201025 - 09/12/2010 (new window)
201025 - 09/12/2010 (new window)
Notices to Mariners Notices to Mariners + Nr.02 - 2010 OSTEND DECEMBER 9TH 2010 NR.25 1 BELGIUM >25/308 (T) NIEUWPOORT - SEAWARD GUNNERY EXERCISES BaZ 24/297 (T) is cancelled. During the period from 20/12/2010 until and including 24/12/2010, there will be gunnery exercises conducted by the artillery in the small sector. Date Day Start and end time 20 December monday 08.00 – 17.00 K 21 December tuesday 08.00 – 17.00 K 22 December wednesday 08.00 – 17.00 K 23 December thursday 08.00 – 17.00 K 24 December friday 08.00 – 17.00 K 27 December monday closed - 28 December tuesday closed - 29 December wednesday closed - 30 December thursday closed - 31 December friday closed - _(Source: 14 Regiment Luchtdoelartillerie - Nieuwpoort - nr. 14A dated 04/11/2010) Notices to Mariners OSTEND 09 december 2010 No. 25 Sector 2 >25/309 OSTEND APPROACH - NEW ENTRANCE CHANNEL CHART CORRECTION Due to the progresses of the works in the port of Ostend, the situation is substantially modified. Therefore a new chart of the port of Ostend is designed. This new chart is joined with an separate annex and is available online on www.vlaamsehydrografie.be. Be aware to respect the scale when printing. _(Belg. charts: 102 (INT 1480) and D11/2008 and 2010) _(Source: Vlaamse Hydrografie dated 09/12/2010) >24/298 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - THORNTON ROUTE BLIGH BANK WIND FARM PHASE 1 Correction of BaZ 2010-24/298 Cfr. BaZ 2009-18/181(T) The special marker buoys Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 were also called BLW-1, BLW-2, BLW-3 en BLW-4. They were definitively withdrawn from the original positions: BLW 1 position 51°40’,33 N 2°49’,49 E BLW 2 position 51°39’,40 N 2°48’,67 E BLW 3 position 51°38’,70 N 2°46’,48 E BLW 4 position 51°38’,22 N 2°47’,37 E The yellow unlit anchor buoys in an area bounded by: 51°42’,44 N – 2°47’,58 E 51°42’,29 N – 2°49’,11 E 51°41’,46 N – 2°48’,39 E 51°42’,00 N – 2°47’,44 E are also definitively withdrawn. _(Source: MRCC Oostende dated 04/12/2010) 3 >25/311 (T) LOWER SEA SCHELDT - DEURGANCKDOK - CURRENT DEFLECTION WALL - BUOY CDW 11 CHANGED OF POSITION The buoy “CDW 11” is temporarily moved to position: 51°18’,292 N 4°16’,253 E. _(Belg. charts: 104/04, 106 (INT 1478) and 103) _(Source: DAB Loodswezen: Kennisgeving ES 10/153 dated 06/12/2010) >25/312 (T) PORT OF ANTWERP - KANAALDOK B1 - TOWBOAT SHELTERING DOCK - MOORING PROHIBITION Because of the installation of a so-called “slibvangsysteem”, there is a permanent mooring prohibition in the towboat sheltering dock at berths 534 up to and including 538, between mooring post 30 and 38. _(Belg. charts: 104/04, 106 (INT 1478) and 103) _(Source: Haven Antwerpen - Nautisch Persbericht 10/145) >25/313 (T) PORT OF ANTWERP - LEOPOLDDOK MOORING PROHIBITION Because of works for the deepening of the berth wall, there is a mooring prohibition in the Leopolddok between berth 209 (mooring post 41) and berth 215 (mooring post 67) for a period of 5 months starting from December 6th, 2010. _(Belg. charts: 104/03, 104/04, 106 (INT 1478) and 103) _(Source: Haven Antwerpen NP 10/142 dated 03/12/2010) >25/314 CANCELLED (T) NOTICES 2010-23/289 (T): - Anchor Belgica recovered. _(Source: BMM Ostend dated 26/11/2010) Notices to Mariners OSTEND 09 december 2010 No. 25 4 THE NETHERLANDS >25/315 CANCELLED (T) NOTICES 2010-05/100 (T) : - Cadzand - submarine pipeline and buoyage withdrawn. _(Source: Dutch Hydrography - baz 541/10 dated 25/11/2010) 5 NEW Publication New edition of October 2010 of the: Belgian chart D11: Vlaamse Banken van Gravelines tot Oostkapelle. Updated up to and including BaZ 21/2010. Mercator projection - scale: 1/100.000 (51°20’N) Coordinates based on World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) Depths referred to Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) The chart D11 - edition 2010 is from now available in the hydroshop for the amount of 25 euro, postage included. For more information to buy this chart, consult www.vlaamsehydrografie.be and click on sea charts – paper charts. Notices to Mariners OSTEND 09 december 2010 No. 25 6 URGENT NOTICES (DBZ) (WGS84) valid as from 09/12/2010 > 06/015 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - WIELINGENPAS - YELLOW LIGHT MARKER BUOY A yellow conical buoy with radar reflector was established in position 51°24’,20 N 3°18’,38 E. This buoy has a light character Fl(5)Y.20s, and covers a wave gauge buoy. > 07/348 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - WIELINGEN Temporarily established: yellow light buoy with character Fl(5)Y.20s in position 51°23’,61 N - 3°11’,57 E. This buoy covers a hydrographical instrument. > 08/202 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - WIELINGENPAS A yellow special marking buoy Fl.Y.5s. was established in position 51°23’,28 N 3°11’,36 E. > 08/311 DYCK ROUTE East cardinal light buoy in position 51°13’,29 N - 2°32’,13 E, covering an area for experimental fishery, is unlit. >08/319 DYCK ROUTE The north cardinal light buoy in position 51°17’,10 N - 2°32’,60 E, covering an area for experimental fishery, is unlit. > 09/076 ZEEBRUGGE HARBOUR A yellow wave gauge buoy with character FL(5)Y.20S is established in position 51°21’,34 N - 3°11’,57 E. > 09/113 COASTAL ROUTE - FLEMISH BANKS ROUTE A measuring instrument was temporarily established in position 51°17’,15 N - 2°26’,41 E, covered by a blind yellow buoy. > 09/116 APPROACH BLANKENBERGE A yellow light buoy Fl.Y.5s is temporarily established in position 51°19’,62 N 3°06’,44 E. This buoy covers a hydrographic instrument. > 09/225 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - THORNTON A yellow light buoy, Fl(5)Y.20s, was temporarily established, covering a current gauge and tide gauge in position 51°26’,88 N - 2°53’,04 E. > 10/106 HARBOUR OF ZEEBRUGGE The ZA 11 light buoy in position 51°20’,74 N - 3°10’,72 E is temporarily withdrawn. > 10/107 HARBOUR OF ZEEBRUGGE De ZA 12 light buoy in position 51°20’,66 N - 3°10’,82 E is temporarily withdrawn. 7 > 10/147 APPROACH HARBOUR OF OSTEND De light buoy WOH 3 is temporarily moved to position 51°14’,658 N - 2°55’,134 E. > 10/257 ZEEBRUGGE HARBOUR The low leading light Albert II dok in position 51°20’,56 N 3°10’,60 E is unlit. > 10/371 COASTAL ROUTE / OSTEND / KNOKKE-HEIST The Z-A1 light buoy in position 51°21’,27 N 3°11’,69 E is temporarily withdrawn. > 10/384 NOORDHINDER SOUTH TSS LANE The south cardinal lightbuoy is a drift in position 51°42’,2 N 2°37’,00 E. Shipping is requested to report sighting to MRCC Ostend. > 10/388 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - WIELINGENPAS The waverecorder buoy in position 51°22’,58 N 3°10’,94 E is temporarily withdrawn. Notices to Mariners OSTEND 09 december 2010 No. 25 8 Compiled by: Afdeling Kust - Vlaamse Hydrografie Administratief Centrum (1ste verdieping) Vrijhavenstraat 3 8400 Ostend Published by: Vlaams Ministerie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken Brussel 2010 © Vlaams Ministerie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken www.vlaamsehydrografie.be Price: Subscription fee n° 01 - n° 26: 30 euro a year (reference: BAZ2010) Price BaZ n° 01: 15 euro (reference: BAZ12010) Amount to be transferred with the corresponding reference on bank account number 091-0128657-64 in the name of: Vlaams Ministerie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken E.V. Flanders Hydraulics Berchemlei 115 2140 Borgerhout This is a free translation of the official “Berichten aan Zeevarenden”. In case of dispute the Dutch text is the only valid copy. Soundings are true directions from sea calculated for light sectors. Lengths are related to Greenwich. Copying information from this publication is only authorized with full source information: Afdeling Kust - Vlaamse Hydrografie. Design: www.salto-reclame.be Photography: afdeling Kust Notices to Mariners Notices to Mariners + Nr.25 - 2010 OSTEND JANUARY 21ST 2010 NR.02 Annex to BaZ 2010-25/309
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