DARC Times - Dayton Area Rugby Club


DARC Times - Dayton Area Rugby Club
DARC Times
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Scrum in the Sun
San Diego
Mr. Sensitive
Members of the Men’s
matches giving powerDayton Area Rugby
ful leverage in the
Club joined the Ohio
scrums. The leadership
Select Side for the San
skills of Harris were as
Diego Invitational
strong as ever on the
Tournament February
west coast, scoring two
14th through 16th.
tries against the San
Amongst the Dayton
Diego Warriors. Muplayers were Frank
zorewa also graced the
Harris, Nick
try zone with his pres“Aquaman” Manfred,
ence with what would
Kudzai Muzorewa,
have been a game winMike Ryan and Matt
ning try against DenTracey. Dayton
ver, but the Misfits
Coach, Shane led the DARC Representatives for the Ohio Select Side:
turned around and
Kudzai Muzorewa, Shane Stachurski, Nick Manfred,
Ohio team in San
scored a last minute
Frank Harris, Mike Ryan and Matt Tracey
try. Dayton 8-man
coaching style and ability to
Manfred filled the position for
efficiently bring the various
The Ohio Select Side was
the Ohio Select Side taking
players together to form such
comprised of players from
control of the lineouts.
a strong team.
Dayton, Cincinnati Wolfhounds, Akron, Cleveland
Members of the Dayton Area
The Ohio Select Side played
Eastern Suburbs Scioto ValRugby Club are proud of
two matches in San Diego
ley, Northern Kentucky, Louthese players for representing
isville and Lexington. Players with a 1-1 record for the tourthe club and Ohio Rugby.
nament. Dayton locks Ryan
from all teams were imand Tracey started in the
pressed with Coach Shane’s
Pigs in Savannah
The dedication and hard work
of the Dayton men shined
during the tournament as they
rucked, mauled and
scrummed their way to victory, bringing home the Open
Side Trophy.
Dayton began the tournament
with a match against the Ramstein Ex‐Teammates American Rugby team. In the first
half the Ramstein club fought
hard against the Flying Pigs to
earn a try, but it was not converted leaving the score at the
half 0‐5. The Pigs pushed
forcefully in the scrums and
rucked hard in the Ramstein
half of the pitch. Two tries
were then scored off of pick
and go’s by Team Captain
and 8‐man Frank Harris, with
good support close behind
from Matt Tracey to help
‘truck and trailer’ over the
line. Ryan Walker also
kicked a penalty in the 2nd
half bringing the Pigs score to
13, but he missed both conversions on the two tries. The
Flying Pigs beat the Ramstein
club 13‐5. Offensive accolades were given to flyhalf
Tom Fitzgerald for his ability
to flawlessly distribute the
ball to the back line. In the
back line, both
David Glynn and Blaze Baker
gained momentum by slamming the ball up the pitch.
Advancing in the tournament,
the Pigs went up against the
Jersey Shore Sharks. The
Dayton players anticipated the
Sharks’ aggressive style and
decided to beat them at their
own game. Both teams appeared to be equally matched
in their performance.
Continued on Page 2 …
2009 Executive Committee
President: Shane Stachurski
Secretary: Matt Tracey
Treasurer: Mike Ryan
Fixtures: Larry Morris
Men’s: Hot Carl Parsons
Women’s: Andrea McDermott
Military Rep: Mike Knight
Fundraising: David Gynn/Nancy Tracey
Publicity: Jill Wells
Recruiting: Matt Dudridge/Jill Wells
Tournaments: Ryan Moeller
Social: Amy Lee
Sponsorship: Mike Ryan
U19: Nancy Tracey
Savannah Continued
A penalty kick by Walker put
the Pigs on the board first.
Winning the lineout at the 15
meter mark, Dayton pushed
overpowered the Sharks in a
maul. At the tail of the line
out, Harris and flanker,
Kudzai Muzorewa, linked up
with the ball. As the tail of
the maul swung towards the
posts, Harris off loaded the
ball to Muzorewa. After running over two defenders, Muzorewa slammed into the in‐
goal. The try was converted
by Walker to end the half 10‐
Dayton came out strong in
the second half. The Pigs
dominated the rucks and
crashed the ball forward to
gain ground on the pitch.
Harris ran an 8‐man pick up
off the back of a scrum and
ran it in for a try. Walker
then slotted another penalty
kick before Dayton displayed
their dominance in the pack.
Scrumhalf Walker passed the
ball off of a ruck to Muzorewa where he then wiggled through the initial line of
defense. With one man to
beat, Muzorewa decided he
would try out the Samoan
sidestep instead of trying to
get around the defender. This
play set up the execution of
several pick‐and –go's resulting in a try by lock, Matt
Tracey. The Pigs picked up a
second win defeating the
Sharks 23‐0.
With a 2‐0 record in the tournament, the Dayton Flying
Pigs would play the Cleveland Eastern Suburbs Team
in the Title Match. Both
teams went scoreless in the
first half.
The Easter Suburbs scored
first with a
penalty kick 3‐
0. Dayton was
able to match
points with a
penalty kick by
Walker. Easter
Suburbs regrouped and
ran it into the
in‐goal to
knock up the
score 3‐8. Dayton then took
over the match. Set up from a
great inside center crash,
Dayton ran a pick and go
with Harris plowing through
the defense to score. This was
followed up with another
inside center crash that resulted in a try by Steve
Burke. Dayton lined up to
receive the ball for the restart
and after a poor kick from the
suburbs; the backs moved the
ball through the line down
the field to Burke. He then
broke the line and ran 50 meters, juking defenders to score
under the posts. Walker converted all three tries resulting
in a 24‐8 win for the Flying
President’s Cup 2009
The Dayton Area Rugby
Club sponsored the Annual
President’s Cup tournament
for local college rugby
teams on Saturday, April 4th
at Eastwood Metropark.
Teams from Kent State
University, Miami University, University of Dayton,
Wittenberg University and
Wright State University
competed in both the men’s
and women’s brackets.
Due to many players being
off for Spring Break, the
Dayton Women joined
forces with the University
of Dayton’s Women’s side
to compete in the tournament. The Dayton Men
played against combined
Wolfhounds defeating the
Cincinnati D1/D3 combined club 28-17. The University of Dayton was triumphant in the tournament
as the UD men won in their
division defeating Kent
State and the UDARC
women defeated Wright
State to take home the cups.
Thank you to all who made
the tournament a success.
The President’s Cup tournament highlights some of the
most talented athletes in the
state. The tournament is a
great tool for college players to see that there is rugby
after graduation.
Photo by Jim Witmer at the Dayton Daily News
Men’s Spring Schedule
Men (k.o. 1:00 p.m.)
Men (k.o. 1:00 p.m.)
14 MAR
@ Savannah, GA
25 APR
v Akron, OH
21 MAR
@ Indianapolis, IN L 0-43
v Cleveland Rovers, OH
28 MAR
v Eastern Suburbs, OH W 21-19
@ Toledo Celtics, OH
President's Cup v Wolfhounds W 28-17
16 MAY
MW @ Toledo
18 APR
@ Fort Wayne, IN
23 MAY @ Old Boys Weekend
Women’s Spring Schedule
U19 Spring Schedule
Sun. k.o. 2pm Wed. 6pm
Women (k.o. 11:00 a.m.)
President's Cup
11 APR
v Ohio University,
29 MAR @ Northern KY
18 APR
@ Wittenberg, OH
@ Moeller
Teapot Dome Scandal
15 APR
v Indian Springs
v Cincinnati Kelts, OH
19 APR
@ North Bend, IN
16 MAY
@ Indianapolis Hoydens, IN
23 MAY
@ Old Boys Weekend
10 May
v Walnut Hills
22 MAR v Shelbyville
Get to Know Your DARC Players
Name: Samantha Bates
Nickname: Sam
Position: Wing ...... and sometimes prop
Years with DARC: 2nd Year
Teams other than DARC: Ohio State University, Scioto
Valley (Columbus, Ohio), Cleveland Iron Maidens, Rutland (Rutland Vermont), Ohio Senior Select side (back in
the day), and Ohio U23 (2001)
Favorite on the pitch memory with DARC: I loved the
time I decided I was done running my break away and
handed the ball off to Genevieve. We still laugh at it.
Favorite off the pitch memory with DARC: I love just
hanging out when I can with the DARC. It is good times.
Name: Matt Tracey
Nickname: Tracey or O’Tracey
Position: 2nd Row (Tight 5 for Life...just like God)
Years with DARC: 2
Teams other than DARC: University of Dayton and
Ohio Select Side
Favorite on the pitch memory with DARC: Pushing
over three Scrums for trys last year. One versus Cleveland Rovers, one versus Michiana, and one versus Detroit(Spring).
Favorite off the pitch memory with DARC: First day
I met Muzo was when 5 of us went bar hopping in Piqua. At the third bar Frank decided to play a game
where you order a 33 oz beer and send it down and then back and the last person
has to finish it. We did this for 5 rounds of 33 oz beers and on the last round it went
down but on the way back Frank and Larry bailed to throw up in the restroom and
Mike decided "he just abided". This left myself and Muzo to finish more than 3/4 of
the mug in two drinks, which we did. When I looked at Muzo he had a glazed
looked in his eyes. This should have warned me but before I could do anything he
violently erupted in projectile vomit down the long bar......it was kinda like a
"Vomit Luge Run".
We had to exit stage left and I called Muzo "puke-o" for three weeks.
That was awesome!!!
He's now Uncle Muzo to my three kids. What a role model.
But “let them
win?!” Wrazor
would rather
deliver a brief
with two black
eyes and on
crutches to secure a try and
imminent victory. Hell,
Heevy, Ritchie and Kevin
OD may even show up this
year now that “the challenge” is on (well, at least
Ritchie….Kevin’s probably
watching HGTV and Heevy
will likely be passed-out), if
it could be called that since
the OBs pretty much
trounce the young suckling
pigs each Memorial Day
weekend. The young pigs
would be better off playing
in the moon bounce, firing
up grills….no wait, they
can’t even do that
right….put Brownsberger in
charge of that!
Mr. Sensitive
Dear Mr. S,
Long time reader first
time writer. I have followed your wise words
for many years and
would ask you now for
some of your worldly
rugby advice. I am an
old boy and I see recruiting for the team going
well, there seems to be
plenty of green. I am
concerned that the young
boys will whine and cry
like babies come the old
boys weekend when we
show them how rugby
was once and should be
played. I know that the
old boys traditionally win,
but I can not stand seeing men boys
cry. Should we let them
Thank you,
Dear OB,
From the tone of your
query, I sense that you may
be a newly-minted Old Boy
wanting to now “show your
game” to the young bucks
now that you can be considered an MAN. This is a
common right of passage
into the esteemed Old Boys
Network, which is comprised of a demographically
diverse set of individuals in
various states of physical
decline. Hey, we’re not
called Old Boys for nothing!
But just wait until Billy
“The Boot” O’Malley approaches the first ruck of
the match with his freshly
filed cleats seeking a new
Pig jersey to shred the number off of some greenie’s
back. No wait a minute…
we called him “the boot”
because he was always
shootin’ the boot out of the
big glass boot once found at
every post-match drink up.
He could shoot with the
best of them and rumor has
it the boot will make an
appearance come late May,
and “The Boot” will show
the greenies how it’s really
But I digress…..Let the
young lads win?!?!? Are
you out of your freakin’
mind?!?! What kind of
example would that set for a
bunch of ipod-wearin’, hiphop-listenin’ punks whose
parents likely were not even
born when Jay F. Lee first
laced up the boots and
dropped A; or when Borg
first developed the illustrious rugby pageantry known
as “the kick”, that can not
be replicated by those under
45, nor would they even
want to. But the “kick” is a
pure rugby classic whose
legend is surpassed only by
the Haka, and even that is
subject to discussion to this
day among the Kiwis privy
to seeing the “kick” on a
former DARC tour. Still
talking about that today in
In any event, don’t even
consider letting the young
suckling pigs score a try, let
alone win. I ask you to
recall and embrace the days
of your youth when you
sought, and obtained sage
rugby advice from former
greats such as Dave King,
Sr. who offered, “Never
lace ‘em up if it’s under 70
degrees.”, War Pig who
urged all newbies to “drink
a six pack of Goebel and eat
a cold Dominoes pizza and
you’ll have all the fortification you need for eighty
minutes.” And who can
forget the lessons we all
learned from legends Ron
Schultz and John Guhde
who both stated, “I never
took a punch where I couldn’t look a man in the eye
and land a fist to the face.”
“Let them win!?!” You’re a
freakin’ disgrace OB! Embrace your maturity, if you
even have matured given
your question. Embrace
your ever growing gut, your
receding hair-line, your
401K and your Viagra prescription because clearly,
your balls are lacking!
Let them win?! I’ve about
had it and may not make it
this year, given what is contemplated and the ‘current’
events here in the nation’s
cap where I now reside. At
$4,300 a ‘pop’ and given
my current relationship
status, my dating budget is
about maxed out and I may
have to work that weekend
just to afford another date!
I know you’re wondering
what exactly one gets for
that price, but trust me, I
saw BP who was in town a
couple of weeks ago shaking a cup full of change
amid the other beggars trying to raise funds after I
told him what that price
entails……….I think the
boy is still shaking his cup
when he ain’t shakin’
Outta here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. Sensitive
PS: Due to spatial incongruity, Mr. Sensitive resigns
from this post, not that it
was ever assigned to me in
the first place. Mr. Sensitive wishes the Dayton Area
Rugby Club teams success
all matters of peace, love,
career, family, drinking
kick-ass beer, kickin’ ass on
the pitch, and promoting
Dayton Rugby as the best
group of people you’re
gonna find in Dayton, always knowing a mate is
readily up for a couple
pints. I love and miss you
all! Now which one of you
scum-bags is going to take
over this column?
Dayton Area Rugby Club
DARC Newsletter Contributors
Matt Tracey, DARC Secretary
Jill Wells, Publicity Coordinator
Mr. Sensitive
Photos contributed by Nick Manfred, Tom Greer and Jim Witmer of the Dayton Daily News.
DARC TIMES is a quarterly publication. If you would like to contribute to the Newsletter please contact
Publicity Coordinator, Jill Wells, at publicity@daytonrugby.com