you must submit a separate Absence Event for each day since there is not an option for this particular scenario for “Partial Days.” If none of your days are partial days, and you selected None; you won’t have an additional Day Hours field. 15. . Leave the Duration field blank. 16. Click the Calculate End Date or Duration button to verify the duration of the Absence Request. HCM will auto-calculate the duration based on the employee’s work schedule. 17. If needed, enter comments in the Reporter Comments box. Please do not include any sensitive or personal information in the Comments box. 18. Click the OK button. 19. Scroll down and in the Absence Events section, review the absence request. 20. When finished, click the Submit button. 21. Click OK to confirm. After you Submit, the Select checkbox to the left of the Absence Request will be available. 22. Click the Select checkbox on the left. 23. Scroll down and click the Approve button. 24. Click Yes to confirm; click OK again. You are returned to the employee’s Timesheet. For non-exempt employees, please check the Important Check on the next page before continuing. 25. Click the Return to Select Employee link to return to your list of employees. Important Check! For Your Non-Exempt Employees If you entered an Absence Request for a non-exempt employee during the current payroll period, you must deduct any Regular Earnings Time from the Timesheet for any approved absence requests so your employee is not overpaid. For example, if you submitted an Absence Request for 8 hours of sick time for an employee, but did not remove those hours from her/his Regular Earnings Time, the employee’s daily hours will add up to 16 and the employee will be overpaid. In this example, you must delete the 8 hours of regular time to accommodate the 8 hours of sick time you requested on the employee’s behalf. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 5 a) Up in the Timesheet, deduct any approved absence hours from the Regular Earnings hours, ensuring the Regular Earning hours and the Absence Request hours total the correct daily work schedule hours for the employee. b) Scroll down and click Submit. c) Click OK to confirm. You are returned to that employee’s Timesheet. d) Click the Return to Select Employee link to return to your list of employees. Edit or Cancel Approved Absence Requests If the Absence Request was submitted for a future pay period, the manager can edit or cancel the request prior to it being processed by Absence Management. The Absence Management process is run during the current pay period. 1. Log into HCM using your MEID and password. 2. Main Menu > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Report Time > Timesheet. 3. In the Empl ID field, enter the Employee ID of the employee for whom you are editing or cancelling an Absence Request. (Or use any other search criteria to find the employee.) 4. Click Get Employees. 5. In the Date field, select the first day of the pay period - for which you are editing or canceling an Absence Request - click the green Refresh arrows. 6. Click on the employee’s name for whom you are entering an absence request. 7. Directly above the Submit button, click the “Absence Event - select to view” link. 8. To the right of the Absence Request, click Edit. 9. To edit, click the Details link and make your changes and click OK. 10. To cancel, click the Cancel checkbox. 11. Scroll to the bottom, click Submit. 12. Click OK to confirm. Note: If a change or cancellation is required after Absence Management has run and processed the request, and the pay period has passed, you and/or your employee will need to follow the Absence Adjustment process. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 6 Acknowledgement and Disclosure The Maricopa Community Colleges Governing Board Policies and the District’s Administrative Regulations provide the framework for performing our duties. Each of us is responsible for being aware of these rules and abiding by them. As a way to help us understand these policies and provide transparency in our actions, each employee is required to complete a set of acknowledgements and disclosures. All full-time and part-time board approved employees including OYO, OSO, Specially Funded and Skill Center Employees are also required to complete two educational training modules – Legal Issues: Public Sector Employment and MCCCD Public Stewardship – as assurances to our students and communities we serve that we take public stewardship seriously. View a Chart that provides an overview of what forms are required of employees. The online FERPA Tutorial provides information regarding access to and the release of student records. FERPA places restrictions on the release of student records and all employees who access student records are required to complete the tutorial. To access the online FERPA Tutorial select the following link. Annual: Acknowledgement and Disclosure 20xx – 20xx (next Fiscal Year) Annual Travel Acknowledgement 20xx – 20xx (next Fiscal Year) Adjunct Faculty and Temporary Employees - Completion Counts Towards Public Sector and Ethics Training Semester: I am an Instructor Reporting a Possible Enrollment Irregularity I am an Employee taking a Maricopa Course Using a Tuition Waiver Center for Employee & Organizational Development Division of Human Resources Page 1 Mandatory Training Required for all faculty & staff including Athletic Specialists, OYO, OSO, and Specially Funded employees: Online Course Name Initial Training Required Renewal Training Required Legal Issues: Public Within Probationary period or one year of hire Every three years (30 and Sector Employment date, whichever is shorter. Enrolled 90 day reminder notices are automatically on hire date. sent). MCCCD Public Stewardship Within Probationary period or one year of hire Every three years (30 and date, whichever is shorter. Enrolled 90 day reminder notices are automatically on hire date. sent). MCCCD Driver Training Program Prior to operating a college or district-owned motor vehicle, any employee who is authorized to operate a college or districtowned motor vehicle or vehicle rented, borrowed, or leased for college or district purposes must enroll & complete the course, AND demonstrate a satisfactory driving record by submitting to a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR). Need to self- enroll using HRMS SelfService and course# 001124. Every three years (30 and 90 day reminder notices are sent). Preventing Sex Discrimination and Harassment New Employees: Within 30 days of hire date. Enrolled automatically on hire date. Every three years. Existing Employees: Recommended within 90 days of this notice, but no later than July 31, 2015. Enrolled automatically. Please note: Given the regulatory changes on this topic over the last 18 months, there will be no in-person course utilized to fulfill the training requirement - either as a substitute for the online course or as a previous course completed. Information Security and Privacy New Employees: Within 30 days of hire date. Enrolled automatically on hire date. Every three years. Existing Employees: Recommended within 90 days of this notice, but no later than June 30, 2015. Enrolled automatically. Center for Employee & Organizational Development Division of Human Resources Page 1 Required for all Adjunct Faculty & RPS (part-time) staff: Online Course Name Initial Training Required Acknowledgement for Within 30 days of hire date, must self-initiate Adjunct and RPS (part- at the link provided. Completion Counts time Employees) Towards Public Sector and Ethics Training. Renewal Training Required Each Fiscal Year. MCCCD Driver Training Program Prior to operating a college or district-owned motor vehicle, any employee who is authorized to operate a college or districtowned motor vehicle or vehicle rented, borrowed, or leased for college or district purposes must enroll & complete the course, AND demonstrate a satisfactory driving record by submitting to a Motor Vehicle Record (MVR). Need to self- enroll using HRMS SelfService and course# 001124. Every three years (30 and 90 day reminder notices are sent). Preventing Sex Discrimination and Harassment New Employees: Within 30 days of hire date. Enrolled automatically on hire date. Every three years. Existing Employees: Recommended within 90 days of this notice, but no later than July 31, 2015. Enrolled automatically. Please note: Given the regulatory changes on this topic over the last 18 months, there will be no in-person course utilized to fulfill the training requirement - either as a substitute for the online course or as a previous course completed. Information Security and Privacy New Employees: Within 30 days of hire date. Enrolled automatically on hire date. Every three years. Existing Employees: Recommended within 90 days of this notice, but no later than June 30, 2015. Enrolled automatically. Center for Employee & Organizational Development Division of Human Resources Page 2 Required for all Persons of Interest (POI) – Defined as someone who is in a relationship with Maricopa in a non-employee capacity in which he or she is required to have access to one or more Maricopa systems accessed through an MEID. Online Course Name Initial Training Required Renewal Training Required Preventing Sex New Employees: Within 30 days of hire date. Every three years. Discrimination and Enrolled automatically on hire date. Harassment Existing Employees: Recommended within 90 days of this notice, but no later than July 31, 2015. Enrolled automatically. Please note: Given the regulatory changes on this topic over the last 18 months, there will be no in-person course utilized to fulfill the training requirement - either as a substitute for the online course or as a previous course completed. Information Security and Privacy New Employees: Within 30 days of hire date. Enrolled automatically on hire date. Every three years. Existing Employees: Recommended within 90 days of this notice, but no later than June 30, 2015. Enrolled automatically. Other required training that is dependent on your role in Maricopa: Online Course Name Initial Training Required MCCCD Employee Required for any faculty or employee (full or FERPA Compliance part-time who works with SIS) within 30 days of hire date. Enrolled automatically on hire date. Leadership Foundations Program Required for People Leaders. Enrolled automatically based on hire date Hiring Knowledge Checks Required for anyone serving on a hiring committee. Although not required, highly recommended for all faculty & staff: Online Course Name Initial Training Required MCCCD 101 Within 45 days of hire date. Enrolled Foundations Course automatically on hire date. Center for Employee & Organizational Development Division of Human Resources Renewal Training Required N/A Renewal Training Required N/A Page 3 To find out if your college requires additional college-specific training, please check with your direct supervisor or your college/site HR Manager. If after review of this matrix, you need clarification on what district-wide mandatory training you are required to complete, please contact one of the resources listed above or the Center for Employee & Organizational Development (CEOD) at 480-731-8209. Thank you! Canvas Login Directions Logging In: Training can be accessed from any Internet connection. View the "Getting Started with Canvas" guide. Log into Canvas using Chrome, Firefox, or IE10 or higher. Enter your user name and password (Your user name is your Enterprise ID) o Directions on how to find your Enterprise ID Your password will be the same as your Maricopa email password. All affected employees are auto enrolled into the courses. Please click on the course name and follow the directions (please read all introductory information). Completion Dates of Training and Disclosure Records Training records can be accessed via HRMS. Once logged in with your Enterprise ID and your email password, click Employee Self Service link. Then, click the Training & Development link and finally click the Training Summary link. Training records are updated from Canvas/SharePoint within 48 hours of completion. Disclosure Forms - Carl Ward, 480.731.8869 Office of Public Stewardship - 480.731.8084. Acknowledgements and disclosures Courses Not Listed in Canvas Once logged in, if you don't see any of your required courses, please contact CEOD at 480-731-8209. MCCCD Employee FERPA Compliance: In 1974, Congress enacted the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which places restrictions on any school, college or university receiving federal funds over the release of student records. The tutorial contains information on MCCCD's policies that were adopted to comply with FERPA requirements as well as other pertinent laws regarding access to other forms of official records. The tutorial is a learning tool designed to provide students, faculty, and staff a better understanding of the confidentiality protections that federal law affords the records that colleges and universities maintain about their students. Center for Employee & Organizational Development Division of Human Resources Page 4 Contact your Health Pro consultant: 800.513.1667 X 654 Access Compass services beginning on December 1st, 2015 Complete your profile online at Connect with your Health Pro consultant at or 800.513.1667 x111. Or contact your Health Pro consultant at or 800.513.1667 X 654 Maricopa County Community Colleges has contracted with a 24/7 Registered Nurse hotline in case of workplace injury. If a non life or limb threatening injury occurs, you can speak with Registered Nurse immediately, simply by calling the number below. Injured Worker Protocol If Life or Limb threatening, call 911 If other, then please follow the procedure as outlined: Step 1. Report the injury to your Supervisor. Call TriageNow: 844-332-5221 (MCCC’c dedicated number) Step 2. Registered Nurse will gather information about the injured employee and then triage the injury. Step 3. RN will give instructions for care on site or refer you to a clinic for advanced care. Step 4. All Documentation will be completed after call is finished and sent out. Keep in mind: Call for any injury that occurs. Call TriageNow back if you have questions or concerns about the injury for up to three days. (four calls total are allowed for any one injury) Follow care advice given promptly to ensure best medical outcome. College Resources Business Support Services SCC Presidents Office SD- 115 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 480-423-6310 Staff: Donna Cole - Administrative Assistant to College President 480-423-6310 Bursar / Cashier Fall & Spring Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 8am-5pm Services: Petty Cash Account Deposit Tuition Waivers Cash Handling College Business Office Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Services: CFS Resources Web Financials Travel Budget Development Acknowledgement & Disclosure Miscellaneous Forms Membership Payment Worksheet Official Function Form SS-138 480-423-6148 Contact: LB-129C 480-423-6145 Staff: Mirna Rosas 480-423-6734 Candace Weston 480-425-6918 Ariella Feld 480-423-6056 Food Services - Chartwells Fall & Spring Hours: Monday-Thursday 7am-7pm Friday 7am-1pm Snack Shack - Closed on Fridays Call for Summer Hours Services: Scottsdale Café and Snack Shack – cafeteria providing food service for SCC students and staff. Catering - Chartwells should always be contacted well in advance of your event. IT & HR SC-174/SC-176 480-423-6240 Contact: John Milburn – Director of Dining Services Chef Chris Weeks January 2016 1 of 5 FOB (Faculty Office Building) 480-423-6506 College Facilities Fall & Spring Hours: Monday-Friday Event Service Email: Vehicle Service Email: 8:00am-5:00pm Responsibilities: Meeting and Special event scheduling Rental of space on Campus Setup and tear down of most internal and external event spaces Signboard placement for events Student Film shoot space scheduling Vehicle scheduling and dispatch Voter Registration by External Groups Human Resources (HRMS) Fall & Summer Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Services: Hiring Process Time & Labor Online Assignments (Contracts) RPS (Request for Personnel Services) Time Reporting Non-Exempt Work Schedules Hourly Employees “Punch Time” Absence reporting Leave without Pay Benefits Work-Study Contracts Copy and Mail Center Staff: Lan Hoang – Scheduling Services Coordinator 480-425-6907 Kamy Johnson – Office Coordinator 480-425-6906 LB-116 480-423-6729 Staff: Carlos Flores – Human Resources Clerk/Typist 480-423-6729 Dulce Rodriguez – Human Resources Assistant III 480-425-6645 James Morris – Human Resources Coordinator 480-423-6428 CJ Coppola – Human Resources Coordinator 480-423-6308 Karen Johnson –Senior Manager, Human Resources 480-423-6597 LB-127 480-423-6645 Fall and Spring Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:30am-7:30pm Friday 6:30am-5pm Email: TRAC Solution –Online copy request system Services: Pickup and delivery Personal copying High speed black & white copying Convenience copier Transparencies and Laminating GBC and tape binding Mail service IT & HR January 2016 Digital copying Full Color copies Cutting, folding and drilling 2 of 5 Institutional Advancement and Community Engagement (IACE) Fall & Spring Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 8am-5pm Services: Business Cards Letterhead SCC & Artie Logos SCC Style Guide - Graphic Standards & Branding Talent Release Form Creative Brief – Graphic Design Job Request SCC Insider Publications Employee Store SCC Gear For Your Desk Gifts For Your Car MDF (McDowell Facility) 480-423-6380 Staff: Nancy Neff – Director 480-423-6567 Julianne “Juls” Davis – Web Marketing Coordinator 480-425-6955 Jonathan Higuera – Communications Coordinator 480-425-6637 Charles Silver – Director of Development 480-423-6424 Kim Herbst – Graphic Designer 480-423-6589 Michelle Ludeman – Administrative Secretary 480-423-6380 Public Safety LB-165 Dispatch Desk 24 hours a day 480 423-6175 or If you have a life-threatening emergency, CALL 40911. For all other Emergency and Non‑Emergency concerns, please call (480) 423-6175 Services: Access to College Facilities Escort service to your vehicle or the bus stop Assistance for disabled motor vehicles Report a Crime or Emergencies Responding to Criminal Activity and Emergencies Report a Sexual Assault College response to Alcohol and Drug Violations Policy regarding Weapons on campus Policy regarding Smoking on campus Policy regarding Children on campus Crime Awareness and Prevention Programs Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention IT & HR College Police Officers: Les Strickland – Police Commander 480 423-6510 Marvin Tahmahkera – Police Officer 480-423-6548 Arlyn Walz - Police Officer 480 423-6564 Brenden Richardson - Police Officer 480 423-6564 Anthony Ortiz – Police Officer 480-423-6529 January 2016 3 of 5 HelpDesk IT100 Monday-Thursday 7am-9pm Friday & Saturday 8am-4pm Email: 480-423-6274 (options 3) Provide faculty, staff, and students with a primary point of contact within SCC so that access to college-supported technology services and the technical assistance essential to effectively use these services are provided in an efficient and effective manner. Services: Media Center Staff: Fred Speidel – Client Support Analyst Darrin Polega – Client Support Analyst Nila Yang – HelpDesk Support Joe Ricciardi – HelpDesk Support IT-120 Monday-Thursday 7am-8pm 480-423-6652 Friday 7am-4pm Saturday 8am-12pm The Media Center provides in-classroom delivery and technical support of audiovisual equipment to include data projectors, document cameras, DVD players, VHS video cassette decks, TV monitors, and carousel slide projectors. Faculty and staff may check out equipment for off campus college related work. The offerings include laptop computers, digital cameras, Mini DVD camcorders, and digital voice recorders. Printing Services: Color Paper Posters Lamination Vinyl Banners Permanent Stickers Temporary Stickers Cut Vinyl Stickers Window Clings Graphic Design and more! For a job specific quote email or call for a request: or 480-423-6642 Staff: Curtis Kipp - Manager Tech Support 480-423-8490 Justin Johntson – Coord Audio Visual 480-425-6725 Wade Richardson - Audiovisual Tech 480-423-6646 Terry Votichenko - Tech 480-423-6653 Philip Amorosi – Graphic Designer 480-423*6652 IT & HR January 2016 4 of 5 Institutional Research, Planning and MDF ( McDowell Facility) Development Provides information and data analysis services to SCC faculty, staff, and administration and supports planning, assessment and decision-making across the college. Reports Available: 45th day Report – Spring 2014 Beginning of Term Report Spring 2014 45th Day Executive Summary – Spring 2014 Fact Book 2012-2013 2013 Alumni Survey Report University Transfers Information Receiving Department Monday- Friday 7am-4pm Receiving Department Email: Staff: Laurie Cohen 480-423-6511 Linda Hughes 480-423-6346 ME-114 480-423-6061 Services: Printer/Copier paper by the case Toner Shipping requests and pick-up of authorized merchandise Status of delivery for time sensitive materials Pick-up of items for surplus Staff: Ray Cruz 480-423-6061 Xavier Gamez 480-423-6004 Maintenance & Operations (M&O) ME-111 Monday- Friday 5am – 3:30pm 480-423-6005 M&O online HelpDesk Request: Services: Custodial Grounds Electrician Heating and Air Conditioning Carpenter Plumber Painter IT & HR Staff: Matt Kind – Manager Building Operations 480-423-6008 Susan Ladue 480-423-6005 January 2016 5 of 5 Academic Support Services COMPUTER LABS “During Library construction, computer labs are only open to enrolled students for school-related work.” Math/Science Tutoring Center CM-44IA Open to all students Monday-Thursday 8am-7:30pm Friday 8am-2pm Saturday 10am-2pm Login help: Contact Vrushti Bhatt @ 480-423-6603 PC (Windows) Printing Calculator assistance and check out (hourly basis) CIS Tutoring Lab CM-446 Open to all students Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm Friday 8am-3pm PC (Windows) Printing Natural Science Center NS-107 Open to all students Monday-Thursday 8am-7:30pm Friday 8am-2pm Saturday 10am-2pm Login help: Contact Dawn Mclain @ 480-425-6726 Mac and PC (Windows) Accounting/Statistics Learning Center AP-292 Open to all students Monday 8am-12pm /2:45pm-6:15pm Tuesday 8am-1:30 pm /2:45pm-6:15 pm Wednesday 8am-12pm /1:15pm-6:15pm Thursday 8am-12pm Friday Closed Login help: Contact SCC HelpDesk @ 480-423-6274 (option 3) PC (Windows) Social/Behavioral Science Learning Center (SBLC) SB-158 480-423-6145 480-425-6626 480-425-6726 480-425-6717 480-423-6223 Open to all students Monday-Thursday 8am-8pm Friday 10am-2pm (may be closed for meetings Fridays; call ahead to verify hours) Login help: Contact Jay Hall @ 480-423-6223 Mac and PC (Windows) Printing Study rooms The Writing Center LC-379 Open to all students Monday-Thursday 7:30am-8:30pm Friday 7:30am-3:00pm Login help: Contact Jason Dragon @ 480-423-6416 or Chad Wellborn @ 480-423-6416 Mac and PC (Windows) Printing, Coin-operated copy machine Student Tech Center IT-IOO Open to all students Monday-Thursday 7am-9pm Friday-Saturday 8am-4pm Login help, Mac and PC (Windows) Printing, Scanning Collaboration rooms, with laptop and Blu-ray player checkout available IT & HR January 2016 480-423-6416 480-423-6261 1 of 3 ENROLLMENT ASSISTANCE Welcome Center SC-118 Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 10am-5pm Self-service enrollment assistance using Apply for Financial Aid online Check, email, message center, To Do list 480-423-6700 TESTING Testing Center SC-150 Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm Friday 10am-3pm Placement Testing Most Makeup Testing 480-423-6433 TUTORING SERVICES Math/Science Tutoring Center CM-441A Monday-Thursday 8am-7:30pm Friday 8am-2pm Saturday 10am-2pm Current Math/Science students only Tutoring for Math (always available) Tutoring for Physics (check tutor schedule for Physics) Natural Science Center NS-107 Monday-Thursday 8am-7:30pm Friday 8am-2pm Saturday 10am-2pm Current Science students only Tutoring for Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics Check tutor schedule for availability Accounting/Statistics Learning Center AP-292 Open to all students Monday 8am-12pm /2:45pm-6:15pm Tuesday 8am-1:30 pm /2:45pm-6:15 pm Wednesday 8am-12pm /1:15pm-6:15pm Thursday 8am-12pm Friday Closed Current Accounting/Business Stats students only ACC 111, 112,211,212,230,240, or GBS 221 Social/Behavioral Science Learning Center (SBLC) SB-158 Monday-Thursday 8am-8pm Friday 10am-2pm (may be closed for meetings Fridays; call ahead to verify hours) * Makeup Testing for Social & Behavioral Sciences; Arrange with Instructor * 480-423-6145 480-425-6726 480-425-6717 480-423-6223 Call/email regarding hours of tutors for subjects: Anthropology Early Childhood Education Economics Geography (Physical & Cultural) History Philosophy Political Science Psychology (including Statistics) Sociology The Writing Center LC-379 Monday-Thursday 8am-8:30pm Friday 9am-3:00pm Open to all students English tutoring for any writing assignment in ANY CLASS World Languages tutoring for language course student is enrolled in (contact the Writing Center to check tutor availability) Counseling SC-108 Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 8am-5pm Stress Management, Time Management, Study Skills, Test Anxiety, etc. Call to schedule an appointment IT & HR January 2016 480-423-6416 480-423-6524 2 of 3 STUDENT SERVICES Advisement Center SC 118 480-423-6539 SS 136 480-423-6100 SS 138 480-423-6148 SC 185 480-423-6590 SC 125 480-423-6517 SS 141 Financial Aid Answer Center Monday-Thursday 8am-6pm Friday 10am-5pm Admissions & Records (A&R) Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 10am-5pm Bursar/Cashier Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 10am-5pm Civic & Global Engagement Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 8am-5pm Disability Resources Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 8am-5pm Financial Aid Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 10am-5pm Call Toll-Free Day or Night (855) 622-2332 Library Temporary Location SC 209 Monday-Thursday 7:30am-9:30pm Friday 7:30am-4pm Saturday noon -4pm 480-423-6651 Service-Learning & Leadership SC 100 480-423-6545 SC 131/132 480-423-6515 IT-120 480-423-6652 IT-100 480-423-6274 (option 3) Monday-Tuesday 8am-7pm Wednesday-Thursday 8am-5pm Friday 8am-5pm Veteran Services Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 8am-5pm IT Services Media Center Monday-Thursday 7am-8pm Friday 7am-4pm Saturday 8am-12pm HelpDesk Monday-Thursday 7am-9pm Friday & Saturday 8am-4pm IT & HR January 2016 3 of 3 Daily BUZZ – SCC’s Campus wide Communication Tool The Daily Buzz was created to provide a single email listing SCC’s announcements for the day. The “Buzz” will include contact information for each announcement and will create an archive of all the announcements submitted over time. Employees can submit announcements such as important business process changes, organizational updates, congratulations, job announcements, general announcements, events, athletics updates, etc. through this automated system The “Buzz” will be emailed at 9AM every work day. If you submit your announcement before 9AM, it will be included in today’s Daily Buzz. If you submit your announcement after 9AM, it will be included in tomorrow’s Daily Buzz. To submit or search for an archived announcement go to: or click Daily Buzz link top navigation of the Employee Resource webpage - The process is very easy! 1. Go to http://www.scottsdalecc. edu/dailybuzz 2. Use your MEID and password to sign-in 3. Click Submit Buzz link IT & HR January 2016 1 of 2 4. Fill out the form 5. Click the Submit button To search for archived announcements 1. Select Category dropdown (optional-can be left blank) 2. Enter keyword(s) (can be a person’s name if you remember who submitted the announcement). 3. Click Search Keywords button. IT & HR January 2016 2 of 2 Getting Started with mySCC mySCC is Scottsdale Community College’s exciting way to access a multitude of software applications, file storage—both on and off campus! Use mySCC on your Mac or PC for free access to MS Office Professional Suite, Adobe Creative Suite (on campus only), and many academic-specific software applications. You also have free file storage available. Use mySCC anywhere, anytime you have an Internet connection, even on campus! USING mySCC Step 1: Enter this URL: Step 2: Enter your MEID and password and click Log In. Step 3: When finished, click Log Off. To use mySCC off campus or on your laptop: You will need to perform a one-time installation of Citrix “client” software. INSTALLING THE CITRIX SOFTWARE OFF CAMPUS (WINDOWS PC INSTRUCTIONS) The mySCC software should be available automatically on SCC computers, but to access mySCC off campus, you’ll need to perform this one-time installation of the Citrix Receiver interface application. These instructions are provided using Internet Explorer (for the best experience using mySCC we recommend using Internet Explorer as your web browser) Step 1: Enter this URL: A Log On box appears use your MEID and password to login Step 2: After checking the box to agree to the license agreement, click Install. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 4 Step 3: At the bottom of the webpage for the installer conformation, and click on Run Step 4: In the subsequent window if prompted for permission to continue, click Yes. Step 5: Once the Setup menu opens, click on Install (this may take a few minutes) Step 6: The loading box automatically closes, return to the Citrix webpage and you should be logged in. You have now installed the Citrix receiver! This is a one time installation, If you see the message below simply click on Skip to Log On IT & HR January 2016 2 of 4 INSTALLING THE CITRIX SOFTWARE OFF CAMPUS (Apple Macintosh Instructions) The mySCC software should be available automatically on SCC computers, but to access mySCC off campus, you’ll need to perform this one-time installation of the Citrix Receiver interface application. These instructions are provided using Internet Explorer (for the best experience using mySCC we recommend using Internet Explorer as your web browser) Step 1: Enter this URL: A Log On box appears, use your MEID and password to login. Step 2: Click on Install Step 3: Click Download and open the file. Step 4: Click on Install Citrix Online Plug-in.pkg Step 5: On the Welcome to Citrix Online Plug-in Installer window, click Continue. IT & HR January 2016 3 of 4 Step 6: On the Software License Agreement window, click Continue. Step 7: Click Agree to the license agreement. Step 8: On the Standard Install window, click Install. You may need to enter your password to allow installation to continue. Step 9: On the Installation completed successfully window, click Close. Step 10: Back on the Citrix webpage, click the Continue button. You have now installed the Citrix receiver! This is a one time installation, from here on out when you go to login to MySCC if you get the image above simply click on Skip to Log On IT & HR January 2016 4 of 4 Managing Files and Folders This guide contains information on working with files and folders within the mySCC system. Note: If you are using a flash drive, insert it before you log in to mySCC. Accessing Your H: Drive Files (network) From the Main screen in mySCC, launch the application All Drives H, S, W. Step 1: From within an application, choose the Open command. The system automatically defaults to “My Documents,” which displays files and folders from your H: drive (personal storage area on the SCC network). Step 2: Browse through the folders to find the desired file, as normal. Accessing Files Stored on Your Computer: Although you can open, modify and save your local files using the steps below, it’s highly recommended you do these functions from the My Documents area within mySCC – that would be your H: drive (personal storage area) on the SCC network. It’s much more convenient and the system will perform better for you. See steps below for copying files up to your H: drive. There are two methods for accessing your local data files (e.g., documents, spreadsheets, etc.) on your computer’s hard drive. Both involve finding your local computer drive (C:), which is assigned "Local Disk (C:...System Folder) in mySCC. METHOD ONE: Step 1: From within an application, choose the Open command. Step 2: Click or double-click My Computer or Computer. Granting Permissions On Windows PCs: You receive a "Citrix Receiver - Security Warning" dialog box, asking for permission to access files on your computer. Choose Allow reading only to just view files; choose Permit all access to be able to modify files. (Checking Do not ask me again for this site will make this permission permanent.) IT & HR January 2016 1 of 3 On Macintosh: A "File access" message appears as the "My Computer" opens. Choose the Read Only box when you want to view local files or Read & Write box when you want to open or save a file. Check Don't ask me again box to male permission permanent. Step 3: Note the dialog box changes to display drive letters (as in the following example from MS Word) → Step 4: Double-click on Local Disk C on open your local drive. Step 5: Navigate to find your folder and files. On Windows PCs: To find files in “My Documents,” double-click Users, then your user name (if applicable), then the Documents link. Choosing “Documents” from the list at the left will take you to your H: drive on the SCC network. (Do not use the Desktop option!) On Macintosh: Open the Desktop, Documents or other relevant location. IT & HR January 2016 2 of 3 METHOD TWO: Step 1: From the mySCC Application window, click the All Drives H, S, W icon. Step 2: Click on Local Disk C: to open your local drive. Follow instructions above for granting permissions. Your CD drive is usually “(D:)” drive; a USB flash drive plugged into your computer is usually “(E:)” drive. Note: Don’t click on “CD Drive (E:)”. This is NOT your CD drive! Copying Files from Your Computer to Your H: Drive Step 1: On the My Applications window, click the All Drives H, S, W icon. Step 2: Choose Local Disk C:. Note section above describing granting permissions. Step 3: Find and single-click the filename. Step 4: From the Edit menu, click Copy. Step 5: From the Folders pane, click My Documents. Step 6: Open the appropriate folder Step 7: From the Edit menu, click Paste. IT & HR January 2016 3 of 3 25Live – Facility and Vehicle Scheduling 25Live is the system used to schedule vehicles, facilities, resources, and services for on campus events and activities, and is the Official MCCCD and SCC Calendar for all activities. 25Live pulls classroom schedule information from SIS, combines with all events scheduled within the system, and publishes to a web-based calendar view, providing an integrated system for viewing all campus activities. To view vehicle schedules, classes and events scheduled on campus, check availability of locations, and request to schedule a vehicle or event: From the SCC home page, click Events link. Check availability by clicking on Employee or Vehicle Calendar Select the date on the calendar Review the list for that date and/or location To schedule an event click on the 25Live Event Portal button. Watch the Daily Buzz for ongoing training session announcements, or training is available by request to IT & HR January 2016 1 of 1 SCC Campus Map and Building Names Restaurants near SCC Scottsdale Community College – Culinary Arts Artichoke Grill – luncheon menu Reservations: 480-423-6284 Tuesday through Friday 11:30am – 1pm August – November and January – April Desert Oasis – dinner menu Reservations: 480-423-6284 Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday 6pm – 8pm August – November and January - April North Scottsdale Crust – Simply Italian Address: 6989 N Hayden Rd Cross Streets: N Hayden & E Indian Bend Road Phone: 480-948-3099 Hours: 11:00 am – 10:00 pm Wildflower Bread Company Address: 7001 N Scottsdale Rd Cross Streets: N Scottsdale Rd and E Indian Bend Rd Phone: 480-612-0606 Hours: 6am – 9pm Randy’s Restaurant and Ice Cream Address: 7904 E Chaparral Rd Phone: 480-941-8419 Hours: 6am – 9pm Scottsdale Pavilions – E Indian Bend and 101 5 & Diner Address: 9069 E Indian Bend Phone: 480-949-1957 Hours: 7am – 10pm Denny’s – American, Breakfast/Brunch, Diner Address: 9160 East Indian Bend Phone: 480-991-2909 Hours: 24/7 Sweet Tomatoes – Soup, Salad, Buffet Address: 9029 E Indian Bend Phone: 480-991-6010 Hours: 11am – 9pm Chipotle - Mexican Address: 9010 E Indian Bend Phone: 480-270-5370 Hours: 11am - 10pm Buffalo Wild Wings Address: 8870 E Indian Bend Phone: 480-278-8791 Hours: 11am – 1am Blimpie – Sub Sandwiches Address: 9120 E Indian Bend Phone: 480-991-3988 Hours: 9am – 9pm Red Robin – Gourmet Burgers Address: 8970 E Indian Bend Phone: 480-661-7114 Hours: 11am – 10pm IT & HR January 2016 1 of 2 Old Town Scottsdale – N Scottsdale Rd & E Indian School Rd Sugar Bowl – Sandwiches and Ice Cream Address: 4005 N Scottsdale Rd Cross Streets: N Scottsdale Rd and E 1st Ave Phone: 480-946-0051 Hours: 11am – 10pm Rusty Spur Saloon Address: 7245 E Main Street, Scottsdale, AZ Cross Streets: N Scottsdale Rd and E Main St Phone: 480-425-7787 Hours: 10am -1am Tempe Marketplace – E Rio Salado Parkway & 101 (west side) California Pizza Kitchen Address: 2000 E Rio Salado Parkway Phone: 480-967-0498 Hours: 10:30am – 10pm Thirsty Lion Pub & Grill Address: 2000 E Rio Salado Parkway, #1041 Phone: 480-968-2920 Hours: 11am – 12am Smash Burger Address: 2000 E Rio Salado Parkway Phone: 480-894-3469 Hours: 10am – 10pm Portillo’s Address: 65 S McClintock Dr. Phone: 480-967-7988 Hours: 10am – 10:30pm Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches Address: 2000 E Rio Salado Parkway Phone: 480-839-2100 Hours: 10:30am 10pm Paradise Bakery Cafe Address: 2000 E Rio Salado Parkway, Suite 1143 Phone: 480-889-0683 Hours: 7am – 9pm Mesa Riverview – N Dobson Rd & 101 (east side) Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Address: 1007 N Dobson Road Phone: 480-668-4780 Hours: 6am – 11pm Famous Dave’s - Barbeque Address: 1011 N Dobson Road Phone: 480-615-1444 Hours: 11am – 10pm Cactus Moon Sports Grill Address: 1017 N Dobson Rd. #108 Phone: 480-833-2226 Hours: 11am – 11pm Logan’s Roadhouse Address: 945 N Dobson Road Phone: 480-668-5900 Hours: 11am – 10pm Panda Express Address: 921 N Dobson Road Phone: 480-834-3689 Hours: 10am – 10:30pm Matta’s Mexican Restaurant Address: 1033 N Dobson Rd, Suite 101 Phone: 480-964-7881 Hours: 11am – 10pm IT & HR January 2016 2 of 2 Getting Started STEP 1: First time user click here to set up your account access NOTE: Username is your first initial and last name Password the first time is “password”; then you will be prompted to reset your password. STEP 2: Required fields are Name; Phone; email address; Campus and Cost Center (your copy code #) NOTE: Your password must be 6 characters or more. Creating a new request STEP 1: Click Copy then click Submit Request STEP2: Choose the printing request you need • B/W and Color CopyingPrinting – Black and White and Color Copying and Printing. NOTE: Color copying does require supervisor approval Create a Copy Request – B/W Copying/Printing STEP 1: Add document by clicking the Browse button Then click Upload Attached Files button Step 2: Total number of pages in document Step 3: Number of sets of document you need. STEP 4: Click the box to view additional options. STEP 4: Click the box to view additional options. STEP 5: Click Add Notes to add additional information about your copy job STEP 6: Click Next >> button lower left corner Create a Copy Request – B/W Copying/Printing STEP 7: Complete filling out copy request. STEP 9: Click Submit button STEP 8: Must be selected to provide delivery location STEP 10: Status Received College Safety S C OT T S DA L E C O M M U N I T Y C O L L E G E EMERGENCY RESPONSE QUICK-REFERENCE GUIDE Dial 911 for the fastest response for police, fire or medical assistance Also contact SCC Public Safety: 480.423.6175 CRITICAL ACTIONS TO TAKE Safety Escorts: The SCC Public Safety Department provides safety escorts to your car. Contact Public Safety at 480.423.6175 WHAT TO KNOW FIRST: • Call Public Safety Immediately at 480.423.6175 • Give a description of the person and type of weapon Your surroundings & locations of: LOCKDOWN • • • • • • • • • • Building exits & evacuation routes. Outside assembly areas. Fire alarm pull stations. Fire extinguishers. First Aid kits & defibrillators (AED) Campus call boxes (blue light phones) On-campus Communications: • • • • • Public Safety at 480.423.6175 (24 hours/day) From cell phone to 911: to Salt River Police From campus phone to 911: to Salt River Police From emergency call box: to campus Public Safety Calls to Public Safety go to SRPD and vice versa Notification of an emergency may occur by: • • • • • Building fire alarm Emergency call box public address system “Clear Text” message Campus telephones Word-of-mouth /runner (Building/Coordinator) BOMB THREAT: If received by Telephone: • Take Notes on what is said • Signal a co-worker to call Public Safety If received by written note: • Stop handling the paper and envelope • Call Public Safety immediately If received in person: • Remain seated or still; follow instructions; note the person’s appearance BUILDING EVACUATION • • • • • • FIREARM/WEAPON ON CAMPUS Take small personal possessions. Assist those with special needs. Look for others who were with you. Check rest rooms if possible. Close doors if last one out. Exit by closest door leading outside. Move to the outside assembly area. FIRE • Assume that an alarm is “real;” evacuate the building. • Exit directly to the outside and move away from the building, if possible. • Assist those with special needs; account for others. • Knock on closed doors; open doors on the way out. • Stay low; cover mouth & nose if smoke is present; move to outside assembly area. • Do not reenter a vacated building until cleared to do so. Take refuge in offices and classrooms. Close & lock all windows & doors; close blinds & shades Turn off lights; remain out of sight from doors and windows. Encourage others; avoid speech that unnerves others MEDICAL EMERGENCIES • Bleeding: Apply direct pressure over the bleeding area until bleeding stops or paramedics arrive. • Choking: Perform the Heimlich maneuver • Heat exhaustion: Cool victim; loosen clothing; give water only • Heat Stroke: Life threatening: Call 911; cool victim fast-wet cloth, fan, prone position; water only, if not vomiting • Heart Attack: If a heart attack is suspected, check for a pulse. If no pulse is detected, begin CPR imme-diately. Get an AED • CPR— Prior to starting: Is victim conscious? If not known, ask if “OK?” If no response, call 911, start CPR. CPR Hands-Only CPR: CPR without mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths. It involves two easy steps: Call 911 and push hard and fast on the center of the chest. Don’t stop until help or an AED arrives. • Anyone can perform Hands-Only CPR and everyone should perform it if they aren’t confident in their CPR skills or haven’t learned conventional CPR. • Hans-Only CPR is easy to remember and results in delivery of more, uninterrupted chest compressions until more advanced care arrives on the scene. CPR Chest Compressions: Put heel of one hand over the center of the person’s chest, other hand on top. Elbows straight, shoulders above hands; use upper body weight, push straight down, com-press chest 2 inches; push hard & fast—2 com-pressions/second; after 30 compressions, recheck for pulse • If an AED is available, open kit and follow prompts. If not trained in AED, a 911 operator may be able to guide you. • Continue CPR until victim moves or until emergency personnel arrive and take over. • Fall Victim: If person is conscious but unable to move, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MOVE THE VICTIM; call 911 or 36175 (Campus Public Safety). Be aware of possible injuries to head, neck & back; wait for assistance. If victim is unconscious and you are unable to locate a heartbeat, administer CPR, get an AED. Provided by the SCC Department of Public Safety An EEO/AA institution. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 1 Scottsdale Community College ACTIVE SHOOTER RESPONSE GUIDE SCC Public Safety: 480.423.6175 CRITICAL ACTIONS TO TAKE 1. 2. 3. 4. FIGURE OUT GET OUT These are the first critical moments! 1. STAY CALM – your behavior & actions will influence others! 2. Figure out what is going on, or happening? 3. Trust your instincts 4. What is the threat? a. Active Shooter b. Multiple Assailants c. Type of weapons – handguns, rifle d. Explosions 5. Where is the threat? a. Vicinity or nearby b. Same area or building 6. What are you options? a. Get out – Hide out – Take out 7. What is your best course of action? 8. How can you maximize your survivability? HIDE OUT If it is safer to shelter-in-place because the threat is too close 1. 2. 3. 4. And just as importantly to keep the threat out! Lock and/or barricade the doors. Call 911 or SCC Public Safety Give the dispatcher the following information: a. Your name b. Your location c. Location of Incident d. Number of shooters & types of weapons (if known) e. Description of shooter (if known) f. Other relevant information – wounded, hostages etc. 5. Turn off lights. 6. Close blinds. 7. Block windows. 8. Turn off radios and computer monitors. 9. Keep occupants calm, quiet & out of sight. 10.Keep yourself out of sight & take adequate cover and protection. 11. Silence cell phones. If you think it is safe to flee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Exit the area or building immediately. Notify anyone you may encounter to exit the area too. Go to a safe location. Call 911 or SCC Public Safety. Give the dispatcher the following information a. Your name b. Your location c. Location of Incident d. Number of shooters & types of weapons (if known) e. Description of shooter (if known) f. Other relevant information – wounded, hostages etc. TAKE OUT If faced with an imminent attack take steps to protect and defend yourself 1. Commit to action. 2. This definitely not the time or place to be timid of indecisive! 3. Formulate a plan. 4. Spread out. 5. Utilize the element of surprise to your advantage. 6. Strike swiftly, hard and don’t give up. 7. You may get hurt, but you can survive. Provided by the SCC Department of Public Safety An EEO/AA institution. Residential and Adjunct Faculty Essentials How to find your MEID (Maricopa Enterprise ID) & Set or Change your Password To log into Manage My Account use the following navigation: Find or Lookup your MEID: If you do not have or know your MEID, on the Manage My Account page, Click Find My MEID link. Step 1 Complete the form and click Find My MEID button. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 5 Step 2 Your MEID is shown on the next screen. Step 3 Click the New employee account setup link if you have not set your MEID password. This will walk you through the steps to set your password and challenge questions. or Click the Reset my password link to reset your MEID password. Password Reset Process Step 4 Compte the form and click Start password reset process button. IT & HR January 2016 2 of 5 Step 5 Answer your Account recovery questions, confirm security text, and click Submit answers and continue button. Step 6 Enter your new password, confirm security text, then click Save new password and finish button. IT & HR January 2016 3 of 5 Step 7 Password Reset Successful screen. Change Password - > left navigation menu Scroll down to Email Tool > click Email Tool – Manage My Account. Step 1 Click on Email Tool – Manage My Account link to see this page to change your MEID password. Step 2 Enter MEID, Password, Security text, then click Sign In button. IT & HR January 2016 4 of 5 Step 3 Enter your new password. If you want to set new Account recovery questions, check the box marked. Step 4 When you check the box you will see two questions that you will need to select and answer. Step 5 Click Save all account changes button. A successful confirmation page appears. IT & HR January 2016 5 of 5 Faculty Center Navigation To log in to SIS use the following navigation: > click the Quick Links drop down in the upper right corner > Click on SIS link or > click Employees > click more employee resources > click SIS link Do Not Use as this is the Student Portal. Once you have logged into SIS, you will: 1. click Main Menu 2. click Self Service 3. click Faculty Center 4. click My Schedule Faculty Center will look the same. Please use the icons to the left of your class for Class Roster or Grade Roster. Do Not Use the tabs at the top of the page. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 1 SIS Basics - Faculty SIS Overview SIS is the system of record for all student transactions conducted within MCCCD. This quick reference card provides instructions on how to: • Log into SIS. • View, download, and print a class roster. • Review and submit a 45th Day Roster. • Withdraw a student. • Submit a final grade roster. 2. If teaching multiple courses at the same or different Maricopa colleges, click the Change Term button to view additional courses. 3. Click the radio button to select the desired term/college combination. 4. Click Continue. 5. Review your course assignments. 6. Click the Faculty Center link at the bottom left of the page to return to the Faculty Center without making any changes. Log into SIS 1. Open your browser Chrome, FireFox, IE, or Safari, then go to 2. Click Quick Links dropdown (upper right corner) Roster Types SIS provides three types of rosters for managing student enrollment and grades: 45th Day Roster, Class Roster, and Grade Roster. 3. Click the SIS link (bottom of list). 4. Sign into SIS with your Maricopa Enterprise ID (MEID) and Password. Note: Due to security measures, you will be timed out of SIS if the system is not in use for approximately 30 minutes. Faculty Center The Faculty Center displays all courses you are scheduled to teach. It is used to manage your administrative responsibilities. Class Roster The Class Roster displays the student ID number, name, grade basis, units, program/plan, and level. Check with your Residential Faculty Mentor and Department Chair for additional ways to access student contact information (ex: address, email address, phone numbers). View the Class Roster Navigate to the Faculty Center 1. Navigate to the Faculty Center: Main Menu > Self Service > Faculty Center > My Schedule. 1. Main Menu > Self Service > Faculty Center > My Schedule. • Change the term if necessary. 2. Select the Class Roster icon the desired course name. to the left of 3. Scroll down to view the list of students. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 February, 2015 Depending on your campus, you may receive an email with the deadline for certifying your 45th day roster(s). It is your responsibility to check with your campus regarding these communications and timelines. Review/Certify 45th Day Roster 4. Click Faculty Center to Return. Download and Print Your Class Roster Although there is a Printer Friendly Version link, you may not want to use it since it prints out very small. As an alternative option, you can download the roster to an Excel spreadsheet and then print the document. 1. Click the Download icon 1. Navigate to the Faculty Center: Main Menu > Self Service > Faculty Center > My Schedule. 2. Select the 45th Day Roster icon of the desired course name. . to the left 3. Prior to the deadline, verify all students listed on your roster are in attendance. 2. In the File Download dialog box, click Save As. 4. If any student on the roster is not in attendance as of the 45th day, follow the steps below to withdraw a student. 3. In the Save As window, select the save location. 4. In the File Name field, enter a title. 5. Click Save. 5. If all students on the roster are in attendance as of the 45th day, certify the 45th Day Roster. 6. Locate and open your saved file. Note: Check with your Residential Faculty Mentor and Department Chair for additional information when certifying a 45th day roster. 7. Make formatting changes if needed. 8. Click File and Save. 9. Click File and Print. 10. Close out of Excel when finished. 6. Select the 45th Day Roster icon of the desired course name. 45th Day Roster 7. Scroll to the bottom and click Certify. You will see a message like the one below. The 45th Day Roster is the official online process to report credit course enrollment as required by the Arizona State Legislature. The 45th day is the official census date for fulfilling this requirement. to the left This online process includes confirming that all students enrolled in your class as of the 45th day are in attendance. Note: Students who are no longer in attendance should be withdrawn before submitting this document. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 2 Withdraw a Student Grade Roster The Grade Roster is the official online process for submitting final grades. You will be notified by email regarding the time frame to complete this process by the college Admissions & Records Office. Delays in entering grades may cause undue hardship on students with transfer, reimbursement, or enrollment requirements. 1. Navigate to the Faculty Center: Main Menu > Self Service > Faculty Center > My Schedule. • Change the term if necessary. 2. Select the Grade Roster icon . 3. In the Roster Grade column, click the dropdown menu next to the desired student. According to the MCCCD Administrative Regulations, attendance requirements are determined by the course instructor. Students who do not meet the attendance requirement as determined by the course instructor may be withdrawn. (See Administrative Regulations 2.3.2). 4. Select the appropriate grade (W or Y). • W is used if the last date of attendance is through the seventh (7th) week. • Y is used if the last date of attendance is after the seventh (7th) week. • It is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges that a grade will be assigned at the conclusion of the course (See Administrative Regulations 2.3.3). Final grades must be recorded through SIS. When withdrawing a student, include the last date of attendance and the drop reason code. Time limits for classes that meet fewer than sixteen (16) weeks are adjusted accordingly. See Important Deadlines for Students in the College Course Catalog. 5. In the Last Date of Attendance field, click the calendar icon . Grade Key 6. Select the appropriate date or enter the appropriate date manually in the format mm/dd/yyyy. A Excellent grade points per credit hour B Above Average grade points per credit hour C Average grade points per credit hour 8. Select the appropriate Drop Reason Code. D Passing grade point per credit hour • Drop Code 42 (FAC – Excessive Absences) F Failure grade points per credit hour • Drop Code 43 (FAC – Never Attended) I Incomplete Note: These are two of the most commonly used drop reasons. Not computed in grade point average IP 9. Repeat Steps 2 – 9 to withdraw additional students. Course in Progress Not computed in grade point average N Audit Not computed in grade point average 7. In the Drop Reason field, click the magnifying glass to display Drop Reason Codes . 10. Click the Save button. • SIS will post the withdrawal overnight and display the next day as a confirmation. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 3 • Grade Key – continued P Credit Not computed in grade point average. A "P" grade is judged to be equivalent to a grade of C or higher. W Withdrawn, passing Not computed in grade point average Y Withdrawn, failing 0 grade points per credit hour Z No Credit Not computed in grade point average I grades – Require an incomplete grade to be assigned to the student. Select the Transcript Note tab. Click the Note link. Click the Incomplete Detail button. Submit Your Final Grade Roster 1. Navigate to the Faculty Center: Main Menu > Self Service > Faculty Center > My Schedule. • Change the term if necessary. 2. Select the Grade Roster icon . 3. Select the Transcript Note tab. 4. In the Roster Grade column, select the dropdown menu adjacent to the desired student. Enter the Lapse Deadline date. Enter the Lapse to Grade. 5. Select the appropriate grade, and then follow the next steps as necessary. • A, B, C, D, and P grades – No additional steps are required. • W or Y grades – Click in the Last Date of Attendance field, and then enter the last date of attendance. • Click in the Drop Reason field, and then enter the appropriate withdrawal code. • F or Z grades – Click in the Last Date of Attendance field, and then enter the last date of attendance. Technology Training Services 480-731-8287 (Optional Step) Enter Comment: Incomplete work must be completed by (Date) or grade will be changed to an (Grade). Click the OK button twice. 6. Scroll down and click Save. Note: Check with your Department Chair for specific information regarding all roster policies and procedures. 4 45th Day Rosters in SIS Faculty Center Approximately two weeks prior to 45th day, you will receive an email from Admissions & Records asking you to: Please make sure you have done the following PRIOR to (a give date and time): Verified that all students attending your classes are listed on your roster in the faculty center. If they are not on the roster, send them to A&R immediately. Withdrawn, in the faculty center, any students who are not attending your class. How to Certify your 45th Day Class Rosters A snapshot is taken of your grade rosters on a specific date (process run by District overnight). It is this snapshot that is posted for you to certify. You need to "Certify" the 45th roster as it was captured. You are still able to withdraw students in your Grade roster after that date. To log in to SIS use the following navigation: > click the Quick Links drop down in the upper right corner > Click on SIS link or > click Employees > click more employee resources > click SIS link Do Not Use as this is the Student Portal. To view and certify the 45th day roster, click on the 45th day roster icon. This will take you to the 45th day roster page. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 3 This page shows all student in the class and any grade information that was entered prior to the rosters being created. No grades may be entered on this page. For uncertified rosters, the faculty will see the certify status of Not Certified and the Certify button will be visible at the bottom of the page. To certify the class enrollment, click on the Certify button. IT & HR January 2016 2 of 3 Once the roster is certified the certify status will change to Certified. Also two new fields, Certified by and Certified Date Time will appear on the page. This shows who certified the class and when. This is the electronic signature for the roster. When the roster is certified, the Certify button disappears from the page. This prevents accidental recertification, which would change the date time stamp. Click the Return button to return to the Faculty Center list of classes. The roster may be printed if desired, by clicking on the Printer Friendly Version button. This will open a new window with the printable roster. IT & HR January 2016 3 of 3 Using the Class Roster Tool To access the Class Roster tool, go to the SCC homepage at and select Employee Resources at the bottom center of the page. Scroll down and select the Class Roster under the Faculty Resources section. LYoung – 11/2013 Page 1 Sign in using your MEID and associated password. Select the term and prefix for your class then click on Go. You will then see a list of the classes you are teaching that have that prefix. Click on the links to access the class roster for that course. LYoung – 11/2013 Page 2 Click on the Email Students link to access the email tool in the class roster. You can select specific students to email or you can select actively enrolled students, dropped students or all students in the course. Make your selection and type your email. Note: you must include your return email address in the body of your email as the students cannot reply to the actual email. Note: you can also upload your bio and photo to the roster tool as well as course syllabi for students to access. LYoung – 11/2013 Page 3 Adjunct Faculty - Create Emails for Multiple Colleges For adjunct faculty that teach at multiple colleges may want to create an email for each college. Following are the steps to create an “alias” email account. Step 1 - You will need to contact the SCC Helpdesk, email, call 480-423-6274 option 3, or in person IT123, and tell them the email address you would like to use at SCC. They will set up your account to start the process. Sign in to Google Apps for MCCD at Step 2 - Click the cog upper right corner dropdown and select Settings Step 3 - Click the Accounts tab and then click Add another email address you own Step 4 - Type in the Name and the college email that you want to use. Do not uncheck the box Treat as an alias. Then click Next Step button. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 2 Step 5 - Click Send Verification button. Step 6 – Go to your email Inbox to check for the Verification email. Click the link to accept or copy the code and paste the “Verify Code” in the box on the page where you clicked Send Verification button. Step 7 - When you are composing an email you will need to click the dropdown menu in the From field. Then choose the email associated with the college’s account. You may also want to set up a separate signature file for the each college’s account as well. Artie IT & HR January 2016 2 of 2 Canvas is the only Learning Management System (LMS) used at Scottsdale Community College and all Maricopa Colleges (with the exception of Rio Salado College). Canvas login: using your MEID and password. Web Browsers Note: Internet Explorer is not a supported browser for Canvas. Google Chrome Popular, alternative browser to Internet Explorer on the PC or Safari on the Mac. Safari (Mac or PC) Standard browser for the Macintosh, now available on Windows PC. Mozilla Firefox Popular, alternative browser to Internet Explorer on the PC or Safari on the Mac. Schedule and Registration for SCC Canvas Training Is Available through HRMS Navigation: SCC Home page > Employee Resources (bottom center) >Quick Links (dropdown upper right corner) > HRMS > Main Menu > Self Service > Learning and Development > Request Training Enrollment > then enter the Course Code number Self Help Quick reference guides for instructors are available thru the Help link inside Canvas, or at Quick reference guides are also available at the Canvas new community site: If you have questions about Canvas, please contact the SCC Helpdesk at (480) 423-6274, option 3. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 1 Faculty Senate Representatives The purpose of the Faculty Senate is to: (1) Facilitate communication among faculty. (2) Serve as the executive-representative body of SCC faculty in dealings with the college administration, district administration, and governing board. (3) To select representatives to serve on administrative councils and on coordinating committees of the faculties of the colleges of the district, and (4) To participate in the formation and implementation of policies for the local college and district. Chair President…………………………………………………………………. Lucas Messer (15-16) Officers President-Elect………………………………………………………….. Ramona Goth (15-16) Past-President………………………………………………………….. Nick DeFalco (15-16) Secretary……………………………………………………………….…. Sara Cameron (15-16) Treasurer……………………………………………………………..…… Michael Nagano (15-16) Webmaster…………………………………………………………….…. Shelia Afnan Manns (15-16) Senate Representatives The number of RFP faculty in a division determines the number of senators representing that division; (0-10 = 1, 11-20 = 2, 21-30= 3, 30+ = 4). Three Senators will be elected at-large by a majority vote of the faculty of the college. Three additional at-large positions will be allocated, one to the past president, one to the current president, and one to the president-elect. • At-large: Roberto Ribas (15-17), April Strom (14-16), Mitra Mehraban (15-17), Nick DeFalco (14-16), Ramona Goth (15-17), Lucas Messer 15-17). • Applied Sciences: Chuck Cooper (14-16) • Business/CIS: Mark Barton (15-17), Ron Monroig (15-17) • Counseling: Kimberly Kingsley (15-17) • Fine Arts: Adam Stitch (15-17), Janet Robinson (15-17), Eric Rasmussen (15-17) • HPERD: Robert Martin • Health Sciences: Kathy Miller (15-17), Miriam Reyes (15-17) • Hospitality, Tourism, & Culinary Arts: Karen Chalmers (14-16) • English, World Languages, and Journalism: Sara Cameron (15-17), Rhonda McDonnell (15-17), Laura Ruiz-Scott (14-16) • Library: Shelia Afnan Manns (15-17) • Mathematics & Sciences: Patty Ashby (14-16), Betsy Ivester (15-17), William Meacham (15-17) • Social & Behavioral Sciences: Mark Klobas (15-17), Michael Nagano (14-16), Jeff Ricker (15-17) Meetings The senate meets at 3:00 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month during the academic year. IT & HR January 2016 1 of 1 Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA) Striving To Increase Adjunct Faculty Effectiveness through education, training, dialog and collaboration, communication and active participation. The Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA) of the Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) is a nonprofit professional organization that provides Adjunct Faculty a framework for: Educating the public and MCCCD institutions about Adjunct Faculty talents and abilities. Supporting the advancement of Adjunct Faculty knowledge and skills. Providing a network for sharing common interests, education and assistance. Encouraging effective practices and resource utilization to improve education within the MCCCD. Advocating for Adjunct Faculty within the structure of the MCCCD policies and guidelines. More than 6,000 Adjunct Faculty teach for the Maricopa Community College District (MCCCD) Adjunct Faculty teach over 60% of the more than 250,000 students enrolled in the District's 10 colleges Adjunct Faculty are an indispensable and vital part of the MCCCD teaching team! Join! Donate! Medical and Dental Stay Informed Communicate Membership is Free to qualified Adjunct Faculty at The Adjunct Faculty Association is a Nonprofit Professional Organization Insurance Agent Network for Members of the AFA Resources for Adjunct Faculty Adjunct Faculty Member Email List Service Your SCC College Representative for the Adjunct Faculty Association Jeanne Wudell Adjunct Faculty, Art SCC College Representative for Adjunct Faculty Association Email: Phone: 480-425-6766 Office: Faculty Office Building (FOB) room 128 Additional AFA Information and resources for Scottsdale at IT & HR January 2016 1 of 1