FaceBook Like: Parsi Times
FaceBook Like: Parsi Times
SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 VOL. 3 - ISSUE 8 :: PAGES 24 :: ` 2/- RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM FaceBook Like: Parsi Times 7 4 02 Dear Readers, An eruption of corruption? OMG! So to bring you up to speed, last week Parsi Times printed in our Parsi Point Section a series of allegations BPP Chairman Dinshaw Mehta was accused of by BPP Trustee Yazdi Desai. They included favouritism in bidding, keeping other Trustees out of the loop, sending in goons to cow Desai down and multiple points, clear indications of discord within the Boardroom...the Boardroom of a Trust that is looking more and more like a very dangerous and irresponsible caretaker of Community wealth, property and welfare. Every once in a while, Parsi Times dedicates our vibrant and truthful space to these Issues. Issues, that most of us feel uncomfortable discussing and would rather leave to the old uncles and aunties who enjoy a bit of gossip. It is a dirty job to print all of it. A harsh reminder to us at WKH37RIÀFHDQGDUHPLQGHUWRWKH&RPPXQLW\WKDWEHKLQGWKHJODPRXUIULHQGVLQKLJKSODFHV and the generous donations and grand speeches that the BPP Trustees make, there is a truth we all have to come to terms with... a bitter one. The truth is that it is great to have ‘friends’ who make life convenient for you when you want DÁDWKHUHDQGDSDUNLQJORWWKHUH%XWEHIRUH\RXJRDERXWSOHGJLQJ\RXUDOOHJLDQFHWRDPDQ ZKRIDYRXUV\RXRYHUVRPHRQHSRRUZKRUHDOO\QHHGVDURRIRYHUKLVKHDGUHPHPEHUWKHÁDWV you get, the favours you exchange for votes (because votes are power) are NOT his favours to bestow. They are the Trusts’ DUTY toward the Community. )RU \HDUV VRPH7UXVWHHV EHKDYH OLNH HDFK WLPH WKH\ WDNH PRQH\ IURP \RX IRU D ÁDW RU WKH\ grant you a scholarship, these are their personal gifts and favours. They are not! The Trust funds have come from families that had faith in our Community and generously donated so that we could live comfortably while earning a living and supporting our families. By thinking Trustees as bestowers of gifts and turning a blind eye to their destruction of the system, we have let down WKHWUXHEHQHIDFWRUIDPLOLHVZKRGRQDWHGDQGJLIWHGXVWKHVHSURHUWLHVLQWKHÀUVWSODFH We hear stories of bullying, threatening, padlocking homes and ripping roofs off houses... then sadly a few thousand ruppes are donated to a Colony event / cause... and everything that is wrong is forgiven! Is that how much we are worth? People are selling out their families, their neighbours, their colonies and worst of all their intelligence for small functions and gambhar style free food, where BPP Trustees are generous enough to ‘attend’, give speeches and shake hands condescendingly! Wow! Where did we go wrong! But we have a chance to set it right. The 1st step is not shouting or screaming in protest. We have to take the time to UNDERSTAND our rights and our RESPONSIBILITIES in equal measure. Parsi Times has taken the hard road and made no ‘friends’ in this regard. We have always printed everything that the Community needs to know and hoped that indivuduals stir themselves into action. Last weeks’ letters from the desk of BPP Trustee Yazdi Desai evoked a huge reaction. Our LQER[HVKDYHEHHQIXOOZLWKSHRSOHZKRKDYHÀQDOO\GHFLGHGWRWDNHWKHLUVWDQGVDQGGHPDQG respect. So before you grumble about Parsi Times dedicating space to these Issues that readers have sent to us in our Parsi Point Section this week, read and understand what price you really pay for a ‘friend’ in the BPP. And so begins the hard part for Parsi Times... The part where we put aside fun and camaraderie ZLWKLQWKH&RPPXQLW\DQGIRFXVRXUHQHUJ\RQUHYHDOLQJGLVFRUGDQGÀQGLQJVROXWLRQV:HDVN you not just to bear with us but to bear the responsibilities with us, we are all one Community. We hope you understand the spirit and urgency of the matters that have gotten us upset! There are just too many complaints and it is our Duty as PRESS to be UNBIASED, EDUCATIVE and TRUTHFUL however much we don’t want to deal with it! 7KH('8&$7,9(VHFWLRQRIWKLVZHHNV3DUVL3RLQWLVDVLPSOLÀHGEUHDNGRZQRIKRZD/HDYHDQG Licence and a Tenancy are different. For those of you who are not lawyers, into property etc., you will be doing your young family members a huge favour if you spend some time understanding it and showing it to them. They are the future and the future needs to learn from our mistakes. Personally, I cannot live in gloom so I have made sure that stories of young achievers, soulful WKRXJKWVDQGDZHVRPHDGYHQWXUHVDOVRÀOORXUUHVSRQVLEOHXQELDVHGDQGVWURQJPLQGHGZHHNO\ 3OHDVHGRFRQWLQXHWRHPDLOPHDQGNHHSWKHFRQYHUVDWLRQVÁRZLQJ Cheers Freyan (freyan@parsi-times.com) Editorial SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 FaceBook Like: Parsi Times Newspaper SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 03 Letters to the Editor Reputed, cultured Parsi parents invite proposals for highly educated, beautiful Daughter, 32 and Son 31 from well-settled reputed family from mumbai. Please reply with Bio-data, Horoscope & Photograph on parsimatch@yahoo.com 'RQW7UXVWWKH7UXVWHHV Dear Editor, Madam, I am a seventy two year old lady living at Raghavji Street, Gowalia Tank. My son is in US and unmarried. He constantly keeps calling me there as he is unmarried but I refuse as I love India. He is very well settled there and as per our common consent we had decided to JLYHP\%+.ÁDWWRWKH%33 VR WKDW VRPH GHVHUYLQJ 3DUVL young couple would raise their family in my house and bless me and my husband’s soul. But recently some of my relatives in other Baugs told PHWKDWÁDWVLQ&XVKURZ%DXJ DUHEHLQJVROGIRU&UWR&U and in Godrej Baug for one to WZR &URUHV DQG VR LV WKH FDVH with Kharegat, Rustom Baug DQG RWKHUV 3DUVL &KDULWDEOH Trust houses. My question to the present Board Of Trustees is that when a millionaire can DIIRUG D ÁDW HOVHZKHUH WKHQ why in a charitable colony, which is meant for poor and PLGGOH FODVV 3DUVLV , DP DOVR so very disappointed in the present Board Of Trustees that DOO WKH\ DUH ERWKHUHG LV WR ÀOO their pockets. I was reading your last week article and was so shocked to read that a sitting Trustee was insulted and EXOOLHGLQD%33%RDUGURRPLQ front of 4 other Trustees and WKH\GLGMXVWQRWKLQJWR6723 this gundagardi and I am more surprised as I know Mr 0XQFKL &DPD SHUVRQDOO\ DV , have given several donations to his schools and he seems to be a disciplinary man and how can he tolerate such a hooligan behaviour in his presence. I would like to &RQJUDJXODWH 0U <D]GL 'HVDL IRU ÀJKWLQJ DORQH DQG not becoming like other Trustees deaf and blind and surrendering to Mr. Dinshaw 0HKWD·VGDGDJLULLQWKH%33, am glad his term is coming to an END and I hope from now on things will get better in the %33 QR ZRQGHU 0U 1RVKLU Dadrewalla had to step down and earlier 5 Trustees resigned also because of Dinshaw Mehta. I would also like to thank your paper for having brought this reality out so that the &RPPXQLW\ NQRZV ZKDW LV going on behind our backs by the Trustees that we have elected. As for my house I would rather donate it away to a Trust who would make good use of the money to help the SRRU WKDQ WR VHH VRPH %33 Trustee make money and pocket it. 3OHDVH &RQWLQXH WKH JRRG work, hoping to read more VXFK GLVFORVXUHV LQ 3DUVL Times. Mrs. Shernaz Pardiwalla 6DPDVW,3/$QMXPDQ Dear Editor, The 25th of May 2013 was an eye opener to a couple of hundred members of the &RPPXQLW\LQPDQ\ZD\V This was the day the 7UXVWHHV RI WKH %33 FDOOHG D Samastha Anjuman Meeting at Rustom Baug. The word Samastha proved to be entirely misleading as despite the arrangements for a couple of thousand people barely a couple of hundred turned up showing that the &RPPXQLW\ LV QR ORQJHU interested in long winding self promoting speeches by POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. We reserve only the right to ‘edit for TXDOLW\·DQGWKHULJKWWRQRWSXEOLVKOHWWHUVLQWHQGHGIRUWKLVVHFWLRQWKDWZHÀQGOHVVWKDQVXLWDEOH in tone or expression. If anyone has any doubts and issues about the content of the letters, they are requested to contact the individual authors if his/ her details are mentioned. the so called leaders of the community. The meeting was supposedly called to discuss the implications of the proposed new increased SURSHUW\WD[7KH&RPPXQLW\ knowing fully well that the Trustees would give their speeches, listen (or at least pretend to listen and that too only to a few people who don’t DVN DQ\ GLIÀFXOW TXHVWLRQV DQG WKHQ GR (;$&7/< ZKDW they intended to do before calling this mockery of a meeting decided to not waste their time. And a waste of time it ZDV 7KH &KDLUPDQ VSRNH about personalities, gave lame excuses about how they could not do any work because of A, %&'UHDVRQVDQGWKHQWRWKH complete shock and surprise of the few innocents who had turned up started talking DERXWWKH,3/ At which point Madam most of us walked away in GLVJXVW I have penned these few lines for the lucky, fortunate and sensible people who DID NOT turn up and who may Contd. on Pg. 16 04 Community Coverage CENTRAL BANK JASHAN O n Wednesday, 5th June 2013, Central Bank Jashan cum Social Gathering celebrated an evening of prayers at Cama Baug Agiary which was followed by fun and frolic at Cama Baug Big Otla. Retired Centralites and their families, numbering approximately 250 were present to invoke blessings of Pak Dadar Ahuramazda upon their Central Bank of India and offer their thanks to the Bank’s founder Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala. After the 32nd Jashan this year, Mrs. Yasmin Sarkari, Assistant General Manager welcomed the senior management, Mrs. Tanksale and all Centralites on this auspicious occasion. Mr. M. V. Tanksale, Chairman & Managing Director then addressed the Centralites, followed by Mr. R. K. Goyal, S SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 Executive Director, Mr. B.N.S. Ratnakar, Chief General Manager who had just retired in May end. Ms. Homai A. Daruwalla, former C & MD of the Bank also addressed the staff and encouraged the staff to work harder to achieve the Bank’s targets and bring Maharukh Todankar, Veera Mundroina, Cyrus Bulsara, Farida Wadia, Bomi Tavadia and Cyrus Irani. After this, Mr. Marzban Mehta rejoiced the gathering with famous old songs and everybody joined in chorus, clapped their hands to the tunes and danced to their hearts content. There were also games – organized by Veera and Jeroo, followed by lucky draws on the dinner coupon numbers POETRY CORNER Kaiyan is the name of my son However, for his dad it still seems like fun To call him Jinu even though he is a boy of seven I’m sure he will still be called Jinu even when he turns eleven. Jinu, Jinu throughout the day the calling will continue. Sometimes I wonder if he is calling out to next door Uncle Minoo. The giggle-gaggle between both of them is always on a high When mom-the-monster says no for Pizza which both want to buy. For Jinu his father is less of a dad and more of a partner, Cause both of them leave things around for me to clean after. However, his dad has always been by his precious Jinu’s side, (VSHFLDOO\ZKHQKHÀJKWVZLWKKLVIULHQGVDQGFRPHVUXQQLQJ home to hide. the Bank to its topmost rank. All the Centralites vowed to support the Bank management in its endeavours. Vote of thanks was conveyed by Jeroo Irani to all the Committee Members who had helped in organising this function – Khorshed Oomrigar, and lots of prizes were won by the Centralites. A sumptuous dinner followed catered by Mr. Nariman Dalal. In fact this is the only informal function in the Bank, where all staff and exstaff members from all over Mumbai, irrespectively of their aturday, 8th June, the pavilion of the Salsette Parsi came alive with the sound of music. It was an evening for a good cause mingled with fun and frolic. It was an evening sponsored by The Zoroastrian Trust Fund of India (ZTFI) and like all their functions, it was a great success. 5HVLGHQWLDOFRPSOH[HVRQWKUHHVLGHVDQGDÁ\RYHURQLWVZHVWQRZVXUURXQG Salsette Parsi Colony, which once nestled in the verdant surroundings. It still has a good green cover within. The programme was in full swing with some lucky numbers being called out. BPP Trustee, Ms. Armaity Mistry was present, dapper, and elegant as ever. ZTFI trustee, Young and vivacious Yasmin was conducting the Mistry programme with help of other volunteers. The highlight of the evening was the game of passing the parcel with the pleasant p e n a l t y of singing along on the Karaoke to the one caught with the parcel when the music stopped. Jinu’s dad Kayo, is not someone important nor someone great, %XWWKHORYHWKDWÁRZVEHWZHHQWKHPOHDYHVQRURRP for debate. From when he was a toddler, times shared with his dad are Jinu’s fondest Oh! Yes, for Jinu now and forever his daddy is the strongest. A very Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful Fathers in the whole wide world. From Dr. Faraah Kayomarz Dotivala Communities, get together on this occasion, which gives them an opportunity to greet and exchange pleasantries. They promised to meet again next year on this occasion to renew their friendship and bless our beloved Central Bank of India. T he Society for the Education of the Crippled (SEC) held an exhibition themed ‘Living Their Dreams’ from 7th-9th June at the city’s beloved Jehangir Art Gallery. Children, adults and ex-students with physical and multiple disabilities from a lower economic background showcased outstanding phenomenal talent in art and painting. Portraits of nature, children, animals, birds and tranquility, were highlighted, ‘touching hearts and spreading smiles’ all around. This is the second exhibition due to the overwhelming response UHFHLYHG E\ WKHP GXULQJ WKH ÀUVW DUW exhibition held 3 years back. Chief Guests Adi Jehangir (grandson of Sir Cowasji Jehangir), Dinshaw Tamboly, Arzan Khambatta were present to inaugurate the Art Exhibition. Guest of Honour for the event was Mr. Jaideep Mehrotra. Their speeches and words of encouragement made a world of difference to these children. Mr. Keki Lakdavala, Zarine Chothia and Manju Utamchandani, Zarine Havevala of SEC made the evening a memorable one with their untiring efforts. SEC aims to unlock children’s potential through education and UHKDELOLWDWLRQ LQ GLIIHUHQW ÀHOGV OLNH Counseling, Nutrition, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Helping the Disabled to Walk, Using various Appliances, Conducting Educational Tours, participation in music, dramatics, swimming, sports, Computer Training, Block Printing & Screen Printing, Tailoring and Knitting. )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 L LRQV &OXE RI %RPED\ %DEXOQDWK FHOHEUDWHG LWV\HDUVRIH[LVWHQFH RQWK-XQH7KH\KDYH EHHQVHUYLQJDQGGRQDWLQJIRU YDULRXVFDXVHVDQGUHQGHULQJ \HRPHQ VHUYLFH IRU WKH SRRU DQGGRZQWURGGHQ President Lion Veera 0XQGURLQD DVVXPHG RIÀFH LQ -XO\ DQG GXULQJ her tenure she raised funds to the tune of more than 5V ODNKV WKURXJK KHU )XQG 5DLVLQJ 3URJUDPPH D PXVLFDO H[WUDYDJDQ]D E\ the “UDAAN Foundation” ZKHUHDOOWKHSHUIRUPHUVZHUH SK\VLFDOO\ KDQGLFDSSHG DQG YLVXDOO\ LPSDLUHG 7KDQNV WR O Photo’s courtesy mahafreenhomz@gmail.com n 9th June the Trustees, Commanders, 2IÀFHUV DQG 0HPEHUV RI WKH 3DUVL $PEXODQFH & Nursing Division, No. 0DKDUDVKWUD 'LVWULFW Organised their ‘Deh’ month -DVKDQ 3UL]H 'LVWULEXWLRQ )XQFWLRQ DFFRPSDQLHG E\ OLYHO\ HQWHUWDLQPHQW SURJUDP FHOHEUDWLQJ \HDUV 7KH IXQFWLRQ ZDV FRQGXFWHG DW WKHLU +HDGTXDUWHUV DFURVV 0HWUR &LQHPD &KLHI *XHVW 0UV +RPDL 0RGL +RQRUDU\ 6HFUHWDU\ RI WKH ,QGLDQ 5HG &URVV 6RFLHW\ 0DKDUDVKWUD JUDFHG WKH RFFDVLRQ DQG JDYH D YHU\ LQVLJKWIXO VSHHFK ZLWK PDQ\UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV ,W·V WKH ÀUVW RI LWV NLQG LQ WKH ZKROH RI $VLD ZKHUH LWV PHPEHUV KDYH UHQGHUHG VHOÁHVVVHUYLFHWRWKH FDXVH RI KXPDQLW\ Throughout these \HDUV WKH 3DUVL $PEXODQFH Nursing Division KDV LPSDUWHG WKHRUHWLFDO DQG SUDFWLFDO WUDLQLQJ LQ First Aid and Home Nursing ensuring Community Coverage the .DWKDZDODV and 0U 0DU]L for 3DUDNK VSRQVRULQJ WKH VXFFHVVIXO DQG ZHOO DWWHQGHG S U R J U D P P H /DVW \HDU WKH &OXE WRRN RQ SURMHFWV LQFOXGLQJ WKH 'RRQJHUZDGL, and to the 'RVLEDL .RWZDO 3DUVLRUSKDQDJH at Navsari. $W WKH $ZDUGV 1LJKW 3UHVLGHQW9HHUDJDYHDZDUGV WR DOO WKRVH FOXE PHPEHUV ZKR JHQHURXVO\ JDYH donations. The Board of 'LUHFWRUV DQG FOXE PHPEHUV DOVR JDYH 3UHVLGHQW·V $ZDUG WR /LRQ 9HHUD DV D V\PERO RI DSSUHFLDWLRQ IRU KHU OHDGHUVKLS 9HHUD LV KRSHIXO WKDW PRUH SHRSOH ZLOO EH ZLOOLQJ WR GRQDWH WR KHOS WKRVH ZKR FDQQRW KHOS WKHPVHOYHV H[FHOOHQFH LQ WKH TXDOLW\ RI VHUYLFHH[SHUWLVH 7KH IXQFWLRQ ZDV ZHOO DWWHQGHG E\ WKH &RPPXQLW\ PHPEHUV 0UV $UPDLW\ Tirandas, Trustee of BPP DORQJ ZLWK RWKHU GLJQLWDULHV DQG SURPLQHQW JXHVWV $IWHU WKHSUL]HGLVWULEXWLRQIXQFWLRQ WKH DXGLHQFH ZDV UHJDOHG E\ LWV PHPEHUV XS²WR ² GDWH ZLWK WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG WHFKQLTXHV WKH\ KDYH WR XQGHUJR DQ DQQXDO UH H[DPLQDWLRQ FRQGXFWHG E\ TXDOLÀHG GRFWRUV DQG DWWHQG WUDLQLQJ FDPSV 7KH\ DOVR SURYLGH EHG UHTXLVLWH VHUYLFHVVXFKDVVXUJLFDOEHG ZKHHOEHGFRPPRGHZDONHU FUXWFKHV HWF 7KH VHUYLFHV DUHJLYHQIUHHRIFRVWDJDLQVW QRUPDO UHIXQGDEOH GHSRVLW DQG GR QRW FKDUJH DQ\ UHQW DQ HQWHUWDLQPHQW SURJUDPPH E\ 0U 6XEKDVK 7KDNNHU. His ZLWW\ MRNHV DQG RQHOLQHUV ZHUHWKRURXJKO\HQWHUWDLQLQJ +LV ÁXWH UHFLWDO XVLQJ WKH QRVH ZDV VLPSO\ DPD]LQJ DQG WRXFKHG WKH KHDUWV RI DOO SUHVHQW )UD\RVK :DGLD·V DVWRXQGLQJ GDQFH VHTXHQFH OHIWWKHDXGLHQFHVSHOOERXQG 7KH SURJUDPPH URXQGHG RII ZLWKDGHOLFLRXVEXIIHWGLQQHU VHUYHG E\ <$ %KHVDGLD Cateres. )RUWKHSXUSRVHRINHHSLQJ )UHH VHUYLFHV DUH SURYLGHG ZLWKRXWDQ\GLVWLQFWLRQRIFDVW RU FUHHG DQG WKHUHIRUH WKH\ KDYH WR GHSHQG RQ GRQDWLRQV WR SURYLGH WKHVH VHUYLFHV ZKLFK WKH\ KDYH GRQH VR PDJQDQLPRXVO\ IRU WKH SDVW \HDUV ,W ZLOO EH ZRUWKZKLOH LI RXU =RURDVWULDQ &RPPXQLW\ PHPEHUV MRLQ WKH 'LYLVLRQ WR VWUHQJWKHQ LWV ZRUNLQJ Parsi Times urges its readers WR PDNH VRPH FRQWULEXWLRQ WRZDUGVWKLVZRUWK\FDXVH 05 06 Community Coverage SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 P.T. has a quick chat with famous athlete Mr. Fareez Vasania O n 25th May,, Kainoor Mistry, a nd d talented young girl very chic and was crowned ed d 2nd runner up for Miss Mira Bhayander er Fresh Face 2013. The axus Mall, Bhayander. event was held at Ma Maxus niised by Apollo Events The show was organised ph hed and was choreographed de. by Mr. Satish Pathade. Kainoor was one of the 12 girls who were selected from all over Mira – Bhayander. P.T. oo or congratulates Kainoor meent and for her big achievement fo or her future wishes her the best for endeavours. Today being Bahman Mah and Bahman Roj, P.T. Contributor Mr. Adi Burjorjee Gandhi tells us about the importance of our animal kingdom and why one should treat them with love and care. Gave Amem = Have courage (to defend them), Gave Nemem = Give them respect (Nemem = Naman karo) Gave Ukhdhem = Speak good for them (or Have a heart for them) Gave Verethrem = Fight for them (and lead them to victory) Gave Khvarethem = Give them good food (Khvarethem = Khava nu Aapo) Gave Vastrem = Cover them with clothing (Vastrem = Vastra) (to protect against extreme weather) Gave Verezyatam Tam Ne Khvarethai Fshuyo = Never be cruel to them, because they bring food and prosperity. Knowing or unknowingly our Community members are actually honouring this appeal from times immemorial. However, when they know that they are actually honouring appeal of their most trusted bounty giver, their joy, love and respect for the religion will be doubled. Amen. P.T.: Can you tell us a little about your athletic career? Fareez Vasania: Its not a career, it’s a lifestyle for me. P.T.: What keeps you busy these days? Fareez Vasania: I keep myself busy with training SHRSOHLQÀWQHVV P.T.: How was it to see the kids of the Colonies compete for the DPCG title? Fareez Vasania: Its great to see new talent from our Community, be it from any Colony. P.T.: You have been part of the sporting community for a long time now…. What changes do you see in determination, drive, sense of competition etc. Fareez Vasania: Yes, I have, today kids (the ones who play, Not PS3) have a very good drive and keen sense of competition but we need to go out and do something in the sporting world. P.T.: What are the qualities an athlete takes home from WKHÀHOG" Fareez Vasania: I think it builds strong character DQG GHÀQLWHO\ LQFUHDVHV awareness and well being. P.T.: How would you further encourage the young Community members to take up sports? Fareez Vasania: Well if your are good and have the guts to take up the challenge to make it your career like a normal person. Not only Commerce, sport is also a career!!! P.T.: Any message for Parsi Times Readers? Fareez Vasania: Yes always NHHSÀWDQGHQMR\LW A Sporting Family T he Dadar Parsee Floodlit Meet held from 3rd to 5th May witnessed a unique double when a brother and sister were both crowned Individual age group Champions. Pearlin Debara won the Girls under Championship and her younger brother Faraz won the Boys under 12 Championship. Pearlin got Gold medals in all the 3 events she competed in-60 metres, 150 metres and Long Jump. Faraz won 2 Gold in the 150 metres and Long Jump and Silver in the 60 metres sprint. It is indeed creditable that both children have excelled considering the fact that they live in the far off Salsette Colony at Andheri. They owe their entire success to their mother Nazleen who daily ferries them for training to Dominic Savio Grounds. This family from Andheri gathered the other athletes from Salsette and came for every training session of the Parsi Punchayet Coaching Camp at Rustom Baug, Byculla. The dedication and hard work is bound to bear fruit and hopefully bring athletic glory to the Parsi Community. W hoever said being disable meant you couldn’t get a education just got a major reality check courtesy of Rahul Gajjar and his fellow students. Rahul and the other belong to Happy Home & School for the Blind which will obviously tell you they all are visually impaired. However, this little speed bump did not keep them from achieving distinction level marks in the latest SSC exams in March 2013. All 12 students that appeared for the examination managed to get above 70% marks and ten students got distinction marks. Rahul being the topper among the lot having scored 94%. All these students have dealt with several hardships in their life but still managed to come out on top. We are also told two of the children were cancer survivors, kudos to all these brave young souls for proving pessimist out there wrong. We wish all the very best for the future and truly hope that all your dreams big or small come true. SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 07 Community Coverage Photo Courtesy: Zubin Siganporia O n Sunday, June 9, as the day turned to dusk, the residents by P.T. Reporter Swati and guests of the Gamadia Colony gathered at the Sethna Agiary Hall to greet the evening with excitement and anticipation for celebrating their Annual Jashan Ceremony. Since last 15 years the Gamadia Colony Welfare Association has been organising this Jashan in the month of June (Dae Mah) to thank the Almighty for success, health, wealth and prosperity and welcome the monsoons whole-heartedly. Prayers and rituals performed by the priests heralded the beginning of the evening programme followed by a 2-minute silence in memory of Late Rohinton Tablewalla, a Managing Comittee Member of the Association who died last year. Then next, a talented young lad Rayan Diventri (8) was felicitated by Phiroze Sethna, President of the Association for winning the Mumbai District Gymnastics Team Championship held recently at the Bombay Physical Cultural Association in Wadala. Soon after this Benaifer Mehta (47) and Dogdau D. Mehta ( 45 ) occupied the centre stage and took the DXGLHQFHRQDPXVLFDOMRXUQH\E\GDQFLQJWRWKHEHDWVRI6XÀDQGVHPLFODVVLFDO dance forms. This performance of the two moms was breathtaking and all were amazed to see their energy level. Benaifer said, “I believe that there is no age limit to show your talent and you are as old as you think you are, so to prove this we performed tonight. Our kids were rehearsing and putting in their hard work since 15 days and they have done an excellent job. I am proud to be their choreographer but this wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of Nekzad Malegamwalla and Vahishta Gotla who have spared their time to teach the perfect dance steps to the kids. I would also thank the parents for encouraging their little ones to participate and sending them for rehearsals even at late odd hours. In spite of being in their 10th standard, three children amongst them stepped ahead to participate and managed their study hours. This shows their enthusiasm for the Community programmes.” The two choreographers who have been trained by Sandeep Soparkar (professional ballroom dancer) and run a dance academy Ahura GenX said, “These Parsi NLGV DUH JRRG OHDUQHUV VR ZH GLGQ·W KDYH D GLIÀFXOW time to teach them steps. They are so talented and at times they amaze us by showing different dance steps which look even beautiful than Bollywood stars.” Dogdau Mehta said, “Every kid has worked extremely hard and put in their best thanks to our lovely Binny aunty as Benaifer is popularly known by the loved ones in the Colony. She teaches with true dedication giving her time and individual attention to every child who goes to attend games classes at the Gamadia Colony club. During every vacation she organises 3 hours session from 6 to 9 pm and that also without charging anything, for the kids. Here they get to learn dance, solve puzzles, play new innovative games to utilize their skills, show their hidden talents and sharpen their minds which in turn build FRQÀGHQFH DQG XVHV WKHLU KROLGD\V FRQVWUXFWLYHO\ ,W is also a reason for all residents and kids of the colony to come together. Also we must thank our husbands who co-operate with us and allow us to participate and rehearse for hours late at nights and manage the home and kids all by themselves in our absence.” The audience was entertained by another fascinating group dance performance where 7 Radhas from the age of 3 to 23 years and 9 cool dudes danced to the beats of Bollywood music. Vahishta Panthaki, the youngest dancer said, “I love to dance and my feet start tapping when I watch songs on the television. I go to the Little Hearts Play School where my teachers also teach me dancing and singing.” Dinaz Driver, one of the active dancers in the group said, “I dance out of love and passion and I try my own steps with full energy. I am also a part of the Ahura GenX academy and I have been randomly participating in all programs held in my college and colonies which has helped to remove hesitation DQGGDQFHZLWKH[SUHVVLRQVDQGFRQÀGHQFHµ The evening entertainment also included lucky dip draws, housie game, and of course prizes, fun and laughter. The evening came to a close with a contributory dinner by Allarakha caterers. The function attended by over 150 people will remain a beautiful, cherished memory in the lives of the residents and look forward for many Jashans in the future. All thanks to the team of dedicated organizers, Dr. Pervin Meherji, Dolly Kotwal, Adil Bhesania, Bapsy Bengali, Freny Sadri and Phiroze Sethna Jinaz is an educational crusader working to spread awareness and develop a healthy educational ecosystem through her TAARRCIM Method of Education. She conducts classes for Phonics, Grammar, Comprehension Skills and Personality Development. Parsi Times is glad to feature her relevant and applicable thoughts on our system of education. D on’t write me off…. mom… not yet. Live my life… support my struggle… feel my pain. Be there mom. I need you. There are so many feelings inside me mom I just don’t know how to express them. I see the letters, I see the numbers but am not excited by them mom. C and K are pronounced in the same way mom. The number 1 is pronounced as “one” but where in the spelling is the “v’” I hear? The word “lace” is pronounced with an “s” but it’s not in the spelling? Mom, I am confused but am trying to unravel the mystery. Why is the “i” in “pin” pronounced differently from the “i” in “pine”? Don’t write me off mom…..am working at it. Winston Churchill, Issac Newton, Thomas Edison, Nelson Mandela and many other stalwarts were written off in their childhood, but don’t write me off… mom. I know I will make you proud. Don’t we all write off our children at some point? Is it because we are insecure? What would my neighbour think? What will my friends say? What will his school teacher have to say about me as a parent, if his scores are low? Aren’t you passing your insecurity on to him? Is your love equal to his scores in school? Are we turning a blind eye to our children as human beings and treating them as numbers? Isn’t our love so conditional? And then we wonder why the new generation is so materialistic. We have ingrained it in them. :H ÀJKW DJDLQVW YLROHQFH RQ our borders but practice it in our homes. If the education we have received is making us behave the way we are, isn’t it time for a change? Today we have reached the moon, travelled by aeroplane, have travelled into space; but have not been able to solve simple educational problems plaguing our children. Does the real problem lie with them or us? Stop the blaming. Find the solutions. I do not advocate overindulgence in any form with our children Contd. on Pg. 16 08 Parsi Passport IRAN... SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 THE MECCA OF ZOROASTRIANISM A TRAVELOGUE - Part II If you are a regular Parsi Times reader you are probably familiar with Mehrzaad Mogrelia a regular P.T. writer. Recently he visited Iran and very graciously offered to put his experience down on paper for us .In issue dated 25th May 2013 he already gave us taste of Iran and now he’s back to tell us more Mehrzaad Mogrelia A student of K. C. College currently studying Chartered Accountancy. He is interested in swimming and has competed at the All Parsi Level. His other hobbies are reading and playing the guitar. He has been involved with the Rotaract Club of K. C. College with the Board for the last 3 years and currently is a member of the Students Council. S alaam(Hello) once again from Iran!!!!!!!!!!! The next stop on the tour conducted by Mr. Khodayar Attaiwas a small town called Kermanshah, but before that we had to see the tomb of Baba Taher in Hamedan. Baba Taher was a holy priest that lived around the 4th Century AD. He wrote several ghazals and poems that are published and kept in a museum that is built next to his tomb. We continued to drive towards Kermanshah. Kermanshah is about 19,600 sq.km with a population of about 2 millions. En route, we stopped to see the Bahar 9LOODJH 7KLV ZDV WKH ÀUVW Zoroastrian Village that made porcelain before the Islamic culture took its place in the history of Iran. After a 3 hour drive, we reached Kermanshah where we were staying at Hotel Jamshid owned by an Irani Zarathustri. After checking in, we set out to see Taghe Bostan the inscriptions on a clay tablet that dated back to WKH 6DVVDQLDQ (UD 7KH ÀUVW inscription said that Ahura Mazda is a great God. We sat to have a traditional Iranian Tea on a traditional VRID ,W ZDV WKH ÀUVW WLPH that most of us had sat on that traditional sofa but after getting adjusted to it, we all enjoyed it and when it was time to go none of us wanted to get up from that place! Over tea, I met an Irani who was from Iraq. Though I did not understand a word he said but the moment I told him I was from India, he said “aha India! Land of Amitabh Bacchan, Shah Rukh Khan and Aishwarya Rai I love Aishwarya Rai.” He was so happy when he saw somebody from India. After the tea experience we went back to the hotel to rest as we had an early morning ÁLJKW WR FDWFK WR 6KLUD] WKH next day. We got up at about 5:30 am the next morning to go to Kermanshah Airport. On the way our bus broke down and just as we thought that we ZRXOGPLVVRXUÁLJKW,UDQLDQ Cabs came to our rescue! Turns out the bus breakdown was a blessing in disguise as we got the opportunity to enjoy a ride in an Iranian Cab! Thanks to Mr. Khodayar Attai who arranged the cabs for us. 7KHUH ZDV QR GLUHFW ÁLJKW Bahar Village ZDVWKHÀUVW Zoroastrian Village that made porcelain before the Islamic culture took its place to Shiraz, we had to go via 7HKUDQ,WZDVDÁLJKWRIDERXW 50 minutes from Kermanshah to Tehran. We then landed at Tehran’s Meharabad Airport where a bus came and picked us up. Then we went on a city tour of Tehran where we travelled through Downtown Tehran to visit a pre-historic museum where there were different artefacts dating back to the 3rd Century B.C. There were a couple of interesting artefacts that caught my eye. One was the ancient toilet pot which dated back to the 2nd Century B.C. 7KHVHFRQGRQHZDVDFRIÀQ which was so small that only P\ RQH OHJ FRXOG ÀW LQ LW , wondered how people back then bury the dead in such a VPDOOFRIÀQ" After visiting the museum, we went to see the Golestan Palace. This Palace was built by the Shah of IranMohammad Reza Shah but the palace was never used by him or any of the kings as a private residence but only as a centre for all coronation ceremonies. In one special room, all the walls were made with tiny pieces of glass. Another room was the private hall where the King held public meetings where the wall was adorned with a clock which was gifted to them by Queen Victoria. Keep reading Parsi Times for more instalments of Mehrzaad’s jouney through Iran SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 Community Coverage W ith summer came the vacations and boredom for a lot of kids. But the tiny tots of Behram Baug Parsi Colony had a blast. A month full of fun and masti. For the whole month the kids learnt new craft activities and dances. From cooking and baking to jewellery making. Dancing their way through the month. Printer and Dipika Swamy and also sang Parsi Haame Chhaiye. All in all for an entire month the tiny tots of Behram Baug Parsi Colony had a lot on their hands and boredom was far away. This activity camp was organised by Zeenobia and Delna K. Printer. The activities ranged from making best out of waste to learning new ways to paint. The kids even learnt some magic tricks. Along with activities the kids made beautiful jewellery for their mothers as Mother’s Day Gift. The kids also enjoyed a pyjama party and pot luck To our Wonderful Father You held our hand when we were afraid, You showed us the light When it was dark. Since the time you took us to school and to the park, actually even much before that, you loved us from the bottom of your HEART. of delicious pastas, maggie, chicken farcha and ice cream. At the end of the month these kids performed dances for their parents. The evening had a good audience. The kids also put up a fashion show choreographed by Delna K. We are SORRY we troubled you and at times, hurt you too.... But we love you as much as you do.... And we want to THANK YOU, for just being there for us, wherever and whenever we have needed you....... Love DELHOM 09 10 Lifestyle Joining the Parsi Times pages with some fun, ŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƟŶŐ ĂŶĚ quirky things ƚŽ ĚŽ ŽŶůŝŶĞ͕ ŝƐ Yazdi Tantra. ŚĂƌƚĞƌĞĚ ĐĐŽƵŶƚĂŶƚ ďLJ ƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ͕ŽŵƉƵƚĞƌŽŶƐƵůƚĂŶƚ ďLJ WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶ͕ ŶƚƌĞƉƌĞŶĞƵƌ ĞǀĞůŽƉĞƌ ďLJ ŚŽďďLJ ĂŶĚ dƌĂŝŶĞƌ ŝŶ ŚŝƐ ůĞŝƐƵƌĞ ƟŵĞ͘ >ŽŽŬ ƵƉ ŚŝƐ ůĂƚĞƐƚ ďůŽŐ ǁǁǁ͘ ŽŶƐƵŵĞƌZĞƐŽƵƌĐĞƐ͘ŝŶ ĨŽƌ ƐŽŵĞ ƵƐĞĨƵů ƌĞƐŽƵƌĐĞƐ͕ ĂŶĚ ŽŶͲůLJŶĞ͘ďůŽŐƐƉŽƚ͘ŝŶ ĨŽƌ ƐŽŵĞ ŵŽƌĞŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƟŶŐdĞĐŚ^ƚƵī͘ TimesCity TimesCity is the new app from Times of India - the largest English language daily in the world. It features the best of Food & Nightlife, Movies and Events in your city. The app is quick, easy and location-based, with all the relevant information about restaurants, pubs, bars, theatres & movies in addition to real-time events like, music concerts, fairs, exhibitions & food festivals. You can select any of the listed places, read reviews, look up their addresses and phone numbers, get directions and call them from within the app and even share the contact details with friends. You can also post your reviews and share them via Facebook, Twitter, SMS or email. The app currently covers following cities Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Bangalore, Goa, Jaipur, Kolkata, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Chandigarh and Ahmedabad. RECIPE Purveen Dubash ŝƐ Ă ĐŚĞĨ ǁŝƚŚ ŵĂŶLJ ŬŶŝǀĞƐ ŝŶ ŚĞƌƉƌĞƩLJŚŽŵĞŬŝƚĐŚĞŶĐĂďŝŶĞƚ͘&ƌŽŵdsĂŶĐŚŽƌ ƚŽĞĚƵĐĂƚŽƌƚŽĂƵƚŚŽƌƐŚĞŝƐĂƌŵĞĚǁŝƚŚĐƵůŝŶĂƌLJ ƐŬŝůůƐƚŽƉƵƚLJŽƵƌƚƵŵŵLJŝŶƚŽĂŚLJƉŶŽƟĐƐƚĂƚĞ͘tĞ ĂƌĞ ƉƌŽƵĚ ƚŽ ƉƌĞƐĞŶƚ ƚŽ LJŽƵ ŚĞƌ ƌĞĐŝƉĞƐ ǁŚŝĐŚ ŚĂǀĞ ƚŚĞ ƵŶŝƋƵĞ ĚŝƐƟŶĐƟŽŶ ŽĨ ďĞŝŶŐ ŶŽƚ ŽŶůLJ ƐŝŵƉůĞƚŽĨŽůůŽǁďƵƚLJƵŵŵLJƚŽƚĂƐƚĞ͊ Ingredients: 2 large pomfrets/any RWKHUÀVK Marinade: 1 cup curd (drained) 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 teaspoon red chili garlic paste 1 teaspoon turmeric WHDVSRRQJUDPÁRXU 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon food colouring Salt to taste 4 tablespoons oil Directions: Smear a baking tray with one tablespoon oil. Combine the marinade ingredients till smooth. Make gashes on either side RIWKHÀVK$SSO\WKH marinade over the ÀVKUXEELQJLWLQVLGH the cavity. Smear the remaining oil. Leave in the fridge. Just before serving, place the tray in a pre-heated oven at 140 degrees Celsius for ÀIWHHQPLQXWHV'RQRW turn. Serve hot with onion rings. T hick, glorious head of hair has always been a crowning asset to both men and women throughout all ages. First of all, do you know that your hair grows about 1/4 to ½ inch per month? What determines how fast your hair grows? Your genes. How fast your hair grows has already been pre-determined for you, so there is nothing you can do about it. But by changing some of your everyday habits, \RX FDQ VHH D VLJQLÀFDQW improvement in your hair’s length and health. Honey is a delicious, sticky and sweet product that we use in the kitchen for cooking and as an ingredient to make our tea taste good. But, when it comes to using honey for other things like on our skin or hair, we may raise an eyebrow. Honey can be eaten or can be applied even. If you can eat it there are possibilities you can put it on your body. Honey contains vitamins, minerals that contain healing properties. Pure honey has been around for decades and is known to be very healthy and safe to have a teaspoon HYHU\GD\ ,W GHÀQLWHO\ brings softness and SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 Stars, Angels and higher Spirituality are all part of being Kermeez Shroff. See what the week holds in store for your root number. To get your root number add the digits of your birth date, till you arrive at a single digit number. eg. 25-3-1988. Take 25 only- add 2 and 5 = 7. You will hence read number 7. Enjoy! .HUPHH]6KURII9819221480 kermeezshroff@yahoo.co.in Your experiences of the past which may not have been that good will dominate your present mind towards your relationship. This would stop you from making your own self happy this week. Career wise you will get a lot of ideas to build your future ahead. A lot of planning only this week. Advice - gather your senses. Be emotionally mature. Give others desires a chance as well. Lucky dates - 15, 17 and 20th June 2013. A very good week emotionally. You will feel blessed to have the people you have in your life. A week filled with spiritual happiness. True And genuine feelings will be showcased this week. Career wise there might be trouble. You may not get things exactly the way you liked and this will lead to bitter quarrels. Avoid. Advice - listen to your inner voice for answers. Your intuition guides you this week. Lucky dates - 17, 18 and 20th June 2013. Your relationship has reached the end of its bad times. A New beginning is on the horizon. A separation from what was not required is also indicated. Career wise a great week. You will see dynamic changes which will favour you. Travel may be on the cards as well. Advice - aim for true love And spiritual balance and you will note be disappointed. Lucky dates - 15 and 17th June 2013. You will have a very good week emotionally. You will enjoy the company of family and lived ones around you this week. Marriage may be on the cards. Career wise you will see fruition of plans that you worked hard on. You will get what you deserve. Advice - be strong. When troubled face the situation with loads of courage and you will get through. Lucky dates - 18, 20 and 21st June 2013. You will see the results of the efforts you have out in to make your relationship work. Justice will be served. Career wise you will spend this week doing what you like to do and what satisfies you emotionally. Advice - spend time with your family. Bring positivity into your home. Lucky dates - 15, 18 and 19th June 2013. nourishment to your body internally. If you prefer applying the honey on your hair instead of eating it then try this. Warm 10 ml or a few drops of olive oil in the microwave for 10 seconds and mix 5 ml of honey in the warm oil. Apply this mixture on your hair. If your hair is very thick and long then you could use some more. The idea isnt that you soak your hair in this mixture it’s just so you apply this mixture on your ends for some shine and nourishment. When your shampooing this out You will patiently wait for the outcome of your efforts this week. Do not worry the result will be in your favour. The universe will deliver its best for you. You may also be patiently be waiting for your relationship to bloom. Career wise it’s a fabulous week. You will emerge victorious and will receive adoration and praise for your work. Advice - stay away from people and events which bring in negativity. Lucky dates - 15, 18 and 21st June 2013. Something will go amiss in your love life. Events are not favouring you this week.this will push you onto withdrawal mode. You will go out to search guidance. A feeling of loneliness will be with you. Career wise it’s a great week. You will feel exalted as plans fall in place and work brings you material success. Advice - fall in live with life. Bring back a little romance in your relationship. Lucky dates - 16, 17 and 20th June 2013. A good week. You will spend a go merry time with your loved ones. People in love will have a reason to celebrate. Career wise you will receive an initial idea or a start of a very promising future ahead. This week may bring in some kind of material gain. Advice- dig into your family background. Know events and people of your past generation. This will light up your way ahead to prosperity. Lucky dates - 16, 19 and 21st June 2013. A new attraction with someone will be formed. People already in a relationship will find ways to please each other and be amongst luxuries. Career wise this week ain’t that promising. Simply lay low this week. Do not start anything new. Advice believe in the universe and its abundance. Ask and you shall receive. Lucky dates - 17, 18 and 20th June 2013. \RX ZLOO 127 ZHW \RXU KDLU ÀUVW DV HYHU\RQH knows water and oil dont mix hence the oil keeps throughing off the shampoo which will get diluted with the water if Contd. on Pg. 16 SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 11 Soul-Full PART - 7 Compassion v/s. Fashion One of our favourite writers (and not only because he always brings sweets to WKH RIÀFH HDFK WLPH KH FRPHV LQ WKH 5HOXFWDQW :ULWHU LV D UDPEOHU RI WKH ULJKW NLQG 5HDG EHWZHHQ his lines and you are sure WR ÀQG \RXUVHOI ODXJKLQJ VPLUNLQJ RU VLPPHULQJ with rebellion … albeit not YHU\UHOXFWDQWO\ M rs. Irani was the most humble, unassuming and self-effacing person Gustad had ever met in his lifetime. Her motive in life was only to be of service to all living creatures of God. Whether they walked on all fours or WZRRUÁHZIUHHO\LQWKHVNLHV Not one to be cowed down by having to travel long distances by public transport to reach her destination, she never wanted to trade her happiness of being with the animals and birds she loved to care for so dearly. Not surprisingly, all of them reciprocated her affection towards them, as soon as she would arrive at the Thane SPCA. Gustad had just dropped his fare at a place called Kapurbawdi Junction, when KHÀUVWPHWKHUQHDUWKHVKDUH auto stand. The auto rickshaws were on strike demanding an increase in fares, and it was still a long distance to Kolshet road where the SPCA Thane is located. “Please drop her to the 63&$ EXW ÀQG WKUHH PRUH passengers for Kolshet Road. Charge them Rs. 7 each, or else she will not sit in your cab”. Gustad recognized the voice of God immediately and a smile crossed his lips as he said “Yes my Lord, consider it done”. “Once you reach there request her to allow you to visit the place” were the next instructions. As they entered, two Labradors came rushing to meet them. One of t h e m rose on her hind legs to greet Mrs. Irani. a baby bat, a baby squirrel and even a baby monkey. The staff and even the security guards served as his guides as he navigated from one pit stop to another. Just then he saw a young man enter the gate with a small tortoise in his hand a n d “These are Bijli and Jalebi, been with us for 6 years now. Jalebi was abandoned for being too exuberant and friendly while Bijli had turned blind due to diabetes. Our vets have cured her sight but the owners don’t want them back anymore, and they also love it here so I guess we are stuck with them for life,”offered Mrs. Irani. Next she stopped at another enclosure which had two donkeys. One had a prosthetic leg and was a recent inmate. The older one was feeding from a bowl and raised his head as if to greet her. She petted both on their heads . “Now I need to step into the Operation Theatre and check out with the vets about the other children, you know what I mean”. For Gustad time seemed to have stopped as he moved around on his own to see the other injured and abandoned animals and birds. There were rabbits, tortoises, a cloth bag carrying an injured puppy. This man knew his way around and went straight to the Operation Theatre with the animals he had brought. They were given glucose water as they were dehydrated due to the heat and hunger. Gustad introduced himself and the young man said “What a co- incidence, even my name is Gustad. This tortoise was moving along the Eastern Express highway, I am sure he would have been run over by a passing vehicle, and this puppy has a back injury. So how did you PDQDJHWRÀQGXV*XVWDG"µ “I just dropped Mrs. Irani in my cab and I fell in love with this place. There is so PXFK FRPSDVVLRQ ÁRZLQJ here and warmth”. “True” said the young man, “and Mrs. Irani is a God sent. Five years back she was travelling in an ambulance having rescued two strays from the street. She suffered a Brain Aneurysm, (Being diagnosed with a brain aneurysm is scary. It’s like having a ticking time bomb in your head. An aneurysm has few symptoms until it has grown large or ruptured. You can go your entire life with an aneurysm and never notice anything, or it can burst and kill you.) and passed out in the ambulance. She was rushed to the hospital, and in the ICU, when she came to her senses she actually scolded the sisters and doctors to switch off the monitors (as they appeared to her as TV sets). She was completely disoriented for almost three weeks, and suffered from partial amnesia. She could not recognize any of our faces or names. Yet she remembered all the names of these animals being treated here. You can call her the guardian angel of this place.” As Gustad drove onto the main road to return home he ZDV ÁDJJHG GRZQ E\ WZR ladies who were speaking very animatedly. “Ghatkopar chalo!” were the terse instructions to Gustad . The conversation between these two ladies had Gustad unwittingly having to listen. “See, after all I got them to ban lingerie clad mannequins from the streets and shop windows, so that men do not commit “wrong acts”. All the 227 of us running the Municipality cutting across party lines have approved the ban. I will extend it across Maharashtra ÀUVW WKHQ Gujarat, then all a c r o s s I n d i a and then the rest of the world. You see for yourself, now there will be zero rapes and molestation cases on the streets of the world. I have asked my secretary to call the United Nation of Amreica, for an appointment with their Prime Ministerji sometime in October, and asked him to tell them that I insist on speaking ONLY in Marathi, so they have time to learn the language. In the meantime I will strip all the lingerie from these mannequins and burn them at Jijamata Udhyan.” Gustad smiled to himself and thought, “our representatives are NOT required to be great thinkers, or writers or even readers for that matter.” “All they need is a warped sense of humor, a serious lack of common sense and KNOW exactly when to say the wrong thing!!!” )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP 12 SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 Parsi Point “The roof was pulled off my head!” TRUSTEES PULL DOWN ROOF OF OCCUPIED BUILDING THREAT TO LIFE AND PROPERTY OF TENANTS LIVING INSIDE J ust a week after Parsi T i m e s carried the controversy b e t w e e n the Trustees regarding redevelopment of BPP Baugs, they are back in the news. This time for harassment of tenants and for indulging in allegedly illegal doings which directly threaten the lives and properties of tenants! A full time practicing Mobed and an Irani Zarthusti are at the receiving end of strongarm tactics of the BPP Trustees in Bharucha Baug, Andheri. The Trustees of the BPP have been planning to redevelop certain buildings in Bharucha Baug that abut the main S. V. Road. Ostensibly this is because the buildings are in a dilapidated condition, although the residents of the buildings strongly refute such claims. According to the tenants the Trustees are trying to commercially exploit the property because of its main road facing location. Over the last 2 years the Trustees have succeeded in moving out some of the tenants by offering them alternative accommodation. Those who continue to stay back have been allegedly threatened by some of the Trustees (mainly the Chairman of the BPP – Dinshaw Mehta according to the tenants) and their cronies. Often the tenants were issued threats of disconnection of the utilities like power and water and pulling down the roof just before the monsoon. For once the BPP Chairman Mehta and the other Trustees seemed to have lived up to their promise – The roof of ‘C’ building was partially pulled down just before the monsoon even though it was partly occupied! In complete disregard of the law and without the slightest concern for the lives and property of the tenants the Trustees of the BPP pulled down a part of the roof of the building!!! The photographs show the danger the tenants have been put to by this unbelievable act of those in power, elected by the Community to serve and protect these very people. Electrical boxes and cables are exposed to the rains creating a very VFDU\ IHDU RI VKRUW FLUFXLWV DQG ÀUH7KH IDFW that the roof of an old load bearing building has been pulled down also exposes the walls to the savages of the rains – weakening them and assuring their collapse. Along with one Soli Kotwal, the infamous Pervez Driver from Panthaki Baug has been at the forefront of issuing threats to the tenants. (The tenants in their written complaints have named both these people). Driver is the same gentleman who Trustee Yazdi Desai has referred to as a business partner of Dinshaw Mehta in his emails published last week by P.T. Who is this Driver and what is his role in all “redevelopment” projects? How is he involved? What authority does he have? Who sends him to “talk” to the tenants? The scared tenants have lodged complaints with the BMC, the Charity Commissioner and the police seeking their help to protect their lives and property. On 7th April 2012 Mr Irani (one of the tenants) wrote to the Sr Inspector of Juhu The photographs and excerpts from the complaints tell the story of a Board which has become arrogant and commercially greedy with the sole goal of “redeveloping” our properties (before their term ends) for interests other than that of the community. The very people they are bound in trust to serve and protect are being threatened and attacked in a manner that even hardened builders would hesitate to do. Police station recording the threats given by agents of the BPP, Kotwal and Pervez Driver which included blowing off the roof and breaking the walls. (See excerpts). One year later the roof has actually been blown off the heads of the tenants by the Trustees. 7KHTXHVWLRQVWKDWDULVHDUH Does the BPP have permission for UHGHYHORSPHQW DQG PRUH VSHFLÀFDOO\ KDV the BMC given permission for starting the demolition work? (As a rule the BMC would never give such a permission if the building was occupied) Was this allegedly illegal act done without the sanction of the Board? Are the same strong-arm tactics to be expected by tenants of Navroze Baug, Dhunbai Wadi, DPC, Panthaki Baug etc, particularly those who do not “co-operate” with the BPP Trustees? Why does the BPP operate through Pervez Driver? Have the BPP Trustees exposed themselves to civil and criminal action by their brazen act of aggression? Are there builders with vested interests involved in these “re-development” schemes? Will the BMC, the Charity Commissioner and the police take action against the Trustees as per the laws of the land, if they have been violated? /(77(5%</(77(5$6725<81)85/6 On 13th October, 2010 tenants of Shapoorji Bharucha Baug, Mahiar Panthaki, Mrs. R. N. Ghadiali, Kersi N. Daruwalla, Aloo Soli Anklesaria and R.A. Irani sent a letter to The Chairman and Trustees, Bombay Parsi Punchayat, starting the conversation about the redevelopment. ([FHUSWV x Trustee Mr. Dinshaw Mehta had approached us and stated that they are planning to break down the building Nos. A, B, C and Doctor building as the buildings were in dilapidated conditions and build a multistory building for residential and commercial purposes for the betterment and upliftment of the Parsi Community. x Mr. Dinshaw Mehta had also promised that all the tenants will be given temporary accommodations during such redevelopment within the same complex (vicinity) and after redevelopment will be re-accommodated in the newly constructed buildings. We are of the opinion that the said promise is not followed with due diligence which is upsetting our sentiments. On 7th April 2012, Rohinton A. Irani (Demaire) wrote to the The Sr. Inspector, Juhu Police Station. ([FHUSWV x for the last over two years, we have been approached by Parsee Punchayet Trustees directly by their Chairman, Mr. Dinshaw Mehta and through their agents, namely one Mr. Parvez Driver and Mr. Soli Kotwal who had suggested that since our building is old and one storey, they would like to redevelop the same, and for this they asked for our cooperation. x the Parsee Punchayet Trustee agents suggested to us that we PRYHWRVRPHROGVPDOOGLQJ\ÁDWVZKLFKZHUHYHU\VPDOODQG inappropriately located and were totally disproportionate to our present premises - which we obviously refused x taking offence at our refusal to move into the premises being offered to us, the Parsee Punchayet agents have started to use strong arm / high handed tactics and are threatening us to move from our present premises, else they will cut off our water supply, blow off the roof of our premises, dismantle and break portions of walls, etc. of our premises x The Parsee Punchayet Trustee agents have also been using rough / foul language with us and have been threatening us and coercing us to vacate our premises and warning us of dire consequences if we refuse to vacate G.R.Nadkatni, Advocate to Rohinton A. Irani (Demaire) also wrote a letter to the BPP on 9th April 2012. ([FHUSWV x $V7UXVWHHV\RXDUHQRPLQDOÀJXUHKHDGVRI7UXVWSURSHUWLHVDQGIRU every act you desire to impose you are to seek permission of Charity Commissioner and Advocate General before you implement. Unless WKHUHLVVHFUHWEHQHÀWV\RXZRXOGQRWWDNHVRPXFKLQWHUHVW As a climax to your illegalities you want my client and other tenants in occupation to vacate the premises and get to some GLQJ\SODFHXQÀWWRRFFXS\DQGFRQVLGHUDEO\RI/HVVHUDUHDDQG to achieve the said purpose you send Agents after my client and with threats of removing the Chapra, etc. through Agents PDLQWDLQHGE\\RXURIÀFHDQGWKHQDPHVRIWKHVDLG$JHQWVDUH 3$59(='5,9(5DQG62/,.27:$/ 13 SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 At a recently held Samast Anjuman BPP Chairman Dinshaw Mehta publicly chose to make an example of the case of Dr. Zuleika Firdosh +RPDYD]LUZKRKDVEHHQGLVSXWLQJKHUULJKWIXO7HQDQF\RQWKHÁDWVKH bought in the BPP Auction of 13.10.2011. The harsh and arrogant manner in which he boomed on the microphone was unwarranted and seems to EHWKHPHWKRGXVHGWRGHDOZLWKEHQHÀFLDULHVRIWKH%337UXVWDWODUJH Parsi Tmes reprints a letter sent by Dr. Zuleika Firdosh Homavazir to BPP Chairman Dinshaw Mehta in the hope that some answers and apologies will be given. /HWWHUIURP'U=XOHLND)+RPDYD]LUWR %33&KDLUPDQ'LQVKDZ0HKWDRQ0D\ 6WDQGLQJQH[WWRWKHUHPRYHG5RRI7LOHV On June 7th 2013, Rohinton A. Irani (Demaire) wrote to the Ward 2IÀFHU%0&:HVW:DUG$QGKHUL ([FHUSWV x 3DUVHH 3XQFKD\HW DUH LQWHUHVWHG LQ UHGHYHORSLQJ WKLV SURSHUW\ DQG KHQFH DUH XVLQJ DOO LOOHJDO DQG XQDXWKRUL]HG PHDQV WR GHFODUHWKLVEXLOGLQJVWUXFWXUHZHDNDQGXQÀWIRURFFXSDWLRQE\ HPSOR\LQJVXFKPHDQVDVUHPRYLQJWKHURRIRIWKHEXLOGLQJDQG DOVRPDQXDOO\EUHDNLQJSDUWRIWKHVWUXFWXUHZDOOVLQRUGHUWR SRUWUD\WKHEXLOGLQJVWUXFWXUHDVZHDNDQGGLODSLGDWHG x WKH 3DUVHH 3XQFKD\HW GRHV QRW KDYH DQ\ UHGHYHORSPHQW SODQ LQ SODFH DQG WKH DXWKRULWLHV MXVW ZDQW WR XVXUS WKH ODQG DQG SURSHUW\RQZKLFKRXUEXLOGLQJVWDQGVDQGXVHLWIRUSURÀWHHULQJ DQGXVLQJLWIRUFRPPHUFLDOSXUSRVHVZKLOHLQUHDOLW\WKHZKROH RI ODQG DQG SURSHUW\ RI WKH %KDUXFKD 3DUVHH &RORQ\ LV 7UXVW·V SURSHUW\ZKLFKKDVWREHXVHGIRUKRXVLQJSRRU3DUVHHIDPLOLHV RQO\ x GR QRW JLYH RU JUDQW DQ\ SHUPLVVLRQ WR WKH 3DUVHH 3XQFKD\HW DXWKRULWLHVZKHQWKHDSSURDFKWKH%0&IRUSHUPLVVLRQWRGHFODUH RXUEXLOGLQJGLODSLGDWHGDQGXQÀWIRURFFXSDWLRQ On June 4th0DKLDU3KLUR]H3DQWKDNLZURWHWRWKH6HQLRU2IÀFHU $QGKHUL3ROLFH6WDWLRQ7KH6HQLRU&RPPLVVLRQHU%0&WKH'HSXW\ &RPPLVVLRQHU%0&.:DUGDQGDOVRWKH0LQRULW\&RPPLVVLRQHU ([FHUSWV x %20%$< 3$56, 381&+$<$7 ZLWK LWV KLJKKDQGHGQHVV LOOHJDOO\ VWDUWHGGHPROLVKLQJRXUEXLOGLQJDWRQVHWRIIPRQVRRQXQGHUWKH SUHWH[WRIIUHSDLULQJWKHURRIWKH\KDYHDOUHDG\UHPRYHWKHURRI WLOHV x 7KH 75867((6 RI %20%$< 3$36, 381&+$<$7 ZDQW WR GHYHORS WKH SORW IRU FRPPHUFLDO DQG UHVLGHQWLDO SXUSRVH ZKLFK LV DJDLQVWWKHREMHFWRIWKHWUXVWDQGDUHIRUFLQJXVWRPRYHRXW ZLWKRXWJLYLQJXVSURSHUDOWHUQDWHDFFRPPRGDWLRQDQGZLWKRXW H[HFXWLQJSURSHUDJUHHPHQW6XFKDSUDFWLFHLVQRWDFFHSWDEOH DQGXQHWKLFDO x I would kindly request you stop the illegal demolition of the building with immediate effect. 'HDU6LU ZRXOG DSSURDFK WKH &KDULW\ &RPPLVVLRQHU ,UHIHUWR\RXUVSHHFKDGGUHVVHGRQ <RXKDYHDOVRGHFODUHGWKDW,KDYHÀOHGDFDVH DW WKH 3DYLOOLRQ RI 5XVWRP %DXJ %\FXOOD LQ DJDLQVW WKH %33 DQG LWV 7UXVWHHV$FFRUGLQJ ZKLFK P\ IDWKHU 0U )LUGRVK +RPDYD]LU DQG WR\RXWKH7UXVWHHVDUHWKHUHIRUHXQDEOHWR RWKHU SHUVRQV NQRZQ WR PH ZHUH SUHVHQW 7KH FRQFHQWUDWHRQDQ\RWKHUPDWWHUSHUWDLQLQJ JDWKHULQJ ZDVVXPPRQHGE\WKH%33VROHO\IRU WR WKH &RPPXQLW\ RQ DFFRXQW RI WKH FDVH WKH SXUSRVH RI GLVFXVVLQJ WKH LQFUHDVH LQ WKH À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ÁDW SXUFKDVHG E\ PH IURP VRPHKRZ VKRZ PH LQ EDG OLJKW DQG LQGXOJH WKH %33 DW 5XVWRP %DXJ , KDYH EHHQ UHOLDEO\ LQ FKDUDFWHU DVVDVVLQDWLRQ <RX KDYH RSHQO\ LQIRUPHG E\ P\ IDWKHU DQG RWKHU VRXUFHV DQG GHFODUHG LQ SXEOLF WKDW SHUVRQV OLNH PH DOVRWKURXJKRULJLQDOUHFRUGLQJVRI\RXUFRPSOHWH KDYHEHHQRSSRVLQJWKH%33DQGLWV7UXVWHHV VSHHFKWKDW\RXKDYH RQ FHUWDLQ LVVXHV GHOLEHUDWHO\ VSUHDG It is indeed strange to note that the Tenancy DQG DUH FUHDWLQJ PLVLQIRUPDWLRQ WR Right for which Dr. Zuleika Firdosh Homavazir LPSHGLPHQWV LQ has been fighting and standing ground with WKHDXJXVWJDWKHULQJ WKH ZRUNLQJ RI WKH the BPP for has been easily granted to a DQG DOVR LQGXOJHG Senior Partner at Mulla and Mulla & Craigie %33 <RX PDGH WKH LQ GLUHFW SHUVRQDO Blunt & Caroe, the legal firm hired by the BPP. SXUFKDVHRIP\ÁDWDW UHPDUNV DQG DWWDFNV Why this unfair and partial behavior is dealt 5XVWRP%DXJDQGWKH DJDLQVW PH ,Q WKLV out to the Community at the hands of the BPP OLWLJDWLRQ LQLWLDWHG is unknown. FRQQHFWLRQ , KDYH E\ PH DV D FDVH LQ WR DGGUHVV \RX DV SRLQW DQG D VXEMHFW IROORZV PDWWHURI\RXUYLOLÀFDWLRQFDPSDLJQDJDLQVW <RX DUH ZHOO DZDUH WKDW , DP D 3URIHVVRU PH<RXKDYHGHOLEHUDWHO\QRWGLVFORVHGWKH /HFWXUHU DW WKH :LOVRQ &ROOHJH 0XPEDL FRPSHOOLQJUHDVRQVDQGFLUFXPVWDQFHVXQGHU DQG WKH +HDG RI WKH 'HSDUWPHQW LQ WKH ZKLFK,ZDVFRQVWUDLQHGWRÀOHFDVHDJDLQVW IDFXOW\ RI %XVLQHVV 0DQDJHPHQW 6WXGLHV WKH %33 <RX KDYH FRQYHQLHQWO\ FKRVHQ QRW , DP DOVR D 'RFWRUDWH LQ +XPDQ 5HVRXUFH WRGHFODUHDQGGLVFORVHWKHJODULQJDFWVDQG 0DQDJHPHQW DQG D UHVSHFWDEOH PHPEHU RI RPLVVLRQV RQ WKH SDUW RI WKH %33 DQG LWV WKH3DUVL&RPPXQLW\PRUHSDUWLFXODUO\LQWKH WUXVWHHVLQP\FDVHZKLFKDUHDVIROORZV ÀHOG RI HGXFDWLRQ$V VXFK , KDYH DFTXLUHG L <RX KDYH GHOLEHUDWHO\ QRW GLVFORVHG WR FRQVLGHUDEOHUHSXWDWLRQDQGVWDQGLQJLQWKH WKH PHPEHUV RI WKH &RPPXQLW\ WKDW RQ &RPPXQLW\ WKH%33KHOGDQRSHQDXFWLRQ 1RWZLWKVWDQGLQJ P\ DIRUHVDLG FUHGHQWLDOV VDOHLQUHVSHFWRIWKHÁDWSXUFKDVHGE\PH WR \RXU NQRZOHGJH \RX GHOLEHUDWHO\ FKRVH LQ5XVWRP%DXJ7KHDXFWLRQVDOHZDVKHOG WKH RFFDVLRQ WR VRPHKRZ WDUQLVK P\ LPDJH DWWKHERDUGURRPRIÀFHRIWKH%33DW DQGUHSXWDWLRQLQWKH&RPPXQLW\LQUHODWLRQ '1 5RDG 0XPEDL LQ ZKLFK , ZDV WKH WRWKHÁDWSXUFKDVHGE\PHLQ5XVWRP%DXJ VXFFHVVIXOKLJKHVWELGGHU LQ \RXU DGGUHVV WR WKH JDWKHULQJ <RX KDYH LL <RXKDYHQRWGLVFORVHGWKDWDQDXFWLRQVDOH FKRVHQ WR PDNH SXEOLF WKH EHODWHG GLVSXWH FDQQRWEHKHOGIRUDQ\RWKHUSXUSRVHVDYH UDLVHGE\\RXSHUWDLQLQJWRWKHSXUFKDVHRI DQG H[FHSW IRU JUDQWLQJ RZQHUVKLS ULJKWV P\ ÁDW LQ RUGHU WR PDNH SHUVRQDO UHPDUNV WKHUHLQWRWKHVXFFHVVIXOELGGHU DJDLQVWPH LLL<RXKDYHQRWGLVFORVHGWKDWWKHDXFWLRQVDOH ,Q \RXU VSHHFK \RX KDYH VSHFLÀFDOO\ SULFHRI5VZDVIXOO\SDLGE\ SODFHG PH LQ WKH FDWHJRU\ RI RI WKH PHWRWKH%33E\YDULRXVFKHTXHVLQFOXGLQJ 3DUVL &RPPXQLW\ ZKR DFFRUGLQJ WR \RX DUH SD\PHQWVWRWKHHUVWZKLOHRFFXSDQWVRIWKH SXUSRUWHGO\FUHDWLQJWURXEOHIRUWKH%33DQG ÁDWDVGLUHFWHGE\WKH%33 LWV7UXVWHHV<RXKDYHVSHFLÀFDOO\PHQWLRQHG LY <RX KDYH DOVR QRW GLVFORVHG WKDW DIWHU WKH PHE\P\QDPHLQ\RXUVSHHFKDQGSRLQWHG DXFWLRQ VDOH WKH %33 SXW PH LQ H[FOXVLYH RXWWKDWWKHÁDWWDNHQE\PHLVFODLPHGRQ SRVVHVVLRQDVWKHRZQHUWKHUHRIDQGLVVXHG RZQHUVKLSEDVLV,WLVVKRFNLQJWKDW\RXKDYH FHUWLÀFDWHVDFFHSWLQJP\SRVVHVVLRQLQWKH DOVRGHFODUHGLQSXEOLFWKDW,DPUHSHDWHGO\ ÁDW &RQWGRQ3J WKUHDWHQLQJ WKH 7UXVWHHV RI WKH %33 WKDW , 14 Parsi Point SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 BPP - DHUNBAI WADI REDEVELOPMENT SAGA TRUSTEE YAZDI DESAI HECKLED IN BOARD ROOM Last week Parsi Point carried a series of letters that BPP Trustee Yazdi Desai had sent to his co-trustees. The alleged accusations of his letters shook up a concerned Community. People began mailing in their grievances with the powerful members of the Trust, revealing an ugly tale of favouritism and opportunistic behaviour completely out of line with the purpose of a Trust itself! In the midst of sorting out and investigating each accusation, Parsi Times received a reaction from the builder Mr. Rohinton Jamshedji Mehta who according to Yazdi Desai’s letters was favoured for the redevelopment project by Dinshaw Mehta. We print under, his reaction and also Yazdi Desai’s reply to the same. me. /HWWHUIURP5RKLQWRQ-DPVKHGML0HKWDWR3DUVL7LPHVGDWHG-XQH DWHG-XQH The Editor – Parsi Times %33²'+81%$,:$',5('(9(/230(176$*$&ODULÀFDWLRQ by the Builder Mr. Rohinton J. Mehta for statement given by Mr. Yazdi Desai to defame all who were involved in the Tender procedure. In the tug-of-war between the Trustees of BPP, Mr. Yazdi Desai wrote utter nonsense in Parsee Times of June 08, 2013 after 79 days of the Tender. I will give you a brief history about the whole episode: Dhunbai Wadi has 72 occupants from which 32 are tenants RI%33DQGDUHRZQHUVKLSÁDWKROGHUVVWD\LQJLQÀYHEXLOGLQJV ZKLFKDUHÀIW\\HDUVROGVWUXFWXUDOO\LQDEDGFRQGLWLRQ KDYLQJPDMRUFUDFNVH[WHQVLYHOHDNDJHLQDOOEXLOGLQJV ,Q'KXQEDL9LOODWKHUHLVDJURXQGÁRRUVWUXFWXUHLQZKLFK RFFXSDQWV RFFXS\ 6T PWUV UHVSHFWLYHO\ IURP which one occupant is already settled and vacated by BPP and there is a Lawsuit on the remaining two occupants. One more RFFXSDQWLVXVLQJD3DLQWVKRSKDYLQJDUHDRIVTPWUVIt is the builder’s responsibility to deal with tenants of Dhanbai Villa at his cost. B.P.P decided to do the redevelopment of the above SURMHFW6RWKH\FRQVXOWHG0V0XOOD0XOOD&UDLJLH%OXQW &DURH 6ROLFLWRUV IRU WKH WHQGHULQJ RI UHGHYHORSPHQW RI the said project and they decided to give public notice in YDULRXVQHZVSDSHUVIRUWKHWHQGHU0V0XOOD0XOODRQEHKDOI of BPP has given public notice for the tender in The Free 3UHVV -RXUQDO 0XPEDL 6DPDFKDU 1DYVKDNWL QHZVSDSHUV RQ Thursday 7th March, 2013. $SSUR[LPDWHO\LQWHUHVWHGELGGHUVWRRNWKHWHQGHUIURP 0V0XOOD0XOOD6ROLFLWRUVE\SD\LQJWHQGHUIHHVRI5V The tender was invited in sealed envelopes with a Pay order or 'HPDQGGUDIWRI5V5XSHHV7HQ/DFV2QO\E\th 0DUFK EHIRUH SP DW 0V 0XOOD 0XOOD 6ROLFLWRUV· RIÀFH2QWKHVDPHGD\DWSPDOOWKRVHZKRSDUWLFLSDWHG LQWKHWHQGHUZHUHLQYLWHGWRWKHRIÀFHRI0V0XOOD0XOOD for opening the tender in the presence of everybody. There were totally ÀYHtenders to be opened (as against RQO\WZRELGGHUVIDOVHO\FODLPHGE\<D]GL'HVDLIURPZKLFK four participants were very much present and one participant or his representative did not turn up. The tender condition ZDV WR JLYH PD[LPXP PXQLFLSDO %XLOWXS DUHD LQ SHUFHQWDJH to BPP from the balance saleable FSI after re-housing all the 72 occupants. ,Q WKH FRQIHUHQFH URRP DW 0V 0XOOD 0XOOD 6ROLFLWRUV the tender opening was held and four participants along with their partners and colleagues, were present together with Mr. %XUMRU$QWLD²6HQLRU3DUWQHURI0V0XOOD0XOOD6ROLFLWRUV KLVDVVLVWDQWV0U'LQVKDZ0HKWD&KDLUPDQ7UXVWHHRI%33 Mr. Khojeste Mistry - Trustee of BPP and Mr. Todywalla – Incharge of the Estate Division BPP. One by one they have opened all the ÀYH tenders in front of everybody. The lowest offer to BPP was 5% municipal Builtup area from the saleable FSI, from M/s Lambodar Marketing. Second lowest offer to BPP was 7.5 % municipal Built-up area from the saleable FSI from 0V7KDNNDUV'HYHORSHUV3YW/WG. The third lowest offer to BPP was 25 % municipal Built-up area from the saleable FSI from 3UDVDQQD0HKWD5HDOWRUV%XLOGHUV 'HYHORSHUV. The fourth bidder 0V5RKLQWRQ0HKWD%XLOGHUV 'HYHORSHUV 50%' RIIHUHG PXQLFLSDO %XLOWXS DUHD IURPWKHVDOHDEOH)6,7KHÀIWKRIIHUWR%33ZDVPXQLFLSDO Built-up area from .DPDOD+RPHV/LIHVW\OH3YW/WG who were not present throughout the tender. Then Solicitor Mr. %XUMRU $QWLD UHTXHVWHG DOO WKH SDUWLFLSDQWV SUHVHQW WR RIIHU PRUHWKDQ1RERG\H[FHSW0V5RKLQWRQ0HKWD%XLOGHUV 'HYHORSHUV50%'UDLVHGWKHLURIIHUWRPXQLFLSDO%XLOW up area from their original offer of 27% municipal Built-up area, and as per bidding formalities Mr. Burjor Antia closed the WHQGHUDWPXQLFLSDO%XLOWXSDUHD+HUHWXUQHGWKH3D\ orders of Rs.10,00,000 each to the unsuccessful participants and he took necessary signatures on the tender documents from Mr. Rohinton J. Mehta - Partner of M/s RMBD for bidding the highest. It is therefore obvious that there was no attempt to favor anybody, but in fact a very transparent process was professionally conducted by the Solicitors. After a week, one of the BPP Trustees, Mr.Yezdi Desai took objection saying that the whole tendering was not correct and ZDVGRQHLQDPDQQHUWRIDYRU0V5RKLQWRQ0HKWD%XLOGHUV 'HYHORSHUV7KLVLVDQH[FXVHE\0U<H]GL'HVDLWRGHIDPHDOO who were involved in the tender ender procedure. proce edure ,Q NHHSLQJ ZLWK WKH VSLULW RI &RPPXQLW\ :HOIDUH ZH JDYH RXU EHVW ELG WR VHW DQ H[DPSOH IRU WKH ÀUVW HYHU UHGHYHORSPHQWRID3DUVLFRORQ\LQWKHKLVWRU\RI%331RW NHHSLQJ LQ PLQG RXU SURÀW ZH MXPSHG IURP DV RXU WHQGHURIIHUWRZKHUHE\ZHFRXOGEDUHO\UHFRYHURXU WRWDOFRVWRIWKHSURMHFW 2XUDERYHWHQGHURIIHUZDVJLYHQNHHSLQJLQPLQGWKHÁDW RZQHUV·DQGWHQDQWV·IROORZLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV D $OO WKH ÁDWV LQ WKH QHZ EXLOGLQJV VKRXOG EH )URQW Garden Facing. E 7KHVL]HRIWKHQHZÁDWVVKRXOGEHH[DFWO\WKHVL]HRI WKH H[LVWLQJ ÁDWV RU ODUJHU VR WKDW YDOXDEOH IXUQLWXUH get the same space as they are having now. F )URPWKH)XQJLEOH)6,RIJLYHQE\WKHJRYHUQPHQW RQ WKH H[LVWLQJ FDUSHW DUHD WKH\ ZDQWHG DQ H[WUD room than what they have occupied now. G 5V FRUSXV IRU HDFK ÁDW LH 5V IRUÁDWV H $OO WKH WHQDQWV RZQHUV ZDQWHG RQH IUHH SRGLXP covered parking. I $OOWKHWHQDQWVRZQHUVZDQWHGWKHVDPHDPHQLWLHV ZKLFKWKHGHYHORSHUVJLYHWRWKHLUQHZRZQHUVKLSÁDWV VKRXOG QRW KDYH DQ\ GLVFULPLQDWLRQ EHWZHHQ WKH DPHQLWLHV RI H[LVWLQJ WHQDQWV RZQHUV DQG WKH QHZ RZQHUVLQHDFKHYHU\UHVSHFW J $OO WKH WHQDQWV RZQHUV ZDQWHG QR EXUGHQ RI D single rupee to be spent for any stamp duty, registration charges , service charges ,VAT, governmental charges or for the parking. K 7KH\ ZDQWHG WKH SXEOLF WRLOHW RSSRVLWH WKH 'KDQEDL Villa gate to be shifted at the cost of the builder L 7KHPRVWLPSRUWDQWUHTXLUHPHQWRI%33ZDVWKDWIRU WKHÁDWVZKLFKZLOOEHVROGE\WKHEXLOGHUWKHEX\HU +XVEDQG :LIH ERWK VKRXOG EH RQO\ =RURDVWULDQ 3DUVL RU ,UDQL 1RW RQO\ VDOH WR =RURDVWULDQ 3DUVL RU ,UDQL +XVEDQG :LIH EXW 8VH 2FFXSDWLRQ 3RVVHVVLRQ VKRXOG DOVR EH RI =RURDVWULDQ 3DUVL RU Irani only. This was one of the essential terms of the WHQGHU%HFDXVHRIWKHDERYHUHDVRQVDOHRIWKHÁDWV ZRXOGEHH[WUHPHO\GLIÀFXOW Mr. Yazdi Desai should have thought before becoming the Trustee that he has no time for the BPP and the community at large and his absenteeism and late-coming in the weekly meetings is atrocious. There was no secret meeting with 0U 'LQVKDZ 0HKWD 'KXQEDL :DGL ÁDWRZQHUV DQG WHQDQWV had invited me to have a fair and true knowledge about redevelopment. It was an open meeting in the open space of Dhunbai Wadi. Many were present and have asked relevant TXHVWLRQV IRU ZKLFK , JDYH IDLU DQVZHUV 6HFRQG WLPH WKH\ invited the Chairman of BPP, Mr. Dinshaw Mehta and myself to clarify and understand more about redevelopment. Third time they came to BPP to understand their legitimate rights DQG H[SHFWDWLRQV IURP WKH %XLOGHU $OO WKH WKUHH WLPHV , FODULÀHGWKDWLQVSLWHRIP\SUHVHQFHLQDOOWKHVHPHHWLQJV, would develop Dhunbai Wadi and Dhunbai Villa only if I win the tender, not otherwise. Even the Chairman Mr. Dinshaw Mehta had emphatically said the same. Mr. Desai took objection to the Public Notice published only 13 days before the tender. He was also disappointed that they had not given Public Notice in the Jam-e- Jamshed. The &KDULW\ &RPPLVLRQHU·V UHTXLUHPHQW RI 3XEOLF 1RWLFHV LQ WKH WKUHHSURPLQHQW QHZVSDSHUVDVVWDWHGDERYHZDVFRPSOLHG with. In what manner can Mr. Dinshaw Mehta favour any SDUW\ ZKHQ ÀYH SDUWLFLSDQWV WRRN SDUW LQ WKH WHQGHU DQG DOO participants were allowed to reconsider, but only RMBD raised WKHLURIIHUIURPWR+RZFDQ0U'LQVKDZ0HKWDKHOS in an open tender like this conducted by renowned Solicitors M/s. Mulla and Mulla. Even BPP trustee Mr. Khojestee Mistree was very much present throughout the proceedings and was WKHÀUVWRQHWRFRQJUDWXODWHPHRQZLQQLQJWKH7HQGHU Why did Godrej Properties not go for redevelopment in spite of having so many meetings with the trustees? My sincere advice to Mr. Yazdi Desai is to get genuinely involved in doing positive and constructive good for the community. May Ahura Mazda Bless our community. )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP 5HSO\IURP0U'HVDL-XQH 5HSO\IURP0 Dear Ms. Ms Freyan, Freyan I thank The Parsi Times for forwarding builder 5RKLQWRQ0HKWD·VFODULÀFDWLRQWRPHDQGIRUJLYLQJPH an opportunity to respond. In his letter of 11th June 2013, builder Rohinton Mehta has given the history of the redevelopment of Dhunbai Wadi and Dhunbai Villa. The previous auction has since been cancelled because of my objection and interestingly the history has also changed. A fresh advertisement has been published on 10th June 2013 in the newspapers, and out of the 5 buildings which were to be redeveloped, 3 ownership buildings are H[FOXGHGIURPWKH5HGHYHORSPHQW7KLVLVIRUEXLOGHU Rohinton Mehta’s attention and information. Mr. Rohinton Mehta has totally missed (deliberately RUXQNQRZLQJO\WKHHVVHQFHRIP\PDLOV I objected to the earlier Auction as established procedures were not followed. When a project worth crores is at stake, one cannot disregard following established procedures. Chairman Mr. Dinshaw Mehta cannot insert in the agenda of a BPP Board Meeting, an item listed as “Consideration of putting on hold the Public Notice and Letter of Offer for redevelopment of Dhunbai Wadi and Dhunbai Villa” and then under WKDW PLVOHDGLQJO\ ZRUGHG LWHP SDVV WKH H[DFW opposite. It is wrong of Mr. Dinshaw Mehta to go ahead with issuing of the Public Notice and holding the Auction, before the Minutes of that Board Meeting are passed. It is wrong to not observe the usual and customary 15 days Notice period before the Auction. It is wrong to just casually and verbally inform the Board about an upcoming Auction regarding the Redevelopment of a Trust property. It is unacceptable for builder Rohinton Mehta and the Chairman Mr. Dinshaw Mehta, alone, to have meetings with the residents of Dhunbaiwadi and not inform the Board of the same. In all other redevelopment projects of any of our trust properties, the developer comes to the BPP Board and discusses his proposal with the Board and has numerous meetings with the Board. Not once has Mr. Rohinton Mehta come to the Board to discuss his proposal for Redevelopment of Dhunbaiwadi. As an elected Trustee, all these reasons merit cancelling of the Auction. Builder Rohinton Mehta says that P\ REMHFWLRQ WR WKH DXFWLRQ LV PHUHO\ DQ H[FXVH WR defame all those who are involved in the Tender procedure. Then he is truly blind to the fact that the BPP Board of Trustees, after being convinced of the legitimacy of my objection, unanimously resolved to cancel the auction. Builder Rohinton Mehta has given a longwinded and irrelevant account of how the auction was conducted- who were present, which Trustees were present, how the envelopes were opened, how the demand drafts were returned to the unsuccessful ELGGHUVDQGKRZKHUDLVHGKLVRIIHUIURPWR in keeping with his spirit of Community welfare. What builder Rohinton Mehta fails to emphasise is that he UDLVHGKLVRIIHUIURPWRRQO\DIWHURQH1RQ² 3DUVLELGGHUJDYHDQRIIHURI6REXLOGHU5RKLQWRQ Mehta’s statement “in keeping with the spirit of Community Welfare” is totally pretentious and a whole load of rubbish. I may be late for BPP Meetings, but it is I, a latecomer who is vigilant and attentive enough to catch the irregularities happening in the BPP. Isn’t that preferable to 100% attendance and zero % performance? Now that the size of the redevelopment Project has reduced from 5 buildings to 2 buildings, I hope builder Rohinton Mehta submits a generous proposal “in keeping with the spirit of Community Welfare”. Sincerely, Yazdi Desai 15 SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 P.T. Old Gals Aloo and Jaloo teach us how the BPP Auction of Flats works! $ORRLVDWHQDQWRID%33ÁDW 6KH ZDQWV WR VHOO RXW DQG head to her ancestral home LQ'DKDQX Explanation Of Tenancy V/S Leave And Licence 6KH ÀQGs a buyer in good friend Jaloo. )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP 7+(%335()86(6:+<" Because if BPP charges for transfer of tenancy it is liable to pay Income Tax. In doing so they have thousands of cases like Jaloo and the amount is a staggering ÀJXUH WKDW WKH\ ZRXOG OHJDOO\ RZHWRWKH,7'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH Indian Government. 7KH\ DUJXH ZLWK -DORR $V D 7UXVW ZH DUH H[HPSW IURP ,QFRPH 7D[ XQGHU 6HFWLRQ $ BUT they forget to mention that DV /$1'/25'6 WKH\ KDYH WR SD\ Income Tax just like all other Landlords in the country! 6R Jaloo goes to the BPP and asks them for Tenancy, a document WKDWVKRZVKHU legal right to reside on her RZQWHUPV and to also participate in the sale of her ÁDWOLNHKHU IULHQG$ORR did! 7KH 7UXVW )ODW FRPHV XQGHU WKH7HQDQF\$FW Jaloo has agreed to buy her ÁDWIRURs. 2 Crore 1RZEX\HU Jaloo on paying WKLVEHFRPHVWKHQHZ tenant!. The Government Sale Price of India has now 67% Tenant made Tenancy a 33% Landlord Saleable right! ALOO Jaloo knows the ins and outs of the system and understands her vulnerable position and so she does not back down till she gets her TENANCY RIGHTS from BPP. JALOO Protect yourself like Jaloo and demand your TENANCY RIGHTS too Instead of Tenancy Papers the BPP issues only a Leave and Licence against the 40 Lakh Refundable Deposit to Jaloo. $/HDYHDQG/LFHQFHPHDQV The BPP can chuck her out on the smallest of issues, like anyone you rent a home from. She stands in WKDWFDVHWRKRSHIXOO\RQO\UHGHHP5V/DNKV of her purchase price. ,W GRHV QRW JLYH KHU WHQDQF\ RI WKH ÁDW DQG KHQFHLIVKHZDQWVWRVHOOLWRQHGD\VKHVLPSO\ cannot because all legal documents point to her D5HQWHUZLWKD/HDYHDQG/LFHQFH$JUHHPHQW 7KHUHLVQRSDSHUWUDLOWKDWVKRZVKHURZQHUVKLS RIWKHÁDWXQGHUWKH7HQDQF\6\VWHP +HQFHIRUWK $ORRLVQRPRUHLQYROYHG LQWKHÁDWDQGKDVWRSDFN up her things and leave. 6KH KDV UHOLQTXLVKHG DOO ULJKW RYHU WKH ÁDW ZKHQ VKH UHFHLYHV WKH payment from Jaloo. Contd. on Page 13 Y <RXKDYHDOVRQRWGLVFORVHGWKDWGHVSLWHFOHDUSXUFKDVHRIWKHÁDWWKH%33KDV QRWJLYHQWRPHDQ\GRFXPHQWRIWLWOHRURWKHUZLVHSHUWDLQLQJWRP\RZQHUVKLS LQ WKH ÁDW , KDYH EHHQ UHSHDWHGO\ UHTXHVWLQJ IRU H[HFXWLRQ DQG UHJLVWUDWLRQ RIVXFKGRFXPHQWVWRZKLFKWKH%33DQGLWV7UXVWHHVLQFOXGLQJ\RXKDYHQHYHU responded. vi) You have also not disclosed my letters dated 11.11.2011 addressed to the BPP LQ ZKLFK , KDYH VHW RXW WKH HQWLUH GHWDLOV RI WKH DXFWLRQ VDOH SHUWDLQLQJ WR WKH ÁDW ZKLFK KDV QRW EHHQ UHSOLHG RU GHQLHG E\ WKH %33 WLOO GDWH<RX KDYH not disclosed that under the aforesaid circumstances I had no other option but WR VHHN UHFRXUVH LQ ODZ DQG WKHUHIRUH , KDYH ÀOHG DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ EHIRUH WKH Learned Charity Commissioner of Mumbai seeking his consent and permission WRÀOHDVXLWIRUVSHFLÀFSHUIRUPDQFHRIWKHRUDODJUHHPHQWXQGHUWKHDXFWLRQ sale inter alia for a decree to execute and register the document of title in my name. vii) You have also not disclosed that it has become the modus operandi of the BPP to initially allot premises to the members of the Community either on tenancy basis RU RQ RZQHUVKLS DQG DIWHU DFFHSWLQJ KXJH DPRXQWV DV SUHPLXPV RU SXUFKDVH price as the case may be, the BPP backtracks from its original commitment DQGVXEVHTXHQWO\VWDUWVGHPDQGLQJIURPVXFKDOORWHHVWRHQWHULQWR/HDYHDQG /LFHQVH$JUHHPHQWVQRWZLWKVWDQGLQJWKHSD\PHQWRIWKHKXJHSUHPLXPVRUWKH purchase price. The BPP through its Managers and representatives thereafter VWDUWVGHPDQGLQJDGGLWLRQDODPRXQWVIRUVHFXULQJWHQDQF\RURZQHUVKLSIDLOLQJ ZKLFK WKH %33 WKRXJK LWV 7UXVWHHV DQG PDQDJHUV DQG UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV H[HUWV tremendous pressure upon the allotees to vacate their premises or proceeds to ÀOHHYLFWLRQSURFHHGLQJVLQD&RXUWRI/DZXQGHUDIDOVHSOHDRIOLFHQVH 5. Sir, I am a victim of such malpractices indulged into by some persons in the %HFDXVH LW LV D %33 IODW $ORRDQG-DORRDSSURDFKWKH %33 7KH TXDOLW\ RI WHQDQW WKDW$ORRKDVEHHQDOOWKHVH \HDUV GLFWDWHV KRZ PXFK she is given of the Sale value RI &URUHV (J ,) VKH KDV DQ\FDVHVZLWKWKH%33HWF $FFRUGLQJO\WKHJLYHQFDQ IDOO DQ\ZKHUH EHWZHHQ RU D VWHOODU EHKDYLRXU $ORR KDV IRUWXQDWHO\ EHHQ D VXSHU 0LWWKL$XQW\ VR WKH BPP decides that in this Sale IURP $ORR WR -DORR $ORR $XQW\FDQNHHS -DORR PDNHV WKUHH SD\PHQW DPRXQWV 6LQFHWKH)ODW9DOXHLV&URUHV 1. $ORRJHWV&URUH 2. $ 'RQDWLRQ LV PDGH WR WKH %337UXVWZRUWK/DNKV 3. 7KHRWKHUKDOIWKDWJRHVWR WKH %33 /DNKV LV VHW DV D µ5HIXQGDEOH 6HFXULW\ 'HSRVLWµ /DNKV %33,KDYHYRLFHGP\JULHYDQFHVUHODWLQJWRWKHSXUFKDVHRIP\ÁDWEHIRUHWKH 7UXVWHHVRIWKH%33ERWKRUDOO\DQGLQZULWLQJEXWLQYDLQ$VDQGE\ZD\RIODVW DQG RQO\ RSWLRQ , KDYH VRXJKW UHFRXUVH WR ODZ :KDW LV WKH ZURQJ WKDW , KDYH committed under such circumstances that you have indulged in mud-slinging against me in public? You have misguided and misled the gathering to believe WKDW,KDYHFRPPLWWHGDJURVVFULPHE\LQWHUIHULQJZLWKWKHZRUNLQJRIWKH%33 E\ ÀOLQJ FDVH DQG FRPSODLQW ZLWK WKH &KDULW\ &RPPLVVLRQHU RI 0XPEDL , KDYH PHUHO\DGRSWHGGXHSURFHVVRIODZZKHQDOOP\HIIRUWVPDGHWRWKH7UXVWHHVRI the BPP to amicably settle the matter have failed. In your speech you made it a SRLQWWRVRPHKRZSDLQWPHEODFNLQWKHH\HVRIWKH&RPPXQLW\LQZKLFK,KDYH VRPHVWDQGLQJ,WFOHDUO\VKRZVWKDW\RXKDGGHOLEHUDWHO\LQWHQGHGWRPDOLJQDQG WDUQLVKP\UHSXWDWLRQDV\RXDUHDOVRZHOODZDUHWKDW,DPSUHVHQWO\DVSLQVWHU in pursuit of a respectable matrimonial proposal in the Community. You have therefore chosen to single out my name in the gathering of the community to ORZHUP\HVWHHPDQGUHSXWDWLRQVRDVWRFDXVHMHRSDUG\DQGVSUHDGSUHMXGLFH against me. I have been advised to adopt appropriate criminal proceeding for committing the offence of slander in public against you personally under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code. The least I can expect from you is a sincere letter of regret and apologies addressed to me and the general body of the Parsi &RPPXQLW\DORQJZLWKWKHWUXHDQGFRUUHFWIDFWVSHUWDLQLQJWRP\SXUFKDVHRI WKHÁDWDW5XVWRP%DXJXQGHUWKHRSHQDXFWLRQVDOHDQGWKHVXEVHTXHQWHYHQWV OHDGLQJPHWRDGRSWDSSURSULDWHSURFHHGLQJVXQGHUWKHODZ3OHDVHFODULI\DQG UHVSRQG DV UHTXLVLWLRQHG LQ WKLV OHWWHU DW WKH HDUOLHVW IDLOLQJ ZKLFK , VKDOO EH FRQVWUDLQHGWRFDUU\WKHPDWWHUWRLWVORJLFDOFRQFOXVLRQLQODZDQGVHHNVXLWDEOH compensation and damages against you. Yours truly, 'U=XOHLND)+RPDYD]LU 16 Contd. from Pg. 3 MXVW EH ZRQGHULQJ LI WKH\ PLVVHG DQ\WKLQJ LQWHUHVWLQJ :HOO WKH\ GLG ² ZKHUH HOVH ZRXOG \RX WR EH DEOH WR KHDU DERXW VR PDQ\ RWKHU LVVXHV DQGWKH,3/WKDQDWD6DPDVWKD $QMXPDQPHHWLQJ" ,UHPDLQLQ',6*867 Faredoon M. Divecha .HHSLWXS 'HDU(GLWRU 7KDQNVWR\RXUSUHVWLJLRXV 3DUVL 7LPHV ZH RUGLQDU\ PHPEHUV RI WKH &RPPXQLW\ DUH PDGH DZDUH RI ZKDW LV UHDOO\JRLQJRQLQWKH%33:H KDYHHOHFWHGWKH7UXVWHHVDQG ZHVKRXOGEHDZDUHRIZKDWLV DFWXDOO\KDSSHQLQJLQWKH%33 +DWV RII WR 0U <D]GL 'HVDL+LVHPDLOVDUHDQH\H RSHQHU IRU RXU &RPPXQLW\ ,W·V GLVJXVWLQJ WR NQRZ WKDW EHLQJ UDWLRQDOV WKH RWKHU FRWUXVWHHV UHPDLQHG VLOHQW VSHFWDWRUV ZKHQ 0U 'HVDL ZDV KHFNOHG &RXOGQ·W DQ\ RQHRIWKHPFRQIURQWWKH%33 &KDLUPDQ" 6LQFH 0U <D]GL 'HVDL KDV ´FRXUDJH DQG KRQHVW\µ ÁRZLQJ LQ KLV EORRG VWUHDP KH REMHFWHG WR WKH LOOHJLWLPDWH Continued DQGKDVW\ELG$OVRTXHVWLRQV GRULVHDVWRZK\WKHPHHWLQJV ZKLFK ZHUH SUHYLRXVO\ KHOG DW SP QRZ FRPPHQFH DW SP DIWHU 0U 0 &DPD MRLQHG",VLWWRNHHS0U'HVDL XQDZDUHRIFHUWDLQWKLQJV :H KRSH WKDW 3DUVL 7LPHV FRQWLQXHV WR EULQJ PRUH VXFK DZDUHQHVVWKURXJKLWVDUWLFOHV Khorshed Meherjee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·V 7RZHU RI 6LOHQFHLVQRWLQXVH 7KLV 7UXVW KDG GHPRFUDWLF WUDGLWLRQV IURP LQFHSWLRQ WLOO WKH V *RYHUQPHQW UHFRUGVVKRZWKDWWKH7UXVWHHV ZHUHHOHFWHGLQGLUHFWHOHFWLRQV DW *HQHUDO %RG\ 0HHWLQJV VLQFHWKHV 7KLV7UXVWLVVWLOOEHLQJUXQ E\ ([7UXVWHHV ZKRVH WHUP H[SLUHG RQ 7KHLU WHUPH[SLUHG\HDUVDJREXW WKH\ KDYH FRQWLQXHG LOOHJDOO\ FRXUWHV\ VRPH VXSHUHIÀFLHQW RIÀFHUV XQGHU WKH &KDULW\ &RPPLVVLRQHU %HJLQQLQJ PDQ\ PHPEHUV KDYH ÀOHG FRPSODLQWV DQG OHJDO SURFHHGLQJV DVNLQJ WKH &KDULW\ &RPPLVVLRQHU·V RIÀFHWRUHPRYHWKHVHLOOHJDOO\ FRQWLQXLQJ 7UXVWHHV DQG WR KROGHOHFWLRQVXQGHU8QLYHUVDO $GXOW )UDQFKLVH DV SHU RXU FHQWXU\ROGWUDGLWLRQV 7KHVH ([7UXVWHHV LQYLWHG DOO2ZQHUVKLS)ODW2ZQHUV RI WKH FRORQ\ WR D PHHWLQJ RQ 7KH\ ZHUH KRSLQJ WR GLVFXVV WKHLU LQWHQWLRQ WR FRQVWUXFWEXLOGLQJVVHOOÁDWV DQGWDNHWKHVDOHSURFHHGV 7KHRZQHUVKLSÁDWRZQHUV WROG WKH ([7UXVWHHV LQ FOHDU DQGXQDPELJXRXVWHUPV WKDW WKH\ KDYH FHDVHG WR EH 7UXVWHHV LQ WKDW WKH\ GR QRW ZDQW DQ\ UHGHYHORSPHQW DQG WKDW HYHQ LI WKH 6RFLHWLHV GHFLGH XSRQ 'HYHORSPHQW VXFK 'HYHORSPHQWZLOOEHGRQHE\ WKHÀYH&RRSHUDWLYH6RFLHWLHV VLQFHWKHODQGLVRQSHUSHWXDO OHDVHWRWKH6RFLHWLHV ,Q IDFW DW RQH VWDJH WKHUH ZDVDURDURIXQDQLPLW\IURP WKHRZQHUVKLSÁDWRZQHUVDQG WKHPHHWLQJQHDUO\JRWRYHU :H KDG FDUULHG D UHDG\ UHVROXWLRQ WR WKH PHHWLQJ 6LQFH ZH ZHUH DOVR DFWLYH SDUWLFLSDQWVLQWKHGLVFXVVLRQ ZH VLPSO\ FLUFXODWHG FRSLHV RI WKH UHVROXWLRQ IRU VLJQDWXUHV 2QH FRS\ ZDV PLVSODFHG :LWKRXW PXFK HIIRUW ZH REWDLQHG DERXW VLJQDWXUHV ULJKW WKHUH LQ WKH PHHWLQJ 7KH WH[W RI WKLV UHVROXWLRQ LVUHSURGXFHGEHORZ 6LQFHUHO\ Navroze Havewala. )URP 2ZQHUVKLS)ODW2ZQHUVRI6DOVHWWH3DUVL&RORQ\ 7R 7KH([7UXVWHHV 6DOVHWWH3DUVL$VVRFLDWLRQ 'HDU/DGLHVDQG*HQWOHPHQ 7KHHQWLUHODQGRQZKLFK\RXZLVKWRFRQVWUXFWQHZEXLOGLQJV LV RQ SHUSHWXDO OHDVH WR RXU 6RFLHWLHV 7KH ULJKW RI EXLOGLQJ QHZEXLOGLQJVRQWKLVODQGRUWRXWLOL]HWKHVSDUH)6,RIWKLV ODQGRUDQ\RWKHUXVHRILWLVRIWKHRZQHUVKLSÁDWRZQHUVDQG WKHLUVRFLHWLHV:HWKHUHIRUHGLVDJUHHWRDQ\GHYHORSPHQWRQ WKLVODQGRUXVHRILWV)6,RUDQ\IDFLOLW\ <RXU WHUP H[SLUHG LQ DQG E\ ZULWLQJ WKLV ZH DUH QRW DFFHSWLQJ\RXDV7UXVWHHV Signatures... Contd. from Pg. 24 Contd. from Pg. 7 EXW ZKDW , DGYRFDWH LV VROXWLRQ ÀQGLQJ 7KH FKDQJH VWDUWV ZLWK XV /HWV VWDUW E\ DFFHSWLQJ RXU VKRUWFRPLQJV UDWKHU WKDQSDVVLQJRQWKHEODPH ,Q WRGD\·V HGXFDWLRQDO VFHQDULR PDUNV KDYH PRUH ZHLJKWDJHWKDQSUDFWLFDODSSOLFDWLRQRIWKHVWXGLHGPDWHULDO &KLOGUHQ VFRUH DQG PDUNV EXW WKHUH LV YHU\ OLWWOH UHOHYDQFH LQ SUDFWLFDO OLIH :KLOH LQ WKH ROGHQ GD\V WKH PRVW EULOOLDQW VWXGHQW MXVW DERXW PDQDJHG WR DFKLHYH EXWKDGWUHPHQGRXVSUDFWLFDODSSOLFDELOLW\,GRUHDOLVHWKDW ZHDVSDUHQWVDUHKHOSOHVVLQWKLVVFHQDULRDVLWDIIHFWVRXU FKLOGUHQ·V IXWXUH VR ZH QHHG WR VWDUW LQFXOFDWLQJ LQWULQVLF PRWLYDWLRQ IURP D YHU\ \RXQJ DJH &DWFKLQJ WKHP \RXQJ DQG OD\LQJ VWUHVV RQ LQFXOFDWLQJ WKH EDVLFV RI HGXFDWLRQ DQG GHYHORSPHQW RI YDOXHV ZLOO JR D ORQJ ZD\ 'HYHORS WKHFKLOG·VFRQÀGHQFHLQWKHÀHOGRIKLVOLNLQJDQGWUDQVPLW KLVFRQÀ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·VOLIHVKRUW/HWXVQRWEHWKHUHDVRQIRUD EURNHQFKLOG/HWXVMRLQKDQGVWRXSOLIWRXUFKLOGUHQ/HWXV FKDQJHIRURXUFKLOGUHQ SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 Contd. from Pg. 4 $IWHU VLQJLQJ WKH JLYHQ VRQJ WKH SHUVRQ ZRXOG JHW D SUL]H 0V $UPDLW\ 0LVWU\ ZDV DOVR FDXJKW ZLWK WKH SDUFHO DQG VKH WRR KDG WR VLQJ (YHQ DIWHU WKH SUL]HV ZHUH H[KDXVWHG WKHUH ZDV VWLOO D ORQJTXHXHRI\RXQJVWHUVZDLWLQJ IRU WKHLU WXUQ WR WU\ WKHLU KDQG DW NDUDRNH$VWUDSSLQJ\RXQJPDQ VFRUHG D IXOO KXQGUHG ZLWK KLV H[FHOOHQW UHQGLWLRQ RI ´7KH /DVW :DOW]µ =7), LV GRLQJ D JUHDW MRE LQ YDULRXV ÀHOGV RI KXPDQ HQGHDYRUV 7KH\ RUJDQL]H FOLQLFV PHGLFDO FDPSV IUHH ERRN GLVWULEXWLRQ GULYHV VSRUWLQJ PHHWV IUHH JUDLQ GLVWULEXWLRQ DQG WLIÀQV DQG D ORW PRUH 0DQ\ HQWKXVLDVWLF\RXQJYROXQWHHUVFDQ EH VHHQ ÁHHWLQJ DURXQG ZRUNLQJ KDSSLO\ 1R ZRQGHU WKHLU PRWWR LV´&RPPXQLW\)LUVWµ =7),KDVWDNHQXSDFDPSDLJQ ´(QG +XQJHU µ DQG IURP WKH ORRNV RI LW WKH\ ZLOO FHUWDLQO\ VXFFHHG $W WKH HQG RI WKH SURJUDPPH <DVPLQ WKDQNHG DOO WKRVH ZKR GRQDWHG WRZDUGV WKHLU FDPSDLJQV 'HOLFLRXV SDFNHG GLQQHU ZDV SDUWDNHQ DQG WKH HYHQLQJHQGHGKDSSLO\ ZLOOEHVRRQGHIDFHGE\WKHP 7KH IDFHV RQ WKHVH PDNH \RX IHHO VLFN 7KHUH LV QHYHU D SUHWW\ZRPDQRQWKHP , UHDFKHG KRPH VDIH 7KH WD[L GULYHU LQVLVWHG RQ EULQJLQJ P\ KXJH KHDY\ EDJ WR P\ GRRU VWHS ZKLFK ZDV IRXU ÁRRUV DERYH , WKDQNHG KLP DQG RIIHUHG KLP D WLS IRU KLV HIIRUW EXW KH SROLWHO\ UHIXVHG DQG ZLWK IROGHG KDQGV ELG PH JRRGE\H DQG VDLG´%KDUDW0DWDNL-DLµ,GLG QRWNQRZKRZWRUHVSRQGVR, WRRIROGHGP\KDQGVDQGVDLG ´1DPDVWHµ , QDUUDWHG WKLV LQFLGHQW WR P\ ZLIH DQG P\ WZR GDXJKWHUV ZKR ZHUH ZDLWLQJ IRU PH VR WKDW WKH\ FRXOG UXPPDJH P\ EDJ IRU WKHLU JLIWV 7KH\ ZHUH JUHDWO\ VXUSULVHGDQGLQLWLDOO\GLGQRW EHOLHYH PH $V LW ZDV ODWH , ZHQWWRVOHHSZKLOHP\IDPLO\ EHLQJ DOO ODGLHV GLVFXVVHG P\ FKRLFHRIWKLQJV,KDGEURXJKW IRUWKHP ,QWKHPRUQLQJ,SLFNHGXS WKH PLON DQG WKH QHZVSDSHU IURPP\GRRU7KHIURQWSDJH UHDGWKDWDOOREVWDFOHVUHPRYHG DQG WKH 3DUW\ KDV SDYHG WKH ZD\ IRU 1DUHQGUD 0RGL to QRZ EH WKH 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU LQ ,DPD0RGLWRRGLGWKLV KDYH WR GR DQ\WKLQJ ZLWK WKH KDSSHQLQJV DW WKH DLUSRUW ODVW QLJKW" Contd. from Pg. 10 \RX ZHW LW WKH NH\ LV WR MXVW WDNH D OLWWOH RI \RXU VKDPSRR DQG DSSO\ RQ WKH KDLU EHIRUH ZHWWLQJ LW GRZQ WKHQ DGG D IHZ GURSV RI ZDWHU RQO\ WR FUHDWHDODWKHU\IRDP&OHDQVH WKHKDLUWKRURXJKO\DQGDSSO\ FRQGLWLRQHU DV XVXDO :DWFK \RXU KDLU VRIWHQ DQG VKLQH LQVWDQWO\IRUDZHHNRUWZR $Q DUWLFOH DSSHDUHG LQ 3DUVL 7LPHV WK -XQH ,VVXH QR 9ROXPH ´6XPPHU )LHVWD DW &DPD &RQYDOHVFHQWµ 3OHDVH QRWH WKH QDPHV 0U DQG 0UV 5XVL 0XOODQ DQG 6U ([HFXWLYH RI WKH /LDVRQ &RPPLWWHH 0U $GL %LOOLPRULD KDYH EHHQ PLVSULQWHGDV0UDQG0UV 5XVL$GL%LOOLPRULD OOPs!!! SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 Classifieds CLASSIFIEDS 17 /RRNIRUD/LIH3DUWQHU$GYHUWLVHLQ3DUVL7LPHV/DJDQ/RXQJHIRU5V2QO\ Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at Dangat Media Private Limited, Mehra Centre, Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ 18 Classifieds SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : ` 10/- Per Word :: ` 15/- per CAPITAL WORD :: Maximum of 40 words :: Miniumum Charge ` 150/- :: Box Size 45mm x 50mm :: A Reputed Dance Academy is Hiring Dance Instructors. Freshers may apply. Contact: 9819669666. ALL PARSI OWNED BIKES AND CARS FOR SALE PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED OF 20 WORDS MAX AT ONLY RS.50/- SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 23 Live a Little NAME Yazdi F. Bardoliwalla I WORK AT... Larsen & Toubro I WORK AS... Principal Architect THAT BASICALLY MEANS... Design and execution of buildings MY WORK DAY BEGINS WITH... A prayer to God I LOVE THIS ABOUT MY JOB... Challenge I WISH THIS WOULD CHANGE ABOUT MY JOB... Long working hours I HAVE BEEN WORKING HERE FOR... 6 months I HEAD TO OFFICE AND HEAD BACK HOME AT THESE TIMES… 07.30 am to 09.00 pm SOME OF THE THINGS THAT MAKE UP MY WORK DAY … Assigning work and supervision. SOMEONE I THINK HAS AN INTERESTING JOB IS… Pilot Mrs. Homai Homi Mehta Mrs. Homai H. Mehta is the Director of Sir J. J. College of Commerce - Mumbai’s leading Business College. She started her career as a Stenographer in Telco - now known as Tata Motors. Homai’s experience of eight years as a Steno-Secretary JDYH KHU WKH LPSHWXV WR UDLVH WKH SURÀOH RI D 6HFUHWDU\ as a profession and not merely a job. Her innate potential and passion for teaching came to the fore when Sir J. J. &ROOHJHRI&RPPHUFHHVWDEOLVKHGDIXOOÁHGJHG6HFUHWDULDO 'LYLVLRQ ,Q VKH MRLQHG KHU $OPD 0DWHU DV )DFXOW\ DQG $GPLQLVWUDWLYH &RRUGLQDWRU 6KH QXUWXUHG WKH GHYHORSPHQW RI 6HFUHWDULHV E\ GHVLJQLQJ FRQFHSW RI FDPSXVUHFUXLWPHQW IRU 6HFUHWDULHV 7LOO GDWH 6LU - - College Placement Division is successful in placing not RQO\ 6HFUHWDULHV EXW RWKHU RIÀFH FDGUHV DV ZHOO 6KH VHHV WKHVH FKDOOHQJHV DV KHU FRQWULEXWLRQ WR VRFLHW\ DQG WR the Community at large. Homai is passionate about GHYHORSLQJWKHVNLOOVRIRIÀFHSURIHVVLRQDOVDQGLVSRSXODU Corporate Trainer; having conducted customized training SURJUDPPHVDOORYHU,QGLD6KHEHOLHYHV´/LIHLVQRWDERXW ZKDW\RXFRXOGQRWGRVRIDUEXWZKDW\RXVWLOOFDQµ Cashew - 3URVSHULW\ XVHG to invoke the Sun God. Origin:1RUWKHDVWHUQ%UD]LO in the dry forest region EHWZHHQ WKH $WODQWLF UDLQ IRUHVWDQGWKH$PD]RQUDLQ forest. Cashews are used in magical spells to increase income DQGPRQH\,QFRRNLQJWKH\ are added to dishes to raise their energy levels. Tip - Consume cashew nuts or cashew nut oil on a Sunday to attract prosperity. By Kermeez Shroff Solo Show Solo Show by Nayanjeet Nikam at Gallery Art and Soul, Worli. Show till 1st July. For further details visit www.galleryartnsoul.com Chocolate Workshop Chocolate making workshop with Zeba Kohli of Fantasie Fine Chocolates. The class is on June 22nd Saturday from 3 pm - 4.30 pm at the Fantasie Fine Chocolate store at Marine Lines. Fee for the class is Rs. 2500/For registrations or more details please contactcookwithcomida@gmail.com or call on 9820862062/9820026271 or get in touch with us on our facebook pagewww.facebook.com/ comidaevents Registration for YCZA Last call for YCZA Alumni to register their names for a Talent Show cum Get-together on Sunday 16th June at Banaji Atashbehram Hall at 6.15 p.m. Subsidized dinner for all exmembers and their spouses @ Rs. 100 and for guests @ Rs. 175. Register your names before 12th June on Tel. 22873888 or Cell 9833080580 or send an e-mail to kcommissariat@yahoo.com Listing An Approaching Event Is Free! Submit information by post/delivery to 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai-1, E-mail: contribute@ parsi-times.com or Fax: 66330406. Include details of event, dates, timings, address, telephone number and entry fee. Deadline for information is Wednesday 12 p.m. of every week. Parsi Times is a weekly publication available on every Saturday, all over India. Listings are free but inclusion cannot be guaranteed due to limited space. For guarantee contact our advertising department from Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on 66330405. L ook out everyone a new chef is in town to tease your taste buds. Meet Taronish Batty WKH year old who is currently in the running for the next Junior Master Chef India. Taronish has always had the passion for cooking and was encouraged by her loving family to further her love for food. Her family is extremely proud of her latest achievements and is completely supportive of her bright future. She started cooking at the ripe age of 8 and hasn’t shown any signs of getting bored of it unlike most kids of that age group. Taronish made LW WKURXJK WKH ÀUVW round by wowing the judges with her yummy chicken cutlets. In the second round she suffered a little bit of a setback due to the lack of certain ingredients in the Master Chef kitchen but she stayed strong and managed to put together a delicious bread pudding. We are all eagerly awaiting the results for second round and hope to see her on TV soon. The habit of getting to the bottom of things will put a man on the top. 24 Parsi Times - English and Gujarati. Regd. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14. Published on 15th June, 2013, 2QUVGFCV/WODCK2CVTKMC%JCPPGN5QTVKPI2QUV1H°EG/WODCK on every Saturday. P.T. Reader Marzban Ardeshir shir I was sitting next to a very ry id pretty lady and I did chat her up during my nto long journey from Toronto ook to Mumbai. We instant took a liking for each other and were very comfortable to talk about anything to pass the time. She admired my political wit and my huge arsenal of jokes. She laughed nonstop, as I had a joke to narrate on everything she said, but later begged me to stop as she would feel sick with constant laughter. We bid our goodbyes at the luggage belt after she collected her bag and mine was nowhere in sight. “It was a pleasure to be with you RQ WKLV ORQJ ÁLJKW <RX ZHUH JUHDW company. I hope we meet again.” She said shaking my hand. “The pleasure was mine too, lady. I hope I did not bore you with my constant chatter.” I replied. “On the contrary, I never have met a man who could make me laugh so much. By the way I am Kajol Trivedi, we never thought of asking our names in the volley of laughter.” She introduced herself. “Aaaahhh I admired your work LQ )DQDD ZLWK $PLU .KDQ <RX ZHUH blind in the movie, but I see a beautiful pair of eyes before me.” I joked. She was again bent with laughter. Her laughter was sweet. “I am not that actress, I only have KHUQDPH<RXKDYHQRWWROGPH\RXU name.” She said. “Wrong, she has your name, Kajol. My name is Marzban Modi.” I said and again took the advantage of holding her hand and squeezing it in a handshake. She turned and walked away laughing. I noticed, as soon as I said my name, all passengers waiting at the belt turned to stare at me. I looked back but saw no one. I ignored this as of no consequence. Then I saw my bag and I moved forward. “Excuse me please. That is my bag, may I pick it up.” I told the passengers in front of me. “Don’t worry sir, I will pick it up for you sir,” said two passengers who were near the belt and in front of me. They did pick up my bag and put it on my trolley. I thanked them and said I had no other bag. They smiled which put me in a quandary as to why was I given the senior citizen treatment. I moved towa towards the Customs ZKHUH ZKHUHWKHRIÀFHUDVNHG for m my passport. On readin reading my name he froze and called a havald havaldar and ordered him to accompany till I was out of the airp airport. Before I co could say anything th the havaldar was moving with my trolley towards tthe scanning m machine. I did not wan want help but ..... The hav havaldar spoke to WKHRIÀFHUDWWKHVFDQ machine who stood up and saluted me, asking the havaldar to move on. I was surprised. I had travelled before but today I felt like the son-in-law, Vadra, just walking through customs. To add to my surprise the cop at the exit gate too saluted after the havaldar said something to him in a whisper. The havaldar with my trolley saluted and left as I was out of the airport. I went and stood in the prepaid taxi queue. The cop at the exit gate saw me stand at the end of the short queue. I saw him walking to the taxi kiosk. He called for someone who came and took my trolley and began marching off to the taxi stand. “Hey wait, where are you going with my luggage.” I asked. “Sir, an a/c taxi is booked for you to take you home. Do follow me sir.” The man said. “But I have not yet paid. I have to get the receipt?” I enquired. “No payment from you sir.” Bowed the man, opening a taxi door for me. I sat down keeping an eye on my big heavy bag. The man had to take help to put my bag at the back of the taxi. And we drove off. I am sure these people have mistaken me for someone else. How was I to know? I relaxed as we hit the highway. Suddenly my eyes fell on a hoarding which had a huge portrait of NaMo and the wordings; “Modi lao desh bachao.” I shrugged, hoardings are back as elections are near. The whole city Contd. on Pg. 16 Salli Gosh-ip... SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013