From Our Parishes - Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada


From Our Parishes - Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
February 2011
лютий 2011 • February 2011
The Full Consistory Board of the UOCC held its first
Meeting, November 18-20 in Winnipeg Manitoba
n The Full Consistory Board of the UOCC held its first Fall Meeting from November 18th to the 20th in Winnipeg Manitoba. On the day prior the Council of
Bishops of the UOCC held their meeting.
The meetings began with a Moleben’ celebrated by His Grace Bishop Andriy,
assisted by Frs. Victor Lakusta and Volodymyr Kouchnir. The roll call showed that
all the elected members of the Consistory Board were in attendance for these
meetings. His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij opened the sessions by greeting all
and stating that following the 22nd SOBOR, there was a renewed feeling of hope
and desire to move forward within the Church. He called for this spirit to guide
the work of the Consistory Board in its deliberations. Following the election of
the Chairs, Secretaries and the approval of the Support Staff, the meeting dealt
with the first order of business which was to approve the agenda and accept the
April and July Consistory Board Minutes. The Board Members were made aware
of the Confidentiality Policy of the UOCC and the need to exercise extreme discretion in discussing matters that are raised during these meetings. The Board
then reviewed the Minutes of the Presidium. Following the discussion and clarification of various points in these minutes, the Board then moved onto the next
order of business.
The Board received greetings and information from the Eparchial Bishops.
For the Eastern Eparchy, His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij stated that the Eparchial Conference had just finished and that resolutions and recommendations
were brought forward to be considered by the Full Board. Some of these include
the topics of clergy assistance and charitable aid to Ukraine. His Eminence stated that there is a very positive feeling towards the future of the UOCC felt in the
Eastern Eparchy. His Grace Bishop Ilarion greeted all in the name of the Western
Eparchy. They also finished a very successful Eparchial Sobor which dealt with
may spiritual and temporal matters. The Eparchy expressed a strong desire to
continue its mission efforts and to that end, raised $5000, especially for work being done in Northern Alberta. He continues to make efforts to visit the entire
Eparchy and reach out to the members seeking to understand the needs of the
Eparchy. His Grace Bishop Andriy brought greetings on behalf of the Central
Eparchy. He gave a detailed review of the structure of the Eparchy. He too has endeavoured to visit the Church Camps, each of the Deaneries and Parish Districts.
He stated that the faithful of the Central Eparchy are very caring of their churches and this is good to see. However, there is a need to realign some of the districts.
The Eparchy also concluded a successful Conference with many ideas being
brought forward to help build the life of the Central Eparchy.
The Board then moved onto the next order of business and that was to hear
the various Administrative Reports. Fr. Gene Maximiuk reported from the Office
of Communications and Publications. He stated that Visnyk continues to be produced in a timely fashion. He stated that content is reviewed, when possible, by
the Metropolitan, before it goes to print. Due to the current logistics of the Me-
Full Consistory Board of the UOCC.
tropolitan residing outside of Winnipeg, this is not always possible, but it is the
practice. The liturgical books are in final stages of preparation. Funding is in
place thanks to the generous support of parishes and once approval from the
hierarchs is gained, then they will be sent to print. We have explored using printing companies in Ukraine and will be using one such company for one of the
publications. In short while, we can expect that ‘The Good Shepherd’ and ‘BipaFaith’ will be produced.
Fr. Victor Lakusta then presented his report to the Full Consistory Board. He
stated that it was a joy to welcome all to these meetings and that he looked forward to working with the new Board. He then emphasized various points. He
stated that the Enthronement plans are well under way and that all is progressing
well towards a successful event. He then addressed various ways to approach
membership in the UOCC. The Membership Incentive Program (MIP) will remain in place for new parish members and parishes will be encouraged to participate in the program. The Parish Report Form will be coming out around the
beginning of the new year and it will be revised in order to gather more specific
information for statistical purposes of the UOCC. There are a number of parish
closures that have been dealt with and some that are ongoing. He stated that the
Consistory does not want to ‘close parishes’ but has to deal with the various requests that come in. It is necessary to review the status of the parishes and various parish districts, in consultation with the faithful of the various parishes and
districts. The Office of the Consistory will be reviewing all parishes within the
UOCC to determine their status as being: Active, Heritage or Closed. He reported that the
№ 1574
levies have been increased by $8 /member ($73) PublicationRegistration
Mail Agreement № 40010125
beginning in 2011 and then a $4/member increase for subsequent years till the next SOBOR. He stated that he has traveled extensively
representing the Consistory at the various
Eparchial Sobors and with Metropolitan Yurij
on his recent trip to the Phanar, to meet with
the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Holy and
Sacred Synod. He stated that the office is functioning well considering that there are staff
shortages in various departments. The 22nd
SOBOR was very successful and the Minutes
are being prepared. He stated that the new Wall
Calendar concept is very positive and should be
a very good promotional item for the UOCC.
(continued on p.3)
Working moment during the meeting.
“We acknowledge the financial support of the Government
of Canada through the Aid to Publishers component of the
Canada Periodical Fund.”
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Patriarchal Declaration For Christmas
By the Mercy of God Archbishop of Constantinople—New Rome
and Ecumenical Patriarch to the Plenitude of the Church.
Grace, Peace and Mercy from the Savior Christ born in Bethlehem!
Милістю Божою, Архієпископ Константинополя—Нового
Риму, Вселенський Патріарх, усій повноті Церкви.
Благодать, мир і милість від Христа Спасителя, що народився у Вифлеємі!
Beloved brother concelebrants and blessed children in the Lord,
n Within the somber atmosphere that recently prevails throughout the world with the diverse affliction of the financial, social,
moral and especially spiritual crisis, which has created increasing frustration, bitterness, confusion, anxiety, disappointment
and fear among many people with regard to the future, the voice
of the Church sounds sweet: "Come, O faithful, let us raise our
minds to things divine and behold the heavenly condescension that
has appeared to us from above in Bethlehem…" (Hymn from the
6th Hour, Christmas)
The unshakeable belief of Christians is that God does not
simply or indifferently observe from above the journey of humanity, which He has personally created according to His image
and likeness. This is why the incarnation of His only-begotten
випускається щомісячно
з благословення
Його Високопреосвященства,
is published monthly by
with the blessing of
His Eminence, the Most Reverend YURIJ
Протопресвітер Віктор Лакуста
o. Євген Максим’юк
Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Victor Lakusta
Rev. Fr. Eugene Maximiuk
9 St. John’s Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2W 1G8
Mariya Kortchevich
Mikhail Pavenski
Марія Корчевич
Михайло Павенський
(877) 586-3093 ext. 236
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лютий 2011
Son and Word was from the very beginning His "good will," His original intention. His "pre-eternal will" was precisely to assume in His person, in an act of extreme love, the human nature that
He created in order to render it "a participant of divine nature." (2 Peter 1.4) Indeed, God willed
this prior to the "fall" of Adam and Eve, even before their very creation! Following the "fall" of
Adam and Eve, the "pre-eternal will" of the Incarnation embraced the Cross, the Sacred Passion,
the Life-giving Death, the Descent into Hades, and the Resurrection after three days. In this way,
the sin that infiltrated human nature thereby infecting everything and the death that surreptitiously penetrated life were completely and definitively dispelled, while humanity was able to
enjoy the fullness of the Paternal and eternal heritage.
However, the divine condescension of Christmas is not restricted to things related to eternity.
It also includes things related to our earthly journey. Christ came into the world in order to spread
the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven and to initiate us into this Kingdom. Yet, He also came
in order to help and heal human weakness. He miraculously and repeatedly fed the multitudes
who listened to His word; He cleansed lepers; He supported paralytics; He granted light to the
blind, hearing to the deaf and speech to the dumb; He delivered the demonized of impure spirits,
resurrected the dead, supported the rights of the oppressed and abandoned; He condemned illegal wealth, heartlessness to the poor, hypocrisy and "hubris" in human relations; He offered
Himself as an example of voluntary self-emptying sacrifice for the sake of others!
Perhaps this dimension of the message of divine incarnation should be particularly emphasized this year. Many of our friends and colleagues are experiencing terrible trials from the current crisis. There are countless numbers of unemployed, nouveau poor, homeless, young people
with "cropped" dreams. Nevertheless, Bethlehem is translated as a "House of Bread!" Therefore, as
faithful Christians, we owe all of our troubled brothers and sisters not only the "essential bread"
– that is to say, Christ, who lies in swaddling clothes in the simple manger of Bethlehem – but also
the daily tangible bread of survival and all that "pertains to the bodily needs." (James 2.16) Now
is the time for a practical application of the Gospel message with a dignified sense of responsibility! Now is the time for a clear and exact implementation of the words of the Apostle: "Show me
your faith with works!" (James 2.18) Now is the time and the opportunity for us "to raise our
minds to things divine" to the height of the royal virtue of Love, which brings us closer to God.
This is what we proclaim to all the children of the Ecumenical Patriarchate from this sacred
and martyric See, the Church of the Poor of Christ, and we invoke upon all of you the divine condescension and the boundless mercy, as well as the peace and grace of the Only-Begotten Son and
Word of God, who for our sake was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary. To Him
belong the glory, power, honor and worship, with the Father and the Spirit, to the ages of ages.
At the Phanar, Holy Christmas 2010
† BARTHOLOMEW of Constantinople
Your fervent intercessor before God
Улюблені браття співслужителі та благословенні діти в Господі,
n У похмуру атмосферу, яка панує останнім часом у всьому світі з різноманітними фінансовими,соціальними, моральними негараздами і особливо в період духовної кризи, які
приводять до зростання розчарування, гіркоти, розгубленісті, тривоги, незадоволення і
страху серед багатьох людей щодо майбутнього, обнадійливе звучить Голос Церкви: "Прийдіть, вірні, піднесімось духовно, і побачимо сходження Божественне з неба, і явлення нам у
Вифлеємі..." (тропар шостого часу, Різдво)
Непохитність віри християн в тому, що Бог не просто байдуже спостерігає зверху за
мандрівкою людства, що Він особисто за Своїм образом і подобою сотворив. Тому втілення Його Єдинородного Сина і Слова було проявом Його доброї волі. Його предвічним наміром. Його "предвічна воля" точно припускала в Його особі акт крайної любові, людську
природу, яку Він сотворив з метою дати їй можливість бути "учасником божественної
природи." (2 Петрово 1:4) Справді, Бог знав заздалегіть про "падіння" Адама і Єви, ще до
самого їхнього створення! Після "падіння" Адама і Єви, необхідне було Втілення Христа,
Його Святі Страсті, Живоначальна Смерть, Зішестя в пекло і Воскресіння після трьох
днів. Таким чином, гріх, що проник в людську природу з тим, щоб заражати все, і смерть,
що потайки проникла в життя, повністю і остаточно розвіялися, а людство тепер спроможне в повній мірі насолоджуватися одвічною Батьківськію спадщиною.
Однак, божественна милість Різдва не обмежується майбутньою вічністю. Це також
включає в себе речі, пов'язані з нашим земним шляхом. Христос прийшов у світ для того,
щоб поширювати благу звістку про Царство Небесне і стати початком цього Царства для
нас. Тим не менш, Він прийшов для того, щоб допомогти і зцілити людську слабкість. Він
чудесно і неодноразово годував народ, що слухав його слова, він очищав прокажених; Він
підтримував паралітиків; Він дарував світло сліпим, слух для глухих і мову німим. Він виганяв нечистих духів, воскрешав мертвих, підтримував покинутих і пригноблених; Він
засуджував незаконні багатства, бездушність до бідних, лицемірство і зарозумілість у
людських стосунках. Він став прикладом добровільного принесення Себе в жертву заради
Можливо, цей аспект повідомлення Божественного втілення слід особливо підкреслити, в цьому році. Багато наших друзів і колег відчувають страшні випробування в нинішню кризу. Є безліч безробітних, "нових" бідних, бездомних, молодих людей з "обрізаними"
мріями. Крім того, Вифлеем перекладається як "Хлібна хата". Тому ми, як віруючі християни, повинні турбуватися не тільки про "хліб насущний" для наших братів і сестер.
Тим самим—Христос, який лежить в пелюшках у простих яслах Вифлеему—"є не тільки "насущним", духовним, але і матеріальним хлібом тілесної потреби (Яків 2:16). Тепер
настав час для практичного застосування Євангельської вістки з достойним почуттям
відповідальності! Зараз настав час для чіткого і точного здійснення слова апостола: "покажи мені віру свою з діл твоїх!" (Яків 2,18). Настав час і можливість для нас", щоб підняти
наші уми, до Божественних речей", до царської висоти любові, яка наближає нас до Бога.
Це те, що ми проголошуємо, до всіх дітей Вселенського Патріархату, цього священного
престолу мучеників, церкви бідних заради Христа, і ми закликаємо на всіх вас Божественне благословення і безмежну милість, а також мир і благодать Єдинородного Сина і Слова
Божого, Який заради нас воплотився від Духа Святого і Діви Марії. Йому належать слава,
влада, честь і поклоніння, з Отцем і Духом, навіки віків. Амінь.
Фанар, Різдво Христове 2010 р.
† ВАРФОЛОМІЙ Константинопольський,
Палкий перед Богом молитвеник
Fax: (204) 582-5241
February 2011
Full Consistory Board Fall Meeting
(continued from p.1)
He closed by stating that all members of the Board should have copies of the
UOCC and Consistory Policy and Procedures Manuals for their review and reference.
Fr. Victor then gave a report on the Church Goods Supplies and Bookstore. He
stated that with the parish assignment of the Church Goods manager, this has
placed extra strain on the other departments within the UOCC to cover. Parttime staff has been engaged and they are easing the burden. An advertisement has
been placed in Visnyk seeking applications for the position of Church Goods Manager. The sales trips to the Central and Western Eparchies were very successful
and the Church Goods website is very close to being launched. Following this Fr.
Victor fielded questions.
The Board then heard the Financial Manager Report. Henry Kuzia stated that
the documents the Board are reviewing are not the audited statements. These are
currently being prepared and will be sent out to the Board for their approval.
Once approved, they will be sent out to the parishes as per the normal practice.
In reviewing the presented documents the summary showed that for the fiscal
year end: Ecclesia Publishing showed a marginal profit, well within its mandate
to operate at a break-even position; Church Goods showed a financial loss due to
decreased sales; The Office of the Consistory showed a substantial loss for the
year due to extraordinary items. The Consolidated Statement showed that the
Consistory ran a substantial deficit for the fiscal year. Much of this deficit is due
to extraordinary items that will not be incurred in the upcoming year. However,
the audited statements will have the final information. As well he projected that
once normal Church Goods operations are resumed, they should move into a
profit situation. He stated that later on, the budget will be presented for the 2011
Mr. Kuzia then did a line by line review of the financial statement in order to
familiarize the new board members what the categories represented in the statements.
Mr. Victor Hetmanczuk, Presidium Treasurer, then reported to the Board. He
reviewed his role as defined in the By-Laws and stated that part of his job will be
to see that the Policies and Procedures regarding finances are in place and being
followed. He stated that he will be working to establish a Capital Reserve Fund
/Sobor Contingency Fund with the goal of collecting $100,000. He stated that he
will be working with the UOCC Foundation to see that goals of the UOCC are
being met.
The Board then heard an overview summation of the SOBOR. From the financial side it was shown that there was an increase in donations and advertising
revenue, but not enough to offset the overall deficit of approximately $84,000.
Details of the SOBOR were reviewed with input given for future SOBORs.
Following this the Board then reviewed all the SOBOR Resolutions. They reviewed and determined the actions that need to be taken on each resolution. Those
resolutions referred to Committees were instructed to have an action plan with
deadlines in place for the next Full Board Meeting, regarding resolutions referred
to them. The Board then dealt with the Composition and Formation of the Consistory Committees. The Committees of the Consistory are: Policy and Procedure
with PIPEDA being a sub-committee; Finance Committee; Standing Committee
on Inter-Church and Ecumenical Relations; Standing Committee on UOCC ByLaws; Compensation Committee; Standing Joint USRL/UOCC Committee; Metropolitan Residence and Land Use Committee; Sobor Planning Committee; Heritage and Historic Sites Committee; Standing Committee on Clergy Development; Rural Issues Committee; Liturgical Committee; Gender and Family Issues
Committee; Standing Committee for Christian and Heritage Education; Mission
Committee; Communications Committee; Human Resource Committee; Joint
UOCC/SAC Committee; Monastery Committee. The terms of each committee
were reviewed and board members put forth their names for the various committees.
Following this the Board then heard the report of the Dean of St. Andrew’s
College. Fr. Bozyk stated that there are 12 students and 6 staff members in the
Faculty of Theology. He stated that SAC Foundation is invested with the Shevchenko Foundation. He further expressed his gratitude on behalf of St. Andrew’s
College regarding passing of the levy for the College at the SOBOR. It shows the
Church’s support of the work of the College. The Board members queried him
on various points such as: program costs, handling of bequests, the work of the
joint UOCC/SAC Committee, and the recruitment of students.
The Board then dealt with various Consistory Matters. It reviewed the situation regarding the Metropolitan’s new residence. It was determined that at this
time a home be purchased for the Metropolitan while research is done into what
to do with the property that the Consistory currently owns. The Clergy levy for
2011 was set at $100/ priest. Fr. Taras Udod was elected as the second appointee
to the UOCC UOCC Foundation Board. The subject of Vunerable Sector Screening was discussed and referred to the Policy and Procedures Committee to draft
a policy. The question of need for Eparchial Tribunals was discussed and referred
to the By-Laws Committee for review. Fr. Victor Lakusta then offered information on the question of Consistory Staffing. The Office of the Consistory and the
Presidium are addressing these questions. There are staffing needs in Church
Goods that must be addressed. Advertising for a position is ongoing, but what
that position will be must be determined. Fr. Gene Maximiuk has given notice
that he wishes to return to active parish ministry and the coming vacancy needs
to be addressed in Visnyk and Communications. The Department of Missions
and Education needs to be further discussed as to how best staff this department.
It was also stated that there may be a need for a secretary for the Metropolitan.
The Treasurer stated that the current budget is taking into consideration the current and future staffing needs of the Consistory.
The Board then heard information about various parish matters. Due to the
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Fr. V. Lakusta, Chancellor, reporting to the Full Consistory Board.
sensitive nature of these matters and in the interest of confidentiality, detailed information cannot be disclosed at this time. The Board discussed the idea of posting Minutes of the Presidium and Consistory on the UOCC webpage and determined to continue the practice of placing summaries in Visnyk and that the Policy and Procedures Committee review the policy and practice of access to
Minutes. His Emience Metropolitan Yurij then addressed the matter of a monastery for the UOCC. He reviewed with the Board a document outlining what
steps need to be taken to establish a monastery. He stated that he has been in
contact with Metropolitan Soterios of the Greek Metropolis, who has been invaluable in offering information and guidance as to the procedures necessary.
Metropolitan Yurij stated that we are in the very beginning stages of this process
and it is important to first discuss the steps necessary to creating the monastery
corporation. More information will be forth coming as the matter progresses.
The Board then heard about the ‘Diaspora’ Museum in Chernivtsi. This features
churches outside of Ukraine. Our UOCC is not yet represented there and Fr.
Kouchnir was selected to represent the UOCC and to make contact with the curators about establishing a display.
The Board then heard information from the meeting of the Council of Bishops. They presented their recommendations regarding ordination requests and
elevations. They also shared information about various charitable endeavours
that the Council endorsed.
The Board then received the presentation on the Budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The Treasurer highlighted areas that of significant change and in the end
the Board passed a balanced budget for the 2011 year.
Fr. I. Kutash presented a report on the work of the Inter-Church Relations
Committee. He stated that Metropolitan Yurij, himself, Fr. J. Buciora and Fr. W.
Makarenko and V. Hetmanczuk have represented the UOCC at various Commissions of the Canadian Council of Churches. The committee has been part of
inter faith dialogues and been active in providing information on various issues
that the UOCC has had to deal with. Metropolitan Yurij then reported on the
successful meetings between the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox and Ukrainian Catholic Churches. There are regular meetings with the Orthodox Bishops in Canada and with the Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops in the USA. Following this Metropolitan Yurij then gave an overview of his recent trip to the
Phanar for the Changing of the Titles Ceremony. He stated that this was very positive and had the opportunity to discuss various matters of concern with the
Committee of the Eparchies. They discussed documents that needed to be forwarded to the Phanar by the UOCC, the situation in Ukraine and the matter of
the ‘title of the Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy’ and the need to rectify this matter.
Following the information presented the Board engaged in a wide discussion on
the matter of the ‘title of the Bishop of the Eastern Eparchy’. The Presidium was
empowered to pursue this matter further.
The Board then heard a presentation on the proposed tour of the Vidubychi
Choir. They came to Canada in 1997 and the plan is to have them tour again.
This tour will be in partnership with the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The tour
will not be as intense but will allow for the opportunity to hold Master Choral
sessions with Choir Directors across Canada. The tour is tentatively slated for
May of 2011 and further details will be forth coming as they are made available.
On Saturday morning, the Board heard a presentation by the Shevchenko
Foundation that outlined the recent management changes the Foundation has
undertaken. The Board was assured of the confidence that the Shevchenko Foundation had in its new fund managers (Gluskin-Sheff and the Stasiuk Group).
The next Full Board Meeting was set for May 26-28, 2011 and the Fall 2011
Full Board Meeting was set for December 1-3, 2011, with locations to be determined by the Presidium. Following the closing remarks of His Eminence where
he stressed the positive nature of these sessions and encouraged the Board Members to embrace their leadership role with love for God and the Church, the meeting was adjourned.
Deadline for Submissions
n March 2011 issue — Deadline: February 7
Fax: (204) 582-5241
Редакційна • Guest Editorial
Living "Large!"
here is an elderly couple named
Allen and Violet Large, who live
out in the country in Nova Scotia.They are both in their late 70s,
and have worked hard all of their lives.
For years Allen labored as a welder,
while Violet worked in a cosmetic factory. Four months ago, something happened to them that I'm sure all of us
have dreamt about: Allen and Violet
won $11,255,000.00 in a Canadian Lottery! Now seriously: what would you do
if you won over 11 million dollars?
Quitting our job would probably be
high on our "to do" list. I suspect some
of us might go on a "spending spree to
end all spending sprees" and purchase
everything we never could quite afford.
We would take the "eat, drink and
merry" approach to life that the rich
fool in one of our Lord's parables took,
and certainly with 11 million dollars,
we would be able to do so. Allen and
Violet Large had lived very modestly
throughout their many years of marriage, and surely no one would have
faulted them if they moved from their
19th century home into a mansion or
traded in their 13 year old car for something more luxurious. After all, that's
what people are supposed to do when
they become millionaires, isn't it?
But do you know what Allen and
Violet did with their lottery prize?
They gave it away—not some of their
winnings... not most of their winnings... ALL of their winnings! Instead
of spending it on themselves—instead
of choosing to live in a more lavish
manner—they decided to make dona-
Живуть "Великі!"
провінції Нова Скоша, в Канаді, живе одна літня пара людей Аллен і Фіалка Лардж (Великі так звучить в перекладі
на українську мову їх прізвище). Їм
обидвом вже далеко поза 70, все
своє життя вони працювали. Протягом багатьох років Аллен трудився, як зварювальник, а Фіалка працювала на косметичній фабриці. Чотири місяці тому, з ними сталося щось таке, що я впевнений, кожен з нас
мріяв би, щоб з ним це сталося: Аллен і Фіалка виграли $ 11,255,000.00
на канадській лотереї! Тепер серйозно: щоб ви зробили, якби виграли
більше ніж 11 мільйонів доларів?
Звільнення з праці, ймовірно, було б
першим на списку що "робити". Я
підозрюю, що деякі з нас може пішли б на такий крок як "витрати,
щоб закінчити всі витрати гульно" і
купити все, що ми ніколи і ніяк не
могли собі дозволити. Ми б прийняли підхід до життя "їж, пий, веселися", так як це зробив один нерозсумний багач як це читаємо в одній
з притч нашого Господа, і, звичайно,
з 11 мільйонами доларів, ми були б
в змозі зробити це. Аллен і Фіалка
жили дуже скромно протягом багатьох років свого подружнього життя і, звичайно, ніхто б не осуджував
їх, якщо б вони переїхали зі свого
будинку дев'ятнадцятого століття в
новий сучасний шикарний будинок, або поміняли їхній 13-річний
автомобіль на якийсь більш люксусовий. Зрештою, це те, що люди повинні робити, коли вони стають мільйонерами, чи не так?
Але чи ви знаєте, що зробили Ал-
лен і Фіалка з їхнім лотерейним виграшем? Вони роздали його повністю—і не якусь частину виграшу... і
не більшу частину свого виграшу...
УВЕСЬ виграш! Замість того щоб
витрачати на себе—замість вибору
жити на широку ногу—вони вирішили дати пожертву кільком місцевим церквам... на громадські цвинтарі для догляду за ними... на пожежників... на Армію спасіння... на
Червоний Хрест... на лікарні... на
організації, які проводять дослідження, щоб знайти засоби для лікування недуг таких як рак і діабет.
(Фіалка, до речі, перехворіла раком
груді). Коли їх запитували, чому
вони роблять щось таке нетрадиційне, їхня відповідь була проста:
«ми маємо все необхідне, щоб бути
щасливими, то для чого маємо витрачати гроші на ше що-небудь?"
Тепер я запевняю вас: може бути багато людей, які б назвали Аллена і
Фіалку буквально "дурнями" за повну роздачу багатства, але я чомусь
думаю, що наш Господь їх так би не
Протягом усього Його пастирювання, Христос підкреслював, що є
більш важливі речі в житті, аніж вибір матеріальної цінності і вартості.
Він також чітко вказував, що, коли
ми благословенні ними, ми повинні
використати їх на добро—а "добре
використання" означає робити безкорисливі справи для інших.
Аллен і Фіалка Великі є яскравим
прикладом людей, які розуміють,
що значить бути багатим у тому
сенсі, що відноситься до Бога. Вони
є живим доказом того, що ми, дос-
From the Editor,
position of our Church on this matter.
This was not my intent. My intent was
to show support for the Metropolitan’s
statement, to encourage Churches to
continue to have open lines of communication with each other, in spite of
differences and finally to share with
the faithful that no matter what the situation, we must look at life with spiritual eyes and always seek to follow the
Will of God, holiness above all. To His
Eminence and to the readers of the
Visnyk, once again, I apologize if this
did not come through or was misinterpreted.
n Last November, I wrote on a subject
that touched the nerves of some of our
UOCC members. Although I received
positive feedback about the article entitled, "Holiness above all!" there were
those that interpreted my comments as
speaking against our Metropolitan’s
statement regarding the position of the
UOCC and the Holy Relics of St. Volodymyr of Kyiv, which toured across
Canada last year.
After discussion with His Eminence
Metropolitan Yurij, I would like to
apologize if my words were misinterpreted as a statement contradicting the
—Fr. Gene Maximiuk
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
лютий 2011
tions to several local churches... to public cemeteries for upkeep... to fire
departments... to the Salvation Army...
to the Red Cross... to hospitals... to organizations doing research to find cures
for diseases like cancer and diabetes.
(Violet, you see, is a cancer survivor.)
When asked why they would do something so unconventional, this was their
simple response: ''we have everything
we need to be happy—why would we
spend money on anything else?'' Now I
guarantee you: there would be many
people who would call Allen and Violet
"fools" for literally giving away a fortune but somehow I don't think our
Lord would.
Throughout His ministry, Christ
emphasized that there are more important things in life than those of material value and worth. He also clearly
pointed out that when we have been
blessed with them, we must put them
to good use—and "good use" means
doing unselfish deeds for others.
Allen and Violet Large are shining
examples of people who understand
what it is to be rich in things pertaining to God. They are living proof that
we certainly can practice what is
preached to us by our Lord. At this special time of year when there are ample
opportunities to practice charity, may
we all choose the path Allen and Violet
Large have taken in their life. Remember: the only things we will take with us
when we leave this world are the things
we gave away, and those who understand this will, one day, be "living large"
in the kingdom of heaven!
товірно, можемо здійснювати на
практиці те, що проповідувано нам
нашим Господом. У цей особливий
час року, коли такі безмежні можливості для здійснення вчинків благодійництва, тобто робити добро, нехай кожен з нас виберешлях Аллена
і Фіалки Лардж (Великих), який вони вибрали в їхньому житті. Пам'ятаймо: те, що ми зможемо взяти з
собою, коли відійдемо з цього світу,
—це буде тільки те, що ми роздали,
і для тих що це розуміють, одного
дня буде «живуть великі" в Царстві
—Protopresbyter Michael Rosco
Editor The Church Messenger
Source: The Church Messenger
vol. LXVI №12, December 26, 2010
—Протопресвітер Майкл Роско,
редактор газети
"The Church Messenger"
Grant to Ecclesia Publishing
n On December 9th, 2010, on behalf of the Shevchenko Foundation, Dr. Oleh
Gerus, Board Member, presented a $1000.00 Grant Cheque to His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij and Fr. Victor Lakusta. The Grant is to Ecclesia Publishing to aid
them in their ongoing work of publishing Ukrainian Orthodox and Ukrainian
cultural and heritage information.
Ecclesia Publishing gratefully acknowledges the generous financial support of
the Shevchenko Foundation towards the Ukrainian Community.
—Fr. Gene Maximiuk, Editor
Шановні Читачі!
n Статті чи дописи, підписані авторами, поміщені у “Віснику”, не
завжди віддзеркалюють наставлення і погляди Української Православної Церкви в Канаді, а тільки погляди авторів. Редакція застерігає право справляти і скорочувати надіслані статті і дописи та
відмовляти публікування матеріялів, які не відповідають профілю
цієї газети чи, взагалі, не є відповідними.
Dear Readers!
n Articles published in the “Herald”, signed by the writer, do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
of Canada but rather those of the author. The editor reserves the right to
edit or shorten, if necessary, all articles, as well as to refuse publication of
submitted materials if deemed unsuitable or at variance with editorial
Fax: (204) 582-5241
February 2011
From Pastoral Life
Dates and Celebrations
arishes and churches commonly
prepare wall and/or book-type
calendars for the use of their
faithful. We often don’t think too
much about the value of such calendars,
but when utilized conscientiously they
can be of great help to our spiritual life
and growth.
Besides the date, a wall calendar usually includes three other important
items of information: the daily commemoration—i.e., what event or saint the
Church is honouring on a particular
day; the scripture readings appointed
for the day; and whether or not a particular day is solemnized by fasting.
Every day of the year we celebrate the
memory of a saint, an event in the life of
our Lord or His Mother, or some other
important happening in the history of
salvation. Saints are normally commemorated on the day of their repose, and
sometimes on the day their relics were
found or transferred as well. The commemoration of a person’s patron saint
(their "name day") is traditionally celebrated joyfully, much like a birthday.
Other solemn commemorations include Christ’s Resurrection (Pascha)
and Baptism, the descent of the Holy
Spirit on Pentecost, the Expulsion of
Adam and Eve from Paradise, etc.
In addition to the daily commemoration, the church calendar lists the
scripture readings appointed for each
day of the year. A passage from the Acts
of the Apostles or one of the Epistles
and a reading from one of the Gospels is
normally assigned for every day. On
weekdays during the Great Fast readings are taken from the books of Genesis, Isaiah, and Proverbs. On the eve of
feasts other Old Testament readings are
assigned. If we were to attend daily services in Church throughout the year
these are the readings we would hear.
Though most of us are not able to attend daily services in church, there is no
reason for us not to receive benefit from
these appointed readings. By following
the lectionary (the schedule of appointed readings) Orthodox Christians read
the entire New Testament (with the exception of the book of Revelation) and
a large portion of the Old Testament
during the course of a year.
A lack of Biblical literacy inevitably
leads to spiritual ignorance and trouble.
Reading the scriptural passages given
for each day on the Church calendar
should be a consistent and unchangeable part of our personal daily routine.
If we have time to read a newspaper, a
magazine, a textbook, or watch the news
on a daily basis what good reason can
we possibly have for not spending five
to ten minutes reading the one book
whose sole subject is the Person we
claim to model our lives after?
The Orthodox, almost uniquely
among those who call themselves
Christians, still maintain the traditional
Christian discipline of fasting. Nowadays fasting often gets a bad rap, which
is understandable given the fact that we
are inundated with advertising telling
us to indulge and satisfy our animal
(often lustful) desires where, when, and
how often we have them. In a self-indulgent society the message that self-renunciation is beneficial and necessary is
certainly countercultural. But as we
know from both scientific research and
practical experience, the ability to delay
gratification, to keep our passions,
wants and desires under control is ultimately the surest way to success and
happiness in life.
The wall calendar tells us which days
are set aside for fasting and abstinence.
This includes every Wednesday and Friday during the year excluding fast-free
periods, as well as the Great, Apostle’s,
Dormition, and Nativity fasts, the Beheading of St. John the Baptist (September 11th), and the Exaltation of the
Holy Cross (September 27th). These
days are usually shaded a darker colour
to remind us that we should abstain
from meat and dairy products, etc.
Fasting is a beautiful, spiritually beneficial practice. Just as we are united by
the sacrifice of our Lord at His table in
Church, we are united by our own small
sacrifice of food at our dinner tables.
An almanac or booklet type of calendar, in addition to the information
printed on a wall calendar, usually gives
additional information on such things
as Church regulations and the typicon.
The regulations outline specific
practices that are recommended or proscribed by the Church, such as those
having to do with marriage, baptism,
burial, morality, and in general everything which pertains to Orthodox
Christian faith and spiritual discipline.
Богдан Гладьо
УПЦ Св. Івана
Ошава, Он.
V. Rev. Archpriest
Bohdan Hladio
UOC of
St. John the Baptist
Oshawa, ON
The typicon outlines in greater or
lesser detail the particulars of the liturgical services for a given year. We find,
for example, the proper order for the
singing of tropars at liturgy, stykhyry at
vespers, the variable parts of matins,
and the way services are conducted
when two or more feasts coincide. Last
year, for example, the feast of the Presentation fell on the first day of Lent.
Because it is forbidden to serve the Liturgy on weekdays during Lent the typicon directed that the service for the
Presentation was to be combined with
the service for Cheese-fare Sunday. This
year the Annunciation falls on the day
we normally read the Great Penitential
Canon of St. Andrew. Since the Annunciation is a great feast, the typicon directs that this year the Great Canon will
be celebrated two days earlier than normal, on Tuesday of the fifth week of Lent.
In addition to an accurate translation of the Bible and a good prayer
book, a church calendar, when used
consistently and conscientiously, is one
of the most important tools we can have
with us on our journey towards salvation.
Дати та святкування
арафії та церкви зазвичай готують настінні і / або книгоподібні календарі для користування їхніми вірними. Ми
часто не дуже задумуємося над вартістю таких календарів, але коли використовувати їх сумлінно вони можуть надати велику допомогу в нашому духовному житті та зростанні.
Крім дати, настінний календар
звичайно включає три інші важливі
інформації, а це: щоденні святкування—тобто, яке свято або якого
святого церква вшановує у цей конкретний день; яке читання зі Святого Письма призначено на кожний
день; і котрий день ми освячуємо
Кожного дня протягом року ми
святкуємо пам'ять святого, відзначаємо подію в житті нашого Господа або Його Матері, або деякі інші
важливі події в історії нашого спасіння. Святих, як правило, відзначаємо в день їхнього упокоєння, а іноді і в день знайдення їх мощів або їх
перевезення. Святкування покровителя людини ("іменини" або «тезоіментство») цей день традиційно
відзначається радісно, як і день народження. Інші святкування урочис тостей включають Воскресения
Христове (Пасха) і Хрещення Господнє, Зішестя Святого Духа в день
П'ятидесятниці, вигнання Адама і
Єви з раю, і т. д.
На додаток до щоденного святкування, церковний календар подає
читання Св. Письма, які призначені
на кожен день року. Уривок з Діянь
апостолів або одного з Посланнь і
читання одного з Євангелій, як правило, призначені на кожний день. У
будні дні під час Великого посту читання взяті з книги Буття, книги
пророка Ісайї, і книги Приповістей.
Напередодні свят призначені інші
читання зі Старого Завіту. Якщо б
ми могли відвідувати щоденні Богослуження у церкві протягом року
ці читання ми б там почули.
Проте хоч більшість з нас не в
змозі відвідувати щоденні Богослу ження у церкві, тому немає ніяких
причин для нас не отримувати користі від цих призначених читань.
Дотримуючись списку призначених
читань православні християни протягом року прочитують ввесь Новий Завіт (за винятком книги Об'явлення) і велику частину Старого
Відсутність біблійної грамотності неминуче веде до духовного незнання і замішання. Читання Святого Письма, поданого на кожний
день за церковним календарем, повинно бути послідовною і незмінною частиною нашого особистого
повсякденного життя. Якщо ми маємо час, щоб прочитати газету, журнал, підручник, книжку чи дивитися
новини щоденно, то на якій підставі
ми не можемо виділити п'ять-десять
хвилин для читання однієї книги,
єдиним предметом якої є Особа,
Котра, ми стверджуємо, є моделлювзірцем нашого життя?
Православні, майже унікальні серед тих, хто називає себе християнами, як і раніше, досі піртримують
традиційну християнську дисципліну посту. В даний час піст часто
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
отримує погані відгуки, що цілком
зрозуміло з огляду на той факт, що
ми закидані рекламами, які говорять нам займатися і задовільняти
наші тваринні (часто хтиві) бажання, де, коли і як часто вони у нас
проявляються. У само-поблажливому суспільстві вчення, що самозречення є корисним і необхідним,
звичайно, суперечить сучасній культурі. Але як знаємо з наукових досліджень і практичного досвіду,
здатність стримуватися від задоволення, тримати під контролем наші
пристрасті, бажання, в кінцевому
рахунку—це певний і вірний шлях
до успіху і щастя в житті.
Настінний календар говорить
нам, які дні відведені для посту і
стриманості. Ці дні включають
кожну середу і п'ятницю протягом
року за винятком загальниць, а
також Великого посту, Апостольського, Успенського і Різдвяного (Пилипівки), Усікновення голови Іоанна Хрестителя (11 вересня) і Воздвиження Чесного Хреста (27 вересня). Ці дні, як правило, затінені на
календарі в темніший колір, щоб
нагадувати нам, що ми повинні утримуватися від м'яса, молочних
продуктів і т.д.
Піст—це чудова, духовна корисна практика. Подібно до того як
нас об'єднує жертва нашого Господа
за Його столом у Церкві, так нас
об'єднує наша власна невелика жертва їжі на нашому обідньому столі.
Календар типу альманаху або
книжечки, як правило, дає додаткову інформацію про такі речі як правила Церкви і літургічний устав.
Fax: (204) 582-5241
Правила окреслюють конкретні
практики, які рекомендуються або
забороняються Церквою, такі, як ті,
що відносяться до шлюбу, хрещення, похорону, моральності, та й взагалі всього, що відноситься до
християнської православної віри
та духовної дисципліни.
Устав окреслює в більшій чи
меншій докладності особливості
Богослуження для даного року. Ми,
наприклад, знаходимо правильний
порядок для співу тропарів на Літургії, стихир на Вечірні, змінні частини Утрені, і як служити Богослу ження, коли двоє або більше свят
співпадають на один день. У минулому році, наприклад, свято Стрітення випало на перший день Великого посту. Тому що заборонено
служити Літургію в будні дні під час
Великого посту, Устав постановив,
щоб Богослуження для Стрітення
було об'єднане зі службою для Сиропусної неділі. У цьому році Благовіщення припадає на день, коли
зазвичай читається Великий Покаянний Канон святого Андрія Критського. Оскільки Благовіщення—це
велике свято, Устав вказує, що цього
року Великий Канон буде служитися два дні раніше, ніж зазвичай, а це
у вівторок на п'ятому тижні Великого посту.
На додаток до доброго перекладу
Біблії і цінного Молитовника, церковний календар, якщо він використовується послідовно і сумлінно, є
одним з найбільш важливих інструментів, який ми можемо мати при
собі на нашому шляху до спасіння.
Donations to Consistory Funds
лютий 2011
• ПОЖЕРТВИ НА ФОНДИ КОНСИСТОРІЇ червень – 31 грудня 2010 р.
• DONATIONS TO CONSISTORY FUNDS June – December 31, 2010
• Mykola & Angela Pidlysny, Oro Station, ON
• Walter Kulchysky, Edmonton, AB ($1.50)
JUNE, 2010
• Rev. Fr. Roman & Titiana Tsaplan, Vancouver,
BC ($368.00)
• Rev Peter Haugen, Nanaimo, BC ($158.00)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Meroslaw & Nadia Kryschuk,
Edmonton, AB ($1,011.50)
JULY, 2010
• Rev. Fr. Georg Podtepa, Edmonton, AB
• Rev. Fr. Michael Pozdyk & Zhanna Pozdyk,
Surrey, BC ($188.00)
AUGUST, 2010
• Anonymous, Winnipeg, MB ($580.00)
• Rt. Rev. Mikolaj Derewianka & Ms. Janice
Gorchynski, Canora, SK ($6,949.00)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Mykola & Betty Sawchenko,
Sherwood Park, AB ($529.45)
• Rev. Fr. Cornell & Merrie Zubritsky,
Edmonton, AB ($781.58)
JUNE, 2010
• Harold & Sylvia Cipywnyk, Burlington, ON
• Melvin & Maryanne Pasichnuk, Airdrie, AB
JULY, 2010
• Anonymous, Edmonton, AB ($715.00)
• Isabelle Darcovich, Edmonton, AB ($16,468.29)
• Nadia Chmigelskaja, Edmonton, AB ($350.00)
AUGUST, 2010
• Karen Greggain, Winnipeg, MB ($20.00)
• Andrew & Claudia Serray, Winnipeg, MB
• Olha Luszowski, Etobicoke, ON ($150.00)
• Isabelle Darcovich, Edmonton, AB ($16,468.29)
• St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor
Parish, Edmonton, AB ($4,099.31)
• Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association,
Edmonton, AB ($11,850.00)
• Dr. Marilyn & Dr. Peter M. Kondra,
Stoney Creek, ON ($21,580.00)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Victor & Marusia Lakusta,
Winnipeg, MB ($1,818.87)
• Terry & Vera Labach, Saskatoon, SK ($1,575.00)
• Edward Klopoushak, Regina, SK ($17,700.00)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Mykola & Betty Sawchenko,
Sherwood Park, AB ($529.45)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. William & Marusia Wasyliw,
East St. Paul, MB ($36,624.89)
• Raynell Andreychuk, Regina, SK ($150.00)
• Orysia Jackson, Winnipeg, ($50.00)
• UOC of Descent of the Holy Spirit, Regina, SK
• Alyce Budinsky, Winnipeg, MB ($275.00)
JUNE, 2010
• UOC of St. John Cathedral, Edmonton, AB
• Greg & Sonia Udod, Winnipeg, MB ($986.78)
• Mykola & Valentyna Blysniuk, St. Thomas, ON
• UWAC Dominika Ohienko, Lac La Biche
Parish District, Athabaska, AB ($50.00)
JULY, 2010
• Mykola & Nadia Michisor, Etobicoke, ON
• Poltava Committee, London, ON ($50.00)
• Anna Elchuk, Surrey, BC ($13.75)
AUGUST, 2010
• Ukrainian Women’s Association of St. Elias
Parish, Edmonton, AB ($450.00)
• S. Kukurudza, Scarborough, ON ($150.00)
• Elizabeth Lyne, Kamloops, BC ($515.00)
• Orysia Gorski, Winnipeg, MB ($50.00)
• Leona Procyshyn, Yorkton, SK ($50.00)
• Dr. Jennie Dutchak, Gloucester, ON ($215.00)
• John & Oksana Petryshyn, Winnipeg, MB
• William & Ulana Brytak, Barrie, ON ($101.25)
• Violet Grygus, Edmonton, AB ($140.00)
• Doris Makowsky, Canora, SK ($200.00)
• Ukrainian Museum of Canada, Saskatoon, SK
• Ukrainian Self Reliance League, Canora, SK
• Fr. Dcn. Robert & Leona Hladiuk, Winnipeg,
MB ($178.00)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Meroslaw & Nadia Kryschuk,
Edmonton, AB ($1,011.50)
• Julia Shelegon, Oshawa, ON ($50.00)
JUNE, 2010
• UOC of St. Michael, Edmonton, AB
• George & Olga Hluchaniuk, Hamilton, ON
• Alice Nicholaichuk, Saskatoon, SK ($820.00)
JULY, 2010
• Anonymous, Red Deer, AB ($60.00)
AUGUST, 2010
• UOC of All Saints - Kamloops, BC ($2,050.00)
• UOC of St. Mary the Protectress
- Port Alberni, Nanaimo, BC ($6,353.00)
JULY, 2010
• Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Club, Regina, SK
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
• Peter & Elsie Powalinsky, Warman, SK
• Vasyl & Irka Balan, Winnipeg, MB ($1,074.58)
• Tony Harras; Sharon Harras; Nethew Harras,
Regina, SK ($2,500.00)
• Edward Klopoushak, Regina, SK ($17,700.00)
• Eugene & Grace Fedak, Carlisle, ON ($1,160.00)
AUGUST, 2010
• Lew Duka, Montreal, QC ($2,000.00)
• Gerald & Cathy Luciuk, Regina, SK ($2,114.05)
• Mary H. Paltzat, Edmonton, AB ($450.00)
• Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Association
Steppe Club, Saskatoon, SK ($10,100.00)
• Dr. Marilyn & Dr. Peter M. Kondra,
Stoney Creek, ON ($21,580.00)
• Dennis J Lozinski, St. Paul, MB ($750.00)
• Anonymous, Regina, SK ($1,000.00)
• Audrey Sojonky, W. Vancouver, BC ($6,567.88)
• Olia Metlytsh, Toronto, ON ($2,000.00)
• Terry D. Borys, Winnipeg, MB ($2,000.00)
• Jennie & Nestor Ortynsky, Canora, SK
• Orys Romaniuk, Kenora, ON ($1,850.00)
• Michael & Sylvia Sorochka, Saskatoon, SK
• Ihor & Lea Ann Triska, Calgary, AB ($1,000.00)
• Mr. Stephan Yonka, Etobicoke, ON ($1,000.00)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Victor & Marusia Lakusta,
Winnipeg, MB ($1,818.87)
• Vera Shevchuk, Willowdale, ON ($2,318.25)
• Rev. Fr. Benny & Lorraine Ambrosie,
Edmonton, AB ($1,878.00)
• Bohdan & Margaret Brenko, Fonthill, ON
• Nadine & Garfield Brow, Edmonton, AB
• Nick & Mary Budzak, Saskatoon, SK
• Ernie & Lesia Cherepuschak, Regina, SK
• Walter & Nadia Dankowich, Oakville, ON
• Rolf & Tania Fabricius, Bowmanville, ON
• George & Olga Hluchaniuk, Hamilton, ON
• Iris Hluchaniuk, Brantford, ON ($395.00)
• A. Hreczany, Oakville, ON ($100.00)
• Pauline Ignash, Winnipeg, MB ($1,987.00)
• Edward Klopoushak, Regina, SK ($17,700.00)
• Pearl Krokosh, Edmonton, AB ($470.00)
• Halia Lypka, Hamilton, ON ($425.00)
• Nadia Maciuk, St. Michael, AB ($3,445.00)
• Borden & Jeannie Osmak, Oakville, ON
• Nick Pawluk, Winnipeg, MB ($600.00)
• Rosemary Prentice, Oshawa, ON ($1,000.00)
• Michael & Frances Prystupa-Toews,
Winnipeg, MB ($1,250.00)
• Anonymous, Boyle, AB ($400.00)
• Jean Pierre & Luba Semeniuk, Burlington, ON
• William & Pauline Semenuik, Yorkton, SK
• Paul & Darlene Shelemey, Sturgeon County,
AB ($275.00)
• Dr. Lelia Y. Sulyma, Toronto, ON ($1,400.00)
• Dr. Garnette & Helen Sutherland, Calgary, AB
• Val Tymoshuk, St. Catharines, ON ($2,050.00)
• Walter Wasyliw, Bellis, AB ($660.00)
• UOC of Holy Trinity, Lethbridge, AB ($744.78)
• Jeannie Essey, Regina, SK ($300.00)
• Marie Gardner, Moose Jaw, SK ($75.00)
• Orrasia Mabbutt, Winnipeg, MB ($75.00)
• Anonymous, Benito, MB ($75.00)
Fax: (204) 582-5241
• Anonymous, London, ON ($100.00)
• Luba Andrews, Toronto, ON ($100.00)
• Rev. Charles Baxter, Denwood, AB ($50.00)
• Maurice & Iris Bugera, Winnipeg, MB
• Gerald B. Fedchun, Mississauga, ON ($50.00)
• Anonymous, Saskatoon, SK ($50.00)
• Mark Andrew Gorchynski, Dauphin, MB
• John Goruk, Smoly Lake, AB ($975.00)
• Lawrence & Ilona Gushulak, Fort Frances, ON
• Mr. & Mrs. L. Holden, Edmonton, AB ($50.00)
• Patrick & Lucy Holyk, Oshawa, ON ($630.00)
• Iwan & Natalia Jemetz, Toronto, ON ($400.00)
• Vladimir & Maria Katriuk, Montreal, QC
• Ole & Verna Kereluk, Winnipeg, MB ($650.00)
• Stan & Anne Klopoushak, Saskatoon, SK
• Dorothy & Taras Korol, Canora, SK ($525.00)
• George & Maria Kozak, Etobicoke, ON
• Anne Kulczycki, Winnipeg, MB ($3,135.90)
• Mike & Olga Kurczaba, Calgary, AB ($350.00)
• Anonymous, Mississauga, ON ($197.50)
• Eleanor Lytwyn, Dauphin, MB ($220.00)
• John T. Malysh, Edmonton, AB ($1,475.00)
• Ivan & Tina Manko, Oshawa, ON ($1,040.00)
• Dr. Ihor & Helen Mayba, Winnipeg, MB
• Gerald & Anne Metrunec, Leoville, SK
• Pavlo Morenec, London, ON ($50.00)
• Oktowian & Olha Nosijewich, Toronto, ON
• Anonymous, Hamilton, ON ($320.00)
• Jim & Marlene Olmstead, Brosseau, AB ($50.00)
• Mark & Lill Orydzuk, Edmonton, AB ($975.00)
• Mary Paranych, Edmonton, AB ($50.00)
• Kathleen Pasieka, Edmonton, AB ($755.00)
• Alex Pawluk, Lockport, MB ($295.00)
• Stefan & Maria Pelech, Toronto, ON ($146.50)
• Peter Petrenko, Dunnville, ON ($225.00)
• Mary Petrow, Winnipeg, MB ($1,165.00)
• William Pich, Dauphin, MB ($75.00)
• Olga Ruzesky, North Battleford, SK ($940.00)
• Boris & Zenovia Sakowsky, Sherwood Park,
AB ($3,200.00)
• Odarka Semotiuk Devlin, Edmonton, AB
• John & Maria Shabotynsky, Etobicoke, ON
• Anonymous, Red Deer, AB ($150.00)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Wolodymyr Sluzar, Winnipeg, MB
• Steve & Eugenia Snatinsky, Etobicoke, ON
• Gordon & Genia Spring, Winnipeg, MB
• Nick & Mary Syrotiuk, Edmonton, AB
• Evelyn Wasylyshen, Winnipeg, MB ($953.00)
• William & Anne Welykholowa, Regina, SK
• John Belseck, Edmonton, AB ($190.00)
• Nestor & Nancy Bially, Overstoneville, MB
• Ludmila Dowzhalko, Mississauga, ON ($190.00)
• Patrick & Helen Garrity, Winnipeg, MB
• Dorothy Hanchuk, Edmonton, AB ($120.00)
• Amile Iwanic, Calgary, AB ($200.00)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. William & Larysa Makarenko,
Hamilton, ON ($2,385.25)
• Andrew Nepogodin, Kanata, ON ($70.00)
• Anonymous, Lachine, QC ($35.00)
• George & Irena Pevny, Toronto, ON ($320.00)
• Henry & Vicky Pohranychny, Lac La Biche, AB
• Alex & Evelyn Shostal, Kamsack, SK ($230.00)
• Rev. Fr. Roman & Olena Stefanyshyn,
Winnipeg, MB ($163.00)
• Sylvester Syrnick, Saskatoon, SK ($1,020.00)
• Mary Youzwa, Nipawin, SK ($990.00)
• Ivan & Maria Firman, Toronto, ON ($191.50)
• Joseph & Sonja Galichowski, Two Hills, AB
• Marie Shulga, Whitby, ON ($130.00)
• Wolodymyr Tokar, Niagara Falls, ON
• Gordon Danyliuk, Saskatoon, SK ($250.00)
• Kathryn Keaschuk, Edmonton, AB ($695.00)
February 2011
Donations to Consistory Funds
• Ted & Lena Lesiuk, Gilbert Plains, MB ($246.50)
• Metro & Anne Mandryk, Winnipeg, MB
• Dennis & Frances Nazeravich, Winnipeg, MB
• Roman & Elaine Nychyk, North Battleford, SK
• Volodymyr & Tamara Pasko, Toronto, ON
• Mykola & Angela Pidlysny, Oro Station, ON
• Anonymous, Yorkton, SK ($410.00)
• Ernie & Janet Stefanuk, Saskatoon, SK ($175.00)
• Louis & Helen Storozuk, Shoal Lake, MB
• Anne Tymchak, Edmonton, AB ($180.00)
• Elizabeth Zoochkan, Winnipeg, MB ($690.00)
• Paul Kantymir, Melfort, SK ($405.00)
• Alice Kowalsky, Saskatoon, SK ($1,640.00)
• Sofia Lemeza, Toronto, ON ($55.00)
• Victor & Sophie Medwid, Dryden, ON ($320.00)
• Olga Mendela, Winnipeg, MB ($120.00)
• Very Rev. Fr. Fedir Osyczenko, Winnipeg, MB
• Nicholas Shepel, Kelowna, BC ($578.25)
• Emil & Orasia Yereniuk, Edmonton, AB
• Anonymous, Winnipeg, MB ($35.00)
• Lucy Skrypnyk, Edmonton, AB ($10.00)
• Olga Stecyk, Melville, SK ($125.00)
• St. Andrew's College, Winnipeg, MB ($2,741.50)
• UOC of St. Volodymyr Cathedral, Toronto,
ON ($2,609.94)
• St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor
Parish, Edmonton, AB ($4,099.31)
• UOC of St. Michael, Winnipeg, MB
• Yorkton Mission District, Canora, SK
• UOC of St. George - Dauphin, Dauphin, MB
• UOC of All Saints, Winnipeg, MB ($700.00)
• Marshall & Vicky Triska, Vegreville, AB
JULY, 2010
• Alex & Pauline Lysak, Edmonton, AB
• Ukrainian Woman's Association of Canada,
Windsor, ON ($300.00)
AUGUST, 2010
• Marshall & Rose Hryhirchuk, Edmonton, AB
• Mary Zymowec, Montreal, QC ($1,665.00)
• Rev. Fr. Patrick Powalinsky, Kamsack, SK
JUNE, 2010
• Rt. Rev. Fr. William & Marusia Wasyliw, East
St. Paul, MB ($36,624.89)
• Walter & Diane Saranchuk, Winnipeg, MB
• Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada
Lesia Ukrainka Branch, Hamilton, ON
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Victor & Marusia Lakusta,
Winnipeg, MB ($1,818.87)
• Scott & Taryn Naherniak, Winnipeg, MB
• Very Rev. Fr. Morley & Marion Parfeniuk,
Hamilton, ON ($5,318.00)
• UOC of Holy Spirit (Sandhill), Beausejour,
MB ($100.00)
JULY, 2010
• Edward Klopoushak, Regina, SK ($17,700.00)
• Andrew & Claudia Serray, Winnipeg, MB
• Iris Johnson, Winnipeg, MB ($330.00)
• Llwellyn Armstrong, Winnipeg, MB ($1,400.00)
• Donna Krochak, Winnipeg, MB ($625.00)
• Fred Maluta, Edmonton, AB ($200.00)
• Alan & Vera Sanger, Edmonton, AB ($1,940.00)
• Dr. Odarka Trosky & Edward Politzer,
Winnipeg, MB ($150.00)
• Richard & Lydia Horocholyn, Winnipeg, MB
• Gloria Sophia Lukey, Winnipeg, MB ($2,447.20)
• Dr. Nadine & Dr. Robert Palaschuk,
Winnipeg, MB ($150.00)
• Glenn Solar & Marijka Stanowych, Winnipeg,
MB ($175.00)
• Dr. Oleh Waler, St. Catherines, ON ($1,550.00)
• Doug & Carol Martindale, Winnipeg, MB
• Mary Ann & Vladimir Pylypchuk, Surrey, BC
• Craig & Donna Reed, Edmonton, AB ($160.00)
• Peter & Maria Diakonow, Penticton, BC
• Tony Harras; Sharon Harras; Nethew Harras,
Regina, SK ($2,500.00)
• Esther Juce, Winnipeg, MB ($50.00)
• Dr. Marilyn & Dr. Peter M. Kondra, Stoney
Creek, ON ($21,580.00)
• Gerald & Cathy Luciuk, Regina, SK ($2,114.05)
• Stephanie Luciuk, Calgary, AB ($50.00)
• Rev. Fr. Gene & Zenovia Maximiuk,
Winnipeg, MB ($1,378.00)
• Roman & Elaine Nychyk, North Battleford, SK
• Nellie Pawlik, Winnipeg, MB ($1,810.00)
• Raymond Ratynski, Winnipeg, MB ($175.00)
• Vera Tkachuk, Tecumseh, ON ($125.00)
• John & Caroline Yewchin, St. Paul, AB ($50.00)
• Thomas & Lenore Fenton, Russell, MB ($40.00)
• Marijka Spytkowsky, Winnipeg, MB ($40.00)
• Antonia Triska, Sherwood Park, AB ($40.00)
• Ihor & Lea Ann Triska, Calgary, AB ($1,000.00)
• Anonymous, North Battleford, SK ($1,667.50)
• Paul & Suzanne Wowchuk, La Salle, MB
• Edwin & Leona Bridges, Edmonton, AB
• Bob Kaminsky, Winnipeg, MB ($30.00)
• Orest & Yvonne Panchuk, Edmonton, AB
• Donald & Sandra Solar, Winnipeg, MB ($30.00)
• Dwayne & Joanne Ternovoy, Foisy, AB ($30.00)
• Michael & Olga Alexandruk,
Fort Saskatchewan, AB ($125.00)
• Rev. Fr. Benny & Lorraine Ambrosie,
Edmonton, AB ($1,878.00)
• Paul & Elaine Amiot, Calgary, AB ($425.00)
• Lawrence & Marilyn Chubey, Winnipeg, MB
• Ann Horn, Edmonton, AB ($75.00)
• Victor & Natalie Kowalenko, Toronto, ON
• Jane Luchak, Winnipeg, MB ($2,635.00)
• Brett & Vera MacIntyre, Richmond Hill, ON
• Valia & Walter Malko, Burnaby, BC ($25.00)
• Gerald & Anne Metrunec, Leoville, SK ($385.00)
• Alecia Minosora, Oshawa, ON ($225.00)
• Alexandra Nazarevich & Rev. Protodeacon Taras
Maluzynsky, Winnipeg, MB ($25.00)
• Walter Senchuk; Vera Senchuk;
Maria Lazorowich, Winnipeg, MB ($5,270.00)
• Steve & Sandra Senyk, Regina, SK ($1,450.00)
• Dennis & Carol Shewchuk, Oshawa, ON
• Harold & Sonia Sokyrka, Saskatoon, SK
• Fiona & Victor Sorochan, Vegreville, AB ($25.00)
• Helena Bohonos, Winnipeg, MB ($20.00)
• V. Rev. Fr. Roman & Genia Bozyk, Winnipeg,
MB ($6,568.89)
• Geraldine & James Bruketa, Alix, AB ($20.00)
• Maurice & Iris Bugera, Winnipeg, MB
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
• Bonnie & Dr. Michael Burdz, Winnipeg, MB
• Angela & Terry Chabluk, Oakbank, MB ($20.00)
• Anne Doskoch, Edmonton, AB ($70.00)
• Sofie Dzuba, Winnipeg, MB ($569.00)
• Oksana Ensslen, Edmonton, AB ($230.00)
• Victor & Lesia Hetmanczuk, Oakville, ON
• Rose Hook, Vegreville, AB ($20.00)
• Brenda & Barry Hunka, Vegreville, AB ($20.00)
• Lydia & Daniel Huzyk, Vancouver, BC ($20.00)
• Margaret Juce, Winnipeg, MB ($782.50)
• Michael & Luba Kalimin, Etobicoke, ON
• Joseph Koropas, Winnipeg, MB ($40.00)
• Anonymous, Edmonton, AB ($715.00)
• Olga Kowalchuk, Winnipeg, MB ($20.00)
• V. Rev. Fr. Taras Krochak; Donna Krochak;
Reader Andrij Krochak, Calgary, AB
• Louis & Phyllis Kurchaba, Rossburn, MB
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Dr. Ihor Kutash, Montreal, QC
• Anonymous, Edmonton, AB ($169.00)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Victor & Marusia Lakusta,
Winnipeg, MB ($1,818.87)
• Rick Lazaruik; Zenovia Lazaruik;
Adam Lazaruik, Tofield, AB ($20.00)
• Ann Lega, Edmonton, AB ($20.00)
• Anton Loukine, Winnipeg, MB ($20.00)
• Myron Tarasiuk & Orysia Luchak, Winnipeg,
MB ($20.00)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. William & Larysa Makarenko,
Hamilton, ON ($2,385.25)
• V. Rev. Fr. Volodymyr & Olia Makarenko,
Etobicoke, ON ($1,258.00)
• David & Orysia Manzatiuk, Mississauga, ON
• Peter & Mary Maruschak, Winnipeg, MB
• Victoria Mendro, Winnipeg, MB ($1,690.00)
• Very Rev. Fr. Gregory & Brenda Mielnik,
Winnipeg, MB ($6,056.03)
• Robert & Rosemarie Muzyka, Winnipeg, MB
• Anne Nazarevich, Winnipeg, MB ($140.00)
• Peter Palaschuk & Julie Radchuk, Winnipeg,
MB ($20.00)
• Natalie Pawlovich, Vancouver, BC ($20.00)
• Chad & Carmen Pawlyshyn, Calgary, AB ($20.00)
• Ihor & Marianne Pawlyshyn, Winnipeg, MB
• James & Margaret Pestrak, Winnipeg, MB
• Peter & Elsie Powalinsky, Warman, SK
• Serge & Leona Radchuk, Winnipeg, MB
• Andrew & Frances Ratynski, Winnipeg, MB
• Dr. George Rewa, Toronto, ON ($120.00)
• Russell & Dr. Sandra Sawchuk, Edmonton,
AB ($1,840.14)
• Russell & Lena Seniuk, Fonthill, ON ($20.00)
• Vera Shawarsky, Winnipeg, MB ($20.00)
• Mary Solar, Winnipeg, MB ($70.00)
• William Solomon, Winnipeg, MB ($20.00)
• Sylvester Syrnick, Saskatoon, SK ($1,020.00)
• William & Mary Ulisko, Fonthill, ON ($20.00)
• Irene Wasylyshen, Winnipeg, MB ($20.00)
• Gerald Yaholnitsky, Yorkton, SK ($130.00)
• Helen Yewchuk, Edmonton, AB ($20.00)
• Peter & Mary Zadorozny, Winnipeg, MB
• Walter & Evangeline Manulak, Winnipeg, MB
• William & Natalie Nowicki, Winnipeg, MB
• Olha Pawlyshyn, Winnipeg, MB ($40.00)
• Maria Bosak, Winnipeg, MB ($10.00)
• Anonymous, Winnipeg, MB ($580.00)
• Morris & Amelia Demkiw, Winnipeg, MB
• Walter & Helen Dzioba, Winnipeg, MB ($10.00)
• Leslie & Barbara Feher, Winnipeg, MB ($10.00)
• Doris Fostey, Winnipeg, MB ($10.00)
• Cecilia & Al Kachkowski, Saskatoon, SK ($10.00)
• Verna Kapkey, Winnipeg, MB ($10.00)
• William & Joan Kosowan, Winnipeg, MB
• Linda Lazarowich, Winnipeg, MB ($10.00)
• Dmytro Mischuk, Winnipeg, MB ($804.00)
• William & Anne Ostash, Winnipeg, MB
• Marika Panchuk & Gary Hunter, Winnipeg,
MB ($10.00)
• Sylvia Pawlik, Winnipeg, MB ($10.00)
• Walter & Diane Saranchuk, Winnipeg, MB
• Bill & Stella Scherbatiuk, Winnipeg, MB
Fax: (204) 582-5241
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Wolodymyr Sluzar, Winnipeg, MB
• Olga Sorby, Winnipeg, MB ($10.00)
• Ronald & Lilia Sorokowski, Winnipeg, MB
• Halina Teterenko, Winnipeg, MB ($15,510.00)
• Evhan & Sylvia Uzwyshyn, Winnipeg, MB
• Michael Wereschuk, Winnipeg, MB ($10.00)
• Dorothy Harrow, Winnipeg, MB ($30.00)
• Pauline Ignash, Winnipeg, MB ($1,987.00)
• Gloria Kinner, Winnipeg, MB ($5.00)
• Anonymous, Winnipeg, MB ($449.45)
• Anonymous, Winnipeg, MB ($185.00)
• Mary Lyseyko, Winnipeg, MB ($30.00)
• Dr. Tim Osachuk & Lorraine Mischuk,
Winnipeg, MB ($5.00)
• Marta Sklar, Winnipeg, MB ($5.00)
• C. Vargas, Winnipeg, MB ($5.00)
• Julia Wyshnowsky, Winnipeg, MB ($5.00)
• Andrew & Claudia Serray, Winnipeg, MB
• William & Pauline Semenuik, Yorkton, SK
• Alex & Margaret Kindraka, Stoney Creek, ON
• Albert & Cecilia Kachkowski, Saskatoon, SK
• Olga Holowasz, St. Catharines, ON ($25.00)
JULY, 2010
• Dr. Marilyn & Dr. Peter M. Kondra,
Stoney Creek, ON ($21,580.00)
JULY, 2010
• Oksana Ensslen, Edmonton, AB ($230.00)
JUNE, 2010
• St. Andrew's Men's Club, Edmonton, AB
• Subdeacon Kyle & Dana Lickiss, Barnwell, AB
JULY, 2010
• UOC of St. Anthony, Edmonton, AB
• Nadeya Bodnar, Edmonton, AB ($5,195.00)
• St. Michael's Historical UOC - Gardenton
JUNE, 2010
• Nancy Feniuk, Winnipeg, MB ($900.00)
• Vera Shevchuk, Willowdale, ON ($2,318.25)
• William & Sylvia Gryba, Saskatoon, SK
• Andrew & Claudia Serray, Winnipeg, MB
• Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Association
Steppe Club, Saskatoon, SK ($10,100.00)
• Anonymous, London, ON ($100.00)
• Gregory & Katherine Hamara, Toronto, ON
• Peter Mendro, Brandon, MB ($353.30)
• Jerry & Natalie Ostryzniuk, Regina, SK
• Garry & Mary Shepert, Winnipeg, MB ($50.00)
• Borys & Donna Sydoruk, Calgary, AB ($198.50)
• Victor Lahoda, Etobicoke, ON ($25.00)
• Peter & Mary Maruschak, Winnipeg, MB
• Theo & Evelyn Polish, Winnipeg, MB ($500.00)
• John Cole, Winnipeg, MB ($200.00)
• Alexander Bachinsky, Ridgeville, MB ($150.00)
(continued on p.8)
Donations to Consistory Funds
(continued from p.7)
• Pauline Machnee, Vita, MB ($272.25)
• Robert J Machnee, Canton, MI ($100.40)
• Karen Christiuk, Dufrost, MB ($100.00)
• Ivan & Joyce Loutsenko, Selkirk, MB ($100.00)
• Mary H. Paltzat, Edmonton, AB ($450.00)
• William & Shirley Pryszlak, Meath Park, SK
• Nestor Sandul, Winnipeg, MB ($100.00)
• Jean & Manuel D Tanchak, Kanata, ON
• Felix (deceased) Tesarski, West St Paul, MB
• Patrick & Helen Garrity, Winnipeg, MB
• Rt. Rev. Fr. Victor & Marusia Lakusta,
Winnipeg, MB ($1,818.87)
• Walter Senchuk; Vera Senchuk; Maria
Lazorowich, Winnipeg, MB ($5,270.00)
• Anonymous, Red Deer, AB ($60.00)
• Gloria Forster, Toronto, ON ($25.00)
• Zenia Stechishin, Toronto, ON ($125.00)
• Helen Triska, Edmonton, AB ($25.00)
• Jake & Shirley Wiebe, Kenora, ON ($25.00)
• Verna Tushkewich, Regina, SK ($20.00)
• Olga Graham, Ottawa, ON ($225.00)
• Harry & Audrey Showdra, Swan River, MB
• UOC of St. Demetrius Sobor Toronto,
Etobicoke, ON ($41,085.00)
MAY, 2010
• UOC of St. Michael, Edmonton, AB ($2,099.87)
JULY, 2010
Walter & Diane Saranchuk, Winnipeg, MB
• Anys R Chorneyko, Wynyard, SK ($1,000.00)
• Tony Harras; Sharon Harras; Nethew Harras,
Regina, SK ($2,500.00)
• Alan & Vera Sanger, Edmonton, AB ($1,940.00)
• Ms. Rose Faryna, Edmonton, AB ($3,475.00)
• Gerald & Vivianne Kruhlak, Edmonton, AB
• Paula Osachuk, Edmonton, AB ($170.00)
• Nellie Pawlik, Winnipeg, MB ($1,810.00)
• Don Cilinsky, Winnipeg, MB ($50.00)
• Elsie & Mike Lotoski, St.Paul, AB ($50.00)
• Walter & Audrey Wasyluk, Winnipeg, MB
• Emil & Orasia Yereniuk, Edmonton, AB
• Helen Balas, Winnipeg, MB ($40.00)
• Todaschuk Sisters Ukrainian Boutique,
Winnipeg, MB ($235.00)
• Pauline Mudry, Edmonton, AB ($60.00)
• Alex & Pauline Lysak, Edmonton, AB
• Dennis & Frances Nazeravich, Winnipeg, MB
• Rosemarie Todaschuk, Winnipeg, MB ($20.00)
APRIL, 2010
• V. Rev. Fr. Bohdan & Olga Demczuk,
лютий 2011
Saskatoon, SK ($6,796.59)
• Dr. Roman & Halia Sluzar, Mississauga, ON
AUGUST, 2010
• Rt. Rev. Fr. William & Marusia Wasyliw,
East St. Paul, MB ($36,624.89)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. William & Marusia Wasyliw,
East St. Paul, MB ($36,624.89)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. William & Marusia Wasyliw,
East St. Paul, MB ($36,624.89)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. William & Marusia Wasyliw,
East St. Paul, MB ($36,624.89)
• Rt. Rev. Fr. William & Marusia Wasyliw,
East St. Paul, MB ($36,624.89)
December 15, 2010 Presidium Meeting Highlights
n The Presidium of the Consistory Board met on December 15, 2010 to discuss
the following matters. Since the last Presidum meeting it was determined that the
London Parish will be receiving Fr. Vasyl Fediv, from Ukraine, as their parish
priest. With regards to the Rossburn Parish District, they will continue to be
served by clergy from the Winnipeg Deanery till the time of assignment transfers.
Fr. Henry Lakusta continues to be on a leave of absence. The search for a suitable
residence for the Metropolitan continues with various listings being reviewed by
the committee. The Bradford Parish has received their title back.
The Presidium then heard comments from the Council of Bishops. Metropolitan Yurij stated that the Enthronement went very well and has heard much
positive feedback. The further stated that the Council of Bishops have major trips
to undertake at this time. They will be meeting in Florida with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Bishops and Ukrainian Catholic Bishops. Further
they will attending Dialogues with Catholic Bishops and an Orthodox Bishop’s
Assembly. These are slated for the Spring.
Fr. Victor reported on details of the Enthronement and thanked the Committee for their work. He informed the Presidium of other clergy matters and
requests that his office has received. He stated that the 2011 Parish Report is being prepared and will be mailed out with a Newsletter. He stated that he is working on preparing the list of Consistory Committees, members and responsibilities as a reference document. He will also be working on determining the most
current status of our parishes so as to have more accurate information. On behalf
of the Consistory, he extended condolences to the Luchak family, with the passing of Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Dmytro Luchak.
Henry Kuzia reported that there has not been time to prepare financials for
this period, due to the amount of work needed to address matters in Church
Goods and to prepare the publication of the New Wall Calendars.
Fr. Gene Maximiuk reported that all is progressing within normal parameters
regarding his departments. The prayerbooks are awaiting final approval by bishops and committees. The second printing of the Good Shepherd has been generously funded by St. Volodymry Parish in Calgary. Visnyk has received a $1000
grant from the Shevchenko Foundation.
Pastoral Update
Fr. Taras Udod updated the Presidium regarding the New Westminster Property Dispute, stating that due to difficulties in communicating with the plaintiffs lawyers, there has been little progress to date.
Fr. Taras Udod then reported on his findings regarding the Kindersley Parish.
It was determined that the church building was sold and that the monies are currently being held in trust by former members of the congregation. The Presidium
recommended that more information be found out as to how this property was
sold without Consistory input. Letters will be sent out to the various parties involved asking for clarification.
Bill Balan reported on the progress of the Vydubychi Choir Tour. All is progressing well with partnerships being established between the UOCC and the
Ukrainian Catholic Church. The tentative itinerary suggests the tour will run
from April 27 to May 21, 2011. Further information will be forthcoming in the
new year. The Presidium recommended that any monies required at this time,
that the UOCC Foundation be approached.
Under New Business, the Draft of the November Full Consistory Board Minutes are prepared and have been sent out to the Board members for their review
before the final version is released. The matter of the Title of the Eastern Eparchy
Bishop was briefly brought up with Metropolitan Yurij stating that it will be
important to have an extensive consultative process on this subject. The matter
is left with the Council of Bishops at this time.
The Board then heard a presentation by Ihor Triska and Stephania Luciuk on
the matter of defamatory emails. The board approved the prepared letter and
that it be sent out as needed. The Board then heard a presentation about the
Shevchenko Monument in Ottawa. They approved endorsing this project and
that an article from the Council of Bishops will appear to this effect.
The Board then moved to endorse Dr. P. A. Kondra, as a nominee for the Paul
Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism.
Fr. Victor reported that a letter has been received regarding a land issue with
the St. Demetrius Parish in Gardenton. It has been forwarded to our legal representatives.
The Meeting was to discuss Consistory Staffing Issues, but due to the late hour
and complex nature of this question, this was postponed for one week. The meeting adjourned with the blessing of Metropolitan Yurij.
Deacon Michael Faryna is canonically ordained to the Holy Priesthood for
the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada and is attached to St. Andrew’s
College, effective December 12th, 2010. Aksios!
please call our toll free number
Subdeacon Borys Melnyk is canonically ordained to the Holy Diaconate for
the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada and is attached to St. Volodymyr
Cathedral in Toronto, ON effective June 27th, 2010. Aksios!
Subdeacon Roman Shiyan is canonically ordained to the Holy Diaconate for
the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada and is attached to St. John’s
Cathedral in Edmonton, AB effective November 7th, 2010. Aksios!
By the Decision of The Council of Bishops on November 16, 2010, with the
unanimous support of the Full Consistory Board, the Rt. Reverend Protopresbyter George Turzansky, Priest Emeritus of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian
Orthodox Catheral in Edmonton AB, was awarded the Second Jewelled Cross by
Bishop Ilarion during the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. John’s Cathedral on
January 07th, 2011. Aksios!
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
Please visit our Website:
Ordination anniversaries:
Bishops, Priests, Deacons
Hnatiw, Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Peter
Osyczenko, V. Rev. Archpriest Fedir
Samsin, Rev. Fr. Michael
—February 17, 1963
—February 01, 1970
—February 28, 1988
May God Grant them Many, Blessed Years! На Многії Літа!
Fax: (204) 582-5241
February 2011
From the Office of the Consistory
From the Chancellor
n 1. Levy Payments. The levy payment
for 2011 is set at $73.00 per individual
member. The levy increase is based on
two resolutions adopted at the 22nd
SOBOR of the Ukrainian Orthodox
Church of Canada held in July of 2010.
Resolution #18: Membership Levies to
the Consistory, 2010 to 2015 was adopted as follows: "WHEREAS SOBORS since 2000 have adopted resolutions demanding the financial stability of the operations of the Office of the Consistory, and
WHEREAS the Financial Report for
2005 and 2010 has outlined the significant demographic trends and fiscal sustainability issues facing the UOCC, and
WHEREAS those trends have impacted
both ability to fully implement decisions
of previous SOBORS and address the
spiritual renewal, educational development and stewardship goals of the UOCC; BE IT RESOLVED that the UOCC
adopt a fiscally responsible policy to stabilize operations of the Office of the Consistory through a rigorous and renewed
assessment of potential expenditure reduction and through increased levy adjustments to ensure the levies over 100%
of the fiscal expenditure while acknowledging the realities of demographic shifts
in Parishes and; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in order to accomplish the
above, the levy be increased by $3.00
per member, effective January 1, 2011
with additional $3.00 per year in subsequent years through to 2015 to cover the
projected annual membership declines as
well as annual cost of living increases;
should membership start to increase that
levy levels be reviewed and possibly reduced." Resolution #11: Membership
Levy for Theology Programs of St.
Andrew’s College, also adopted, reads
as follows: "WHEREAS, St. Andrew’s College is the Seminary of the UOCC that
prepares candidates for clergy and develops community leaders for the UOCC, and WHEREAS St. Andrew’s College requires stable funding on an annual basis to continue to provide quality
education for our Theology students, and
WHEREAS it is incumbent upon the
members of the UOCC to support their
Seminary; BE IT RESOLVED that the
annual Ukrainian Orthodox Church of
Canada membership levy be increased
by $5.00 per member with further increases of $1.00 per member through to
2015 and that the Consistory forward
these funds to St. Andrew’s College in
support of the Theology Program; and
collection of the proposed levy be implemented by the Consistory commencing
January 2011 based on the Ukrainian
Orthodox Church of Canada membership levy list for the preceding year."
Based on the adoption of Resolutions
#18 and #11 the UOCC 2011 levy has
increased by $8.00 from $65.00 to $73.00
per member, payable to the Ukrainian
Orthodox Church of Canada.
The Levy payments calculation for
2011 is based on the number of registered members your parish had as of
December 31st, 2010. In order to ensure a sustainable cash flow for our
Consistory needs, we would greatly appreciate that your levy payments accompany your congregation report.
Those parishes that are not able to submit full payment we suggest that they
submit either monthly or quarterly
post-dated cheques with their report.
If you have any questions regarding levy payments, please contact either Valentyna Dmytrenko (877 – 586-3093
Ext. 223) or Henry Kuzia (877 – 5863093 Ext. 225).
2. At SOBOR 2005 it was resolved
(Resolution 18.1 & 18.2) that the UOCC
implement a Parish New Member Incentive Program as a national pilot
program. SOBOR 2010 (Resolution
#1) reaffirmed the continuation of the
"New Member Incentive Program" for
another five years. The objective of the
program is to encourage new members
to join our parish communities, to
worship with its faithful and as a parish
family to seek the grace of God and salvation in His Glorious Kingdom. The
key elements of this program are: [1] a
two-year moratorium on membership
levies to be paid to the parish and, in
turn, suspension of levies paid to the
Consistory for those new members for
two years who have been officially registered as members of the parish; [2]
that the Visnyk/Herald be sent to these
new members complimentary of the
UOCC Mission Fund; and [3] the those parishes wishing to participate in the
"New Member Incentive Program"
must advise the Office of the Consistory of their wish. Please note that this
program does not apply to transferring
members from another Ukrainian Orthodox Parish. If additional information is required, please contact either:
Rt. Rev. Fr. Victor Lakusta, Chancellor
(877 – 586-3093, Ext. 227) or (204 –
997-9093) or Henry Kuzia (877 – 5863093, Ext. 225) or Valentyna Dmytrenko (877 – 586-3093, Ext. 223)
There are members who hold membership at two or more parishes. If
known to you would you please indicate which other parish they are registered members of. It is also important
to note which parish is their principal
parish so as to avoid "double assessment" of levies for that member.
3. KOLIADA 2010 – Christmas Appeal. On behalf of the Consistory Presidium we wish to thank all those who
so generously donated during our
Christmas Appeal in support of our
Church’s ministry. Be assured that the
names of those submitted for health
and salvation, and the departed loved
ones are being commemorated during
Divine Liturgies celebrated in our
Consistory Chapel.
4. Clergy and Parish Assignments.
We remind all pastors, parishes and parochial districts that requests for clergy
transfers and parish assignments should
be submitted to the Office of Chancellor by March 15th as per Policy #6,
Article #3 of the "Policies & Procedures
Manual of the UOCC". Clergy transfers may be initiated by the Metropolitan in council with the Eparchial Bishop and Consistory, or at the request
of an individual clergyman or parish
/parish district, (Article #1). Transfer
requests from Parishes/Parish Districts
must be made in the following manner: A motion requesting a clergy
transfer must be made and passed at a
duly constituted Parish/Parish District
(Parochial) General Meeting or Parish
/Parish District Executive Committee
Meeting. A letter, signed by both Parish
/Parish District President and SecreTel.: 1-877-586-3093
tary will then be written to the Chancellor, indicating the date of the meeting and quoting the motion and vote,
(Article #4). Refer to Policy #6 of the
Policies & Procedures Manual for additional information on assignments and
transfers of priests.
5. Publications. The 2011 "Ridna
Nyva (Almanac)" has been printed
and shipped out to all who have ordered copies. Our 2011 Wall Calendar
has taken on a new look this year.
Those parishes that had ordered the
calendars should have already received
them. The response has been overwhelming. Our sale of the calendar has
nearly doubled from last year. We have
been receiving positive comments.
Should you require additional calendars, please contact our Church Goods.
On behalf of our Hierarchs, Consistory Board members, and Consistory Office Staff, I thank you for your
kind attention and cooperation, as well
as your commitment and generosity in
support of our Holy Church. We ask
you, good and pious faithful of our
God-saved Holy Church, to pray for
our Church and its future so that our
goals may be realized for ages to come.
And I hope that you will continue,
whenever called upon, to offer your
material and financial support as well.
I know that God will bless you for your
—Fr. Victor, Chancellor
Job Category:
Editor in Chief- Ecclesia Publishing Co./ Director of Communications
Position Type: Full Time
Job Region: MB – Winnipeg
Salary: Negotiable with benefits
Application Deadline: March 31, 2011
The Organization:
n The Consistory Office of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
(UOCC) is the head administrative office of UOCC. The Office is responsible for the general administration of ecclesiastical affairs, maintaining
vital statistic records and publishing books and materials on the
Orthodox Faith and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
n The Consistory Office is seeking a qualified individual to take on the
role of Editor-in-Chief for Ecclesia Publishing Corp. Ecclesia Publishing
Corp. is the publication arm/department of the UOCC. This person will
be responsible to the Metropolitan and to the Chancellor of the UOCC,
reporting to the Presidium (Executive) and to the Full Consistory Board.
The Editor-in-Chief will be responsible for the content and timely publication of the official newspaper of the church, (the) ‘Visnyk-The Herald’,
in accordance with the mission and vision statement of the UOCC and
(the) ‘Visnyk’. The Editor-in-Chief will be the direct supervisor of Ecclesia
Publishing staff, providing them with mentoring and leadership in order
to advance the mission of the UOCC. The Editor-in-Chief will play an
important leadership role in building and sustaining relations with the
hierarchy, clergy, Consistory board members, staff, the editorial board and
college, donors, advertisers and the public.
The successful candidate will also serve as the Director of Communications for the UOCC. He or she will work closely with the Metropolitan of
the UOCC and the Chancellor in providing timely press releases and
communications from the Consistory Office to clergy and faithful of the
UOCC as well as to the media in general. The successful candidate will
also be responsible for the management and development of the UOCC
Webpage, working closely with the Webmaster.
The Candidate:
n You are described as a strong leader with excellent interpersonal, oral
and written communication skills who possesses the ability to exercise
tact, discretion and good judgment at all times. You are recognized by colleagues in the community as a visionary with expertise in strategic thinking, building team orientation and creating and managing deadlines and
change. Candidates will have a university degree and experience in media
and communications. A degree in journalism is preferable, but not essential. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate a basic working
knowledge of the fundamentals of Orthodox theology. Knowledge of
Mac computers is necessary, as the candidate will be using them to work
with such programs as InDesign and Quark Express. Web page management and knowledge are also important, as this person will be responsible for the content and management of the UOCC Webpage. Proficiency
in the Ukrainian language as well as a demonstrated awareness in Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Canadian culture would be a definite asset to the successful candidate.
Qualified applicants are invited to submit their resume and cover letter
via mail or email to: Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Victor Lakusta, Chancellor,
9 St. John’s Ave., Winnipeg, MB R2W 1G8 or fax: (204) 582-5241
or email:
We woud like to thank everyone for their interest in this position but only
candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
Fax: (204) 582-5241
лютий 2011
Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada
(continued from the previous issue)
n This convention in 1927 ended the
Association’s formative period. During
the preceding year, namely, the period
between the two conventions held in
1926 and 1927, concrete action plans
within the Association were laid. The
program of activity was implemented
with much of the work being assumed
by young women who had become interested and committed to serving and
working for the common goal. This
center of cultural activity attracted, as
stated previously, older pioneer women, working women, teachers and
professional women who shared the
common objective which was to work
for the benefit of their people.
The cornerstone the Ukrainian Women’s Association adopted for their
program was the culture of the Ukrainian people. This program of Ukrainian Culture gave the people the
right to pursue their own way of life
and to cultivate their own culture here
in their new homeland of Canada, and
stressed enlightenment and education.
They began the process of expanding cultural-educational work within
the communities by focusing on Literature. The first goal was promoting celebrations which commemorated the
anniversaries of the birth of outstanding Ukrainian poets and authors, such
as Shevchenko, Franko, Lesia Ukrainka
and others. In 1928, they introduced
"Svyato Knyzhky", which included suggesting titles of books to be read, pre-
pared lectures and group readings, as
well as expansion of private and National Home libraries, and collection of
subscription fees to the Ukrainian
Voice, Visnyk, and Zhinocha Dolia.
Carrying out the cultural-educational work was a daunting undertaking, and ran into a variety of difficulties, as most of the women were more
concerned with the domestic activities
in their own communities. World War
II became a major obstacle, as during
this time educational work all but
stopped. In addition to the energy
spent on the war effort, there was a
shortage of Ukrainian teachers for the
Ukrainian Schools, due to the fact that
most of the teachers had enlisted in the
Armed Forces. However, the UWAC
did not relinquish their responsibilities, and transferred the educational
work from the community to family.
They prepared and published a handbook for mothers entitled "Na Storozhi
Kul’tury", (Guarding Our Culture)
which dealt with the preservation of
family traditions. They also published
"Nashi Vyznachni Zhinky" (Our Outstanding Women) by Sofia Rusova
which was intended to promote greater
cultural activity.
In 1947, they prepared a new educational program made up of twelve
themes, one for each month, among
which were: What to read; Family records; Suggestions for running a
household; Traditional Ukrainian customs; Why our children should be Ukrainian.
There was much thought given to
youth and the problem of child-rearing. The Association was concerned
with the problem of bringing into their
church and their organizations young
people who were oriented positively
toward their Ukrainian heritage. It was
troubling that in some homes the Ukrainian language was beginning to be
replaced by a foreign language which
was gradually becoming the language
of the children. There were differences
in feelings toward this development
among our people. Some staunchly insisted on, and promoted, the retention
of the Ukrainian language by their children, where others became apathetic
and were not as diligent in this matter.
The UWAC did not wish to see our
people become assimilated, therefore,
in 1927 their program for the branches included the following:
1) Ukrainian Schools in both small
towns and in rural farm districts
2) Sunday Schools
3) Libraries of well-chosen books,
and a children’s section
Since most of the branches of the
UWAC were based in the local Ukrainian Orthodox Church parishes, Sunday
School instruction was provided by female teachers who taught under the
supervision of the local parish priest.
In addition to providing Religious instruction in Sunday Schools, the
UWAC National Executive also placed
emphasis on the following:
1) observance of religious customs
by families
2) character-molding of children
3) cultivation of principles of Christian morality
4) instilling respect for the Commandments of the church, and traditions of our ancestors.
Traditional observances of all our
Religious Holidays and Feast Days were encouraged and promoted. They
emphasized that all these customs
would contribute to, and affect positively, the upbringing of children. They
would be raised in the spirit of their
own culture, because our customs were
distinctly different from those of other
national groups, and would enable
everyone to identify and cherish their
own traditions.
We should note at this time that the
UWAC has published a variety of ma-
terials to assist parents and teachers. To
mention a few, during the first fifty
years of its existence, a significant
amount of material on child-rearing
was published, which included lectures, brochures, and special programs.
The first brochure, "V Den’ Materi" (On
Mother’s Day), was a collection of material to use for Mother’s Day concerts
and Programs. In 1965, "Batky i Dity"
(Parents and Children) by T. Horokhovych was published. The UWAC donated money toward the publication of
a reader for Ukrainian children, "Marusia", which was prepared by Illia Kiriak, and published by the Petro Mohyla Institute in 1947.
The motto which the first Ukrainian leaders in Canada had adopted was
"Strength in Enlightenment". They
shared a dream of developing a Ukrainian "intelligentsia", which included
doctors, lawyers, economists, politicians, agronomists, artists, scientists,
engineers, architects, and teachers. The
two Institutes, Petro Mohyla in Saskatoon and Mykhailo Hrushevsky in Edmonton, played an important part in
the education of Ukrainian students,
where they resided and prepared for
their lives as Ukrainian professionals.
This motto was also acknowledged
by the UWAC, and they provided generous financial assistance to both Institutes. Later, at its 1947 convention in
Saskatoon, the UWAC passed a resolution to provide annually three $100
scholarships at each of the three Institutes—St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg, the Petro Mohyla Institute in
Saskatoon, and the Mykhailo Hrushevsky Institute in Edmonton. A Scholarship Commission was elected, and
continued their work for a number of
years. Eventually the Provincial Executives became responsible for awarding the scholarships, which they continue to do until the present time.
To be continued.
—Zennia Yuzik, President
U.W.A.C. National Executive
9 St. John's Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2W 1G8
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“Let the eye look on no evil thing, and it has become a sacrifice; let your
tongue speak nothing filthy, and it has become an offering; let your hand do
no lawless deed, and it has become a whole burnt offering… let us then,
from our hands and feet and mouth and all other members, yield a firstfruit
to God.”
—Saint John Chrysostom
Леся Українка
Горить моє серце, його запалила
Гарячая іскра палкого жалю.
Чому ж я не плачу? Рясними сльозами
Чому я страшного вогню не заллю?
Душа моя плаче, душа моя рветься,
Та сльози не ринуть потоком буйним,
Мені до очей не доходять ті сльози,
Бо сушить їх туга вогнем запальним.
Хотіла б я вийти у чистеє поле,
Припасти лицем до сирої землі
І так заридати, щоб зорі почули,
Щоб люди вжахнулись на сльози мої.
Ukrainka, Lesia
born 25 February 1871 in Zviahel, Volhynia,
and died 1 August 1913 in Surami, Georgia.
Fax: (204) 582-5241
From the Office of the Consitory
February 2011
Ділимося сумною вісткою, що 5 грудня 2010 року Божого спочив у Бозі
Бл. п. Протопресвітер Дмитро Лучак
Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Dmytro Luchak of Blessed Memory
n Отець Дмитро народився 28 жовтня 1923 року в Гамлин, Альберта,
Канада, в глибоко релігійній родині Петра і Катерини (Ерійчук) Лучаків,
котрі прибули до Канади із зеленої Буковини, Україна. Всього в родині
було дев'ятеро дітей. Особливий вплив на його релігійність мала бабуся
Анастазія. Тяжкі часи депресії вони пережили важкою працею і добрим
наставленням та надією на краще. У 1942 році родина переїхала до Вернон, Брит. Кол., де вони відкрили свій бізнес—тартак. До речі, о. Дмитро
дістав лайсенс фахівця у праці з лісоматеріялами. Згодом він поїхав до
Едмонтону на курси вчителів, але не докінчив, бо під час Другої світової
війни був мобілізований до канадської армії і залишався аж до кінця
Але те, що він пережив під час війни, пробудило в ньому покликання
до священнослужіння і він записався на Богословський факультет Колегії Св. Андрея у 1946-1950 pp. Колегію він закінчив із ступененм ліценціянта богослов'я. Наука на цьому не припинилася, він опісля закінчив
Манітобський університет із ступенем бакалавра мистецтв, а у 1984 році здобув ступінь бакалавра богослов'я в Колегії Св. Андрея у Вінніпезі.
16 липня 1952 року одружився з Юстиною Романюк. Бог благословив подружжя Лучаків двома дітьми: сином Тарасом і дочкою Орисею.
В сан диякона був рукоположений Митрополитом Іларіоном 24 серпня 1952 року у Ванкувері в Катедрі Пресв. Тройці, а в пресвітери поставлений 28 серпня цього ж року також Митрополитом Іларіоном у
Вернон, Брит. Кол. в церкві Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці.
Отець Дмитро обслуговував громади: Виллингдон, Альберта (19521957), Ошава, Онтаріо (1956-1963), Едмонтон (Катедра Св. Івана (19631970). Собором нашої УПЦеркви в Канаді в 1970 році був обраний
Головою Президії Консисторії, на наступному Соборі у 1975 році був
переобраний ще на 5 років. Від 1980 до 1987 р. був другий раз призначений настоятелем Катедри Св. Івана в Едмонтоні. Від 1987 до 1988 був
ректором Колегії Св. Андрея і одночасно обслуговував парафії Під-Вінніпезької Округи. Протягом одного року 1989-1990 доїжджав до Томпсону, що на півночі Манітоби. Від 1989 до 1997 о. Дмитро настоятель
Катедри Пресвятої Тройці у Вінніпезі, з 1997 через стан здоров'я вийшов на відпочинок і продовжував працювати як підмінний священик,
будучи приписаним до Катедри Пресвятої Тройці у Вінніпезі. Протягом
всієї своєї священичої діяльності він мав чудову помічницю на церковному полі добр. Юстину, впарі це був надзвичайно енергійний дует
у всіх відношеннях, як у праці в церкві, так у спілкуванні з молоддю та
старшими, у співі, в участі в громадській та суспільній праці і у вихованні дітей. Крім священнослужіння, о. Дмитро захоплювався малюванням, виготовленням речей з кольорового шкла, а також теслярством,
городництво ж було його наулюбленішим заняттям і проведенням вільного часу, це була його молитва і віднапру ження. Багато часу о. Дмитро
посвячував своїм внукам Андріяні, Николаєві і Маркіянові, він возив їх
усюди, починаючи від садочка і кінчаючи виступами на сцені як уже попідростали. Він був надзвичайно щасливий і гордий, коли внуки Николай і Маркіян прислуговували у вівтарі.
За свою взірцеву працю в Божому Винограднику отець Дмитро був
нагороджений багатьма священичими нагородами, включно з Протопресвітерством. Не було такої неділі чи свята, щоб о. Дмитро із добр.
Юстиною не були на богослуженні. Добродійка до того ж співала у церковному хорі, і продовжує співати з їхніми дітьми Тарасом і Орисею.
Він з вдячністю ревно і вірно прослужив у Винограднику Господньому понад 50 років, не сплямивши Святу Українську Церкву і Український Народ.
Панахида, яку очолив Митрополит Юрій з Єпископом Андрієм відбулася 9 грудня в четвер в Катедрі Пресвятої Тройці у Вінніпезі, а Чин
Священичого Похорону, який очолив Єпископ Іларіон—11 грудня в
Катедрі Св. Івана в Едмонтоні.
Тіло покійного Протопресвітера покладено на цвинтарі Св. Михаїла
в Едмонтоні, де спочивають батьки о. Дмитра і члени його родини.
Оплакувати відхід Протопресвітера Дмитра залишилися дружина,
добр. Юстина, діти—Орися (Мирон) і Тарас (Каруся), внуки: Андріяна,
Николай і Маркіян та дальша і ближча родина, а також друзі і приятелі
та велика церковна родина Української Православної Церкви в Канаді.
Нехай Милосердний Господь оселить душу покійного Протопресвітера Дмитра в Царстві Своїм Небеснім, де немає ні болю, ні журби, ані
зітхання, а життя вічне. А добродійці Юстині, дітям Орисі (Мирону) й
Тарасові (Карусі) й внукам Андріяні, Николаєві та Маркіяну нехай подасть доброго здоров'я, душевних та тілесних сил у цей гіркий час розлуки.
n Right Reverend Protopresbyter Dmytro Luchak fell
asleep in the Lord on December 5, 2010, in Winnipeg
surrounded by his family. He is survived by his wife
Dobrodiyka Yustena (Jane), daughter Orysia (Myron
Tarasiuk), son Taras (Karen) and grandchildren Andriana, Nicholas and Markian. Dmytro was predeceased by his parents Peter and Kataryna (Erichuk).
He is survived by sister Marie Davis, and brothers
George (Elsie), Steve, Peter and Bill (Mary-Anne). He
was predeceased by his siblings Helen, Doris, Alec and
John. He leaves to mourn many nieces and nephews
together with their families.
Rev. Dmytro’s grandparents arrived in Canada in 1903 from the province
of Bukovyna in Western Ukraine. The family settled in north eastern Alberta
in the farming community of Hamlin where Rev. Dmytro was born in 1923.
He grew up in a deeply religious home, and was particularly influenced by the
faith of his grandmother Anastasia. Similar to the plight of many rural families, they experienced difficult times in the great depression, but managed to
get by with hard work and determination. The family moved to Vernon, British Columbia in 1942 where they set up a family forestry and sawmill operation. In fact, Rev. Dmytro became a licensed timber grader. He then travelled
to Edmonton to become educated as a school teacher. However, this was cut
short by his service in the Canadian Armed Forces where he remained until
With the influence of his wartime experience he felt the call to enrol in theology at St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg from which he graduated as part of
the first class of graduates with a Licentiate in Theology. In later years, he
completed his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Winnipeg and
was granted a Bachelor of Theology from St. Andrew’s College.
Rev. Dmytro married Jane Romaniuk in 1952, and was ordained into the
priesthood of the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church of Canada that same
year. Rev. Dmytro and Dobrodiyka Jane served the Church as a dynamic
team for their entire married lives of 58 years. They worked together at
parishes in Willingdon Alberta, Oshawa Ontario, St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral (Edmonton) and Holy Trinity Cathedral in
Winnipeg. In 1970, Rev. Dmytro was elected to the post of Chairman of the
Presidium of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Canada where he served
for ten years. He also served as Principal of St. Andrew’s College (University
of Manitoba) in 1987. Rev. Dmytro received a number of awards, including
the title of Right Reverend and also a distinguished service award from St.
Andrew’s College.
Rev. Dmytro was a long time member of numerous organizations, among
these the Ukrainian Self-Reliance League, the Order of St. Andrew, and acted
as Chaplain of Ukrainian Legion Branch 141.
Rev. Dmytro especially enjoyed working with young people across Canada
in his pastoral capacity. He loved singing and also dabbled in oil painting,
stained glass work and carpentry. He had a passion for gardening and outdoor
activities including camping adventures. Rev. Dmytro enjoyed his special
times with his grandchildren, accompanying them to Sadochok, driving them
to assorted lessons or attending their numerous performances and special
events. One of Rev. Dmytro’s most outstanding traits was his ability to meet
and befriend anyone that he came into contact with which resulted in many
interesting encounters in his travels throughout the world.
He has earned his rest and eternal reward having given his lifetime to service of his fellow man. A thank you is extended to the staff of Seven Oaks General Hospital and Grace Hospital.
Funeral Rite was sung at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 9th at Holy
Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral, 1175 Main Street in
Winnipeg. The service was led by His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij, with His
Grace Bishop Andriy and the Winnipeg and District Clergy. Divine Liturgy
and conclusion of Funeral Rite was held at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, December
11th at St. John’s Cathedral, 10611-110 Ave., Edmonton, officiated by His
Grace Bishop Ilarion, co-celebrated by the Edmonton and District Clergy.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Rev. Dmytro’s memory to the
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Foundation, St. Andrew’s College,
CNIB or the Canadian Diabetes Association.
Memory Eternal!
—The Office of the Consistory
Вічна Йому Пам’ять!
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
Fax: (204) 582-5241
Мозаїка • Mosaic
The monastic life embraced
in Pennsylvania
From the Editor: This is a follow-up
piece on monastic life. It describes the
women’s monastery of the Holy Transfiguration in Ellwood Pennsylvania. I
include it because it is a testimony to the
value of monastic life and how important having such a community could be
for our UOCC.
n WURTEMBURG, Pa.—A visit to
Lawrence County more than 30 years
ago was a life-changing event for a
young college graduate.
"I was 27 years old and it was like
falling in love. It attracted me, but I was
hesitant to say I would do this for the
rest of my life," recalls Mother Christophora.
Today, Mother Christophora serves
God as the Abbess of the Orthodox
Monastery of the Transfiguration in
She is responsible for the spiritual as
well as the administrative well-being of
the monastery and its community of
10 sisters ranging in age from 25 to 82,
the majority in their 50s. And she is
elected for life.
Her duties range from being sure
the liturgical services are conducted to
paying the bills. She writes "Life Transfigured," a journal of Orthodox nuns,
and assigns duties to the sisters.
The nuns are all called sisters and
when they take their vows they are called Mother. Tonsure is the word used
for taking the final vows and it is tailored to each individual and takes from
seven to 10 years.
"All of the nuns, both the tonsured
and the novices, share in the responsibility and appropriately speak of the
monastery as 'our monastery.' By this
they show their love and spiritual attachment to the place and to the monastic community itself," Mother Christophora said.
"Our main work here is prayer and
hospitality," she said.
"We spend three to four hours a day
in prayer, and prayer is when we praise
God, honor God, glorify, and worship
Him and we bring petitions on behalf
of the whole world. We pray for the petitions from people who have less time
to dedicate to prayer. We are to carry
each other's burdens. Christ taught us
to love God, love our neighbors and
show kindness. We serve others."
Monastic obedience involves entrusting the sisters with a great deal of
responsibility. They believe all work is
important and of equal value and it all
works together for the glory of God.
Mother Christophora calls the monastery a daily miracle as most of its
лютий 2011
«День» з сумом повідомляє
про смерть журналістки газети
Клари Ґудзик
income is from free-will offerings. In
42 years there has never been a time
when they didn't have enough money
to put food on the table.
The monastery sits on 100 acres of
meadow and wooded land, with numerous buildings, the main one the
size of a football field. The same bills
every homeowner has for utilities,
insurance, repairs, food, and an automobile and its expense, the monastery
also incurs. It also pays health insurance for the sisters. The sisters offer
hospitality to an uncountable number
of visitors.
"How can this happen? It is a miracle," Mother Christophora said. "We
have 4,000 people on our mailing list
and people do respond. We don't charge
for staying at the guest house but most
people make a donation or they bring
things like paper products. We have the
gift shop and friends who donate."
They follow "seek first the kingdom
of God and everything you need will
be given to you" from Matthew 6:33.
Mother Christophora said they are
not cloistered; they can attend events
in the community such as the Ellwood
City Arts, Foods and Crafts Festival and
they participate in the American Cancer
Society's Relay for Life. Mother Christophora is a cancer survivor and her support group is called Healthy Habits.
"We are so grateful for Ellwood City
that has been so welcoming and respectful," Mother Christophora said.
The sisters are encouraged not only
to have open communications with
their families but to have deep and
abiding relationships with them. They
don't have television but they have Internet, a website and e-mail.
They take their calling to the monastic life from Scripture in the 19th
chapter of Matthew when the man
asked Christ what he should do to follow Christ. When the young man said
he followed the Commandments Jesus
answered, "If you want to be perfect,
go, sell your possessions and give to the
poor, and you will have treasure in
heaven. Then come, follow me."
"We don't think the monastic life is
superior or that married life is inferior," Mother Christophora said. "They
are just different ways of living life. We
live in community. We take a vow of
chastity that is the singled-minded
focus on God and doing his will and
keeping ourselves pure, which is also
what a man and woman promise to do
in marriage. We take vows of stability.
We stay here and live our life whole life
in this monastery."
In America where women can do
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
n 9 січня на 81 році життя від нас
пішла надзвичайно світла людина
—Клара Пилипівна Ґудзик, журналістка газети «День», автор книги
«Апокрифи Клари Ґудзик» з серії
Бібліотека газети «День» «Україна
incognita», громадський діяч, публіцист і філософ.
Вона прийшла в журналістику
після шістдесяти років, більшу частину життя пропрацювавши в технічній сфері, але сміливими і глибокими текстами відразу завоювала
любов і повагу широкої аудиторії
читачів. В першу чергу, Клара Пилипівна зупинилась на релігійній тематиці й, будучи добре обізнаною в
історії та філософії, завжди мала
свій цікавий і нестандартний погляд. Завдяки цьому завоювала авторитет серед усіх конфесій, мала
особисту зустріч з папою Іваном
Павлом II. Проте Клара Ґудзик завжди залишалась неупередженою в
своїх поглядах і над релігійними
протиріччями. Вільною і сміливою
думкою, обізнаністю, безпосередністю і об'єктивністю запам'ятовуються тексти Клари Ґудзик.
whatever they want, choose whatever
career they want, to leave the world is a
big decision and one that is not easily
understood by the public.
"People ask why we chose the monastic life. It is a mystery; even family and
friends don't understand. Our soul is
called to that level of relations to God."
In 1974 before she became a nun,
Mother Christophora graduated from
Penn State University with a degree in
psychology and went on to a career as
a counselor in the drug and alcohol
addiction field.
When she became an administrator
working for the state of Pennsylvania,
her job involved traveling and one of
the places she visited was Lawrence
County. When she came here in 1981,
she was drawn to the monastery and
continued to spend as much time as
she could there.
Разом з рідними та близькими
редакція газети «День» глибоко сумує з приводу непоправної втрати.
З відходом у вічність Клари Пилипівни дописана яскрава сторінка історії української журналістики, яка
повинна вивчатися в університетах.
«День» втратив друга...
Вічна пам'ять.
Прощання з Кларою ґудзик відбулося 12 січня о 10.30 на Байковому цвинтарі.
"I could not stop thinking about it,"
Mother Christophora said. "It was a
day in May and I had a long talk with
the Abbess Mother Benedicta, and she
said, 'Come while you are young and
don't wait till you are old and need to
be taken care of.'
"I am a cradle Orthodox which
means I was born into an Orthodox
family and raised Orthodox; I was always active in my church. It was my
first love."
"As a monastic nun, our life is lived
in a unique way; we live together, we
live a life of poverty and obedience
which means trying to be in the will of
God. Doing not what we want to do
but what God wants us to do," Mother
Christophora said.
Ellwood City Ledger
Protocol of Understanding Reached
Between Saint Paul University and
The Toronto Orthodox Theological
Academy Inc.
n OTTAWA, December 2, 2010—
Saint Paul University is entering into
an agreement with the Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy Inc. to grant
a four-year Bachelor of Theology degree to those students completing the
program currently offered by The Academy. This agreement, effective beginning January 1, 2011, is approved for a
period of five years, and is tacitly
renewable at the end of that period.
This agreement is the first of its
kind between Saint Paul University
and The Academy and is a sign of a spirit of greater openness in the dialogue
between these institutions, which represent two different Christian traditions. The Faculty of Theology, which
includes the Metropolitan Sheptytsky
Institute for Eastern Christian Studies
Fax: (204) 582-5241
will be the principal collaborator with
The Academy.
The Toronto Orthodox Theological
Academy, a seminary located in Toronto, Ontario, under the auspices of the
Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto (Canada), was founded in 1998.
Saint Paul University offers a unique
environment with a low student –professor ratio compared to large Canadian
universities. Founded in 1848, this
bilingual Catholic institution is composed of four faculties: canon law, theology, human sciences and philosophy.
Saint Paul University
Main Street, Ottawa,
Ontario, K1S 1C4 Canada
613-236-1393 or 1-800-637-6859
From Our Parishes
Donation to Lighthouse
February 2011
“For I was hungry and you gave me
something to eat, I was thirsty and you
gave me something to drink, I was a
stranger and you invited me in, 36 I
needed clothes and you clothed me, I was
sick and you looked after me, I was in
prison and you came to visit me.”
Matthew 25:35-36
n November 15, 2010 the Winnipeg Deanery of the Ukrainian
Orthodox Church of Canada
made a $1000.00 donation to
the Lighthouse Mission in Winnipeg.
The following is from their website:
"We have the unique distinction of
being the first rescue mission in Winnipeg—opening our doors and heart
to those less fortunate in 1911. Almost
a century later, the Lighthouse Mission
continues to operate out of an historic
store front on Main Street, with the
same heart—serving a hot cup of soup,
a coffee or a sandwich to nearly 75-150
people daily. Daily meals, food and
clothing distribution are the core of
what we do. We also provide mentoring, as well as daily prayer support.
Mentoring includes one on one instruction in literacy and math. Monthly outreach events include our Main
Street block party. Community holiday
meals are also provided. At the Lighthouse it is our goal to provide a safe
environment filled with the love of
Christ—a place where hurting individuals can get the help they need to become healthy, sober, contributing
members of society."
The donation was given in the name
of His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij on
the occasion of His Enthronement
held on November 21, 2010. It was presented by Fr. Deacon Bob Hladiuk
(left) and V. Rev. Fr. Gregory Mielnik
God grant you many years Vladyko.
—Linda Vickers
Outreach Manager
Altar Servers Appreciation Evening
n November 22, 2010, the Winnipeg Orthodox Deanery of the
UOCC held an Altar Servers
Appreciation Evening for the
acolytes of the various parishes of the
Winnipeg Deanery. The evening was
hosted by the Holy Trinity Metropolitan’s Cathedral. It was truly a joyous
and special event as His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij was able to celebrate
his very first official liturgical service
after being enthroned, with the young
men who faithfully serve in our
churches in Winnipeg.
The evening commenced with a
Moleben’ led by His Eminence and followed with a supper sponsored by the
Order of St. Andrew’s. Following the
meal, His Eminence shared some of his
own experiences as a young man serv-
ing in the parish he grew up in. His
Eminence emphasized the great opportunity each altar server has presented to him by serving in the altar, that
there are many roles in the church and
that every role is important.
Thank you to His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij for leading the Moleben’
and for his inspiring words. The clergy
and the altar servers of the Winnipeg
Deanery look forward with great joy to
serving and working with you here in
Winnipeg. Thank you to His Grace
Bishop Andriy for his continued work
with the clergy and altar servers of the
Winnipeg Deanery. Thank you to the
Order of St. Andrew’s for providing the
meal and their continued support of
the activities of the Winnipeg Deanery.
Hierarchs, Priests and Altar boys of the various Winnipeg Parishes.
His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij celebrates his first official liturgical service after his
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
His Eminence Metropolitan Yurij and Fr. Gregory Mielnik presenting a certificate to Max
Kowalchuk, Altar boy at Holy Trinity Cathedral.
Fax: (204) 582-5241
From Our Parishes
New Chapter of UWAC holds its first event,
лютий 2011
Red Deer, Alberta
oly Trinity Chapter of the Ukrainian Women’s Association
in Red Deer, Alberta is celebrating the success of its first
major fundraiser, a dinner theater featuring the Verkhovyna Ukrainian Song
and Dance Ensemble from Edmonton,
Alberta. The event was held on November 13, 2010 at Festival Hall in Red
Deer, Alberta. The evening featured a
scrumptious buffet dinner, a number
of wonderful raffle prizes, and a beautiful performance of The Letter, a program chronicling the experiences of
Ukrainian immigrants coming to Canada from the 1930s to the present. The
event was well attended with over 170
tickets sold. Among the guests were Dr.
Geraldine Nakonechny, head of the Alberta Provincial Chapter of UWAC as
well as Maryanne and Melvin Paschinuk, founders of Holy Trinity Parish. A
number of visitors from Edmonton
and Calgary attended the event, due in
large part to St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian
Orthodox Congregation in Calgary’s
generous sponsoring a bus which allowed interested Calgary parishioners
to attend the event. Although we are
still completing the accounting for this
event, the planning committee is forecasting a profit of approximately six
thousand dollars. This profit, when added to generous donations including a
five thousand dollar donation from St.
Elias Parish in Edmonton and a thousand dollar donation from the senior’s
group at St. Vladimir’s Congregation
in Calgary, causes the overall profit for
the event to reach a total of fifteen
thousand dollars. Holy Trinity Chapter
of UWAC is proud to donate all proceeds from this event to the building
fund at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Mission Parish in Red Deer. This is
a largest amount ever raised by the Red
Deer Community in one night for
their building, and highlights the effort
and determination of the people in
Red Deer to have a home of their own.
Holy Trinity UWAC would like to
thank all people who attended and/or
contributed to the event and looks forward to planning their next successful
—By Dobr. Julie Chrapko
Orthodox Chaplain serves first Divine Liturgy
in 50 years
n Saturday, 6 November 2010,
CFB/ASU Wainwright’s Chapel
was the site of the first (in over
50 years) Orthodox Divine
Liturgy to be conducted by an active
duty regular force Canadian Forces
Chaplain who is an Orthodox Priest.
Captain (Father) Charles Baxter, one of
the Base Chaplains at CFB/ASU Wainwright, served the Divine Liturgy with
the assistance of Father John Lipinski
and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of
Canada’s (UOCC) Bonnyville Alberta
District’s faithful and choir. Following
the Divine Liturgy, a brief Memorial
Service was held to honour the fallen
service members who gave their lives in
defence of Canada.
Captain Baxter is the first Orthodox
Canadian Forces Chaplain to serve in
Her Majesty’s Canadian Forces since
the conclusion of the Second World
War. "We make a proud beginning this
day," Captain Baxter said at the conclusion of services, "by praying for all of
our service members and their families
who serve both in Canada and around
the world. We do this today with
prayers for them. We also pray for the
souls of the honoured dead. My prayer
is that God will continue to bless my
ministry in Wainwright and to be able
to witness and serve for all of our brother and sister CF members and families who are Orthodox Christians."
(continued on p.18)
Fr. Charles Baxter celebrating Divine Liturgy at CFB/ASU Wainwright Chapel.
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
Fr. Charles Baxter and Fr. John Lipinski.
Fax: (204) 582-5241
From Our Parishes
40-ліття священства Mгр.Б. протопресвітера
Богдана Сенця та 40-ліття подружнього
життя з добродійкою Катериною
February 2011
неділю 24-го жовтня (2010
року) в Центрі Культури ім.
св. Володимира в Оквілі (Онтаріо) відбувся величавий
бенкет з нагоди 40-ліття священства
магістра отця протопресвітера Богдана Сенцьо та 40-ліття його подру жнього життя з добродійкою Катериною. Програма розпочалася молебнем, що його відправив преосвященний митрополит Юрій, у сослу женні багатьох священиків та в супроводі Катедрального хору під керівництвом Андрія Дмитровича.
Кількість учасників бенкету—понад 500 осіб,—промовляє про те,
що отець Богдан і добродійка Катерина заслуговують на велику пошану серед української громади в Торонто й околиці. Відкриваючи святковий бенкет, Володимир Шевчук—
голова управи Катедрльної громади
св. Володимира, він же і господар
вечора, змалював турбулентний загальний стан у світі сорок років тому та непевність майбутньої долі
нововисвяченого молодого православного священика в Польщі.
Завдяки відданості Українській
Православній Церкві і українському народові, завдяки працьовитості
і вродженому талантові, отець Богдан здобував освіту, спочатку мату ру, у Варшаві, а потім там же, і ду ховну, у Православній Семінарії та в
Богословській Академії, у якій отримав ступінь Магістра Богословія.
Протягом п’ятьох років навчання в
Академії він слу жив іподияконом
при двох митрополитах—при Степанові Рудикові та при Василієві
Дорошкевичу. Далі дияконське слу жіння в Соборі св. Магдалини у
Варшаві, де й прийняв священичий
сан, після чого дев’ять років слу жив
настоятелем храмів у різних місцевостях Польщі, а 1979-го року з
добр. Катериною й донькою Анною,
прибув до США, де отримав парафію в сусідньому Боффало. Прослуживши вісім років, він звернув
на себе увагу вірних не тільки в
Боффало, а й у сусідньому Торонто,
внаслідок чого 1 серпня 1987 року, з
благословення канадського митрополита УПЦК Василія він став настоятелем Катедри св. Володимира, і
повністю включився, разом із добр.
Катериною (вона декілька років
була директором Курсів українознавства ім. Івана Котляревського
та Школи ім. Тараса Шевченка при
Катедрі) у громадське життя. Нібито початковий намір його призначення в Торонто мав бути тимчасовим, але завдяки його достойним рисам та початковість в Торонто вже триває 23 роки на велику радість усього членства Катедральної
громади св. Володимира і не тільки.
Отець протопресвітер магістер Богдан Сенцьо користується великою
пошаною серед усієї української
торонтської громади, а на його відправи у Пансіоні ім. Івана Франка
(де він є капеляном) охоче приходять як православні, так і греко-католики.
Бенкет з нагоди 40-ліття священства отця Богдана є доказом його
великої популярности в Торонто,
про що свідчить участь у бенкеті, як
православних так і греко-католиків.
Слово про отця протопресвітера
Богдана Сенцьо виголосила Голова
Братства св. Володимира пані Валентина Родак. Вона підкреслила,
що священичу нагороду протопресвітера отець Богдан отримав у липні
2010 року від Собору Єпископів у
Вінніпезі, при тому заявивши, що
Господь Бог нагородив ювілята цінними дарами, серед яких найяскра-
вішим є красномовство, а також і
приємний голос та міцне здоров’я.
(продовження на стор.17)
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Mary
Surrey, British Columbia
n Sunday, October 17, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St.
Mary in Surrey, B.C. had the
pleasure to host a Pot Luck
Lunch sponsored by the Ukrainian
Women’s Association, Olha Kobylanska Branch, to recognize and honour
the contributions of 38 members and
adherents, 80 years and over who
worked so diligently to build and support our church and community for
the past 64 years.
Following the Divine Liturgy served
by Fr. Mykhaylo Pozdyk, assisted by Fr.
Steven Slipko, honourees, family members and guests, proceeded to the adjoining hall for lunch. Gladys Andreas
who organized this special occasion,
acted as emcee, welcoming our Member
of the Legislature, Mr. Bruce Ralston
and Assistant Mayor Linda Hepner, as
well as Amelia Chucko representing the
Provincial Women’s Association, President Bessie Bonar, Olha Kobylanska
and Walter Pylypchuk from the Holy
Trinity Cathedral in Vancouver. Gerry
Dwernichuk offered his congratulations
on behalf of President Grant Frostad,
Surrey TYC.
Each honouree at the head table was
presented with a rose and Certificates of
Appreciation for their contributions
from the Consistory of the Ukrainian
Orthodox Church of Canada, Prime
Minister, Governor General of Canada,
Lieutenant Governor and Premier of
BC, as well as flags and pins from the
City of Surrey.
Guests were warmly welcomed with
music provided by Ukrainian Dulcimer
Ensemble. Vocal selections were offered
by two of our youth, Mykhaylo Gaydeychuk and Iaroslava Tanko. Tamara Antoniuk, Luda Shokalyuk accompanied
on the accordion by Volodymr Yaschuk
sang a beautiful medley of Ukrainian
songs. Our Parish priest Fr. Mykhaylo
entertained us all with a piano and vocal
selection. Our program finished with
several Ukrainian dances performed by
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
our young Kvitka Dance Group.
This special occasion gave us all the
opportunity to pay tribute to all our
seniors. Although many of our founding
members are no longer with us, those
who remain are an example to us all.
Their dedication to their faith and Ukrainian Community is their legacy to
our youth, that they their part to keep
Fax: (204) 582-5241
our Faith and culture strong in our Canadian Multi-cultural Society.
We thank all of our honourees for
their many years of dedicated service.
We pray that God continue to bless you
all with much happiness and many
years of good Health. Na Mnohaya Lita.
Submitted by:
—Katherine Miske
From Our Parishes
The Western Eparchy Holds the 51st Sobor
- October 28-31, 2010 Edmonton, Alberta
he 51st Sobor of the Western
Eparchy was held at St. Andrew’s
Sobor, Edmonton AB on October
28-31. The Sobor opened with a
Vespers Service celebrated by Fr. Timothy Chrapko and Fr. Yuriy Suchevan.
The evening continued with Registration and an informal Wine and Cheese
"Meet and Greet" with fellow delegates.
His Grace, Bishop Ilarion addresses the
delegates at the Sobor.
The first day of the Sobor began with
a Moleben’ celebrated by His Grace,
Bishop Ilarion, Fr. Nicholas Rauliuk and
Fr. Stephan Semotiuk, assisted by deacons. Registration was followed with a
continental breakfast and coffee. The
Sobor was opened by His Grace, Bishop
Ilarion. The business portion of the
Sobor followed. The minutes of the 50th
Sobor were reviewed, discussed, and
passed. After a coffee break, His Grace,
Bishop Ilarion gave his Archpastoral remarks. Reports from various committees followed. Fund raising Committee
chairman, Dave Korzan, challenged the
delegates to make donations to the
Western Eparchy. He would match any
donation that was given. Many generous
people donated towards this challenge
over the next two days. In total over
$5,000 was raised. The actions of the
2009-2010 Western Eparchy Council
were ratified. The afternoon continued
with a report from the Consistory of the
UOCC presented by Chancellor, Fr.
Victor Lakusta. Reports from St. Andrew’s College, St. John’s Institute, and
the three summer camps followed.
The first educational portion of the
Sobor was next. Fr. Michael Maranchuk
presented a very informative talk on
Cremation. This provided scripturebased and faith-based information on
the topic of cremation and the Orthodox position on this practice. An open
discussion on Eparchial issues concluded the day.
Saturday began with coffee, a continental breakfast, and an opening prayer.
The delegates were joined by the Youth
Rally participants, who were organized
by Fr. Timothy Chrapko. The first session topic, "Eucharistic Talk," was given
by Fr. Patrick Yamniuk. This was a session that explained the Orthodox position on frequent Communion and good
Confession. Fr. Patrick referred to scripture and the Church Fathers for a thorough and enlightening presentation.
Following this session, His Grace, Bishop
Ilarion greeted and welcomed the Youth,
who then were off to West Edmonton
Mall for the rest of the day. Following a
coffee break, the delegates heard a presentation by Ann Lega and Dave Korzan
on " How to Preserve the Church in Your
Community." This presentation was
designed to give rural parishes some
ideas on how to access funding in order
to maintain their church property and
cemetery. The next item was a brainstorming session. Delegates broke into
groups to discuss parish concerns, focusing on the strengths and on the barriers to growth in our parishes of the
Western Eparchy. Priorities for next year
were discussed. Many good ideas were
This was followed by the Election of
the Western Eparchy Council and of the
Financial Review Committee for 20102011. The afternoon continued with
more items of business, the presentation
of resolutions, the passing of the budget
for 2010-2011 and concluded with closing remarks from His Grace, Bishop Ilarion.
Great Vespers was celebrated by Fr.
Taras Krochak assisted by Fr. Protodeacon Gary Boychuk and Fr. Deacon Anton Lakusta. This rounded out the
Sunday, October 31 a Hierarchical
Divine Liturgy at St. John’s Cathedral
was celebrated by His Grace, Bishop Ilarion and the clergy in attendance. During the Divine Liturgy, three members
of the clergy were received awards. These
include Fr. Charles Baxter, who received
a Gold Cross; Fr. Timothy Chrapko, who
received an Epigonat, and Fr. Deacon
Gary Boychuk who received the title
"Protodeacon." A banquet followed in
the Parish Auditorium. Following the
banquet meal, Fr. Cornell Zubritsky
spoke briefly about the 22nd Sobor in
Winnipeg that was held in July.
The New Western Eparchy Council is
Delegates break into small groups for discussion.
лютий 2011
His Grace, Bishop Ilarion and the clergy who celebrated the Divine Liturgy on Sunday,
October 31.
His Grace, Bishop Ilarion, Fr. Timothy Chrapko, and Fr. Deacon Lakusta with the Youth.
composed of:
Fr. Timothy CHRAPKO, Secretary
2nd Vice-Chairman
Fr. Wasyl SAPIHA
Fr. Stephan SEMOTIUK
Fr. Patrick YAMNIUK,
1st Vice- Chairman
Judge Russel DZENICK
Marshall KACHMAR, Treasurer
Dave KORZAN, Building Manager
Dr. Geraldine NAKONECHNY
Joanne RAK
Fr. Deacon Roman SHIYAN
The 51st Sobor of the Western Eparchy was very positive and productive
allowing the delegates and guests to listen have a voice in the business of the
Western Eparchy but also to enhance
their spiritual growth through the educational presentations.Overall, the 51st
Sobor was a resounding success and the
feedback from delegates expressed this
sentiment such that the future in the
Western Eparchy is bright indeed
Submitted by:
—Ann Lega
Delegates at the Sobor.
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
Fax: (204) 582-5241
February 2011
Із життя наших парафій
40-ліття священства мгр. Богослов’я протопресв. Богдана Сенця та
40-ліття подружнього життя з добродійкою Катериною
продовження зі стор.15
Отець Богдан є скромний і працьовитий душпастир. Розповідаючи
про життєві перепетії ювілята, вона
підкреслила, що 1947 року родину
Сенцьо, разом зі всіма українцями
Лемківщини, Холмщини та східніх
земель під час акції ‘Вісла’ насильно
було переселено польським урядом
у західню частину Польщі. А 1951
року родина Сенцьо, ризикуючи
життям, повернулася на Лемківщину, де зазнавала переслідувань від польсього уряду, і аж через
декільа років вдалося викупити власну хату. Мабуть громадяни Канади,
де панує верховенство права, не
зможуть зрозуміти, чому родинавласник хати, зумовлена викуповувати її. На завершення Валентина
Родак, звертаючись до отця Богдана, сказала: " Як настоятель Катедри
та капелян Братства св. Володимира, ви, отче, керовані заповідями
Христової науки, вміло й успішно
вели нашу громаду через усі труднощі напруженого та неспокійного
сучасного життя. Ми, вірні, молимося, щоб Боже Провидіння і далі
надихало вас на плідну працю для
добра нашої рідної Української
Православної Церкви в Канаді! Нехай Господь Бог винагородить вас за
всі роки, що ви віддали на служіння
вашим братам і сестрам у Христі!
На многії літа, отче Богдане!" Учасники бенкету схвалили звернення
голови Братства гучними оплесками. Серед визначних гостей на бенкеті були: колишній надзвичайний
уповноважений посол України в Канаді доктор Юрій Щербак та Генеральний Консул України в Торонто
д-р Олександер Данилейко з дру жиною Оленою, (після представлення
яких—пролунав грім оплесків), греко-католицький капелян пансіону
ім. Івана Франка отець Петро Івахів
з дружиною Іриною, настоятель
греко-католицької церкви Успіння
Пресвятої Богородиці на Катра отець Роман Паньків, православні священики сусідніх парафій та представники українських організацій
Торонто й околиць.
Серію письмових привітів ювілятові Володимир Шевчук не читав,
а тільки повідомив від котрої установи, організації чи родини вони
надійшли, а серед них: від Світової
Федерації Українських Організацій ,
за підписом Голови пані Марії
Шкамбари, від Пансіону ім. І Івана
Франка, за підписом виконавчого
директора пані Терені Тонкович, від
Об'єднання Лемків Канади, від Українського Канадського Музею, від
Союзу Українок Канади, від родини
Шантів, від Братства Українців Католиків Канади, від Союзу Українок
Канади Східньої Екзекутиви, від
Приятелів Українського Київського
Патріярхату—пані Ірини Ващук,
від Інстиитуту св. Володимира (де
отець Богдан теж є капеляном) та
від інших установ.
Усні привіти склали: Генеральний Консул доктор Олександер Данилейко; спогадами про їхнє спільне з отцем Богданом минуле у Польщі поділився о. протопресвітер Юрій
Гнатів, настоятель церкви св. Андрія,
а донька Анна Сенцьо-Куземчак
зворушливо розповіла про родинні
відносини та батьківські настанови.
Звертаючись до всіх учасників, зокрема згадавши всіх присутніх визначних гостей, за звичай почала
зверненням до високопреосвященного митрополита Юрія і продовжила представниками організацій
та установ, які спричинилися до успіху бенкету, вона сказала: "Наші
перші роки на чужині були дуже
тяжкими, але ми те все пережили".
Далі звертаючись до батьків, вона
сказала: “Я хочу вам щиросердечно
подякувати, що ви вирішили виїхати на чу жину й дати мені рідну мову
й бути вільною людиною. (Оплески!)
Ви, разом з мамою, навчили мене
рідної мови, шанувати нашу культу ру і привчали мене, щоб я говорила
рідною мовою, щоб я ходила до української школи, навчалася грати на
бандурі, танцювати українські народні танці та висилали мене до українських молодіжних таборів. Ви
також виховали мене, щоб я була
доброю людиною та християнкою.
Тепер я хочу передати всі ці надбання моїм дітям. (Гучні оплески!) Ви
завжди готові, чи то вдень чи вночі,
помагати людям, незважаючи на те,
чи ви втомлені чи ні, ви завжди маєте усмішку. Ваша праця не є легкою. Але ви намагаєтеся якнайкраще і совісно її виконувати. Кількість
учасників на сьогоднішньому бенкеті говорить про те, що ви своєю
довголітньою працею заторкнули
їхні серця. Дорогі гості! Мені дуже
приємно, і я вам дуже вдячна, що ви
так численно вшанували мого тата.
Дорогий тато! Я вас дуже люблю і
шаную. Я бажаю вам довгих років
праці для Господа Бога і для нас усіх!
(Гучні, гучні оплески!) На завершення свого виступу донька Анна закликала учасників бенкету заспівати многоліття ювілятам, що й було
дуже радо виконано. Спів був надзвичайний, оскільки співав Катедральний хор разом зі всіма учасниками.
Далі у програмі бенекету поетеса
Наталія Турукало почитала вірш,
присвячений 40-літтю священства
о. протопресвітера Богдана та 40літтю його подружнього життя з
добродійкою Катериною.
Леся Кравець—голова організаційного комітету бенкету—вручила
ювілятам в подарунок копію чудотворної ікони Божої Матері з 12-го
століття—оригінал ікони зберігається в Музеї Холмщини—та книжку, в якій розповідається про ту ікону.
Спогадами про спільні життєві
шляхи на ниві Української Православної Церкви в Канаді з отцемювілятом поділився колишній настоятель церкви св. Анни о. Миколай
Сідорський. У мистецькій частині
програми виступала бандуристка
Наталя Гіль, а потім Катедральний
хор чудово виконав чотири пісні,
які принесли всім учасникам велике
задоволення, а це: по одній пісні
двох українських класиків—композиторів Бортнянського й Леонтовича, лемківську пісню "Ой верше мій
верше" й марш...
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
Вітання ювілятам завершив почесний голова організацйного комітету високопреосвященний митрополит Юрій. Він підкреслив, що
"сьогодні ми почули дуже багато
похвал на адресу ювілятів, похвал,
які дійсно належаться їм. А найбільша похвала—це присутність великої кількости людей. Це доказ
скількох сердець ви, достойний отче, доторкнулись протягом вашого
слу жіння в Божому Винограднику".
Високопреосвященний митрополит Юрій звернув увагу на цікаву
ситуацію—коли він прибув до Торонто, він ще не був висвяченим
священиком, а отець Богдан вже був
настоятелем Катедри, і продовжував—"А сьогодні ви й далі священиком, і вам треба доганяти мене.
(Учасники бенкету вибухнули радісним сміхом). Ваше служіння іншим дає задоволення тим, які до вас
приходять, шукаючи слова заспокоєння та як вийти з положення. Я радію, що я маю нагоду сьогодні стояти перед мікрофоном і вітати обох
вас, отче, і пані добродійку. Не знаю,
як вас зустрів покійний владика митрополит Василій, і не знаю яким
чином ви опинились у нашій юрисдикції, але це дійсно йому (митрополитові Василію) вдалося, і я не
знаю чи ваше призначення до Катедри мало бути на стільки років чи
тільки тимчасовим (сміх учасників),
але Катедра і Торонто на цьому
виграли, що ви прибули до Катедри
в 1987-у році і залишилися до сьогоднінього дня. (Гучні оплески й овації!)
Вітаю вас із 40-літтям священичого служіння і 40-літтям вашого
подружнього життя, і молю Всевишнього, щоб Він і далі вас поблагословив на многі і благі літа"—
завершив високопреосвященний
митрополит Юрій. (Гучні, гучні оплески!)
Звертаючися до отця Богдана й
добродійки Катерини щиру подяку
від Союзу Українок Канади ім. княгині Ольги висловила голова Відділу
пані Євгенія Мельничук. Вона сказала: " Дякуємо вам за те, що ви є з
нами, дякуємо вам зате, що ви опікуєтеся частинкою нашої громади,
тут, в Торонто. Дякуємо вам за те, отче, що ви є капеляном нашого Відділу. Дякуємо вам, пані добродійко,
що ви є однією з найбільш вагомих
членкинь нашого Відділу. Нехай
Всевишній Господь нагородить вас
сторицею, і нехай піклується вами і
вашою родиною! На многії літа! "
На завершення бенкету заключне слово виголосив ювілят о. Богдан. Звертаючись до всіх учасників,
він сказав: "Сьогодні для мене є зворушливий днь. День проведений разом з вами, скільки приємних слів
на нашу адресу . Кожне слово, що ви
складали в побажаннях, ми їх відчуваємо через те тому, щоб їх довершити треба ще служити сорок років. Так складається Боже Провидіння, що напередодні нашого родинного свята, 40-ліття супружнього життя, завдяки моїй сестрі Наді
Михальцьо з Нью-Йорку, ми мали
нагоду відвідати святу Землю. Повернулись минулої суботи. Поїздка
була особлива. Ми поїхали, щоб із
Fax: (204) 582-5241
тієї глибокої чистої Христової криниці почерпнути духовну поживу.
Кожне місце, де ми перебували, ми
глибоко переживали. Ми переносились понад дві тисячі років тому назад у ті святі місця, де Христос ходив, а ми ступали по Його слідах, і
набирались тієї духовности, і дійсно
відчувалось, що ми кожну подію переживали ще раз, і ще раз. І, о диво!
Коли прийшли до церкви в Вифлеємі літом, не зимою, але ми проспівали українські колядки. Як чудово
вони там, на святій Землі, у Вифлеємi звучали. Пригадалась не тільки
Канада. Пригадалась і квітуча прекрасна Україна. Побували ми в Назареті, на Преображенській Голгофській горі. Побували ми на тім місці, де Господь нагодував п’ять тисяч
Дорогі в Христі! Як це сталось?
Ми думали, що ми скромно відсвяткуємо наше родинне свято, а ви ж
прийшли великою громадою, щоб
вшанувати мене і вшанувати пані
добродійку. Направду, ми безмежно, безмежно вам вдячні. Я старався, як той хлібороб, який ішов за
плугом і орав Божу ниву, і старався
сіяти Боже зерно. Інколи зрошував
те зерно своїми сльозами, коли було
тяжко. Але побачив і плоди гарні,
які після цього виростають. І так сорок років проминуло, як один день.
В дійсності я щасливий, чи то було в
Польщі на парафіях, чи в Америці, в
Чіктавага-Бафоло, чи тут вже 23 роки. Господь благословив мене і добродійку такими добрими парафіянами.
Сьогодні можу сказати—ви наші
друзі і приятелі, ви торкнулись наших сердець, бо в дійсності, коли ми
побачили вас, ми були вдячні
Господеві за той великий дар, що
власне, наша праця, наше зерно, яке
сіємо, не піде на марне, але йде на
користь людей, на користь нашого
життя, церковного і громадського.
Сьогодні я глибоко вражений вашими привітаннями. Багато багато
думок для мене для обдумання."
Далі отець Богдан подякував організаторам свята, що його очолив
високопреосвященний митрополит
Юрій, усім учасникам, своїм рідним, доньці, тещі і, зокрема добродійці Катерині, заявивши при тому,
що жінки тримають у хаті три кути,
а чоловіки тільки один. (загальний
Очевидно, отець Богдан був глибокозворушений величавим святкуванням його ювілею священства і
подружнього життя. За всіма стандартами бенкет відбувся успішно,
на найвищому рівні, і саме тому
найбільша подяка належить членам
організаційного комітету, як від
ювілятів, так і від усіх учасників!
До Організаційного Комітету
1) Почесний Голова—високопреосвященний митрополит Юрій
2) Голова—Леся Кравець;
3) Ліда Цимбалюк;
4) Надя Гункевич;
5) Oля Янжула;
6) Ганя Міщенко;
7) Валентина Родак.
лютий 2011
The first Orthodox Chaplain to serve in Her Majesty’s Canadian Forces
(continued from p. 14)
Padre Baxter began his military service with Basic Officer Training at CFB
Borden in September 2009. After a rigorous and challenging course that
ended with graduation in mid-December, he was posted to CFB/ASU Wainwright where he serves as one of the
Base Chaplains.
On the Sundays when he is not serving in the CFB Wainwright Chapel,
Padre Baxter assists the nearby UOCC
parish communities in St. Paul, Bonnyville, Camrose and elsewhere in Alberta. Padre Baxter is also assisting the
UOCC’s ongoing rural parish projects.
This includes locating prairie Orthodox
church buildings that are not on the
eparchial registy. Many of these buildings have not been used for services for
many years. Some may, with the support and help of local communities and
families, remain in good repair. Padre
Baxter works with his eparchial Bishop
in Edmonton in support of the church’s
effort to locate and to reach out to these
forgotten prairie churches.
The Canadian Forces Chaplains
(also known as "Padres") come from a
wide variety of faith traditions and
backgrounds from all across the country. All major Christian denominations
now have active duty full-time regular
force Chaplains to meet their spiritual
needs. The chaplain exercises a specialized ministry within the Canadian
Forces, aimed at promoting religious,
spiritual, moral and ethical values, and
providing spiritual care and nurture to
military members and their families.
The Chaplain functions both as a spe-
cialist staff officer and as a religious
leader. The Chaplain advises the commander and other staff on matters of
spirituality, ethics, morale and religious accommodation.
As a staff officer, the Chaplain functions as a specialist advisor and has
direct access to the commander. The
Chaplain is responsible to the commander for planning and implementing religious support programs and
ministry activities within the commander’s area of responsibility.
Canadian Forces Chaplains perform
religious rites and ceremonies, such as
The Divine Liturgy and other services
for Orthodox service members, and
administers sacraments and ordinances in accordance with the traditions of their own faith tradition. In so
far as it is possible, the Chaplain offers
appropriate spiritual support and care
to all soldiers and their families, regardless of their religious faith expression. If a chaplain is unable to personally provide specific religious support,
the chaplain will seek to have such support provided by another chaplain, or
where possible, by appropriate civilian
religious leaders.
—Captain (Fr.) Charles Baxter
How You Can Help:
If you have a family member,
friend or neighbour who is currently serving in the Canadian
Forces (regular force or reserves)
who is Orthodox please send their
contact information to Father
Charles Baxter at:
Please forward your old address and your new address to the Office of the
Consistory so that we can keep your subscription current.
Visnyk / The Herald 9 St. John's Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 1G8 or
e-mail to:
Henry Kuzia—
or Valentyna Dmytrenko—
á‡Á‰‡Î„¥‰¸ Á‡Ô·ÌÓ‚‡Ì¥ ÔÓıÓÓÌË
Зазадалегідь запланований похорон—це можливо найкраща послуга, що можете зробити для своєї родини чи близьких. Нині багато
людей усвідомлюють, що планування похорону заздалегідь зменшує і
полегшує цей тягар. Таке планування забезпечує спокій, заощаджує
видатки і запевняє прийняття рішень без стресу чи натиску часу.
За інформацією чи для обговорення планування заздалегідь похорону, звертайтеся, будь ласка, до Володимира Ядловського, директора
похоронного заведення Park Memorial.
Prearranged Funerals
Pre-planning your funeral could be the kindest thing you do for
your family. Today more people are recognizing that planning a funeral in
advance lessens the burden for those you love. It
provides peace of mind by saving money and
ensuring decisions are made without stress or
time pressure.
For information or to discuss prearranging
a funeral, please contact Walter Yadlowski at Park
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On Your Bookshelf
February 2011
BIPA - FAITH Prayerbook
being prepared for printing
n This prayer book to replace the previous edition of ‘Bipa – Faith’, has been updated with the new liturgical texts and materials. As an added bonus the new
prayer book has included elements from another liturgical book of the UOCC,
no longer in print, ‘On Behalf of All and for All’. This combined prayer book is
460 pages in a compact, pocket size format.
We are accepting pre-orders for the ‘Bipa-Faith’ by mail or e-mail
Pre-orders may be made to:
9 St. John’s Ave. Winnipeg, MB R2W 1G8
Attention Henry Kuzia
Prodigal Daughter
‘Encountering the Mystery’
to be translated into Ukrainian
n The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada is very proud to be a partner in
seeing this book published in Ukrainian, for Ukraine and for Ukrainians around
the world. We are committed to supporting the work of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and encourage our faithful, parishes and Ukrainian organizations to
donate towards the costs of this Ukrainian translation.
Donations towards the printing costs may be made to the UOCC, 9 St.
John’s Avenue, Winnipeg MB R2W 1G8. Please designate your donation by stating that it is to "Encountering the Mystery".
To the Faithful of the UOCC
n The Second Edition of the ‘Добрий Пастир / Good
Shepherd’ is in its final stages of preparation to be sent
to print. We thank the Parish of St. Volodymyr in
Calgary for generously funding the reprinting of this
prayer book.
The Consistory Church Goods Supply is compiling orders so as to know how many to order. If wish
to place an order please do so by e-mail: finance or fax: (204) 582-5241 or regular post:
9 St. John’s Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2W 1G8
or telephone (toll free): 1-877-586-3093 ext 225
providing your name and/or parish name, address
and phone number as well as number of copies being
—Liturgical Commission of the UOCC
n The Ukrainian DNIPRO Choir of Edmonton is accepting applications
Duties to commence September 2011
DNIPRO Choir is a mixed (SATB) community-based choir, whose repertoire consists of a wide variety of genres—folk, sacred, art songs, opera
choruses, chamber works, as well as symphonic-choral works. This choir
has been active in Edmonton’s arts community for 57 years, performing in
annual concerts, community events, and touring throughout Alberta and
The choir rehearses once a week from September to June.
• Requisite musical training and experience in choral conducting
• Ability to teach proper vocal technique
• Thorough knowledge of Ukrainian choral literature
• Fluency in both Ukrainian and English
For reviews of her book go to the following links:
• To plan the choir’s annual program in a collaborative process with
the artistic committee, and select appropriate repertoire
• Conduct weekly rehearsals from September to June
• Conduct performances at a variety of functions throughout the season
Short-listed candidates will be asked to conduct one rehearsal as part of
their interview process.
Please submit your resume to: DNIPRO CHOIR
Box 1271, Edmonton AB T5G 2M8
Or email by February 20, 2011
Копії Метрик про Хрещення і Вінчання
Oплата за пошук і видачу копії метрики про Хрещення чи Вінчання
становить $30.00.
Чек просимо виписувати на: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada,
9 St. John’s Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R2W 1G8
На пошук необxідно від 2 до 4 тижнів.
Duplicate Baptismal and Marriage certificates
The cost for searching and issuing Duplicate Baptismal or Marriage certificates is $30.00. Please make your cheque payable to: Ukrainian Orthodox
Church of Canada, 9 St. John’s Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R2W 1G8
Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for processing.
You can now pay with:
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
Fax: (204) 582-5241
Мозаїка • Mosaic
лютий 2010
Turkish minister's visit to Orthodox Літургійні реформи в
Римо-Католицькій Церкві
Patriarchate raises hopes of end
n Кардинал Антоніо Каньсарес Йоto some restrictions
вера Antonio Canizares Llovera), пре-
Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc, left, and Ecumenical Orthodox Patriach
Bartholomew 1.
n ANKARA, Turkey—A senior Cabinet minister on Monday became the
highest-level Turkish official to visit
the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in
more than half a century, symbolizing
government pledges to address problems of religious minorities and
strengthen the country's European
Union membership bid.
Turkey for decades has ignored demands of the Patriarchate due to mistrust stemming from rivalry with Greece. But Deputy Prime Minister Bulent
Arinc's visit coincided with government
promises to consider reopening a seminary that trained generations of Ecumenical Patriarchs and returning properties confiscated by the state to Christian and Jewish minority foundations.
Turkey, a predominantly Muslim
country, is striving to join the European Union, but faces criticism that it
discriminates against non-Muslim citizens and Alevis, a Muslim minority
sect. The European Commission's
2010 progress report cited restrictions
on the training of clergy and other religious practices. The Islamic-rooted
government seeks to promote religious
freedom, loosening tight state controls
that are a legacy of Turkey's secular
founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
Arinc entered the Patriarchate from a
side gate and passed by a decorated
Christmas tree in the rain-washed marble courtyard before sitting under an
icon of Jesus Christ together with Patriarch Bartholomew I, the spiritual
leader of the world's Orthodox Christians, Dogan news agency video showed.
The main entrance remains welded
shut out of respect for Patriarch Gregory V, who was accused of conspiring
against the Ottoman Empire and was
hanged from it in 1821. Istanbul, formerly Constantinople, was the capital
of Christian Byzantium before falling
to Muslim Turkish forces in 1453.
Two ministers visited the patriarchate in the past two years, but Arinc is
the highest ranking government official to visit since Prime Minister Adnan Menderes in 1952. Menderes was
later hanged after a military coup.
"Today is a very happy day for us,"
said Bartholomew. "It has strengthened our hopes."
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government recently "surprised"
the Patriarchate by granting Turkish ciВІСНИК • THE HERALD
tizenship to 14 senior clerics from
North and South America as well as
Hong Kong, South Korea and Crete and
separately returned control of a 19thcentury orphanage to the Patriarchate,
said Father Dositheos Anagnostopulos,
a spokesman for the Patriarchate.
About eight more clerics were still
waiting for Turkish citizenship, a requirement for anyone who succeeds
the elderly Bartholomew.
The patriarch had complained to
Erdogan in August that the closure of
the Halki seminary in 1971 prevented
raising new leaders for the church and
made it difficult for the dwindling
Greek community of several thousand
to produce any candidates.
"It is our duty to meet the just demands of our citizens who have lived
in this country for centuries," Arinc
said. "We will try to meet them from a
legal point of view."
He stressed that no decision has been
made yet but the government was "determined" to give rights to minorities.
Turkey's government is also taking
steps toward the return of property
confiscated from minorities in the
1970s. But it is not clear whether they
would be allowed to reclaim property
that has been sold or whether they
would be compensated for the loss of
such properties.
Bartholomew hailed the government's reforms as "openings for democracy and further westernization of
Turkey" but said the measures fell
short of expectations.
"They are not 100 per cent satisfactory. We expect new and more progressive steps on these issues," Bartholomew said. "Of course, we expect the reopening of the seminary. It is the 40th
anniversary of its closure this year."
The Halki Theological School on
Heybeliada Island, near Istanbul, was
closed to new students in 1971 under a
law that put religious and military
training under state control. The school
closed its doors in 1985, when the last
five students graduated.
"The visit by the deputy prime minister to our Patriarchate has both excited us and raised our hopes for a solution to our problems," said Laki Vingas, a member of the Greek Orthodox
—Selcan Hacaoglu
01/03/11 The Associated Press
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
фект Ватиканської Конгрегації Божественного культу та дисципліни
таїнств (Congregatio de Cuitu Divino
et Disciplina Sacramentorum), повідомив про плани Папи Римського
Бенедикта XVI, спрямовані на відродження літургійного життя в Католицькій Церкві, і про зміни, що
стосуються здійснення таїнства Євхаристії. Про це прелат розповів в
інтерв'ю італійській щоденній газеті "Il Giornale", передає «Релігія в
Україні». Кардинал Каньсарес Йовера відзначає, що проблеми сучасного літургійного життя Католицької
Церкви виникли через надмірне
прагнення до експериментування в
ході швидких змін у літургійній
сфері, які почали відбуватися після
Другого Ватиканського собору. Глава Літургійної служби Ватикану стверджує, що Папа Бенедикт XVI має
намір сприяти встановленню більш
органічного підходу як до Літургійної традиції, так і до літургійної реформи в Римо-Католицькій Церкві.
За словами кардинала Каньсареса
Йовери, новий підхід до реформи
повинен підкреслювати безперервність Літургійної традиції, яка повинна об'єднувати старі і нові форми богослужіння.
Orthodox Christmas Church
Celebrations Attendance in Russia
n Staunton, January 8—Fewer than
two percent of Russian citizens attended Orthodox Christmas church celebrations this year, a number that calls
into question not only the claims of the
Moscow Patriarchate that Russian
population is overwhelmingly Orthodox but also the special relationship it
has with the state and the state’s spending to promote Orthodoxy.
As Svetlana Solodovnik noted in
"Yezhednevny zhurnal," perhaps no
other public organization has benefited as much from the tandem as the
Russian Orthodox Church which has
positioned itself as the moral arbiter of
the majority and extracted both the
return of property and enormous state
subsidies (
Most of that state deference reflects
the personal convictions of the leaders,
especially Dmitry Medvedev and his
wife, and their views about the role of
Orthodoxy in the life of Russia past,
present and future. But at least some of
it reflects the acceptance by the secular
authorities of the Patriarchate’s claims
concerning the number of its followers.
(That second factor seems to be
particularly important now given the
growing evidence of religious fervor of
the country’s Muslims as reflected in
the massive celebration of Islamic holidays not only in traditional Muslim
areas but particularly in Moscow, St.
Petersburg, and other "traditionally"
Russian cities.)
Because of the impact both of Soviet anti-religious policies in the past
and of the forces of secularization then
and now, far fewer people are believers
and active practitioners of any religion
than most religious leaders regularly
claim. But no denomination in Russia
has more consistently overstated both
the number and share of its followers.
Orthodox hierarchs routinely say
that 65 to 85 percent of Russian Fe-
Fax: (204) 582-5241
deration residents are Orthodox Christians, a figure that reflects their counting as believers almost all those who
are members of historically Orthodox
nationalities such as the Russians. In
brief, they count as believers all "ethnic
Orthodox" even as they dismiss equivalent claims about "ethnic Muslims."
Obviously, precision in this question is difficult to achieve. On the one
hand, declarations of faith are very different than actual belief and practice in
Russia as everywhere else. And on the
other, the sources of information
about such matters vary widely, with
religious leaders claiming more and
others reporting fewer faithful.
But despite that, many in Russia
attend to the numbers of people who
take part in religious services especially on holidays as an important indicator. And this Christmas, which took
place yesterday according to the Eastern calendar, the numbers of Russian
Orthodox were both low and if anything smaller than in earlier years.
According to interior ministry
sources, approximately 2.5 million
people took part in the celebration of
Orthodox Christmas this year, attending services in approximately 8500
churches. The attendees constitute
fewer than two percent of the country’s
population, and the number of Orthodox churches conducting Christmas
services about two-thirds of all Orthodox churches.
In reporting these numbers, the
Siberian news agency said that
they once again "demonstrate the falsehoods of the demagogy of the Russian
Orthodox church about the traditional
Orthodox essence of the Russian people" and raise questions about state
support for the Orthodox Church
continued on p.27
St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg
Колеґія Св. Андрея у Вінніпезі
29 DYSART ROAD, WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3T 2M7 TEL: (204) 474-8895 FAX: (204) 474-7624
— This page is submitted by the St. Andrew’s College Administration and Board of Directors.
" P YS A N K A "
will visit
and an Introduction to the
Meaning & Symbolism of a
Traditional Ukrainian Easter Basket
Saskatoon, SK
for a
Great Lent Religious Retreat
Friday, March 11, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
For further information contact:
St. Andrew’s College
or V. Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky (Saskatoon, SK)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
6:30 – 10:00 p.m.
St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg
2009-2010 Annual Reports
Anyone interested in receiving an annual report please contact:
St. Andrew’s College
29 Dysart Road
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M7
in the Multi-Purpose Room (Basement)
St. Andrew’s College
29 Dysart Road, U of M Campus
Ph: (204) 474-8895 Fax: (204) 474-7624
Fee: $20.00*
(*free for St. Andrew’s College residents and students)
All supplies provided.
St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg
has been remembered in the will of
a generous supporter of the College.
We acknowledge with gratitude the Estate of
Phone 474-8895 to register.
(accepted on first-come basis – space is limited)
† Felix and Sofia Tesarski
for the generous donation.
May they rest in peace and may their memory be eternal!
Вічна їм пам’ять!
Congratulations to
Rev. Father Michael Faryna
who was ordained a Priest
by His Grace Bishop llarion
on Sunday, December 12, 2010
at St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor
in Edmonton, Alberta.
St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg
has been remembered in the will of
a generous supporter of the College.
We acknowledge with gratitude the Estate of
† Stella Orisko
for the generous donation.
May she rest in peace and may her memory be eternal!
Вічна їй пам’ять!
St. Andrew’s College
Board of Directors
We wish Rev. Father Michael and Dobrodiyka Deleena
great success in their work in God's Vineyard,
health, happiness and many years!
Бажаємо отцеві Михайлові й Добродійці Деліні
успіхів у праці у Божому Винограднику,
щастя, здоров'я та многії літа!
Многії літа!
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
His Eminence Metropolitan YURIJ
Achtemichuk, Joe
(Portage la Prairie, MB)
Amiot, Paul (Calgary, AB)
Bejzyk, Sonja (Winnipeg, MB)
Boychuk, Dr. Lesia (Edmonton, AB)
Bozyk, V. Rev. Fr. Roman
(Winnipeg, MB)
Chrapko, Rev. Fr. Timothy
(Calgary, AB)
Gerus, Dr. Oleh
(Vice-Chair) (Winnipeg, MB)
Haugen, Rev. Fr. Peter (Nanaimo, BC)
Hlynka, Dr. Denis (Chair)
(Winnipeg, MB)
Jurychuk, John (Burlington, ON)
Fax: (204) 582-5241
Kondra, Dr. Peter A.
(Honourary Member)
(Winnipeg, MB)
Kowalchuk, Olga (Secretary)
(Winnipeg, MB)
Lakusta, Rt. Rev. Fr. Victor
(Winnipeg, MB)
Lucko, Paul (Portage la Prairie, MB)
Lyseyko, Ed (Dauphin, MB)
Maluk, Rosanne E. (Saskatoon, SK)
Manulak, Walter (Winnipeg, MB)
Talbot, Bob (Treasurer)
(Winnipeg, MB)
Tsaplan, Rev. Fr. Roman
(Vancouver, BC)
Zienchuk, Mykhailo (Toronto, ON)
For Our Children
his morning as I sat at my desk thinking about what to
write about this month, I received an email called The
Price of Children. It illustrated the rewards a parent or
grandparent receives from having children and it made
me think of my own family and families in general.
Recently, we lost the patriarch of our family, a father and grandfather and many loving words were spoken and pleasant memories
recalled about our Dad and Dido and about all that he had contributed to the children's and grandchildren's upbringing.
The article that I am referring to above speaks about the high
cost of raising a child but the rewards received cannot be measured
in dollars. I picked out some of these rewards listed as they referred
to our family; More love than your heart can hold with lots of hugs
and kisses; a hand to hold even if its covered with jelly or chocolate;
travelling across Canada and some exotic places; fishing; reading
books; playing games; participating in all the first—first steps, first
words, first dates, first time behind the wheel and singing, we always sang no matter where we were travelling. And all the while you
became a doctor, psychologist, carpenter and master of many
trades as you mended a boo-boo or patched a broken heart. Dido
and I (baba) were rewarded with so much joy and satisfaction as
we watched our grandchildren grow.
And yes, you got to add another branch to your family tree. I
used the word patriarch in referring to our grandfather. Who is a
patriarch? In geneology patriarch is another name for father. In the
family he is the oldest male in the extended family.
У словнику слово Патріярх значить Голова Роду або Сім’ї. У
Біблії знаходимо таких патріярхів єврейського роду як Авраам
і Йосиф. Про них читаємо в Старому Заповіті. У той час серед
людей було багато нечестивих, які вирізували з дерева ідоли
та вклонялися їм. Але був один чоловік на ім’я Авраам, який
вірив у єдиного Бога та був другом Божим. Бог наказав йому
йти до Хананського краю, де Авраам оселився.
Далі читаємо про випробування Авраамової любові до Бога.
Бог сказав Авраамові, щоб він приніс йому в жертву свого єдиного сина Ісаака—і Авраам був готовий так зробити. Коли він
стояв із ножем над сином, Бог зупинив його. Бог побачив, що
хоч Авраам любив сина понад усе, то він любив Бога сильніше.
Тоді ангел Божий сказав йому, що Бог благословить його і
всіх нащадків його, і один буде Спасителем усіх народів землі.
Ми віримо, що ангел говорив про Ісуса Христа, що довгий час
потому у Діви Марії народився син Божий.
В християнській церкві патріярх є найстарший ієрарх. Спочатку було патріярхів тільки п’ять—в Константинополі, в Єрусалимі, в Антіохії та в Оликсандрії, і на заході в Римі. В цей час
є багато патріярхів, перший з них є Вселенський Патріярх Варфоломій. 21 листопада 2010 року Патріярх Варфоломій завершив процес обрання і ратифікації його Високопреосвященства
Митрополита Юрія Первоієрарха Української Православної
Церкви в Канаді.
Вселенський Патріярх Варфоломій відвідав Канаду вперше
в історії в 1998 році.
лютий 2011
In the bible the religious meaning referred to as patriarchs of the
people of Israel, most important
being Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Read your old testament to learn
about their interesting and very
long lives.
In our Eastern Orthodox church
the patriarch is the highest-ranking bishop. Our patriarch is Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of
Constantinople. You have often
read greetings and religious articles written by him printed in our
Visnyk. Although there are a numDobrodiyka Jane
ber of patriarchs in the Orthodox
Church, Bartholomew of Constantinople is ranked first among equals among all others and he alone
can convene extraordinary synods (meetings) of the whole church to
deal with church situations. This makes him the spiritual leader of
over 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide. He also has the
power to approve the election of new bishops and metropolitans in
all Orthodox churches in his jurisdiction.
In the October 10 issue of Visnyk you can read about the election and ratification of our recently elected Metropolitan Yurij.
As a Jew Jesus was a descendant of a long line of ancient Kings
dating back to King David and of Abraham, the father of all Jews
with whom God had established a covenant. This lineage is recalled in the gospel reading on the Sunday before Christmas. Read
it in Chapter one of Matthew and in Luke 3:23.
Open those bibles often.There's lots to learn.
Over the years that I have been writing this page, I have received many cards and letters from my readers. I thank you and ask
you to please keep writing. In the last few months I have moved and
changed my address twice. Please note my new address:
Dobrodiyka Jane Luchak
Suite 357 1115 Molson Street, Winnipeg, MB R2K 4G4
Don't miss your
opportunity to place your
Paschal (Easter) Greeting
in the Paschal (Easter)
Edition of
“Visnyk”/“The Herald”
The deadline for receipt
of greetings is Monday,
March 7, 2011 for your advertisements.
To support our Church
newspaper, we encourage all
our parishes, parish districts,
community organizations and local businesses to place an Easter Greeting in
“Visnyk”/“The Herald”.
The Paschal advertising rates and sizes are as follows:
• Full Page: 14 1/2” H x 10” W
$500.00 + $25.00 (GST) = $525.00
$650.00 + $32.50 (GST) = $682.50
• Half Page: 7 1/8” H x 10” W or 14 1/2” H x 4 7/8” W
$250.00 + $12.50 (GST) = $262.50
$350.00 + $17.50 (GST) = $367.50
• Quarter Page: 7 1/8” H x 4 7/8” W
$150.00 + $ 7.50 (GST) = $157.50
$225.00 + $11.25 (GST) = $236.25
• Eighth Page: 3 1/2” H x 4 7/8” W
$ 75.00 + $ 3.75 (GST) = $ 78.75
(colour not available)
For more information please call
Valentyna Dmytrenko
at Toll free (877) 586-3093 Wpg. 582-8709 ext. 223 (both)
or email:
We appreciate your support!
Patriarch Bartholomew giving Metropolitan Yurij a gift of an Archpastoral Staff.
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
Fax: (204) 582-5241
February 2011
Community News
Марія Дитиняк, диригент і художний директор
Едмонтонського хору «Дніпро», передає батуту
n В понеділок, 13-го вересня, 2010
р., Едмонтонський хор «Дніпро»
відбув свою першу пробу 2010-2011
сезону. Хор провадить свої проби
співу, в останньому часі, у підвалі
Катедри св. Івана. В цей перший вечір, після літніх вакацій, члени хору
спілкувалися і ділилися споминами
про минуле літо, та іншими цікавими новинами. Тоді було оголошено,
що проба починається. І тут сталося щось надзвичайне! Замість покликати свою асистентку почати
розспів, як це звичайно водиться, п-і
«маестро» Дитиняк, стала перед хором і оголосила новину, яка змінить
назавжди еру дотеперішнього хору
«Дніпро». Незвичайна тишина оповила ввесь колектив коли п-і Дитиняк повідомила своїх хористів, що
це буде її останній сезон як диригент хору «Дніпро». Вона відразу заявила, що це не значить, що вона
відходить на відпочинок, навпаки,
вона має намір дальше бути заангажованою в цім колективі, який вона
вважає родиною, але вона все таки
«передає батуту».
Марія Дитиняк стала диригентом і артистичним директором Едмонтонського хору «Дніпро» в 1976
р., після передчасного і несподіваного упокоєння засновника хору бл.
п. Романа Солтикевича. Вона отримала свою музичну освіту в Україні,
Австрії, і остаточно в Монреалі, де
вона студіювала з Edna Маria Hawkins і отримала Associate Royal Conservatory of Toronto Piano Teacher's
Diploma. В червні 2010 p., п-і Дитиняк відзначила своє 50 ліття навчання учительки фортепіяна декількох
поколінь майбутніх Едмонтонських
аспірантів музики. Вона є активною
членкою Alberta Registered Music
Teachers Association під час своєї кар’єри, і також довголітня членкиня
Alberta Choral Federation. П-і Дитиняк є засновницею і артистичним
провідником жіночого вокального
ансамблю «Мережі» (ансамбль на 9
голосів, який був дуже популярний
в роках від 1968-1990). Під цю пору
п-і Дитиняк є артистичним директором жіночого ансамблю «Дніпрова хвиля» (група з 7-ми голосів вибраних з членів хору «Дніпро»). В
1972 р. вона була одною із засновників УМТА—Українське Музичне
Товариство Альберти—де вона відіграє важливу ролю по сьогоднішний день. Великою заслугою була її
праця над проектом «Фундації Тисячоліття Хрещення України» (The
Ukraine Millennium Foundation Bort-
niansky Project) записування духовних концертів Д. Бортнянського де
вона була зв’язкова проекту (Bortniansky Project Liaison), була членом
Музичного Комітету, і провадила
тижневі проби з ту тешніми хористами, які належали до проекту. П-і
Дитиняк є авторкою важливої довідкової книжки «Українські композитори: Біо-бібліографічний довідник» (КІУС, 1986).
З огляду на всі ці осяги, не дивно
що п-і Дитиняк одержала різні нагороди, велику пошану і признання
за її працю, а саме: За вклад праці в
ділянці жіноцтва, "Women in the
Arts," City of Edmonton Certificate of
Merit 1975 р.; Honorary Life Membership in the Ukrainian Professional and
Business Club of Edmonton, 1989; Hetman нагорода від КУК—Альбертський Провінційний Комітет, 1998; і
останньо, Шевченківську Медаль,
як найвище признання від Конгресу
Українців Канади.
Хоч якою успішною і задовольняючою була її кар’єра і всі нагороди з нею пов’язані, то вона сама
признається, що найбільш близьким її серцю було організовання
«Диригентських семінарів». Це була
вершина її життєвого вдоволення. З
повною підтримкою УМТА, вона
зуміла перенести з Торонта, започаткувати та створити в Едмонтоні
диригентські семінарі, під диригентурою маестра Володимира Колесника, який приїздив на ті курси з
Торонта. Ці семінарі проводилися в
Едмонтоні цілих 20 років, два тижні
кожного літа від 1978-1997рр. Вони
були надзвичайно успішні і приваблювали студентів і співаків з цілої
Канади, Америки, Австралії, аж до
Аргентини. Вони також були тим
цінні, бо дали почин новій генерації
диригентів, і познайомили Північно-Американську громаду з багатим, новим і зворушливим репертуаром. Використовуючи золоту нагоду, що маестро Колесник перебуває в Едмонтоні, вона, з повною підтримкою управи та цілого хору
«Дніпро», скористала з його таланту, щоб допомогти розширити і
збагатити хоровий репертуар і розучити нові твори, та поставити їх
на Едмонтонських сценах. І так в
Едмонтоні було поставлено дві опери, хорові-симфонічні твори (поставлені в Едмонтоні і Торонті) як
також було замовлено нові композиції, спеціяльно для хору «Дніпро».
Це не перебільшено сказати, що п-і
Дитиняк далекозорість і артистична відкритість, її характерна ентузіястичність і завзяття, були причиною, яка повела «її» хор відважно
в новому напрямку.
Що Марія Дитиняк рішила «передати батуту» є справді монументальною подією, не тільки в житті її
улюбленого хору «Дніпро», не тільки Едмонтонської хорової спільноти, але і Канадської української музичної спільноти взагалі. Вона є
справжній чемпіон української пісні в усій своїй розкішності жанру.
Це є те, що підкріпляє її працю, то,
що дає її наснагу хотіти видобути
щонайкраще від своїх співаків, і
дати щонайкраще публиці, і це є те,
що підкреслює її часто-сказаний
вислів: «Чому ні? Якщо не ми, якщо
«Дніпро» цього не зробить, то хто
це зробить?»
Браво, п-і Маріє! Браво, бравіссімо!
—Хор «Дніпро»
Едмонтон, Альберта
Maria Dytyniak, Artistic Director of Edmonton’s Ukrainian Dnipro
Choir, “Passes the Baton”
n On Monday, September 13, 2010,
Edmonton’s Ukrainian Dnipro Choir
held its first rehearsal of the 2010-2011
season. The choir’s rehearsal space—
the basement of St. John’s Ukrainian
Orthodox Cathedral—buzzed with the
usual "how-was-your-summer" talk
and gossip until the rehearsal was called to order. Instead of calling on her
assistant to proceed with the expected
warm-up vocal exercises, Dnipro’s ‘pani maestro’ stood at her music stand
and made what turned out to be an
era-changing announcement. An unusual hush greeted Maria Dytyniak’s
words as she informed the choir that
this would be her last season as their
conductor. She insisted that she was
not retiring, that she had every intention of remaining involved with a collective she considered family—that she
was simply "passing the baton."
Maria Dytyniak became the Conductor and Artistic Director of the Ukrainian Dnipro Choir in 1976 upon the
untimely passing of the choir’s founder, Roman Soltykewych. She received
her musical training in Ukraine, Austria, and finally in Montreal where she
studied with Edna Marie Hawkins and
obtained her Associate of the Royal
Conservatory of Toronto Piano Teacher’s Diploma. In June 2010, Dytyniak
marked 50 years of teaching piano to a
few generations of Edmonton’s aspiring musicians. An active member of
the Alberta Registered Music Teachers
Association throughout her career, she
was also a long-time member of the Alberta Choral Federation. Founder and
artistic director of the Merezhi Ukrainian Vocal Ensemble, a nine-voice
women’s group active from 1968 into
the late 1980s, Dytyniak is now the
artistic advisor to Dniprova Khvylia, a
seven-voice women’s group drawn
from the ranks of Dnipro Choir. In
1972, she co-founded the Ukrainian
Music Society of Alberta (UMSA)
where she continues to play an influential role. Through her involvement in
the Ukraine Millennium Foundation’s
Bortniansky Project, she held the position of Bortniansky Project Liaison,
served on its Music Committee and
ran weekly rehearsals with the project’s
local singers. She is also the author of a
useful reference work entitled Ukrainian Composers: A Bio-bibliographic
Guide (CIUS Press, 1986).
In view of these and many other accomplishments, it is not surprising
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
that Maria Dytyniak has been the recipient of various awards and widespread recognition. For her contribution to the field of Women in the Arts,
the City of Edmonton awarded her the
Certificate of Merit in 1975. Other accolades include an honorary life membership in the Ukrainian Professional
and Business Club of Edmonton
(1989); a Hetman Award from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress–Alberta
Provincial Council (1998); and most
recently, the Shevchenko Medal, the
highest honour bestowed by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress.
However, as satisfying as her career
and its attendant rewards have been,
Maria Dytyniak points with quiet
pride to her role in the organization of
the Conductors Seminar as the pinnacle of her life’s work. With the full support of UMSA, she was instrumental in
bringing this seminar and its director,
Maestro Wolodymyr Kolesnyk, from
Toronto to its new home in Edmonton
for 20 consecutive two-week-long
summer sessions from 1978 through to
1997. These seminars were immensely
popular, attracting students and singers from across Canada, the USA, and
as far away as Australia and Argentina;
they were also especially significant in
that they gave rise to a new generation
Fax: (204) 582-5241
of conductors as well as introducing
North America’s choral community to
a great deal of new and exciting repertoire. Never one to shy away from a
golden opportunity, Maria Dytyniak—
with the full support of Dnipro Choir
and its executive—capitalized on Maestro Kolesnyk’s regular presence in
Edmonton. A fruitful 19-year-long artistic collaboration with the Maestro
ensued, resulting in an expansion of
the choir’s repertoire and performance
opportunities: two full-length operas
were staged, choral-symphonic works
were performed on major concert
stages in both Edmonton and Toronto,
new works were commissioned.
It is not an exaggeration to suggest
that Maria Dytyniak’s foresight and
artistic openness, her characteristically
enthusiastic determination and fearless can-do approach were instrumental in moving her choir boldly in new
Maria Dytyniak’s decision to "pass
the baton" is indeed a momentous
event not only in the life of her beloved
Dnipro, but also in Edmonton’s and
Canada’s Ukrainian choral community
overall. She is a true champion of Ukrainian song in all its wonderful variety.
(continued on p.24)
Community News
лютий 2011
Шевченківська Фундація
сприяє Терезі Сокирці у
випуску музичного альбому
"Українське коріння"
The Shevchenko Foundation
assists Theresa Sokyrka
to produce
a Ukrainian Roots Album
n Завдяки щедрому гранту від Української Канадської Фундації ім.
Тараса Шевченка, співачка Тереза
Сокирка успішно завершила свій
перший музичний альбом під назвою «Українське коріння».
Попри те, що Тереза є канадкою
українського походження у четвертому поколінні, вона відчуває нестримну потребу популяризувати
свою культуру через пісню. Любов
до української музики прийшла до
Терези під час навчання на українській двомовній програмі при
школі Святої Горетті в Саскатуні
(нині Школа єпископа Філевича), а
також унаслідок її багаторічної участі в саскатунському молодіжному
хорі «Ластівка».
Альбом, присвячений покійним
виконавцям Квітці Цісик та Володимирові Івасюку, являє собою
збірку українських пісень у сучасній
обробці. Пристрасть до української
музики із Терезою поділяють Кариса Клопущак із Саскатунy (скрипка)
та Енді Черні з монреальського гурту «Веселка» (акордеон). Продюсе-
n With a generous recording grant from
the Shevchenko Foundation, Theresa
Sokyrka—recording artist and singer
/songwriter has successfully completed
her first self titled “Ukrainian Roots”
As a fourth generation Canadian of
Ukrainian descent, Theresa realizes the
importance of promoting her culture
through song. Her love for Ukrainian
music has been fostered by her involvement with the Ukrainian Bilingual
program at St. Goretti School (now Bishop Filevich School) in Saskatoon, as
well as her years of singing with Saskatoon's Lastiwka Ukrainian youth choir
and orchestra.
The CD is a selection of traditional
Ukrainian songs, with a modern take
and is dedicated to the late Kvitka Cisyk and Volodymyr Ivasiuk. Accompanied by Carissa Klopoushak (violin)
from Saskatoon and Andy Czerny (accordion) from the band Veselka in
Montreal, they share the same love and
devotion for Ukrainian music, and
wish to encourage everyone in helping
ром проекту виступив Бенуа Мор'є
з Вінніпегу.
Четвертого грудня 2010 року в
Йорктоні, Саскачеван, відбувся концерт з нагоди створення нового
альбому. Відтак музиканти вирушать у гастрольне турне з концертами
в Саскатуні (11 грудня) та по цілій
Північній Америці (січень-вересень
2011 року).
Спонсорська підтримка від Асоціації Українок Канади (UWAC) та
Української Католицької Жіночої
Ліги в Канаді (UCWL) дозволить зібрати кошти на розвиток місцевих
осередків цих організацій. Якщо ж
будь-які інші організації в Канаді чи
Америці мають бажання профінансувати концерт Терези у своїй місцевості, або ж організувати її виступ на фестивалях чи інших подіях,
просимо звертатися до «Theresa Entertainment Productions» за номером 1-866-566-1341, або ж писати на
електронну пошту
чи відвідати інтернет-сайт
them perpetuate our Ukrainian culture
through music and song. Benoit Morier from Winnipeg accompanied, produced, and engineered the project.
There was be a concert on December 4th, 2010 in Yorkton, Saskatchewan
to celebrate the launch of the album
and a North American tour will follow
with shows in Saskatoon, (December
11th) and throughout North America
from January to September 2011.
With sponsored support from the
UWAC (Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada) and the UCWL (Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League in
Canada) a unique fund raising opportunity exists to benefit the local
branches in their towns and cities. If
there are any other organizations in
Canada and the US who wish to sponsor an event in their local area, or to
have Theresa perform at their festivals
or corporate events, please contact
Theresa Entertainment Productions at
or visit www.theresa
is seeking a dynamic CHOIR DIRECTOR to help establish a new youth
choir that will carry out both liturgical and folkloric choral programs.
The successful applicant will have had experience in conducting a church and
folkloric choir and a basic knowledge of Ukrainian Orthodox liturgies; as well
as demonstrated abilities in the area of interpersonal relations and skills in
recruiting members, motivating and leading cultural groups. Experience in
directing choral volunteers is preferred. Optional responsibilities are negotiable, depending upon the applicant. Compensation will depend upon the applicant's training/experience and the role(s) to be performed.
Please submit:
1) a letter of application outlining your qualifications, including church and
folkloric music training, experience and compensation expectations for
this position;
2) your curriculum vitae;
3) since the position deals with youth, a current criminal check is required; and
4) names and contact information for at least 3 current references.
Dytyniak (continued from p.23)
It is this which sustains her work; it
is this which drives her to challenge her
singers and their audiences alike; and it
is this which underlies her oft-heard
words: "Why NOT? If we, the Dnipro
Choir do not do this, do not take this
on, who will?"
Bravo, Maria Dytyniak,
Bravo, Bravissimo!
—Olesia Talpash
The Ukrainian Dnipro Choir
Edmonton, Alberta
Dear Readers,
It is our desire at the Visnyk that memorial announcements sent in by
our readers appropriately honour their departed loved ones. To this end, we
request that, when submitting an announcement with a picture, you send
us an actual photograph. Please do not send pictures from newspaper clippings, computer print outs or photocopies, as these take a great deal of time
to prepare for publication and rarely render a good image when printed in
the paper.
Photographs will be sent back only upon request and if accompanied
with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Thank you.
— Editor
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
оголошує конкурс на посаду динамічного ДИРИГЕНТА (регента) церковного хору, щоб міг заснувати новий молодіжний хор, який буде здійснювати як літургійну так і фольклорну (народну) хорові програми.
Переможець конкурсу повинен мати досвід диригування церковним
і народним хором і повинен продемонструвати здібності у сфері
міжособистих відносин і навичок у вербуванні членів, мотивації та
провідництва культурних груп. Бажано, щоб ця особа мала досвід керівництва хорових добровольців. Додаткові обов'язки договірні, в
залежності від заявника. Винагорода буде залежати від досвіду заявника і ролі, яку він/вона буде виконувати.
Будь ласка, подайте:
1) лист-заяву з поданням вашої кваліфікації, в тому числі церковного та фольклорного навчання музиці, роки досвіду і очікувану винагороду на цій посаді;
2) Ваше резюме;
3) Оскільки на цій посаді контактуєте з молоддю, потрібна довідка
кримінальної перевірки;
4) імена та телефони, по крайній мірі 3 людей, які за вас можуть поручитися.
Надіслати заяву і вищезазначені матеріали звичайною поштою або
по електронній пошті:
Send application materials by mail or email to:
Vasyl Balan, President
87 St. Cross Street, Winnipeg MB R2W 3X9
Phone: (204) 586-7316 Email:
Fax: (204) 582-5241
February 2011
Give Rest with the Saints…
Dr. William (Vlas) Darcovich In Memoriam
(July 3, 1921 – February 28, 2010)
n Dr. William Darcovich passed away
on February 28, 2010, in Edmonton at
the age of 88 years. He was born on
July 3, 1921, in Volhynia, northwestern
Ukraine, known then as Francuzze or
The French Colony, which was under
Polish rule at that time. He was the second eldest son of Philip and Marta
Darcovich. Experiencing many deprivations due to the First World War and
the Communist Revolution, Philip and
Marta Darcovich emigrated from Ukraine to Canada in 1928, with their family of five children (James, William,
Zennie, Peter and Helen) settling in Kuroki, Saskatchewan. In 1929, William’s
mother, Marta passed away, leaving his
father, Philip and the five children
without a wife and a mother. Soon after, Philip married Parania (Pearl) Dubinetsky, and the family struggled its
way through the the Great Depression
of the 1930s. As life on their farm gradually became more established, two
more children were born into the family—Jack and Ollie.
Upon completion of high school, William enrolled as a student in the College
of Agriculture, University of Saskatchewan (U of S). He completed his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with Distinction, and went on to achieve a Master of Science in Farm Management
and Statistics at the U of S. While he
was a student at the U of S, William
resided at the P. Mohyla Institute in
Saskatoon, and served as President of
the Mohyla Kameniari Student Society.
Like many other students, William
was obliged to work outside of the farm
whenever he could to earn the money
needed to pay for his schooling. To save
on transportation costs he even rode a
freight train to get to where he needed
to be. Returning home whenever he
could to help on the family farm, he
brought with him the latest thinking in
progressive agriculture and presented
his learning to his parents and grandparents, who were a rapt and receptive
audience. For example, leaving a field
fallow every third year to replenish
moisture and nutrients was one of the
ideas that William brought back from
university, and the Darcovich farms
were among the first in the Kuroki area
to implement this practice.
Following completion of his Master
of Science degree, William served as an
instructor for one year at the U of S,
and also spent a summer assisting with
research at an Experimental Farm in
Regina. He enjoyed studying, moving
on to graduate studies in Michigan and
then Iowa where he earned a PhD from
Iowa State University in 1952, specializing in economics and statistics. He then
returned to Canada and embarked on a
life-long career with the federal public
service, working at the Department of
Agriculture and at Statistics Canada.
He spent six years with the Atlantic Development Board, and during the 1970s
he was named to the Canadian International Development Agency team which
was sent to Uganda to modernize agricultural practices there. Also, during
the 1970s he was named to a World
Bank team that was sent to East Pakistan (what is now Bangladesh) to rehabilitate agriculture in that country after
its destruction by a cyclone.
William participated in many national and international conferences in
his field, and wrote and co-authored a
number of professional papers. As research team leader, he co-edited the
Statistical Compendium on Ukrainians
in Canada 1891 – 1976. He applied this
love of writing to preserve his own family’s legacy and became known as the
Darcovich family historian. He visited
Ukraine several times as part of his lifelong interest in Ukraine and its culture.
He was an active member of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, participated
in the Order of St. Andrew, and the
Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association
(TYC). He was also a member of the
Canadian Agricultural Economics Society and the Federal Superannuates
National Association.
William married his first wife, Helen
Michalenko in 1955. He was predeceased by her in 1977. In 1980 he married, Isabelle Boyko, and became a caring and involved step-father to her
daughter, Anne Marie. This family dynamic resulted in William eventually
becoming a father-in-law to Roy and
Glen, and grandfather to Daniel, Alexander, Michael, Christopher, Matthew
and Jacob.
A life-long scholar, William instilled
his love of learning with his many nephews and nieces, and grandchildren.
No visit was complete without a drive
to the bookstore to buy books.
In his retirement, he continued to research family roots and worked on his
memoirs before the effects of Parkinson’s Disease made this too difficult. He
was a driving force behind the organization of the first Darcovich family reunion, which has now become a triennial tradition in the family. The early reunions always featured a compilation of
his latest research on the family history.
William was a generous man. He was
a loyal, responsible and helpful son; a
devoted husband; a caring father and
grandfather; a wonderful brother; a delightful brother-in-law; and a dear uncle to his many nephews and nieces
whom he treasured. Of all his interests
and activities, family was his passion.
He was much loved and his far-flung
family truly misses him.
May his memory be eternal!
Vichnaya Pam’yat!
Бл. п. Амброзій
Бондарчук (1920-2001)
В 10-ту річницю упокоєння
n У 10-ту річницю упокоєння в Бозі
бл. п. Амброзій Бондарчук (упокоївся 19-го січня 2001 року Божого).
Спи спокійно Доргий, Тато і Дідусь до Другого Пришестя Христа. Нехай Господь оселить душу твою в
Оселях Своїх небесних. Нехай Канадська земля буде тобі легою як
пух, а пам'ять про тебе з роду в рід.
Вічна тобі пам’ять!
Вічная Пам’ять!
Священнослужителям, що спочили в Бозі у січні місяці.
“Memory Eternal!” to all UOCC clergy who fell asleep in the Lord in January.
Протопресвітер Михайло Павлишин
† 16.01.09
— Твої люблячі діти й онуки
Оксана Бондарчук, Ярослав Петришин
Таїса Петришин, Ярко Петришин
Віктор Бондарчук
Редакція просить пробачення за недогляд (ім’я протопресв.
М. Павлишина було опущено із списку спочилих у січні місяці)
Вічная Пам’ять!
Memory Eternal!
Священнослужителям, що спочили в Бозі у лютому місяці.
Митрополит Андрeй (Григорій Мeтюк)
† 02.02.85
Архиєп. Олeксандр (Новицький)
† 12.02.70
Архиєпископ Іов (Скакальский)
† 18.02.74
Протоієрей Юрій Пeлeшук
† 12.02.52
Протоієрей Тимофій-Андрій Горбай
† 17.02.69
Протоієрей Іван Пeстун
† 12.02.70
Протопрeсвітeр д-р Дмитро Стратійчук
† 20.02.73
Протопресвітер д-р Пeтро Самeць
† 06.02.85
Протоієрей Тарас Славчeнко
† 18.02.85
Протоієрей Микола Овчарeнко
† 25.02.86
Протоієрей Євгeн Лeвицький
† 21.02.90
Протопресвітер Павло Шадурський
† 09.02.98
Протопресвітер д-р Іван Стус
† 12.02.04
“Memory Eternal!” to all UOCC clergy who fell asleep in the Lord this month.
† 02.02.1985
Metropolitan Andrey (Metiuk)
† 12.02.1970
Archbishop Alexander (Novitsky)
† 18.02.1974
Archbishop Iov (Skakalsky)
† 12.02.1952
Archpriest Yuriy Peleshuk
† 17.02.1969
Archpriest Tymofy Horbay
† 12.02.1970
Archpriest Ivan Pestun
† 20.02.1973
Protopresbyter Dr. Dmytro Stratychuk
† 06.02.1985
Protopresbyter Dr. Peter Sametz
† 18.02.1985
Archpriest Taras Slavchenko
† 25.02.1986
Archpriest Mykola Owcharenko
Archpriest Eugene Levitsky
† 21.02.1990
† 09.02.1998
Archpriest Pawlo Shadursky
† 12.02.2004
Protopresbyter Dr. Ivan Stus
Добродійкам, що спочили в Бозі у лютому місяці.
Добр. Марія Маґас
Добр. Наталія Гліцька
Добр. Олeна Гикава
Добр. Ольга Шкрумеда
Добр. Ольга Філь
“Memory Eternal!” to all UOCC Dobrodiykas who fell asleep in the Lord this month.
† 01.02.1975
Dobr. Maria Magas
† 27.02.1984
Dobr. Natalia Glitsky
† 03.02.1994
Dobr. Olena Hykaway
† 07.02.2004
Dobr. Ol’ha Skrumeda
† 27.02.2009
Dobr. Ol’ha Fil'
† 01.02.75
† 27.02.84
† 03.02.94
† 07.02.04
† 27.02.09
Шановні Читачі! Будемо щиро вдячні, якщо, завваживши помилку чи пропуск в цій колонці, повідомите нас.
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
Dear Readers! If there are errors or omissions in this column, please let us know.
Thank You.
Fax: (204) 582-5241
Give Rest with the Saints…
лютий 2011
Dobrodijka Nadia Stus In Memoriam
(October 18, 1924 – November 5, 2010)
n Nadia was born in Vinnytsia in the
province of Volyn in Western Ukraine
where she lived on a farm with her 2
sisters and her parents, who by standards of the time were fairly well-to-do.
Her life of innocence came to an abrupt
halt when the USSR confiscated their
possessions taking her father to Siberia
and sending her older sister to jail. The
German Army took over where the
KGB left off. When the Germans burnt
their home to the ground, and not
knowing the fate of her husband, nor
the daughter that had been taken to jail,
Nadia’s mother escaped with her two
remaining daughters to Poland. The
journey was fraught with dangers such
as bomb shelling and gunfire, forcing
the women to sleep in their wagon to
protect the few belongings they had
taken with them.
The two sisters were separated from
their mother and taken to a labor camp
to make munitions for the Germans,
while their mother was set to work at
another camp involving lighter duties.
In 1945 they were liberated by British
soldiers who were part of the Allied
Forces, then were moved to a Displaced
Persons camp where preparations were
being made for returning people to
their homelands.
The mother and her three daughters
were eventually reunited. They still did
not know the status of Nadia’s father.
Assuming that he had perished, they
made their way to Canada, specifically,
Nadia immediately found employment at a sewing factory which involved long shifts for minimum wages.
She enjoyed her time in her new country where she quickly made many new
friends. She joined the local church and
sang in the choir. Here she met her future husband Ivan Stus They were married in 1953 and shortly thereafter began raising their family of three.
From the time of Father Ivan’s ordi-
retyping the manuscript consisting of
450 pages of text during the research
and writing of CYMK Pathways which
documents the 60 year history of Alberta and British Columbia CYMK
from 1931 to 1990.
Dobrodijka Nadia was a true helpmate in her husband’s calling and lived
a long and active Christ-centered life.
During the past number of years her
life has been very difficult. She cared
for her sick husband for 11 years until
his passing from this earthly life in
2004. Shortly afterwards she became ill
herself and spent her remaining 5 years
in the care of Capital Care Strathcona
in Sherwood Park, Alberta. In these last
years in Edmonton Nadia lived a private life and treasured the time she
spent with close friends and family.
Her kindness, determination, generosity of spirit, and great love of life
will be deeply missed by those who
knew her. The late Dobrodijka Nadia is
survived by and fondly remembered
her three children Ihor, Natalka, Bohdan and their families.
nation into Holy Priesthood in the year
1958 Dobrodijka Nadia was active in
Ukrainian and Parish life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches wherever
her husband had been assigned, be it
Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton or Winnipeg. Dobr. Nadia belonged to the Ukrainian Women’s Association branches
in all of these locations. She taught Ukrainian and Sunday school, was Summer Camp director, sang in the choir,
and did whatever was required of her at
the parish level, as well as nurture her
family while Father Ivan was attending
university and fulfilling his duties as a
priest. During this entire time she also
worked outside of her home to supplement the family’s income.
In 1984 Dobr. Nadia and Fr. Ivan returned to Edmonton where she was
again gainfully employed, this time in
the Ukrainian Bilingual Program with
the Edmonton Public School Board.
They eventually moved into Dnipro Seniors Home where she learned to use
her new Mac computer at age 65. Her
skills were greatly appreciated, and
from 1986 to 1990 she worked diligently with the Editorial Board typing and
Вічна її пам’ять!
William (Bill) Sopatyk
У річницю упокоєння
(1916-2008) In Memoriam
Ted F. Wasylyshen
January 9, 1916 – February 24, 2008
(February 24, 1995)
In Memoriam
n Three years have gone by since you
left so suddenly without a good-bye.
Gone are the days we used to share,
But in our hearts you are always there.
The gates of memories will never close,
We miss you more than anyone knows.
Life goes on we know that's true,
But it's not the same since we lost you.
Lovingly remembered and sadly
—Wife Rose and family
Your presence we miss,
Your memories we treasure
Lovingly remembered by:
—Evelyn, Dave, Deane
Kaira and Derek and
Ben and Evelyn
God grant him repose in His Kingdom and may his memory be eternal.
Вічна йому пам'ять!
Вічна йому пам'ять!
Український Православний Собор Св. Покрови
St. Магу the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
820 Burrows Avenue, Winnipeg Manitoba R2X OR2
Hon. James Moore, P.C., M.P
Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages
12th Floor, 15 Eddy Street, Gatineau,QC K1A 0M5
21 December 2010
n Dear Minister:
In 2010, our Parish of St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
celebrates its 85th Anniversary. The Parish was founded by people that had lived
through the injust consequences of the War Measures Act as enacted in 1914 1920, which included internment, denaturalization and the banning of Ukrainian Canadian organizations and media.
After the Second World War, our Parish became a home for large numbers of
refugees who had survived the Famine-Genocide in Ukraine, the horrors of collectivization and Stalinism and the deprivations visited upon their homeland by
the Nazis as well as forced repatriation to the USSR.
We are therefore deeply distressed to learn of reports regarding the curatorial
plan and exhibits of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg. This
is a taxpayer funded National Canadian museum. The recently released report of
its Content Advisory Panel does not acknowledge the internment of Ukrainians
during Canada's First National Internment Operations, nor does it intend to feature a permanent and prominent gallery on the Holodomor.
As you will know by now, the Ukrainian Canadian community demands that
in the publicly funded Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg the
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
Holodomor, the Famine-Genocide of 1932-33 in which millions of Ukrainians
perished should be prominently, distinctly and permanently featured. This
should be done in a fashion no lesser or greater than other genocides of the 20th
Additionally, the experience of Ukrainians and other Europeans unjustly imprisoned during Canada's first national internment operations of 1914-1920
should be included in a distinct and permanent gallery exhibit.
The report of the Content Advisory Panel must be shelved and the Museum
staff instructed to prepare a report which is more balanced and equitable. Thank
you for your consideration of our request.
Rev. Fr. Dr. Jaroslav Buciora (Parish Priest) Vasyl Balan (Parish Council President)
UCCLA Media Release
Response to Misconceptions about
Canadian Museum of Human Rights
n Commenting on yesterday's (6 January) media advisory from the Canadian Museum of Human Rights, the
chair of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil
Fax: (204) 582-5241
Liberties Association, Mr. Roman Zakaluzny, said:
(continued on p. 27)
Priest: V. Rev. Archpriest Michael Skrumeda
Sunday - 6
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Brandon
Sunday - 13
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Portage la Prairie
Sunday - 20
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Brandon
Sunday - 27
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Portage la Prairie
Sunday - 13
Sunday - 20
Tel: (204) 582-9053
Every Saturday
Every Sunday
Priest: Fr. Evan Maximiuk
Tel: (204) 474-2812
5:00 p.m. - Vespers (Services in English)
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy (Services in English)
Sunday - 27
Priest: Rev. Fr. Richard Ehrmantraut
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Gonor
Tel: (204) 582-9882
Contact: Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Victor Lakusta
Tel: (204) 586-3093 ext.227
Sunday - 6
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Rossburn
Priest: V. Rev. Archpriest Miron Pozniak
Tel: (204) 334-6297
9:30 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Tolstoi
2:00 p.m. - Noon-day Service - Vita Shady Oaks Lodge
9:30 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Sirko
9:30 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Senkiw
2:00 p.m. - Noon-day Service - Vita Personal Care Home
9:30 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Sarto
Sunday - 6
Sunday - 13
Sunday - 20
Sunday - 27
Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Fr. Gene Maximiuk
Tel: (204) 336-0996
Saturday - 12
Sunday - 13
Saturday - 26
Sunday - 27
5:00 p.m. - Vespers
9:30 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy
5:00 p.m. - Vespers
9:30 a.m. - Confession; 10:00 a.m. - Liturgy
Sunday - 27
Priest: V. Rev. Fr. Slawomir Lomaszkіewicz
Tel: (306) 205-6478
6:30 p.m. - Akathist - Descent of the Holy Spirit
5:00 p.m. - Vespers - Selo
6:30 p.m. - Vespers - Descent of the Holy Spirit
9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - Descent of the Holy Spirit
6:30 p.m. - Akathist - Descent of the Holy Spirit
9:30 a.m. - Liturgy - St. Volodymyr, Moose Jaw
5:00 p.m. - Vespers - Selo
6:30 p.m. - Vespers - Descent of the Holy Spirit
9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - Descent of the Holy Spirit
9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - Selo
10:00 a.m. - Afternoon Service - Parkside
6:30 p.m. - Akathist - Descent of the Holy Spirit
9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - St. Michael’s, Regina
5:00 p.m. - Vespers - Selo
6:30 p.m. - Vespers - Descent of the Holy Spirit
9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - Descent of the Holy Spirit
6:30 p.m. - Akathist - Descent of the Holy Spirit
9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - St. Michael’s, Candiac
5:00 p.m. - Vespers - Selo
6:30 p.m. - Vespers - Descent of the Holy Spirit
9:30 a.m. - Matins; Liturgy - Descent of the Holy Spirit
Sunday - 6
Priest: Rev. Fr. Patrick Powalinsky
Tel: (306) 542-2540
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Swan River
Sunday - 6
Wednesday - 9
Saturday - 12
Sunday - 13
Tuesday - 15
Wednesday - 16
Saturday - 19
Sunday - 20
Wednesday - 23
Saturday - 26
UCCLA Media Release
continued from p. 26
"We are not aware of any misconceptions about the Canadian Museum for
Human Rights. It is a publicly funded, national museum whose operating budget
will be supported, in perpetuity, by all Canadian taxpayers. At present the Museum's plans call for 12 galleries, known as zones. Ten of these will apparently be
thematic, but two are already fixed in terms of their focus—on Jewish suffering
during the Second World War (the Shoah) and Canadian aboriginal issues. By
being afforded permanent and prominent spaces in this museum the horrors
endured by these groups are being elevated above those of all other peoples.
"Furthermore, while the contents of most galleries may not yet be settled, the
Museum's spokesperson, Ms. Angela Cassie, admits that privileged gallery spaces
have been prearranged for two communities. We, and the Canadian public in
general, oppose this preferential treatment.
"The Ukrainian Canadian community has raised publicly its concerns with
respect to the management, governance and proposed contents of this publicly
funded Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Those legitimate concerns were
not answered by the Museum's Jan. 6 communique. Until such a time as they are,
we again call upon the Government of Canada to:
1. suspend any further financial support for this project
2. establish an independent group to review the proposed contents of this
national museum
3. appoint new members to its board of directors who are more representative
of Canadian society
"Welcome as the prospect of a Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg
is, we cannot accept the public purse being used to fund partiality or prejudice."
For more on UCCLA go to
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Kamsack
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Swan River
Priest’s vacation
Sunday - 6
Saturday - 12
Sunday - 13
Tuesday - 15
Sunday - 20
Sunday - 27
Priest: V. Rev. Archpriest Peter Wasylenko
Tel: (306) 272-4978
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Foam Lake
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Wadena
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Melville
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Wynyard
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Ituna
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Goodeve
Sunday - 6
7 - 12
Sunday - 13
Thursday - 15
Sunday - 20
Sunday - 27
Priest: V. Rev. Archpriest Mel Slashinsky
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton
Blessing homes (Yorkton area)
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Sheho Town
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Yorkton
Tel: (306) 782-2998
Priests: V. Rev. Archpriest Taras Krochak
Tel: (403) 241-7742
Rev. Fr. Timothy Chrapko
Tel: (403) 453-5407
Friday - 4
7:00 p.m. - Vespers; Educational Evening - Red Deer
Saturday - 5
6:00 p.m. - Vespers - Lethbridge
Sunday - 6
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Lethbridge
Sunday - 13
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Red Deer
Friday - 18
7:00 p.m. - Vespers; Educational Evening - Red Deer
Saturday - 19
6:00 p.m. - Vespers - Lethbridge
Sunday - 20
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Lethbridge
Sunday - 27
10:00 a.m. - Liturgy - Red Deer
Wednesday - 2
Saturday - 5
February - Schedule of Services
February 2011
1. Вт. Прп. Макарія, свт. Арсенія
2. Ср. Прп. Євфимія, мчч. Інни, Пінни, Римми
3. Чт. Максима Сповід., мч. Неофіта
4. Пт. Ап. Тимофія, прмч. Анастасія
5. Сб. Сщмч. Климента, мч. Агатангела
6. Нд. 37-а. Про Закхея. Прп. Ксенії, гл. 4
7. Пн. Свт. Григорія Богослова
8. Вт. Прпп. Ксенофонта, Марії, Аркадія, Іоана
9. Ср. Перенес, мощів свт. Іоана Золотоустого
10. Чт. Прп. Єфрема, прп. Паладія
11. Пт. Сщмч. Ігнатія Богоносця
12. Сб. Трьох святителів: Василя Великого,
Григорія Богослова, Іоана Золотоустого
13. Нд. Митаря і фарисея. Мчч. Кира, Іоана, гл. 5
14. Пн. Мч. Трифона, мц. Перпетуї, прп. Петра
15. Вт. СТР1ТЕННЯ Г.Н.І.Х. (освячення свічок)
16. Ср. Прав. Симеона Богоприємця і Анни пр.
17. Чт. Прп. Ісидора
18.Пт. Мц. Агафії, свт. Теодосія
19. Сб. Прп. Вукола, прп. Варсонофія
20. Нд. Блудного сина. Прп. Парфенія, гл. 6
21. Пн. Вмч. Тедора, прор. Захарії, свт. Сави
22. Вт. Мч. Никифора, свт. Інокентія
23. Ср. Сщмч. Харлампія, мц. Валентини
24. Чт. Сщмч. Власія, блгв. Всеволода
25. Пт. Свт. Мелетія, свт. Антонія
26. Сб. Вселен, поминальна. Прпп. Зої, Світлани
27. Нд. М'ясопусна. Рівноап. Кирила, гл. 7
28. Пн. An. Онисима, прп. Пафнутія, прп. Євсевія
Orthodox Christmas Church
Celebrations Attendance in Russia
continued from p. 20
"It is curious," the news service said,
"that despite the strongest propaganda
of Orthodoxy, including in the schools,
the number of convinced believers
over the last five years has not changed"
and that the Patriarchate continues to
"exaggerate the real figure by a factor of
four to five."
But it is not just in church attendance on a high holy day that the Russian Orthodox Church appears to be
less widely supported than its leaders
claim. This week, Archbishop Ioann of
Belgorod, one of the most Orthodox
places, released figures showing sharp
declines in the number of practicing
Orthodox there (
Not only have the number of di-
Fax: (204) 582-5241
vorces now risen to equal the number
of marriages, but the share of people
marrying in the church has fallen by
two-thirds over the last several years,
from 30 percent to only nine percent,
the archbishop said, statistics that he
acknowledged showed that the standing of Orthodoxy as a "fashion" among
the population has changed.
But however that may be, the Russian state is pushing ahead with programs to push the cause of Russian Orthodoxy both at home and abroad. In
the waning days of 2010, the country’s
ministry of culture announced without
much notice that it is spending "almost
six million US dollars" on the popularization of Orthodoxy (http:// www.
—Paul Goble,
Window on Eurasia
лютий 2010
9 St. John’s Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 1G8
Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Genesis Litographs $200.00
Tel: (204) 589-1191 (24-hour answering service)
Fax: (204) 582-5241
Toll-free: 1-800-804-6040 (24-hour answering service)
New Books
Priest vestments.
Red brocade
/ gold embroidery $1000.00
n In the Enthronement Supplement of the January 2011
Issue of Visnyk a mistake was
made regarding the name of
Metropolitan Yurij’s brother.
We apologize to Vasyl’ Kalistchuk for this error and have
included the corrected photo
and caption. We have also added a picture of V. Rev. Archpriest Eugene Ruditch, who
grew up with Metropolitan
Yurij and during the Enthronement Banquet delivered a
moving and personal biography of Metropolitan Yurij,
highlighting their years growing up in Lachine, Quebec.
”A Foundation of Faith ”
Does your parish have a project?
Please apply to the Foundation for financial
assistance using the grantapplication available
on our website: http// We can
helpfund workshops, resources, educational
materials and outreach projects.
Childhood friend and fellow servant of the Lord, Very
Reverend Archpriest Eugene Ruditch delivering the Metropolitan's biography at the Enthronement Banquet.
Alternately, to donate to the Foundation, please
go to our new website: http// and
click on the icon on our home page "Donate
now through". Or mail
your cheque to UOCC Foundation, 9 St. John's
Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 1G8. The Foundation encourages
planned giving and donations from parishes and their affiliated organizations. Tax receipts will be issued and all donors will be acknowledged annually.
For further information contact: 1-877-586-3093 or
Чи Ваша парафія має якийсь проект?
Просимо податися за фінансовою підтримкою до Фундації, виповнюючи аплікацію на нашій інтернетській сторінці:
http// Ми фінансово підтримуємо семінарі, ресурси,
наукові матеріали та інші проекти.
Щоб зложити свій дар Фундації, просимо поглянути на нашу нову
інтернетську сторінку: http// і торкніть іконку "Donate
now through". Або вишліть свій чек на адресу:
UOCC Foundation, 9 St. John's Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 1G8.
Фундація радо приймає попередньо пляновані пожертви та
пожертви від парафій та від їхніх зв’язкових організацій. Фундація
дасть посвідку для податку й визнатиме кожного жертводавця
За дальшою інформацією, просимо податися: 1-877-586-3093 або
Vasyl’ Kalistchuk, brother to Metropolitan Yurij, greeting him with words of encouragment, on
behalf of the family.
Tel.: 1-877-586-3093
Fax: (204) 582-5241