conference booklet
conference booklet
ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia The 9 th Inter national Conference on Aeolian Research Conference Guide Front Cover images (top to bottom) by: Grant McTainsh; Sydney Oats (Flickr CC BY 2.0, p/7FdcWU); Gordon Wrigley (Flickr CC BY 2.0, Back Cover images (top to bottom) by: Sydney Oats (Flickr CC BY 2.0,; Patrick Hesp. Welcome to the 9th International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR IX) 3-8 July 2016 Mildura, Australia Proudly sponsored by ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 3 Venue map 4 ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia Contents Venue map�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Welcome���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 Program��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 Oral presentations by Theme����������������������������������������������������������11 Poster presentations by Theme������������������������������������������������������16 List of abstract presenters�������������������������������������������������������������20 Mid-conference field trip������������������������������������������������������������������27 A selection of Mildura restaurants / eating places�������������������������29 Dust storm approaches Langtree Avenue, Mildura, 1935. Museum Victoria ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 5 Sand dune, by Patrick Hesp Welcome Welcome to Mildura and Australia, and welcome to the Ninth International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR IX). We hope the conference will be a stimulating experience, set against the backdrop of the remarkable Murray-Darling Basin. The conference is sponsored and supported by many societies and institutions, whom we would sincerely like to thank for their contribution towards the success of the conference. Specifically, we would like to thank the New South Wales Government Office of Environment and Heritage, the Australian National University, the Mallee Catchment Management Authority, the University of Sydney, Kenelec Scientific, the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Landcare Australia, the Mildura Rural City Council, Flinders University Faculty of Science and Engineering, and the Beach and Dune Systems (BEADS) Laboratory in the School of the Environment, Flinders University. We hope you have an enjoyable and interesting time at ICAR IX. Kind regards, The Organising Committee Adrian Chappell, CSIRO Land & Water, Australia Craig Strong, The Australian National University, Australia Stephen Cattle, The University of Sydney, Australia Patrick Hesp, Flinders University, Australia John Leys, New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage, Australia Lynda Petherick, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China Nick Webb, USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, USA ‘Red Dawn’ dust storm, view from Glebe, Sydney. Source: Charles Haynes / FlickrCC BY-NC 2.0. ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 7 Program Day 0 Sunday 3 July 2016 14:00 Registration and Exhibitions set-up Grand Hotel 18:00 Welcome Reception Grand Hotel, Club Lounge 19:00 Student Zone Organised by student representatives Zoe Read and Martim Moulton. Pizza Cafe Day 1 Monday 4 July 2016 08:00 Conference opening and indigenous ‘Welcome to Country’ 08:35 Session 1a Mechanics of Aeolian Processes – convener Doug Sherman 10:15 Morning break 10:35 Session 1b Mechanics of Aeolian Processes – convener Cheryl McKenna Neuman 12:15 Lunch 13:15 Poster presentations: Mechanics of Aeolian Processes, Remote Sensing of Aeolian Systems and Modelling Aeolian Transport 14:45 Afternoon break 15:05 Session 2 Remote Sensing of Aeolian Systems – convener Kevin White 19:30 Civic welcome and drinks reception 76 Deakin Avenue (500m walk) Welcome and drinks reception at the town hall and Civic Buildings. Mildura Town Hall, Denis Bin / FlickrCC BY-ND 2.0 8 ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia Day 2 Tuesday 5 July 2016 08:00 Opening remarks 08:10 Session 3a Anthropogenic Interactions with Aeolian Systems – convener John Leys 09:50 Morning break 10:10 Distinguished Career Award and presentation (1) 10:45 Session 3b Anthropogenic Interactions with Aeolian Systems – convener Craig Strong 12:25 Lunch 13:25 Poster presentations: Anthropogenic Interactions with Aeolian Systems, Aeolian Deposits and Loess and Palaeo-aeolian Systems 14:55 Afternoon break 15:15 Session 4 Aeolian Deposits and Loess – convener Lynda Petherick 17:00 Sunset paddle steamer cruise on the Murray River (400m walk) Day 3 Wednesday 6 July 2016 08:00 Introduction to field trip The sustainable management and use of aeolian-derived landscapes in southeastern Australia (John Cooke) – conveners Stephen Cattle and John Leys 08:30 Mid-conference field trip departs Mid-conference field trip 17:30 Fieldtrip returns 18:00 Aeolian Research journal editorial meeting Followed by dinner (venue TBC) Grand Hotel, Anna’s Room ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 9 Day 4 Thursday 7 July 2016 08:00 Opening remarks 08:10 Session 5a Modelling Aeolian Transport – convener Martina Klose 10:10 Morning Break 10:30 Session 5b Modelling Aeolian Transport – convener Kerstin Schepanski 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Session 6 Palaeo-aeolian Systems – convener Matt Telfer 15:10 Afternoon break 15:30 Session 7a Aeolian Geomorphology (Deserts) – convener Jo Nield 18:00 Conference Dinner Including presentations, and live music by ‘The Bluesberries’ Day 5 Friday 8 July 2016 08:00 Opening remarks 08:10 Session 7b Aeolian Geomorphology (Deserts) – convener James King 09:50 Morning Break 10:10 Distinguished Career Award and presentation (2) 10:45 Session 7c Aeolian Geomorphology (Coasts) – convener Graziela Miot da Silva 12:25 Lunch 13:25 Poster presentations: Aeolian Geomorphology (Deserts and Coasts) 14:55 Afternoon break 15:15 ICAR prizes for best presentations and ISAR General Assembly 16:15 End of conference Day 6 Saturday 9 July 2016 08:30 Post-conference field trip departs Post-conference field trip 10 ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia Oral presentations by Theme Mechanics of aeolian processes Monday 4 July 2016 Session 1a Mechanics of Aeolian Processes – convener Doug Sherman 08:35 Reconsidering aeolian transport in the context of near-bed wind tunnel measurements in 3D. Patrick O’Brien, Cheryl McKenna Neuman* 08:55 Spatiotemporal variability in saltation intensity on a narrow sandy beach. Winnie de Winter*, Gerben Ruessink, Geert Sterk 09:15 Simulation test on mechanisms of freezing-thawing induced wind erosion in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Yao Qian*, Ping Yan, Wei Wu, Xiaonan Meng, Miao Dong 09:35 Some investigations into drifting snow and its sublimation in the turbulent atmosphere boundary layer. Ning Huang*, Guang Li, Zhengshi Wang 09:55 Aerodynamic and Sand Trapping Properties of Porous Mesh 3-Dimensional Roughness Elements. John Gillies*, Vicken Etyemezian, George Nikolich, William Nickling Session 1b Mechanics of Aeolian Processes – convener Cheryl McKenna Neuman 10:35 The Nature of Large-Scale Coherent Structures as a Source of Saltation Unsteadiness. Douglas Sherman*, Bailiang Li, Jean Ellis, Eugene Farrell, Robin Davidson-Arnott, Andreas Baas 10:55 Rain, wind and crusts: small scale processes drive landscape erodibility. Craig Strong*, Helene Aubault, Joanna Bullard, Hossein Ghadiri, Grant McTainsh 11:15 Periodic temporal oscillations in biocrust–vegetation dynamics on sand dunes. Hezi Yizhaq, Yosef Ashkenazy* 11:35 Mechanisms of dust emission from different surfaces. Jie Zhang*, Zhenjiao Teng, Ning Huang, Yaping Shao 11.55 Under the cover of darkness: Australia’s ‘missing’ dust storms. Hamish McGowan*, Michael Hewson, Joshua Soderholm Remote Sensing of Aeolian Systems Monday 4 July 2016 Session 2 Remote Sensing of Aeolian Systems – convener Kevin White 15:05 Aeolian dust emission in the Namib Desert: measurements of small-scale erodibility controls. Johanna von Holdt*, Frank Eckardt, Giles Wiggs, Martin Hipondoka 15:25 Characterisation of Dust Emission from Alluvial Sources in the Sahara. Stefanie Feuerstein*, Jamie R. Banks, Kerstin Schepanski 15:45 Establishing the Large Scale Geomorphological Signature of Dust Emissions. Matthew Baddock*, Paul Ginoux, Joanna Bullard, Thomas Gill ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 11 Remote Sensing of Aeolian Systems Monday 4 July 2016 16:05 Using albedo to reformulate wind erosion modelling, mapping and monitoring. Adrian Chappell*, Nicholas Webb 16:25 Identifying Blowing Dust Sources in Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas, USA using MODIS Imagery. Jeff Lee*, Tarek Kandakji, Junran Li, Thomas Gill 16:45 Predicting Martian dune shape and orientation from wind direction variability and sediment availability. Laura Fernandez-Cascales*, Antoine Lucas, Sébastien Rodriguez, Clément Narteau, Aymeric Spiga Anthropogenic Interactions with Aeolian Landscapes Tuesday 5 July 2016 Session 3a Anthropogenic Interactions with Aeolian Systems – convener John Leys 08:10 Building the next generation of database systems for the aeolian sciences. Louis Scuderi*, Gary Weissmann 08:30 Simulations of vegetation and wind erosion from two typical Sahelian millet fields and rangelands. Caroline Pierre*, Laurent Kergoat, Gilles Bergametti, Eric Mougin, Christian Baron, Amadou Abourhamane Toure, Jean-Louis Rajot, Pierre Hiernaux, Beatrice Marticorena, Claire Delon 08:50 Can biosolids reduce wind erosion of agricultural soils? Brenton Sharratt*, William Schillinger, Andrew Bary, Craig Cogger 09:10 Monitoring of a coastal foredune restoration project: Noordwest natuurkern, The Netherlands. Gerben Ruessink*, Jasper Donker, Sebastiaan Arens, Marieke Kuipers 09:30 The National Wind Erosion Research Network: Building a standardized long-term data resource for aeolian research, modeling and land management. Nicholas Webb*, Jeffrey Herrick, Justin Van Zee, Ericha Courtright, Brad Cooper, Valerie LaPlante Session 3b Anthropogenic Interactions with Aeolian Systems – convener Craig Strong 12 10:45 Predicting dust and ground cover levels from antecedent rainfall. John Leys*, Stephan Heidenreich, Craig Strong, Grant McTainsh 11:05 The importance of IBA in characterizing source-sink relationships in Australian aeolian dust research: examples from case studies. Richard Greene*, Keith Scott (Deceased), Craig Strong, Eduard Stelcer, David Cohen 11:25 Dust producing soil types of the Mallee region, south-east Australia. Ben Love*, John Leys, Craig Strong, Grant McTainsh 11:45 A spatial dynamic framework for landscape-scale assessment of accelerated wind erosion in Australian rangelands. Helene Aubault*, Nicholas Webb, Craig Strong, Grant McTainsh 12:05 Managing Erosion in the Willandra Lakes Region World Heritage Area, Australia. John Leys, Tom Barrett, David Bye, Mal Ridges, Sandy Booth, Dan Rosendahl* ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia Aeolian Deposits and Loess Tuesday 5 July 2016 Session 4 Aeolian Deposits and Loess – convener Lynda Petherick 15:15 Aeolian dust deposition in the Aral Sea region – a spatial and temporal analysis of an ecological crisis. Michael Groll*, Christian Opp, Tom Lotz, Ilkhom Aslanov 15:35 Soil profile development and recovery on the Southern Great Plains following the US Dust Bowl. Stephen Cattle*, Jeff Lee 15:55 Iron oxide minerals in dust: New views of their types, sizes, amounts, and effects on the Earth System. Richard Reynolds*, Bruce Moskowitz, Harland Goldstein, Stephen Cattle, Charlie Bristow, Thelma Berquó, Ray Kokaly 16:15 Regional Dust Modelling on Geological Time Scales: the Evolution of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Yaping Shao* 16:35 Comparing contemporary atmospheric dust loads in south eastern Australia with dust contributions to soils. Nicola Stromsoe*, Sam Marx, Hamish McGowan Modelling Aeolian Transport Thursday 7 July 2016 Session 5a Modelling Aeolian Transport – convener Martina Klose 08:10 Linear scaling of aeolian saltation flux with wind shear stress. Raleigh L. Martin*, Jasper F. Kok 08:30 Determination of Optimal Structural Parameters for Wind Barriers Using Numerical Simulation. Xiaoxu Wu*, Xiaofan Yang, Zhongquan Charlie Zheng, Xueyong Zou, Chunlai Zhang, Alan Wei Zheng 08:50 Modelling actual and potential wind erosion risk by using readily available data on weather elements and GIS. Wolfgang Fister*, Mohammadali Saremi Naeini, Goswin Heckrath, Nikolaus J. Kuhn 09:10 Australian dust paths (1965 – 2014). Tyler Kelly*, Matthew Baddock, Tadhg O’Loingsigh, Craig Strong, Grant McTainsh 09:30 Dust sources and atmospheric circulation acting in concert to control Saharan dust emission and transport pathways. Kerstin Schepanski*, Robert Wagner, Bernd Heinold, Ina Tegen 09:50 A 78- Year Climatology of Aeolian Dust in El Paso, Texas: Relationship to Drought and Large-Scale Teleconnections. Thomas Gill*, David J. Novlan, Joe D. Collins, Marisela Montelongo, Matthew Baddock Session 5b Modelling Aeolian Transport – convener Kerstin Schepanski 10:30 Numerical study of the influence of shape and rotation of particles on wind-blown saltation. Hongchao Dun*, Ning Huang 10:50 Mixing and Deposition Processes during Transatlantic Transport of Saharan Dust. Bernd Heinold*, Kerstin Schepanski, Max Ulrich, Moritz Haarig, Franziska Rittmeister, Ina Tegen ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 13 Modelling Aeolian Transport Thursday 7 July 2016 11:10 A numerical study on dust devils with implications to global dust budget estimates. Martina Klose*, Yaping Shao 11:30 A Numerical Simulation of Aeolian Snow Ripples on Dynamic Surface. Xinghui Huo*, Guang Li, Ning Huang 11:50 Numerical Simulation of Drifting Snow Saltation and Suspension. Guanglei Shi*, Ning Huang 12:10 The correlation analysis between snow streamers and turbulent wind field. Zhengshi Wang*, Ning Huang Palaeo-aeolian Systems Thursday 7 July 2016 Session 6 Palaeo-aeolian Systems – convener Matt Telfer 13:30 Trans-Atlantic connections between North African dust flux and tree growth. James King*, Grant Harley, Justin Maxwell 13:50 Transatlantic transport and deposition of Saharan dust and its marine environmental consequences. Jan-Berend Stuut*, Catarina Guerreiro, Chris Munday, Geert-Jan Brummer, Laura Korte, Michelle Van der Does 14:10 Variability in dust emissions from Australia over the past 6000 years: a record of synoptic-scale circulation change and recent human activity. Samuel Marx*, Hamish McGowan, James Hooper, Atun Zawadzki, Balz Kamber 14:30 A new record of palaeo dust deposition from Argentina’s Altiplano. James Hooper*, Samuel Marx, Jan-Hendrik May, Henk Heijnis 14:50 Wind strength variability in Australia during the last glacial maximum. Lynda Petherick*, Hamish McGowan, Patrick Moss, Sam Marx Aeolian Geomorphology (Deserts) Thursday 7 July 2016 Session 7a Aeolian Geomorphology (Deserts) – convener Jo Nield 14 15:30 The Global Digital Dune Map. Paul Hesse*, Nick Lancaster, Matt Telfer 15:50 Tracking internal sedimentary structure of linear dune using cellular automaton. Yukun Liu*, Andreas Baas 16:10 Spatial patterning, sedimentology and chronological evolution of linear dunes, Strzelecki Desert. Matt Telfer*, Paul Hesse, Nick Lancaster 16:30 Dune migration and morphological changes during the incipient phase of stabilization and transformation in the northern Ordos Plateau, China. Eerdun Hasi*, Meiping Liu, Yu Sun, Chao Guan, Dan Liu 16:50 A Complex History for Linear Dunes on Earth and Application to Titan. Jani Radebaugh*, Clayton Chandler, John McBride, Tom Morris, Karl Arnold, Ralph Lorenz, Jason Barnes, Alex Hayes ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia Aeolian Geomorphology (Deserts) Friday 8 July 2016 Session 7b Aeolian Geomorphology (Deserts) – convener James King 08:10 Characteristics of Icelandic Dust Sources: Particle Size, Morphology and Geochemistry. Thomas W Mockford*, Joanna Bullard, Throstur Thorsteinsson 08:30 The influence of grainfall and grainflow dynamics on barchan dune mobility under variable wind conditions. Joanna Nield*, Giles Wiggs, Matthew Baddock, Martin Hipondoka 08:50 Experimental and numerical study of Sharp’s shadow zone hypothesis on sand ripple wavelength. Hezi Yizhaq*, Erez Schmerler, Itzhak Katra, Jasper Kok, Haim Tsoar 09:10 Wind regimes and aeolian sand transport in Lut Desert of Iran. Hamidreza Abbasi*, Christian Opp 09:30 CFD Modelling and Field Observations of Flow over Scarps. Patrick Hesp*, Thomas Smyth Aeolian Geomorphology (Coasts) Friday 8 July 2016 Session 7c Aeolian Geomorphology (Coasts) – convener Graziela Miot da Silva 10:45 Mapping coastal bio-geomorphic dune development with UAV-imaging. Corjan Nolet*, Marinka Van Puijenbroek, Juha Suomalainen, Juul Limpens, Michel Riksen 11:05 The effect of fetch limitation on coastal dune erosion and recovery. Jasper Donker*, Pam Hage, Gerben Ruessink 11:25 Onshore flow steering and sand transport over a linear foredune during high energy oblique incident winds. Mike Hilton*, Scott Hatcher 11:45 Aeolian drift potential and coastal dunefield development in South Australia. Graziela Miot da Silva* 12:05 Spatial and temporal surface moisture dynamics on a coastal beach. Yvonne Smit*, Gerben Ruessink ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 15 Poster presentations by Theme Mechanics of Aeolian Processes, Remote Sensing of Aeolian Systems and Modelling Aeolian Transport Monday 4 July 2016 Sand transport features on two types of grassland in the middle Inner Mongolian Plateau, China. Shulin Liu*, Tao Wang, Wenping Kang Flow dynamics and sediment transport over a reversing barchan, Changli, China. Yuxiang Dong*, Patrick Hesp, S.L. Namikas Wind tunnel experiment on wind erosion of different soil surfaces in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China. Wei Wu*, Ping Yan, Yao Qian, Miao Dong, Xiaonan Meng Effect of calcium carbonate on wind erosion: A wind tunnel experiment. Miao Dong*, Ping Yan, Xiaonan Meng, Jinrui Guo, Yao Qian, Wei Wu Wind tunnel experiments of spatial distribution of surface shear stress in flexible plant canopy. Liqiang Kang*, Junjie Zhang, Xueyong Zou, Chunlai Zhang, Hong Cheng, Zhicheng Yang Spatial variability of topsoil features in wind erosion area of northern China. Xueyong Zou*, Yilei Zhang, Jifeng Li, Hong Cheng, Chunlai Zhang, Liqiang Kang, Feng Zhang Saltation bombardment versus direct aerodynamic entrainment: A case study for Australia. Martina Klose*, Yaping Shao, Harry Butler, John Leys Field evidence for fluid and impact thresholds in aeolian saltation. Raleigh L. Martin*, Jasper F. Kok A preliminary wind-tunnel study on the effect of wind intermittency on aerodynamic entrainment. Guang Li*, Jie Zhang, Yusheng Liu, Ning Huang, Yaping Shao Sand transport of the main passages of the Alax Plateau, China. Yanyan Yang*, Lianyou Liu, Guoming Zhang, Jie Lei, Haiming Wen, Bo Liang, Jiadong Dai, Mengdi Zhao An efficient, self-orientating (swinging), sand trap. Mike Hilton*, William Nickling, Sarah Wakes, Douglas Sherman, Teresa Konlechner, Mark Jermy, Patrick Geoghegan High resolution measurements of soil surface roughness response to wind erosion and rainfall. Joanna Bullard*, Helene Aubault, Annie Ockelford, Craig Strong Research on occurrence mechanism and transport path of Saline-Alkaline Dust Storms at the dry lake beds in Inner Mongolia. Guoming Zhang*, Lianyou Liu, Jie Lei, Yanyan Yang, Haiming Wen Deducing dust emission mechanisms from field measurements. Martina Klose*, Nicholas Webb, Justin Van Zee, Brad Cooper, Scott Van Pelt, Gregory Okin, Jason Karl Robotic Measurement of Aeolian Processes. Sonia Roberts*, Douglas Jerolmack, Nick Lancaster, George Nikolich, Paul Reverdy, Thomas Shipley, Scott Van Pelt, Ted Zobeck, Daniel E. Koditschek Estimating the wind erosion potential of east Australian droughts over 120 years. Katherine Parsons*, Craig Strong, Tadhg O’Loingsigh, Harry Butler, Grant McTainsh 16 ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia Mechanics of Aeolian Processes, Remote Sensing of Aeolian Systems and Modelling Aeolian Transport Monday 4 July 2016 Stratification effects in sediment-laden air flow. Bailiang Li*, Douglas Sherman Mobile robots as remote sensor platforms for characterizing the distribution of vegetation in arid environments. Paul Reverdy*, Scott Van Pelt, Ted Zobeck, Daniel Koditschek Grain size characteristics of ripple crests and troughs under different velocity and duration of blowing wind. Huiru Li*, Hong Cheng, Jifeng Li, Bo Liu, Chenchen Liu, Wei Liu, Ruxing Wang, Xueyong Zou Field observations of saltation and dust emission under crusted ground surface in desert steppe, Mongolia. Masahide Ishizuka*, Yasunori Kurosaki, Batdelger Gantsetseg, Yutaka Yamada, Dulam Jugder, Masao Mikami Mobile Characterization of Wind Flow Fields Around Solid and Porous Objects. Scott Van Pelt*, Tarek Kandakji, Ted Zobeck, Daniel Koditschek Possible key aeolian erodibility factors in a northern area of the Gobi Desert, Mongolia. Yasunori Kurosaki*, Masahide Ishizuka, Batdelger Gantsetseg, Buyantogtoh Batjargal, Yutaka Yamada, Masato Shinoda, Masao Mikami, Dulam Jugder Spectral properties of cyanobacterial soil crusts, implications for using remote sensing data in aeolian erosion models. Kevin White*, Ian Davenport A Comparative Analysis of Sediment Transport and Deposition Trends of the Sand Seas of Earth and Titan. Robert Lewis*, Bradley Bishop, Jani Radebaugh Analog Study of Aeolian Features in the Qaidam Basin: Implications to Martian Climate. Jiang Wang*, Long Xiao, Zhiyong Xiao, Jiannan Zhao, Jun Huang, Yanan Dang Variation in dune parameters with location and elevation in Titan’s Belet Sand Sea highlight potential sediment transport patterns. Brad Bishop*, Jani Radebaugh, Corbin Lewis Advanced Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Imaging Radar (InSAR) for Dune Mapping. Shiran Havivi*, Doron Amir, Yitzhak August, Shimrit Mamman, Stanely R. Rotman, Dan G. Blumberg The Icelandic Dust Cycle: insights from remote sensing and air parcel trajectory modelling. Matthew Baddock*, Joanna Bullard, Tom Mockford, Santiago Gasso, Throstur Thorsteinsson Analogue study of Polygonal surface structures in the Qaidam Basin and on Mars. Yanan Dang*, Yi Xu, Long Xiao, Jiang Wang Dust detection with a new dust index using MODIS data. Aojie Di, Yong Xue, Xihua Yang, John Leys*, Lu She Global Mapping of terrestrial wind streaks and their interpretation with climatic models. Aviv Lee Cohen-Zada*, Shimrit Maman, Dan G. Blumberg Sensitivity of mineral dust emissions over the Sahara to the surface wind velocity from different meteorological models. Beatrice Marticorena*, Guillaume Siour, David Poulet, Gilles Bergametti, Christel Bouet, Fabien Brocheton, Gilles Foret, Benoit Laurent, Yiwen Xu ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 17 Anthropogenic Interactions with Aeolian Systems, Aeolian Deposits and Loess and Palaeo-aeolian Systems Tuesday 5 July 2016 Mitigate wind-blown sand problem at three special environments in China. Benli Liu*, Jianjun Qu, Weimin Zhang, Qingjie Han The sustainable management and use of aeolian derived landscapes in south-eastern Australia. John Cooke* Towards the quantification of the contribution of fires to the North African dust emissions. Robert Wagner*, Kerstin Schepanski Effectiveness of an Array of Porous Sand Fences to Reduce Sand Flux: Oceano Dunes, Oceano CA. John Gillies*, Vicken Etyemezian, George Nikolich, Ronnie Glick, Peter Rowland, Tim Pesce, Mark Skinner Frequency and magnitude of dust events in the Australian Mallee from 1990-2015. John Leys*, Ben Love, Craig Strong, Grant McTainsh, Michael Case Quantifying changes in land management practice and impact on erosion and ground cover in the NSW Mallee 2003-2015. John Leys, Terry Koen, Leigh Pyke*, Craig Strong The introduction of wind erosion area of Aralik-Igdir, Turkey. Mucahit Karaoglu* Human activity as a driver of dust emissions: a synthesis of data from different locations. James Hooper*, Samuel Marx Wind erosion and land management in eastern Australia during two great droughts; the World War II Drought (1937-1946) and the Millennium Drought (2001-2010). Craig Strong*, Tadhg O’Loingsigh, Katherine Parsons, Grant McTainsh, John Leys Effect of tillage direction on dust and nutrient mobilization by wind, using wind tunnel simulations and modeling with SWEEP. Wolfgang Fister*, Ali Mohammadian Behbahani, Goswin Heckrath, Nikolaus J. Kuhn The role of relative humidity in mitigating fugitive dust emission from mine tailings. Damilare Ogungbemide, Cheryl McKenna Neuman* Trace Elements in Human Fingernail and Hair from Exposure to Dust. Mansour Ahmadi Foroushani*, Eva Lehndorff, Christian Opp, Michael Groll Physical and chemical characteristics of an eroded dry lake bed in the Mu Us Desert. Jie Lei*, Guo-ming Zhang, Lian-you Liu, Zhi-qiang Qu, Hai-ming Wen, Yan-yan Yang, Jia-dong Dai The Weather Factor in soil wind erosion area of northern China. Wei Liu*, Xueyong Zou, Bo Liu, Huiru Li, Jingpu Wang, Ruxing Wang, Yi Fang, Jifeng Li Trace element analysis of dust in south-western part of Iran using passive samplers. Aansour Ahmadi Foroushani*, Christian Opp, Micheal Groll Topsoil magnetic susceptibility properties of Mu Us Desert in northern China and its environmental significance. Xiaokang Liu*, Ruijie Lu, Feifei Jia, Jing Du, Zhiqiang Lv, Tengfei Li, Lu Chen, Yuzhen Ma, Yongqiu Wu Differences of surface sediments in three basins of northern China and its implications. Xiaomei Li*, Ping Yan, Wei Wu, Yao Qian Holocene aeolian activity in the Zoige Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Guangyin Hu*, Lupeng Yu, Zhibao Dong, Junfeng Lu, Jiyan Li, Zhongping Lai Vegetated hummocks on scalded clay pan soils – relic or recent deposit? Zoe Read*, Adrian Chappell, Richard Greene, Brian Murphy 18 ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia Aeolian Geomorphology (Deserts and Coasts) Friday 8 July 2016 Morphological and sedimentological characteristicsof Nitrarianabkhas and implications for the analysis of their formation processes, in minqin China. Kejie Zhan, Zihui Yang*, Ning Huang The surface sediment grain size, available nutrient distribution and sand environment in the Eastern Sand Area of China. Shen Yaping*, Zhang Chunlai, Li Qing, Jia Wenru, Li Jiao, Tian Jinlu Numerical simulation study of the airflow field on a sand dune with upright fence at upper windward slope. Zhang Chunlai*, Yang Yan, Shen Yaping, Kang Liqiang Contrasting dynamic fluvial-aeolian interaction landscapes in China. Baoli Liu*, Ping Yan, Xiaomei Li, Wei Wu High Latitude and Cold Climate Dust: observations, impacts and characteristics. Joanna Bullard*, Eleanor Darlington Aeolian geomorphology in the Dinggye area, South Tibet, China: Distribution and morphology. Yongqiu Wu*, Meihui Pan, Lihua Tan Grain size variation response to the morphology and mobility of an inland parabolic dune during the incipient phase of stabilization in the Hobq Desert, China. Meiping Liu*, Eerdun Hasi, YU Sun, Binbin Tao Sand-strip characteristics on a narrow beach by using video imaging. Pam Hage*, Gerben Ruessink, Donker Jasper Grain size characteristics of blowing sediments over zibar surface: the primary results of a 1-yr filed measurement using a segmented, eight-directional sand trap (SEDST) in the Kumtagh Desert of NW China. Guangqiang Qian*, Zhuanling Yang, Zhibao Dong, Wanyin Luo, Zhengcai Zhang, Junfeng Lu Aeolian sand transport above three desert surfaces in northern China with different characteristics (shifting sand, straw checkerboard, and gravel): field observations. Ping Lyu*, Zhibao Dong Blowout on Tibetan Plateau: morphology and sediments. Luo Wanyin*, Wang Zhongyuan, Lu Junfeng, Qian Guangqiang, Dong Zhibao Destabilisation of coastal dunes after bushfires: a rare occurrence? Samuel Shumack*, Paul Hesse The complex response of vegetation on desert sand dunes to rainfall and implications for sand transport. Paul Hesse* Aeolian environments and sand damage along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, China. Kecun Zhang*, Jianjun Qu, Qingjie Han, Zhishan An Complexity of three NSW coastal dune fields. William Farebrother*, Paul Hesse, Ian Goodwin Internal structure and morphology of a foredune blowout (Peró Beach – RJ, Brazil). Matrim Moulton*, Thais Rocha, Israeli Santos, Guilherme Fernandez The impact of wind-blown sand on crushed-rock embankment along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR), China. Ruiping Zu*, Zhilin He, Jianjun Qu, Yumei Zong, Kecun Zhang Impact of plant morphology and density on wind velocity and windborne sediment flux – a wind tunnel experiment. Abbas Miri*, Deirdre Dragovich, Zhibao Dong Field observation on the sand transport over transverse dune’s crest. Zhengcai Zhang, Zhibao Dong* Climate-cycle driving geomorphology process in the Earth. Zhongping Lai* ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 19 List of abstract presenters 20 Name Institute Email address Abbasi, Hamidreza University of Marburg, Faculty of Geography Ahmadi Foroushani, Mansour IOPTC Ashkenazy, Yosef Ben-Gurion University Aubault, Helene Loughborough University Baas, Andreas King’s College London Baddock, Matthew Loughborough University Bishop, Brad Brigham Young University Bullard, Joanna Loughborough University Cattle, Stephen The University of Sydney Chappell, Adrian CSIRO Cohen-Zada, Aviv Lee Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Cooke, John Retired Dang, Yanan Space Science Institute, Lunar and Planetary Science Laboratory, Macau University of Science and Technology de Winter, Winnie Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University Di, Aojie Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Science Dong, Miao State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University Dong, Yuxiang School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University Dong, Zhibao Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Donker, Jasper Utrecht University Dun, Hongchao Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China Farebrother, William Macquarie University ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia Name Institute Email address Fernandez-Cascales, Laura Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Sorbonne Paris Cité, University Paris Diderot, UMR 7154 CNRS Feuerstein, Stefanie Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Fister, Wolfgang Physical Geography and Environmental Change, University of Basel Gill, Thomas University of Texas, Dept. of Geological Sciences Gillies, John Desert Research Institute Greene, Richard Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University Groll, Michael University of Marburg Hage, Pam Utrecht University Hasi, Eerdun College of Resources Science & Technology, Beijing Normal University Havivi, Shiran Ben-Gurion university of the Negev, Department of Geography and Environmental Development Heinold, Bernd Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) Hesp, Patrick Flinders University Hesse, Paul Macquarie University Hilton, Mike University of Otago Hooper, James GeoQuEST Research Centre - School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong Huang, Ning Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China (Lanzhou University), The Ministry of Education of China Hu, Guangyin Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Huo, Xinghui Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China (Lanzhou University), The Ministry of Education of China Ishizuka, Masahide Kagawa University ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 21 Name Institute Email address Kang, Liqiang State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University Karaoglu, Mucahit Igdir University Kelly, Tyler School of Environment, Griffith University King, James Université de Montréal Klose, Martina USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range Kurosaki, Yasunori Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University Lai, Zhongping School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences Lee, Jeff Texas Tech University Lei, Jie Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University Lewis, Corbin 22 Lewis, Robert Brigham Young University Leys, John New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage Li, Bailiang Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Li, Guang Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, Lanzhou University Li, Huiru State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University Li, Xiaomei State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University Liu, Baoli Xiamen University Liu, Benli Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, China Academy of Sciences Liu, Meiping College of Resources Science & Technology, Beijing Normal University Liu, Shulin Cold and Arid Regions Environmental & Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia Name Institute Email address Liu, Wei State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University Liu, Xiaokang MOE Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Beijing Normal University Liu, Yukun King's College London Love, Ben Griffith University Luo, Wanyin Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute Lyu, Ping Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, CAS Marticorena, Beatrice LISA, CNRS, UPEC, UPD, IPSL Martin, Raleigh L. University of California, Los Angeles Marx, Samuel GeoQuEST Research Centre - School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Wollongong McGowan, Hamish Climate Research Group, School of Geography, Planning & Environmental Management, The University of Queensland McKenna Neuman, Cheryl Trent University McTainsh, Grant Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University Miot da Silva, Graziela Flinders University Miri, Abbas School of Geoscience, University of Sydney Mockford, Thomas W Department of Geography, Loughborough University Moulton, Matrim Universidade Federal Fluminense Nield, Joanna University of Southampton Nolet, Corjan Wageningen University Parsons, Katherine Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University Petherick, Lynda Xi'an-Jiaotong-Liverpool University Pierre, Caroline LISA Pyke, Leigh Mallee Catchment Management Authority ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 23 24 Name Institute Email address Qian, Guangqiang Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Qian, Yao State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University Radebaugh, Jani Brigham Young University Read, Zoe Australian National University Reverdy, Paul University of Pennsylvania Reynolds, Richard University of Minnesota Roberts, Sonia University of Pennsylvania, Electrical and Systems Engineering Rosendahl, Dan NSW OEH Ruessink, Gerben Utrecht University Schepanski, Kerstin Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Scuderi, Louis University of New Mexico Shao, Yaping Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne Sharratt, Brenton USDA-ARS Sherman, Douglas University of Alabama Shi, Guanglei Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China (Lanzhou University), The Ministry of Education of China Shumack, Samuel Macquarie University Smit, Yvonne Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University Stromsoe, Nicola University of Queensland Strong, Craig Australian National University Stuut, Jan-Berend NIOZ - Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, and Utrecht University Telfer, Matt Plymouth University Tsoar, Haim Ben-Gurion University of the Negev von Holdt, Johanna University of Cape Town Wagner, Robert Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research Wang, Jiang Planetary Science Institute, China University of Geosciences ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia Name Institute Email address Wang, Zhengshi Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, The Ministry of Education of China Webb, Nicholas USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range White, Kevin The University of Reading Wu, Wei State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University Wu, Xiaoxu Beijing Normal University Wu, Yongqiu State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University Yang, Yanyan MOE, Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University Yang, Zihui Gansu Desert Control Research Institute Yaping, Shen State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University Yizhaq, Hezi Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research Zhang, Chunlai State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, MOE Engineering Research Center of Desertification and Blown-sand Control, Beijing Normal University Zhang, Guoming Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disasters Zhang, Jie Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, Lanzhou University Zhang, Kecun Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences Zou, Xueyong State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University Zu, Ruiping Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 25 26 ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia • • • • Mildura Grand Hotel to Perry Sandhills (1) via Silver City Highway and Wentworth Perry Sandhills (1) to Ned’s Corner Station (2) via Wentworth, Merbein West, Sturt Highway (A20) through Cullulleraine, then Meringur North Road Ned’s Corner Station (2) to Meringur (5) via Meringur North Road Meringur (5) to Yarrara (6), Werrimull (7) and Mildura (7) via the Red Cliffs-Meringur Road (C254), Red Cliffs and Irymple Mid-conference field trip travel routes Mid-conference field trip Itinerary for the ICAR IX mid-conference fieldtrip, 6 July 2016 Coach 1 Activity Location 08:00 - 08:30 Introduction to the field trip (John Cooke) Mildura Grand Hotel 08:30 - 09:05 Coach travel Mildura to Perry Sand Hills, Wentworth 09:05 - 09:45 Sand dune walk, discussion Perry Sand Hills 09:45 - 11:15 Coach travel Perry Sand Hills to Ned’s Corner Station 11:15 - 11:55 Morning tea, discussion of conservation issues Ned’s Corner Station 11:55 - 13:15 Coach travel Short stops on floodplain, aeolian landscape Ned’s Corner to Meringur 13:15 - 14:30 Lunch, museum walk Millewa Pioneer Park, Meringur 14:30 - 14:45 Coach travel Meringur to farm at Yarrara 14:45 - 15:45 Soil pit on wheat farm, discussion with farmer Yarrara 15:45 - 17:00 Coach travel Yarrara to Mildura 17:00 - 18:00 Wine tasting Mildura 15:30 - 16:15 Coach travel Yarrara to Werrimull 16:15 - 16:45 Drink at ‘Victorian Outback Pub’ 16:45 - 17:30 Coach travel Werrimull to Mildura Outback road (wallyir / Morguefile photos) Coach 2 minibus Time ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 27 28 Murray River, Mildura (Dave3006 / Flickr CC BY-ND 2.0) ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia A selection of Mildura restaurants / eating places Name & location Cuisine Thai-Riffic 33-35 Langtree Avenue, Mildura, Phone: +61-3-5021-5225 Also: Take way and Home delivery Thai Andy’s Kitchen Lime Avenue Phone: +61-3-5021-1950 Modern Asian Mildura Brewery 20 Langtree Avenue Phone: +61-3-5022-2988 Pub food and beer Bistro 121 - Mildura Working Man’s Club 90-124 Deakin Avenue Pub food The Office Wine Bar & Lounge 41 Langtree Avenue Phone: +61-3-5022-1010 Modern Australian and Pizzas Pizza Cafe at the Grand 18 Langtree Avenue Phone: +61-3-5022-2223 Pizza and Pasta dishes The Province 29 Langtree Avenue Phone: +61-3-5021-5550 Italian Rendezvous 34 Langtree Avenue | “The Heart of Feast Street” Phone: +61-3-5023-1571 Italian and Mediterranean Stefano’s 18 Langtree Avenue | Cellars of the Grand Hotel Phone: +61-3-5022-0881 Italian and Mediterranean Stefano’s Cafe 27 Deakin Avenue Phone: +61-3-5021-3627 Breakfasts, Lunches and Coffee Kaffenio 6/47 Langtree Avenue Mildura | Eighth Street End of the Langtree Mall Phone: +61-3-50214266 Breakfasts, Lunches and Coffee ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 29 Location of Mildura, Australia 30 ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia 31 ICAR IX July 2016 | Mildura, Australia The 9 th Inter national Conference on Aeolian Research Conference Guide