Annual Report 2010
Annual Report 2010
Annual Report 2010 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Contents • Authorities • Fundación Leer in figures • Promotion reading in schools • Promotion reading in libraries • Early and familial literacy • Community literacy • Trainings • Alliances with authorities • Leer on the Web • Competitions • Bicentennial National Reading Marathon • The Marathon in the Buenos Aires Zoo • The First Provincial Reading Marathon • Fundación Leer in the community 2 • New alliances • Individual donors • Volunteers with Fundación Leer • Coporate volunteers • Fundación Leer in the press • Acknowledgments • Patrons of Fundación Leer • Supporters of the Bicentennial National Reading Marathon • Contributions • Scope of work, 1997 - 2010 • Resources and their applications • Perspectives 3 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Authorities Administrative Board Chairman Treasurer Members Silvina Hojman de Madanes Acting Members Félix de Barrio Elías Mejalelaty Horacio Diez Fernando Malenchini Jorge Galperín Deputy Chairman Secretary Carlos Etcheverrigaray Santiago Murtagh Matilde Mejalelaty Eduardo García Mansilla Jorge Labanca María Freixas de Braun Aldo Sessa Ignacio González García Pedro Simoncini Patricio Guitart Mario Vázquez Advisory Council 4 Dr. Pedro Luis Barcia Dr. Mariano Grondona Sr. Carlos Pla Auditor Ing. Guillermo Battro Dr. Carlos Kaplan Sr. Steven Rockefeller PriceWaterhouseCoopers Dr. Jaim Etcheverry Sr. José Martini Dr. Julio Saguier Dr. Carlos Floria Dr. Manuel Mora y Araujo Dra. Carol Sakoian Executive Director Lic. Víctor García Laredo Dr. Alejandro Orfila Prof. Antonio Salonia Patricia Mejalelaty Prof. Alfredo van Gelderen Sr. Carlos Padula Dr. Juan Carlos Tedesco Fundación Leer signed a licensing agreement with Reading is Fundamental, Inc. (RIF), an organization that has worked to promote reading since 1966. In this way, the programs were implemented in Argentina with all the adjustments necessary to adapt to the reality of local circumstances. In 2004, Fundación Leer began a working partnership with the Open Society Institute in order to institute in Argentina the program Step by Step, aimed at improving academic performance through teaching strategies. The program includes the family in the educational process of children and promotes democratic values in schools. 5 Annual Report 2010 Projects Five hundred fourteen educational projects were carried out in schools, libraries, soup kitchens, youth development centers, children’s hospitals, and youth correctional facilities, located in 139 towns all over the country. Distribution of books Children and youth A total of 105,469 new books of literature were distributed among children and participating institutions. The books were selected by the communities themselves to install Reading Corners at the schools so that participating children could collectively keep and retain them, as well as share them with their families. One hundred forty-nine thousand four hundred seventy children and teenagers under the age of 17 participated in the educational projects of Fundación Leer. Adult training Bicentennial National Reading Marathon The participation in this event grew to encompass 3,651,122 children, teenagers and adults in 12,615 institutions nationwide. Two thousand eight hundred four people, among them teachers, principals, librarians, community education promoters, education students, physicians, health personnel, and volunteers of different institutions, were trained in order to update their qualifications for the promotion of reading, reading comprehension, and critical thinking development. Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Promoting reading in schools Open Book Project®: teacher training and new spaces for reading Mobilizing communities through reading This project is intended to strengthen literacy activities in school through the training in reading promotion and the creation of “Reading Corners” with new literature books age-appropriate for the beneficiary children. In 2010, thanks to the support of Rousselot, Santander Rio and Chevron, the program Reading Marathons was implemented in 27 institutions located in the provinces of Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro, Santa Fe, Tierra del Fuego, Tucumán, and the city of Buenos Aires. With the support of Santander Rio, we implemented this new program on a trial basis in different schools in the province of Córdoba. To read…and to play! is a program for the promotion of reading. Its intention is to continue the work already carried out by Fundación Leer and Santander Río. The program is based on three events for reading and playing with the participation of children, families, and the larger community. In each one of these events, the children enjoyed one literary genre–poems, short, or long stories–and then took part in a game related to the subject read. In addition, during the year, the 249 benefited children received three new literature books adequate for their age which they could keep as their own. 8 Thanks to the support of Playhouse Disney Channel, the Open Book Project was also implemented in ten kindergartens in the city of Buenos Aires and surrounding area. Together with teachers and families, more than 2,000 children began to enjoy reading in comfortable spaces equipped with books chosen by the communities themselves. The families and the members of each educational community participate in the creation of those spaces where children and parents can read or carry out other activities. This program–carried out during the academic year and comprised of three “marathons” in which the educational community participated–trained 64 teachers and leaders and reached 4,800 children who shared positive reading experiences. To read…and to play! A new proposal to go ahead with our work Reading Corners in Kindergartens Lucio Mansilla School No. 737, Resistencia, Chaco The companies and organizations that supported the implementation of this program in 2010 are, among others: Banco Comafi, which helped 290 children in Córdoba; Fundación Air Liquide, which supported this program in four schools in Neuquén, for the benefit of more than 1,400 children; EMC, which made its realization possible for 540 children in three institutions of the city of Buenos Aires and surrounding area; and Western Union Foundation, which brought more than 1,200 children nearer to reading. A Reading Corner in a Kindergarten “To read…and to play! brought us more interesting and amusing new ways to bring pupils nearer to books. It is a different creative approach to fiction in the class.” Teachers from the “Gobernador Amadeo Sabattini" school, Córdoba province. “An excellent training. The information was presented clearly, as was the mode of work. Thanks for coming to our school.” Teacher from Elementary School No. 154, Neuquén. “We are sincerely and deeply grateful to Fundación Leer and Playhouse Disney Channel for letting our children have a reading corner with many different books beautifully illustrated. This project allowed us to keep on going ahead with one of our projects: to bring children nearer to reading.” Vice principal, Kindergarten No. 931, Province of Buenos Aires. 9 Promoting Reading in Libraries We enhance the work of the libraries A walk through schools, children’s homes and community centers With the support of Banco Macro, 16 libraries in Córdoba, Misiones, Mendoza, Santa Fe, Chubut, Jujuy, Salta, and Tucumán took part in the program Reading Corners in Libraries. Challenge: To Read is a reading promotion program developed by Fundación Leer that intends to strengthen the link between libraries and their communities in order to increase the number of books than children read during the year. The program is based on two fundamental elements: a “mobile Reading Corner,” which visits different institutions in each town, and the This initiative endeavors to strengthen the role of the libraries as promoters of reading in the community. To that end, 42 teachers participated in a training course offering advice for the creation of Reading Corners, the development of strategies that motivate reading, the promotion of an active participation of the community, and the During the year, they strive to offer a space where families and children can share books and to increase community awareness about the importance of reading. “Reading Album,” an attractive printed notebook where participating children can record the books they’ve read. In 2010, the support of La Anónima benefited 30 institutions in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Chubut, Córdoba, Neuquén, Río Negro, Santa Cruz, and Tierra del Fuego, reaching more than 36,000 children and young people. Furthermore, more than 8,310 books for children and young people were distributed. Sofia Moll de Milton Library, Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut Province 10 The libraries received more than 4,800 new books for children and young people to create their own Reading Corners. Dr. Tristán G. Lobos Public LIbrary, Salto, Province of Buenos Aires “Working with Fundación Leer and La Anónima transformed us as an institution. The program Challenge: To Read allowed us to establish new and different links with other community institutions. Now we are recognized as reading promoters and children are awaiting the Reading Shopping Cart in every school we visit. This activity integrates the whole community. Parents, grandparents, and neighbors collaborate so that the day of the final event the children can present and show the reading activities included in this program. Sometimes even we fail to anticipate the extent of the results of our work and how we manage to bring so many children closer to reading. To see their faces full of excitement, joy, and enthusiasm as they get ready to read when we arrive is the best reward we could ask for. We are really grateful for your support and your trust.” President of Juan B. Alberdi Public Library, Laboulaye, Córdoba establishment of relations with local institutions that work with children and youth. Almafuerte National Public Library, Arroyito, Córdoba Province 11 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Early and Family Literacy Community Literacy Families stimulate literacy in the home In 2010, the support of Pan American Energy, Aluar, Tecpetrol, Central Puerto, and Tenaris Siderca for the program Reading Families enabled the parents of 1,600 children to receive guidance and acquire strategies and ideas to support the development of literacy in the home. The program also held workshops for parents and created new Reading Corners in 15 institutions. Special Reading Days, in which the children were able to select books to take home, were also organized. Amparo Maternal Jardín Brotecitos, City of Buenos Aires In total, the program Reading Families distributed 6,625 new books of children’s literature. Building an early relationship with reading The program Care to Read is designed to further the development of language and the acquisition of literacy in children between the ages of six months and six years. The program trains the staff of educational institutions and offers them the strategies and tools that encourage contact between children and books from early childhood. It includes different manners in which to integrate the families into the educational process. Reading spaces are also constructed and stocked with new books for the youngest children. Shelters in community centers Together with the Embassy of Canada, Fundación Leer implemented the program Shared Beginnings in Casa Juana Manso and Amparo Maternal Jardin Brotecitos, two Buenos Aires women’s shelters for young mothers vicitmized by domestic violence. The program helped not only to create a protective environment, but also to instill a positive attitude toward reading in the participants. 12 Volunteer training Casa Juana Manso, City of Buenos Aires In 2010, thanks to the support of UPS Foundation, the program was implemented in five community centers in San Miguel, in the province of Buenos Aires. The project included training for institutional volunteers, the creation of Reading Corners, and the distribution of books for the more than 500 children who daily attend the institutions. Strengthening the work of community centers Tres centros comunitarios de la localidad de Puerto Pira en Misiones Three Three community centers in Puerto Piray, province of Misiones, took part in the program called Local Strengthening to Promote Literacy in Vulnerable Children, which trained the institutional leaders and created Reading Corners with new books, games, and teaching material for use with the kids. Since the implementation of the project, the centers have organized reading activities with the children and offered workshops to parents on the importance of reading and ways in which to incorporate reading into daily life. The over 1,000 children attending these centers received new books that they were able to take home and share with their families. 13 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Trainings Courses on the Fundación Leer virtual campus Children’s literature training in elementary schools With the sustained support of Pan American Energy, teachers in Pico Truncado (Santa Cruz) and Sarmiento (Chubut) partook in a refresher course on children’s literature and the specific approach for the elementary school level. Thus, we collaborated to enrich the work of teachers in a key stage of the literacy process. Teacher training in Pico Truncado, Santa Cruz Province Promoting reading and children’s literature Toyota Argentina S.A. once more contributed to the implementation of a cycle of eight intensive training sessions for reading mediators entitled The Pleasure of Reading and Reading Practices at School. The thirty teachers and principals who participated in the program considered the importance of reading literature for children and young people, the role of 14 the mediator in the interaction between the child and the text, and their own intervention in the reading of fiction. In each meeting, participants received a small book on the theoretical and practical aspects of reading, including concrete activities to upgrade teaching practices, as well as a work of literature. “It’s been a very dynamic and practical course, and we are so excited to put into practice the things we’ve learned. It opened our minds so that we can embark upon a new year, eager to encourage a love of reading in the classroom.” Teacher from Mariano Moreno School No. 29, Zárate, Buenos Aires Province “My classmates and I agree; the strategies and techniques offered in the course opened within me a world of possibilities that I have little by little introduced to my colleagues at school. Between us, we have discovered innovations that enchance our work, improve our practice daily, and allow us to break out of our routine.” In 2010, for the second consecutive year, we offered a completely virtual training course on our online campus ( More than 1,500 people expressed interest in the course Strategies and Techniques for the Reading of Narrative and Expository Texts. Finally, 180 teachers from different regions of Argentina, Peru, Paraguay, Chile, and Mexico were selected. Training lasted four months and was run by specialized tutors who oriented the pedagogical work, generated group activities, and moderated discussion forums. The course was funded by the Open Society Institute. Teacher participant in online course Our first publication: Guiding Criteria for Good Practices for the Teaching of Reading We worked in conjunction with The Tinker Foundation Inc. in order to develop the program Guiding Criteria for Good Practices in the Teaching of Reading—Self-Evaluation and Considerations for the Improvement of Education Quality. The program includes a printed publication for distribution to teachers and principals and a proposal of technical and pedagogical training and advice. In this way, we offer elementary school teachers and principals an opportunity to meditate, to enrich their pedagogical concepts, and improve the manner in which reading is taught. It is of note that the publication is a source to enhance and enact self-evaluation processes in the teacher and school authorities, an idea which arose from the need to offer valid tools to improve the quality of education. 15 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Cooperation agreement with Catamarca Alliances with authorities New agreements and partnerships with governmental agencies Following the request of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Catamarca, Fundación Leer signed an agreement to improve teaching practices for reading in the schools of the province. • A cycle of training was organized for the technical-pedagogical teams of the Ministry and all supervisors. It incorporated a methodology which allows a wider geographical coverage, the commitment of middle level authorities, and the continuity of the project. Between May and August 2010, three main lines of work were followed: During 2010, Fundación Leer deepened its strategical alliances with governmental agencies of several provinces, in coordination with some sponsor enterprises, or directly: was implemented, reaching every kindergarten in the towns. • Contact was established with the Education Council of Neuquén and Education Ministry of Salta to carry out joint training activities and other programs during the 2011 academic year. • With the Municipality of Montecarlo, Misiones, Fundación Leer agreed to the implementation of a training plan for principals in order to present the publication Guiding Criteria for Good Practices in the Teaching of Reading, to promote the self-evaluation of teaching practices and improve the quality of education. • With the support of Apache Argentina and per agreement with the Department of Teacher Training of the Education Ministry of Tierra del Fuego, the training of librarians in Rio Grande was continued and later extended to teachers in Ushuaia. • With the help of the education authorities of Chubut and Santa Cruz, and together with Pan American Energy, several plans were enacted. In the cities of Comodoro Rivadavia and Trelew, Reading Comprehension Clinics were held for principals and elementary and middle school teachers. In the towns of Sarmiento and Pico Truncado, the same was done for first level teachers; furthermore, in three institutions the program Reading Families • In August, the First Provincial Reading Marathon was organized, accompanied by the motto “Together towards a Reading Catamarca”. The local event paved the way toward the Bicentennial National Reading Marathon and had a participation of more than 11,000 children and 10,200 adults from 500 provincial institutions. elementary schools. The subject was “Good Practices for the Teaching of Reading—Self-Evaluation, Criteria and Resources”. Each exceeded expectations, reaching a participation of 150. “I would like to express my gratitude to the coordinators for that which they have offered in these meetings. It has allowed me to renew confidence and hope in the schools, in the supervisors, in the principals, in the technicians. Watching, listening, sharing, contacting us with beautiful texts, with moving questions...The impact of Fundación Leer’s actions is more noticable than any other previous training, including those focused on literacy. Thank you so much!” Cristina Pernasetti, technical knowledge team member of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology of Catamarca Province Seminar for directors and teachers 16 • Two seminars were given for teachers, principals, and librarians of Meeting of supervisors and technical teams 17 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Reading on the Web Reading on the Web: a new site for teachers Gallery of Authors Creative writing competion Art Competition for children In 2010 we launched Reading on the Web, Resources and Interchanges for Teachers (http://leerenred.leer. org), a virtual community focused on teaching children how to read. This Internet-based initiative was developed through collaboration with Fundación Telefónica. It is oriented to pupils and teachers of elementary schools with the aim of presenting distinguished writers, organizing group interviews through chat, and offering information from the authors on their work and the writing process in a simple and attractive manner in an environment distinct from the classroom. Among Words and Toys. When Disney-Pixar premiered TOY STORY 3, Fundación Leer organized this competition for children from 4 to 12 years of age. Doodle for Google. Under the motto “Together After the Bicentennial Celebration,” Google and Fundación Leer invited children and youth to participate in this competition. The participants decorated and redesigned the Google logo, illustrating their dreams and wishes during the anniversary of the country. From this site, teachers can download articles, participate in forums coordinated by our specialists, publish teaching experiences, and access updated information on seminars, conferences, and other events. Registration is free. In 2010, more than 1,500 teachers, principals, and educational authorities entered the site. Reading in the Web—Resources and Interchanges for Teachers (http://leerenred.leer. org) was sponsored by The Tinker Foundation. Reading on the Web site 18 Competitions In 2010 the program, directed by a Fundación Leer tutor, reached 38 schools, included reading and writing activities, and ended with a blog contest in which the winning schools were awarded new books by participating writers. Liliana Cinetto in the Gallery of Authors The competition incorporated from the movie the theme of the place that play occupies in childhood, and found motives for creation from words. It reached a participation of more than 1,300 children in the country; the winners were granted individual awards and 200 new literature books to create reading spaces in their schools; advice for their teachers was also provided. “Among Word and Toys” Competition The competition, widely and warmly received by Argentine institutions, was part of a regional initiative simultaneously developed in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico to unite the children under the same maxim and reinforce fraternal links between the countries. Award “Community to Education” for teachers Fundación Leer supported and participated in the prequalification of winners for the Award Community to Education, organized by Fundación La Nación. The idea was to highlight initiatives in Argentine schools intended to improve the quality of education provided to vulnerable pupils, giving a new value to the figure of the teacher as a decisive agent to achieve this improvement. "Doodle for Google" Competition 19 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Bicentennial National Reading Marathon “...In both shifts we develop activities to encourage reading under the motto of the Marathon, making reference to the Argentinean Bicentennial. We want to highlight the extensive participation of the parents, the grandparents, and the writers of our community, as well as the excellent predisposition and commitment of the school authorities and the teachers, who organized the activities within a nice atmosphere centered on the children and reading. Thanks to Fundación Leer for making this meeting possible!...” Over 3,500,000 children, young people, and adults participated On October 1st, under the motto “Our values, customs and traditions. Stories to read and to write all together,” the Bicentennial National Reading Marathon was celebrated with the participation of 3,404,642 children and teenagers and 246,480 adults from 12,615 different institutions in Argentina. The day of the Marathon, children, teachers, families, volunteers, and other members of the community gathered together to read, listen, and share stories, to participate in plays and puppet shows, and to enjoy books and reading. several enterprises who gave their support and collaboration during many days. Furthermore, 80 Reading Corners with 200 new books each were raffled among the participating institutions. The Bicentennial National Reading Marathon was recognized for its educational value by different 16 institutions, including the National Education Ministry in the city of Buenos Aires, as well as several provincial and municipal governments. Manuel Belgrano School No. 409, San Cristóbal, Santa Fe. This Marathon had the support of education authorities, ministries, municipalities, publishing houses, civil organizations, teachers, parents, community leaders, physicians, health center staff, executives, and staff from Nik and Canela, Godparents of the National Reading Marathon “We took part in this event as an educational community because it allowed us to approach reading as a key aspect of the education of children; if the children are able to grow and develop as active members of a social and cultural reality, then they themselves will be able to transform. Congratulations on this endeavor, and we send our fond wishes that this experience will be repeated in future years.” Posters in the City of Buenos Aires Public presence The Reading Marathon in numbers With the support of Atacama Publicidad, Lauisi Vía Pública, Mediaview, Publiaceras, Publicidad Sarmiento, Spinazzola and Vía Pública Patagónica, the Reading Marathon has a very strong presence in key spots of the city of Buenos Aires , GBA northern and southern areas , Chubut, Mar del Plata, Mendoza, and Necochea. • Children: 3,404,642 • Adults: 246,480 • Institutions: 12,615 • Provinces: 23 provinces and the City of Buenos Aires Principal, Kindergarten No.901, General Rodriguez, Buenos Aires. School No. 57, Rosario del Tala, Entre Ríos 20 School No. 534, Las Palmas, Chaco 21 Fundación Leer The Bicentennial National Reading Marathon was made possible by: Annual Report 2010 Main ceremony of the Bicentennial National Reading Marathon Main Supporters Supporters General Supporters media Friends Guests at the Marathon event in the Zoo: Istvansch, Fernando de Vedia, Luis María Pescetti, Canela, and Nik. The main ceremony occurred in the Buenos Aires Zoological Garden. There, over 1,000 children were able to visit the 37 reading booths that hosted different activities. Distinguished writers of children’s literature and well-known cultural were present and they read together with the children. Fernando Bravo conducted the event; the writer Luis Maria Pescetti appeared onstage, as did the musical stylings of the Cantayasos group. 22 Reading booth The Fundación’s volunteers took part in the preparation and organization of the main event, accompanied the children to the reading booths, and assisted in various tasks. The corporate volunteers from Intel, HSBC, Dow Argentina, Tecpetrol, and EMC donated their time and helped out with the activities and the children. Main ceremony of the Bicentennial National Reading Marathon The distinguished figures present included Nik and Canela, the godparents to the Marathon, and writers Ana Maria Shua, Maria Ines Falconi, Istavansch, Fernando de Vedia, and Luis Maria Pescetti, who were specially acknowledged. 23 Fundación Leer The following sponsors made the event at the Zoo of Buenos Aires possible: Annual Report 2010 The First Provincial Reading Marathon The Catamarca Minister of Education on his tour of schools Together with the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, the first Provincial Reading Marathon was organized under the motto Together toward a reading Catamarca in August 2010. mentioning the shared reading of Catamarca writers, literary cafes, exchange of letters, role playing, art workshops, and discussion panels based on books read. Authorities from the Ministry and supervisors of all levels and kinds published information about the Marathon and registered institutions that lacked Internet access. The Minister of Education of this province, Lic. Mario Perna, together with his collaborators and a representative of Fundación Leer, visited several institutions in order to join the participants in this first experience. Among the activities developed, it is worth 24 This Marathon–carried out locally in order to pave the way toward the Bicentennial National Reading Marathon—counted more than 110,000 children,10,200 adults and 500 institutions of Catamarca as participants. 25 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Fundacion Leer in the community Reading at the Buenos Aires Zoo TOY STORY 3 and Tangled Advance Screenings Together with the Buenos Aires Zoo, we built a Reading Corner in the Children’s Art Museum of the Zoo, which was the venue in 2009 and 2010 of the inauguration of the National Reading Marathon. The Walt Disney Company allowed us to host advance screenings for TOY STORY 3 and Tangled for our benefit. The shows took place in Hoyts Theater in the city of Buenos Aires. All tickets were sold and the public acted in excellent form. The Reading Corner was designed and equipped by the volunteers, the working team, and the Administrative Council of Fundación Leer, with the help of the Zoo staff. The Reading Corner is an informal literacy space, stocked with a variety of books selected on account of their literary quality. It helps to instill the habit of reading in young children, essential in the educational process. Afternoon of reading in the Museo de Arte Español Enrique Larreta Community commitment Tribute to Manuel Mujica Láinez In April 2010 we took part in the event Community Commitment in Buenos Aires Reading Square. The aim of this commitment was to express in writing in a document signed by participants the intention to achieve in the city a community more responsible, respectful, inclusive and solidary of public spaces and the environment in general. During the exhibition organized by the Museo de Arte Español Enrique Larreta and la Fundación Manuel Mujica Láinez in homage to this writer, Fundación Leer coordinated an activity for elementary school pupils of the city of Buenos Aires, which included reading the story El hombrecito del azulejo and a recreational activity. Participating children enjoyed of a reading session coordinated by members of Fundación Leer´s team. Advance screening of Tangled at Hoyts Theater 26 27 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Personal donations New alliances Dietrich’s support In 2010, thanks to the support of Dietrich, and through the magazine Mujeres al volante, we formulated recommendations to share the reading of stories with the children. Likewise, in the institutional newsletter, Dietrich issued an invitation to all its members to support the Fundación. Dietrich’s Facebook page also published contents and suggestions to encourage reading in children. 36th International Book Fair in Buenos Aires With the support and the collaboration of Editorial Albatros, three reading meetings were organized in the 36th International Book Fair in Buenos Aires. In addition, the publishing house donated a percentage of its sales during the Fair to create a Reading Corner with 200 new children’s books for a rural school in Las Llanas, Salta. Fundraising event Fundación Leer and Staples in favor of literacy HelpArgentina Nights When classes began, Staples supported Fundación Leer’s activities to promote children’s literacy by donating a percentage of its sales. Once more, Fundación Leer took part in HelpArgentina Nights, an initiative that encourages people from all over the world to organize fundraising events to benefit Argentinean social organizations. Around one hundred people in Washington D.C. participated in informal events that raised awareness for the Fundación’s work and collected funds for Project implementation. International pages of Global Giving and HelpArgentina Fundación Leer has a permanent spot on the pages of Global Giving and HelpArgentina, international portals from which individual donors from all over the world can support solidarity projects. Thanks to the donations received, the Fundación created a library with specially selected children’s books and trained teachers in the rural Las Llanas school (Province of Salta), attended by the children of the Wichi community. Reading workshop in the Editorial Albatros booth 28 29 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Volunteers at Fundación Leer Volunteers at the launch of the National Reading Marathon Volunteers from all over the country support the Fundación Volunteers at the advance premiere of Tangled • Building and equipping a Reading Corner at the museum in the Buenos Aires Zoo. • The Day of the Child at Nucha Café, with writer Fernando de Vedia and his character “Paco del Tomate”. “To work for an organization that helps others is highly gratifying. And working at Fundación Leer is that and much more. It is a task geared to the future and its achievements reveal that the most valuable investment in a country is made in education and culture. That’s why it was easy for me to get involved in this project from the beginning, in my humble position. Since I started volunteering, I have been very well-treated: they know how to value the meaning and the possibilities of volunteer’s work. On many occasions, they thank me for my collaboration, but in truth, I continue to volunteer because with them, I have learnt and continue to learn new things. I hope that the Fundación keeps on growing and thinking about those who need them most. It is a very noble task.” • Reading afternoons at the Corner in the Zoo during winter holidays. • Event at the Museo de Arte Español Enrique Laura Baratti, volunteer With the support of over 500 volunteers working from different locations in the country or in Fundación Leer’s Buenos Aires headquarters, many different projects and events were realized. • 36th International Book Fair in Buenos Aires. 30 Volunteers in the Plaza del Lector • Avanced Première of Disney movies TOY STORY 3 and Tangled for the benefit of Fundación Leer. Larreta on the centennial anniversary of the birth of writer Manuel Mujica Láinez. • Reading for children in partnership with the government of the city of Buenos Aires in parks and squares (del Lector and Martín de Alzaga). • Bicentennial National Reading Marathon at the Buenos Aires Zoo. 31 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Corporate volunteers Corporate volunteers in action With the help of 30 volunteers from Ace Seguros, a Reading Corner was created in Los Ositos, a Center for Children Development in Pilar, province of Buenos Aires. It is equipped with 150 literature books for children and young people. The staff of the center took part in a training sesssion on strategies to help them to follow children when developing reading habits. The volunteers of Aluar Aluminio Argentino collaborated in the implementation of the program Amigos Cuentacuentos. Thanks to this initiative, the children from 5 schools and 5 child development centers in Puerto Madryn (Chubut) enjoyed eading stories and other motivating activities. Through the support of American Express, a group of corporate volunteers participated in the creation of a Reading Corner with 300 books in a kindergarten of the city of Buenos Aires. This new space renewed the commitment of teachers and inspired new reading activities in the institution. In the framework of the Project Open Book, a group of volunteers from EMC Computer Systems Argentina S.A. together with their families collaborated in the building and equipment of a Reading Corner in a Villa Ballester school in the province of Buenos Aires. In this way, they gave the chidren the possibility to have daily access to more than 300 new books. During 2010 volunteers from Hospital Italiano visited weekly the Pediatric Wing in its San Justo branch to share readings with the children. More than 130 corporate volunteers from Citi Foundation joined efforts to work in the creation and conditioning of two Reading Corners provided with 300 books each in two schools of Pilar, Buenos Aires province. Citibank Argentina volunteers arranging a Reading Corner. Within the program Amigos Cuentacuentos, corporate volunteers from JPMorgan Chase Bank visited a kindergarten in the city of Buenos Aires to share reading with the children, renewing their support and commitment to the task they are carrying out with the Fundación. Corporate Volunteers from DOW Argentina visited 8 institutions in Ingeniero White and Bahía Blanca, two institutions in Colón, and two schools in Zárate in the province of Buenos Aires during the day of the Bicentennial National Reading Marathon. They were also present in the province of Santa Fe, where they visited schools in San Lorenzo and Venado Tuerto. The volunteers read a book, and after that each participating child was given the book read as a present. Ace Seguros volunteers at the Center for Childhood Development . 32 Together with corporate volunteers from Verizon Business, a Reading Corner was created and equipped with 300 new literature books for children and young people in La Boca, a neighborhood of the city of Buenos Aires. Team of volunteers from EMC . 33 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Fundación Leer in the news El Liberal, October 2, 2010 El Pregón, October 1, 2010 El Norte, October 2, 2010 La Nación, October 2, 2010 Perfil, October 2, 2010 Clarin, October 2, 2010 Comunidad supplement to La Nación, October 2, 2010 El Tribuno, October 1, 2010 La Gaceta de Tucumán, August 25, 2010 Clarín, October 1, 2010 La Nación front page, October 2, 2010 34 La Nación, October 10, 2010 Rumbos Magazine, October 30, 2010 La Nueva Provincia, October 1, 2010 La Capital, October 2, 2010 35 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Acknowledments 36 Sponsors of Fundación Leer We thank the following companies and organizations for the support received during 2009-2010 Carol Rasco, President and Guillermo Catalano Alberto García Hamilton Ana María Pirra Felipe Videla Executive Director, RIF Martín Coria Alfredo Van Gelderen Carlos Pla Valeria Vivani Sarah Klauss, Open Society Graciela Crespo Pablo Gianella José Pochat Noris Zerdá Institute Carlos Etcheverrigaray Patricio Guitart Iván Racedo Svetlana Batrak, Open Society María Freixas de Braun Gerardo Gustavo Kabbache Alejandro Raffo We would like to thank ACE Seguros Coolmedia S.A. Hope for Children S.A. Importadora y Exportadora de Institute Gustavo Canevaro Claudio Ipolitti Cristina Ramos education authorities, teachers Aluar Aluminio Argentino S.A.I.C. Cresko S.A. Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires la Patagonia Dawn Tankersley, Milva Castelini Gustavo Koniszczer Paula Ramos and related professionals who American Express Argentina S.A. Culligan Argentina S.A HSBC Argentina Holding S.A San Enrique Petrolera S.A. International Step by Step Sonia Cavallo Federico Krum Andrea Recagno opened the doors to us, so we American Women´s Club Diario Clarín JPMorganChase Bank Sistemas Bejerman S.A. Association Alberto Colinas Jorge Labanca Gustavo Roldán could contribute from our Apache Energía Argentina S.R.L. Diario La Nación JPMorganChase Foundation Staples Embajadora Vilma Socorro Alejandro Cortese Miguel A. Laruffa Pio Rueda institution towards the Banco Comafi Dow Argentina S.A. La Imprenta Wingord S.A. Sugar & Spice S.R.L. Martínez, Embajada de Estados Alan Crawford Martín Latrechina Julio Saguier betterment of our children’s Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A. Editorial Albatros S.A.I.C Minera Alumbrera Limited Tantum Argentina Unidos en Argentina Luis Capua Axel Leidi Claudio Saladino literacy nationwide. We thank Banco Macro S.A. Editorial Guadal S.A. Monsanto Argentina S.A. Tecpetrol S.A Claudia Acuña Pablo de Barrio Clara Levín Antonio Salonia those entities, companies, Banco Patagonia S.A. Embajada de Canadá en Argentina Monsanto Fund TenarisSiderca Francisco Almeida Pablo De Santis Fernando Malenquini Istvan Schritter - Istvansch publishing houses and Banco Santander Río S.A. Embajada de los Estados Unidos de Motorola Argentina S.A. Tener S.A Paula Aniasi Fernando de Vedia Silvana Marcovich Enrique Schcolnik foundations that joined and Banelco S.A. América en Argentina OCA - Organización Coordinadora The Tinker Foundation Inc Ricardo Arqués Laura Devetach Domingo Marra Tito Schuticchio supported us, thus enabling us BGH S.A. Embajada de Suiza en Argentina Argentina S.A. The Walt Disney Company Juan José Badano Laura Di Virgilio Ricardo Mariño Néstor Serjai to develop and implement our Boehringer-Ingelheim EMC Computer Systems Argentina S.A. Open Institute of Development (Argentina) Pedro Luis Barcia Ana María Díaz Alejandra Marsilla Aldo Sessa programs. Cámara Argentina del Libro Fondation Air France Open Society Foundation London Tito Gonzalez Automotores S.A. Adela Basch Horacio Diez Claudia Marsó Luis Sessa Cámara Española de Comercio de la Fundación Diario La Nación Open Society Institute Total Austral S.A. Sucursal Pablo Benavidez Mariano Dorfman Fabiana Mejalelaty Ana María Shua We also want to thank each República Argentina Fundación Hermanos Agustín y Operation Canasta - Asociacion del Argentina Pablo Bernasconi Cristian Dzwonik – NIK Enrique Melina Pedro Simoncini volunteer and donor for their Car Company S.A. Enrique Rocca exterior Toyota Argentina S.A. Osvaldo Blanco Margarita Eggers Lan Mariel Morita Jaime Subirá commitment and generosity. Central Puerto S.A. Fundación Noble Pan American Energy LLC UPS de Argentina S.A. Ana María Bovo Wenceslao Esponda Norberto Morita Perla Suez Special thanks go to all the Chevron-Argentina S.R.L. Fundación Telefónica de Argentina Pirelli Neumáticos UPS Foundation Federico Braun (p) María Inés Falconi Santiago Murtagh Juan Carlos Tedesco members of the Fundación Citi Foundation - United Way FutureBrand Argentina Plásticos Clauser S.R.L. Vale Argentina Federico Braun (h) Matías Farina Santiago Murman Charles Temple Leer team. International GlaxoSmithkline Argentina S.A PriceWaterhouseCoopers Verizon Business Fernando Bravo Fred Phillips Florencia Nizzoli Flavia Tomaello Citibank, N.A. GlobalGiving Reach Out and Read National Center Vitol Foundation Canela Isabel Friz Héctor Parreira Mariano C. Tomatis College of Charleston - Programa Google Reading Is Fundamental, Inc Western Union Foundation Laura Alejandra Castelli Marcelo Galperín Luis María Pescetti Esteban Valentino Argentina Grupo Editorial Lumen Rousselot Argentina S.A. 37 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Supporters of the Bicentennial National Reading Marathon Main supporters Supporters General Supporters Friends Aluar Aluminio Argentino S.A.I.C. Apache Energía Argentina S.R.L. A.D.I.R.A. Asociación de Diarios Bacigaluppi S.A Atento Argentina Banco Patagonia del Interior de la Rep. Argentina Banco Santander Río S.A Banco Comafi Cámara Argentina de Publicaciones Asociación Civil Contenidos - Fundación Acindar Banco Galicia Cámara Argentina del Libro medios y sociedad Fundación Deloitte Culligan Argentina S.A. Chevron Argentina Canal 5 de Rosario Fundación Mapfre Dow Argentina Energía & Soluciones S.A Diario Clarín Grupo Softland Embajada de los Estados Unidos de TenarisSiderca Fundación Diario La Nación Locatel América en Argentina TGS – Transportadora de Gas del Sur Lausi – Vía Pública Total Austral S.A. Sucursal Eurofood Argentina S.A. S.A Mediaview Argentina Fundación Andreani Publiaceras Fundación Noble Publicidad Sarmiento S.A Intel Tecnología de Argentina S.A. Radio Continental La Anónima (S.A. Importadora y Revista intercole Exportadora de la Patagonia) Spinazzola – Vía Pública Minera Alumbrera Limited Telefe Noticias Procter & Gamble Argentina Vía Pública Patagónica S.A. Syncromind Tecpetrol 38 Supporters of the Bicentennial Marathon at the Buenos Aires Zoo Collaborators of the Bicentennial National Reading Marathon Bacigaluppi S.A Intel Tecnología de Argentina S.A. ARBIA (Asociación de Radios Grupo Editor Planeta Culligan Argentina S.A. Jardín Zoológico de la Ciudad de Bonaerenses y del Interior de la Grupo Editorial Norma Dow Argentina Buenos Aires República Argentina Grupo Macmillan Ediciones del Eclipse La Anónima (S.A. Importadora y ARPA (Asociación de Radiodifusoras Grupo Santillana Argentina Ediciones SM Argentina Exportadora de la Patagonia) Privadas de Argentina) Random House Mondadori Argentina Editorial Albatros S.A.I.C Malba – Fundación Costantini ATVC Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría Editorial Andrés Bello Argentina S.A Ministerio de Educación de la Nación Ediciones Colihue S.R.L Editorial de Comunicaciones Públicas Mirinda Ediciones de la Flor S.R.L. S.A. Pepsi Ediciones del Eclipse Editorial Guadal S.A Plan de Lectura del Ministerio de Ediciones Iamiqué Editorial Sigmar S.A.C.e.I Educación de la Nación Ediciones SM Argentina Embajada de los Estados Unidos de Random House Mondadori Argentina Editorial Albatros S.A.I.C América en Argentina Sessa Editores Editorial Andrés Bello Argentina S.A EMC Computer Systems Argentina Sugar& Spice S.R.L. Editorial Guadal S.A S.A. Tecpetrol Editorial Sigmar S.A.C.e.I Eurofood Argentina S.A. Tito Scuticchio – DJ S.R.L. Escribanía Esponda Fondo de Cultura Económica de Fondo de Cultura Económica de Argentina Argentina HSBC Argentina Holding S.A. Fundación Schcolnik 39 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Contributions 2010 Contributions of providing publishing houses Aique Grupo Editor S.A. A-Z Editora S.A. Edebe S.A. Kapelusz Editora S.A. Atento Argentina Cristian Dzwonik – NIK Del Estero El Patagónico de Chubut HelpArgentina Revista Intercole Pictus S.R.L. ATVC Culligan Argentina S.A. Diario Primera Fuente de Elías Mejalelaty Kapelusz Editora S.A. Sarmiento Publicidad Exterior Random House Mondadori Cámara Argentina de Diario Clarín Tucumán Escribanía Esponda Kidsnews Sessa Editores Argentina Publicaciones Diario de Cuyo San Juan DIB (Diarios Bonaerenses) Estudio Labanca & Asociados La Anónima (S.A. Importadora Sociedad Argentina de Canal 11 de Salta Diario de Madryn Disney Channel Familia Mejalelaty y Exportadora de la Patagonia) Pediatría Canal 13 de Ciudad de Buenos Diario de Paraná DyN - Agencia de Diarios y Félix de Barrio La Imprenta Wingord Spinazzola Vía Pública Aires Diario El Federal Noticias Fernando Bravo Luis María Pescetti Sugar & Spice Canal 13 de Santa Fé Diario El Heraldo Ecoclubes Argentina Fernando de Vedia Malba - Fundación Costantini Symnetics Argentina Canal 26 Diario El Patagónico Ediciones Colihue S.R.L. Fondo de Cultura Económica María Inés Falconi Syncromind Canal 5 de Rosario Diario El Santa Cruceño Ediciones de la Flor de Argentina S.A. Mediaview Telefe Noticias Canal 7 Diario El Sureño Ediciones del Eclipse Fundación Andreani Migal Publicidad Terminal Saldias Canal 8 de Córdoba Diario El Tribuno de Salta Ediciones Iamiqué Fundación Banco Francés Ministerio de Educación de la The Walt Disney Company Canal 8 de Mar del Plata Diario El Tribuno de Ediciones SM S.A. Fundación Diario La Nación y Nación. Plan de Lectura Tinta Fresca Canal 8 de Tucumán Tucumán Editorial Albatros Diario La Nación OCA Tito Scuticchio - Disc Jockey Canal 9 de Bahía Blanca Diario La Capital de Mar del Editorial Albatros S.A.C.I. Fundación Mujica Láines Pearson Education TN Canela Plata Editorial Andrés Bello Fundación Noble Pepsi - Mirinda Total Austral S.A. Casa Natura Diario La Gaceta de Argentina S.A. Fundación Schcolnik Pepsico UPS de Argentina Cines Hoyts Tucumán Editorial de Comunicaciones Futurebrand Argentina Plan de Lectura - Ministerio de Vía Pública Patagónica S.A. Clara Levín Diario La Mañana de Bolivar Públicas S.A. (Very Important Google Educación de la Nación Zoo Buenos Aires Clarí Diario La Nación People) Grupo Editorial Planeta Plásticos Clauser S.R.L. Comandante Antártico de Diario La Opinión Editorial Guadal S.A. Grupo Macmillan con sus Publiaceras Ejército Diario La República de Editorial Random House sellos Estrada y Puerto de Radio Continental CoolMedia Corrientes Mondadori Palos Radio Mitre Cresko S.A. Junto a Magneto Diario Nuevo Diario de Sgo. Editorial Sigmar S.A.C.I. Grupo Santillana Argentina Revista IDEA In Kind Donations 2010 Ediciones Colihue S.R.L. 40 Ediciones de la Flor S.R.L. A.D.I.R.A. (Asociación de Ediciones del Eclipse S.R.L. Diarios del Interior de la Ediciones Iamiqué S.A. República Argentina) Ediciones Santillana S.A. A.R.B.I.A. Asociación de Ediciones SM S.A. Radiodifusoras Privadas de Editorial Albatros S.A.C.I. Argentina Editorial Andrés Bello A.R.P.A. (Asociación de Argentina S.A. Radiodifusoras Privadas de Editorial Atlántida S.A. Argentina) Editorial Guadal S.A. A.T.V.C. Asociación Argentina Editorial Sigmar S.A.C. e I. de Televisión por Cable Fundación Edelvives Alejandro Raffo Grupo Ilhsa S.A. Ana María Shua Grupo Macmillan - Sellos Asociación Civil Contenidos - Estrada y Puerto de Palos medios y sociedad Personal donations Jackie Abadi Alejandra Ader Pablo Ader Laura Alcuaz Renata Alonso Mariana Anselmi Andrés Arancibe Luis Arcentales Carola Aruguete María Averza Florencia Azarola Federico Baiocchi Alejandra Barreiro Alicia Bejerman Gabriela Bejerman Lisa Bellsted Valeria Benayas Florencia Biotti Nicolás Bruno Georgina Buratti Romina Casale Daniel Casano Andrea Casas Agustín Castañeda Juan Ignacio Ceci Uroz María José Civetta Silvia Fabiana Clauser Cristianne Close Cecilia Corbalán Marina Corpi Sabrina Coughlin María Da Costa Fabián Damiani Alejandra Davila Tamara Dayoub Félix de Barrio Marcela de Barrio Betina De la Rosa Mónica De Vuono Florencia Del Gizzo Ángela Di Leo Silvia Dimarco José Luis Domínguez Claudia Canduci 41 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Contributions 2010 Partners Félix Martín Galli Elías Mejalelaty Lucia Schleich Daniel Adolfo García Patricia Viviana Mejalelaty Marcela Simonetta Yael Scravaglieri Graciela Alfonso Gladys Haydée Gigirey Raquel Gladys Mercado de Maria Adela Sorzio Denia Prado Andrea Segalowicz Gabriela Altamira Alfredo José Giglio Endo Dora Viviana Sosa Mercedes Méndez Ribas Ricardo Pristupluk Alejandra Segat Lidia Isabel Barei Federico Giménez Zapiola Debora Miyara Sabrina Tavella María Iribarren Carlos y Antonia Miguens Cecilia Quiñonez Donna Shaffer Lucila Elena Barzizza Juan Carlos Giorgi Inés Montejo Carlos Torchiaro Mariela Fleisher Carolina Jaimes Freyre Matías Molinero Lucila Raffo Diego Sisto Jorge Belluzzo Ignacio Abel González García Fati Mouzaffar Melisa Wortman Natalia Fontana Mariana Jasper David Monteros Sara Raggio Marcela Inés Sisto Federico Mauricio Braun Carina Grosso Patricia Moyano Nicolas Zeiguer Martín Franzini Gustavo Kaplan José Luis Montes Fabiana Reggio Paula Speroni Oscar Ciacciariello Alicia Guevara Silvia Isabel Nini Wanda Frassoldati Maria & Thomas Klumpp Laura Patricia Morales Silvina Reinoso Alejandra Stein Silvia Fabiana Clauser Mónica Guevara Alicia Mabel Palermo Matilde Gálvez Federico Krum Mariel Morita María Rita Reynes Silvia Tabanera Norma Mabel Coronel Patricio Guitart Juan Carlos Pallares Nayeli García Agustina Lattanzi Dolores Morita Patricia Ricco Flores Andrea Tamaroff Félix de Barrio Julia Gabriela Gutiérrez Santiago Palma Cane Ricardo Antonio García Jessica Lemuf Florencia Morita Lorena Rigos Valiente Alejandro Tres Diego de Palma Gabriel Hassan Ana Pedernera Analía García Fresco Roxana Linzuain Mariana Moules Sergio Ripoll Analía Triascarpi Florencia Del Gizzo Ana Herrero María Pensavalle Pizzini Mariana Gelman Alicia Lofthouse Mariano Negri Rolando Rivero Marcela Turek Ana María Díaz Silvina Hojman de Madanes Gloria Silvina Pinto Karina Giménez Stephan Lowy Cecilia Oriolo Julieta Rivetti Gabriela Urmani Federico Damián Espinosa Juan Manuel Huerga María Pilar Planas Laura Soledad González Satoshi Mano Sofía Palacios Sol Romani Karina Valdez María Luisa Fabricius Lucas Lagos María Soledad Rodríguez Del Donato Guarino Álvaro Martínez Ana Pedernera Martha Rolón Jeannette Velázquez Juan Carlos Fernández María Magdalena Llavar Prado Alejandra Guastoni Verónica Martínez Castro Andrea Pellicia Sandra Rosso Judith Verbeij Andrea Fernández Boiso Isabel Pilar López Sandra E. Romagnoli Silvina Henríquez Mariana Martínez Federico Pennacchioni Gabriela Rovere Patricio Vezza Nora G. Fiorini Paola Alejandra López Mónica Romero Paula Hernando Irving & Katherine Meeker Celina Peper Maria Rosa Sandoval Carlota Villanueva Virginia Freddolino Verónica López Ana María del Carmen Roncoli Cinthi Herrera Elías Mejalelaty Natacha Perrotta Lizzie Saúl John Walsh Marisa Gamboa Marcelo Lozano María Paz Sanchez Fabiana Mejalelaty Fred Philips Mariangeles Sabella Jose Wynne Jorge Marasco María Laura Scarione Jessica Elhom Silvina Hojman de Madanes Matilde Mejalelaty Adriana Piovano Natalia Scarpa Laura Epsiztein Michael Hood Patricia Viviana Mejalelaty Carlos Alberto Pla Ernesto Sibilla Carlos Etcheverrigaray Yanina Horman Luz Melón Marcelo Podestá Carolina Fernández Candelaria Iglesias Paula Méndez Constanza Ferro Marcelo Iniarra Carlota Filarent Jimena Zuniga 42 43 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 Scope of our work, 1997-2010 44 45 Fundación Leer Annual Report 2010 The resources and their application Balance During the year ending December 31, 2010, thanks to contributions received from private enterprises, institutions, and individuals both Argentinean and international, highly committed to education and the future of children and young people who live in Argentina, it was possible to put 105,469 new literature books within their reach, and to offer training to 2,804 teachers. Furthermore, 3,651,122 children, young people and adults participated in the Bicentennial National Reading Marathon. Perspectives $ $ Current Income This coming year, 2011, will include a number of important projects, through which Fundación Leer will continue to work toward the achievement of full literacy and reading in Argentina. This has been, for the last 14 years, the objective of our actions. Contributions and Donations In cash 4.668.697 In kind 1.030.034 5.698.731 Subtotal Other income Net financial results 323.996 Subtotal 323.996 Total 6.022.727 Use of resources $ Program expenditures Administrative expenditures Depreciation of durable consumer goods 5.656.496 172.325 59.488 Total 5.888.309 With this in mind, we will advance our programs of reading promotion, training teachers and mediators throughout the entire country. We will extend the creation of reading spaces to those institutions that lack them, and provide children with access to books of literature so that they can build their own libraries and embrace the pleasure of reading at home. We will work, as always, in coordination with different ministries, continuing the collaboration process with technical teams in the effort to develop a joint venture to support supervisors and principals in their pedagogical role, key for the reinforcement and professional development of their teachers. extends its reach, allowing the greatest possible number of teachers to find support in the Fundación. We will reinforce every action that augments the amount of people that participate in the endeavor of the Fundación, as volunteers or as donors, so that books can reach every day to an increasing number of children. Once more this year, we will carry out the National Reading Marathon, which in its 9th edition will reach millons of children throughout the entire country, thus bringing the magic of reading and books to all those who, like us, believe that it is possible to achieve full literacy and reading in Argentina. The Administrative Board Fundación Leer´s financial statments are audited annually by PriceWaterhouseCoopers, In education, new technologies will remain an important tool for Fundación Leer: we will offer two new distance courses for teachers and school authorities, focused on enhancing the knowledge and widening the application of the Guiding Criteria for Good Practices for the Teaching of Reading developed by the Fundación. who issued their report on 04-28-11 on the balance closed on 12-31-2010. To obtain a complete copy of the statement, please contact: Dirección Ejecutiva, Fundación Leer, Av. Cerviño 4407/17 1° Piso (C1425AHB), Buenos Aires, or We will continue to work decisively to ensure that Reading on the Web, our virtual space for the exchange of teaching practices, grows and 46 47 Av. Cerviño 4407, 1º piso - Buenos Aires - Argentina Tel-Fax: 54-11-4777-1111 - E-mail:
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