Post invoices in just one day
Post invoices in just one day
REFERENCE Post invoices in just one day Thanks to EASY software, employees can now process invoices significantly faster and in a more transparent manner Before, when you asked someone for the Turkey. The company headquarters are way, there were two possible answers: in Burgwedel near Hanover. The ma- Either they knew the way, or they didn‘t. nagement runs the 1,900 German stores Today, thanks to GPS, all you need is a centrally from this location. In addition, quick look at your phone and you have Rossmann has a central warehouse in all the information you need. And even if Landsberg near Halle an der Saale, and you are out and about in a city that you several regional warehouses to supply CLIENT don‘t know, your smartphone can guide the network of stores. Dirk Rossmann GmbH you through the streets. What does all of Isernhägener Straße 16 this have to do with the Rossmann chain The challenge: Invoice production 30938 Burgwedel of chemists? A lot! The size and diverse branches of the company represent a challenge for the Dirk Rossmann GmbH is the se- bookkeeping, as costings are made in INDUSTRY cond-largest chain of chemists in Ger- all departments and at many locations Drugstore chain many, and it is amongst the ten most without order references. In principle, important food retail outlets in Germany transactions are not posted until they SOLUTION by turnover. The owner-managed com- have been checked and approved in the EASY CAPTURE Classic pany was founded in 1972 and remains departments at the Burgwedel premi- EASY XTRACT (für Verify) majority owned by the Roßmann family. ses. As a result, in the past it could take EASY DOCUMENTS With 17,000 drugstore products – inclu- as long as several days for an invoice EASY ENTERPRISE.x ding 8,000 from the core ranges of per- to arrive in Burgwedel to be posted. fume, cosmetics and care products – „Sometimes the bookkeeping depart- Rossmann offers its customers an ex- ment didn‘t find out about invoices until tensive range of items. The company a supplier called or a demand notice ar- has 28,000 members of staff in Germa- rived through the post“, recalls Sandra ny alone; and there are also branches in Neufeld, head of the financial book- Poland, the Czech Republic, Albania and keeping department. REFERENCE EASY products Long repayment periods „devoured“ Farewell to island solutions discounts During CeBIT 2010, the company sear- Extensive analyses brought the full ched for suitable providers and finally op- EASY CAPTURE Classic extent of the predicament to light: ted for EASY SOFTWARE AG. „The EASY EASY XTRACT (für Verify) Paper invoices led to repayment peri- solution comprising CAPTURE Classic EASY DOCUMENTS ods of ten to 14 days. Neufeld: „There and EASY XTRACT especially impressed EASY ENTERPRISE.x was no hope of discounts. And, quite us in terms of scanning and capturing apart from that, the bookkeeping staff quality. In our tests, no other provider had to keep checking where the invoice achieved a comparable level of reliability was in order to be able to provide in- when it came to sorting the invoices. Stra- formation or to settle the account.“ Se- tegic aspects also played a role: There arching for an invoice was, therefore, had not been any standardised approach comparable to looking for an address to processing costings up to this point. A in the middle of a big city – without a system was required that could be used map and without GPS. to display more workflows than just in- The company in figures Rossmann is growing fast: The company voices, and that could be expanded with appears twice in the comparative study entitled „Global Powers of Retailing 2013“ The „two-person review principle“ additional modules and extensions.“ Neu- by the consultancy firm Deloitte: at position A solution was needed: Rossmann feld: „We didn‘t just want to buy one new 36 for the most rapidly growing retailers decided to set up a digital system to tool for everything; instead we wanted to and at position 132 for the 250 largest create greater transparency and to introduce a more flexible tool. That is why retailers in the world. The Rossmann own- speed up invoice processing. And the- we chose EASY DOCUMENTS.“ For the brand products are a key to the company‘s re was another important objective: To audit-proof filing, the company also opted success. They were first introduced back in ensure the „two-person review prin- for EASY ENTERPRISE.x. 1997. Today, own-brand products make up ciple“ in the approval process. For, more than 4,000 items. And they all clearly with 600 colleagues in 31 departments Greater transparency and a more show the logo of the company. It depicts a tasked with checking invoices at the secure workflow centaur; half man, half h orse. The mythical headquarters and at the warehouses, With the help of this modularly designed, creature from Greek mythology is symbolic it was sometimes difficult to attribu- web-based and, thus, location-indepen- for the name of the founding family: Ross- te a countersignature on paper with a dent workflow, the bookkeeping depart- Mann („Ross“ means „steed“ in German). concrete person. ment at Rossmann freed itself from REFERENCE time-consuming research. It works like Data quality correct a GPS system in a city jungle: You al- „In principle, we do everything that we ways know where an invoice is located. used to do on paper, only now we do it As soon as an invoice arrives by mail, it directly in the workflow. Checking, ac- is scanned in and automatically sorted count assignment or stipulating the in Verify. EASY DOCUMENTS utilises the posting schedule, for example. There master data from the Datev database is no need for manual entering in Datev for this. Using the specific file referen- thanks to the workflow interface. And ce, the workflow forwards the invoice our expectations in terms of capturing to the respective specialist department, quality have been met: The identification which has one week to process it – then of the header and position data in Verify the first reminder is sent via email. The is predominantly good and the invoices checking by the responsible administra- generally flow through the workflow „In principle, we do everything that we tor and the subsequent approval by the without any problems“, states Neufeld. used to do on paper, only now we do it manager is audit-proof and reliably en- directly in the workflow – whether it be sures that the „two-person review prin- 60,000 invoices in ten months checking, account assignment or stipu- ciple“ is put into practice. Not all departments have been connec- lating the posting period.“ ted up to the workflow yet. In order to Sandra Neufeld, Director of Accounting Audit-proof filing included EASY DOCUMENTS compares realise an earlier production operation, the Rossmann did not integrate the con- relevant authorisation structures with struction and building management an independent Rossmann database divisions until the beginning of April outside of the workflow on a daily b asis. 2015. Despite this, the bookkeeping de- And, as soon as approval has been pro- partment has been working with EASY vided and a last check of the account DOCUMENTS since it was introduced in assignments has taken place by the March 2014, and had processed around bookkeeping department, the workflow 60,000 incoming invoices by the turn exports the posting to Datev. Then EASY of the year. This figure will double, as ENTERPRISE.x ensures an audit-proof soon as the construction and building filing. Access to the archive is protec- management departments are also in- ted by access rights: The bookkeeping corporated in the system. At the same and auditing departments have access time, invoice processing has accele- to all the data. The respective specialist rated massively. The processing time departments are only authorised to view for an invoice has fallen from ten to 14 those invoices that were processed in days to six days – and it could get even their business divisions. quicker in theory: „There are depart- REFERENCE HEADQUARTER GERMANY EASY SOFTWARE AG Am Hauptbahnhof 4 D-45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr Phone: +49 208 45016-0 SUBSIDIARIES AUSTRIA EASY SOFTWARE GmbH Sebastian-Kneipp-Straße 12 A-5020 Salzburg Phone: +43 662 461546 ments who manage it in three days – blished key users in each department, and a one-day processing time is reali- who are on hand to provide assistance.“ stic in some individual cases“, explains Neufeld. A project with adaptability The launch proved to be rather complex. GREAT BRITAIN EASY SOFTWARE (UK) PLC. Efficiency even without file references Following the initial start in 2010, Ross- Reflection House, The Anderson Centre, Research in the case of demand notices mann opted for the project to be restar- Olding Road, Bury St. Edmunds is now also more convenient and effi- ted in mid-2012 due to the considerable Suffolk, IP33 3TA, UK cient. It is, for example, possible to se- need to alter the specific circumstances Phone: +44 1284 727870 arch by company name, invoice number on location. In addition, the compa- and creditor number; or to display all of ny tested the workflow in great detail, the invoices from a specific period. „If an which led to a delay of around one year invoice is especially urgent, the central for the project time. But the work was SINGAPORE bookkeeping department can find out who all worth it: The workflow is stable and EASY SOFTWARE has the invoice on their desk (or desktop) the satisfaction of the users continues at that moment and can ask after it; even to grow. The sorting of well-structured without file references and with just a very invoices in Verify; the automatic distri- limited amount of information.“ bution using file references; and the (ASIA PACIFIC) PTE. LTD. 4 Battery Road Bank of China Building, #25-01 Singapore 049908 Phone: +1 610 3508677 TURKEY EASY SOFTWARE Türkiye Phone: +90 216 53774 50 USA EASY SOFTWARE INC. 102 Pickering Way, Suite 503 Exton, PA 19341 USA Phone: +1 610 240 9260 extensive search options have all imWell accepted by the staff pressed. „For 2015, we are planning to Most of the 600 members of staff who incorporate the construction and buil- use the workflow have been able to use ding management departments into the the new system straight away without incoming invoices workflow. An impro- any problems. „For us, it was important ved absence management will also be that the system offered sufficient per- established, so that invoices can be pro- formance for this number of users, and cessed during the holidays“, explains that the user interface is user-friendly. Sandra Neufeld. As such, the introduc- We were able to achieve both goals with tion of the incoming invoices workflow EASY. Some colleagues who only rarely at Rossmann has been a success story. process invoices have had difficulties And, one that – experience suggests – is understanding the system due to them still a long way from being over. not having a routine. But we have esta-