The Annual Report 2010-2011 - Bishop Loughlin Memorial High
The Annual Report 2010-2011 - Bishop Loughlin Memorial High
The Annual Report 2010-2011 ANNUAL REPORT BISHOP LOUGHLIN MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL PRESIDENT Br. Dennis Cronin, FSC PRINCIPAL James Dorney Member Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio BOARD OF DIRECTORS Msgr. Vincent F. Fullam ‘57 Rev. Michael J. Hardiman Br. Dennis Malloy FSC Br. Thomas J. Scanlan, FSC BOARD OF GOVERNORS Rev. Richard J. Beuther Ss. Peter and Paul Church Russell Broome ‘63 Goldman Sachs Vincent D. Callagy ‘65 Area Property Partners Br. Thomas P. Casey, FSC The De La Salle School Brian C. Connolly ‘73 Avon Products, Inc. (Retired) Robert K. Conry ‘70 AIG Br. Dennis Cronin, FSC - ex officio President, Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Michael J. Dean ‘69 Benchmark (Retired) Joseph P. Dunne ‘65 First Deputy, New York Police Department (Retired) James P. Flaherty ‘65, St. Augustine Cannon Capital Partners, LLP Michael J. Dean ‘69, Development DEVELOPMENT STAFF Fr. James F. Keenan S.J. ‘55, Finance John E. Klemm ‘65, Director of Development Br. Thomas P. Casey, Mission Effectiveness Br. Dennis Cronin, President Andrew Leary, Director of Individual Giving Buildings and Grounds Committee Andrew L. Jacob ‘65, Chair Sonya Wells Communications and Marketing Coordinator Vincent D. Callagy ‘65 Joan Hotaling-Cramer, Claude Trahan Gift and Data Entry Coordinator Development Committee Rita Monaghan-Maloney Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Coordinator Andrew L. Jacob ‘65 Con Edison of NY (Retired) Frank J. Macchiarola, PhD, ’58 St. Augustine / St. Francis College John J. McCabe ‘61 Shay Assets Management Michael J. Dean ‘69, Chair Noreen T. McCartney Haffner ‘63, Bishop McDonnell SNET/SBC (Retired) Rev. Clinton M. Miller ‘85 Brown Memorial Baptist Church Gerard J. Quinn ‘69 Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (Retired) Brian C. Connolly ‘73 Robert Conry ‘70 Joseph P. Dunne ‘65 James P. Flaherty ‘65, St. Augustine Frank J. Macchiarola PhD ‘58 St. Augustine Daren Roberts ‘96 Finance Committee Margarita Rosa, Esq. Grand Street Settlement Fr. James F. Keenan S.J. ‘55, Chair Claude Trahan Con Edison of NY James P. Flaherty ‘65, St. Augustine Henry “Skip” Barry ‘60 John J. McCabe ‘61 STANDING BOARD COMMITTEES Executive Committee Andrew L. Jacob ‘65, Buildings and Grounds Charles O’Donnell ‘59 St. Augustine Alumni Coordinator Ed Bowes ‘60 Alumni Associate CONTRIBUTORS Br. Dennis Cronin, FSC Noreen T. McCartney Haffner ‘63, Bishop McDonnell John E. Klemm ‘65 Andrew Leary DESIGN AND PRINTING Noreen McCartney Haffner ‘63, Bishop McDonnell, Chair Br. Thomas P. Casey, FSC Melissa Benjamin Alumni Relations Manager Mission Effectiveness Committee Design: Creative Geers, LLC Br. Thomas P. Casey, Chair Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School 357 Clermont Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11238 Rev. Richard J. Beuther John J. McCabe ’61, St. Augustine Rev. Clinton M. Miller ‘85 Printing: Premier Graphics Phone: 718-857-2700 x2250 Fax:718-857-2833 Visit our website: Contents President’s Message 1 Letter from the Chairwoman of the Board 2 Letter from the Director of Development 3 Justinian Society 4 Financial Summary 5 Bishop John Loughlin Council 6 Giving By Class 7 This Annual Report reflects donations made to Bishop Loughlin MHS between September 1, 2010 and August 31, 2011. The 2010-2011 Annual Report is a publication of Bishop Loughlin’s Development Office. We have made every effort to make this report accurate. If your name is misspelled, entered incorrectly or omitted, please accept our apology and notify the Development Office. The Annual Report is on permanent record at O’Connor, Davies, Munns & Dobbins, LLP. Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Annual Report 2010-2011 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Alumni and Friends of Loughlin: How do you put a year in perspective? How can Their greatest victory was a moral one learning to I communicate to you that despite the sameness overcome adversity by relying on each other. of school life regulated by schedules and seasons “There lives the dearest freshness deep down Our varsity Lady Lions went on to win the city things:” . More importantly, your loyalty and sup- Championship and the NYS Federation Champi- port make this experience of discovery possible for onship in Division A. While at States they played young people. Let me try to capture the good you against a rather tough and physical team that could do by referencing our greatest asset – our students. easily have sparked confrontation and unsportsman like behavior. Instead, these Louglinites rose to We are all familiar with the Horatio Alger story and the challenge and responded with level heads and the trajectory that catapultes a person from rags grace under pressure which was favorably noted by to riches. Education remains the single greatest Officials. In the case of our Lady Lions, the victory differentiator for achieving that result. Loughlin was moral and athletic. For all our student athletes has played that role in students’ lives since 1851. the goal is to live the values we espouse both on Loughlin’s role was highlighted recently when one and off the court or field whether we win or loose. of our seniors received the Horatio Alger National Your support allows us to teach and form these Scholarship presented by the Horatio Alger Asso- values in the young people entrusted to our care. ciation of Distinguished Americans. She was one of 104 recipients nationwide. Claritza is not alone in This annual report is a testimony to the good you do garnering academic scholarships. Thus far, first in in sustaining Loughlin as it works to flame DeLa- class, Grace, has received scholarships from Bar- Salle’s mission to provide a Christian and human nard College, Fordham University and acceptance education to the young, especially the poor. The into the prestigious McAuley Honors Program of the letter by the Board of Governors Chair, Noreen City University. Both students have been benefi- Haffner touches on some of the strategic issues the ciaries of Loughlin’s scholarship program which is administration and Board will be addressing both in made possible through your generous support. the short and long term. As we move forward, be confident that our plans are firmly rooted in our mis- This year our sports teams achieved some signifi- sion. Thank you for you support and confidence. cant victories. The JV basketball team won the city JV Championship going undefeated throughout the Live Jesus in our hearts. Forever. season. Our varsity team was dismissed early in the season when two seniors were actively recruited by two public school powerhouses. Despite that great disappointment, they battled into the quarter Bro. Dennis Cronin,FSC finals of the city play-offs. They developed over the course of the season into a formidable team of young players with a strong sense of team spirit. Annual Report 2010-2011 1 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD Dear Alumni/ae and Friends of Loughlin: Brother Dennis Cronin, President, Jim Dorney, families Loughlin wishes to serve. The Board Principal, and I have recently returned from a is convinced that Loughlin will thrive and its Lasallian Association of Secondary School Chief students will shine as we respond and adapt to Administrators (LASSCA) conference focused on the challenges of education in the 21st century. “Transformation through Practical Innovation.” At Working within the framework established by the conference the challenges and opportunities the Strategic Plan, the Board and administration of 21st century education were examined and are considering priorities and enhancements in the skills required in the 21st century workplace academic program, professional development, were explored. The discussion of topics physical plant, and technology to begin the riveting the attention of educators across the process of adapting to the 21st educational country—“common core standards,” “flipped environment. At the June Board Retreat, classrooms,” and “one to one” technology use Governors and the administration will consider by students—was engaging, stimulating, and the short-term and longer-term actions necessary intriguing, if sometimes a bit mind boggling!! to sustain and reinforce Loughlin’s position Importantly though, while recognizing and as an outstanding educational institution that supporting the need for “practical transformation” prepares students for academic success as well in response to 21st century challenges and as success in living purposeful lives of service. opportunities, the keynote speakers at the Invigorated by the 21st century challenges before conference all acknowledged and reinforced us and eager to mount an effective response, the the fundamental requirement for a successful Board and the administration acknowledge the educational experience—the positive, supportive key role your support plays in enabling Loughlin relations between teacher and student that to be successful. Your continued engagement is the bedrock of a Lasallian education. and involvement are crucial to achieving our Modeling the innovation and creativity of the goals, and your generosity and support are Founder, who introduced education for the poor, necessary to securing Loughlin’s future. in a classroom setting, in the vernacular, over its Your commitment and generosity 150 years of providing a “human and Christian allow the innovation and creativity of education” to students, Loughlin’s administration St. John Baptist DeLaSalle to continue and faculty have not shied away from changes at Loughlin. Thank you for all you do!! necessary to respond to a new environment and Sincerely, the emerging needs of students. Our Lasallian culture, which embraces innovation, positions Loughlin to achieve its strategic goals of long-term Noreen McCartney Haffner, BMMHS ‘63 Sustainability and to be the School of Choice, Chair, Board of Governors the 1st choice high school for students and Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School 2 Annual Report 2010-2011 HEADER FROM THE MESSAGE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Dear Alumni and Friends, It is a great feeling to present the Annual Report The Rose family tradition continued when my twin for 2010-2011. Your generosity of $2.033 million brother, Brian and I registered in the fall of 2008. helped support the building of our state of the art We have been involved in many extra curricular Cozzi Murray Performing Arts Center and Lancer activities while at Loughlin-handball, LaSallian Music Studio. It also helped to fund improved youth, chess club, community service, school academic programs, keep our technology on the band and the National Honor Society. Brian and cutting edge and support scholarships. I have worked hard to continue the Rose tradition of excelling academically. Our strength lies in Last year we were able to give out $1.1 million in math and science. We are taking 3 Advanced academic and financial assistance through the Placement courses plus Calculus and plan on generosity of alumni from Bishop Loughlin, St. becoming engineers. Augustine and Bishop McDonnell . This allowed us to be faithful to our mission of educating the All of us were admitted into Loughlin on academic students entrusted to us. scholarships and are proud that all four of us were on first honors all four years.” Brian Rose’12 I would like to share with you a story about one family that has been part of Loughlin family for the This is about one family that Loughlin impacted and past 8 years. In doing so I asked Paul Rose’12 if he as they have impacted Loughlin. We will sincerely could tell you a little about himself and his 3 siblings. miss having a Rose in the school but are proud to always consider them part of the Loughlin family “For the past 8 years Loughlin we have had a member of the Rose family attending Bishop Thank you to the many Lions, Lancers, Memorialites Loughlin MHS. We grew up in the Bushwick and friends that have made this possible through section of Brooklyn and the first person to attend your generous support. was my sister Kristine who excelled in her classes and graduated as salutatorian in 2008. As a Sincerely, volleyball player, National Honor Society member, poet, trumpet player and Lasallian youth leader, she excelled. She is presently pursuing her John E. Klemm’65 biology degree at SUNY New Paultz and hopes Director of Development to become a teacher. My sister Stephanie’09 entered as a shy student but quickly found her place as a trumpeter, captain of volleyball and softball teams and a National Honor Society member. As an animal lover she is currently attending Canisius College in Buffalo with a major in animal behavior. Annual Report 2010-2011 3 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School The Justinian Society HOW WILL YOU BE REMEMBERED? Gifts That Transcend a Lifetime • Current Outright Gift of Stock, Real Estate and Personal Property Donating stocks, bonds or mutual funds to Bishop Loughlin offers numerous tax advantages, including: ◊ A charitable deduction on itemized federal and state income tax returns ◊ Deduction of full market value of securities that have been held more than 12 months ◊ Shelter from capital gains tax on securities that have appreciated in value ◊ Gifts of appreciated stock are deductible up to a maximum of 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. Any excess can usually be carried forward and deducted over as many as five years. ◊ If you own securities that have declined in value, you may wish to sell them and donate the proceeds to Bishop Loughlin. In this way, you establish a loss on the stock for tax purposes and claim a deduction for a charitable contribution. •E xpectancies – Bequest, Specific Bequest, Cash bequest, Residuary Bequest, Retirement Plans and IRA’s, Life Insurance • Deferred Gifts – Charitable Remainder Trust • Charitable Lead Trust You can find more planned giving information on our website at! We extend an invitation to join The Justinian Society. The value of a Lasallian education is known throughout the world. St. John Baptiste De La Salle, the patron saint of teachers, would be proud that his legacy is alive today in more than 80 countries and thriving here in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, at our own Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School. The Justinian Society was established in 2000, and named for Brother Justinian, who famously served as Principal for St. James Academy from 1870-1877. He may be most remembered for his proud and unwavering stand against criticism of Catholic education. In fact, he challenged any school, public or private, to “meet his boys in public examination.” His challenge went unanswered and Bishop John Loughlin used the incident frequently to promote the cause of Catholic education. Justinian Society members contribute in a unique way. Society members recognize that our long-term financial health is paramount, and have included Bishop Loughlin in their estate plans. Making a planned gift achieves many goals. When you make a bequest to Bishop Loughlin, you enter into a covenant to benefit future generations of students. Also, planned gifts reduce your burden of income, capital gains, or estate taxes. If you have provided for or are considering the inclusion of Bishop Loughlin in your plans, please let Andrew Leary know by calling 718-857-2700 x2251 or New Just inian S ociet y Member s Drew Bostinto ’72 Kenneth P. Hunt ‘58 James F. McGowan ‘53 Jerome R. Quinn ‘52 Edward J.J. Bowes ‘60 John G. Hyland ‘48 William A. McManus ‘46 James Spengler ‘60 Gerard D. Buckley ‘57 Jacques M. Maurice ‘54 John J. Molesphini ’47 George W. Synan ‘62 George G. Cappiello ‘62 James T. McAuliffe ‘46 Charles Murphy ‘60 Jonathan J. Verdun ‘65 Brian C. Connolly ‘73 John W. McCaffrey ‘53 Michael W. Murray ‘63 Lawrence M. Waterhouse ‘55 Anthony P. Cottell ‘73 James Stewart McCaffrey ‘59 John Nicholas ‘54 Edward J. Crowley ‘57 David McDonald ‘46 Stephen L. Nuccio ‘69 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School 4 Annual Report 2010-2011 HEADER Financial Summary Revenue Tuition Contributions Fees NYS Mandated Services Other Revenue Students/Parent Raffle Investment Return Rental Income Tuition 4,700,926 Contributions 2,314,536 Fees 607,063 NYS Mandated Services 609,879 Other Revenue 121,931 Students/Parent Raffle 119,259 Investment Return 227,464 Rental Income 48,000 Total Revenue 8,547,236 Operating Expenses Operating Expenses Instruction Administration Student Support Services Student Activities Operation & Maintenance Fundraising General Expenses Instruction 4,436,648 Administration 1,945,090 Student Support Services 502,479 Student Activities 268,184 Operation & Maintenance 633,995 Fundraising 288,324 General Expenses 219,839 Total Operating Expenses 8,294,559 Values Mission Statement Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School values a structured Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School is a Catholic, diocesan, environment as a prelude to learning, growth, and the development college preparatory high school that draws its Christian perspective of caring relationships grounded in Christian values. The Lasallian from the faith tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and the tradition holds central the appreciation of each student’s uniqueness Lasallian tradition of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Loughlin and views the teacher as a minister of the Gospel. Loughlin is a fosters academic success, builds character, develops future leaders, community of hope and stability for its students. Hope is fostered and nurtures a vibrant personal relationship with God. Loughlin primarily through caring adults sensitive and keenly aware of the stimulates and supports a student’s quest for intellectual, spiritual, struggles and unique challenges of adolescence as experienced in physical, moral and civic development. Students are challenged to urban America. Stability is rooted in good order, clearly proclaimed achieve their full potential, to strive for excellence and to further their and justly secured through sound guidelines. education at colleges and universities. Loughlin students, faculty and The curriculum and atmosphere of Loughlin are designed to meet staff are committed to an inclusive community that respects diversity a wide range of student skills. Loughlin students are encouraged to in its many forms and values excellence in scholarship. develop fully their personal talents and are given opportunities to use them in service to others. Loughlin provides an atmosphere where respect for both self and others will grow as students meet with success, resolve personal conflicts and make responsible decisions and value – choices. Loughlin students grounded in a solid education and a unique Loughlin spirit are expected to have profound respect for all people, to be generous in sharing their gifts and talents, to make sound choices about the future, and to be positive contributors to the growth and life of the community. Annual Report 2010-2011 5 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Bishop John Loughlin Council La Sallian Benefactor -($100,000.00 + ) Jamesonian Circle - ($5,000.00 + ) Total Number of Gifts: 6 Total Amount Given: $911,700 Estate of Robert E. Driscoll ‘48 Loughlin Alumni Association Foundation Michael W. Murray ‘63 Jane Murray ‘65 Mr. Philip E. Rowe Arthur F. Ryan ‘59 Lawrence M. Waterhouse Jr. ‘55 Total Number of Gifts: 37 Total Amount Given: $211,765.15 Rev. Raymond V. Attanasio ‘46 Edward J. J. Bowes ‘60 Eugene J. Buehl ‘60 Connell C. Cannon ‘65 George J. Cappiello ‘62 John S. Clark ‘47 Karl Cribbin M.D. ‘64 Michael J. Fitzsimons ‘63 J. Vincent Gallagher ‘37 Rudolph W. Giuliani ‘61 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Goetz Ph.D. ‘57 Dr. Gregory Haffner M.D. John F. Jermusyk ‘54 Dal LaMagna ‘64 Rev. Richard M. Lewkiewicz ‘60 Kevin L. Maher ‘52 Arthur J. Mahon ‘52 Kenneth G. Mann ‘58 Robert F. Markmann ‘60 George F. McCartney Charles B. McQuade ‘58 Gerard K. Meagher ‘70 John J. Molesphini ‘47 John J. Munnelly ‘47 Theresa T. Munnelly James F. O’Neil ‘55 Pfizer Incorporated James J. Quinn Esq. ‘63 James D. Schmid ‘68 J. Kenneth Seward ‘49 Shell Oil Company Foundation Eugene J. Sullivan ‘38 Technical Career Institutes, Inc. The Familiaries The Michael Gordon Foundation, Inc. Edward J. Welsh ‘61 Leo Honor Society - ($50,000.00 + ) Total Number of Gifts: 3 Total Amount Given: $160,000.00 Peter Jay Sharp Foundation, The Joseph A. Pianpiano DDS ‘54 St. John Baptist De La Salle of NY, Inc. St. James Court - ($25,000.00 + ) Total Number of Gifts: 8 Total Amount Given: $236,800.00 Alive in Hope Foundation of the Diocese of Brooklyn Henry F. Barry ‘60 Brian C. Connolly ‘73 Michael J. Dean M.D. ‘69 James P. Orenga ‘58 John A. Siegel ‘64 The Capital Group Companies Wasily Family Foundation Loughlinite Alliance - ($10,000.00 + ) Total Number of Gifts: 24 Total Amount Given: $315,960.93 Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Avon Foundation Charles E. Baxley Esq. ‘48 Brooklyn Benevolent Society Russell A. Broome ‘63 Mary Collins-Macchiarola ‘58 Robert K. Conry ‘70 James P. Cunningham ‘57 Martin J. Donahue ‘47 Brendan J. Dugan ‘64 Thomas M. Egan ‘65 Doris Freyland ‘45 Goldman Sachs & Co. Goya Foods, Inc. Peter Haffner ‘62 Frank J. Macchiarola Ph.D. ‘58 James A. Malone ‘31 Robert H. Paczkowski ‘55 James J. Reilly ‘57 Gerald F. Rudy ‘58 The Silver Family Foundation Chrisitian Brother’s League - ($2,500.00 + ) Total Number of Gifts: 38 Total Amount Given: $111,246.00 AIG American International Group, Inc. Anthony E. Amodeo ‘65 Thomas S. Battaglia ‘59 James J. Begley ‘56 Bishop Loughlin MHS Richard H. Blum ‘57 Vincent D. Callagy ‘65 James A. Candia ‘61 William J. Collins ‘60 Thomas C. Cummings Jr. ‘55 Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation James J. Dowdall ‘53 Paul J. Evanson ‘59 Richard S. Guyer ‘47 Andrew L. Jacob ‘65 Ralph J. Liccione Jr. ‘45 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Joseph W. Lowry M.D. ‘69 James T. McAuliffe ‘46 John J. McCabe ‘61 Kevin M. McCann ‘70 Edward F. McDermott ‘56 Peter A. McMenamin ‘60 Lisa Mezzetti Maureen Moss-McInerney ‘66 Stephen L. Nuccio Jr. ‘69 Francis J. Palamara ‘43 Andrew T. Piccione ‘54 Gerard J. Quinn ‘69 James T. Reynolds ‘63 James S. Rowe ‘54 Robert T. Schell ‘60 Sprint Foundation Dr. Kevin J. Sullivan Charles R. Traina ‘68 Thomas A. Turley Peter A. Vasseur ‘84 James T. Victory ‘37 Henry A. Zarzicki ‘60 Principal’s Association - ($1,000.00 + ) Total Number of Gifts: 144 Total Amount Given: $179,764.65 ACE INA Foundation, The Elizabeth Alvarez-DiChiaro ‘85 Howard E. Ammerman ‘60 Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Ralph P. Barbarite ‘59 Frederick F. Basso ‘70 Nicholas R. Battista ‘69 William B. Benack ‘38 Robert J. Bogardt ‘60 Eileen T. Bohan-Browne ‘61 Nuong Le Brennan ‘64 Charles P. Bruen ‘54 Thomas E. Burke ‘61 and Mrs. John J. Butler ‘60 John F. Canavan ‘53 Anthony J. Cardinal ‘51 Stephen F. Cardos M.D. ‘62 Walter J. Casey ‘62 Michael J. Castellano ‘63 Frank J. Cheswick ‘66 Nancy Chinchar Joseph G. Clark ‘61 Kevin M. Coffey ‘64 Leonard P. Connor ‘53 Hugh J. Cornyn ‘48 and Jean Patierno John J. Creedon ‘42 Br. Dennis Cronin FSC John J. Dalton ‘60 John Darrell ‘50 Anthony J. D’Auria ‘54 6 George M. David ‘65 Robert J. Deasy ‘62 Joseph A. Dehler ‘49 Salvatore J. DiFranco ‘60 and Mrs. Joseph C. Donohue ‘50 Lawrence Donohue ‘55 Robert E. Donohue ‘57 Stanley T. Dorrow DDS ‘60 Joseph J. Doyle ‘61 Denis P. Duggan ‘44 Joseph P. Dunne ‘65 Joseph P. Dwyer ‘64 Joseph F. Eaton ‘57 Joseph J. Egan Ph.D. ‘57 Lawrence E. Eich ‘42 John L. Elberfeld Jr. ‘60 John E. Engelhart Ph.D. ‘54 Robert D. English ‘52 Ralph F. Fanizzi ‘62 Edward J. Fanning ‘59 William J. Fanning Ed.D. ‘61 Patrick D. Farley ‘60 Loretta Fasolino-Sallustio ‘56 Richard J. Fennelly ‘60 Donald C. Finn ‘52 Edward P. Fitzgerald ‘63 Edward M. Fogarty ‘67 James E. Freeman ‘64 John F. Friel ‘56 Nada Gannon ‘55 Richard M. Garland ‘55 Michael C. Gecewicz ‘62 Robert J. Gore M.D. ‘94 Thomas F. Gorman ‘59 Rev. Msgr. George P. Graham J.C.D., Ph.D. ‘44 Edward W. Greason ‘49 Kenneth V. Greene ‘61 Dr. Donald A. Guidice ‘52 Robert T. Guinan ‘55 Joseph G. Gunning ‘47 Edward P. Haggerty ‘64 Patrick F. Hardiman CPA ‘68 James J. Hartmann ‘60 Leonard J. Kaiser ‘49 Raymond Kennedy ‘75 Frank W. Klich ‘56 William J. Knowles ‘69 Dr. Saverio N. Laudadio DO ‘59 Gregory J. Lavin ‘64 Margaret Lehman ‘48 MACRow Foundation William J. Maher ‘44 Manhattan College Spiked Shoe Club Charles M. March M.D. ‘58 Maspeth Federal Savings & Loan Dorothy E. McCabe ‘63 Joseph F. McCole ‘62 J. Kevin McKay ‘60 John G. Meenan ‘62 Merck Company Foundation Edward H. Mergens ‘48 John N. Molbeck Jr. ‘64 Rita Monaghan-Maloney ‘59 Mathias E. Mone ‘58 Martin J. Murray ‘62 Joseph V. Napolitano M.D. ‘61 Thomas M. Nee ‘58 New York Life Foundation Malachy M. Noone ‘37 James G. Nugent ‘43 Daniel W. O’Brien ‘54 Edward O’Brien ‘55 O’Connor Davies Munns & Dobbins, LLP Luke E. O’Connor M.D. ‘47 John J. O’Donnell ‘65 Maryann Olenski-Goyena ‘63 Robert E. Powis ‘46 Jean Quinlan Michael J. Quinlan ‘58 Richard D. Rainis ‘53 Thomas P. Reilly ‘65 Bernard Rice ‘51 Joseph Riemer ‘37 Frank J. Rienzo ‘50 William S. Roman ‘61 John D. Romeo ‘49 Daniel N. Ryan ‘48 Michael and Marianne Ryan Joseph P. Salanitro ‘59 Anthony T. Sallustio ‘54 Charles J. Santore ‘62 John M. Scarola DDS ‘52 Ronald T. Schroeder ‘65 Peter M. Schuller ‘60 Thomas H. Shay ‘60 Edward F. Spinelli ‘60 St. Francis College Hon. James G. Starkey ‘51 George F. Staudter ‘50 James T. Stevens ‘66 Raymond E. Szulc ‘61 The Mildred Arcadipane Foundation Richard F. Trabert ‘54 James E. Tubman ‘60 Daniel J. Tubridy ‘66 Edward J. Tyburczy ‘67 John F. Vierling ‘58 Robert F. Vizza Ph.D. ‘51 Paul A. Wallace ‘47 William E. Wise ‘74 Ernest J. Wittenborn Jr. ‘61 Annual Report 2010-2011 Giving By Class HEADER Class Amount Class Amount Class Amount Class Amount ‘31 $12,393.59 ‘51 $10,448.00 ‘71 $3,150.00 ‘91 $106.00 ‘32 $0.00 ‘52 $24,783.00 ‘72 $2,574.00 ‘92 $325.00 ‘33 $0.00 ‘53 $13,445.00 ‘73 $35,048.00 ‘93 $150.00 ‘34 $0.00 ‘54 $24,021.00 ‘74 $725.00 ‘94 $1,230.00 ‘35 $0.00 ‘55 $142,614.00 ‘75 $2,453.00 ‘95 $20.00 ‘36 $0.00 ‘56 $18,120.00 ‘76 $1,075.00 ‘96 $50.00 ‘37 $6,050.00 ‘57 $45,066.00 ‘77 $803.00 ‘97 $125.00 ‘38 $9,705.28 ‘58 $57,934.00 ‘78 $75.00 ‘98 $255.00 ‘39 $710.00 ‘59 $18,934.00 ‘79 $25.00 ‘99 $100.00 ‘40 $425.00 ‘60 $91,225.66 ‘80 $784.80 ‘00 $240.00 ‘41 $2,868.00 ‘61 $31,892.61 ‘81 $525.00 ‘01 $0.00 ‘42 $2,320.00 ‘62 $43,761.00 ‘82 $35.00 ‘02 $100.00 ‘43 $7,303.00 ‘63 $49,467.94 ‘83 $410.00 ‘03 $280.00 ‘44 $8,954.06 ‘64 $49,976.00 ‘84 $3,025.00 ‘04 $0.00 ‘45 $7,300.00 ‘65 $30,900.00 ‘85 $1,050.00 ‘05 $60.00 ‘46 $15,718.00 ‘66 $6,110.00 ‘86 $320.00 ‘06 $70.00 ‘47 $37,693.50 ‘67 $4,043.00 ‘87 $10.00 ‘07 $110.00 ‘48 $12,745.00 ‘68 $9,459.00 ‘88 $25.00 ‘08 $155.00 ‘49 $13,852.00 ‘69 $13,641.00 ‘89 $170.00 ‘09 $40.00 ‘50 $8,460.00 ‘70 $91,920.00 ‘90 $170.00 ‘10 $110.00 Class of 1931 Total No. of Contributors: 1 Total Amount: $12,393.59 Loughlinite Alliance James A. Malone ‘31 Class of 1937 Total No. of Contributors: 5 Total Amount: $6,050.00 Christian Brothers’ League William B. Benack ‘38 Class of 1939 Total No. of Contributors: 11 Total Amount: $710.00 Francis J. Martin ‘40 357 Clermont Club John J. Shea ‘40 Dominic J. Santogrossi ‘40 John A. Farrell ‘40 Purple L Dr. William F. Shaw ‘39 Thomas J. Hourican ‘39 Col. James A. Blakely USMC ‘39 William R. Stuckart ‘39 Class of 1941 Total No. of Contributors: 22 Total Amount: $2,868.00 Silver L Robert P. Auber ‘41 Francis J. Murray ‘41 James F. Healy Esq. ‘41 357 Clermont Club Msgr. Robert J. Kirwin ‘37 357 Clermont Club Joseph E. Harrington ‘39 Henry A. Oettinger ‘39 Peter P. Maccari ‘39 Joseph W. Layer ‘39 Francis A. McDonald ‘39 John A. Matthews ‘39 Edward T. Duffy ‘39 Class of 1938 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $9,705.28 Class of 1940 Total No. of Contributors: 6 Total Amount: $425.00 Jamesonian Circle Eugene J. Sullivan ‘38 Purple L John J. Oates ‘40 Ralph P. Mastoloni ‘40 Jamesonian Circle J. Vincent Gallagher ‘37 Christian Brothers’ League James T. Victory ‘37 Principal’s Association Joseph Riemer ‘37 Malachy M. Noone ‘37 Annual Report 2010-2011 Gold L James A. Fay ‘41 Purple L Joseph H. Hirtz ‘41 Harry T. Welch ‘41 John P. Schofield ‘41 Joseph E. Herz ‘41 John E. Dolan ‘41 William H. Underwood ‘41 John G. Sweeney ‘41 Andrew L. Panaro ‘41 Andrew J. Scorza ‘41 357 Clermont Club Thomas P. Sheehy ‘41 Charles J. Westmiller ‘41 Francis P. Chemery ‘41 Anthony J. Tierno ‘41 Walter S. Stumpf ‘41 John J. Mason ‘41 Alfred J. Lawson ‘41 John E. Barth ‘41 Vincent D. Dunn ‘41 357 Clermont Club Raymond J. Thumser ‘42 John J. Wrzesinski ‘42 Gerard E. Price ‘42 Class of 1942 Total No. of Contributors: 13 Total Amount: $2,320.00 Principal’s Association James G. Nugent ‘43 Principal’s Association Lawrence E. Eich ‘42 Purple L Anthony J. Truhon ‘42 Ernest J. Peace ‘42 Francis B. Odasz ‘42 Lawrence A. Schmidt ‘42 Thomas M. Freeman ‘42 Frank W. Wey ‘42 Philip E. Phelan ‘42 Alex P. Paszkiewicz ‘42 Michael W. Deery ‘42 7 Class of 1943 Total No. of Contributors: 26 Total Amount: $7,303.00 Christian Brothers’ League Francis J. Palamara ‘43 Gold L Robert J. Hock ‘43 Silver L Patrick F. Kelly ‘43 Henry J. Cateura ‘43 Urban C. Ambrose ‘43 Walter R. O’Loan ‘43 Purple L Fred C. Heitmann ‘43 Dominic J. Percella ‘43 Patrick E. Harnedy ‘43 Howard Cassidy ‘43 James G. Devitt ‘43 Thomas A. Nevins ‘43 Joseph C. Busuttil ‘43 Victor M. Corrado ‘43 357 Clermont Club Patrick V. Conneely ‘43 John T. Connolly ‘43 Clarence J. Hoeffner ‘43 Edward B. Delany ‘43 Mark A. McGowan ‘43 Henry G. Holzwarth Jr. ‘43 Robert A. Tierney ‘43 Gerard A. Demarrais ‘43 Harold J. Thompson ‘43 Edward H. Pettit ‘43 Thomas J. Hickey ‘43 Class of 1944 Total No. of Contributors: 44 Total Amount: $8,954.05 Principal’s Association Rev. Msgr. George P. Graham J.C.D., Ph.D. ‘44 Denis P. Duggan ‘44 William J. Maher ‘44 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Giving By Class Gold L Walter J. Griffin ‘44 Silver L John D. Boyce ‘44 John N. Buckley ‘44 John A. Zalud Jr. ‘44 John J. Lagattuta ‘44 Lee T. Regulski ‘44 Purple L Edward J. Singer Ph.D. ‘44 Donald J. Murphy ‘44 John E. Fitzgerald ‘44 Arthur E. Doyle ‘44 Col. John Schlight ‘44 Angelo Maltaghati ‘44 James F. Greeley ‘44 Richard P. Donohue ‘44 Howard D. Lantz ‘44 Hon. Harry E. Seidell ‘44 James P. Rice ‘44 Deacon Gabriel M. Liegey Jr. ‘44 Hugh B. Horning ‘44 Lawrence E. Glacken ‘44 Charles J. Weizenecker ‘44 Thomas H. McElhearn ‘44 John H. Varney Jr. MD ‘44 Richard J. Calame M.D. ‘44 Julius L. Amling ‘44 Francis A. Begen ‘44 357 Clermont Club Bruno A. Kaelin ‘44 Joseph P. McGrath ‘44 Peter J. McDonough ‘44 John H. Meyers M.D. ‘44 John J. Rienzo Jr. ‘44 Edward A. Eberhardt ‘44 John M. DeVivo ‘44 John W. Leonard ‘44 Hon. John J. Jones ‘44 James F. Murray ‘44 Patrick M. Downs ‘44 John J. Wheatley ‘44 John T. Kilkenny ‘44 Joseph J. Kobus ‘44 James J. Rocks ‘44 Class of 1945 Total No. of Contributors: 33 Total Amount: $7,300.00 Christian Brothers’ League Ralph J. Liccione Jr. ‘45 Gold L Joseph A. Atkinson ‘45 Silver L James A. Gillcrist ‘45 John W. Herrmann ‘45 Edward P. Ginouves M.D. ‘45 Louis S. Benincasa ‘45 Purple L Walter M. Bradshaw ‘45 Francis X. Cunningham ‘45 George J. McVey DDS ‘45 Gerald P. Hackert ‘45 William S. Lynch ‘45 Donald E. Holmes ‘45 Anthony A. Rapisarda ‘45 Dr. Thomas F. McNamara Ph.D. ‘45 Dr. Andrew P. Mulligan ‘45 Francis J. Hogarty ‘45 Dennis P. Hannafey ‘45 Edmund A. Hamburger ‘45 Edward A. Smolinski ‘45 William R. Griffin ‘45 Francis S. Campbell ‘45 RADM Anthony F. Fugaro USCG Ret ‘45 Thomas B. Gunshinan ‘45 357 Clermont Club John P. Sherlock Jr. ‘45 Joseph F. Greene ‘45 Robert J. Florentino ‘45 Francis E. Owens ‘45 Patrick J. McKeown ‘45 William H. Bishop ‘45 William W. Parrott ‘45 George S. Garbarini ‘45 John J. Healy ‘45 William F. Doody ‘45 Class of 1946 Total No. of Contributors: 42 Total Amount: $15,718.00 Jamesonian Circle Rev. Raymond V. Attanasio ‘46 Christian Brothers’ League James T. McAuliffe ‘46 Gold L Robert E. Powis ‘46 Daniel G. Walker ‘46 Richard E. Saleeby ‘46 Charles A. Hickmann ‘46 Silver L William A. McManus III ‘46 Ignatius J. Rienzo ‘46 Henry J. McErlean ‘46 David McDonald ‘46 Henry J. Fairchild ‘46 Stephen E. Kraffmiller ‘46 Joseph A. Ruggiere ‘46 Frederick R. Schmitt ‘46 Thomas F. Davoren Jr. ‘46 Robert F. Dwyer ‘46 Francis R. Connors ‘46 Purple L John P. Rowley Jr. ‘46 Col. Joseph H. Slaymaker ‘46 Nicholas J. Imperial ‘46 Joseph M. Tubridy ‘46 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Alfred J. Schrafel Jr. ‘46 Robert T. Williamson ‘46 William J. Gillman ‘46 Robert B. Oristano ‘46 William P. Hynes ‘46 Arthur L. Bickmeyer ‘46 John R. Grill ‘46 Vincent J. Pupplo ‘46 Gerald Chiariello ‘46 357 Clermont Club Silver L Robert J. Boyle ‘47 John T. Chambers ‘47 Robert E. Sumpter ‘47 William O. Pischnotte ‘47 Purple L John T. Fogarty ‘47 James R. Franzino ‘47 Edward G. Martin ‘47 Pat V. Lattanzi ‘47 Salvatore Cinco ‘47 Albert J. Liebelt ‘47 Alfred R. Bennett ‘47 Anton J. Kaiser ‘47 George S. Burkitt ‘47 James T. Sullivan ‘47 Louis P. Pante ‘47 James E. Mullooly ‘47 John M. Alisen ‘47 William T. Hanley ‘47 John J. Kenny ‘48 Robert W. Hoeffner ‘48 Philip G. Geyer ‘48 Michael E. Antonucci ‘48 357 Clermont Club Henry V. Nietzschmann ‘48 Thomas G. Visceglie ‘48 Robert C. Maughan ‘48 Joseph V. Parrino ‘48 Vincent P. Cosentino ‘48 Michael P. Halford ‘48 Francis A. Keegan ‘48 Robert Carleo ‘48 William J. Doyle ‘48 Thomas Ramoino ‘48 Michael P. Pagone ‘48 Robert W. Hedbawny ‘48 Abraham F. Ward M.D. ‘48 Eugene J. Annunziata ‘48 Anthony H. Altamura ‘48 John P. Cuddahy ‘48 Francis P. Mescall ‘48 Eugene F. Dunn ‘48 Robert M. Faggella Jr. MD ‘48 Joseph B. Edden ‘48 Joseph J. Macy M.D. ‘48 Joseph P. Squeri ‘48 James P. Carney ‘48 Student Spotlight: Julimarie Colon ‘14 Neighborhood: Brooklyn, Bushwick Section Accomplishments: Latino Dance, Campus Ministry, Lasallian Youth, Volleyball, Chorus Family History: Julimarie has one older brother and lives with her mother and father. She is the only child to attend private school, and without this scholarship, her family would not be able to afford to send her to Loughlin. Henry F. Kienzle ‘46 Eugene F. Klausman ‘46 Gerard C. Klingler ‘46 William J. Seufert ‘46 Thomas J. Fisher ‘46 Anthony F. Nuzzi ‘46 Donald A. Giffhorn ‘46 Alphonse J. Sistino ‘46 George S. Covek ‘46 Michael A. Cucchissi ‘46 Francis C. Walsh ‘46 Hugh J. McGrane ‘46 Class of 1947 Total No. of Contributors: 56 Total Amount: $37,693.50 Loughlinite Alliance Martin J. Donahue ‘47 Jamesonian Circle John J. Molesphini ‘47 John J. Munnelly ‘47 Christian Brothers’ League Richard S. Guyer ‘47 Principal’s Association Joseph G. Gunning ‘47 Paul A. Wallace ‘47 Gold L James P. Harrington ‘47 Harry G. Wilson ‘47 George F. Von Stamwitz ‘47 James F. Donovan ‘47 James P. O’Brien ‘47 Donald T. Larney ‘47 John J. Scibelli ‘47 Martin K. Rowe ‘47 Eugene A. Chanis ‘47 John J. Greeley ‘47 David H. Skinner ‘47 Thomas P. Redden ‘47 William D. Cahill ‘47 Roy A. Povell ‘47 Arthur H. Iversen ‘47 Charles T. Feudtner ‘47 Raymond J. Supino ‘47 James N. O’Brien ‘47 John L. Fitzgerald ‘47 Patrick V. Bonsignore Ph.D. ‘47 Jim L. Hussey ‘47 Edward J. Schurr ‘47 Patrick J. Feery Jr. ‘47 357 Clermont Club Herbert W. Dolan ‘47 Vincent R. Sparacio ‘47 Thomas P. McHugh DDS ‘47 Joseph C. Thomassen ‘47 James E. Beilman ‘47 William J. Schoefer ‘47 James P. McGrath ‘47 Arthur J. Hughes ‘47 Joseph J. Menendez ‘47 8 Class of 1948 Total No. of Contributors: 48 Total Amount: $12,745.00 Jamesonian Circle Charles E. Baxley Esq. ‘48 Principal’s Association and Mrs. Hugh J. Cornyn ‘48 Daniel N. Ryan ‘48 Edward H. Mergens ‘48 Gold L Joseph F. Lenihan ‘48 George J. Nugent M.D. ‘48 Silver L John J. Connolly ‘48 John G. Hyland ‘48 Purple L Justin C. Bolger ‘48 Francis J. Beston ‘48 Joseph M. O’Donnell ‘48 Gerard J. Bennett ‘48 Frank J. Flood ‘48 John P. Moench ‘48 Nunzio J. Palumbo ‘48 Arthur O. Schlosser ‘48 James J. Sutton ‘48 John S. Dawley ‘48 Dr. Anthony W. Annunziata ‘48 Frederick F. Lang ‘48 Kevin A. Cody ‘48 Class of 1949 Total No. of Contributors: 58 Total Amount: $13,852.00 Jamesonian Circle J. Kenneth Seward ‘49 Principal’s Association John D. Romeo ‘49 Edward W. Greason ‘49 Francis P. Frary ‘49 Gold L George E. Boullianne ‘49 Richard E. Fister ‘49 Silver L Joseph A. Dehler ‘49 John H. Croghan Ph.D. ‘49 Purple L Harold J. Shay ‘49 James M. Hanrahan ‘49 Dr. William P. Deary ‘49 Donald J. Meyer ‘49 Richard J. Starkey ‘49 Edward F. Cunningham ‘49 Thomas V. O’Neill ‘49 Robert T. Maloney ‘49 William G. Poortvliet ‘49 Robert F. Clements ‘49 Michael J. Quinn ‘49 Henry J. Spinner ‘49 Lawrence J. Jaeger ‘49 Andrew J. Maloney ‘49 Gerald W. Buetow M.D. ‘49 Barry J. McManus ‘49 Annual Report 2010-2011 Giving By Class HEADER Alois F. Meidenbauer ‘49 Fred W. McPhilliamy ‘49 Edward A. Zebrowski ‘49 Joseph F. Hunt ‘49 Robert F. Thompson ‘49 Robert E. Nopper ‘49 Francis X. Essex M.D. ‘49 Leonard J. Kaiser ‘49 Donald F. Esposito ‘49 357 Clermont Club Francis P. Waters ‘49 Rev. Msgr. William J. Flood ‘49 William K. Knoetgen ‘49 Cornelius McHugh ‘49 Andrew A. Arabia ‘49 Paul E. Pontiff ‘49 William E. Brophy ‘49 Robert N. Amend ‘49 Jerome F. Murphy ‘49 James P. DiMiceli ‘49 Albert L. McLaughlin ‘49 Patrick J. Skinner ‘49 Francis M. Curran ‘49 John J. Connolly ‘49 Joachim J. Giger ‘49 Robert E. Martin M.D. ‘49 Carmine D. LoBosco Esq. ‘49 George C. Hennessy ‘49 Edward Hofler ‘49 Jerome Pentaleri ‘49 James J. Ashe ‘49 Frank J. Soldano ‘49 Hubert D. Miles ‘49 Robert Higgins ‘49 Marriott T. Dowden ‘49 Class of 1950 Total No. of Contributors: 38 Total Amount: $8,460.00 Principal’s Association John Darrell ‘50 George F. Staudter ‘50 Frank J. Rienzo ‘50 Joseph C. Donohue ‘50 Gold L John A. Dowd Esq. ‘50 Silver L Robert B. Stattel ‘50 Robert E. Tobin ‘50 Robert E. Green Esq. ‘50 James A. Kilgore ‘50 Steven J. Sanders ‘50 Purple L Robert R. Hintze Sr. ‘50 George F. Boser ‘50 Thomas P. Reilly ‘50 John P. Boland ‘50 Edward J. Kiley Esq. ‘50 Chester R. Kalenty ‘50 Leonard J. Marino M.D. ‘50 Joseph E. Brady ‘50 Lawrence S. Lalor ‘50 Thomas A. Guiler ‘50 Joseph J. Castelli ‘50 August J. LaRuffa Jr. ‘50 Deacon Andrew Marchello ‘50 William T. Costigan ‘50 Eugene M. Murphy ‘50 357 Clermont Club Edmund Egan ‘50 Thomas G. Mills ‘50 Thomas J. Browne ‘50 Robert R. Riggio M.D. ‘50 Lawrence A. Glucs ‘50 Gerard J. Smith ‘50 John A. Kilkeary ‘50 Benito P. Botteri ‘50 Alexander Lett ‘50 Joseph A. Nardi Jr. ‘50 James Lavin Jr. ‘50 Matthew L. Panczyk ‘50 Vito A. Moscato ‘50 Class of 1951 Total No. of Contributors: 61 Total Amount: $10,448.00 Principal’s Association Anthony J. Cardinal ‘51 Bernard Rice ‘51 Hon. James G. Starkey ‘51 Robert F. Vizza Ph.D. ‘51 Silver L Joseph J. Wiesenfarth Ph.D. ‘51 Purple L William Sluka ‘51 John H. Kineke Jr. ‘51 Theodore L. Peluso ‘51 Albert R. Nittoly ‘51 Louis A. Sande ‘51 Joseph V. Greene ‘51 Robert E. McEvily ‘51 Carl S. Koch ‘51 Charles F. Jurgens ‘51 Edward F. Bennett ‘51 Joseph J. Schneider ‘51 Guy Coheleach ‘51 Robert J. Francis ‘51 Frank P. Cupero ‘51 Dr. Anthony L. LaRuffa ‘51 Paul Whelan ‘51 Frank M. DeAngelis ‘51 Dr. Allen S. Brings ‘51 Louis Volta ‘51 Henry A. Tragert ‘51 Frank Thomas ‘51 James J. Vreeland ‘51 Joseph A. LeMay ‘51 Donal A. Kinney ‘51 Edward J. Grunwald ‘51 Roger A. Wines Ph.D. ‘51 357 Clermont Club John T. Cataldi ‘51 Annual Report 2010-2011 James J. Maino ‘51 Joseph H. Scanlon ‘51 William M. Crawford ‘51 William P. Britt ‘51 Michael S. Kucklinca ‘51 Robert E. Gallagher ‘51 Vincent B. Henry ‘51 Phillip L. Capobianco ‘51 Gerald V. Cronin ‘51 Jeremiah Duggan ‘51 Joseph R. Delia ‘51 Richard Relyea ‘51 Edward J. Thompson ‘51 Anthony J. Spina ‘51 Dr. Vincent A. Marino ‘51 Robert R. Wallace ‘51 James F. Foster ‘51 Francis V. Maguire ‘51 William Ahern ‘51 Walter E. Danielewski ‘51 Vincent Toner ‘51 Robert J. Hickey Jr. ‘51 Donald P. Schluter ‘51 Anthony F. Lazowski ‘51 Vito S. Accettura ‘51 Andrew T. Wittman Jr. ‘51 Charles A. Frydenborg ‘51 Robert Walsh ‘51 Francis J. Blank ‘51 Class of 1952 Total No. of Contributors: 75 Total Amount: $24,783.00 Jamesonian Circle Kevin L. Maher ‘52 Arthur J. Mahon ‘52 Principal’s Association John M. Scarola DDS ‘52 Robert D. English ‘52 Dr. Donald A. Guidice ‘52 Donald C. Finn ‘52 Gold L Robert E. Sigmann ‘52 John W. McManus ‘52 Arthur R. DeSimone M.D. ‘52 Michael G. Maloney ‘52 Daniel G. Falotico ‘52 Silver L Joseph A. Gusmerotti ‘52 Donald P. Devey ‘52 Jerome R. Quinn ‘52 Edward P. Donnellan Esq. ‘52 Ronald J. Boser ‘52 Frederick Witt M.D. ‘52 Purple L Warren Vanderbeek ‘52 Bruce G. Douglas ‘52 Donald J. Deneen ‘52 William F. Powers Ph.D. ‘52 Paul W. Demm ‘52 John S. Polickoski ‘52 Robert A. Sbarra ‘52 Dr. John J. Meehan ‘52 Ted Schmitt ‘52 Leo F. Rerek ‘52 William J. Daly ‘52 Robert A. Puppa ‘52 Edward J. Cooke ‘52 John F. Wixted ‘52 Richard F. Sullivan ‘52 Col. Charles J. Goode USMC(Ret.) ‘52 Joseph C. Sabourin ‘52 Joseph B. Gormley PE ‘52 Maj. James H. Beardall ‘52 Thomas H. O’Connor ‘52 Raymond K. Panczyk ‘52 Daniel J. McPartland ‘52 John L. Kinney ‘52 John D. Preiss ‘52 Thomas F. Tuffy ‘52 Charles J. Garone ‘52 James A. Casey ‘52 Richard F. Outcault ‘52 John J. Worthington M.D. ‘52 Gene F. Caiafa DDS ‘52 Louis V. Ryf ‘52 Joseph Palmer ‘52 Walter J. McTague ‘52 Chief Master Sergeant (Retired) Robert A. Koehler ‘52 Lucian Rizzo ‘52 357 Clermont Club William L. Gregory ‘52 Alfred J. Mulle ‘52 William Monroe ‘52 Stephen J. Gaughran ‘52 Donald B. Pennell ‘52 Edmund F. Balsdon ‘52 James A. McGovern ‘52 John F. Gallagher ‘52 William P. Burke ‘52 John J. Joyce ‘52 Richard J. Nadolny ‘52 9 James J. Costello ‘52 Ronald F. Cunningham ‘52 Peter N. Chetta ‘52 William M. Doran ‘52 Pasquale J. Eliseo ‘52 Ralph A. Fiorillo ‘52 Fred H. Weber ‘52 Sarsfield P. Brennan ‘52 John T. Williams ‘52 Joseph A. Kelly ‘52 Alexander J. Abruzzo ‘52 Joseph M. McHugh ‘52 Class of 1953 Total No. of Contributors: 79 Total Amount: $20,788.50 Loughlinite Alliance Walter J. Doyle ‘53 Principal’s Association Richard D. Rainis ‘53 John F. Canavan ‘53 Gold L Paul C. Flattery ‘53 Silver L Thomas J. O’Brien ‘53 Francis E. Sellinger ‘53 Neil M. McShane ‘53 Raymond P. Grossman ‘53 Richard P. Lawlor ‘53 Francis J. Houghton Jr. ‘53 Vincent A. Abrahams ‘53 Purple L Gabriel J. Trotta ‘53 John P. Hussey ‘53 Arthur M. Cassell ‘53 Ronald A. Richardson ‘53 John R. Vorst ‘53 Robert J. Baumert ‘53 Michael J. Raduazzo ‘53 Robert H. Greene ‘53 Robert Mangam ‘53 Paul S. Spitaleri ‘53 Aniceto J. Serrone ‘53 Thomas J. Myers ‘53 Joseph A. Paige ‘53 Edward J. Cryer ‘53 Bernard J. Johnston ‘53 Henry J. Dodge ‘53 Paul J. Gormley M.A. ‘53 Hon. Timothy J. Flaherty ‘53 Edward J. Murphy ‘53 Gerard W. Michels ‘53 Carmine J. Desio PE ‘53 Edward F. Hong PE ‘53 Edward J. Bopp ‘53 Msgr. John J. Rowan ‘53 Donald F. Quinn ‘53 Daniel J. Lane ‘53 Theodore J. Gutmann ‘53 George Allen ‘53 John J. McGowan ‘53 Thomas F. Doyle Jr. ‘53 Bruce P. Muller Ph.D. ‘53 John P. Zekoll ‘53 Roger Biederman ‘53 Otto S. Schmidtmann ‘53 Richard J. Winkle M.D. ‘53 357 Clermont Club Richard P. Auber ‘53 Gerald J. Veith ‘53 Kenneth J. Winslow ‘53 Joseph S. Deblasi ‘53 Donald J. Basile ‘53 Frank A. Rudolph ‘53 Thomas Leavy ‘53 Peter J. Bellezza ‘53 Richard F. Marczyk ‘53 Richard G. Kiley ‘53 Patrick J. Hanley ‘53 Francis B. Crowley ‘53 Frank H. Schlee ‘53 Robert P. Maher ‘53 William E. Johnston ‘53 John A. Sabini Jr. ‘53 Thomas F. Sullivan ‘53 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Giving By Class Walter A. Schnell ‘53 Edmund J. Tucker ‘53 Arthur W. Tierney ‘53 Dr. Frederic A. Keating ‘53 Leonard E. Mikolaitis USAF (Ret) ‘53 Leo D. Simone ‘53 Joseph J. Radomski ‘53 Kevin D. Glynn ‘53 Rev. Christopher Conlon S.M. ‘53 Henry J. Blaney ‘53 John P. Sharkey ‘53 Joseph R. Palladino ‘53 Richard E. Gegenwarth ‘53 Vincent F. Veltri ‘53 H. Peter Zimbelmann ‘53 Myles A. Walsh ‘53 Class of 1954 Total No. of Contributors: 81 Total Amount: $24,021.00 Jamesonian Circle John F. Jermusyk ‘54 Christian Brothers’ League James S. Rowe ‘54 Andrew T. Piccione ‘54 Principal’s Association Anthony T. Sallustio ‘54 John E. Engelhart Ph.D. ‘54 Richard F. Trabert ‘54 Anthony J. D’Auria ‘54 Daniel W. O’Brien ‘54 Silver L Edward F. Weiss ‘54 Timothy J. Ryan ‘54 James A. Von Der Linn ‘54 William T. Ryan P.C. ‘54 Edward M. Ras DDS ‘54 Eugene L. Nowak ‘54 Robert T. Coughlan ‘54 James P. Duffy ‘54 Richard T. Kraft ‘54 Purple L Gerard T. Severynse ‘54 Donald J. Maloney ‘54 Robert S. Zolezzi ‘54 William J. Swords DO ‘54 Edward T. Leuschner ‘54 Dr. Richard H. Gast ‘54 Alexander F. Paolicelli ‘54 John P. Nicholas ‘54 John H. Mellard ‘54 Ronald M. Dudonis ‘54 Rev. Stanley J. Russell ‘54 Joseph E. Staszak ‘54 Richard F. Roethel ‘54 Michael C. Vaupel ‘54 Joseph S. Termini ‘54 Anthony R. Spinelli ‘54 Thomas A. Maloney ‘54 Frederick B. McNicholl ‘54 James E. Snyder ‘54 Ronald W. Cook ‘54 Philipp P. Bischoff ‘54 Warren N. Cotter ‘54 Patrick J. Brennan ‘54 Paul P. Kraus ‘54 James J. Frayne ‘54 Alfred A. Palleschi ‘54 Joseph V. Arigo M.D. ‘54 Joseph P. Wierzbicki ‘54 Thomas E. Carroll ‘54 Ralph B. Holtmann ‘54 George J. Doring ‘54 James J. Bartell ‘54 John J. Roth ‘54 Richard T. Robinson ‘54 John H. Bogan ‘54 John M. Dennehy ‘54 Joseph A. Greco Ph.D. ‘54 James P. La Marca ‘54 Deacon John J. Zebrowski ‘54 357 Clermont Club Russ J. Altman ‘54 Anthony L. Falotico ‘54 Edward A. Lavan ‘54 Gordon S. Hawkins ‘54 Paul L. Brennan ‘54 Rudolph A. Eckhardt ‘54 Bernard J. Welsh ‘54 Dr. George H. Hammerbacher ‘54 Robert M. McEwen ‘54 Dominick J. Galofaro ‘54 Kenneth U. Payne ‘54 Richard H. Dierkes ‘54 George R. Ebinger ‘54 John E. Ford ‘54 Alan E. Reifenheiser ‘54 Arthur M. Birke ‘54 Joseph G. Kiefer ‘54 James A. McHugh ‘54 Raymond C. Shotter ‘54 Peter C. Jarka ‘54 Louis J. Scavo ‘54 Charles W. Vanecek ‘54 Richard W. Zolzer ‘54 Matthew F. Kaspar ‘54 Thomas D. Torre ‘54 Class of 1955 Total No. of Contributors: 88 Total Amount: $142,614.00 LaSallian Benefactor Anonymous ‘55 Lawrence M. Waterhouse Jr. ‘55 Loughlinite Alliance Robert H. Paczkowski ‘55 Jamesonian Circle James F. O’Neil ‘55 Christian Brothers’ League Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Thomas C. Cummings Jr. ‘55 Principal’s Association Lawrence Donohue ‘55 Nada Gannon ‘55 Richard M. Garland ‘55 Gold L RADM Joseph E. Vorbach USCG Ret ‘55 Raymond D. LaRaja M.D. ‘55 David M. Corcoran ‘55 Silver L Patrick M. Malley ‘55 J. Edward McDonough ‘55 Joseph J. Cerverizzo ‘55 Robert L. Cea ‘55 Col. John J. Schnell USAF(Ret.) ‘55 Gerald M. Boylan ‘55 Richard S. Vitkay ‘55 John H. Smith ‘55 Robert E. Walter ‘55 Gerard J. Downey ‘55 Robert G. Breuer ‘55 Ronald J. Goodale ‘55 Frank J. Campanelli Jr. ‘55 Richard W. Vanni ‘55 Thomas H. Tolan ‘55 George F. Maloney ‘55 Anthony E. Beyer ‘55 Student Neighborhood : Richard F. Dunlop ‘55 Cornelius E. Britton Jr. ‘55 Donald J. McBride ‘55 Joseph J. DiGiovanna ‘55 Robert T. Stevenson ‘55 Michael G. McDonough ‘55 Francis M. Verona ‘55 Gerald J. Bechamps M.D. ‘55 Robert A. Ingram ‘55 Joseph J. Hinderer ‘55 Dr. Joseph C. Asta ‘55 John J. Resser ‘55 Otto F. Bischoff ‘55 William A. Ryan ‘55 Joseph L. DiChiaro ‘55 Silver L Philip F. O’Mara Ph.D. ‘56 John F. Baxter ‘56 Chester T. Tempesta ‘56 Rev. Patrick W. Mundy ‘56 John P. McCarthy ‘56 James F. McCarthy ‘56 Michael J. Sinansky ‘56 Purple L Thomas J. Healy ‘56 Robert J. O’Leary ‘56 Philip J. O’Reilly ‘56 Dermot A. Flynn ‘56 Lawrence J. Kunz ‘56 Anthony E. Giampaolo ‘56 Spotlight: Gabriel & Noah Negron‘14 Brooklyn, Red Hook Section Gabriel Accomplishments: Debate, Campus Ministry Noah Accomplishments: Track, plans to tryout for Basketball Family History: Gabriel and Noah are fraternal twins who come from a single parent household, headed by his mother. Without financial assistance, neither brother could attend Loughlin. Their Loughlin education wouldn’t have been possible without being on Scholarships. John F. Cunningham ‘55 Robert J. Bartz ‘55 Robert C. Wood ‘55 John J. Jordan ‘55 Rev. James F. Keenan SJ ‘55 John B. Rogers ‘55 Purple L Thomas J. Craig M.D. ‘55 Robert F. Pettit ‘55 Robert T. Doan ‘55 Richard A. Cecka ‘55 Robert P. Whalen ‘55 William I. Waithe ‘55 Eric J. Stroppel ‘55 Roy J. Ott ‘55 Richard V. Kocienda ‘55 Frank J. Donohue ‘55 Francis J. Fitzgerald Sr. ‘55 Frederick R. Simms ‘55 Brian D. Daly ‘55 Donald A. Cordano ‘55 Donald F. Garvey ‘55 Warren A. Rentz ‘55 Joseph A. Marino ‘55 Thomas F. O’Keeffe ‘55 Edmund A. Giebel ‘55 Michael P. Marron ‘55 357 Clermont Club Richard L. Schebera ‘55 Robert H. Preusser ‘55 James J. Harvey ‘55 Andrew J. Cordell ‘55 Joseph D. Rost ‘55 William J. Rottkamp ‘55 Thomas V. Sullivan ‘55 Robert A. Winslow ‘55 Vincent F. Antignani ‘55 Patrick E. McMahon ‘55 David F. Hoyt ‘55 Alfred E. Sager ‘55 Donald J. McGorty ‘55 Michael J. Higgins ‘55 Joseph A. Conza ‘55 Francis M. Mulhern ‘55 10 Frank J. Quarto ‘55 George J. Marquardt ‘55 Terrance A. McCaffrey ‘55 John J. Glaser ‘55 Class of 1956 Total No. of Contributors: 70 Total Amount: $18,120.00 Christian Brothers’ League Edward F. McDermott ‘56 James J. Begley ‘56 Principal’s Association John F. Friel ‘56 Frank W. Klich ‘56 Gold L Eugene D. Alexander ‘56 Richard A. Kennedy ‘56 Charles J. Connelly ‘56 Richard F. Frazita ‘56 Bartly J. Roche ‘56 Vincent J. Montano ‘56 William J. Baumann ‘56 Robert J. Fudjinski ‘56 Henry F. Wenz ‘56 Joseph A. Giacalone Ph.D. ‘56 John F. Hourican ‘56 Edward J. Rigney ‘56 John Starace ‘56 Dr. Paul D. Jankiewicz ‘56 Patrick J. Nolan ‘56 Thomas F. Jackman ‘56 Robert C. Getty ‘56 Robert Vlacancich ‘56 John J. Luken ‘56 Francis G. Ryan ‘56 John M. Rizzotti ‘56 Jack Serrano ‘56 Hugh A. Egan ‘56 Thomas P. VanRiper ‘56 Ronald P. Fiske ‘56 Dr. Stephen T. Batthany ‘56 Albert A. Gaudelli Esq. ‘56 Peter L. Amaya Esq. ‘56 Annual Report 2010-2011 Giving By Class HEADER 357 Clermont Club Peter J. Bagrationoff ‘56 Gerard E. Murchie ‘56 William W. Roe ‘56 Peter J. Beyer ‘56 Frank M. Gusmerotti ‘56 Charles P. Burns ‘56 Sal Nunziata ‘56 Donald J. Vanecek ‘56 John F. Conway ‘56 James P. McCaffrey ‘56 Richard B. Kelly ‘56 George J. Reichenbacher ‘56 Louis J. Engeldrum ‘56 Warren W. Platz ‘56 Joseph F. Raitano ‘56 Martin J. Gyves ‘56 Edward J. Goutink III ‘56 Eric L. Koenig ‘56 Joseph R. Fraher ‘56 Edmund T. Donovan ‘56 William T. O’Brien ‘56 Dr. Raymond J. Russo ‘56 John J. Turner ‘56 Robert Bologna ‘56 Paul A. Haig ‘56 Class of 1957 Total No. of Contributors: 120 Total Amount: $45,066.86 Loughlinite Alliance James P. Cunningham ‘57 Jamesonian Circle Charles J. Goetz Ph.D. ‘57 Christian Brothers’ League Richard H. Blum ‘57 Principal’s Association Joseph J. Egan Ph.D. ‘57 Joseph F. Eaton ‘57 Gold L Gerard D. Buckley ‘57 Edward F. Malone ‘57 Lawrence J. Korb ‘57 William J. Cullen ‘57 Benjamin C. Paternoster ‘57 Brian D. McAuley ‘57 Dr. James E. Vincent ‘57 Silver L Judge Robert L. Nahman ‘57 Matthew D. Kelleher ‘57 Kenneth J. Parchinski ‘57 Peter J. Monaghan ‘57 Dennis J. Duffy ‘57 Raymond J. Torrey ‘57 Peter D. Brady ‘57 Salvatore A. Romano Esq. ‘57 John P. Hamill ‘57 John J. Dixson ‘57 Daniel J. O’Leary ‘57 Purple L John T. Power ‘57 Col. Charles G. Thomas USAF(Ret.) ‘57 George R. Spall ‘57 Joseph A. Agresto ‘57 Marco R. Orlando ‘57 Rev. Joseph J. Weber ‘57 Kevin Casey ‘57 Thomas S. Goodwin ‘57 Thomas F. Walby Ph.D. ‘57 Thomas K. Beck ‘57 Cornelius M. Rose ‘57 Gary R. Bruno ‘57 Michael P. Lagana ‘57 Lawrence T. Mattson ‘57 George J. Whiten ‘57 Thomas J. Rothacker ‘57 Anthony P. Spera ‘57 David E. Hinkley ‘57 Rev. John A. Meyer ‘57 Richard T. Robilotta ‘57 Dominick C. LaCapra ‘57 Carlo A. DiBello ‘57 Joseph J. Smalkowski ‘57 John G. Garity ‘57 Thomas E. Gallagher ‘57 Dr. Walter T. Higgins Jr. ‘57 Anthony J. Petraco ‘57 Roman W. Jackiw ‘57 Anthony F. Sparacio ‘57 Victor R. Basili ‘57 Clinton J. Norris ‘57 William T. Fellows ‘57 John F. Mason ‘57 Edward D. O’Sullivan ‘57 James A. Hayes ‘57 Louis M. Soleo ‘57 Earl C. Willoughby ‘57 Edward J. Pawlowski ‘57 Michael J. Forrester ‘57 Walter M. Cadette ‘57 John J. Pfeiffer ‘57 Fred V. Randel ‘57 John M. McCusker ‘57 Robert J. Zanini ‘57 Joseph R. Anticaglia M.D. ‘57 Frank S. Rinaldi Esq. ‘57 Edward P. Farrell ‘57 Gerald J. Lynch ‘57 Nicholas P. Angrisano ‘57 Thomas A. Corcoran ‘57 357 Clermont Club Theodore R. Simpson ‘57 John J. Volk ‘57 Thomas J. Lynch ‘57 Gerard J. Thompson ‘57 Anthony B. Sparacio Esq. ‘57 John L. Bryck ‘57 James W. McCauley Ph.D. ‘57 Natale F. Tinnerino ‘57 John E. Niccoli ‘57 Annual Report 2010-2011 Thomas A. Malarkey ‘57 John R. Rueckel ‘57 Rev. James Fraser ‘57 James T. Brooks ‘57 Thomas F. Fay ‘57 Nicholas A. Ramer ‘57 Edward M. Conroy ‘57 Joseph W. Flynn ‘57 Richard G. Riccardi ‘57 John D. Wohltmann ‘57 Thomas J. Nicarico ‘57 Francis P. Naughton ‘57 Edward A. Corcoran ‘57 Harold J. Martin ‘57 Anthony A. Mormile ‘57 James F. Stewart ‘57 Lt. Col. Thomas F. Coonelly USA(Ret.) ‘57 Frank X. Weber ‘57 James F. Carroll ‘57 Salvatore C. Ferreri ‘57 Gerald P. Haran ‘57 Dr. Michael J. Cavanaugh ‘57 John A. Ferguson ‘57 Philip J. Klvana ‘57 John J. Toman ‘57 Charles J. Evers ‘57 Ernest P. Pospischil ‘57 Martin J. Boland ‘57 Louis J. Veltri ‘57 Peter E. Burger ‘57 Peter J. Cippoletti ‘57 Gerard J. Marten ‘57 David J. Conroe ‘57 Vincent A. Fanelli ‘57 George J. McGarry ‘57 Patrick W. Cloonan ‘57 Rev. Michael B. Donovan OSFS ‘57 Erwin H. Schaefer ‘57 Robert J. Conroy ‘58 Kenneth P. Hunt ‘58 Silver L John P. Tighe ‘58 Walter I. Rickard ‘58 Richard F. Cappelluzzo ‘58 Rev. Michael P. Shugrue ‘58 Alexander F. Nealis ‘58 Thomas J. Billings ‘58 Class of 1958 Total No. of Contributors: 78 Total Amount: $57,934.00 Purple L Michael J. Dundon ‘58 Lee R. Wilson ‘58 James E. Giles ‘58 Br. Antonio Montera OSF ‘58 Donald J. Teale ‘58 Peter J. Egan ‘58 Hon. Bert A. Bunyan ‘58 Frank X. Maher ‘58 Francis R. Muldoon ‘58 Joseph P. VanSchaick ‘58 Edward Ryan ‘58 John L. Sentowski ‘58 Edward C. Edele ‘58 Arthur W. Staudinger ‘58 Robert J. Castellani ‘58 Richard L. Kuntz ‘58 Joseph L. DeMieri ‘58 Thomas F. Fox ‘58 John H. McBride ‘58 John J. McElroy ‘58 Herbert A. Schurmann ‘58 Michael J. Esposito M.D. ‘58 John F. Starita ‘58 Peter K. Ledwith ‘58 Philip E. Young ‘58 Robert E. Glasser ‘58 James F. Santora ‘58 David K. Carey ‘58 Frank A. Vergone ‘58 Daniel M. Cella ‘58 Edward T. Toseland M.D. ‘58 Terence T. McMahon ‘58 James T. Curran ‘58 St. James Court James P. Orenga ‘58 357 Clermont Club Frank R. Wahl ‘58 Paul J. Dellafiora ‘58 Henry F. Wiener ‘58 Stephen F. Wallner M.D. ‘58 James A. Landers ‘58 Michael J. Bennett ‘58 Joseph M. Rhatigan Jr. ‘58 Edward B. Sottile M.D. ‘58 James V. Dilorenzo ‘58 Dennis M. Reale ‘58 Bernard C. Fleming ‘58 Michael D. DiGennaro ‘58 Peter B. Melley ‘58 William V. Delnicki ‘58 Michael W. Maddock ‘58 Frank S. Rizzi ‘58 Edward J. Christopher ‘58 Francis S. Kehl ‘58 John A. Costello ‘58 Joseph P. Genovese ‘58 Hugh P. McGrory ‘58 John P. DiFiore ‘58 George F. Paladino ‘58 John G. Leffler ‘58 Joseph F. Benincasa ‘58 Salvatore N. Cassino ‘58 Class of 1959 Total No. of Contributors: 93 Total Amount: $18,919.50 Christian Brothers’ League Thomas S. Battaglia ‘59 Principal’s Association Edward J. Fanning ‘59 Dr. Saverio N. Laudadio DO ‘59 Thomas F. Gorman ‘59 Ralph P. Barbarite ‘59 Joseph P. Salanitro ‘59 Gold L Thomas M. Berry Jr. ‘59 William G. Joyner ‘59 John A. Wittekind ‘59 Fr. James A. Schiffer ‘59 Silver L James J. McCreesh ‘59 Donald T. Martin ‘59 Harry J. Brett ‘59 Dennis J. Hassett ‘59 Thomas P. Keenan M.D. ‘59 LTC Dennis K. Morris USA(Ret.) ‘59 Brian P. Bentley ‘59 Inno J. Onorato M.D. ‘59 Purple L Joseph F. Thelen Jr. ‘59 Edwin L. Kelly ‘59 Frederick J. Frohne ‘59 John L. Trovato ‘59 Michael K. Kellen ‘59 Charles J. O’Donnell ‘59 Ronald D. Bittel ‘59 Bernard J. Mullin ‘59 Thomas G. Vetter ‘59 Michael P. Beirne ‘59 Daniel J. Lynch ‘59 Richard F. O’Connor ‘59 Anthony R. Santucci ‘59 William A. Himchak ‘59 Joseph A. Veneziano M.D. ‘59 Steven J. Vallo ‘59 Lester J. Bellafiore ‘59 William S. Cain Ph.D. ‘59 Joseph P. Ferguson ‘59 Robert Ottley ‘59 Thomas H. Grayson Ph.D. ‘59 Dr. Anthony T. Cimmino DDS ‘59 Robert G. Edmonds ‘59 James F. Gibson ‘59 Michael A. Millin ‘59 Robert K. Phildius ‘59 James J. Healy ‘59 Justin F. Daubar ‘59 Michael J. Platarote MSW ‘59 Joseph C. Dettling ‘59 James D. Quinn ‘59 Joseph F. Wicklow ‘59 Eugene V. Smith ‘59 Michael J. Mundy ‘59 Glenn E. Mehrtens ‘59 Dr. William E. Snizek ‘59 Dr. Anthony J. Garro ‘59 Loughlinite Alliance Gerald F. Rudy ‘58 Jamesonian Circle Charles B. McQuade ‘58 Principal’s Association Michael J. Quinlan ‘58 John F. Vierling ‘58 Charles M. March M.D. ‘58 Mathias E. Mone ‘58 Gold L William J. Hever ‘58 William R. Collini M.D. ‘58 Rev. John Amann ‘58 Joseph D. Hanley ‘58 11 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Giving By Class Thomas G. Dunn ‘59 Denis G. Mahoney ‘59 Frank P. DeSantis ‘59 357 Clermont Club James J. Howley ‘59 James S. McCaffrey ‘59 James P. Morrisroe ‘59 John F. Geraghty ‘59 James M. Tharrington ‘59 William J. Mannhaupt ‘59 Walter G. Pieper ‘59 Joseph V. Bencivenga ‘59 Sabino C. Pesce ‘59 Henry V. Inselmann ‘59 Frank D. DeLise ‘59 Edward J. Olinger ‘59 John J. McGoldrick ‘59 Col. Raymond E. Trusz ‘59 Anthony J. Rivezzo ‘59 Joseph L. Miklich ‘59 Biagio D. Kucich ‘59 Kevin A. Clements Ph.D. ‘59 Dr. John Impagliazzo Ph.D. ‘59 Kenneth T. Telesca ‘59 Anthony J. Cali ‘59 John P. Russell ‘59 Michael S. McCormack ‘59 Arthur J. Griffin ‘59 Bruce A. Buckheit ‘59 Lawrence C. Reimer ‘59 Edward J. Dougherty ‘59 Richard A. Molinari ‘59 Joseph G. Canamare Jr. ‘59 Anthony J. Bulla ‘59 John J. McCabe ‘59 Walter G. Cuff ‘59 Rudolph W. Brabender ‘59 Anthony J. Ingrassia ‘59 Vincent D. Schaper ‘59 Class of 1960 Total No. of Contributors: 105 Total Amount: $91,225.60 St. James Court Henry F. Barry ‘60 Jamesonian Circle Rev. Richard M. Lewkiewicz ‘60 Robert F. Markmann ‘60 Eugene J. Buehl ‘60 Christian Brothers’ League Edward J. J. Bowes ‘60 Henry A. Zarzicki ‘60 William J. Collins ‘60 Robert T. Schell ‘60 Edward F. Spinelli ‘60 Peter A. McMenamin ‘60 Principal’s Association John J. Butler ‘60 J. Kevin McKay ‘60 Patrick D. Farley ‘60 John L. Elberfeld Jr. ‘60 Howard E. Ammerman ‘60 Thomas H. Shay ‘60 James E. Tubman ‘60 Salvatore J. DiFranco ‘60 Stanley T. Dorrow DDS ‘60 Robert J. Bogardt ‘60 Richard J. Fennelly ‘60 James J. Hartmann ‘60 John J. Dalton ‘60 Lawrence T. DiGioia ‘60 Peter M. Schuller ‘60 Gold L Thomas A. Mullady ‘60 Lt. Col William J. Lundquist USAF (Ret) ‘60 Daniel R. McNulty ‘60 John R. Fehling ‘60 Thomas F. O’Grady ‘60 Philip Ambrosino ‘60 Marlene Pannell ‘60 Francis J. Devlin ‘60 Dom Camera ‘60 Silver L Edward J. Averill ‘60 Ronald J. Krisch ‘60 Timothy F. Stafford ‘60 Michael A. Raha ‘60 Peter M. Bosco ‘60 Charles F. Schretzmann ‘60 Joseph J. Buonomo ‘60 William T. Hinson Jr. ‘60 Msgr. James F. Spengler ‘60 Philip J. Antonicelli ‘60 Purple L Joseph L. Buckingham ‘60 Albert G. Wetterhahn ‘60 Christian G. Wilding Jr. ‘60 Angelo B. Proto ‘60 Daniel J. Sweeney ‘60 Gerald M. Gorman ‘60 John F. O’Donoghue ‘60 William H. Daly ‘60 Ronald E. Cuneo ‘60 Peter J. Piro ‘60 Joseph F. Capezza ‘60 Joseph P. Hurley ‘60 Charles E. Murphy ‘60 Richard P. McArthur ‘60 Frank R. Conrad ‘60 William J. Stritzl ‘60 Hugh J. Forde ‘60 Walter B. Blum M.D. ‘60 Frank J. Russo ‘60 Andrew J. McKenna ‘60 Ronald R. Gonella ‘60 Stephen F. Toth ‘60 James W. Mitchell ‘60 Ralph T. Frank ‘60 Daniel A. Blanch Jr. ‘60 Thomas F. McKenzie ‘60 John A. Wezwick ‘60 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School George W. Dissler ‘60 George R. Pappas ‘60 Dennis M. Kennedy ‘60 Vincent J. Goodwin ‘60 Anthony H. Majewski ‘60 William R. Talarek ‘60 Peter G. Stonitsch ‘60 John H. Barlow ‘60 Paul J. Sallustio ‘60 John R. Kraus ‘60 Emil W. Carlson ‘60 James J. Schonbachler ‘60 Peter J. Gavagan ‘60 John J. Gilmore ‘60 Jamesonian Circle Rudolph W. Giuliani ‘61 Christian Brothers’ League James A. Candia ‘61 Principal’s Association William S. Roman ‘61 Anthony J. Shanley ‘61 Kenneth V. Greene ‘61 Ernest J. Wittenborn Jr. ‘61 Joseph G. Clark ‘61 Joseph V. Napolitano M.D. ‘61 Thomas E. Burke ‘61 Joseph J. Doyle ‘61 William J. Fanning Ed.D. ‘61 Thomas J. Flynn ‘61 Purple L John F. McFeely ‘61 Stanley J. Cesark ‘61 Patrick D. Gill ‘61 Stephen F. McCarthy ‘61 Anthony E. Markert ‘61 Robert C. Sloane ‘61 Charles J. Weinschreider ‘61 Rev. Msgr. Alan J. Placa ‘61 Br. John P. Guasconi FSC ‘61 Dr. Thomas A. Kubic Esq. ‘61 Stephen M. Connors ‘61 Vincent F. Manago ‘61 Student Spotlight: Kiaralis Abreu ‘14 Neighborhood: Brooklyn, Bushwick Section Accomplishments: Latino Dance, Campus Ministry, Lasallian Youth, Volleyball Family History: Kiaralis is the oldest of three children in her family. All three siblings attend private school. Her mother and father work very hard to provide their children a good education, but it is difficult to make ends meet because of tuition costs. They are thankful for the support this scholarship gives their family. Richard F. Dowd ‘60 Anthony R. Macchia ‘60 357 Clermont Club Dr. Matthew P. Mirabile ‘60 James J. Hanson ‘60 Walter W. Wolyniec ‘60 John Ngai ‘60 Joseph J. Atkinson ‘60 Paul F. Grassotti ‘60 Michael R. Weber ‘60 Peter B. Mancino Esq. ‘60 Ralph J. Baglino ‘60 Ross J. Baiera ‘60 Joseph M. St.George ‘60 Thomas J. Hackert ‘60 Patrick J. Powers ‘60 Philip A. Daddona ‘60 Richard K. Kelly ‘60 Patrick A. Stines ‘60 William J. Coleman ‘60 Leonard L. Clementi ‘60 Class of 1961 Total No. of Contributors: 98 Total Amount: $31,892.61 Gold L William A. Gazsy ‘61 Kenneth J. McBride ‘61 Patrick D. Sullivan Ph.D. ‘61 Dr. William R. McShane ‘61 Gregory Bertles ‘61 John W. Halloran ‘61 Silver L Anthony M. Galgano Jr. ‘61 Vincent P. DeMarco ‘61 Matthew S. Lukaszewski ‘61 Thomas B. Burns Ph.D. ‘61 Richard M. Linkh ‘61 Leonard G. Schnappauf ‘61 George A. Mulligan ‘61 Frank S. Rizzo ‘61 Philip F. Smith ‘61 John J. Burns ‘61 Matteo J. D’Amico ‘61 John J. Minutolo ‘61 Ralph J. Somma ‘61 Andrew M. Dalski ‘61 Philip J. Mercorella ‘61 Joseph DeLessio ‘61 Kenneth J. Kubat ‘61 12 357 Clermont Club William M. Daly ‘61 Richard J. Blaney ‘61 Richard M. Crimmins ‘61 Karl R. Savatiel ‘61 Dr. Robert W. Clark ‘61 Kenneth P. Harvey ‘61 Gerard J. Fuccillo ‘61 William M. McMahon ‘61 Thomas A. Reichhold ‘61 Joseph P. Green ‘61 George O. Schneider ‘61 Dennis J. Sladowski ‘61 James C. Rentos ‘61 James P. McLoughlin ‘61 Robert J. Franz ‘61 Robert W. Wysocki ‘61 Paul B. Avondoglio ‘61 John M. Brady ‘61 Joseph A. Greco ‘61 George J. Fehr ‘61 James T. Lundquist ‘61 Robert J. Taddeo ‘61 Francis J. Ayers DDS ‘61 John C. Gifford ‘61 Stephen G. Kruse ‘61 Dennis J. Viola ‘61 John F. Witkowski ‘61 John Lawless ‘61 William D. Schoenberg ‘61 Class of 1962 Total No. of Contributors: 89 Total Amount: $43,761.00 Loughlinite Alliance Peter Haffner and Noreen Haffner Dennis J. Feeney ‘61 William F. Settino ‘61 Stephen J. Stutzbach ‘61 William M. Howe ‘61 Peter J. Rotolo M.D. ‘61 Dr. Thomas W. Schnatz Ph.D., P.E. ‘61 Henry P. Kehoe ‘61 Brian C. Loughlin ‘61 John P. Loiello Ph.D. ‘61 Ronald M. Muller ‘61 John C. Maceli ‘61 Michael J. McClymont ‘61 John A. Walbroehl ‘61 Harry C. Savarino ‘61 Kevin F. Daly ‘61 Michael M. Ryan ‘61 John L. Leporati ‘61 Jim Ryan ‘61 Richard E. Hanley ‘61 Paul J. Boudreau ‘61 Barry R. McClintock ‘61 Paul I. Wolski ‘61 Jamesonian Circle George J. Cappiello ‘62 Christian Brothers’ League Michael C. Gecewicz ‘62 Stephen F. Cardos M.D. ‘62 John G. Meenan ‘62 Robert J. Deasy ‘62 Charles J. Santore ‘62 Walter J. Casey ‘62 Martin J. Murray ‘62 Gold L Peter J. Mahoney ‘62 John B. Turano ‘62 Charles Balchunas ‘62 Kevin B. Reilly ‘62 Thomas P. Dwan ‘62 Silver L Daniel C. Cronin ‘62 Donald J. Judge ‘62 Edward F. Killip ‘62 Richard A. Wallner ‘62 Joseph H. Fischer ‘62 Paul J. Rickard ‘62 Lewis J. Montgomery ‘62 William H. O’Sullivan ‘62 Annual Report 2010-2011 HEADERBy Class Giving Gavin L. Lindner ‘62 Thomas G. Walsh ‘62 Wilford J. Williams ‘62 Stephen A. D’Onofrio ‘62 George W. Morris PE ‘62 Jack J. Rengstl ‘62 Robert E. Kearney ‘62 George J. Sazani ‘62 Robert O. Moylan ‘62 John P. Zelenko ‘62 Raymond D. Baechler ‘62 John G. DeBiase ‘62 Joseph P. Moylan Jr. ‘62 Anthony J. Lo Bue P.T. ‘62 Purple L Stephen E. Toman ‘62 Anthony J. Abatemarco ‘62 John W. Podkowsky ‘62 Eric Mille ‘62 Thomas G. Finn ‘62 William F. Murphy ‘62 Joseph A. Gasparrini Jr. ‘62 Charles M. Traynor ‘62 Donald F. Lerario ‘62 Joseph C. Rotolo M.D. ‘62 Philip G. Ryan ‘62 William G. Ronan ‘62 Kenneth J. Blakely ‘62 George J. Catalanotto ‘62 Joseph A. Roach ‘62 Michael P. Quane ‘62 Robert M. Kelly ‘62 Thomas J. Bieselin ‘62 Anthony V. Lerro CSW ‘62 Bryan J. Walsh ‘62 Carl F. Foehrenbach ‘62 Eric G. Blum ‘62 Andrew G. Carney ‘62 Vaughan C. Farrie ‘62 Terence J. McArdle ‘62 Frank J. Vertucci ‘62 Patrick J. Caulfield ‘62 Stephen A. Chmela ‘62 Class of 1963 Total No. of Contributors: 72 Total Amount: $$49,467.94 357 Clermont Club Peter C. Harris ‘62 Dennis W. Cudahy ‘62 David W. Mount ‘62 Richard P. Smith ‘62 Joseph A. Leist ‘62 Patrick J. Byrne ‘62 Robert F. Borchert ‘62 James V. Quinn ‘62 Daniel B. Ahern ‘62 Thomas G. Grealy ‘62 Kevin J. Nicholas ‘62 Edward J. McLaughlin ‘62 Joseph M. Longo ‘62 Brian J. Connell ‘62 Daniel L. Bellotti ‘62 Joseph P. Keenan ‘62 Michael J. Grego ‘62 Ralph F. Fanizzi ‘62 James P. Greenan ‘62 Neil W. Foehrenbach ‘62 James A. Geib ‘62 Dr. Joseph G. Arth ‘62 Peter J. Hauser ‘62 Niall W. Gillespie ‘62 Edward Sullivan ‘62 Loughlinite Alliance Russell A. Broome ‘63 Jamesonian Circle Michael J. Fitzsimons ‘63 James J. Quinn Esq. ‘63 Christian Brothers’ League Michael W. Murray ‘63 Principal’s Association James T. Reynolds ‘63 Michael J. Castellano ‘63 Edward P. Fitzgerald ‘63 Michael L. Della Croce ‘63 Gold L William F. Wolters ‘63 Michael J. Tuohy ‘63 John J. Molloy ‘63 Gerard E. Shanley ‘63 Alfred H. Brand ‘63 Nicholas M. Fiscina ‘63 Michael S. Hyland Jr. ‘63 Joseph J. Staines ‘63 Thomas J. Hebel ‘63 Silver L Henry E. Christel ‘63 Joseph DiBenedetto ‘63 Richard T. Ducotey ‘63 John D. Begley ‘63 Jeffrey A. Gould ‘63 Robert T. Ryan ‘63 Robert F. Radice ‘63 Arthur F. Dignam ‘63 Purple L Paul G. Migliore ‘63 Robert J. Harrell ‘63 Nicholas Estavillo ‘63 Raymond J. Fitzgerald ‘63 Alfred C. Cavuto ‘63 Peter J. Bartkus ‘63 Kevin J. Doran DDS ‘63 Stephen D. Laruccia Ph.D. ‘63 Dr. Louis J. Imbriano M.D. ‘63 Patrick J. Sheehy CPCU ‘63 William T. Fitzsimmons ‘63 Laszlo J. Eger ‘63 Richard R. Pardi Ph.D. ‘63 Peter J. Cunningham ‘63 Denis Conway ‘63 Michael A. Guariglia ‘63 Jeffrey M. Albies ‘63 Annual Report 2010-2011 Michael B. Zaccaro ‘63 Michael F. McNally ‘63 Cirino T. Lombard ‘63 Peter R. Caronia ‘63 Gerard J. Schriffen ‘63 John H. Hoffman ‘63 Edmund J. Fanning ‘63 Edward J. Nick ‘63 Vincent P. Pagano ‘63 James L. Dowd ‘63 James J. Meehan ‘63 357 Clermont Club John J. Sweeney ‘63 Raymond A. Baumkirchner ‘63 Thomas F. Casey ‘63 Michael J. Mandel ‘63 James J. Westervelt ‘63 James J. Smithwick ‘63 Mrs. Nancy R. Roswell ‘63 Robert J. Delaney ‘63 Richard J. Clinton ‘63 Anthony J. D’Angelo ‘63 John V. Paterson ‘63 James D. Hannafin ‘63 Joseph C. DeSapio ‘63 Raymond J. Jakubek ‘63 Gerald J. Pinola ‘63 Thomas J. Monaghan ‘63 Joseph E. Coscia ‘63 Robert J. Wilderman ‘63 Russell J. Galgana PE ‘63 Class of 1964 Total No. of Contributors: 88 Total Amount: $49,976.00 St. James Court John A. Siegel ‘64 Jamesonian Circle Dal LaMagna ‘64 Karl Cribbin M.D. ‘64 Principal’s Association James E. Freeman ‘64 John N. Molbeck Jr ‘64 Kevin M. Coffey ‘64 Joseph P. Dwyer ‘64 Gold L Charles F. Gulotta ‘64 Robert P. Giurlando ‘64 Dennis J. Flynn ‘64 George T. Brady Jr. ‘64 James D. VerEecke ‘64 James P. Harding ‘64 Silver L William J. O’Connor ‘64 Kenneth J. Pietrzak ‘64 Patrick J. Daly ‘64 John J. Cilento ‘64 James M. Quinn ‘64 Michael W. Manley ‘64 Jack M. Battaglia ‘64 Dr. Fred R. Best ‘64 Kenneth J. Lanfear ‘64 Capt. Benedict J. Maguire USN ‘64 Purple L Robert E. Schroeder ‘64 Philip A. Dondiego ‘64 Charles J. Hanley ‘64 Aloysius F. Colligan ‘64 Edward C. Jamrozy ‘64 Joseph L. Rottkamp ‘64 Harold G. Nichter ‘64 Edward P. Westemeier ‘64 George C. Schlecht ‘64 Terrence K. Quinn ‘64 Thomas J. Mellett ‘64 Edward J. English ‘64 Richard A. Ingersoll ‘64 Daniel F. Donohue ‘64 Joseph A. Perignat ‘64 William A. Kirby Ph.D. ‘64 Chet P. Klyn ‘64 Dennis P. Mroczkowski ‘64 John C. Meaney ‘64 Michael C. Calimano ‘64 Anthony M. Policastro M.D. ‘64 Raymond J. Matthews Jr. ‘64 James F. Clarke ‘64 Dennis T. Christy ‘64 Paul J. Camilleri ‘64 357 Clermont Club Richard M. Haas ‘64 John J. Stritzl ‘64 John R. Aquaro ‘64 Jack C. Mercica ‘64 Br. Vincent J. Adams OSF ‘64 Joseph S. D’Agrosa DDS ‘64 Wayne F. Clauss ‘64 William M. Hynes ‘64 Gerard J. Brinkman ‘64 Richard A. Graziano ‘64 Edward P. Quinn ‘64 Frank Castellano ‘64 Edward P. Haggerty ‘64 James M. Connolly ‘64 Kenneth P. Schreifels ‘64 John W. Smillie ‘64 John F. Maul ‘64 Rolf A. Fuessler ‘64 John J. Gasparino ‘64 Conrad R. Leikauf ‘64 John L. Barodin ‘64 Robert W. Van Wicklen ‘64 Robert V. Thomas ‘64 Joseph S. McCarthy ‘64 James S. Hutchinson ‘64 Peter D. Ozelski ‘64 Anthony J. Carlo ‘64 John A. O’Brien ‘64 Joseph M. Favuzzi ‘64 William A. Hackford ‘64 James P. Divone ‘64 James J. Gillen ‘64 13 Gregory J. Bayduss ‘64 Richard R. Stolting ‘64 Dennis M. Reilly ‘64 Joseph Paciulli ‘64 Joseph R. Czaja ‘64 Michael W. Graney ‘64 Joseph C. Castora ‘64 John D. FitzGibbon ‘64 Class of 1965 Total No. of Contributors: 64 Total Amount: $30,900.00 Jamesonian Circle Thomas M. Egan ‘65 Connell C. Cannon ‘65 Christian Brothers’ League Vincent D. Callagy ‘65 Anthony E. Amodeo ‘65 Principal’s Association Ronald T. Schroeder ‘65 George M. David ‘65 John J. O’Donnell ‘65 Andrew L. Jacob ‘65 Joseph P. Dunne ‘65 Gold L Thomas P. Reilly ‘65 Silver L Blaise A. Guzzardo DDS ‘65 Thomas J. Farrelly Esq. ‘65 James J. Bono Ph.D. ‘65 Gerard N. McManus ‘65 Gary A. Jaeger ‘65 Br. William E. Mann FSC ‘65 George A. Napoleone ‘65 Robert M. Gallagher ‘65 John W. Dattner ‘65 Purple L William P. Santamore ‘65 Dennis C. Macauley ‘65 James D. Lawlor ‘65 Gerard S. Gryski ‘65 Thomas P. Byrnes DDS ‘65 Paul V. Clarke ‘65 Charles J. Rizak ‘65 Robert S. Magliozzo ‘65 John E. Klemm ‘65 Kenneth J. Smigelski Esq. ‘65 James F. Jermyn ‘65 James F. Sullivan M.D. ‘65 Leonard J. Gangi ‘65 Anthony G. Cracchiolo ‘65 Eugene B. Zambarda ‘65 William M. Boss ‘65 Dennis J. Nolan ‘65 Stephen D. Hynes ‘65 Jonathan J. Verdun ‘65 Victor M. Brucato ‘65 Peter R. McNamara ‘65 357 Clermont Club Michael J. McEnerney ‘65 Paul A. Vecchione ‘65 Frank C. Ragucci ‘65 Robert F. Talerico ‘65 James F. Kenny ‘65 Ronald E. Walcott ‘65 James A. Quartuccio ‘65 Leonard W. Colluro ‘65 Richard C. Hare ‘65 John P. Geary ‘65 Dennis P. Loughlin ‘65 Dominick V. Bonanno ‘65 Joseph M. Saur ‘65 Edward A. Scott ‘65 Michael J. Malachowski ‘65 Craig S. Marshall ‘65 Robert A. Roguso ‘65 Robert L. Cluna ‘65 George F. McEwen ‘65 John F. Pinto ‘65 Thomas J. McKenna ‘65 Michael D. Palumbo ‘65 Albert J. Chini ‘65 Gerald F. Judge ‘65 Class of 1966 Total No. of Contributors: 43 Total Amount: $6,110.00 Frank J. Cheswick ‘66 James T. Stevens ‘66 Gold L Kevin E. Gallagher ‘66 Donald F. Schwally ‘66 Silver L Donald D. DiGennaro ‘66 Laurence F. Mucciolo ‘66 Purple L Charles J. O’Donnell ‘66 Robert W. Basta DDS ‘66 Joseph J. Glovack ‘66 Alfred M. Mancini ‘66 George E. Schwille ‘66 Edward M. Gillespie ‘66 Matthew P. Bromme ‘66 William H. Crosby ‘66 Joseph A. Kavanagh ‘66 Kevin P. Hannon ‘66 Edward M. Cavuto ‘66 Michael Cunningham ‘66 Vincent S. Viglione ‘66 William J. Mullin ‘66 Nicholas J. Farco ‘66 James M. Battaglia ‘66 357 Clermont Club John J. Placek ‘66 Joseph J. Tannuzzo ‘66 Mario L. Riccobon ‘66 Paul L. Wallace ‘66 Joseph W. Barrett ‘66 Vito W. Demalteris ‘66 Dr. Gerald J. Janecek ‘66 Joseph F. Eichner ‘66 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Giving By Class Steven D. Koczak ‘66 Joseph F. Peluso ‘66 Richard H. Greubel ‘66 Kenneth J. Karchinski ‘66 Laurence J. Langan ‘66 Vincent R. O’Donoghue ‘66 Francis A. Muccigrosso ‘66 Joseph J. Fiorello ‘66 Edward H. Baulch ‘66 Joseph H. Deman ‘66 John A. Dandola ‘66 Salvatore J. Samartano ‘66 Benedict Sayles ‘66 Gold L James D. Schmid ‘68 Class of 1967 Total No. of Contributors: 31 Total Amount: $4,043.00 Purple L Ernesto Ferran Jr. ‘68 Dennis M. Sullivan ‘68 Richard L. Zangrillo M.D. ‘68 Alfred A. Connizzo ‘68 Ralph C. Astore ‘68 Robert A. Vessa ‘68 Leonard Bencivenga ‘68 Raymond J. Geoghegan ‘68 Joseph J. Cocchiarelli Ph.D. ‘68 Alfred E. Gloddeck ‘68 Joseph J. Harbin ‘68 Peter J. Sydorko ‘68 Paul R. Nocella ‘68 Charles J. Niemeyer ‘68 Gold L Joseph A. Spinelli ‘67 Christopher M. Bryan ‘67 Silver L Robert J. Fernandez ‘67 George F. Stimak ‘67 Lawrence J. Chu ‘67 Joseph J. Fennessy ‘67 Vincent Fenter ‘67 Richard T. Henrich ‘67 Purple L Wayne T. Green ‘67 Peter J. Scarlato ‘67 Edward J. Tyburczy ‘67 Rosario J. Chechile ‘67 Francis C. Lohse U.S.A.F. ‘67 Anthony G. LaCognata ‘67 357 Clermont Club Pasquale M. Ruberto ‘67 Kenneth M. Kaminski ‘67 Joseph R. Gavin ‘67 Edward G. Dombrowski ‘67 Thomas J. Strining ‘67 John T. Cannon ‘67 Charles E. Kirchoff ‘67 James F. Walker ‘67 William J. Jackson ‘67 Peter C. Boyko ‘67 Patrick T. Henry ‘67 Reginald G. Holloway ‘67 John S. Cusimano ‘67 Richard Realmuto ‘67 Joseph J. Dillon ‘67 Frank N. Zampardi ‘67 John P. Grillo ‘67 Silver L Francis X. Daniti ‘68 Donald J. McKenna ‘68 Michael J. Ahearn ‘68 John M. Kenny ‘68 John R. Bogart ‘68 Dr. Vincent A. Sawicki ‘68 John R. Sorrenti ‘68 Frank P. Zito ‘68 Victor J. Celli ‘68 Paul J. Pullo ‘68 357 Clermont Club Robert A. Montelione ‘68 Patrick J. Ivory ‘68 Jerome E. Gangitano ‘68 Alan J. Fumuso ‘68 Martin H. Dempsey ‘68 Frank A. Tuminello ‘68 Pasquale S. Laveglia ‘68 Robert E. Meagher ‘68 Alfred J. Marcellino ‘68 Martin P. McMahon ‘68 Dr. Michael F. Cassidy ‘68 Vincent L. Fuentes ‘68 Frank J. Cimini ‘68 Frank J. Lettieri ‘68 John C. Codd ‘68 James F. Sullivan ‘68 Patrick J. O’Loughlin ‘68 Richard J. Norowski ‘68 Leonard J. Bruno ‘68 Class of 1969 Total No. of Contributors: 40 Total Amount: $13,641.00 Silver L Salvatore J. Beninati ‘69 Charles J. Siegel ‘69 Edward H. Jurith ‘69 Joseph M. Savino ‘69 Peter A. Loquercio ‘69 Edward L. Wallace ‘69 Purple L Lewis G. Rovegno ‘69 James J. Peveraro ‘69 Joseph G. Lafemina ‘69 Robert L. LaFemina ‘69 James B. Cregg D.C. ‘69 Rev. Thomas G. McCormick ‘69 Fernando A. Julian ‘69 Timothy J. Marco ‘69 Paul P. Moran ‘69 Robert F. Serrao ‘69 Leo A. Santiago ‘69 Donald S. Karas ‘69 Albert J. Flint ‘69 Francis M. Ferrara ‘69 357 Clermont Club Paul G. Ingrisano ‘69 Robert J. Bartlett ‘69 Stephen M. Vecchione ‘69 Richard J. Earing ‘69 Joseph P. Greco ‘69 Dennis J. Backes ‘69 Rafael A. Budet ‘69 Thomas J. Wasiak ‘69 Richard L. Panarella ‘69 Pasquale V. Ferraro ‘69 Lee J. Demieri ‘69 Laurence D. Daurio ‘69 Joel M. Silva ‘69 Thomas C. Kopec ‘69 Donald J. Rubsam ‘69 Class of 1970 Total No. of Contributors: 43 Total Amount: $91,920.00 Leo Honor Society Joseph F. Perez ‘70 Jamesonian Circle Gerard K. Meagher ‘70 Robert K. Conry ‘70 Christian Brothers’ League Kevin M. McCann ‘70 Principal’s Association Frederick F. Basso ‘70 Class of 1968 Total No. of Contributors: 46 Total Amount: $9,459.00 Christian Brothers’ League Joseph W. Lowry M.D. ‘69 Gerard J. Quinn ‘69 Stephen L. Nuccio Jr. ‘69 Gold L Russell G. Fumuso M.D. ‘70 Paul C. Mascali ‘70 Frank H. Penner ‘70 Christian Brothers’ League Charles R. Traina ‘68 Principal’s Association Nicholas R. Battista ‘69 Principal’s Association Patrick F. Hardiman CPA ‘68 Gold L James J. Petruzzi ‘69 Silver L John J. Dello Russo ‘70 Richard T. Montenes ‘70 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Purple L Richard F. Kless ‘70 Antonio T. Michell M.D. ‘70 Lawrence J. Sypowicz ‘70 Dr. James W. Darnowski Ph.D. ‘70 Thomas F. Herbert ‘70 Thomas A. Dougherty ‘70 Henry V. Szczepanski ‘70 Rev. Francis J. Passenant ‘70 Robert Galli ‘70 Andrew J. Combs ‘70 Michael M. Toner ‘70 James E. Esposito ‘70 Kenneth R. Ward ‘70 Frank D’Ambrosio ‘70 Leonard Timpone ‘70 Mark G. Klang ‘70 357 Clermont Club Robert F. Quartuccio ‘70 Edward A. Zazzarino ‘70 Patrick M. Ruddick ‘70 John E. Brandt ‘70 Girolamo M. Saccone ‘70 Thomas G. Pellinger ‘70 Richard J. Reger ‘70 William A. D’Amico ‘70 Gerard Cirone ‘70 Edward J. Shann ‘70 Louis A. Ilardi ‘70 Thomas L. Montelione ‘70 William M. Quartuccio ‘70 Michael C. Comuniello ‘70 John M. Pinghera ‘70 Anthony J. Addeo ‘70 Robert J. Zito ‘70 Charles A. Jeszeck ‘71 Thomas J. McKeigue ‘71 Michael Ridge ‘71 Brian J. McAree ‘71 William Ingolia ‘71 Stanley J. Zietek ‘71 Patrick R. Manning ‘71 Class of 1972 Total No. of Contributors: 22 Total Amount: $2,574.00 Gold L Brian J. Campbell ‘72 Thomas J. McLaughlin ‘72 Class of 1974 Total No. of Contributors: 8 Total Amount: $725.00 Silver L Thomas Rowinski ‘72 Martin Fazio Jr. ‘72 Purple L Paul J. Kaftanski ‘74 Brian K. Chabrunn ‘74 William J. Vogel ‘74 Vincent Rinaldo ‘74 Purple L James C. Walc ‘72 Matthew Meagher ‘72 Edward P. Ragusa ‘72 Class of 1971 Total No. of Contributors: 26 Total Amount: $3,150.00 357 Clermont Club Luke Monaghan Jr. ‘72 Joseph F. Gutleber Jr. ‘72 John McIntyre Jr. ‘72 Daniel Bellew ‘72 Edward Gawronski ‘72 William Wojcik ‘72 Joseph Parisi ‘72 Carmine E. Curzio ‘72 Drew Bostinto ‘72 Philip Caponegro ‘72 Robert Lacey ‘72 John Baer ‘72 Richard M. McCurry ‘72 James C. Saur ‘72 James Koniarski ‘72 Gold L Dennis M. Clare ‘71 Michael N. Cotignola ‘71 Class of 1973 Total No. of Contributors: 25 Total Amount: $35,048.00 Silver L Lawrence P. Jermyn ‘71 St. James Court Brian C. Connolly ‘73 Purple L John D. McCann ‘71 Kenneth J. Marco ‘71 Stephen F. Smith ‘71 Michael G. Chin ‘71 Salvatore J. Armao ‘71 Gerard J. Roggemann ‘71 Joseph A. LaSorsa ‘71 Alexander G. Gillis ‘71 Richard J. Joseph ‘71 Dominick J. Curci ‘71 Henry J. Miller Jr. ‘71 Charles V. Guida M.D. ‘71 Dominick S. Pompeo ‘71 Silver L Joseph J. Barbieri ‘73 Bernard A. O’Hara ‘73 357 Clermont Club Edward J. McNoble ‘71 John G. Diffley ‘71 Frederick Dinkelacker ‘71 357 Clermont Club Robert G. Goetke ‘73 Alexander P. Green ‘73 Steven Czelusniak ‘73 14 Timothy M. Bellew ‘73 Donald J. Kruger ‘73 Thomas G. Robertazzi ‘73 Edward J. Kolbasiuk ‘73 Richard J. Cebulski ‘73 Thomas J. Fennessy ‘73 John P. Kron ‘73 Salvatore A. DiCostanzo ‘73 Edward K. McQuade ‘73 Philip A. Composto ‘73 Purple L Charles J. Shelley ‘73 Ed Lannan ‘73 Mario M. Cinisomo ‘73 Joseph M. Hermanowski ‘73 Joseph T. Marino ‘73 Thomas Kreppein ‘73 John F. Kalnberg ‘73 Louis P. Grassi ‘73 John A. Howell ‘73 357 Clermont Club Richard E. Szewczyk ‘74 Thomas A. Immerso ‘74 Benjamin Adams ‘74 John Cristofich ‘74 Class of 1975 Total No. of Contributors: 19 Total Amount: $2,453.00 Principal’s Association Raymond Kennedy ‘75 Silver L Kenneth Emancipator M.D. ‘75 Purple L Margaret O’Neill-Dunne ‘75 Karen A. Hutchinson-Rivers ‘75 Chris Scotto DiVetta ‘75 Chester Kukwa ‘75 Gerard J. Passaro ‘75 Bernard F. Moogan ‘75 Thomas F. Meyer ‘75 357 Clermont Club Maureen Keegan-Peraza ‘75 Louis P. Colarullo ‘75 Tessa I. Hackett-Viera ‘75 Stephanie Cyrus ‘75 Kevin B. Bolger ‘75 Peter W. Roehrig ‘75 Stanley Trojanowski ‘75 Alexander R. Alvino ‘75 Zenobia Nanton-Hart ‘75 Anthony M. Lachtara ‘75 Class of 1976 Total No. of Contributors: 12 Total Amount: $1,075.00 Silver L Carol M. Sullivan-Muldoon ‘76 Purple L Jennifer Thomas ‘76 Mark M. Reid ‘76 Brian McKeon ‘76 Annual Report 2010-2011 Giving By Class Karen McGuinness ‘76 Elia G. Malara ‘76 357 Clermont Club Carl Perrera ‘76 Joseph Giglia ‘76 Michael Fenn ‘76 Bruce Laraque ‘76 Salvatore Alioto ‘76 Richard G. Yalch ‘76 Class of 1977 Total No. of Contributors: 7 Total Amount: $803.00 Silver L George Abi-Hassoun ‘77 Purple L Mark Zurita ‘77 Carmen Sanchez-Zambrano ‘77 Marion Fazio ‘77 357 Clermont Club Pedro Fonseca ‘77 Joseph Boccia ‘77 Peter Mobijohn ‘77 Class of 1978 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $75.00 Class of 1981 Total No. of Contributors: 6 Total Amount: $525.00 Purple L Cedric H. Chin ‘86 Nellisa R. Connolly ‘86 Silver L Roseanne Senia-LiPera ‘81 357 Clermont Club Bernard L. McIlwain ‘86 Omar M. Harris ‘86 357 Clermont Club Leslie N. Wallace ‘92 Devin K. Paul ‘92 Kevin Bryant ‘92 Aisha Mays ‘92 Class of 1987 Total No. of Contributors: 3 Total Amount: $100.00 Class of 1993 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $150.00 357 Clermont Club Dilbrina A. Belgrave ‘87 Nyhisha T. Meaders-Gibbs ‘87 Benjamin F. Moore Jr. ‘87 Purple L Lori E. Dixon ‘93 Purple L Robert S. Meyer ‘81 357 Clermont Club Keith S. Hall Jr. ‘81 Joseph J. Kisinski ‘81 Dena Tillman-Dyer ‘81 Elina Ballesteros-Tusi ‘81 Class of 1982 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $35.00 357 Clermont Club Haleah Kassim ‘82 Harold Diaz ‘82 Purple L Stephanie Arthur ‘98 Wiener G. Philippe ‘98 Class of 2006 Total No. of Contributors: 3 Total Amount: $70.00 357 Clermont Club Nigel Davidson ‘98 Renata Smith-Kontao ‘98 Marcia Rogers ‘98 357 Clermont Club Tianna Crooks ‘06 Sean Barrett ‘06 Derek Walker ‘06 Class of 1999 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $100.00 Class of 2007 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $110.00 357 Clermont Club Nicole M. McLaughlin ‘93 357 Clermont Club Francisca R. Nazario-Pellot ‘99 Melissa E. Douby ‘99 Purple L Lawrence E. Green ‘07 Class of 1988 Total No. of Contributors: 1 Total Amount: $25.00 Class of 1994 Total No. of Contributors: 4 Total Amount: $1,230.00 Class of 2000 Total No. of Contributors: 5 Total Amount: $240.00 357 Clermont Club Orlando Hayle ‘88 Principal’s Association Robert J. Gore M.D. ‘94 Purple L Renee Rozier ‘00 Purple L Shirley B. Andoh ‘94 357 Clermont Club Ricardo G. Edwards ‘00 Kindra White ‘00 Rhonda Griffiths ‘00 Kenya L. King ‘00 Class of 1983 Total No. of Contributors: 5 Total Amount: $410.00 Class of 1989 Total No. of Contributors: 4 Total Amount: $170.00 Purple L Avery A. Jones ‘83 Ernst Paul Jr. ‘83 357 Clermont Club Adalicia Melendez ‘89 Gina M. Rivera-Avila ‘89 Alisa Knight ‘89 Nicole Wilson ‘89 Venus D. Wilson ‘92 357 Clermont Club Lawrence A. Williams Jr. ‘94 Derrick Reaves ‘94 Class of 1995 Total No. of Contributors: 1 Total Amount: $20.00 357 Clermont Club Edward A. Bolan ‘78 Anita M. Fonseca-Williams ‘78 357 Clermont Club Christopher T. Watler ‘83 Gregory N. Papageorge ‘83 Carlos F. King ‘83 Class of 1979 Total No. of Contributors: 1 Total Amount: $25.00 Class of 1984 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $3,025.00 357 Clermont Club Michael Wood ‘79 Christian Brothers’ League Peter A. Vasseur ‘84 Class of 1980 Total No. of Contributors: 6 Total Amount: $784.80 357 Clermont Club Keisha V. Stuart-Watkins ‘84 357 Clermont Club Colette A. Jones-Evans ‘90 Rawle J. Munro ‘90 Yamilee L. Nazaire-Taitt ‘90 Class of 1985 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $1,050.00 Class of 1991 Total No. of Contributors: 1 Total Amount: $100.00 Class of 1997 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $125.00 Principal’s Association Elizabeth Alvarez-DiChiaro ‘85 Purple L Miriam E. Greene ‘91 Purple L Antoinette A. McRae-Walters ‘97 Silver L Jules Taylor Jr. ‘80 Purple L Clive P. Pantin ‘80 Eileen Lopez ‘80 Benedicta Rivera-Gonzalez ‘80 357 Clermont Club Linda A. Johnson ‘80 Marguerite E. Gordon-Robinson ‘80 357 Clermont Club Debby M. Picott ‘85 Class of 1986 Total No. of Contributors: 4 Total Amount: $320.00 Class of 1990 Total No. of Contributors: 4 Total Amount: $170.00 357 Clermont Club Dr. Hakim Lucas ‘95 Purple L Tarsha L. Carmichael-Hillmon ‘90 Class of 1996 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $50.00 Class of 1992 Total No. of Contributors: 6 Total Amount: $325.00 Purple L Tajhier A. Serrano ‘92 357 Clermont Club Dr. Danielle D. Knight ‘96 Daniel A. McClean ‘96 357 Clermont Club Natasha Boutin ‘97 Class of 1998 Total No. of Contributors: 5 Total Amount: $255.00 Thank you! Annual Report 2010-2011 15 Class of 2002 Total No. of Contributors: 1 Total Amount: $100.00 357 Clermont Club Stephanie Reyes ‘07 Class of 2008 Total No. of Contributors: 3 Total Amount: $155.00 Purple L Cassie James -Whidbee ‘08 357 Clermont Club Shaquasha Shannon ‘08 Gregory Antoine ‘08 Class of 2009 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $40 Purple L Terence J. Nissen ‘02 357 Clermont Club Monique Smith ‘09 Anthony Hamer ‘09 Class of 2003 Total No. of Contributors: 3 Total Amount: $280.00 Class of 2010 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $110.00 Purple L Robert McRae ‘03 Purple L Malcolm Amey ‘10 357 Clermont Club Ronald L. Golbourne ‘03 Connie Rojas ‘03 357 Clermont Club Dominique Duffus ‘10 Class of 2005 Total No. of Contributors: 2 Total Amount: $60 357 Clermont Club Andre L. Mathis ‘05 Carelle Cherebin ‘05 LaSallian Benefactor Leo Honor Society St. James Court Loughlinite Alliance Jamesonian Circle Christian Brothers’ League Principal’s Association Gold L Silver L Purple L 357 Clermont Club $100,000+ $50,000-$99,999 $25,000-$49,999 $10,000-$24,999 $5,000-$9,999 $2,500-$4,999 $1,000-$2,499 $500-$999 $250-$499 $100-$249 $1-$99 Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School 357 Clermont Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11238 October 17, 2012 Career Day October 20, 2012 Bishop Loughlin Alumni Reunion TBD Bishop John Loughlin Council Luncheon September 29, 2011 St. Augustine D.H.S. Alumni Reunion March 31, 2013 Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Reunion Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Brooklyn, N.Y. Permit #4095 We Want Your Bishop Loughlin Memorabilia! The Development Office is always looking for any and all Bishop Loughlin Memorabilia to add the school’s historical archives. Send memorabilia to: Development Office, Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School, 357 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238. Use your smartphone to scan
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