December 2012 - Asia Pacific Institute of Management


December 2012 - Asia Pacific Institute of Management
Vol. IX No. 4 October-December 2012
Happy New year
First of all, I wish to express my gratitude and good wishes of New Year, 2013, to the continuous
support and contributions of the Management, Faculty, Staff, Alumni & Students. The New Year
comes with new resolutions, new challenges and new opportunities. AIM is all set to ride on
towards the unending journey of success, not only in the field of Management Education, but also
Research, Trainings and Consultancy, etc. The previous year, specifically the recent quarter ended
with good notes, that witnessed the organisation of many significant events like Foundation Day,
Convocation Ceremony, Alumni Meet, etc. With so many Management Development Programmes,
held at Takshila-The MDP Centre of Excellence, AIM has proved its excellence in the field of
Trainings & Consultancy, too. With similar hopes, the AIM Family is striving towards excellence, with
more hardwork, commitment & enthusiasm.
Pleasant Reading!
Charu Bharti
Asia-Pacific Review
Editor: Prof. Charu Bharti
Printed & Published by: Mr. A. K. Shrivastava, on behalf of: Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, New Delhi-110025.
Highlights of the Issue
02. Foundation Day
08. Workshops
04. Alumni Meet
12. Students' Activities
06. Convocation
18. MDPs
L to R: Dr. R. S. Dhankar, Member, BOG; Mr. A. K. Shrivastava, Chairman, AIM;
Sh, J. M. Garg, Vigilance Commissioner, CVC; Mrs. Anshu Shrivastava, Vice-Chairperson, AIM;
Dr. D. K. Batra, Director, AIM, releasing the first issue of the Journal
(Nov. 09, 2012)
AFAR-ISSN 2278 1838
he official launch of the Asia-Pacific Finance and Accounting Review (ISSN 2278-1838), took
place on Friday, 9th November, 2012, at the premises of Asia-Pacific Institute of
Management (AIM), New Delhi. Mr. J. M. Garg, Vigilance Commissioner, CVC, was the Chief
Guest, for the occasion. The other dignitaries present in the occasion, were Mr. A. K. Shrivastava,
Chairman, AIM, Mrs. Anshu Shrivastava, Vice Chairperson, AIM, Dr. Raj S. Dhankar, Dean, FMSDU,
and Dr. D. K. Batra, Director, AIM.
The premier authors of the inaugural issue, included academicians from Delhi School of
Economics, XLRI, IIT-Kharagpur, NIT-Durgapur, etc.
Director, AIM, Dr. D. K. Batra, said, “The objective is to make AFAR a leading journal in the area of
Finance and Accounting, where academicians, scholars, and researchers, will be interested to
publish research papers, case studies etc. The journey has started. It took lot of underpinning
during the last six months to come out with this first issue. On behalf of Asia-Pacific Institute of
Management, and Asia-Pacific Finance and Accounting Review (AFAR), it is our pleasure to
introduce the inaugural issue. We must congratulate, Prof. Arindam Banerjee, the Editor of this
International Journal.”
Chairman, AIM, Mr. A. K. Shrivastava, said, “AFAR is committed to publish high quality empirical and
theoretical research papers, in the area of finance, accounting, and the allied areas. The Mission of
AFAR is to publish prominent research papers and case studies, in the area of finance and
accounting, which will enrich, extend, and build the theoretical framework, as well as application
of knowledge. Beginning from this issue, AFAR will be published four times a year.”
Chairman, AIM, felicitating the Chief Guest, Sh. J. M. Garg, Vigilance Commissioner, CVC
Swami Chidrupananda, motivating the students
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Chief Guest, Sh. J. M. Garg, Vigilance Commissioner,
CVC, motivating the students, during the Prize-Distribution
(Nov. 08-09, 2012)
Chairman, AIM, during the
Tree-Plantation activity
AIM celebrated its 16th Foundation-Day, with
much fanfare, on 08-09 Nov, 2012. The Institute
organized Tree-plantation activity, to
demonstrate the eco-friendliness to the
environment. The Staff & students, donated
items like - books, clothes and other utility goods
for the needy children, which were handed over
to a reputed NGO called “Goonj”. This was done
as a gesture of goodwill and Corporate Social
Responsibility. Students also organized cultural
activities displaying their talents.
The Foundation-Day celebrations, started on 8th
November, 2012,with the motivational speech of
Swami Chidrupananda, Director (North Zone), All
India Chinmaya Yuva Kendra, Chinmaya Mission.
In his speech, Swamiji, reminded students to
always remember their culture to move forward
in life and ways to manage the mind. The speech
was followed by cultural performances and
competitions, by the students, which includedFashion show, Dance competition, Music round,
Ad-Mad, Skit, Debate competition, etc.
Shri J. M. Garg, Vigilance Commissioner, Central
Vigilance Commission, was the Chief Guest on
this occasion while ace Indian Tabla player,
Sh. Bickram Ghosh, mesmerized the audience
with his scintillating performance, during the
evening concert, to conclude the two-day long
Foundation-Day celebrations.
The members of Board of Governors, Dr. R. S.
Dhankar and Dr. Binod Kumar, were also amongst
the esteemed guests, present during the
occasion. Sh. A. K. Shrivastava, Chairman,
Students from IDRAC France, during
Tree-Plantation activity
Chairman, AIM, welcomed the guests, took them
around the campus, and showed them the goods
collected by the students, for the needy children.
In addition, he took the guests to the Treeplantation site, where the Faculty, Staff and the
Students, had planted 100 trees to celebrate the
In his welcome address, Dr. D. K. Batra, Director,
AIM, said, “I am delighted to welcome you all to
AIM, which has nurtured and shaped thousands
of professionals, who are displaying excellence in
different business houses, not only in India but in
foreign countries as well. On the occasion of the
16th foundation day, we pledge to better our
own standard thus creating a new benchmark of
excellence, in the management education
Esteemed Chief Guest, Sh. J. M. Garg, Vigilance
Commissioner, CVC, said on this occasion, “Any
achievement is a result of team-efforts. It seems
that in their combined mission, a concerted
effort, of the Management, Faculty and the Staff,
p ro v i d e d t h e m u c h - n e e d e d e n a b l i n g
environment for Asia-Pacific, to shape students
as future business leaders. This overwhelming
success story has been quite commendable and I
wish them success for their future endeavours”
Dr. D. K. Batra, Director, AIM, thanked the Faculty,
Staff, Students and the Guests, who attended the
function. The Foundation-Day, came to close
with a Vote of Thanks from the event coordinator
– Prof. Piali Halder.
L to R: Director, AIM; Mr. Sandeep Sharma, VP- Delivery & Development,
Syscom Corporation Ltd; Chairman, AIM; Mr. Amit Roy, Chief of Audit and
Assurance, NIIT Ltd; Mr. Ajay Raghuvanshi, National Head- Dealer Development,
Hyundai Motors India and Vice-Chairperson, AIM
Students of the current batch, displaying the performances, to welcome their seniors
(Nov. 24, 2012)
ostalgia 2012', the 14th Annual Alumni Meet of Asia-Pacific Institute of Management,
was organized with grand celebrations, on 24th November, 2012.
Mr. Amit Roy, Chief of Audit and Assurance, NIIT Ltd, was the Chief Guest while Mr. Sandeep
Sharma, VP- Delivery & Development, Syscom Corporation Ltd, was the Special Guest of Honour
and Mr. Ajay Raghuvanshi, National Head- Dealer Development, Hyundai Motors India, was the
Guest of Honour, at this occasion. Around 1500 Alumni attended the programme.
The Alumni Meet, at the Asia Pacific Institute of Management, saw the Alumni recall their shared
past with nostalgia. The Alumni Meet began with the Ganesh Vandana & Cultural Activities,
performed by the current students. The evening was made lively by the rocking musical
extravaganza, with the Band-performance by the current students. The Institute also felicitated
alumni members with mementos. More than 1500 alumni from all over India, participated in this
event. It was a wonderful occasion to meet and share the experiences, with the alumni who postgraduated from the Institute. An opportunity was given to every alumnus/alumnae, to share
his/her experience at AIM campus and its impact on their respective career.
The Chairman, Mr. A. K. Shrivastava, quoted that “It is an Institute’s Alumni who are its brand
ambassadors and Asia-Pacific has always been proud of its Alumni, who occupy important
positions in many reputed companies and organizations.”
In his message for this occasion, Dr D. K. Batra, Director, said, "We are all excited about Nostalgia
2012. Nostalgia provides a wonderful opportunity to rekindle old memories amongst the alumni,
re-calling the heydays at AIM and bringing the AIM community of Alumni, Students and Faculty
members, together. Going forward, we will be institutionalizing more initiatives, in order to bring
AIM and alumni together."
Central Vigilance Commissioner, CVC,
Mr. Pradeep Kumar, attended as
Chief Guest
200 students awarded
with Diplomas
Chief Guest, Mr. Pradeep Kumar,
Central Vigilance Commissioner, CVC,
awarding Diploma
Chief Guest, Mr Pradeep Kumar; Chairman, AIM;
Vice-Chairperson, AIM; Director, AIM and
the members of Board, releasing the Annual Report
(Nov. 23, 2012)
AIM, organized its 15th Annual Convocation, on
November 23rd, 2012. Two Hundred Students,
were awarded with respective Diplomas and
Certificates, during the Convocation ceremony.
A view of
Convocation Procession
Chairman, AIM, felicitating the Chief Guest, with a memento
The Hon'ble Chief Guest, for the ceremony was,
Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Central Vigilance
Commissioner, CVC, Govt. of India, who
inaugurated the event by lighting the lamp. The
members of Board of Governors, Prof. R. S.
Dhankar, Dean, FMS (DU); Dr. B. B. L. Madhukar,
Ex-Chairman, MMTC Ltd; Mr. A. K. Shrivastava,
Chairman, AIM; Mrs. Anshu Shrivastava, ViceChairperson, AIM; Dr. D. K. Batra, Director, AIM,
etc, were amongst the other dignitaries present
on this occasion. The Chairman awarded the
respective Diplomas to the Students and the
Chief Guest awarded the meritorious students
with scholastic medals.
In his opening remarks, Mr. A. K. Shrivastava,
C h a i r m a n , A s i a Pa c i f i c I n st i t u te o f
Management, said, “With AIM rising as an
emerging centre for training & consultancy, we
are in the process to design more innovative
training programmes. We will be setting up a
centre of excellence for women entrepreneurs,
a centre for research, etc. In addition, we hope
to have more international collaborations in the
field of management education. These will help
us prepare better professionals for a better
Chief Guest, Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Central
Vigilance Commissioner, CVC, Govt. of India,
said on this occasion, “I congratulate all the
students, who have entered the new life after
attaining education from AIM. The Convocation
Ceremony is the most important day in
students' life. It is basically the fruit or the result
that they get after completing the entire
Dr D. K. Batra, Director, Asia Pacific Institute of
Management, said, “Convocation is a
momentous occasion in the lives of students,
and AIM shall make it a memorable event for its
alumni, who are not only their Ex-students but
are their voice, face and Brand-Ambassadors, in
the market. This ceremony is a cultural tradition
that is considered as a rite of passage. The
ceremony marks a transition from one stage in a
student's life to another.”
The event ended with the Vote of Thanks by
Dr. B. B. L. Madhukar, Member, BOG, followed
by the Photography session.
An International Workshop on “Research
Methodology” was organized at Takshila- The
MDP Centre of Excellence, at Asia-Pacific
Institute of Management, New Delhi (AIM) on
13th – 15th Dec, 2012.
The workshop was directed by Prof. Chetan Bajaj,
and coordinated by Prof. Arindam Banerjee. The
workshop dealt extensively on Research
Methodologies. Renowned speakers, from the
field of academics, were invited to address the
participants. Being an international workshop,
there were around 30 participants, from across
the country as well as from overseas, who
participated in the workshop.
Faculty members from Sukkur University,
Pakistan, took active participation in the
workshop through video conferencing.
On Day-1, Prof Alok Pandey, ChairpersonFinance, addressed the participants, on the
empirical research methods, and the expected
take away from such workshops. Dr. S. K. Jain,
Professor, IIT Delhi, gave insight on ways to
develop questionnaire and sampling, which was
widely acclaimed by the participants. Prof.
(Dec. 13-15, 2012)
Chetan Bajaj deliberated on philosophy and
design of research.
On Day-2, morning speaker was Dr. D. K. Batra,
Director, AIM. Dr. D. K. Batra, discoursed on the
topic ‘Moving towards research goal’. Dr. Batra’s
sessions were highly insightful, educating and
enjoyable, at the same time. Prof. Arindam
Banerje, Faculty - Finance, highlighted the issues
regarding data analysis using MS-Excel. Prof.
Nidhi Maheshwari, faculty-AIM, discussed about
handling data using SPSS, which was highly
Prof. Raj S. Dhankar, Dean, FMS, Delhi University,
deliberated on the issue of writing and publishing
research papers, on the Day-3. Prof. Dhankar’s
session was overwhelming in the sense, that it
gave rare insights into writing and publication of
research papers.
The concluding session was delivered by Prof.
Chetan Bajaj. Prof. Bajaj deliberated on few
Research Papers, authored by him and practically
demonstrated the effective ways of handling
research topics and getting it published.
Workshop on
Director, AIM,
felicitating the speaker, Mr. Satvinder Singh
(Oct. 27, 2012)
Entrepreneurship development has been a vital arena, in today’s rapid globalization, and often coined
as third option. It has gained corporate recognition, in terms of capacity building, on a professional to
be enterprising in executing his/her assigned tasks. In resonance with corporate leadership,
Academia and B-Schools, have sensitized the significance of entrepreneurial leadership amongst the
students. It also realized its sheer necessity in the mainstream academics and many institutions
across the world have instituted it, as a specialization course. Furthermore, few B-Schools have
commenced with imparting a degree and diploma in entrepreneurship.
In addition to that, numerous universities have made entrepreneurship, as a mandatory subject, to
inculcate student communities to gap-fill the requirement of enterprising managers and vibrant
entrepreneurs for future. Keeping the above aspects in view, a workshop titled “Awareness on
Entrepreneurship Development & Incubation Possibilities (AED & IP)” on 27th October, 2012, was
organized, by Prof. R. Ganesan, Area Chair Person, Strategy & Entrepreneurship, AIM.
The workshop session, was conducted by Mr. Satvinder Singh, General Manager (Technology), who is
heading Technical Services Centre (TSC) under National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), New
Delhi. He spoke about genesis of NSIC – TSC, various schemes, facilitative activities, incubation
possibilities, start-up incubation training programmes, bank assistance and NSIC-TSC’s role in setting
up of Micro & Small Enterprises.
The students from 2nd year PGDM, Faculty members, and Corporate programme staff members, at
AIM, participated in the workshop. All the participants were presented with the Participation
Certificates. Moreover, Mr. Satvinder Singh, Dr. D. K. Batra, Director, AIM and Prof. R. Ganesan,
Coordinator of Workshop (AED & IP), discussed about the students' periodic visit, to NSIC-TSC, for
incubation possibilities and to sign a Memorandum of Association, with NSIC-TSC, towards setting up
of franchisee within AIM premises.
(Oct. 04-06, 2012)
An International Workshop on “Case teaching and Case Writing” was organized at Takshila- The MDP Centre
of Excellence, at AIM, on 4th – 6th October, 2012.
The workshop was directed by Prof. Chetan Bajaj and coordinated by Prof. Arindam Banerjee. The workshop
dealt extensively on effective case teaching and case writing, methodologies. Renowned speakers from field
of academics, were invited to address the participants. Being an international workshop, there were around
40 participants across the country as well as from overseas, who participated in the workshop.
Faculty members from Sukkur University, Pakistan, took active participation in the workshop through VideoConferencing.
Faculty members from Nepal Administrative Staff College, Nepal, were also present as Participants, in the
Participants attending the Workshop
On Day-One, Prof. Steve Rawlinson, Academic President, JRE Group of Institutions, addressed the
participants, on the significance of case study method, and the expected take away from such workshops.
Dr. S. K. Jain, Professor, IIT Delhi, gave insight on ways to develop a case study, which was widely acclaimed by
the participants.
On Day-Two, morning speaker was Prof. Chetan Bajaj. Prof. Bajaj discoursed on writing and publishing cases
in Shakespeare and Michelangelo style. Prof. Bajaj’s sessions were highly insightful, educating and enjoyable,
at the same time. Prof. N. K. Gupta, Professor, IIM Lucknow, highlighted the issues regarding data analysis.
Dr. D. K. Batra, Director, AIM, discussed about handling case discussions, which was highly appreciated.
Prof. Raj S. Dhankar, Dean, FMS, Delhi University, deliberated on the issue of handling cases in the classroom,
on the third day. Prof. Dhankar’s session was overwhelming in the sense, that it gave rare insights into
classroom teaching, using case study methods.
The concluding session, was delivered by Prof. Rajendra Nargundkar, Sr. Dean, IMT Ghaziabad.
Prof. Nargundkar, deliberated on few Cases-Studies authored by him and practically demonstrated the
effective ways of handling classes with case studies.
Remembering an extraordinary visionary
Steven Paul Jobs is best known as the Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO, of Apple Inc. Through Apple, he was
widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career
in the computer and consumer electronics fields.
Some of the Innovation Secrets & Principles, of Steve Jobs, are as follows:
• Do what you love
• Put a dent in the universe
• Kick start your brain
• Sell dreams, not products
• Say no to 1000 things
• Create insanely great experiences
• Master the message
Steve Jobs died at his California home, on October 5, 2011 and his death was a shock, not only for the IT
industry but for the world as a whole, who had lost an extraordinary visionary.
The participants from Sukkur University, Pakistan,
attending the workshop, via Video-Conferencing
Dr. A. N. Sarkar
Research Publications
• Sarkar, A.N. (2012), Eco-Innovations: The New Frontier of Eco-Industry and Green Growth, LAP
LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, KG, Germany.
• Sarkar, A.N. (2012), Review of Strategic Policy Framework for re-evaluating ‘CSR’ Programme
impacts on the Mining-affected areas in India, Chapter 8; Advances in Sustainability and
Environmental Justice; Vol 11; edited by Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez and Liam Leonard;
Emerald Publishing Corporation, London, ISBN: 978-1-78190-625-5.
Dr. Ashutosh Kumar
• Registered as a Ph.D. guide for Management Studies/Commerce Subject (December 2012).
• Published a case study on “Ethics Versus Performance” in JKLU Monograph Series, published by
JK Lakshipat University, Jaipur, December 2012. The case is under review with European Clearing
• Participated in National Case Writing Workshop, on 14-16 December 2012, at J.K. Lakshmipat
University, Jaipur. The topic of case study is “Leveraging Social Media: Pathfynder Way.”
Dr. Poonam Kumar
• Research paper Presented and Published on “Innovation in Proliferation of 3G TECHNOLOGIES in
INDIA” at Vishvesharaiya Institute of Business Management Dadri, India- Nov-2011.
• IJRIM Volume 1, Issue 8 (December 2011) (ISSN 2231-4334) International Journal of Research in IT &
• Case study on “Customized ERP Implementation: Need of an hour” published in International
case Conference (ICC-2011) Proceedings at Institute of Management Technology Nagpur in
November 2011.
• ASSOCHAM International Conference on e-Commerce: Next Phase of Growth, 12th October
2011, Le-Meridian New Delhi.
• Business Intelligence Conference organized by Silicon India in Delhi on November 19th, 2011.
Prof. Charu Bharti
• Presented a Research Paper titled "Medical Tourism in India: A study of attitude of foreign
patients", at International Conference on "Leadership in Business and Management for
Sustainable Global Economy ", organised at Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, dated 03-04
November, 2012.
• Published an Article titled "Fair Chance" in the newspaper "The Tribune" dated 19 December,
Prof.(Dr.) R. Ganesan, invited as Chief Guest, to the 7th Global Karma Veer
Pursakaar Award Ceremony
The “KARMAVEER PURASKAAR (KVP)” is the National Awards for Social Justice and Citizen Action,
instituted by the people sector with various partner organizations, citizens at large and media
supporters. The awards are a part of the RIGHT every WRONG movement and are accompanied by the
RIGHT every WRONG Conclave, a forum where various eminent and concerned people have shared
and discussed views on socio-political issues, be it about poverty alleviation, marginalization,
communal issues, HIV, Disability, climate change, electoral reforms or humane capitalism. Karmaveer
Puraskaar is the fellowship and award, within the RIGHT every WRONG movement, to recognize the
citizen action for social justice of the people who believe in being and leading the change.
Prof. (Dr.) R. Ganesan,
giving Karma Veer Pursakaar Award, to a winner
Prof. (Dr.) R. Ganesan, from Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, New Delhi, was invited as one of the
Chief Guests to the 7th Global Karma Veer Pursakaar Award Ceremony, held on 26th November 2012,
wherein he issued the Karma Veer Puraskaar Award.
The Marketing Faculty, Prof. Charu Bharti, organised an Activity
titled “Advertising Premier League (APL)” for the students of the
subject “Marketing Management”. It was a competition, in which
the students demonstrated their respective talents on creating Live
Advertisements, on different themes, like Social Advertisements,
FMCG Advertisements, Radio Advertisements, etc.
It was a great learning platform for the students, where they had the
opportunity to unleash their hidden talent & innovation, in the form
of creating the Advertisements on-the-spot. Prof. Rajat Gera, an
eminent Marketing Faculty, AIM, judged this Activity.
The Winners & Runner-Ups, were awarded with certificates & Prizes.
Students, participating in the APL activity
started with a good note...
“We shape futures”. This motto of AIM, truly relates to its vision, to be an academic institute of first
choice to transform lives that will change the world for better. In relation to the same, even in the
crucial times in the market, the Placement season has begun in a good note at AIM, for the highly
vibrant batch of the class of 2013, which comprise of the students with superlative performance
records, not only in academics but who are capable enough to grab pretty good job offers.
Since its inception in 1996, the aim of AIM, has been to create true professionals, who could fit into
the versatilities of the markets, working out with 3C’s, i.e. Commitment, Clarity and Creativity.
The determination of students, coupled with world-class Faculty and continually upgraded coursecurriculum, make them a right choice for the companies, who position AIM students not only as a
human resource but also as a change agent, in the today’s dynamic business environment.
The Placement season has begun in good note for the class of 2013, with more than 40 students
already placed with esteemed organisations, like Citi Bank, Luminous Power, Total Oil India,
Safexpress, XL Dynamics etc. More than 30 companies are in pipeline, to come for Campus
HR's role in Building a Sustainable Enterprise
Oragnisational Behaviour - II
Compensation Management
Project Appraisal & Finance
Decision Management Science
Compensation Management
Organisational Behaviour - II
Project Appraisal & Finance
Decision Management Science
Services Marketing
Ms. Neelam Dhaka, Sr. Manager-Training, JCB
Mr. Michael Mili, Director (HR), IFCI
Mr. Michael Mili, Director (HR), IFCI
Dr. Gireesh Tripathi, Professor, IMT Ghaziabad
Dr. Gunjan Malhotra, Professor, IMT Ghaziabad
Mr. Michael Mili, Director (HR), IFCI
Mr. Michael Mili, Director (HR), IFCI
Mr. Sudhir Sharma, DMRC
Dr. Gunjan Malhotra, Professor, IMT Ghaziabad
Prof. Sanjiv Mittal, Professor, University School of Management,
GGSIP University, New Delhi
“Junkies” an event for making best out of waste, was organized by the E-Cell, on 11th October
2012, in which 13 teams showed their talent with great enthusiasm . The soul motto of the event
was to encourage “Creativity and Innovation”. This not only encouraged creativity but also
motivated the students to display the team efforts, which is necessary for the budding
entrepreneurs and managers. The performance of the students was extremely wonderful and
beyond expectations. They come up with brilliant ideas by converting waste products into useful
once like pen stand, guitar, photo frame, ganesh ,doll, shoes, Wall-hangings etc.
The event was judged and appreciated, by Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari and Prof. Charu Bharti. First
prize was awarded to Ms. Sarakshi Singh and Ms. Parul Shrivastava, and Second prize was
awarded to Mr. Rohit Kumar and Mr. Neeraj. The “Best Creativity Award” was given to Ms. Surbhi
Latyan and the participation mementos, were given to all the team members, to boost up their
confidence .The event was successfully organized under the guidance of Dr. Ashu Singh, E-Cell
Faculty Coordinator and all the members of E-Cell Committee.
The E-cell organized a space quiz contest titled “TOUR DE’ SPACE”, on 18th October 2012. Twenty
Two teams, participated in the contest, out of which four teams reached the final round. Mr.
Abhimanyu and Mr. Ajay Raj Singh won the First prize. The 1st and 2nd Runners-Ups were Mr.
Vinay Thomas & Mr. Amber Utkarsh, Mr. Rohit Jain & Ms. Monika Garg, respectively. The students
gained knowledge about the outer space through this competition; students were also
encouraged by the faculty members and E-cell members. The event was organized to aware the
students of the huge business potential that space has and to enhance the knowledge of
students. The event concluded with an enthusiastic address by Dr. Ashu Singh, where she
explained the motive and future vision of E-cell.
Eco-Industrial Clusters:
New Pathways to Sustainable
Eco-Business - Dr. A. N. Sarkar, Dean (Research)
Current researches in industrial ecology, indicate
that geographic proximity of economic activities
enables higher levels of productivity and
innovation. Clusters, i.e. geographically colocated producers, suppliers, service providers,
research laboratories, educational institutions,
and other institutions, in a given economic field,
are important drivers of dynamic regional
economies. Way back in the late 19th century,
the renowned economist, Alfred Marshall
investigated industrial districts. He identified
externalities that were caused by the local
availability of qualified labour, a growing demand
in the location and a high specialization of
companies, at different levels of the value-chain.
He came to the conclusion that the industrial
atmosphere contributes to the improvement of
social and economic performance of the
companies located in the districts.
In the 21st Century, Eco-Industrial Clusters (EICs),
making an inroad to eco-industries, are now
defined as: “a community of business;
geographic concentration of interconnected
companies in a specialized field that cooperate
with each other and with the local community to
efficiently share resources (information,
materials, energy, water, infrastructure, finance,
etc), leading to improved environmental quality,
economic gains, and equitable enhancement of
human resources for both the business and local
community.” Essentially, an Eco-Industrial
Cluster (EIC) aims at efficient use local
renewable/ recyclable resources while achieving
economic development targets and meeting the
social demands of the local community. As one of
the applications of industrial ecology principles
and business competition theories, EICs can
become an emergent venture of integrated
environmental and economic planning. The
driving force of an EIC is inter-firm networks for
the optimized use of both direct and derived
resources. Recycling, reusing and finding
alternate use for discarded waste materials are
essential characteristics of such networks. Thus,
the emphasis of an eco-industrial cluster is rather
a closed-loop material cycle than a linear chain of
material flow in the project sites. Promoting the
concept of eco-industrial clusters in potential
eco-systems, represents a focusing mechanism
for eco-restructuring of industrialization at
regional or even local level. This also shows the
future pathways of a sustainable development,
for ecologically degraded, economically
distressed and socially isolated local
Key Foundation of Eco-Industrial Clusters
The benefits arising from eco-industrial cluster
development are multiple, viz. zero emission,
employment generation, new product
development etc. Various studies of selected
economic sectors also points towards a variety of
drivers for eco-industrial cluster development,
which ranges from response to environmental
regulation, the strategic intent of developmental
assistance policy to economic dislocation and
spontaneous response to international market
opportunities. Successful EICs are constituted of
enterprises that constantly seek inter-firm
networks; not only to minimize wastes and
reduce pollution, but also to look for all types of
innovation to improve zero emission processes
and develop new eco-products. Well-established
social networks and a trusting relationship
between cluster firms, academic institutions and
community-based organizations, greatly
facilitate inter-firm collaboration as well as
diffusion of new eco-technologies. The creation
of social capital through the formation of an ecoindustrial cluster would help the eco-industry
flourish to its full potential.
and liabilities; improves operating efficiency,
quality, worker health and public image; and
provides opportunities for income generation
from use and sale of wasted materials. An
industrial park is also defined as “a large tract of
land, sub-divided and developed for the use of
several firms simultaneously, distinguished by its
shareable infrastructure and close proximity of
firms”. Types and synonyms of industrial parks
include: industrial estates, industrial districts,
export processing zones, industrial clusters,
business parks, office parks, science and
research parks, and bio-technology parks. Ecoindustrial parks have now been added to this list.
The birth and growth of companies can create a
concentration of talent and complementary
firms, including producers, suppliers, and
support businesses. A critical mass of ecoclusters can create demand for more talent,
ideas, and infrastructure, producing a reinforcing
cycle that stimulates a region’s prospects for
competitive advantage. All industry clusters, are
composed of related industry sectors. The
interconnections between and among, these
sectors, illustrates the clustering effect.
Established clusters are those traded industry
clusters in which a region has a potential
competitive advantage relative to the nation.
The sectors that comprise the cluster are
sufficiently concentrated to represent a regional
specialization compared to the same sector
grouping nationally—making them “traded.” In
some instances, industry-clustering activity is
limited to established clusters and sometimes is
associated with economies experiencing
economic stagnation.
The concept of an eco-industrial park, evolved
from the emerging discipline of industrial
ecology. By collectively managing environmental
and energy issues, eco-industrial park members
seek to enhance their environmental and
economic performance and, as a result, achieve a
combined benefit that is greater than the
benefits each company would have realized from
optimizing only its individual performance. An
eco-industrial park is a community of
manufacturing and service businesses seeking
enhanced environmental and economic
performance through collaboration in managing
environmental and resources issues including
energy, water and materials. By working
together, the community of businesses seeks a
collective benefit that is greater than the sum of
the individual benefits each company would
have realized if it optimized its individual
commercial interests.
Eco-industrial Park: an Innovative way of
Clustering Business Enterprise
Eco-industrial Park is thus one of the emerging
forms of Eco-industrial Cluster of new business
enterprise There are several definitions of the
term eco-industrial park. In 1995, Coˆte´ and Hall
proposed this definition: An eco-industrial park is
an industrial system which conserves natural and
economic resources; reduces production,
material, energy, insurance and treatments costs
Current Global Experiences in establishing Ecoindustrial Parks
In the United States, a number of initiatives have
been taken, pursuant to support from the United
States Environmental Protection Agency and the
President’s Council on Sustainable Development.
Similarly, Canada has a few industrial projects
underway embodying ecological characteristics
embedded with the potential for many more
across the country. The “Industrial Park as an
Ecosystem” project in ‘Burnside industrial Park’
for instance, began in 1992, as a multi-
disciplinary research initiative, investigating the possible application and interpretation of ecological
characteristics and functions, to develop into an eco-industrial park. The expected outcome of the
research guidance was first, on the transformation of Burnside itself and second, for the establishment
of future eco-industrial parks. A similar study, has been underway in the Portlands Industrial District in
Toronto, Ontario, since 1995. This industrial area also involves enterprises in a variety of sectors in
manufacturing and services with the potential for waste and energy exchanges. A recent study of the
potential for integrated eco-industrial parks with co-generation, energy cascading and recycling across
Canada identified 40 sites of which nine were deemed to have excellent possibilities for eco-industrial
development. There are a number of sites in Canada where limited industrial ecosystems are in
operation. In Sarnia, Ontario, some symbioses exist between oil refineries, a synthetic rubber plant,
petrochemical facilities and a steam electrical generating station and more linkages are possible. At the
Bruce Energy Centre, also in Ontario, the “eco-park” is organized around Ontario Hydro’s nuclear power
station to take advantage of its waste heat and steam generation capacity. The following Table shows
the current potential of some Eco-industrial Parks in Canada.
The Finnish Ecological Parks at Rantasalmi, usually consist of forest industry businesses, which use their
wood-derived wastes for energy, selling electricity to the community, utilizing residual heat, from
electricity generation for industrial process steam and district heat for residential areas. The
Rantasalmi eco-industrial park project can, however, be considered the first attempt to plan and
organize an eco-industrial park in Finland. Real Estate Rantasalmen Silva Oy, also acts as a development
company in the region and one of the aims is to generate a strong knowledge and business
concentration in the area. It is owned by Rantasalmi municipality (49%), Rantasalmi Oy (49%) and
Spikera Oy (2%).
Aerial View of an Eco-industrial Park at Rantasalmi, ETELÄ-SAVO, Finland
The evolution of eco-industrial parks into ecosystems, is still at a nascent stage of development.
Although some research and design projects, have attempted to identify the essential characteristics
as well as uniqueness of eco-industrial parks, there is, apparently, no agreement as yet. All the same,
there does appear to be some general consensus emerging from the learnings of the French, Japanese,
American and Canadian eco-project initiatives; as also from the UNEP technical report on Ecoindustrial parks development as a new economic development proposition.
Eco-industrial Ventures in Andhra Pradesh
For demonstrating systematic and comprehensive planning of new Eco- industrial parks, a Multiproduct Andhra Pradesh Special Economic Zone Project at Visakhapatnam, covering an area of 5,683
acres (2,300 hectares) was taken up. The environmental impact assessment (EIA) taken up on the Ecoindustrial Project included study of baseline environmental conditions, meteorology, ambient air
quality, inland water quality, ground water quality, surface water quality, soil quality, flora and fauna,
marine environment, socio-economic conditions, risk analysis and disaster management planning,
traffic studies and transportation management. Based on the EIA studies, Site Master Planning was
taken up comprehensively. The plan includes special elements such as transport network, storm water
drainage system, cogeneration plant, common waste water treatment and disposal, treatment of
sewage and reuse, waste management, green belt and provisions for disaster risk management. Based
on impact assessment findings, there is now a spurt of fresh demands coming up on larger application
of the concepts for establishing new eco-parks with added elements of energy efficiency, renewable
energy, and addressing environment and climate change issues. With the increased
environmental/energy personnel at APIIC Project Centre of Andhra Pradesh and propagation of ecoindustry park concepts, a number of activities have been initiated for reduction of negative
environmental impacts from industrial parks including stopping of illegal discharge of industrial
effluents and wastes, initiation of actions against defaulting industries, plantation activities,
identification of infrastructure requirements their augmentation, construction of a Common Effluent
Treatment Plant (CETP) in one of the industrial parks (Vijayawada) Also, significantly visible is the
plantation taken up by APIIC for 40 eco-industrial parks and planning to set up CETPs in various
industrial parks.
Round Tables on "Eco Industrial Parks" were recently organized in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) and
Ahmedabad (Gujarat). Environmental awareness programmes were organized in industrial parks in
Kakinada, Visakhapatnam, Tirupati, Nellore and Shamshabad, coupled with tree plantation.
Particularly on the occasion of the World Environment Day 2009, the theme of “Unite to Combat
Climate Change” was propagated through a massive rally in Hyderabad and parallel events in several
industrial parks. For promoting eco industry park concepts and sustainability concepts, a number of
activities related to Counseling, Training, Workshops and Exhibitions were organised. To start with,
activities to be implemented during 2009 to 2010 were identified through a Planning Workshop
organized in December 2008 with APIIC officials (Project implementation partner). Support was
provided to the workshop on “Eco Industrial Areas” organized by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control
Board which had over 150 participants from industry, experts from the field of environment. The
workshop helped promoting the eco industrial park initiatives. An Awareness Workshop on “ECOPROFIT Programme” was held at Hyderabad on April 16, 2010 in cooperation with the Federation of
Andhra Pradesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FAPCII) for the member industries of FAPCII.
Multiple impacts - Replication of Eco-Industrial Park concepts started in Andhra Pradesh and other
parts of India: The Project succeeded in replication of the Eco-Industrial Park concepts within Andhra
Pradesh and beyond in several parts of the country with multiplier effects. APIIC had scaled up the
application of the concepts from the two ecio-industrial parks that were taken up initially to 32 ecoindustrial parks. The results are forthcoming in 15 industrial parks with more convincing results. In the
state of Gujarat, the activities were initiated for transformation process of two existing industrial parks
at Naroda and Vatva near Gandhinagar. Activities for promoting eco- industry park concepts in
pharmaceuticals sector have also been initiated in cooperation with the Department of
Pharmaceuticals (DoP) of the Indian Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers. The focus is in five states
having significant presence of pharma industries and these include: Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,
Maharashtra, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu. Further, for the Government of Orissa, a proposal was
developed for planning and development of 450 acre ‘Solar Technology Park’ through the Industrial
Promotion and Infrastructure Corporation Ltd. (IPICOL). A cooperation agreement was made with the
Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI) in Hyderabad, with the Centre for Climate Change taking lead in
implementing Eco-profit and other training measures for pharmaceuticals industries.
(Oct. 19-20, 2012)
A two-day In-company training programme on “Competency Mapping for Leadership Roles” was
conducted for the Executives of National Buildings Construction Corporation Ltd. (NBCC), on 19-20
October, 2012, at Hotel Atithi, Mumbai. It was attended by 17 middle and senior executives, from
different offices of NBCC. The programme was directed and conducted by senior Professor, Dr. S. P.
The objective of this two-day programme, was to prepare managers for leadership roles by enhancing
their competencies, both at the professional and personal levels. This would help them, to take a
proactive approach to make the best of the challenges thrown up by the present complex business
The Contents of the Programme Comprised of :• Personality Profiling
• Leading Teams Effectively
• Managing Change
• Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
• Time and Stress Management
• Managing Conflict
• Leadership and Decision Making
The methodology was highly interactive and involved a mix of Lectures, group discussions, case
discussions, role-plays, simulation games and self-assessment, through psychometric questionnaires.
(Oct. 22-23, 2012)
A two-day, Management Development Programme, for the Cinema Managers of PVR Cinemas, was
conducted on 22-23, October 2012. It was attended by non-finance managers, from several offices of
PVR cinemas. All the sessions were conducted by Prof. R. K. Srivastava, who is an eminent Faculty in the
area of Finance.
The training programme focused on :• How to prepare balance sheet?
• Concepts like credit & debit, cash flow, matching concepts and Accounting Equation.
• Concepts of Profit/Loss, Gross & Net Working Capital, Cash Management Models.
• Concepts, Principles & Administration of Accounting, Financial accounting terminology, etc.
The contents of the programme were customized, for cinema managers and there were specifically
designed case studies for PVR.
The training methodology comprised of Lectures, Brainstorming Sessions, Buzz Groups and Interactive
& Experiential learning, which made the participating managers understand the relevant concepts of
finance, in their daily working and could imbibe the impact of Profit and Loss, Debit and Credit, in other
A Key Action Plan Formulation for Managers of all the functions, was also prepared and the impact of a
healthier balance sheet and how different departments/functions, could add value, was also
(Dec. 05-11, 2012)
A Four-Day MDP on “Maximizing Employee Potential”, was organized from 5 December, 2012 to
11 December, 2012, for the employees of IFFCO, at “Fertilizer Marketing Development Institute,
Gurgaon”. The programme was attended by 30 participants from various IFFCO establishments, located
across the country.
The first and the second session, were taken by Prof. B. D. Singh, who gave insights on the Meaning,
Purpose and Dimensions of Developing Interpersonal Skills and the Art of Motivation.
Using a pedagogy of Lectures and Case Discussions, Dr. Latika Sahani, effectively highlighted the
meaning of Effective Communication & Listening Skills and its benefits, in the third and the fourth
Prof. Devendra Bahadur, spoke to the participants about Enhancing Productivity Through Kaizan, Poka
Yoka, Quality Circle etc., in the second session of the day.
Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari, enlightened the participants about Understanding Self and Others. This session
was followed by two consecutive sessions conducted jointly by Prof. Devendra Bahadur and Dr. Nidhi
Maheshwari, wherein they engaged the participants in Team Building activities and games, to highlight
the importance of Working in Teams.
On the final day of the programme, Prof. Devendra Bahadur, enlightened the participants on Time
Management through Planning & Prioritizing followed by a session on Managing Health & Stress; the
sessions were well received by the participants.
In the concluding session, Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari, spoke to the audience about Discipline for Self
Excellence. She also spoke about Creativity and Innovation at Work.
(Dec. 17-18, 2012)
A Two-Day MDP on “Sustained Excellence for Organizational Effectiveness” was organized on 17th and
18th December 2012, for IOCL Pipelines Division, at the training premises, of IOCL Pipelines Division
Noida, Sector 1, Headquarters. The programme was attended by 15 Functional Managers, of IOCL.
The first session on Day-1, was taken by Prof. B. D. Singh, who gave insights and overview on Change
Management and transformational leadership. Using an experiential style of personal experiences and
exercises, Prof. Singh, spoke at length about the need for Change Management, to become an
Organization of Excellence, and the transformational role that the today’s leaders should play.
The second Session on Day-1, was conducted by Prof. Vivek Kumar, who spoke Organizational Excellence,
its meaning, dimensions and Organizational Sustainability. Using a pedagogy of Management Games
and Live Cases, he made the participants understand the need of Organizational Excellence and its
The first session on Day-2, was taken by Dr. D. K. Batra, along with Prof. Rajat Gera. They emphasized on
the need for Customer Delight and imbibed amongst the IOCL Participants, the meaning and purpose of
Vision and Strategic Direction, from an organizational perspective.
The second session on Day-2, was conducted by Dr. S. P. Chauhan. Through Live Cases and Exercises,
Dr. Chauhan, spoke about the essence of Workplace Productivity, Employeeship, Positive Attitude and
enabled the participants to make an action plan for themselves in personal and professional lives, as Key
action planning from the learnings, gained from the programme.
(Dec. 19-21, 2012)
A three-Day Outbound Training, on “Leadership, Team-Building and Motivation”, was organized from
19th to 21st December 2012, at Jayalgarh, a tourist destination and hill station, located 110 kms from
Haridwar. The programme was attended by 33 Functional Managers, of NTPC, from across the country
Day-1, was spent in Management Games and Leadership and Team-Building Exercises. Mr. Bala, the
external Faculty, Managing Director, Great India Outdoors Pvt Ltd, utilized 6-7 Management Games, to
underline the relevance of Leadership, Working in Teams, Interpersonal Communication, Importance
of Cross-Functional Knowledge, How to Handle Projects, Decision-Making and Problem-Solving etc.
and were appreciated by all.
Day-2, was spent in White Water Rafting, on the banks of the Alaknanda River, Nature Trek and
Management Games. Even through Adventure Sports, the participants were made to understand the
concept of Leadership, and the varied Leadership styles and trends essential in today’s competitive
Day-3, was spent in Rappelling, which utilized Motivation as a key fundamental, in achieving difficult
tasks with consummate ease.
The programme was extremely successful and the Management Games, in particular as well as the
Leadership and Team-Building Exercises, by the faculty, were highly appreciated.
(Nov. 23-24, 2012)
A Two-Day MDP on “Stress Management and Yoga” was organized on 23rd and 24th November 2012,
for IREDA at “ TAKSHILA “- The MDP Centre of Excellence, at AIM. The programme was attended by
15 Functional Managers, from IREDA.
The first session, on Day-1, was taken by Prof. B. D. Singh, who gave insights and overview on Stress
The next three sessions, on Day-1, were conducted by Dr. S. P. Chauhan, who spoke about Managing
Stress, for higher performance and Work-Life Balance, and developing positive orientation, for
Effective Leadership. Using pedagogy of Management Games and Live Cases, he made the
participants understand the need of managing stress and the ways for achieving the same.
The pre-lunch session, on Day-2, was taken by Ms. Soumya Chawla, a certified Yoga Trainer. She made
all the participants practice Yoga and Yogasanams and through these Yoga courses, she explained
how Yoga could be a Stress-Buster and Yoga as a means of achieving Internal and External peace.
The second session, on Day-2, was conducted by Dr. S. P. Chauhan. Through Live Cases and Exercises,
Dr. Chauhan, spoke about the essence of Stress and Emotional Intelligence.
The programme was extremely successful and the course content, in particular as well as the delivery
by the faculty was highly appreciated.
The programme was directed by Prof. B. D. Singh, Dean, Executive Education.
(Nov. 17, 2012)
A One-day MDP, on "Organizational Excellence" was organized, on 17th November 2012, for ‘The
National Small Industries Corporation Limited’ at TAKSHILA-The MDP Centre of Excellence, at AIM.
The programme was attended by 30 General Managers, Functional Heads and Branch Heads, of NSIC
The programme was flagged of by Director, AIM, Dr. D. K. Batra, who focused on the need for the
programme and shared his views, with the Director-P&M, NSIC, Mr. P. Uday Kumar.
The first session, was taken by Prof. Vivek Kumar, who gave insights on the meaning, purpose and
dimensions, of Organizational Excellence. Using a pedagogy of Lectures and Case Discussions, Prof.
Vivek, effectively highlighted the meaning of Sustained Organizational Excellence and its benefits and
also enlightened the participants, on High Performance Organization and its sustainability, and
Customers and Stakeholders Satisfaction.
Prof. Vivek Kumar, elaborated on evolving a culture of excellence, in the second session, wherein he
engaged the participants in Group-discussions, to enumerate the process to become an organization
with sustained excellence and spoke about the ways, to fill the gaps between current and desired
The post-lunch session, was taken by Prof. Ratnesh Kumar, who stresses on the need for Managing
Change and Leadership, through Employee Engagement. Utilizing a methodology of Case Studies and
sharing relevant industry best practices, Prof. Ratnesh Kumar, spoke about Opportunities and Threats
for an Organization, How to implement and manage change, and gave valuable insights into
Transformational Leadership.
The fourth session, was conducted by Prof. Devendra Bahadur, who used the Balanced Scorecard
Technique, to exhibit, how to measure Organizational Excellence and spoke about Action Planning,
specifically for NSIC. The programme was extremely successful. The course content, in particular as
well as the delivery by the faculty, was highly appreciated. The programme was directed by Prof. Vivek
(Dec. 10-12, 2012)
A three-Day MDP, on “Aligning Team with Organizational Goals”, was organized, from 10th to 12th
December, 2012, for NHPC Limited, at Atrium Hotel, Surajkund. The programme was attended by 25
Functional Managers, from Engineering, Projects, HR, Operations Departments.
The first session, on Day-1, was taken by Prof. B. D. Singh, who gave insights on the need for Team
Building and Team Working. Using a pedagogy of lectures and live cases, from PSU’s, Prof. B. D. Singh,
made the participants realize the essence of working in teams and how team development goes a long
way in achieving higher organizational success. Prof. B. D. Singh also emphasized the importance of
Interpersonal Skills and Understanding Self and Others.
The post-lunch session, was taken by Dr. Reema Chaudhary, who used a pedagogy of Live Case
Discussions and Group Discussions, to impress upon the need of Communication Skills and Team
Communication Competencies.
Both the sessions, on Day-2, were conducted by Dr. S. P. Chauhan. Through Simulation Games and
Exercises, Dr. Chauhan spoke about the essence of Aligning Teams Towards Organizational Goals.
Prof. B. D. Singh, conducted the first session, on Day-3, and he emphasized on the need of Motivation
amongst teams, as an aid for organizations, to reach the next level. The concluding session, on Day-3 was
conducted by Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari, who used management and simulation games, to make the
participants understand the facets of Team Goal Setting.
The programme was extremely successful. The sessions were conducted by our Faculty, Prof. B. D. Singh,
Dr. S. P. Chauhan, Dr. Reema Chaudhary and Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari.
The programme was directed by Prof. B. D. Singh, Dean, Executive Education.
(Nov. 19-21, 2012)
A Three-Day MDP, on “Team Development and Performance Enhancement” was organized on 19th to 21st
November, 2012, for NHPC Limited, at Atrium Hotel, Surajkund. The programme was attended by 25
Functional Managers from Engineering, Projects, HR, Operations Departments.
The first session, on Day-1, was taken by Prof. B.D.Singh, who gave insights on the need for Team Building
and Team Working. Using a pedagogy of lectures and live cases, from PSU's, Prof. Singh, made the
participants realize, the essence of working in teams and how the team-development goes a long way, in
achieving higher organizational success. Prof. B. D. Singh, also emphasized the importance of
Interpersonal Skills and Understanding Self and Others.
The post-lunch session, was taken by Dr. S. P. Chauhan, who used a pedagogy of Live Case Discussions
and Group Discussions, to impress upon the need of Understanding Self and Others and discussed about
Interpersonal Style and Skills, essential for team-development.
The first session, on Day-2, was conducted by Prof. B. D. Singh, who stressed on the need for Managing
Conflict and Crisis, at the Workplace. Prof. Singh, spoke at length about what is conflict, what are the
types of conflicts, especially organizational conflicts, and the ways to overcome them, so that teams
work in synergy, to achieve the organizational goals
The second session, on Day-2, was conducted by Dr. S. P. Chauhan. Through Simulation Games and
Exercises, Dr. Chauhan, spoke about the essence of Team Work: Competencies and Skills Required for
Performance Enhancement, etc.
Prof. B. D. Singh, took the first session, on Day-3 and he emphasized on the need of Emotional
Intelligence and Emotional Quotient, within an individual and a team, and spoke about Emotional
Quotient, being more essential than Intelligence Quotient.
The concluding session, on Day-3, was conducted by Dr. Latika Sahni, Dr. Reema Chaudhary and Dr. Nidhi
Maheshwari, who used management and simulation games, to make the participants understand the
facets of Interpersonal Communication, and facets of Listening and Feedback. The focus of the session,
was to inculcate the importance of Feedback and Listening, as the most integral part of Interpersonal
The programme was extremely successful and the course content, in particular as well as the delivery, by
the Faculty, was highly appreciated.
The programme was directed by Prof. B. D. Singh, Dean, Executive Education.
(Dec. 14, 2012)
A one-Day MDP on “Team-Building and Leadership” was organized on 14th December, 2012, for
National Seeds Corporation Limited, at New Delhi. The programme was attended by twenty two
Functional Managers, of NSC Limited. The programme was jointly directed by Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari and
Prof. Devendra Bahadur.
The first session, was conducted by Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari, who gave insights and overview on TeamBuilding and Interpersonal Effectiveness. The second session, was conducted by Prof. Devendra
Bahadur, who spoke about Managing Change. Prof. Bahadur, used unique Management Games, to
explain how Change Management works.
The post-lunch session, was taken by Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari, who used Management Puzzles to drive
home the concepts and importance, of Emotional Intelligence to resolve Conflicts at workplace. The
concluding session, was conducted Prof. Devendra Bahadur. Through Live Cases and Exercises, Prof.
Bahadur, spoke about the essence of Leadership for the 21st century.
(Dec. 17, 2012)
A one-Day EDP, on “ MENTORING MATTERS “ was organized on 17th December, 2012, for ITDC Limited, at
Hotel Janpath, New Delhi. The programme was attended by 12 Functional Managers, of ITDC Limited.
The first session, was conducted by Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari, who gave insights and overview on Mentoring
and the Role of Mentors and Mentees. Using a unique training methodology, of Interactive Videos and
Management Games, she impressed upon the imperative need of Mentors and Mentees joining hands,
to achieve Organizational Goals.
The second session, was conducted by Prof. Devendra Bahadur, who spoke about Interpersonal
Mentoring Skills. Making groups of Mentors and Mentees, Prof. Bahadur, used unique Management
Games (Tower-Building Exercise through Wooden Building Blocks, etc.), to explain how interpersonal
mentoring works and how an ideal mentor/mentee, co-ordinate amongst themselves.
The post-lunch session, was taken by Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari, who used Management Puzzles to drive
home the concepts and importance of Planning and Managing Mentoring, at the Workplace.
The last session, was conducted by Prof. Devendra Bahadur. Through Live Cases and Exercises,
Prof. Bahadur, spoke about the essence of Effective and Successful Mentoring.
The programme was jointly directed by Dr. Nidhi Maheshwari and Prof. Devendra Bahadur.
Executive Development Programme For E1 Level of
Employees For NTPC
(Dec. 03-27, 2012)
An Executive Development Programme, was organised, for NTPC Limited.
The programme commenced on 3rd December, 2012 and was attended by
thirty two employees, from different functions and different plants, of the
Maharatna company, NTPC, from across the country. The programme was
conducted at NTPC, Noida. The programme was directed by Prof. B. D. Singh,
Dean, Executive Education, AIM.
Week-1 of the programme comprised of 10 tightly integrated
modules / sessions.
The first session on Day-1, was conducted by Prof. B. D. Singh, who gave
insights and overview on TRANSITION to MANAGERS. He emphasized on the
current needs of modern-day managers and the challenges, they are
expected to overcome, while also highlighting the competencies and skill
sets, today’s managers are supposed to have.
The second session on Day-1, was conducted by Prof. Devendra Bahadur,
who spoke about Decision-Making and Risk-taking competencies, required
to evolve into a Gen-Next Manager.
Day-2, commenced with the session of Prof. B. D. Singh, who highlighted the
concept of Conflict Management and how to deal with the same. The
second session on Day-2, was conducted by Prof. Devendra Bahadur.
Through Live Cases and Exercises, Prof. Bahadur spoke about the essence of
Time and Stress Management.
Day-3, commenced with the session by Prof. Devendra Bahadur, where in, he highlighted the concept of
Project Management and used experiential learning to make the participants relate to the common
mistakes made by them, while executing projects and what they should improve, while working /leading
large project teams, at their respective plants.
The second session, on Day-3, was conducted by Dr. Reema Chaudhary. Through Management Puzzles
and Videos, Dr. Chaudhary imbibed amongst the participants, the essence of Communication Skills and
communication competencies, in daily work lives.
Prof. Ratnesh Kumar, in the first session, on Day-4, through a unique experience-sharing and best
practices sharing pedagogy, underlined the importance of Employee Engagement, While Dr. Nidhi
Maheshwari, made the participants practice Presentation Skills, as a vital and essential part of their daily
work routines, in the second session, on Day-4.
Day-5, commenced with Prof. B. D. Singh, sharing his experiences, regarding motivating the employees
at Workplace, and ended with a session by Prof. Ratnesh Kumar, sharing his views on Team Work leading
Week-2, of the programme comprised of 10 tightly integrated modules / sessions.
The first session, on Day-1, in Week-2, was taken by Dr. S. P. Chauhan, who gave insights and overview, on
Leadership to manage Business turbulence. Dr. Chauhan, emphasized the role of changing leadership
styles, in the modern competitive business environment.
The second session, on Day-1 in Week-2, was also conducted by Dr. S. P. Chauhan, who spoke about
personality profiling and gave insights on managing self and others.
Day-2, commenced with Prof. B. D. Singh, highlighting the concept of Organizational Leadership in the
21st century.
The second session, was conducted by Prof. Ratnesh Kumar. Through Live Cases and Exercises, Prof.
Ratnesh, spoke about the essence of Business Ethical Competency.
Day-3, commenced with Dr. S. P. Chauhan, highlighting the concept of Emotional Intelligence and used
experiential learning to make the participants relate to the common mistakes made by them at
workplace and how EQ can offer the solutions.
The second session, on Day-3, was also conducted by Dr. S. P. Chauhan. Through Management Puzzles
and Videos, Dr. Chauhan imbibed amongst the participants, the positive attitude, at the workplace and
in personal lives.
Prof. B. D. Singh, in the first session on Day-4, through a unique experience-sharing and best practices
sharing pedagogy, underlined the importance of management of discipline.
The second session, on Day-4, was conducted by Dr. S .P. Chauhan, who spoke about the essence of
Team-Building and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
Day-5, commenced with the session by Prof. R. K. Srivastava, who took an interactive session on Finance
for Non-Finance.
Day-5, ended with the session by Prof. Ratnesh Kumar, where-in he discussed about the Change
Week 3, of the programme comprised of 3 tightly integrated modules / sessions.
The first session, on Day-1, in Week 3, was taken by Prof. B. D. Singh, who gave insights and overview on
Performance Management Systems and Appraisal Systems. Prof. Singh, used the PMS Systems of NTPC
itself and emphasized the need of constant performance systems and appraisals
The second session, was conducted by Dr. S. P. Chauhan, who spoke about the Importance of mentoring
in today’s competitive world, and the role of Mentors and Mentees, in an organization today.
Day-2, commenced with Prof. B. D. Singh, highlighting the concept of Organizational Culture and its
impact on Sustainable Performance. Prof. Singh, with his unique training methodology of live cases,
experience sharing and best practices sharing, highlighted the need to build a collaborative
organizational culture as the best means to improve organizational performance, and sustain the same
for long-term success.
The month-long EDP, ended with distribution of Certificates and CDs, comprising of all Presentations /
Course Material / Photographs, of EDP and OTB Trainings.
Additions to the AIM Parivar
Teaching Staff
Dr. Latika Sahani
Associate Professor
10th Oct., 2012
Non-Teaching Staff
Ms. Rajitha Suresh
Computer Operator
4th Oct., 2012
Mr. Sonu Kumar
Accounts Officer
8th Oct., 2012
Mr. Ashish Sinha
Regional Head (North India)
Takshila-The Centre of Skills
8th Oct.,2012
Mr. Manu Kumar
Vice President -MDP
15th Oct.,2012
Mr. Rajesh Kumar Pareek
Asst. Manager (Admin)
19th Nov., 2012
Ms. Sonia Singh
Asst. Manager (MDP)
21st Nov., 2012
Mr. Anjul Goel
Asst. Vice President -MDP
7th Dec., 2012
Ms. Jyoti Grover
Ex. Asstt.
17th Dec., 2012
Success consists of doing
the common things of life
uncommonly well.
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