BUREAU OF BADGET & MANAGEMENT RESEARCH P",r od:t:l ?!ffi"?f;#ffi u',, ". n EDDIEBAZACALVO Bf,NITA A. MANGLONA GOVERNOR DIRECTOR RAYTENORIO STEPMN J. GUERR-ERO LIEUTENANT COVERNOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION The Bureau of Budget and Management Research (BBMR) hereby certifies and approves the Biennial Budget request for Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 herewith attached forthe BIIREAU OF STATISTICS AI\D PLAIIS. BBMR further attests that all efforts were made in the review process to ensure the accuracy of the calculations and that the result indicates compliance with the budget ceiling established for this government entity from all fund sources. The justification of this budget request is the responsibility of the govemment entity listed above and any submission outside of the certified submission is neither approved nor sanctioned by the Bureau of Budget and Management Research. NITA A. MANGLONA 4\$' Date: llAY 24?(ll1 Bureau of Statistics and Plans GOVERNMENT OF GUAM - Para Man Setbi FISCAL YEAR 2012 &201,3 PROPOSED BUDGET [BBMRABC]Rev Government of Guam Biennial Budget Fiscal Years 2012 and20l3 Agency: BUREAU OF STATISTrcS AND PLANS AgencyHead: THOMAS A. MORRISON I certifu that the attached budget, zubmitted herewitb, has been reviewed for accuracy and that all requirernents by the Bureau of Budget & Management Research @BMR) have bea met. I also acknowledge that this budget document will be retumed to this deparfrrent if any of the BBMR requirements is not met. Of "rt" (Stglatrre) r^r" f /r'h RICINAL trtrHBFESFHH FFFr-iFE'+ElErit E ssqdEsdfi$H tDlE=l:5 Ra g= -=rE -# EH gg * $#fl9 FaHeHH e B'F *'f;' Ee$r$$ 3 5 _€!! F =6'E u, 16's g3H3FF -EFEFE s g F : o gs& SE E E dErEtE F TE E 9=1rl E'Fg 9.9 fEq H 3B E 36 f9 A B 3 ft $$F HggHf,H gFB=== $gF H EOsg $ils F6+ Et-- CL Be= -ol 5 (rl 3r, T E'E'E'I' gEEEEE 6. rDEraDoda6 rt3-tirtrt -6-EEEI SE 6t =E6 Fecil r! F g$Es f, F=", t8f, EEfi EE il EEE 3A?' s8g ooE' Et E[ a"$t $gq i5 EEE oa -e $$E 0Rte rrrrnr Government of Guam Biennial Budget Fiscal Years 2012 &2013 IBBMRAN-NI DepartmenUAgency Narrative FUNCTION: AGENCY: Executive Direction Bureau of Statistics and Plans MISSION STATEMENT: Public Law 2O-147, as amended by Public Law 26-76, stipulates in statute that it is the Bureau's responsibility to undertake any planning activity that is not being canied out or that is not the function of another departnent. The Bureau has the legislative flexibility to appraise, coordinate, prepare and assist in the development of a wide range of plans, policies and studies that further economic social, land use, environmental and infrastructure goals, priorities and planning activities. This flexibility is reflected in the Bureau's mission statement. lt is further mandated to disseminate and make available economic, social, and physical data and information for researchers, policy makers and the public. The mission of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans is to ensure Guam's resources are effectively used for the benefit of present and future generations by ensuring consistency among various plans, policies and programs. In order to do this, the Bureau is committed to: Serve as a catalyst for planned and balanced economic, social, environmental I ! ! ! ! ! ! and physicalgrowth; Advise the Governor during the formulation of policies and on the interelationships among laws, plans, policies and programs; Provide oversight during the formulation and integration of plans, policies and programs which further social, economic, environmental and physical development goals and priorities; Encourage private / public partnerships in the formulation and implementation of plans, policies and programs; Ensure the availability of information generated by the Govemment of Guam for policy and plan development; Provide technical and support to other Govemment of Guam entities in orderthat they can meet their missions; and Ensure the availability of timely and accurate statistical indices that are required to make sound decisions to improve Guam's economic viability. ORIGII\IAL !"0 GOALS AND OBJEGTIVES FOR FTSCALyEAR 2012 and 2013 Goal: Have an up-to-date information system and data bank for the continual collection, storage and dissemination of public information needed or utilized in the development plan and policy formulation process. Objectives: ' ' ' . . . ' . . . . . . . Ensure the continued availability of an information system and data bank for the continual collection, storage, and dissemination of public information needed or utilized in the development plan process. Maintain an information system and data bank for the collection, storage and retrieval of social and economic planning information. Maintain an information system and data bank for the collection, storage and retrieval of land use planning information. Ensure the availability of annotated bibliographies on documents containing social, economic, physical and environmental planning information related to Guam. Establish an updated island-wide base map for the Geographic lnformation System. Continue updating the island wide base map for the GlS. Continue the input of lot and overlay data for immediate utilization in development review Assist in the development of information sharing systems with other govemment agencies Oversee the continued development and linkage of the Criminal Justice Area Wide Network System and the linkage of the network to national criminal justice networks. Coordinate with other Government of Guam agencies to ensure maximization of infrashucture efforts. Coordinate with other Government of Guam agencies to enable the development of a comprehensive Geographic lnformation System. Create and maintain a web page that contains State Data Center information related to the U.S. Census Bureau and other social and economic statistical information. Continue the inventory and use analysis for public properties. Provide technical assistance and training in data processing and analysis using statistical and GIS software applications to generate the required output for data users. OR IGINA L Goal: Promote and foster the use and preservation of Guam's land and ocean resources and ensure consistency with the plans, policies, laws and programs to ensure that Guam's resources are used effectively. Objectives: ' ' ' ' ' Ensure private and government development do not negatively impact upon the island's environment and socioeconomic fiber. Review all development applications for human and environmental impact. Coordinate with other govemment agencies to insure maximization of benefits of infrastructure efforts. Review and monitor proposed use and or disposition of public properties to assure compliance to local policies, laws, executive orders, rules and regulations and government plans. Ensure proposed expansion of military activities do not negatively impact upon the island's environment and socio-economic fiber. Goal: Conduct, or cause to be conducted, investigations, studies, suryeys, research and analysis relating to the physical, human, social and economic development of Guam and to publish the results thereof. Obiectives: ' . . . . .. . Conduct studies and publish annual report on the lmpact of the Compact for Govemo/s release to Congress by February 1st. ldentifr7, research, anallze and prepare studies and briefing papers on federal constraints. Gonduct specialtabulations analysis using the Census Public Use Micro data Sample file. Conduct and publish statistical reports through the compilation and analysis of data resouroes to provide key demographic and socioeconomic information on Guam including the Atan I Islan Guam, visitor anivals and labor force data. Conduct surveys, analyze the data, determine trends and publish the results of key economic indices: gross domestic product, economic growth, trade balances, imports, exports and consumer price index, with the consumer price index and gross domestic product being the highest priorities. Ensure 2000 census data and information relevant to Guam is readily accessible to the public. Collect information on the health of pelagic fisheries and other fisheries in Guam's Exclusive Economic Zone required to promote the development of Guam's fisheries economic ses,tor. Goal: Prepare plan elements that are not the function of staff or line agencies. Objectives: . . . Ensure Violent Crime and Drug Control and Systems lmprovement Strategic Plan is responsive to changes in crime pattems and to system wide criminal justice improvements. Develop and recommend policies that foster and promote the improvement of the planning activity. Ensure that assessments of the anticipated impact of military build-up are conducted and ensure that they are responsive to Guam's social, cultural, economic development, environment needs Goal: Coordinate federal programs to ensure Guam's priorities and policies are met; while ensuring that they are consistent with federal directives. ORIGII\/A L Objectives: Administerthe Edward Byme Memorialstate and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Grant Program and the Byme Justice Assistance Grant Program, monitor Guam's strategic plan's implementation, oversee subgrantees' use of federalfunds, ensure effective programs are implemented, and annually evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy to meet Guam's goals. Administer the Residential Substance Abuse Program which provides residential drug treatment services to inmates. Administer the Project Safe Neighborhood in close coordination with the Guam's U.S. Attomey and with Guam and federal law enforcement entities to stop gun violence. Administer the Coastal Zone Management Grant Program which provides Guam with the ability to protect its environment and enables Guam to plan for and coordinate a wide range of community and natural resource development, conservation and management activities and issues. Assess federal grant-in-aid applications and state plans to determine impact and consistency with Guam's policies and provide recommendations to the Guam State Clearinghouse. Maintain familiarity with upcoming new grant programs and provide guidance on the assignment of new formula grant programs to the appropriate department. Advise departments on the availability of discretionary grant programs as notices are received by the Bureau of Statistics and Plans. Administer federal grants through the U.S. National Marine Services that pertain to pelagic fisheries. Goal: Advise the Governor during the formulation of policies and on the intenelationships among plans, policies and programs. Objectives: . . . . Serve as advisory staff and coordinate Guam's participation in national, regional, international organizations, keep the Govemor informed on issues, and assist in the formulation of Guam's policies as they relate to these organizations: South Pacific Community Economic and Social Commission forAsia and the Pacific Pacific Basin Development Council Western Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Council Goral Reef lnitiative Task Force Assist the Governor and his staff in the coordination of activities amongst various govemment agencies. Advise the Govemor, as requested. Advise the Govemor on the relationships among plans, policies and programs. . . . . . Goal: Ensure the Bureau of Statistics and Plans has the executive direction, administrative and financial support necessary for the implementation of its programs. Obiectives: . . . . Participate and input into various committees and task forces. Initiate, direct and review the activities of all sections within the Bureau Continue to develop the capabilities of the Bureau's staff. Provide administrative and fiscal assistance to the Bureau's Planning Information Program, Land Use Planning Program, GoastalZone Management Program, Business and Economic Statistics Program and Socio-Economic Planning Program sections and the Guam Developmental Disabilities Council. , CIRtcttr\tAt Fiscal Rrr.don: Ere.rJtyq Df€cdql Dapanm€ldAgonay: Br€ru Government ofcuam Yelr 201jl and Fiscsl Y€ar 2013 IBBMR BDuRevlreal Btrdget Dtgest ot Stdgdca ard Plan3 Progrdn: St iltSAIl F Al'100 Account Cods ADDrgpdr{on Clsrsficdon I;. ZO10 E pondltno8 & Eocurnbrlncaa FY ZOlt Authodled L@d 78Zm Otrsdrns: llil 0 il: 174 I n6lmnco Bsnsflta (Iedl€al , Itqttal / uioh ToTAL PERSONNEL IERI/ICES ffi . Ofl-|8laftlLocal Hloago Rshnhulsi 220 gERVTCES: zio 2:It ErF{ndb|r€ & Atrthodzod R€qu6t R€qs€d &rcunbrdrc€a Lagel FI FY Z!10 F.f t4n2 FYZO13 FY ?'|IO @!r€ft!od6 Rrquest Govsmofa Ee€rdltull!& Roouo6c Etl@rnbmnc€3 :LLA'.IEOUS: I TOTAL OPERANONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l,l& 0 o 0 0 o o 0 0 m,o/to a,@o 0 0 0 all4 0 o 0 0 2m 3ila, 0 .T: NNG: 0 t17,tB 0 250 lE &8,004 o 0 G 888,320 0 s2770 31, 8IIIATERIALS: 270 0 s&8 24 2?7 TI1 GovEngt'3 Fr zgtl F-t Aqtiodzrd Lwol ixn? Coveroo/g FY zolo Erpendtur6 & Aulhodzrd FY;,g12 Govemat'6 Govsrno/5 R€qu€st Enounbrrnaog Lcual Rid!.dt R6quo€i FYZU13 Gqv€rnods Rrquoat FY ZO11 FYZOIt PERSONNEL SERTIICES 117 772 F'?rIJ ?f 4r1z Gov€rno/! 6, 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 @,116 tn" 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 8! $! 0 d1atn 0 8aa:2n t 0 e-47, o 0 317, 0 0 gl 0 ,15t t721t 01, 0 0 8,(Do 0 0 a,@ 0 0 0 7517n 0 0 21,qto 9,474 ls"E40 o o 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 $27,3S1 920,116 527., ffi Po'nq: 381 I 'l{on ToloFfrono{ Totrl: TOT-AL UnUnES 0 0 0 q820 g,@o 9,qxt $8,&m 90,000 st,oaxl 0 0 0 0 9. o o o 0 0 50 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 o 0 t0 0 3o to $ 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 a.a20 a ddd @ 0 0 0 50 to t8320 0 0 0 0 l8 {9 10,000 0 0 8,00tt 59,tx'o t0dE 0 o 0 0 Cf n G) z. I -{ Z" C5 C FTJNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIYE DIRECTION DEPARTMENT/AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS AI\D PI,A}IS PROGRAM: ALL LOCAL PROCRAMS FUIID: Summary (General tr'und / 100% Federal) CompeBstioD / ett a z. Government of Guam Fiscal Year 20111 Budget Agency Staffing Pattern PROPOSEI) [BBMRSP-U Government of Guam X'iscal Year 2013 Agensy Stalling Pattern (PROPOSED) FITNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTWE ITIRECTION DEPARTMENT/AGENCY: BT'REAU OF STATISTICS AIID PLANS PROGRAM: ALL LOCAL PROGRAMS FlIllD: Sunmary (General Fund / 100% FederaD r ![ght Dlderentlal l/: I"Y cf ro Lr) = f- / 20ll (cnrrent) Gor{,nam cDndbutlon tor Llfe hs[rance b $174 pr annun; SubJect to chsnge h Ff 20lj| IBBMRSP-U FUNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTIVE DIREC"TION DEPARTMENT/AGENCY: BLJREAU OF STATISTICS AI\ID PLAIIS PROGRAM: Sumnary FUND: Summarf, (General Fund / llX)o/o Federal) / Eazardous / Workefs C-ompe[Nadon / ett (f : U) = Government of Guam Fiscal Yar 2011 Agency Staffing Pattem (CURRENT) IBBMR SP-l| IBBMR DP.IIRSV Declslon Package Blennlal Budget Flscaf Yaars 20{ 2 & m13 Dapartnent Bureau of gbdsdca and Flans DlrlElon Socdon: Admlnlsbatlon rAdminisffibn Se{do'l 18 responslblo fot provldlng 6x6{rni€ dirEdion and lor provldlng admlnisMve and fnancial support n€csesry tor ths elbc{ve lmplemedadon of Bureau'8 programs. Vvhlle Adminisbston has no puMslv over sstlng the erccutive direction of the cuam Devetopmental Disabill0es boundl, the Bursau is mandated by Oder 94{9 to pmvid€ inandal admlnl6ffive support to the Council. Th€ Admlnlsiradon Secton ls also responslble ior ensuring tha achievomed of the Bureau and Plan'6 MlSSlon to ensure Guamb r€aourcas arB studiv€ly ur€d ior the b€ngfit of prssonl and tuturs gEngrations by ensudng conslstensy among various plans, 'e 'I6andprogramsandfrovsrseeingcomprehon6tveplandel€|opmenlagtivitiE8.A8iti8ra8ponsiblo'orexecuth/edlr€dlon,Admlnistnationinitiaia3'dirsgaand|avi6r adnriues ot all lho But@ure s€dons. ll is resFnsibls tor advising tha @vemor and a$Mng the Govsmor and his Btsff in ihe coordinaton of aotivities amongst various agenci$. Lastly, it parucipates In \radous commne€s and task furces. MaJor 1. Ensuro €xecutve guldance le provlded to all ofthe Bureau,s programe. En8ur€ all ot lhe Bu€au'e Programs and tha Guam Dev6lpmental oisabmt€s Councll are provided appmprlatg administrative and fiscal support Ke€p the Govomor advlsed dudng lhs formation of policiEs and on the intonelationshlps among lgrrq plans, pollcios and prograrns. Gmls: rwbw the Bursads wotk program and ensuro that they arc conslstent with the 2. Ensure €ffis cap€bilili€ arc continuoualy upgrad€d. 3. En8ure full compliancs with all of the Govemmer( sf Guam's personnsl Rules and Regulatons. 1 To Inltlala, direcl and cov6mo/r policios and prloritas and the Bur€au'3 lqal mandatss. Ensu€ full compllance wlth all of the Government of Guam's fiBoat and inanclal polldss, produrss, rul6s and r€guletions. En8urs tull complar@ w l a[ U.S. Office of Mansgemsnt and Budgst crar Management Clrcllars. Ensura irll compllartce wtth aX fscal and program polci€s pertaining b tha management of Gderal funds promulgatsd by ths U.S. Departmenb of Commsrcs, Juslico and and Human SsMcss. Promoto the coordinaton of adMtes amongsl vadoug govsmmanl agBncisa. Serve as a Poirt of Contaci and coordlnate Guam's participalion in national, rEgional and lniomdond l'lrorkloqd Ou$ut Worlrl@d Indlc&n Fu[ complbnco wlh all tsdoral frecal g.anl mansgsmenl rcquirBm3nts. Fu[ conplhncg wilh Gowmment of Guam fscal managomant raquirgments. ExBcrrtivs guidsnc€ ls Eovld€d lo all of lhe Buealfs programs. @wmor b advlsed durlng the formatlon of pollcl€s and on the intsrrtationships among plans, polide8 and prerams. Engure Guam hae input inb ndional fsh€rios polid€€ by ensurlng t@hnical asslstan€ is provlded to ths @\remo/s Representativ$ on thg Weslem Pacific Fisharies R€olonal FY 20t0 Levd of Acconpllrhnrnl 1lt/o 10V/o 'l17Levol Adclpdod Ft m12 FY 2013 Propo8sd Rrquost Propor€d R€qu€at 100% 100% t00i t(X% 1000h 100% 1@oh FJ 'l00o/o $eh 100% 100% 100% r00% 100% 1ovh fieh 10D% 1dJ% Govenmert of Guam Flrcrl Year 20IZ stril tr'lscal Yeor 2lll3 Fmcdont &€dvs t[Bcdor! D€psftnoouAg€oot: &ma|t otstcdstcs attd Plano Eudget Ptlgatrl Aitnlrdsfrdql A3l00 Acc.Etd Apptopltudon qasdfcadon Codo I fl412 FY:tolg FY ZO11 Erpcrdltlrar e AuthorH Gotrerno/s &tcumbraro€a L6vd Radu€Bt 2€8,7fA Br(rofita: n6 I & Ere.Et$r8nc€d 270,r7. 0 zct t MIZ Arttoftsd FfiMl3 FY ZDTS FA zg11 FI ANZ Cotatno/a FYZO!t Golt€tttor'8 Lwel R6nu€at AulhorL€d L€vd Govgrnoy'a Rgquost Oorsrno/s Roduo€t Ep€ndlhrtoo & Enru|lbrar|c€a Etp€ndthm€ & AqtlorEsd Fequ€8t Enculbtanc6 Lryd FT , Derbl, L^lf€h 1OTAL PENSONNEL SERVICES tl!'urercs Benslttd lM€dlcsl o 0 0 0 0 E4394 FY Z[lg FY ?IN7 o 0 0 o 0 0 8,0o0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 2l,rm 21,W 0 0 4,474 18,84O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 BE4 TIZ Flrw$ OoYertg/9 Roqu€at NL, nqs17 0 o EO,E58 0 0 3:r70' 6ERI,|IGEs: ext ul, & NATERIALS: 2@ IT: 0 t7l) E,347 9.884 ------R]nl 0 0 DRUG TEATNG: ao stt, TOTAI OPERAnOt{a 0 0 0 0 0 0 UE: I 8,oltt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 fr,w 0 0 owtt: gorrsn Telephorct Toll: I ,15! TmAL tmUnES 0 0 6,820 56,820 0 O N G] z 0,q,0 0 i9,txto sl 0 0 0 t,0{(l 0 o 0 0 1s,640 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $o 0 0 0 50 s0 t0 l0 0 0 0 0 I,tD 0 o ,nj 0 0 E 000 $9,000 2l,otb o sin, 0 o 21,@o 0 ffi 38? 36:r FY Gor€nodo REiruld ffi 230 217 ft FY ZD'IO Epsndtbrr DigBt : PIRSONNEL AEFUCGS Overtbn€: 114 FYZgl3 Golrqn€dg R6qro6t IBBMR BII'lRevlBsd 0 0 0 8.8i!0 gl'&r0 0l szf, 0 0 o 000 000 Lqro 0 0 4 4 0 39,000 Government ofGuam Blendsl BudgBt Flscal Yesrs 2012 & 2013 IBBMR TA-rl Rcr Schedule A - Ofr-Island Travel Department/Agcncy! Btrrean of Stotlsdcs anil Phns Dhldon: All DMrlors Program: All Prmrsms Fy20t2 Plrpose / Jusdllc€don for Travcl tl ,t ,t u t1 6t No Posldon Title of Traveler(s) frovel Dates Alr Fsre Destinntlon u u dl€m ofTravelers: $ $ Regfutratiol $ $ $ $ $ $ Per 2l/ ll Total Cost v tl t 6l FY2013 Purpos[ / Judflcadon for Travel u ,t ,I a t/ 6t No. Posilion Tltle of Traveler(s) $ Air Fsre Per dlem $ !I $ u u ofTravelers: l1 Reglitradon Total Cost 2,1 $ $ $ $ ?t a s/ 6t U Pmvldo luedicatlon for mulliple travelers 2/ Rates mrnt be conigM vith Tlde 5 GCA, sthditrg ths same coderdr€ / frhhg Dtv.2, Gt 23, S231M and Federat Joida / ftc. Tratlt R€gutrtioE 0R/G/A/r 1 Government ofGuam Bisnnial Budget x'iscal Years 2012 & 2013 [BBMR 96Al Rev Schedule B- Contractual Schedulo C - Supplies & Matorials Schedule D - Equipment Schedule Schedule f - Miscellaneous F- Capital Outlay OR IGINA L Government ofGuam F'lffrrl Year 2012 Budg€t FIINCIIONAL AnEAt EXECUTM, DIIECTION Agency PBOGnAMT NIMINMTBATION tr'UlrD! Ge!€r€l Firld Bdd 1tr6 U: ff Znl Gsrt{!) G@G!!r C) c) z. a@lbfr 6r l,& I!ini@.3 b tl74 pat aB dl8ubj.d b cldgr h Stoffq Pattern PROPOSED AGENCY. BUBEAU OF STATIIInCS ANL PLANS fr a)12 IBBMRSP-ll Govertrment ofcuam Flscal Year 2013 Budget Agency Sbfiirg Pattern PROPOSED FITNCIONAL AREA! EXDCUTM DIRECION ACENCYT BITREAU OF STAfl! ICSAND PLANS IBBMR SP-II FttNDt Generaf Flod R!dr: tlltYo (rt (c) (B) (Dt (E) ar) (G) (E) (Il s ?aaB ADIHfltt Wr Sser Mlc&dLA.c.Ld P-T9 l$n :!l?LC[aln Lo S. .El6 I.{B Goao VACAIIT s GlodTdd: U: ff 20ll (cnri.af Gorc!€rn .o@lMor fo! Ufe --'r t:, i---- I htltrlc b $174 D.r a!!di gub&.t to 4L*l 270t{E d!!g. h FY 75-?B nsn s 3 1,ofl 2013 I)tt E l7l 5 t74 2.064 .toE s llll 494 43tl SI s ?-3l8 }nl ffi ToTAL t0lr60 49jo4 a 8 4r5 xJn s g 614 s 3Jn (J+n, T@lB.lfffr (rrht!Q, 11! II (o) (P) 133t6 s 5l r7o,t(n GoYerrmont of Gmm Fbcal Year 2011 IBBMRSP-ll Agenq Stlmng Patbrn TLTNCTIoNAL A.f,EA: EXICUTTVE DIRECTIoN (CIJTREF{r) AGENCTI BUBEAU Otr STATIfTTICS AND PLAIIS PnOGnAMT AIIMINFIRATION rUNIh Bdo, GEITEBAL FI'ND l{I)9a I tBl (c) rD) tr) 1E) (G) (r) rtrl (o) (PI B(drfft :&t !lo. I AI'MMI Dlr€ct!' offP! WP s.sd!t? n Ttdr=c. T.rrr L Cudo ADM(tr ADIffXB JDMIXB IloE rA !t0r&e MdbAc.L€o! Adtr&rrdtlArstiat Palv@ Goro I r* I 'sih&i.: itdirid ' 'lratl ts.aE I s P-lt x-ts 72:na . adlfm.lt Rrd$ (DDD Soalrl S€adltJ Q'n.wot Fr&$ '2er) (6:96 . J) mJs, s p7 74tn9 s Ll1 s .Ft5 6 a ll uft Uadh't! ( ( rr9r 8 s t7l s s 174 \w .11 lt aTttml, 4t l1 s tra .!)7 t1a sql s 174 s K!h! o) TOTIL i9r8r ?,,'JT' .t(B s 34{t6 tl/f'an (Jrnf TalI x.*lt rnsY.'O n93' 5 l0lJ98 t(Lt7a s .16110 E6,40 s 3J4J38 s 3,n 3 Seart'rt Grmd -: ii' (f,+8r&D Ssh&l fi.aB Tdrlt 2g5rt I 6 x7;tz 73'lr8 478 78 aflt 6{n [BBMR DP-llRev Decision Package Blennlal Budget FfscalYears 2012 &2013 Ilepartnent DlvlslonlSection: Bur€au of Stadstlcs and Plans Plannins Informauon Proqram D6crlptlon:' Bureau of Statisdcs and Plan's Planning Information Program is responsible for facililatlng the delivery of economic, social, and physical to planners, researchers, and individuals with informaton requirements for govemment-wide planning and policy making purposes. The Planning lnformaton Program is responsible for determinlng the impact caused by thE Compacts of Free Association and publishing studies related lo the mlgration of Compact oitizens to Guam; supporflng data dlssemlnation activitles through the Guam State Data Center,s parliclpadon in the U.S. Census Bureau's State Data Center Program; and overseeing the Herally funded Westem Paciffc Fisheries Information Network (WPacFlN) program for the colleclion, processing, analysis, and management of fisheries data used lo develop, implement, and evaluaG for Guam and lhe Weslem Pacific Major 1. Prepare statistical reporb through the compllaton and analysis of data resources that provide key demographic and socio-economic informaiion on Guam. The Bureau conlinue6 to prgpare and submit an annual assessment to the U.S. Congress on the lmpact of the Compac't of Fr€e Associadon on Guam. Additionally, the Bureau will update and publish lhe "Guam's Facts & Figures ai a Glance' brochure and the'Guam Statisfcal Yea6ook' contalning eummary of key demographic and socio€conomic informaton about Guam. Disseminate and make available economic, social, and physical dala and information for researchers, policymakers, and the public locally and worldwide. ThE Bureau will update the Guam Stalislic€ Website in order to provide quick accss to socio-economic informaflon and other relevant Intormallon. Update and publish"Planners' Bookshelf quarterly neursletter and updale and publish the "Guam lnventory of Plannlng lnfunnation" to enhanca and lncrease ihe awareness and accesslbility of soci-econimic information and other relevant information br planing and policy making purposes. Conduc{ and implemerd surveys and produce resulb to effeotively measure Guam's economic performance and condition. As the lead agency br lhe Guam State Data Center, the Bureau disseminates and makes available Census Bureau productrs (Demographic Profrle, tletailed Cro$ Tabulations, and Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) ffle) and results as released by the U.S. Census Bureau. The Bureau conduc{s special tabulations and processing as requesled by dala users. Addiuonally, the Bureau works with the 2020 Censue Interagency Commitlee to address issues related to the 2020 Census planning on Guam includlng qu*fionnaire conlent, geographic boundarles, and enumeralion procedures. 5. Serves as a cooperalive parher with the Secretariat of the Paciflc Community (SPC) to identifu and address technical assistance, prob6sional research and planning needg to ensure an improved quality of lib for Guam and the Facific reglon. The Bureau collaborates wiih SPC in developing trainlng programmes and workshops to str€ngthen statlstical capacity building as well as strategic program plans to promote Guam's health and social well-being. Provide lechnical aasistiance and support to Govemment of Guam agend€ needing asslstance In lhe compilafion, analysis, and development of statistical reporling prqrams, including but not limited to, visitor anivals, labor force processing and federal transac0ons for work done on Guam in anticipation of the military buildup. Collecl, complle and report fieh€ries dala to the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Westem Pacffic Regional Fishery Management Councll undEr the Wsstem Pacific Fishery Information Network (WPacFlN) needed for the development of fisheries management plans. 1. To conduc.t or cause lo be conducled investgations, sfudie, surveys, research and analysis relating to the human, social and aconomic development of Guam and to publish the r*ulis thereof. To conducl or cause lo bE conducled data analysis and reporl wriling courses to maximize lhe Govemmenl of Guam's efforts to efredlvely analyze and disseminale demographic, social and economic information on Guam. To ensure the delivery of economiq social, and physical data and Informaton lo plannerB, polioy makers and individuals with public inbrmation requirEmentB. To support the evaluation, development, and implementation of fisheries managemerd plane for Guam and the Westem Pacffic region. 5. To lmprove communlcadon between producers and users of data, develop a more coordinated flow of data and informatlon bstrvsen and to provlde direct assistanco to aqencles wfth data needs. Workload Output YYorkl@d Indlcaton Compact lmpact Annual Report Guam'a Facts and Flgures Brochure Plann€rs' Bcokshelf Newslefrer Guam Sbtlsdcal Yearbook Guam 20{0 Census Acffvldea and Opsradong Guem 20:lr0 Dsconnlal Plannlng Guam Stats Data C6nbr Acdvltl6 Guam llemoE|?phlc Profl le Data Analysls and Repo|t Wrldng vvorkehop Guam Inventory of Plannlng lnteduredlcdonal Flshedes Act Seml-Annual REport WEenam Pactf,c Flsherl€s Informa0on seml-Annual Report Technlcal AsslStance, Tabulatlons, and Staflsfl cal Prccesslng FY 2010 FY 2011 Lovel of Andclpatsd FY2012 FY 2013 Propced Requet Proposod Requ€t Accompllshmsnt Level lO0olo 100o/o 100% 100o/s Oo/o 100o/o 100o/o 1007o 1A0% fia% 100% 100% 100o/o 'lO0olo 100o/o 1O0o/o l00ol/o lOOo/o 100% 1O0Vs Oo/o 0% o% o% 100o/o l00o/o t00% 1Oo/o 40o/o 40% 100o/o 100o/o l00o/o 40% 100% r00% 100% fia% 1O0o/o lAOo/o l00olo 100o/o 104% ORIGINA L Government of Gurm Fiscal Year 20Ul and Fircal Year 2013 Budget Digest Furc{on: E!.cudvr Dlrlcdon Dopqrtn€nuAg€ncy: Bursan ot Stafadca Prggran: Phnnhg lrtromlrdoD PFgrrm ed Flans Ff wl7 AS4!0 FY ZgIq Accoqrt Erpenr[tr€i & Autttodrad Enqmbtqtat Lry€l Apprqrlston Codo O€s€ffi cadon l@,760 711 Ovodlns: E€odta! 772 tt3 zn 187,030 0 ,o,70 r8urqtlca BonEfb 0uedlEal , ttfibl , Lthl: TOTAL PEFSONNEI SenUCeS I |: Ff OPEfABOllS B FY Z!10 Erpottdltur8a & Enardf&rdrc€a FYZU13 Cov€moia Roluod $Ltn 0 0 0 8&701 0 0 7, s28aS?8 "- ' Of.lBludrl-.c€l illlolqe Rdmbua: 230 u1z GovEmola Foquc€t 0 tft FY ZUtq Exponrllhn€o FY Zg11 & Erumblrncaa 0 0 0 0 FY tudtottlrd 0 0 0 tn 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 Govemo/a Btqmrbretc€g L6eal Reqtr€st Rsouo6c FY 187,q$ 181 0 0 0 atl44 90 5286,'A 9n4t4 0 7,107 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'N7Z Got€fno/a 0 0 0 F.( 2077 Autho&od 0 0 N F A13 FY ZOIO ErFalditrris & 0 0 0 FYA13 Govstftot'a R9qrr€d 0 0 0 zFIz Gov€rno/a Recuost Lorol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 fll 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 60 3t 0 0 0 0 0 ot ot ot ot nt nt 0 o 0 TOTALOPERATIONg ffisron 0 Btan 0 TEloFhone, Toll: TOTAL UTIUTEA r, sp€ofly Fund ry @ e) w G) 0 0 450 = 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 o I Redu€sl 0 0 DRUG TEAING: R€du€dt 0 0 n7 FY'IBI3 Ctovgmot'a L6!rd t0 0 IIA'IERIALE fa FI412 Cov€moda 82?;) 6ERr,lCE8: 2g FY ZOtt Aq$o&rd IBBMR BlLflRevk€d 0 0 0 @ $o 0 $tt l0 qt 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 ttt ot ot o ot Dt ot 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 vouroo __l I dl o |r 4 0 4 0 FTJNCIIONAL AR&|: GoYemEetrt of Guam Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Agency StafFng Pattem PROPOSEI) EXECIJTTYE DIRECTION AGENCTs BIJREAU OF STATI$IICS AND PII\NE PROGRAII& PLIINIIING IITFORMATTONPROGRAM FUND: Gcrcral Rdo: Ur Fld lmTo Ff 2Ol| ({!fild) GotcorE w LIJ -l=: =J-- .dtdtrdd fd llfe lttglrec. b St?4 pd !!rt!nt Subreat !o !trn$ h l'Y 201' TBBMRSP-II Governrnent ofGuam Fiecal Year 2013 Budget Agency StafEng Pattcrn FIJNCTIONALABEA: EXECInIVE DIRECTION AGENCY; BLREAU OF STATTSflCS ANI' PIiNS PROPOSEI) PROGR.A.II: PLANNING INFORMAfi)N PROGRAM FUI\tDr Gercrrl Bido! IUFA fi ff 201l \-) (sr.rdl, Muam .frtihnion ru LJ,' l--\,_,t-- = I F![rt for Ufo l!!!..'t!. b S1?4 ler tntlt|r, SubJtd to (ftdge b Ff zn3 TBBMRSP-U FIJNCTIONALARAA': EXECUTIVE DIRICTION AGENCY: BUREAU Or SIATISTICS AltD PIIINS PROGRAM: PLAMIING INFIORMATION PROGRAM rUNI} GEMRAL FT'}ID Rrdtc l00Zo () x] \J _I Government of Guam Flscal Year 2011 Agency Staffing Pattem (CURRENT) IBBMRSP-II [BBMR DP-ilRev Decislon Package Biennial Budget FlscalYearc 2012&2013 Deparlm€nt: Dlvislon/Section: Buslnesand EconomlcStaflstlcs Proqram Burcau of Statsflcs and Plans Tltls: Buslness and Economlc Shflsdcs The Buslness and Economic Statstcs Program collect, compiles, develops, analyzes, disseminates and publishes quality scientific indlces and e@nomlc lndlcators, Includlng but not llmlted to, economic growth, trade, balances, exporb, lmports, consumer prices and other informaflon relatng to economic oondltons. Core data generated by the dMsion Includes the Quartorly Consumer Prico Index and lmport and Export Trade information. 'l/Vhile some business and economic data continue8 to be gathered by statistical the information must be evaluated and analyzed along with other economic and social hctorB to provide a complete and accurats pic'trjre of the island's economy. The Chief Economist is reponsible to anallze, evaluate, and report on economic policies and extemal mndldons affocffng Guam's economy; devolop and design the data indlc€s need; and supervise and apply quality controls and adiustnenls to validate tho statistical roeults. MaJor 1. To provide buslness and economlc statistical data affecting the economy to the communtty of Guam. 2. To ensure lhe availabilig of timely and aoatrate statistcal indicee that are required to made sound decisions to improve Guam's vlablllty. 3. Interpret, validate, and publish statistical results of key economic indices, with the Consumer Prlce lndex being the highest prlorlty. Provide economic analysis and foresight as member of he Legislative Spocial Economic SeMce, and assist the Special Accounting SeMce or th6 Govemo/s Fisal Policv Team as Short-term Goals: 1. To collect, compile, and publish the analysis of social and economlc indlcators, including but not limited to, economlc Arowth, trade balances, imports, export6, the Consumer Prico Index, and other inbrmation related to economlc conditions on Guam. all local and Federal govemment agencies with regard b economic development and promoting Guam's position as a regional center for business, bade, and commerce. To Drovide coordination and assistsnce to bderal and extemal aqencies in lhe colleclion and compilation of business and indusw informafion. 2, To enhance the coordination among 3. Workload Output Workload Indlcaton Quartsrly Consumer Prlc€ lndex FY 10 Loval of FY ll Anuclp@d FY 2012 Propo8sd FY 2013 ProFosed Accompll8hmont Lsvol Rquest Request lAOo/o ,1o00/o 100% 100% Quarbrly Economlc R€vlew Guam lmport Data 0o/o o% o% Oolo lAOo/o 100% 100% 1O0o/o Guam Export Data 1O0Yo ,1000/o $a% 100% ORIGINAL GoYcrnment Fuocdon: ErBcuttuo lllr€cfotr Dgp€rtrtr Agenct: Bqroq| ol Flscal Year 201j1 and W€ ofcusm Flssl Year 2013 IBBMR BD-llRevls€d Bdget Digest and Flatg Progran: BuldDraa qnd Ecomrnlc Sialhdca Progratr 48400 FY ZCIC FY Zrg'tt Accoqd ErFerdfur6 & A!0rodzoil Lsrel Appropristion CNqsdfi cdan Code I-'- : : Ettauntrqtcaa 0 7tF68 Ovorttm: I zvz FYA13 R€quos! FY ZOl0 Bonsflla: |laurarc€ Bstr€!fit8 llf€dlc€l t t s ql , t-" _-" oPERArIOta ,. On-bkndllocal d eqs€ SERVTCE6: & HATERI.ALS: Adrortsod Roqu6t Brc|trnbranooa Irrel 23,0:ll ?f4.4€,l 0 0 8F'a42 72.6?6 Enc{trbrdf@ LFd FY ?!12 t Govsrnoig Y;tttit FY Gor6rnolB Rocu€d R€du€€r TIg handturro FY & Enqmbmrcos Zgtl FY ?o72 Oovomo!'e REsuori Aut|lorkod Lsvel FY2D13 Govsmo/r Rodu€dt 0 o 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 2 2S8,@l M 0 8€342 t30,tql It,@7 0 0 - Relnlua: 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 0 0 28') 0 0 0 0 ?txt 0 0 TEETING: 0 0 t400.470 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATIOM' ffilren 0 r, E6rsr: 3€il 0 Toll: I toTAL tmunEg 0 0 5o 0 4EO o 0 o 0 0 o l0 0 0 0 $o 0 0 ot ot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 $0 s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 ot Dt ot ot ot ot ot ot dt nt o n 8 0 I a 0 0 50 5p€Ctty Frurr uoutoo ffi I AuthorLed Rsouect o s3r4, 0 -r-\ =--l-- FI TI1 FJpqxfiturE & R€.'uo3i FUm73 0 lt,0s7 0 LJJ FY Z[10 @!rdno/o 0 0 0 0 1' 8tz Gorerno/8 Fa 30469 o 381 4N1 Erpondtms & o 0 LrEI TOTAL PERTDNNEL SERI/ICES I FY Gqv€ltrot }ERSONNEL SERVICEA 171 3 Fr GqYemo!'8 D o I I 0 Govcrnment ofGuam Fircal Yoar i012 Budgst Agency Staffing Pattern TR,OPOSEI' TUNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTM DIRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATI{'TICS AND PI"ANS PROGRAM: BI'SNIF.S$ & ECONOMIC STATISTICS PNOGRA.II FUND! G€n€r"l Fund nstb: lqpn ,.* x"Y 2OU (r!rr.dr) Goecra,[ Ll = "l z. - t'dlMm fdufo lllrrdt b $r74 p.s dlnq Ssb&.t to deso hFt,!rU IBBMRSP-1] Govennment ofGuam Fiscal Year 2013 Budget FT,NCIIONALAXEA: EXECUTIVD DIBECTION AgencT Staffing Patt€rn AGENCT! BInEAU OF SIATISTICS AND PI,ANS PROPOSEI) PR@RAM: BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISIICS PROCRAM FtntlD3 cGrltrl Frld Rado: 100% U: lY AIU (crdrldt) Gorcrrls coEtdbulb! lot llfe llerrn O ry ea z ob SUa F.tr ra!!E Slbl.tr no th$ge |! FY Zrf3 IBBMRSP-rl FUNCTIONAL AREA: EXECUTM DInECIION AGENCY: BI,BEAU OF STATBITCS AND PI,ANS PROGRAIE BUSINES{I & ECONOMIC STATISTICS PROGRAM Ft,I\IIh GEI\IENALFUIITD n dot llFzo O a z f- CoYcmment of Gnam Flscal Year 2011 Agency Staffing Pattem (CURRENT) IBBMRSP-II IBBMR DP-l lR6r D€cfulon Packsge Biennial Budget Fbcil Y€ars 2012 & 2013 D6prf8!edt hrr€arr of St t'rst'rts and Pl.8s Irivfoiods€.tioni Socto-EcoNrordtc Ph|tftgPrograD Soaio-E{eo&ic FlFnnrng Progran is tbr sqltoe deliv.ry uah wi&tn tho Bura tiat has lh6 feribitity to appruiso, oo.rdiaro, plgplrg snd tbd flrh€r eco!@ic, ro.ial @d hFalin ntio goalq prioritieo rad pl@iog octivitio& Iu thir a€Derity, the Progred lrDyidss dir€qr plm'ring supporr fcr the fstsigs dsvelopEeot snd nilitary o$a$i@ itl€gatioo. Ihis Prog.@ obo ooordin66 the GovE@m€0rt ofcurmb plrticipafiot qd itvolwnedt &rrh as lhe W€d.m Paoifo Fiehocieo Regioal Moagedod CotEoilto €{sune GD@has irpr[ ido adi@81edegioul policiea. Lanly, rhia Prograra oval Iffigor@€olel Rsvit w sdd the Gootl Sfab Cl@iBghorEe to €!1tr0 tid they !r9 consistedt with Curtr!'s ls*t arlll policie8. stqdie8 l. hsrs pk0! ollmrm thd lot 69 fsuqtiotr of stsfrd litre agqci€s als FrcpEld. srE EnErE tho Govecns ie advicod dring tho foreuldi@ olpolioios md advioo tho Govsrao oo ths irqrelaiorhip8 aEoig pkrs, polici€8 od prograne. Gos&r 0d Fovitlg dbEgt plrfiag sDport to Gum's gimital jusdc6 8ys.d by prEFqqing a eiralegic platr, tto uoitoring oftho dd66/s l.'pl*."rsho.; Eeet ged& Cordioo od ptovido dir€ot tl@ing Coordiuo &dael poogrua to edsur€ Boppqrt snd tsttoicsl reiqrEn!9 fq €s@orliq ed fisherle! developd€ot plardlg. G[@'s pricities and Eurore a coodiaaed opptorh to GuaE s pdtioilqliot in Roglonol Fbtaieolr{oaageoea Council Prueid€ plEniq sqpon to f€ CMll6 lliitart Slhrce r Redd€odd hur yoar stare6r tiat ie 4,ld8nrs bas€d for Abuse drlg rh6y 60 oorais.d q'ith fod@t dire.tirrs. ttio@L !%i@sl, iuballtioral org{rizdi@!, lorh Tast Fqre fedrral firadr the irddFrd"dEti,E of lolid€s rrs me! Fhile osEilg aii G!@ Flrst Cmleeio ss thr Ndioad Oovqruod Arrocicio4 Secreariat in ord$ m 6l8uro ttst Cua$ o€d mlot ,b ohallglSod of d! US re Ellm<led in a mms Treed odol PrograI! d ffe DEpt of violsof cdEe r8duc.ti@ md sld subdf ftr qFding gr@l spplicdio@ tadrr tie Rosiite!trial SobBtqc6 Abll3e Trcded PBj€ct Sde Neigbbfioodr Grar lbgrm, Edward Bylne M@orisl Jlsticp Fogrst'| Dants@d, tnotritonng 8!tl ovaludon adiyiti€r fili thE bllolrioA fodE(lf Aaant Ed!f,ad Byrm Manodal Slafo and Iosl I{!r Eofllce0nrdd Assirlenre Crad Ptogi@, f,se EnforcdEd Bloak Gr!d, R8sid€dfial Substalr6 Aburs T!€ofoom Progr@, Projeol Saft $rno Jmioe Arsistaoe Gtant Progr@, Ed\rqd B'rse A'!ei0e Rloovory @d tcallnicql splort to thi Grrm Fir* Cormigsi@ sod ib Subco@Itte€s lbst E6y be foroetl is8le3 l€lsisd to ae@sio! ofmilitery aaivitios on Gaaq dovdcp od pcEpae triofing SFoximdBly 100 grd oppliccious aruually for 8ocio-€ood@io iEpaot @d ptoaidg cerdilalim lrith lha Guer E drdric D6,gloFnrot ad Comn€fie Altlority 6d tts UDivir8ity ofGal!, Gut!'s eolodlc ta€o& snd dgr|rlop ! new C,tnpieheorivo Blolodlg DsvEloFndt Stalgt &r FY ald dav€lop mDrsl uldd.s ofc|8tnh Csnprahtiaivs Ecoromic Ddvslopmrdt Pld fd LJS Eoolodio D€voloDd€lt Adoialst atiod. CordiDds Gusf,r8 EDA rreq y€8t FlBntal troj€.is ttrat wil GriEt b gomsb q$btlEbb n8hed@ by probcihg tl9 enviommori dld supporllng Guam's hdghqrs qitrral fi8hhg pr€rdoa8, s-edd€oos fshlng and comrn€rdal frshlng. ditier Glstrt's prticipatio! qrch as fhg Natiorsl Gov€n$r8' Associrtio4 oltbo Padffc Comudty 8rd Westsol Pacinc R€gi@d Fishtrt€s Msras€d€ot Coumil, plDof8 8r9 !r€pa!4 i!ftdrtrdi@ b appropti6 dopdtE irt6 is diaaeeninatEd aod rith the r€gi@sl, Offcs ofthe Goveoor ed apFopdate Gor,Colrt ed i@lsliorsl orgEizrd@s CRIGINAT Governme ofcuan Flrc.l Y€ar 2012 ard Fbcal Y€ar 2013 Funsdon: E(elut|ve Dlr€rffdl Eudgsd Dig€sl Dqp€ttrsrdAqgrlf : Brlssu ot $strdc! md Pl€rg Program Soclo-Epnordo Pl6ldrg Progtan A3400 FY ZOIO Acc@trt ErFoldtur€3 A ErEl!||btetc€€ Codo ldon AFproF ;; | qar8filcadon FYZOI3 FY ZDlg Gor9mot6 GoFmofa Erpandtt[ra & Authorlzod Gdgmofa L6vd Roquoot Ro{u€8t Ercumbrercos Ldel Rsdud 7C7, 1We3A t@ros 0 0 4711 ao nauranoo Bonoffls (Uedcal I Dontrl , tffo): I | ll3l TOTAL PERSONNET SERI'ICE8 " ":'QFFA tF a.g CONTRACTUAL at OFF|CE SPACE RENTAL: SERVICE9I ANE(x|s: Tslophond To[: TOTAL UITUflES I I. t- Fr zoto Goyorno/o Enelrdltmr & Adlrorlzod Oq€trFdg Gqeno/8 Rsau€ai Eftu|nbraro€€ R€dr.r€at R€tluld Enqtrnbrlnc€g LoYel R€cq€ot Rgque€i 0 0 o 0 0 0 tdd 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 FY 107,705 Fr 8,141 1Vt.23€ o 3: 416 4AZ2 FYZSIS 10t It 0 51,16,, o 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 450 z. F]ti,trl! Gov€rnot'a 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 TOTALOPERATIONS I q. Ff zolz AlttrorLEit 0 0 Ytatf,S6ven e p7z FY ZOlt ErFrqrifltult8 & FYZtl3 0 IS.RFCIP'IENI.ISUBGRANN ffi Powsn 362 363 20tl FY ZO10 Cov8rnot'B FY:rOlZ '+i i- TESITNC: I Zgtl 51/rt,180 24tt A FY 0 0 0 0 38:38 lFAvEL. Otr-blandrlocal dlloago Relmblta: no F'r BEnS'ON IFL SqRuCq*. 5; wtz FY Zgt t Ardhoriz3al [rI: 17' IBBMR Blt-rlRflb€d 0 0 o o 50 50 0 0 nl nl zrEl ', 20ol 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 s0 !o 60 to !o lo o 0 0 0 0 0 0 nl nl I z(xrf eel | . o 0 ol ol o,itsf "' o.(ml ol ocol, .' I l .. ol I 0.001 ol nl d.ool 0 0l nl o"ml 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 z 0 0l nl |Lml 0 n 0.e o 0 to 0 FITNCTIONAL AREA: Government ofGuam Flscal Year 2012 Budget Agency Stafring Paffern EXECUTM IIIRECTI0N IBBMRSP-l| PROPOSED AGENCT: BUnEAU OF STATFTICS AND PLANS PROGRAM: SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING PROGRAM FUND: Gseral Funtl nrdo lm% I!!{rbt De!{iru{cr (A) (c) (B) (E) (D) (c) (F) (E) (a) (P) I Baddtr SaLr' No. I soqx'7 fl@orItr s(rm6 Pl@€f [I Mlf,{rd !t U, fY anl (.!ftrr) .-t a 1 =---, -],l-* GoecErE B. M.l3 eBuiza E|!df-C8arlr cet tlrlh fo lfb rnsdar.s Gr!rdTo!"t' b $174 Dar @@i Subl€{a to !I-16 ll:: il::q+:l:::ll a[dg9 b Ff mU ( 'iirli'in '(Mo' 'IlX4' ''(Alnoufl: t/t3tl)t3 $!1Jtt2 s:n;rr8 gt sl) $logjm $i $0 E+F+G+D Slbtot l 5L09it Ldranadl (Jilr3n/o ) sr{459 $&t 38Jt3 at6# 0 $0 [ji!:l]li;i:i.i.jiiiii!:tiil $et 0t09r1B sl09o3 r0 5!27tn! Soclll8eaottt R.rtr6 @DI) (lr9ln'26PP) (620/" l ' Medhara 4 ( r,tfo r.{scro.o 0 87dl s0 e0 $0 s'41 u T@l Bar|ffE (K+S) Lmmn) TOT,iL ( t74 $318 | 4,lBt ,!t9 $0 i0 $4,6! | s'6 1 7U7lO 19618 $16520 c7474 t3638 sl4q4{3 Govemment of Gusm Fiscal Year 2013 Budget FI,NCTIONAI,AREA: BECUTIVE DIRECTION Agenry Stafrng Pattern AGENCY: BUREAU OF SIATFTICSAIID PId.IYS PROPOSED PROGRAM3 SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING PR(rcRAM FUDID: Gtneral Furl Rado! l0{P/o ft ff ml f (currert) GqrGorE toltdbldotr fo!'Ufe ry q z. f-*" il'[ta|I.! t! Sl74 p.r lerq 8!bF b ..tarSo to fY 2013 IBBMRSP-II TUNCnONAL AnEA: EXECIITTVE DIRECTION AGENCY: BItRf,AU oF STATISIIC8 AI\[D PLA.IYS PROGRAId: g)CIGECONOIWC PIlllilNII{G PROGInAM FT'NIh GENNRAL FUND Bdot l@% p z. -r=-*" )-- Govemment of Gnam Flsrol Ycsr 2011 Agency Stsfrhg Pattem (CURREIYT) IBBMRSP-ll Goventment ofcuam FIJNCTIONAL ARf,A. nEcUTIvE DIRECII(}N AGENCY: BIIBEAU OF SIATISTICS AltD PlllNS PROGRAII{: I,AND USE GIII PLANNING PROGRAM FUND: FBDERAL Bdo: tlbo/o O ry q Z *t:* -r-- Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Agency StafEng Pattern PROPOSED IBBMRSP-U FUNCTIONAL ARE* Govemnent of Gusm Flscal Year 2{113 Budget Agency Stoffing Pattem SROPOSED EXBCUITYEDIBECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF STATISTICS A.\'D PLAiB PROGRAM: I,AND USE GIS PI,ANIYNG PROGRAM FI.,i\D: FSDERAL f,.tb: lln% f,/, Ff z)ll (qfildt) (o ry q v tr-- @!rE @dbstlon for Lffc lrstrsrce 19 sl?,| let rdlrq Subltd lo cbdrgc h fY 2!13 TBBMRSP-U TUNCTIONAL ARf,A: Governnent ofGuam Fiscrl Year 2011 Agency Staffng Pattern EI(ECUTM DIRECTION (cuRRmrr) AGENCT: BT'REAU OF STATtrSTICS AND PI"ANS IROGBAI{' I,ANII USE GITI PI,I\IIIiIING TBBMRSP-U PB@RAM FUNI} TEDERAL trdor lll)o, I[d I@t b D.dalm.d (cI (Bl ra) fr) (D) (G) {8) (r) (Et ( .ti.iirbiln: I rl'ncot 2 3 LIJPII2 LUP{B IS L =r r= .l (l.t3 ldersF rtrrarlI GIS MrFDhc T€.hldan I;jlriliitiiiiri:[:il;,:,iiiiii:j,::]ii:iii:rj::i;,i;i;t:i'itl|t:i:'tr,Lt:l L-J )-) &kii. w T VACIINT Gfadd T@l I.: i s I-t I *r{i:::l S g {Xcdni. s llt s $ x 9rumll 8r.c|tr+J' 8lbblaf 36131 Radttdd t$n8a I 3 t&t4t ndtt(DDrl (fi&$.26rP) tn 38,566 $ 21 116974 lliadrl!. J g I :t:ii'll+ i:t::t.it l$ lll t llct8s s 3t9(X I Sodal Sasnlty /. lPa'J) 3 3 liar ( aar! L45%rJ ) Dto$hd (ol aP) B.ffi ::.rid;.6r:: No. ne llfe (L&rdR) 8!t n4 3 tsn $ SD t74 s 350 41a 310 956 r;s5 (r+s) Totlt E@!tr6 3{8 6&2 I I 19,126 TOTAL I t53f' & a lsSte TUNCTIONAL AREA: EXECIITIYE DIRECTION AGENCY: BIJREAU OF STATISTICS AI\D PLANS PnOGIAM: GIIAM COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROCBAM Government ofGuam Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Ageney Sbffing Patbrn PROPOSED trUNIl: FEDENAT Redo! l0lf/6 *- Employees are curently belng detalled to the Bureau of Labor Staflsflcs dlvlslon (BLS) under the Departrned of Labor purauant to E,O, mA2-14. ru LJ/ -F-* = IBBMRSP.U Govemment of Guan Ftocal Ycar 2013 Dudget FUNCIIONAL AREA: E IECUTM DIRECIION IBBSTRSP-U fuency Staffing Pattern AGBNCY: BIIREAU OF STATISUCS AND PLANS PROPOSEI) PROGRAM: CUAM COASIAL MANAGEIdENT PROGRAM FUITD FEDERAL f,dor m% (A) (c) (Bt Addrlrarot Plloflsr Coordh@ GCIUP007 Bry,d m Gclumu V.c. C.r.drt P-18 $ l|{-16 M-r6 Ff *- 20U (crlrrrd) cn1l2ot4 $ ayatt:t zlLl -l E!6r Taihg!. tl.r4 s $ PlEnerm Ten3Lr M. Pe!!' IILr|I 45 s l:] ltttliaE Ualor! t-t2 3a s anlmt4 C. VACANT .diMd for U& lnsrte.! ir 81t4 F alD|lq Sub&ct to ct@96 :l h $l 7r.?s 1,28t a =r\- } n,6g 2tJOt cl EtC+litls4li-P+iiil ff 20ll rm,423 !)I98 | lgJroT r99r0 | M 14 t4918 69 Employee are currently bolng detalled to the Bureau of labor Shflsdcs dMelon (BLS) under the Oepaftment of l-abor puEuant to E.O. mO2-14. t*J {o 3{ 4tt$4 9t4lmt4 bl 1157.162 tPt Le4 P|lEr.rItr Pl@o.lI Gorclrlr s s1 g (rl (Et In-16 Gr&d Tatrl: V: n (€) ThoDa3L(ldD@ AdffilroArdrhf I brlr! AE|lrDcLo! Pldtrtr GfrPIXX Er@sdb3 C,D, nr@eam MFIb2 (Fl (El (D! l{ 9}70J21 zfi 1t,093 stl so I s3r91 I slrr8 $18Jor I st,203 r,48r 743,' rcd48T tstll 9t:l'2r2 I 3 | t9?,433 Government ofcuam tr"ncol Year 20ll Agsncy St8ffing Pattem FTJNCTIONAL AREA: EXECIUTIVE DIRECTION (cunRENT) AGENCyT BURf,AU OF STATISTICS AIID PI"ANS PBOGRAM3 GUAM COASTALMATTAGEMENT PROGBAM trIJND: FEDERAL Bdor tmon *- Employeeo ars cur€ntly belng dotalted to the Bureau of labor Stetlsdcs dlvlslon (BLS) under puBuant to E.O. 2Wi2-14. O ry a z. *F-- -\-? fto Department of Lebor TBBMRSP-TI Govcrnment ofGuam FITNCTIONALAREA! EXECUTM DIBECTION Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Agency Staffing Patem AGENCY: BUnEAI' OF SIATISIICS AIttD PLANS PROGRAM8 EDWARD BYRNE MEMOIIAL STATE AND L{EAL Il\W EI\IFOnCEMENT TOBJfIIIII\ GBANT PROPOSEI) FIOND: FEDERAL n do! 100% ffi ,--n- --T---IBBMRSP-rl TUNCTIOI{ALAII& Goverrment of Guam Fircal Year 2013 Budget Agency Staffing Pattsrn EXT/COITTIE DIBECTION AGENCY: BUREAU OF $TATISTICS AND PI"ANS PROPOSED PR()(INAI& EI'WAAD BYRNf, MEMOHAL STATE AI\ID LOCIIJ,I.I\W DNFONCEMf,NT FORMI'LA GRANT FI'ND: FEDEBAL ndot l0o/o !4 ry 2!lf (.!rl!|ti) Govcuarrcodrl!(rdd Li = ., Z" r for llfo llrt,r.n 6 b t1?4 Fr @nuq Subl€.t lo.Sage h FY ml3 TBBMRSP-U FUNCTIONAL ABEA: f,:IECTITIVE DIREICIION AGENCTs ntREAU OF STATISnCS ANI' PLAIiIS PR(rcNAM: EDWAND BYNNE MEMOf,Il|L STAfi ANI' I,OCAL I,AW ENFORCEMENT FONMI'I,I\ CBANT FUND FEDERAL Rrdo! llnlz C ry_ a = GoYemment of Guam Flscsl Year 201 1 Agcnqy Stafing Pattem (CURRENT) IBBMRSP-II FUNCTIONAL ARE& EXECUTWf, DIRECTION AGf,NCY: BUREAU Or STATISTICS A.ND PLAIIS PR(rcRAM: INTERJURTSDTTI0NAL FBmRmS AcT GRANT PROGRAM (100% FEDERALLY FUN'DED) FUND; FMERAL Rstlo! tlXF/. \_/ -ara {*t = ., -n-- = Government of Guam Flscal Year 2012 Budget Agency Staffrng Pattern PROPOSED IBBMRSP-l] Goverament of Guam FUNCTIONAI, Ffucal Year 2013 Budget ANEA ETECTITIVE DIRECTION Agency Stafrlng Pattern AGENCY: BUREAU Of STATISTICS AND PIIINS PROPOSEI) PROGRAM; INTEUIIf,ISDICTIONAL FTSHERIIES ACT GAANT PROCRAM (rdP/o FEDERALLY FIjNIIED) FUND! FEDERAL Bdo: 10{P/o t: ff 20U (.!nal) Coi4u.d .6!r:ltudG ,O ry {-J r= "} for llfe herl!r.! i! Sf?4 F eerq sobj.{a to cteSo b Ff 20l;} IBBMRSP-l] Governnent ofGuam Flccat Year 2011 FUNCTIONAL AREAs EixErcUTM DIRECTION AGENCT8 BUREAU OF STATISTIC{I AIrID PII\![S PR(XInAM: TNTEB,IURtrIDIICTIONAL FFm,nIIES ACT GRAIYT PROGAAM (1mo/ rUnEn lr,r,Y ruNIlED) FI]ND: TEDERAL nado! !{'0% :r.4 7. )-? Agency Staffing Pattem (crrRR[Nr) IBBMRSP-II rUNCTIONILAREA: DXECOTM DIRECIION AGENCY! BI'nEAL OF STATtSttCS AII{D PLANS PROGRAM! GUAM DEVEIOPMENTAL DISABILIIES COUNCIL (1m% TEITERALLY FU$IIED) FtiIlDI FEDERAL Bado: l(xl9/o ' Tomporary Employe6 -Ff a -'7 {t-< Government ofGuam Fircal Year 2012 Budget Agency Staffng Pattern PROPOSED IBBMRSP-l] Government ofGuam Fiscal Ymr 21113 Budget Agency Staffing Pattern PROPOSED FIINCTIONALAXEA! EXECOTIVE DIRECTION AGENCT3 BUREAU OF STAIBTICS AND PLANS PB(rcBAiC GUAM DBVEIOPIUENIAL DISABILITIES COUNCIL (100o/o FEDERN,LY FIJNIIED) FTINI': FEDERAL nado! V: fY 100o/o T€mplrary ElnCoyog (i!rtst) Col€uad cotrtibldoD for [lf6 ljnurlncs l, Sl?4 2011 LJ -n :(-.i ) -r="- -+* = t.- Por atrDum: Sobje.l to chllgg ltt FY 2013 IBBMRSP-l| FUNCTIONAL AREAI E;Xf,CIUTWE DIRECNON AGENCf: BUnEAU otr STATISIICS AltD PLANS PROGRAM: eUAM DEVELOPMDNTAL DISABILITIES COI'NCIL (100% TDDEBALLY TUNI'ED) FUNIT: TBDENAL nddd lmo, I Tonpo|art Endot€o (_) p z. >-= t- Govemment of Guam Flscrl Yerr 201 1 Agency Stafflng Patteir (CURRENT) IBBMRSP-U rIINCTIONALARN* EXECLIITYE I'IRECTION AGENCY! BT REAU OF STATISTICS AND PIIINS PROGRAM: CoRAL nEEF II\IIIIATIVE FUllDr FEDERAL ndo! m,/6 q z t=: Govemment of Guam Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Agency Strfing Psttem PROFOSED TBBMRSP-II Gwernment of Gurm Flscal Year 2013 Budget Agency StsffDg Pattem PROPOSEI) FUNCTIONALAREA,: D(ECUTrYE DIRECT1ON AGENCY: BIJRE]\U OFSIATII'TICI AI\D PLAT\IS PROGRAM: COnAL REEr IMTIATIVE FUND: trIDDERAL Bado! 100'fo lr! FY tof f (.t.lnot) Gor€|r@couffid@ O eP z forliG Inalfe.. b JlTd Dot dEq 8qbr..t.o.&&rg! h x,y 20l:} IBBMRSP-II FT,NCTIONAL ANEA: EXECUTIVE DTRECTION AGENCY! BIIREAU OF STATISTIC$ ANL PROGRAI& CORAL REBT INTUATTYE trT'IID3 FEDERAL ndo: 1(1106 C] (I) z f- PLIIS Govcrnment of Guam Fisc8l YGar Zll I Agency Staffing Pattern (CURREIYI) IBBMRSP-l| Government of Guam Biennial Budget X'ederal Program lnventory FIINCTION: EXECUTWE DIRECTION AGENCY: BUREAU oF STATISTICS AND PII\NS PROGRAM: FEI,ERALGRANTS trederal Grantor Agercy / Fedenl Project U.S, DeDartment of fitle Intertor/Coral Recf Inttlsttyc of Commerce NOAA/Guqm If,ESTPACTIN of Eealth and Human ServlceV q z I"f 2011 (Current) I Fy Z0l2and FY 2013 @stimated) Funding [BBMR FP-llRev BI]REAU OF STATISTTCS AND PLANS Office Furniture & Equlpment Inventory t2loUt0 TYPE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PLANNING INFORMAIION PROGRAM Printer ADM2()o1 HP 4600 DN Printer; S# JPDKC39849 Printer BSP/COM HP laserJet E@0N Prinrer; S# IPtsGC39849: CD000234356 Printer PIP HP I aserJet 5, S# USKC@2758 Projector ADM 2006 Multi Digital ftojector; Dell Velo Bind Macbine ADM 2M6 GBC Elecric Velo Bind System3 Pro Model# 97A7M8; S# St45t68E Notebook ADM 2006 Dell Latitude Notebook; S# 42vQSBt Storage Cabinet ADM 2006 Mefal Storage Cabinet Digital Camera ADM 2006 Cybershot DSC-WI@ Digital Camera Desk PIP Brown. 6-Drawer Desk PIP Brosm. 4-Drawer Chair PIP Broum, No Arm Chair PIP Tan, With Arm Desk GOV'T Gray w/ White Top, 6-Drawers Table GOV'T Gray w/ White Top, l-Drawer, Metal File Cabinet GOV'T Gray, Filing Cabhet, 2-Drawers FiIe Cabinet GOV'T Gray, Filing Cabinet, 2-Drawers, Govfif 1-1050-2 Monitor (New) Admin 2004 cN{5Y232-7 I6I Keyboard (New) Admin2m4 cN-0c0842-7 16 16-41 Mouse (New) Admh 2004 s# 418v2v239 CPU (New) Admh2m4 l8cx451 Desk PIP Black w/Brown Top, 7-Drawers Telephone ADM Meridian Phone, Beige (475-96'19) #2 Monitor (New) Admin 2004 cN45Y232-7 16 I Keyboard (New) Admh2m4 cN-0c0842-7 16 I 6-41 Mouse (New) Admin 2004 s# 41E017450 CPU (New) Admtu 2004 58CX451 Desk PIP Black WBrocm Top, 7-Drawers Telephone ADM Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9679) Monitor (New) Admin 2004 cN-05Y232-7 Keyboard (New) Admin2@ cN- d d case; S# DSSJT91 lock; Beige d Accessories; 8.1 MpX Calvin Saruwatari 8-45E-ADS6 H-5654 Janet Qultugua 8-45E-ADCC H-5653 Monlca Guerrero I6 I #l 8-458-ADS7 0G0842-7 I 6t641H-5 632 iF(t{nfll\ll Mouse (New) Admh 2004 s# 418017409 CPU (New) Admin 2004 F7CX45l Speaker YzK 4Q Super SubWoofer System d 4Q NT Speakers (On Commerce Compurer) Monlca Guerrero (SPC PRI$III Equlpment) Monitor SPC PRISM qory]lgqoLco.lor Computer Display Monitor, Manufacrured lune 2@2; Model # CPD-8230; Serial # 2605616 CPU SPC PRISM CPU (Includes a:drive, zip drive, DVD ROM, CD-RW Geared by MSI No.1590 Printer SPC PRISM HP LaserJet 1200 Series Printer; Serial # CNBJD48707 Batfery Baclcrp SPC PRISM APC BaJtery Baclup 650VA; Model # BK650MC; Serial # PBm38l1300l Keyboard SPC PRISM Microsoft Internet Keyboard; Serial # 516770Y245429 Speakers SPC PRISM Arido Speaken (2) Mouse SPC PRISM Logitech Optical Mouse BSP Add On hom Departuent of Commerce : PL X-76i EO 2W2-14 Lamp coMMm.cE Standhg Lamp, Black @ I Lamp COMMERCE Sanding lamp, Black @ I (PF) Computer Table COMMERCE Computer Table w/ Wheels (Adm) File Cabinet COMMERCE Metal Filing Cabinet, 2-Drawers, Beige (TC) FiIe Cabinet COMMM.CE Metal Filing Cabinet, 2-Drawers, Beige (ME) Easel Board COMMERCE Black Folding Easel Board (Storage) Desk COMMER,CE Wooden Executive Desk, 7-Drawers (IL) Work Station COMMERCE Metal Computer Work Station, l-Drawer (IL) Credel.za COMMERCE Wooden Credenza Unit (IL) Chair coMMm.cE Executive Rolling Chair U Arm Resr (IL) File Cabinet COMMERCE Metal Filing Cabinet, 2-Drawer (IL) Shelf COMMERCE Black Grill Shelf, 4 wall rmit @ 2 QL) File Carts COMMER,CE Rolling Hanging File Carts @ 2 Monitor COMMERCE Smile Intel Monitor, S# SC1NKU5A24657 (Adm) CPU COMMERCE Dimension Systen CPU, S# 960[20 (Adn) File Cabinet COMMERCE Filing Cabinet, Gray, zl-Drarrers (Adm) Keyboard COMMERCE Dell Keyboard, S# 37112-9984568 (Adm) Mouse COMMERCE Microsoft Serial Mouse, S# 0069329 (Adm) Mouse COMMER,CE BSR Mouse, S# G205001015 (Adm) File Cabinet COMMERCE Filing Cabinet, Blaclg 5-Drawers (MG) File Cabinet COMMERCE Filing Cabinet, Beige, zl-Drawers (MG) Shelf COMMERCE Wooden Stalding Shelf, Tbree Drawers with Open Pull Doqm Shelf @ 3 File Cabinet ADM - 2005 Metal Beige Sliding Glass Doors with Key Loclq # 115 File Cabinet ADM -2005 Metal Beige Sliding Glass Doors with Key l-or,k, # W6 File Cabinet A_DM - 2005 Metal Beige Sliding Glass Doors with Key (TA) Storage (lL) Loc( # t3l File Cabinet ADM.2M5 Metal Beige Sliiling Glass Doors wirh Key L,ock, # l3Z File Cabinet ADM - 2005 Metal Beige Sliding Glass Doors with Key Lock, # 124 File Cabinet ADM - 2005 Metal Beige Sliding Glass Doors with Key Lock, # 039 File Cabinet ADM - 2005 Metal Beige Sliding Glass Doors with Key I'ack CPU ADM - 2003 BF6M43I Monitor ADM - 2003 KR{7R47748324-36 t-01RK Keyboard ADM -2M3 cN-06w6 I G38 U2-359 -9P39 Mouse ADM - 2003 6rJ220 Speakers ADM - 2003 Model AD2l5; Sf CN-0R024&6980&35F-I 173 UPS COMMERCE Cyber Power Battery BackUp 585AVR, Sf BHA2UI620968 UPS BSP Black; Model #OP-82S; S# 8IA351600939 Table coMMm.cE Gray Working Table Telephone BYRNE Meridian Phone, Blk (475-9678) #2 Chair BSP Blact Medium High back; d 2 arm Desk soclo Black Metal Desk w/ Brown Too Desk SPG Computer Desk Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-96@) UPS COMMERCE Cyber Power Battery BackUp 585AVR, S# BHA2U162@86 Monitor COMMERCE Dell Monior; Blac( S# CN-05Y232-71618426-BBVL CPU GCMP2004 Dell CPU; Black S# B67BG41 Zip Drive GCMP2@4 External lomega; S# IGAP46879X Keyboard GCMP2M4 Dell Keyboard; Black S# CN-0C0E42-71616-305417 6 Mouse GCMP2004 Dell Mouse; Black; S# LNA3491E650 Desk COMMERCE Offrce Desk, Black with Brovm Top, 7-Drawers Table COMMERCE Table wirh Wheels, Brown, 2-Level Chair COMMERCE Chair - low back with no arms. Blue Typewriter COMMERCE IBM WheelWriter 1500 by l*xmark S# l1-PN256 File Cabinet COMMERCE Filing Cabinet, Beige, 4-Drawers File Cart COMMERCE File cart with wheels, Black Calculafor GCMP Canon MP21DX, lz-Digit Adding Machine: S# 2MLf73 uPs COMMERCE CYBER POWER 3255 Wans 585 AvR: S# BHA2U1620$8 Shredder COMMERCE Fellowes Power Shred PS70; S# 070991110A1Mmp9644 Speaker ADM Altec Larsiry Speaker; S#CN-OROZ0-698($35F-I 161 UPS ADM f 299 ANANCTAL SEC1ITON Terry Cuabo S#Lzrerc?A33l d rest Rollers, Oak Color (SPG) Nydia Llarenas - 2003 (Rese has computer) APC Smafi UPS 1ffi0; S#WS9951003361 Transferred to Albefi M. PerezSl2Ul Printer GCMP HP l-arerJet 5; S# USKC1l010l Typewriter GCMP IBM Wheel Writer 1500 by Table GCMP Tlaewriter Metal Table, Beige Desk GCMP Browu Wooden Desk, 2 Drawers wl 2-Drawer End Table and Shelves Filing Cabinel GCMP Beige Filing Cabinet, Lateral Cabiners qdrh Lift Covers, 4x4, 4Shelfs @2 Filing Cabinet BYRNE Beige Filing Cabiner, Iateral Cabineb wirh Lift Covers, 4X4, 4 Shelfs @2 File Cabinet llgalth plenning Beige Filing Cabinet, Lareral Cabinets wirh Lift Covers, 4X4, 4-shelfs @ 1 File Cabinet ADM Filing Cabinets; Beige; R33S; 4-Drawer File Cabinet ADM Filing Cabinets; Beige; R238; 4-Drawer File Cabinet ADM Filing Cabinets; Black; 22S; 4.Drawer Stamp Machine GCMP Pitney Bowes Postage St mJ' Machine, Model B700; DM100; S# W92644249 Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Black (475-9677) Shelf GCMP 'Wooden Table GCMP Brown Table, 2-Shelves with Wheels Chair GCMP Broqm I,ow Back w/ Arms Chair GCMP Brown w/ no Arms Line Conditioner BYRNE Fan ADM 1997 1999 lrxMark S#t lRNl4l Brown Shelf. zl-Shelves Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner 18ffiW g7-1/0V, S# 9126APOLC368400014 (Mp) Sanding Fan ; White; Model F56-40; EMD Julte Nededog Line Conditioner BYRNE Desk PIP Black wlBmwn Top, 7-Drawers Chair PIP Beige High Back, Computer Desk PIP Computer Desk, Three Shelf, Gray Telephone BYRNE Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9678) File Cabinet PIP Gray, 4-Drawers Keyboard GCMP EPS Keyboard, S# SmartPrint GCMP Smart Print Printer Sharing Nefworh S# 713L768 (OId Compufer) SmartPrint GCMP Smafi UPS GCMP APC Smarr Ups 7@VA, S# SQS0225331490 Line Conditioner GCMP Line Conditioner 1800$/ 87-140V, S# 9126APOLC368400029 ZipDive (MACIE - COMMERCE Iomega Zjp 100, Pn{# 3U22ALO\ M# 2I00USBNC: S# C6CM08E9GH Calculalor COMMERCE Canon P22GDH Heavy Duty Frinting Calculator; 12 Digit; 2 Color UPS SPG One llPS Plus (SPG#Z) LP2,8Br'o55 @icky Sanchez) Power Supply COMMERCE Battery BackUp Power Supply/6@VA, Black (Ricky Sanchez) Typewriter llesftl Monitor Byrne 1999 06/11/03) plarming Tripp-Ute Line Stabilizer/Condifioner I-,C18@; S# 9126APOLC36E4C[X]15 hint BlkArm, Blk Pedestal 404407ll Printer Sharing Network Sg 7131'733 (Neu/ Computer) IBM Whe€lcriter 30 Series tr; S# t1-RM276; Gov'r Tag# 428MM494 Dell Monitor; Black; S# CPU Byrne Dell OptiPlex GX620; CPU; Keyboard Byrne Dell Keyboard; Blk; S# CN-OT6867 -37 172-63c-0tWl Mouse Byme Dell Mouse; BLK dGray; Blk S# S# F01@FY0 Assiged to Ermie So at DOA-FederaI Programs Monitor BYRNE 1997 Dell; S# 7221DDQKFIA9 CPU BYRNE 1997 Dell OptiPlex GXI; S# 8XA35 Keyboard BYRNE 1997 Microsoft @yrne- Miki's) Mouse BYRNE 1997 EM IJPS BYRNE I9E7 APC SmartUps 7@; S# 9515 PS/2 Mouse; S# 7L0508344 (Calvin) Director's Office ADMIN sEcrIoN (NorrBooK coMPurER) RETURNED oN MAy 2f, 2fi)6'Tony sanche Notebook ADM-2003 Dell laritude D610, Peftium M 76), S# 078983498m528, CN-0D157148643-5ST-7317 Floppy Drive Int/Ext ADM-2003 Floppy Drive, Inl/Ext; S# PH-0C883G.17601-54Q-E&X Mlslng(Tony Sanchez) Mouse ADM-UN3 Dell USB 2 Bunon Optical Mouse 90WAC Adapter ADM-2003 Dell Factory Tied AC Adapter; S# CN-OC289448661-55&S402 Ctair ADMIN Brov,n Wooden Chairs w/ Arms @ 3 d Scroll; CN{DI161-71581-53H-06UO; S# 5ll04t7@ Illrector's Offtce (NEW COMPUTER) Loaned to John DeIa Rosa, Governors, Office : CPU ADM - 2003 Dell Monitor ADM - 2003 DelI: MX47R47748323-3'lc-080Y Rerurned l0lgT 105 Keyboard ADM - 2003 Dell: Mouse ADM - 2003 Dell: I2Fil6?fr39A Iap Top Computer ADM - 2003 Sony VAJO GRS 7002 Notebook S# CPU BYRNE Dell Optiplex GXIP; 8AX35 Keyboard BYRNE 1999 Microsoft Monitor BYRNE Dell Model No. M770; S# 71Z1D-DQIFI-A9 Mouse BYRNE 1999 Microsoft hrelliMouse l.2A Speaker BYRNE 1999 Allec lansing Speaker System ACS34O with Woofer UPS ADM Blackout Buster Unintempted Porryer Source Printer ADM HP Laserlet 4 Plus; S# USGC44285 Shelf ADM Metal Book Sbelf w/ Glass, 2 Level Chair ADM Black Executive Chair w/ Arms Desk ADM Brown w/ Brown Top, 7-Drawers Table ADM Brown Foldine Table Ctair ADM Brown Wooden Chairs Chair PSN d Arms @4 Blue High Back Chair il Arms Telephone ADM Meridian Phone wifh Screen, Beige (475-9663) MH Lon 00045-440-5%-044; FL{2IC-CWYXqTJKWI-X08-73S0 Reffned t0/07/05 CN-060610-38842-359-8U4tl Returned LOlgT /05 3ffi2j72; Model #: PCG-8K2R (T.Cuabo) Guenero 1999 1999 PS 12 Compatible Line Conditioner BYRNE 1999 Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner lE00W 87-140V, S# 9t26ApOLC36S4000t3 (MLc) Therese Aguon CPU ADM 2OO5 DeIl CPU; S# 3KV2581 Monitor ADM 2OO5 Dell Monitor; S# MY-OW869048323-583-1BOA Keyboard ADM 2OO5 Dell Keyboard; S# CN-OW7658-37172-55H4IDX Mouse ADM 2OO5 Dell Mouse; Black S# 5190n556 Speakers ADM 2OO5 Dell Subwoofer; Silver/Black; Victory CPU LLEBG 2OOO Dell Optiplex GX2,0 Pentirm 4 CPU/Minitower; #WGMTP-P)CIeXIQyT-KS2MGRRB4Y Monitor LLEBG 2OOO !-gl] Llrrasharp l7tr2FP Flat Panel l7-inch Monitor; s# M,rcgcl5247ffi52gKAALH Keyboard LLmc2000 Dell PS2 Keyboard; S# THMN45437L7I7NIB0I7 Mouse LLEBG2M Dell Microsoft l.3A PSi2 TnreuMouei CN 0735HE3103ZTTMIT Speakers LLEBG Hareon4ladotr 395 CPU Y2K PC Outlet Mouse Y2K Irgitech Model M-M8; Si LZ,A83759884 Speaker Y2K 4Q Super SubWoofer w/ 4 Q NT Speakers Surveyed 01/2{ltf5 UPS GCMP Tri Pro Power UPS System; M# POW-550 AS; S# 0436040940 Desk ADM Black w/ Brown Top, 7-Drawers Computer Table GCMP Computer Table Wooden Table, Broum w/ pullout shelf 2OOO Printer Speaker6 w/ Ssbwoofer; Sf CN 7EMO698&DSU4552 (II/US8INC, EEglary 0UD/03) 50X;l{2V721249 Surveyed AU2Wi Srrvey 01/2txt5 Srcage Roon tl7l205 HP LaserJef: S# USKCI10169 Fax Machine GCMP Xerox Document Work Centre Pro 645: S# T2W-071885 Desk ADM Black w/ Brown Top, 4-Drawers Typewriter ADM IBM Wheelwriter 1000 by I*xmark; S# llCCRCg Table GCMP Brown $y'ooden Tlping Table Table GCMP Brown End Table, 2-Drawen Chair GCMP Black w/ Blue Pedestal Chair Chair GCMP Brown w/ Beige Pedestal Chair Chair BSP Brown Wooden Chairs w/ Arms @ 3 Chair SPG Brocm Chair File Cabinet GCMP Beige Filing Cabinet" 3-Drawer @ I File Cabinet GCMP Beige Filing Cabinets, 4-Drawers @ 6 File Cabinet GCMP Beige Filing Cabinets, S-Drawers @ Water Dispenser GCMP Elecffic Hot & Cold Water Dispenser (SUNROC) I-amp SPG Brass Table Telephone GCMP FTS Phone, Mawe, Touch Bufon Telephone ADM Meridian Phone with Screen, Beige (475-962;4724201 - 3) Alberto A. Lamorena V, I)lrector I d Blue cushion @ I (SPc) I amp with Cream Shade @ 2 (Protocol Of6ce has I lamp) 3/21Xts uirlcli'{AL l CPU LLEBG Monitor LLBBGzOM Dell ultra Sharp 1702FP l7-inch Monitor; Keyboard LLEBG2MO Dell PS2 Keyboard; Black; Sf TH04N45437ntnMB0l7 Mouse LLEBG Dell Microsoft 1.3A PS/2 InrelliMouse; CN 0735HHll032mWT 2OOO 2OOO Detl OpfPlex GX240 Pemium 4 CPU inirower; S# WGMTp-p)CIe-XIeYT-K82M6RRB4Y S# MX08G152476OS29KAALH PIP CPU Y2K PC Outlet 50X Keyboard Y2K hecision: No.99@ Mouse Y2K A4 Tech Net Easy 3D Mouse; S# 990860811 Speaker Y2K Super Sub-Woofer System 4Q Keyboard PIP Keytronic Keyboard S# J952416931 Mouse PIP Microsoft Serial Mouse 2.0A; S# m907506 Computer Table Health Plaffring Wooden Brown with Black, Computer Table Keyboard LLEBG 96 Keytronic S# Mouse LLEBG 96 A4 Tech Net Easy 3D Mouse; S# 990856166 Mouse COMMERCE Microsoct IntelliMouse Telephone ADM Meridian Phone , Black (475-9661) Telephone WESPAC Southwestern Bell Freedom Cordless Phone: S#: C0163109 Telehone WESPAC Meridian Phone , Beige (475-9674) Chair ADM Black Metal Chair (3) (Adm Storage) Chair ADM Brown Metal Chair ff2K) J98 1029369 l.IA PS/2 Comparible; S# 63618-OEM-530427-5 WF-SPAC SECTION Peter Leon Guerrero Mouse (l) Microsoft Serial Mouse 2.0A. S# A0693277 Speakers COMMM.CE Compact Disc Digital Audio Speakers Tlpevriter COMMERCE IBM LexMark Series II Typervriter Cabinet COMMERCE Filing Cabinet, 5- Drawers, Beige Monitor COMMERCE De[ Trinitrotr Monitor. Keyboard COMMERCE Dell Quiet Key Keyboard, S# TH-O463CD-3717777t-t4Q-6094 Mouse COMMERCE DeU CPU COMMERCE Dell OpfiPlex TJPS COMMERCE APC Back Ups Pro 4?t, S# FB9734LS2/'35 Speakers COMMERCE DYE\T Speakers Printer COMMERCE HP Laser let 5P, M# C3150A, S# USF8319535 Desk COMMERCE Desk, Black with Brovm Top, 7-Drawerc @ 2 Chair COMMERCE Chair, Low Back wirb Arm Rest, Black @ 2 Jimmy Cushing, Jr, Next to Jhmy togited S# MX0,837 65-4Tl4l-15U -202c Mouse, S# LZEll3675gz cX 200 CPU, S# BGJCP01; CD0001341061 Monitor COMMERCE Micron Electronics Monitor, S# n8Z54l Keyboard COMMERCE Micron PC Com Keyboard, Mfr 5t21, S# Q02050682 Mouse COMMERCE Microsoft for Micron Mouse CPU COMMERCE Millennia CPU, CD000083 1337 Speaker COMMERCE Altec l,ansing Speaker, ACS2IW Scarr Printer COMMERCE Scatr UPS COMMERCE APC Back Ups Power Source COMMERCE 1200 Desk COMMERCE Desk, L-Shape, Black with Brown Top, 4-Drawers Cbair COMMERCE Chair, Low Back with Arm Rest. Black Adding Machine COMMERCE Canio UPS COMMERCE APC Back Ups Monitor COMMERCE Micron Monitor , Mfi LM-1764, S# 62700CR201695n A Keyboard COMMERCE Micron Keyboard, S# 22570541 Mouse COMMERCE Microsoft Mouse, Porr Compatible Mouse 2.0A, S# CPU COMMERCE Microql MiUenia Plus CPU, CD000535512, S# 1,6729i-fffr2 Printer COMMERCE HP laser Jet 5P, CD0000159807, M# C3150A, Sf USDB016322 Cabinet COMMERCE Filing Cabinet, 2-Drawers, Black Prhter lsC CD0000831343, Sf 0050038-515 ho 650, Sf F89828675@4 VX Unintemrpted Power Sowce Emily Taitano - 1,212 T hinfing Calculator, ho V 6517969 650, S# NB0019361751 l3838lj SOCIOPLANNING Millie's (New Work Station from Superlor Court) CPU Superior Court Dell Optiplex cX260T, Minilower Base S# FRF-2D2I Keyboard Superior Court DeU PS/2 Keyboard, OptiPlex S# TII{4N454-3'7171-2CP-A268 Monitor Superior Court Dell 17" Ultrashary Mouse Superior Coun Microeoft PS/2 htellimouse S# CN{735HE-31032-2BM-OCOI TJPS Superior Court APC SMART UPS 7@ Line Conditioner Superior Court 6-Outlet Line Conditioner. S# 9146APOrc368400101 SmartUps Superior Court Smart Ups, 700 Net, S# QS0246121968 SmartPrint GCMP SmartPrint Printer Sharing Network; S# 7221905 Speaker LLEBG Altec lansing Speakers; Sf ACS3402315 Desk Black w/ Brown Top, 7-Drawers, Govt # 40tm{n080 Telephone soclo soclo Filing Cabinet COMMERCE Beige, Filing Cabinet, 2-Drawers, Filing Cabinet soclo Grey, Filing Cabinet, 4-Drawers, Shelf GOV'T BookShelf, Gray, Chair soclo Black Chair w/ Arm Rest Chair PSN Blue Higb Back Chair w/ Arms 17C|2,FP Flar Panel Monitor; S# MX0Bclj2-47605-31K-D399 Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9674) 3-kvel, covr# 375-1 Table soclo Brown End Table Table SPG Typewriter Table, Brown (SPG) Line Conditioner BYRNE 1999 Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner lE@W 87-140V, S# 9126APOLC3684O0024 (MD I-,ola Leon Guerrero (NEMOMPUIER) CPU BYRNE 2OOO Dell Pentium 4; 5#:00045-2140-326-599 Keyboard BYRNE 2OOO Dell Keyboard; CN06W61038842359A498 Monitor BYRNE 2OOO Dell Monitor; M]f;UI R47 7 4832337C0A99 Mouse BYRNE20fi) DeU Logitch Mouse; CN0T094344753 -3$OIqt I"ola L€on Guerrero (OLD COMPUTER) CPU BYRNE 1999 Keyboard BYRNE 1999 Deu PS2 Keyboard; S# TH04N4543717128Q8339 Monitor BYRNE 1999 Del Ulrmsharp Mouse BYRNE I99 Dell Midosoff l.3A PSl2IntelliMcuse; CN 0735IIE3I0322?7MIT OAISSIT{G, Burghry 0U02lm) Speaker BYRNE 1999 I{arnon/Eardon 39J Line Conditioner BYRNE 1999 Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner 1800W 87-140V, S# 9126APOLC368400016 (LLG) Speaker BYRNE 1999 Harmon/Hardon 395 Speakers Telephone soclo Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9675) Desk SOCIO Brown Shelf soclo Brown Shelf Table soclo Brovm End Table Chair socro Black Chair PSN Blue High Back Chair Filing Cabinet soclo Gray Filing Cabinet, 2-Drawers, #449-LO Filing Cabinet BYRNE Beige Filing Cabinet, 4-Drawers @ 4 (Byme) Velobind BYRNB GBC Velobind System Three Pro; S# K109669 (Byrne) Binding Machine LLEBG GBC Image Maker 3000 Maaual Binder (LLBBG) Binding Machine LLEBG GBC Inage Maker 3000 Electric Binder; S# KE06738 (LLEBG) Water Despenser soclo Water Dispenser, Hot CPU LLF;BG2W2 Dell OptiPlex GX270; S# 1SL135l Keyboard LLmG Model SK-3 106; S# CN-0G0842-7 l6l6-3c5-3577 Monitor LI Mouse LLEBG2W2 s# LNA4I57L522 Speaker I-LEBG2W2 Atfached to monitor. CN-04Y463-48220-448-ffiFG Windows )(P LLEBG2W2 Windows )CP Professional Software: hoduct Key: HD6M6-@767 Telephone soclo Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9676) Ernst Dell-opti-plex G)(2ao Petrtium 4 cPuA{iDiios,ec ou@nt d fwc-JyDCB{QIIHGc-pHpcR-wecc3 (MIssINc, Brrgtery I7O2FP Flar Paret t7-in h Motritor; Speakers Sf (MISSING, Brnglsry otlozlts) IVD(O8O15247605ZANAED3 (M|S,I!NG, Btrrdlary w/ S!bc,@f€r; S# CN 788406980029013? O4ISSINC, d erdary 0U{Ei6) S\rbwoofer; S# CN 7EB4069BWZ%O137 Brown Top, GDrawers; Model # 31161 (Byrne) Gray Chair w/ arm rest il Arms & Cold Electric Caseres 2002 F'RG 2002 Model No 190IFP; S# CN-O5Y232-716I8-45K-AJPE t*U6qIFQV4-YCJ%- 0l'i iGli'tA r_ Desk soclo Black w/ Brown Top, Govt Chair SOCIO Black and Gray Cbair PSN Blue High Back Chair w/ Arms Filing Cabinet Black Filing Cabinet, 2-Dra\re$ @ 2 Table soclo soclo soclo soclo Black and Brown top Monitor Table I-ap Top Computer BYRNE 1999 DeII Model No.PPOIX, Inrpiron t82(E Lap Top ComputerCN-O4Tl76-lZ96t-ZgS-2MB Line Conditionet BYRNB Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner 1800W C7-LAOV, S# 9126APOLC368400021 (EC) Plting Cabinet Filing Cabinet Ta# 401000m8I wl arm rest Beige Filing Cabinet, 4-Drawers Gray Filing Cabina, S-Drawer @ 5 1999 SOCIO-PI"AN}IING PROGRAM Cbair soclo Black High Back Chair Table SPG Table Filing Cabinet socro Filing Cabinet, Gray, 2-Drawers Desk SPG Computer Desk w/ Rollers, Oak Color (SPG) SmartPrint soclo SmartPrht Printer Sharing Line Conditioner BYRNE 1999 Mouse d Wheels Networ( S# 68 1 5635 Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner 18mW 87-140V, S# 9I26APOLC36S40002Z (Ep) MicroSoft lntellMouse l.lA PS/2 Compatible; S# 602324440000 Printer BYRNE HP Color l,serJet 4600dn: S# JPAKF05947 Printer BYRNE HP LaserJet 5 Printer; S# USKCl10170 Printer BYRNE HP Color LaserJet 5; S# JPHF175349 Table soclo Gray w/ Beige Top Stabilizer BYRNE Line Conditioner/Stabilizer; S# 499000008t Line Conditioner BYRNE 1999 Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner 1800W E7-140V, Sf 9I26APOLC3 UPS BYRNE 1999 APC Smart Ups 700VA! S# SQS0224230309 UPS BYRNE 1999 APC Smart Ups 700VA, S# SQS0224331366 Multi Media Projector BYRNE hoxima Ultra Light X350; S# IQN24,I;C244 Auro BYRNE 2000 Toyota Camry, Blue/Green, Lic# 3150 (BYRNE) Auto LLEBG 2ffi5 Nissan Altima, Silver. Lic#4089 (LLEBG) 6W23 @rinros) YEHICLE SURVEffi TO GSA COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM GCMP SECTION Printer GCMP IIP Color LaserJet 5; SnartPrint GCMP SmartPrint Printer Sbaring Network, Sf 451624A Printer GCMP HP l:serJer 5; C3961A; S# USK@92760 Printer CrcMP Laserjet 4M (Plus); S# JPFR0062ll SmartPrint GCMP SmartPrht Printer Sharing Nerwork, S# 47707129 Line Conditioner GCMP Tripp-Life Line Conditioner 1800W 87-140V, S# 9126APOrc36S4000il S# USKC092764 (Colored) TV GCMP Sony 13' Trinitron color TV; Model KV-13M10; S# 8093669 (Wifh Miki) TV GCMP Toshiba; S# 86851914 (WirI GCMP) DVD/VCR Combo GCMP 2003 vcR GCMP DVD/VCR Combo; Model#: PV-D4743S; S#: G31C35047 {02tZ6lM) JVC; S# ABN363 (Wifh GCMP) vcR CICMP Stereo Scope CARTO Stereo Scope Multi Media Proieclor GCMP Multi Media Projector 3Com Su/itch GCMP 2003 3Com Sup_er Starfrl Swirch 44m 24,pttffit; S#: 0306 7PW2K8DB2940 Module:7IJV,149463 r ap Top Notebook GCMP 2003 IBM Thhk hp GCMP 2003 IBM AC Adapter; P/N: 08K8204 Iap Top Battery GCMP 2008 IBM Battery; [1,SU2K7O57ZLZ56B39X0CS Lap Top CD-RW GCMP 2003 IBM Thnk Pad CD-RWDVD-ROM: Part f 22P6991; S# 7876N5W Iap Top DiskDrive GCMP 2M3 IBM USB Portable Diskette Drive; IBM Pan#:0SKW6; S# 23P9OGU GCMP 1999 Nissan Pathfinder )(E, Red, Lic#2993 (GCMP) Surveyed ro cSA/DpW 3/07 Top AC Aclapter Pad R40 Series Noteboo\ IBM M/T Model: 2682-GLU: S# FX5ll84 VE}IICI,E Auto GCMP (FormerlyMGawel) cPu CCMP Pm 32X M"x; S# E@80618250288 Keybard GCMP Microsoft; S# E064OIPS2 Storage Room 0712lt5Jn (AN; Monitor GCMP SAMPO Alpha Scan 810; S# T279A750En3n Mouse GCMP Microsoft: S# 051476y2 UPS GCMP Smart UPS 6m S# 595035767208 Speaker GCMP Nimble 280 Printer GCMP IIP Desk Jet 5550; S#: MY28UIM3F4: Model #: C6487C Desk GCMP Brown Wooden /Metal work desk Chair GCMP Black, with arm-rest (high) Bookcase GCMP lWooden-4level Bookcase GCMP I Wooden - 4 level. 2 drawer Bookcase GCMP 1 Bookcase GCMP I wooden 3level (double sided) w/ rollers (PIP) Filing Cabinet GCMP Beige Metal Filing Cabiner, S-Drawer @ Filing Cabinet GCMP Beige Metal Filing Cabinet, 3-Drawer @ 2 Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9673) Monitor (New) GCMP 2004 cN-05Y232-7 1 Keyboard (New) GCMP 2004 cN4I0 6 Mouse (New) GCMP 2004 cN{Dl r6l-71581440-rcJc Wooden - ZIevel Mely Deleon 178-7 I 6 1 I 8-45E-ADCH 64 1H-V33 4 I CPU (New) GCMP2M4 cc5-x451 Speaker (Old) GCMP Nimble Speakers, 2, Beige Monitor GCMP 2003 MultiSync, Model: LCDI700V-BK, S# 2X0Y279GA (Black) CPU ccMP Froduct Key : GORPQ-2GKMK-XCV3W-VBDF6-2DBKM UPS GCMP 2003 (Black) Tri Pro Power UPS System; M# POW-550 AS; S# 0436M)250 Keyboard GCMP 2003 KB-558 (Black) Mouse GCMP 2003 S# M00128516 @lack) Speaker GCMP 2003 CreativelBlack (2) & Base Speakersilnspire 2.1 Slim 2600 SmartPrint GCMP SmartPrint Printer Sharing Network, S# 5817968 SmartPrint GCMP SmartPrint Printer Sharing Desk CCMP Wooden 2-Drawer Work Desk Chair GCMP Black, with Arm Rest (high) Computer Table GCMP Brown, Wooden Computer/CPu Side Table Filing Cabinet GCMP Wooden Filing Cabinet, 2-Drawers Bookcase GCMP Wooden, zl-Level Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabinet, 5-Drawer, Beige @ I Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabinet, 3-Drawer, Beige @ I Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabinet, 2-Draver, Beige @ I Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9669) UPS GCMP APC Sman Ups 700VA, S# SQS0225331498 Line Conditioner GCMP Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner 1800W 87-140V, S# 9126APOLC368400009 GCMP Tri Pro Power UPS System; M# POW-550 Networt S# 4523597 Esther A. Gumataotao IJPS AS;' S# 043604A677 GCMP (Formerly FDamian) Mouse GCMP s# Lx8917il616 UPS GCMP Smart UPS 600: S# 59505628947 Speaker GCMP Iuster 3D101 Line Conditioner Line Stabilizer/Conditioner LC 18@; S# 9126APOtO36&0m13 Woofer GCMP 3D Sub-Woofer; Juster Multi Media 3D-10 Printer GCMP HP laserJed; S# C396lA CD Wrirer GCMP HP CD-Writer 82@; M# CM89A: S# Sc042TtJ5T Desk GCMP Wooden; 2-Drawer Work Desk Chair GCMP Black Filing Cabinet GCMP Wooden Filing Cabinet; 2-Drawers Bookcase GCMP BookcaseWooden; 3-Level Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabhet, 5-Drawer, Beige @ | Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabirct, S-Drawer, Black@ L d Am Rest Oigh) 0RiGii!r\ i Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabinet, 3-Drawer, Beiee @ 2 Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9665) Msnitor (New) GCMP2@ ct{-05Y232-71 Keyboard (New) GCMP 2004 cN-0I0178-7 Mouse (New) GCMP 2004 cN-0T0943-4475344S-0JMK CPU (New) GCMP 2M4 8SL-l3Jt Speaker (Old) GCMP Nimble Speakers, 2, Beige Monitor 2003 GCMP MnltiSync, Model: LCDIT@V-BK, S# 2X08280GA (Black) CPU 2003 GCMP Product Key: R946F-8PPW4-J7XCF-X2CV2-UOG8 @lack) Keyboard 2003 Mouse 2q)3 GCMP Speaker 2OO3 uPs GCMP Tri Pro Power UPS System; M# POW-550 AS; S# 0436M)685 UPS GCMP Smart UPS 600 APC; S# 594L14417417 SmartPrint GCMP SmartPrint Printer Sharing Desk GCMP Wooden: 2-Drawer Work Desk Chair GCMP Brown w/ Arm Rest (regular) Filing Cabinet GCMP Wooden Filing Cabinet; 2-Drawers Bookcase GCMP Wooden: 4-LeveL Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabinet, S-Drawer, Grey @ 2 Filins Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabinet, 5-Drawer, Black @ 3 Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone , Be,ige (475-9@) uPs GCMP Line Conditioner GCMP Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner 1800W 87-140V, S# 9I26APOIC36S40$12 Keyboard GCMP Microsoft: S# E06,{01PS2 Mouior GCMP SAMPO, Alpha Scan 810; S#T2790744DA$6 Mouse GCMP Microsoft; S# V)637547 SoartPrht GCMP SmartPrint Printer Staring Networlg S# 4811684 Speaker GCMP Nimble 280 Desk GCMP Wooden; 2-Drawer Work Desk Chair GCMP Brown, with am-rest (hlgh) @1 Bookcase GCMP Wooden Bookshelve; s-I€vel Bookcase GCMP Wooden - 4level Filing Cabinet GCMP Metal Filing Cabiner; 3-Drawer; Beige Filing Cabirct GCMP Wooden Filing Cabinet; 2-Drawers Terry Perez ccMP GCMP 61 I6 845K-AHMH 1641H-r7 99 IG-558 (Black) V 0207016167, CE#2002 (Black) Creative/Black (2) & Base Speakers/Inspire 2.1 Slim 2600 Networl S# 5823E39 f,'ormedv Annie Floree 0R tGru Filing Cabinet GCMP Scarmef soclo Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9671) Monitor (New) GCMP 2M4 cN-05Y232-7161 8-45E-ADSC Keyboard (New) GCMP 2004 cN4J0 Mouse (New) GCMP 2004 cN-oDl I 61-7r531-4aqo68E CPU (New) GCMP 2004 HC5-5X-451 cPU (OlO GCMP Nobilis Pentium tr 32X Max;S# E0980618250288 (Mike Ham) Monitor (Old) GCMP 13'EPS Technologies Model l451ES Mouse (Old) GCMP IBM, Mf64550350 Speaker (Old) BYRNE Altec lansing 97A29CF|WUZ10384 (MISSING, Burgfury 01/02103) Speaker (Old) GCMP Nimble Speakers , 2, Br;ige Monitor 2003 GCMP MultiSync, Model: I,CDI700V-BK, S# 2X08285cA @lack) CPU 2003 GCMP Product Key: J9X6H-3FWRR-2QX7W-4KPIIH-DWXQ (Black) Keyboard 2003 GCMP KB-558 (Black) Mouse 2003 GCMP S# Speaker 2M3 GCMP Creative/Black (2) & Base Speakers/Inspire IJPS GCMP APC-700 (Smart-Ups) W SmartPrint GCMP SmartPrint Prhter Sharing Network, S# n08587 Desk GCMP Brown Wooden Work Desk Chair GCMP Blach with ann-rest (hrgh) O t Cabinet GCMP Woode,n Filing Cabinet; 2-Drawers Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9670) Mefal Filjng Cabinet; 2-Drawers @ 2 HP Scan Jet; M# C25258; S# 183335 #l Ray Caseres 178-7161 6-41 H-5655 CfX, A90417M745 Mffi128sll @lack) 597 2.I Slim 2600 29ffi637 4 Formerly Sonla S\iegstad cPU (OlO GCMP Energy CPU Hard Drive Monitor (Old) GCMP Magellan 70)A Haosol, M# Monitor 2003 GCMP MultiSync, Model: LCD1700V-BK, S# 2X08269GA @lack) CPU 2003 GCMP Product Key: FPYMY-RDG4H-68GPB-B3KHG-V8F3G (Black) Keyboard 2003 GCMP KB-558 @lack) Mouse 2(N3 GCMP S# Speaker 2003 GCMP CreativeiBlack (2) & Base Speakers/Inspire 2.1 Slim 26m Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (M5-966, SnartPrint GCMP SmartPrint Prhtsr Sharing Desk GCMP Brown Wooden Work Desk Ctair GCMP Brown, No Arm Rest Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9665) E-I7AL, SfB972W12l2 MmD84l0 (Black) n Networl S# 481 l67l 0R iFlt\#r i UPS GCMP APC Ssart Ups ?00VA" S# SQS0225132198 Desk GCMP Bmqn WoodenWorkDesk Chair GCMP Brown, No Arm Rest Monitor 7ffi2CtCMP DeIl by Logitech, S# KR-09J36747ffi2-28V-ACF? Line Conditioner GCMP Tripplite Line Conditioner 18ffiW g7-l4AV, S# 9126AIOLC368400010 Keyboard GCMP Dell: Blk; Sf CN OW7658-37172-613-C/,24 Mouse GCMP Dell; Blk; S# HCJ ffi23151 CPU GCMP Dell Precision 670; 2LHXQ9I Filing Cabinet GCMP Filing Cabinet; 3-Drawer; Beige Filing Cabinet GCMP Filing Cabiner; Wooden; 2-Drawer; Brown Prhter GCMP HP LaserJet 5 hinter; Beige; USKC@2743 CCMP Tripplite; Beige; 7280{X}00281; Model C-18mW Chair GCMP Chair; Metal; BlacS no arms UPS Y2K AIC Speaker Y2K Altec Larsing ACS340 8506P; S# 932109C1IW0341216 Conputer Table GCMP Brosm Computer Table Desk GCMP Brown w/ Brown Top, 7-Drawers Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone with Screen, Beige (475-9672) Chair GCMP Black High Back, Blk Arm, Blk Pedestal Filing Cabinet GCMP Filing Cabinet; Beige; 3-Drawer Chair GCMP Chair; Black no-arm rest; Metal Filing Cabinet GCMP Black Filing Cabinet, Iateral Cabinet with Lift Covers, 4X4, @ CPU 2002 GCMP Dell . S# FB8B321 Keyboard 2002 GCMP Dell by Logitech, DS/Nr TH491788-37171-2AE-1996, Sf MCVA2O|997 Mouse 2002 GCMP Dell by Ingitech, S# \ZC239U3V Mouse GCMP USB Mouse F8E813-BLK-USB; S# 048@0491 Receiver 2002 GCMP Cordless Mouse and Keyboard Receiver, DeU by logilec.h, SflLZB239O53$7 CPU Y2K Dell Optiplex GXIP; Model-MMP; S# H6EZR Keyboard Y2K Microsoft OIV23A7 Monitor Y2K Dell Trinitron; S# 2910385 Mouse Y2K Microsoft IntelliMouse L.2A PSlz Compatible Shelf GCMP Brown Shelf with Sliding Door .03 GCMP Dell Flat Panel, 19 inch Color Monitm; S#: MY-09I36747603-373-A7Y6 P}anner (Vacant) LA}ID USE PLANNING Yangie LuJan T ine Stabilizer Smart IJPS 900; S# 595025451973 d Pullout Shelf 1 Vlctor Tores Monior CPU .03 GCMP Keyboard .06 GCMF Mouse .03 GCMP Dell Ingitech USB Optical Mouse w/ Scroll; S# CN-O4P60844753-36K-0F5e Speaker .03 GCMP Altec Lansing ADA2I5 Multimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO24069900-34J- Dell Precision 360 Desttop; S#: 320M831 07M CPU Y2K Dell Optiplex GXIP; Model-MMP; S# H6EZQ Keyboard YzK Acer. M#651 l-TW, S# 9166007X419V16028S000ffi Monitor Y2K Dell Trinitron UhaScan UPS Y2K APC Smarr UPS 1000; S# WS9951007998 Speaker Y2K Altec laositrg ACS3z10 8506P; S# 93109CIIW03412I3 (MISSING, Burghry 0UOA6) Desk GCMP Black Chair CCMP Black Higb Bach Blk Arm, Blk Pedesral Shelf GOV'T Gray Metal Shelf w/ Glass, 2 Shelf GCMP Brown Wooden, 3 shelves Filing Cabinet GCMP Beige Filing Ca.binet, S-Drawers Computer Table COMMERCB Brown Computer Table w/ Pullout Shelf (PLG) Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9668) Line Couditioner Crc'MP Lite Line Conditioner 1800W 87-140V, S# 9I26APOLC36840010B Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, [.ek&Key, Beige S#IJWI6296O2 Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, Lock&Key, Beige S#LSW16296@ Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, Lock&IGy, Beige SflJW162958Z Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, Lockdr.Key, Beige S#1SW1629595 Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, Lock&Key, Beige S#LSWl6295g8 Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet w/ Sliding Glass Doors, Lock&Key, Beige S#LSW1629593 Shelf ADM'05 Metal Storage Cabinet Chair GCMP Bronm W Arm Rest Chair GCMP Brown w/ Light Brown, no arm rest Desk GCMP Black w/ Brown Top, ?-Drawers Computer Table GCMP Brown Computer Table Filing Cabinet GCMP Beige Filing Cabinet, 3-Drawers Lamp CARTO Table Lamp, Gray Mouse GCMP A0pen M# M-542; S# l2B9l7Ll662 old mouse; sln 0144213 new mouse Keyboard GCMP ACER M# 651l-TW; S# 9166C[I7X419V16029S00ffi Monitor GCMP Likom Technology;M# L7A35LD; S# 8CMLC000989I CPU GCMP PIII 450x128- Line Conditioner GCMP Tripp-Lite Line Conditioner 1800W 87-140V, S# 9126APOLC368400030 llmothy il Plll0; Sf 2910383 Brown Top, 7-Drawers kvels wl Sliding Glass Doors, l,ock&Key, Beige S#LSW1629601 Semuda 10 1 d Pullout Shelf 899-003 Cf? IGJhJA I- OBl24tOS Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-966Q Desk GCMP Black w/ Brown Top, 7-Drawers (James B.) Chair GCMP Brown w/ Arm Rest (James B.) Telephone GCMP Meridian Phone, Beige (475-9666, #3 (James B.) Line Conditioner GCMP Tripp-Lite Line Conditioaer 1800W 87-140V, Sf 9126APOI!368400032 (Ianes B,) Printer GCMP HP LaserJet 5: S# USKCS09743 Prhter GCMP HP DesipJet 650C; S# ESB4;6072?S Printer GCMP kxMark Optra Color 12@; S# 348011502 Desk GCMP AutoCad Desk Mapping Machine GCMP Diazit AF 101, Mapping Machine; Model 6@0; S# 1E0603 Xerox Machine LEASE (SOSO) )GROX Document Centre 2655T; S# 3uP065377 Cabinet GCMP Map Cabiner, Horizontal, Beige, Gov't TaEfr 42iCffiJ3S9 Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Gray, Gov't Tag# 4250000358 Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Black, Gov't Tagf, l8-E-1070 (10) Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Black, Gov't Tag# l8-E-1070 Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizonal, Blaclg Gov't Tagt Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Black, Gov't Tag# l8-E-1070 (13) Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Black, Gov't TagF l8-E-1070 (ZZ) Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Horizontal, Black, Gov't Tae# 1,E-E.rc70 e3) Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Hanging Type, Gray @ I Cabinet GCMP Map Cabinet, Hangrng Typ,, Beige @ 2 Projector COMMERCE 3M Overhead hojector, Blaclc, Model 9000AJK, S# 626843 Visual Svstsm COMMERCE 3M Visual Systems, Black, Model 6100, S# 855 14539 Easel Pads COMMERCE Easel Pads, 1 Box COMMERCE Easel Sand, Boone, Aluminum TYPE PROGRAM DESCRIPIION Notebook #2 GCMP'02 Dell Notebook, Gray; Model # PP05L; S# CN-OG5I52-4864-AL-2I35 Adapter GCMP'02 Dell Adapter 65W-AC; Mouse GCMP'02 Dell Mouse; Sf CN-OT0943 -44753-3BC-OL86 Floppy Drive Module GCMP'02 Dell Floppy Drive Module; S# PII42RI52-1760143+DU)F Carry Case GCMP'O2 Dell Nylon Carry Case; Black Notebook #1 GCMP'04 Dell Notebook, Gray; Model # PP05L; S# CN-OG515248643-42P4478 Adaptet GCMP'O4 Dell Adapter 65W-AC; M# HP-OQ065883; S# CN-ON2765-47S9041P-3030 Mouse GCMP'04 Dell Mouse; S# LN-A3,46825?i Floppy Drive Module GCMP'04 Dell Floppy Drive Module; S# PH-02R152-fi6AI-43+DV2F Carry Case GCMP'04 DelI Nylon Carry Case; Black LandUse Prograrn Easel Stad of4 (ll) l}-B-LAll GZ) Pads, (50 sheets per pad), 27"x34" White M/ HP-OQ065883; S# cN-ON2765-47890-4lP-302530 0 Fi I ,l I i'rl,i\ I INVENTORY LISIING FOR ELEVEN (11) COMPUIERS LOAIIED TO DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS. ONE STOP CEII{TER FOR TTIE ?I}03 AUTOMATED BT]ILDING PERMITS PROJECT TINDER IIIE 2OO3 GCMP GRANT AUGUST29.2003 TYPE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Mooitor .03 GIS/GCMP Dell IlltraSharp 1800FP Flat Panel; S#: ND(-07R477-48323-37$-OJ74 CPU '03 GIS/CCMP Dell OptiPlex GX270T Small Miaiiower Base; S#: 9G0Wg3l Keyboard .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W610-38U2:36A-F4& Mouse .03 GIS/GCMP Dell Logitech USB Optical Mouse Spealar .03 GIS/GCMP Altec r rnsiag ADA2I5 Multimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO240-6980G34I- Computer 1 of 11 d Scroll; S# CNOTO94344753-364-OCST 07M Computer 2 of ll Monitor .03 GIS/GCMP Dell UltraSharp l8@FP Flat Panel; S#: \M4IR47748323-38D-OOCT CPU .03 GISiGCMP Dell OptiPlex cX270T Small Minitower Base; S#: FF0$/831 Keyboard .03 Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN46W610-38842-36A-F479 Mouse .03 GIS/GCMP Dell Iogitech USB Optical Mouse Speaker .03 AIte! Lansing ADA2I5 Multimedia Speaker Sysrem; S# CN-RO240-698ffi.34J- GIS/GCMP GIS/GCMP d Scroll; S# CN-OTO943,44253-36444L2 0739 Computer3ofll Monitor .03 GTS/GCMP Dell Ultrasharp CPU .03 Dell OpliPlex GX270T Small Minitower Base; S#: JY5W83I IGyboard '03 GIS/C,CMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W610-38842-36A-EP*I Mouse .03 GIS/GCMP Dell Ingitech USB Optical Mouse .OB Speaker Computer 4 GIS/GCMP GIS/GCMP #ff *tU IEOOFP Flat Panel; S#: d MX{|R47748323-3ED-002G Scroll; S# CN-OTO94344153-16+OBRZ; ADA215 Mulrimedia Speaker Sysrem; S# CN-RO240-69800-34J- of 1l Monitor ,03 GIS/GCMP Dell lJlnaSharp 1800FP Flat Panel; S#: MX{7R477-48323-379-AI7S cPu .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex GX270T Small Minitower Base; S#: JZ5W83I IGyboard .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex USB lGyboard; S# CN46W6I0-38842-36A-F473 Mouse '03 GIS/GCMP Dell Logitech USB Optical Mouse w/ Scroll; S# CN-OTO943-44753-364-OTMV Speaker .03 GIS/GCMP 4]t.e9 4745 Iansine ADA21J Multimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO24&698@34J- r^r i\r Computer 5 of ll \-' t. i ,-llTJ*iL- Monitor .03 CPU Keyboard '03 .03 Mouse .03 Speafter .03 GIS/GCMP GIS/GCMP Dell UltraSharp l800FP Flar Pmel; Sf: tr/1X-A1R4774S323-3BD-OOCF cIs/ccMP Dell OptiPlex GX270T Small Minitower Basel S#: F2jW&ll GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W610-38842-36A-FN92 GISiGCMP Dell Logitech USB Optical Mouse Scroll; S# CN-OTO943-,|4753-365-O3VM Altec Lansing ADA2I5 Multimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO240{98@-34Ia746 Computer 6 of 1l .03 GISiGCMP Dell LlltraSharp l800FP Flat Panel; S#: I![X-07R477-49323-37G-AI?A CPU '03 GIS/CCMP Dell OptiPlex GX27UT Small Minitower Base; S#: 9ZSWB31 Keybard .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN46W610-38842-36A-GX31 Mouse .03 GIS/GCMP DeU Logitech USB Optical Mouse Speaker '03 Monitor Compurer 7 of clsiccMP *tr #!ff si/ Scroll; S# CN-OTO94344ZS3-364-OB7I:I ADA2ts Multimedia Speaker Esrem; S# cN-Ro240-6980rL34I- ll Monitor '03 GIS/CCMP CPU .03 Keyboard '03 GIS/CCMP Dell OpriPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W610-38842-36A-ER05 Mouse .03 GIS/GCMP Dell lrgitech USB Oprical Mouse w/ Scroll; S# CN-OTO%3-44753-3@OIFR Speaker .03 GIS/GCMP Computer 8 of GIS/GCMP DeU Ultrasharp 1800FP Ftar Panel; S#: MX-A7R&748323-3BD-OOCB Dell OptiPlex G}dz7AT Small Minitower Base; S#: 62fr{g3l #ff *tt ADA2I5 Multimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO24G69800-34J- 11 Modtor .03 GIS/GCMP CPU ,O3 Keyboard .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyhard; S# CN-06W610-38842-36A-FD37 Mouse .03 GIS/GCMP DeU l,ogitech USB Optical Mouse Speaker .03 GIS/GCMP GIS/GCMP Dell Ultrasharp 1800FP Flat Panel; S#r I{X-O7R477-48323-37G-OI6K Dell OptiPlex GX27OT Small Minitower Base; S#: 1GOW831 AlJec 0752 I w/ Scmll; S# CN-OTO943-44753-364OASO ^nsing ADA215 Multimedia Speaker System; S# CN-ROZ40.69800-34J- Computer 9 of 11 Monitor .03 GIS/GCMP Dell Ultrasharp l800FP Flar Panel; S#: MX{7R477-4323-37G-OI6F CPU '03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex GX27W Small Minimwer Base; S#: BF0W83I Keyboard .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OpdPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN{6W610-38842-36AF462 Mouse .03 GIS/GCMP Dell Logitech USB Optical Speaker .03 GIS/GCMP Alrc Mouse Scrotl; S# CN-OTO94344753-364-OCCP Lansing ADA215 Mdtimedia Speaker System; S# CN-RO24069800-34J- 0758 Computer 10 of l1 Monitor 'O3 GIS/GCMP DeU Ultasharp 1800FP Flat Panel; S#: MX-WR47748323-38D-OOCX CPU .03 Keyboard .03 GIS/GCMP Mouse .03 GISIGCMP Speaker .03 GIS/GCMP GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex GX270T Small Minirower Base; S#: 3F0Wg3l Dell OpriPlex USB Keyboard; S# CN-06W610-38842-36A-EI7Z {p9 ut66 fansing ADA2I5 Multimedia Spealcr Sysrem; S# CN-RO240-69800-34J_ Computer 1l of I I Monitor '03 Grs/ccMP Dell UltraSharp 1800FP Flat Panel; S#: MX-07R.477-4f;323-3ED-OO2Y CPU .03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex cX270T Srnall Minirower Base; S#: 6G0W83l Keyboard ,03 GIS/GCMP Dell OptiPlex USB Keyboard; Sf CN46W6I0.3BB42-36A-8864 Mouse .03 Speaker .03 GIS/GCMP GIS/GCMP Dell Ingitech USB Optical Mouse w/ Scro[; S# CN-OTO94344753-323-OFXR Alter Lansing ADA215 Multimedia Speaker Sysrem; S# CN-RO240-698@-34J, 0787 ,.-,' f.l t, G I [\iA t IIIWENTORY LISTING FOR ELEVEN (U) UPS LOATIEDTO DEPT. OFPI.JBLIC WORKS. ONE STOP CENTER FOR TIIE zm8 AI-TIOMAIED BUILDING PERMITS PROJECT UNDM, THE 2OO3 GCMP GRAITT MARCH I7.2OM TYPE JpRocRAM lnnscnrnrow SMARTS T'PS .03 GCMP QVS Smart Line Interactive UPS 650AT 03Of I2VZOW72 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smar Line luteractive UPS 650AT 0304 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smart Line Interactive IJPS 650AT 0304 I2OZWWT SMARTS UPS ,03 GCMP QVS Smart Line Interactive UPS 650AT 0S04 1202 mBO SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smart Line lnteractive UPS 650AT 0304 1202 0001j SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smart Line Interactive UPS 650AT 0304 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Sman Line Interacrive UPS 650AT 03M lZA2 W4l9 SMARTS IJPS .03 I2VZW25 nWAAl4 GCMP QVS Smart Line Interactive UPS 650AT 0304 1202 00013 SMARTS UPS '03 ccMP QVS Smaft Line Interacrive UPS 6504T 03M LZVZC[f.Tt SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QVS Smart Line tnteractive UPS 6504T 03M 1202AA4l3 SMARTS UPS .03 GCMP QYS Smart Line Interactive UPS 650AT 0304 1202 00016 RECETVEDBYDPW PRINTNAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: :l i_il[-ilit\ll /\[ Lr TRANSFER OF PROF ERTY -DEPARTI I{ENT OF CORRECTIONS (June 22, 2004) CPU BYRNE 1997 Dell Optiplex GX1P EXA33 @yrne) Keyboard BYRNE 1997 Dell Keyboard; P/N: 0@67S0D (Byrne) Monitor BYRNE 1997 Dell Monitor; Mouse BYRNE I9C7 Microsoft PS/2 lntellimouse; S# 1781335-3 @ yrne) CPU BYRNE 1997 Dell OptiPlex cXlP PUI558, Dell Model DCMBXA2Z Keyboard BYRNE 1997 Dell P/N: m06780D Monitor BYRNE 1997 D€ll P/N 7221 D; S# 7221D-DQKFI-A9 Mouse BYRNE 1997 Microsoft htelliMouse 2.DAPS/z Comparible s# ffi693277 CPU LLEBG DeIl Optiplex Keyboard LI.EBG Dell - Mdel AT1OrW Monitor LLEBG DelI Monitor; S# 7221D-DQKFD-A9 Mouse LLEBG Microsoft PS/2 Intellimous e 3862MAl CPU LLEBG 96 Nobilis htel Penlium Keybomd S# 7221D-DQKF8-A9 @yme) cXlP 8XA3Z II, 32X Max, S# EQ980529 234156 Mitsumi Keyboard; M# KFK-EA4X4 Monitor LLEBG 96 SAMPO Alphascan 711, S# 811E0O75 Mouse GCMP Digital; S# LT6A3V27\4 Prinler PIP HP r -qerJet m; S# 3126407388 TRANSFER oF PROPERTY - DEPARTMENT oF PARKS AND RECREATION (June 30, 2m4) cPU (Ord) GCMP S# PII350X64-0%890001, Beige Keyboard (Old) GCMP Mechanical Touch; S# Moniror (Old) GCMP SCEPTRE; S# 98AUOC2U00493, Beige Mouse (Old) GCMP Logitech; S# LZA837 59827, Beige cPU (Old) GCMP ACER; s# Pl 1350X64-092899-@2 Keyboard (Old) GCMP ACER; S# 9 I 6ffi7x419 Monitor (Old) GCMP SCEPTRE; Model M554; S# 928AUOC2U00482 Mouse (Old) GCMP A Open; Model M-S42; Monior COMMERCE Delf Trinitron 19: Monilor, US Gov't Tagf CD0fiXXD6/77: 5#2729118 SIT1RBORCA 89 CPU 9902,kige I V 16026500000 S# | 2B91711694 PC Outlet 50X: S# rcA1476-L2 Keyboard Yz}K Mechanical Touc.h No. 9902 Mouse Y2K MicrosoftIntelliMouse l.2APS/2Compatible,38B2A6f\ iD ,l ,al I h I l\ | Monitor BSP Cyber Vision C70; S# 5V93568736, Beige CPU COMMERCE Dell OptiPlex Keyboard COMMERCE Dell Keyboard, Quiet Key, S# 37172-898-2857, Beige Mouse COMMBRCE AT&T S# LTR 5170007898, Beige cxl CD00UI23M57, Beige TRANSFER OF PROPERTY - GOVERNOR'S OFFICE - MEDICAL REFERML OFFICB (Mercedes P. Ching - OStUyM) Mouse (Old) GCMP Digital Mouse; Keyboard COMMERCE Tirrbo Trak 19ffi600m81 Monitor Y2K CyberVision C70: S# 5V94975441 CPU ACER 50X V Mar LT603U27IL PIII450XI28-101899-003 CPU GCMP ACER 50X Max; PIB50X64-092999-001 IGyboard GCMP s# 916@07X4191V16024S00000 Monitor GCMP Model L7035LD: S# 8CMLC0S989 Mouse Y2K A4 Tech Net Easy 3D Mouse; S# 990860586 t t1u r(, -r IilrL, i"I,l'r I J PROPERTY TO BE TRANSFERRED TO GSA - JULY 06. 2OO4 LAPTOP GCMP Dell latitude Laptop, S# 94411619 Monitor COMMERCE DTK Computer Monitor, IW TD-ISNLG, S# 9t470916 Monitor COMMERCE EPS Tecbnologies, Monitor COMMERCE OptiQuest Monitor, S# 5M94CK[539 Monitor COMMERCE Amptrotr CSIT Monitor, S# 0fE,26tr291 Printer COMMER,CE HP DeskJet 1600C; S# US86802884 Printer GCMP HP DeskJet 560C: S# US4SCICONH CPU COMMERCE DTK Computer S# C960046554L Keyboard COMMERCE Compaq Keyboud, CT: B03C80A66DLEY4 Mouse COMMERCE Microsoft. S# 0157540 Power Supply PIP PASSO, M# KC-30, S# 02@88004 L?S COMMERCE Smart Ups, S# 595056289543 UPS GCMP APC Smart Ups 700VA! S# SQS0225331492 UPS soclo APC Smart Ups 600V4 3#94013118562 UPS SPG One UPS Plus; S# P283A010 (SPG#3) UPS COMMERCE APC Back-Up 420, S# F8n08665061 UPS COMMERCE AFC Smart Ups, S# 595056289467 Speakers COMMERCE Super Woofer S# QX-1FT02 Speakers COMMERCE MLI-691 Multimedia Speaker Svstem Speakers COMMERCE Compact Disc Digital Audio Speakers (Adm) Speakers COMMERCE UBL Pro. S# DI538@CV9YUJ8 Speakers COMEMRCE UBL Pro, S# DI53809CV9Y['J7 VeIoBind CCMP Model One Eleven; Gov't TaE# M500fffF,2 Sf AgMl7A7795 Car Blas @OA Accountlng) - RETURNED TO BSP @/30/03 pts ASSIGNED TO ERMIE SO AT-IbA-TEDERAL PROGRAMS (2tM4) Monitor BYRNE 1997 Dell; S# 7221DDQKF7A9 CPU BYRNE 1997 Dell OptiPlex G)O; S# 8XA35 Keyboard BYRNE 1997 Microsoft (Byrne- Miki's) Mouse BYRNE 199'7 IBM PS/z Mouse: S# 724508344 (Calvin) UPS BYRNE 1997 APC SmartUps 7@; S# 9515 TO BE SI]RVEYED TO GSA. AaIWIO'. TJPS GCMP APC Back-Ups Pro 650; S# N899400150365 cPu PIP Dimension Systems 486 DX2; S# 950170 Keyboard COMMERCE DTK Computer Keyboard, IW E03601QL-C, Keybard Y2K hecision 9909 Keyboard (Old) GCMP Turbo-Plus; S# C7032fi ng S# 19@342274 ,- lr\ ir r-\ ii ii\ Il l[ Keyboard (Old) GCMP Mechanical Touch; Sf 9902 Monitor GCMP SCEPTRE; S# V8AU0CZV02616 Surveyed 0112005 UPS GCMP APC Back-Ups Pro 650; S# N899400150365 Ttnnsferred to GSA CPU ADM - 2003 Keyboard ADM - 2003 Dell Keyboard; S#:CN{6W61G38842-359-EU50 cSA Monitor ADM - 2OM Dell Flat Monitor; S#M){-WR4J7 48323-379-0901 cSA Mouse ADM - 2003 Dell logitech Mouse; S#L2F31620363 cSA Bureau of Statistics and Plans Prior Year Obligatlons for FY zAtL BBMR PYO-1 A G Transaction/ Obllgation Date Transactlon Type Vendor Total General Fund ($) $o.oo Speclal Fund (91 Federal Fund (91 $o.oo $o.oo Note: collmn A: Completion date oftransacdon or event priorto October Column B: Transaction Type such as personnel action, contracts, etc. Collmn C: Vendor or Party owed Column D, E, & F: ldenffo fundlng source and dollar amoqnt inclusive of associated penalties or fees; if more than one tnnsadion. need to Column G: Note ltem ofconcern. LJ ,) =: Z 6 1, 2010. total all transactions. Reasons for Nonsubmittal or Nonpayment
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