Competitive Intelligence
Competitive Intelligence
Competitive Intelligence A Powerful Management Concept for Gaining Competitive Advantage “THE THINK FACTORY” DIE DENKFABRIK Gesellschaft für Technologie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH Korngasse 9; 35510 Butzbach Tel: + 49 (0) 6033 73 0 54 FAX: +49 (0) 6033 74 3 76 E-mail: Web: PROFILE RAINER MICHAELI Education Intelligence Experience ¾ Dipl.-Ing. Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik TU Braunschweig / University of York, GB ¾ MBA (INSEAD) France Prof. Experience ¾ Project- and Productmanagement DIEHL GmbH & Co KG ¾ Key Account Manager COMPUNET AG Founder and owner of DIE DENKFABRIK, Gesellschaft für Technologie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH since 1993 Board Member SCIP (Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals) since 2003 Military OR-studies Over 500+ „Competitive Intelligence“ Projects for leading national and international companies CI - Trainer for IIR, Euroforum, Management Circle, DGI, EAP (Ecole Européenne des Affaires, Paris), SCIP Adjacent lecturer at FH Darmstadt on „Competitive Intelligence“ and „Dynamic Strategies“ Various publications and a textbook on „CI“ DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH, Korngasse 9 D - 35510 Butzbach Tel: + 49 (0) 6033 73 0 54 GB_CI_Eng.ppt 2 INTRODUCTION Company Profile DIE DENKFABRIK (literally “The Think Factory) ¾ Founded in 1993, located in Butzbach, near Frankfurt (Germany) ¾ 4 employees, 10 free - lancers ¾ Global network of associated partners ¾ SCIP (Society of Competitve Intelligence Professionals) member since 1995. We strictly adhere to its codes of ethics. Business Segments Manageering Competitive Intelligence Strategy Consulting ¾ Our Mission Raise clients “corporate intelligence” ¾ Qualification Our professionals have a variety of business experience, ranging from engineering disciplines to institutional intelligence to top management consulting. Our ”state-of-the-art” Competitive Intelligence Services reflect a unique integration of these backgrounds into Competitive Intelligence concepts that have proven to be successful in practice DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH, Korngasse 9 D - 35510 Butzbach Tel: + 49 (0) 6033 73 0 54 GB_CI_Eng.ppt 3 INTRODUCTION What is Competitive Intelligence (CI)? COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE IS ... BENEFITS OF CI ” ... an analytical process which transforms disaggregated company, industry and market data into actionable strategic knowledge about the position, performance, capabilities and intentions of target companies ¾ Gain a better understanding of existing and potential competitors, suppliers, customers, partners, acquisitions ¾ Assess the dynamics of your market: anticipate trends, threats and opportunities ¾ Valuate new businesses, markets and technologies ¾ Strengthen your competitive position through benchmarking, SWOT analysis, differentiation ¾ Reduce uncertainty and risk for decision making ... one of the most valuable and cost-effective competitive tools that managers can utilize ... NOT market research or management consulting ”At least competitor intelligence is analyzed information about competitors that is aimed at preventing the average executive from looking like a fool a few years down the road”. (Gilad) INTRODUCTION (2) From Data to Knowledge feedback; questions initiate new CI projects Field operations & Secondary sources KNOWLEDGE DATA new CI cycle to answer new CINs advice discuss comment Intelligence Expert "Goalkeeper" Filter Scan Integrate Clarify Condense Escalate Intelligence Manager Analyze Assess Prioritize Escalate Interest groups Disseminate DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH, Korngasse 9 D - 35510 Butzbach Tel: + 49 (0) 6033 73 0 54 Exchange of comments Decisionmaking GB_CI_Eng.ppt 5 OUR SCOPE OF RESEARCH SERVICES Espionage Public Competitive Intelligence Industrial Market Research Printed Restricted Secret Every research task has unique tools & techniques DDF applies the most efficient (and ethical) tools for the task Mkt Research Industrial Spies DIE DENKFABRIK Specialized Mkt Research Companies Traditional Mkt Research Companies Data Volume DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH, Korngasse 9 D - 35510 Butzbach Tel: + 49 (0) 6033 73 0 54 GB_CI_Eng.ppt 6 YOUR KEY TO SUCCESS Raise your „Corporate Intelligence“! Evolutionary companies excel at continuously performing the “Corporate Intelligence Cycle” Unternehmen S 1) Understand market and environment Gründungsrate S Arbeitsplätze B Arbeitskraft S O S Arbeitskräfte O Zuzugsrate B Bevölkerung S S Finanzwirtschaftliche Perspektive ¾Eigenkapitalrentabilität ¾ Marktanteile ¾ Kapitalfluß Wie sollten wir aus Kapitalgebersicht dastehen? Lernen und Innovation Kundenperspektive Wie sollten wir uns entwicklen, um unsere Vison zu erreichen? Wie sollten wir aus Kundensicht dastehen? 2) Define and verify strategies “Corporate Intelligence” enables companies to remain successful in an ever changing, dynamic DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH, Korngasse 9 environment D - 35510 Butzbach Tel: + 49 (0) 6033 73 0 54 ¾Lieferzeiten ¾Qualität ¾Kundenzufriedenheit ¾Preisbildung Vision & Strategy ¾Anreizsysteme ¾Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit ¾Entsprechung zum Anforderungsprofil Geschäftsprozesse (Effizienz) Auf welche Geschäftsprozesse müssen wir uns konzentrieren, um unsere Kunden und Kapitalgeber zufrieden zu stellen ¾Durchlaufzeit ¾Verkaufszahlen neuer Produkte 3) Achieve objectives GB_CI_Eng.ppt 7 WHAT WE DO We offer comprehensive Competitive Intelligence (CI) Services, tuned to the needs of our clients PROJECTS Our approach emphasizes the delivery of CI that is actionable and targeted. It encompasses more than gathering and analyzing information. We provide action - oriented alternatives, specific risk evaluations and then provide CI support for the implementation of decisions. Competitive Intelligence Services CI PROGRAMS Competitive Intelligence Programs CI Institut Projects Tools & Techniques Ad -hoc & Monitoring Competitor Profiling Technology Assessments CIN Monitoring Early Warning CI INSTITUT Threat / Risk Analysis Applications Benchmarking We offer full scale in-house implementation of continuous CI systems at clients site. Our programs include a tailored concept, design and implementation of the system. Satisfaction Survey Due Diligence We offer a certified CI training program for CI Research, CI Analysts and CI Managers. Course include: CI 101, Operation of Information Networks, Competitive Analysis (Tools & Techniques), Counter Intelligence etc OUR FOCUS ¾ Technology oriented industries ¾ Corporate and major SBUs ¾ Complex decision -making processes WHAT WE DO (2) We offer in-depth Decision Intelligence (DI) Services, applying proven quantitative management concepts IT SUPPORT ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ CI Systems Scenario planning War - Gaming Early Warning Systems Forecasting Competitive Strategies DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH, Korngasse 9 D - 35510 Butzbach Tel: + 49 (0) 6033 73 0 54 GB_CI_Eng.ppt 9 INSTITUTE FOR COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE (ICI) Advisory Council Prof. Dr. Craig S. Fleisher Odette School of Business of the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Erik Glitman CEO Fletcher/CSI Vermont, USA. Lecturer Champlain College Burlington, Vermont USA Competitive Intelligence CI Center Institut The Institut for Competitive Intelligence was founded to provide post-graduate professionals a solid, flexible CI training. It offers certified courses for CI-Analysts, CI-Researchers and CI-Managers. Find more information under about the institute, the advisory council and our faculty. All workshops are offered as tailored in-house workshops as well. Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer European Business School (ebs), OestrichWinkel, Germany Sheila Wright De Montfort Universität of Leicester Business School, UK. DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH, Korngasse 9 D - 35510 Butzbach Tel: + 49 (0) 6033 73 0 54 GB_CI_Eng.ppt 10 Projekte CORE COMPETENCES DDF has developed a unique concept for providing innovative, comprehensive Competitive Intelligence APPLIED INSTITUTIONAL CI Transforming proven concepts and methodologies of “institutional intelligence” to the business environment provides the foundation for our operational procedures of innovative intelligence collection and solid analysis. Close decision support in tough, technologicallyoriented markets requires a sound understanding of industry dynamics, applied technologies, organizational behavior, and decision-making processes. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT At DDF we excel in handling information & data flows from sources (primary and secondary), through our global teams and analysts up to the end-users (decisionmakers). Careful planning, multiple approaches as well as ongoing crosschecking and quality control of deliverables guarantee reliable findings, leading to superior results. The client receives findings developed to analyze sound alternatives that permit calculated and action-driven decisions. COLLECTION BY INDEPENDENT TEAMS The backbone of our collection approach is our global network of independent (external) teams. These independent, skilled, and capable professionals contact relevant primary sources close to targets in a unique way, to enable collection of hidden information, as well as future plans and intentions of executives’ targets. APPLIED INSTITUTIONAL COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE HOW WE OPERATE Our combined intelligence know-how and operational experience put us in a position to provide “state-ofthe-art” support throughout the intelligence cycle. Careful planning, innovative collection, tight control, smart, actionable analysis-- grant tough cases a breakthrough. Project Resources and Special Approaches Our varied global resources allow us to optimize teams and approaches to set project infrastructure. To achieve and maintain a critical mass of information--and yield exceptional results--we utilize multiple teams and multiple approaches, incorporating knowledge spinning techniques as well as unique interviewing and meeting techniques. Confidentiality and Security A “double-blind” approach for all involved parties is an efficient way to secure client interest and enhance confidentiality. Commitment to Success Complete commitment to the toughest assignments enables us to go beyond the best efforts of ”from cell to picture” analysis and to offer alternatives for action which lead to support in implementation. YOUR ADVANTAGES ¾ Results rather than just answers ¾ An in-depth understanding of competitor’s behavior and intentions ¾ Our experience leads to high success rates, even on tough projects. COLLECTION THROUGH TEAMS A NETWORK OF TEAMS YOUR ADVANTAGES DFF’s Intelligence collection capability is based on the knowhow that comes from operating a global network of independent professionals. Our worldwide projects are executed by teams operating from over 20 countries. Approach Through innovative techniques, inside information - including future plans and intents of target executives - is no longer mission impossible. Our concept of spinning teams from continent to continent, from country to country, is in many cases the optimal solution. Operational Issues Our team activities are executed under tight SCIP guidelines, assuring legal and ethical operations. Full commitment - from project managers to all team members - to deliver: ¾ Multiple, cross-checked findings, generating sound collection of intelligence Quality Control Tight planning, briefing, and debriefing, while using several approaches and teams for each major project, are the TQM in our business. Secondary Sources To efficiently launch and brief our teams on an on-going basis, we conduct in-depth analysis of secondary materials. ¾ In-depth insight into “hardto-find” information ¾ Flexible team assignments to react to unforeseen knowledge gaps KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT FROM SOURCES TO DECISION - MAKERS YOUR ADVANTAGES At DDF we drive a rigid analytical process of findings and resource deployment. Information and data are collected until critical mass is achieved. Then interim findings are fed into working hypotheses (“draft” knowledge), which we spin backwards and forward until they are validated. Ongoing cross-checking and refinement enables a solid and reliable analysis which triggers the presentation of calculated, defendable alternatives. Intensive contribution of clients and ourselves to achieve an exceptionally creative CI working environment leads to even the toughest assignments yielding valuable results that lead to better decisions. Ongoing Client Interactions Knowledge is transferred and exchanged with our client at each stage of a project. Expertise of clients is used to refine the findings and guide further collection activities. At each stage of the project, the client has full control over project status and SOW completion. This entire cycle of spinning information between field teams, analysts and our clients creates an exceptionally creative problem-solving environment. RELATED SERVICES Our knowledge management know-how can be implemented to support our clients’ efforts to establish internal CI: ¾ Continuous monitoring of CIN (Critical Information Needs) ¾ Ad-hoc CI projects ¾ Internal programs and systems (CIS) ¾ Implementation of Business Simulators and Decision Support Systems to continuously analyze the impact of intelligence of your decisions CASE STUDY Decision Intelligence (1) BACKGROUND Our client - a midsize manufacturer of hightech industrial goods, based in Europe leading in its traditional markets observed an increasing “hostile” business environment: ¾ Price erosion, ¾ ongoing M&A activities of competitors, ¾ deregulated markets, ¾ emerging technologies that might substitute existing products. Especially a US based competitor, who recently had acquired a German competitor was perceived as a threat to existing markets. Recent R&D efforts were targeting Asian markets - it was unclear how this market would develop and which distribution approach would be appropriate CRITICAL INFORMATION NEEDs (CIN) Our client’s top CINs was to assess the actual and potential threat of their main competitor for their existing markets An in-depth assessment of the Asian market and the emerging technologies (with potential applications) was requested as well. METHODOLOGY A three - phases CI - project plan was developed, defining work packages, responsibilities and client interaction. Formal and informal meetings were established to leverage on existing client’s technological expertise. CASE STUDY Decision Intelligence (2) PROJECT EXECUTION Within short notice a sound understanding of the competitor’s intentions was established. Based on this framework, a detailed CI plan was drawn and brought into action. Through multiple sources world-wide data was collected and analyzed. MAIN DELIVERABLES No immediate threat to our client’s home market was prevailing Changes of the “industry rules” through upcoming offerings of new services were identified and the effect on clients surveyed Potential cooperation partners in Asia were identified and assessed MAIN BENEFITS FOR CLIENT ¾ Time to set up feasible counter actions ¾ Entrance in pre-qualified cooperation discussions with Asian partner ¾ Ongoing monitoring framework for industry ¾ Re-focus of R&D activities ¾ Increased awareness of managers for Business Intelligence ¾ Established platform for company internal information networks All in all our client achieved an improved competitive positioning CLIENT INTERACTION Successful projects are based on an open, interactive relationship OUR COMMITMENT Briefing of SOW issues and underlying CINs providing insight to client’s mission Rigid project decision - making (phasing, milestones and go-no-go decisions) Realistic time frames and budgets (priorities and related interim findings) Defining critical mass of resources as a “must” during a project, especially in the early phase. Precise definition of expectation level / requirements for tough SOW items COMBINED COMMITMENT Tight interaction during project execution Continuous client‘s experts feedback on findings Budget %SOW Completion 100 % CLIENT COMMITMENT k Ki c Warming up ff -O Evaluation Phase n tio lua rt a Ev epo R First Main Phase m eri Int ort / n p io Re ntat e s Pre Second Main Phase al ) Fi n ion tat n e es (Pr Q&A SUMMARY DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH - your interface to a successful future SUMMARY The future has many names. For the weak it is the unreachable. For the timorous it is the unknown For the courageous it is an opportunity Victor Hugo In-depth competitive intelligence depends on teamwork. Simple enough in theory, but practice is another matter ... DIE DENKFABRIK GmbH offers a comprehensive package of competitive intelligence services ¾ tailored to your needs ¾ ready to go on short notice ¾ striving to reach the “optimal” value for you Value to Client ¾ based on extensive hands-on experience and analytical capabilities OPTIMAL Cost of Delivery Intelligence delivered