June 2015
June 2015
the OILY rag Volume 39 June Issue 2015 Central Massachusetts Steam, Gas & Machinery Association Officers President’s Message Until October, 2015 President - Stephen Upham Vice President - Grover Ballou Treasurer - Lisa Sargent Secretary - Karen Upham Board of Directors Bob Upham expire Oct.2017 Tom McCune expire Oct.2017 Dave Songer expire Oct.2017 Colt Stewart expire Oct.2017 Brian Langevin expire Oct.2015 Denise McCartney expire Oct.2015 Wayne McCartney expire Oct.2015 Doug Wood Mike Toomey expire Oct.2015 expire Oct.2015 Note: The number of Board of Directors members must not be less than 7 or more than 13. Central Mass Steam, Gas & Machinery Association PO Box 32, Orange MA 01364 Visit our web site at: www.CMSGMA.com Here at the CMSGMA clubhouse we spent some quality time working on a “Master Plan” for the property. This is to give us a clear goal to aim for in the future. We have finalized a plan which includes track layout for the train, a building to house all our show equipment and a place to set up the C.H. Brown engine. The Taxi stand will be moved and repurposed into a possible ticket station and gift shop. The Putnam steam engine which is massive in size will be placed as an icon for the club near the street. It will be a static display. In January, the CMSGMA proudly displayed our Cagney steam train at the Amherst Railway Society hobby show at the Eastern States Expo. We were well received and spent 2 days answering questions and selling T-shirts. We raised nearly $400 with a “Ring the Cagney Train Bell” for a buck. This was part of the Save the Cagney train project. Thanks to all the members who spent time at the show. CMSGMA applied for a grant from Amherst Railway Society. Unfortunately, we were not chosen for a grant this year, but we will be re-applying again. All these projects are going to take time and money to complete. So… please volunteer if you can and donate what ever you can. It all goes to securing the clubs future for generations to come. I hope to see you all at the June Engine-uity show if not sooner. -Stephen Upham The Cagney Train Project Has Begun! 2015 SHOW FEATURES Model T Cars, Waterloo Engines & Tractors & Belt Driven Displays 2 Central Massachusetts Steam, Gas & Machinery Association Club Outing On Sunday May 17th a group of CMSGMA members were invited to tour the Waushakum Live Steamers Club property. We arrived in the morning and took a walking tour of the facilities and track. Followed by several train rides with engineer Colt Stewart at the controls. This was a great opportunity for our club to see another train layout and how it functions. The train ride led us through woods, tunnels and covered bridges. It was interesting to see how their club makes turn outs (track switches). Some of the members got to help Colt while he fired up his steam locomotive. He then gave a demonstration of it steaming down the line. Many makes of trains were there. From hand pump cars to steam and deiseal. A great time was had by all and we came away with ideas for the CMSGMA’s train project. -Bob Upham June 2015, Volume 39 June 2015, Volume 39 Central Massachusetts Steam, Gas & Machinery Association Yankee Engine-uity Show Schedule of Events June 27th & 28th 2015 Orange, Ma Airport Friday, June 26th: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Registration for all exhibitors (White trailer on Midway) 5:00 pm Dinner sponsored by the Orange Historical Society 3 Volunteer during the Show There is a clipboard in the registration trailer to sign up for 1 hour volunteer slots. Please help if you can spare 1 hour. It’s a big show with much to do. Thank you! Saturday, June 27th: 7:00 am – 10:30 am Breakfast 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Registration for all exhibitors Flea Market opens. 10:00 - 12:00 am Register for Tractor Parade at tent by registration trailer. 11:00 am Kiddie tractor pull, prizes awarded!! (at the midway) 12:00 pm Noon whistle 1:00 pm Start of tractor parade 6:00 pm – 9pm Music by “Boot Hill Express” Country music In the fall of 2016 the newsletter will be going paperless. You will be able to view it on the clubs website at www.CMSGMA.com. You may read it there or print it out for a friend. If you have kept your email address current with the club, you will receive and email reminder when the latest newsletter issue has been posted on the clubs website. Paper copies will also be available at the registration trailer during the Engine-uity Show. Sunday, June 28th: 7:00 am – 10:30 am Breakfast 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Registration for all exhibitors Flea Market opens. 12:00 pm Noon whistle and start of tractor parade 1:00 pm Engine Raffle drawing All Exhibitors Must Be Registered. Register In The White Trailer On The Midway. No Exceptions. Engine Show Info: Stephen Upham (413) 768-8832 Grover Ballou Jr. (413) 253-9574 Flea Market Info: Lisa Sar gent (978) 652-5182 SHOW SET-UP REMINDER Saturday June 20th will be field layout day for the Yankee Engine-uity show. ALL are welcome. We need helping hands to stake out the show grounds and run miles of rope. The field opens Thursday, June 25th at 1pm. If you show up earlier than 1pm, you have just volunteered to help CMSGMA set up. Thank you! SAFTEY- Please keep all SAW BLADES par allel to the isle when displaying at all Engine Shows. 4 Central Massachusetts Steam, Gas & Machinery Association June 2015, Volume 39 Airport Spectator Parking STOP STOP Flea Market Vendors STOP Exhibitor Parking Gate 2 Gate 1 This year there will be (3) Shuttle Bus Stops where the people mover will stop to pick up passengers and drop off passengers. The first locationStreet will be at the edge of the parking lot. The second location will be mid field by the big engine display. The 3rd location will be next to the Flea Market cooling tent. Signs will mark these areas. Map not to scale WIN THIS 1.5hp Economy ENGINE! Drawing is held 1pm on Sunday June 28th 2015. Winner notified by phone. 2nd Prize $100 3rd Prize $50 GOT BIG STUFF? The CMSGMA club will not be able to load or unload equipment during show hours. Please make your own arrangements for help. be an ace - conserve a space Please - Only one vehicle (truck & trailer) per site! Be respectful of others, park your friend, neighbors and extra vehicles in the parking lot so everyone can enjoy a large show. Thank you. TICKET Tickets are $1.00 each or six (6) for $5.00. Buy them at the show at the white tent next to the registration trailer. Spectator Camping - Yes you may camp on the grounds of the Engine-uity show. This is primitive camping with porta potties only. RV’s may park on the far right side of field in the spectator parking lot. 2016 Show Features Sandwich Engines Massey Harris Tractors WANTED pictures, articles, stories, wanted ads or for sale. Do you have something of interest to put into the newsletter? Mail it to: CMSGMA, PO Box 32, Orange, MA 01364 Attn: Newsletter OR email it to: info@cmsgma.com June 2015, Volume 39 Central Massachusetts Steam, Gas & Machinery Association 2015 - SHOW GUIDE this is a partial list of some local shows (look for more at www.CMSGMA.com) May 24-25 23-24 30 New York Steam Engine Swap Meet, Gehan Rd., Canandaigua, NY Bernardston Gas Engine Show & Flea Market, Rt. 10N, Bernardston, MA Tractor Show & Swap, Presby Transportation Museum, 154 Airport Rd. Whitefield, NH June 3 6-7 6-7 13-14 13 13-14 20-21 20-21 18-21 20 26 28 27-28 CMSGMA Meeting 6:30pm, Club House, 524 E. River St. Orange, MA Whately Engine Museum Show, 33 Christian Lane, Whately MA Granite State Gas & Steam Engine Assc. - Rt. 93 Cannon MT Ski Area, Franconia, NH Hudson Mohawk Chapter Pioneer Gas Engine Assn., Rt. 443 off R.30, Schoharie NY Maine Antique Power Assn. Engine Show, Skowhegan Fairgrounds, Skowhegan, ME Charter Day Tractor Pull - Dufresne Park, Granby, MA VT Gas & Steam Assn. Brownington Show, Old Stone House Rd, Brownington VT Hudson Mohawk Chapter Pioneer Gas Engine Assn., Rt. 443 off R.30, Schoharie NY Coolspring Expo & Flea Market - Rt. 36, Coolspring, PA CMSGMA Work Day 9am - Set up for Engine-uity Show, 80 Airport St. Orange MA Work Day 9am (Fri.) -Final Show Prep. 80 Airport St. Orange MA ATHS Brooklyn Truck Show & Flea Market - Brooklyn, CT CMSGMA 38th Annual Engine-uity Show, 80 Airport St. Orange MA July 4 8 12 17-19 18-19 18-19 24-26 Boothbay Railway Village, Boothbay, ME www.railwayvillage.org CMSGMA 6pm BBQ, 7pm meeting. (we supply hamburgers, you bring a side dish) Pepperell Crank-Up - Town Field, Pepperell, MA Blue Mountain Summer Show, Jacktown Grove, Bangor PA Quinebaug Valley Show & Swap Meet, Zagray Farm Museum, Rt 85, Colchester CT Owls Head Transportation Museum, Owls Head, ME Eliot Antique Tractor & Engine Show, Raitt Homestead Farm, Rt. 103, Eliot ME August 1 Lumbering in the Maine Woods/Lombard, Leonards Mill, Bradley, ME 1-2 VT Gas & Seam Engine Assn. Queechee, VT Rt. 4 5-8 New York Steam Engine Assn. Annual Pageant of Steam Gehan Rd., Canandaigua NY 8-9 Owls Head Wings & Wheels Spectacular, Owls Head, ME 8-9 Straw Hollow Engine Works Show, Pine Ridge Farm, Cross St., Boylston MA 12-15 Rough & Tumble Thresherman’s Reunion, Rt. 30, Kinzers PA 15-16 Mystic, CT Antique Marine Engine Show - Scott Noseworthy 860-572-5343 15-16 Willowbrook Museum, Newfield, ME www.willowbrookmuseum.org 23 Antique Truck Meet at Star Speedway in Epping, NH 28-30 Connecticut River Antique Collectors Klub, Rt. 5 South, Ely VT 29-30 Musterfield Farm Days, N. Sutton, NH www.musterfieldfarm.com September 2 CMSGMA Meeting 6:30pm, Club House, 524 E. River St. Orange, MA 4-5 VT Gas & Steam Assn. Stockbridge Show, Stockbridge, VT 12-13 Dublin Show, Rt 101, Dublin NH 19-20 Tobacco Valley Flywheelers Show, Haddam Meadows State Pk, Rt 154, Haddam CT 26 Narragansett Hist. Soc Vintage Engine & Classic Auto Show 12pm-5pm Templeton, MA 26-27 Connecticut Antique Machinery Assn. Rt. 7, Kent CT 26 VT Gas & Steam Assn. Burke Fall Foliage Festival, Rt 114 East Burke, VT 5 6 Central Massachusetts Steam, Gas & Machinery Association June 2015, Volume 39 EXHIBITION No alcohol on grounds as per open container law, Violators will be asked to leave. No running or other dangerous antics. Machinery that is running will NOT be left unattended. All operators must be 14 yrs. of age unless closely supervised by an adult. (This includes all tractors any size.) No more people on a tractor than designed. (One seat-one person. All riders must have a seat or a suitable drawbar platform.) No sitting on fenders or hood. Any Boiler over 3hp should have a state licensed operator. Articles for sale, not engine related (crafts, household etc.) must be kept to a space no larger than a card table. ATVs, bicycles or other modern transport on show ground is limited to show officials, handicapped and authorized personnel. Speed limit is 5 miles per hour on show grounds. Connections to the manifold on the Steam Table must be approved by the person on the boiler. Generators are to run only between 7:00 AM and 10:00PM. Exceptions to this ar e pr e-approved concessions. All animals shall be leashed. Please pick up after your animal! No bare feet or open fires on show grounds. SELLING Selling of items that are NOT related to early engines, tractors, machinery, farm equipment and related items is not permitted in the DISPLAY area except for one (1) Card Table size area not to exceed 3’x 3’ Flea Market Vendor: Selling of items that ar e NOT r elated to ear ly engines, tr actor s, machiner y, farm equipment and related items will be permitted in the separate FLEA MARKET area after the vendor has registered and paid the Flea Market Vendor fee $40.00 for the weekend. Exhibitor: Ever yone exhibiting in the display ar ea must have a viable exhibit per taining to engines, tractors, machinery, farm equipment and related items. Selling of items related to engines, tractors, machinery, farm equipment and related items WILL be permitted in the display area as long as the sale items occupy a space smaller than the exhibitor’s display. Paid Display Vendor: Anyone selling items r elated to engines, tr actor s, machiner y, far m equipment and related items in the display area without a viable display or a display smaller than the “for sale” items, you will be asked to make an appropriate donation. Arrangements for these spaces must be made by reservation prior to the show with the board of directors approval. The board of Directors will enforce these rules. Their judgment and rulings shall be final. June 2015, Volume 39 Central Massachusetts Steam, Gas & Machinery Association Fall Tailgate Social Saturday October 3rd, 2015 9am to 3pm (rain date Oct. 10th) *Bring something to run *Learn something new *Share your summer stories 12 Noon - Potluck Lunch Officer Elections at 1pm Location: Club House 524 E. River St. Orange, MA 7 MEMBERSHIP DUES Question - Why does ever yone who exhibits at the Yankee Engine-uity show have to register and become a club member? Answer - The club’s insurance requires all exhibitors to be club members. This is for your own benefit. You are covered under the clubs insurance policy if an incident happened on the show grounds. Your registration fee also helps with show expenses. In Our Prayers Spectator parking $2.00 per car To relieve parking issues, the club has made large parking signs for the Yankee Engine-uity Show grounds. There will be an entrance for Flea Market Vendors and another entrance for Spectator Parking. Signs will be put up at each entrance. Flea Market Vendors Exhibitors Spectators Gate 1 Gate 1 or 2 Gate 2 Empty trailer parking is available at the far right side of the show grounds in the club house yard. This will make more room for exhibitor space. Please do not use the Public Works Road or Public Works yard to park vehicles. Business Card Size Ads $50 includes: (1) ad in the Spring newsletter & (1) ad in the Fall newsletter. This will go out to 400 homes and be posted on the CMSGMA website. Call Karen at 413-527-4122 to place your ad today! Mason K. Harris Sr. Died at the age of 101 peacefully at his home in Peterborough on Jan. 15, 2015. He is remembered as a quiet, humble man with many interest. He was know to demonstrate his antique shingle mill at shows in the MA, VT and NH areas. Beulah B. (Brown) Denison Died Dec. 14th, 2014 in Greenfield. She and her husband attended many antique shows around New England. They had a great display of barbed wire and hog oilers. They also enjoyed their Foos engine. Original Ranch Snack Mix Ingredients •1 packet Hidden Valley® Original Ranch® Salad Dressing •2½ cups bite-size cheddar cheese crackers •2½ cups small pretzels •3 tablespoons vegetable oil •8 cups Kellogg's® Crispix® Cereal Directions •Combine cereal, pretzels and crackers in a gallon-size zip Storage Bag. Pour oil over mixture. Seal bag and toss to coat. Add dressing mix; seal bag and toss again until coated. -Source: Hidden Valley Recipes Central Massachusetts Steam, Gas & Machinery Association PO Box 32, Orange, MA 01364 www.CMSGMA.com Membership - Entitles you to exhibit at the June Engine-uity show, annual show button (receive at show) and membership card. Members are covered by liability insurance while at scheduled club events. Dues - Annual membership dues are $12.00 for general membership. All memberships run from June to the following June. If you were not able to attend the show this year and you still want to maintain your membership you can mail in your dues at ANY time to: CMSGMA PO Box 32 Orange, MA 01364 CMSGMA’s Club House is located at 524 East River St. Orange, MA 01364. There are scheduled events throughout the year. All are welcome. Check “Event Calendar” on our web site www.CMSGMA.com for dates and times. The club is always working on various projects for preservation and education. Donations and memberships continue to make these possible. Application for Membership Name________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City____________________ State _____ Zip _______ Phone ( ) _______________________________ Email Address _________________________________ $12 (1) year - General Membership $200 - Lifetime Membership - Available to any individual 55 yrs or older Make Check payable to CMSGMA Send to: CMSGMA PO Box 32 Orange, MA 01364 8