Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador


Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
Human Ecology [huec]
March 9, 2004
Style file version Nov. 19th, 1999
C 2004)
Human Ecology, Vol. 32, No. 2, April 2004 (°
Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao
in Ecuador
Jeffery W. Bentley,1,4 Eric Boa,2 and John Stonehouse3
Previous studies have shown that shade trees in cacao and coffee are important
habitats for inter-American migratory birds. A survey of 21 cacao farmers
along the northern, central, and southern Pacific Coast of Ecuador found that
shade trees are associated with unirrigated, traditional cacao varieties and
low levels of chemical inputs. Farmers stressed the importance of shade for
managing soil moisture and soil fertility, and for managing some weeds and
diseases. Most of the shade trees were not wild forest trees, but had been planted
and protected by the farm families. Many other trees are intercropped with
cacao for economic reasons, not related to shade. Chocolate manufacturers,
consumers, and environmental activists can encourage farmers to maintain
shade canopies by paying a premium for the traditional, shade-loving, highquality aromatic cocoa varieties.
KEY WORDS: cacao; shade; intercropping; biodiversity; Ecuador; migratory bird habitat.
As globalization brings more tropical farm products into postindustrial
economies, scholars, activists, and consumers become more concerned about
the social and environmental conditions under which those products originate. For example, Roseberry wonders if it is right to drink coffee while
ignoring the plight of the “rural toilers” who pick it (Roseberry, 1996). This
is similar to concerns expressed a decade earlier about food and its producers
1 Casilla
2695, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Bioscience, Bakeham Lane, Egham, Surrey TW20 9TY, United Kingdom.
3 Imperial College, Centre for Environment & Technology, 48 Prince’s Gardens, London SW7
2PE, United Kingdom.
4 To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail:
C 2004 Plenum Publishing Corporation
0300-7839/04/0400-0241/0 °
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Bentley, Boa, and Stonehouse
in temperate climates. For example, Wendell Berry wrote about the need to
see U.S. agriculture not just as the source of products, but as the basis of
rural communities (Berry, 1990). Consumers are starting to care about potential environmental damage caused by food production; advocates were
influential in closing down the U.S. tuna fishing fleet between 1981 and 1988,
aided by public outrage over videos of dolphins being killed in the tuna
nets (Constance et al., 1995). The organic agricultural movement was originally organized out of both environmental and consumer safety concerns,
but is now rapidly growing and developing a more radical, global militancy
(Goodman, 2000; see also Guptill and Wilkins, 2002).
Coffee and Cocoa
Of tropical crops sold on the international market, coffee is the most
important and has been the first to attract much attention over environmental and social issues. There are now niche markets for organic, socially responsible (“fair-trade”), and “bird-friendly” coffee (grown under a certain
diverse and relatively dense canopy of mature shade trees) (Baker et al.,
2001; Raynolds, 2000; van Elzakker, 2001). Like coffee, cocoa is a tropical
commodity, grown on plantations but also by many smallholder farmers,
and it is often grown under shade (Rice and Greenberg, 2000). Cacao and
other agroforestry crops have long been proposed as a less environmentally destructive strategy than, say, cattle ranching in the tropics (Hecht,
1982). However, now scholars are starting to take a closer look at cacao and
question whether some types of cacao farming are more environmentally
sound than others. In a March 1998 conference in Panama, environmentalists and some cocoa industry representatives discussed the potential of
shade-grown cacao in Latin America for enhancing sustainable agriculture
and biodiversity. They were concerned over the recent tendency to convert
shaded cacao to full sun. They concluded that at least some of the shade
trees in cacao are forest remnants while others are planted by farmers and
that shade trees are an important habitat for birds, including inter-American
migratory species (Greenberg, 1998; Parrish, 1998; Power and Flecker, 1998;
Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, 1998; Whinney, 1998).
Shade Trees in Cacao Enhance Bird Diversity
An appropriate shade in coffee trees has been found to be suitable
habitat for migratory birds, including for dwindling species (like the Tennessee warbler and the Baltimore oriole) and sometimes harboring even
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
more species than natural forest (see Botero and Baker, 2001, for an excellent review).5 Cocoa research is starting to show similar results. Cocoa
grown under a diverse, shaded canopy supports greater biological diversity
than most other tropical crops (Rice and Greenberg, 2000). In a 1997–98
comparison of birds in forest and on cacao farms in the Talamanca lowlands
of Costa Rica, Reitsma et al. (2001) found that cacao farms had slightly more
individual birds and slightly more species than forest (144 bird species on
farms and only 130 in forest). However, cacao groves had significantly fewer
forest specialist birds than did the forest, and the Talamanca forest had fewer
forest bird species than other forested Caribbean lowland sites. This suggests
that cacao plantations cannot substitute for forest, but do provide habitat
for a large number of other bird species. Other studies support the notion
of shaded cacao as wildlife habitat.
A census of birds in Los Tuxtlas, southern Mexico, counted 22,145 birds
of 226 species. Researchers found similar numbers of species in remnants of
natural forest as in agroforests (cacao, coffee, citrus, and allspice); 79% of
the species were found in forest habitats, and a full 80% in arboreal agricultural habitats. Researchers found only 43% of the bird species in live fences
(Bursera simaruba and Gliricidia sepium) and just 5% in pastures (Estrada
et al., 1997).
Although there are fewer studies of the diversity of other organisms in
cacao, a study of bat communities in the Selva Lacandona in Chiapas, Mexico,
found more bat species and more species of rare bats in cocoa plantations
and rain forest than in agricultural fields and secondary forest. In the cocoa
plantations studied, part of the original diverse tree canopy was left as shade
(Medellin et al., 2000).
Shade From Natural Forest Trees
A canopy of natural forest trees, with some very tall individuals (over
15 m), some like Ficus spp. and others that bear fruit for many months,
and trees with epiphytes and some dead wood, is better bird habitat than
a highly managed anthropogenic grove (Botero and Baker, 2001). Crossculturally, some of the shade canopy used by cacao farmers is from wild forest
trees. Some cocoa farmers in the Ibeku area, Abia State in Nigeria, retained
various species of forest trees as canopy when preparing for cocoa planting
(Meregini, 1997). A farmer survey in southern Cameroon in December 1987
suggested that almost all of the farmers retain selective wild tree species on
5 A study of ant diversity in coffee groves and natural forests in Mexico and Costa Rica found a
significant and visible drop in species number of ants where shade tree species were eliminated
and the coffee planted in monoculture (Vandermeer and Perfecto, 1998).
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Bentley, Boa, and Stonehouse
cropped fields, particularly on cocoa plots, to provide shade (Duguma et al.,
1990). Coffee and cocoa are the main cash crops of Cote d’Ivoire, mainly
grown by small farmers. The shade trees used are mostly wild forest species
(Herzog, 1994). A 500-ha agroforestry farm in Gandhu District in Bahia,
Brazil, was managed as a forest community, with a high percentage of useful
indigenous tree species. The farmer eliminated some species and introduced
some cultivated plants, especially cocoa (Schulz et al., 1994).
Regarding the role of relic trees left over as shade when the forest is
cleared for cultivation, all the farmers we spoke to who had cleared their
own fields made it clear that they knew at the time that they were settling
there permanently—they had come to stay and always intended to leave the
farms to their children. This would argue against keeping relic trees, as opposed to replacing them with something more useful (many forest trees are
not the best producers of useful fruit or timber) or smaller (larger trees are
much harder than smaller to fell and dismantle without damaging the cacao).
Some farmers elsewhere in the world do grow cacao in shifting cultivation—
clearing, planting, and then, when the “forest rent” of soil fertility is exhausted, moving on and clearing a bit more, as in much of Indonesia, where
forest rents are exhausted in virgin forest farms, whereon farmers invade
fresh forest, in a rolling process of deforestation. This slash and burn, shifting cultivation was never the idea of people cutting forest for cacao in W.
Ecuador, and this is in fact encouraging for sustainability, as their commitment to sustainable production on their current plots is clear. Paradoxically,
therefore, the absence of forest relic trees may be an encouraging sign, as
indicating a commitment to sustainability rather than the opposite.
Shade Trees Provide Agro-Environmental Services to Cacao Farmers
Birds are not necessarily a high priority for cacao farmers themselves,
but shade trees provide several benefits that farmers do appreciate. Shade
trees buffer high and low temperature extremes by as much as 5◦ C. Their
litter-fall and pruning residues can contain up to 340 kg of nitrogen per
hectare6 (Beer et al., 1998). West and Central African cocoa cultivation
systems have been reported to cause minimum damage to soil, especially
when compared with annual food crops (Duguma et al., 2001).
The 500-ha agroforestry farm in Bahia, Brazil (cited above), used little fertilizer, since the forest trees provide much natural mulch. No pesticides have been used, as the system is “self-regulating.” The cocoa yields
6 This high figure represents the nutrient pumping by trees, rather than by nitrogen fixation. N2
fixation by leguminous shade trees grown at a density of 100–300 trees per hectare may not
exceed 60 kg of nitrogen per hectare per year.
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
from this are similar to those of surrounding cocoa plantations, which do
use considerable amounts of fertilizer and pesticides (Schulz et al., 1994).
Field trials near Tingo Marı́a, Peru, showed that the fungal disease witches’
broom Crinipellis perniciosa was most severe without shade (Krauss et al.,
However, farmers must prune canopy trees to achieve just the right
amount of shade. Excessive shade may increase the incidence of some important diseases (such as Phytophthora palmivora in cocoa and Mycena citricolor in coffee), but decrease the incidence of others (Beer et al.,
Besides improving the cacao trees’ habitat, shade trees and bananas
may provide farmers with a joint product they can sell. An economic study
of cacao planted under timber (Cordia alliodora) and under plantain over
8 years (1990–97) in Panama showed that the expected net incomes from
shaded cacao were considerably higher than those from cacao grown as a
monocrop. The agroforestry systems were also less risky (Ramı́rez et al., 2001;
Ramı́rez and Somarriba, 2000; see also Somarriba et al., 2001). Experimental
results have shown that rattan (Calamus zollingeri) is potentially a valuable
intercrop with coffee and cacao. During trials in Sulawesi, Indonesia, rattan
survived and grew as well in coffee and cacao agroforests as it did in natural
forests (Siebert, 2000). In the Baoule region, Cote d’Ivoire, an inventory of
shade trees found that of the 41 tree species, 22 were used as fuelwood and
16 as timber for local construction. Nineteen furnished traditional medicines
and 15 had edible parts (fruits, leaves, flowers, palm wine) (Herzog, 1994).
However, in practice, shade trees are not always highly profitable for
farmers. A quantitative study of 122 cocoa and coffee farmers in coastal
Ecuador (regions of Ventanas, La Troncal, and Babahoyo, where the average
area of each farm was 34 ha, showed that the direct income from shade trees
was minimal. Even though 57% of all farmers sold wood, it earned them only
2.5% of their income, while the contribution from cacao or coffee was 84%.
Between 1982 and 1987, farmers sold 4000 m3 of timber, an average of 6.6
m3 /year per estate. Most wood (60%) was produced by the medium-sized
estates (11–50 ha) (Mussack, 1988).
Not All Intercropped Trees Provide Shade
Besides shade, some other trees, and even annual plants, are intercropped with cacao for other reasons: usually for the direct economic benefits
obtained from the intercropped plants themselves. For example, in Ntsan, a
village in Cameroon, citrus trees were found in food crop plantings, on fallow
land and in backyards, but they were mainly grown as a cacao intercrop. A
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Bentley, Boa, and Stonehouse
farmer survey suggested that citrus–cacao agroforests of cocoa diversify the
sources of income and help manage the fluctuations in household cash requirements. In other words, they supplement the cash income from cacao,
and household members eat some of the citrus fruit (Aulong et al., 2000).
Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota) in Grenada is a minor fruit crop, grown
mainly by small farmers. Trees are scattered over wide areas as cocoa intercrops and on the edges of fields. Most of the fruit is exported to neighboring
Trinidad and to destinations like Canada, Holland, and the United Kingdom
(Andall, 1999).
Another reason to intercrop cacao is that the additional crops add income, without harming the cacao. Trials in Nigeria showed that the growth
performance of young cocoa planted with annual crops7 was either superior
or comparable with that of cocoa in monoculture. The yield from the arable
crops was an added benefit. Weeds were suppressed more in intercropped
plots than in pure stands of cocoa (Adeyemi, 1999).
A survey of cocoa farmers in Bendel, Ogun, Ondo, and Oyo States of
Nigeria, in 1985, showed that almost all the farmers intercropped their cacao. The intercrops included food crops such as plantain (92.3%), cocoyam
(85.7%), cassava (51.3%), yam (41.3%), maize (38.9%), melon (31.4%),
cowpea (28.6%), and pineapple (26.0%) and tree crops such as oil palm
(71.5%), kola (67.3%), coffee (41.0%), coconut (7.9%), and citrus (7.2%).
Other crops were Sarcophrynium brachystachys and Megaphrynium
macrostachyum (45.2%), African walnut (Tetracarpidium conophorum)
(42.2%), alligator pepper (Aframomum melegueta) (31.6%), and Piper
guineense (20.2%). Guava, mango, pawpaw, and vegetables such as celosia,
okra, and Solanum spp. were infrequently planted in cacao plots. As many as
six or more other crops could be intercropped with cocoa at the same time
(Oladokun, 1990). Almost all of the intercrops in the Nigeria study were
annual crops, and many were trees that cannot shade cacao (e.g., coffee and
citrus are themselves shorter than cacao, and coconut is a tall tree with a
fairly small crown).
In Ecuador, farmers were switching from intercropped to monocropped
cacao. The rest of this paper describes the historical changes of cacao farming in Ecuador, which has gone through massive expansion, contraction,
marketing, and changes in the shade regimes. Then we discuss Ecuadorian
farmers’ perspectives: Why farmers are eliminating shade trees and how rural Ecuadorians perceive intercropped trees. We offer some suggestions for
socially and environmentally responsible ways to encourage farmers to keep
shade trees in cacao.
7 The systems evaluated were (1) cocoa/yam/maize/cowpea, (2) cocoa/cassava/maize/melon, and
(3) cocoa/cocoyam/okra/melon.
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
Hypotheses and Objectives of the Study
The field study tested three hypotheses: first, shade trees in cacao in
Coastal Ecuador are wild, forest trees. Second, trees intercropped with cacao
in Coastal Ecuador are shade trees. Both of these hypotheses were rejected.
A third hypothesis that farmers had a clear and sophisticated understanding
of the advantages and disadvantages of using shade trees was supported
by the results of the study (i.e., it was not rejected). A related objective
was to outline Ecuadorian farmers’ reasons for eliminating shade trees in
Cacao may have been grown in pre-Hispanic times along the coastal
riverbanks of lowland Pacific Ecuador. It was certainly grown there by the
early sixteenth century, most notably by Jesuit missionaries. Cacao was exported legally to Spain, and illegally to Spanish colonies, including Mexico
and the Philippines. By the nineteenth century, Ecuador was the world’s
main producer of cacao, which was exported as a tablet for making into hot
chocolate. Ecuadorian cacao farms were large estates clustered along the
Pacific Slope rivers, where boats could load for shipment to coastal ports,
especially Guayaquil. In the mid-nineteenth century, European chemists
created chocolate candy, and the demand for cocoa skyrocketed. Ecuador
responded by expanding production north, i.e., into the dryer coastal regions,
and away from the rivers, for shipment via roads to Guayaquil and newer
ports. Ecuador became “a money-making machine” (Arosemena, 1991), to
the point that many landowners could afford to move their families to fashionable homes in Paris.
By 1910, world cacao prices began to decline, in part because production was catching up with demand. Ecuadorian producers benefited by the
opening of the Panama Canal in 1913, which facilitated shipment to the
Eastern United States and Europe. During World War I the U.S. government commissioned chocolate bars for the troops. Despite this, between
1900 and 1963, cacao went from being the mainstay of Ecuador’s economy to a mere 3.8% of the value of the country’s agricultural production.
One reason was competition from vast amounts of cacao grown in British
West Africa, especially after 1930, planted in part from material collected
in Ecuador by British agricultural scientists. Disease (witches’ broom8 and
8 Caused by the fungus Crinipellis perniciosa, which originated in the Amazon Basin and is now
found in most of the Neotropics (Willson, 1999).
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Bentley, Boa, and Stonehouse
frosty pod rot9 ) destroyed 60% of the cacao in Ecuador between 1916 and
1931. Cacao production in Ecuador dropped from 48,955 tons to 13,646 tons.
The large owners were ruined. They sold their estates to banana companies
and to Ecuadorian smallholder farmers, who kept the cacao tradition alive
and who now produce most of Ecuador’s cacao.
During the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, Ecuadorian, British, and North American
plant pathologists gradually developed ways of controlling witches’ broom
and frosty pod rot, especially by regulating shade: pruning or removing some
shade trees to create a dryer environment in the groves, which was less
conducive to fungal diseases (Arosemena, 1991). This is not to be confused
with a later trend, mentioned below, in which shade trees were eliminated
entirely, in a package with fertilization, irrigation, and high-yielding varieties
General Socioeconomic Trends in Ecuador
Ecuador was experiencing severe economic crisis by the late 1990s. The
1995 border war with Peru and falling oil and coffee prices led to inflation and
government insolvency. Another contributing factor was the nepotism and
corruption of President Abdalá Bucaram, elected in 1996 and deposed when
the Congress of Ecuador ruled in 1997 that he was “mentally incompetent
to govern.” The country abandoned its own currency in 2000, converting
to the U.S. dollar. The government froze personal bank accounts in 1999,
to stave off a collapse of the banking system. Some agronomists and development specialists began to see cacao as a possible option for earning
much-needed foreign exchange. The Ministry of Agriculture continued to
fund extension in cacao, and research on modern HYVs and on ways to salvage old groves and to preserve germplasm of traditional varieties (Quiroz,
1997). A European Union project (ECU-B7-3010/93/176) began in 1995 to
improve quality, teaching farmers appropriate technology for fermenting
and storing top-quality cacao for export. The Bolsa de Productos (a private
corporation) began to reestablish a quality certification system for cacao.
In April of 1999, the authors interviewed 21 cacao farmers in Ecuador
(April 5–23). The interviews were semistructured. After introducing
9 Also
known as monilia, water pod rot or Quevedo disease. It is caused by the fungus Moniliophthora roreri. The disease probably originated in the Quevedo area of Ecuador and has
spread to Peru, Colombia, parts of Venezuela and Panama (Willson, 1999).
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
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ourselves, we explained that we were interested in cacao farming, and that
we would like to learn about their work. The farmers usually explained the
bulk of their farm ecology, including the role of cacao and intercropped trees,
with little further prompting from us. We were usually accompanied by an
extension agent, and often by other Ecuadorian colleagues. The farmer was
often accompanied by neighbors or family members, and was usually on
friendly terms with the extension agent. The farmers were generally relaxed
and self-confident during the interviews.10 Sampling of farms was opportunistic and not random, but was biased towards small and medium family
About the Farm Families
One family we interviewed was indigenous (Native American), and
the others were Hispanic. All of them spoke Spanish and the interviews
were held in Spanish. The 21 farms were located in all of the major cacaoproducing areas of Coastal Ecuador, including the provinces of Pichincha,
Manabı́, Los Rı́os, Bolı́var, Guayas, Cañar, and El Oro (Fig. 1).
The farms we visited in Coastal Ecuador are highly diverse, family farms.
Besides citrus and many other trees and plants intercropped with the cacao
(discussed below), farmers also cultivate separate plots of annual crops, e.g.,
coffee, rice, maize, and manioc. In the south, important crops include bananas
for export and plantains for consumption within Ecuador. Small herds of
cattle are common. Some of the cash earned from cacao, coffee, and fruit is
used to buy food. A previous study of four provinces in the study area (El
Oro, Guayas, Los Rı́os, and Manabı́) found that the average cacao farmer
had 22 ha of land, of which 9.6 ha was in cacao. On average, the other
land was used for coffee (0.7 ha), bananas (0.2 ha), plantain (0.4 ha), rice
(2.0 ha), maize (0.7 ha), soybeans (0.8 ha), pasture (5.3 ha), others (1.2 ha),
and fallow (1.0 ha) (Proyecto Cacao, 1997).
Small wooden stores are common along the narrow asphalt highways,
and shopkeepers occasionally buy cacao and sell pasta, baked goods, sugar,
cooking oil, tinned meats, and other staple manufactured foods. Plantains
are a major part of the local diet, and have been since at least 1796, when
the colonial governor of Ecuador ordered (large-scale) cacao growers to
plant 150 plantain plants for every 10,000 cacao trees, stating that plantains were “the bread of the poor” (Arosemena, 1991). Slightly mashed,
fried green plantains (patacones) are a favorite main dish on the coast of
10 A
full, final technical report (Boa et al., 2000) is available on request from
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Fig. 1. Location of study sites in Coastal Ecuador.
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
It is commonly assumed that shade trees are forest remnants (Rice and
Greenberg, 2000). An earlier study of cacao in Coastal Ecuador went so far
as to say that most shade trees were “native to the area, of an advanced age,
without market value, and without utilization value” (Mussack, 1988, p. 54).
However, we only visited one farm where the shade trees were survivors
from the natural forest. On all other farms, cacao was grown either in full
sun or in the shade of trees that the farmers had planted. Some of the planted
shade trees were quite large, and looked (superficially) like natural forest,
especially when grown on steep, boulder-covered slopes (Fig. 2). But the
farmers were quick to point out that they had planted the trees—as much as
40 years previously—lined up in rows, columns and even diagonally, to allow
maximum wind passage (or as one farmer called it: by all four winds, por los
cuatro vientos). Some of these large shade trees were planted decades after
the natural forest had been cut. Some of the farms had first been cleared
of natural trees, then planted in banana, sugarcane, or some other field
crop for many years before being replanted in anthropogenic forest (see
Table I).
Fig. 2. Heavily shaded cacao can look like a forest, at least superficially. Photo by E. Boa.
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Table I. Clearing Land for Cacao and Establishing Neighbor Trees
Farmer statement
The farmers I know in this region have planted their (neighbor) trees. They
are not left behind when the forest is cleared
There has not been high forest hear for 35 years but there are still many native
trees—they plant themselves
The farmers that I know leave very few native trees standing [when they plant
cacao]. They use some laurels left over from the forest clearing
My farm was completely cleared of trees originally. The big trees you see here,
which are now 40 years old, were originally volunteers
I cut down all trees on my farm. I encouraged volunteer trees such as laurel,
like my neighbor [ECF17]
Above my farm is still natural forest. It is a bit dangerous because of snakes
but it is exploited for bush meat. The natural forests are now largely stable
I have lately cut down all the mature trees in my plot. They originally started
as volunteers. I still have a guayacón of 27 years which will be very valuable.
I am leaving this for my children to cut down in 30–35 years time. [We
suspect more practical reasons of time and effort were the reason the
timber trees were still there]
Here is my piece of forest. This 12 year old bantano was cut down ten years
ago and has grown again. (It is now about 60 cm in diameter.) I made a
table with the wood. Bantano is not worth as much as laurel on the market
The spacing of my zapote and avocado trees is different from cacao. They are
12 m apart whilst the cacao is 4 m. That is why the fruit trees do not appear
in a precise line—unless you ignore the lines of cacao and look more
carefully! Do I have to plan for fruit trees when planting my cacao? No. The
fruit trees can be fitted in to any cacao tree spacing. [There may be patterns
to fruit trees that are not obvious to the casual observer]
Note. Authors’ comments are in square brackets
(Ecuador Cacao Farm) is a field code for each farm. See Fig. 1 for locations.
A common shade strategy was to plant guabo (Inga edulis),11 a fastgrowing tree, to shade cacao when the grove is first planted. Often, farmers
use an ingenious strategy of using annual crops and trees in relays. They plant
maize, manioc, bananas, or some other crop among the cacao to provide
shade for the 1st year, until the Inga grows tall enough to cast shade on
the cacao. After 3–5 years, the cacao (especially the modern varieties) can
withstand sun, and the farmers begin cutting off guabo branches and ringing
the trees, which then die, and eventually decompose in the field.
Management Strategies
Shaded cacao in Ecuador tends to be used with traditional cacao varieties (Table II). The HYVs thrive in full sun, especially after the trees are
11 A legume tree, not to be confused with the fruit tree guava (Psidium guajava), which is called
guayabo, in Spanish.
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
Table II. Technologies Associated with Cacao Grown in Shade and in Full Sun
Traditional cacao varieties (e.g., nacional,
Little or no chemical fertilizer. Organic
fertilizer provided by shade trees
Not usually irrigated
Intercropped with other trees, besides shade
Full sun
Modern, high yielding varieties,
especially CCN51
Some chemical fertilizer
Often grown as a monocrop
Source: authors’ interviews and Proyecto Cacao (1997).
mature (Fig. 3). Beer (1987) notes that shade trees compete for cacao for
some soil nutrients, and that cacao trees have a lower response to fertilizer
if the grove is shaded.
Traditional aromatic varieties are common and are generally unirrigated. Farmers use some chemical fertilizer on traditional varieties, but the
only farmers who fertilize heavily are those with the modern variety CCN51.
Epiphytes (air weeds) have to be cleaned off by hand, but are more common
in traditional, shaded cacao. Full-sun cacao, especially CCN51, encourages
ground weeds and farmers tend to use more herbicides with it. Farmers use
fungicides and insecticides only sporadically (see Table III).
Fig. 3. Harvesting cacao in full sun. Note the dense ground weeds (photo by E. Boa).
Yes, intensive
Venezolana +
CCN51 (15 ha
CCN51 (35 ha)
Yes. Owns
Yes, urea very
No, cannot
Controls ground weeds with
machete. Too costly to spray.
Air weeds have to be cleaned by
Hand weeds four times a year.
They “clean” cacao during 1st
year, later every 2 years
Pest management
Gets rid of the leaf cutters. Does
not control termites, “nobody
worries about them”
Removes leaf cutters with
gasoline. They also spray against
the cochinilla and gusanos (scale
insects and caterpillars). Spray
against “sandwich maker” (a
leaf-rolling caterpillar) only
when damaging; we do not want
to kill pollinators”
No pesticides used on cacao.
Applied to coconut insect pest
Applies malathion twice a year
against ants
No pesticides. Manual control.
Suggested that urea application
helps reduce disease impact
No information
No pesticides. Manual control
Yes, 2–4 times
a year
Yes, including
Weed control
Air weeds: removed when cacao
price is high
Air weeds: removed by hand.
Ground weeds: controlled by
Air weeds: removed by hand.
Ground weeds: controlled by
Applies cocktail of 3 herbicides,
every 2 months. Air weeds:
removed during cacao harvest
Intensive. “CCN51 needs more
herbicides.” One application
will last 6 months if dry when
Yes, “essential”
No — “too
Yes, urea
March 9, 2004
(10–20 ha)
Nacional +
Trinitario (50
ha) CCN51:
(1 ha)
Nacional (about
10 ha)
Cacao variety
Nacional (about
10 ha)
Nacional (about
10 ha)
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Table III. Management Practices on Study Farms
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Bentley, Boa, and Stonehouse
Nacional (30 ha)
Nacional (10 ha)
CCN51 (30 ha)
(about 10–15
Nacional +
(15 ha)
On soil 3 × per
year; also
uses foliar
Air weeds: if not removed trees
will not yield for a year Ground
weeds: hand removed 3–4 times
a year
All weeds removed by hand. Air
weed removal is “biggest task
around here”
Where shade is heavy, weed one a
year by hand; twice a year in
younger groves. No herbicides
Weeding requires much labor. Use
machete and herbicide, 3 times
a year
Cuts air weeds by hand. Has few
ground weeds. Uses “liquid,
Gramoxone or Aminapá”
Uses insecticides and fungicides
Removes diseased material by
hand. Used to spray against
witches broom. Uses malathion
or DDT against termites
Use lacquer to reduce risk of mal
de machete. Asked for
chemicals to control Monilia.
Cuts out witches’ broom
Manual control. Witches broom
said to be declining as a result of
successful removal
No pesticides. Some neighbors use
for young cacao but he’s not
sure why
Yes, urea
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No, cannot
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Bentley, Boa, and Stonehouse
The Ecuadorian farm families were aware that shade managed soil moisture, soil fertility, and some weeds and diseases. However, they realized that
shade encouraged other weeds and diseases. Farmers were keenly aware of
which species were good for shade (e.g., Fernán Sánchez) and which were
not (e.g., citrus). The farmers had the most to say about Inga spp., and although their comments were generally quite positive, there were some less
favorable statements, probably because of local differences in climate, and
because unless it is pruned occasionally, Inga can give too much shade (see
Table IV).
Shade Helps to Manage Soil Moisture
Many of the farmers with large, mature shade trees said they chose shade
because they did not have irrigation. Shaded ground stays moist longer, and
cacao requires some soil moisture. However, farmers with irrigation said
they could clear the shade trees, as long as the cacao was 3–5 years old and
could withstand full sun. These conclusions were similar to those reached by
Beer (1987) in a review of the technical literature of cacao and shade.
Shade Trees Improve Soil Fertility
Nine of the farmers emphasized how shade trees, especially guabo, improve soil fertility (see Table IV). One farmer mentioned that guabo is a
legume, but all of the others were aware that the leaf litter, decomposing
branches and discarded cacao husks were organic fertilizers. It is possible
that the shade-tree-as-fertilizer idea was reinforced by agricultural extensionists. We spoke with one researcher who said that agronomists were promoting guabo for cacao because it fixes nitrogen. Ecuadorian cacao farmers
have received many visits from extension agents, and current farmer knowledge is a hybrid of local and outside information, as Iskandar and Ellen
(2000) describe for the Baduy of Java. Whether it is farmers’ own idea or a
blend of local and outsider knowledge, farmers do appreciate crop residues
and leaves, branches, and even the decaying roots of shade trees as forms of
Shade Helps Suppress Ground Weeds
Farmers said that shade helps to suppress weeds (monte); Beer et al.
(1998) reached the same conclusion. In this paper, we refer to grasses and
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
Table IV. Role of Named Neighbor Trees in Relation to Cacao
Scientific name
Cedrela odorata
Ceiba ?pentandra
Citrus sp.
Cordia ?alliodora
Inga edulis
Inga edulis
Inga spectabilis
Maclura tinctoria
Mangifera indica
Quararibea cordata
Schizolobium parahybum
Triplaris cumingiana
Local name
Role reported by farmers
Soil Improvement
• good fertilizer
Ceibo (bototillo)
• removed—no good for shade [possibly gives too
much shade]
• provides little shade
• not grown for shade
• (mandarins) are not for shade
• citrus is not shade; it sucks the soil and gives
nothing back
• (mandarin and orange) are not shade
• yes, it provides shade
• affects cacao little as shade [seen as a positive
service by one farmer]
• soil improvement
• feeds cacao with its leaves
Guabo bejuco
• yes; best shade
• soil improvement
• especially keeps the soil new
• most important
• good for young cacao
• bad for shade and takes the “sap from the earth.”
[May refer to another Inga sp.]
• best one for [young] shade, but removed after 3
years because they provide too much shade
• no good for shade because it falls apart and
damages the cacao
• if planted too close to cacao it shades it [Santo
Domingo—cloudy region with lower light levels]
• weeds
• throws out lots of stuff which prevents the weeds
from growing
• soil improvement
• improves the soil; is a great fertilizer; feeds the soil;
keeps the earth new
Guabo de machete Shade
• is not good for shade
• weeds
• air weeds (parasitic plants) grow on it and can kill
[Guabo was not specifically mentioned as a source
of the air weeds found on cacao]
Moral fino
• not good
• also grown for shade
• provides shade but takes long time to establish
• weeds
• parasitic plants “spill off” of mango trees onto cacao
• not for shade
• too high and thin to provide shade
• gives some shade [seen as a neutral service]
Fernán Sánchez
• provides shade
Note. Bulleted lists are used to distinguish comments made by different farmers. Authors’ comment are in
square brackets.
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Bentley, Boa, and Stonehouse
flowering annuals as “ground weeds” to distinguish them from air weeds
(discussed below). Ground weeds thrive in the sun (see Table IV). Farmers
relied mostly on household labor and hand tools to clear the dense weeds
from the ground below cacao trees. Weeding with a machete is tedious and
has the further disadvantage that if a person accidentally nicks the bark of a
cacao tree with a machete, the wound can become infected with the disease
known as mal de machete.12 Two of the farmers we interviewed mentioned
using herbicides. This is consistent with responses to a 1996 questionnaire,
where 6% of the farmers interviewed claimed to use herbicides (Proyecto
Cacao, 1997).
Shade Encourages Air Weeds
Cacao is attacked by weeds growing directly on the crop plant. The epiphytes include bromeliads13 (called by various regional names: piñuela, chupayo, and lechuga) and parasitic plants14 (regional names: hierba de pájaro,
pajarito, comida de pájaro, solda, and lentejilla). Air weeds take root on the
cacao branches and within a year or two can blanket the tree. The air weeds
form a mat and accumulate soil, fallen leaves, and a lot of water, which can
be quite heavy. The cacao branches bend under the weight of the air weeds.15
Farmers strip these air weeds off of the slippery cacao branches every year or
two. It is time-consuming and uncomfortable. Farmers complain that when
weeding the branches, they damage the cacao buds, and so lose much of
the following crop. Farmers claimed that air weeds thrived on shaded cacao
more than on full-sun cacao, and that some of the shade trees themselves
provided habitat for air weeds (see Table VII).
Shade and Cacao Disease
Farmers offered a complex of ideas about the relationship between
shade and cacao diseases. Some said that there was a higher disease incidence
12 Caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fimbriata, which attacks cacao, coffee, and other crops. The
fungus enters through wounds in the bark (CABI, 1999; Willson, 1999).
complanata, Guzmania monostachia, Aechmea angustifolia.
14 Various genera of mistletoe parasitize cacao, including Phoradendron, Pihivusa, and Psittacanthus (Willson, 1999).
15 We propose the term “air weed” to describe epiphytic weeds, following the term “air plant”
to describe wild epiphytes in Neotropical forests (Kricher, 1989). We are unsure if there is
an emic terms for air weeds. Most farmers referred to ground weeds as weeds (monte) and
called air weeds by the individual names for bromeliad and mistletoe. However, we did meet
one farmer, Griserio Pinos, who called ground weeds “lower weeds” (monte de abajo) and
air weeds “upper weeds” (monte de encima). Extension agents have popularized the phrase
poda sanitaria (cleansing pruning) to describe the weeding of air plants.
13 Tillandsia
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
Table V. Effect of Neighbor Trees and Shade on Pest Impact
Pest type
Farmer statements
Full-sun reduces/shade increases
With full sun (no shade) there is less disease
Too much shade and rain leads to more Monilia
Cacao diseases are worse when cacao is grown with other trees
Shade reduces
With nacional, shade reduces pest impact, particularly Monilia
Too much shade is bad since air movement is reduced
Shade reduces witches broom
No relation
There is no relation between the amount of shade or sun and pest impact
Increase in pest not associated with move from shade to full sun
Shade beneficial
Shade controls weeds. Shade removes weeds
Cacao self-shading
Older cacao shades out its own weeds and less (neighbor tree) shade is needed
When cacao canopy closes weeds are eliminated
CCN51 needs more herbicide protection than traditional varietiesa
No effect of shade
Air weeds (bromeliads) are the same whether shade or full sun
a Because CNN51 casts less shade than traditional varieties, so weeds grow under it more easily.
in shaded cacao. Other said there was less. Farmers said there were more
of most diseases in shaded cacao, especially in dense shade, but that there
was less witches’ broom (a serious disease) under shade (see Table V). Most
Ecuadorian cacao was densely shaded until the 1920s and 30s, when agricultural scientists began to encourage less shade—which lets in more air
and light (Arosemena, 1991). The dryer cacao leaves and branches support
lower populations of disease-causing fungi, especially witches’ broom and
frosty pod rot. The shade one sees in contemporary Ecuadorian cacao, even
in densely shaded groves, is probably less than what was common in the
nineteenth century.
No Price Premium for Aromatic Cacao
Farmers were emphatic about the more pleasant taste and aroma of traditional cacao varieties, but the modern varieties (e.g., CCN51) were higher
yielding. Farmers also observed that traditional varieties live longer. Cacao
growers suggested they would be more willing to grow traditional (shaded)
varieties if there was a price reward for doing so. Farmers complained that
buyers bought all cacao at the same price, whether it was a modern HYV
or a traditional aromatic (see Table VI for some farmer statements about
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Bentley, Boa, and Stonehouse
Table VI. Farmer Choice of Cacao Variety
Farmer statement
My father and I are fond of nacional, the original variety of the country. We
don’t want to see it die out, and the flavor is superior to that of CCN51,
although the prices of the two are now pretty much the same. We hope that
in the future the price of nacional will rise because of its better flavor
Nobody can understand why there is no price differential already, as the superiority of nacional’s flavor is universally acknowledged
Nacional is recommended here. The root mat strength is important on these
steep and broken slopes with thin and fragile soils. Nacional roots much
better than CCN51
We apply fertilizer to a young plant of CCN51 so it will produce more. But we
old-timers say, what happens to this plant if we make it produce a lot while
it is young? The old plants of nacional are still alive. With shade, they live to
be 100 years old
CCN51 is only 10–12 years old and we do not know how long it will live. A
cacao plant will have to live 20–30 years to be profitable because it takes so
much to establish it. Anything less is not worth while
I think CCN51 could live for more than 50 yearsa
My farm (nacional) is 40 years old and could be good for another 40 years
CCN51 lasts productively for 15–20 years. After this it loses its strength and
has to be replaced. Yes, nacional will yield for 40 years but CCN51 produces
Source: Authors’ survey.
would appear highly unlikely (authors’ comment).
a This
Until the 1960s, Ecuador had a complex system of named quality grades
of cacao. The better cacao fetched higher prices. North American manufacturers, the main buyers, required a certain volume, at a standard quality,
and were not very interested in buying the higher grades. Buyers began
catering to the manufacturers, mixing grades, and selling all Ecuadorian cacao at the same price. The quality grading system collapsed, which led to
general decadence in the quality of Ecuadorian cacao and paved the way
for the adoption of full-sun, high-yielding, nonaromatic cacao (Arosemena,
Although about 94% of the cacao groves in Ecuador are of traditional
varieties, this is changing rapidly. Only about half (52%) of the area in new
cacao (under 5 years) is planted in traditional aromatic varieties, and the
other half is planted in modern high-yielding clones, especially CCN-51.
However, most of the groves still being planted in traditional varieties are
blends of Nacional and Trinitario; less than 1% of new groves are planted in
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
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the endogenous Nacional variety.16 New groves on the larger estates especially are based almost exclusively on full-sun, HYV cacao (Proyecto Cacao,
While shade trees may be bird-friendly, especially if they are natural
forest remnants, we found that many of the trees intercropped with cacao
are not shade trees at all, but are grown only for fruit or other products.
We suggest the term “neighbor trees” to describe any tree growing as an
intercrop with cacao. We follow Odum’s observation that ecological terms
are often extensions of human roles (Odum, 1959). In this case, a neighbor
tree is one that lives near cacao, in the same community.
Neighbor trees include, but are not limited to shade trees. Niches of
neighbor trees include the following:
1. Timber trees, Fernán Sánchez (Triplaris cumingiana), laurel (Cordia
alliodora), pachaco (Schizolobium sp.), and others, grown for the
value of their timber and because they have small canopies, so in
theory they can be cut down while doing relatively minor damage
to the cacao (Fig. 4). Farmers pay contract loggers to harvest timber
trees intercropped in cacao. However, although four farmers showed
us timber trees intercropped with cacao, the timber trees were large
and looked like they would be difficult to harvest without also damaging cacao trees. We saw few examples of timber trees that had been
grown to maturity and harvested from within a cacao grove. Timber
trees may be grown as more of an old age pension, to be harvested
when the cacao trees are cut down, but this is a topic for future research. Beer et al. (1998) also report that timber harvesting damages
cacao trees.
2. Fruit trees like mango (Mangifera indica) and guava are not grown
in sufficient numbers to shade a whole grove. They provide fruit for
household members and occasionally for small sales.
3. Commercial citrus was grown on 19 of the 21 farms we visited. Most
citrus trees are shorter than the cacao trees themselves, and compete
with the cacao, but are grown for fruit, especially for sale.
4. Gap and understory trees. when individual cacao trees die prematurely, some farmers fill in the gap with other species, often coffee
16 The
government of Ecuador is concerned about this loss of germplasm and is attempting to
prevent genetic erosion with a gene bank and by developing technologies to encourage the
maintenance of old groves, supported in part by the European Union, through the Project
“Reactivation of the Production and Improvement of the Quality of Cacao” (Quiroz, 1997).
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Bentley, Boa, and Stonehouse
Fig. 4. Laurel timber drying next to a cacao grove (photo by E. Boa).
plants. In some groves, farmers plant coffee as an understory to cacao,
so the cacao is actually the shade tree for the coffee.
5. Palms. Some palms, like coconut, are grown in the groves, but farmers
point out that they are too thin to cast much shade.
6. Others. There are many perennial plants that are not technically
trees: papaya, bananas, and bamboo, which farmers plant between
the rows of cacao. Some farmers grow a common species of bamboo
(Guadua angustifolia) and use it to make various things, including
the poles for harvesting cacao.
Farmers plant neighbor trees in a highly ordered pattern. For example,
there may be one row of citrus between each row of cacao, or one coconut
per every nine cacao trees. We saw few cases of trees planted at irregular
distances, or on nongeometric patterns (for a list of other neighbor trees, see
Table VII).
Farmers plant neighbor trees that are specifically not for shade, e.g.,
citrus, for the same reason that farmers intercrop in general: to increase
returns to land (Netting, 1993; Wilken, 1987). Farmers plant many trees with
cacao not because the cacao needs neighbors, but because cacao can tolerate
them. Modern HYV cacao is planted in full sun, without other neighbor trees
as well. This may be because the HYV–sun–chemical fertilizer combination
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
Table VII. Neighbor Trees Observed on 21 Cacao Farms in Ecuador
Local name
(# of farms)
Scientific name
General notes
Amargo (2)
Castilla elastica Caucho also = Ficus
Balsa (2)
Caucho (2)
Cauje (2)
Cı́trico (19)
Citrus spp
Fernán Sánchez
Fruto de pan (5)
Guabo (also
known as
bejuco) (6)
Inga edulis
Grown for fruit. The foliage is
denser at the time of cacao
flowering and fruiting
Sold for timber
Sold for timber
Dries up the earth. Sold for
The fruit can be sold. Rots
when there is too much
Includes mandarins (4) Both can grow well with cacao
and tangerines (1);
and they give fruit to sell.
some farms had more
Mandarin combines well
than one kind of
with cacao. It is not a shade
Good for timber and shade
Breadfruit (Fig. 5)
The most common
shade tree used by
Guabo de
Inga spectabilis = Guaba vaina de
machete (5)
Guaya/Guayacán/ Tabebuia sp
Guaya interpreted as a
Guayacón (5)
contraction of
Laurel (11)
Laurel de puna =
Cordia alliodora,
laurel fino = C.
Mamey (3)
Some farmer comments
on neighbor tree
Mamey Cartagena =
americana or
Mammea americana;
mamey colorado =
Manilkara zapota
Makes too much leaf litter
which clogs cacao branches.
Attracts humidity and can
grow well with cacao and
other fruit trees. Parasitic
plants thrive on it. The fruit
is fed to pigs
It is more rooted, and during
droughts it dries out soil
further. People don’t use
guabo in the area around
Chone. Guabo is least
valuable as a product tree
though some use for
firewood. It is a great
Makes shade. Parasitic plants
cover it
Planted for fruit and timber
Blows over in wind and
destroys cacao. Causes less
damage than other timber
trees when felled. Affects
cacao very little. Does not
cast too much of a shadow.
Grown for timber and light
Grown for the fruit
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Bentley, Boa, and Stonehouse
Table VII. (Continued )
Local name
(# of farms)
Scientific name
Mango (7)
Pachaco (6)
Zapote (7)
Teca (3)
Tectona grandis
General notes
Some farmer comments
on neighbor tree
Drought tolerant, withstands
flooding. When it gets too
big it falls apart and
damages the cacao. A big
tree can destroy 3–4 cacao
trees. Foliage is denser at the
time of cacao flowering and
fruiting. Gets a lot of
parasitic plants. It is shade,
but it takes too long to grow
Fast growing timber tree, too
thin to give much shade.
More damaging than either
laurel or Fernán Sánchez
when felled
Fruit tree. Less tolerant of
drought and flooding than
mango. Combines well with
cacao and does not impede
flowering or fruiting
Good shade
Note. The scientific names come from Valverde (1998) and Gentry (1996) and are based on
the common names farmers gave us. The following tree species were recorded from only one
farm: Badeia [Passiflora quadrangularis]; Bantano [Pithecellobium macradenium]; Beldaco
[Pseudobombax guayasense]; Cadi [Phytelephas sp.]; Caña de guadua [Guadua angustifolia]; Canelón [Swartzia littlei]; Canuto [Cecropia sp.?]; Cedro [Cedrela odorata]; Cadi; Ceibo
(bototillo) [Ceiba ?pentandra (poss. C. trichistandra)]; Cereza [Bunchosia sp.]; Guachapelı́ [Albizia guachapele]; Guanábana [Annona muricata]; Guayacón blanco [Tabebuia sp.?]; Guayava
[Psidium guajava]; Guabo colorado [Inga sp. ?]; Guabo mico [Inga vera]; Matapalo [Ficus sp.];
Moral fino [Maclura tinctoria]; Yuca de ratón [Gliricidia sepium]. No scientific name equivalent
was found for these local names. All were recorded from one farm only. Chontilla; Pechicho,
Pijao; Porotá/Porotú, Quinceañera; Visola. The following are often not grown in direct association with cacao. They include [# farms]: Carambola = Averrhoa carambola [2]; Coco = Cocos
nucifera [2+]; Papaya = Carica papaya [2]; Poma rosa = Syzygium jambos].
is heavily influenced by extension agents, who tend to take a dim view to
People said they grew neighbor trees for the fruit, for fertilizer, and
for managing soil humidity. Farmers were generally quite pleased with the
neighbor trees, even though they did not use the word “shade” very often unless the interviewers mentioned it first (see Table VIII). Some farmers (e.g., ECF19, see Table VIII) were not sure if they considered their
cacao shaded or not. On the other hand, concerned environmentalists
use the word “shade” frequently when describing the trees grown in
cacao (for example, see the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center website
http:// When environmentalists begin talking more
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Neighbor Trees: Shade, Intercropping, and Cacao in Ecuador
Fig. 5. Breadfruit trees cast dense shade, and the heavy leaves lodge in cacao
branches (photo by E. Boa).
with farmers, activists will need to be aware that not all trees
intercropped with cacao are for shade, and that many are domesticated or
at least managed, and are not all wild forest trees.
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Table VIII. Influence of Neighbor Trees on Management of Cacao
attitudes about
neighbor Tree
Positive, mostly
Positive, mostly
Farmer statement
When pests increase we do not think this is because the shade in
our cacao has been removed to give full-sun production
Mandarin, orange and zapote combine well with the cacao and do
not harm it. They are not shade. Mango is shade but it takes a
long time (to grow)
There is no relationship between the amount of shade or full sun
in groves and pest problems, or the way in which we manage
the cacao
Trees are often put in rows down the edges of the main cacao
plots. The main purpose of these other trees is, in order of
importance, fertilization of the soil, to provide us with products
and also for humidity control. For shade? This is not really
worth a mention
Guabo does give fruit—here, try some. It produces wood for
firewood. We take the guabo out after 3 years, because they
have grown so fast they overshadow the cacao. The other trees
are left longer [Guabo = Inga edulis, a fast growing tree which
fixes nitrogen.]
Why do I have all these trees together with cacao? Soil
improvement is important. You can’t overfeed the soil
Rotting down of my other (shade) tree leaves for fertilizer is
important. Coconut takes longer than most others—a frond
will take up to a year to rot down, less if wet. Whereas banana
leaves are pretty much rotted down in 2 months
We plant laurel and other timber trees here and there. We also
plant caucho but it dries up the earth. The guabo, especially
guabo de bejuco, keeps the earth new. We removed one mango
tree because it made too much shade [Guabo = Inga spp.,
Caucho = rubber, Laurel = Cordia alliodora]
See how the breadfruit and citrus and the cacao are so close
together, yet all give fruit? They don’t interfere with each other
Fruit trees receive more from the cacao than they give back in
leaf fertilizer
I believe my farm is shaded. [This was not the first farmer to be
confused when asked about the shade cast by other trees on
cacao.] I am not sure what different management practices I
would need to use if my cacao was in full sun but I expect I
would need chemical fertilizers most. I do not use them at the
I say that shade in nacional improves production because there
are fewer pests and diseases, particularly monilia. One of my
neighbors disagrees and says that ventilation and air movement
are important. Of course, you can have too much shade, but
you also got the benefit from other trees growing with cacao
Yes, it is possible that cacao tolerates other trees, and that these
give an opportunity to increase production. However, I still
believe that cacao benefits from other trees and that shade is
one of these benefits. I cannot say whether shade is more
important than the other benefits
Note. Authors’ comments in square brackets.
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Diversity of Birds
We asked some farmers about the relationship between birds and shade.
The farmers did not quite scoff at the question, but they thought it was trivial.
One farmer, Tomás Olmedo, pointed out that, after all, the cacao plant itself
is a tree, and that parrots nest in the holes of the larger, older cacao trees.
Mr Olmedo further observed that the traditional varieties live to be 80 or
100 years old and become large trees, which are attractive to birds. But the
modern HYV cacao was only introduced in the 1980s, so farmers are unsure
how long the trees will live.17 The authors observed that HYV cacao shows
few signs of being able to live to be 100; they are shorter trees with thinner
branches, and not as likely to harbor birds.
Farmers’ lack of interest in birds may be related to the common local perception that birds spread parasitic plants, by eating their fruits, then
perching on cacao trees and defecating the seeds, which stick to the cacao
bark.18 While farmers may have few concerns over biodiversity, they are anxious to preserve the value of their land for their children and grandchildren,
even though they do not refer to the notion as “sustainability.”
One of the more troubling losses of agrodiversity (Conelly and Chaiken,
2000) is the decline in the populations of old, traditional cacao varieties. The
old varieties are shade-loving, low-input cacao, once used to make the highest
quality of chocolate. Some of the groves still survive, in part because they
can be productive until they are 80 or older, but unless farmers start to plant
new groves of aromatic cacao, this genetic material will be endangered.
Few shade trees in coastal Ecuador are forest remnants. Besides shade
trees, farmers plant many other kinds of tree in cacao, for fruit, timber, and
poles. All of these intercropped trees, shade and others, make up a complex
of neighbor trees. Shade and other neighbor trees are crops, which farmers
carefully plant and manage. Sun cacao is part of a package that includes modern HYVs, chemical fertilizer, irrigation, and monocropping. Farmers are
aware that shade trees preserve soil moisture and soil fertility, and that they
suppress ground weeds. Farmers also understand that properly regulated
shade helps manage some cacao diseases, but stress that shade encourages
air weeds. Farmers are more likely to use shade with traditional, aromatic
varieties of cacao that are slowly disappearing. Preserving the agrodiversity
17 Plant
breeders suggest that the trees will give high yields until they are about 25 years old.
(1999) writes that birds eat mistletoe and the seeds stick to their beaks, which the
birds wipe off onto trees, planting the weeds on cacao.
18 Willson
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of Neotropical cacao (traditional cacao varieties, shade and other neighbor
trees) would be easier if farmers received a price reward for aromatic cacao.
This research was funded by the American Cocoa Research Institute
(ACRI) and the International Program of the United States Department
of Agriculture. We are grateful for the encouragement of Eric Rosenquist
of USDA, Carole Knight of ACRI, John Lunde of M&M Mars, and Dave
Stuart of Hershey Foods Corporation. Roberto Haz of the Bolsa de Productos helped organize travel in Ecuador and arranged crucial meetings
with farmers, and shared many ideas with us. We thank the following people
for logistical support and for sharing information with us: Jorge Chang and
Francisco Mosquera (FUNDAGRO), Albino Fernández (Vintners), Edwin
Mosques (Passage), Fausto Ortega (Tenguel), Luis Parle (La Tranquila), Vaciante Jaramago (Santo Domingo), Gastón Loor (Pichilingue Research Station), Dr Luis Parral and Juan Hernández (Ministry of Agriculture), Philip
Petithuguenin and Bernard Decazy of the CIRAD/EU Cocoa Project, Sergio Cedeño, Carlos Elizalde Sánchez, and José Carvajal. The bromeliads
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