Willow Creek ATV Trail Rocky Gap ATV Trail
Willow Creek ATV Trail Rocky Gap ATV Trail
4/20/10 3:54 PM Willow Creek ATV Trail Rocky Gap ATV Trail Allegheny National Forest Allegheny National Forest ® 346 New York State Line 6 mi. Creek LEAVING A GOOD IMPRESSION 202 Bradford 10 mi. 137 137 Brook 346 Abandoned Log Road Parking/ Trailhead Marsh Stream Trail Forest Road State/Township Road 346 62 6 Warren 219 Bradford 321 6 6 Kane Loop A NAD83 UTM 17N: E 678770 N 4645205 66 62 Marienville 66 rights of others. E ducate yourself, plan and prepare before you go. Allow for future use of the outdoors, leave it better than you found it. Discover the rewards of responsible recreation. Gr Ru Legend Parking/ Trailhead Toilets/Water Rock Area Stream Trail Forest Road 155 n 3005 3005 Land stewardship ethics courtesy of Tread Lightly! (tlinc@xmission.com) This brochure can be obtained in large print at the Allegheny National Forest 4 Farm Colony Dr. Warren, PA 16365 (814) 723-5150 State/Township Road Oil Field Gate One-Way 11.1 mi. Bridge d. tR i. ar m nh 3 – Le 62 N impact. Respect the environment and the Season Summer & Winter US Season Summer Travel and recreate with minimum Lenhar t B op o L 245 R LEG H E N Y RIV E Tread Lightly! Pledge: Legend 173 Dry Tread Lightly! is an educational program dedicated to increasing awareness of how to enjoy the outdoors while minimizing impacts. AL Still Ru n Willow er Rd. Grund 62 To US 2 mi. Warren – treadlightly! der Run 1 un ATV10-WlwCkRkyGp-s2.pdf n Run Morriso Level Of Difficulty ULT FFIC I D T T MOS ICUL F F I ED MOR 219 346 62 6 NAD83 UTM 17N: Warren E 647425 N 4603275 One-Way 10.8 mi. 3005 6 155 ut o Tr 153-A Y CY Run Level Of Difficulty MORE DIFFICULT R 66 Ridgway Mead Whitney Forest Supervisor’s Office 4 Farm Colony Drive • Warren, PA 16365 814-723-5150 • www.fs.fed.us/r9/forests/allegheny Bradford Ranger District 29 Forest Service Drive • Bradford, PA 16701 814-362-4613 • www.fs.fed.us/r9/forests/allegheny Allegheny National Forest Vacation Bureau 80 E. Corydon St., Suite 114 • P.O. Box 371 Bradford, PA 16701 • 1-800-473-9370 www.visitanf.com Warren County Visitors Bureau 22045 Route 6 • Warren, PA 16365 814-726-1222 • 800-624-7802 • www.wcvb.com ENJOY THE TRAIL! Please reuse your brochure. NOXIOUS WEEDS Noxious weeds generally possess one or more of the following characteristics: aggressive and difficult to manage, poisonous, toxic, parasitic, a carrier or host of serious insects or disease and being native or new to or not common to the United States or parts thereof. (FSM 2080) ANF Trail users can help prevent the spread of noxious weeds by: • Washing equipment before arriving at the trail and after trail use. • Staying on designated trails. • Learning how to identify noxious weeds such as purple Loosestrife, Multiflora Rose, and Giant Hogweed. To learn more, please contact the nearest ANF office. 1/4 1/2 3/4 Scale In Miles WILLOW CREEK ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE (ATV) TRAIL CUSTOMER SERVICE – The Bradford (SR 346) area offers food, lodging, gasoline, and medical facilities. Also, the Bradford Ranger Station, located at the junction of SR 59 & SR 321, has additional books and materials to help you enjoy the Forest. EMERGENCY – Call 911. The nearest hospital is 13 miles east of the trailhead, in Bradford, PA. The nearest pay telephone is four miles northwest on SR 346. If you note unsafe conditions on the trail, please report them to the Bradford Ranger Station. Things to report could include trees across the trail, damaged or missing signs and blazes, damaged bridges, washouts, and other similar conditions. We appreciate your help. The trail is open, dependent on weather and trail conditions, from the Friday before Memorial Day through the last Sunday in September. Call ahead. Trails may be closed during adverse conditions. Willow Creek ATV Trail is a 10.0 mile loop trail traversing scenic, forested hills on the Bradford District of the Allegheny National Forest. It is for the enjoyment of ATV and motorcycle riders of intermediate skill level. FINDING THE TRAIL – Main trailhead parking is located along Forest Road (FR) 137, approximately two miles south of State Route 346 and 11 miles west of Bradford. This trail can be found on the Stickney quadrangle map. RIDING THE TRAIL – This trail is open to Class I ATVs, motorcycles, horses, and mountain bikes. All ATV trails are marked with yellow diamonds. Consult the trailhead bulletin boards for more information and additional trails that may be open or closed. This 10.0 mile system is rated MORE DIFFICULT and is suited to ATVs and motorcycles. The trail is ONE-WAY travel except where otherwise posted. CAMPING – Camping is NOT permitted at the Willow Creek trailhead. We would like to hear about your trail experience. 1 El Ru n Ad un am To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 ( TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 1/2 0 1/4 s 1/2 Scale In Miles ROCKY GAP REGULATIONS Travel is permitted on designated, blazed routes only. The trail is clearly marked with yellow diamonds on trees. Off-trail travel may damage the forest resources or pose a safety hazard to other forest users. Please respect the rights of others. ATV riding on unmarked routes is a violation of federal law. Mountain bikes and horses are permitted to use the trails all year-round. ATV and motorcycle use during closed seasons is not permitted. All ATVs must be registered in accordance with State of Pennsylvania law or in a reciprocating state with recreational vehicle registration. Registration is available at local ATV dealers or all Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Snowmobile/ATV units. The fees are used to help maintain the ATV trail system. It is illegal to drive an OHV while under the influence of any amount of drugs or alcohol. Mufflers and spark arresters are required on all ATVs and OHMs. Lights must be used between sunset and sunrise. Adults must accompany and supervise drivers under the age of 16. No child under the age of 8 is allowed to operate an ATV/OHM on ANF trails. All operators ages 8-15 must have an ATV training certificate in their possession. ALL–TERRAIN VEHICLE (ATV) TRAIL CUSTOMER SERVICE – The Warren area offers food, lodging, gas and medical facilities. EMERGENCY – Call 911. The nearest hospital and pay telephone are located six miles north of the trailhead, in Warren, PA. If you note unsafe conditions on the trail, please report them to the Bradford Ranger Station. Things to report could include trees across the trail, damaged or missing trail signs and blazes, dangerous stream crossings, damaged bridges, boggy areas, washouts, and other similar items. We appreciate your help. The trail is open from the Friday before Memorial Day through the last Sunday in September; and December 20 to April 1. Call ahead. Trails may be closed during adverse conditions. The Rocky Gap ATV Trail is a 21.9 mile loop trail traversing the forested hills of the Allegheny National Forest. It was designed for the enjoyment of ATV and motorcycle riders of intermediate and expert skill level. FINDING THE TRAIL – The trailhead parking lot is located along Pleasant Drive (State Road 3005/337), at the intersection of Forest Road (FR) 155 (6 miles south of Warren, PA). You can also access the trail anywhere it crosses a public road. This trail can be found on the Warren quadrangle map.XXX RIDING THE TRAIL – This trail is open to Class I ATVs, motorcycles, horses, mountain bikes, and snowmobiles as CAMPING There are numerous private and public campgrounds near the ATV Trails. They offer restrooms, drinking water, and some provide warm showers and utility hookups. The following National Forest campgrounds are located within a half-hour’s drive of these trails: k R For more information about this and other area events, contact: 0 N er • Marienville ATV TraiI: Loleta and Beaver Meadows Recreation Areas. • Rocky Gap ATV Trail: Hearts Content and Buckaloons Recreation Areas • Timberline ATV Trail: Twin Lakes Recreation Area • Willow Creek ATV Trail: Tracy Ridge and Willow Bay Recreation Areas 3/4 1 Mile n INFORMATION g Su il Ra at Ru To SR 321 ar Sl rn K d roa Run 437 ho CMY Marshburg 8 mi. MY Run CM 219 Marienville un www.dcnr.state.pa.us/info/pawilds/ M 6 66 62 153 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). 321 Kane Ridgway C 219 Bradford on nd n e a lar m . C p a To Ch Rd Chapman State Park posted. All ATV trails are marked with yellow diamonds. Consult the trailhead bulletin boards for more information and additional trails that may be open or closed. The trail is divided into two loops by Pleasant Drive (State Road 3005/337). The trail is suitable for both motorcycle and ATV use. However, due to steep side slopes, the ATV user may experience difficulty in some sections. Please exercise extra caution in these areas. The southern loop is 10.8 miles and is rated MORE DIFFICULT. The northern loop is 11.1 miles and is rated MOST DIFFICULT. Both trails are ONE-WAY travel only except where otherwise posted. CAMPING – Camping is not permitted at the Rocky Gap Trailhead. F o r m o r SAFETY MESSAGES • Become familiar with Forest Service regulations and State ATV Laws. • Wear a helmet and eye protection at all times when operating an ATV. • Carry passengers only if your ATV is designed for them. (i.e., a Class II ATV) • Speeds of over 25 mph are prohibited. • Drive within your level of skill and ability. • Be aware of other users of various ages and skill levels on the trail. • Riders in two-way travel areas should keep right and be alert for oncoming traffic. • Be alert for STOP, BRIDGE AHEAD, LOGGING AREA, and other signs on the trail. TREAD LIGHTLY!