Dunbar Doings - Tallmadge City Schools
Dunbar Doings - Tallmadge City Schools
Dunbar Doings August/September 2011 A monthly PTA publication of Dunbar Primary School, Tallmadge City School District ADDRESS & CONTACT INFO A New Chapter From the Principal Dunbar Primary School 731 Dunbar Road Tallmadge, OH 44278 (330) 633-4515 Dear Parents, Mrs. Courtney Davis Principal (330) 633-4515 davis.courtney@ tallmadge.k12.oh.us As we start the new year, there are several important pieces of information to share: Debbie Joliat School Secretary (330) 633-4515 Tiffany Michalec PTA President (330) 634-1948 t.michalec@yahoo.com Jeff Ferguson Superintendent (330) 633-3291 Bus Garage John Rinehart (330) 633-2215 We’re on the Web! Tallmadge City Schools www.tallmadgeschools.org Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year! The move to Dunbar went very smoothly and we have settled in to our new home. We are excited to begin another successful year! Parent Drop-Off Procedures: When you turn into the drive, there is a side drive immediately to your right. Follow this drive around and through the parking lot so that you can drop your child off at the gym doors. You can then pull straight out and exit through the same drive you entered. Following this procedure keeps you moving with the flow of traffic and your child does not have to walk in front of other vehicles, nor do you need to pull in front of oncoming cars. This procedure is for your child’s safety and keeps you out of the way of busses. Also, please do not drop off your child before 8:15 a.m. Lunch and Recess Schedule: 2nd Grade Lunch – 11:00-11:30 1st Grade Lunch – 11:30-12:00 Kindergarten Lunch – 12:00-12:30 2nd Grade Recess – 11:30-12:00 1st Grade Recess – 12:00-12:30 Kindergarten Recess – 12:30-1:00 We encourage you to review the Dunbar Parent/Student Handbook. It is available online at the Tallmadge City Schools website. Click on the Buildings tab, then Dunbar Primary, then Parents. If you have any questions about the handbook, please feel free to contact me. This year at Dunbar, we have established three key expectations for our students; Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful. These expectations will be posted throughout the building. We will have classroom discussions and school-wide assemblies that build and strengthen these character traits and reinforce the ways in which we can demonstrate these expectations at school and at home. In conclusion, we welcome and strongly encourage parental involvement. Please let us know if you would be interested in volunteering. It is extremely important to work collaboratively to ensure a positive educational experience for all of our students. We will be scheduling many wonderful events this year and look forward to your participation. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs. Courtney A. Davis Principal Page 2 Welcome to Our New Staff We would like to welcome new staff members who have joined the Dunbar Family: 2011-2012 Dunbar PTA Board Members President Tiffany Michalec 1st Vice President Jennifer Justice-Carter 2nd Vice President Lisa Bee Treasurer Tracy Tackett Secretary Michele Macchiarole Historian Brooke Shahan Council Delegate Lisa Gibson Mrs.Angela Eastman Kindergarten Teacher Miss Laura Amer First Grade Teacher CONGRATULATIONS administrators, teachers, staff, students and parents on earning the designation EXCELLENT on the latest Ohio report card. It’s the sixth consecutive year Tallmadge Schools have earned a rating of at least excellent. Thanks for joining PTA! A big THANK YOU to those who’ve joined Dunbar PTA. We already have 185 members! If you have not done so already, please join! Membership is still only $5 per person per year. Dunbar Primary PTA is now on Facebook! Be sure to “like” Dunbar Primary PTA. This is another great way to stay informed and connect with other families. This year we are offering a new option for business members. They can either pay the full business membership of $50 or split the fee into $25 and a $25 gift card to their business. The gift card will be auctioned off at our popular “Santa Shop" the first weekend in December. If you know of a business that would be interested or have any other questions please contact Jen Justice-Carter at justicerunner@yahoo.com or 330-283-8635. Help PTA continue its mission of helping all our children succeed! Page 3 FUNDRAISER NEWS PTA fundraisers help provide books to your children, a yearbook for every student, assemblies, field day t-shirts, field trips, and items for your child's classroom, to name just a few. We hope that everyone can help us meet our goal this year! We are selling Entertainment Books for our first fundraiser of the year. Here are three important dates during the sale: Kick-Off - Friday, Sept. 2 - Kids will bring home one Entertainment Book in a bag w/ information. Included will be details about a website you can go to if relatives/friends want to order a book for another city (Cleveland, Columbus, etc.). Please neatly fill out the turn in envelope with your child's information. Each book costs $30. Our goal is for each child to sell 1-2 books or more! Turn in Day #1 - Friday, Sept. 9 - As kids get dropped off in the morning, they will go to the gym and will turn in money and get prizes. If they know they will not be selling the book, they can return the book. If they've sold more than one book and have turned in payment, we will give them their extra books. If your child sells one or more books, consider keeping one book until the end of the sale as an example to show others. Then, once the sale is over, you can deliver the book. Turn in Day #2 - End of the Sale - Friday, Sept. 16 - Same as Turn in Day #1, but this is the final day of the sale. If you did not sell the book that was sent home, you must return the book by this day. As always, please tell family and friends to feel free to make a donation to the PTA if they do not wish to buy a book. For Entertainment Book purchases and donations, checks should be made payable to Dunbar PTA. We will also be selling Sally Foster catalog items during mid-October. This catalog has wrapping paper, chocolates, and holiday items, to name just a few. Items will be shipped directly to the buyer. More information to come! Any questions, contact Lisa Bee 234-678-7479 lbeelisa@yahoo.com THANK YOU for your support! Page 4 Go Blue Devils!! From the Editor: Dunbar Doings is a newsletter generated by the PTA in cooperation with Dunbar Primary School. We hope you enjoyed reading about events at Dunbar, fundraising news and other school information. Let’s get it started with a Dunbar Tailgate Party!! Join us on Friday, September 9th at Tallmadge Middle School for Tallmadge Youth Football night before the THS football game. Help us cheer on the Blue Devils to victory by joining us before the game for a Dunbar Meal Deal, which includes a hot dog, chips and drink for just $2.00! Dunbar Doings is available online at www.tallmadgeschools.org (click on buildings, Dunbar, information) Tailgating will begin in the TMS parking lot at 6:00 p.m. (before the start of the game). Bring your family out for dinner and for what will surely be a great football game! Mark your calendars... Friday, Sept. 2nd ...........Fundraiser Kickoff Monday, Sept. 5th .........No School Friday, Sept. 9th ............Proud to be an American Day (PTA providing flags for students) 6:00 p.m., TMS Tailgate Party at THS game Monday, Sept. 12th .......6:30 p.m., Dunbar Gym PTA Meeting Tallmadge City Schools Designated an Ohio Excellent with Distinction district 2008-09 2007-08 The highest possible mark by the Ohio Board of Education Designated an Ohio Excellent School District 2010-11 2009-10 2006-07 2005-06 Thursday, Sept. 15th......School Pictures Friday, Sept. 16th .........Fundraiser Last Day Tuesday, Sept. 27th .......6:30 p.m., Dunbar Gym Classroom Parties Mtg. Coming in October, the Autumn Carnival returns! Watch for more information in the weeks ahead.