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CLC News
August 2014
Dear Ron,
Staff Spotlight
Cheers to our administrative staff! They are an
amazing team that I want to take this time to
acknowledge. I observe them handling routine tasks,
urgent calls, patient requests, and providers' questions
with a genuine smile on their face (well, 99% of the
time!). They transition from helping one person to
helping another and they do it with such grace and
skill. The phone rarely rings more than twice and
emails and calls are returned promptly. They reach out
to help open the door, call the access bus, attend to a
needy child, and wipe up a spill. And boy, are they right
there to hold a baby so mom or dad can get their
I was a Chiropractic Assistant before I entered
chiropractic college and I ran the front desk for over a
year when I opened my own practice. But times were
simpler then without HIPAA, electronic charting and
billing, Affordable Care Act and meaningful use, the
internet, and all the other guidelines, plans, acts and
processes that our team must master now. I remember
feeling overwhelmed at times with the many tasks I was
responsible for each day. Fast forward 23 years... I
marvel at the myriad of things our staff is accountable
for and just how well they perform each and every day.
*August Sat urday office
hours 8/9 9 am -1 2 pm
Chiropractic and m assage
*Kit sap Hope circle support
group m eets the 1 st and 3 rd
Tues 6 :3 0pm -8:3 0pm
*CLC will be a wellness
partner at the Brem erton
Super Supplem ents 2 0 y ear
anniv ersary ev ent Sat. Aug.
9 th 1 1 am -2 pm . Com e v isit us
and enjoy prizes and tasty
sam ples!
*CLC will be sponsoring t he
Fresh Market at the Kitsap
Com m unity Food Co-op Fall
Fair Sun, Sept. 7 th 1 0am -6 pm
in Port Gam ble
Kitsap Community Food Co-op
Fall Fair
August Sale
20% off Pelindaba
Lavender Products
News from Chiropractic Lifestyle Center
We strive to make your experience here in the office not
only one with high quality interactions and treatments
with your healthcare providers but one that leaves you
feeling cared for, listened to, and valued as a person. In
healthcare, it's too easy to fall into the business of
treating patients and not people.
RON for all you do and for your loving kindness in this
business of improving people's lives.
In The Media
Last December, the New Y ork Times featured Dr. Fred
Kummerow's research on fats, and a recent article in Time
Magazine also sets the record straight.
Dr. Kummerow, author of Cholesterol Is Not the Culprit, is
now nearly 100 y ears old. He has spent eight
decades immersed in the science of lipids, cholesterol, and
heart disease, and he was the first researcher to
identify which fats actually clog y our arteries.
His work shows that it's not saturated fat that causes heart
disease, rather trans fats are to blame. Dr. Kummerow was
the first to publish a scientific article on this association, all
the way back in 1957 ! Needless to say , the US Food and Drug
Administration's (FDA) mov e to get trans fats out of the
American diet is long ov erdue. Research has also shown that
small, dense LDL particles are increased by eating refined
sugar and carbohy drates, such as bread, bagels, and soda.
Together, trans fats and refined carbs do far more harm than
saturated fat ev er possibly could.
Travel in Comfort
$5 Off
Bucky Jr.
Bucky Utopia
Bucky Fuzzy Wuzzy
Movement Studio
*Morning Y OGA Monday
and Wednesday 10:3011:30am. Drop in rate:
*Community Acupuncture
Clinic Tuesdays 3-6pm
Testimonial Corner
"Thank y ou so m uch for seeing
m e on y our lunch break. That
m eant a lot to m e!" -Erin D.
Ponder this...
"The problem, [Dr. Kummerow] say s, is not LDL, the
'bad cholesterol' widely considered to be the major cause of
heart disease. What matters is whether the cholesterol and
fat residing in those LDL particles hav e been oxidized...
'Cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease, except if
it's oxidized,' Dr. Kummerow said... [He] contends that the
high temperatures used in commercial fry ing cause
inherently unstable poly unsaturated oils to oxidize, and that
these oxidized fatty acids become a destructiv e part of LDL
particles. Ev en when not oxidized by fry ing, soy bean and
corn oils can oxidize inside the body ."
Read more
Rest is not idleness, and
to lie sometimes on the
grass under trees on a
summer's day, listening
to the murmur of the
water, or watching the
clouds float across the
sky, is by no means a
waste of time.
--John Lubbock
News from Chiropractic Lifestyle Center
Nutrition Corner
The Medicine Cabinet in Your Kitchen
Spices are vital to good food. They become the
liveliness in our cuisine. Without all the right notes
from the correctly chosen spices, the background
flavors seem bland, boring and unappetizing. Yet, the
reason for the peculiarities of the palate is not
immediately obvious. Why should it be that
cinnamon pairs well with sweets? Ginger with
pineapple? Rosemary with lamb? What is it about
cinnamon sprinkled over French toast?
Our growing understanding of biochemistry shows us
that there is true genius in these traditional culinary
combinations. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar, so of
course it's in desserts. Turmeric, the spice that gives
curry its vibrant color, contains a potent antiinflammatory compound, but it is only absorbed
properly in the presence of fat. Hence the vital
ingredient of any good curry: coconut milk. The hot
peppers in curry serve a purpose as well, making the
healing compounds in curry more bioavailable. The
black pepper on your table does the same thing. In
fact many supplement companies now add the active
compound from black pepper, bioperine, into
supplements to increase absorption. It's no
coincidence we have grown to put it on almost every
meal. Garlic and onions prevent the oxidation of fats
and decrease the absorption of cholesterol, and in
Classical French cuisine they are in most dishes with
rich, fatty ingredients. Strong pungent spices such as
oregano, thyme, and sage are powerful antimicrobials
and they are often added to foods that might be
expected to be repeat meals over several days, such
as stews and roasts, where a risk of spoiling is
increased. These are just a few. There are
important actions for every traditional spice in your
cabinet, so invite them generously into your cooking.
Respect the traditional culinary pairings, because
research tends to show that they serve important
purposes. Lastly, create flavors that "work"
together, because your palate has proved to be quite
adept at creating healing combinations of spices and
Travel in comfort and health
BUCKY PILLOWS: The U shaped travel neck pillow
News from Chiropractic Lifestyle Center
with Bucky Bag is one that lasts a lifetime! Filled with
premium, natural and eco-friendly buckwheat hulls,
it delivers cozy and relaxing comfort by cradling your
neck. Great in the car, on an airplane, or lounging at
home. The Utopia Neck Pillow includes a Bucky Bag
which you can use to carry and secure your pillow.
Or, use the handy Snap & Go feature on the pillow to
attach it to the outside of your luggage. You can unzip
the cover and liner and add lavender or other herbs
for a custom aromatherapy bag.
Chiropractic Lifestyle Center
991 NE Riddell Rd
Bremerton, WA 98310
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