River Walk Newsletter 2016-02-12
River Walk Newsletter 2016-02-12
Riv RiverWalk River Walk Recreation Association, Inc. February, February, 2016 1 MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT David Slater 248-0682 Dear Neighbors, Last summer, some issues were raised to the board about “reasonable hours of operation” for common areas; late night noise was disruptive to some abutting neighbors. The board heard several asynchronous perspectives over several meetings and ultimately appointed a subcommittee comprised of both board and non-board members to make recommendations that balanced reasonable use of common property and the peaceful enjoyment of private property. The board and assembled neighbors heard these recommendations, engaged in collaborative discussion and decided upon the following to address the situation. 1. The “No Loitering” signs will remain in place to deter outsiders from using common areas as gathering places and as a reference for responding Bravo-One and Sherriff Officers. 2. There will be no general hours of operations posted for common areas with exception of existing hours of operation for the weight room, pool and tennis courts. 3. The RWRA strongly prefers that gatherings of people in common areas not occur after dark or 8 PM, whichever is earlier, unless in connection with neighborhood sponsored activities. This is intended to help in keeping outsiders from gathering in our common areas, to prevent unlawful activity, to minimize liability to the RWRA and River Walk residents and to keep evening noise levels reasonable for abutters. Bravo-One and Security are authorized and encouraged to respectfully check on any such gathering. If a particular common area gathering is desired by RW residents, advance notice to the Security chair or Bravo One would be appreciated. If children are involved, adult supervision should be present. 4. Disruptive behavior, particularly after dark, is not allowed in common areas. Bravo-One is given the discretion to respectfully ask people to leave, if this occurs. Bravo-One is encouraged to engage the sheriff’s department and the RWRA security chair as necessary, should the request be disregarded or met with unreasonable resistance. 5. The board wants to emphasize that Greenville County has a 10:00 PM noise ordinance and Bravo-One and / or the sheriff’s office will be asked to help enforce it, should it become an issue. 6. RW residents are encouraged to immediately contact Bravo-One or the sheriff’s department (not Security chair) if they witness any potential criminal activity in common areas. Respectfully, David M. Slater President, River Walk Recreational Association 2 David Slater, President of RWRA, emailed the following letter to the board prior to the meeting since he could not attend: I am sorry that I will not be able to attend tomorrow’s board meeting. I have a work obligation that has developed which prevents me from being there. There will be good discussion about the RWRA’s upcoming budget, LRP and dues. I have been reading various emails from department chairs and have great appreciation for these efforts, foresight and planning and for Chris’ efforts to format this information into something that we can see, comprehend and use to make our best decisions for our neighbors and neighborhood. River Walk is truly blessed to have so many dedicated volunteers whose overriding desire is to maintain and improve our facilities and community. You have my admiration and deep respect, as the RWRA president and as a RW resident. As the board enters into these discussions, I offer a couple of observations: (1) our mission is to protect and preserve the neighborhood facilities entrusted to our oversight (2) we are stewards of our neighbors’ dues and have a fiduciary obligation to them. Our duty with this budget, LPR & dues discussion is to balance these interests. I challenge myself and this board to seek means to adjust the timing of our Long Range Spending Plan that is commensurate with our income. I see a surplus in the later years of some projections. Can we delay some of our improvement plans to avoid a short term deficit and plan those improvements for later years when they are more affordable? I do think it is wise to salt some money away for a rainy day. You never know when disaster will strike. We’ve agreed on a $100k target. It is not a mandate. It is a target. We will not get there this year, or next or maybe for the next 10 years. That’s okay. As a fiscal conservative, I have a philosophical preference to avoid asking for money until it is needed, instead of asking for money ahead of time in case it is needed. I have a real fear that future boards will see a surplus and find fun ways of spending it one year and the following year those fun ideas become an entitlement worthy of increased funding and soon dues escalate beyond reason……just look at our tax and spend government as an example of my fear realized. I know that this philosophy is not shared by everyone on the board, but as the board’s president this year, I feel an obligation to set a tone for these discussions, even though I will not be present. Thank you for your continued volunteerism and leadership. I know that each of us are here doing what we believe is best for our neighborhood and we only get better as a board as a result of robust discussion and civil discourse. Thank you for investment of time and talent for the betterment of RW and thank you for taking up my challenge to adjust our spending to be commensurate with our income. With strong respect, Dave SECRETARY’S REPORT Polly Fisher 313-1802 River Walk Board Meeting February 1, 2016 Attendees: Board Members: David Slater (absent), Ned Cochrane (present), Chris Klasing (phoned in), Polly Fisher (present), Lee Ann Finlay (absent), Carolyn Maier (present), Tom Harley (present), Donna Harley (absent), Rita Taylor (present), Carl Bugg (absent), Gary Harter (absent), Theresa Johnson (present), Nancy Schwartz (present), Amy Ponton (present), Kelly Hesketh (absent), Dennis Johnson (absent) Guests: Marissa Mazur and Dale Waldrop 3 The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Ned Cochrane. 1. President: David Slater (absent) David Slater had previously e-mailed Board members about his inability to attend the meeting, and to offer his thoughts about the Board being fiscally prudent in approaching the upcoming budget, the Long Range Plan, and what the appropriate dues amount should be for the 2016/2017 fiscal year. 2. V.P./ Pres. Ned Cochrane (present) Compliance committee update. There are several minor issues being handled 3. Secretary: Polly Fisher (present) A motion was made to approve the minutes from the January meeting. It was seconded. Motion passed unanimously 4. Treasurer: Chris Klasing (present by telephone) There was a discussion about the operating budget for 2016. Chris called to lead the discussion. • 2016 Operating Budget: The board approved the 2016 operating budget which is attached. We will take this to the membership for approval at the annual meeting in April. • LRP: We agreed on the following additional changes to the LRP: o Eliminated replacement of clubhouse carpeting in 2016 or 2017. Next estimated replacement is 2019 for $6,500. o Deferred draperies and rods replacement ($3,000) from 2015 to 2017. o Deferred $3,000 locker room renovation from 2016 to 2018 and combined with previous estimate for 2018 to total $9,000 which is closer to what will be required for scope of renovation foreseen. o Deferred $2,000 for playground (grounds) from 2016 to 2017 o Reduced $6,000 previously estimated for weight room security in 2016 to $4,000 These were in addition to previous changes agreed to by board members: • In grounds, keeping the drain pipe improvement ($13,800) in 2016 but deferring the replacement of two bridges ($39,400) to 2017 • Pool resurfacing was moved up from $48,000 in 2017 to $51,000 in 2016 based on an evaluation by our pool operator and using quartz liner which has twice the life of Mar site. Replacing the tile for $10,000 at the same time, also based on the operator’s evaluation. • Pool deck maintenance for $1,000 in 2015 and 2016 was eliminated, and the scheduled major maintenance scheduled for 2024 was increased from $40,000 to $60,000 based on the pool operator’s evaluation. • Baby pool resurfacing for $30,000 in 2018 was reduced to $7,000 per pool contractor’s evaluation These changes are all reflected in the attached LRP document. Ken, please post this one. We are still awaiting an estimate for tennis court resurfacing from Kelly, who is waiting to hear back from a contractor who looked at the courts. It is currently estimated at $15,950 in 2016. • Swim Team: Chris reviewed the swim team financials for the board. Amy answered some questions about them. 4 5. Architectural Committee: Leeann Finlay (absent) 6. Club House Committee: Carolyn Maier (present) Working on security system. Working on Wi-Fi at the pool area. 7. Grounds Committee: Tom Harley (present) 8. Membership Committee: Donna Harley (absent) 9. Pool Committee: Rita Taylor (present) 10. Publications Committee: Carl Bugg (absent) Carl asked that all input for February RW Newsletter be submitted by Sunday February 7th 11. Safety: Gary Harter (absent) 12. Social Committee: Theresa Johnson and Nancy Schwartz (both present) FEBRUARY It’s the Annual Sweetheart Couples Bunko, Saturday, February 13th starting at 7 p.m.! For $5 per person it is guaranteed fun, prizes and laughter. Please bring an appetizer to share. RSVP to socialriverwalk@gmail.com to reserve your spot! Social Committee meeting will be held Thursday, February 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse. Everyone is welcome! MARCH We are looking for a Volunteer to help coordinate River Walk’s Annual Easter Egg hunt scheduled for Saturday, March 26th beginning around 1:00 p.m.! Our plans include an Easter Egg Hunt and a story! If you are interested in helping, please contact Theresa at 225.939.1460! Social Committee meeting will be held Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse. Everyone is welcome! APRIL The Blood Drive has been rescheduled to April 2nd in the Clubhouse. The donating will begin at 10 a.m. and wrap up at 2:30 p.m. You can sign up at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0a45aca72ba3fc1-blood1 The Social Committee is looking for a volunteer to take over the role of committee Chair effective May 1, 2016. If you are interested, please email socialriverwalk@gmail.com. It’s a great way to meet new people and make a difference in River Walk! 13. Tennis Committee: Kelly Hesketh(absent) 14. Swim Team: Amy Ponton (present) Nothing new to discuss until SAIL meeting. 15. Past President: Dennis Johnson (absent) Meeting adjourned at 8:13 Next meeting will be on Monday, March 7, 2016 at 7:00. 5 6 TREASURER’S REPORT Chris Klasing 313-2511 7 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Donna Harley 963-2145 Website The River Walk website, riverwalksc.com, provides general information, as well as links to the RW photo gallery, a contact list, government regulations, tax and property information, and much more. You can also sign up for access to the secure, password protected residents page where you can access the RW event calendar, the phone directory, submit requests for architectural change approval, request home security checking while on vacation, update your contact information, view bylaws, covenants, and other association documents. Email In addition to the website, email is used to communicate reminders of RW sponsored activities, items lost and found, and security issues. You can register for this at the website. If your email changes, it is recommended that you update your telephone directory information, your password registration record, and the email distribution list. This can be done on the website or you can send me an email and I will do it for you. ALL RESIDENTS PLEASE NOTE: If you need to change your River Walk Directory information: Go to the RW website, riverwalksc.com, click on Residents, providing you have already registered and have a PW. Click on Address Book Update, then fill in the areas which need to be changed. Click Submit. OR Send required changes by email or letter to your Street Representative. OR Send an email with required changes to Donna Harley, donnaharl@aol.com. River Walk Residents: Our mail carriers have made a simple request. When placing your garbage bins by the road, avoid blocking their access to your mailbox by the mail van. Imagine trying to drive up to your box, and place your garbage bin at enough of a distance that you could drive into and out of the box area. Also, be sure not to block access to your neighbor's box as well. In some cases, garbage bins can be placed within the edge of the driveway. Thanks so much, from your mail carriers. SAFETY AND SECURITY Gary Harter 458-9331 gharter1@gmail.com Private Security Patrol (evenings) . . . 213-7403 Sheriff’s Office . . . 271-5210 I want to provide the community with some updates regarding recent changes initiated due to safety concerns and feedback from our police and security services. For vacation notifications, (see our web site for the notification form) the security team will now physically check the houses instead of a routine ride by. When you are out of town, they will likely be walking the premises. There have been complaints that our hired security officers, Greenville County Police, should not be “paid to sit and write tickets while patrolling the neighborhood.” In most cases, the officers that we see monitoring the stop signs are actually on-duty officers from Greenville County making the continuous effort to slow down speeders and prevent traffic violations. Our priority, as it should be, is safety first and having great police visibility helps deter wrongdoing. I have received numerous calls regarding what appears to be suspicious activity in the neighborhood, mainly on the walking paths and in the clubhouse area. When you see any suspicious activity in the neighborhood or have been a victim of any crime, theft, dog attack, etc., please call Greenville County Sheriff’s office immediately or 911. Our security personnel will investigate, but they too, are instructed to report all incidents to the Sherriff’s department. Please email me the nature of the call and when it was made. Lock your cars and remove all valuables nightly! Motion sensor lighting is great where possible. Theft is not a new problem. Very tricky and talented thieves target all communities and are able to get in and out before being observed. They usually don’t leave any traceable fingerprints and are off to a new town/community before they can be 8 apprehended. Be observant and proactive but report all thefts. Our neighborhood is a safe and wonderful place to live but due to the influx of new surrounding communities discovering our beautiful amenities, they will continue to take advantage of them. We, as your board, will continue to address all safety issues to the best of our ability but as a good neighbor we all need to keep vigilant for everyone’s benefit. Thank you, Gary Harter THE BEAUTY OF RIVER WALK 9 GROUNDS COMMITTEE Tom Harley 313-8561 Grounds Report February 2016 As the end of our fiscal year approaches the end of April, your Board begins its process of looking ahead to next year to not only develop our operating budget, but to look at all of the things that need to get done to maintain the quality of River Walk. Some of these projects, I believe, we can take on ourselves, in particular some of the things along our path system. For example, the boardwalk, which was replaced in 2012 needs to be sealed. Prior to that, it needs to be scrubbed free of the mold that has built up, primarily because the boardwalk is in the shade most of the time. There is a sealer available with a gritty additive that will give better traction when the wood is wet. By applying this sealer and additive, it will make the boardwalk safer for walkers and, especially, runners and hopefully extend its life. The materials to accomplish this are relatively inexpensive. To have an outside contractor come in and scrub the entire boardwalk and then apply the sealer would be very expensive because it is so labor intensive. I have spoken to several residents who believe that we could take this project on, as a community, and over three or four weekends accomplish it ourselves. In order to do that, we need to have an effective way of communicating with those who are interested in helping with this project. If you would like to be on a mailing list to learn of these “Path Gang” Saturday projects, then please send your name, email address and a phone number to me at tharley72@yahoo.com. Just because you are on the mailing list doesn’t mean you are committed to every workday, but you will get notified when the projects will take place. If you can make it, great, if you can’t, that’s OK too. The goal will be to make the workdays no more than half a day in duration. As we get into the nice weather of spring, these workdays could be a great opportunity to spend time with the neighbors that you know and to meet those who you previously did not know. Think about it. We welcome and need your help. Don’t forget the annual meeting coming up in April. Come out to learn what is happening in River Walk, to vote on the new operating budget and to meet the new Board members. Always feel free to call me if you see something that I should be aware of in our common areas Tom Harley Grounds Chairman THE BEAUTY OF RIVER WALK 10 ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE Leeann Finlay 297-6022 As thoughts of home improvement projects come to mind, please remember, per River Walk HOA covenants, all exterior projects require prior approval by the Architectural Committee. As the weather changes and architectural needs arise, please be sure to submit any proposed alterations. Updates completed without approval are subject to alteration by the Architectural Committee at the homeowner’s expense. Some common items for consideration include, but are not limited to: - fencing - play equipment - major landscaping projects - window replacements - pools/hot tubs - exterior paint changes - garage door updates - roof color changes - anything impacting drainage or easements If you are unsure, submit your plans to be on the safe side. The Architectural Committee exists primarily to help protect the value of our neighborhood and our homes. Please allow 30 days for approval (although turnaround time is usually much quicker). Projects should not begin prior to approval. The form for submission can be found on the RW website. We are always happy to welcome neighbors to the committee. If interested, please contact me at leeannfinlay@aol.com. ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE APPROVALS 2016 110 Maple Brook Court 4 Oak Knob Court 210 Walnut Trace Court 308 Parkside Drive Adding a Cover/roof above part of the back deck. About 250 Sq. ft. Sloped (Shed type) roof. Wood support beams (6x6) 2x6 joists OSB sheathing and Asphalt shingles. Not visible from front of house or by any neighbors due to location in back of house. No environmental impact construction about 4 days mostly weekends. Replacing Garage doors Replacing exterior kitchen window. Removal of fake chimney THE BEAUTY OF RIVER WALK 11 SOCIAL COMMITTEE Theresa Johnson 225-939-1460 Nancy Schwartz 717-609-9719 RIVER WALK SOCIAL COMMITTEE WHAT’S HAPPENING! FEBRUARY It’s the Annual Sweetheart Couples Bunko, Saturday, February 13th starting at 7 p.m.! For $5 per person it is guaranteed fun, prizes and laughter. Please bring an appetizer to share. RSVP to socialriverwalk@gmail.com to reserve your spot! Social Committee meeting will be held Thursday, February 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse. Everyone is welcome! MARCH We are looking for a Volunteer to help coordinate River Walk’s Annual Easter Egg hunt scheduled for Saturday, March 26th beginning around 1:00 p.m.! Our plans include an Easter Egg Hunt and a story! If you are interested in helping, please contact Theresa at 225.939.1460! Social Committee meeting will be held Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse. Everyone is welcome! APRIL The Blood Drive has been rescheduled to April 2nd in the Clubhouse. The donating will begin at 10 a.m. and wrap up at 2:30 p.m. You can sign up at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0a45aca72ba3fc1-blood1 The Social Committee is looking for a volunteer to take over the role of Committee Chair effective May 1, 2016. If you are interested, please email socialriverwalk@gmail.com. It’s a great way to meet new people and make a difference in River Walk! 12 FITNESS CENTER Carolyn Maier 228-2571 Please report any damage or problems immediately before they become bigger problems. We also welcome any suggestions for improvements to this amenity. Access chips are $10 and each member of the household over 14 must complete a liability waiver. Please review the rules with all users. All chips are numbered and logged under your name. Weight room usage is monitored by chip number. As we do not have a daily cleaning service, to keep the facility clean, residents must be self-policing and follow these rules: - No SMOKING in the clubhouse or bathrooms. - Children under 14 are not allowed in the fitness center. - Shirts and sneakers are required when working out. - No cleats or shoes with spikes. - Equipment must be wiped down after use – disinfectant cleaning solution is provided. - Rack all free weights on metal shelves. - Turn off lights, fans and TV and lock doors securely when you leave. - No eating in the fitness center - this includes beverages other than water. Weight Room: When you leave, please help us conserve by turning off the lights and fans in the weight room and the bathrooms. Also, be sure the doors are closed and latched behind you. If you notice any problems or equipment that needs adjustment, please let me know at scmaier@mindspring.com. TENNIS COMMITTEE Kelly Hesketh 630-7974 Tennis clinics and lessons for River Walk Kids! Call Coach Kelly @ 864-630-7974. Please be sure to sign up for a court ahead of time to ensure you get a court when you want to play. Please remember to turn off the lights and lock the gates when you leave. Tennis court keys may be purchased for $5.00. Call Kelly Hesketh @ 864-630-7974 to purchase a key. There are 2 new tennis teams forming in RW. If you are interested in joining a team, contact Kelly Hesketh. THE BEAUTY OF RIVER WALK 13 SWIM TEAM Amy Ponton 336-462-6912 It’s almost swim season! Are you ready for the 2016 swim season? Swim Team Membership and Registration Registration: Registration will take place at the clubhouse on Sunday, March 20, from 2 - 5 pm and Monday, March 21, from 6 -8 pm. Registration forms will be emailed out and available on the website. • The team has new swimsuits this year. Samples will be available for swimmers to try-on during registration. • A swim team application must be filled out and returned with a check for the full amount at registration. A copy of each swimmer’s birth certificate is required to be on file with the team. If you swam with RWST in the 2015 season, we have a copy and you do not need to bring a new one. If you are new, you need to provide a NEW COPY of your child’s birth certificate at registration. • Your River Walk Pool dues must be paid in full one week prior to the start of practice. If you are a nonresident with a pool membership, you must have a FAMILY membership to be a member of swim team. Guppies Guppies is a fun and encouraging team for young swimmers to begin their swim team career! A guppy season consists of 4 meets held on Saturday mornings. Guppies practices are once a day for 30 minutes. There is no maximum age limit in Guppies but the minimum age is 5 years old (by the May 31st SAIL date) unless a 4year-old is able to swim, follow directions, does not need a parent with them the entire 30 minutes of practice, and has a good attention span. River Walk Shockwaves! The River Walk Swim Team is a great way for swimmers to develop their skills and enjoy being part of an amazing team. The RWST is comprised of swimmers in the following age groups: 8 & Under, 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, and 15/18. Shockwaves can practice twice a day. The team participates in five meets each season, which usually occur on Thursday nights. Along with practice and meets, swimmers can enjoy fellowship at team meals and fun team outings throughout the season. The goals of swim team are to: • • • • • Improve swimming skills Generate healthy competition, respect and sportsmanship Encourage self-discipline and commitment Promote camaraderie and team spirit Respect individual differences Have a question about swim team? We would love to answer any additional questions. Please email Amy Ponton, swim team president, at rwstpres@gmail.com or Danielle Andrews, guppy mom, at dnandrews110@gmail.com. Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A We hope you can join us on February 25th from 5-8 pm at CFA on Woodruff Road for RWST Spirit Night! Simply tell your cashier that you are there for RWST Spirit Night and a portion of our ticket sales will directly benefit the swim team. Don't have time to "dine in," feel free to place an order at the drive thru. 14 PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Carl Bugg carlbugg47@gmail.com I am soliciting promotional or business advertisements to place in the River Walk Newsletter in order to pay for the printing of a newsletter/magazine. The rates are as follows: Full Page - 7.5 x 10 B&W JPEG file, $100. per month Half Page - 7.5 x 5.0 B&W JPEG file, $60. per month Half Page - 5.0 x 7.5 B&W JPEG file, $60. per month Quarter Page – 3.8 x 5.0 B&W JPEG file, $40. per month If you purchase a 6 month or greater ad, and pay in full by the 10th of the first month, there is a discount of 20%. If you are interested or know of some business that might be interested, the deadline for the JPEG File and a check made out to “River Walk” is the 10th of the month... Send your check to me at 102 River Point Court, Simpsonville, SC 29681. RIVER WALK RESIDENT NEWS Carl Bugg carlbugg47@gmail.com CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ______________________________________________________________________________________ For sale Zike Z150 "scooter" ages 10-adult. Only used 2-3 times. Like new. $50. Call Toni 230-3827. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION GUIDELINES The Newsletter will be published each month except July. Items to be published must be submitted by the 10th to carlbugg47@gmail.com. Why not share all your news, personal experiences, vacations, new arrivals, weddings, birthdays, want ads and anything else of interest with your neighbors in the River Walk newsletter? Pictures are especially great! BIG NEWS – I am now accepting LETTERS TO THE EDITOR! Any RW Resident can send me a letter of opinion on any subject – If I judge that it is appropriate, then it will be published in the next newsletter. 16 THE BEAUTY OF RIVER WALK 17 River Walk Contact Listing Board Members President V.P. / President Treasurer Secretary Architectural Club House Grounds Membership Pool Publications Security Social 230-4269 423-3669 234-1540 313-1802 297-6022 228-2571 313-8561 918-0476 781-799-9084 967-4680 458-9331 717-609-9719 225-939-1460 336-462-6912 630-7974 963-7022 slater.davidm@gmail.com ned@mvmills.com rwra.treasurer@gmail.com pafisher@greenville.k12.sc.us RWArchitecturalCommittee@gmail.com scmaier@mindspring.com tharley72@yahoo.com donnaharl@aol.com ritaloutaylor@gmail.com carlbugg47@gmail.com gharter1@charter.net socialriverwalk@gmail.com theresad@ymail.com arponton@gmail.com kshesketh@aol.com djohnson0847@charter.net Other Contacts Clubhouse Rentals Kathy Hedrick Communications & Email Donna Harley Directory Updates & Website Ken Nestico Paths Tom Harley Pool Rentals Lori Stuart Street Representatives Karen Rossi RW Club House 103 River Walk Blvd. RW Pool 967-3002 963-2145 275-8765 313-8561 263-7071 627-1353 967-8112 967-0230 RWClubhouseRental@gmail.com donnaharl@aol.com knestico@gmail.com tharley72@yahoo.com lori.stuart@hotmail.com karenros46@gmail.com Emergency General Sheriff Office Private Security Patrol (evenings) County – for removal of Impeding trees County – Animal Control 911 271-5210 213-7403 243-5665 467-7595 Swim Team Tennis Past President David Slater Ned Cochrane Chris Klasing Polly Fisher Leeann Finley Carolyn Maier Tom Harley Donna Harley Rita Taylor Carl Bugg Gary Harter Nancy Schwartz Theresa Johnson Amy Ponton Kelly Hesketh Dennis Johnson Utilities Electric Gas Phone Laurens Electric 800-942-3141 Piedmont Natural Gas 800-752-7504 AT&T 877-737-2478 Frontier 800-921-8101 Cable Charter Communications 877-728-3121 Water Greenville Water Co. 241-6000 Street Lamp Repair – go to “other links” on www.riverwalksc.com Mailboxes Elite Signs 801-0022 Paint for mailboxes can be purchased from any Benjamin Moore Paint Store - Both Rainbow Paint of Mauldin and Ace Hardware on Woodruff Road carry River Walk Green. The formula for a Gallon is N401-4X (Base), S1 2x 19.0000, W1 0x 27.0000, B1 1x 15.0000, G1 8x 8.0000. For a quart it is N401-4X (Base), S1 0x 20.7500, W1 0x 6.7500, B1 0x11.7500, G1 2x 2.0000. The gold paint is called Gold Plate and is available at Ace Hardware. 18