Featuring... Museums, Historic Sites, Restaurants, Historic District
Featuring... Museums, Historic Sites, Restaurants, Historic District
Featuring... Museums, Historic Sites, Restaurants, Historic District Map, Parking, Free Transportation, and Other Accessibility Information Savannah-Chatham Council on Disability Issues (SCCDI) “A Full Service Printing Company” Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Association, Inc. (CEPSA) Shining Light on Post-Polio Health Polio may be forgotten … but “WE’RE STILL HERE!” SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 31401 912-234-8808 • 912-234-0006 FAX There are approximately 2 million polio survivors still alive in America today and an alarming number are experiencing Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS), which is unexpected and often disabling new symptoms occurring over 40 years after the initial poliovirus. CEPSA is dedicated to locating polio survivors, and to promoting public awareness of polio, Post-Polio Syndrome, polio immunizations, the Global Polio Eradication Project, local accessibility issues, and to let the world know… “WE’RE STILL HERE!” SpanishMossPrinting@Comcast.net www.SpanishMossPrinting.com www.coastalempirepoliosurvivors.org Georgia (912) 355-1221 • South Carolina (843) 837-1230 E-mail: CEPSA05@msn.com 501 EAST LIBERTY STREET (CORNER OF LIBERTY AND PRICE STREETS) Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District 2 Welcome to Our Community On behalf of our Disability Council, we are pleased and honored to present you with this inaugural edition of our accessibility guide to the Historic District. This work is the collaborative product of local advocates who want to share their respective knowledge of accessible places which make our community unique. Our goal is to enhance your experience and to share with you the place that we call home. Typically, historical cities have presented visitors and residents with a variety of accessibility challenges. From the veteran with a newly acquired limitation to a newborn who is experiencing Savannah anew from a stroller, we recognize that our community has barriers. But a barrier removed for one is a barrier removed for all. Our group has attempted to provide you with a compilation of organizations and facilities which have responded to the challenges and epitomized Savannah’s hospitality by removing barriers which have long limited those with disabilities from truly enjoying their visit. Our local leaders have committed themselves to the strategic vision that accessibility and history are not at odds. By directing resources and resolve to easing access through the stately squares, along our riverwalk, on and off of our trolleys, busses and ferries, and into our places of interest, we hope that we have provided for the enjoyment of the broadest diversity of abilities and disabilities, age and limitation. We welcome you to the beauty that each of us enjoys every day. We hope that you find this guide useful and that you will share it with your friends and family with the same spirit of collegiality that has made it possible. Wayne Dawson Chair Savannah-Chatham Council on Disability Issues Dedicated to the Memory of Brian Leighton Former Member of SCCDI ROBERT L. CONNER, RN • Accessible Vans • Power Wheelchairs • Scooters • Residential Accessibility Scooter & Wheelchair Sales, Rentals, Repairs TOLL FREE 877-785-5438 PHONE 912-233-1050 FAX 912-233-9903 3938 OGEECHEE RD. SAVANNAH, GA 31405 www.mobilityconceptsofsavannah.com “W E ’ RE H ERE T O G ET YOU T HERE ” Ad Space Advertising Space Available If you are interested in advertising in our next issue please contact the Savannah-Chatham Council on Disability Issues (SCCDI) 912-658-2847 Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District 3 Museums & Historic Sites Many of the sites listed have limited wheelchair access or alternatives to access. Please call in advance of visit to initiate programs that meet special needs. Numbers refer to approximate location on Historic District Map. (A) Full Access (LA) Limited Access (NA) No Access (38) Savannah History Museum (A) 303 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 912-238-1779 (12) Ships of the Sea Museum (LA) 41 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 912-232-1511 A video of the collection may be viewed in the pavilion in the garden. Admission is free to persons with disabilities and one guest. The basement level is accessible with a portable ramp. Please call ahead. (40) Battlefield Park (A) Hallowed ground where more than 800 men died in the Revolutionary War’s Siege of Savannah October 9, 1779. (49) Roundhouse Railroad Museum (LA) 601 W. Harris St., 912-651-6823 Grounds are accessible, but train cars and trains are not. (30) Jepson Center for the Arts (A) 207 W. York St., 912-790-8800 (8) U. S. Custom House (Not open for visitors) Built in 1852. (9) Savannah City Hall (A) Take public elevator behind building to lower level entrance. Construction completed in 1905. (28) Telfair Museum of Art (A) 121 Barnard St., 912-790-8800 Use entrance on left side of building. (32) Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace (A) 10 E. Oglethorpe Ave., 912-233-4501 Use courtyard entrance to elevator behind house. Founder of the Girl Scouts. (52) RalphMarkGilbertCivilRightsMuseum (A) 460 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 912-231-8900 (59) Congregation Mickve Israel Museum (A) Bull St. at Monterey Square, 912-233-1547 Use entrance on left side of building. Georgia’s oldest Jewish congregation. (44) Andrew Low House (NA) 329 Abercorn St., 912-233-1828 Home of Andrew and Julliet G. Low. The carriage house is the site of the Girl Scouts’ First National Headquarters. (46) Greene-Meldrim House (A) 14 W. Macon St., 912-233-3845 Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman’s headquarters during the North’s occupation of Savannah. (53) Georgia Historical Society (A) 501 Whitaker St., 912-651-2125 A collection of historical documents and relics relating to Savannah and Georgia. (43) Flannery O’Connor Home (NA) 207 E. Charlton St., 912-233-6014 Birthplace and childhood home of famous Georgia writer. (21) Isaiah Davenport House (LA) 324 E. State St., 912-236-8097 Gift shop on ground level is accessible. Upon request, a DVD showing a guided tour of the museum will be shown at no charge. Call head for other special needs programs. Example of Federal style houses. (22) Owens-Thomas House (LA) 124 Abercorn St., 912-790-8800 A closed captioned DVD of the House tour is available for viewing in the Carriage House Orientation Gallery. Example of the English Regency Period. (57) King-Tisdell Cottage Foundation (NA) E. Huntingdon St., 912-234-8000 A museum preserving Savannah’s black history and culture. (42) Beach Institute (A) 502 E. Harris St., 912-234-8000 Elevator entrance on left side of building near rear. African-American Cultural Center - the first school for blacks 1867. (34) Savannah Theatre (A) 222 Bull St., 912-233-7764 The oldest continuously operating theatre in the United States - 1818. (56) Massie Heritage Center (A) 207 E. Gordon St., 912-201-5070 Savannah’s first free public school - 1856. In addition to these sites, there are a number of monuments highlighting Savannah’s History in the 22 Squares in the Historic District. These sites are all accessible to the public. Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District 4 Since2007, 2007,the theCity Cityof ofSavannah Savannahhas hascompleted completedthe theconstruction construction Since of1,459 1,459new newADA ADAcompliant compliantcurb curbcuts. cuts. This, This,added addedto tothe the1,247 1,247 of existingcurb curbcuts, cuts,isismaking makingSavannah Savannahmore moreaccessible. accessible. existing River Street access is available through the public elevator behind City Hall and through various hotel elevators. Living Independence For Everyone (LIFE), Inc. Leveling the playing field for people with disabilities in order to create a world in which EVERYONE can fully participate! We Sell & Rent Scooters & Power Wheelchairs Phone: 912-920-2414 Toll Free: 800-948-4824 Fax: 912-920-0007 TTY: 912-920-2419 Website: www.lifecil.com 12020 Abercorn Street Savannah, GA 31419 Transportation & Parking Options DOT-Downtown Transportation The dot Fare-Free Downtown Transportation System, which is available to residents and visitors, is comprised of three interconnected transportation platforms, the Express Shuttle, the River Street Streetcar and the Savannah Belles Ferry; all wheelchair accessible; all fare-free. • Express Shuttle providing service to 10 downtown stops on a 20 minute frequency • River Street Streetcar providing service to 7 stops located along one mile of track on River Street • Savannah Belles Ferry providing daily service between River Street and Hutchinson Island Additional information can be obtained from dot’s website at www.connectonthedot.com or by calling 912-447-4026. Chatham Area Transit Chatham Area Transit (CAT) operates a fare-free shuttle which is wheelchair accessible. For more information, please call 912-236-2111 or visit their website at www.catchacat.org. Parking The City City of of Savannah Savannah provides provides accessible accessible parking parking spaces spaces for for the the exclusive exclusive use use of of vehicles vehicles The displaying the appropriate permit. These parking spaces are located in City-owned garages, displaying the appropriate permit. These parking spaces are located in City-owned garages, City operated Street lots)lots) and on-street. All permit for accessible City operatedlots lots(River (River Street and on-street. All spaces permitdesignated spaces designated for parking require payment for parking. However, after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and Saturday, accessible parking require payment for parking. However, after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and Sunday and holidays, on-streeton-street parking isparking free. For moreFor information, please callplease 912-651Saturday,Sunday and holidays, is free. more information, call 6470. 912-651-6470. Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District 5 Savannah’s Historic District Map Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District 6 Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District 7 Historic Houses of Worship Call ahead for availability of interpreter. Numbers refer to approximate location on Historic District Map (13) First African Baptist Church (Accessible entrance on left side of building leads to basement elevator) 23 Montgomery St., 912-233-4903 Sunday services - 7:45 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. (11) First Bryan Baptist Church (Accessible) 575 W. Bryan St., 912-232-5526 Sunday service - 11:00 a.m. (29) Trinity United Methodist Church (Accessible entrance on left side of building) 225 W. President St., 912-233-4766 Sunday service - 11:00 a.m. (36) First Baptist Church (Accessible ramp to elevator on left side of building) 223 Bull St., 912-234-2671 Sunday service - 11:00 a.m. (35) Independent Presbyterian Church (Accessible entrance on right side of building through small court yard) 207 Bull St., 912-236-3346 Sunday services - 11:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (47) St. John's Episcopal Church (Accessible ramp at main entrance) Bull St. at Madison Square, 912-232-1251 Sunday services - 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. & 12:00 noon. (54) Temple Mickve Israel (Accessible entrance on left side of building) Bull St. at Monterey Square, 912-233-1547 Services: Friday 6:00 p.m., Saturday 11:00 a.m. (55) Wesley Monumental United Methodist Church (Accessible entrance to elevator on left side of building) 429 Abercorn St., 912-232-0191 Sunday services - 8:45 & 11:00 a.m. (Troupe Square) Unitarian Universalist Church (Accessible entrance on left side of building) 313 E. Harris St., 912-234-0980 Sunday service - 11:00 a.m. (41) Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (Accessible entrance to elevator on right side of building) 222 E. Harris St., 912-233-4709 Mass - Sunday 8:00, 10:00, 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. (Latin) Mass - Monday-Saturday at noon, Saturday 5:30 p.m. (20) Second African Baptist Church (Accessible entrance on left side of building) 123 Houston St., 912-233-6163 Sunday service - 11:00 a.m. (24) Lutheran Church of the Ascension (Accessible) 120 Bull St., 912-232-4151 Sunday services - 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. (16) Christ Episcopal Church (Accessible entrance to elevator on left side of building) 28 Bull St., 912-232-4131 Sunday services - 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. ADA Coordinator Advertising Space Available If you are interested in advertising in our next issue please contact the Savannah-Chatham Council on Disability Issues (SCCDI) 912-658-2847 Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District 8 Accessible Restaurants* 45 Bistro At The Marshall House Hotel 123 East Broughton Street (912) 234-3111, 45bistroatmarshallhouse.com 700 Drayton Restaurant At The Mansion on Forsyth Park ** 700 Drayton Street (912) 721-5002, 700drayton.com Billy’s Place at McDonough’s 20 East Perry Street (912) 231-9049, billysplaceatmcdonoughs.com Café Zeun in the Jepson Center 207 West York Street (912) 790-8802, telfair.org Caraway Café & Market 202 East Broughton Street (912) 443-0909 (Corner of Broughton and Abercorn) Carlito’s Cuban Cubana 41 Whitaker Street (912) 232-0009 Casbah 118 East Broughton Street (912) 234-6168, casbahrestaurant.com Churchill’s Pub ** 13 West Bay Street (912) 232-8501, thebritishpub.com Clary’s Café 404 Abercorn Street (912) 233-0402 Courtyard Café at the Mulberry Inn 601 East Bay Street (912) 238-1200, savannahhotel.com Crystal Beer Parlor 301 West Jones Street (912) 349-1000, crystalbeerparlor.com Debi’s Restaurant 10 West State Street (912) 236-3516, debisrestaurant.com Five Guys Burgers & Fries 175 West Bay Street (912) 238-1227, fiveguys.com Gallery Expresso 234 Bull Street (912) 233-5348, galleryexpresso.com Harris Baking Company 102 East Liberty Street (912) 233-6400, harrisbakingco.com Huey’s On the River 115 East River Street (912) 232-3086 Il Pasticcio 2 East Broughton Street (912) 231-8888, ilpasticciosavannah.com Isaac’s on Drayton 9 Drayton Street (912) 231-0100 (Use Left Entrance) J. Christopher’s 122 East Liberty Street (912) 236-7494, jchristophers.com Kentucky Fried Chicken 405 West Gwinnett Street (912) 234-4793, kfc.com Loco’s Grill and Pub 301 West Broughton Street (912) 236-8711, locosgrill.com Mellow Mushroom Pizza Bakers 11 West Liberty Street (912) 495-0705, mellowmushroom.com/savannah Rancho Alegre Cuban Restaurant 402 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard (912) 292-1656 Molly MacPherson’s Scottish Pub & Grill 311 West Congress Street (912) 239-9600, macphersonspub.com Mrs. Wilkes’ Dining Room 107 West Jones Street (912) 232-5997, mrswilkes.com Murphy’s Law Irish Pub 409 West Congress Street (912) 443-0855, irishpubsavannah.com Olympia Cafe ** 5 East River Street (912) 233-3131, olympiacafe.us Outback Steakhouse 7 Drayton Street (912) 232-1611, outback.com Panera Bread 1 West Broughton Street (912) 236-0275, panerabread.com Pirates’ House Restaurant 20 East Broad Street (912) 233-5757 (To Exit Use Entrance Ramp), thepirateshouse.com Rocks on the River at the Bohemian 102 West Bay Street (912) 721-3800, bohemianhotelsavannah.com Roly Poly 114 Barnard Street (912) 233-8222, rolypoly.com Ruan Thai 17 West Broughton Street (912) 231-6667, myruanthai.com/main.html Ruth’s Chris Steak House 111 West Bay Street (912) 721-4800, ruthschris.com Savannah Smiles Dueling Pianos Saloon 314 Williamson Street (912) 527-6453 Screamin’ Mimi’s 513 East Oglethorpe Avenue (912) 236-2744 Skyler’s 225 East Bay Street (912) 232-3955 Slicer’s Deli 42 Abercorn Street (912) 236-1458 Soho South Café 12 West Liberty Street (912) 233-1633 Spanky’s Pizza Galley & Saloon 317 East River Street (912) 233-2633 Tantra Lounge & Tapas 8 East Broughton Street (912) 231-0888 The Cotton Exchange Tavern & Restaurant 201 East River Street (912) 232-7088, exchangetavernsavannah.com The Lady & Sons 102 West Congress Street (912) 233-2600, ladyandsons.com * Please note, accessible restaurants are defined by SCCDI as those entities that have an accessible entrance without a portable ramp and have accessible rest rooms. **Box indicates featured sponsors. Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District 9 Accessible Restaurants* Restaurants* (cont.) Accessible (cont.) The The Melting MeltingPot PotaaFondue fondueRestaurant restaurant 232 (912) 349-5676 349-5676, 232 East East Broughton Broughton Street Street (912) meltingpot.com meltingpot.com The The Olde OldePink PinkHouse HouseRestaurant Restaurant 23 232-4286 23 Abercorn Abercorn Street Street (912) (912) 232-4286 (Door of building) building) (Door on on left left side side of The Oyster Bar The Oyster Bar 411 411 East Ease River River Street Street (912) (912) 232-1565 232-1565 Tubby’s Tank House Tubby’s Tank House 115 233-0770 115 East East River River Street Street (912) (912) 233-0770 (Access through the River Street Inn on on Bay Bay Street. Street. Call (Access through the River Street Inn Call for for elevator tubbystankhouse.com elevator service), service) tubbystankhouse.com Vic’s Vic’s On OnThe TheRiver River 15 721-1000, vicsontheriver.com vicsontheriver.com 15 East East River River Street Street (912) (912) 721-1000, Wasabi’s Wasabi’s 113 Boulevard (912) (912) 233-8899 233-8899 113 Martin Martin Luther Luther King King Jr. Jr. Boulevard Whistle WhistleStop StopCafé Café 303 Boulevard 651-3656 303 Martin Martin Luther Luther King King Jr. Jr. Blvd. (912)(912) 651-3656 Wild Wing Café Wild Wing Café 27 27 Barnard Barnard Street Street (912) (912) 790-9464, 790-9464,wildwingcafe.com wildwingcafe.com/savannah Windows Hyatt WindowsRestaurant Restaurantat Atthe the Hyatt 22 West Bay Street (912) 238-1234, savannah.hyatt.com West Bay Street (912) 238-1234, savannah.hyatt.com Zunzi’s Zunzi’s 108 443-9555, zunzis.com 108 East East York York Street Street (912) (912) 443-9555 (Access through side door adjacent parking lot) lot) (Access through side door adjacent parking * Please note,accessible accessiblerestaurants restaurants are those entities * Please note, are defined definedbybySCCDI SCCDIasas those entities have accessibleentrance entrance without without aa portable accessible restrestrooms. rooms. thatthat have ananaccessible portableramp rampand andhave have accessible Support Organizations Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Association, Inc. (CEPSA) 23 E. 61st St., Savannah, GA 31405, CEPSA05@msn.com, www.coastalempirepoliosurvivors.org Jim Veccia, President (843) 837-1230; Diane Davis, Vice-President (912) 355-1221 Purpose: To locate and offer support to polio survivors and their families; To promote awareness of polio, post-polio syndrome, polio immunization, the Global Polio Eradication Project, and accessibility issues; To educate polio survivors, their families, friends and the medical community about the causes, symptoms and treatments of post-polio syndrome; To provide financial aid for polio survivors for necessary equipment and medical care that is not covered by insurance; & To give referrals, counseling, and assistance to polio survivors as needed. Chatham County Association of the Deaf (CCAD) 6810 Skidaway Rd., Savannah GA 31406, CCADsavannah@yahoo.com Purpose: To encourage and foster social, educational, athletic, cultural and various community activities for the members and general public; To foster and improve CCAD members in accordance with the standards set by various organizations adopted by the CCAD Board members; and To work and reward the development of adequate community services for CCAD members in the areas of education, athletics, cultural activity, and social services. CCAD consist of seven or more deaf officers and many members who meet on the third Saturday of each month. Founded by Dr. Frank Lala. (Formerly “Hill of Beans - Deaf Coffee”) Department of Labor - Vocational Rehabilitation Program 450 Mall Blvd. Suite B, Savannah, GA 31406, (912) 335-5182 V/VP Dr. Frank Lala, Rehabilitation Counselor for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing - frank.lala@dol.state.ga.us Purpose: To provide a wide range of vocational rehabilitation services to persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or late deafened. These services include helping people with disabilities to find work, providing counseling and guidance to clients, matching clients to appropriate jobs, providing follow-up to clients and employers, as well as serving as case manager and advocate for people with disabilities, and securing hearing aids for employed Hard-of-Hearing. Counties served: Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Chatham, Effingham, Glynn, Liberty, Long, and McIntosh. Georgia Council for the Hearing Impaired (GACHI) 139 Martin Luther King Drive, Hinesville, GA 31313, (912) 876-3330 TTY/V, (912) 876-3331 FAX Support Service, VP: 866927-1503 Information & Referral VP: 866-365-3834, Katherine Doster, Support Services Specialist Purpose: To establish and maintain a network of statewide services for the deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened, deaf-blind and other individuals and groups with whom they interact. To fulfill its purpose GACHI relies on a combination of funding sources, which includes state appropriated funds (set by Georgia General Assembly) and generous grants and donations from private foundations, businesses, and individuals. Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District 10 Support Organizations (cont.) Centralized Interpreter Referral Service (CIRS) A program of Savannah Speech and Hearing Center - 1206 E. 66th St., Savannah, GA 31404, (912) 657-2784, Fax (912) 355-7935, www.savannahspeechandhearing.org. Hazel Davis, Director. Purpose: To provide a central source for securing certified interpreters needed by various agencies. Living Independence for Everyone, Inc. (LIFE) 12020 Abercorn St., Savannah, GA 31419, (912) 920-2414 V, (912) 920-2419 TTY, (912) 920-0007 fax, (912) 257-4834 Video phone, Fran Todd, Executive Director. L.I.F.E. is a service and advocacy organization run by and for people with disabilities. Purpose: To empower people with disabilities to achieve equal rights, equal opportunity and integration in the community in order to level the playing field and create a world in which everyone can fully participate. It does this by offering a variety of services such as Information and Referral, Independent Living Skills Training, Advocacy, Peer Support, Home Modifications, Assistive Technology, and Nursing Home Transition. It serves eleven counties in Southeast Georgia, including the following: Bryan, Camden, Chatham, Effingham, Evans, Glynn, Liberty, Bulloch, McIntosh, Tattnall, and Toombs. www.lifecil.com Savannah Association for the Blind, Inc. (SAB) 214 Drayton St., Savannah, GA, (912) 236-4473, www.sabinc.org., Jim King, Executive Director. Purpose: To provide comprehensive rehabilitation training for blind and visually impaired individuals in Southeast Georgia. Services include Low Vision examinations, Orientation and Mobility instruction, Activities of Daily Living, Communication Skills, and Social Services. Savannah-Chatham County Fair Housing Council (SCFHC) 7 Drayton St., Suite 206, Savannah, GA 31401, (912) 651-3136 Fax (912) 651-3137, Wayne Dawson, Executive Director, wayne@ savannahfairhousing.org, www.savannahfairhousing.org Purpose: To educate current and prospective tenants and home owners on their fair housing rights, to educate housing providers on their responsibilities, to assist individuals in filing fair housing complaints, and to investigate allegations of discrimination. Savannah Council of the Blind Bob Walls, President, (912) 856-7124, Purpose: To advocate for and support the visually impaired. Members meet the third Tuesday of each month, except December. They gather in the Conference Room at the J. C. Lewis Ford Company, located at 9505 Abercorn Street (bus stop at Lewis Drive). There is a social time at 5:30 p.m., and the meeting begins promptly at 6:00 p.m. and ends at approximately 7:00 p.m. Visitors are welcome and encouraged to arrive during the social time to meet the regular members. National Federation of the Blind of Chatham County William Gardner, President, (912) 233-3798, Purpose: To advocate for and support the visually impaired. Members meet the third Saturday of each month except December. The meeting is held at the Williams Court Apartments, 1900 Lincoln Street (bus stop at 35th and Abercorn), from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Upon arrival at the Williams Court Apartments, stop at the Security Desk for directions to the meeting. Tuesday Stroke Support Group A program of Savannah Speech and Hearing Center, (912) 355-4601 - Iris Jones, Facilitator. They meet at the Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church from 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Purpose: To work on improving and maintaining skills associated with speaking, reading, listening, and writing; and To provide moral support and fellowship. Friday Stroke Support Group A program of Savannah Speech and Hearing Center, (912) 355-4601 - Ann Curry, Volunteer Coordinator. They meet at Savannah Speech and Hearing, 1206 E. 66th St., 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Purpose: To work on improving and maintaining skills associated with speaking, reading, listening, and writing; and To provide moral support and fellowship. Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District Accessibility Guide to Savannah’s Historic District 11 Publication Information Savannah-Chatham Council on Disability Issues (SCCDI) Wayne Dawson, Chair (Savannah-Chatham County Fair Housing Council) Dan Shehan, Vice-Chair (Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Assoc., Inc.) Bob Habas, member (L.I.F.E., Inc.) Tanet Taharka, member (City of Savannah) Kathleen Holmes, member (Chatham County Association of the Deaf) Dr. Frank Lala, member (Department of Labor, Vocational Rehabilitation Program) Kim Harrison, member (Savannah Council of the Blind and L.I.F.E. Board Member) James Aberson (Chatham County ADA Coordinator) Dana Taylor, Interpreter The information in this document was compiled by the Physical/Communications Accessibility & Public Awareness Committee of SCCDI. Chair - Dan Shehan (Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Assoc., Inc.) Wayne Dawson (Savannah-Chatham County Fair Housing Council) Bob Habas (L.I.F.E., Inc.) Tanet Taharka (City of Savannah) Kim Harrison (Savannah Council of the Blind and L.I.F.E. Board Member) Richard Graham (Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Assoc., Inc. and L.I.F.E. Board Member) Harvey Varnadoe (Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Assoc., Inc.) Diane Davis (Coastal Empire Polio Survivors Assoc., Inc. Vice-President) Dr. Frank Lala, (Chatham County Assoc. of the Deaf, D.O.L. Vocational Rehabilitation and L.I.F.E. Board Member) Kathleen Holmes (Chatham County Assoc. of the Deaf) James Aberson (Chatham County ADA Coordinator) Cover Design: Diane Davis Community Partners: Published PublishedApril June 2010 2010