Feb 15 - Laxton Open Field Magazine
Feb 15 - Laxton Open Field Magazine
50p February 2015 Amber Geldard as Tuxford Snow Queen. December 2014 The monthly publication of the parish of Laxton & Moorhouse www.openfield.org.uk Priest in Charge Churchwardens LAXTON MOORHOUSE KNEESALL WELLOW WELLOW P.C.C: Chairman Minutes Secretary Deanery contact number Rev Chris Levy Mrs Brenda Noble Mr Simon Hill Mr Ian Thorn Mr Ben Wells Mrs Jean Crofts Rev. Chris Levy Mrs Kate Critchley Parish Council: Clerk Parish Councillors: Chairman Vice Chair Members Mr Ken Shepherd Mr John Godson Mr Michael Manning Mr Colin Cree Mr Roy Hennell Mr Stuart Rose Mrs Jean Hennell Magazine Editor Flowers and Brasses Rota Mr & Mrs S Clarke Mrs B Noble & Mrs M Beckitt Mrs M Rose & Mrs S Rose Mrs P Freer & Ms L Gadsby Magazine Advertising Photography 01623 860522 01777 870541 01636 822777 01623 861309 01623 860522 01636 650063 01777 870605 Mr David Critchley Mr Simon Hill 01777 870276 January 25th February 1st & 8th February 15th & 22nd March 1st & 8th Mrs Joy Allison 01777 871506 Email: advertising@openfield.org.uk Dave Geldard, David Brown, Janet Cooke, Dik Allison www.openfield.org.uk Your contributions are always welcome. We can help if you are not sure how to write what you want to say. Photographs of children appear in Open Field and on the web site with the consent of their parents / carers. Open Field appears on the Web in its entirety plus additional photos. If in doubt, photos are not used. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE WITH THE EDITOR BY 16th FEBRUARY PLEASE Cover photo: Amber as Snow Queen Photo by: Dave Geldard Letter from the Revd. Chris Levy Dear Friends, “Get Away From It All!” No I have not started a new career working for a Travel Agent. But is something we are all familiar with. The desire to, sometimes, escape from our everyday lives and also the need to do something different from our everyday routines. February is not, perhaps, the month when most of us are thinking about going on our holidays. It is, though the month in which the Church’s season of Lent begins and the idea of retreating from the World and undertaking different activities is very much on our minds. As you will recall Lent is those forty days leading up to Easter and we also associate them with the forty days and forty nights Jesus spent in the wilderness preparing himself for the start of His ministry. You will also remember that during this time he faced temptation in the form of the Devil. Not to give up but to go for a way forward that would win the people over quickly but not in a way that would necessarily be long lasting. For the Church this time is seen as a period where we can step back, take a look at our Christian lives and see if we need to make changes. It is easy to say out the outset that we do not need to change but this is only an easy way out; as if we look at ourselves with honesty we will see ways in which we all need to change if our relationship with God is to grow. Jesus, who was after all God’s own Son, often used times alone in the wilderness or on hillsides praying to God and strengthening that relationship that existed between them. Over the centuries many people have sought to emulate Christ and live a life in the wilderness. Some were looking for a life completely alone and spent all their time in prayer and meditation on God’s Word. Others whilst using the wilderness would then come back in order to work alongside others and use their experiences to better assist others in their spiritual journey. In our modern World where everything seems to be noisy and happen far too quickly it is hard to imagine being totally alone and finding solitude in order that we can better speak with God. There are those who can do this, usually in the monastic life and they are able to pray for all people. They offer prayer on behalf of many who seem to think they are too busy to pray. We can often mislead ourselves into thinking that to be still in the presence of the Lord and to be doing nothing is the same as being idle. There is a big difference. Trying to be still with God is not about doing nothing. It is finding time and space to allow God to speak to us and to assure us of his continual love and goodness to aid us in our journey through life. There is a great comfort to be had in knowing that we do not journey alone. The secret of those who did choose to live the solitary life in the desert was that ironically they knew they were not alone. God was always there with them. So as Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (February 18th) we need to think about how we are going to journey through these forty days? Do we want to do so alone or do we want to do so in the company of God? We need to plan how we are going to put aside a little more time so that we can be with Him during our journey. We are not going to “Get Away From It All” but, hopefully, we should grow and become better Christians because of time spent with Him. Yours, Christopher. From the Registers - Baptism Congratulations to Finley Morris Robertson who was baptised into the church at Laxton on Sunday November 30th 2014. Finley is the son of Andrew Robertson and Charlotte Gregory of Church Farm , the grandson of Christine Rayners and the great grandson of Bill and Pat Haigh. From the Registers - Sympathy Our sympathy to the family of Arthur (Sonny) Frecknall whose funeral service was held at St Michael the Archangel, Laxton on Tuesday 23rd December 2014 followed by burial in the churchyard. Thanks from the Frecknall Family We wish to thank all those who attended Arthur's funeral on 23rd December. We are very grateful for the support from the village and the cards and messages of sympathy. Thanks also to Rev. Chris Levy for welcoming us to the church and the excellent professional services of Graham Hall and colleagues from Tuxford. Eva, Elaine, Elizabeth and family Congratulations Congratulations to Mia and Mark Stockdale on the birth of their new baby girl on Monday 12th January 2015. Her name is to be Aria and she is a new granddaughter for John and Sue Stockdale of Laxton . Amber Sparkles as Tuxford Snow Queen Amber Geldard took a central role in the Tuxford Christmas celebrations back in December. She applied herself for the role of Snow Queen through her school, Tuxford Primary Academy. Amber has been working really hard on her confidence and has also recently become a prefect, so it was a proud moment when she was chosen by Mrs Davison, the School Principal. On the night she did a wonderful job singing with the school choir and then joining Santa and his elves on the sleigh. Finally, with a swish of her wand, she magically switched on Tuxford Town Council Christmas lights. Amber has also been accepted to sing in the Young Voices Choir after Christmas, which is also quite an achievement. We are very proud of how Amber has settled into village life. Jeanette and Dave Crib Service The Crib Service was held in church on Christmas Eve and was taken by the Rev. David Moore. The children brought the baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, kings and animals and placed them on the table to make the crib scene while the Christmas story was told. Thanks to Tessa for playing the organ for the singing of the carols, to Janet for serving the teas and to everyone for coming to join us for this special service. Plough Sunday Plough Sunday Service was held on January 11th in church and was taken by the Rev. Chris Levy. Thanks to Stuart for bringing his plough and to Keith for taking the churn to be blessed. Thanks also to Michael. Stuart and Ann for reading, to Tessa for playing the organ and to Janet for the delicious cheese scones and the photo below. CONGRATULATIONS To Jo Godson Ba (Hons) for passing her final exams to complete six years of study with the Open University with a Honours degree in Environmental studies. Well done Jo. We hope to see more of you now you are free of assignments. Thank You 1 On behalf of the PCC I would like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to Mavis Beckitt, her family and friends for the donation of £1,005 which was collected at Roy’s funeral service. At their request the money has been donated to the Church Tower and Nave Restoration Fund. We as a PCC are so grateful for this as it is a great help for us towards our target to be able to carry out the work that needs to be done. Brenda Thank You 2 Our thanks must also go to the family and friends of the late Arthur Frecknall who gave so generously to the collection at his funeral service. A total of £201 was collected and in accordance with the family’s wishes, will be donated to the Church Tower and Nave Restoration Fund. Brenda Thank You 3 A thank you must also go to the other people who have sent donations to the church restoration fund. Every donation helps towards our target, which is a huge sum for our small village to raise. We have a beautiful church which is visited by a lot of tourists and is a Grade I listed building which we must keep maintained for the future. Thank you Brenda Parish Council News Community Speed Watch As promised, the Parish Council discussed the request for the Community Speed Watch Scheme to be used in Laxton and it was agreed we should approach the police. However before we can proceed the police have advised us we will need to have between 3-6 volunteers who will be available to operate the scheme. The police give full training and they will advise as to where best to locate the speed camera. They did say that in other areas where the scheme has operated it has had mixed reactions as many of those recorded as speeding were actually village residents! Could we please ask for anyone who feels able to commit a small amount of time to enable the scheme to work, please contact either Ken Shepherd or myself as soon as possible. (870605 or 870844) Dog Fouling It was mentioned by a resident of Timothy Road that there have been some incidents of dog fouling at the top of Timothy Road. This is totally unacceptable and we have suggested to residents that if they see it happening then, if they feel comfortable with it, take a photograph. The Dog Warden at Newark and Sherwood District Council has been contacted and photographs are good evidence for them. We are not sure if they can provide signs but we feel that is not really necessary as we all know this should not be happening Snow Clearing - Mark Hennell The Parish Council would like to say a huge thanks to Mark Hennell for his brilliant snow clearing on Boxing Day night. The 4-5” of snow that caught everyone out was cleared by Mark overnight and he made most of the roads passable by the following morning. Thank you Mark. Parish Council News contd. Public Toilets We have written to N+SDC with a proposal for keeping the toilets open and we are awaiting a response from them. As soon as we hear from them we will let parishioners know. Village Hall Cleaning The cleaning of the Village Hall is being undertaken through David and Linda at the Dovecote Inn. We are very pleased they have stepped in to help and we are having a 6 month trail to see if it works out. Thank you David and Linda and the staff at the Dovecote. Village Hall Quiz Please note the next Quiz is on FRIDAY 6/3/15, please remember to bring glasses in addition to your drinks. Michael Manning Sending in Your Magazine Contributions Things change over the years, and how ‘Open Field’ is put together has changed with the times as well. It is all done electronically these days, with the master being sent by email for printing and most of the contributions arriving the same way. Until this month the potential to omit hand written items had not really been given much thought. There were last minute changes due to illness and much of the work of preparing the magazine was actually done on the south coast. Had illness not intervened again and delayed finalising the master, those contributions delivered by hand would have been missed. This made us think! We do realise that not everyone has email, but we would appreciate it if those who do would send their contributions this way to editorial@openfield.org.uk If you are sending in a hand written item, would you also please ring Jean Hennell (870276) to let her know to expect it Christmas Card Delivery Thank you to everyone who donated money to have their Christmas cards delivered. A total of £188 was raised for church funds. Thank you to Margaret for taking in the cards at the shop, to Janet for sorting them and to Tessa, Pat and Jeff for taking the time to deliver them. ‘Open Field’ Subs for 2015 If you are one of the few remaining people who have not yet paid their 2015 subs for ‘Open Field’, please would you put your £4 in an envelope with your name on it and drop it off to Jean Hennell at Corner Farm. Thank you. Fibre-Optic Broadband Coming to Laxton As part of the 'Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire' programme sponsored by Notts County Council, Laxton and Egmanton are due to be upgraded in Phase 4 of the project. This is due to take place between April and September, 2015. Fibre-Optic cables will be run from the Tuxford exchange to the green cabinets in the villages. Broadband would then continue to individual properties using the existing copper wiring. This is known as 'Fibre to the Cabinet' or FTTC. The speed to be expected is not clear at this stage as there are different options for FTTC and the real speed will depend on a house's distance from the green cabinet, but speeds in excess of 20Mb/s have been achieved elsewhere in the county. If you do not have broadband, or are happy with your existing service, you do not need to do anything - your current arrangement will continue unaltered. However, you will have the option of moving to the newer service (subject to your contract arrangements with your current supplier). Details of the service providers and the tariffs have not yet been announced. For details of the project visit: http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/living/business/ broadband/ An Invitation from Egmanton PCC Egmanton PCC would like to invite our Benefice of Parish Churches, which includes Laxton, to a special service to bless the restoration of our organ doors, which completes the main restoration of work by Comper, originally undertaken at the end of the nineteenth century. The service, to be taken by Archdeacon David Picken, is to be held at St Mary's (Our Lady of Egmanton) at 6pm on Wednesday 4th March. The church will be open from 5pm for refreshments and the opportunity to view the organ doors and the church itself. Coffee Morning This month’s event will be held on 12th February between 10.30 - 11.30am at Crosshill House at the top of the village opposite the Green. All proceeds to church funds. Home made cakes, secondhand books and plenty of chatter! Come and see us in the ‘Newcastle’ building opposite the Co-op In Newcastle Street Mothers’ Union “What does “Family and Home” mean to you? We all want a place to belong - somewhere to call home. You might have found that place. You might still be looking. A house or a family don’t necessarily make home. We yearn for something more - a safe haven, a place of refuge where we can truly be ourselves. Around the world, Mothers’ union is making “home” for people by supporting families and communities in more than 78 countries, including the UK. Acting with Christian love, Mothers’ Union provides for the hungry, fosters belonging for those in need of acceptance, supports neighbours, builds nurturing environments for children and creates refuge for the destitute. There are numerous projects and programmes, working with local and national governments, all helping to transform families and communities from the grassroots up. On 23rd February, Laxton Mothers Union will be exploring the concepts of family and home. If you would like to come and listen in, you would be most welcome. Monday, 23rd February, 7.30pm at the Old Vicarage (refreshments provided) Tessa Rolph (872034) Laxton History Group The January meeting unfortunately had to be cancelled. Despite this, work is continuing on the HLF project, with another group of volunteers booked to visit the National Archives, research on-going at the newspaper archives in Newark and Retford and also at Nottingham University. There is a tremendous amount of information to sift, but it continues to turn up new facts, or at least long forgotten ones, about the village. We have accepted bookings for two exhibitions later in the year and have a full programme planned. Everyone is welcome at our meetings, which take place at 7.30pm in Laxton Village Hall on the third Wednesday of the month unless otherwise advertised. On February 18th we will be hearing from Bob Massey about the Small Air Forces of the British Empire. This will be something different and everyone is welcome to join us at 7.30pm in the Village Hall New Year’s Eve at The Dovecote Inn Well Happy New Year Everybody! And what a great way, to celebrate the end of 2014, and welcome in 2015. Thank you to everyone who attended and thoroughly enjoyed another excellent Dovecote Inn Party. The theme for this year’s New Year’s Eve party was “The War Years”. With the marquee suitably decorated, the 1940’s big band music belting out and the staff dressed for the occasion, we opened the doors at 7.00pm and let you in! And in they came…..first off, our booked diners who enjoyed a champagne reception followed by a fab three course meal, and then followed the party revellers. All in all we had over 120 people in attendance all here to have a great party time with friends and neighbours. Loads of people turned up in fancy dress again this year, and as always some fantastic costumes; from The Andrew Sisters to Eisenhower to an unexploded bomb! So much effort, thought and originality put into all the costumes, well done and thank you to everyone. Me and my girls all dressed up as land girls and the boys as American soldiers, but the prizes for best costumes went to…….FOR THE GIRLS: Anna Moorehouse as a Poppy and FOR THE BOYS: Kevin Pevler as a rather cute 11 year old evacuee. A great big thank you to everyone who turned up to make this another very, very special Dovecote party. Special thanks to my staff for their continued hard work and commitment, to Jacob for the marquee decorations and to Sam for the taxi service home for our guests. Finally from David and me, to our friends and neighbours in Laxton, we wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year, and look forward to welcoming you all to The Dovecote Inn over the forthcoming Year. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Linda xx G.D. HALL LTD (Independent Funeral Directors) Newark Road TUXFORD, Newark Nottinghamshire NG22 0NA 13 Bridgegate Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 6AE Tel. 01777 872929 Tel: 01777 701222 Email:info@gdhallfunerals.co.uk Web: www.gdhallfunerals.co.uk Private chapel of rest 24 hour service Golden Charter Pre-payment plans available SAIF Approved Personal Visits to your home Community Involvement in Planning From 7th January 2015 until 5:15 p.m. on 17th February 2015, the District Council is consulting on its Draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). This document is about how people can be involved in the planning process in Newark and Sherwood District, and how the Council tries to find out what people think about planning issues. The SCI and its Equalities Impact Assessment can be seen at the Council’s offices at Kelham Hall, in libraries throughout the District and on the Council’s website at: http://www.newark-sherwooddc.gov.uk/consultation/ You can tell N&SDC what you think about the SCI using the online comments form, or using the paper forms in libraries and at Kelham Hall. As part of updating the SCI, they are also reviewing their use of ‘Limehouse / Objective’ software for comments on planning policy documents. Have you used this software? If you have, the Council would welcome your feedback. Updated Policies Map N&SDC staff have been working on the production of the updated Policies Map for Newark and Sherwood District, which shows the geographical scope of planning policies, and this should be available to view on their website in March 2015. Copies will also be available to purchase for £20. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact them. www.newark-shrewood.gov.uk Telephone: 01636 655862 Email: planningpolicy@nsdc.info Bouncy Castle for Hire Please call Andrew Banks, Egmanton Plant Hire Tel: 01777/872316 Mob 07971 627588 The Weatherall Brides Sabina Bartle was baptised at Laxton on 18 Mar 1864, daughter of Jonathan and Eliza (nee Moody) ‘of Straw Hall’. This was demolished in the 20th century and the land became part of Knapeney. She had two older brothers: Jonathan, bp. 3 Sep 1860 and John, bp. 20 Jul 1862, (Laxton mf.7). This is not an error, nor does it mean that ‘Jonathan’ had died for the family to use a similar name for the next child. Using both forms of the name appears elsewhere in this family. Perhaps it originated by naming sons after their grandfathers, i.e. one was Jonathan and the other John? John was buried 11 Nov 1862, ‘age 4 months’, (Laxton, mf.13, no. 549). Sabina’s parents then had: Herbert, bp. 11 Jun 1865; Brian, bp. 17 Feb 1867 and George, bp. 25 Apr 1869, all at Ossington (mf. 3). Returning to Laxton, they had Clara Annie, bp. 3 Mar 1871, br. 20 Nov 1875 ‘of Knapeney’ and William Sidney, bp. 6 Apr 1873, br. 25 Nov 1875 (brs. Laxton, mf.10). George is not with his parents in 1871 census (taken 2/3 Apr). However, a George Bartle is recorded at Laxton, b. Ossington, and ‘nephew’ to head of household, Thomas Newstead, 48. His wife is Hannah, 44 and with them is also William Moody, ‘son in law’ aged 15. At this time a ‘son in law’ was often today’s ‘stepson’ so I suspect that Hannah is related to Eliza and that nephew George is Jonathan and Eliza’s child. There are other examples in this area of a child living with a relative, maybe due to lack of space or as here, maybe because Clara is a new baby. What happened to Sabina’s siblings? Jonathan married Annie Elizabeth Kitchen on 17 Nov 1881 (Laxton, mf.11) and the 1911 census finds them at Caunton, having had 13 children of whom 12 still live. Herbert married Agnes Johnson (father George) on 12 Aug 1889 at Laxton (mf. 11) and in 1891, he was farming at Knapeney. By 1901 the family are at Kneesall and by 1911, have had 6 children, one of whom is also called Sabina, then later moved to Sturton le Steeple. Herbert is thought to have died in 1933, aged 68, whilst living at Hillsborough, Sheffield1. Bryan/Brian married Jemima Weatherall, (daughter of Henry and his wife Sarah and thus niece of Sabina and George), at Darlton on 31 Oct 1889 (mf. 5, no.59). In 1891 they live at Fledborough, Woodcotes where they have a daughter Kate baptised. Subsequently they move to Egmanton and by 1911 have a total of 6 children, all living. 1 This has been queried by another family descendant and remains unconfirmed. George married Keziah Briggs on 15 Sep 1890 at N. Muskham (mf.14) and by 1891 they’re living on Tuxford Rd, Egmanton with a son George, aged 5 mos. The family then emigrated to M’kay, Australia, departing 2 Feb 1892 from London, with two infants: Herbert and William E. Clearly this adventure failed because by 1901, George is living with his parents at Stone End Farm, Tuxford with Ernest, aged 8, born Queensland. George still states he’s ‘M’ for ‘married’ but in 1907 he remarries to Lucy Louisa Todd and by 1911 is farming at Stone End Rd, Weston. Next time, we’ll look at Sabina’s parents. Janet Cooke has very kindly prepared a family tree for the Bartles to whom she is related. We will be including this with this feature next month. The Moody Family in Laxton We were very pleased to receive the following letter from Linda McNaught, neé Moody. Linda belongs to another Laxton family with a very long association with the village. Going through my family tree I spotted that one of my ancestors, Joseph Moody, must have had a very large family. He was born in Laxton in 1803 and died in Laxton in 1881. He married Mary Hewitt in 1825 and lived at Orchard View, acquiring the tenancy from his grandfather Benjamin Moody in 1834. There were fourteen children: 1 George 8 Henry 2 William 9 Mary and 3 Joseph 10 Mary 4 Anna 11 Ann 5 Samuel, 12 Jane 6 Fanny 13 Benjamin 7 Elizabeth 14 Harriet Linda McNaught DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Jan 26th Mothers’ Union Feb 11th WI th Feb 12 Coffee Morning Feb 18th History Group rd Feb 23 Mothers’ Union Forward Planning Mar 4th Blessing of Egmanton Organ Doors th Mar 6 Quiz Night Mar 20th Church Dance th May 8 Church Concert May 9th & 10th th th Notts County Show th June 26 , 27 , 28 th July 4 WI Centenary Festival, Newstead Abbey Dog Show and Gymkhana th Sept 26 Southwell Ploughing Match NB New entries appear in bold italics for the first month. If you know the date of a meeting or an event, please pass it on so that others can take it into account when planning. Copy Date for March: 16th February. We cannot guarantee to include items received after this date. Mon - Sat 12noon - 2.00pm 6.30pm - 9.00pm Sunday 12.30pm - 6.30pm www.dovecoteinnlaxton.co.uk FREE HOUSE Fees agreed in advance The complete architectural service Informal discussions to site inspections Examples of work at Laxton, Egmanton, Kirton, Wellow www.bernardthearchitect.com 01636 680290 BOOKING ADVISABLE Quality Paintings Or Drawings In any Media 01777 870588 or Email: grahamlaughton@btinternet.com Laxton WI Our first monthly meeting of the year was held on January 14th. Tickets are to be ordered for the Spring Council Meeting at Nottingham in March when the main speakers will be Janice Langley our National Chairman ND Ruth Goodman, the historian who featured in the Victorian Farm series on the television and is now on the One Show. We have chosen Wednesday 29th April for our annual party, which will be held in the Village Hall. Ideas were put forward for our annual outing in June. WI Centenary celebrations have been planned for this year with the Flower and Craft Festival at Newstead Abbey over the weekend of 26th—28th June on the theme of ‘Inspiring Women’ over the last 100 years. There will also be a concert at the Concert Hall in Nottingham on June 20th starring singer Jane McDonald. Through the summer Tea Parties will be held, including at Hodsock Priory and Newark Town Hall. Our speaker for the evening in January was Philip Jessop from Newark Community First Aiders. This is a voluntary group who give up their time to be in attendance at events around Newark. Last year they attended the Gymkhana and Dog Show and the heritage Weekend. Philip started his talk by telling us about general accidents around the home, then wounds and bad cuts. He used Sandra’s arm to demonstrate bandaging. Next Joyce played the victim of a bad scald with blistering. The right action was to run on plenty of cold water then to wrap the area in cling film. Philip then laid on the floor while giving Sally instructions on how to put him into the recovery position. Using a dummy on the floor, Philip then showed us what to do to find out if the patient was unconscious and to make sure their airways were not blocked. Anna then used a defibrillator Philip had brought with him to demonstrate what to do with it. It spoke instructions as Anna used it on the dummy while Philip did chest compressions. This proved to be a very interesting and educational night. In February the speaker will be Betty Sables who will demonstrate the art of wool spinning to us. Everyone is welcome at 7.30pm in the village hall. The competition will be for a home made Valentine’s card. Recent Bonus Ball Winners Date No Name 27/12/14 3/1/15 10/1/15 49 24 39 Joan and Roger Derek (Dovey) Alan and Anna 17/1/15 4 Cath Manning The Bonus Ball draw supports the Sports & Recreation Field. Thanks to all who support us through this fund raiser. For any further information or to express an interest in taking any ball which becomes available please contact either myself on 870844 or Ken S on 870605. Thank you. Michael Manning ART WORKSHOPS at GOSH GALLERY Wednesdays 6.30-8.30pm Mixed Media, Pastels, Watercolor, Gouache, £15 Fridays 10-12pm Abstract Art, step out of the box with Rebekah Hunter, £20 Saturdays 11-2pm Watercolor starter with Award winning artist Graham Laughton, £20 Come and enjoy some new workshops in our amazing workspace! whether you are a beginner or looking to advance in a technique/ media, we accommodate all levels. Wednesdays, will be mixed media, meaning every week will be working with a mixture of mediums Fridays, work with Artist Rebekah Hunter and create something different and BOLD Children’s Arty Parties Available aged 8+ 9 ELDON STREET,TUXFORD, 01777 870580 www.goshgallery.com ROBERTA PURLE Allowing you to care from afar www.beaufort-pet.co.uk Lisa - 07865 460930 Dog Walking Pet Sitting Pet Blog Silver Award ITEC BABTAC ITHHT ICHT CROSSHILL HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST 4 Rooms, all en-suite Double, twin and triple options HYDE BARKER PODIATRY Full English, Continental and healthy option breakfasts Vegetarians catered for Non smoking establishment PHILIP and KATHY HYDE-BARKER D.Pod.M, B.Sc.(Hons)., S.R.Ch. Newark Clinic 27 Baldertongate, NG24 1UE 01636 610 100 Crosshill House, Laxton, Newark, Notts, NG22 0SX Southwell Sports Injury Clinic 3 The Ropewalk, Southwell, NG25 0AL 01636 816 222 Ollerton Clinic Telephone: 01777 871953 Mobile: 07971 864446 roberta@crosshillhouse.com www.crosshillhouse.com Middleton Lodge, Church Circle, Ollerton 07870 729 117 01623 835 013 Registered Chiropodists & Podiatrists Routine professional foot care including Biomechanics and orthotic & insole prescription Heavy Duty Tanalised Fencing & Gates Free estimate or advice • Agricultural • Equestrian • Post & rail • Picket • Tanalised post • Tanalised made to & panel Tel 01777 870337, Mob 07723 036543 Vicarage Cottage, Laxton measure gates Kenny Dukeries Singers I trust that by now you have all recovered from the awful coughs and colds that so many people seem to have suffered from and that you are back, as is the Choir, in fine voice. Lift your spirits even further with singing. We would especially like more tenors and basses to join us. May I remind all Choir members and potential ones that rehearsals resume after our winter break on Wednesday 4th February 2015. For any new or prospective members, we meet at the Dukeries Academy in Ollerton in the refreshment bar upstairs, above the Concert Hall. We meet every Wednesday 7-30pm to 9-30pm. Access is via the Leisure Centre entrance and car park. Go through the archway and use the foyer entrance to the Concert Hall and go up the stairs. We already have a variety of bookings including a wedding (love singing for weddings,) concerts, and joint concerts with Newstead Abbey Singers, Millhouse Green Male Voice Choir and Southwell Recorder Group. However, we have lots of dates available if you would like to book us for your fund raising or celebratory "do." Phil, our Concert Secretary on 01623 822070 would be delighted to hear from you. Jan Towler Places I have Been ... I have been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often. I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm. Sometimes I'm in Capable. I go there more often as I'm getting older. One of my favourite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get! I may have been in Continent, but I don't remember what country I was in. It's an age thing. Stan The Sweep Local Professional Vacuum Chimney Sweep Solid Fuel, Oil and Gas, Aga, Stove Bricks, Glass & Rope supplied & fitted, Bird guards, Chimney liners, Pots, Specialist equipment for sweeping wood burners & liners. Certificate issued. KP Chauffeuring LUXURY PRIVATE HIRE & PERSONAL CHAUFFEURING SERVICES No Mess & fully insured Contact Stan Hutchinson on: 07831 661304 01636 821466 PRIVATE & BUSINESS CUSTOMERS LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL, AIRPORT & CRUISE TRANSFERS Stan@StanTheSweep.co.uk 13 years experience Contact Kevin Pevler on: 07802 581297 / 01777 872785 Email: kevin.pevler@mypostoffice.co.uk Member of the guild of master sweeps Corner Cottage, Moorhouse Road, Laxton, Newark. NG22 0TB CRD Roofing Specialists Slating, Tiling, New Roofs, Flat Roofs, Ridge / Hip Tiles, Chimney, Repointing, Loft Insulation, Guttering & Drainpipes No Call Out Charge - Free Estimates Storm Damage and Insurance Work Tel: 01636 708505 Mob: 07968 705303 Have you (or someone close to you) needed informaon, advice, help or support at any point? Please tell us your story - take the anonymous Big Advice Survey www.bigadvicesurvey.org.uk We’re going through a big period of change in the UK. From welfare reform to the payday lending market, the cost of housing to rising energy bills, life is getting increasingly complicated. This means it’s even more important that you can access free/affordable, relevant, impartial advice and get help when you need it to make the complex decisions in your life. Support the future of independent advice - and take the Big Advice Survey The Big Advice Survey has been set up by front-line services such as individual Citizens Advice Bureaux, Law Centres and an incredibly diverse range of other organisations including solicitor firms, community groups, local businesses, foodbanks, housing associations and others. The Big Advice Survey is open right now and until the 31 March 2015 • • • • You only need tell us what you think by choosing from a range of options, so it's straightforward and won't take long. We will not ask you for any personal identifying information during the survey so it is highly improbable that we or anyone else could ever identify you from your response. Please make sure you do not add personal information (such as your name or address) when responding to any questions that allow you to provide additional information. You can also choose to skip any question you are uncomfortable with if you think your response could set you apart more easily from the responses of other people around the country Redroofs Holiday Barns & Bed Breakfast Newly converted barn We can accommodate up to 12 guests in two beautifully converted barns sleeping 4 or 8 Ideal for group bookings Old Great North Road Weston Newark NG23 6TS 01777 871477 07971 400950 www.redroofsholidays.co.uk Proud to support Open Field Grounds Maintenance providers to Local Authorities and commercial organisations around the East Midlands. 08450 170899 www.tacg.co.uk email info@tacg.co.uk Woodclose Farm, Baulk Lane, Kneesall, Continued To maintain your anonymity your IP address (your computer's personal identity on the internet) will not be collected or stored as part of your response. Whatever you enter will also be encrypted. Don’t have a computer? Your local library (or a friend) may help you to access the survey on their computer. The results will be made available to the Big Lottery Fund and the Government and will help make the case for continued funding for advice and support that people need in their everyday lives. See www.bigadvicesurvey.org.uk, with a link to the Survey itself. For informaon on the above or advice on any subject, drop in to your local Cizens Advice Bureau at: NEW OLLERTON (5 Forest Court) NG22 9PL Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9.30 am – 2.30 pm NEWARK (Keepers Co4age, Riverside Park, Great North Road) NG24 1BL Tuesday & Thursday: 9.30 am – 2.30 pm Or telephone: North No"s Advice Line (0844) 856 3411 or (0300) 456 8369 from a mobile Monday to Friday 10.00am – 2.00pm Or online at: www.advicenewarkandsherwood.org.uk www.adviceguide.org.uk Group Oil Order The price of oil continued to fall through December and early January, sometimes at a rate of 0.5p per day. In mid January there were signs that the reduction was slowing, but by this time the price had fallen into the mid 30ps, which we have not seen for many a long time. Members of the local group were contacted for their orders and at the time of writing we are getting quotes for a delivery. If you would like to take advantage of the discount the group can negotiate, please email oil@openfield.org.uk. Whether there is another order before the end of the summer will depend on how long the cold snap lasts. WHISPER PUMPS is pleased to support ‘Open Field’ Tel: 01777 871100 www.whisperpumps.com Beware Cold Callers and Roof Coating Nottinghamshire County Council Trading Standards have received reports about businesses cold-calling and offering a roof cleaning and coating process. It is claimed the coating process provides thermal insulation. Roof tiles are designed to allow air to circulate in the roof space, so simply painting the tiles will provide no benefit to your homes’ thermal efficiency. In addition, the use of high -pressure hoses to clean the roof can actually damage tiles and force water in to the roof space. You may be tempted by a very low initial quote but the price may rise when the job starts. The work may be unnecessary and the quality poor. The salesmen have also implied that a government grant was available for the work. No government grants are available for any roof coating. Trading Standards never recommend employing a trader based on a cold call. Reputable companies do not usually advertise for business by calling at your home uninvited and will not visit unless you ask them to. They'll also explain your consumer rights, which rogue traders will not do. If you have signed up for work to be done, but would now like to cancel please be aware that businesses have to give consumers a written cancellation notice giving fourteen days to cancel any contract which is agreed during a visit to a consumer’s home. If you have not received a cancellation notice the trader cannot enforce the contract. Nottinghamshire Trading Standards recommend the following: - Keep your front and back doors locked, even when you’re at home. Fix a security chain to your door, and make sure you use it every time someone calls. - If you need work carried out contact the Buy With Confidence scheme for details of trades people who have demonstrated their commitment to fair and honest trading on www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk or 03454 04 05 06. SECURITY GRILLES, RAILINGS, SCROLLWORK & GATES FOR HOME & BUSINESS GENERAL BLACKSMITHING IRONWORK REPAIRS & WELDING BOTTOM FARM, LAXTON TEL: 01777 871702, www.laxtonnotts.org.uk Come along and enjoy the experience….We aim to provide a relaxed atmosphere where you can learn new skills ,share knowledge and build on your creative flair. Happy New Year “FEET FIRST” MOBILE CHIROPODY SERVICES Sharon Foster M.Inst.Ch.P. HPC Registered No: CH18101 Telephone Mobile: 07946 587190 for a home visit EGMANTON PLANT HIRE LTD For a full list of hire equipment please see: www.egmantonplanthire.co.uk ANDREW BANKS Phone/Fax: 01777 872316 Mobile: 07971 627588 VAT registered Join us at Hodsock Priory Snowdrops We will be selling plants and gifts from 31st January to 1st March Wedding Flowers are our speciality Our garden room is available for any occasion, we can cater for birthdays , charity events , private parties and of course Weddings Call us for a viewing If you belong to a club or group why not book us for a visit ! Find us at: Norwell Road, Caunton, Newark NG23 6AQ Tel: 01636 636283, Mob: 07811 399113 Visit www.floralmedia.co.uk Egmanton Village Hall www.egmantonvillagehall.org.uk / 01777 871171 Please check the EVH web site or call for latest details. ♦ Tuxford Young Farmers - 11th, 18th & party on Sat 21st ♦ Yoga with Greg – Tuesdays at 7:30pm ♦ WI Thursday - 19th, 7.30pm ♦ Computer Problems? - Call 01777 871171. If your computer is misbehaving or you need help setting up a new one, please call. Donations to Egmanton Village Hall in lieu of fee. Useful Telephone Numbers Police PC Gary Sipson 07525 226575 or 101 x 800 7673 Email : gary.sipson@nottinghamshire.pnn.police.uk PCSO 4741 Keith Crowhurst 07889 702823 or 101 x 8007671 Email : keith.crowhurst4741@nottinghamshire.pnn.police.uk Web, showing other contacts: www.nottinghamshire.pnn.police.uk Danger to life or crime in progress Otherwise police switchboard Crimestoppers (anonymous crime reports) 999 101 0800 555111 Medical Tuxford Medical Centre Sutton-on-Trent Surgery Ollerton Surgery - Middleton Lodge Practice Newark Hospital Bassetlaw Hospital King’s Mill Hosptial 01777 870203 01636 821023 01623 703266 01636 681681 01909 500990 01623 622515 Fire Safety Advice (Tuxford Fire Station) 01777 870381 Supper Dance Friday 20th March 7.30 - 11.30pm Laxton Village Hall Tickets £7 from Laxton Shop Supper included Please bring your own drink and glasses All proceeds to Laxton Church LAXTON VILLAGE HALL PRESENT THEIR QUIZ NIGHT FRIDAY 6TH MARCH AT 7.30PM PRICE £7.00 INCLUDES HOT SUPPER RING 870844 TO BOOK YOUR TEAM PLEASE NOTE TO BRING OWN DRINK BUT GLASSES WILL BE AVAILABLE
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