Texas Hold`em - 9th Force Support Squadron
Texas Hold`em - 9th Force Support Squadron
THE ASCENT january 2016 Texas Hold’em at the Club Page 16 www.BealeFSS.com 2-Person Best Ball - page 9 Private Pilot Ground School - page 24 Pinterest Co ntest - page 25 Your guide to services & events provided by the 9th Force Support Squadron 2 Specialist in Orthodontics for Children & Adults • Military Discounts • 0% Financing Available • Invisalign Provider • Preferred Provider for Military Insurance • Transfers Welcome Beale, Wheatland & Lincoln’s Most Convenient Orthodontist! Brian C. Crawford DMD Orthodontist & Family Served as Beale AFB Dentist for 2 years! FREE INITIAL EXAM Call today for your appointment! 916-408-8688 www.crawford-orthodontics.com 2295 Fieldstone Dr. Ste. 260, Lincoln, CA 95648 Paid Ad. No federal endorsement of advertisers intended. 3 January 6th 11:00am-1:00pm kids craft January 14th dress up your pet day Bring your pet all dressed up to the Housing Office and receive a pet goodie bag! Register at 788-9500. Bean Art Housing Office January 19th January 27th national chocolate cake day national popcorn day Come by the Housing Office for your FREE Popcorn! Come by the Housing Office after 11am for your FREE slice of cake! Find us online: BealeFamilyHousing.com & Facebook/BealeAFBHomes 4 THE ASCENT What’s Inside? January 2016 9 24 25 Contents NAF Spotlight/Independence Cinema FSS Gems Beale Lanes Bowling Center Coyote Run Golf Course Harris Fitness Center Rod & Gun Club Outdoor Adventure Center Community Center Recce Point Club Monthly Dining Specials Fitness Access FamCamp/Gold Country Inn Airman & Family Readiness Youth Center Aero Club Arts & Crafts/Auto Hobby Hub Zemke Library FSS Hours of Operation Base Map Base Food Guide “AROUND THE CLOCK...THE BULLS NEVER STOP” 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 27 29 30 31 9th Force Support Squadron Maj Matthew Mountcastle, Commander Scott Thompson, Deputy Commander Marketing Jessica White, Marketing Specialist/ Commercial Sponsorship Tom Tennies, Graphic Artist Ashleigh Babbington, Office Automation Kamiel Dumas, Recreation Aide The Ascent is published monthly by the Beale AFB 9th Force Support Marketing Department. Contents of the Ascent are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the DoD, or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the federal government. All programs, dates and times are subject to change. For information regarding advertising in The Ascent or to sponsor a program or event contact: 9th Force Support Marketing Office 6249 C Street, Beale AFB, CA 95903 530.634.2283/634.2275 www.BealeFSS.com 5 9 FSS NAF Katy Wasson Recreation Assistant Outdoor Adventure Center Meet Katy Katy has been with the OAC for 1 1/2 years. She started out as a cashier and bike mechanic. Katy is now a Recreation programmer. She loves refining and improving trips and events at the OAC. She set the standard in customer satisfaction. Katy hails from Pennsylvania and is an avid firearms enthusiast, outdoor adventurer and likes building full-size aircraft in her spare time with her husband. SPOTLIGHT Jessica Brenegan Child & Youth Program Assistant Child Development Center Jessica is a wonderful asset to the CDC preschool team. She conducts exciting, enriching “circle time” activities for three to five year olds and offers workshops within the center to share her ideas. Jessica uses her knowledge of Child Development to observe children regularly and based on these observations, plans fun activities to meet children’s needs and interests. Jessica is working towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. Meet Jessica “Recognizing those who perform above and beyond, with integrity, dedication, teamwork and customer service.” INDEPENDENCE CINEMA SHOWS START AT 5:45PM • ALL MOVIES ARE FREE Friday, January 1 closed for new years day Friday, January 8 goosebumps (PG) Friday, January 15 bridge of spies (PG-13) Friday, January 22 pan (PG) Friday, January 29 the martian (PG-13) 6 For theater information call 634-3140 or visit us online at www.BealeFSS.com/Independence-Cinema or facebook.com/BealeMovieTheater CHECK OUT THESE hidden GEMS! OW DID YOU KNCl ub the Rod & Gun has a full- service gun and ammo Pro Shop? They can assist you with d Federal Firearms Licencing an properly ship your firearms. YOUR ONE-STOP SHOP! 788-2473 Each month we highlight little known services that the 9th Force Support Squadron provides to Team Beale. 7 Join a League! squadron challenge Starts January 13, 6:00pm $10 per week per player. All levels welcome. Challenge other squadrons for a chance to win a bowling party...food included! o l r a C e t Mon wling on-going specials Monday Madness 12:00-8:00pm, $1 games/$2 shoes ladies night Tuesdays, $1.75 per game unlimited Bowling $10, including shoes cosmic Bowling Friday/Saturday, 7:00-10:00pm All-U-Can-Bowl $12 Bo • 7:00pwm 9 y r a u n to in cash! ja s in p d re lo o ecial c sp Knock down $15, includes shoes s o C t: 634-2299 8 facebook.com/BealeLanes • BealeFSS.com/Beale-Lanes-Bowling-Center 2-person individual best ball 2-person team Best Ball format tournament with handicap. All players tee off from the Gold Tees. January 9 9:00am shotgun $25 per player low net tournament Is available for play daily from 12:00pm, weather permitting. Individual Stroke Play with handicap. Reserve your tee time today! January 23 9:00am shotgun $25 per player Plus green fees/optional cart. (Includes prize fund) Plus green fees/optional cart. (Includes prize fund) Golf Special 18 holes and golf cart rental Only $20! Every day after 11:00am 7:00am-5:00pm (Based on weather/play) 788-0192 facebook.com/CoyoteRunGolf www.CoyoteRunGC.com 9 Paid Advertisement. No Federal Endorsement of Advertisers Intended. 10 harris fitness center The Fitness Center offers ongoing programs to keep you FIT TO FIGHT! BealeFSS.com/harris-fitness-center • Personal Training • Intramurals • Racquetball • Basketball Court 634-2258 • Locker Rooms • Sauna • Cardio Room • Daily Fitness Classes facebook.com/HarrisFitnessCenter 11 12 Tell us what you think. We’re listening! Foothills Save $10 per ticket BUY NOW $ 00 Celebration A Unique Tasting Event Only 35 Good until 2/28/16 Tickets $45 after this date. Stroll.Sip.Sample.Shop March 5, 2016 • 1-4 p.m. Only in Downtown Grass Valley Mention A16 Code: SFW to receive an ff add’l. $5 O . your ticket Get rewarded for your opinion! Watch for details in February’s Ascent. Log on to www.BealeFSS.com and click on the logo to submit your comments. YOUR TICKET INCLUDES Unlimited Wine Tasting U of over 30 local and regional wineries 5 Food Tastings Commemorative C o Glass/Menu Tickets available online at www.SierraVintners.com or visit these outlets Downtown Grass Valley and Nevada City Tasting Rooms, The Book Seller and the GVDA Office at 125 Neal St., GV GoNevadaCounty.com Check it out to plan your visit! For more info. or to place ticket order by phone 530-272-8315 A joint production of Sierra Vintners Association & Grass Valley Downtown Association Paid Ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. 13 tahoe resort ski shuttle Winter Snow Play Adventure January 10 and January 24 Sled down a hill, make a snowman or engage in a friendly snowball fight. Location dependent on best snow conditions. Sign up by the Tuesday prior to the trip. 9:00am-4:00pm • $10 RecOn Price Sign up by January 22 6:30am-8:00pm Cost: $15 (transportation only) January 30 does your Snow gear need a tune-up? Stop by the OAC’s FULL SERVICE ski shop! need snow attire? Stop by the OAC’s RENTAL STORE for boots, ski bibs, gloves and more! Outdoor Adventure CENTER 634-2054 14 facebook.com/BealeOAC www.BealeFSS.com/Outdoor-Adventure-Center Community Center Youth Dance Classes Every Thursday Ages 2 & older Game Room Air Hockey, Foosball, Billiards, Ping Pong, XBOX 360, and more! Computer Room with free printer. FREE WiFi BealeFSS.com/Community-Center 634-3140 Guitar, Piano and Flute Lessons Conference Room with wall projector screen and multimedia capabilities. www.facebook.com/BealeCAC 15 Tournament We’re bringing the fun of Texas Hold’em back to the Club this month! Put your game face on for a chance to win great prizes. AT THE RECCE POINT CLUB Registration begins: 5:00pm January 20 6:30-8:30pm Create a masterpiece of your own under the direction of a local artist while enjoying a beverage of your choice. Club members: $30, Non-member: $35 16 Tournament starts: 5:30pm Prizes awarded for top winners! 1st Place: $300 VISA Gift Card 2nd Place: $200 VISA Gift Card 3rd Place: $100 VISA Gift Card >FREE FOR CLUB MEMBERS!< $25 for non-members Recce Point Club • 634-2833 • E-mail: Deborah.Best@us.af.mil Contrails Ramoneda January 4-8 January 4 Twisted Turkey Wrap $3.10 Cheddar, Apple, and Bacon Panini $4.95 SPECIALS Spaghetti with Meat Sauce $3.10 with the purchase of a regular priced drink. from January 7-9 SpareTime Grill Quesadilla Bar January 11-15 & 18-22 January 20 Chipolte Chicken Flatbread with Corn Salsa $3.25 Margherita Panini $5.25 Grilled Cheese Sandwich $1.99 with any purchase of $3.00 or more. January 22 January 14-16 Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich $1.50 with any purchase Meat Marinades Bar January 21-23 of $2.00 or more. Burrito Bar January 25-29 PLAYING GOLF ON JANUARY 29TH? Mediterranean Veggie Wrap $3.00 Steak Ceasar Salad $5.50 January 28-30 Pasta Bar Visit us at https://usafdining-Beale.catertrax.com (OK to click “Continue to this website”) Call in your order at the Coyote Grill and receive 10% off! 17 AIR FORCE FITNESS ACCESS 24/7 Open to Active Duty Military. FITNESS ON YOUR SCHEDULE! 18 Contact the Harris Fitness Center at 634-2258 for details and sign-up. Beale’s FamCamp 44 sites with full hook-ups and 20/30/50 amp hook-ups to accommodate all types and sizes of RVs, as well as a dry campsite and tent area. Gold Country Inn Amenities include: • • • • Spacious, comfortable guest lounge with free Wi-Fi, internet hook-up,TV, games, and kitchenette area Pets welcome Dump station Additionally, this camp offers clean restrooms, full showers, and a roomy laundry facility FamCamp is open to: • • • • • • • Active Duty Reservists Retired Military National Guard DoD Civilians Retired DoD Civilians Sponsored Guests gold country inn Amenities Include • Small Business Center • Satellite TV • High Speed Wireless Internet • DVD rental machine • Pet-friendly rooms • Space A Availability Need something late at night? Be ale F amCa mp 634-3382 Located at 34th and C Streets off Doolittle Dr. Beale AFB, California www.BealeFSS.com/famcamp Gold Country Inn offers beverages, snack items, and various sundries...24/7. Call 530-634-2953 for reservations. or email us at lodging.reservations@us.af.mil 19 Hearts Apart To register or receive more details on these programs please call 634-2863 or visit www.BealeFSS.com/AFRC Troops to Teachers Begin your new career as a teacher. January 5 • 10:30-11:30am Give Parents A Break Enjoy 6 hours of free childcare. Conditions apply. January 6 • 9:00am-3:00pm Sign up by January 6 Spouses’ Readiness Workshops Discuss the challenges of surviving deployment or remote tours. January 21 • 11:00am-12:00pm Single Parent Network An education, resource and support group. January 19 • 11:00am-12:15pm Sign up by COB January 15 Immigration 101 Connections Over Coffee… Come join the A&FRC team and the Military Family Life Counselors to discuss challenges that you’ve been facing while your spouse has been away. January 21, 11 a.m.-noon at the A&FRC Hearts Apart During this meeng we will discuss “Hot Topics” that effect the family unit during deployments and get your feedback on what tools we can equip you with to ease the stress Come join the A&FRC team and the Military Family Life Counselors to discuss of the me apart! challenges that you’ve been facing while your spouse has been away. Connections Over Coffee… *Open to families of military members on Extended TDY, deployment of January 21, or 11ona.m.-noon 90 days and longer a remote tour. at the A&FRC Children welcome and light refreshments During this meeng we will discuss will be served! “Hot Topics” that effect the family unit during deployments and get Contact the A&FRC atyour 634-2863 feedback on what tools we can equip you with to ease the stress of the me apart! to reserve your spot! Text 313131 Information provided on immigration issues. January 20 • 10:00am-12:00pm Happy Landings Orientation for new Beale AF spouses. *Open to families of military members on Extended TDY, deployment of 90 days and longer or on a remote tour. Children welcome and light refreshments will be served! January 22 • 8:45am-2:00pm 20 Sign up by January 21 Contact the A&FRC at 634-2863 to reserve your spot! Text 313131 tween ice skating Teen movie night shopping trip January 6 · 1:00-5:00pm January 8 · TBA: Matinee January 15 · 4:00-8:00pm Roseville Skating Rink Ages 9-12 | Cost: $15 Sign up by January 4 Beale Star Wars: The Force Awakens Ages 13-18 | Cost: $15, Members-$10 Sign up by January 5 Roseville Galleria Ages 13-18 | Cost: $5 (transportation only) Sign up by January 13 4-H Club Babysitting | CPR | First Aide Learn key life skills and how to become a responsible, caring and trustworthy babysitter. January 7 · 8:30am-3:30pm Ages: 11-18 | Course fee: $30 Bring a sack lunch. Refreshments provided. Register by January 4 Youth C enter 634-4953 facebook.com/BealeYouthPrograms | BealeFSS.com/youth-programs 21 #Move Forward sprint.com/militarydiscounts Paid Ad. No federal endorsement of advertisers intended. 22 NOW AT BEALE! Introducing A Department of Defense (DoD) program that makes it easier to find the child and youth care your family needs. Just follow four simple steps. It’s that easy! STEP 1 STEP CREATE ACCOUNT 2 STEP SEARCH and REQUEST CARE To get started, visit: MilitaryChildCare.com 3 STEP MANAGE MY REQUEST 4 UPDATE MY PROFILE For questions/support, call toll free: 1-855-696-2934 23 Take your first step to getting your pilot’s license. Private Pilot Ground School Classes start January 19 TWO CLASS SCHEDULES TO CHOOSE FROM! 1100-1330 or 1800-2030 Tuesdays & Thursdays $575 military & dependents, $600 all other students Includes your first introductory flight lesson, classroom instruction, private pilot kit, textbooks, and all necessary materials to pass the FAA private pilot written exam. Sign up by January 11 BEALE AERO CLUB 634-9011 24 www.BealeFSS.com/aero-club www.facebook.com/BealeAeroClubFTC Inspired January Competition Would you like to use your creave side to win an FSS $25 gi card to use at any FSS facilty? Check out Auto Hobby’s 2016 Monthly Specials from January-June January 10% off coolant flushes >>PENGUIN CANDLE HOLDER<< This month our compeon is to make a decorated wine glass. You can create a character like the penguin shown here (holding an imitaon candle), an arscally painted glass, a creavely gli ered glass, glasses with a message, pre y much any design you can think of. february $25 off any brake replacement over $100 March Rent a stall for one hour and get the second hour free april 10% off all labor on any tune-up up to $20 For detailed instrucons and a supplies list, stop by the Arts & Cras Center. Please bring your glass/glasses into the Arts & Cras Center no later than January 29. Judging will take place during the first week of February. Winner is nofied at the end of judging. Stop by and check out our new Dye Sublimation process. We can print full color on almost anything. May 10% off air conditioning service January Special Buy one Dye Sub item and get the second FREE! Arts & Crafts Center 634-2294 june All Nighter, open 9:00am, June 18 until 2:00pm, June 19 Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm, Closed Saturday-Monday www.facebook.com/BealeArtsAndCrafts BealeFSS.com/Arts-Crafts SKILLS CENTER BODY & PAINT Open Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm Call 634-2535 for an appointment. Auto hobby Center 634-2296 Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm, Saturday, 9:00am-5:00pm www.facebook.com/BealeAutoHobby 25 Paid Ad. No federal endorsement of advertisers intended. 26 The world is a open book... pick one up and HZL Book Club January 12 at 3:00pm pack your bags! This Month’s Reading: “mistborn: The Final Empire” by Brandon Sanderson We have this book available in print, audio CD, audio streaming, and eBook through our library. STORY T IM E For Preschool-age Children January 6 at 10:30am “Where do you sleep” January 20 at 10:30am “all about penguins” Beale Hub Zemke Library 16th & B Streets @ Beale AFB ZONE 634-2314 www.BealeFSS.com/Hub-Zemke-Library | facebook.com/HubZemkeLibrary 27 WE LOVE KIDS! We HaveMoved ! n io t a c o L w e t(joust a5 mN ce) in. from our old Lincoln offi • Evening & Saturday Appointments Available • New Patients & Emergencies Welcome • Flexible Payment Plans (most insurance accepted) FREE SECOND OPINION • Crowns, Root Canals, Implants, Veneers and Dentures ovies • Digital X-rays, IntraOral Camera, Massage Chairs, & DVD Movies ® • ZOOM 1-Hour Whitening Raj Zanzi, DMD Insiya Zanzi, DDS Allen Sanders, DDS (Orthodontics) FREE NOW OFFERING BRACES FOR KIDS AND ADULTS Oral-B Professional Care Toothbrush with exam, x-rays and cleaning.* Regular Braces and Invisalign® (Clear Braces) $150.00 Value. New patients only. Only one per family. *Not valid with any other offer. Expires: January 31, 2016 Dr. Allen Sanders, DDS FREE Custom Teeth Whitening! Call for details. $250 Value. FREE INITIAL EVALUATION NEW PHONE NUMBER! 916-797-0825 NEW ADDRESS! 1424 Blue Oaks Blvd., Roseville (Hwy 65 & Blue Oaks exit) Paid Ad. No Federal Endorsement of Advertisers Intended. 28 9 FSS Hours of Operation airmen & families Airman & Family Readiness 634-2863 0730-1630M,T,Th,F 0730-1330 W Child Development Center 634-4717 0615-1730 M-F Family Child Care634-5637 By appt. M-F Youth Programs634-4953 Office: 0615-1730 M-F School-Age: 0615-1730 M-F Open Rec: 9-12 yrs 1430-1800 M-F 13-18 yrs 1430-1900 M-F DINING Contrails (DFAC) 634-2537 Ops: 0530-1900 M-F Ops: 0630-1830 Wkd/Hol Breakfast: 0530-0800 M-F Breakfast: 0630-0900 Wkd Lunch: 1030-1330 Daily Dinner: 1630-1900 Daily Midnt Meal: 2300-0100 Daily Coyote Grill788-0936 0600-2130 M-Th 0600-2100 F-Sat 0730-2030 Sun Coyote Pub788-0936 1600-2200 M-Th 1600-0030 F-Sat 1300-2030 Sun Ramoneda634-9154 0630-1300 M-F Grab & Go: 1300-1900 M-F Recce Point Club634-2833 Office: 0730-1630 M-F Sodexo Catering788-0104 Office: 0730-1500 M-F Spare Time Grill634-2304 0630-1400/1630-2000 M-T 0630-2000 W-F 1000-2000 Sat 1200-1600 Sun FITNESS & SPORTS Beale Lanes634-2299 1200-2000 M-Th 1200-2200 F & Sat 1200-1900 Sun Coyote Run Golf Course788-0192 0700-1700 Daily (Based on weather and play) Harris Fitness Center634-2258 0500-2300 M-F 0800-2000Wkd/Hol 0730-2000 UTA Wkds Outdoor Adventure Center 634-2054 Information,Tickets,Tours 634-4882 0800-1700M&F 1000-1700 T&Th 0900-1700 Wed 0800-1200 Sat Rod & Gun Club788-2473 0900-1600 W-Sun LEISURE & LEARNING Aero Club634-9011 1000-1800 M-F By Appt Wkd Aero Club Members 24/7 Arts & Crafts Center634-2294 0900-1700 T-F ClosedMonday Auto Hobby Center634-2296 0800-1800 M-F 0900-1700 Sat Education Center634-2525 0730-1500 M-Th 0730-1200 F Hub Zemke Library634-2314 0900-1900 M-Th 0900-1600 F 0900-1400 Sat ClosedSun/Hol OTHER SERVICES Civilian Personnel634-2255 0700-1600 M-F Community Center634-3140 0800-1700 M-F FamCamp 634-3382 0900-1200/1300-1630 M-F Closed Sat, Sun, Hol Gold Country Inn 634-2953 Open 24/7 Independence Cinema634-3140 1745 Fri Manpower & Organization634-4589 0700-1600 M-F Military Personnel634-4005 0800-1630 M,W,F 0900-1630 T,Th NAF Human Resources634-2240 0700-1600 M-F Skills Center Body & Paint634-2535 0800-1700 M-F OTHER base FACILITIES Balfour Beatty Communities 788-9500 0800-1700M,T,Th,F 0800-1900 W 0900-1600 Sat Capehart Express788-1271 0630-1900 M-F 1000-1600 Sat Closed Sun Commissary634-2422 ClosedMonday 0900-1900 T-Th 0900-1800 F 0900-1700 Sat 1000-1700 Sun Exchange 788-0221 0800-1800 M-F 1000-1800 Sat 1000-1700 Sun J Street Express788-0215 0630-1800 M-F Closed Sat, Sun Sierra Central Credit Union 788-0266 0900-1700 M-Th 0900-1800 Fri Veterinary Clinic634-2104 0900-1230/1330-1630 M-W,F Closed last working day of month. Clinic Days by appointment only. All 9 FSS Facilities are closed on weekends, holidays or ACC Family Days unless otherwise noted above. Hours of operation are subject to change without notice. 29 le Dr. Beale Air Force Base Doolittle Dr DOOLITTLE GATE 26 th 25 th St. St. FLIGHTLINE AREA AS t. CS t. O’Malley Field BS t. Arnold Av Lockheed St Doolitt Grumman Av tline Douglas Av To Flig h 24 th Clinic Heritage Park Community Center Warren Shingle Rd. H e ge Rid y Terrace Laurel Waverly en To Base Housing ale Hwy ann TLF Camp Be A St. Gavin Mandery Dr. Dr WG andery a Ha Wy B St. k Alleghen n Tan ark r nt D mo r nD tma C St. n Merrinac Tyburn ia acv Oct nna a arry E G ry bu xW Ta La nb y Du ark tana a mo Wy ann sa arry Wy G W Del Mar Loma Alta Gavin M Lodging To Main Gate 30 Ile Dan u Tro GOLF COURSE Tybu r b Tan 9 RW Hdqtrs. Dr. Ridge Dr. RUN PAT BASE HOUSING 5K FUN RUN PATH a 5K FUN ch Bur n Texa AFCOMAC To Clinic/VOQ arry Fitness VOQ Lake Post Office To Main Gate To Main Base Hous ti le let Dr. ic o rpo rt N GRASS VALLEY GATE Warren Shingle Rd Hwy Beale Camp Dr Lake View be Doolittle Ro VASSER LAKE GATE 31 www.BealeFSS.com
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