Read how important patents are and the innovations of US
Read how important patents are and the innovations of US
state of st. louis Convening Joyce Meyer bringing 18,000 people to town in September | 10 Mayor Francis Slay talks crime and the local economy | 18 ConneCtions S an can w dr ece ith y ive ou dai r sm ly em artp ail hon up e dat es Jerry Howe expands Internet in rural Missouri | 4 St. Louis Business Journal VOL. 33, NO. 20 40 PAGES January 4-10, 2013 $2.00 Banks whittle down real estate Foreclosed property falls 11 percent to $457 million by greg edwards t @stlbizgedwards St. Louis banks are reporting encouraging news in three key financial measurements: bad loans, foreclosed property and provision expenses. All are declining — another indication that financial institutions are regaining their footing. “That’s good news — the darkest days are behind us, and sunnier days are ahead,” said Gary Corner, senior examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Bad loans, called nonperforming loans, declined 32 percent, to $578 million at the end of the third quarter at 73 commercial banks based here, the St. Louis Fed reported. That’s down $267 million from Sept. 30, 2011, and $479 million from Sept. 30, 2010. Foreclosed property held by the banks, called other real estate owned, declined 11 percent, to $457 million in the quarter from $513 million a year earlier and $484 million two years earlier. Foreclosures had been increasing as the banks gave up on loans that were nonperforming, that is, the borrowers had stopped paying interest. But that trend seems to have halted with the simultaneous declines in both bad loans and foreclosed property on the books. “A year ago, the problem assets — primarily real estate loans — were moving through the pipeline to foreclosure faster than the banks could dispose of the property,” Corner said. “With fewer problem assets coming into the pipeline, banks have time to catch their breath.” And the banks appear to believe bad banks | 33 Bad Loans YTD Through NoNPerformINg LoaNS (IN mILLIoNS) Q3 2012 Q3 2011 Q3 2010 $578 $845 $1,057 PerCeNT ChaNge -31.6% -20.1% ForecLosed ProPerty YTD Through oTher reaL eSTaTe owNeD (IN mILLIoNS) Q3 2012 Q3 2011 Q3 2010 $457 $513 $484 PerCeNT ChaNge -10.9% 6.0% Source: Bank reports to Federal reserve Bank of St. Louis PATENTS ON THE RISE Monsanto, Emerson lead in new patents received by e.b. solomont t stlbizesolomont patents | 34 Number of patents awarded by company Monsanto Co. Emerson Eveready Battery Co. Inc. Washington University Express Scripts Nidec Motor Corp. Belden Inc. Stereotaxis Inc. Cepia LLC Sigma-Aldrich Corp. Code 3 Inc. Rawlings Sporting Goods Inc. Bunge N.A. Handi-Craft Co. TricorBraun Inc. Saint Louis University * includes Monsanto technology LLC and patents developed with Stine Seed Farm inc. of iowa. ** includes patents awarded to emerson’s businesses. *** includes patents acquired in Medco deal. Inventors profit from patents. See page 35 56525 10781 8 Chris Hayes oversees ip initiatives for emerson 6 MARk GILLILAND I n 2012, soybean breeder Bill Eby was awarded a patent for a unique soybean variety he developed with Monsanto Co. Inventor Michael Mahar at Express Scripts received patent protection for a prescription drug packaging method. Jonathan Fitch invented a charger for Eveready Battery Co., a subsidiary of Energizer; and a foursome at the cable company Belden Inc., Allen Malloy, Charles Thomas, Mike Dean and Bruce Hauver Sr., snagged a patent for a cable connector. These inventions were among the 778 patents awarded to St. Louis companies, institutions and individuals in 2012 by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, through Dec. 18, 2012, Patent Power Breaking St. Louis news daily! Sign up for free email news alerts and Morning Call at Don’t miss another issue! To get a subscription to the St. Louis Business Journal, call (314) 421-6200 393 * 270 ** 46 24 22 *** 16 12 11 10 10 8 8 7 7 7 6 CPI prepared for liquidation by angela mueller t @stlbizamueller Struggling portrait company CPI Corp. is in violation of its lending agreements, which were due on Dec. 31, and it’s negotiating with Bank of America and its other lenders on an extension until mid-January, according to recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). CPI admitted in its filing that “there can be no assurances that the lenders will grant such waivers or amendments on commercially reasonable terms, if at all.” And if no agreements are reached, CPI could be forced to liquidate, according to the filing. In June, CPI, at the behest of its lenders, appointed Andrew Rolfe as its chief restructuring officer. At the same time, the company hired an investment bank — New York-based Lazard Middle Market LLC — to explore a possible sale of the company. But, so far, the only deal was the sale last month of substantially all of the wedding business assets of CPI’s Bella Pictures Holdings unit to Huntingdon Valley, Pa.-based The Pros Entertainment ServicCpi | 33 Get our views on the markets in our 2013 Outlook Report. © 2013 St. LouiS BuSineSS JournaL ©2012 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC | 0812-0913 34 St.LouisBusinessJournal January4-10,2013 patents: Express Scripts received 22 patents related to operations, IT and other solutions continued from page 1 PRESENTS THE 8th Annual ST. LOUIS BUSINESS JOURNAL WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Join us for lunch as Tiffany Dufu gives an “Overview of Women’s Leadership Today in Business in the US.” Friday, January 11, 2013 St. Louis Union Station Hotel Tiffany Dufu President The White House Project REGISTER TODAY! Presenting Sponsors Supporting Sponsors Marketing & SaleS Contributing Sponsors The Lawrence Group St. Louis Community College St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission St. Joseph's Academy Webster University financial aSSiStance FREE ADVICE & MENTORING are available to you and your business from: counselors to america’s Small Businesses d new n fi u o y lp e h CORE can S w o h n r a e /cash flow. L s le a s e s a e r d inc customers an Call us today! 314-539-6600 ext. 242 OR Visit our website: SCORE services are completely fREE of charge. financial Planning BuSineSS PlanS accordingtoBusiness Journalresearch.The totalnumberofpatentsisthehighestin fiveyears,topping673patentsawarded in2011;745in2010;630in2009;and 533in2008. AtthetopofthelistisMonsanto,with393 patents, including those awarded to Monsanto Technology LLC and patents developedaspartofasoybeancollaborationwith StineSeedFarmInc.ofIowa,inwhicheach companyco-ownstheintellectualproperty. Emerson followed closely, with 270 U.S. patents in fiscal 2012 beginning Oct. 1. Worldwide, the $24.5 billion manufacturingandtechnologycompanyreceivedmore than1,600patentslastyear. “It’sveryimportanttous,becauseitprotectsthecoreofourbusiness,whichisdeveloping solutions for our customers,” said ChrisHayes,assistantgeneralcounselwho overseesEmerson’sintellectualpropertyinitiative. AtEmerson,considerationofpatentfilings is part of the company’s product developmentprocess,andpatentsaremanagedona businessunitlevelbymorethan60patent reviewcommittees.China’sgrowingeconomyisanimportantmarket,andin2011Emersonestablishedapatentsupportgroupin China, where seven patent engineers help prepare and file patent applications. At its corporate headquarters, Emerson employs aneight-memberIPgroupwiththreepatent attorneys.Thereareanothereightin-house ‘When times get tougher, companies want to capitalize on the ip they’ve been investing in.’ Patrick Rasche |ArmstrongTeasdale patent lawyers, and Emerson relies extensively on outside counsel, including local firmHarness,Dickey&PiercePLC,among others. Overall,thenumberofpatentsawardedin theU.S.isontherise.In2011,thenumberof patents awarded by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grew 5 percent to 244,430,accordingtoaSeptember2012reportbyPricewaterhouseCoopers.Still,that numberislessthanthe23percentgrowth ratebetween2009and2010. “When times get tougher, companies wanttocapitalizeontheIPthey’vebeeninvestingin,sothattheycangetsomerevenue outoftheirIP,”saidPatrickRasche,headof thepatentpracticeatArmstrongTeasdale, which has the largest local patent practice with42patentattorneysand68localIPattorneys.“Apatentisabusinesstool,”hesaid. “It’salimitedmonopolythatagovernment grantsinexchangeforinnovation.” Raschesaidthefirm’sintellectualpropertypracticehasgrownduringthedownturn ascompanieshavemovedlegalworktothe Midwest,wherecostsarelowerthanonthe coasts.In2011,ArmstrongTeasdaleclients worldwide applied for 1,955 patents and wereawarded851patents.Raschesaidhe expectsthatnumbertogoup10percentin 2012.Lastyear,thefirmadded16IPattorneystohandletheincreaseinbusiness. Top paTenT pracTices Ranked by number of local licensed patent attorneys ArmstrongTeasdaleLLP SennigerPowersLLP ThompsonCoburnLLP Harness,Dickey&PiercePLC PolsterLiederWoodruff &LucchesiLC 42 28 26 19 16 Source: Business Journal research as of April 13, 2012. Patentsarenotoriouslyexpensive,costing anywherefromafewthousandto$40,000 or more, and the process can take several yearsdependingonthecomplexityoftheapplication. For example, Monsanto was awardedapatentonDec.18,2012,afterfilingapatentapplicationonOct.4,1985,for plasmids for transforming plant cells. By contrast, Code 3, which makes light and sound-based warning products for emergency response, utility and industrial settings, filed an application on June 28 and wasapprovedNov.6,2012. Butthevalueofpatentprotectioncanbe great.“Intellectualpropertyrightsarecrucialtoourbusiness,particularlyourSeeds and Genomics segment,” Monsanto stated in its 2012 annual report. “The extent to whichwesucceedorfailinoureffortstoprotectourintellectualpropertywillaffectour costs,salesandotherresultsofoperations.” Led by Chairman and CEO Hugh Grant, St.Louis-basedMonsantohadsalesof$13.5 billioninfiscal2012,endedAug.31.Inadditiontosalesofitsseeds,Monsanto“broadly licensestechnologyandpatents,”thereport stated,androyaltiesrelatedtothoselicenses isadriverofrevenue. In2008,forinstance,MonsantoandSyngenta inked a licensing agreement giving Syngenta access to Monsanto’s Genuity RoundupReady2Yieldsoybeantechnology inexchangeforroyaltypaymentsbasedon sales. The minimum obligation from Syngentaoverthenine-yearcontractis$81million. Also in 2008, Monsanto entered into an agreement with Pioneer Hi-Bred InternationalInc.regardingacornherbicidetoleranceandinsectcontroltraittechnology; cashreceiptsrelatedtotheagreementstand at $725 million over an eight-year period, according to the annual report. In 2012, Monsanto’sdeferredincometaxbalancesrelatedtoroyaltieswas$106millionasofAug. 31,upfrom$80millionin2011. Inastatement,Monsantosaidprotecting itsintellectualproperty“ensureswearepaid forourproductsandfortheinvestmentswe put into developing products.” Last year, Monsantospentabout$1.5billiononR&D. Withthestakessohigh,patentlitigation filingsincreasedby22percentin2011,accordingtoPricewaterhouseCoopers. InAugust,Monsantowasawarded$1billion in a 2009 patent-infringement case against DuPont Co. over DuPont’s use of Roundup,akeyMonsantotechnologythat killsweedswithoutdamagingcrops. Locally,althoughMonsantoandEmerson tookhomethelion’sshare,otherswererewarded for their innovations, including WashingtonUniversity(24),motorandcontrol manufacturer Nidec Motor Corp. (16), medicaldevicemakerStereotaxis(11),and continued on next page 2 January 4-10, 2013 St. Louis Business Journal 35 From previous page toy maker Cepia LLC (10), among others. For Washington U., patents and the licensing and marketing of intellectual property are a strategic focus. In fiscal 2012, the university received $620 million in extramural funding and spent just over that on research activities, said Dr. Evan Kharasch, vice chancellor for research. “We want the results of our research to translate into the greatest public good,” he said. Patents are handled by the university’s Office of Technology Management, which sifts through invention disclosures submitted by investigators and decides whether to file provisional patent applications. “It’s a very central process,” he said. Efforts to file patents and commercialize technology and license patents are handled by the same office. In the past five years, the office has handled more than 100 invention disclosures annually and filed more than 75 patents, and has been awarded an average of 15 patents a year. The school also has executed about 40 licensing agreements per year, and, over the past three years, has received an average of $6 million in royalty revenue. The biggest revenue generator has been products based on technology developed by Dr. Jack Ladenson, co-medical director of clinical chemistry at Washington University School of Medicine, who has developed biomarkers for heart attacks. Over four decades, his technology has been licensed to multinational diagnostic companies, generating $50 million in revenue for the university. Intellectual property is owned by the university if significant university resources were used, or if it was created pursuant to research whose funding — though corpo- rate, federal or other external sponsors — was administered by the school. The net IP commercialization income is shared, with 35 percent going to the creator; 40 percent to the university; and 25 percent to the Office of Technology Management to support operations and strategic investment. According to those calculations Ladenson may have earned at least $17.5 million. Washington U. also has a Bear Cub Fund that provides seed funding to faculty on a peer-reviewed competitive basis for developing potentially commercializable technologies. One such example is the startup Retectix, a medical device company specializing in creating synthetic surgical mesh. While innovations are encouraged in every sector and school of the university, a large portion come from, or in collaboration with, the medical school. In 2012, Express Scripts boosted the number of patents it owns through its $29.1 billion acquisition of Medco Health Solutions. The combined company holds more than 100 patents and received 22 in 2012. On its own, Express Scripts was awarded seven. Attorney Randy Canis, senior patent counsel, leads a team working to identify and evaluate innovation for possible patent protection. Led by CEO George Paz, Express Scripts reported revenue of $46.13 billion for 2011. The majority of the company’s patent filings are in operations, information technology and other new solutions, spokesman Thom Gross said. “We have patents and patent filings on the pharmacy floor that enable our patients to receive prescription drugs faster and cheaper.” Rebecca Wohltman contributed to this story. C Patent gives you ‘collateral in the marketplace’ Not everyone is a patent giant, but protecting IP is still a big deal. Drummer John Gresko, a St. Louis native who founded Direct Sound Headphones LLC, recently secured his fourth patent for Extreme Isolation headphones. “Hearing protection is our main thing,” said Gresko, whose headphones are used by musicians including Rich Redmond, the drummer for Jason Aldean; Jim Riley, the drummer for Rascal Flatts; and Dolly Parton. “She has a white set,” he said. Gresko said he began experimenting with isolation headphones in the 1980s. “I put parts together until I came up with a combination that would block enough sound.” He and business partner Steve Rois started their company in 2001 with $100,000. It cost $20,000 to secure the main patent. The business currently does just under $1 million in annual sales. Another local inventor, Bob Steffen, secured a patent in July for a device that detects the presence of a child in a vehicle. Steffen, who founded Cars-N-Kids LLC with Gregory Schoenberg, said next month the technology will be rolled out in a partnership with car seat maker First Years. A patent “gives your company collateral in the marketplace,” he said. Steffen’s technology is a thin, pressuresensitive sensor that’s placed between a child’s car seat and the car seat cover. Using a smartphone app and Bluetooth technology, it alerts parents if the child gets out of the car seat or if the child is in the car seat five minutes after the car has stopped. It also tells the parent the temperature in the car seat. Kirk Damman of Lewis, Rice & Career Opportunities Date: Senior Technical Architect needed by AT&T in St. Louis, Missouri to translate business needs into technical solutions and architect solutions to problems through reasoned application of information technology. Requires Master’s or foreign equivalent degree in Engineering or Computer Science and two years experience identifying and assessing alternate software design and experience in architecting software solutions using Java, Perl, JavaScript, HTML,XML, Eclipse, WebSphere Application Developer, Linux scripting, SQL, PL/SQL, HTTP, HTTPS, SQLPlus, and Toad; designing and implementing reliable, scalable, and available enterprise applications; and handling extensive coordination with various clients, development, architecture and infrastructure groups and explaining architecture to onsite and offshore developers. Alternatively, employer will accept a Bachelor’s or foreign equivalent degree in Engineering or Computer Science followed by five years of progressive experience identifying and assessing alternate software design and experience in architecting software solutions using Java, Perl, JavaScript, HTML,XML, Eclipse, WebSphere Application Developer, Linux scripting, SQL, PL/SQL, HTTP, HTTPS, SQLPlus, and Toad; designing and implementing reliable, scalable, and available enterprise applications; and handling extensive coordination with various clients, development, architecture and infrastructure groups and explaining architecture to onsite and offshore developers. Apply at, select JOB SEARCH AND APPLY and select Search by Requisition Number at the left bottom of the page and enter JOB NUMBER: 1288172. Employment To: FAX # Company: GET NOTICED CLASSIFIED AD PROOF lassifieds 1.................................................... 2.................................................... 3.................................................... 4.................................................... 5.................................................... 6.................................................... 7.................................................... 8.................................................... 9.................................................... 10.................................................. 11.................................................. 12.................................................. 13.................................................. 14.................................................. 15.................................................. 16.................................................. 17.................................................. 18.................................................. 19.................................................. 20.................................................. 21.................................................. 22.................................................. 23.................................................. 24.................................................. 25.................................................. 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Sealed bids must be addressed to Ballwin Public Works DepartJanice Viloria 408.299.1811 the From: _______________________________________________________ ment, 200 Park Drive, Ballwin, Mis- Phone Message Peabody Investments Corp. has an opening in St. Louis, MO for a Senior SAP Business Analyst. Responsible for the overall design & implementation of SAP Business Intelligence solutions. Master’s in Comp Sci, Info Sci, or related field & 2 yrs exp in SAP Enterprise Application, specifically Bus Intelligence & Bus Objects req'd. Up to 15% domestic travel req. Must have legal auth. to work permanently in the US. EOE. Send resumes to L. Peterson, Peabody Investments Corp., HR Dept., 701 Market Street, St. Louis, MO 63101, Must note Job ID #: SSAPBA Whatever you need to sell, sell it here. Call 314.421.8341 Computers Eng Mgr (“EM”) sought by s/ ware dvlpmt co. Resp for planning & executing sales strategy & acct mgmt plans w/ Softtek’s clients by dvlpg, maintaining & expanding relationships w/ such clients. Master Comp Sci., Comp Eng, S/ware Eng or related field, or any foreign academic equiv, +1 yr rel exp. Rel exp must incl: nearshore s/ware dvlpt srv. Job loc: St. Louis, MO. 40% int’l & domestic travel rqrd. Resume: Softtek Integration Systems, Inc., Attn: HR, 2002 Summit Blvd, Ste 300, Atlanta, GA 30319. Farms for Sale Legacy ILLInoIs Farm For saLe 1 1/2 hours from Downtown STL 475 acres of WRP on MS River $1.5 million Call Rob @ 618-792-0003 souri 63011 will be accepted by the City of Ballwin until 10:00 A.M. (prevailing local time) on January 18, 2013 at which time all bids received will be opened and read aloud. Copies of the Bid Documents may be obtained from the Ballwin Public Works Department at no cost. The bidder shall perform with his own organization, work amounting to not less than 50 percent of the total contract cost. The City of Ballwin will affirmatively assure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this Notice to Contractors, qualified minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, familial status, national origin or political affiliation. If you are a person that requires an accommodation or desires more information, please call (636) 227-8580V or RELAY MISSOURI 1-800-7352966 TDD not later than 5:00 P.M. on the third day preceding the last day for accepting bids. Offices are open between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. MAx BOUVATTE Bob steffen secured a patent for a device to detect a child’s presence in a car seat. Fingersh is the company’s patent lawyer. Steffen said the company’s startup costs were around $500,000, including $25,000 spent on the patent. He and Schoenberg used personal funds, and raised money from friends and family. Cars-N-Kids also sought approval from Apple through its MFi licensing program. That, too, lends credibility. “It says Apple says it’s OK. Anybody who knows Apple knows that’s a big step,” Steffen said. In 2012, other local inventors who snagged patents include Jan Alexander, for a multiple-pocket apron; Leroy Burkemper, for a golf ball holder; and a company called Sweet Living Group LLC, for an ecological fabric with UV protection. - e.b. Solomont Distinctive Homes 3536 August Tavern Creek Road - Wildwood - $924,900 4bd/3.5ba - French country estate boasts 4674sf and rests on 3 private acres in prestigious Estates at August Tavern Creek. Main floor master suite with impressive walk-through closet & sitting room, custom gourmet kitchen featuring top-quality appliances flows gracefully into the breakfast & hearth rooms, 2 story great room with bowed wall of windows, hardwood floors, 2nd floor rec room, cascading waterfall & pond. Zoned HVAC. 4 car garage. 16648 Kehrsgrove Drive - Clarkson Valley - $809,900 4bd/4.5ba - Star studded 2 story located in prestigious Dunhill features 4800sf of finished living space. Welldesigned for entertaining while keeping the family in mind. Office rich with details, comfortable family room with French doors to sun room, updated gourmet kitchen & open floor plan between hearth & breakfast rooms. Luxury master suite. Finished lower level. New Roof, Zoned HVAC. 1 acre lot perfect for a pool! 16100 Elkton Ct - Wildwood - $474,900 8 Devondale 4bd/3.5ba - Jewel with a Pool! Desirable open floor plan features over 4230sf of living space to include finished lower level. Beautiful vaulted & beamed great room with granite wet bar flows effortlessly into a glamorous, sun-drenched kitchen updated with granite & custom cabinets. Main floor master with French doors to deck. Loft with built-in work center & bookcases. New Roof. Lush Landscaping. Vacation in your own backyard by the pool! 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