Texture classification using spectral histograms


Texture classification using spectral histograms
Texture Classification Using Spectral Histograms
Xiuwen Liu, Senior Member, IEEE, and DeLiang Wang, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—Based on a local spatial/frequency representation,we
employ a spectral histogram as a feature statistic for texture classification. The spectral histogram consists of marginal distributions of responses of a bank of filters and encodes implicitly the
local structure of images through the filtering stage and the global
appearance through the histogram stage. The distance between
two spectral histograms is measured using 2 -statistic. The spectral histogram with the associated distance measure exhibits several properties that are necessary for texture classification. A filter
selection algorithm is proposed to maximize classification performance of a given dataset. Our classification experiments using natural texture images reveal that the spectral histogram representation provides a robust feature statistic for textures and generalizes
well. Comparisons show that our method produces a marked improvement in classification performance. Finally we point out the
relationships between existing texture features and the spectral histogram, suggesting that the latter may provide a unified texture
Index Terms—Filtering, spectral histogram, texture analysis,
texture classification.
EXTURE classification is a fundamental problem in computer vision with a wide variety of applications [40]. Two
fundamental issues in texture classification are how to characterize textures using derived features and and how to define a
robust distance/similarity measure between textures, which remain elusive despite considerable efforts in the literature [34].
Because images of the same underlying texture can vary significantly, textural features must be invariant to (large) image variations and at the same time sensitive to intrinsic spatial structures that define textures. Because there is no obvious feature
common for all texture images, texture features are often proposed based on assumptions for mathematical convenience or
task-specific heuristics (see [35], [40] for reviews). For example,
geometric properties based on the texture elements are often
used for textures with periodic structures [39]. Early features
including cooccurrence matrices [17] and Markov random field
models [7] have limited expressive power because the analysis
of spatial interaction is limited to a relatively small neighborhood. As a result, the adequacy of these features for characterizing various textures is rarely checked.
Manuscript received November 29, 2001; revised January 23, 2003. This
work was supported in part by NIMA grant (NMA201-01-2010) to X. Liu,
an ONR Young Investigator Award (N00014-96-1-0676), an NSF grant (IIS0081058), and an AFOSR grant (F49620-01-1-0027) to D. L. Wang. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for
publication was Dr. Josiane B. Zerubia.
X. Liu is with the Department of Computer Science, Florida State University,
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530 USA (e-mail: liux@cs.fsu.edu).
D. L. Wang is with the Department of Computer and Information Science,
Center for Cognitive Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210
USA (e-mail: dwang@cis.ohio-state.edu).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2003.812327
On the other hand, studies on the human visual system suggest that it transforms a retinal image into a local spatial/frequency representation [4], [10], which can be computationally
simulated by convolving the input image with a bank of filters with tuned frequencies and orientations. The mathematical
framework for the local spatial/frequency representation was
laid out by Gabor [13] and extended by Daughman [8]. Recently, this theory has also been confirmed by deriving similar feature detectors from natural images [33]. These advances
have inspired much research in texture classification based on
filtering (see [34] for a review). In this framework, a texture
image is transformed into feature vectors by filtering the input
image using a bank of filters, followed by some nonlinearity
and smoothing steps [34]. The nonlinearity is necessary for texture classification, since, otherwise, filter responses cannot discriminate textures with the same mean intensity (see, e.g., Malik
and Perona [29]); the smoothing is necessary since the filter responses are not homogeneous even within a homogeneous texture region. While the nonlinearity and smoothing steps are critical for texture classification, current research focuses instead
on the filtering stage, i.e., deriving optimal filters for texture
classification based on certain optimization criteria. As a result,
while both the theoretical and numerical aspects of filter design
for texture classification are well studied [30], the recent comprehensive study by Randen and Husoy [34] showed that the
texture classification performance is very limited for real textures. This study clearly leads to the need for studying statistic
features beyond the filtering stage for texture classification.
Recently, Heeger and Bergen [18] proposed a texture synthesis algorithm that can match texture appearance. The algorithm transforms a random noise image into one with similar
appearance to a given target image by matching independently
the histograms of image pyramids constructed from the random
and target images. The success of synthesizing natural textures
based on histograms has motivated considerable research [43],
[44]. Zhu et al. [44] proposed a theory for learning probability
models by matching histograms based on a maximum entropy
principle. Zhu et al. [43] studied efficient sampling algorithms
for matching histograms. While these synthesis methods provide features to characterize a single texture, the effectiveness
of these features for texture classification is not known as a good
synthesis model does not imply a good classification model (see
Section III). Also, while these synthesis methods are proposed
to model homogeneous textures, natural textures are rarely homogeneous due to deformations and other variations; these variations require a robust distance measure between textures so
that the distance between images of the same texture is small
and that among images from different textures is large. Furthermore, as the features depend on the choice of filters, there is no
systematic algorithm to choose filters for texture classification.
In addition, texture classification is often done based on rela-
1057-7149/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE
tively small image windows and the effect of the window size
on histogram-based representations needs to be studied.
Motivated by the research on texture synthesis, we propose
a local spectral histogram, consisting of marginal distributions
of responses from a bank of filters for an image window, as a
feature statistic for texture classification. We define a distance
between two image windows as the -statistic of their spectral
histograms, which exhibits nonlinearity that is consistent with
the human texture perception [27]. Our work presented elsewhere [27] demonstrates that this proposed model provides a
satisfactory account for a systematic set of human texture discrimination data. We propose a filter selection algorithm to optimize the classification performance of a given dataset. We report that the spectral histogram produces good classification results. A systematic comparison with other methods documented
in [34] demonstrates that our approach yields far better results.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the
local spectral histogram model and discusses its properties for
texture classification. Section III presents a filter selection algorithm and shows the classification results on a natural texture dataset. Section IV compares our method with existing approaches. Section V discusses the relations of the spectral histogram model with previous ones and some related issues. Section VI concludes the paper.
A. Definition
and a bank of filters
Given an image window
, 1 we compute, for each filter
, a sub-band
through linear convolution. 2 That is,
, at pixel location ,
, we dewhere a circular boundary condition is used. For
fine the marginal distribution, or histogram as
is the Dirac delta function. We then define the spectral
histogram with respect to the chosen filters as
Here, the concatenation of different histograms assumes the independence among different filters; under the independence assumption, the distance between two image windows is simplified to the sum of the distance between the corresponding histograms of each filter as shown in (3). This is justified for natural images since edge-like filters are empirically shown to be
the independent components of natural images [2]. The spectral histogram of an image or an image window is essentially
a vector consisting of marginal distributions of filter responses
and integrates responses of different filters to form a texture feature. The size of the input image window is called integration
1We require that
u)j > 0 for any . In other words, F must
have some nonzero coefficients.
2In this work, we restrict the definition of the spectral histogram to linear
filters, even through nonlinear filters such as the power spectrum of filter pairs
can also be included.
scale. Because the marginal distribution of each filter response
is a probability distribution, we define a distance between two
spectral histograms
-statistic is a first-order approximation of the
Kullback-Leibler divergence and used widely to compare
B. Properties
The spectral histogram integrates responses of different filters
and provides a normalized feature statistic to compare images
of different sizes. Some of its properties are discussed below.
Property 1: A spectral histogram is translation invariant.
This property is easy to see from the definition of the spectral histogram. Because filter responses depend only on relative
locations of pixels, the absolute position of an image window
does not affect its spectral histogram. This is essential for any
texture model to characterize texture appearance.
Property 2: A spectral histogram is a nonlinear operator.
In other words, the spectral histogram of images does not satisfy the linearity conditions due to the histogram operation given
in (1). As discussed earlier, some form of nonlinearity is necessary for texture classification and the intrinsic nonlinearity of
the spectral histogram model makes an additional nonlinearity
step not needed while it is necessary for other filtering-based
methods [34]. For nonconstant filters, the nonlinearity of the
spectral histogram can also be caused by the dependency among
pixel values, and this makes the spectral histogram sensitive to
texture structures.
Property 3: With sufficient filters, a spectral histogram can
uniquely represent any image up to a translation.
To show this, let be an image defined on a finite lattice
. If
, the proposition holds. Assume that
, we choose two filters, the intensity filter
, where
. It is
sufficient to show that , an image defined on the finite lattice
, is equivalent to up to a translation if
, . If
, must be a
, the
permutation of in terms of the group of pixels. For
maximum response of the filter is bounded
due to Cauchy-Schwartz’ inequality. The maximum is achieved
. Similarly, if is a permutation of and
, , must be equivalent to up to a translation to
achieve the same maximum response.
H =H
Fig. 1. A typical image that satisfies
with different filters. The size of the images is 128 128. Here the filters correspond to the ones in Table I for
texture classification. (a) A texture image. (b) Three filters. (c) Five filters. (d) Seven filters. (e) Forty filters. (f) Three filters without the intensity filter. (g) Six
filters without the intensity filter. (h) Thirty-nine filters without the intensity filter.
Fig. 2. Different types of images characterized by spectral histograms. Top row shows observed images and the bottom row the corresponding typical image
that shares the same spectral histogram. (a) A gray-level image consisting of two piece-wise constant regions with additive Gaussian noise. (b) A synthetic texture
consisting of cross elements. (c) A stochastic image. (d) An image with periodic structures.
While this property does not provide a practical way to choose
filters, it shows that the marginal distributions are sufficient
to characterize the joint distributions implicitly defined by an
image and thus justifies the sufficiency of using only marginal
distributions in the spectral histogram. In practice, this property
is approximated by using a large number of filters. Intuitively,
each filter provides some constraints on the images that can sat. With constraints imposed by sufficiently many
would converge
filters, the solution to the equation
to the observed image up to a translation. Fig. 1 gives an illustration. With more filters, the images that share the observed
spectral histogram become more similar to the observed.
Property 4: All the images sharing a spectral histogram define an equivalent class.
Essentially, spectral histograms divide all the images into
equivalent classes [43]. Extensive simulations suggest that
the spectral histogram is sufficient in characterizing texture
appearance [24], [43] when filters are chosen properly. In other
words, all the images with the same spectral histogram are
perceptually similar in that perceptually similar textures are
synthesized by matching the spectral histogram. The top row
of Fig. 2 shows four texture images and the bottom row shows
corresponding typical images by satisfying the constraints
, where is an image,
its spectral histogram,
the spectral histogram of the observed image. Due to
the high dimensionality of , the constraints have to be satisfied
through stochastic simulation because traditional deterministic
searching methods are computationally not feasible. These
examples shown in Fig. 2 were generated using a Gibbs sampler
[14], [43]. In Fig. 2(a), the spectral histogram captures the
perceptual appearance of both regions. Given that the circular
boundary is used, the synthesized image matches closely the
observed image. Fig. 2(b) shows a synthetic texture image,
where the spectral histogram captures the texture element and
its density. Fig. 2(c) and (d) show that the spectral histograms
of two stochastic textures capture their perceptual appearance
given number of bins evenly. Given the histogram bin number
and bin ranges, a direct implementation of (1) can have a large
variance, which can cause a large error for the -distance between marginal distributions. To overcome this problem, we use
Parzen windows [11] to estimate the marginal distribution based
on the filter responses, given by
C. Implementation Issues
Here, is a kernel function (Gaussian kernel is used in this
paper), and and are the minimum and maximum values of
the given bin. While (6) provides a better estimate of the marginal distribution, it is computationally expensive. We approximate (6) by the following two steps. First we sample the function
at the middle value of each bin and then smooth the samples.
The smoothing is implemented by applying a small Gaussian
kernel for a specified number of times determined by the scale
of the Gaussian kernel. This provides a more reliable estimation
of the marginal distribution and thus more accurate -distance
between two spectral histograms.
Alternatively, one can adopt a parametric model and then estimate the model parameters from the training samples. A particular two-parameter distribution model [16] provides a good
approximation for histograms of filter responses for a variety of
real images, which leads to analytical probability models of natural images [37].
Because a spectral histogram is defined with respect to a bank
of filters, the first implementation issue is what filters should be
used so that various textures can be modeled effectively. Here
we use four different types of filters suggested from the studies
of visual perception and the empirical studies of independent
components of natural images [2], [33], [44].
function and captures
1) The intensity filter, which is the
the intensity value at a given pixel.
2) Difference or gradient filters. We use four of them:
3) Laplacian of Gaussian filters:
determines the scale of the filter and
is the variance of the Gaussian function. These filters are
referred to as
4) The Gabor filters with both sine and cosine components:
where is a scale. The cosine and sine components of
these filters are referred to as
These filters provide efficient ways of extracting spatial structures at different orientations and frequencies and empirically
have shown to be effective for different kinds of textures (see
Fig. 2 for some examples). Given these families of filters, the
optimal ones for classification of a given set of textures depend
on the characteristics of the input textures; they are selected by
a filter selection algorithm presented in Section III-A.
Another implementation issue is how to quantize and estimate the histogram of a filtered image. In theory, the histogram
is an approximation of the underlying distribution of filter responses. With sufficient data and sufficient number of histogram
bins, the histogram can represent the underlying distribution
with arbitrary accuracy. For texture classification, the integration scale we use is often small and only a limited number of
samples is available to compute the histogram. In order to have
a good approximation of the underlying distribution, we have
to choose the number of bins and where the bins should be. In
our implementation, the number of bins is specified as a parameter for each filter. When the number of bins is given, we find
the average of minimum and maximum filter responses from
training images and divide the filter response range into the
We apply spectral histograms and -statistic as a distance
texmeasure to texture classification. Given a database with
by the average spectral
ture types, we represent each type
of available training samples, defined as
is a training sample of texture type
the total number of training samples for type . Because our
primary goal is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the spectral
histogram as a texture feature, we use a minimum-distance clas, given by
sifier for a new sample
Other classification approaches can also be applied [11] and issues related to the choice of classifiers are not discussed in this
paper. In the spectral histogram framework, to measure the gain
using a particular set of filters , we define classification gain
is the classification error rate,
is the total
is the expected
number of classes in the database, and thus
correct classification rate based on a random decision.
measures the effectiveness of filters in more objectively than
is closely related to . Here we use
Fig. 3. Filter selection algorithm. Here, B is the subset of the filters that has
not been chosen, S is the subset that has been chosen, and a threshold. Initially
B consists of all the available filters and S an empty set.
of filters. Here, the computation time is the time for classifying
test images relative to that of using only the intensity filter. For
texture classification, it is often desirable to use only derivative
filters. The last three columns in Table I show the result without
the intensity filter. As Table I shows, the filter selection algorithm essentially chooses the most effective filters. The row with
a star shows the filters chosen automatically for optimal classification, whose performances are better than those of all the available filters. This illustrates clearly a key difference between texture classification and texture synthesis. As Fig. 2 shows, more
filters clearly give better synthesis results. However, more filters may not improve the classification performance and in fact
may give worse performance. In this particular case, while the
difference in classification gain between the optimal choice and
all the available filters is not significant, the difference in computation time is very significant, which can be critical for some
B. Classification Experiments
to emphasize that the classification gain depends on the
filters in . Because the spectral histogram representation depends critically on the filters used, we present our filter selection algorithm first and then our classification results on a natural texture dataset.
A. Filter Selection
As demonstrated in Fig. 1, the particular set of images that
is characterized by a spectral histogram critically depends on
the filters used. In one extreme, no filter is used and all images
are admitted in the set. In the other extreme, when infinitely
many filters are used, only the original image and its translations are admitted. In addition, for a given set of textures, some
of the filters are more effective than others. To address these issues, we propose a method that selects a subset of filters from
a large filter bank by optimizing the classification performance
of training samples [41]. To estimate the classification performance, we divide the available samples into a training set
(used to train the chosen classifier), and a validation set (used
to estimate the performance), known as cross-validation [11].
Specifically, for a given set of filters , we calculate
using (7) for each texture class using the samples in and then
we classify the samples in with (8) and calculate the classiusing (9). To be computationally efficient,
fication gain
we use a greedy algorithm. In other words, we choose filters one
with the
by one so that the next one has the maximum
ones already chosen. The filter selection algorithm is shown in
Fig. 3. The computational complexity of the algorithm depends
and (the number of
on the complexity of calculating
filters in ). For the minimum distance classifier used in this
, where
paper, the complexity is
is the time to compute
, and
to compute
To demonstrate the effectiveness of the filter selection algorithm, we use a texture database that consists of 40 Brodatz texture images, 10 of which are shown in Fig. 4. Initially there are
40 filters. Table I shows the classification gain along with the
computation time for classification with respect to the number
We apply our classification method to the 40-texture dataset
shown in Fig. 4. This dataset is challenging because there are
significant variations within some textures and some of them are
very similar to each other. At a given integration scale, we partition the images into nonoverlapping samples, which are then divided into disjoint training and testing set. Here seven filters including the intensity,
, and
, are selected
automatically by the filter selection algorithm (see Table I) and
are used to compute the spectral histogram.
Fig. 5(a) shows the classification gain with respect to the integration scale on the 40-texture dataset using the seven filters.
To avoid the bias due to the particular images in the training
and test set, we randomly divide the total samples into disjoint
training and test set and we repeat the classification experiment
100 times and collect the average, best, and worst performance.
Here 1/2 of the available samples are used for for training and
the remaining ones for testing. This result shows several important aspects of texture classification. 1) It shows clearly that
a reasonable integration scale is needed in order to discriminate textures as the texture structures have certain spatial extent.
Here the average classification gain at integration scale 8 8 is
21.34 (corresponding to a classification error of 46.64%), and
it improves to 35.86 (corresponding to a classification error of
10.35%) at integration scale 24 24. 2) Given a reasonable intergration scale, the spectral histogram provides a robust feature statistic for classification. The average classification gain
at integration scales of 32 32 or larger is better than 37 (corresponding to an error less than 7.5%). If we allow the correct
one within the three closest classes, the classification error is
less than 1% for all the 100 trials. Given the significant variations within textures and similarities between textures, the performance is sigficantly better than exisiting filter-based methods
(see Section IV for comparisons). 3) It shows also that the spectral histogram is not sensitive to particular images in the training
and test sets as the best and worst are close to the average of 100
trials. At integration scale 24 24, the average gain is 35.86, the
worst 35.50, and the best 36.36.
Fig. 4. Ten of the 40 textures used in the classification experiments. The input image size is 256
2 256. These images are available at http://www-dbv.cs.
Fig. 5. Classification result for the 40-texture dataset. (a) The average (solid),
best (dash-dotted) and worst (dotted) classification gain of 100 trials with
randomly divided training and test set with respect to the integration scale.
(b) The classification gain with respect to test-to-training sample ratio. Solid
line—integration scale 32 32; dashed line—integration scale 24 24.
To demonstrate the generalization capability of the spectral
histogram, Fig. 5(b) shows the classification gain at two integration scales with respect to the test-to-training sample ratio. In
both cases, the classification gain does not change much for ratios between 1:1 and 12:1. This confirms the generalization capability of spectral histograms in characterizing texture images.
To provide numerical justifications of the proposed representation, we have compared the spectral histogram with other
commonly used features and distance measures. Fig. 6(a) shows
Fig. 6. Comparison of different features and distance measures of the 40
texture dataset. (a) Classification gain for different features. Dashed line—
intensity mean; dash-dotted line—intensity mean and variance; dotted line—
intensity histogram; solid line—spectral histogram of the seven filters.
(b) Classification gain for commonly used distance measures for histograms.
Solid line— -statistic; dotted line—L -norm; dashed line—L -norm; dashdotted—Kullback-Leibler divergence.
the classification gain for features commonly used for intensity images, including the mean value, combination of mean
and variance values, and intensity histogram. As we can see
from Fig. 6(a), the mean and Gaussian models are not sufficient
for characterizing those images and generate worst results. The
comparison shows that the smoothing stage commonly used in
texture classification methods [34] is not optimal; the distribu-
Fig. 7.
Ten-texture image groups used in [34]. The image size is 128
2 128. (a) The images in Fig. 11(h) of [34]. (b) The images in Fig. 11(i) of [34].
tion of local features is far more effective in discriminating textures. This is also consistent with the comparisons shown in the
next section. Fig. 6(b) compares several commonly used disnorm,
tance measures for histograms, including
Kullback-Leibler divergence, and -statistic. For texture classification using spectral histograms, Fig. 6(b) shows that different measures give very similar results, suggesting that spectral histograms is insensitive to a particular form of distance
Several comparative studies about texture features have been
conducted. Ohanian and Dubes [31] studied the performance
of various texture features, including fractal features, cooccurrence features, Markov random field features, and Gabor features. However, the evaluation was done only on four classes
of images and the conclusion may not be generalized. Ojala
et al. [32] did a similar study on joint occurrences of feature
pairs using nine texture images and the ones in [31]. Recently,
Randen and Husoy [34] did an extensive comparative study for
texture classification on cooccurrence methods, Law’s texture
measures, different filtering-based methods, and a neural network approach [19]. They used a supervised classifier of Kohonen [23] for most of their experiments. The filter responses
at each pixel form a vector and the texture classification is to
classify feature vectors. Because filters have a spatial extent, the
receptive field of a vector overlaps heavily with the neighboring
ones. We have applied our method to the same images with the
same experimental settings. We use an integration scale 32 32
and the filters are chosen automatically from the 40 filters using
the filter selection algorithm. We use a separate set of images for
training and a separate set of images for testing as in [34].3 The
results for the two most challenging groups of texture images,
shown in Fig. 7(a) and (b), are summarized in Table II, where
the average performance and the best in tables 3, 6, 8, and 9 in
[34] are shown. For these two groups, due to the inhomogeneity
and large variations, texture types in local windows given by
the integration scale are perceptually close and they require a
very accurate texture model for classification. In addition, separate images are used for training and this creates additional difficulties for methods that cannot generalize well to new data.
The classification gains of all the methods studied in [34] are
shown in Fig. 8(a) and (b). Our method is significantly better
than the best performance in [34]. Furthermore, the most errors
of our method are from the texture pairs that are perceptually
very similar. If we consider the two closest textures as correct,
our method gives a classification gain of 9.50 and 9.58 respectively, corresponding to 95.0% and 95.8% correct classification
rate. This comparison clearly suggests that classification based
on filtering output is inadequate for characterizing texture appearance and an integration after filtering must be done. Our
comparison strongly indicates that some representation like the
3In [34], windows that include different texture types are used to test texture boundary accuracy of classification methods. Due to the uncertainty principle [5], there is an intrinsic tradeoff between classification performance and
boundary accuracy. Since a considerable integration scale is needed to characterize a texture (see Figs. 5 and 6), test windows are confined within a single
texture here. With spectral histogram representations, the boundary localization
is achieved by building a more accurate probability model after initial classification [28].
Fig. 8. The classification gain for all the methods in [34] for Fig. 7(a) and (b)
respectively. In each plot, each data point represents one result in tables 3, 6,
8, and 9 of [34] and the dashed line is the result of the proposed classification
Fig. 9. Sixteen texture images used in [1]. Images in the first row are generated
from Gaussian random fields, and remaining rows are from the Brodatz album.
The image size is 128 128.
spectral histogram may be necessary in order to capture complex texture appearance.
To further illustrate our method, we have done a comparison
with a method proposed by Azencott et al. [1]. In [1], a texture
feature vector is proposed based on the spectral density of windowed Fourier filters, e.g., Gabor filters, and a distance between
two textures is defined as a symmetrized Kullback distance between computed vectors. A minimum distance classifier is also
used for texture classification. For an unbiased comparison, we
use the same settings used in [1]. Each input texture image with
the size of 128 128 is divided in 49 image patches with size
32 32 and thus adjacent patches are overlapped. We use the
same seven filters as in the previous section to compute spectral histogram. The 16 texture images used in [1] are shown in
Fig. 9; therefore there are 784 image patches in total.
Two classification experiments were reported in [1]. In the
first experiment, the 49 patches of each image were divided into
a training set of 21 patches and a test set of 28 patches. The
result in [1] gives six misclassified patches, i.e., 1.34% classification error. For the same setting, our method gives only 1
misclassified patch, resulting in 0.22% classification error. In
the second experiment, the training set is reduced to one patch
per texture image. The result in [1] using the Kullback distance
gives twenty-three misclassified patches. Our result gives only
four misclassified patches. This comparison demonstrates the
superior discrimination ability of the spectral histogram.
A. Relations to Existing Approaches
This paper focuses on texture classification using spectral histograms with a fixed set of filters. As we mentioned earlier,
one can choose different filters to define different features. In
this section, we point out the relations between the spectral histogram and other existing methods.
Before we discuss specific features for textures, we point out
that uniform regions are simply a special case under the spectral
histogram, thus the spectral histogram provides a unified feature
for texture as well as nontexture images. However, textures are
often studied separately from intensity images and texture features from other approaches may not be applicable to uniform
images [6].
Texture analysis has been studied extensively and many
methods have been proposed. Tuceryan and Jain [40] classified
existing approaches into four categories, namely statistical
methods, geometrical methods, model based methods, and
signal processing methods. We discuss the relationships between each category and our proposed method.
Statistical methods, including cooccurrence matrices [17],
autocorrelation features [40], and our method here, are based
on the observation that a texture is defined by the spatial
distribution of gray values. A cooccurrence matrix consists
of the number of occurrences of a gray level pair with a
specified distance apart. This can be viewed as a special case
of -gon statistics proposed by Julesz [20], [22]. Because the
cooccurrence matrix cannot be used directly as texture features,
a number of texture features were subsequently computed from
the cooccurrence matrix [17]. It is easy to see that the cooccurrence matrix can also be defined as responses of a specifically
designed gradient filter and thus a spectral histogram using
gradient filters provides cooccurrence matrix features.
The class of geometrical methods is based on the assumption
that a texture consists of repeated texture elements, such as the
one shown Fig. 2(b). After the texture elements are identified,
geometrical properties of the element distribution can be used
to characterize textures [40]. As shown in Fig. 2(b), the spectral
histogram can characterize the texture element as well as its distribution without knowing the texture element. This provides a
more elegant way to characterize textures with repeated texture
Model based methods include Markov random fields [6], [7],
[9], [15], [38], [44]. This class of methods can not only describe the texture through model parameters, which are learned
from observed textures, but also synthesize it through sampling.
In [44], for example, Zhu et al. proposed a FRAME model
and showed that the model provides a unified framework for
Markov random field models. In a limiting case, Wu et al. [42]
proved the equivalence of a model specified by features such
as spectral histogram [43] and a Gibbs model, a special case
of which is shown in [12]. This relation shows that the spectral
histogram provides an equivalent way of specifying a Markov
random field, which avoids the parameter learning necessary for
a Markov random field model.
Signal processing methods try to characterize textures by
filter responses directly. Many of these models have been
studied and compared in [34], including Laws filters, ring
and wedge filters, Gabor filters, wavelet transforms, packets,
frames, discrete cosine transforms, quadrature mirror filters,
and a number of optimized filters for texture classification
(see the references wherein). Even though the filters in many
of those approaches were carefully designed and chosen, our
comparison shows that this class of methods is inadequate to
characterize and discriminate texture structures. This demonstrates that an integration of different filter responses such as
the spectral histogram proposed here, is probably necessary
while the specific form of filters is not critical [24].
tern. Under the spectral histogram representation, the distinction between texture and nontexture images becomes unnecessary. While the spectral histogram here is used primarily for textures with roughly repeated patterns, our study elsewhere suggests that the spectral histogram can also be applied to classify
faces and 3-D objects [25], [26], consistent with a recent study
on object recognition using multidimensional histograms [36].
B. Integration of Filter Responses
It is easy to see that a filter’s response is inhomogeneous even
to a homogeneous texture image. An inevitable issue common
to all filter-based approaches is to form a feature which characterizes a texture region. To reduce the inhomogeneity of filter
responses, spatial smoothing is commonly used [3], [29], [34].
The proposed spectral histogram model resolves this issue using
histograms of filter responses within a spatial window. For a
spatial window substantially larger than the size of basic elements in a texture, the spectral histogram is intrinsically insensitive to precise locations of texture elements. This is consistent
with a study on human texture discrimination [21]. Because of
this property, two images do not need to be aligned in order to
be compared using spectral histograms. More importantly, because of the stochastic nature of textures, images of the same
texture type may not be aligned, an example of which is shown
in Fig. 2(b). While both images in Fig. 2(b) consist of crosses
with similar distribution, two images cannot be aligned under
simple transforms. The misalignment of textures can be a serious problem for approaches that use filter responses directly
as features for texture classification, such as those studied in
Note that the spectral histogram is defined on any type of images. Piece-wise constant images with additive Gaussian noise
are a special case whose spectral histogram has a unique pat-
We have demonstrated that the spectral histogram provides
a sufficient feature statistic for texture classification. The
-statistic between spectral histograms provides a robust
distance measure for comparing textures. We have proposed a
filter selection algorithm for texture classification. With a wide
range of integration scales and test-to-training ratios, we have
obtained satisfactory classification results on natural texture
datasets. Our comparison shows that the spectral histogram
improves the classification performance significantly. By
pointing out the relations between existing texture features and
the spectral histogram, we suggest that the latter may provide a
unified image feature statistic.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers
whose comments have improved the presentation of this paper
significantly and acknowledge the reviewer who suggested the
cross-validation technique used in the present filter selection
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Xiuwen Liu (SM’97) received the B.Eng. degree in
computer science in 1989 from Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China, and the M.S. degrees in geodetic science and surveying in 1995 and computer and information science in 1996, and the Ph.D. degree in computer and information science in 1999 all from The
Ohio State University, Columbus.
From August 1989 to February 1993, he was with
Department of Computer Science and Technology,
Tsinghua University. Since 2000, he has been with
the Department of Computer Science of the Florida
State University, Tallahassee. His current research interests include low dimensional representations of images, statistical pattern recognition, manifold-based
optimization and inference algorithms, and computational modeling of visual
perception and inference.
DeLiang Wang (SM’96) received the B.S. degree in
1983 and the M.S. degree in 1986 from Peking (Beijing) University, Beijing, China, and the Ph.D. degree
in 1991 from the University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, all in computer science.
From July 1986 to December 1987, he was with
the Institute of Computing Technology, Academia
Sinica, Beijing. Since 1991, he has been with the
Department of Computer and Information Science
and the Center for Cognitive Science at The Ohio
State University, Columbus, where he is currently a
Professor. From October 1998 to September 1999, he was a Visiting Scholar in
the Vision Sciences Laboratory at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. His
present research interests include machine perception, neurodynamics, and
computational neuroscience.
Dr. Wang is a member of IEEE Neural Networks and Signal Processing Societies and the International Neural Network Society. He is a recipient of the 1996
U.S. Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award.