2009 SPJ Awards Book.indd - Oklahoma Society of Professional


2009 SPJ Awards Book.indd - Oklahoma Society of Professional
2009 spj awards
January 31, 2009 | Tulsa, Oklahoma
spJ Oklahoma
pro chapter
board members
Carol Cole-Frowe
Freelance Writer/Editor
Vice President
Joan Henderson
Oklahoma Today
Laura Knoll
Scott Cooper
Oklahoma Gazette
tulsa chair
Joy Jenkins
TulsaPeople Magazine
Bobby Ross Jr.
The Christian Chronicle
Jim Campbell
OPA Capitol News Bureau
Dear SPJ Colleagues,
There is a quiet reward to hearing your name and something nice said about your work in
front of a couple hundred of your peers. Those sweet sounds–“great job,” “well-written,” “a real
service to readers”–we hope provide a little bit of motivation for Oklahoma journalists to keep
asking the hard questions that keep our leaders honest and tell the stories of our communities.
That recognition is one of the reasons the annual Oklahoma SPJ awards contest continues to
grow, despite the challenges we all face as our business morphs into a new model for delivering
news. And maybe it helps us balance the barrage of bad news about our business we’re deluged
with daily.
There were about 1,250 entries into this year’s contest–another record–making it the most
competitive contest we’ve sponsored.
Contest volunteers worked many hundreds of hours to develop the brochure and several new
categories, log in a conference room full of entries, ship them off to the judges, plan a banquet,
put together this award booklet, send the winners list off to be made into plaques and certificates, and put together a show we hope you enjoyed. I’m grateful to each one of them, particularly Joan Henderson, who headed up the group.
The money raised from the contest goes to scholarships for students to attend the SPJ national
convention, networking and programming opportunities for Oklahoma journalists. We are
planning workshops to help journalists update and expand their skills.
And I’d like your input on how we can best help you and what kind of programming you’d
like. Please feel free to drop me an e-mail at carol.colefrowe@gmail.com with suggestions or to
Thank you for helping us celebrate Oklahoma’s best journalists.
Best regards,
Carol Cole-Frowe, President
SPJ Oklahoma Pro Chapter
Charles Self
University of Oklahoma
Adam Cohen
Oklahoma Medical
Research Foundation
Dr. Mark Hanebutt
University of Central Oklahoma
Heidi Rambo-Centrella
OKC Business
please JOin us
after the awards banquet
in the Oklahoma ballroom
for a party hosted by Tulsapeople.
about the awards
Dear SPJ Colleagues,
spj annual
eligibility: Entries are
submitted by employers, such as
newspapers or television stations,
or by individuals working part
time, full-time, or on a freelance
basis. Student entries are encouraged. Membership in SPJ is not
required to participate in the
contest period: Submitted entries were published or
broadcast between July 1, 2007,
and June 30, 2008.
JUDGING: Entries are judged
on overall excellence, service to
the community, and contribution
to the public’s understanding of
issues and events. Judging criteria
also may include readability, accuracy, and completeness as well
as depth of research, quality of
presentation, and difficulty in obtaining information. Winners may
be named for first, second, third
place, or honorable mention.
Members of professional SPJ
chapters in other states judged
entries. If, in the opinion of the
judges, none of the entries in
a particular category met the
standards of excellence, no award
was made in that category. Judges’
decisions are final.
It’s hard to believe it has been nearly a year since we came together to celebrate the best journalism in Oklahoma. And, what a year it has been.
Since the banquet in Oklahoma City in 2008, the board reviewed all of the award categories
and made some changes. From the entries we received, I’d say the new categories met with your
approval. As always, if you have suggestions for additional award categories, please send your
ideas to someone on the board of directors and we’ll consider it for next year.
In an attempt to be somewhat more “green,” we moved much of the notification this year
online. The Call for Entries was sent via email as soon as it was ready to go to press—which
gave folks more time to think about what to enter. If you did not receive the Call for Entries via
email last year, please let me know and I’ll make sure you are on the list for next year.
Once all the entries arrived, board members gathered to prepare them for the judges. This is
always a time-consuming task, and we would love to see some new faces join us next year. It’s a
lot of work–but we have fun!
Once the cataloguing was complete, we sent the entries to the Utah and Ohio chapters for
judging. By early January, we had the results back from the judges and began the award
creation process. For the second year in a row, this award book was designed and produced by
Colleen McIntyre of Oklahoma Today. Thank you, Colleen.
The result of our work is in your hands tonight. Congratulations to everyone whose hard work
has been recognized this evening. Your outstanding achievement makes us all proud.
Best personal regards,
Joan Henderson
Contest Chair and Vice President
SPJ Oklahoma Pro Chapter
to order duplicate awards
Duplicate plaques and certificates are available for a fee.
Please send your request to joan@oklahomatoday.com.
All orders must be received by March 31, 2009.
Society of Professional Journalists
Oklahoma Pro Chapter
P.O. Box 1222
Oklahoma City, OK 73101
All winners will be
posted online on Monday,
February 2, 2009
special awards
lifetime achievement award
mick hinton
From the halls of the Oklahoma Capitol to uncovering “smelly” hog farm issues,
the professional curiosity of veteran journalist Mick Hinton has helped Oklahoma
readers get the news they need.
A Minnesota native who grew up on
a farm, Hinton’s first newspaper experience came when he worked part-time at
the Lawton Morning Press while stationed
at Fort Sill. He worked for the Norman
Transcript as university reporter and later
city editor.
In 1990, Hinton joined the Capitol
Bureau of The Daily Oklahoman and later
covered higher education. He covered the
Capitol for the Tulsa World from 2005 to
He received a bachelor’s degree in
journalism from South Dakota State
University, Brookings, and a master’s
degree in journalism from the University
of Oklahoma.
Hinton was inducted in to the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame in 2003. And
he is a former Oklahoma SPJ president
and long-time board member, who has
worked diligently to further journalistic
excellence in Oklahoma.
the carter bradley
first amendment award
the oklahoman
and newsok.com
NewsOK.com launched an extensive
online project in 2008 about our First
Amendment rights and openness in
“Your Right to Know” pledged to inform
Oklahomans about these rights through
the Oklahoman databases, links to open
records access and government databases,
and database Editor Paul Monies’ blog on
these issues.
The site will continue to expand in 2009
as the pledge continues.
teacher of the year
ray murray
Oklahoma State assistant professor Ray
Murray has been credited with helping revitalize the university’s long-dormant SPJ
chapter and serves as its co-adviser.
His colleagues, Dr. Joey Senat and Mike
Sowell, who nominated him, cite Murray’s
passion for teaching journalism and excellent student evaluations.
Murray has more than 20 years’ experience as a professional journalist.
The First Amendment Award Renamed to Honor Bradley
The Oklahoma SPJ board of directors voted recently to honor longtime board
member, the late Carter Bradley, by renaming the Distinguished Service to the First
Amendment after the veteran journalist–the Carter Bradley First Amendment Award.
Bradley worked for several newspapers before joining United Press
International and was its state manager from 1947 to 1960. He was chief
clerk of the Senate Committee on Aeronautics and Space Sciences and helped
guide President John F. Kennedy’s space program through Congress. He worked
for U.S. Sen. Mike Monroney and was later executive director of the Oklahoma
Higher Education Alumni Council.
He was elected to the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame and the Oklahoma
Higher Education Hall of Fame. Bradley died Oct. 27, 2008, at age 89.
the awards
T hird Place
Nancy Hermann and Amanda Bullock
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
The Collection
honorable MenTion
Adam Gault
Oklahoma Today
Vince Gill: Back in Class
Annual Reports
F irsT Place
Laura Knoll
KGOU eNewsletter
F irsT Place
Annual Report Committee
Oklahoma Housing Finance Authority
2007 OHFA annual report:
The Source of Okie Dokie
T hird Place
Charlie Price
Oklahoma Office of the Attorney General
Domestic violence poster project
honorable MenTion
Kinsey Crocker
Anglin Public Relations
Homeless ID program expands to northwest Oklahoma
General Writing
second Place
Susan Allison
Oklahoma Department of Transportation
T hird Place
Jackie Cooper
honorable MenTion
Tim Hartley
second Place
Tim Hartley
2007 annual report
Promotional Material
T hird Place
Diana Woods
2007 annual report
F irsT Place
Adam Cohen and Jenny Lee
2007 Annual Appeal
honorable MenTion
Jenny Lee and Adam Cohen
The Elements of Success
second Place
Greg Elwell
Next of Kin
T hird Place
Diana Rogers
Oklahoma Housing Finance Authority
Helping Hands Reach Out to Women
honorable MenTion
Janet Varnum
State, The Magazine of OSU
The Cowboy Way
Press Release
Best PR Publication
second Place
Greg Elwell
The most natural drug
second Place
Matt Elliot
University Marketing
State, The Magazine of OSU
F irsT Place
Lisa Janssen
Saxum Public Relations
FlintCo mandates signal person and rigger training
second Place
The State Chamber of Oklahoma
Prosperity Project, Red House,
and Saxum Public Relations
Oklahoma Prosperity Project poster
F irsT Place
Adam Cohen
The Comeback Kid
F irsT Place
Holley Mangham and Dennis Shockley
Oklahoma Housing Finance Authority
How We Lived
the awards
Third Place
Nancy Hermann, Nancy Bizjack, and Amanda Bullock
Tulsa Performing Arts Center
Second Place
Scott Gurian
“David and Andi”
Second Place
Alex Cameron and Darrin Johnson
“Ethics of Ethanol”
Honorable Mention
Susan Grossman, Chris Hughes, Megan
Sagowitz, and Brock Wynn
OU Outreach
T hird Place
Brian Hardzinski
“The Pride of Oklahoma Goes to Macy’s”
T hird Place
Kaci Christian
KOKI Fox 23
“Sperry Flooding”
General News Reporting
F irst Place
Kurt Gwartney and Scott Gurian
“OK Anti-Illegal Immigration Law Takes
“Good use of natural
sound throughout piece.
Multiple sound sources
effectively weaved together.”
Second Place
David Meyer
“Altus Storm Clean-up”
Sports Reporting
F irst Place
Michael Cross
“NBA Comes To OKC”
F irst Place
Scott Gurian
“Oklahoma Prisoners Seek Money
The Hard Way”
“Clever writing, lots of
sound and lots of variety in the sound. You
really feel like you’re at
the prison rodeo!”
Honorable Mention
David Meyer
“2008 Oklahoma Chatauqua–George Wallace”
Interview/Talk Show
F irst Place
Scott Gurian
“Oklahomans in New Orleans”
Second Place
Keith Gaddie
“Journalists Discuss State GOP Ethics”
T hird Place
Lisa Janssen
“A Chimney Sweeps’ Story”
Best Reporting Portfolio
F irst Place
Gail Banzet
Second Place
Scott Gurian
General News Reporting
F irst Place
Kelly Ogle, Greg Blackwood, and
John Almandarez
“1804 to the Border”
“What an excellent
story! It was great to
see the politician go
down to Mexico with
you.You can really see
both sides of the story
with this piece.”
Honorable Mention
Lance West
“Bullet Proof ”
Spot News
F irst Place
Abbie Alford
KOKI Fox 23
“Fatal Standoff ”
Second Place
Marc Dillard and Jim Gardner
“SUV Chase Live From Chopper 4”
T hird Place
Clay Loney
KOKI Fox 23 Fox 23
“Picher, Oklahoma Tornado”
Special Program,
Documentary, or Series
F irst Place
Emily Sinovic
KOKI Fox 23
“Portrait of Courage”
“Ms. Sinovic’s glimpse
into this family’s loss and
a stranger’s kindness was
genuine and compelling.
Excellent work.”
Second Place
Dick Pryor and Charles “Boots” Kennedye
“Oklahoma WWII Stories”
T hird Place
Linda Cavanaugh and Tony Stizza
“Oklahoma, the Beautiful”
the awards
F irst Place
Daniel T. Gotera and Rick Springer
KOKI Fox 23
“Hunt for Bigfoot”
Honorable Mention
Lance West and Travis Schutten
“Rescuing Rita”
Second Place
Dean Blevins
Investigative Reporting
T hird Place
Daniel T. Gotera
“Remembering His Roots”
F irst Place
Amanda Taylor and Rich Kreigel
“Telemarketing Scam”
“This story kept us
watching. We loved how
you built up the tension
and how you showed that “Allowed the story to develop
guy really thought some- naturally. Excellent—pursuing…across state lines.”
thing was out there.”
Second Place
Rusty Surette and Mark McBride
“Dear God”
T hird Place
Jacqueline Sit and John Almandarez
“Potter Church”
Honorable Mention
Carrie Netherton
KOKI Fox 23
“What’s a Sandite?”
Human Interest
F irst Place
Amy Lester and David Young
“Water Babies”
“This is the type of story
any parent wants to see.
It was well written, well
shot, and well edited.”
Second Place
Doug Warner and Travis Doussette
“Abandoned Baby”
T hird Place
Susan Miller and Charles “Boots” Kennedye
“Harmonic Hearing”
Second Place
Emily Sinovic
KOKI Fox 23
“Criminals Driving School Buses”
T hird Place
Lori Fullbright and Oscar Pea
“Cell Phone Spying”
Honorable Mention
Marc Dillard and Scott Hines
“In Your Corner: Soonerman”
Sports Reporting
F irst Place
Linda Cavanaugh and Tony Stizza
“Little Joe”
“This story took a
whole lot of effort
but it paid off in the
end. Great shots and
editing.The music was
perfect for the mood.
It was great seeing file
video.The interview
set was well lit and set
Honorable Mention
Lance West
“Going 4 Gold”
Weather Reporting
F irst Place
Marc Dillard, Jonathan Conder, and Mike Morgan
“Night of the Twisters Live”
“This is probably the best
weather report I’ve ever
seen...info breaking weather is supposed to give.”
Second Place
Gary England, Mason Dunn, Ken Kilbourn,
and Michael Armstrong
“May 24th Tornado Coverage”
Third Place
Paul Heggen
KOKI Fox 23
“Tulsa Ice Storm”
Honorable Mention
David Vandever
KOKI Fox 23
“High Water”
F irst Place
Kelly Wells and Jenny Monroe
“News 9 at 6”
Second Place
Lindsay Patterson, Phil Berman, Kiedron Dotson, Jason Shackelford, George Waldenberger,
Krista Flasch, and Michelle Andrews
“Picher Tornado Clean-up”
the awards
Third Place
Katie den Daas and Kari King
“News 9 This Morning”
Multimedia Project
F irst Place
Ken Raymond, Brian Mays, and Steve Aylor
Cold Case Oklahoma
F irst Place
Dave Tamez
“The Singing Fisherman”
Second Place
Chris Howell
Students Seek Recognition for Local Hero
Second Place
Tim Ackelmire
“Windy House Fire”
Best Reporting Portfolio
F irst Place
Amanda Taylor
“Sign Amanda to a long
term contract before
someone else gets her…
she has guts, smarts,
and knows how to tell a
story. Excellent work!”
Second Place
Rusty Surette
Online Writing
F irst Place
Beth Burnett
The Power of Allyson
Second Place
Bill Walter and Suzann Stewart
“An Abundance of Riches”
Second Place
Matthew Price
T hird Place
Laura Summers
Bartlesville Magazine
“Booming B’ville”
Third Place
Brandy McDonnell
Bam’s Blog
Column Writing
Best Website
F irst Place
Second Place
t’s a rare thing to have no relatives in chelsea. This curve of the
highway along route 66 nurtures
the roots of generations going back
to indian territory.
Descendants of Will rogers’ family still
inhabit the city streets, their last names
popping up year after year on class rosters
and in town elections. Grandparents hunt
for their own senior photos in the glass
display at the high school gym, waiting
for the first strains of “Pomp and circumstance” to signal the entrance of another
of their progeny into the town’s social life.
Family reigns utmost here, more so than
any place i’ve ever lived.
strange, then, that during the ten years
i’ve lived here, my nearest relatives have
been more than two hours away across
the state line. in the fabric of chelsea,
i’ve felt like a foreign thread the wrong
color and texture to be woven into such a
deeply layered design. But in the tradition
Feature Writing
F irst Place
Kent Anderson
OKC Downtown
“A Community All
Their Own”
Second Place
Rachel Anderson Hill
and Tara Lynn Thompson
“Handmade Heritage”
Good Fences
What separates us can also join us, says Ami Reeves.
Third Place
Honorable Mention
Emily Sinovic
KOKI Fox 23
News Writing
F irst Place
Kent F. Frates
Oklahoma Today
“The Mysterious Death of the Flying Bootlegger”
F irst Place
Ben Fenwick
Oklahoma Gazette
Ben There
T hird Place
Lance West
Honorable Mention
Tara Lynn Thompson
“More Than A Museum”
Letter From Chelsea
T hird Place
Tanner Herriott
“Danny Williams Retires”
T hird Place
Kent Anderson
Northwest Style
“All Things Visual”
of this town’s affability, i found the next
best thing right over my fence.
my neighbor, Jonnie Faye morse, is my
exact opposite. she spins amazing tales
that enthrall people for hours, while i
can rarely think of much to say, instead
preferring to commit my words to paper.
she’s a flamboyant redhead from louisiana,
while i’m a quiet Ozark blonde.
We made plans to erect a privacy fence
soon after moving in, and i went next
door to ask Jonnie Faye if she minded.
like the narrator in robert Frost’s
“mending Wall,” i felt the need to ask if
i’d offend before putting up a wall. she
didn’t have any problem with the idea,
and we found we had more in common
than liking fences.
Our sons were the same age; we both
had moved to Oklahoma from another
state at roughly the same time; we both
liked our privacy, yard sales, and gardening. The lines dividing our lives ran
parallel for awhile, then closer, until they
intersected perfectly, like the corner
of a well-built fence.
Our children became inseparable. Jonnie Faye and i ended
up as coworkers and began
spending eight hours a day
together. i use her stove to
cook bread. she borrows sugar
and plastic wrap. We celebrate
Fourths of July with root beer
floats and front yard shows put
on by the kids. i marvel at how
much emptier my life would be
without her.
then the unthinkable happened last may in our quiet little
town, when someone robbed the
chelsea Family Pharmacy in
broad daylight. On my arrival
home after work that afternoon,
my husband relayed the initial
rumors. i remembered that Jonnie
Faye had told me earlier that she’d
be stopping by to pick up prescriptions on her way home.
i phoned next door immediately,
worried she might have been inside.
Jonnie Faye picked up and said she’d left
the pharmacy right before the robbery,
blissfully unaware of what was unfolding behind her taillights. We spoke of
the tragedy and then fell silent across
the phone line, as friends do when they
already know each other’s thoughts, the
louisiana storyteller and the arkansas
writer at a loss for words.
i finally voiced my relief at finding her
safe, though it seemed such an inadequate
thing to say.
The fence between my neighbor and
me doesn’t merely define the boundary
of our adjoining properties; it is more a
symbol of what unites us, what we share.
two sides of a fence. “There where it is we
do not need the wall,” Frost says.
here in chelsea, where i have lacked
for family other than my husband and
son, i’ve found a good fence has made
more than a good neighbor.
F irst Place
Ami Reeves
Oklahoma Today
“Good Fences”
Second Place
Connie Cronley
“Comfort Me With Macaroni”
T hird Place
Laura Summers
Bartlesville Magazine
“Batter Up”
Honorable Mention
Jim Langdon
“Rules To Live By”
F irst Place
Mary Logan Wolf
Oklahoma Today
“Straight Up, No Chasers”
the awards
Page Design
Second Place
Tom Lindley
Oklahoma Today
“Brother Benefit”
T hird Place
Michelle Weeks
“The Lost Boys”
T hird Place
Brooke Adcox, Vallery Brown, Steffie Corcoran,
and Louisa McCune-Elmore
Oklahoma Today
“Beautiful Minds”
Photo Story/Essay
Honorable Mention
Lori Roll
Bartlesville Magazine
“Joe Sears”
L a nd
From Simple Fields to magniFicent sunrises, these
Forty-six l a n d s c a pe s F ro m Oklahoma to d ay ’s b e s t
F irst Place
Vallery Brown
Oklahoma Today
“We Love A Centennial Parade”
Centennial Parade
By Vallery Brown
before the start of the opening act, clambering toward the curb
while not taking an eye off the road, rows of families—adults
and kids—squinting for the first glint of color. It’s classic Americana and
what memories are made of. On October 14 at 2 p.m., Oklahoma City will
host a parade the likes of which no one has ever seen here.
Second Place
Judy Allen
“Tulsa Flavors”
T hird Place
Lauren Hammack
Nichols Hills News
“Get Your Green On”
Feature Photography
F irst Place
Michelle Weeks
“Passionate Because”
Second Place
Shane Brown
Oklahoma Today
“Prison Blues”
photographers convey Splendor in all its guises.
november/december 2007
O k l a h O m a T O day
F irst Place
Oklahoma Today
“46 Landscapes”
Second Place
Shane Brown
Oklahoma Today
“Prison Blues”
T hird Place
MJ Alexander
Edmond Monthly
“20 Centenarian Secrets For A Life Well Lived”
arades are the stuff of wistful recollection: lining up street-side
o k L a H o m a
Reader Service
F irst Place
Amanda Bullock
“More Than A Museum”
Honorable Mention
Michelle Weeks
“Land of Liberty”
General Photography
F irst Place
Mark Nault
Oklahoma Today
“Tree Amid Clouds”
Second Place
Mark Nault
Oklahoma Today
“Sunset At Quannah Parker Lake”
T hird Place
Michael Hardeman
Oklahoma Today
“Natural Falls”
Honorable Mention
Michelle Weeks
“The Brainiac Club”
Second Place
Walker Creative
Oklahoma Today
“We The People”
T hird Place
Joe Krout
Bartlesville Magazine
“Joe Sears Story”
Honorable Mention
Amanda Bullock
“100 Golden Years”
F irst Place
Debby Cotter Kaspari
Oklahoma Today
“Sky Dance”
Second Place
Marla Johnson
World Literature Today
“In Darkness We Meet”
T hird Place
Cameron Eagle
Oklahoma Today
“The State of Q”
F irst Place
November 2007 Centennial Issue
the awards
Second Place
Bartlesville Magazine
August 2007 cover
division a
Best Magazine Reporting
circulation 25,000 & up
F irst Place
Tom Lindley
Oklahoma Today
Second Place
Brooke Adcox
Oklahoma Today
T hird Place
Joy Jenkins
TulsaPeople Magazine
Best Magazine
F irst Place
Oklahoma Today
November/December 2007 Centennial Issue
Investigative Reporting/
F irst Place
Andrea Eger
Tulsa World
“Tulsa Academic Center”
Second Place
Ben Fenwick
Oklahoma Gazette
“Oklahoma’s 45th in Iraq”
T hird Place
Wendy Kleinman
The Oklahoman
Honorable Mention
Scott Cooper
Oklahoma Gazette
Second Place
Randy Ellis
The Oklahoman
“Trouble With DHS”
In-Depth Enterprise
T hird Place
Michael Overall
Tulsa World
“Going To Prison”
Investigative Reporting/
F irst Place
Omer Gillham and Curtis Killman
Tulsa World
“Puppy Profits”
F irst Place
Ginnie Graham
and Curtis Killman
Tulsa World
“A Question of
Second Place
Nolan Clay, Randy Ellis, Ryan McNeill, and
Sheila Stogsdill
The Oklahoman
“Who’s Watching Your Children”
T hird Place
Curtis Killman and Nora Froeschle
Tulsa World
“Sounding The Alarm”
Second Place
TulsaPeople Magazine
November 2007 Centennial Issue
T hird Place
Oklahoma Today
Barbecue Issue
In-Depth Enterprise
Second Place
The Oklahoman Staff
“Ice Storm Coverage”
T hird Place
Bobby Ross Jr., Erik Tryggestad, Lynn McMillon,
and Jonathan Cannon
The Christian Chronicle
“Are We Growing?”
F irst Place
Ken Raymond
The Oklahoman
“Cold Case OKC”
F irst Place
PJ Lassek
Tulsa World
“Tulsa: Where Suburban Animals Come to Die”
Second Place
Curtis Killman
Tulsa World
“Medical Examiner’s Cash Stash”
the awards
Spot News
F irst Place
Nolan Clay and Augie Frost
The Oklahoman
“Gunned Down By Their Own Father”
Personal Column
F irst Place
Tammy Ross
The Christian Chronicle
“Shareholders, Not Servants”
Second Place
Nolan Clay
The Oklahoman
Third Place
Deon Hampton
Tulsa World
“Slaying Victim Mourned”
Special Projects
F irst Place
Bryan Dean, Ken Raymond, John Greiner, and
Wendy Kleinman
The Oklahoman
“The Greatest Generation”
Second Place
Bryan Painter
The Oklahoman
“First in His Class”
Second Place
Bryan Painter and Augie Frost
The Oklahoman
“Doomed Jet”
T hird Place
Johnny Johnson
The Oklahoman
“Seeking Answers”
Honorable Mention
Nicole Marshall and Andrea Eger
Tulsa World
“Killing Stuns Neighbors”
Feature Writing
F irst Place
Natalie Mikles
Tulsa World
“Seeds of Change”
Second Place
Matt Gleason
Tulsa World
“A Long-Ago Promise”
T hird Place
Cary Aspinwall
Tulsa World
“Ready For Clubbing”
T hird Place
Bobby Ross, Jr.
The Christian Chronicle
“Throwing More Than Crumbs at Hungry”
Editorial Commentary
F irst Place
J.E. McReynolds
The Oklahoman
“Those Who Stay”
Second Place
Bill Bleakley
Oklahoma Gazette
“Abolishing the Auditor’s Office”
Third Place
Bobby Ross Jr.
The Christian Chronicle
“Have We Become Lukewarm?”
Honorable Mention
Wayne Greene
Tulsa World
“Attention, Legislators: Your Bills Are Due
General News Reporting
F irst Place
Nicole Marshall and Andrea Eger
Tulsa World
“Pyramid of Lies Alleged”
Second Place
Tulsa World Sports Staff
“PGA Championship Preview”
T hird Place
Natalie Mikles, Ashley Parrish, and World
Scene Staff
Tulsa World
“Oklahoma 100”
Honorable Mention
Tulsa World Sports Staff
“Faces of Oklahoma Football Preview”
Criminal Justice Reporting
F irst Place
Michael Overall
Tulsa World
“Going To Prison”
Second Place
Nolan Clay
The Oklahoman
“Kelsey Smith Briggs Case”
T hird Place
Nicole Marshall
Tulsa World
“Officials Seek Way to Close Rape Loophole”
the awards
Honorable Mention
Scott Cooper
Oklahoma Gazette
“Sober Justice”
Health Reporting
F irst Place
Kim Archer
The Oklahoman
“Fear of the Unknown”
Second Place
Cary Aspinwall
Tulsa World
“Fitness Guinea Pig”
T hird Place
Karen Shade
Tulsa World
“When Osteoporoses Affects Men”
Honorable Mention
Kim Archer
Tulsa World
“Kids’ Health Weighs In”
F irst Place
Clifton Adcock
Tulsa World
“Three Who Came Home”
Science, Technology, and
T hird Place
John David Sutter
The Oklahoman
“Five Bodies of Water”
Honorable Mention
Jonathan Cannon
The Christian Chronicle
“Is Halo 3 a Tool For Outreach?”
Business Reporting
F irst Place
Erik Tryggestad
The Christian Chronicle
“Churches Impacted by Food, Fuel Prices”
Second Place
Robert Evatt
Tulsa World
“Atlas To Become A Boutique Hotel”
Business Feature
F irst Place
Bobby Ross Jr.
The Christian Chronicle
“Rich In Spirit, Poor In Funds For Retirement”
Second Place
Andrea Eger
Tulsa World
“Hispanic Enrollment Drops at Some Schools”
T hird Place
Jimmie Tramel
Tulsa World
“Bill Spiller”
Honorable Mention
Bobby Ross, Jr.
The Christian Chronicle
“Fire Ravages Heart of Texas Campus”
Second Place
Rod Walton
Tulsa World
“Dad’s Farming Know How”
Education Reporting
F irst Place
Andrea Eger
Tulsa World
“Tulsa Academic Center”
Second Place
Bobby Ross., Jr.
The Christian Chronicle
“Education as an Outreach Tool?”
F irst Place
Althea Peterson
Tulsa World
“Mouse Beautiful”
T hird Place
Emily Jerman
Oklahoma Gazette
“Reading, ‘Riting, Resignation”
Second Place
Erik Tryggestad
The Christian Chronicle
“Apples: iWay To Students’ Hearts?”
Entertainment Feature
F irst Place
Michael Smith
Tulsa World
“Super Glad”
Second Place
Gene Triplett
The Oklahoman
“Wayne Coyne”
the awards
Third Place
Joe Wertz
Oklahoma Gazette
“Hating Hinder”
Arts Criticism
F irst Place
Kim Brown
Tulsa World
Second Place
Michael Smith
Tulsa World
T hird Place
George Lang
The Oklahoman
Sports Features
F irst Place
Bill Haisten
Tulsa World
“Fighting Spirit”
Second Place
Andrea Cohen
The Oklahoman
“Die Hard Fans”
T hird Place
John Helsley
The Oklahoman
“Terry Hoeppner: The Heart of Indiana Football”
Honorable Mention
Gene Triplett
The Oklahoman
Honorable Mention
Ed Godfrey
The Oklahoman
“Bucked The Odds”
Leisure Writing
Sports Column
Second Place
Cary Aspinwall
Tulsa World
“Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch...”
Second Place
John Rohde
The Oklahoman
“Raiders Provide Golden Moment”
T hird Place
Carol Smaglinski
Oklahoma Gazette
“Chow Lines”
T hird Place
Jimmie Tramel
Tulsa World
“Ref Loses Eye, But Not Moxie”
Honorable Mention
Natalie Mikles and Kim Brown
Tulsa World
“You’re Invited To A Cookie Exchange”
Honorable Mention
Berry Tramel
The Oklahoman
“Never Forget, She was 12 Years Old”
F irst Place
Ken Raymond
The Oklahoman
Sports Reporting
F irst Place
Chris Casteel
The Oklahoman
“Sonics Trial”
T hird Place
Shannon Cornman
Oklahoma Gazette
“Mind Over Matter”
Sports Photography
F irst Place
Tom Gilbert
Tulsa World
F irst Place
Jenni Carlson
The Oklahoman
“Virginia Tech Supplies Comfort”
Feature Photography
Second Place
Sarah Phipps
The Oklahoman
“Women’s Wrestling”
T hird Place
Susan Ogrocki
The Associated Press
“Goal Line Fumble”
General Photography
F irst Place
Sherry Brown
Tulsa World
“Last Of Four Soldiers To Be Buried”
Second Place
Paul Hellstern
The Oklahoman
“Motorcycle Spill”
Second Place
John E. Hoover and Guerin Emig
Tulsa World
“Big Win In Big D”
T hird Place
Jake Trotter
The Oklahoman
“OU Fan Asked to Stop Fundraiser”
Second Place
Mike Simons
Tulsa World
“Mom/College Student”
F irst Place
Mike Simons
Tulsa World
“Mind Games”
T hird Place
James Gibbard
Tulsa World
“Homicide Funeral”
the awards
Story/Photo Essay
F irst Place
Shannon Cornman
Oklahoma Gazette
“Architectural Digest”
Second Place
Ted Parks
The Christian Chronicle
“A Place of Quiet Rest”
T hird Place
Nate Billings
The Oklahoman
“Football Portraits”
Spot News Image
F irst Place
Steve Gooch
The Oklahoman
“Water Rescue”
Second Place
Susan Ogrocki
The Associated Press
“Trying To End It All”
T hird Place
Tom Gilbert
Tulsa World
“House Fire”
Honorable Mention
Mike Simons
Tulsa World
“Ice Storm Power Surge”
Best Photographic Portfolio
F irst Place
Mike Simons
Tulsa World
Second Place
Brian Terry
The Oklahoman
T hird Place
Sarah Phipps
The Oklahoman
Best Page One
Layout and Design
Feature Headlines
F irst Place
Steve Byerly
The Oklahoman
Second Place
Tim Chamberlin
Tulsa World
“Who’ll Rock the BOK?”
T hird Place
Ethan Erickson
Tulsa World
“Word On The Street”
Feature Page
Layout and Design
F irst Place
Adam Daigle
Tulsa World
“A Giant Impact”
Second Place
James Royal
Tulsa World
“King of the Hills”
T hird Place
Matt Clayton
The Oklahoman
“Opportunity Knocks”
News Headlines
F irst Place
Erica Smith
The Oklahoman
“Bartending Class”
“This Vehicle”
Second Place
Amy Raymond
The Oklahoman
“Air Apparent”
T hird Place
Steve Byerly
The Oklahoman
“The Hot (O) Zone”
“Forward Center”
“Do You Have A Shot?”
F irst Place
Don Brown
The Oklahoman
“Better or Worse”
“Heart and Sole”
“Fiance’s Fondness”
Second Place
Russell A. LaCour
Tulsa World
“New Owasso Hospital/Spreading the Health”
“Legislator Loses Weight, Gains Zeal”
Best Use of
Graphic Illustration
F irst Place
Dave Carman
Tulsa World
“Tulsa’s Cook Gets Cocky”
Second Place
Brad Harvey
Tulsa World
“Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch...”
T hird Place
Bradley L. Thompson
Tulsa World
“String Theory”
Best Reporting Portfolio
F irst Place
Nolan Clay
The Oklahoman
Second Place
Ken Raymond
The Oklahoman
T hird Place
Ben Fenwick
Oklahoma Gazette
the awards
Honorable Mention
Michael Overall
Tulsa World
Best Newspaper
Second Place
James Beaty
McAlester News-Capital
“Basement Teeming with Black Mold,
Courthouse Crumbling”
In-Depth Enterprise
Reporting/ Individual
F irst Place
Cadie Thompson
The Oklahoma Daily
“Sexual Assult” series
Second Place
Christopher Shelton
The Daily O’Collegian
“Search Committee Fails to Post Agenda”
Third Place
Nicole Riley
The Daily O’Collegian
“Schmidley’s Donation Raises Questions”
Spot News Reporting
F irst Place
Kim Morava
The Shawnee News-Star
“Lockdown Shakedown”
Second Place
Tiffany Stockton
The Oklahoma Daily
“Triple Homicide”
Third Place
Tom Blakey
Norman Transcript
“Three Killed in Shooting”
F irst Place
Tulsa World
Second Place
The Oklahoman
T hird Place
Oklahoma Gazette
division b
circulation 7,000 to 24,999
Investigative Reporting/
F irst Place
Jenny Redden
The Daily O’Collegian
“Cellular Screening/Sunshine Series”
Second Place
Jarrel Wade
The Oklahoma Daily
“Parking Appeals” series
Third Place
Tiara Etheridge
The Oklahoma Daily
“Invisible Population”
In-Depth Enterprise
Honorable Mention
Tom Blakey
Norman Transcript
“Suspect to be Charged”
Feature Writing
F irst Place
April Wilkerson
The Shawnee News-Star
“A Tale of Two Moms”
F irst Place
The Norman Transcript staff
“Pain At The Pump”
second P lace
The Norman Transcript staff
“Ice Storm Coverage”
T hird Place
The Shawnee News-Star staff
“Winter Woes”
F irst Place
M. Scott Carter
The Norman Transcript
“Nations, Collins Seek AG Opinion on State’s
New Immigration Law”
Second Place
M. Scott Carter
Norman Transcript
“Where The Sidewalk Ends”
Third Place
Travina Coleman
Muskogee Phoenix
“Still A Mother”
the awards
Personal Column
F irst Place
Brian Blansett
The Shawnee News-Star
“Some Lessons Gain Deeper Meaning”
Second Place
David Gerard
Muskogee Phoenix
“Next Time You Drive Through Big Cabin...”
Third Place
Shana Adkisson
Norman Transcript
“Conquering The Scales is a Life Lesson”
Editorial Commentary
F irst Place
Matt Lane
McAlester News-Capital
“Do You Want to Know a Secret?”
Second Place
Jaclyn Cosgrove
The Daily O’Collegian
“Legal Expert: SGA Does Not Know
Meeting Law”
Third Place
Lindsay Rogers
The Daily O’Collegian
“Sometimes Numbers Lie”
Honorable Mention
Ellis Goodwin
The Oklahoma Daily
“OU Misidentifies Place in Study”
Special Projects
F irst Place
The Shawnee News-Star
Centennial Issue
Second Place
David Gerard
Muskogee Phoenix
“No Remorse, Scary”
F irst Place
Meredith Simons
The Oklahoma Daily
“Native Tongue”
Second Place
Jaclyn Cosgrove
The Daily O’Collegian
“Some Muslim Students Celebrate the End of
Ramadan Miles From Home”
Third Place
Mike McCormick
The Shawnee News-Star
“Pursuing a Quick Resolve”
Third Place
Ted Bado
The Daily O’Collegian
“Students Celebrating Hanukkah Encounter
Time, Location Challenges”
Honorable Mention
Sage Pettigrew
TCC Connection
“Think Outside Suicide”
Education Reporting
General News Reporting
F irst Place
Jenny Colton
The Daily O’Collegian
“Few Are Tracking Plan’s Progress”
Second Place
The Daily O’Collegian
Homecoming Edition
Criminal Justice Reporting
F irst Place
Julianna Parker
Norman Transcript
“Kevin Ray Underwood Trial”
F irst Place
Donna Hales
Muskogee Phoenix
“Community Gripped by Fear After Shooting”
T hird Place
Tom Blakey
Norman Transcript
“Underwood Trial Opens”
Second Place
Kim Morava
The Shawnee News-Star
“Justice For Kelsey”
Second Place
Jerry Wofford
The Oklahoma Daily
“Grad School Offers Relief ”
Third Place
Alex Duncan
The Oklahoma Daily
“Proposed Bill Calls For Supervision”
Health Reporting
F irst Place
Carol Cole-Frowe
Norman Transcript
“A Second Chance”
the awards
Second Place
Jaclyn Cosgrove
The Daily O’Collegian
“Students Cautioned Against Using Adderall
to Help Study”
Third Place
Ellis Goodwin
The Oklahoma Daily
“Prosthetic Leg Won’t Slow Student’s Stride”
Honorable Mention
Robin Dorner
City Sentinel
“Gift of Life”
Science, Technology, and
Environmental Reporting
F irst Place
Carol Cole-Frowe
Norman Transcript
“The Romans Are Here”
F irst Place
Baxter Holmes
The Oklahoma Daily
“Text Messages”
Entertainment Feature
Sports Reporting
Second Place
April Wilkinson
The Shawnee News-Star
“American Idol Finalist Brings Show to Shawnee”
Second Place
Mike Kays
Muskogee Phoenix
“Sequoyah Girls, Boys”
Arts Criticism
Third Place
David Youngblood
The Daily O’Collegian
“Ford Has Drive”
Sports Features
F irst Place
Nijim Dabbour
The Oklahoma Daily
“From Organisms to Ethanol”
F irst Place
Carol Cole-Frowe
Norman Transcript
“Hearing The Silent Thunder”
F irst Place
James Beaty
McAlester News-Capital
“No Fortunate Son, Just a Great Artist”
Second Place
Julianna Parker
Norman Transcript
“Greener Pastures”
Third Place
Ted Bado
The Daily O’Collegian
“Ricket Population Research Might Advance
Military Technology”
Second Place
Lisa Lewis
The Daily O’Collegian
“Cross Canadian Mission a Success”
Third Place
Adam Kohut
The Oklahoma Daily
“The Spiderwick Chronicles a Complete Flop”
Leisure Writing
Second Place
Michael Kinney
Norman Transcript
“Back From The Brink”
F irst Place
M. Scott Carter
Norman Transcript
“Stick ‘em up”
Third Place
David Youngblood
The Daily O’Collegian
“King of Eaton’s Court”
F irst Place
Whitney Coleman
The Oklahoma Daily
“Up In Smoke”
Second Place
M. Scott Carter
Norman Transcript
“Halloween: The History”
Honorable Mention
Glen Eller
McAlester News-Capital
“Game On”
Business Feature
Third Place
Meredith Simons
The Oklahoma Daily
“Farmers Market”
Sports Column
Business Reporting
F irst Place
Meredith Simons
The Oklahoma Daily
“OU-Texas Travel”
F irst Place
Mike Kays
Muskogee Phoenix
“Sequoyah Coach Has Eye to the Sky”
the awards
Second Place
Baxter Holmes
The Oklahoma Daily
“A Prophecy Comes True”
Second Place
Jennifer Lyles
Muskogee Phoenix
“Racing Death”
Third Place
Royce Young
The Oklahoma Daily
“Reaching the Boiling Point”
Third Place
Sage Pettigrew
TCC Connection
“Split in Two”
photo journalism
Story/Photo Essay
Feature Photography
F irst Place
Preston Bezant
The Daily O’Collegian
“Roller Derby Girls”
Second Place
Preston Bezant
The Daily O’Collegian
“Mini Jet”
Third Place
Kevin Ellis
Norman Transcript
“Just a Sip”
Sports Photography
F irst Place
Jake Duncan
The Daily O’Collegian
Second Place
Philip Jones
The Daily O’Collegian
“You Better Bowl”
Third Place
Ed Blochowiak
The Shawnee News-Star
“Not Quite 8 Seconds”
Honorable Mention
Ed Blochowiak
The Shawnee News-Star
“Movin’ on”
General Photography
F irst Place
Preston Bezant
The Daily O’Collegian
“Bald Eagle”
F irst Place
Glen Eller
McAlester News-Capital
“Devastated Hearts”
Second Place
Andey DeLesDernier
TCC Connection
Third Place
Michael J. Bevers
The Daily O’Collegian
“Iron Works”
Spot News Image
F irst Place
Kevion Harvison
McAlester News-Capital
Best Photographic Portfolio
F irst Place
Preston Bezant
The Daily O’Collegian
Second Place
Kevin Harvison
McAlester News-Capital
Feature Page
Layout and Design
F irst Place
Leif M. Wright
Muskogee Phoenix
“Cacophony As Art”
Second Place
Vicky O. Misa
The Shawnee News-Star
“Red Shoe Gala Brings Celebs, Bucks”
Best Use of Graphic
F irst Place
Lisa Holt
The Oklahoma Daily
“How Sheta2 Works”
Best Newspaper Reporting
F irst Place
Jaclyn Cosgrove
The Daily O’Collegian
Second Place
Alex Duncan
The Oklahoma Daily
Third Place
Kim Morava
The Shawnee News-Star
Honorable Mention
April Wilkerson
The Shawnee News-Star
Best Newspaper
Best Page One
Layout and Design
F irst Place
Josh McBee
The Oklahoma Daily
Second Place
Shana Adkisson
Norman Transcript
Third Place
Jaclyn Cosgrove
The Daily O’Collegian
F irst Place
The Oklahoma
the awards
Spot News Reporting
Second Place
The Daily O’Collegian
Third Place
Norman Transcript
Third Place
John Small
Johnston County Capital-Democrat
“X-ing a Holiday”
Editorial Commentary
division c
F irst Place
Patrick McGuigan
City Sentinel
“Immigration Policy in Oklahoma: The Tension
Between Liberty and Laws”
circulation less than 7,000
In-Depth Enterprise
F irst
North Central Reporter
Second Place
Pamela A. Grady
OKC Business
“Commercial Real Estate Coverage”
Third Place
Carolyn Cole
Mustang News
“Miles of Money”
Honorable Mention
M. Scott Carter
Moore American
“Redefining Strong”
In-Depth Enterprise
F irst Place
John Small and Ray Lokey
The Johnston County Capital-Democrat
“Pennington Creek Flood”
F irst Place
Korina Schneider and Amanda Ball
North Central Reporter
“Open Meeting, Open Records Violation”
F irst Place
Traci Chapman and Carolyn Cole
Mustang News
“Storms Icy Grip on City Weakens”
Second Place
John Small
The Johnston County Capital-Democrat
“County VFW Destroyed by Fire”
Third Place
Barb Walter
The Hennessey Clipper
“Historic Building Goes Up In Fire”
Second Place
Korina Schneider
North Central Reporter
“Pot Calls Kettle Black”
Third Place
Ray Lokey
The Johnston County Capital-Democrat
“Vote “No” on Tuesday”
General News Reporting
F irst Place
Randall Turk
OKC Business
“Back Aboard!”
Feature Writing
F irst Place
M. Scott Carter
Moore American
“Zach’s Story”
Second Place
John Small
Johnston County Capital-Democrat
“Hollywood Actor Has Ties to Old Wiley
Third Place
John Small
Johnston County Capital-Democrat
“The Legend of Long Pennington”
Personal Column
F irst Place
M. Scott Carter
Moore American
“Treading Water”
Second Place
Barb Walter
Hennessey Clipper
“The Rat’s Burial Didn’t Have the Effect That
Mimi Planned”
Second Place
Korina Schneider
North Central Reporter
“Freedom Short-Lived For Escaped Inmate”
Third Place
Jon Watje
Mustang Times
“Fire Destroys Local Apartments”
the awards
Special Projects
F irsT Place
Mustang Times
“Hometown Heroes”
Health Reporting
F irsT Place
Randall Turk
OKC Business
second Place
Pamela Grady
OKC Business
“Escalating Epidemic”
Business Reporting
Criminal Justice
F irsT Place
Korina Schneider
North Central Reporter
second Place
John Small
Johnston County Capital-Democrat
F irsT Place
Carolyn Cole
Mustang News
“Living in America”
Education Reporting
F irsT Place
Carolyn Cole
Mustang News
“Opening Mustang Centennial Elementary”
Sports Reporting
F irsT Place
Corbin Hosler
The Campus
“Stars Trounce Tigers”
second Place
John Small
Johnston County Capital-Democrat
“Everybody Gets a Hug After This One”
F irsT Place
Randall Turk
OKC Business
“No Oil or Gas Left Behind...”
Third Place
Patrick McGuigan
City Sentinel
“NW Boys Aim at State”
second Place
Pamela Grady
OKC Business
“Fearing the Future”
Sports Feature
Business Feature
F irsT Place
Glen Miller
Mustang News
“Stopping To Bat For Brown”
F irsT Place
Heidi Rambo-Centrella
OKC Business
“Shooting Barbara”
second Place
Brandon Hoover
Mustang News
“Standing Tall”
honorable MenTion
Randall Turk
OKC Business
“Great Pretenders”
Entertainment Feature
F irsT Place
Jon Watje
81 Express Times
“Small Town Produces
Band With Big Sound”
second Place
Randall Turk
OKC Business
“Walking the OU Wire”
second Place
Patrick B. McGuigan
City Sentinel
“Romance Adventure in Old California”
Third Place
Patrick B. McGuigan
City Sentinel
“Northwest Classen Students Taking the Lead
in Education”
Arts Criticism
F irsT Place
Quiency Brannan
The Southeastern
“Rambo Delivers Hard-Core Action”
Feature Photography
F irsT Place
Valarie Case
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
“Blow That Horn”
second Place
Alaina Stevens
The Campus
Third Place
Darla A. Welchel
Newscastle Pacer
“T-esla’s Magic”
Sports Photography
F irsT Place
Valarie Case
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
“Rob Gray–Airborne”
second Place
John Ervin
81 Express Times
“Chris Wagnon Reverse Layup”
the awards
Third Place
Randy Bruce
The Southeastern
“Lions Player With Ball”
General Photography
F irsT Place
Shannon Cornman
OKC Business
Best Photographic Portfolio
Feature Headlines
second Place
Valarie Case
second Place
Jamie Carrick
The Southeastern
F irsT Place
Shannon Cornman
OKC Business
F irsT Place
Mark Hancock
OKC Business
Best Page One
Layout and Design
F irsT Place
Kevin Kerr
Northwestern News
second Place
Brett Jones
Mustang News
“Red Earth Dancer”
second Place
Victor Hamberlin
81 Express Times
“Centennial Cattle Drive”
Third Place
Randy Bruce
The Southeastern
“Statehood Day”
Story Photo/Essay
F irsT Place
Korina Schneider
The North-Central Reporter
“A Hero Lies in Blackwell”
Third Place
Oklahoma City University The Campus
Feature Page Design
F irsT Place
Oklahoma City University The Campus
“Starry Eyed Love”
second Place
Kevin Kerr
Northwestern News
“Christmas Feature”
F irsT Place
Jon Watje
Mustang Times
“Apartment Fire”
second Place
Bill Walter
Hennessey Clipper
“Historic Building Goes Up In Smoke”
Best Use of Graphic Illustration
F irsT Place
Kevin Kerr
Northwestern News
“Northwestern Symposium”
Best Reporting Portfolio
F irsT Place
Randall Turk
OKC Business
second Place
Korina Schneider
North Central Reporter
Third Place
Heidi Rambo-Centrella
OKC Business
honorable MenTion
Patrick B. McGuigan
City Sentinel
Best Newspaper
News Headlines
second Place
Patrick B. McGuigan
City Sentinel
“MLK Day Parade”
Spot News
F irsT Place
Korina Schneider
North Central Reporter
F irsT Place
Korina Schneider
North Central Reporter
second Place
Korina Schneider
North Central Reporter
F irsT Place
OKC Business
second Place
Mustang News
Third Place
The Campus
honorable MenTion
Mustang Times
The spJ award competition and banquet would not have been
possible without the assistance of the following people and companies:
The crowne plaza Tulsa
Banquet Hosts
after Party
midwest Trophy
Plaques and Special awards
Tierra media
award certificates
oklahoma Today
award Book
Joy Jenkins, Tulsapeople
Banquet chair
adam gault, oklahoma Today
PowerPoint Presentation
awards committee members
Joan Henderson, Oklahoma Today
colleen McIntyre, Oklahoma Today
laura Knoll, KGou
Oklahoma pro chapter president
carol cole-Frowe
spJ region 8 director
Scott cooper
to ordEr duPlIcatE aWardS
duplicate plaques and certificates are available for a fee.
please send your request to joan@oklahomatoday.com or colleen@oklahomatoday.com.
all orders must be received by march 31, 2009.