• B U L L E T I N • - San Bernardino County Bar Association


• B U L L E T I N • - San Bernardino County Bar Association
of the San Bernardino County Bar Association
Vol. 44, No. 8
Our 141st Year
From the
June 2016
SBCBA’s Annual Meeting
President’s Desk
Election of Officers & Directors
by Victor J. Herrera
“State of the Court”
une is here and we are almost halfway
through the calendar year. It is hard to believe
that so much time has already passed this year.
May was an exciting month. On a national level,
we had visits from all three potential presidential
candidates, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and
Donald Trump.
On a local level, we had our own KaufmanCampbell Awards dinner on May 19, 2016. The
event was well attended by the bench and the
bar. In fact, we had forty-eight judges attend and
over twenty dignitaries. We were graced with
the presence of numerous individuals including
Justice Kaufman’s daughter, Sharon Granowitz
and Justice Campbell’s son, Scott Campbell.
Judge Vander Feer was the recipient of the
award and he was introduced by Judge Nakata.
Judge Nakata gave a warm and heartfelt greeting
for Judge Vander Feer. Judge Vander Feer’s acceptance speech was touching and well received
by the attendees.
Presiding Judge Raymond Haight
Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 12:00 noon
DoubleTree by Hilton - San Bernardino
Please call the bar office at 90/885-1986 or go to
$35 mbrs, $40 non-mbrs for MCLE & Luncheon buffet.
MCLE: 0.5 hour general MCLE. San Bernardino County Bar Association, California State
Bar-approved MCLE provider #2813, certifies that this activity is approved for 0.5 hour of
MCLE general credit by the Calif. State Bar.
Officers & Directors for the 2016-17 term for the San Bernardino County
Bar Association Board of Directors:
Nominated for office:
President-Elect – Eugene Kim
Vice President – Barbara Keough
Secretary-Treasurer – John W. Short
As we head into the summer months we will
present our own Probate Symposium, set for
June 2, 2016 at the Castaway Restaurant. Hopefully, you will have the opportunity to read this
before the meeting on June 2 and can join us.
The Probate Symposium is generally well attended and I hopeful that this year will be the
Nominated for two-year terms as Director at Large:
David Colella (new)
Kerrie C. Justice (Term exp 2016)
Justin H. King (Term exp 2016)
On that same Thursday is a very exciting event
for our community. At the Riverside Superior
Court at 10:00 a.m. the recent admittees to the
bar will be sworn in by Justice Manuel Ramirez.
We will be adding new members to our practice
on that day and they will have a leg up in the
practice of law by joining us at San Bernardino
Directors at Large continuing terms:
Christopher Gardner (Term exp 2017)
Joyce M. Holcomb (Term exp 2017)
Derek S. Raynes (Term exp 2017)
Josefina L. Valdez (Term exp 2017)
Bradley R. White (Term exp 2017)
(Continued on page 2)
Officers elevated:
President – Michael Reiter
Immediate Past President – Victor Herrera
If elected at SBCBA’s Annual Meeting on July 7, 2016, the
nominees will take office on November 1, 2016.
San Bernardino County Bar Association
...President’s Desk
(from page 1)
County Bar Association’s Bridging the Gap Presentation set
for Friday, June 10, 2016. If you know any new admittees,
I strongly encourage you to tell them to attend the presentation on June 10. New admittees will be able to learn about the
various resources in our community and the basics of taking a
deposition, handling a trust account, and basic rules of professionalism we expect in our community.
This month I would like to speak about ICAP. While not
directly targeted at attorneys, this organization can provide
a great deal of benefit to the legal professional. ICAP stands
for Inland Counties Association of Paralegals. Their mission
statement is to promoting the paralegal profession in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. They do this by promoting
continuing education, working with local bar associations,
and working with other paralegal associations to ensure that
their members are educated and valuable members to the community.
ICAP offers a number of different opportunities for those
who wish to participate in the organization. First, there are
different levels of membership with varying responsibilities.
Second, they have a number of events throughout the year.
Some of the events are social and other are professional. For
example, on June 25, 2016 the California Alliance of Paralegal
June 2016
Associations is having its 28th annual education conference
and ICAP will be hosting the event, as well as attending on
behalf of paralegals in the Inland Empire (see flyer below).
From a social point of view, a fundraiser is to occur on June 9,
2016 at 4:00 p.m. at Chili’s in San Bernardino off of Hospitality Lane.
We are well aware of the value that a well-trained, highly
educated, motivated, and happy paralegal can provide to our
practice of law. By supporting ICAP, you can help ensure that
your own staff or any potential future staff is able to meet
the heavy demands you will likely place on them during the
course of an average day. You can help ICAP fulfill its goals
by attending these events or by becoming a sustaining member. Sustaining members are recognized by the organization.
As a final note, as many of you are aware, we had a questionnaire from the Board go out last month. We received a number
of responses which provided a wealth of information for our
Board. We will take into consideration all of the comments put
forward by our membership to ensure that the Bar Association
is geared towards serving you, our constituents, in an effective
manner that addresses your concerns. I want to thank you for
responding to the questionnaire and hopefully you will appreciate the changes we will put in place to better reflect the
comments raised by you our members.
June 2016
“The oldest continuously active bar association in California”
The San Bernardino County Bar Association and the California Superior Court, County of San Bernardino are
pleased to present...
2016 B����-B�� S��������:
P������ P������� I�����
Thursday, June 2, 2016
5:30 to 9:00 p.m.
“State of the Court”
Presiding Judge Raymond Haight
Probate Litigation Strategies
Hon. John P. Vander Feer
Asst. Presiding Judge, San Bernardino County Superior Court
Howard L. Horwitz
Kibre & Horwitz LLP, Beverly Hills
Thomas W. Dominick
Fullerton, Lemann, Schafer & Dominick
The Castaway Restaurant
Kendall Drive, San Bernardino
$50 members (SBCBA, RCBA & WSBCBA), $60 non-members
Cost includes dinner buffet and materials.
Call in with your credit card information (909/885-1986);
OR send your name, firm, and list of attendees with your check payable to SBCBA to:
SBCBA Symposiums
555 N. Arrowhead Avenue • San Bernardino, CA 92401
or go to http://www.sbcba.org/rsvp.html
One Hour ETHICS included!
3.0 hours MCLE: San Bernardino County Bar Association, a California State Bar-approved MCLE provider, certifies
that this activity is approved for 3.0 hours MCLE credit which includes one hour of Ethics Credit.
Legal Specialization Credits: 2.0 in “litigated proceedings...”
San Bernardino County Bar Association
June 2016
1939-1941: H.R. Griffin, Thirteenth
San Bernardino County Bar Association
s we have discussed
before, we had
an incorrect list of San
Bernardino County Bar
Association Presidents.
Much of our knowledge
of the early presidencies
came from Justice Curtis’
1955 history, which had
some dates wrong and
omitted two presidents,
Grant Holcomb and H.R. Griffin. We covered Grant Holcomb
a few months ago; this is the story of our thirteenth president,
H.R. Griffin.
Howard Reginald Griffin was born on November 11, 1900
in London, Ontario, Canada. His parents were Henry Howard
Griffin, and engineer, and Alma Ann Finch. His After living
in the Province of Ontario, the family moved to Moose Jaw,
H.R. Griffin immigrated to the United States by the Canadian
Pacific Railway via Eastport, Idaho on November 22, 1918. He
was naturalized as an American citizen on April 17, 1925 in the
United States District Court in Los Angeles.
He attended the University of Southern California, and then
USC Law School. While attending law school, he met Diana
Christensen, who was studying liberal arts at USC. They married on January 13, 1925 in Los Angeles. Their two children
were born in San Bernardino: Howard R. Griffin, Jr. and a
daughter, Patricia Diana Griffin.
H.R. Griffin graduated USC with honors, and was admitted to
the Bar in March 1926. He moved to San Bernardino and began
practicing with our 5th President, Frank T. Bates.
He was elected as President of our Bar Association on December 11, 1939, and served until January 6, 1941, when he
was replaced by Karl F. King. The other officers elected with
him were Joseph P. Frushone of Colton as vice president, John
Lindsay King (our 32nd President) as secretary-treasurer. Also
elected were trustees Martin C. Casey (our 16th President),
Leland S. Davidson of Ontario, E.H. Brennan of Redlands, and
Jay C. Sexton of Redlands.
One of H.R. Griffin’s first acts as president was that he appointed a group of attorneys to “investigate ambulance chasing
laymen.” Some meeting topics for during his presidency were
the economic aspects of the practice of law, endorsement of
Benjamin Harrison’s appointment as a federal judge, a pre-
sentation by former President Stanley Mussel regarding his
experience as a member of the State Bar Board of Governors,
greeting the State Bar President, and honoring the justices of
the 4th District Court of Appeal.
Mr. Griffin was one of the longer serving City Attorneys in
San Bernardino, serving 16 years. H.R. Griffin was elected first
on April 8, 1935. H.R. Griffin received 4,521 votes, while incumbent and long-time City Attorney William Guthrie received
4,085 votes, and Theodore George Krumm received 895 votes.
In 1938, H.R. Griffin ran for District Attorney. He lost to Jerome Kavanugh, 24,177 votes to 12,852, with Wardwell D.
Evans receiving 6,325 votes.
In 1939, he ran for reelection against Carl Hilliard, our 23rd
Bar President. In the March 20, 1939 primary, Griffin received
7,598 votes to Hilliard’s 2,951 votes. Griffin was unopposed
in 1943 gaining 2,584 votes in the primary, and 2,015 in the
general election. He again faced Carl Hilliard in the March 17,
1947 election, winning 4,405 to 4,031 votes.
While City Attorney, he helped to clear out antiquated City
ordinances. One of his deputy city attorneys was Lowell Lathrop, our future President and future District Attorney. Because
City Attorney was not yet a full-time position, H.R. Griffin
shared private offices with Mr. Lathrop in the Katz Building at
3rd and E Streets in San Bernardino .
As City Attorney, had the unenviable position of defending
the City of San Bernardino in the case of Lopez v. Seccombe
(1944) 71 F.Supp. 769. In that case, Latinos (the petitioners
were American citizens of Mexican and Puerto Rican descent)
were denied the ability to use the community pool in Perris
Hill Park known on “the Plunge.” Though there was no official
policy to deny equal access to the pool, individual plaintiffs
were actually denied access.
The lead petitioner was Ignacio Lopez, the publisher of an
Ontario Spanish-language newspaper. The City lost and Federal Judge Leon Yankwich issued an injunction mandating equal
access to the Plunge. The decision paved the way for the more
well-known decision (and Lopez was cited in) Westminster
School District of Orange County v. Mendez (9th Cir. 1947)
161 F.2d 774, which in turn paved the way for Brown v. Board
of Education. A memorandum brief in Brown v. Board of Education cites Judge Yankwich’s decision in Lopez.
After serving for 16 years, H.R. Griffin was defeated in 1951
by future San Bernardino County Bar Association President
Waldo Willhoft. That story is fascinating in itself, so it will be
shared as part of President Willhoft’s profile.
June 2016
The condensed version of the story is that H.R. Griffin ran
in the primary against Roy E. Chapman, who would become
a judge and our 35th Bar President. Roy E. Chapman issued a
statement before the primary about H.R. Griffin: “Is it an untruth that all the times during his incumbency there have been
at least three different ways he could have enjoined the operation of houses of prostitution which spread venereal disease
and dissolute habits among our youth – that he is seeking his
twentieth consecutive year in office despite his own statements
that no man should hold office that long, that the city charter is
still in the horse and buggy stage, and that his occasional tackon amendments only make it worse – that he has helped thwart
every attempt at change of any sort, including changes in the
charter – that instead of impartially interpreting and applying
the law, as is his duty, he has been working backstage of late
to defeat various progressive measures which don’t meet with
his approval on the merits – that he conducts the city’s business
from his own private office, at the taxpayers’ expense, which
we need such an office located in city hall or [the] hall of justice where it will be accessible to all?”
H.R. Griffin’s campaign was based on his experience in the
increasingly specialized area of municipal law, that he was a
former County Bar President, the former President of the California City Attorneys and a member of the State Bar Legislative Committee. One campaign slogan was “Go Forward with
Experience.” He called Chapman young and inexperienced,
seeking “notoriety, free publicity and self-advertising at the
expense of fellow members of the bar, who, because of ethical
practices, are not allowed to advertise their professional standing.”
He criticized Chapman’s attacks regarding red light abatement, saying that the City Attorney could not file such an action
in his official capacity, and that the D Street “vice district” was
cleaned up during his tenure. Targeting Chapman, Griffin ran
an ad stating: “‘A Green Thumb’, Yes! For Growing Flowers
But Keep Green Hands Out of Your City’s Legal Problems.”
On March 20, 1951, the citizens of San Bernardino chose the
green hand, 6,915 votes to H.R. Griffin’s 6,590. Undeterred,
H.R. Griffin filed suit in the San Bernardino Superior Court
just before closing at 5 o’clock on March 27, 1951 challenging
Roy Chapman’s eligibility to be City Attorney.
Griffin’s affidavit in support of his suit read “Roy E. Chapman was not at the time of said primary and is not now and will
not be on the tenth of April, 1951, date of the general election,
or upon the tenth day of May, when said term of office would
commence, eligible to hold the office of city attorney of said
City of San Bernardino.” Charter Section 55 read, at that time,
that the city attorney “shall be duly admitted to practice by the
supreme court of the State of California, and shall be actually
engaged in the practice of his profession for a period of at least
five years next before his election.” Chapman was admitted on
June 14, 1946, and worked as a title officer during part of that
John P. Knauf, later a judge and our 29th Bar President,
and Robert Farrell, our 31st Bar President, represented H.R.
Griffin in the suit. Chapman’s law partner, G. Keith Sprague,
drafted Chapman’s answer. Riverside County Superior Court
Judge O.K. Morton heard evidence in the case on April 5th and
April 6th, 1951. The Judge ruled on April 7th that there were
significant gaps in Roy Chapman’s practice and declared him
ineligible to be City Attorney.
Outraged, the citizens of San Bernardino drafted another future San Bernardino County Bar President to run against H.R.
Griffin as a write-in. That lawyer was Waldo Willhoft, and the
story of his astonishing, whirlwind, write-in campaign will
be discussed in his profile. In the general election, only H.R.
Griffin’s name was on the ballot. Yet, he lost to Waldo Willhoft
by 8,642 votes to 4,659. Roy E. Chapman received at least 541
write-in votes.
H.R. Griffin died in San Bernardino on September 5, 1954
at the age of 53. He died of a heart condition from which he
suffered from for the last two years of his life. He was critically ill for ten days prior to death, and entered St. Bernadine’s
Hospital only a day before he died. H.R. Griffin is buried in
Inglewood Park Cemetery in Inglewood.
In our next issue, we will continue with the presidency of
Karl F. King.
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Twenty-Three Years Experience Law Enforcement
The Law Office of Richard E. Bawden is pleased to announce
the addition of family law attorney Robert A. Kochis to its
staff. Mr. Kochis practiced family law at the Law Offices of
Soheila Azizi, is a certified family mediator, and a volunteer
in Family Law Court Mediation Programs.
Criminal Defense
Civil Litigation
Dispute Resolution & Arbitration
Sex Offender Issues
(951) 529-2486
San Bernardino County Bar Association
The Holocaust and the Nuremberg Trials
Seventy Years Later
(November 20, 1945—October 1, 1946)
Exhibits and Multi-media presentations: 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Trial re-enactment: 3:00 p.m.
3389 Twelfth Street, Riverside, CA
(corner 12th and Lime)
Parking available at parking structure across the street
Limited Seating – Please R.S.V.P. to:
Clerk of the Court
(951) 782-2500
June 2016
June 2016
“The oldest continuously active bar association in California”
The San Bernardino County Bar Association is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted from qualified
students for the John Lewis King Scholarship Award. This Scholarship program was established to provide Scholarship Awards
to students who have substantial contact with the County of San Bernardino and who are currently attending a California law
school which is either ABA accredited or one that has been pre-approved by the JLKMSF Board of Directors.
Our deadline for application is July 13, 2016, and at least one $5,000.00 scholarship will be awarded. Multiple scholarships may
be awarded, based on the number and quality of applications received.
These scholarships are made possible by generous donations to the fund in memory of the late John Lewis King, one of the
foremost trial attorneys of San Bernardino County.
APPLICATION & SELECTION PROCESS: The final selection of the award recipient will be based upon such factors as
academic achievement, financial need, civic accomplishments, and employment history. A letter by each applicant setting
forth these factors will be required along with a completed application form, and an official transcript of at least the last three
years of academic work. It is anticipated that the finalists will be personally interviewed by the members of the Scholarship
Please return all required materials to: John Lewis King Memorial Scholarship Fund - 2016 Application
555 North Arrowhead Avenue - San Bernardino, CA 92401-1201
Or scan and email to scholarship@sbcba.org - Application deadline is Wednesday, July 13, 2016, 5:00 p.m. (Not a postmark deadline - your application MUST be received by this date.) Applicants will be notified of the award decision by Friday, October 7, 2016.
For more information about the John Lewis King Memorial Scholarship Fund, or to make a donation to this
worthy organization, please visit the San Bernardino County Bar Association’s website…
www.sbcba.org …and click on the “JLK Scholarship” tab.
The John Lewis King Memorial Scholarship Fund is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization.
San Bernardino County Bar Association
The Only
Law School in
Inland Southern
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June 2016
June 2016
une Sky. All times Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), which is minus
seven (7) hours from UTC (Universal
Time Coordinated). The June Full
Moon is called the “The Strawberry
Moon”. Watch the nearly full “Strawberry Moon” rise at 7:27 p.m. on June
19. The June full Moon occurs at 4:02
a.m. on June 20. You can watch the
Strawberry Moon rise again at 8:19
p.m. on June 20. It will be an excellent chance to enjoy a moonlit night in
your backyard. You will be amazed at
how bright it will be for three nights
in row, June 19, 20, and 21.
Cheese (American or Gruyere) goes
on with the turn. We use King’s Hawaiian buns. Toast your buns, if you
Serve with all Pop’s favorite condiments, such as bacon, grilled or raw
onions, sliced tomatoes, mustard,
ketchup, (not catsup), mayo, pickles,
a grilled slice of pineapple, a grilled
Anaheim chile, a sunny side up egg,
Tommy’s chili (your can buy it by the
pint or quart) or whatever else you
like. I have a cheap electric flat top
griddle that is absolutely perfect for
frying up the bacon outdoors and then
grilling a pile of chopped onions with
a bit of bacon grease. Start the bacon
and onions about 30 minutes before your burgers. You can also
toast buns on the griddle. Dyno-mite!
By: Tony Sears
June (Summer) Solstice: Get your
bonfires ready, all ye Pagans! The
June Solstice occurs on June 20, at 3:34 a.m. (10:34 UTC).
June 20 is the first day of Winter for our friends in the Southern
Hemisphere, so those in the know refer to either the “June” or
“December” Solstice and the “March” and “September” Equinoxes. More accurate and avoids so-called “hemisphere bias”
(the elimination of which will be a new MCLE category) So
does that mean the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(22.5 degrees South latitude, on the Tropic of Capricorn) on
August 5-21 are really Winter Olympics?
A solstice occurs when the Sun, which appears to be traveling along the ecliptic (the orbital plane upon which the planets
travel across our sky), reaches the point where it is farthest
north on the celestial equator. Remember the Tropic of Cancer
(22.5 degrees North latitude) from geography class or American literature? Until 1975, the June Solstice always occurred on
June 21 or 22. Currently, the June Solstice only falls on June
21. After 2012, the June Solstice begins falling sometime on
June 20 (2012, 2016, & 2020; which are Leap Years) or June 21
(2013-2015, 2017-2019).
June Garden: This is a great time of year for local farmer’s
markets. On Sundays in Claremont Village from 8:00 a.m. to
1:00 p.m.; Ontario 224 N. Euclid Ave., Wednesdays, 5:00 p.m.
to 9:00 p.m.; Fontana, corner of Sierra and Arrow Blvd., Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; Chino Hills at the Shoppes at
Chino Hills, Wednesdays 4 to 8:00 p.m.; and Redlands, on State
St. between Ninth & Orange, Thursdays 6:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m.
Challenge your palate. You can get most, if not all of the produce you’ll need for this month’s Father’s Day menu. You may
even discover some new favorites. Fresh is best!
Father’s Day 2016: June 19 is Father’s Day. Try this casual
menu out for your dear old Dad:
1. Hamburgers/Cheeseburgers (with bacon and grilled onions). You need 1/4 pound of ground beef, chuck or sirloin
for each burger. You can try bison (don’t over cook) or grass
fed beef. Keep the meat cold (in the fridge) until your grill is
nice and hot. Form each patty by hand, try not to work it too
hard, leave the middle thinner than the edges. Season with salt
and fresh cracked pepper only. Grill for 3-4 minutes per side.
Turn once only, do not press down, as you will ruin the burger.
2. Burger Alternatives: If burgers aren’t your thing, you can
always grill up dry rubbed boneless chicken breast or a nice
piece of Tuna or Halibut or a fat Portabello mushroom. Drizzle
with a nice balsamic reduction.
3. Sweet Corn. If you want to boil the corn, get your water
to a boil, add a 3 tablespoons of kosher salt, turn off the heat,
and carefully put the corn in the water and cover the pan. The
corn will cook in a few minutes, then stay warm for at least 30
minutes. Serve with butter, salt, and fresh cracked black pepper. If you want, you can also husk and de-silk the corn, place
on a sheet of foil, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper (or use
just chili powder), roll up tight and grill for about 5-7 minutes,
turning several times. You can also try the corn with soy sauce,
rolled up tight and grilled. Do the corn before the burgers.
4. Spring Mix Salad. Pick from your garden or buy the fresh
mix in bulk. Any dressing Dad likes. Honey Mustard. Blue
Cheese. Homemade Buttermilk Ranch. Oil & Vinegar. You’ll
know what to do. You may also wish to splurge for a fancy store
bought heirloom tomato. Also, don’t forget the such salad favorites as shredded carrots, cucumbers, diced scallions or finely
sliced red onion, and toasted pine nuts. You can also put some
bacon. Balsamic vinegar reduction (put some balsamic in a pan
and reduce over low heat until it thickens up like molasses),
and/or grilled onions on your salad.
5. Strawberry Shortcake. Get some fresh strawberries. You
know where the local stands are Ontario and Chino. They often
have giant sweet onions which are worth the trip alone. For the
shortcakes, buy a fresh box of Bisquick and simply follow the
Shortcake recipe on the box. Serve with a pint freshly whipped
cream, with a 1/4 cup of sugar and 2 tbsp of Grand Marnier.
6. Beverages. What ever Dad wants, Dad gets. Gin & Tonic.
Ice Cold Beer. A nice Sauvignon Blanc, lightly chilled. A big
lusty Zinfandel. Iced Sun Tea. An Old Fashioned with Woodford Reserve Bourbon or Buillett Rye.
Buon Appetito! Tony Sears
San Bernardino County Bar Association
June 2016
Scenes from the
17th Annual
Awards Banquet
The Vander Feer Family
May 19, 2016
Pres. Justice Manuel Ramirez; Judge Vander
Feer; Victor Herrera
Photos by Jacqueline Carey-Wilson.
Scott Campbell; Judge John Vander Feer;
Sharon Kaufman Granowitz; Mr. Vander Feer
Victor Herrera, James McGee
Margie Warner; Ret. Judge Chris Warner;
Barbara Keough
2016 Commemorative Wine,
sponsored by the
Law Offices of
Michael A. Scafiddi
Jaqueline Carey-Wilson, Judge
John Vander Feer
Jennifer Daniel, Judge Vander Feer, Mitch Roth
Judge Cynthia Ludvigsen, Denise Trager-Dvorak
Randal Hannah, Fernando Vargas
Bill Lemann, Joyce Holcomb
Walter Moore, Rosie Bautista
Judge Pamela King; Ret. Justice Jeff King;
Karla Adams (JAMS)
Judge David Williams, Jim Heiting
Judge Tom Garza; Nancy Foster; Judge Donna Garza;
Judge Bryan Foster; Sue Shapiro
Donnasue Ortiz; Trevor Martin; Karin Horspool
Judge Khym Apaloo, Judge Michael Sachs
June 2016
Thank you to the following sponsors of the
17th Annual Kaufman-Campbell Awards Banquet
Diamond Sponsors:
Platinum Sponsors:
Brown White & Osborn
University of La Verne College of Law
Law Office of William D. Shapiro
Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard & Smith
Shernoff Bidart Echeverria Bentley
Commemorative Wine:
Hon. Joseph B. Campbell American Inn of Court
Law Office of Michael A. Scafiddi
Gold Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
Fullerton Lemann Schaefer & Dominick
Law Office of Joyce Holcomb
Granowitz, White & Weber
Horspool & Horspool
Bronze Sponsors:
Hon. James Hosking
Solo Sponsors:
Hon. Stanford Reichert
E. Joan Nelms
Hon. Wilfred J. Schneider, Jr.
Hon. Michael Dest
Hon. Christopher Warner (Ret.)
Hon. Charles Fuertsch
Bullard & Powell
Hon. Cara D. Hutson
Hon. Brian McCarville
Caldwell Kennedy & Porter
Hon. Tara Reilly
Hon. Glenn Yabuno
Hon. John R. Zitny
Law Office of Kerrie Justice:
Law Office of Ugo-Harris Ejike
Gresham, Savage, Nolan & Tilden
Wine Bar:
James B. Church & Associates
Laurel Starks Realty Group
Click & visit our sponsors!
San Bernardino County Bar Association
- Practice Limited to DUI Defense
- Extensive Knowledge Behind the Science
- Trained in Field Sobriety Testing
- Well Versed in DMV Licensing Issues
- Referrals Accepted
788 N. Arrowhead Ave.
San Bernardino, CA
June 2016
June 2016
“The oldest continuously active bar association in California”
San Bernardino Family Court Judges Need Your Input
Regarding rules revisions to the San Bernardino County Local Rules of Court for Family Law
Our local judges have established a Rules Commi�ee, which is working on the wholesale revision of all our Local Rules to
make sure they are in compliance with the Codes, Rules of Court and consistent with one another. We are also seeking to
determine if we really need as many rules as we have, and if any of them can be converted into policies or general orders.
Toward that end, those of us on the Family Law Rules Subcommi�ee are interested in receiving feedback from court stakeholders so that the Local Rules for Family Law are streamlined and helpful to all who must observe them.
The Family Law Rules Subcommi�ee has suggested conduc�ng a survey of the SBCBA members. This survey will pertain
to the SB County Local Rules for family law only, which is found at Rules 1510 et seq.
(This survey will also be distributed electronically to our bar members in June, through SurveyMonkey.)
The Family Law Rules Subcommi�ee survey ques�ons are as follows:
1. Are there any San Bernardino County Local Rules for Family Law (Rules 1510 et seq.) which you think need to be deleted? If so, please state which ones.
2. Are there any San Bernardino County Local Rules for Family Law which you think need to be revised or amended? If so,
please state which ones, and how.
3. Are there any rules which need to be added to the San Bernardino County Local Rules for Family Law? If so, what
should be added?
4. Are there any exis�ng Local Rules for Family Law which you find inconsistent or in conflict with the California Codes, the
California Rules of Court, case law or any other controlling law? If so, please specify which law and what the inconsistency
or conflict is.
5. Would it be a good idea to have a mee�ng with your local bar associa�on to discuss proposed changes? Which bar
6. Are you interested in par�cipa�ng in dra�ing of specific Local Rules of Court for Family Law? If so, please give us your
name and contact informa�on.
7. Do you have any other comments regarding Local Rules of Court for Family Law?
Please email your responses to bar@sbcba.org; or fax to 909/889-0400; or mail to the bar office at 555 North Arrowhead
Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92401-1201. They will be collected and delivered to the court.
San Bernardino County Bar Association
June 2016
June 2016
“The oldest continuously active bar association in California”
A free program for new admittees sponsored by:
Friday, June 10, 2016 – 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
San Bernardino County Law Library
402 West Fourth Street, Mezzanine Level – San Bernardino
Program Agenda
Welcome – Presidents: SBCBA, RCBA, Federal Bar and Inns of Court
Civility & Courtroom Etiquette in Your Practice.
Judge Christopher J. Warner (Ret.)
An Introduction to the Practice of Law
Nuts & Bolts of…
Family Law: Hon. Diane Anderson – Commissioner, SB Superior Court
Joyce Holcomb – Law Office of Joyce Holcomb
Criminal Law: Sean O’Connor – Law Offices of Earl Carter
Starting A New Practice: What You Need to Know
Michael Reiter – Law Office of Michael Reiter
Pro Bono Works: Volunteering for Legal Aid.
Josefina Valdez – Exec. Director of Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino, Inc.
Tips on Taking a Deposition.
Barbara Keough – Cota~Cole; John Short – Brown White & Osborn
Law Library Resources.
Larry Meyer – SB County Law Library
RSVP by June 10 to San Bernardino County Bar Association
(909) 885-1986 Fax (909) 889-0400 or BTG@sbcba.org
5.0 hours MCLE (includes 1.00 in ethics): The San Bernardino County Bar Association, a California State Bar-approved MCLE provider, certifies
that this activity is approved for 5.0 hours of MCLE credit (which includes 1 hour of Ethics) by the California State Bar.
San Bernardino County Bar Association
June 2016
Bench Conduct, Demeanor, and
This course is mandatory for all attorneys wishing to serve as temporary judges for the San
Bernardino Superior Court. This course is not offered online and is required if you are new to
the program, or have not taken it in the last three years.
Bench Conduct, Demeanor, and Decorum – (3 MCLE Credits)
Friday, June 3, 2016
1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Vineyard Training Center
9607 Business Center Drive – Suite B
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Friday, June 10, 2016
1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Victorville Courthouse
14455 Civic Drive
Jury Assembly Room
Victorville, CA 92392
Pre-registration is required and there will be no charge to participants. To register, please
email your name, law firm, phone number and indicate the date you wish to attend to:
Pursuant to CRC 2.815 there are three mandatory education and training requirements for
attorneys to serve as a temporary judge, and the training must be repeated every three years:
· Bench Conduct, Demeanor, and Decorum training (must be taken live)
· Judicial Ethics (may be taken online)
· Substantive training in the subject area in which the attorney will serve as a temporary
judge (some training may be taken online at www2.courtinfo.ca.gov/protem/)
Additional information about the Temporary Judge Program is available at:
For questions, please contact:
Brenda Martin Del Campo
Administrative Analyst
E: BMartinDelCampo@sb-court.org
W: (909) 521-3670
June 2016
“The oldest continuously active bar association in California”
Civil Harassment
This course is mandatory for all attorneys wishing to serve as temporary judges in the area of
Civil Harassment for the San Bernardino Superior Court. This course is not offered online and is
required if you are new to the program, or have not taken it in the last three years.
Civil Harassment – (3 MCLE Credits)
Friday, June 17, 2016
1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Victorville Courthouse
14455 Civic Drive
Jury Assembly Room
Victorville, CA 92392
Pre-registration is required and there will be no charge to participants. To register, please
email your name, law firm, phone number to: BMartinDelCampo@sb-court.org
Pursuant to CRC 2.815 there are three mandatory education and training requirements for
attorneys to serve as a temporary judge, and the training must be repeated every three years:
· Bench Conduct, Demeanor, and Decorum training (must be taken live)
· Judicial Ethics (may be taken online)
· Substantive training in the subject area in which the attorney will serve as a temporary
judge (some training may be taken online at www2.courtinfo.ca.gov/protem/)
Additional information about the Temporary Judge Program is available at:
For questions, please contact:
Brenda Martin Del Campo
Administrative Analyst
E: BMartinDelCampo@sb-court.org
W: (909) 521-3670
San Bernardino County Bar Association
June 2016
FAMILY LAWYERS w/ over 25 combined yrs
of exp. Serving San Bernardino & Riverside. H
Bui Law Firm @ 626-683-7574. Free consults.
Registered process server and paralegal services.
Reasonable rates, local serves start at $40.00 909451-9819 Ask for Carol
Divorce and Bankruptcy. Experienced, SRA Member
of Appraisal Institute, Can do complex properties.
Call 323-229-1924
Secretarial Service. Preparation of most court forms,
Guardianships, Family Law, Probate, Evictions,
Grant Deeds, Restraining Orders, Notary Public. 909
885-1725 / email carolflis@aol.com
Investigative Services, Inc./S.I.S. Investigations Lic.
Private Investigation Firm for 27 years - Criminal,
Civil, Insurance & Corporate Investigations - www.s
isinvestigations.net (909) 484-1500
REAL ESTATE & APPRAISAL SERVICESSpecializing in Residential Properties Discreet
professional w/ superior client / customer relation
skills. Certified Appraiser 2001/ Real Estate Broker
1992 / Sales 1978 Expert Witness 2003 Grand Prix
Fire/ Claremont (42 Homeowners) Cal-Poly Pomona
BS 1989 & Chaffey College-AA 1984 Inland Empire
Resident since 1959 J. A. Kent / Claremont, Ca. 909559-6971 or jakent66@yahoo.com
for clients injured on the job, or fired because they
reported a work injury: Nancy Wallace 909-381-2771
Conflict2Peace Ministries: Experienced attorney and
Certified Christian Conciliator™ provides mediation,
arbitration, and reconciliation services under the
Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation.
Contact Gerard Dagonese (909) 742-7154 for more
LOCAL REAL ESTATE BROKER & CPA, CourtAppointed Expert and Receiver for Property Sales
and Management, available to sell and manage
properties for your Clients. Howard Friedman,
Broker, CPA, Realicore, 909-486-2960.
Full time Plaintiff Personal Injury Litigation
Secretary needed w/a minimum of 5 years of
experience for busy law firm in Rancho Cucamonga
/ Riverside. Knowledge in preparing/filing complaints,
discovery requests/responses, minor’s compromises,
pleadings, helpful. Heavy litigation experience an
absolute must. Bilingual in Spanish helpful. Submit
salary history and resume to fernando@vargaslaw
seeking experience Family – Civil Litigation Attorney.
Please Fax your resume to (909) 484-0120.
Business Valuations, Cash Flow, Separate vs.
Community Prop. Tracing. Court-Appointed Expert,
Receiver, Special Master. Call 909/889-8819, Fax
909-889-2409 363 W. Sixth St., San Bdno, CA
HIGH ENERGY criminal defense law firm in San
Bernardino is seeking an extremely motivated,
detail oriented legal assistant/case manager with
a minimum of three years experience in criminal
defense. Please fax your Resume to (909) 381-1077
to the attention of Dondra Ferris.
– Expertise in Criminal/Immigration Defense. ICE
Holds? Immigration Bonds? Deportable Convictions?
Immigration Court hearings? Call Today! Rogelio
V. Morales, Esq. • 11801 Pierce Street, Suite 200
Riverside, CA 92505 • 951-710-3039 (office) •
Serving Riverside & San Bernardino Counties.Se
Habla Español
BOOKKEEPING services 15+ yrs exp. working
in the legal field. For additional information
please contact me @ (951) 236-1822 or email
ROVING REPORTERS, Cert’d Shorthand Reporters.
We provide exp’d., highly qual. crt reporters srvg all
So. Ca.; LiveNote/Realtime hookup; video, interpreter
service avail. We use latest in tech. incl. ASCII disks
& condensed transcripts always free of charge w/your
transcript. 25th year in business. 800/955-7969.
multiple years exp. avail. for depos and appearances
including federal court throughout SO CA. Please call
Shauna M. Wickham - 951/440-6938.
contract work: court higs, research, trial assist., prep
of motions, mediations. Ugo-Harris Ejike: 909/8909082.
W. Hodge, Attorney at Law. 15490 Civic Dr. #204
Victorville, CA 92392 760/951-8773.
Secretary available on a contract basis. For
immediate assistance, call (951)805-4735 or e-mail
Books for local attorneys to use. Bender’s Forms of
Pleading and Practice and Bender’s P’s & A’s. Older
volumes (3 yrs or so) ok. Barbara Beard, 877-7116429 or Route66Lawyer@frontiernet.net. You may
contact the SBCBA for pick up or drop off. 909/8851986 or Claire@sbcba.org.
CONFIDENTIAL HELP! Judges & Attys in
trouble w/alcohol, drugs. 800/222-0767; 909/
683-4030, 24 hrs-7 days a week.
SBCBA MEMBERS: Advertise FREE for 6
months in Classifieds. Continue ad for $10
per month in advance. Non-members $10 a
month in advance. 909/885-1986 or email
BANNING OFFICE FOR RENT - $1,200 per mo. Three
offices, lobby with fireplace, small kitchen, bathroom.
Handicapped walkway and bathroom. Large parking
area. Call (909)725-3121 and ask for Ben.
REASONABLE: In prime San Bernardino Area: 1
office available in 1109 sq. ft. office area. Monthly
rent is negotiable and includes internet, reception
area, access to copier and kitchen. Great for Start-up
or Solo! You must see to appreciate. Call 909/9106773.
FOR SALE: Office computers, fax machines, chairs,
credenza, book cases, desk, filing cabinets, paintings.
Call 909/889-5512 or (cell) 909/213-7375.
BERNARDINO: 3,500 square feet office building,
single story with plenty of parking located within
walking distance to the Court. Just drive by 472
N. Arrowhead to see if you like location and call
to make appointment to view. Howard Friedman,
Broker, CPA, Realicore, 909-486-2960.
June 2016
“The oldest continuously active bar association in California”
%%% &' "()*+,
11 2
San Bernardino County Bar Association
Workers’ Compensation
of the
San Bernardino County
Bar Association
Social Security Disability
“California’s Oldest Continuously Active
Bar Association”
Organized December 11, 1875
In Affiliation with the
High Desert Bar Association
2015-2016 Board of Directors
Victor J. Herrera
June 2016
Francisco T. Silva, Scott M. Rubel, Don Featherstone
Darla A. Cunningham, Donald F. Cash
We have over 70 years of experience in representing injured and disabled workers before the
Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board and Social Security Administration. If you have clients who
need help with Workers’ Compensation or Social Security problems, please have them call our office
for a free consultation. We pay referral fees in accordance with State Bar Rule 2-200(A).
Michael P. Reiter
Eugene Kim
Barbara A. Keough
Jack B. Osborn
Immediate Past President
Christopher Gardner
Joyce M. Holcomb
Kerrie C. Justice
Justin H. King
Derek S. Raynes
John W. Short
Josefina L. Valdez
Bradley R. White
Executive Director
Claire E. Furness
“The mission of the San Bernardino County Bar
Association is to serve its members and
the community and improve
the system of justice.”
555 North Arrowhead Avenue
San Bernardino, CA 92401-1201
(909) 885-1986 Fax: (909) 889-0400
E-mail: bulletin@sbcba.org
Web: www.sbcba.org
he Bulletin of the San Bernardino County Bar
Association is published 11 times a year. Our
circulation is approximately 1,000, including: our bar
membership of 800, 100 state and federal judges, state
&local bar leaders, legislators, media, and businesses
interested in the advancement of our mission.
Articles, advertisements and notices should be
received by the bar office no later than the fifteenth
of the month prior to the month of publication. For
current advertising rates, please call the number listed
above. Please direct all correspondence to the above
Lerner, Moore, Silva, Cunningham & Rubel
Ph: 909/ 889-1131• Fax: 909/884-5326
141 North Arrowhead Avenue, Suite 1
San Bernardino, California 92408-1024